ERASMUS+ ’CREATIVE MINDS’ 1st Joint Staff Training
„International Robotics Workshop” CYPRUS 28th April – 1st May 2015
Cognitive Load Theory
Working Memory r Lea
a gT n i n
Cognitive Load
As Total Cognitive Load increases the burden on Working Memory increases
The Goal-Free Design
Only problem state held in WM
All Goals & Sub goals held in WM
Increases Germane Cognitive Load
Increases Extraneous Cognitive Load
i.e. Calculate as many variables as you can
ie Solve for X
Effective for Learning/Schema Creation
Effective for Problem Solving/ Not learning
Means-End Problem D 50째
Sub-Goal: Angle DEA Sub-Goal: Angle DBG
F Solve for X
Learners make a higher number of errors on the sub-goal stage, when more elements are in working memory, than in the goal stage.
Goal Free Problem D 50째 B
110째 E
Solve for as many angles as you can Since no sub-goals, only goals, the number of the elements simultaneously in WM is limited. Learners make less errors during goal-free problem solving due to the minimized element interactivity.
ApplicAtions in computer science - Algorithms
Logical Diagrams - Completed Begin
Print “My name is…”
Data Conversion from Integer to Binary and temporary storage to RAM with MS Excel
Role and Operation of Control Unit with MS Excel
Teaching Computer Science in Secondary Education: A Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge Perspective
There is an ongoing debate in secondary computing education about how can teachers teach computer topics in a learner-centered way through the use of educational technologies within powerful pedagogical frameworks.
(Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge)
• ICT knowledge is defined as knowing how to operate a computer, knowing how to use a multitude of tools/software, and knowing about the affordances of tools. • TPCK is defined as that form of knowledge that makes a teacher competent to teach with ICT.
Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPCK)
What is a Robot? When you hear the word 'robot' some famous movie robots spring to mind. Robots in real life however are not yet up to the standard of their movie counterparts. Robots are becoming more prevalent in today's society. There are used in high level applications such as space exploration right through to commercial vacuuming robots found in everyday households. You are required to do a research assignment on robotics in general and to focus on one robot in particular. Robots come in many different shapes and sizes and are often tailored to meet a particular need or action.
Flowchart All robots need to have programs to make them run. The easiest way to start a program is to firstly have a plan. This plan consists of a flowchart of small steps that make up the entire program. Each step is simple enough that the robot can perform it without too much effort.
An example of flowchart
Teaching Mathematics through Robotics
Algebra topic: Linear functions
How far?
An exemplary exercise
Overview: In the initial construction of the robot the travelling characteristics are required. After characterising the properties, NASA have asked that you use your data to make predictions about the distance your robot will travel given specific time constraints.
Your group will be assigned a random power level to be assessed. Power Level Assigned ____________
For this experiment you will need to measure how far the robot travels for different time values (eg. 1 second, 2 seconds, 3.5 seconds etc). The more data you gather, the more accurate your graph will be. 2)
Plot the results either on the graph below or in a graphing software package.
(Hint: you will need to know the smallest and largest times you tested for, as well as the smallest and largest distances so that you can determine the horizontal and vertical axis scales) 3)
Once you have plotted your data, can you see a relationship between the time taken and the distance travelled?
By looking at the graph, can you determine how many seconds your robot would need to travel exactly 30com (12 inches)? _____________ seconds 4)
How about 1.5m (59 inches)? _____________ seconds
Your teacher will assign you a test distance. How long does your robot need to travel this particular distance?
Test Distance = _______________ Time required = _____________ seconds
How Fast?
The exemplary exercise no. 2
Overview: To accurately be able to command the robot, you need to understand how fast it can go and what properties may change its performance. NASA have requested a detailed report, supported by data that you have gathered from your robot.
Make your robot drive forward for 5 rotations at 50% power How long did it take to go 5 rotations? ______________ sec What about 10% power? ______________ sec 70% power? ______________ sec
Plot an average on the graph below
Exercise 3 In groups of three to four, you will create and label a straight line (made from strip) that is divided in 5 points as follows: ‘Start, Checkpoint 1, 2, 3, and Finish’. Participants will program it to reach to the finish line’. As the robot moves along the straight line, you will time the progress of the robot at each checkpoint and at the finish line and record the time the robot crosses each mark. The activity will be repeated for each classroom robot. Adaptations will be made to the robots such as adding weight, changing wheels, or driving backwards and the robot, with these changes, will be timed on the course again. Then, identify the equation that can be used to calculate times for longer courses. Repeat the activity with different types of robots and will compare the slopes of all the robots’ times.
Students will time various robots’ progression at four points on a straight-lined course.
Exercise 4 Participants will time various robots’ progression at four points on a straight-lined course and will use the time data to create X/Y tables with equations and a coordinate graph to show and compare slopes.
Complete the two different following charts. Use the information given to figure out the missing gaps: (Create and use an algebraic equation to make probable predictions).
Robot name: Baymax
Robot name: Robix
• Which robot won the race? ___________ • How much faster did he run the course? ___________ • If the course was twice as long, what would be the finishing times for: Baymax __________ , Robix _______________
Make your prediction for the black and white lines on the graph using data logging. Label each line clearly. Why and how did you decide? Prediction of the color sensor’s readings 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 3.5
Based on the black and white sensor values, what kinds of colors do you think will produce high color sensor readings in general? Lighter or darker? • Add lines to the graph showing what you think the lines for the colors red, blue, green and grey will look like. How did you decide? why? Prediction of the color sensor’s readings 100 80 60 40 20 0 3.5
Now measure the actual readings of the color sensor and state it in the table. Color Red Blue Green Grey Black White
Further questions: • What’s the difference between color and hue / shade ? • Why is it important to choose shades of the same color for this comparison? Because in order to make a “fair comparison”, you needed to eliminate as many other possible factors as possible. This is directly related to the “fair test” concept, where external factors which bias the comparison need to be eliminated or controlled as much as possible. If you did not do so, the real reason for the difference would be unclear – is it the thing you’re examining, or the other unintended difference?
Physics exercise no. 2 • Suppose the robot runs through a 10m stretch of tube/ cylinder and gives the following data..
• What does each arrow represent? ( the leftmost arrow, rightmost and middle arrow): ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ____ • Why the middle arrow has a lower sensor reading? ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________
Other examples of things to do with LEGO Mindstorms and Data
1. Explore • Go on a light sensor scavenger hunt • Log temperature measurements while you go on a walk • Investigate the voltage at various points on a circuit • Measure and record the pH, dissolved oxygen and turbidity of different water samples • Collect data from entire class from one computer (NXT Bluetooth) • Students giving instant feedback to teacher (using NXT to communicate answer to a class question)
2. Build understandings
• Collect acceleration data • while driving in a car
• in a football being thrown across the room • while riding on a roller coaster • jumping off a table • Take light and temperature readings overnight and compare the graphs • Compare the number of motor rotations needed to drive 1 meter with wheels of different sizes • Measure small distances • Measure period of a pendulum • Measure compression • Measure a force • Measuring the turbidity of water with a light sensor.
3. Answer Questions • What’s the warmest place in this classroom? • What’s the noisiest room in the school? • Make your own voting booth - Do more people like chocolate or vanilla ice cream? • How often does the classroom guinea pig take a drink of water? How much does she run on her wheel? • What door did a burglar with a flashlight enter through?
4. Monitor experiments • Track the temperature and light levels for plants in different experimental conditions • Compare the reflex times of classmates before and after lunch • Develop a device to track how the lengths of shadows change during the day. 7
5. Put sensors in motion • Build a boat to drive out to the middle of a pond and take pH readings all day • Build your own Mars Rover to take light and temperature readings in a “remote” location ? Send Mars Rover Sensor information remotely back to another NXT or computer • Build an archeology robot that will explore a hidden ‘tomb’ and identify potential hazards within the tomb • Use a touch sensor to make a bumper-car that will map an area in the room, based on how often it runs into obstacles.
6. Design your own sensing system • Build a device to monitor how many people walk through a door • Create a method of measuring frictional losses in flow in tubes • Build a device to measure rainfall • Create an anemometer to measure wind speed • Build a LEGO Brick separator and record the force needed to pull apart different LEGO bricks
7. Monitor your engineered creations • Data log how quickly your Hot Chocolate Blower 2000 cools down a cup of hot chocolate • Build a system to keep the temperature in mini green house at a temperature ideal for optimal growth of your favorite plant. • Measure the turbidity of water that’s been through your newly designed water filtration system • What’s the maximum acceleration that your newly designed NXT –car seatbelt fails at? • Design a seat belt system and measure the acceleration needed to trigger it • Build a walking robot – attach and log rotation sensor data to see how it moves