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Note from the Editor
A Note from the Editor
The term non-binary is used to describe something not relating to, composed of, or involving just two things. It is the encompassing of more than two, or outside of the realm of the normative two. In our society today, over one hundred different cultures exist, with religions, races, politics and beliefs merging into one another. Albert Einstein once said, “The measure of intelligence in the ability to change”, and that is exactly why the human race is so successful; we are able to adapt and to change rapidly, to be inclusive of another’s beliefs and way of life. Today, the non-binary and trans communities are fighting for the world to change their beliefs and become more open minded about gender identity, and many cisgender people stand there alongside them. There is a call for relief on the pressures of gender stereotypes and identity politics. This seventh edition of Voices looks at gender through the eyes of non-binary, trans and cisgender people. It is time to move away from the binary.
Allie Guy