* Water resources in the world
* Water
occupies 72% of the surface of our planet. Water resources in the world is primarily open tanks covering the surface of the Earth. Among them are: oceans, seas, lakes, rivers and ponds.
* Dominated by two hypotheses on the origin of water on Earth: * Globe:
according to the water is the origin of the Earth and formed comprised of degassing of water located in the mantle rocks of our planet * Solar: by the water produced as a result of binding in an atmosphere of oxygen and hydrogen, which came to Earth with the solar wind * Ocean waters and marine constitute over 97% of water resources of the world. Unfortunately, due to their salinity not are suitable for human consumption. The remaining 2.5% is fresh water, which is largely trapped in glaciers and snows. Most water (over 61%) is collected in Antarctica. It is the water coming mainly from glaciers, and this contained in the snow cover. Unfortunately, as a result of global warming the glaciers disappear.
* Only
0.6% of water resources of our planet is fresh water, a source of drinking water. Rivers and lakes are only 0.1% of water resources in the world and are a very good source of drinking water. The volume of water flowing rivers to the ocean during the year is 37 000 km続. In lakes and is four times more water than the water resources from rivers.
* lake * The main source of drinking water on her decks land are located underground. They represent 0.6%
of the water in the world. Underground water deposits include underground rivers, streams and reservoirs formed by the penetration of water from strata
* All the water resources of the Earth would be enough
to meet the needs of our entire population, but their uneven distribution and management of irrational human cause that in many countries of the world supply of people in this raw material is a huge problem. Water deficit most affected countries of central and northern Africa, Central Asia and South America. It is estimated that in the near future scarcity of drinking water will soon wrestle the United Kingdom, Spain, Italy, Germany and Belgium. With the growing needs of the population can threaten us with war conflicts over water.
* Area
surplus disposable water resources, although small, are areas involving climates: tropical (eg. Of the Congo, Amazon, Cameroon), humid monsoon (eg Bangaldesz, Assain), cool temperate moist (eg. Norway). The greatest resource of flowing water coming from rivers have areas of the former Soviet Union, India, China, Brazil, Norway and France. China and India are still very low in the water due to population density, while Norway and Brazil are high in it.