Brevard County South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment Facility Expansion With Integrated Fixed Film Activated Sludge Kevin Lee, Pia Prohaska, and Larry Li Kevin Lee, P.E., is project manager with Mead & Hunt Inc. in Port Orange. Pia Prohaska is process engineer and Larry Li is product manager with Kruger in Cary, N.C.
T Figure 1. Clarifiers With Perimeter Walkways and Launder Covers (photo: Lucas Lustik, Sure Thing Photography)
he Brevard County Utilities South Central Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF) serves the growing area of Viera. The WWTF had a rated capacity of 6 mil gal per day (mgd) and needed additional capacity to serve further development in the area. Brevard County (county) issued a request for qualifications to select a design engineer for a 3-mgd expansion. Due to the high rate of development and population growth projections in the service area, a 6-mgd expansion was recommended. Ultimately, the WWTF was expanded from a rated capacity of 6 to 12 mgd.
Project Components The overall project consisted of the following: S A new 12-mgd pretreatment structure. S Rehabilitation of the existing 6-mgd biological process mixing equipment. S Installation of a new 6-mgd biological process train. S Clarifiers, cloth media filters, chlorine contact, aerated sludge holding, and sludge dewatering expansion. S 1-mil gal (MG) reuse storage tank. S High-service pumping reuse. S Remodel of the existing operations building and laboratory. S Construction of a new maintenance building for the service area’s maintenance staff.
Figure 2. Integrated Fixed Film Activated Sludge System Layout
24 January 2021 • Florida Water Resources Journal
The conceptual design was started in 2015 and construction was completed in 2019. The design was funded by the utilities’ capital budget and the construction was funded by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) State Revolving Fund (SRF) program.