June 2018 Gallup Journey Magazine

Page 20

: s y a s s E s ’ d i K o e d o R e v o L I y h W Jayanna H 10 Yea

rs Old

To Whom It May Concer n: My name is Jayanna. I am 10 year s old. I go to school as a 4th grad er at Ganado Intermed iate School. I am from a lit tle community called Beshbetoh, which is ab out 30 miles West of Ga nado near the Hopi reservat ion line. I am writing in regards to the sponso rship you are willing to give to a few children. I wo uld gladly appreciate it if I would get the honor to represent your busine ss by your sponsorship. I rodeo and participat e in Barrel Racing, Pole Be nding, and this year Ro ping. My passion is Rodeo; I love looking forward to my weekends because I kn ow I have a rodeo to go to and get to travel. I ha ve two horses, and it does take a lot to rodeo and trav el. My mom is a single parent, due to the loss of my father in a motor vehi cle accident. This sponso rship will not only help me but allow me to keep on Ro deoing. Thank you for your tim e! Jayanna


June 2018

ears Old Adoncia H 11 Y om Beshbetoh, fr am I d. ol s ar Dear Doctor Bob, ye oncia and I am 11 hool. I participate in Hello my name is Ad Sc e dl id M do na Ga 6th grader at ll, track, Arizona, and I am a volleyball, basketba as ch su es iti tiv ac and a straight A am I y. et ci So many school spor ts or on H d the National Junior Student Council, an ve to help others. lo I d an g in go tou I love the most at th t or sp e on student. I am very e th many spor ts, but her events like flagot I may participate in in e at ip ic rt pa so rel Racer. I al g. I love the spor t of in nd be is Rodeo. I am a Bar le po d an , eakaway roping ship Bar rel Racer on pi am Ch racing, goat tying, br ld or W a ps I hope to become o. I have membershi rodeo, and one day de Ro ls na Fi l na io at n, Indian N ajo Rodeo Associatio av in Las Vegas at the N l ra nt Ce e th e ns which ar Rodeo Association, n io at in 4 great associatio N o aj av N n, io deo Associat r very important he ot Southwest Junior Ro An n. io at ci so Indian Rodeo As o Association, and de Ro ls na and the Southwest Fi l na io at is for the Indian N t rodeo membership I have I come from a grea n. io at ci so as is th st year year with o big rodeos this pa this will be my 2nd tw on w I . om fr t lo ation lear ned a ’s Pro Rodeo Associ en family which I have om W e th d an ir ajo Nation Fa es Smash and Ruby rs ho o which were the Nav tw y m ve lo I Window Rock. indow and win me w y pa e 4th of July Rodeo in th to e m e e ones that tam because they are th e it in my rodeo becaus ar many awards. ye is th e m r so on to sp or ld Champion. W a g in m I would love for you co be in s m her h my goals and drea nt and she is tr ying re pa would help me reac le ng si a is cause my mom ise to represent you om pr I n. It would also help be ow r he on l eams a reality al s help others along ay w al to best to make my dr ue in nt co possible and I will in the very best way the way. Adoncia

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