Numbers by Anna

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Number s

Biblical numerology ● ● ● ●

1 - uniqueness, especially in religious matters 2 - confirmation, certainty 3 - intensity, emphasize of the importance 4 - order in worldly matters, universality

6 - imperfection, incompleteness ● 7 - fullness, entirety, bringing something to the end ● 8 - perfection, infinity, abundance ● 10 - complete in worldly matters ●


12 - completeness, organized in the service of God

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77 - illimitability, infinity 666 - imperfection, universal evil ("number of the beast" and "the number of fallen man")

Chinese Numerology 1. Square Chinese :

1 - number of excellence, indicating independence or

loneliness, symbolizes our ego ● 2 - means harmony between opposites or yin and yang, the order, the ability to take care of other people ● 3 - a symbol of intuition, magic, creative powers and joy


4 - number of stability and order, also symbolizes home, quiet and reliablility

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5 - the number of travelers, explorers and discoverers 6 - balance, harmony, love and truth, symbolizes inspiration and ideas


7 - the most mysterious of all the numbers, just like number three it is a magical number, it symbolizes the imagination and concentration


8 - symbolizes determination and persistent pursue a goal, orderliness; in China it is the lucky number


9 - it is connected with a high level of intellectual , emotional or spiritual development

Numerology Numerology - assigning the content and meaning of numbers to those occurring in a specific cultural, literary or even scientific context - in addition to their specific mathematical value. The best-known imagery of numbers is the one used in the Holy Bible, especially the Book of Revelation.

In Poland, a discussions were conducted on the symbolism of the number 44 in the drama of Adam Mickiewicz's "Dziady".

Numerology is considered as one of the expressions of the order that is present in the Universe. It also had an impact on the development of scientific ideas, the astronomy for example.

Sometimes numerology refers to the look. For example, the number in ancient Rome were expressed by fingers.

The End

By: Anna Woszczyk

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