Spotlight News Bulletin nº 128

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© VisitBritain/ Kiyoshi Sakasai

Nº 128 OUT / NOV / DEC 2019



spotlight news bulletin edition

This is the last issue for this year’s Spotlight as it covers the months of October, November and December, due to the change suggested by the British Society. It is also my last issue as Editor, as after almost 20 years in the chair, I feel it is time to ¨hang up my boots¨ as they say. It has been a great experience, which I have thoroughly enjoyed. I would like to thank all the various contributors who supplied the articles and the many others who helped me on the way. A special thank you to all the readers who actually contributed to support the hard copy magazine.

400 copies A publication directed to members of the Fundação Britânica de Beneficência

As I look back on the bound copies of these 20 years, I have a permanent history of practically all the activities of our British community during this period. Without Spotlight we would not have this record, and I hope it will continue.

Editor Derrick Marcus

I have tried to keep Spotlight in its present printed format, but the results from the community on the request to reply to the enquiry as to which, if any, type of Spotlight the readers would like, has been very weak and as the position of the British Society was made very clear¨ pay as you go or you do not go¨ I am not sure what the result in 2020 will be.

Graphic design project Eólica Graphic design Casamarela Arquitetura e Design Printing Gráfica Ogra Proof Reading Alison Steel British Society São Paulo Fundação Britânica de Beneficência Rua Ferreira de Araújo, 741 1st Floor, Brazilian British Centre, Pinheiros 05428-002 São Paulo SP Tel.: +55 (11) 3813 7080

Those of you who feel strongly could bring this up at the AGM in December. It seems strange to think of Christmas in September, but that is what happens when we run to a three-monthly issue. I should like to draw your attention to two very important events in the community on which, unfortunately, I have not received any information: the Remembrance Service and the important AGM . ( Legion and British Society ) See Calendar for dates. Spotlight would like to wish our readers a Very Happy Christmas and may 2020 bring Peace and Happiness Yours Derrick Marcus



Welfare in numbers

(Conviviality Centre for the Elderly).

These are the main indicators of our social work for the community and of the elderly in June and August 2019:

• 72% was the daily average attendance at these activities.

• 159 was the number of carer-escorts to doctors and medical appointments under the Care Programme, which is available to everyone in our community. • 48 home visits were made to the elderly of our community in order to check their situation and provide any assistance needed. • 7 carer-escort services to doctors and medical appointments were rendered at Casa Madre Teodora dos Idosos, a state-run home for the elderly supported by our Extended Programme. • 75 people are enrolled in the activities of our CCE

• 1 theatrical presentation performed by the Elderly of our CCE. • 1 outing with our assisted Elderly to see “Sunset Boulevard” at the theatre • 1 charitable event held by St. Paul’s School in which we took part and publicised our work If you want to be included in any of these Programmes or are curious about our work, please send a message to or call our office at (11) 3813-7080.



Third Age Theatre: presentation of the play “Comida”

all of us – the FBB team, Professor Yara and the elderly –


wanted to repeat and improve the experience. And, after some conversations and rehearsals, it was clear to everyone

“How about you? What are you hungry for? Where did you

that the project should go beyond a mere reproduction of an

come from? How did you end up here? What do you remem-

existing play. We decided that the text would be created by

ber? What do you still want to build? What is your best

the participants themselves, based on their life experiences

recipe? What is your favourite dish? How do you experience

and should include the messages they would like to convey

life? These are some of our reflections throughout this ad-

to the public.

venture called THEATRE. Within this montage, the food sown and harvested by women from the interior of Bahia is com-

This decision proved to be a huge success: with an original

pleted by the alchemy of the master chef, a magical citizen

text, everyone’s motivation increased and several stories were

of the world who is able to transform the raw material into

shared with the intention of transforming them into scenes for

fun, art and a way to get out to anywhere. From anywhere

this play that was now being constructed. It was up to the

in the world, from another generation, culture and history,

Director to gather everything into a cohesive and captivating

we come here to enrich a diverse Brazil. We are Europeans,

story, involving on the help of Lucas Marques, Musical Direc-

Asians, Africans and Latinos. We feed on memories and mis-

tor. He joined the project and was responsible for the band

haps. We are full of life experience and inflamed with hope,

and the music of the play.

solidarity, and a thirst for freedom and for a better world.” Most of the rehearsals took place within the space of our When in October last year we started our Conviviality Cen-

Conviviality Centre for the Elderly, at the Butantã Cultura In-

tre for the Elderly (CCE), we could not imagine that, in less

glesa. For 6 months we met on Thursdays, from 8:45a.m. to

than 9, months we would present a play written and staged

12:00 noon, to refine the text and rehearse the scenes.

by the participants of our Theatre of the Elderly workshop. As time went by the play took shape and we reached the final At the end of last year we had already organized a Maturity

text where songs, lyrical scenes and deep messages came

Musicale, during which the elderly - in single and group

together to convey an idea of “hope, solidarity, a thirst for

performances - sang, danced, recited texts and talked about

freedom and for a better world”, as was stated in the “Food”

their lives to an audience of almost 50 people. With that as


a starting point, this was a huge challenge to create a piece from scratch and we didn’t know if we could handle it.

These rehearsals showed us that the play could be performed only in a professional theatre. For this reason, we once again

Lucky for us, Yara Toscano, Teacher and Theatrical Director

appealed to Cultura Inglesa, our original partner in the project,

responsible for the Theatre classes, took up the challenge

who offered us the theatre at the Pinheiros unit for the rehearsal

and the elderly also put body and soul into this adventure,

and final presentation of the play.

willing to face this process of 6 months without knowing what would happen.

This last rehearsal took place on Thursday, July 18, and enabled the actors to become familiar with the new stage and

Based on our artists’ own experience and ideas, the text of

understand the dynamics of the performance. Yara took ad-

the play was put together during the first semester at the

vantage of this opportunity to make some last-minute adjust-

Teatro da Terceira Idade classes, which take place every

ments and we also benefitted from Cristiano Andrade’s help.

Thursday morning at our Conviviality Centre.

Since he is responsible for the space, he tested the lighting, scenography and other details.

Encouraged by the success of the 2018 Maturity Musicale,



The 20th of July arrived and, with it, the presentation of our

Instructor Yara Toscano and Musical Director Lucas Marques,

play. Those involved arrived early to rehearse one last time

who embarked on this adventure with us and put a lot of work

and prepare costumes and makeup. Despite overall nerv-

and dedication into creating “Food”. And on the day, they

ousness and anxiety, everyone was very excited and happy

had the invaluable support of Carlos Carvalho, Cristiano An-

with the moment.

drade, Erika Dantas, Marília Toscano, Mirela Duarte, Neide Dantas and Patrícia White.

And around 5:15 p.m. the play finally started! An audience of about 75 people, mostly made up of guests of the artists

We appreciated the help of some volunteer photographers

and the British Foundation, were already in their seats ready

and cameramen to record the play. Without them we would

to see the première of the show and our actor’s first time on

not have had any photos or videos of this special moment.

a theatre stage.

Many thanks to Alberto Travassos, Ana Toscano, Heryck Monteiro, Magali Gonçalves and Osmar Araújo. We owe them the

With the performance of “Food”, which lasted about 45

photos published in this article and on Facebook as well as

minutes, we saw the result of this incredible project! The

a video of the play soon to be released. And without Anne

play was beautiful and received a standing ovation from all

Speyer, this article would never be translated and published

those present. It was an inspiring afternoon, one gave us

in English, so we thank her too.

the certainty that we were on the right track with our Conviviality Centre for the Elderly.

And, finally, we must thank and congratulate all the participants of the Theatre of the Third Age. It is inspiring to see

Special thanks them their daily enthusiasm for learning new things: Alice We thank Cultura Inglesa, whose support is essential for this

Silva, Ana Barreto, Ângela Dias, Cleonice Nunes, Eliene Gui-

project. A special thank you to the Social Projects teams and

marães, Geoffrey Moss, Gloria Naranjo, Irene André, Leonilda

the staff of the Butantã and the Pinheiros units, because,

Morioka, Lucia dos Santos, Marina Souza, Marjorie Shaffer-

without them, this presentation would not have happened.

man, Nair Kokubum, Pamela Ford, Rene Cunha, Romano Perilla, Ron White, Rosa Nakahara, Rosana Lucky, Talita dos

We should also like to thank Director-Teacher-Workshop

• Photo credits: Alberto Travassos and Magali Gonçalves

Santos, Vitor Guimarães and Yoshihiro Nakahara.

• The actors are accompanied by the directors of the play and the Fundação Britânica team: Beatriz Dantas, Isabela Bertho, Marina Matheus and Ricardo Rosado. Ana Rodrigues and Sandra Pavani could not be present on the day, but they were essential to conducting the Teatro da Terceira Idade.



• For more photos, see the albums on our Facebook:


Other latest cool news Photographer Magali Gonçalves’ visit Magali Gonçalves, a photographer who helped register the play and wanted to learn more about our project, visited us. We were also given these beautiful images captured by her:




FBB Newsletter In August we started our second semester cycle at the Conviviality Centre for the Elderly. Following the success we had in July with the play “Comida”, we started thinking about the activities up to the end of the year. The first one will be in October, the month in which our Centre celebrates its first anniversary. And to celebrate this, we want to prepare an event with the beneficiaries of all our projects. Our idea is to take them to SPYC - São Paulo Yacht Club at the Guarapiranga Dam and spend the whole day there. This tour will include meals, boat trips on the Dam and a full range of activities for about 100 elderly people. And to make that happen, we need your help!

The cost of transportation, food, and for hiring the activities will be R$ 100.00 per elderly person. We are asking those who are able to contribute towards covering the amount needed to bring 1 (or more) seniors to this event! Adopt an elderly person and help us have a fabulous event! After this October event we still intend to present a new play in December, which we have already begun to work on in the Theatre Workshop. It is possible that the play will also include performances of Ballroom and Country Dancing. When we have more details, we shall invite you and all supporters of the Fundação Britânica de Beneficência!


9 International Day at St. Paul’s School We were one of the five NGOs chosen by St. Paul’s Parent Teacher Association to take part in their International Day, a charitable event that they organise every year, and whose income is donated to certain nonprofits in São Paulo. In addition to our satisfaction at having been one of the selected beneficiaries of this event, we were also very proud to share the opportunity with other extremely competent organisations renowned for their outstanding projects: Liga Solidária, Tucca, Mão Amiga and ACER Brasil. Besides setting up a stand to explain our work to the school community, we also took some of our elderly members to join us there and chat with parents and students. They were also given the opportunity to wander around and enjoy a very agreeable afternoon, as can be seen in the photos below:


ASSOCIAÇÃO DE AMPARO AOS ANIMAIS The annual Pet Show was blessed with an absolutely beautiful day. The weather was perfect, and everyone who came appeared to be in a festive mood. The usual team of helpers did their job most efficiently. Thank you all!

and Peter Spink; Daltro Morandini; Bia Alcantara, Esther and team; Bob Beer, Richard Stevens, Derek King and team; Adrian Codling; Hugo Arntsen, João Popp and team; Luis Pimentel, Yvonne Cogswell and team; Phyllis Birkinshaw and team; the Freelands; Lena Rodrigues (administrator of the shelter); all the Scouts and Scoutas, and, coordinating the whole bunch our Master of Ceremonies Tommi Ahlgrimm.

The customary program went off without too many hitches…. And the large number of people and pets was encouraging. There was the Pet Parade, the Agility Show, The Blessing, and the Raffle. In the hall, there were the sandwiches, pies and quiches, the cakes and doces, the jewelry, the jams and jellies, videos and CDs and, of course, The Family Sells Everything but The Dog! Each stand or department had its team at the ready, and the total income after expenses was one of the best ever.

We are grateful to the Quilting Ladies, the Cracker Ladies, Anna Norris and St. Nicholas School, Yvonne Puharré, Jet Dale, Debbie Riveros; the contributors of the hot dog buns, of all the scrumptious homemade goodies for sale; and most importantly, The Anglican Cathedral for the use of its grounds.

There are many thanks due: because there are so many people involved, and no one is, or should be, forgotten. There will be only the principal people or groups mentioned. To the people in charge of their areas: Jean Giraudeau and team; Lissa Codling, Penny Ahlgrimm and team; Virginia Pimentel, Judy Beer and team; Carol Arntsen, Bonnie Ford, Sally Salt and team; Mary Jane

Thanks to all the generous people who donated the raffle prizes and bought the raffle tickets and everything that was displayed. At the Wrap-Up Meeting, where the pros and cons were discussed, the 2019 was unanimously declared a Success! And now there are only a few loose ends to be put away until next year: Pet Show on August 15, 2020! Hope to see you there. Lula May Reed









When you read this The PIPE BAND & HIGHLAND DANCERS will have been preparing for two major October and November events. THE FIRST THE 8TH GATHERING OF SOUTH AMERICAN PIPE BANDS – 16th OCTOBER – 20TH.OCTOBER 2019 IN BARILOCHE We continue to work hard for The 8th GATHERING, hosted by the Bariloche Highlanders Pipe Band. SASPD will be one of the 9 PIPE BANDS performing and competing at the 8th.Gathering of S.American Pipe Bands - with Highland Dancers in Bariloche – Some of us in the band have been to all the gatherings We always look forward to meeting our friends again from the other bands and having fun playing, competing and socializing (with some beers of course) and celebrating the event in good Scottish fashion.

THE SECOND CALEDONIAN BALL – 2nd.NOVEMBER – THIS WILL BE A MEGA EVENT – CELEBRATING 95 YEARS OF THE ST.ANDREW SOCIETY & 10 YEARS OF THE PIPE BAND. - HIPICA PAULISTA – BR0OKLIN Keeping Societies going is hard work but our Scottish traditions have been fully and well supported here by the many Communities and friends made over the years - we hope to keep going for another 95 YEARS. The Venue at the CLUBE HIPICA is also a fantastic and great setting – I am sure this traditional party will be a success. We thank all those who have supported us & hope to see you at our next event. Colin Pritchard D/M -SASPD. 2nd November The Saint Andrew Society of São Paulo 95th Caledonian Ball


May Ball






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A very stressful situation occurs, emotionally consuming, and then, adding insult to injury, symptoms of a heart attack appear. All this can actually happen in what is known as the broken heart syndrome. This is a temporary heart condition that is often brought on by situations such as the death of a loved one, serious physical illness or surgery. It is also known as takotsubo cardiomyopathy or stress-induced cardiomyopathy. Some people react to sudden, extreme emotional stress by releasing large doses of stress hormones and other chemicals into the bloodstream. These chemicals can be temporarily toxic to the heart, and may stun the muscle, producing symptoms similar to a heart attack. Symptoms may occur within minutes or not until hours after a stressful situation, and include sudden, severe chest pain, shortness of breath, irregular beating of the heart, fainting, low blood pressure, heart failure, and even cardiogenic shock, an inability of the heart to pump enough blood to meet the body’s demands. Emergency care should always be sought, since there is no way to determine if it is a real heart attack or not, without proper testing and diagnosis by a doctor. There are a number of risk factors for broken heart syndrome. It affects women far more than men. Most people are older than 50. People who have neurological disorders, such as head injury or seizures, or people who have psychiatric conditions such as anxiety or depression, have a higher risk of broken heart syndrome. Diagnosis includes a review of the patient’s medical history and physical examination, an ECG to measure the electrical activity of the heart, echocardiography, or heart ultrasound, to observe the heart’s pumping action, chest x-ray to see the structure of the heart, lungs, and blood vessels, coronary angiography and

ventriculogram to see the coronary arteries and the size and pumping efficiency of the left ventricle. In broken heart syndrome, the ECG changes are not the same as the changes seen in a heart attack, blood tests show no damage to the heart, and the coronary arteries are not blocked. The left ventricle is enlarged with unusual contractions that are not present in a heart attack, and cardiac biomarkers, substances that are released into the blood when the heart is damaged, are higher than normal, but not as high as in a heart attack. Once a diagnosis is made, broken heart syndrome is treated with drugs to lower blood pressure, slow the heart rate an decrease fluid buildup. Anti-anxiety medicines to manage stress may also be employed. In rare cases, broken heart syndrome is fatal. However, most who experience the condition quickly recover, and do not have long-lasting effects. There is a small chance that broken heart syndrome can happen again after a first episode, but there is no proven therapy to prevent additional episodes. Many doctors recommend longterm treatment with beta blockers or similar medications to block the potentially damaging effects of stress hormones on the heart. Recognizing and managing stress may also be important in helping to prevent broken heart syndrome. It is also important to avoid poor choices in managing stress, such as drinking, overeating, illicit drug use or smoking. These are not permanent solutions, and may lead to additional health problems.




Focus on Optimism for 2020 Moods are contagious, so it will benefit ALL our relationships (personal and professional) if we can end this year and begin 2020, on a positive note! Researchers at various universities and at the Mayo clinic all agree that optimists are physically and psychologically healthier than pessimists, and also have much stronger immune systems. However, this does not mean that optimists should ignore obvious stresses or traumas (see Dr. Michael Smith’s article about broken hearts). Certain hormones, such as cortisol, can reach harmful levels when we are consumed by pessimistic worries. That said, the problem is that most of our worries are just thoughts, not based on facts. Separating thoughts from facts helps us escape the cycle of negativity and move towards a more positive new outlook. Optimism substantially improves our energy levels by increasing of our “feel good” hormones such endorphins, serotonin, dopamine and oxytocin. These hormones are released by laughter, sunshine, exercise, good nutrition, friendship and compassion (see last Spotlight). Optimism also provides us with the in-


sight to think clearly, and the confidence to ask for help when needed. On that note, Spotlight needs your help: Please reply to Derrick Marcus’s request for feedback on whether there is still enough interest in continuing with the printed version of this newsletter. My vote is that both versions, online and printed, should continue! For information about counselling or coaching please contact:



The Cycling Without Age project started in Denmark in 2012 and Aldo Nakamura brought the idea to Santo Amaro (São Paulo) in 2017. The project is known as Pedalando Sem Idade. Aldo managed to get permission and a Danish entity donated the Rickshaw, a vehicle similar to a bicycle with a largish seat in front . Aldo also has the support of the bike institute Aromeiazero at weekends Aldo drives elderly and low-mobility people around taking them to parks near their homes. ( Liceu de Artes e Ofícios (Rua da Cantareira, 1351, near Metrô Tiradentes - T. 11-2155-3300) was almost totally consumed by fire in 2014 and rebuilt to its present glory. The metal structures were kept as part of the building and 4,000 bricks, saved from the fire were used in rebuilding the columns. 8 of the former 28 replicas of famous sculptures were restored, one of them a 5-meter David by Michelangelo. There are two floors. The ground floor goes back to 1873 when it was built by the coffee barons as a school to prepare young people in various crafts for the future of industrialization. Seven years later, though it was changed in to the Arts & Crafts Schools following the idealized William Morris model in England. In 1890, architect Ramos de Azevedo became director and, in his new outlook, creates the Liceu Headquarters in the Pinacoteca. In 1932, the Liceu left this building going back to the original one. Famous people studied there: Adoniran Barbosa (musician and composer), Victor Brecheret (sculptor), Santos Dumont. The second floor looks into the future. There is much more to the history of the Liceu if you feel like reading it up in Wikipedia. There are also some free technical courses on offer. Open Tue-Sun from 12h to 17h. Visit the Centro de Memória do Corpo de Bombeiros to find out about the superb work of these men over the years. Objets, photos to remember huge fires like Edifício Joelma. Information : T. 5083.9339/7291, R. 209, e-mail: It is very close to the Sta Cruz underground station. Storytelling : A boy almost drowned in a swimming pool

at a gathering in an impressive residence. The son of the gardener saved him. The owner of the house wished to reward him, but the gardener said he needn’t bother as his son did only what was right. Yet, the owner insisted, so the gardener told him that his son wanted to become a doctor. The owner provided the necessary means so that the boy could eventually study medicine. He became Alexander Fleming (1881 – 1955) who discovered Penicillin. The story does not end here. The boy who had been rescued from drowning was Winston Churchil (1874-1965). During world war II he became seriously ill with pneumonia and England feared for his life. It was Alexander Fleming who saved him through Penicillin. Recovered, Churchil said: “ It does not frequently happen that one has the opportunity to thank someone for saving his life twice”! Christina Thornton


Eulogy – Norah Frances Zieminska (30/09/1922 -

presents from their godparents. But

20/05/2019) - By Marcos Versteeg

they would always get nice gifts from


Auntie Norah, who was MY godShe was born in Liverpool as NORAH EMMETT in 1922. Left

mother after all! Because of her close

home to marry Tony, a Polish RAF pilot, and came to Brazil

relationship with my grandparents

in 1945 to Ilha do Mel, Paraná. Her husband would pickup

Ann and Jan Versteeg, we spent a

fish from the local fishermen on different beaches and deliver

lot of time together. My grandpar-

them in Paranaguá. She loved dogs.

ents would travel to their Sitio and their Fazenda every weekend, and Auntie Norah would fre-

In 1947 they moved up to São Paulo, where they first met

quently join them. During our school holidays, we would

my grandparents, also newly arrived from Argentina. They

spend weeks at the Fazenda, and Auntie Norah would always

were all staying in a Pensão. From those days onwards, she

be with us.

became a close friend of my grandparents and, gradually, I can say she became part of the family. She then had her son,

My mother always says that Auntie Norah was a true Lady:

Michael, just a few months before my father was born. Michael

always nicely dressed and very nice to be with and talk to.

then left to go to boarding school in England and became a

Norah used to live in a very well decorated apartment at Rua

pilot like his father.

José Maria Lisboa. I remember visiting her apartment on many occasions when I was at University, just for a chat. The

Norah then decided that she had to get a job to earn a living.

apartment had many of her own tapestries made into pillows

She got a job at Laver Brothers and was in charge of all the

and in frames on the wall.

catering. She never was able to call Unilever Unilever. It was always “the Laver Brothers”. She worked there for about 25

Auntie Norah was not the best of drivers, but she also was

years when she retired and began a new job at the São Paulo

a very fast driver. We were very “aliviado” when she decided

Golf Club, where she was in charge of the flower arrange-

to sell her Corsinha. She decided this when she decided that

ments. She enjoyed going early in the morning to CEASA to

she should no longer live on her own. She was worried that

choose the flowers that would then be used to decorate the

she should have enough time to adapt to Stacey House.


Unfortunately, Stacey House was closed just when Auntie Norah was thinking of moving there. She didn’t make a case

She also continued working as a private English Teacher at

about it and understood that Lar Santana was a good place

different companies, teaching English to executives. She en-

to move into. She had a hard time letting go of her many

joyed this work as what she mainly did was have conversa-

things - especially all her clothes that would not fit into her

tions. And Auntie Norah loved talking. And she also loved

wardrobe in the small room at Lar Santana. But she adapted

being up-to-date. She would read many magazines like Time


and The Economist, and would always be up-to-date with the latest world economic and political scenario. She couldn’t

Norah always kept a very close bond to her brother Bunty.

stand Hugo Chavez!

Bunty lived in Vienna, Austria, with his family. Norah would travel to Austria and spend 2 or 3 months with the family in

During many many years she would help the British Commu-

Europe. She loved being in Austria, visiting the different

nity by visiting Stacey House weekly, and also taking care of

Operas and meeting old friends. For me, and I am sure to

the flower arrangements there. I met Norah 42 years ago

all that knew Norah, she was a very special person: always

when I was born. My parents chose her to be my godmother.

well dressed, a good chat, a dog lover, and an independent

When I was a child, I was always jealous of my brother and

hard-working lady. She will be missed. But we will always

my sister because I never would get birthday or Christmas

remember her.


St. Paul’s Cathedral St. Paul’s Cathedral Annual Bazaar Saturday 30th November 10.00 – 2.00 pm

Mauricio, Arllon, Luiz C, Fernando, Francisco, Nelson J, Edigar, Luiz Claudio, Rosa, Isa, Ana Cristina, Gerson, Wagner. Valéria, Claudio, Roberto, Agostinho, Sandra, Michael, Vera, Wandy, Thelma, Nelson, Cristiane. Keli, Verônica, Evellyn, Ivani, Gisele, Marcia, Leidi, Monica, Graci, Christiane, Cristina.

The Alpha Course started on September 1st. If you would like to joins us, please call our telephone number. 5522.9665

Sandra and Michael Moran







Caledonian Ball

Nov 02

7.30 p.m.

Sociedade Hípica Paulista

St. Andrew Society

Rembrance Service

Nov 10

10.00 p.m.

St. Paul’s School

Royal British Legion

St. Paul’s School Musical

Nov 28/29

7.30 p.m. 9.00 p.m.

St. Paul’s School

St. Paul’s School

St. Paul’s School Musical

Nov 30

5.00 p.m. 6.30 p.m.


St. Paul’s School

Camp Fire

Nov 28

St. Paul’s Cathedral

Carajás Scouts

Annual Bazaar

Nov 30

10.00 a.m. 2.00 p.m.

Christmas Carol Service

Dec 7

7.00 p.m. 8.30p.m.

St. Paul’s School

St. Paul’s School


Dec 12

7.00 p.m.

Brazilian British Centre

British Society

St. Paul’s Cathedral


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Publicity and Advertising: Beatriz Dantas e-mail:

Note: Views expressed in articles submitted by contributors do not necessarily reflect those of Spotlight Editorial.

Fundação Britânica de Beneficência: Recognized by OSCIP Organização da Sociedade Civil de Interesse Público

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