Endangered animals 5 i

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My favourite endangered animal 5I



The Amur Leopard is my favourite endangered animal. They live in forests in North and South Korea. They have got black spots and long legs. The hair grows 7 cm in winter and 2.5cm in summer. The favourite food of Amur Leopard is meat.

They are endangered because of inbreeding. There are between 25 and 34 Amur Leopards today.

ARCTIC WOLF My favourite endangered animal is the Arctic Wolf. They live in cold places in the Arctic. They are white with blue or grey eyes, they have got smaller ears than the normal wolf. They eat meat of small animals. Their favourite food is meat. They are endangered because of hunting and poaching.

There are 15.000 in the world today.

ASIAN ELEPHANT My favourite endangered animal is the ELEPHANT. Elephants live in Asia, in the National Park in India. They have got long ears and grey skin. Their favourite food is grasses, tree barks, roots, leaves There are fewer than 50,000 today.

They are endangered because of loss of habitat and hunting.

Bigeye Tuna My favourite endangered animal is the Bigeye Tuna. They live in the open waters in the subtropical and tropical areas of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans. They are big and very heavy with large heads and eyes. They have got 13 or 14 dorsal spines. They can live as long as 10 to 12 years.

They eat fish, crustaceans and cephalopods. They are endangered because of fishing.

BLACK RHINO My favourite endangered animal is the Black Rhino. They live in Africa. They are grey and they are 1.6m tall. They weight 1500kg. th

They are the 4 biggest mammals. The Black Rhino’s favourite food is grass.

They are endangered animals because of loss of habitat. There are 5,000-5,400 today.

BLUE WHALE The Blue Whales live in the oceans. Their body is blue and they have got big teeth. The Blue Whales are endangered because of over fishing, pollution, bridges and cities construction. The Blue Whales eat other ocean animals. They are dangerous and bored.

Comparing with other animals the Blue Whales are very big. Now there are about 10,00025,000 whales in the world.

BROWN BEAR My favourite endangered animal is the Brown Bear. They live in Asia and America. Their body is extremely strong. They walk by four legs. Their fur is brown and their head is big. Brown Bears eat vegetables, mainly corns, chestnuts, hazelnuts and honey.

Brown Bears are dangerous and strong. They are endangered because of hunting. It is difficult to count the number of Brown Bears in the world.

GIANT PANDA My favourite endangered animal is the Giant Panda. Giant Pandas live in China. Giant Pandas have got white and black fur. They eat bamboo.

The Giant Pandas are endangered because of pollution. Today there are 1.400 Giant Pandas.

Gorilla My favourite endangered animal is the Gorilla. They live in Africa. They are black. They are big and powerful creatures. Their favourite food is banana and plants. They are endangered because of poaching and hunting. There are 15,000 today.


Komodo Dragon My favourite endangered animal is the Komodo Dragon. They live in Komodo Island. Their skin is rough and medium size. Komodo Dragons are carnivores. Their favourite food is buffalo.

They are endangered because of volcanic activity, earthquakes, loss of habitat, fire, loss of prey, tourism, and illegal poaching. There were 3,014 in 2015.

ORANGUTAN My favourite endangered animal is the Orangutan. Orangutans live in the forest in Malesia and they live solitary existences. They usually are brow and black. They eat fruits. They can find the food they need in the forest. Orangutans are endangered because of hunting, illegal wildlife trade, deforestation and loss of habitat.

There are about 104,700 (Bornean), 14,613 (Sumatran), 800 (Tapanuli).

POLAR BEAR My favourite endangered animal is the Polar Bear. They live in the Artic, the U.S, Canada, Russia, Denmark, and Norway. Their characteristics are:  They usually only have two babies.  The babies are much smaller than human babies.  They live up to age 25.  Their fur is not white. Each hair is like a hollow tube.  Baby polar bears often starve.

They mainly eat seals. They are endangered because of humans, they are the only polar bears predators. Today 25,000 to 40,000 polar bears live in the Artic.

RED PANDA My favourite endangered animal is the Red Panda. They live in the temperate forests in China. They are red, they have got black eyes. Their diet is almost vegetarian as bamboo. They are endangered because of loss of habitat. There are less than 3,000 left in the wild!

SHARK My favourite endangered animal is the Shark. They live in the oceans. They have developed sense of smell, hearing and sight. They weight up to 11 tons. Sharks are carnivorous and eat fish (including other sharks). They are endangered because of overfishing and pirate fishing.

There are more than 500 species.

SNOW LEOPARD My favourite endangered animals are Snow Leopards. They live in Asia. Snow leopards are white and they have got black spots. Their favourite food is meat. They are very fast animals. They are endangered because of loss of habitat, hunting and

poaching for their skins. There are 5,000 snow leopards today.

SUMATRAN TIGER My favourite endangered animal is the Sumatran Tiger. They live in forest, grasslands, wetlands in Borneo and Sumatra. They have heavy black stripes on their orange coats. They weigh from 165 to 308 pounds. They are carnivores, they eat meat. They are endangered because of loss of habitat and hunting and poaching for their furs. There are 400-500 Sumatran Tigers today.

WHITE RHINO My favourite endangered animal is the White Rhino. The North White Rhino lives in Congo and the South White Rhino lives in the African savannah. Their favourite food is grass. Their character is strong. In the world there are five species. They are 4,2m long, 1,85m high and they weigh 4.000kg. White Rhino are endangered because of hunting or pouching.

Black Rhino vs White Rhino: White Rhino is heavier and bigger than Black Rhino. Today there are 2 North White Rhinos and there are 20.000 more or less South White Rhinos.

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