Critical Thinking Logic Puzzles 2 dimensions
◊♣ A family Kayla's family consists of Daniel, Morgan, Grace, and Devin. They are Kayla's mother, father, younger brother, and younger sister. Name which person is the mother, father, younger brother, and younger sister. 1. Devin has no brothers. He is 9 years old. 2. Daniel likes to jog. He jogs every morning. 3. Morgan is not Kayla's mother. She is also not Kayla's father. 4. Grace is not Kayla's younger sister.
◊♣ Colour of cars Morgan, Kaitlyn, Courtney, and Emma each own a car. One has a violet car, one has a yellow car, one has a blue car, and one has a black car. Figure out the colour of each person's car. 1. Courtney favourite colours are black and violet. Her car is one of her favourite colours. 2. Morgan borrowed the blue car. 3. Kaitlyn favourite colours are blue and yellow. Her car is one of her favourite colours. 4. Emma doesn't like yellow cars. 5. Emma doesn't like black cars. 6. Courtney borrowed the black car. 7. Morgan doesn't like yellow cars.
◊♣ Breakfast Amanda, Sarah, and Jacob each ate something different for breakfast. One had toast, one had sausages, and one had a melon for breakfast. What did each person have for breakfast? 1.
Amanda likes to eat either a melon or toast for breakfast.
Only Sarah and Jacob like meat for breakfast.
Jacob did not have sausages or toast for breakfast.
◊♣ Height of Leprechauns Five Leprechauns (Benjamin, Alexander, Christopher, Justin, and Robert) are each different heights (2 feet and 2 inches, 3 feet and 7 inches, 2 feet and 7 inches, 3 feet and 3 inches, and 2 feet and 11 inches). Figure out how tall each Leprechaun is. 1.
Christopher is shorter than Robert and taller than Justin.
Alexander is taller than Justin.
Benjamin is the tallest Leprechaun.
Christopher is not shorter than Alexander.
◊♣ Easter eggs Christian, Abigail, Julia, and Jennifer each coloured one Easter egg using their favourite colour of paint. Each person has a different favourite colour. Their favourite colours are yellow, violet, green, and red. Figure out which colour each person used to paint his or her egg. 1. Christian and Julia both do not like violet. 2. The person who likes red is a girl. 3. Abigail likes green, but it is not her favourite colour. 4. Abigail's favourite colour is either green or yellow, although she can only have one favourite colour. 5. Christian likes red, but it is not his favourite colour.
◊♣ Recycle cans Connor, Ethan, Kaylee, and Alyssa each recycled a different number of cans (30, 26, 23, and 16) as well as a different number of junk mail letters (123, 127, 116, and 121). Figure out how many cans and junk mail letters each person recycled. 1. Kaylee recycled the most number of cans. 2. Ethan recyled a total of one hundred forty-nine cans and junk mail letters. 3. Alyssa recycled the least number of junk mail letters. 4. Connor and Ethan recyled a total of two hundred ninety-two cans and junk mail letters. 5. Kaylee recycled less than one hundred twenty-three junk mail letters. 6. If the number of cans Ethan recycled was doubled he would have recycled fifty-two cans. 7. Alyssa recycled ninety-three more junk mail letters than the number of cans she recycled.
mother = Grace
father = Daniel
sister= Morgan
◊♣Colour of cars Morgan Kaitlyn Courtne y Emma
◊♣ Breakfast
Violet Yellow X X X V V X X
toast Amanda √ Sarah X Jacob X
Blue X X X
Black V X X
sausages X √ X
melon X X √
◊♣Height of Leprechauns +
Benjamin Robert Christopher Alexander Justin
Yellow Christian x Abigail √ Julia x Jennifer x
Violet x x x √
Green √ x x x
Red x x √ x
◊♣Recycle cans Kaylee Ethan Alyssa Connor
30 √ 121 x x x
26 x
23 x √ 123 x x √ 116 x x
16 x x x √ 127