Recipes 6 iii

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Snacks Lemon Cake Rice on Milk Cupcake Cupcake Chocolate Cake Chocolate Cake Doughnuts

Starters Soup Macaroni with tomato Rice with chicken Russian Salad

Main courses French omelette Fried Eggs Potato omelette Prata

Desserts Truffles Muffins Strawberry milksake Fruit Salad Sponge Cake

A cup of tea Ingredients: - Some water - Two tea bags - Some milk - Some sugar - Biscuits

Utensils: - A mug - A kettle - A teapot - A tea spoon

Steps: - First, put the water in the kettle and boil it. - Next, put two tea bags in the teapot. - Then, put the water in teapot. - Next, add some milk in the mug. - Add some sugar, if you want. Very important take some biscuits.

Beans on toast Ingredients: - Some bread, - Some butter - A tin of beans in tomato sauce

Utensils: - Saucepan - Toaster - A knife / knives - A wooden spoon - A tin opener

Steps: - First, open the tin and put the beans in the saucepan. - Then, turn on the gas and stir. - Next, put the bread in the toaster. - Then, spread some butter on the toast. - Finally, put the beans on the toast. Enjoy yourself!!!

INGREDIENTS 6 eggs 300g sugar 1and a half packet yeast Half a glass lemon juice 20g ground anise Half glass anise powder Half glass water Half glass oil Zest of 2 lemons UTENSILES Mixer Spoon Oven Bowl

INSTRUCTIONS First, separate the yolks and the whites. Next, beat the whites with the blender until they are very frothy. Then, add the yolks and beat. Add the sugar, the yeast, the lemon juice, the zest of 2 lemons, the anise and some water while stirring. At this moment with your hands make balls with the dough. And place them on a surface with flour. With your finger make a hole in the balls. Finally, fry the doughnuts in hot oil. Now they are ready to eat. Enjoy!!!

By: Nahia

INGREDIENTS: 3 eggs One lemon yoghurt One glass oil 3 glasses flour A packet of yeast One lemon Butter Sugar UTENSILIS: Blender with barillas Big bowl Mould Grater Oven

First, whisk the eggs in the bowl until they are spongy. Then, add two glasses sugar and the yeast. Next, add the yoghurt and continue whisking. After, add the oil and the three glasses of flour and mix. Then, add the lemon zest. Finally, spread the mould with butter and put the dough and into the oven previously heated to 250 degrees and lowered to 180 degrees for 50 minutes. To know if it is done put a stick in it and when it is cleaned it is finished.

By Julen


UTENSILS Mixer Glass

HOW TO MAKE IT First, cut the strawberries. Next, put the strawberries, milk, sugar and ice in the mixer and mix altogether. Finally, put the milkshake in the glass.

By: Eider

HARERA INGREDIENTS: 2 onions 200g meat 50 g lentils 100g chickpeas parsley celery pepper cinnamon salt noodle pasta water 1 tomato 1 egg

UTENSILS: A pan A knife

HOW DO YOU COOK? First, chop all the ingredients. Next, boil 2 litres of water. Then, add all the ingredients and cook during 20 minutes. Finally, add 5 spoons of noodles and cook during 5 minutes.

By: Ismael

MACARONI WITH TOMATO INGREDIENTS 500 macaroni Two spoonful oil 1l water A pinch salt 500 gr tomato

UTENSILS Strainer Pot Plate Fork

INSTRUCTIONS 1. First, put the water in a pot and boil it. 2. Then, when the water is hot put the macaroni in the pot and wait for about 12 minutes. 3. Next, when the macaroni are cooked strain the water to take it away. 4. Finally, mix the tomato and the macaroni.

By: Asier

RUSSIAN SALAD Ingredients: -Four potatoes -Salt -Mayonnaise -Three eggs -One carrot -Olives

Utensils: -a knife

-a plate -a pan

How do you do it: -First, boil the potatoes, the eggs and the carrot. -Next, cut the potatoes, the eggs and the carrot. -Then, put all the ingredients in the plate and add the olives. -Next, add the mayonnaise. -Finally, add the salt.

By: Oier

French omelette Utensils: A plate, a frying pan and a fork.

Ingredients: Salt, oil and eggs.

Steps or instructions: First, put the eggs in a plate and beat them. Then, put the frying pan on the fire with a crop of oil, when it

is hot throw the eggs and wait until the eggs thicken. Finally, put the omelette on a plate and enjoy it.

By: Unatz

FRIED EGG INGREDIENTS - One egg - Oil - Salt

UTENSILS - Pan - Skimmer - Plate

HOW TO MAKE IT... - First, put the pan in the fire with some oil. - Then, when the oil is hot put the egg in the pan.

- Next, with the skimmer throw oil on the egg. - Next, add some salt on the yolk. Finally, put the egg on the plate. AND EAT!

By: Aimar

PAKISTANI EGG INGREDIENTS -One egg -Milk -Chilly -Salt -Oil

UTENSILS -One spoon -One plate -Frying pan

HOW TO DO First, light the fire and place on top the frying pan with some oil.

Next, put three spoons of milk, the chilly and the salt in the plate and mix with the spoon. Next, break the egg and mix with the rest of the ingredients with a spoon. Then, put the mixture in the frying pan for 2 minutes. Finally, put the Pakistani egg in one plate and eat!!!!!!! You can eat with Pakistani bread.


PIZZA WITH CHEESE INGREDIENTS 400g pizza dough (for the base) 15ml. extra virgin olive oil 150g homemade tomato sauce 3 teaspoons oregano 250g. mozzarella cheese 100g blue cheese (I recommend Gorgonzola) 100g grated Parmesan cheese

UTENSILS Bowl Pizza cutter Oven

INSTRUCTIONS First, put the dough on the bowl and stir the dough. Then, spread the dough in a circle when it is hard. Next, put all the ingredients on the dough. Finally, put it in the oven at 250degrees during 15-20 minutes.

By Eneko

POTATO OMELETTE INGREDIENTS: Eggs, onion, potatoes, olive oil.

PREPARATION: 1. Peel and wash the potatoes and cut into thin slices. Heat enough oil in a frying pan and add the potatoes and a little salt, add the onion after the potatoes. 2. When the potatoes start to turn golden move them away from the heat, put them in a large colander.

Meanwhile beat the eggs and add the potatoes, mix well and add the salt. 3. Heat the frying pan again with oil. Add the mixture of egg and potatoes and lower the heat. Move so that the omelette doesn’t stick to the bottom of the frying pan. 4. After a time turn it over. Use a flat plate. Now it’s ready to eat!

By Unax P.

500g chicken 1litre water 150g rice 50ml oil 3 teaspoon yellow food colouring Vegetables: onions, red and green peppers

Pan for cooking paella 2 pans Spatula Cloth Spot

First, put the vegetables: onions, red and green peppers during 10 minutes with oil in the frying pan. Next, fry the chicken in the pan. Then, put the rice in the pan for cooking paella and add the yellow food colouring and the food from the 2 pans and cook for 20 minutes.

By Imanol Plaza

 Ingredients * 4 eggs * 100g sugar * 75g flour * A teaspoon of yeast * 30g cacao * Some butter

 Utensils * A mixer * A bowl * A mould * An oven

 How to make it - First, shell the eggs in the bowl. - Then, add the sugar, the flour, the yeast and the cacao. - Next, mix it. - Spread a mould with butter and flour. - Then, throw the mixture in the mould. - Finally, bake it at 180 degrees for 30 minutes.


By Imanol B.

Chocolate cake Ingredients ·200 g flour ·50 g cacao powder ·A packet of yeast ·6 eggs ·250g butter ·250 g brown sugar

Utensils ·Two bowls ·A small pan ·Two spoons ·A mixer ·A mould for the cake

Instructions ·First, put the flour, the yeast and the cacao powder in the bowl.

·Then, put the butter in the small pan and put it on the fire until it melts. ·When it is melted, mix it with the sugar. ·Next, beat the eggs with the mixer in a bowl. ·In another bowl, mix the flour, the cacao and yeast. Little by little mix with the eggs and the other mixture (butter and sugar). ·Next, put the oven at 160º-170º. ·Finally, put the dough in the mould and put it in the oven for 25minutes. AND IT IS READY TO EAT!!!

BY: Nahiane


·180cl milk ·180g butter ·300g flour ·20g yeast ·Salt ·100g brown sugar ·150g chocolate ·A tablespoon vanilla essence ·3 eggs ·2 teaspoons sugar


·150g Philadelphia cheese ·2 full teaspoons sugar glass ·Fondant ·Whipped cream ·Chocolate to melt

UTENSILS: ·Spatula

·Bowl ·Bar blender ·Pastry bag ·Silicone tongue ·Tray for cupcakes ·Paper capsules for cupcakes


First of all, preheat the oven to 180ยบ and put paper capsules in tray for cupcakes. Next, pour the milk and the butter in a bowl and put in the fire. Then, sieve the flour with the yeast and the salt and mix with the brown sugar. Later, grate the chocolate, when the milk and the butter are tempered add a teaspoon of vanilla essence and three eggs and mix. Overturn the mixture in the flour with the help of a spatula and mix until a thin and uniform mass is obtained. Put this preparation on the capsules for cupcakes and sprinkle with sugar. Now put in the oven during 20 min. Finally, take them out the oven and puncture in the centre with a toothpick, if it comes out dry they are ready.


Melt the chocolate in the microwave for 2 minutes and then pour it over the cupcake and let it dry. Next, mix the cheese and cream and put it in a pastry bag and make it in the cupcake. Then take the fondant and give the shape you want and finally make a little icing sugar over.

By Aitana

CUPCAKE INGREDIENTS 95 ml sunflower oil 95 ml olive oil 60 ml milk Limon zest 210 ml flour 10 g salt 125 g whole eggs 175 g sugar Yeast

UTENSILS A jar A spoon A paper A bowl Cupcake capsules

INSTRUCTIONS First, mix the oils, milk and lemon zest in a bowl. Stir and add the flour, the yeast and salt. Next, beat the eggs and sugar in bowl when the eggs are bleached, lower the speed and add the liquid mixture in fine thread. Then, add the mixture with the flour and when it’s finished up the speed and whisk 2-3 more minutes. Distribute the dough in cupcake capsules with the help of a spoon. Finally, put in the oven during 16 minutes at 220º. Let cold down and it is ready to eat.

By Garazi P

Fruit salad INGREDIENTS Fruits (orange, strawberry...) Sugar

UTENSILS Knife Bowls (small, big) Squeezer

HOW TO MAKE IT... First, cut the fruits into small pieces. Then, with the squeezer make orange juice. Next, put all the fruits in the big bowl. Add the sugar and mix. Finally, throw in small bowls.



MUFFINS INGREDIENTS -150g butter -100g chocolate fondant -2 eggs -200g sugar -300g flour -1 teaspoon salt -300ml milk -2 teaspoons baking powder

UTENSILS -Moulds for muffins -The thermomixer

INSTRUCTIONS -First, preheat the oven to 180ยบ. -Next, put the chocolate in the thermomixer bowl and cut it up. (Speed 5

during 10 seconds). -Then, put in the bowl the butter, the eggs the sugar, the flour, the salt, the milk and baking powder. And mix (30sec/speed 5). -Next, add the chocolate in the thermomixer bowl and mix (15 sec/speed). -Pour the mixture in the moulds for the muffins. -Finally, put the muffins in the oven and bake during 30 minutes. -30 minutes later let cold alone and eat!!!!!.

By Garazi D.

RICE ON MILK INGREDIENTS ·100 g rice ·1 litre milk ·100 g sugar ·Cinnamon ·Cinnamon powder

UTENSILS ·One cooking pot ·A wooden spoon ·A colander

·HOW DO YOU MAKE IT? ·First of all, put the rice, the milk and the sugar in the cooking pot. ·Then, put the cooking pot on the fire at medium heat until it boils. ·Next, put some cinnamon in the pot. ·Then, whisk without stopping. ·Finally, spread the cinnamon powder over the rice and milk with the hand. AND THEN EAT!!!!!!

By Julene

Sponge Cake Ingredients: -2.5 cup flour. -0.75 glass sugar. -0.5 glass oil. -Two tablespoons butter. -Three eggs. -A packet of yeast. -Two lemon yogurts.

Utensils: -A bowl. -Mould. -A wooden spoon. -Mixer. -Oven. -Microwave

How to make: First of all, throw all the ingredients in a bowl and mix them. Then, with the mixer beat all. Next, enter the butter in the microwave and with this butter spread out the mould. Then, pour the mass into the mould Last of all, insert the mould into the oven for 50 minutes at 180ยบ. Let it cool. And then eat!!!

By Luken

TRUFFLES INGREDIENTS 300g chocolate Condensed milk 100g butter Coloured Chocolate noodles

UTENSILS A saucepan A pipe Wooden spoon Refrigerator A teaspoon

STEPS 1.-Put the chocolate in a saucepan and warm up, until it melts. 2.-Add the butter to the hot chocolate. 3.-Add the condensed milk and mix well. 4.-Place the dough in the refrigerator to make it harder. 5.-When the dough is a tough mass, make balls with the teaspoon. 6.-Spread coloured









By Gari

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