Annual Report 2023

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Escuela Sociodeportiva

Paso a Paso

Colegio Enrique Novella Alvarado -

La Factoría Ciudadana

Cursos Libres

Construcción Ciudadana

Centro Educativo Estuardo Novella Camacho

Museo Carlos F. Novella


It is an honor to address you in this new year as we reflect upon Fundación Carlos F. Novella achievements. Throughout 2023 we have witnessed significant and positive organizational changes, marking a milestone on our trajectory.

We have established strategic partnerships with key institutions. These are fundamental pillars of our program development. For example, thanks to our partnership with the Fundación Real Madrid, alongside the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), we have raised awareness and understanding regarding irregular migration. Additionally, we have forged a significant partnership with the Consejo Nacional de la Juventud (CONJUVE), through which we support initiatives promoting youth participation. To maximize the impact on childhood, youth, and the community it is essential that we work collaboratively. We are convinced that only by joining forces can we achieve more ambitious and meaningful goals.

In each of our program activities, we have lived and promoted the values that our founder, Carlos Federico Novella Klée, established as a guide for our Foundation. Ethical behavior, genuine leadership, solidarity, and commitment to the company’s sustainability are the foundations that drive us forward.

Fundación Carlos F. Novella

We take on the responsibility as capacity-building allies within Guatemalan society. Our efforts focus on empowering individuals and communities, providing them with the necessary tools to reach their full potential. With significant challenges ahead and thanks to the effort and commitment provided by our talented team members, we have positively and directly impacted the lives of 10,765 people.

We recognize that our work has an invaluable impact, and we believe that transforming lives is a daily task that requires everyone's help. While on this path, we deeply appreciate the continuous support of each Fundación Carlos F. Novella team member, contributing to and sharing our vision of Guatemala with active, participative, and responsible citizenship.

As we continue our work, we renew our commitment to being a positive catalyst for change and development within our society. We invite you to join us on this challenging and exciting journey, where we build together the country where we want to live.


Fundación Carlos F. Novella was established in 1986 as a Novella family initiative to highlight and preserve the pioneering, altruistic, and visionary spirit of Cementos Progreso’s founder, Carlos Federico Novella Klée. He left a significant legacy in the business sector, social outreach, and commitment to Guatemala. This commitment to improving our country has been the foundation’s driving force for over 36 years. It contributes to the holistic development of the areas where we operate and supports strengthening values in children, youth, and adults.

Our educational model design enhances school and extracurricular education's access, quality, and relevance. We promote processes that enable direct participation of local governments, community and religious leaders, parents, and neighbors, empowering them in a new set of development activities. These activities favor engaging in dialogue and evolving towards active and responsible citizenship. We implement programs and projects to prevent violence, providing safe spaces for education and constructive use of leisure time through sports and cultural activities.

Carlos F. Novella





We are committed to living and becoming role models for others, regarding our principles, which our outlined in our Code of Values, Ethics, and Conduct (COVEC).


Alongside our team and others, we continuously seek solutions to challenges faced by individuals’ and communities’ in areas where we operate.





Our strategy strongly focuses on three strategic areas: Childhood, Youth, and Community. These areas actively build individual and collective capacities, fostering collaboration and creating a shared vision of development.



We comprehensively develop children, emphasizing ages 0 to 8.

We develop life skills and promote responsible citizenship.


We strengthen the community by developing capacities for life, work, and peace.


Geographical Coverage of Participants in 2023

10,765 Total Participants

Our activities primarily impact Guatemalan children and youth, providing us with the opportunity to contribute to empowering new generations.


Strategic Pillars


Age Range by Strategic Pillar:


The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a global commitment to combat poverty, protect the environment, and improve the quality of life and opportunities for all. At Fundación Carlos F. Novella, we actively contribute to achieving 8 of these Sustainable Development Goals through various efforts.

Of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, there are 19 goals and 231 indicators.

Fundación Carlos F. Novella


The Sustainable Development Goals align with the Plan Nacional de Desarrollo K’atun: Nuestra Guatemala 2032 (National Development Plan K’atun: Our Guatemala 2032), a long-term strategic plan that establishes the national vision. It serves as a guide to implement fundamental structural changes as it addresses the disparities of inequality and inequity found in Guatemala. These goals encompass five central aspects of human development: poverty reduction, access to healthcare, access to water, food security, and access to education. Through our work at the Fundación Carlos F. Novella , we impact six National Development Priorities: Poverty Reduction, Access to Healthcare, Access to Water, Food Security, and Access to Education.

Poverty reduction and social protection

Access to Health Services

Access to water and natural resource management

Employment and Investments Education

Nutritional and Food Safety

Economic Value of Natural Resources Institutional Strengthening, Justice and Security Comprehensive Fiscal Reform


Fundación Carlos F. Novella -








We support the timely development of early childhood, from conception to 4 years of age. We ensure that participants make use of their basic rights by complying with the country's cultural and bilingual diversity standards.

Carlos F. Novella

As of 2021, regarding preschool-aged children care, we have established a partnership with the Ministry of Education (MINEDUC) to implement the “Acompáñame A Crecer Program, as well as with the Comprehensive Child Development Community Centers (CECODII) in the Municipality of San Juan Sacatepéquez, the Municipalities of Sanarate and San Antonio La Paz in the Department of El Progreso, and the Municipality of Chicacao in the Department of Suchitepéquez. This model develops and provides awareness for communities so that they take action to benefit from early childhood development. It consists of personalized work sessions in three modalities: home visits for children aged 0 to 2 years, group sessions at CECODII for children aged 2 to 4 years, and support for pregnant and lactating mothers.

In 2023, based on parameters set by MINEDUC, we evaluated competencies, skills, and abilities acquired by the participating children during one year in the program. This evaluation included 40 children from El Progreso and 40 children from San Juan Sacatepéquez, aged 2 to 3 years old. The results determined that children who had been in the program for a year could identify colors, had secure attachment relationships with their caregivers, and were within the normal height/age range, among other aspects mentioned in the report.

We participated in the Mesa Técnica Departamental para Alimentación Escolar de Nivel Inicial y Medio Departmental Technical Committee for School Meals at the Initial and Middle Levels. This took place at the Municipality of San Juan Sacatepéquez and the Municipalities of San Antonio La Paz and Sanarate in the Department of El Progreso, where menus and recipes for the 2024 school meals were created.

In September and October 2023, we inaugurated two program sites: the first in Aldea Ojo de Agua, Municipality of San Juan Sacatepéquez, and the second in Caserío El Rancho, Municipality of Chicacao in the Department of Suchitepéquez. The latter site was supported and funded by Agregados de Centro América (AGRECA).

In partnership with Universidad Del Valle de Guatemala and Alianza por la Nutrición (APN), we conducted a baseline survey of the CECODII in Joya de Las Flores, Pajoques, El Pilar II, Ojo de Agua, Trojes I, and Trojes II in the Municipality of San Juan Sacatepéquez, and in Carrizo, El Chile, Dolores in the Municipality of San Antonio La Paz, and Sinaca, Colonia El Esfuerzo, Colonia Sonoro, and El Mirador in the Municipality of Sanarate, Department of El Progreso. This effort provided information describing family groups in each community and the participant's perceptions of the program sessions. 147


We aim to strengthen children’s learning processes during their second childhood stage, from 5 to 8 years of age. We begin at the preschool level, then first and second-grade levels, by enhancing and building reading skills. Through this program, we have contributed to reducing school repetition rates by providing guidance and reinforcing comprehensive skills, abilities, and competencies that facilitate learning.

Carlos F. Novella

We use a playful methodology and, through Escuela para Padres . We support parents who are part of the educational triangle, to ensure their children's academic success in the early school years.

Currently, we operate in the following communities: Asunción Chivoc, Joya de las Flores, and Ojo de Agua in the Municipality of San Juan Sacatepéquez; in addition to Colonia El Esfuerzo, Colonia Sonoro, San Miguel Conacaste, and Monte Grande in the Municipality of Sanarate, Department of El Progreso; as well as in Escuela Raúl Villagrán Paul, Escuela Rafael Landívar, and Escuela Asentamiento Roosevelt in Zone 6 of the Municipality of Guatemala.

In 2023, we established partnerships with the National Civil Police and the Secretariat Against Sexual Violence and Human Trafficking, who supported the Escuela para Padres by talking about topics such as violence in schools, domestic violence, and other types of violence. We also celebrated Family Day in the three territories, where parents and children interacted in dynamic activities, strengthening family bonds and attachment.

Combatting Chronic Malnutrition Together

In Guatemala, chronic malnutrition affects one in every two children under five years old.

According to UNICEF data, this condition is the cause of death for 3.4% of children in the country. It represents 54% of associated diseases, such as pneumonia and acute diarrhea. This problem also perpetuates the poverty cycle by affecting children's learning abilities and causing high dropout rates. Despite its severity, it often goes unnoticed by many, even by the affected families.

In response to this crisis, Fundación Carlos F. Novella trained facilitators on nutrition issues. These included participants from the Cimentando las Bases and Acompáñame a Crecer programs in El Progreso, San Juan Sacatepéquez, and Zone 6 of the capital city.

The training emphasized the importance of identifying malnutrition cases, stressing that proper nutrition starts from the gestation process. The ultimate goal of this initiative is to raise awareness about the impact of good nutrition on children's overall development. This is done in hopes of encouraging efforts from families to break the cycle of this scourge and foster healthier future generations.



This program takes place in locations where the company is present. The program develops the necessary competencies to strengthen children in preschool and first grade. We address aspects such as psychomotor development, reading, expression, and curricular integration. We use recyclable and easy-to-access materials that transform into educational tools for classroom use.

This program trains teachers via a methodology focused on learning and recognizing the teacher as a human being in all dimensions: social, professional, physical, and emotional. These elements contribute to the teachers’ comprehensive development. Additionally, other topics such as planning, the teaching-learning process, seeking to flexibly balance academic freedom with the elements established in the curriculum, and the requirements of the students are addressed.

In 2023, teacher coverage was expanded to include early childhood and preschool education teachers in educational institutions in Guatemala City’s Zone 6.


We promote art and culture through musical practice. This is a way to promote social inclusion and value formation in our students. Participants include children and youth with artistic skills in Zone 6 of the capital city.

Our classes include children's guitar, an accredited guitar course, early musical initiation, children's level, elementary diploma, and free courses in violin, viola, cello, marimba, piano, harp, and percussion. We accept students ages 0 to 15 years old. The youngest children receive early stimulation through music. Children and young adults choose an instrument to learn, and the school supports their learning process.

In 2023, we held the III Festival de Música de Cámara with online workshops and conferences over four weeks. It culminated in face-to-face workshops and concerts in Quetzaltenango, San Juan Sacatepéquez, and Guatemala City. Sixteen institutions participated, with 86 students in chamber workshops, and 26 guest teachers from national and international backgrounds. 432 participants enrolled in online and in-person conferences and workshops, with over 500 attendees at the finale concerts.

Violin teachers and two advanced students had a masterclass with maestro Guido Calvo, a renowned Costa Rican violinist.

Let the Harps Sound

At Escuela de Música Carlos F. Novella, we offer a safe space for interaction among children and young adults, with quality and accessible music education

for those who are interested in pursuing this art. Music education contributes to both the productive use of time and musical talent development.

Beginning at a young age, children from Guatemala City’s Zone 6 and environs, share their interest in various instruments. They learn both how to play the instrument and musical theory.

The harp is one of the most unique instruments found in our music school. With Egyptian origins, this instrument has vertically arranged strings and a triangular frame. The harp is played with both hands, using either fingers or picks.

The harp is used in classical music and can be found in orchestras. The harp is used in jazz, electronic music, rock, and pop although less frequently than other instruments. It can also be found in traditional Celtic music.

238 participants


In Zone 6 of the capital city

At Escuela de Música Carlos F. Novella, we enthusiastically encourage learning the harp to engage the community and as a tool to develop children’s and youth’s artistic abilities.


Carlos F. Novella -

















We support educational development by enhancing technical and technological skills in public middle schools.

Carlos F. Novella

Our program promotes various learning stages:

Learn to Learn: This includes instilling a learning attitude, communication skills, and reflective thinking, personal and environmental responsibility, and maintaining order and cleanliness.

Learn to Do: This fosters organizational and planning abilities, creative thinking, teamwork, and adaptability to new situations.

Learn to Live Together: This promotes leadership, the ability to perceive community needs, citizenship, time management, and planning.

In 2023, students from 15 institutes and telesecundarias immersed themselves in programming and robotics, acquiring 21st century key skills. In San Juan Sacatepéquez, 15 projects were presented, 27 in El Progreso, 12 in Santo Domingo Xenacoj, and 6 in zone 6 of Guatemala City, showcasing the students' potential.

Supporting the Visually Impaired through Technology

Clara Luz, a student at the Instituto Nacional de Educación

Básica San Juan de Dios in zone 6 of Guatemala City, developed

an early interest in programming with the support of her brother. Clara Luz learned programming at her school through the Aulas Técnicas y Tecnológicas program. She created a tool to assist visually impaired individuals: a bag with a sensor that creates a sound each time it encounters a physical obstacle.

Clara Luz's teacher praised her leadership and commitment. Highly motivated, she plans to continue learning and creating. Her dedication has made her a standout leader in the classroom, and her story is a testament to the positive changes that technology can bring when driven by the right determination.


We provide a space where we develop values and sports skills in social, tactical-technical, physical-motor, and regulatory areas for our children and young adults aged 5 to 17.

Carlos F. Novella

This school was initially created to offer children and youth in Guatemala City’s Zone 6 the opportunity to practice soccer. Now, thanks to a partnership with the Fundación Real Madrid, the program includes basketball. These sports serve as a medium to strengthen values in vulnerable children and youth, who often lack adequate and safe social spaces.

The Escuela Sociodeportiva is a valuable contribution towards violence prevention, promoting productive use of free time through activities that enhance physical and mental health.

We operate in the following communities:

San Juan Sacatepéquez: Sajcavilla, Cruz Blanca, Montúfar and El Pilar.

El Progreso: Conacaste, La Coyotera, Aldea Dolores and El Sinaca.

Guatemala City: Zone 6, based at the Cementos Progreso Stadium and Santo Domingo Xenacoj.

In 2023, we organized the Torneo Intersedes tournament, allowing participants from San Juan Sacatepéquez, El Progreso, and Zone 6 to engage in friendly matches and apply values and techniques learned throughout the year.

In collaboration with the General Subdirectorate for Crime Prevention (SDGPD) of the National Civil Police (PNC) and the Community Violence Prevention Unit (UPCV) of the Second Vice Ministry for Violence Prevention, we trained 40 students from the El Progreso Escuela Sociodeportiva to identify various forms of violence to determine which could directly affect them.

Six program trainers completed a first aid course. It included using medical kits and vital signs monitoring. The Guatemalan Red Cross provided the training ensuring emergency preparedness during training sessions or matches.

Our trainers created a handbook detailing Fundación Real Madrid methodology, providing a structured approach to the topics covered in different modules. This handbook will serve as a model for other escuelas sociodeportivas.

We organized volunteer activities in Montúfar and Cruz Blanca, San Juan Sacatepéquez, involving Escuela Sociodeportiva participants, members of the Community Development Council (COCODE), and parents. Together, they painted health centers in both communities, enhancing their appearance and promoting the values of solidarity and community work.

Leadership and empowerment module with a focus on preventing irregular migration

To promote efforts to prevent irregular migration and violence, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), through Fundación Real Madrid and Fundación Carlos F. Novella, conducted the Leadership and Empowerment Module. This module is for children, youth, and parents from the 10 socio-sports schools, focusing on enhancing natural leadership capacities and building capacities to overcome various obstacles.

The module was divided into three stages, comprising six workshops to help people understand, reflect, and train. It aimed to strengthen leadership and foster empowerment providing tools and skills to emphasize each individual’s value as a human being with rights, including the right to migrate. The module engaged 65 participants: 29 from El Progreso, 21 from San Juan Sacatepéquez, and 15 from zone 6 of Guatemala City.

Fundación Carlos F. Novella

1,398 participants

The Escuela Socioadeportiva, Fundación Tigo, and Fundación Real Madrid partnership paved the way for children to embrace the future with technological skills. Not only that, but it is also tied to values and other necessary abilities for holistic development. Over six months, students learned fundamental programming and robotics concepts, developing skills to use these technologies effectively. The program concluded with participation in Robocopa 2023, a football tournament where students operated small robots they programmed themselves.

The primary goal of the Escuela Sociodeportiva is holistic life formation. Beyond technical prowess, children and youth internalize sports-related values and participate in complementary disciplines that enhance their abilities.



The Paso a Paso Program contributes to girls' and adolescents' psychosocial skills development from age 9 to 14 using educational activities. The program fosters awareness of their leading role by promoting positive changes at personal, family, and community levels.

Carlos F. Novella

The two-year program is implemented through specific methodologies. First Year: Focuses on developing competencies such as self-esteem, healthy living, communication, and civic participation. Second Year: Addresses productivity and a vision for a personal life plan.

The program operates in San Juan Sacatepéquez, Santo Domingo Xenacoj, El Progreso, and Zone 6 of Guatemala City. The specific communities and institutions involved are:


Asunción Chivoc

Santo Domingo Xenacoj

Iglesia Asunción Chivoc

Instituto Nacional de Educación Básica Santo Domingo Xenacoj

Finca el Pilar Finca el Pilar

Escuela Oficial Urbana Mixta República Dominicana

Escuela Oficial Urbana Mixta Oscar Arnoldo Conde

Escuela Oficial Rural Mixta Cerrito de Fuego

Instituto Nacional de Educación Básica República de Austria

Iglesia Corpus Christi

Escuela Oficial Urbana Mixta Oscar Arnoldo Conde

Escuela Oficial Rural Mixta Cerrito de Fuego

Instituto Nacional de Educación Básica República de Austria

In 2023, the Methodological Transfer Pilot Plan was launched in San Juan Sacatepéquez at the Instituto Nacional de Educación Básica República Dominicana. Three teachers were trained in the program's methodology, enabling them to develop the first phase of the module titled “Self-esteem.”

The Methodological Transfer of the Paso a Paso Program Manual, was created, to enhance the value of strategic pillars of childhood and youth, specifically designed for girls and adolescents.

Carlos F. Novella

306 all women



75 in El

Lets Enjoy!

The buses, filled with laughter and excitement, arrived at the Museo del Niño, where the girls were eagerly anticipating the day's activities.

267 girls and young women from the Paso a Paso Program arrived at the museum. 30 volunteers from different programs of Fundación Carlos F. Novella did too, alongside educational authorities from various areas.

The event included a variety of educational and interactive experiences. The learning session involved participants engaged in sessions that covered a wide range of topics, including geography, geology, chemistry, astrology, history, and values. These sessions were designed to enhance soft skills such as communication, the eagerness to learn, and teamwork.

The day concluded with a delicious snack and a play at the theater, which provided entertainment and further learning opportunities. The play emphasized the importance of being open-minded, enthusiastic, and willing to learn in new and different ways.

in Guatemala City
69 in Santo Domingo Xenacoj
in San Juan Sacatepéquez

Our institution offers an educational model that builds ethical, supportive leaders committed to developing their surroundings.


It offers preschool, elementary, middle, and high school levels.

Carlos F. Novella

The school was founded on March 11, 1977 thanks to Enrique Novella Alvarado’s initiative. Located in the village of El Sinaca, in Sanarate El Progreso, after the 1976 earthquake, it serves the town's population. During the first stage, the school was called Escuela Enrique Novella Alvarado and in 1999 it was officially authorized as Colegio Privado Enrique Novella Alvarado. In 2018 a new branch was inaugurated in San Juan Sacatepéquez, near the San Gabriel Plant.

For 46 years, the Colegio ENA has trained hundreds of students with an educational model focused on preparing ethical leaders committed to environmental solidarity and development. It has also allowed for the enhancement of student capabilities in science, social studies, entrepreneurial, and employability areas.

In 2023 we had an educational inclusion workshop provided by Universidad del Istmo (UNIS). The objective was to develop an action plan that would generate the necessary conditions to allow Colegio ENA to include children with special educational needs.

We held the first University Fair at the El Progreso Campus. 11 national universities, three international universities, a technical training center, a university residence and an organization focused on university scholarships participated in the event.

This benefited 243 students from eight schools representing three communities: Sanarate, San Antonio La Paz and Guastatoya.

We participated in the Olimpíada Guatemalteca de Astronomía and three of our students were finalists, one of which won second place at the national level and another received an honorable mention. Both qualified for the Latin American Astronomy and Astronautics Olympiad, which was held in Chiriqui, Panama, from October 9th to the 13th.

During Vocations Week, 23 students from Colegio ENA El Progreso’s 11th grade class attended professional career presentations, given by Progreso team members. This enabled students to make informed decisions about the career they would choose at the university.

We held a Human Talent Fair with the participation of 9 companies. They presented job opportunities available in Sanarate to 131 students from 7 communities: Sanarate, Aldea Conacaste, Aldea Santo Domingo Los Ocotes, Aldea Dolores, Aldea Agua Caliente, Agua Salóbrega and Guastatoya.

Carlos F. Novella

#1 in National School Ranking

Every year, MINEDUC evaluates the performance and educational quality of the country's schools.

Colegio ENA l has positioned itself as one of the best, thanks to its strategic, innovative, and participatory effort.

Colegio ENA San Miguel Progreso XV Class’s 22 students tested in August 2022. It was a requirement to graduate and qualify for their degree. In May 2023, MINEDUC published the results of each school on its web page. There, ENA schools surpassed the 4,868 participating public and private institutions, obtaining first place at the national level thanks to the implementation of a quality educational model.

Due to its excellent results in science, the National Secretariat of Science and Technology (SENACYT) invited Colegio ENA to participate in the Ondas program, which encourages scientific research to solve problems in each school’s environment. 10th grade students from San Gabriel, obtained 4th place, and 11th grade students from San Miguel obtained 5th place.












We promote women's training, recognizing their capacity as change agents that can improve their children’s nutritional status. This fosters the development of healthy and productive individuals.

Carlos F. Novella

To achieve this, we rely on the support of strategic allies such as:

Municipality of Sanarate

Municipal Directorate for Women, Municipality of Sanarate

Secretariat of Food and Nutritional Security Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Food (MAGA)

Ministry of Education (MINEDUC), Schools and Parent Organization (OPF)

Coordination Body (Community Development Councils (COCODE) of the communities where we implement the programs)

Municipal Commission on Food and Nutritional Security of Sanarate and San Juan Sacatepéquez

Unit for Community Violence Prevention (UPCV), Sanarate branch

Human Rights Ombudsman (PDH)

General Subdirectorate for Crime Prevention (SDGPD) of the National Civil Police (PNC)

Social Management Department, San Gabriel Plant in San Juan Sacatepéquez and San Miguel Plant in Sanarate.

The program began by developing a pilot program Comunidades den Desarrollo aimed at women, youth, community leaders, COCODE, and public servants in health and education. Its goal is to train community leaders who could contribute efforts to their community’s Comprehensive Development Plan. This pilot was developed in El Progreso with 89 participants, all women, and in San Juan Sacatepéquez with 119 (109 women and 10 men), totaling 208 participants in both areas.

In 2023, the first phase of the Mejores Familias Program began in El Progreso with the participation of eight communities.

This phase included establishing a baseline, cooking workshops, and measurements of weight and height in children under the age of 5. We strengthened our relationship with the Municipality of Sanarate and worked together with the San Miguel Plant’s Social Management team in this locality on the Pisos S3 program. This program provides families in vulnerable situations, who meet the program requirements, with the opportunity to have a cement floor in their homes.

To reinforce the value of solidarity, participants in the Mejores Familias Program in El Progreso joined a volunteer initiative to provide food to their Nutritional Recovery Center.

434 all women

231 in San Juan Sacatepéquez
203 in El Progreso



We contribute to improving living conditions and social integration of former inmates and returned migrants, to reduce violence and irregular migration.

Carlos F. Novella

The Programa de Prevención Terciaria de la Violencia Tertiary Violence Prevention Program, La Factoría Ciudadana, began its implementation in 2021 to improve former inmates and returned migrants' physical and mental conditions. The program seeks their reintegration and reinsertion both psychosocially and emotionally while enhancing their job skills. To date, the program has registered 144 participants who have engaged in the various service offerings.

The program’s participants come from Chimaltenango, Escuintla, San José Pinula, San Miguel Petapa, Villa Nueva, and Guatemala City’s zones 1, 6, and 18.

In 2023, we signed a letter of understanding with the Human Rights Ombudsman (PDH) to strengthen our work and implement specific efforts regarding Human Rights. We focused, particularly on education and defenders who worked cases on due process and migrant populations.

We participated in the International Conference on Community Violence Prevention organized by Giffords and the Exchange of Good Methodological Practices with the AMITY Foundation in Los Angeles, California, USA.

During this last event, members of the Fundación Carlos F. Novella’s Board of Directors of the held a methodological exchange with AMITY to learn about processes and best practices that could be implemented in La Factoría Ciudadana in Guatemala.

We were part of the "United for Justice" event, where we hosted 10 delegates from Honduras. These delegates represented the public sector, private sector, and civil society, to share thoughts and information on tertiary violence prevention models to incorporate them into their country.

We participated in the Regional Forum on Human Mobility in El Salvador. It was organized by Swisscontact. The focus was to share business sector experiences regarding the impact and results of training job skill strategies for returned migrants and their potential integration into the productive sector.

Carlos F. Novella

A hope for returned migrants

Guatemala is one of the most active countries in the world regarding migration processes.

It belongs to a migration corridor where people from different places come and go every day.

La Factoría Ciudadana program has supported this population through individual, social, and technical strengthening, to help them improve their living conditions.

Participants of La Factoría Ciudadana closed the program with an upbeat social gathering. During this event, some members of the expatriate migrant community shared their experiences within the program.

“When you return, you feel lost, you have no one. In La Factoría Ciudadana program, I found a support community and the tools to reintegrate into society,” said Zoe, a returned migrant.



We develop technical, academic, commercial, and productive skills through training focused on entrepreneurship to build sustainable communities.

Carlos F. Novella

Our goal is to be a space that fosters productive relationships and serves the population by offering training activities that adapt to individuals’ needs and interest.

The courses provided in 2023 throughout the various territories where we operate include:

Bakery and pastry

Gourmet bakery

Guatemalan cuisine

Mexican cuisine

Varied cuisine and food handling

Basic Electricity

Industrial electricity

Welding levels 1, 2, and 3

Motorcycle mechanics

Automotive mechanics



Modern trends

Basic and intermediate Excel

Basic masonry

Industrial safety

Christmas specialties

Special electrodes

Appliance repair

Motorcycle electrical systems

We work with strategic partners such as the Technical Institute for Training and Productivity (INTECAP), the Superintendency of Tax Administration (SAT), and local health centers to achieve this. We also receive support from suppliers such as Ket Plus for electrical installations, Olmeca for training on the use of flours and margarines, and Ferretería la Palma for training on the use of industrial equipment.

The independent courses are held at the following locations:

San Juan Sacatepéquez: Centro Educativo Estuardo Novella Camacho (CENCA), San Antonio, Finca El Pilar, and the Neighbor Care House.

El Progreso: Escuela Oficial Rural Mixta Colonia El Sonoro, Escuela Oficial Rural Mixta Aldea Montegrande, and Escuela Oficial Rural Mixta de Colonia El Esfuerzo.

In 2023, we organized a volunteer event in San Juan Sacatepéquez called "Cocineros Solidarios," where 176 public servants were recognized for their service. This included members of the National Civil Police, the Health Center, Volunteer Firefighters, the Shoemakers Association, One More Child Nutritional Recovery Center, IAN Santiago, and a community physiotherapist from Montúfar.

We held the “Tesoros Gastronómicos” discussion, where eight chefs presented dishes declared Guatemalan Cultural Heritage, such as Pinol, Jocón, Plátanos en Mole, Fiambre, Chojin, Batocon, and Subanik. This event aimed to strengthen the learning capacity of Independent Course participants, entrepreneurs, public officials, and community members.

The Gastronomic Art Group II of San Juan Sacatepéquez created a digital recipe book called “Manos a la Cocina,” containing healthy recipes with local ingredients grown in the community. The project was so well received that some recipes were included in nutritional menus provided to children at different educational levels.

Carlos F. Novella

Fundafest, a place to celebrate talent

Students from the Cursos Libres program in San Juan Sacatepéquez participated in Fundafest.

This event celebrates talent. Participants had the opportunity to showcase and sell their products, as they practiced what they learned in the courses. The event was held at two locations on two separate dates, the first at the CENCA facilities with 457 participants, and another at the San Antonio venue with 262 participants.

To support new entrepreneurs, a communication campaign was carried out to promote the participants' businesses through a video.



We build community by promoting civic values and developing individual and collective capacities. The program consists of four projects:

Citizen Participation Project, for youth.

Pedagogical Awareness Project, for educators.

Peace Education Project, for public servants and community leaders.

Institutional Strengthening Project, for public officials.

In 2023, we coordinated efforts with institutions such as:

Ministry of the Interior (MINGOB)

General Secretariat of Planning and Programming of the Presidency (SEGEPLAN)

National Institute of Public Administration (INAP)

Executive Coordination Secretariat of the Presidency (SCEP)

Presidential Commission for Peace and Human Rights (COPADEH)

National Youth Council (CONJUVE)

Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE)

In 2023, in coordination with Aggregates of Central America (AGRECA), we carried out the civic awareness process “Vos y Yo hacemos la Diferencia” in the Municipality of Chicacao, Suchitepéquez. We registered 100 young men and women, of whom 81 participated directly in the proposed activities, showing a genuine interest in contributing to change in their community.

We conducted the pedagogical sensibilization process in partnership with the National Institute of Public Administration (INAP). This module was directed at collaborators from the Executive Coordination Secretariat of the Presidency (SCEP). A total of 54 participants actively engaged in the sessions, showing an interest in incorporating sensitive pedagogical practices into their daily work.

Through the Institute for Civic-Political and Electoral Training of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE), we developed the Institutional Strengthening Module with the active participation of 94 team members, showcasing an interest in strengthening the country's democratic institutions.

World Vision Guatemala Foundation The Peace Education Project was developed in a virtual capacity for 25 community leaders and public servants in Costa Rica. 19

We offer young men and women, as well as adults 13 and older, the opportunity to continue their studies. The methodology we use is flexible and based on project technical skill development, and the building values.

In Guatemala, the lag in educational coverage, especially at the middle and high school level, results in more than a million young adults and children without formal educational coverage.

Carlos F. Novella

In 2022, middle school coverage was 47.9%, and for high school, it was 24.1% (MINEDUC 2023). These figures reflect an alarming situation, reducing professional development opportunities for youth.

Citizens with a higher level of education can become agents of improvement for their communities, developing projects to solve family and social problems within their environment. Additionally, they acquire better skills to access more stable jobs and increase their income as they move along in their studies.

In 2023, we began the second CODEZILLA group, aimed at 14 students and alumni from San Juan Sacatepéquez. In the CODEZILLA program, students were trained in different programming languages, gaining greater technical skills, which allowed them to be selected for job opportunities. In the first group, two participants obtained job contracts.


This year, CENCA celebrated its 15th anniversary. The celebration included former students, current students, teachers, administrative staff, and members of the Novella family.

Support for School Meals

In 2023, CENCA students received training in technology at the Escuela Técnica de Campo para la Alimentación Escolar (ETCAE).

ETCAEs are MINEDUC’s Extra-School Education

Subsystem training centers that are associated with the agricultural area. In this context, the field or plot of land becomes the learning space. Participants strengthen and specialize their knowledge and skills with guidance from specialists in production and better resource use within the School Meal Program.

This initiative aims to improve food production techniques. Technical equipment was installed in greenhouses to use and apply technology in productive improvements (measuring levels of lighting, soil quality, and nutrients). Participants received two training sessions, both theoretical and practical.

23 students graduated in El Progreso and 54 in San Juan Sacatepequez.

We foster the industrial and cultural heritage of Progreso and the Novella Family both nationally and internationally. The museum was established by the fourth generation of Carlos F. Novella's descendants. The objective is to tell the story of his life and the industry he founded 125 years ago. It houses a historical archive that catalogs and preserves objects, photographs, and documents from Progreso, which recount the history of the construction industry in Guatemala and hold significant value for both the company and the country.


In 2023, we continued migrating our database from FileMaker to CatalogIt, aiming to safeguard information and facilitate virtual access for Progreso's internal, national, and international clients. Additionally, we began digitalizing photographs of the San Miguel plant, La Pedrera, and activities of the Fundación Carlos F. Novella to make them more accessible for research and dissemination.

To research the history of La Franja, a sector in Zone 6 of Guatemala City, we recorded interviews. We also offered a lecture on Industrial Heritage to 12 archaeology students from Universidad del Valle de Guatemala and 18 students from the Archaeology module of the General Tourist Guide program at INTECAP. The goal was to highlight the importance of heritage protection and the efforts taken in this regard.

In partnership with the Association of Museums of Guatemala, we participated in the inauguration of the Month of Museums 2023 to raise public awareness about the role of these institutions in society. This event also emphasized the importance of environmental protection.

Alongside Progreso, we sponsored the Upcycling Art event organized by Rotaract La Reforma, where recyclable materials were used to create art. This event supported the Asociación Camino Seguro, which assists children and young adults at risk.

We participated in the Night of the Museums event "Entre Cartas, Postales y Cemento," exhibiting objects and postage stamps from our collection, as well as photographs and copies of letters and postcards preserved in Museo Carlos F. Novella Historical Archive.

The inauguration was attended by 2,081 people, and from October 2023 to date, 2,445 people have visited the museum.

In collaboration with the Auxiliary Mayor's Office of Guatemala City’s Zone 6, we took part in the 10th edition of the Cultural, Artistic, and Sports Festival, showcasing works by artists from Zone 6’s Colectivo Proyectarte.


Fundación Carlos F. Novella, Museo Carlos F. Novella, Social Area of Progreso, and the Auxiliary Mayor's Office of Zone 6 of Guatemala City jointly carried out various social, cultural, and religious activities to strengthen the relationship with the neighbors of Zone 6 and surrounding areas of Finca La Pedrera.

Fundación Carlos F. Novella

Celebrating the Day of Cristo de Esquipulas

To rescue La Pedrera’s traditions, in zone 6 of Guatemala City, alongside the neighbors we celebrated the Day of Cristo de Esquipulas, patron saint of the Quarry. Approximately 1,000 visitors attended the event.

Family Day

We enjoyed the first Family Day Festival in La Pedrera with families from Zone 6 of Guatemala and Chinautla. We had the support of 50 Progreso volunteers, plus 40 volunteers from the Scout Patrol and the Unit for the Prevention of Violence (UPCV) of MINGOB participated. Scout Patrol and the participation of the Unit for the Prevention of Violence (UPCV) of the MINGOB.

192 people participated.


Carlos F. Novella

Together with the Batz Circus School, we implemented a workshop for more than 90 children and young adults who participate in Fundación Carlos F. Novella's activities in Zone 6 of the capital city. Subsequently, within the framework of the Circo Chiripa Festival and the beginning of Zone 6’s 10th Cultural, Artistic, and Sports Festival, we experienced a unique moment as we witnessed an open-air circus show alongside the community. Ileana Ortega, an outstanding international acrobat originally from Zone 6, performed. In addition, Claris Branher and Susana Oliva participated by creating body painting images that sent a message about caring for water and the importance of good waste management.

This activity was made possible thanks to the coordination from the following institutions: Fundación Carlos F. Novella, Museo Carlos F. Novella, Social Area of Progreso,, Escuela de Circo Batz and the Municipality of Guatemala.

Let's Celebrate Zone 6

Around 1,160 residents of Guatemala City’s Zone 6 attended the “Una Noche de Navidad” concert and the traditional “Noche de Navidad” concert and the traditional ‘Guitarfest’ in which artists from the Escuela de Música Carlos F. Novella

21,025 beneficiaries

38 Projects

8 Departments

4,445 Sacks of Cement

Carlos F. Novella

In 2023 we donated cement for community infrastructure projects for:

10 Churches

4 Schools


2 Associations

22 Neighbors




El Progreso Sololá Zacapa Quetzaltenango



International Organizations

Social Organizations

Private Sector

Central Government

Local Government

Carlos F. Novella




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