April 2020 Gallup Journey Magazine

Page 27

Spread Kindness Recently we have all become aware of the coronavirus which is devastating lives around the world. Although it is purported to have begun in China, no one really knows. Mainly because the disease itself is of yet of an unknown origin. But we do know many of the affects caused by the virus, such as fever, cough, and shortness of breath. As the virus continues to grow in the body, it begins to attack the immune system, until there is not enough resistance to overcome the virus. The result is death. We know also that no one is immune to it. We like to assert that the virus is most prevalent among the elderly, or the sick, or the diseased, or the weak. But in fact, it has the capability to strike anyone at any time. How, we wonder, does such a disease develop? We know there have certainly been other instances of such a spread of contagion, such as the Bubonic Plague, Spanish Flu of 1918, the Chicken Virus, E-Bola, and now the Coronavirus. All having similar devastating outcomes. How then can this article relate to a widespread affliction that is worse than any of the aforementioned diseases? The affliction is called rumor. We think of it as harmless, much as we did the coronavirus in the beginning. We think it won't affect us or it won't spread too far. We think that if a rumor affects someone else, they will get over it! And just as we do with coronavirus, we minimize the harmful effects our words expose others to. As the rumor disease grows, we choose to make up harmful stories about events or interactions of others. We fail to see the gradual panic or fear the rumors cause. Just as there are people who do not take precautions, who do not heed warnings, who do not take care of their physical health, and who ultimately spread coronavirus, so too do people spread rumors without being careful about their words. They give little consideration to the harmful effects it may have on a child, an old man or woman, a family member, or a loved one. Why add to someone's fear? People across the United States and across the world are taking precautions to contain the virus. What would our world be like if we did the same to contain rumors? What if we said, "Don't gather in large groups where gossip can spread?" What if we said, "Don't spew your words on others, lest they catch what you have?" What if we screened those who might gossip, lest they get too close to us? Wouldn't this world be a better place? Why not apply the same practices we are using with the coronavirus? Choose your location, choose your contacts, get plenty of rest, spread kindness as an anti-virus, and stay at least six feet away from anybody negative. As our community takes precautions to stop the spread of the coronavirus, remember that kindness is also contagious. Care for one another, especially the weakest among us, and we can get through anything.

- Palacios

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