September 2020 Gallup Journey Magazine

Page 30

Health Care Despair - Covid-19 Pandemic A NEW WAY FORWARD

Even before the covid-19 pandemic, our health care system was fragmented, complex, and increasingly unaffordable for many. Now, with thousands of New Mexicans having lost their jobs, many also lost their health insurance, thus demonstrating that under our current system, many have NO health security. As in all other developed countries, health care needs to be a basic human right, and not tied to employment or wealth. We cannot have a thriving society when so many people struggle to feed and house their families. Furthermore, we see clearly how my health is intertwined with that of my neighbor, as the virus spreads through communities. We can and must do better than this! Since 1992, the home-grown New Mexico Health Security Act has been under slow and careful development for guaranteed health coverage for most New Mexicans (except Federal retirees and military) to provide comprehensive services (including mental health) and freedom of choice of providers (no more networks).The New Mexico Health Security Act (www.nmhealthsecurity. org) gives full protection for pre-existing conditions, as well as substantial cost savings. It will not be funded by tax increases, but by existing public dollars (such as Medicaid and Medicare) and sliding scale premiums and employer contributions, both of which

30 September 2020

will be capped. Administrative costs of our complicated private insurance system will be reduced. Bulk purchasing of drugs will lower drug costs, and global budgets will provide stable revenues for hospitals,

billing/collections, prior authorizations, and network formularies, as well as the freedom to spend more quality time with their patients. The NM Health Security Act has now been vetted by hundreds of diverse New Mexicans. It is based on the old-fashioned concept of insurance, with the young, old, healthy and not-so-healthy all sharing risk in one pool. It will be administered by an independent, non-governmental commission of 15 geographically representative commissioners, 10 representing consumer and employer interests, and 5 representing provider and health facility interests. It will be publicly allowing them to invest in preventive accountable, with its budget available for care. The private insurance system will be public scrutiny, and protection of patient/ shifted to a secondary but important role, for provider privacy. supplemental insurance coverage for services Never has it been more needed - socially, not covered by the Health Security plan economically, and morally. (such as long-term care, dental, etc.) and for Please go to the comprehensive website, their expertise in the mechanisms for claims to learn more. collection and payments. Sign up for email updates. Citizen knowledge There will be advantages for businesses and excitement about this plan will be crucial which currently shop for, administer, and to getting it passed into law at the 2021 NM monitor health care plans; the cost of workers’ Legislative session. Phone calls and letters to compensation and automobile insurance legislators are powerful! When passed, it will policies will be reduced by eliminating the take about 3 years to be up and running. medical component; and healthy employees support healthy businesses! Seniors will Stay in touch! not lose any benefits or rights that they have under Medicare. Health care providers will Kathy Mezoff, M.D., retired pediatrician find much-needed simplification of systems of John Mezoff, M.D., retired ophthalmologist

Never has it been more needed - socially, economically, and morally.

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