Evoqua’s DAVCO™ field-erected treatment plants (FETP) are ideal for expanding existing or new greenfield plants providing a solution for treating flows from 0.1 to 3 million gallons per day (MGD). Systems can be designed in a variety of configurations, including activated sludge processes, sequencing batch reactors, and oxidation ditch configurations.
Using shop-built components and field erection, the DAVCO FETP system offers an economical, sustainable treatment solution that can be operational in months instead of years!

Editor’s Office and Advertiser Information:
Florida Water Resources Journal
1402 Emerald Lakes Drive
Clermont, FL 34711
Phone: 352-241-6006
Email: Editorial, editor@fwrj.com
Display and Classified Advertising, ads@fwrj.com
Business Office: 1402 Emerald Lakes Drive, Clermont, FL 34711 Web: http://www.fwrj.com
General Manager: Michael Delaney Editor: Rick Harmon
Graphic Design Manager: Patrick Delaney Mailing Coordinator: Buena Vista Publishing

Published by BUENA VISTA PUBLISHING for Florida Water Resources Journal, Inc.

President: Richard Anderson (FSAWWA) Peace River/Manasota Regional Water Supply Authority
Vice President: Jamey Wallace (FWEA) Jacobs
Treasurer: Rim Bishop (FWPCOA) Seacoast Utility Authority
Secretary: Mish Clark Mish Agency
The Post Office will not forward your magazine. Do not count on getting the Journal unless you notify us directly of address changes by the 15th of the month preceding the month of issue. Please do not telephone address changes. Email changes to changes@fwrj.com or mail to Florida Water Resources Journal, 1402 Emerald Lakes Drive, Clermont, FL 34711
Membership Questions
FSAWWA: Casey Cumiskey – 407-979-4806 or fsawwa.casey@gmail.com
FWEA: Karen Wallace, Executive Manager – 407-574-3318
FWPCOA: Darin Bishop – 561-840-0340
Training Questions
FSAWWA: Donna Metherall – 407-979-4805 or fsawwa.donna@gmail.com
FWPCOA: Shirley Reaves – 321-383-9690
For Other Information
DEP Operator Certification: Ron McCulley – 850-245-7500
FSAWWA: Peggy Guingona – 407-979-4820
Florida Water Resources Conference: 407-363-7751
FWPCOA Operators Helping Operators: John Lang – 772-559-0722, e-mail – oho@fwpcoa.org
FWEA: Karen Wallace, Executive Manager – 407-574-3318
Florida Water Resources Journal: www.fwrj.com
FWPCOA: www.fwpcoa.org
FSAWWA: www.fsawwa.org
FWEA: www.fwea.org and www.fweauc.org
Florida Water Resources Conference: www.fwrc.org
Throughout this issue trademark names are used. Rather than place a trademark symbol in every occurrence of a trademarked name, we state we are using the names only in an editorial fashion, and to the benefit of the trademark owner, with no intention of infringement of the trademark. None of the material in this publication necessarily reflects the opinions of the sponsoring organizations. All correspondence received is the property of the Florida Water Resources Journal and is subject to editing. Names are withheld in published letters only for extraordinary reasons. Authors agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Florida Water Resources Journal Inc. (FWRJ), its officers, affiliates, directors, advisors, members, representatives, and agents from any and all losses, expenses, third-party claims, liability, damages and costs (including, but not limited to, attorneys’ fees) arising from authors’ infringement of any intellectual property, copyright or trademark, or other right of any person, as applicable under the laws of the State of Florida.
News and Features
EPA Issues Guidance to States to Reduce Harmful PFAS Pollution
National Groundwater Awareness Week is Coming!
2022-2023 FSAWWA Board of Governors
2023 Florida Water Resources Conference: H2YOU!—Mish Clark
WWEMA Elects 2023 Officers and Directors
Performance Evaluation of Cloth Disk Primary Filtration to Increase Carbon Diversion Toward Net-Zero Water Resource Recovery Facilities—Onder T. Caliskaner, Yihan Zhang, George Tchobanoglous, and Brian G. Davis Education and Training
FSAWWA Fall Conference Premier Sponsors Thank You
FSAWWA Fall Conference Platinum Sponsors Thank You
FSAWWA Fall Conference Gold Sponsors Thank You 20 FSAWWA Fall Conference Exhibitors Thank You 21 FSAWWA Drop Savers Contest 31 FWPCOA Training Calendar 34-35 Florida Water Resources Conference 41 TREEO Center Training
Columns 14 C Factor—Patrick “Murf” Murphy 15 FWRJ Reader Profile—Joan I. Fernandez
Test Yourself—Donna Kaluzniak
Let’s Talk Safety—Weld Well to End Well
FSAWWA Speaking Out—Greg D. Taylor
FWEA Focus—Sondra W. Lee
FWEA Chapter Corner— First Coast Chapter: Getting Bigger and Better Every Year—Manasi Parekh Departments
ON THE COVER: The Thomas P. Smith Water Reclamation Facility, located beneath a Tallahassee airport approach path, utilizes a four-stage Bardenpho process in the biological nutrient removal basins, a key to reaching total nitrogen limits below 3 milligrams per liter at this 26.5-million-gallon-per-day facility. (photo: Joe Goeke)
Florida Water Resources Journal, USPS 069-770, ISSN 0896-1794,
EPA Issues Guidance to States to Reduce Harmful PFAS Pollution
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently released a memorandum to states that provides direction on how to use the nation’s bedrock clean water permitting program to protect against per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS).

The guidance, which outlines how states can monitor for PFAS discharges and take steps to reduce them where they are detected, is part of the agency’s holistic approach to addressing these harmful substances, known as “forever chemicals,” under the PFAS strategic roadmap from EPA.

This action is a critical step in EPA’s efforts to restrict PFAS at their source, which will reduce the levels of PFAS entering wastewater and stormwater systems and ultimately lower people’s exposure to PFAS through swimming, fishing, drinking, and other pathways.
“The EPA is following through on its commitment to empower states and communities across the nation to address known or suspected discharges of PFAS,” says Radhika Fox, EPA assistant administrator for water. “This action builds on successful and innovative efforts already used by several states to safeguard communities by using the Clean Water Act permitting program to identify and reduce sources of PFAS pollution before they enter waters in the United States.”
Memorandum Guidance
The memo, titled “Addressing PFAS Discharges in National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permits and Through the Pretreatment Program and Monitoring Programs,” will align wastewater and stormwater NPDES permits and pretreatment program implementation activities with the goals that are in EPA’s strategic roadmap. The memo recommends that states use the most current sampling and analysis methods in their NPDES programs to identify known or suspected sources of PFAS and to take actions using their pretreatment and permitting authorities, such as imposing technology-based limits on sources of PFAS discharges. The memo also helps the agency obtain comprehensive information through monitoring on the sources and quantities of PFAS discharges, informing other EPA efforts to address PFAS.
Several states have already demonstrated the benefits of leveraging their administered NPDES permit programs to identify and reduce sources of PFAS before these chemicals enter treatment facilities and surface waters.
Michigan, for example, is partnering with municipal wastewater treatment facilities to develop monitoring approaches to help identify upstream sources of PFAS. The
state has been able to leverage its monitoring information to work with industries, such as electroplating companies, to substantially reduce PFAS discharges.
North Carolina has also successfully leveraged its NPDES program to develop facility-specific, technology-based effluent limits for known industrial dischargers of PFAS. The memo urges states to replicate these approaches and use others to identify and reduce PFAS discharges.
New Recommendations
The memo also builds on the agency’s April 2022 memo to EPA regions by expanding the audience to states and including new recommendations related to biosolids, permit limits, and coordination across relevant state agencies. The memo provides recommendations to NPDES permit writers and pretreatment coordinators, rooted in the successful use of these tools in several states, on monitoring provisions and analytical methods and the use of pollution prevention and best management practices.
These provisions aim to help reduce PFAS pollution in surface waters as the agency also works to promulgate effluent guidelines, finalize multilaboratory validated analytical methods, and publish water quality criteria that address PFAS compounds. S

National Groundwater Awareness Week is Coming!
In 2023, National Groundwater Awareness Week is March 6-12, which is a great time to learn how to make groundwater safe. Groundwater is the most accessed source of freshwater in the world and it also accounts for half of the world’s drinking water.
National Groundwater Awareness Week is an annual observance sponsored by the National Groundwater Association (NGWA) highlighting how important groundwater is to people’s health and the environment.
Groundwater Explained
Water is one of the world’s most vital resources supporting life. Animals, plants, and humans all depend on water for their continued existence. Humans use water for myriad day-today activities like cooking, drinking, bathing, farming, manufacturing, medical uses, and more.
Water covers 71 percent of the earth’s surface, in contrast to land mass. One might think that this would make water readily available for consumption, but 97 percent of that water is ocean water—salty and undrinkable. Only 3 percent of the earth’s water is fresh and suitable for drinking and much of this water is groundwater.
Groundwater is water found below the earth’s surface in spaces between rock and soil. Surface water is water that collects above the earth’s surface, such as in streams, rivers, lakes, or oceans. Thirty percent of all the fresh water on earth is groundwater, while the other 70 percent is surface water. Groundwater supplies water to wells and springs and is an important source of water for public water systems and private wells
in the United States. An estimated 145 million Americans get their tap water from a groundwater source.
National Groundwater Awareness Week is the time of the year to advocate for the cleanliness and safety of groundwater. It’s a reminder that the importance of groundwater can’t be taken for granted.
Five Important Facts About Groundwater

1. Amount of groundwater available
It’s estimated that there are about 2.8 trillion gallons of groundwater in the world, making up 30.1 percent of the world’s freshwater.
2. Cleanliness of groundwater
More often than not, groundwater is clean and ready to drink because the soil filters the water, holding chemicals, living organisms, and minerals and allowing only water through to the aquifers.
3. A major addition to surface water
Hydrologists estimate that groundwater contributes about 40 to 50 percent of the water that flows into streams, lakes, and rivers.
4. Dependence on groundwater
About half the world’s population depends on groundwater for drinking. In the U.S., it provides 44 percent of the drinking water supply.
5. The largest aquifer in the world
The Great Artesian Basin in Australia is the largest and deepest aquifer holding groundwater, underlying 22 percent of the continent.
Frequently Asked Questions About Groundwater
Why is groundwater so important?
It provides the largest source of freshwater. As stated earlier, the largest percentage of water on earth is ocean water, which is practically undrinkable because of its saltiness.
Is there an alternative to groundwater?
Yes. The major alternative is rainwater, but since it doesn’t rain all year round, and in all places, the easy availability of groundwater makes it a better option.
What problems can arise with groundwater?
Several problems can arise with groundwater, including drying of wells, contamination of the water, waterlogging and salinity, saltwater encroachment, and more.
Why National Groundwater Awareness Week is Important
Water is Life
Water is very important to the existence of life. Be it humans, animals, or the earth itself, nothing can live without water. This makes National Groundwater Awareness Week unique and necessary.
It’s a Time for Information and Advocacy
This event is important to help in fighting against debilitating waterborne diseases that can be in water wells because of negligence. A yearly check-up would help to detect and prevent germs and bacteria that can be very harmful to the safety of the water.
Protection for the Future
Because freshwater is readily available in most societies, it’s easy to forget its importance and why it must be guarded and protected. This event is a reminder of the need to protect groundwater, especially for the future.
Protection of Well Water
One of the ideas behind awareness week is to advocate for the safety of well water. Water customers who are private well water owners should schedule a professional to test their

from page 6
water yearly, and in the case of any problems, treat them immediately.
Protect Wells From Harmful Substances
This is the time to be security conscious about private wells. Make sure they’re free of every chemical and harmful substance that can find itself inside the wells and contaminate the water.
Inform Others About Groundwater
Many people know nothing about groundwater and its importance, which can be surprising. As someone in the water industry, share your knowledge with others and explain how to keep groundwater safe.
Groundwater Contamination

All groundwater sources should be protected from contamination (germs and harmful chemicals). Protecting the safety of groundwater is an important priority for countries throughout the world. Most of the time, U.S. groundwater is safe to use; however, groundwater sources can become contaminated with germs, such as bacteria, viruses and parasites, and chemicals, such as those used in fertilizers and pesticides. Contaminated groundwater can make people sick and harm the environment.
Groundwater Infrastructure Requires Regular Maintenance

Groundwater sometimes contains naturally present germs and harmful chemicals from the environment, such as arsenic and radon. More often, however, human activities contaminate groundwater. These causes can include incorrect use of fertilizers and pesticides; poorly situated, constructed, or maintained septic systems; improper removal or storage of wastes; mining and construction; and chemical spills at work sites.
Contamination of groundwater systems can lead to outbreaks of disease. Previous outbreaks have occurred either because the groundwater was untreated or because of problems with water treatment.
The most common germs identified in groundwater outbreaks include:
S Shigella
S Hepatitis A S Norovirus S Giardia S Campylobacter S SalmonellaOther germs that cause outbreaks from groundwater include Cryptosporidium (a parasite), E. coli (a bacterium), and assorted viruses. From 2009 to 2017, 143 outbreaks linked to groundwater systems were reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
More information about some of the most common environmental chemicals that may be in community water supplies can be found at the CDC Environmental Public Health Tracking Network.
The presence of germs and harmful chemicals in groundwater can lead to health problems, including diarrhea, reproductive problems, and nervous system disorders. Infants, young children, pregnant women, the elderly, people whose immune systems are weakened, and chemotherapy or transplant patients may be more likely to get sick from certain germs and chemicals.
Concerns for groundwater contaminants led the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and individual states to develop regulations to protect public water systems, such as the 2006 Groundwater Rule.

An emerging concern in recent years is the occurrence of pharmaceuticals and personal care products in water. Much research remains to be done to assess the health risks of trace amounts of these items, but careful and safe disposal strategies for these substances are increasingly being advocated.
Groundwater Sources
Public Water Systems
The EPA regulates drinking water quality in public water systems. Customers can find out more about their local drinking water quality and possible contaminants by viewing their Consumer Confidence Report (CCR), which most utility companies are required to provide to customers. Public water systems are required to treat drinking water to federal quality standards;
however, it’s up to private well owners to make sure their water is safe.
Private Wells
An estimated 43 million Americans get their water from private groundwater wells, which are not subject to EPA regulations. Private groundwater wells can provide safe, clean water, but contamination that can cause sickness also can occur in well water. State and local health departments provide information to help well users protect their drinking water.
National Groundwater Monitoring Network
The National Groundwater Monitoring Network (NGWMN) started as a program of the Subcommittee on Groundwater of the Federal Advisory Committee on Water Information (ACWI). The NGWMN is a compilation of selected groundwater monitoring wells from federal, state, and local groundwater monitoring networks across the U.S. The design for the network is presented in the document “A National Framework for Groundwater Monitoring in the United States.”
The NGWMN data portal provides access to groundwater data from multiple, dispersed databases in a web-based mapping application. The portal contains current and historical data, including water levels, water quality, lithology, and well construction. The NGWMN is currently in the process of adding new data providers to the network. Agencies or organizations collecting groundwater data can find out more about becoming a data provider for the network.
Funding to support data providers to the NGWMN is provided through U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) cooperative agreements. Agencies can also find information about the status of the USGS cooperative agreements.
The current 2023 NGWMN funding opportunity began on Sept. 30, 2022, and will be open until Jan. 26, 2023.
For more information about National Groundwater Awareness Week, NGWMN funding, and groundwater in general go to www.ngwa.org.

Greg Taylor, P.E.
601 S. Lake Destiny Drive, Suite 290 Maitland, Florida 32751
E: greg.taylor@wright-pierce.com
Marjorie Craig, P.E. Chair-Elect
Village of Tequesta 345 Tequesta Drive Tequesta, Florida 33469
E: mcraig@tequesta.org
Lisa Wilson-Davis Vice Chair
City of Boca Raton, Utility Services Department
1401 Glades Road
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
E: lwilsondavis@myboca.us
Emilie Moore, P.E. Past Chair
Black & Veatch
3405 W. MLK Boulevard, Suite 125 Tampa, Florida 33607
E: MooreE@bv.com
Terri Holcomb, P.E. Secretary
Peace River Manasota Regional Water Supply Authority 9415 Town Center Parkway Lakewood Ranch, Florida 34202
E: tholcomb@regionalwater.org
Tyler Tedcastle, P.E. Treasurer
Carter & VerPlanck, a DXP Company 601 S.E. 10th Avenue Pompano Beach, Florida 33060
E: TTedcastle@cviwater.com
Kevin Carter
Broward County 2555 W. Copans Road Pompano Beach, Florida 33069
E: kcarter@broward.org
Mark Lehigh
Section Director (ends June 14, 2023)
Hillsborough County Water Resources Services
332 N. Falkenburg Road Tampa, Florida 33619
E: lehighm@hillsboroughcounty.org
Florida Section AWWA by Region

Richard Anderson
Section Director (begins June 15, 2023)
Peace River Manasota Regional Water Supply Authority 9415 Town Center Parkway Lakewood Ranch, Florida 34202
E: randerson@regionalwater.org
Richard Anderson General Policy Director
Peace River Manasota Regional Water Supply Authority 9415 Town Center Parkway Lakewood Ranch, Florida 34202
E: randerson@regionalwater.org
Jonathan Fernald, ENV SP
Contractors Council Chair
PCL Construction Inc.
1 N. Dale Mabry Highway, Suite 300 Tampa, Florida 33609
E: jefernald@pcl.com
Mark McDowell
Manufacturers and Associates Council Chair
InfraTech Group 2920 Eunice Avenue Orlando, Florida 32808
E: mcdowell_mark@ymail.com
Coleman McClain
Member Engagement and Development Council Chair
American Cast Iron Pipe Company
1830 N. University Drive, Suite 377 Plantation, Florida 33322
E: cmcclain2@american-usa.com
Duane A. Gilles
Operators and Maintenance Council Chair
Crawford, Murphy & Tilly 3384 Fiddle Leaf Way Lakeland, Florida 33811
E: dgilles@cmtengr.com
Shea Dunifon
Public Affairs Council Chair
Pinellas County Utilities 7401 54th Avenue N. St. Petersburg, Florida 33709
E: sdunifon@pinellascounty.org
Bina Nayak, Ph.D.
Technical and Education Council Chair
Pinellas County Utilities 1620 Ridge Road Largo, Florida 33778
E: bnayak@pinellascounty.org
Monica Wallis, P.E.
Water Utility Council Chair
Destin Water Users Inc.
P.O. Box 308 Destin, Florida 32540
E: mautrey@dwuinc.com
Felicity Appel, P.E.
Region I Chair (North Central Florida)
Kimley-Horn 2619 Centennial Boulevard, Suite 200 Tallahassee, Florida 32308
E: felicity.appel@kimley-horn.com
Samantha O’Farrell, P.E.
Region II Chair (Northeast Florida)
200 W. Forsyth Street, Suite 1520 Jacksonville Beach, Florida 32202
E: samantha.ofarrell@jacobs.com
Andrea Netcher, Ph.D., P.E.
Region III Chair (Central Florida) Plummer 401 E. Jackson Street, Suite 110 Tampa, Florida 33602
E: anetcher@plummer.com
Russell Ferlita, Ph.D., P.E.
Region IV Chair (West Central Florida)
City of Dunedin 1415 Pinehurst Road, Suite F Dunedin, Florida 34697
E: rferlita@dunedinfl.net
Diana Francois, P.E.
Region V Chair (Southwest Florida)
Jacobs 5801 Pelican Bay Boulevard, Suite 505 Naples, Florida 34108
E: Diana.Francois@jacobs.com
Kara Mills
Region VI Chair (Southeast Florida)
City of Boca Raton
1401 Glades Road Boca Raton, Florida 33431
E: kmills@myboca.us
Elizabeth Page, P.E.
Region VII Chair (South Florida)
COMTECH Engineering
7900 S.W. 57th Avenue, Suite 11 Miami, Florida 33143
E: epage@comtecheng.com
Pierre Vignier
Region VIII Chair (East Central Florida)
City of Port St. Lucie, Utility Systems Department
900 S.E. Ogden Lane City of Port St. Lucie, Florida 34983
E: PVignier@cityofpsl.com
Heath Hardy, P.E.
Region IX Chair (West Florida Panhandle) HDR Engineering Inc. 25 W. Cedar Street, Suite 200 Pensacola, Florida 32502-5945
E: heath.hardy@hdrinc.com
Michael Acosta, P.E.
Region X Chair (West Central Florida)
City of North Port 4970 City Hall Boulevard North Port, Florida 34286
E: macosta@cityofnorthport.com
Andrea Ditto
Region XI Chair (North Florida)
Gainesville Regional Utilities P.O. Box 147051 Gainesville, Florida 32614-7051 E: dittoal@gru.com
Sean Lathrop
Region XII Chair (Central Florida Panhandle)
Bay County Utility Services 3410 Transmitter Road Panama City, Florida 32404 E: slathrop@baycountyfl.gov
Pamela London-Exner
P: (813) 781-0173 E: pamlondon2@gmail.com
Jay Madigan Trustee
Lake Cane Restoration Society E: jay.madigan@lakecane.com
Kenneth Broome, P.E. Trustee
777 S. Harbour Island Boulevard, Suite 600 Tampa, Florida 33602 E: kenneth.broome@stantec.com
Andrew Greenbaum
Peace River Manasota Regional Water Supply Authority 9415 Town Center Parkway Lakewood Ranch, Florida 34202
E: agreenbaum@regionalwater.org
Ryan Popko, P.E. Trustee
4215 Talleyrand Avenue
Jacksonville Beach, Florida 32205-7633 E: popkrr@jea.com
Peggy Guingona
Executive Director
Florida Section AWWA
1320 Tennessee Avenue St. Cloud, Florida 34769
P: (407) 979-4820 F: (407) 593-0251 E: peggy@fsawwa.org
Casey Cumiskey
Membership Specialist/Training Coordinator
Florida Section AWWA
1320 Tennessee Avenue St. Cloud, Florida 34769
P: (407) 979-4806 F: (407) 593-0251 E: casey@fsawwa.org
Donna Metherall
Training Coordinator
Florida Section AWWA 1320 Tennessee Avenue St. Cloud, Florida 34769
P: (407) 979-4805 F: (407) 593-0251 E: donna@fsawwa.org
Jenny Arguello
Administrative Assistant
Florida Section AWWA 1320 Tennessee Avenue St. Cloud, Florida 34769
P: (407) 979-4804 F: (407) 593-0251 E: jenny@fsawwa.org
Operators: Take the CEU Challenge!
Members of the Florida Water and Pollution Control Operators Association (FWPCOA) may earn continuing education units through the CEU Challenge! Answer the questions published on this page, based on the technical articles in this month’s issue. Circle the letter of each correct answer. There is only one correct answer to each question! Answer 80 percent of the questions on any article correctly to earn 0.1 CEU for your license. Retests are available.
This month’s editorial theme is Wastewater Treatment . Look above each set of questions to see if it is for water operators (DW), distribution system operators (DS), or wastewater operators (WW). Mail the completed page (or a photocopy) to: Florida Environmental Professionals Training, P.O. Box 33119, Palm Beach Gardens, Fla. 33420-3119. Enclose $15 for each set of questions you choose to answer (make checks payable to FWPCOA). You MUST be an FWPCOA member before you can submit your answers!
Performance Evaluation of Cloth Disk Primary Filtration to Increase Carbon Diversion Toward Net-Zero Water Resource Recovery Facilities
Onder T. Kaliskander, Yihan Zhang, George Tchobanoglous, and Brian G. Davis (Article 1: CEU = 0.1 WW02015415)
1. The filtration processes described work effectively because only ___________________ particles are filtered. a. floatable b. readily settleable c. naturally buoyant suspended d. carbonaceous
2. _____ percent total suspended solids removal is typically achieved with primary sedimentation. a. 45 - 50 b. 50 - 55 c. 55 - 60 d. 60 - 65
3. Which of the following is not listed as a significant benefit of primary filtration? a. Reduction of footprint required for primary treatment b. Decreased electrical energy required for aeration c. Reduced plant odor d. Increased gas energy production in the anaerobic digestion process
4. The cloth disk primary filter installed at the Linda Wastewater Resource Recovery Facility (WRRF) achieved _____ percent chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal. a. 19 b. 57 c. 58 d. 83
5. The nominal pore size of the cloth disk primary filter was _____ millimeters (mm). a. 5 - 10 b. 25 - 50 c. 75 - 100 d. 150 - 1,000
EARN CEUS BY ANSWERING QUESTIONS FROM PREVIOUS JOURNAL ISSUES! Contact FWPCOA at membership@fwpcoa.org or at 561-840-0340. Articles from
be viewed on the Journal website, www.fwrj.com.

Happy New Year: Let It be True!
Patrick “Murf” Murphy President, FWPCOAhope everyone had a great holiday season and is ready to tear into a new year!
Yes, it’s true—you’re stuck with me for another year. Hopefully, none of you tried to see how far your skin could stretch eating all the seasonal vittles like I did; now I need to look for a new suit for 2023!
Executive Board of Directors for 2023
The FWPCOA 2023 election of officers was held at our October 2022 meeting in Juno Beach, bringing back the same group.
S Patrick “Murf” Murphy – President
S Athena Tipaldos
– Vice President Rim Bishop – Secretary-TreasurerS Kevin Shropshire
– Secretary-TreasurerElect Ken Enlow – Past President
We will be holding the January board of directors meeting in FWPCOA Region 9, which is in the Deltona area, giving some of us the opportunity to visit the new training center there. We are eyeballing the weekend of the 21st for the Education Committee meeting, followed the next morning on the 22nd with the board of directors meeting. Locking in hotel rooms now is almost as difficult as getting parts and equipment
delivered in a prompt time frame, so please keep an eye on the event calendar on the FWPCOA website (www.fwpcoa.org) for meeting notifications.
Operator License Renewal 2023: Take Advantage of the FWPCOA Online Training Institute
The renewal cycle is closing in fast, ending on April 30, 2023, so if you’ve dallied and need some continuing education units (CEUs) for your license renewal, take advantage of the FWPCOA Online Training Institute and get those needed CEUs. Pick from the 100 or so classes, the ones you need for the licenses you carry, or check out the voluntary licensing classes.
You can access the online training by going to the FWPCOA website and selecting the “Online Institute” button at the upper right-hand area of the home page to open the login page. You then scroll down to the bottom of this screen and click on “View Catalog” to open the catalog and see the many training programs offered. Select your preferred training program and register online to take the course. This is a great way to get those needed CEUs for your license renewal.
For more information, contact the Online Training Institute program manager at OnlineTraining@fwpcoa.org or the FWPCOA training office at training@ fwpcoa.org.
FWPCOA 2023 Spring State Short School and Fall State Short School
The FWPCOA 2023 Spring State Short School will be held March 13-17, 2023, at the Indian River State College in Fort Pierce. March 12, 2023, is Daylight Saving Time to throw everyone for a loop on the day of the board of directors meeting, and with St. Patrick’s Day on Friday, March 17, I may have to wear my leprechaun suit a few days earlier since I usually am not scheduled for anything on the last day of the short school.
The FWPCOA 2023 Fall State Short School is usually held in August (it’s not on
the event calendar yet, so again, keep an eye out for the exact week). Remember, this is when the bulk of the FWPCOA awards are presented, so look at the website, pick the appropriate award for one of your coworkers or employees, and get those nominations in before the usual June deadline for the August awards.
We look forward to having two more inperson, wonderful, and successful FWPCOA Spring and Fall State Short Schools!
Go to the website for event and awards details. For all events contact Shirley Reaves at (321) 383-9690 or fwpcoa@gmail.com, or Darin Bishop at (561) 840-0340 or memfwpcoa@gmail.com.
Florida Water Resources Conference
The Florida Water Resource Conference (FWRC) will be held May 31 through June 3, 2023, at the Gaylord Palms Resort in Kissimmee. There is new software and an updated website, which should improve the service and make the experience of registering much better. Being one of the dinosaurs in the group and not liking apps at all, the promise of having an app that provides a variety of functions and QR codescanning sounds pretty good to me. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve left a technical session without having signed in on the “green card” for CEUs.
The FWPCOA Operators Showcase will be held again on the first day of the conference, and we are already making plans for it to be as great a presentation as was provided last year. Always a good time and free beer!
The FWPCOA awards that are presented at the FWRC awards luncheon and annual meeting must have nominations submitted to Renee Moticker, FWPCOA Awards Committee chair, usually by March. This is a great opportunity to acknowledge outstanding individuals in our association.
The awards are:
S David B. Lee Award – Based on the operator’s plant operations and activities within the association.
S Pat Flanagan Award – Given by the state
association to an associate member, based on their assistance to operators and their contribution to the association.
S Richard P. Vogh Award – Given to the region judged most progressive during the year.
Please do not fail to attend this joint conference, sponsored by FSAWWA, FWEA, and FWPCOA; it’s a great networking and technical-session event. Additionally, if you are attending, consider volunteering to help with registration or as a moderator. Attendee registration opened on Dec. 1, 2022, so, if you haven’t registered, or reserved your room, get on it!
FWPCOA Meet and Greet
This is an annual event that I would like to see continued; maybe we can alter the name of the event slightly to reflect what actually happens there. Besides being a social event, we want to maintain the quality and initial content of it, and expound on more pronounced exposure of FWPCOA to utility hierarchy and help spread the word for our valuable training programs. The cost of this event should be on the association unless we can drum up some sponsorships or contributions.
Joan I. Fernandez Arcadis U.S. Inc.

Work title and years of service.
I’m a senior project manager with over 18 years of experience.
What does your job entail?
As a consulting engineer, my job entails helping utilities and communities improve their water sustainability. Whether it’s leading the design team to accommodate growth and respective capacities for their water and wastewater infrastructure, or working with clients to envision, create, and deliver projects that improve the quality of life, this is my passion.
lateral assessment certification program (PACP/MACP/LACP) certified inspector, in addition to having a certification with the Institute of Asset Management.
What do you like best about your job?
I like that I get to see a project that’s an idea on paper come to life. It brings you great satisfaction as an engineer. I also enjoy getting to know the clients and identify how we can help them improve their existing water and wastewater infrastructure.
What professional organizations do you belong to?
I’m a member of both FWEA and the Chesapeake WEA. Currently, I hold one position in FWEA leadership: secretarytreasurer for Fiscal Year 2022-2023.
How have the organizations helped your career?

I want to thank all the hard-working people in our industry. Thank you for doing all you do every single day! I also want to thank everyone who has helped me in my current role as president; every lil’ thing all of you have done means so much to me!
As a project manager, my time is spent leading multiple project teams in the design and delivery of water and wastewater projects—from scope development to construction services and everything in between. I’m also cultivating relationships with clients and partners; connecting with the market to discover new opportunities; and contributing to the industry through involvement in professional associations, such as the Florida Water Environment Association (FWEA).
What education and training have you had?
I have a B.S. in environmental engineering sciences from the University of Florida (Go Gators!) and a M.S. in environmental engineering from Florida International University (Go Panthers!).
Both organizations (FWEA and CWEA) have helped me tremendously! When I relocated to the Chesapeake area in 2008, I didn’t know any professionals in the water industry except for a few of my coworkers. I started volunteering in various leadership capacities, which gave me the opportunity to expand my network and build relationships with colleagues and clients who I now call friends.
I moved back to south Florida in 2014 and immediately started volunteering with FWEA’s Collection System Committee and its Southeast Chapter. This helped me reconnect with colleagues and clients.
What do you like best about the industry?
The work that we do as water professionals is essential. Safe and reliable access to drinking water and sanitation improves the social, environmental, and economic landscapes of societies here in south Florida, North America, and around the world. While pursuing my undergraduate degree, I came upon a shirt from the Society of Environmental Engineers that stated, “Your No. 2 is our No. 1.” This still rings true.
Don’t forget: it pays to check the rag dumpster!

Let’s keep that water clean! S
I’m a registered professional engineer in the states of Florida and Maryland. I’m also a certified project manager and a National Association of Sewer Service Companies (NASSCO) pipeline assessment certification program, manhole assessment certification program, and
What do you do when you’re not working?
For the most part, when not working I’m either at the beach doing standup paddle or at the gym doing high-intensity interval training.


- Protecting

Aging Well - Protecting Our Infrastructure
540 Technologies
A.Y. McDonald Manufacturing
Aclara Technologies
Aegion-Insituform Technologies, LLC-Underground Solutions, Inc
Armorock Polymer Concrete
Avanti Company
Avista Membrane Treatment Solutions
Badger Meter Barney's Pumps, Inc.
Blue Planet Environmental Systems, Inc.

Burns & McDonnell
Calgon Carbon Corporation
Carollo Engineers
Carter Verplanck, A DXP Company
CHA Companies
Citizen Action Center
Clow Valve Commerce Controls, Inc.
Consolidated Pipe and Supply Core & Main LP
Danus Utilities, Inc.
Data Flow Systems
Dewberry Engineering Inc.
Diversified Technology Corp.
Ductile Iron Pipe Research Association
Empire Pipe & Supply
England-Thims & Miller, Inc.
Environmental Equipment
Environmental MD, Inc.
F.J. Nugent & Associates Inc
Ferguson Waterworks
Florida Aquastore & Utility Construction Inc
Florida Pipeline Sales
Florida Technical Consultants

Flotech Inc
Fluid Control Specialties, Inc.
Ford Meter Box
Fortiline Waterworks
Freese and Nichols, Inc.
General Control Systems, Inc.
Graybar Electric Gutermann Inc

Haskell Hawkins Hazen and Sawyer
HDR Hydromax USA Hymax/Mueller Infratech Group
Innovyze, an Autodesk Company ISCO Industries
Itron Jacobs
JCM Industries
Jones Edmunds & Associates Kasco Marine
Kennedy/M&H Valve & Hydrant Kiewit
Lazenby & Associates, Inc.
McWane Ductile
Mike Thompson Sales inc.
Milwaukee Tool
Mokveld USA, Inc.
Moss Kelley MTS Environmental
Municipal Infrastructure Solutions
National Metering Services, Inc.
Neptune Technology Group
Nozomi Networks
Odyssey Manufacturing Co
Orange County Utilities
PICA Corporation
Porter & Associates
Precon Corporation
PSI Technologies Inc
Rangeline Gourp / R&M Services
Rapid Water Technologies
Romac Ind., Inc.
Sherwin Williams Company
Sigma Corporation
SKS Waterworks LLC
Smith-Blair, Inc.
Specification Rubber
Specified Sales Associates
Spirit Group Inc.
Square D - Schneider Electric
Star Pipe Products
Stenner Pump Company
Sundt Construction, Inc.
Swan Analytical USA
Tesco Controls
Tetra Tech Thames & Associates
Thompson Pipe Group
Tnemec Protective Coatings
Tonka Water, a Kurita brand / KURITA
Tradewinds Power Corp
Tyler Union
U.S. EPA Water Infrastructure & Cyber
Resilience Division
U.S. Pipe
U.S. Saws
UF Treeo Center
UniBell PVC Pipe Association
Utility Defender
Valvetek Utility Services, Inc.
Vanguard Utility Service, Inc.
Veolia Advanced Solutions, USA
Wachs Utility Products
Wager Company of Florida, Inc.
Water Works Inc
Wharton-Smith, Inc.
Wright Pierce
Zion Marine
Utilities Invited to Host Local "Drop Savers" Contest

The Florida Section of the American Water Works Association will again sponsor the statewide "Drop Savers" Water Conservation Poster Contest during National Drinking Water week, scheduled for May 7-13, 2023. Submission deadline is Friday, March 10, 2023, for local winners to be submitted for judging at the state level, Florida utilities are encouraged to begin preparations for showcasing the creativity of their local children.

The contest gives children from kindergarten through high school the opportunity to design a poster about water conservation. Early in the year, local winners are chosen in five different age groups, with winning entries advancing for statewide judging. Utilities publicize the local contests, distribute the contest material to local schools, coordinate the judging, recruit prize sponsors, and arrange local award ceremonies.

Although the state winners will be announced in mid-April prior to Drinking Water Week, utilities should start planning their local celebration now. Interested utilities may download the complete package of "Drop Savers 2023" start-up materials from the "Drop Savers" Florida Section web site at www.fsaww a.org/dropsavers. If you have questions or problems downloading the materials, please contact state coordinator Melissa Velez at {754) 229-3089 or by email velezm@bv.com.
Looking forward to seeing your utility represented this year!
Performance Evaluation of Cloth Disk
Primary Filtration to Increase Carbon Diversion Toward Net-Zero Water Resource Recovery Facilities
Onder T. Caliskaner, Yihan Zhang, George Tchobanoglous, and Brian G. DavisSeveral new filter technologies have been developed that can be used to increase primary treatment performance. In primary filtration (PF), filter technology is used to replace primary sedimentation.
The principal focus of this article is the performance of the first full-scale PF project using a fine pore cloth disk primary filter (CDPF) to maximize the diversion of carbon for the production of energy and to reduce energy usage. Performance data from related pilot-scale CDPF systems are included for process verification.

The removal performance for total suspended solids (TSS) from the three CDPF installations varied from 83 to 85 percent, as compared to 55 to 60 percent typically achieved with primary sedimentation. The removal performance for five-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) from the three CDPF
installations varied from 46 to 58 percent, as compared to 32 to 38 percent BOD5 removal typically achieved with primary sedimentation. The full-scale CDPF results reported here are from several previous pilot and demonstration projects, as well as an ongoing research and demonstration project, conducted for the California Energy Commission (CEC), to demonstrate the potential energy savings that can be achieved through the implementation of CDPF.
Significance of and Technologies for Primary Filtration
Significant benefits that can result from the implementation PF, based on the results of previous studies (Caliskaner et al., 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021; Franchi and
Onder T. Caliskaner, Ph.D., P.E., is president and Yihan Zhang, Ph.D., is a process engineer with Caliskaner Water Technologies Inc. in Woodland, Calif. George Tchobanoglous, Ph.D., P.E., is a professor in the department of civil and environmental engineering at the University of California at Davis in Davis, Calif. Brian G. Davis, P.E., is general manager with the Linda County Water District in Olivehurst, Calif.
Santoro, 2015; Paulsrud et al., 2014; Rusten and Odegaard, 2006), include:
1. Decreased electrical energy required for aeration (by approximately 15 to 30 percent) in secondary treatment because of reduced organic loading.
2. Increased gas energy production in the anaerobic digestion process (by 30 to 40 percent) resulting from the high organic energy content of the volatile suspended solids (VSS) removed and the increased volume of primary sludge sent to the anaerobic digesters.
3. Expanded secondary treatment capacity by reducing the organic loading upstream of the secondary process.
Figure 1.
Demonstration of cloth disk primary filter installation.
4. Reduction of footprint required for primary treatment by approximately 60 to 70 percent.
5. Reduced capital cost for primary and secondary treatment processes.
Although there are several technologies used to replace primary sedimentation facilities, it’s important to note that there are significant differences in the effluent quality, especially with respect to TSS concentration and particle size distribution. For example, there is no comparison between the effluent quality from technologies with pore sizes varying from 150 to 1,000 millimeters (mm)

Cloth Disk Primary Filter
With the enhanced removal of organic material achieved with the CDPF that has a small pore size, the amount of carbonaceous BOD5 that must be treated in the biological treatment process is reduced, which, in turn, results in a reduction in the energy requirements for aeration. The additional organic solids removed with the CDPF also result in greater digester gas production.
A definition sketch for the CDPF used in this study is shown in Figure 1. As shown,
that solidify at ambient temperatures) rise to the surface of the tank and heavy solids settle to the bottom. Floatable material is skimmed from the surface and settled solids are removed with suction headers. The flow of wastewater to be filtered is from the outside through the filter cloth to the inside of the filter cloth housing. The filtered effluent, collected in a header connected to one or more disks, is discharged to the effluent channel.
In effect, there are three active zones within the filter tank: scum zone, filtration zone, and solids settling zone. The filtration
and readily settable material is removed separately and does not pass through the filter media, thus avoiding the solidified grease and solids loading problems that have plagued other direct filtration systems.
Operationally, filterable solids that accumulate on the surface of the filter disks also serve as a secondary filter. As more filterable solids accumulate on the surface of the filter disks, the water level in the tank increases as the headloss through the filter cloth increases. When the liquid level rises to a predetermined setpoint (typically at 12 in.), a backwash cycle is initiated automatically. The filterable solids that accumulate on both sides of the disk filter are removed with a vacuum suction header, which is in contact with the filter cloth. The applied vacuum suction allows the filter fibers to extend into the backwash vacuum suction header, thereby permitting solids that have accumulated on and within the cloth filter to dislodge and be removed.
First Full-Scale Primary Filter Installation at Linda Wastewater Resource Recovery Facility
Figure 3. Average daily total suspended solids reductions for cloth disk primary filter installation at the Linda Wastewater Resource Recovery Facility based on total suspended solids/turbidity correlations. (Note that gaps in data during the reporting period reflect malfunctioning of the turbidimeter.)

The first full-scale CDPF system (Aqua-Aerobic Systems Inc., AquaPrime Filtration System) employing a fine pore cloth was installed at the Linda Wastewater Resource Recovery Facility (WRRF) located in Olivehurst, Calif. (Figure 2). Since start-

up in July 2017, the CDPF system has treated screened wastewater upstream of the secondary treatment process. Operation details of the CDPF system, monitoring and sampling procedures, and the approach used to assess the treatment and hydraulic performances of the CDPF system are discussed elsewhere (Caliskaner et al., 2020). Measured treatment performance data for the CDPF system are presented here to evaluate their impacts toward achieving netzero WRRFs.
Treatment Performance
The treatment performance of the CDPF was evaluated in terms of removals achieved for TSS, BOD5, chemical oxygen demand (COD), total kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), and particle removal efficiency. Performance data from the full- and demonstration-scale CDPF installations were used to perform process simulations using BioWin 5.3. The simulations evaluated the impact of CDPF on downstream processes and energy benefits, including potential reduction in secondary treatment energy requirements and an increase in digester gas production. Results of the simulations are discussed further.
Total Suspended Solids Removal
The TSS removal data are presented in Table 1, based on laboratory measurements. Composite 24-hour samples were analyzed in the laboratory to assess the performance of the CDPF system for TSS removal. Influent TSS values ranged from 160 to 560 mg/L, with an average of 301 mg/L. The average removal performance for TSS was observed to be 83 percent (Table 1). The high TSS removal efficiency achieved by PF increases the volume of primary sludge sent to the anaerobic digesters, as compared to the primary sedimentation facilities. The daily variation in TSS removal over the duration of the test period is shown in Figure 3.
Process simulations using BioWin found that the CDPF resulted in a total sludge increase and biogas energy production increase of approximately 30 and 40 percent, respectively (Caliskaner et al., 2019). Reducing the amount of organic matter applied to the biological treatment process reduces the amount of carbon lost to the atmosphere during aerobic treatment (e.g., activated sludge) and the amount of waste sludge that must be processed. Thus, the total sludge that must be processed contains a much higher proportion of primary sludge, which is easier to digest and yields more
Table 1. Concentration Ranges and Average Removal Performances for Key Constituents for the Cloth Disk Primary Filter Installed at the Linda Wastewater Resource Recovery Facility (a,b,c)

2. Treatment Performance Summary of Cloth Disk Primary Filtration From Different Projects in the United States

gas, as opposed to waste activated sludge (Bolzonella et al., 2005).
An important observation to be made from the data presented in Figure 3 is that, regardless of the influent variability, the TSS effluent concentration was very stable. This stability is important with respect to the performance of the biological treatment process and for the corresponding reduction in the energy requirements for treatment, as peak loadings are reduced.
Biochemical Oxygen Demand and Chemical Oxygen Demand
Treatment performance for BOD5 and COD is summarized In Table 1. Average removal efficiencies for BOD5 and COD were 58 and 57 percent, respectively, which are considerably higher as compared to conventional primary sedimentation. Due to the significant organic load reduction
upstream of the activated sludge process, the capacity of the secondary treatment processes was estimated to increase by approximately 20 percent. Further, by eliminating sudden peak solids and organic loadings to the activated sludge process, the stability of the secondary process is enhanced, leading to improved effluent quality and lower energy costs.
Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Removal
As presented in Table 1, average TKN removal efficiency was observed to be 19 percent. Essentially, all of the TKN removal is associated with the removal of particulate solids.
Discussion of Full-Scale Primary Filtration System Performance
The primary goals of the CDPF
technology development and demonstration project are to demonstrate long-term treatment performance and mechanical reliability, and to verify the process design and operational parameters for CDPF installations.
The CDPF process performance is compared to conventional primary sedimentation in the following section.
Treatment Performance
With respect to treatment, the following performance was achieved:
S TSS removal performance of CDPF was approximately 30 to 50 percent higher compared to conventional primary sedimentation.
S BOD5 and COD removal with CDPF was approximately 30 to 50 percent higher compared to conventional primary sedimentation.
S The resulting increase in biogas energy production has been estimated to be between 30 and 40 percent, based on BioWin simulations using treatment performance results from full- and pilotscale CDPF demonstrations (Caliskaner et al., 2019).
S Aeration power requirement in the downstream aerated activated sludge process is estimated to decrease by approximately 15 to 30 percent, depending on specific WRRF operating conditions. The corresponding capacity increase in secondary treatment processes is approximately 15 to 20 percent (Caliskaner et al., 2019).
S With CDPF, the footprint requirement is reduced by approximately 60 to 70 percent as compared to conventional primary clarifiers.
One of the big differences between the effluent from a CDPF installation and conventional primary sedimentation is that, regardless of the influent TSS loading, the effluent TSS concentration from the CDPF remained relatively constant (see Figure 3), as does the particle size distribution to be processed in the biological treatment process.
Verification of Cloth Disk Primary Filter Performance
To verify performance parameters for the CDPF technology, the results obtained from the full-scale CDPF system at Linda WRRF are compared with other demonstration projects, conducted at several demonstration sites across the United States (Table 2).
As seen in Table 2, CDPF removal performance was observed to be consistent from various pilot-, demonstration-, and full-scale projects.
Ongoing Technology Development and Demonstration Project
A three-and-a-half-year (2021-2025) technology research and demonstration project is underway at the WRRF to demonstrate the benefits and performance of three advanced primary technologies (APT) including CDPF, Microscreen, and compressible medium biofiltration, and three advanced secondary treatment (AST) technologies (membrane aerated bioreactor, aerobic granular sludge, and Microvi). The evaluation of the APT and AST systems is based on energy savings, capacity increase, and treatment performance.
To understand the impact of APT on secondary treatment and to have a comprehensive evaluation on the performance of the combined APT-AST configurations, four different process flow configurations are being demonstrated.
S Demonstration 1 is the baseline performance of primary clarifier combined with conventional secondary treatment.
S Demonstration 2 is to evaluate the treatment performance and economic benefits of enhanced secondary treatment downstream of APT technologies.
S Demonstration 3 is to evaluate the treatment performance of three AST technologies downstream of primary clarifier.
S Demonstration 4 is to evaluate a combined full-scale APT-AST system and quantify the benefits of advanced wastewater treatment.
• Bolzonella, D., Pavan, P., Battistoni, P., & Cecchi, F. (2005). “Mesophilic Anaerobic Digestion of Waste Activated Sludge: Influence of the Solid Retention Time in the Wastewater Treatment Process.” Process Biochemistry, 40(3), 1453–60. https://doi. org/10.1016/j. procbio.2004.06.036.
• Caliskaner, O., Tchobanoglous, G., Reid, T., Kunzman, B., Young, R., & Ramos, N. (2015). “Evaluation and Demonstration of Five Different Filtration Technologies as an Advanced Primary Treatment Method for Carbon Diversion.” Proceedings from 2015 Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference. Chicago, Ill.
• Caliskaner, O., Tchobanoglous, G., Reid,
T., Young, R., Downey, M., & Kunzman, B. (2016). “Advanced Primary Treatment via Filtration to Increase Energy Savings and Plant Capacity.” Proceedings from 2016 Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference. New Orleans, La.
• Caliskaner, O., Tchobanoglous, G., Reid, T., Davis, B. G., Young, R., & Downey, M. (2017). “First Full-Scale Installation of Primary Filtration for Advanced Primary Treatment to Save Energy and Increased Capacity.” Proceedings from 2017 Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference. Chicago, Ill.
• Caliskaner, O., Tchobanoglous, G., Davis, B., Hazard, J., Kim, E., Lund, J., Dyson, J. (2019). “Long-Term Operational and Performance Evaluation of Primary Filtration Technology for Carbon Diversion.” Proceedings from 2019 Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference. Chicago, Ill. (2609–2630).
• Caliskaner, O., Tchobanoglous, G, Imani, L, Davis, B. (2020). “Performance Evaluation of First Full-Scale Primary Filtration Using a Fine Pore Cloth Media Disk Filter.” Water Environ Res. 2020; 00: 1– 18. https://doi. org/10.1002/wer.1358.
• Caliskaner et al. (2021). “Impacts of Primary Effluent Filtration and Primary Filtration Technologies on Performance of Water Resource Recovery Facilities Compared to Conventional Primary Treatment.” Proceedings from 2021 Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference. Chicago, Ill.
• Franchi, A., & Santoro, D. (2015). “Current Status of the Rotating Belt Filtration (RBF) Technology for Municipal Wastewater Treatment.” Water Practice & Technology, 10(2), 19-32. https://doi.org/10.2166/ wpt.2015.038.O.
• Paulsrud, Β., Rusten, B., & Aas, B. (2014). “Increasing the Sludge Energy Potential of Wastewater Treatment Plants by Introducing Fine Mesh Sieves for Primary Treatment.” Water Science & Technology. 69(3), 560-565.
• Rusten, B., & Odegaard, H. (2006). “Evaluation and Testing of Fine Mesh Sieve Technologies for Primary Treatment of Municipal Wastewater.” Water Science & Technology, 54(10), 31-38. S

Mish Clark

It’s going to be a great Florida Water Resources Conference (FWRC) at Gaylord Palms, May 31-June 3, 2023, in Kissimmee. The 2023 conference is all about YOU and the collective impacts you are making in the water industry! Attendee registration opened on Dec. 1, 2022. As of mid-December, more than 60 percent of the exhibit floor is booked, plus many sponsorships are spoken for. Don’t worry though—there are still great sponsorships and booths available.

2023 Florida Water Resources Conference: H2YOU!
Who Should Attend the 2023 Florida Water Resources Conference?
S Academics - Communicate your research results and learn about other research being conducted in your area of interest.

S Consultants - Demonstrate the power and dynamics in your client work and continue to learn from others in the industry.
S Managers, Directors, and Policy MakersDiscover new technologies and innovations for your utility/organization.

S Operations, Maintenance, and Compliance Professionals - Discover new technologies and what’s happening in the water industry.

S Practitioners - Show what is being done in your organization and learn what’s happening in the water industry.
S Public Officials and Regulatory Members
- Meet water professionals who provide comprehensive information on every aspect of water usage.

S Educators - Introduce your students to the water industry and share your efforts for the future of water.
S Students - Share your research, get feedback, and network with the professionals.

Why Attend?
S Network with thousands of other consultants and professionals onsite.
S Explore the latest updates on innovative topics from industry leaders, researchers, and expert practitioners.
S Learn about the benefits of industry-leading products.
S Be inspired by practical applications and technologies from colleagues.
S Enhance your knowledge on the latest work and research to apply to your organization.
S Expand and strengthen your skill set and framework with hands-on workshops.
S Earn educational credits at hot-topic technical sessions.
S Present your research, project, and/or product to receive feedback.
Why Exhibit? It’s One of the Best Opportunities to Reach Your Target Market
With over 400 exhibitors presenting new products and technical processes, there are more opportunities here than ever. The 2023 FWRC can help you grow your market share, develop leads, connect with existing customers and prospects, and market-test new ideas. Get ready to be impressed with the latest and greatest from the best and brightest. Whatever your motivation or sales strategies, your bottom line will thank you for getting to the largest joint water/wastewater/stormwater event in the Southeast. It’s all here.
What’s Included With Your Booth Reservation?
S Exhibit space is a 10-foot x 10-foot unit that includes:

• booth carpet
• 6-foot table
• 3-foot side drape dividers
• 8-foot back drape
• 1 chair
• 1 trash bin
S Single line of one exhibitor company identification sign
S Up to four staff exhibit-hall-only registrations per booth
S Company listing in the official conference program issue
S Discounted advertising rates in the Florida Water Resources Journal conference issue
Have you Booked Your Attendee Registrations?
As we return to the Gaylord Palms, central Florida provides an excellent opportunity to reach those potential clients and workers who manage, design, and operate the water environment industry.
There is access to technical papers being presented at sessions and workshops, and involvement in the Operations Challenge Competition, Top Ops Competition, and Best Tasting Drinking Water Contest. University students can participate in the Student Design Competition and the Student Poster Competition. With the popular “Women of Water” forum, young professionals sessions and activities, a facility tour, and more, there is something for everyone at every level at the 2023 FWRC. Register today!
Where to Register for a Booth, Sponsorship, or Book Your Attendee Registrations?
For all of the information you need, go to www.fwrc.org.
See you in Kissimmee in June at the Gaylord Palms!
Mish Clark is the new executive director of the Florida Water Resources Conference. Please do not hesitate to reach out to her at 267.884.6292. S
What Do You Know About Onsite Sewage Treatment and Disposal Systems?
such a well serves a facility with an estimated sewage flow of 2,000 gallons or less per day?
a. 75 feet b. 100 feet c. 150 feet d. 200 feet
1. Per the Florida Department of Health website, as of July 1, 2021, which agency is responsible for the onsite sewage treatment and disposal systems (OSTDS) program and all its regulatory authority?
a. Florida Department of Health (FDOH)
b. Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP)
c. Public Service Commission (PSC)
d. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
2. Per the Interagency Agreement Between Florida Department of Environmental Protection and Florida Department of Health in Compliance with Florida’s Clean Waterways Act for Transfer of the Onsite Sewage Program of June 30, 2021 (interagency agreement), who administers the OSTDS program at the local level?
c. Department of Health - County Health Departments (DOH - CHDs)
d. OSTDS Interagency Transfer Team
3. Per Florida Statutes, Section 381.0065(2), Onsite Sewage Treatment and Disposal Systems, an onsite sewage treatment and disposal system that employs materials, devices, or techniques that are novel or unique and that have not been successfully fieldtested under sound scientific and engineering principles is called a(n) a. disallowed system.
b. experimental system. c. innovative system. d. unique septic system.
4. Per Florida Administrative Code (FAC) 62-6, Standards for Onsite Sewage and Disposal Systems, all OSTDS must be located and installed so that, with proper maintenance, the systems function in a sanitary manner, do not create sanitary nuisances or health hazards, and do not endanger the safety of any domestic water supply, groundwater, or surface water. How far away must an OSTDS be located from a public drinking water well if
5. Per FAC 62-6, OSTDS must not be located under buildings or within how many feet of building foundations, mobile home walls, or swimming pool walls?
a. 5 feet b. 10 feet c. 20 feet d. 25 feet
6. Per FAC 62-6, required criteria for OSTDS include the requirement for effective soil depth throughout the drainfield installation site to extend at least how far below the bottom surface of the drainfield?
a. 24 inches b. 36 inches c. 42 inches d. 48 inches
7. Per FAC 62-6, what type of soil is considered severely limited with regard to installation of an OSTDS?
a. Sand, fine sand, and loamy sand b. Very fine sand, loamy fine sand, and silt c. Very fine sandy loam, sandy clay loam, clay loam d. Clay, bedrock, and oolitic limestone
8. Per FDEP’s website, Onsite Sewage FAQ –Permitting, permits for OSTDS, including septic tank systems, are issued by the environmental health section of the a. EPA.
b. FDEP. c. FDOH state office. d. FDOH local county health department.
9. Per FDEP’s Memorandum, Interim Guidance for Private Provider Inspections, as of July 1, 2022, a new law allows owners of OSTDS to use private provider inspectors for construction inspections of OSTDS. Per this guidance, which of the following persons could be a private provider inspector?
a. Any Florida licensed engineer b. Any certified environmental health professional (CEHP)

c. A master septic tank contractor
d. A Florida licensed wastewater treatment plant operator
10. Per FAC 62-6, in order to abandon an existing septic tank, certain actions are required. These include obtaining a permit, pumping out the tank by
a permitted septage disposal company, rupturing the bottom of the tank or collapsing the tank, and a. covering the tank with concrete.
b. filling the tank with clean sand and covering with soil.
c. removing the tank and appurtenances and hauling to a landfill.
d. testing the surrounding area for signs of contamination.
Answers on page 50
References used for this quiz:
• Florida Department of Health Onsite Sewage Program website: https://www.floridahealth.gov/%5C/environmentalhealth/onsite-sewage/index.html
• Florida Department of Health, Interagency Agreement Between Florida Department of Environmental Protection and Florida Department of Health in Compliance with Florida’s Clean Waterways Act for Transfer of the Onsite Sewage Program of June 30, 2021: https://www.floridahealth.gov/%5C/environmentalhealth/onsite-sewage/_documents/interagencyagreement-between-fdoh-fdep-onsitesigned-06302021.pdf
• Florida Statutes, Section 381.0065(2), Onsite sewage treatment and disposal systems: https://www.flsenate.gov/Laws/ Statutes/2020/381.0065
• Florida Administrative Code 62-6, Standards for Onsite Sewage Treatment and Disposal Systems https://www.flrules.org/gateway/ChapterHome. asp?Chapter=62-6
• Florida Department of Environmental Protection website, Onsite Sewage FAQ – Permitting: https://floridadep.gov/water/onsite-sewage/ content/onsite-sewage-faq-permitting
• Florida Department of Environmental Protection Memorandum, Interim Guidance for Private Provider Inspections: https://floridadep.gov/sites/default/files/Interim Guidance ForPrivateProviderInspections-2022 0628_2.pdf
Send Us Your Questions
Readers are welcome to submit questions or exercises on water or wastewater treatment plant operations for publication in Test Yourself. Send your question (with the answer) or your exercise (with the solution) by email to: donna@h2owriting.com

Weld Well to End Well
Safety is a critical consideration for any welding project. Arc welding is a safe undertaking when proper precautions are taken, but if certain measures are ignored, welders (and those around them) face an array of hazards that can be potentially dangerous, including electric shock, respiratory hazards, eye and skin injuries, fire, explosions, and more.
To help keep welders safe, organizations such as the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists, American Welding Society, and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) offer safety guidelines to help control, minimize, or help employers and workers avoid welding hazards.

Here are a few to review before beginning any welding project.
Eye Injuries
Welding and cutting operations are a major source of eye injury. Related accidents occur when proper personal protective equipment (PPE) is not worn. The most common eye injuries result from flash burn, metal flying into the eye, and particulates falling into the eye. The only measure that will prevent eye injury is the use of appropriate eyewear and shields. It’s also important not to wear contact lenses while welding or near where welding is taking place. Welding helmet sand filter plates are intended to help protect users from arc rays and from weld sparks and spatters that strike directly against the helmet. They are not intended to protect against slag chips, grinding fragments,
wire wheel bristles, and similar hazards that can ricochet under the helmet. Spectacles, goggles or other appropriate eye protection must also be worn to protect against these impact hazards.
When arc cutting and arc welding with an open arc, OSHA requires operators to use helmets or hand shields with filter lenses and cover plates. Nearby personnel viewing the arc must also be protected and the welder should always use a welding curtain or wall. Safety glasses with a shade 2 lens are recommended for general-purpose protection for viewers.
Skin Injuries
Injuries to the skin usually result from ultraviolet rays or from hot metal. The hot metal may be the material being worked on, or it may be part of the equipment. Unprotected skin is at risk for injury. In addition to burns, it’s easy for exposed skin to be cut during work with sharp metal. Proper safety shoes, clothing, and PPE will greatly reduce the chances of skin injury.
Respiratory Hazards
Without adequate ventilation, or when adequate PPE is not used, the threat of respiratory injury greatly increases. Before welding, the welder should know what the metal is and the potential effects of the fumes produced, which include carbon monoxide. Inhaling welding fumes or gas can produce
metal-fume fever, the symptoms of which include a metallic taste in the mouth, fatigue, nausea, and muscular and joint pain. Depending on the metal or alloy, the results can be fatal.
Adequate ventilation (natural, mechanical, or respiratory) must be provided for all welding, cutting, brazing, and related operations, which means enough ventilation so that a person’s exposure to hazardous concentrations of airborne contaminants is maintained below the level set by federal standards.

Adequate ventilation depends on the following factors:
S Volume and configuration of the space where the welding operations occur
S Number and type of operations that are generating contaminants
S Natural air flow rate where operations are taking place
S Location of the breathing zones for the welder and other workers in relation to contaminants or sources
Natural ventilation is considered sufficient for welding and brazing operations if the work area meets these requirements:
S Space of more than 10,000 square feet is provided per welder
S A ceiling height of more than 16 feet
S Welding is not done in a confined space
S Welding space does not contain partitions, balconies, or structured barriers that obstruct cross ventilation
Whenever feasible, local and area ventilation systems should be used to remove harmful fumes and gases; however, in many cases, engineering controls alone cannot reduce exposure levels adequately. In such cases, it may be appropriate to use respirators. For most welding applications, an array of respirator options exist that offer specific benefits.
Electric Shock
Electric shock is one of the most serious and immediate risks facing a welder. It can lead to severe injury or death, either from the shock itself or from a fall caused by the reaction to a shock.
Electric shock occurs when welders touch two metal objects that have a voltage between them, thereby inserting themselves into the electrical circuit. For instance, if a worker holds a bare wire in one hand and a second bare wire with the other, an electric current will pass through that wire and through the welding operator, causing an electric shock. Be aware that the higher the voltage, the higher the current, and thus, the higher the risk for the electric shock to result in injury or death.
The most common type of electric shock is secondary voltage shock from an arc welding circuit, which ranges from 20 to 100 volts. Bear in mind that even a shock of 50 volts or less can be enough to injure or kill an operator, depending on the conditions. Due to its constant change in polarity, alternating current (AC) voltage is more likely to stop the heart than direct current (DC). It’s also more likely to make the person holding the wire unable to let go.
Be sure all electrical equipment is properly installed, inspected, operated, and maintained. Before use, consider the following:
S Placement of welding machines
S Placement of cables
S Load protection
S Use of electrodes and holders
Fire Hazard
Welding and cutting should be done in designated areas that are free of flammable materials or conditions favorable to fire or explosion. If your utility has a hot-work permit program, make sure to follow its requirements. Before and during the welding operation, the welder and safety watch should do the following:
S Inspect the area for flammable and combustible material before welding or cutting begins
S Cover cracks or floor openings
S Have fire extinguishers on hand
During welding, constantly watch for fires between walls, on opposite sides of metal partitions, or in any concealed place.
Personal Protective Equipment
Your utility’s PPE helps to keep welding operators free from injury, such as burns, which are the most common welding injury, and exposure to arc rays. The right PPE allows for freedom of movement, while still providing adequate protection from welding hazards.
Thanks to their durability and fire resistance, leather and flame-resistant cotton clothing is recommended in welding environments. This is because synthetic material, such as polyester or rayon, will melt when exposed to extreme heat. Welding leathers are especially recommended when welding out of position, such as applications that require vertical or overhead welding.
Avoid rolling up sleeves or pant cuffs because sparks or hot metal can deposit in the folds and may burn through the material. Keep pants over the top of work boots—don't tuck them in. Leather boots with 6- to 8-inch ankle coverage are the best foot protection. Metatarsal guards over the shoelaces can protect a welder's feet from falling objects and sparks.
Confined Spaces
Because of the small size and questionable atmosphere in most confined spaces, welding and cutting in such spaces requires very serious thought and planning.
There are very specific regulations from OSHA when it comes to welding in confined spaces. If the area can’t get proper ventilation without blocking the means of entry, welders must use respirators and be in constant communication with a coworker on the outside. Another OSHA rule states that safety belts, lifelines, and preplanned rescue procedures are required if the welding work has to happen in a space with a very small entryway (like manholes).
Always check the following before working in a confined space:

S Make sure there isn’t any equipment blocking the exit
S Test the air for toxic gases before entering the workspace
S Remove all hazardous materials
S Keep vents open and making sure valves are tight and leak-free
S Have the means to immediately shut off gases, fuel, and power from inside the space if possible
Fire and Explosions
The welding arc creates extreme temperatures and may pose a significant fire and explosion hazard if safe practices are not followed. While the welding arc may reach temperatures of 10,000°F, the real danger is not from the arc itself, but rather the intense heat near the arc and the heat, sparks, and spatter created by the arc. This spatter can reach up to 35 feet away from the welding space.
To prevent fires, before beginning to weld inspect the work area for any flammable materials and remove them. Flammable materials are comprised of three categories:
S Liquid, such as gasoline, oil, and paint
S Solid, such as wood, cardboard, and paper
S Gas, including acetylene, propane, and hydrogen
Other Safety Considerations
In any welding situation, the operators should pay close attention to safety information on the products being used and the safety data sheets provided by the manufacturer, and they should work with their employer and coworkers to follow appropriate safe practices for their workplace.
Good common sense is key to a safe workplace when welding. If opening cans of electrode, keep your hands away from sharp edges. Remove clutter and debris from the welding area to prevent tripping or falling, and never use broken or damaged equipment or PPE.
By following these safety practices, operators can stay safe and alive and keep production moving with no lost-time accidents.
For additional information, go to the OSHA website at www.osha.gov, or the website for the American Welding Society at www.aws.org.

All tickets are available including Full and One-day tickets, Exhibit Hall only, Booth staff, Speakers, Students, Retired and all add-on options such as b'fast and lunches

Wastewater Treatment Creates

High-Quality Water for Florida
Greg D. Taylor, P.E.
and to our “Best of the Best” Tap Water Taste Contest winner, Citrus County Utilities, which will represent us at the 2023 AWWA Annual Conference and Exposition (ACE23) in Toronto!
Water Comes From Many Sources
appy New Year! As a welcome start to 2023, I’d like to first thank section staff and the Manufacturers/Associates Council (MAC) for once again executing an exquisite 2022 Fall Conference, with record attendance and participation from our members. Congratulations to all of the award winners
As the recently elected chair of FSAWWA, I would like to thank everyone for their faith and support. This is my first article for the magazine and it’s an honor to be able to share ideas and thoughts regarding the state of the water industry. The section and our sister professional organizations have strived to show the value of water, and we recognize our role as stewards. We have long since realized that water, in all its forms, is a precious resource. Florida, in particular, has been a leader in recognizing this and developing solutions to maximizing the benefits of water.
Our traditional water supply sources have primarily come from groundwater wells, with surface water supplies being the second largest water source. As the state’s population grows, our traditional resources have been strained as we strive to protect the environment. Over the past few decades, we have even looked to brackish water and ocean resources to supplement the state’s water supply. Conservation programs have shown widespread adoption to reduce customer demands and extend the availability of water. New technologies, in conjunction with old and new ideas on water, have helped drive solutions such as stormwater capture, reclaimed water distribution expansion, and potable reuse.
As the January issue is focused on wastewater treatment, this should be recognized as a vital component to solving the water supply issues around Florida. At many wastewater treatment facilities throughout the state, the effluent produced is of high quality and can be used as public access reuse water. This effluent has the ability to protect water supplies from saltwater intrusion, offset potable water demand through irrigation and gray water use, restore wetlands and other environmentally sensitive areas, or someday soon, be used as a supplemental potable water supply source through indirect or direct potable reuse.
Whichever use is the most beneficial for your community, thoughtful consideration is to be given to net benefits and costs. We truly live in a “one water” environment as we take the water from the environment, use it and produce wastewater, capture wastewater and stormwater, and then reintroduce the clean water back to the environment for us to use again and again.
Get and Stay Involved
As the new year begins, I encourage you to start and hopefully continue active communications with your political representatives. Section committees are conducting meetings and have started to debate regulations and funding opportunities. In order to implement the technologies and planning initiatives that are required for us to continue to manage this precious resource, we must work with our representatives to help prioritize funding resources for water.
We at FSAWWA want to wish a Happy New Year to you all!

From Stormwater to Wastewater Treatment

The Water Environment Federation (WEF) has been asking members to share their water stories, mainly relating how they
ended up working in water. As part of its new strategic plan, WEF is working to amplify the stories of water to grow, strengthen, and diversify the water community. Members are encouraged to share their water stories with WEF and follow #WEFwaterstories on social media.
My Wastewater Treatment Story
In my case, I stumbled into wastewater treatment through my stormwater background. One could say that it all started back when I was
attending Auburn University. While in school I worked for a small consulting firm in Columbus, Ga., about a 45-minute drive from Auburn. We primarily did subdivision design work, and I discovered that I really liked to work on stormwater systems.

After graduating from Auburn in 1994, I began to work with the Florida Department of Transportation in Bartow. Once I completed the 18-month-long professional engineer trainee program, I began working in the stormwater group. A few years later, I returned to a consulting firm doing stormwater design for developments in north Florida. This work eventually led into managing site development projects at another firm where one engineer handled the utilities design for all projects.
One day he surprised us and went to work for one of our clients, so I needed to jump into utilities design for my projects, and I eventually became a utility liaison between the City of Tallahassee and my firm.
Over time, the city managed to recruit me to join its team. Honestly, I resisted at first because I was afraid of being bored of working for a government. Ha—was I ever wrong in that regard!
My work at the city started off with water and sewer design work; however, the wastewater treatment facility had some stormwater flooding
members and I got to know each other, and they started to ask for assistance with other site issues as I showed interest in the workings of the facility.
Unknowingly to me, in 2005 a request was made to the utility director by Darby Dressel, the wastewater treatment supervisor, to reassign me to the wastewater treatment facility. From there I served as the project manager for the multiyear facility upgrade, which lead to my becoming the operations supervisor, followed by returning to the engineering office to manage the wastewater treatment capital improvement program.
I feel very fortunate that my water story turned into a wastewater treatment story. As I wind down my time at the city, I am glad to share my knowledge with the next generation of water storytellers.
Wastewater Process Committee and Upcoming Seminars

There are several ways to get more involved or to learn more about wastewater treatment. For example, WEF is planning an Innovations in Process Engineering Conference, scheduled for June 6-9, 2023, in Portland, Ore. If interested, abstracts, session proposals, and workshop
proposals can be submitted until Jan. 13, 2023. More information is available on the conference webpage at www.wef.org/events/conferences/ upcoming-conferences/ProcessEngineering.
For a Florida focus, the FWEA Wastewater Process Committee is a great source. The next Wastewater Process Seminar will take place on
Jan. 24, 2023. This 10th annual seminar will take place in two locations! The presenters will be located in Pompano Beach, while an in-person remote telecast is available in St. Augustine.
To learn more about the committee and its upcoming seminar, visit www.fwea.org for more information. S
WWEMA Elects 2023 Officers and Directors
The members of the Water and Wastewater Equipment Manufacturers Association (WWEMA) elected new officers and directors during its 114th annual meeting that was held in San Diego from Nov. 2-4, 2022.

New Members
The 2023 WWEMA Executive Committee members are:
S Chair William (Bill) Decker, vice president and general manager–equipment services group, Aqua-Aerobic Systems Inc., Loves Park, Ill.
S Chair-Elect Henk-Jan van Ettekoven, president, HUBER Technology Inc., Denver, N.C.
S Vice-Chair Jay Conroy, president, HydroDyne Engineering Inc., Clearwater, Fla.
S Treasurer Tom McCurdy, director of sales–environmental, Aerzen USA, Coatesville, Pa.
S Immediate Past Chair Vince Baldasare, sales manager, The Gorman-Rupp Co., Mansfield, Ohio

Three members were newly elected to the WWEMA 2023 board of directors:
S Adam Bates, director–water market area, KSB Inc., Henrico, Va.
S Stacy Belanger, product manager–municipal, JWC Environmental, Santa Ana, Calif.
S Richard Ercolini, southeast regional manager, TESCO Controls Inc., Sacramento, Calif.
An additional three members were reelected to serve a second three-year term:
S Fritz Egger, general manager, SPIRAC (USA) Inc., Newnan, Ga.
S William Flores, vice president–municipal systems and customer service, Smith & Loveless Inc., Lenexa, Kan.
S Michelle McNish, president, Walker Process Equipment, Aurora, Ill.
Jay Conroy is 2022 Morriss Award Winner
At the November conference WWEMA also named the recipient of its 2022 James
C. Morriss Member Achievement Award.
The award went to Jay Conroy, president of HydroDyne Engineering Inc., headquartered in Clearwater. The award is presented each year to a WWEMA member for significant contributions to the mission of the association and to the overall benefit of the water and wastewater industry.
Vince Baldasare, 2022 chair for WWEMA presented the award to Conroy. Baldasare cited Conroy’s outstanding service to and support of the association.
Conroy regularly attends the association’s Washington Forum, Presidents Council, and annual meeting. He writes industry articles on behalf of WWEMA and is currently serving on the Dues Subcommittee.
He has served as the vice chair and chair of the Marketing and Member Services Committee and has also served on the association’s Strategic Planning Committee.
Conroy founded Hydro-Dyne Engineering shortly after graduating from the University of Florida with degrees in environmental engineering, business administration, and sales engineering. Under his leadership the company has patented and acquired equipment designs, overseen several facility expansions, and localized all engineering and manufacturing functions, and has opened several international markets with more than 2,000 installations worldwide.
Since 1908, WWEMA has informed, educated, and provided leadership on the issues that shape the future of the water and wastewater industry. Its member companies supply the most sophisticated leading-edge products and technologies, offering solutions to every water-related environmental problem and need facing today’s society. For more information, visit www.wwema.org. S

Welcome to the FWEA Chapter Corner! The Member Relations Committee of the Florida Water EnvironmentvAssociation hosts this article to celebrate the success of recent association chapter activities and inform members of upcoming events. To have information included for your chapter, send details to Melody Gonzalez at gonzalezm@bv.com. Melody Gonzalez
First Coast Chapter: Getting Bigger and Better Every Year

First Coast Chapter is growing fast and looking for volunteers and sponsors
Manasi ParekhOverview of First Coast Events
The First Coast Chapter holds several social and technical events jointly with FSAWWA Region II. The year kicked off with the Sporting Clays event, which is held annually on Presidents’ Day. This event was held at the Saltwaters Shooting Club in St. Augustine and was accompanied by an amazing barbeque lunch and raffle prizes.
The chapter hosts a spring luncheon in conjunction with the FSAWWA Region II Drop Savers Poster Contest and Best Tasting Drinking Water Contest. In 2022, this event, at the San Jose Country Club, was very well-attended. Following the luncheon was the Don Maurer Putting Tournament held at TPC Sawgrass. The proceeds from this event go toward the Don Maurer Scholarship Fund at the University of Florida. This is one of the flagship events of the chapter and has seen over 130 participants.
The annual golf tournament at the end of summer was another flagship event, held at the St. Johns Golf and Country Club. Other summer events included the annual fishing tournament and young professionals and veterans networking events.
Last but not the least, we ended the year with a holiday social and toy drive. This is a member appreciation event to acknowledge all members, volunteers, and sponsors; take a look back on the previous year; and get energized for the upcoming year. This event, at Aardwolf Brewing in Jacksonville, was well-attended and included students from our thriving student chapters at University of Florida and University of North Florida.
Show Your Support!
We are continuously seeking volunteers and sponsors to join us in the continued growth of the First Coast Chapter and the numerous events we host year round. If you would like more information about getting involved, either as an individual or with company support, please feel to reach out to the chair of the chapter, Dave Rasmussen, at DRasmussen@ardurra.com.

Parekh, P.E., is past chair of the FWEA First Coast Chapter, chair of the Seminars Committee, and secretary of the Wastewater Process Committee.

Asset Management for Water and Wastewater Treatment Systems: Local Officials Primer
Aging infrastructure, projected lower growth in the economy, and increasingly sophisticated demands from regulators and other stakeholders are creating a perfect storm of challenges for water and wastewater utilities, placing conventional maintenance and capital planning practices under pressure.

Many utilities are looking to recent developments in asset management best practices. The essence of this is the value realization from assets—ensuring that the right things are being done right, and that these activities support an organization’s strategic objectives. But how does your organization define value, and where should you begin?
This article is primarily intended for local officials who are directly or indirectly involved in decisions affecting water and wastewater utility systems.
Asset Management
Asset management is maintaining a desired level of service for what you want your assets to provide at the lowest life cycle cost. Lowest life cycle cost refers to the best appropriate cost for rehabilitating, repairing, or replacing an asset. Asset management is implemented through an asset management program and typically includes a written asset management plan.
Water and wastewater systems need asset management to:

S Address aging water infrastructure assets before they fail.
S Keep assets productive, and not allow them to become disruptive liabilities.
S Treat all decisions as investment decisions to maximize limited financial resources.
S Make costs transparent to support financial decisions.
Asset management requires: Continued on page 44
S Support and involvement of local officials who have the authority and willingness to commit public resources and personnel to maintain community assets.
S A commitment of time and money to make cost-effective asset decisions (spending some money in the short term to save more money over the long term).
S A team made up of key decision makers.
Improving Service and Maintaining Infrastructure Through Asset Management
A sustainable water service delivers safe, clean water to the satisfaction of its customers, while managing infrastructure assets to maximize their useful life. An asset management plan will help you “tell the story” of water system assets to the community in a way that is understandable. Small systems that have simple asset management plans can benefit as much as large systems that have complex plans.
Asset management will enable your system to:
S Have more efficient and focused operations.
S Choose capital projects that meet the system’s true needs.
S Base rates on sound operational decisions.
S Improve its financial health.
S Reduce environmental violations due to failed or poorly performing assets.

S Improve the security and safety of infrastructure assets.
The Five Core Questions for Asset Management
A good starting point for asset management for any system is a list of five core framework questions, which walk you through all of the major activities associated with asset management.
What is the current state of my system’s assets?
Your water system’s assets are part of your community’s total assets. A decline in the value of your infrastructure indicates insufficient funding of asset management.

What is my required “sustainable” level of service?
Knowing your required “sustainable” level of service will help you implement an asset management program and communicate to stakeholders what you are doing. The required level of service is the basis for justifying your user rates.
Which assets are critical to sustained performance?
Identifying critical assets will help you make decisions about resource allocation and about maintaining or improving your sustainable level of service.
What are my life cycle costs?
Knowing the answer to this question will help your system move from a passive “fix it when it breaks” posture to an active program of preventive maintenance and timely asset replacement.
What is my best long-term financing strategy?
Knowing the full economic costs and revenues generated by your water system will help determine the system’s financial forecast. This forecast can then provide needed information in making decisions regarding long-term funding strategy.
Accounting for Your Assets
The Governmental Accounting Standards Board’s Statement #34 (GASB 34) revises several accounting and financial reporting practices for state and local governmental entities, including publicly owned water systems. If your water system is publicly owned, you will need to follow GASB 34 requirements to obtain a “clean opinion” (i.e.,

a good credit rating) from an auditor. Without a clean opinion, you may face higher interest rates on loans and bonds and may be more closely scrutinized by regulators and public officials.
Following GASB 34 standards will require publicly owned water systems to report the value of infrastructure assets and the cost of deferred maintenance. An accurate and up-to-date asset management plan will help you comply with this requirement.

Key Role for Local Officials: Building Community Support
Successfully implementing an asset management program means overcoming potential barriers by including the community in the process. Local officials are key players in successful asset management programs because they are uniquely positioned to address these challenges.
Barriers to implementing an asset management program may include:
S Expecting to see immediate results.
S Changing from a focus on operations to a focus on assets.
S Paying for short-term costs to achieve longterm savings.
S Reconciling a short-term focus (e.g., rate increases) with a long-term view of system sustainability.
These barriers can be overcome by building community support for asset management’s emphasis on planning as a means for costeffective infrastructure investment. An asset management plan is an effective way to communicate your strategy and work.
In order for your system to gain community support, your customers should:
S Understand what you do.
S Believe that what you do has value.
S See that the way you work meets the agreed-upon level of service.
Asset management helps you:
S Share information with your customers.
S Describe the risks of not maintaining system components.
S Communicate your system’s requirements.
S Justify rehabilitation, repair, and replacement project priorities.
S Justify your long-term financial plan to the public.
Implementing an asset management program will allow you to start having sustainable water service that will maximize the useful life of your assets, be financially selfsupporting, and protect public health and the environment. S

The Econoline pressure transmitter from Keller is built for next-level performance at an optimum price point. It combines a proven media-isolated, piezoresistive silicon sensor with contemporary signal conditioning electronics to provide a compact pressure transmitter with class-leading total error band accuracy. In addition, the Econoline provides outstanding performance under harsh environmental conditions, including those with high levels of electromagnetic radiation, both conducted and radiated. The Econoline provides trouble-free service and sufficient accuracy for almost any application, including those involving aggressive media and/or high levels of electromagnetic interference and where small size, low weight, and reasonable cost are required. The modular design of the Econoline provides maximum versatility for customer specific applications and is produced using modern manufacturing methods. It allows for short lead times, which negates the need for the user to maintain extra inventory onsite. (www.kelleramerica.com)
treatment effluents. The basic sensing element used in the total chlorine monitor is a threeelectrode amperometric membrane sensor that measures chlorine directly. The chlorine measurement does not alter the sample or add any chemicals to the sample stream, so the water flow can return to the system, if desired. This direct measuring system does not require the addition of chemical reagents to measure total chlorine, which means that the unit can be deployed for months without having to change anything; usually, reagents typically need to be maintained on a monthly basis.
In addition to total chlorine measurement, the Q46/79PR is also available with an optional pH input that provides a two-parameter monitoring system. It can be supplied with sample flow controls mounted to a PVC back plate ready to mount; simply connect the power, water sample, and analog/ relay outputs. Systems are available with or without a flow switch for remote indication of loss of sample.
as a tried-and-true method for water and wastewater treatment. That doesn’t mean the technology can’t be upgraded, and the Leopold Texler lamella clarifier from Xylem is a great example, as its lamellae are made from a recyclable, durable, high-density polyethylene geotextile material that reduces service and maintenance requirements, while cutting solids by more than 80 percent.
The lamella plates typically found in clarifiers are made from heavy stainless steel plates, which require extensive support structures and significant capital investment. When exposed to sunlight, steel reflects ultraviolet rays and promotes algae growth in the clarifier, reducing the clarification performance and requiring regular, manual cleaning. The repellent and flexible nature of the geotextile prevents sludge accumulation on the lamella sheets, which reduces the need for regular cleaning.
The biological activity enhancer (BAE) from Prodex is an organic liquid formula for use in aerobic and anaerobic environments to improve operational efficiency and maximize renewable energy production. As the green component to the engineered infrastructure, it provides plants with a lowcost biostimulant for existing microbes, increasing activity and populations to give the plant the best biology possible. Wastewater treatment plants can use it to boost biogas production, convert food waste to energy, and help remove nitrogen, and it can be used in maintenance dosage and emergency use. It reduces operational costs, such as hauling, chemicals, and energy; enhances plant operational efficiency and stability; improves solids handling and sludge settling; and accelerates recovery after plant upsets. By maximizing the microbial workforce, it helps the industry work toward cleaner water resources and a greener energy supply. (www.prodexproducts.com)
RThe Model Q46H/79PR Total Chlorine Measurement System from Analytical Technology (a Badger Meter brand) is a highly versatile online monitoring system designed for the continuous measurement of total chlorine in solution. It’s well suited for potable water systems, water reuse systems, cooling towers, and monitoring wastewater
RIts simplicity in design means less investment in replacement parts, and because it takes less manpower to operate, the overall operating cost is very manageable. The addition of features, like a pH input to its basic functionality, makes it all the more valuable in water and wastewater applications. (www.badgermeter.com)
The Davit Cranes from Patterson, available in ½-ton and 1-ton capacities, can give utility operations a lift. The lowmaintenance, easy-to-assemble design offers adequate reach to accommodate lifting large loads within tight spaces, and a boom that can be adjusted to nearly 45 degrees to allow for clearance over obstructions, such as handrails. Built for durability, it comes standard with a hot-dipped galvanized finish and stainless steel hardware to prevent rust and corrosion in wet work environments. Following Patterson’s tradition of safetyfocused innovation, the product features a reliable brake to keep loads in position without creeping. For over 160 years the company has been a trusted supplier of winches, rigging, fittings, and custom products for lifting applications. The cranes are made in the United States and deliver on the company’s promise of helping businesses run safer, easier, and faster. (www. pattersonmfg.com) R
For centuries, sedimentation has served
Lamella sheets are installed at an inclined 55-degree angle. Solids settle as the water travels upward between the lamella sheets and flows through trough covers, featuring an integrated v-notch weir, resulting in even distribution of flow throughout the clarifier.
RThe inclined plate arrangement of the system allows for an increase in the clarification area and allows for higher surface overflow rates, reducing the required basin dimensions by up to 80 percent for new builds and allowing more than 100 percent increase in flow within existing sedimentation basins. The geotextile material has been proven in similar applications to last over 20 years. The width of the lamella sheets can be adapted to optimize the use of existing basins. As a result, water treatment capacity of existing rectangular clarification systems can be increased by up to 100 percent, with an over 80 percent reduction in solids and turbidity values reaching levels less than 1 NTU. The product’s modular design allows for easy maintenance as each lamella sheet can be easily removed independently. The flexible design allows for cost-effective retrofitting of existing rectangular basins, which significantly reduces the overall construction costs, while significantly increasing flow capacity. (www.xylem.com) S
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The Coral Springs Improvement District
A GREAT place to further your career and enhance your life! CSID offers…
City of Titusville - Multiple Positions Available

Water Reclamation Superintendent, Plant Operator Trainee, Maintenance Mechanic, Industrial Electrician, Distribution Foreman, Distribution Operator, Collection Foreman, Collection Operator, Lift Station Electrician. Apply at www.titusville.com
Brevard County is currently accepting applications for the following positions:
Heavy Equipment Operators Maintenance Workers Mechanics Painters Treatment Plant Operators Utility Service Operators / Workers Utility System Specialists
For more information and to apply, please visit https://career8.successfactors.com/career?company=brevardcou
Brevard county is an Equal Opportunity/Veteran Preference employer.
Water Plant Operator
Technical work in the operation of a water treatment plant and auxiliary facilities on an assigned shift. Performs quality control lab tests and other analyses, monthly regulatory reports, and minor adjustments and repairs to plant equipment. Applicant must have State of Florida D.E.P. Class “A”, “B”, or “C ” Drinking Water License at time of application. Excellent benefits package. To apply and/or obtain more details contact City of Temple Terrace, Chief Plant Operator at (813) 506-6593 or Human Resources at (813) 5066430 or visit www.templeterrace.com. EOE/DFWP.
$17.59 - $30.12 per hour • w/”C” Certificate
$19.35 - $33.13 per hour • w/”B” Certificate (+10% above “C”)
$21.28 - $36.44 per hour • w/”A” Certificate (+10% above “B”)
Salary levels are at the top of the industry Health Insurance that is unmatched when compared to like sized Districts Promotions from within for qualified employees Continuing education courses to develop your skills and further your growth Retirement plans where an employee can earn 18% of their salary by contributing only 6% toward their future
The Coral
Springs Improvement District
is seeking qualified employees in the following fields: Water Plant Operator
Applicants must have a valid Class C or higher Drinking water license and experience in Reverse Osmosis/Nano Filtration treatment processes preferred however not required. Position requirements include knowledge of methods, tools and materials used in the controlling, servicing, and minor repairs of all related R.O. water treatment facilities machinery and equipment.
Minimum starting salary - $49,088 ($23.60). Salary to commensurate relative to level of license and experience in this field.
Trainees who have passed the state exam and only need actual hours worked to obtain the license may be considered.
Excellent benefits which include health, life, disability, dental, vison and a retirement plan which includes a 6% non-contributory defined benefit and matching 457b plan with a 100% match up to 6%. EOE. All positions require a valid Florida Drivers license, high school diploma or GED equivalent, be COVID-19 vaccinated, a satisfactory background check, and must pass a pre-employment drug screen test. Please send resume to jzilmer@csidfl.org or fax resume to 954-7536328, attention Jan Zilmer, Director of Human Resources.
Water Distribution Manager
$76,650 - $118,639/yr.
Reuse Outreach-Water Conservation Manager
$54,473 - $84,315/yr.
Utilities System Operators II & III
$44,362 - $62,424 or $48,910 - $68,821/yr.
Apply Online At: http://pompanobeachfl.gov Open until filled.

Toho Water Authority - Kissimmee, FL
Water Treatment Operator All Levels - Full Time
Operator C: $22.56 - $34.83 Hourly $46,924.69 - $72,454.90 Annually
Operator B: $23.69 - $36.58 Hourly $49,270.96 - $76,077.70 Annually
Operator A: $24.87 - $38.40 Hourly $51,734.47 - $79,881.53 Annually
Public Works Director
If you desire to be considered for an open job posting within the City of Avon Park, please go to the following website to fill out an electronic online application.

The Department of Environmental & Engineering Services (DEES) is currently accepting job applications at: https://www.margatefl.com/207/Job-Opportunities
Orlando Utilities CommissionTechnician - Mechanical Specialty

OUC - The Reliable One, is presently recruiting for a Technician (WPRO) - Mechanical Specialty to be part of our growing team in the Electric & Water Production division.
We are looking for a highly technical and efficient problem solver with troubleshooting skills who will be responsible for the general operation, maintenance, and installation of water treatment plant equipment and systems in the Water Production department.
The ideal candidate will have:
High school diploma or GED, AND equivalent trade school training or formal college education or military training outlined below is required:
Completion of trade school formal training (two (2) years minimum) with an emphasis in mechanical, electrical or control systems (OR)
Associate degree in Engineering [with an emphasis in, mechanical, electrical, or control systems, (OR)
1,000 hours of military training in mechanical, electrical, or control systems.
2+ years of work experience in a related maintenance specialty (pipefitting, plumbing or welding) is required
Must have Mechanic Journeyman level skills
Water Reclamation Facility Operator III
(IRC53621) This is skilled technical work, with supervisory responsibilities, in the inspection and operation of a water reclamation plant. The person in this position fills the role as the shift leader. Work involves responsibility for the safe and efficient operation of a water reclamation facility, routine adjustments to equipment and machinery operating controls, inspection of equipment inside and outside the plant site. An employee in this class exercises considerable independent judgment in adjusting machinery, equipment, and related control apparatus in accordance with established procedures and standards to produce a high-quality reclaimed water product. An employee in this class must be able to report to work outside of normally scheduled work hours at the discretion of management.
Required Qualifications:
t Possess a valid high school diploma or GED equivalency. t Possess and maintain a State of Florida Wastewater Operator “B” License.
t Must be able to perform shift work.
t Acknowledge this position is designated as Emergency Critical (EC) and if hired into the position, you must be immediately available to the department before, during, and after a declared emergency and/or disaster.
Salary: $29.97 - $39.90 hourly
Editorial Calendar
Wastewater Treatment
Test Yourself Answer Key
From page 30
1. B) Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP)
6. C) 42 inches
Per FAC 62-6.006(1), Site Evaluation
Water Supply; Alternative Sources March Energy Efficiency; Environmental Stewardship April
Conservation and Reuse May
Operations and Utilities Management June
Biosolids Management and Bioenergy Production July Stormwater Management; Emerging Technologies August
Disinfection; Water Quality September
Emerging Issues; Water Resources Management October New Facilities, Expansions, and Upgrades
Technical articles are usually scheduled several months in advance and are due 60 days before the issue month (for example, January 1 for the March issue).
The closing date for display ad and directory card reservations, notices, announcements, upcoming events, and everything else including classified ads, is 30 days before the issue month (for example, September 1 for the October issue).
For further information on submittal requirements, guidelines for writers, advertising rates and conditions, and ad dimensions, as well as the most recent notices, announcements, and classified advertisements, go to www.fwrj.com or call 352-241-6006.
Display Advertiser Index
Per the Florida Department of Health Onsite Sewage Program website, “On July 1, 2021, the onsite sewage program and all its regulatory authority for management was transferred from the Florida Department of Health (DOH) to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP).”
2. C) Department of HealthCounty Health Departments (DOH - CHDs)
Per the Interagency Agreement, Section IV.B., Regulatory Responsibilities, current OSTDS program contracts with DOH, “The parties agree that the DOH - CHDs shall continue to administer the OSTDS program at the local level in compliance with agreements currently in effect with the local county governments.”
3. C) innovative system.
Per Florida Statutes, Section 381.0065(2), Onsite Sewage Treatment and Disposal Systems, “An ‘innovative system’ means an onsite sewage treatment and disposal system that, in whole or in part, employs materials, devices, or techniques that are novel or unique and that have not been successfully field-tested under sound scientific and engineering principles or under climatic and soil conditions found in this state.”
B) 100 feet
Per FAC 62-6.005(1)(b), Location and Installation, “To prevent such discharge or health hazards: (1) Systems established after the effective date of the rule must be placed no closer than the minimum distances indicated for the following: 100 feet from a public drinking water well as defined in paragraph 62-6.002(44)(b), F.A.C., if such a well serves a facility with an estimated sewage flow of 2,000 gallons or less per day.”
5. A) 5 feet
Per FAC 62-6.005(2), Location and Installation, “Systems must not be located under buildings or within 5 feet of building foundations, including pilings for elevated structures, or within 5 feet of mobile home walls, swimming pool walls, or within 5 feet of property lines except where property lines abut utility easements that do not contain underground utilities, or where recorded easements are specifically provided for the installation of systems for service to more than one lot or property owner.”
Criteria, “Onsite sewage treatment and disposal systems may be utilized where lot sizes are in compliance with requirements of subsection 62-6.005(7), F.A.C., and all of the following criteria are met: (1) The effective soil depth throughout the drainfield installation site extends 42 inches or more below the bottom surface of the drainfield.”
D) Clay, bedrock, and oolitic limestone
Per FAC 62-6.006(1)(c), Site Evaluation
Criteria, “Clay, bedrock, oolitic limestone, fractured rock, hardpan, organic soil, gravel and coarse sand, when coarse sand is associated with an estimated wet season high water table within 48 inches of the absorption surface, are severely limited soil materials.”
8. D) FDOH’s local county health department.
Per FDEP’s website, Onsite Sewage
FAQ – Permitting, “Permits for OSTDS, including septic tank systems, are issued by the Environmental Health Section of the Florida Department of Health’s local county health department. Please note that many counties have local ordinances that may exceed state requirements for OSTDS.”
9. C) A master septic tank contractor
Per FDEP’s Memorandum, Interim Guidance for Private Provider Inspections, “As part of this notice, the owner must show that the private provider inspector has the credentials required to perform the inspection. These credentials must be one of the following.
a. Certified environmental health professional (CEHP) certified in OSTDS under section 381.0101, F.S. b. Master septic tank contractor (MSTC) registered under part III of Chapter 489, F.S.
c. Professional engineer (P.E.) licensed under Chapter 471, F.S., who has also passed all parts of the OSTDS accelerated certification training (ACT). d. Person under the supervision of a licensed P.E. and who has passed all parts of the OSTDS ACT.”
10. B) filling the tank with clean sand and covering with soil.
Per FAC 62-6.011(2)(c) and (d), Abandonment of Systems, “The following actions shall be taken, in the order listed, to abandon an onsite sewage treatment and disposal system:. The bottom of the tank shall be opened or ruptured, or the entire tank collapsed so as to prevent the tank from retaining water; and, (d) The tank shall be filled with clean sand or other suitable material, and completely covered with soil.”