Cristóbal Gabarrón Encuentro de dos Hemisferios Encounter of Two Hemispheres Exposición para Miami Exhibition for Miami
Maqueta Escultórica Escultura Conmemorativa 500 Años España - Florida Conmemorative Monumental Iconic Sculpture 500 Years Spain - Florida
Encuentro de dos Hemisferios Encounter of Two Hemispheres Título: Encuentro de dos hemisferios (Encounter of two hemispheres) Artista: Cristóbal Gabarrón Lugar: Pendiente de determinar Fechas: Disponible desde mayo 2013 Organiza Y Patrocina : Fundación 500 Años España – Florida y la Fundación Gabarrón Colabora: Consulado General de España en Miami, AC/E
Title: Encounter of Two Hemispheres Artist: Cristóbal Gabarrón Location: To be determined Date: Available from May 2013 Organizers and Sponsors: Foundation 500 years Spain - Florida and The Foundation Gabarrón Collaboration: General Consulate of Spain in Miami, AC / E
En 1992, Cristóbal Gabarrón realizó con motivo del
In 1992, Cristóbal Gabarrón held to mark the 500th
500 aniversario de la llegada de Colón a América, el
anniversary of the arrival of Columbus to America,
mural conmemorativo de la Exposición Universal de
the mural commemorating the Universal Exposition
Sevilla. En aquel momento, S.M. El Rey de España
of Seville. At that time, S. M., The King of Spain said:
expresó: ”Esta obra del pintor Cristóbal Gabarrón
“This work of the painter Cristóbal Gabarrón is a sum
es una suma de aportes históricos, filosóficos y
of historical, philosophical and artistic contributions,
plásticos, un símbolo de fraternidad entre los
a symbol of brotherhood among people. Assumes
pueblos. Asumir las raíces de la humanidad,
the roots of humanity, rescues the traces of history
rescatar las huellas de la historia y alumbrar un
and projecting a future of peace and harmony, are to
futuro en paz y concordia, son a mi juicio las primeras
my opinion, the first readings of this pictorial reflec-
lecturas de esta reflexión pictórica de gran aliento.”
tion of great encouragement”.
Para la realización de este mural, el artista creó más
For the realization of this mural, the artist created
de doscientos bocetos originales, tanto en papel,
over two hundred original sketches, on paper, panel
como tabla y lienzo, conformando una exposición
and canvas, forming an exhibition commissioned by
que comisarida por Achille Bonito Oliva, viajó a varias
Achille Bonito Oliva, who traveled to several cities
ciudades mostrando la simbología en la que se basó el
demonstrating the symbols on the basis of which the
artista para la realización de este emblemático mural.
artist took to the realize this landmark mural.
Veinte años después de la creación de este
Twenty years after the creation of this emblematic
mural for the Universal Exhibition of Seville, Cristó-
Universal de Sevilla, Cristóbal Gabarrón está traba-
bal Gabarrón is working on the completion of a mo-
jando en la realización de una escultura monumental e
numental and iconic sculpture for the city of Miami,
icónica para la ciudad de Miami, que se convierta
to become an iconic reference to Florida and the
en referencia icónica para Florida y la ciudad de Mia-
city of Miami, where installed, leaving a legacy of
mi, donde se instalará, quedando como legado de
this event and symbol of brotherhood between Spain
esta efeméride y símbolo del hermanamiento entre
and Florida, and that it will help to emphasize the
España y la Florida, y que sirva de ayuda para
contribution of Spain to the birth of the United States
enfatizar la aportación de España al nacimiento de los
and the relevant role played by Spanish explorers in
Estados Unidos y el relevante papel que los explora-
the formation of this country.
dores españoles jugaron en la formación de este país. Artistic legacy for the city and the State of Florida: Herencia artística para la ciudad y el Estado de
Cristóbal Gabarrón is an internationally recognized
Florida: Cristóbal Gabarrón es un artista reconoci-
artist and is regarded in the U.S. as a symbol of
do a nivel internacional y es un referente en EEUU
the union between Hispanic and American culture
como símbolo de la unión entre la cultura hispana y
through his creations and work achieved since the
estadounidense gracias a sus creaciones y al
founding that bears his name and which is based in
trabajo que se realiza desde la fundación que lleva su
New York. For the city of Miami, the workmanship
nombre y que tiene sede en Nueva York. Para
of this artist will also be a cultural legacy. Gabarrón
la ciudad de Miami, una obra de este artista
has extensive experience in conducting projects of
supondrá también un legado cultural. Gabarrón
monumental works in historical-artistic, cultural and
cuenta con una amplia experiencia en la realiza-
sporting events, such as the Universal Exposition in
ción de obras monumentales en proyectos históri-
Seville, the commemoration of the United Nations
co-artísticos, culturales y deportivos, como la Ex-
Millennium or the Olympics. In his professional ca-
posición Universal de Sevilla, la conmemoración
reer as an artist, note the homage of public sculpture,
del Milenio de las Naciones Unidas o los Juegos
which has led the United States and Europe, dedi-
Olímpicos. En su trayectoria profesional como ar-
cated to Columbus or related Quixote and certainly
tista, cabe destacar los homenajes de escultura
with the commemoration of the arrival of the first Eu-
pública, que ha llevado por Estados Unidos y Europa, dedicados a Colón o al Quijote y relacionados, sin duda, con la conmemoración de la llegada de los primeros exploradores europeos a La Florida.
ropean explorers to Florida.
Concepto Expositivo
Exhibition Concept
Esta exposición recoge una selección de los
This exhibition includes a selection of original sket-
bocetos y maquetas originales, que descifran el
ches and models, deciphering the complex creative
complejo proceso creativo del artista para la crea-
process of the artist to create this iconic commemo-
ción de esta icónica escultura conmemorativa, don-
rative sculpture, where we have a particular view of
de tendremos la particular visión contemporánea de
a multifaceted contemporary Spanish artist whose
un polifacético artista español cuya obra remarca y
work celebrates the contribution of and highlights the
celebra la contribución histórica, social y cultural es-
historical, social and Spanish culture in the United
pañola en Estados Unidos. Hoy, 5 siglos después, la
States. Today, five centuries later, the union of the
unión de los dos continentes -España como parte de
two continents, Spain as part of Europe, and the U.S.
Europa, y EE.UU. como referente de América- es una
to be a reference to America-is a priority in the global
world, encouraging support for culture and creativity
vando el apoyo a la cultura y la creatividad en
in Europe, in the United States and the rest of the
Europa, en los Estados Unidos y en el resto del
world, from the revitalization of basic transatlantic
mundo, desde la revitalización de una coope-
cooperation to meet the challenges of a world and a
ración de base transatlántica para hacer frente
complex and increasingly globalized economy.
a los retos y desafíos de un mundo y una economía complejos y crecientemente globalizados.
Contenido, simbología y temática
Content, symbolism and themes
A través de los 10 dibujos en papel, las 10 fotogra-
Over the 10 drawings on paper, 10 pictures, 10
fías, las 10 esculturas y 15 lienzos, que conforman
sculptures and 15 paintings that make up this exhi-
esta exposición, el artista expresa su singular y má-
bition, the artist expresses his unique and magical
gico homenaje a la figura del explorador Juan Pon-
tribute to the figure of the explorer Juan Ponce de
ce de León, su búsqueda de la Fuente de la Eterna
León, his search for the Fountain of Eternal You-
Juventud, o las 7 ciudades perdidas de Cíbola, jun-
th, the Seven Lost Cities of Cibola, impressions of
to con la impresión de la primera impresión al avis-
the first impression of the sight of land of the flower
tar tierra de los campos de flores de La Florida, los
fields of Florida, colorful birds, the fish, the sails of
pájaros de colores, los peces, las velas de sus em-
their boats, the indigenous tribes who lived in Flo-
barcaciones, las tribus indígenas que habitaban La
rida, the Everglades and Cape Canaveral, call the
Florida, los Everglades o Cabo Cañaveral, llamada
last third of s. XX Space Coast, being from where
en el último tercio del s. XX la Costa del Espacio, al
spacecrafts lift off.
ser desde donde despegaban las naves espaciales.
Muestra la selección de 10 dibujos (bocetos ori-
Sample selections of 10 drawings (original sket-
ginales) y 10 fotomontajes de la Obra Escultórica
ches) and 10 photomontages of the
Commemorative Sculptural Work.
Maquetas originales (Esculturas, Bocetos Originales) Miami 500 A. - Acero, cartón, fibra y resina policromada – 50 x 12 x 14 cm. Miami 500 B. - Acero, cartón, fibra y resina policromada – 55 x 18 x 15 cm. Miami 500 C. - Acero, cartón, fibra y resina policromada – 55 x 11 x 11 cm. Miami 500 D. - Acero, cartón, fibra y resina policromada – 55 x 12 x 14 cm. Miami 500 E. - Acero, cartón, fibra y resina policromada – 52 x 10 x 10 cm. Miami 500 F. - Acero, cartón, fibra y resina policromada – 55 x 10 x 12 cm. Miami 500 G. - Acero, cartón, fibra y resina policromada – 55 x 14 x 12 cm.
Original models (Sculptures, Original Sketches) Miami 500 A. - Steel, cardboard, fiber and resin polychrome - 50 x 12 x 14 cm. Miami 500 B. - Steel, cardboard, fiber and resin polychrome - 55 x 18 x 15 cm. Miami 500 C. - Steel, cardboard, fiber and polychrome resin - 55 x 11 x 11 cm. Miami 500 D. - Steel, cardboard, fiber and resin polychrome - 55 x 12 x 14 cm. Miami 500 E. - Steel, cardboard, fiber and polychrome resin - 52 x 10 x 10 cm. Miami 500 F. - Steel, cardboard, fiber and polychrome resin - 55 x 10 x 12 cm. Miami 500 G. - Steel, cardboard, fiber and polychrome resin - 55 x 14 x 12 cm.
Escultura Original
Original Sculpture
VA Tower X – Barro cocido y engomado -60 x 16 x
A Tower X - Terracotta and gumming -60 x 16 x 10
10 cm.
Empalados XIV – Acero y resina policromada - 137
Impaled XIV - Steel and polychrome resin - 137 x
x 39 x 17 cm.
39 x 17 cm.
Figura Humana III – Acero y resina policromada –
Human Figure III - Steel and polychrome resin - 62
62 x 16 x 15 cm.
x 16 x 15 cm.
Pintura. Obra en Lienzo Paintings. Work on Canvas LIOF 1 (Díptico) (Diptych) 130 x 880 cm. (4 ft 3 3/16 inch x 28 ft 10 1/2 inch)
LIOF 4 340 x 130 cm. (11 ft 1 7/8 inch x 4 ft 3 3/16 inch) Óleo y pigmento sobre lienzo Oil and pigment on canvas VA / En-Mar /2013 VA / Jan. – March /2013
Óleo y pigmento sobre lienzo Oil and pigment on canvas VA / En-Mar /2013\ VA / Jan. – March /2013
LIOF 2 (Tríptico) (Tritypch) 275 x 380 cm. (9 ft 1/4 inch x 12 ft 5 5/8 inch)
LIOF 5 340 x 130 cm. (11 ft 1 7/8 inch x 4 ft 3 3/16 inch) Óleo y pigmento sobre lienzo Oil and pigment on canvas VA / En-Mar /2013 VA / Jan. – March /2013
Óleo y pigmento sobre lienzo Oil and pigment on canvas VA / En-Mar /2013 VA / Jan. – March /2013
LIOF 6 340 x 130 cm. (11 ft 1 7/8 inch x 4 ft 3 3/16 inch) Óleo y pigmento sobre lienzo
LIOF 3 340 x 130 cm. 340 x 130 cm. (11 ft 1 7/8 inch x 4 ft 3 3/16 inch)
Oil and pigment on canvas VA / En-Mar /2013 VA / Jan. – March /2013
Óleo y pigmento sobre lienzo Oil and pigment on canvas VA / En-Mar /2013 VA / Jan. – March /2013
LIOF 7 (Díptico) (Diptych) 130 x 680 cm. ( 4 ft 3 3/16 inch x 22 ft 3 11/16 inch) Óleo y pigmento sobre lienzo Oil and pigment on canvas VA / En-Mar /2013 VA / Jan. – March /2013
LIOF 8 (Cuatríptico) (Polidiptych)
130 x 1120 cm.
180 x 130 cm.
(4 ft 3 3/16 inch x 36 ft 8 7/8 inch
(5 ft 10 7/8 inch x 4 ft 3 3/16 inch)
Óleo y pigmento sobre lienzo
Óleo y pigmento sobre lienzo
Oil and pigment on canvas
Oil and pigment on canvas
VA / En-Mar /2013
VA / En-Mar /2013
VA / Jan. – March /2013
VA / Jan. – March /2013
180 x 130 cm.
90 x 64 cm.
(5 ft 10 7/8 inch x 4 ft 3 3/16 inch)
(2 ft 11 7/16 inch x 2 ft 1 3/16 inch)
Óleo y pigmento sobre lienzo
Óleo y pigmento sobre lienzo
Oil and pigment on canvas
Oil and pigment on canvas
VA / En-Mar /2013
VA / En-Mar /2013
VA / Jan. – March /2013
VA / Jan. – March /2013
130 x 180 cm.
90 x 64 cm.
(5 ft 10 7/8 inch x 4 ft 3 3/16 inch)
(2 ft 11 7/16 inch x 2 ft 1 3/16 inch)
Óleo y pigmento sobre lienzo
Óleo y pigmento sobre lienzo
Oil and pigment on canvas
Oil and pigment on canvas
VA / En-Mar /2013
VA / En-Mar /2013\
VA / Jan. – March /2013
VA / Jan. – March /2013
180 x 130 cm.
90 x 64 cm.
Óleo y pigmento sobre lienzo
(2 ft 11 7/16 inch x 2 ft 1 3/16 inch)
Oil and pigment on canvas
Óleo y pigmento sobre lienzo
VA / En-Mar /2013
Oil and pigment on canvas
VA / Jan. – March /2013
VA / En-Mar /2013\ VA / Jan. – March /2013
LIOF 16 90 x 64 cm. (2 ft 11 7/16 inch x 2 ft 1 3/16 inch) Óleo y pigmento sobre lienzo Oil and pigment on canvas VA / En-Mar /2013\ VA / Jan. – March /2013
LIOF 17 90 x 64 cm. (2 ft 11 7/16 inch x 2 ft 1 3/16 inch) Óleo y pigmento sobre lienzo Oil and pigment on canvas VA / En-Mar /2013\ VA / Jan. – March /2013
LIOF 18 90 x 64 cm. (2 ft 11 7/16 inch x 2 ft 1 3/16 inch) Óleo y pigmento sobre lienzo Oil and pigment on canvas VA / En-Mar /2013\ VA / Jan. – March /2013
Bocetos en Papel Paper Sketches
Maquetas Escult贸ricas Sculpture Models
Modelo I Model I
Modelo I Model I
Detalles del Modelo I Details of Model I
Detalles del Modelo I Details of Model I
Modelo I Model I
Modelo II Model II
Modelo III Model III
Modelo III Model III
Modelo IV Model IV
Modelo IV Model IV
Modelo V Model V
Modelo V Model V
Modelo VI Model VI
Modelo VI Model VI
Modelo VII Model VII
Modelo VII Model VII
Modelo VIII Model VIII
Modelo IX Model IX
Modelo X Model X
Modelo XI Model XI
Modelo XII Model XII
Esculturas Sculptures
Pinturas Paintings
LIOF 1 (Díptico) (Diptych) 130 x 880 cm. (4 ft 3 3/16 inch x 28 ft 10 1/2 inch) Óleo y pigmento sobre lienzo Oil and pigment on canvas VA / En-Mar /2013\ VA / Jan. – March /2013
LIOF 2 (Tríptico) (Tritypch) 275 x 380 cm. (9 ft 1/4 inch x 12 ft 5 5/8 inch) Óleo y pigmento sobre lienzo Oil and pigment on canvas VA / En-Mar /2013 VA / Jan. – March /2013
340 x 130 cm. 340 x 130 cm.
340 x 130 cm.
(11 ft 1 7/8 inch x 4 ft 3 3/16 inch)
(11 ft 1 7/8 inch x 4 ft 3 3/16 inch)
Óleo y pigmento sobre lienzo
Óleo y pigmento sobre lienzo
Oil and pigment on canvas
Oil and pigment on canvas
VA / En-Mar /2013
VA / En-Mar /2013
VA / Jan. – March /2013
VA / Jan. – March /2013
340 x 130 cm.
340 x 130 cm.
(11 ft 1 7/8 inch x 4 ft 3 3/16 inch)
(11 ft 1 7/8 inch x 4 ft 3 3/16 inch)
Óleo y pigmento sobre lienzo
Óleo y pigmento sobre lienzo
Oil and pigment on canvas
Oil and pigment on canvas
VA / En-Mar /2013
VA / En-Mar /2013
VA / Jan. – March /2013
VA / Jan. – March /2013
LIOF 7 (Díptico) (Diptych) 130 x 680 cm. ( 4 ft 3 3/16 inch x 22 ft 3 11/16 inch) Óleo y pigmento sobre lienzo Oil and pigment on canvas VA / En-Mar /2013 VA / Jan. – March /2013
LIOF 8 (Cuatríptico) (Polidiptych) 130 x 1120 cm. (4 ft 3 3/16 inch x 36 ft 8 7/8 inch Óleo y pigmento sobre lienzo Oil and pigment on canvas VA / En-Mar /2013 VA / Jan. – March /2013
LIOF 9 180 x 130 cm. (5 ft 10 7/8 inch x 4 ft 3 3/16 inch) Óleo y pigmento sobre lienzo Oil and pigment on canvas VA / En-Mar /2013 VA / Jan. – March /2013
LIOF 10 130 x 180 cm.
(5 ft 10 7/8 inch x 4 ft 3 3/16 inch) Óleo y pigmento sobre lienzo
Oil and pigment on canvas
180 x 130 cm.
180 x 130 cm.
Óleo y pigmento sobre lienzo
(5 ft 10 7/8 inch x 4 ft 3 3/16 inch)
Oil and pigment on canvas
Óleo y pigmento sobre lienzo
VA / En-Mar /2013
Oil and pigment on canvas
VA / Jan. – March /2013
VA / En-Mar /2013 VA / Jan. – March /2013
90 x 64 cm.
90 x 64 cm.
90 x 64 cm.
(2 ft 11 7/16 inch x 2 ft 1 3/16 inch)
(2 ft 11 7/16 inch x 2 ft 1 3/16 inch)
(2 ft 11 7/16 inch x 2 ft 1 3/16 inch)
Óleo y pigmento sobre lienzo
Óleo y pigmento sobre lienzo
Óleo y pigmento sobre lienzo
Oil and pigment on canvas
Oil and pigment on canvas
Oil and pigment on canvas
VA / En-Mar /2013
VA / En-Mar /2013\
VA / En-Mar /2013\
VA / Jan. – March /2013
VA / Jan. – March /2013
VA / Jan. – March /2013
90 x 64 cm.
90 x 64 cm.
90 x 64 cm.
(2 ft 11 7/16 inch x 2 ft 1 3/16 inch)
(2 ft 11 7/16 inch x 2 ft 1 3/16 inch)
(2 ft 11 7/16 inch x 2 ft 1 3/16 inch)
Óleo y pigmento sobre lienzo
Óleo y pigmento sobre lienzo
Óleo y pigmento sobre lienzo
Oil and pigment on canvas
Oil and pigment on canvas
Oil and pigment on canvas
VA / En-Mar /2013\
VA / En-Mar /2013\
VA / En-Mar /2013\
VA / Jan. – March /2013
VA / Jan. – March /2013
VA / Jan. – March /2013
CONFIDENTIALITY CLAUSE AND COPYRIGHT This document, consisting of 59 pages, has been registered in full and protected under the current international intellectual property law. The information disclosed above is confidential and property of The Gabarron Foundation and the España-Florida Foundation 500Yrs. By receiving this document, you are granted and committed to the following terms: i) To keep maximum confidentiality of all the information included in this document, as well as any proposal disclosed in this document, partially or in full, from any third party. Any kind of distribution or use is forbidden, including, but not limited to, any form of distribution, in written, spoken, graphic, electronic or any other form of digital media, which are considered, by their specifications or technical characteristics, as trade and commercial secrets, and not to use its content for any other purpose than to evaluate oneself and the institution that you represent th to come to fruition the Gabarron's proposal for the Commemoration of the 500 Anniversary of the Discovery of Florida. ii) To not make any copy of the document, partially or in full, in any physical or digital media. Should any third party have access to any information on this document, due to fault or negligence, or anyone with access to this document, or its employees or by action or intentional omission by any of them, The Gabarron Foundation and the España-Florida Foundation 500Yrs reserves the right of claiming compensation and holding them harmless of any damages as consequence of that breaking or leaking of confidentiality. Intentionally or not, anyone who should grant access or diffusion, not authorized, of the information disclosed in this document must provide the proper legal action against any third party to use any information, in part or in full, of this document. Particularly, regardless of any other legal action, anyone who grants access or leaks the information of this document, must immediately take legal action at his own cost against the third party -in case the former does not take legal action, The Gabarron Foundation and the España-Florida Foundation 500Yrs may take such legal action at the cost of the former against the third party- or make an agreement with the third party granting the same level of protection and confidentiality of this document. This confidentiality will prevail until the project is committed to materialize and disclose to the general public.