Friday, March 2, 2012
St. Mark's Cathedral, Main Sanctuary
BeneFacTors Joyce allen ida s. cole kenneth s. rosen anne steele
FoUnders Pamela Belyea, executive director gary Faigin, artistic director
2012 gala coMMiTTee Julie Tall, chair Pamela Belyea david dwyer lorri Falterman kathleen Moore
aUcTioneer laura Michalek
Board oF TrUsTees lorri Falterman, President Julie Tall, vice President Brent reys, Treasurer erin Moyer, secretary gary Bezowsky greg eastman Ted kutscher susan Torrance richard v. West
MUsic Jamie Maschler, accordian and more!
reader Margaretta lantz
Special Thanks
corPoraTe sPonsors
Willkommen gage collecTor’s gala PrograM Friday, March 2, 2012
doors oPen enjoy a glass of wine or sample the evening’s signature cocktail as you bid on more than 50 works of art in three silent auctions. Make sure to buy raffle tickets for your chance to win two places on the vienna to Berlin academy art Tour!
silenT aUcTions Begin closing The silent auction will close in three sections: FirsT closing second closing Third closing
7:15pm 7:30pm 7:45pm
caBareT shoW & dinner live aUcTion
2012 gage arT aWard to Trina Wherry a fantastic four-course dinner is served as bidding begins on live auction pieces. The auctioneer for the evening is laura Michalek.
arT oF desserT Bid on the decadent dessert that your heart desires!
10:00pm checkoUT
enJoy yoUrselF TonighT as you support arts education at gage academy of art. To our top supporters, tonight only, a magnum of special wine will be presented. Bid high, and be rewarded! Magnums of wine were generously provided by chihuly studio & the space needle.
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ENTER THE ACADEMY ART TOUR RAFFLE FOR A CHANCE TO WIN two places on the 11-night Vienna to Berlin: the HeART of Central Europe Academy Art Tour + Airfare, october 19 – 30, worth a total of $12,000. Raffle tickets for this exclusive tour are just $50 per ticket or 5 for $200! our 11-day journey from vienna to Berlin provides both an opportunity to discover the spectacular trove of old master and 19th-century paintings assembled by the imperial courts of germany and austria, as well as a look at how the cataclysmic political changes of the post-War period have transformed these historic towns — particularly Berlin — into vibrant, renewed centers of culture and art. 2]
your tour includes three nights in vienna, two nights in Munich, two nights in dresden and four nights in Berlin in centrally located, four- and five-star hotels with a daily breakfast buffet. For the raffle only, even airfare is included! Two group dinners and one lunch are provided as well. read more about this incredible tour here!
If, for any reason, the Vienna to Berlin Academy Art Tour is cancelled, the raffle winners’ places will be transferred to a subsequent international art tour.
gage academy of art honors
TRINA WHERRY an advocate for the arts and for gage, she secured founding funding as the school transitioned to a non-profit in 1999. ever since, she has continued to provide critical, unwavering support for gage educational programs.
closes at 9:15pm
Art of Dessert
yoUr hearT’s desire as the grand finale to our evening, gage proudly offers a limited array of culinary delights from seattle’s finest restaurants and bakeries. Look for the Dessert Menu & Bidding Card on your table with all the details! how does the art of dessert work? Bid accordingly to your sweet tooth or your gage pride, and we’ll add up your table’s total. The most generous group gets the first pick of these scrumptious selections — only the highest bidding tables will get their hearts’ desire! Bonus: your art of dessert donations are fully tax-deductible! Thank you to all the generous sponsors of the art of dessert auction: desserT Providers a layered cake alaska silk Pie co. artisan cake guild Baked Bakery nouveau Belle epicurean Belle Pastry cameron catering
dahlia Bakery essential Baking company hiroki le Fournil French Bakery le Panier Morfey’s cakes oddfellows café & Bar
simply desserts sugar rush Baking company Tango restaurant & lounge TasTe restaurant The confectional llc Two Tartes café Upper crust Bakery
A Layered Cake
Le Panier V
Live Auction Begins at 8:15
Jameson S. Hubbard The Bison’s Bread and Bitter Root Woodblock Print (60" x 36")
Value: $700 “Plants, such as bitterroot and bread root, have disappeared from the landscape in many parts of the West. The wild bison of the plains evolved with these plants so that both flora and fauna were able to live symbiotically; the loss of these plants has caused many problems.”
Jordan Sokol Untitled Charcoal (16" x 12")
Value: $1,200 “We build a collective memory with the world through the stories, myths and emotions we attach to our everyday surroundings. My paintings and drawings are a projection of my collective memory, meant to trigger that of the viewers.” Sokol is represented by Ann Long Fine Art.
Emily Wood Just North of Hug Point Oil on canvas (12" x 16")
Value: $1,500 “My travels take me throughout Washington, Idaho, Montana and Oregon and it’s in these locations that I gather the inspiration for my landscapes. I find the visual play between shadows and sun evocative and am very interested in exploring how they help to compose the landscape.” Wood is represented by Lisa Harris Gallery.
Michael Grimaldi Study of male nude, grisaille Oil on Panel (9" x 12")
Value: $2,000 “Study of Male Nude, Grisaille served as preliminary study for one of the central figures in my piece 2010 Tattoine Dusk, featured in Visions: the Art of Star Wars by Jonathan Rinzler.” Grimaldi is represented by Arcadia Fine Arts.
Live Auction
Begins at 8:15pm
Daniel Monda Oil Squirt Cans with Auger Bit Oil on canvas (12" x 16")
Value: $2,000 “The objects portrayed in my painting possess an intrinsic beauty beyond the light reflected in oily stain and patina. Beyond the object’s functionality there exists a grace in design that is not only visually stimulating but almost palpable, daring us to render them obsolete.”
Peter Van Dyck Sunday Figure Oil on museum board (20" x 16")
Value: $2,000 “This painting is a painted reaction to specific conditions of light and form focused on the tradition of painting the nude figure. It is not a study but rather an interpretation of a classroom environment and a painting event.” Van Dyck is represented by John Pence Gallery.
Norman Lundin River Bank Oil on gessoed paper (12" x 18")
Value: $2,700 “The less you have, the more important what is there becomes.” Lundin is represented by Francine Seders Gallery.
Alaska Ahoy! Value: $3,000
Unplug from the world on a unique three-day adventure aboard a working container-ship plying the Gulf of Alaska between Anchorage and Tacoma. As the only passengers on board, you have comfortable accommodations in the owner’s stateroom just below the bridge. Upon arrival in Anchorage you spend two nights at the Hotel Captain Cook, Anchorage’s luxury hotel, while enjoying a historic tour of the city from Salmon Berry Tours, with visits to the Anchorage Museum of Art, History & Science. Restrictions: Passengers must be fit and independent. Limited to one adult couple between the dates of May 1, 2013 and August 31, 2013. Hotel accommodations not redeemable during the Hotel Captain Cook’s peak season from June to August.
Live Auction Begins at 8:15
Susan Bennerstrom Oyster Beach Oil on linen (16" x 20")
Value: $2,800 “I work from my own photographs, which are themselves abstractions — one step removed from reality. The paintings wander far afield of straightforward observations of reality, and instead become my personal investigation of the places and objects depicted and the memories they evoke.” Bennerstrom is represented by Davidson Galleries.
Gary Nisbet Violets Acrylic and collage on wood (24" x 24")
Value: $3,200
“These paintings feature forms drawn from the domestic realm of garden and table. They explore the themes of growth and nurture in a process I call personal excavation. These objects of daily life are repeated in a manner that ranges from highly detailed to skeletal. I strip them bare and in this state, their pure and beautiful engineering for function becomes most apparent.” Nisbet is represented by Lisa Harris Gallery.
Victoria Johnson Phoenix Rising Pigmented resin on panel (24" x 36")
Value: $3,400 “My latest body of work addresses my fascination with spatial axes and my dedication to an evolving personal language that treats paint as a constructive force for representation. Each painting is both a stable configuration and a study about degrees of expansion and contraction in motion. Multiple applications of pigment and painting mediums enhance the movement and flow, which is the real content of the paintings.” Johnson is represented by Lisa Harris Gallery.
Jim Phalen Black Paper Oil on panel (24" x 36")
Value: $5,000 “Seeing and working perceptually has rigorous rules of the road. The material of paint is a constant mystery and has no rules; it is, in essence, oily mud. The painter’s job is to bring order and logic to a material completely lacking in such things. When these two contradictions collide, great things can happen.” Phalen is represented by Linda Hodges Gallery.
Live Auction
Begins at 8:15pm
Gary Faigin Still Life with the Blues Oil on canvas (32" x 40")
Value: $5,000 “After years of painting landscapes plein air, in my Imaginary Landscapes series, I’m reexploring urban and rural landscape imagery, both hovering over towns and fields with farmhouses in space and looking at them straight on. The combination owes something to the abstract.” Faigin is represented by Linda Hodges Gallery.
Fund a Need Supporting Gage educational Outreach & Scholarship Programs Artists are Made, Not Born!
Gage seeks to engage our community in the visual arts, expand professional opportunities for Northwest artists, and make Seattle a vibrant, nationally recognized art destination.
Support Gage through your Fund-A-Need gift.
Lyle Silver Weatherbreak Oil bar on board (24" x 24")
Value: $2,500 “This painting was inspired by a wonderfully pleasant scenic drive on I-90, heading into the mountains. I’ve tried to capture the human side with the majesty of the mountains in the background. Getting into the mountains from the city is always awe inspiring; I never get tired of it.” Silver is represented by Patricia Rovzar Gallery.
Andrew Hare Let’s Be Friends Acrylic on canvas (36" x 60")
Value: $2,800 “Architecture is created by people, while environment and light are natural. The way the two combine is what inspires me. I hope my paintings of moments captured in time, my unveiling of obscure visual treasures, will inspire everyone to pause and look closer at their own everyday surroundings.”
Live Auction Begins at 8:15
Juliette Aristides Roses Oil on panel (10" x 8")
Value: $2,800 “Utilizing the rigorous principles of classical realism, I seek to understand and convey beauty and the human spirit through art.” Aristides is represented by John Pence Gallery, LeQuire Gallery and Wendt Gallery.
Craig Kosak Third Bridge Oil on canvas (26" x 40")
Value: $4,200 “It was my first visit to Arches National Park and there had been snow earlier in the day. The clearing storm and brightening skies brought out the ravens and inspired this portrait of Landscape Arch. The experience occurred near the dawn of my career and guided the development of many paintings. Its influence continues to this day.” Kosak is represented by Giacobbe Fritz Fine Art.
Richard Morhous Quilt Acrylic on clayboard (24" x 34")
Value: $3,500 “My subject matter starts with observing the day-to-day visuals surrounding me that pique my interest, curiosity and enjoyment. The interests change daily, but once a subject has been decided, composition and process come into play, distilling, changing, exaggerating, like dance steps rhythmically flowing, each movement leading to another.” Morhous is represented by Lisa Harris Gallery.
Kurt Solmssen Sky, Land and Water Oil on linen (22" x 24")
Value: $4,000 “In the late fall and winter, the sun sets over the Puget Sound to the south, directly in front of our house. Each day the sunset is unique. As the sun falls through cloud patterns and sets over the water, I have to paint quickly. If the image is not convincing, I will scrape it back and try again the next day.” Solmssen is represented by George Billis Gallery, NY.
Live Auction
Begins at 8:15pm
Ted Kutscher Late Afternoon on Turtlehead (Orcas Island) Oil on canvas and board (30" x 24")
Value: $3,200 “This painting started as a sketch I did while hiking the trail up to the top of “Turtle Head,” a knob on the west side of Orcas Island. I was entranced by the sunlight streaming almost straight through the weathered fir trees and parched grasses of the hillside and by the brilliant marine-scape of the Canadian Gulf Islands in the distance.” Kutscher is represented by Silverwood Gallery.
David Kroll Eggs and Bird Oil on treated paper (121⁄2" x 221⁄2")
Value: $4,500 “My paintings are imagined, invented moments that touch upon humans’ complicated, perplexing relationship with nature. I try to create an emotional and intellectual connection — however fleeting — between the viewer and the power of landscape, the web of life, the idea of nature itself.” Kroll is represented by Grover/Thurston Gallery.
Finale Masterpiece Payment Plan At Gage, our mission is to both help develop great artists and help make art accessible for everyone. The Masterpiece Payment Plan is our way of helping connect great collectors with great art in an affordable way. At the auction check out, guests may select this payment option for artwork purchases: • 25% deposit paid at the Gage Collector’s Gala. • 25% payments on April 1, May 1 & June 1, 2012. • After the artwork is paid in full, guests may take the artwork home.
Payment Plan Terms: • • • • • •
Artwork must be purchased on a Visa, Mastercard or American Express credit card. All post-auction payments are charged automatically. Purchasers forfeit artwork that is not paid in full by June 1, 2012. A $25 payment plan fee will be charged for each artwork bought at auction. Masterpiece Payment Plan purchases must be picked up from Gage by June 30, 2012. Gage will charge no interest using the Masterpiece Payment Plan.
Pledges to the Fund a Need or other auction luxuries must be paid in full the night of the auction.
First Silent Auction Closes at 7:15
S101 Christopher Martin Hoff
S102 Margaret Davidson
Port 2
Surface, Noun II
Oil on canvas (12" x 12") Value: $1,000
Colored pencil on dyed bamboo paper (161⁄2" x 131⁄2") Value: $500
Graphite on paper (13" x 10") Value: $300
Oil on canvas (12" x 12") Value: $200
“Working on location, sometimes for more than a year at a single site, my brush both documents and revises with each passing day. Paying witness to this change, translating the cyclical ebb and flow of nature, culture and commerce into paint, drives me to return outdoors each day.”
“This drawing is part of a series of drawings done on “strong” papers, that is, papers that have intense textures, deep colors and an actual voice in the art. My hope is that the drawn image ends up in a sort of conversation with the paper, maybe even an argument.”
S103 Geoff Flack
“My interests are in rendering the human form with classical ideals while trying to show some evidence as to how they unfold in their pictorial space.”
S104 Pamela Durga Robinson
“I love parades. They are a traditional part of small-town America. Cartwheels is a painting meant to embody the enthusiasm and action of the parade passing by.”
Custom framing donated by Framesmith.
Hoff is represented by Linda Hodges Gallery.
Davidson is represented by Anchor Art Space.
S105 Eduardo Fernandez
S106 Pat Clayton
S107 Kelly Patterson
S108 Ira Goldberg
Comparing Apples and Oranges and Tomatoes
A Summer Sunset
Shell, Onions and Wine on the Venice Grand Canal
Oil on linen (12" x 12") Value: $1,250
“While shopping at the fish market I couldn’t help but enjoy the myriad of harmonious cool and warm colors that made up my subject matter. I was hooked, so I took home my ‘catch’ and gave it a try.” Fernandez is represented by Pulliam Gallery.
Oil (12" x 12") Value: $600
“This was begun using a ‘lift-off’ method to establish the value structure then opaque paint and glazes were applied to give depth and luster.” Clayton is represented by Baas Gallery and Framing.
Oil (24" x 12") Value: $300
“This sunset was magnificent — a shining jewel nestled within the dark surrounding framework of brambles and leaves. It was one of those moments too beautiful not to share and I knew I wanted to paint it.”
Oil on Masonite (18" x 14") Value: $500
“I paint to create light with color. My work can be described as Impressionism, sometimes Expressionism, but it’s just painting, which is what I love to do.”
First Silent Auction
Closes at 7:15pm
S109 John Rizzotto
S110 H. Lee Holcomb
S111 Janet Nechama Miller
Knotted End
Skies . . . Dawn & Mid-Day
Oil on canvas (11" x 11") Value: $500
(2 pieces) Oil (9" x 11") Value: $700
This Whole World, Breathing
“Painting for me is a principled craft. My work vacillates between an image of stark simplicity or one rich in complex interactions, dialogues and symbols.”
“I have used oil paint washes and the opacity of oils to create the shimmering and ephemeral supported by the denser but still luminous effects we see revealed in the changing atmosphere.”
Rizzotto is represented by Hallway Gallery and Donna Gordon Gallery.
S112 Kathleen Moore
Encaustic and mixed-media on wood panel (7" x 7") Value: $200
“This painting is part of a series of work that honors stories told and savored, stillness, momentum and action.”
S113 Larine Chung
S114 Deborah Scott
S115 Susan Manzo
Stacked Up
DIY Circus II
Geometry Field I
Pastel on paper (91⁄2" x 6") Value: $300
Ball point pen on paper (16" x 12") Value: $400
Watercolor on paper (10" x 12") Value: $400
“Early on a quiet Saturday morning at the Honey Bear Bakery, these little bowls, stacked up in irregular rhythms of gleaming white, caught my eye and spoke of all the potential the rest of the day held.”
“With my traditional art training background, I am interested in depicting the desolation of reality and paint or draw things that are relevant today and will evoke an intellectual and emotional response in people.”
Oil and mixed media on canvas (24" x 8") Value: $500
Moore is represented by Semantics Gallery.
Chung is represented by Fountainhead Gallery.
“My work is a mash-up of classically painted figures and contemporary iconography. My narratives are based on biography, tarot, mythology and fairytale.”
“This geometric work in watercolor is one of a series focusing on color, composition and light using the transparency of the medium to add dimension to the overall piece.” Courtesy of the Estate of Susan Manzo. Sale of this painting supports the Gage Scholarship Fund.
Second Silent Auction Closes at 7:30
S201 Suze Woolf
S202 Michael Friel
Night Shift
Rowers on Lake Washington
Watercolor on gesso (22" x 15") Value: $800
“Industrial scenes at night have inherent drama. I think of these scenes as our unintentional monuments: some of the largest but least celebrated structures we create, beautiful and eerie at the same time.”
S205 Patty Haller
Oil on paper (8" x 12") Value: $800
“This is part of a series of landscapes I painted along the Lake Washington shoreline. It is a very picturesque section of Seattle, lined with parks, beaches and — when the weather cooperates — views of Mount Rainier.”
S206 Keri Stack
S203 Zoey Frank
S204 John Rizzotto
Summer Harvest
Oil on linen (17" x 15") Value: $800
Oil on canvas (10" x 17") Value: $750
“This portrait was painted from life over the course of several months. I chose to paint Katrina straight on, attempting to capture her strong character. To me she has the presence of a warrior.”
“I always paint from life and enjoy giving visibility to those elements which are often unseen, unknown or overlooked.”
S207 Elana Winsberg
S208 Jennifer Frohwerk
Rizzotto is represented by Hallway Gallery and Donna Gordon Gallery.
Organic Wallpaper
Hide and Seek
Top Hat
Still Life on Black
Casein and oil on wood panel (14" x 14") Value: $400
Oil on canvas (20" x 16") Value: $1,500
Acrylic on canvas (18" x 18") Value: $350
Oil on canvas (14" x 20") Value: $975
“My approach to my art is to honor the objects and to paint them in a contemporary, simple way. Shape; pattern; rich, vivid, layered color; and breathing room are my hallmarks.”
“Balancing food on a plate like a hat on a head, Top Hat is a painting of my well-used English teapot, one in a series of three still-life paintings of teapots on square canvases.”
“In this still life, the individual is represented by vintage and handmade vessels. With their brightly colored patterns and reflective surfaces, they come to life as jewels sparkling against a dark ground.”
“I am driven by the potential of an artistic life: to encounter the ideas of art history, consider their new combinations and applications, and perhaps produce something unexpected and compelling.”
Frohwerk is represented by The Fountainhead Gallery.
Second Silent Auction
Closes at 7:30pm
S209 Anna McKee
S210 Terry Furchgott
S211 Michael Lane
S212 Eric Elliott
WAIS Camp — Arctic Oven
Pink Tulips in a Green Vase
Study for “Nelson Shanks”
Van Gogh Study
Etching, chine colle (8" x 12") Value: $500
Oil pastel on paper (12" x 91⁄4") Value: $400
Graphite on paper (53⁄4" x 8") Value: $700
“In 2009, I traveled to the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Divide. One of my goals was to document the camp. Inspired by romantic era engravings, my suite of etchings illustrate the infrastructure of a research field camp and its setting.”
“I lived and painted in England for seven years earlier in my career, and this drawing was done during a return visit with friends near Kew Gardens. It was Easter and the whole house was full of beautiful spring bouquets.”
McKee is represented by Francine Seders Gallery.
Furchgott is represented by Lisa Harris Gallery.
S213 Susan Manzo
S214 Jim Woodring
“This study for a painting depicts objects which once belonged to Nelson Shanks that I acquired from the artist during the years of my apprenticeship in his studio.”
Ink on paper (10" x 12") Value: $500
“I have always been inspired by the mark making of Van Gogh’s drawings. In this work I made a study of several of his drawings all in one piece.”
Lane is represented by Form Space Atelier.
Elliott is represented by James Harris Gallery.
S215 Michael Leavitt
S216 Lauren Klenow
Geometry Field II
Cardboard Shoe
Watercolor on paper (10" x 12") Value: $400
Stone lithograph (15" x20") Value: $200
Porcelain (8" x 6") Value: $500
“This geometric work in watercolor is one of a series focusing on color, composition, and light using the transparency of the medium to add dimension to the overall piece.”
“There is something weirdly anthropomorphic about frogs, considering how inhuman-looking they are. One wants to draw them doing something, so I drew this one being hit by lightning and enjoying the experience, however briefly.”
Recycled cardboard, acrylic paint (8" x 15") Value: $500
“My cardboard shoes are part of a long line of my ‘Hip Hopjects’ series. Yes, my cardboard shoes are perfectly wear-able, replete with single-length laces that tighten the shoes to size.”
Published by Fantagraphics.
Leavitt is represented by Jonathan LeVine Gallery.
Courtesy of the Estate of Susan Manzo. Sale of this painting supports the Gage Scholarship Fund.
“My work examines the intersections between landscape, geometry and architecture. I am currently investigating how simple triangles can reference more complex geographies.”
Third Silent Auction
S301 Suzanne Brooker The Forthcoming Muse Oil on canvas (40" x 28") Value: $1,200
“My intention in this painting was to insert a contemporary figure into a historical work as a way to bend its meaning: an actual presence in an idealized pastoral, and The Forthcoming Muse is based on a Puvis de Chavannes’s painting.”
Closes at 7:45pm
S302 Tom Hoffmann
S303 Sue Danielson
S304 Lin La Mer
Green River
Road Home #31
Lady Apples II
Watercolor (11" x 15") Value: $800
Acrylic (16" x 20") Value: $800
Oil on canvas (20" x 24") Value: $1,250
“The feeling of floating through the canyonlands is more intense than one of my photos can represent, so I turned up the color, just a little. Every turn brings a surprise, and I wanted to suggest that marvels await around the next bend.”
“My work is a visual representation of my exploration into notions of home and identity through form and color. The Road Home series, in particular, represents the journey that we all travel to find our way home both literally and metaphorically through the playful use of an imaginary road map.”
“This painting is all about the light. The white pitcher and compote pick up a glowing halo of soft light giving them a bit of mystery. Adding to the mysteriousness are the long shadows.”
Hoffmann is represented by Fountainhead Gallery.
Danielson is represented by Core Gallery.
S305 Kimberly Trowbridge
S306 Crystal Barbre
S307 Annie Lewis
Mountain Fresh
Conversations with Water
Oil on canvas (28" x 26") Value: $1,400
Oil on board (16" x 24") Value: $500
Collaged monotype (a diptych each 11" x 11") Value: $600
“Rachel was painted from observation and is a mingling of external observation — to create the planes of the body, with invention — the rhythmic interplay of color, shape and line to move the viewer around the space of the painting.” Trowbridge is represented by Prographica.
“Mountain Fresh was painted as a kind of love song to Seattle. The Northwest is well known for its cheap beer and strong, creative women. In this painting, I hoped to capture the sense of fun, strength and creativity that I have found in this city that is like no other.”
“Shapes, lines, colors and textures interacting on paper behave like people in proximity. They begin to explore each other and create relationships.” Lewis is represented by Fetherston Gallery, SAM Gallery and Bainbridge Arts and Crafts.
Third Silent Auction
Closes at 7:45pm
S309 Holly McKinley
S310 Kathleen Coyle
Watershed 2.0
Oil on canvas (22" x 22") Value: $800
Encaustic on panel (12" x 24") Value: $800
Denial, Anger, Sorrow #2
S308 Ryan Finnerty
“Each face presents thousands of new formal relationships, and carries the personality, energy and presence of my sitter. Painting is a tool for investigating reality.”
“The process of creating is pure joy, where I attempt to show the interconnected nature of everything — skies, hills, oceans and rivers — and man’s precarious balance within it.”
Charcoal and acrylic on paper (36" x 28") Value: $850
“This artwork is a visual expression of loss. It is a mixed-media piece on paper using charcoal and acrylic paint. Creating art is the most important part of my life.”
S311 Charles Spitzack Conflicted Figures Sosaku-Hanga woodcut (26" x 42") Value: $750
“Conflicted Figures is a moku hanga woodblock print, carved into cherry wood and printed with sumi ink and watercolor onto Shikoku paper. The image depicts two opposing sides caught together, each unable to progress in their desired direction.” Spitzack is represented by Davidson Galleries.
Table Captains
Pamela Belyea & Gary Faigin Patricia Belyea
corporate Tables
Chihuly Studio Billy O’Neill
Linda Bonica Kyle Bryan & Daniel Monda
Kutcher, Rhodes & Benner
Gary Bezowsky & Donna Evered
Ted & Susan Kutscher
David Dwyer & Robert Zat Greg Eastman
Laird Norton Tyee
Ellen Evans & Sandy Melzer
Erin Moyer
Lorri Falterman & Steven Strong Christine & David Gedye
Lane Powell Attorneys & Counselors
Christina Koons & Jim McIntire
Diane Butler
Katherine Randolph & Kyle Wang Brent & Heidi Reys
RBC Wealth Management
Annie Rosen & Richard Monroe
Mike & Barbara Geri
Cathy Sarkowsky Julie Tall Susan & Mark Torrance Kristine & John Travaglini Mike & Claire Vitolo Susan Winokur & Paul Leach Cheryl & Rich Zahniser
Thank You!
Special Silent Auction SS01
Closes at 9:30pm
Bill Evans Ready to Go Clay (22" x 21")
Value: $1,500 “Clay is a wonderful and time-honored medium for sculpture seeming to allow the greatest of flexibility in form and color. I work rapidly at first, modifying the pose as I go, and slow down considerably as detail, expression and texture develop.” Evans is represented by Sisko Gallery.
Ann Morris Double Beaver
Bronze (5.5" x 191⁄2" x 71⁄4") Value: $3,500
“These pieces come from the forested land of mist and rain, where ravens rule and bones wash up on beaches. Here bones and plant forms come to me, and from them I am given inspiration.” Morris is represented by Lisa Harris Gallery.
Glasshouse Studio Abstract Platter Glass (24" x 24" x 21⁄2") Value: $2,200
The Abstract Platter is Glasshouse Studio’s premier creation, taking all of the studio’s five glass artists over 1½ hours to complete. Founded in 1972 at the beginning of the Northwest Glass Movement, Glasshouse Studio is the oldest glassblowing studio in the Northwest. Their work is internationally recognized in the glass community and can be found in the finest private corporate and gallery collections.
Closes at 9:30pm
Arts & Culture Packages All items are completely transferrable! Restrictions apply.
Theater & Dance Lover’s Package
Value: $1,800
Enjoy a weekend getaway with the finest in Northwest theater and dance!
Visual Art Lover’s Package Value: $1,200
Experience a weekend retreat, museum hopping and a great photo op!
Visual Art Student’s Package Value: $1,200
Drawing, glass blowing and photography — time to experiment!
• HOTEL: Mayflower Park Hotel, two nights & breakfast • DINNER: Teatro Zinzanni, evening for two • ACT, A Contemporary Theatre — two season passes • Pacific Northwest Ballet — four tickets & VIP Lounge Passes
• HOTEL: The Maxwell Hotel, two nights • DINNER: Olivar Restaurant, $100 certificate • Bellevue Art Museum family membership • Frye Art Museum supporter membership • Seattle Art Museum family passes • “Photography Portrait Experience” from Heather Quintans
• Gage Academy of Art, day of drawing in the Aristides Atelier • Seattle Glassblowing Studio, four-hour private lesson & glass bowl • Photo Center NW, membership & $150 certificate • Elliot Bay bookstore, four great art instruction books
SS07 Music & Film Lover’s Package
SS09 Santa Fe Art Lover’s Getaway
Value: $1,500
Seattle weekend with music, film and some serious cocktails!
• HOTEL: Sorrento Hotel, two nights • DINNER: St. Clouds, $75 gift certificate • The Hideout, $100 certificate for drinks • Seattle Symphony, two tickets • NW Film Forum, membership & five passes • Seattle International Film Festival, membership • Early Music Guild, four tickets
Northwest Marine Lover’s Package Value: $1,250
Doesn’t get better than a weekend on the water — especially in the Northwest! • HOTEL: Langley Inn on Whidbey Island, two nights • DINNER: Prima Bistro, $50 certificate • Waterways Cruises, two-hour Sunday brunch cruise for two • Center for Wooden Boats, membership & two-hour boat rental • SeaFair, premier tickets for two • Washington Rowing Club, beginning rowing class • Avalon Glassworks, six sea-themed glass pieces
Value: $1,250
Explore an enchanting weekend of Southwest art and landscape! • HOTEL: La Posada Hotel & Spa, two nights • DINNER: La Casa Sena, $100 certificate • Georgia O’Keeffe Museum, family membership • Museum Passes for two: New Mexico Museum of Art New Mexico History Museum Museum of Indian Arts & Culture Museum of International Folk Art
A True Work of Art
We thank our friends at Gage Academy of Art for providing adults and youth in our community the tools, techniques and environment to pursue their artistic aspirations.
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Annual Collector’s Gala Art Auction & Benefit Lane Powell shares its success with our communities through pro bono work, volunteering, board memberships, fundraisers, sponsorships and donations. We are dedicated to helping our communities thrive and are strongly committed to the well-being and progress of the region where we live and work.
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Auction Rules Auction Rules General Rules All guests will be given a bid card on entry. You will use this number to bid with. We suggest you write your name on the back of the card so we can get it back to you in case you misplace it. Your high bid on live or silent auction items is a commitment to purchase that item. Bidding is only counted when you write your bid number and amount on a silent auction form or by displaying your bid card to the auctioneer in the live auction. We reserve the right to withdraw items from the auction, or add items to the auction, at any time or without notice. All items are sold as is, without warranty. The value listed is our best estimate of fair market value. However, auction items have not been professionally appraised. If you have any questions on procedures, please ask at the cashier’s table.
Silent Auction Rules Items offered in the silent auction will have silent auction bid forms attached to them. You may bid by simply adding your bid number to the minimum bid, or if that has already been taken, by adding your bid number and a higher bid amount on the line below the existing high bid. Please observe minimum bid and bid increment amounts noted on the form. Please write legibly so that your bid may be properly accounted. You may purchase the item outright by putting your bid number next to the “Buy It Now” amount.
You may bid anytime during the evening up until closing time for the Silent Auction. Closing time will be announced by the auctioneer. On closing, all bid forms will be picked up for processing. -You may inquire if you have won something at the cashiers table. Please allow 20-30 minutes time for the cashiers to process the forms after the closing.
Live Auction Rules To bid on an item, simply show your bid card to the auctioneer. Bids will be accepted until no one bids further, in which case the item will be declared sold to the highest bidder.
Tax deductions Art of Dessert and Fund-a-Need donations are fully tax deductible. For artwork, the amount you bid over the stated value of the piece is tax deductible. Raffle tickets are not tax deductible.
Thank You to the Gage Staff Gary Faigin, artistic director
Sharon Arnold, youth programs manager
Pamela Belyea, executive director
Tracy Banaszynski, teen art studios coordinator
Kathleen Moore, development manager
Shane Foreman, facilities assistant
Charles Spitzack, executive assistant
Sam Hamrick, facilities manager
Erin M. Schadt, communications director
Carol Hendricks, school manager
Ani Rucki, graphic designer
Lee Humason, financial director
Shelly Leavens, curator / public events
Susan Jones, website editor
Tara Jaiyeola, volunteer coordinator
Margaretta Lantz, registrar
Index of Artists Aristides, Juliette . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Grimaldi, Michael. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Monda, Daniel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Barbre, Crystal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Haller, Patty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Moore, Kathleen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Bennerstrom, Susan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Hare, Andrew. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Morhous, Richard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Brooker, Suzanne. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Hoff, Christopher Martin. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Morris, Ann. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Chung, Larine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Hoffmann, Tom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Nisbet, Gary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Clayton, Pat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Holcomb, H. Lee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Patterson, Kelly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Coyle, Kathleen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Hubbard, Jameson S.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Phalen, Jim. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Danielson, Sue. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Johnson, Victoria. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Rizzotto, John. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11, 12
Davidson, Margaret . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Klenow, Lauren . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Robinson, Pamela Durga . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Elliott, Eric. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Kosak, Craig. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Scott, Deborah. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Evans, Bill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Kroll, David. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Silver, Lyle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Faigin, Gary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Kutscher, Ted. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Sokol, Jordan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Fernandez, Eduardo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
La Mer, Lin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Solmssen, Kurt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Finnerty, Ryan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Lane, Michael. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Spitzack, Charles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Flack, Geoff. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Leavitt, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Stack, Keri. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Frank, Zoey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Lewis, Annie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Trowbridge, Kimberly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Friel, Michael. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Lundin, Norman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Van Dyck, Peter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Frohwerk, Jennifer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Manzo, Susan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11, 13
Winsberg, Elana. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Furchgott, Terry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
McKee, Anna. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Wood, Emily . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Glasshouse Studio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
McKinley, Holly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Woodring, Jim. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Goldberg, Ira . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Miller, Janet Nechama . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Woolf, Suze . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Thank you to the artists who so generously donated their artwork! Learn more about the artists at
Event proceeds benefit Gage educational, outreach & scholarship programs.
Classical Training for Contemporary Artists
Guided by the belief that artists are made, not born, Gage strives to educate, enrich and engage artists and the community in the visual arts. Gage offers instruction in the principles of drawing, painting and sculpting and is dedicated to helping students of all ages and skill levels realize themselves as artists in contemporary society. 1501 Tenth Avenue East | Seattle WA 98102 | 206.323.GAGE