Spotlight News Bulletin

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spotlight news bulletin edition

Welcome to the first issue of the 2017 Spotlight. Our first edition of the year is always a problem due to printers´ holidays and the deadlines seem to get tighter, so please bear with us for delivery a little later than usual. Two points I seem to raise every year, deadline dates and the community calendar. Much as I wish to include everything possible, I cannot push the deadline dates too far. Deadline dates are indicated on the bottom left hand side of this page. We get regular complaints about events clashes in the Community. Please make sure your association or activity is included. Just look at this issue (back page) and you

400 copies A publication directed to members of the Fundação Britânica de Beneficência Editor Derrick Marcus Graphic design project Eólica Graphic design Casamarela Arquitetura e Design Printing Gráfica Forma Certa Proof Reading Alison Steel British Society São Paulo Fundação Britânica de Beneficência Rua Ferreira de Araújo, 741 1st Floor, Brazilian British Centre, Pinheiros 05428-002 São Paulo SP Tel.: +55 (11) 3813 7080

will see we have an empty Community calendar. Help us to help your event. The Fundação Britânica de Beneficência held its Annual General Meeting at the Brazilian British Centre on November 8th. We will be publishing fuller details in our next edition of the meeting which was well attended. I get comments that the activities of the British Society (Fundação) are a mystery and are not fully transparent. Nothing could be further from the truth. The meeting consists of a full report on all of the activities under the umbrella of the Socierty and fully audited accounts are presented and explanations given on any doubts raised. This is a meeting you should attend if you have doubts. The Society has been, and is, extremely active especially in its efforts to attract younger members of the community. I will repeat my request for you to get involved in community affairs to help us help ourselves and others. Trustees are chosen from former presidents of the Fundação Britânica de Beneficência or the Fundação Anglo Brasilieira de Educação e Cultura and must be resident in the State of São Paulo . This year, the Trustees elected were Andrew G Macdonald, OBE (Senior Trustee), Douglas Munro, John Pacey and Derek Barnes (ex-oficio) As a result of the election of the Trustees, the composition of the Board of the Fundação Britânica de Beneficência for a one-year term is Michael Betenson Pres-

NEXT ISSUES OF THE BULLETIN Nº 113 Mar/Apr 2017 Deadline Feb 7th Nº 114 May/Jun 2017 Deadline Apr 7th

ident, Rachel Govier Vice-President,Nicholas McCarthy Treasurer, Matthew Govier Secretary, Marcos Versteeg, Anthony Jezzi, and Robert Filshill. The Fiscal Council elected was Jeremy Taylor. President, Stuart Duncan and Susan Hawkins. On behalf of all of us at Spotlight and the British Society I wish our readers and contributors a healthy , peaceful and prosperous 2017. Derrick Marcus

SASPD – ST.ANDREW SOCIETY PIPES & DRUMS The band participated in the BERLIN TATTOO 2016 - 5th & 6th.NOVEMBER. We decided to travel early so as to have a few days in Berlin to practise and get acclimatized to the event and the weather. It was very cold and we practised in the rain and the cold wind – at about 0c – quite a difference from SP. On Thursday, 3rd November, we were joined by the rest of the Pipe Bands at the AO Hotel - Berlin, and we had more practices with chanters and pads with all the bands from other countries, which included Poland, Germany, Malta, Scotland and Ireland – We got on very well with the Maltese and Irish bands. (St. Joseph PB of Dublin) Joby, one of our Pipers, had played in Dublin with the P/M of St. Joseph so it was a great reunion and we travelled to and from the Arena in their bus on Friday, Saturday and Sunday – great fun with lots of singing – St. Joseph is a new band but already a Grade 2 PB. The event – Tattoo - was performed twice on Saturday 5th.November and once on Sunday 6th.November to full houses of 12,000 at each performance, all enthusiasts of Marching and Pipe Bands – We opened and


closed the Tattoo. The total time was over three hours of performances with an interval of about 30 minutes – so we had quite a large crowd back-stage – about 700 musicians in total. There were Marching bands from many nations – German, Polish Police and Austrian Traditional. The Dutch had a very big show with their marching Band which is very well known in Europe and was a big attraction . As well as the massed bands with 170 performers and 9 drum majors, we had the Household Cavalry Band – without their horses – which was one of the stars of the show, with their Maestro conducting us at the finale. For all of us who went it was a great experience and one which we will never forget. The Berlin Tattoo is indeed a fantastic show. It was a great pleasure and honour to be part of it for us all the way from Brazil and for us the first time. It was also a first time for the only Highland dancer – Janaina. We have some Videos on the Band’s new Facebook Page – amateur ones – sound echos a lot - the Arena not too good for sound – but hope interesting. Colin Pritchard



Recent activities organized by the British Society

WELFARE TEA Back row: Gillian Govier, Thomas Ahlgrimm, Fernanda Gonรงalves - FBB Welfare Coordinator, Carolina DupontLiot, Penny Ahlgrimm, Charlotte Cowell, Bobby Woud, Matthey Govier. Front row: Geoffrey Moss, Nora Zieminska, David Davies, Gertrude Vigar.



Cultura Inglesa received two important awards in the second semester of 2016 : Top Educação and Top Of Quality Brazil In October, the Cultura Inglesa received the Top Educação trophy, which recognizes the most remembered brands among the companies which work in the field of education. This award is based on a quantitative research with spontaneous participation of the public and it covers 30 categories, including language schools. It is organized by the publishing company, Segmento, to recognize excellent work of companies in the Brazilian educational market. This is the 3rd year in a row that the Cultura Inglesa has received this award. In September, Cultura Inglesa received the Top of Quality Brazil award, which recognizes the quality in products and services of companies and professionals that generate positive results in the market.

This award, organized by the Cia. Nacional de Eventos & Pesquisas, covers 22 Brazilian states, and it focusses on companies which work with excellence and quality in personalized customer service, punctuality and consumer respect that contribute to the social and economic development of the country. “The recognition of the Cultura Inglesa’s work is the result of the efforts of all the professionals on our staff involved in providing high quality educational and cultural services and events for the benefit of the communities we serve. These awards indicate that we are on the right track”, explains Lorraine de Matos. Follow Cultura Inglesa in our social networks: Facebook: Youtube: Instagram: For more information, please access

ST. PAUL’S SCHOOL As we continue remembering the activities we held during this year, last September, 76 Prep 5 students from St. Paul’s School visited the elderly at Associação Casa Madre Teodora dos Idosos. They spent the afternoon engaging in conversation with them, reading, playing boardgames, and doing


activities that the students themselves organized. The ladies absolutely loved the nail painting and beauty sessions that the girls had prepared! Both the elderly and the students had a great time and were happy and motivated by the visit. It is one of our goals for 2017 to continue planning this type of event that helps different generations to come together.


ASSOCIAÇÃO DE AMPARO AOS ANIMAIS Attention: Are you, or one of your

When an administrator does this, it usually creates dislike in

friends moving into a condominium or

the judge, as many judges have pets themselves and get

apartment building, and worrying about

emotionally involved in the drama of the pets and their own-

what to do with your pet? Here is some

ers. The judge usually considers this sort of case a waste of

legal and common sense advice which

the court´s time, as it is a foregone conclusion that the Con-

may be useful to know!

stitution will prevail, especially in cases of small or medium size pets. It is very unusual for a judge to rule for the plaintiff

Usually the “sindico” (administrator) tells new residents that

in a case of this kind. “Further, as it is the loser who pays the

the “Convenção” (By-Laws seems the best translation) does

court costs, it will be the condominium that will have to pay

not permit pets. This is illegal and unconstitutional, as there

them and, possibly, any pain and suffering compensation the

is no law that allows anyone to take somebody´s legal prop-

pet owner may demand. This happened in the “Condomin-

erty, and Brazilian law considers a pet to be a part of the

ium Selva de Pedra” in Rio, which had to pay the owners of

owner´s property. Naturally, caution is advised: dogs should

a Labrador the equivalent of “20 salarios mínimos” after they

not be noisy enough to annoy the neighbours, dogs and cats

appealed a case they had already lost once and lost again.

should be neutered, and if anyone has a speaking parrot,

The payment was pro-rated among the inhabitants, who never

some bargaining is perhaps called for...

forgave their administrator for landing them in this situation”

The lawyer Dr. Helio Lazzarini, PhD Harvard Law School and

A word of caution from the Associação de Amparo aos Ani-

legal consultant for 40 years to large real estate agents and

mais: In every case which involves animals, it is better by far

condominium adminitrations has stated: “The administrators

to try to talk to the people involved, and be reasonable about

of condominiums and those who live in them are confused

the situation. A pet owner may be legally secure, but it is

when they say that the By-Laws are sovereign. So they are,

usually not advisable to go as far as getting involved in a

but they are not above the Federal Constitution and the

court case. Legal problems in Brazil can go on for years, with

country´s laws.” He further states that, out of 10 cases of this

all the financial risks involved. However, if your pet is quiet,

kind where the condominium takes the pet owner to court,

clean, and under control, and preferably small, you can indeed

in at least 9, the judges will rule for the defendant on the

argue that you want to keep it with you, and the law will

basis of the Federal Constitution.

uphold you. Many people just accept that they have to get rid of their pet when moving, and this is not always the case.

Also, “in these cases, the administrators usually prefer to obey the Constitution and accept the pets as long as certain

Talking with Liz Bird, she told me there is a dog in her build-

rules are obeyed, such as that the pet not be taken out in the

ing that howls all day, presumably while the owner is away

social elevator but in the service elevator, or, in its absence,

at work. The dog is probably lonely. A couple of suggestions:

the stairs, and that the pet not disturb the neighbours by

leave a radio on, with sound, so the pet thinks someone is

barking or defecating in the areas used by all the inhabitants.

there. Or, ask the sindico to take the dog for a walk twice a

In the latter case, the pet owner would have to pay a fine of

day and pay a nominal amount. Or, check out the new pet

10% of the condominium costs.” On the other hand, if the

day-care places that are offered, to see prices...

owner immediately cleans up the mess, no fine should be applied. Dr. Lazzarini also considers all this a waste of time

Most of all, remember that the owner may not know that the

and money for the condominium because, “if they try to

dog howls, as it apparently stops howling when the owner

expel the pet owner and take them to court, the complaint

returns. Locate the owner, and have a chat about the prob-

will have to be signed by 51% of the condominium dwellers.

lem! On a happy note, I personally, and the Associação de Amparo aos Animais wish you a Merry Christmas, and a very Happy New Year!

Lula May Reed




O segredo para estar entre os melhores pela segunda vez consecutiva? Acreditar que sempre da para fazer melhor. Obrigada, alunos, equipe e parceiros. Se a Cultura Inglesa foi eleita a melhor escola de idiomas pela segunda vez consecutiva, o mérito é todo de vocês.

“Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think.” Albert Einstein

We empower pupils . to be passionate lifelong learners . to achieve academic and personal excellence . to be committed to impact the world positively Jardins Rua Bélgica, 399 Phone: 55 11 3905-6200 Fax: 55 11 3905-6211 Pinheiros Rua Joaquim Antunes, 678 Phone: 55 11 3728-8050 Fax: 55 11 3728-8051




SINKHOLES I have the impression that, gradually our earth will disintegrate. On the 8th of November 2016, Japan experienced another sinkhole in the city of Fukuoka, 90 feet wide and 50 feet deep and the world was astonished when they managed to fill it up and rebuild that part of the road in less than a week. There is a book by a French writer, Pierre Lescaudron, already translated into English – Earth Changes and the Human-cosmic Connection that develops an interesting theory about sinkholes. The electromagnetic forces of the sun are diminishing and the internal forces of the earth are reaching out to keep the balance. Consequently, the poles are flattening and the earth is no longer oval but roundish. And over the last years earthquakes, tornadoes, deluges, and volcanic eruption are increasing. Apparently, the media are receiving instructions not to go deeper into this phenomenon. The book of 250pgs, contains 250 frames and 1000 sources and can be downloaded and

printed out. And there are other writers round the world writing about it. Much more will disappear over the years or is already disappearing: The post office; newspapers; the chequebook; TV; the telephone as we knew it; books; music and privacy, to mention a few. It is sad about music but it is a reality as recording companies no longer record what is new. Read more about it in the book by Steve Knopper, Appetite for Self-Destruction. As for privacy, you are watched 24 hours a day. Do you remember the foreboding in Orwell’s 1984? There is only one thing that cannot be taken from us, they say: Memory. Yet, with age, Alzheimer’s will take it away, too. Those over 60 will remember ads like these and say: Thank God that’s gone! Mainly the ladies. The new year does not start too rosily, but let’s try hard and make it in a good year. Christina Thornton


u uu uuuduuJardinsuqu uuuuuuuu guestduuuuuuuuu unexpectedququuuLuuuu uuuuuuuu Avenida Paulistauuuuduuu restaurantsququuL

Terraço Jardins restaurant:uuuuuuu uuuuL Living Lounge Bar & Sushi: uuuuqu uuuuuuuuu uuuL The Spa at Renaissance: uuuuuu uuuLu Bytes Café: uuuuuuu uuL

uuuuuLcom uuu AlLuqu--ãã uÃuuuÃu tLu11uJJuã30|L--ããuuLcom2u



HISTORY: THE PORTUGUESE AND BRITISH NAVIES, 1750 - 1815 captain had relatively luxurious accommodation, with win-

Continuation of the historic data on the Portuguese and

dows, on the poop of the quarter deck; suitably divided for

British navies, written by Kenneth H. Light, honorary member

daytime duties, eating and sleeping. The description would

of the Brazilian Historic and Geographic Institute and the

not be complete without mentioning that the head room

British Historical Society of Portugal.

between gun decks was 155cm, the orlop somewhat less. The three masts (fore, main and mizzen) were attached to the

The war vessels that interest us are those line-of-battle ships

ship up to a certain height above, the top mast and the top

that were of sufficient size to participate in a line of battle.

gallant mast were added. In stormy weather they and their

In practice, only those vessels with 60 or more guns could

yards would be taken down to reduce drag and to lower the

be thus used. From the number constructed, the 74 was, by

centre of gravity.

far, the most popular. With a complement of 650 men, she measured 60m in length, 17m wide and drew 7m. She

The principal sails were attached to yards; their sail area could

weighed some 1,800 tons. The construction of a vessel, such

be adjusted by tying the reef-lines (rows of small ropes on

as a 74, required 2,000 trees. As a result, as from the XV

either side of the sail). Quadrilateral and rectangular sails (stay

century, monarchs ordered the planting of forests in Europe

sails) were carried in between the masts and also attached to

to supply the much needed wood, usually oak. Portugal also

the bowsprit. Instead of a mainsail, the mizzen mast carried

made use of the hardwoods found in Brazil. At this time,

a spanker on a boom. Sails were also carried on yards that

Salvador had a well developed shipyard (during this period

could be extended out from the fore and main mast yards,

the line-of-battle ships Martim de Freitas and the Príncipe

so that they would hang over the sea (studding sails); sprit

do Brasil were built there). A typical 74 was built with three

sails were carried from yards hung underneath the bowsprit.

covered decks, the orlop, the lower or gun deck and the

The movement of the main yards were restricted by the cables

upper deck. Also, the quarter deck, open to the sky in the

that supported the masts; in practice this meant that the angle

centre part, and closed at the stem (the poop), as well as at

at which a ship could sail into the wind was restricted. In order

the bow (the forecastle). The lower and upper decks were

to bring a ship to, sails had to be set in such a way so as to

the main gun platforms, but lighter guns were placed on the

compensate the movement; some sails pulling the ship back,

poop, and bow chasers could be mounted on the forecastle,

whilst others pushed her forward.

so as to be able to fire forward. Navigation depended mainly on measuring the angle of the Ballast, in the form of pig iron, lined the bottom of the hold,

sun with the horizon to define latitude and the chronometer,

then came dried provisions and water casks in different sized

to measure longitude. The invention of the chronometer is a

containers, gun powder (with a small room beside it known

curious story. In 1707 an unbeaten British squadron on its way

as the ‘light room’, to provide illumination, but, at the same

home, lost four of the five ships that made up the squadron,

time, avoiding the risk of contact and explosion); also dry

shipwrecked on the Scilly Isles. This was entirely due to a

bread, or biscuit as it was generally known, kept in a tin-lined

mistake in calculating the longitude. In 1714, the British Par-

room to avoid (without much success during a long voyage)

liament offered a prize of £20,000 (today some $12 million

the attack of famished insects, and spirits (kept under per-

dollars) to anyone who invented a clock that could keep ac-

manent guard). The orlop deck contained space for the sur-

curate time even under the most hazardous conditions. Fol-

geon, stores of lighter materials and a central area where

lowing a lifetime dedicated to the problem, the inventor, John

the main cable was stowed. It was here that, during battle,

Harrison (1693-1776), received the greater part of the prize

space would be made available for use as a temporary hos-

from the Board of Longitude, when his chronometer was finally

pital. The upper and lower gun decks lined with cannons,

accepted by the Navy in 1774.

were also the sleeping quarters for the crew (each sailor was allowed 40cms. by 1,80cms.). Officer’s cubicles were made

The speed, another element for determining the route, was

of partitions that could be dismantled. By comparison, the

measured by the log, a piece of wood known as a log-ship



fastened to a line on which knots had been tied at regular

rank), divided in order of seniority, into red, white and blue

intervals. When tossed overboard, and once past the turbu-

squadrons. These officers were entitled to fly their ensign (of

lence caused by the ship’s wake, it was allowed to drift for

their colour) on board their flagship; an Admiral on the main

seven or fourteen seconds, as measured by the small sand-

mast, similarly a Vice Admiral on the fore mast and a Rear

glass. The length of line that had drifted out with the log

Admiral on the mizzen mast.

enabled the speed of the ship to be calculated. On the order to prepare for battle, the decks had to be Another essential equipment were the anchors, of various

cleared of all obstructions. These would include the divisions

sizes. The largest, four in number, for it was foreseen that they

that made up the cabins, tables and chairs, personal belong-

could be lost, required 383 men to raise it. This enormous

ings, hammocks, etc. If the battle was imminent and time

effort, in fact, was to drag the ship, weighing 1,800 tons

short, it was not unknown to clear the decks by throwing

(perhaps added to the weight of the wind or tide) and the

everything overboard rather than stowing below, as was more

waterlogged cable up to 65cms. in circumference and 300m.

usual. Guns would be untied and made ready, powder and

long, over the anchor; only then could it be freed from the

shot brought up from below, and a fire lit beside each cannon.

seabed. All ships carried flags belonging to enemy and neut-

The gun crews, trained by regular practice, would take up

ral nations, with the objective of provoking confusion. How-

their posts and prepare to aim and fire. Supremacy in a battle

ever, before giving the order to open fire, honour required

depended just as much from the speed with which broadsides

that the true colours be shown. Once the vessel was com-

could be delivered as from the accuracy of the firing. To

missioned (that is, had a commander) a pendant, some 30m.

protect the men from splinters the sides of the quaterdeck

long was hoisted. The apex of the Royal Navy consisted of

were lined with hammocks and a net extended above the

Admirals, Vice Admirals and Rear Admirals (officers of flag

heads of the crew.


This coming year (2017), SPYC celebrates its 100th anniversary. You are all welcome to attend our grand 100 years celebration dinner and launch of the Centenary Book showing the club’s history and its involvement with the community and sailing world in São Paulo.

18th February, 2017 Centenary dinner Price: R$ 250,00 / person (Children under 14, 50%) Advance Reservations until 22/Jan/2017: R$ 200,00 – Contact +55 (11) 5523-8366 Includes Music, Cocktails, Dinner, Drinks & Dessert Other Upcoming events at SPYC: • 18, 19 Feb – Commodores’ Cup Regatta • 11th March – Season Opening Regatta (Regata de Abertura)



WILLIAM EDMUNSON HAS OFFERED READERS OF SPOTLIGHT EXTRACTS FROM HIS BOOK THE GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. • The aim is to disseminate this fascinating history among interested parties. His book examines the historical and economic panorama of Brazil in the nineteenth century to explain how the British railway phenomenon gave the initial push to the modernisation of Brazil in that century. The text also emphasises how British railway companies in Brazil, starting in the northeast, played a major role in the process leading to the abolition of slavery, and how the arrival of foreign engineers helped dignify salaried work in the transition from a plantation-based economy. The Great Western Brazil Railway is one of the most important and best remembered railway networks in Brazil. The story of this British-run railway spans nearly one hundred years, and can be traced back to the first railway of economic importance in Brazil-inaugurated in 1858. Starting as a modest railway line connecting the interior to a port, over time the GWBR became a network of more than 1,700 kilometres in a virtual monopoly dominating four States in the northeast of Brazil, and endured as a British company until nationalisation in 1950. This detailed study is supported by hitherto unpublished research undertaken in both Brazil and Britain. The book examines the historical and economic panorama of Brazil in the nineteenth century to explain how the British railway phenomenon gave the initial push to the modernisation of Brazil in that century. EXTRACT FROM CHAPTER 01. …. Brazil started relatively late in railway building. In Latin America the first railway was constructed

in Cuba, from Havana to Bejucal (inaugurated in 1837: length of 27.5 kilometres). This was followed by railways in British Guyana, linking Georgetown to Rosignol (1848: 97.4 kms.); Mexico, between Veracruz and El Molino (1850: 11.5 kms.); Peru, joining Lima to the port of Callao (April 1851: 13.7 kms.); and Chile, from Copiapó to Caldera (December 1851: 81 kms.). Brazil’s first railway was opened in April 1854, without the benefit of government guarantees, and ran 16 kilometres from Mauá to Raiz da Serra in the then province of Rio de Janeiro. Argentina followed, with a 13-kilometre railway from Buenos Aires to Flores, inaugurated in 1857. Then, in February 1858, the first stretch of the British-owned Recife and São Francisco Railway was opened to traffic, running 31.5 kilometres from Recife to Cabo in the province of Pernambuco. This was the first railway of economic importance in Brazil — the line in Rio de Janeiro was built chiefly to impress the Brazilian Emperor Pedro II, and became essentially an attraction for tourists enjoying a day out. Many other British railway companies were established in Brazil, including the first line belonging outright to the Great Western of Brazil Railway, from Recife to Limoeiro in the interior of Pernambuco, which opened in 1882. The immense British investment in railway construction in Brazil in the nineteenth century has to be understood in the context of close relations historically with Portugal, politically and economically; relations that carried over to the Portuguese colony of Brazil in 1808 and were later transferred to the independent Empire of Brazil from 1822. The special relationship between Britain and Portugal — the oldest European alliance — can be traced back to the times of the crusaders in the twelfth century. Several agreements were reached over time, including the Anglo-Portuguese Treaty of 1373 signed by King Edward III of England, King Ferdinand and Queen Eleanor of Portugal that established a treaty of “perpetual friendships, unions

THE GREAT WESTERN OF BRAZIL RAILWAY [and] alliances” between the two seafaring nations. This relationship led to a treaty in 1642 that practically granted most-favoured nation status for England in Portuguese commerce, in return for English recognition of Portugal’s independence and expressions of friendship. While nothing came of this, initially, this was the bedrock for all future treaties between the two nations. In 1654, a onesided treaty was signed in the times of Oliver Cromwell that, according to the historian Alan K. Manchester, made Portugal “a virtual commercial vassal of England.” Early in the following century, the Methuen treaty was concluded in December 1703 during the War of the Spanish Succession (1701-1714), and served to cement the close military and commercial relationships between England and Portugal, although it was “signed only after the customary vacillation on the part of the king of Portugal and the usual trump card of the English fleet.” (Alan Manchester). The treaty provided for the regulation of trade relations between the two nations. At the close of that century, war broke out between Britain and France and “Portugal was caught like a shellfish in a tempest between the waves of England’s seapower and the rock of Napoleon’s armies.” (Alan Manchester). • Published in English November 2016 by Mainline & Maritime Publishing, England. https://www. • Published in Portuguese April 2016 by Editora Ideia, João Pessoa. br/loja /educacao/ a-gretoeste-a-historia-da-redeferroviaria-great-western-of-brazil/ William Edmundson works as a consultant and writer in João Pessoa, in north east Brazil, following a career dedicated to teacher training and


management with the British Council that took him to work in Colombia, Mexico, Brazil, Chile, and his most recent post as Director British Council/First Secretary Science and Culture at the British Embassy in Cuba. He has published widely on subjects related to the history of Latin America, principally Brazil and Chile, and on the history of steam locomotives that have survived in Brazil. Publications: • The Great Western of Brazil Railway. Mainline & Maritime Publishing, England. 2016. • A Gretoeste: A história da Great Western of Brazil Railway. Editora Ideia, João Pessoa: 2016. • A história da caça de baleias no Brasil. [co-author with Ian Hart]. DISAL Editora, São Paulo, Brazil: 2014. • The Nitrate King: A biography of Colonel John Thomas North. Palgrave-Macmillan, USA: 2011. • A history of the British presence in Chile: From Bloody Mary to Charles Darwin and the decline of British influence. Palgrave-Macmillan, USA: 2009. • Inventário das Locomotivas a Vapor no Brasil/Inventory of Steam Engines in Brazil. [collaborator]. Regina Perez. Notícia & Companhia, Brazil: 2006. • The history of The Great Western of Brazil Railway. In ‘Brazil Handbook’, Footprint Handbooks: 2002. • Surviving steam locomotives in northeast Brazil, ‘Locomotives International’ nos. 50, 51, 52, 53. England: 1999/2000.



FUN AND FITNESS IN THE PARK “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must

These walks would also be an opportunity for expats or new-

keep moving.” (Albert Einstein).

comers to make new friends, and for Brazilians with a basic knowledge of English to brush up on their language skills.

In addition to the health benefits of exercise so clearly de-

The group would not be “closed” (meaning that new people

scribed by Dr. Michael Smith in the last edition of “Spotlight”

can join, or leave, at their own convenience) so the walks

(GO OUTDOORS!), he mentioned American, British, Norwe-

would not be “Talk Therapy” or counselling sessions. How-

gian and Chinese studies that also revealed that “green ex-

ever, I believe they would be of great psychological benefit,

ercise” is also of great psychological benefit. In addition to

especially in preventing some of the big city problems such

reducing stress and improving our self-esteem, it can add

as mood swings, stress and depression. Not only is “nature

years to our lives.

walking” healthier than medication, it is also free! All you will need are comfortable shoes, sunscreen and a hat!

However, walking outdoors is much more enjoyable when it can be combined with fun and friendship, which are also vital

I will be out of the country until mid-January, so please send

for mental health. Therefore, I’d like to suggest that we start

me an email if you would like to be part of this group so that

a “Fun and Fitness in the Park” group so as to combine the

we can agree on a starting date, and recognize one another

health benefits of walking in Nature discussed in the last

at the bakery.

“Spotlight” with the psychological and social benefits of “Just a Chat” discussed in a previous article.

Meanwhile, I wish all readers a happy and active New Year!

The idea would be for us to meet at “Bread and Co.” (Rua

Penny Freeland is a British qualified counsellor and coach.

João Lourenço 470, in Vila Nova Conçeicão) for a cup of

For further information please contact PenelopeFreeland@

coffee (or tea if you follow Dr. Michael Smith’s advice) before

8 a.m., and then, weather permitting, begin our walk in Ibirapuera Park at about 8:30. This would be an opportunity

All communication will remain confidential. All communica-

to chat about subjects of mutual interest (in English) whilst

tion will remain confidential.

also enjoying all the health benefits of a good walk in the great outdoors, and ending each walk at 10:00 a.m. before it becomes too hot during the summer months.

HOME-COOKED MEALS FOR A WEEK Valéria (tel. 96754-7855) is an outstanding cook. She cooks delicious meals, from the simplest to the most sophisticated. She is available to come to your house to prepare and freeze meals for a week. For references, ring Alison Steel, 5548-4924.



OH MY TOE! It is interesting how certain traits, patterns of behavior, and even some diseases can help define the stereotype of national identity. Your columnist recalls the pride with which his father reported his first attack of gout: ‘Now I am a respectable old English gentleman!’

chronic conditions like diabetes, metabolic syndrome, heart and kidney diseases make it more likely that one will develop gout. Some medications, such as diuretics, and anti-rejection drugs, prescribed to people who underwent a transplant can also increase uric acid levels.

Gout is a complex form of arthritis, or inflammation of the joints. It is characterized by sudden, severe attacks of pain, redness and tenderness in the joints. The first crisis usually involves the joint at the base of the big toe. Gout is caused by very high levels of uric acid in the blood, although many people with high levels of uric acid never get gout. But when blood levels of uric acid are too high, hard crystals may form in the joints. Men are more likely to get gout, but women are increasingly susceptible to gout after menopause.

Gout is treated by resting the joint that hurts to ease the pain during an attack. Medications include corticosteroids, and anti-inflammatory medicines. Aspirin should not be used, though, for it might make gout worse by raising uric acid levels in the blood. Future attacks can be prevented with medication that reduces uric acid buildup in the blood.

The first crisis usually occurs suddenly, often in the middle of the night with the sensation that the big toe is on fire. The affected joint is hot, swollen, and so tender that the weight of the sheet on it may seem intolerable. Gout attacks can also happen in the foot, ankle, knees, and other joints. Chances of getting gout are higher if one is overweight, drinks too much alcohol (especially beer), or if there is a family history of gout. The body produces uric acid when it breaks down purines, substances that are found in certain foods, such as steak, organ meats (liver, kidneys, heart), seafood, and drinks sweetened with fructose. Normally the uric acid dissolves in the blood, and passes through the kidneys into the urine. But, sometimes, the body produces too much uric acid, or the kidneys eliminate too little of it, so that uric acid builds up in the body, and forms needle-like urate crystals in a joint causing pain, inflammation and swelling. Certain diseases, such as high blood pressure, and

Some people can develop more severe conditions, such as recurrent gout, where they experience several crises each year. If left untreated, gout may cause erosion and destruction of the joint. In advanced gout, deposits of urate crystals form under the skin in nodules called tophi, which can develop in several areas such as fingers, hands, feet, elbows or Achilles tendons along the back of the ankles. Urate crystals may also form kidney stones. Eating a moderate amount of a healthy mix of foods, controlling body weight, limiting the intake of meat, seafood, and alcohol (especially beer), and drinking plenty of water and other fluids can help prevent gout attacks. MICHAEL ROY SMITH, M.D. MOBILE ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY Phone 99183-2093 E-mail






A man was sitting reading his papers when his wife hit In a train from London to Manchester, an American was him round the head with a frying pan. berating the Englishman sitting across from him in the ‘What was that for?’ the man asked. compartment.“The trouble with you English is that you The wife replied, ‘That was for the piece of paper with are too stuffy. You set yourselves apart too much. You the name Betty on it that I found in your trouser think your stiff upper lip raises you above the rest of us. pocket.’ Look at me: I’m me! I have a little Italian in me, a bit of The man then said ‘When I was at the races last week, Greek blood, a little Irish and some Spanish blood. Betty was the name of the horse I bet on.’ What do you say to that?” The wife apologized and went on with the housework. The Englishman lowered his newspaper and replied, Three days later the man is watching TV when his wife “How very sporting of your mother.” bashes him on the head with an even bigger frying pan, knocking him unconscious. Upon regaining consciousness the man asked why she had hit him again. Wife replied, ‘Your horse phoned!’ BREAKING NEWS

Congratulations to Derek Barnes on being awarded the BEM (British Empire Medal) in the New Years Honours List.

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Hard life during and between the 1914-1918 and 1939-1945

specialized medical attention for Mrs Schweitzer. The climate

World War years - William Moffitt Harris

also helped to improve her general health condition.

During the First World War (1914-1918) the Schweitzer couple

In 1941, she undertook a dramatic journey to be with her

was put under house arrest and afterwards interned in a prison

husband and assist him through the war years enduring hard-

camp among other fellowmen in French territory as Alsace,

ships with great courage and indomitable energy, as Rhena

where he was born, was part of Germany. Hélène Bresslau

continues. Mrs. Schweitzer accompanied her husband on

was born in Berlin, her family having moved to Alsace when

some of his important journeys such as when he went to the

she was eleven. Their hospital at Lambarènè was closed and

United States in Aspen, Colorado in 1949, for a festival cel-

all the foodstuffs and apparatus were confiscated by the army.

ebrating the bicentennial of Goethe’s birth, and also raise

While interned and, after the war was over, the couple made

funds for the leprosy clinic at Lambarènè and to meet Amer-

good use of their time by showing photographs of the hos-

ican manufacturers of modern drugs for leprosy treatment.

pital at Lambarènè and delivering lectures to local intellec-

When he returned to Europe, twenty-five days later, he took

tuals and authorities. In order to raise funds, Dr. Schweitzer

with him many samples of several medicines and ordered a

also went back to giving piano and organ lessons, besides

good shipment of them for his hospital. He was invited to

writing a few of his own compositions for the organ and

countless dinners and festivities in many cities while in the

outlining and drafting some of his books.

United States. Under the title ”Schweitzer’s visit to the US” the Internet displays extracts from the daily newspapers and

In his autobiography published in 1958, Schweitzer relates

magazines during that period. His farewell speech on board

how the climate and the long internment during the First

the same ship that took him to America, translated into Eng-

World War, took its toll and damaged his wife’s health. Hav-

lish by his permanent interpreter Dr. Ross, is a document of

ing to be careful, Mrs. Schweitzer went to live for a few years

gratitude worth reading.

in Koenigsfeld the rural town in the Black Forest famous for its mountainous climate favoring people with the same health

In 1952 he received the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo. All the

problem as hers. Forestry exploring activities with many small

funds he raised with the award went into building the new

cuckoo clocks, home factories and wooden arts and crafts of

leper village. In 1957, on returning once more to Gabon, Mrs.

many kinds were, and continue to be, some of the main

Schweitzer’s health got worse. She could not withstand the

occupations during the hard winter seasons. It has now be-

long trip back to Zurich for further treatment with more mod-

come a resort for snowboarding and skiing.

ern drugs. From Paris to Zurich she flew by plane accompanied by nurse, Tony van Leer, and her daughter. Her body was

Mrs. Schweitzer frequently interrupted her stay at this resort

in such a frail condition that medical help could no longer

by journeys throughout Europe where she organized confer-

bring relief. She died peacefully on the first of June after

ences to promote the work in Africa. She also visited Canada

seeing her four grandchildren, as Rhena reported in her bio-

and England. One of the trips was to the United States in

graphy. The funeral was held at the Zurich Crematorium in

1938, where she went to consult a specialist. When the

the presence of a large gathering of Lambarènè friends from

Second World War started in Europe, she joined her daugh-

all over the world. Her ashes were buried in Lambarènè next

ter and husband, Mr. Jean Eckert, in Paris where he was an

to those of Miss Emma Haussknecht, a nurse who really be-

organ builder and a long standing French friend of the fam-

lieved and worked alongside her and had been, since 1926,

ily from Alsace. They had married in 1939. The three of them

working at the hospital. A few years later, Dr. Schweitzer´s

moved to Lyon and later to Zurich, where they stayed during

bones and his wife´s urn were buried inside one of the build-

that uncertain, agonizing and difficult period, as Rhena puts

ings where Schweitzer had built a shrine, alongside Emma’s

it, safer for being far from the battlefields and with better



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SERMON REMEMBRANCE 2016 Without a doubt, 2016 was a difficult year for most people living in Brazil. The anxiety caused by the political crisis which resulted in protests throughout the country both in favour and against the government, has been very present. The disgust provoked by the never ending list of corruption in the country has sickened us. Few of us have been fortunate enough to escape the effects of the financial crisis. Many of us have been worried sick about whether we would be able to maintain our businesses, or whether we would be able to maintain our jobs, or, even worse, whether we would find a job to sustain our families. 2016 has not been an easy year in Brazil. Of course, if we look outside Brazil, we see situations that are even worse. Countries such as Haiti, suffering the results of relentless hurricanes. Other countries suffering from earthquakes, torrential rains or droughts, and so on. Places like Syria and South Sudan suffering from barbaric civil wars and religious intolerance. The plight of the millions of refugees risking their lives and facing terrible hardships to seek safety. No, 2016 has definitely had more than its share of problems. But today we are gathered here to remember those who gave their lives to defend their countries. If we go back a hundred years to 1916, the First World War was in its third year and, on the western front, the Battle of the Somme was reaching its conclusion. Just in this battle alone, which lasted 141 days, over 1 million soldiers were killed, wounded or went missing - 420 thousand of them British. People throughout the world suffered hardships and sorrow as a result of this war even though they were not directly involved in the fighting. So while we complain about the hardships of 2016, those of 1916 were, in general, infinitely worse. However the “Great World War” was drawing to an

end. Hopes for an everlasting peace were beginning to sprout. The League of Nations was founded to ensure that this would take place. But, I have to say no more. Those dreams of peace and goodwill have been shattered over and over again. Why? As a Christian, I can say, “Because we have failed to be Christians and walk in God’s paths.” The Ten Commandments that the President of the RBL read a few moments ago are not only the guidelines of Jewish and Christian behaviour, but form the basis of our western civilization. Let us look at them briefly: I am the Lord your God who brought you out of bondage. You shall have no other gods but me. This is to remind us that the God of Israel has already come to the rescue of his people and will come to our rescue again to establish his kingdom of peace and goodwill. You shall not make for yourself any idol. Do not place your faith in money, power or status. We have seen only too clearly here in Brazil what this leads to. You shall not invoke with malice the Name of the Lord your God. Let us respect God and revere his name. Remember the Sabbath Day and keep it holy. If we want God to guide us and lead us into peace, let us dedicate some time to thanking him for the blessings received and praising him for his glory. Honour your father and your mother. Possibly today I would add your teacher as well. You shall not commit murder. Our society will never know peace if people simply cut the throats of those who do not share their beliefs. You shall not commit adultery.



Our families form the basis of society. Honour your fam- • It will be a time when war will be abolished and peace ily and your marriage. will reign on earth. You shall not steal. Our lives are insecure because many people prefer to • It will be a time when all shall live on their own property rob others rather than honestly earn their possessions, and not be slaves to others. and even they have the audacity to get upset if they themselves are robbed. • It will be a time of freedom of choice when God will You shall not be a false witness. even allow people to choose which god they want to Many lives have been ruined because of lies or half- worship. truths told about them. You shall not covet anything that belongs to your neigh- May we put our trust in this hope for this future. Amen. bour. It is simply a case of doing unto others (your neighbours) Bishop Roger Bird as you would have them do unto you. Although the reading that our Consul General read was written over 2,500 years ago, it offers us hope for the future. The prophet Micah foretells what the future will be like when God comes to establish his kingdom on earth at the end of time.

Dean Rev. Aldo B Quintão Bishop Roger D. Bird Bishop Glauco S. de Lima Rua Com Elias Zarzur, 1239 Alto da Boa Vista, São Paulo 04736-000 Tel/Fax (11) 5686.2180

• It will be a time when God’s commandments will be followed and justice will rule the earth.

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