Fine Arts The Humanities are committed to instilling appreciation of the arts and fostering the development of aesthetic values in our students, including a variety of Fine Arts courses offered through the School of Communication and the Arts. A Fine Arts minor is available. The Schuster Theatre, the Schuster Art Gallery and student poetry readings sponsored by the Department of English provide students with opportunities to showcase their talent and to appreciate the work of their peers. Field trips to the internationally renowned Cleveland Museum of Art and the Albright Knox Gallery in Buffalo, the Erie Art Museum and Erie Philharmonic Orchestra are extraordinarily beneficial to students’ cultural growth. Experiential Education In the Humanities and Social Sciences, it is accepted that a great deal of student learning can and should take place outside the classroom. We are committed to the idea of the integration of experiential education throughout the curriculum. Students are encouraged to engage in a wide range of activities in service learning, fieldwork, practical research, internships and cooperative education. This is facilitated by Gannon’s location in Erie’s center, close to City Hall, the County and Federal courthouses, other government offices, numerous businesses, banks, health facilities and non- profit organizations. Co-Curricular Activities Many activities are sponsored by the College which complement formal course work and provide opportunities for student leadership. Humanities students organize and lead Gannon’s Model United Nations each year and play leadership roles in student publications such as the literary magazine, Totem, and the student newspaper, The Gannon Knight. Cocurricular activities provide the opportunity for students to meet and interact with elite members of various professions and disciplines. The Faculty Composed of scholarly teachers whose research is designed primarily for the benefit of the education of our students, the faculty also contribute to their disciplines through research, publication and to the community through professional service. First and foremost, however, they are teachers who challenge and support our students. They are living proof that it is both possible and desirable to be life-long learners. The faculty recognize their responsibility to nurture the curiosity and sense of wonder of our youth and are committed to the idea that we are educating rather than just training our students. More importantly, they are committed to preparing our students to educate themselves throughout their lives. An education in the Humanities and Social Sciences is only the beginning for our students.
ARCHAEOLOGY AND CULTURE SUZANNE RICHARD, Ph.D., Program Coordinator MINOR IN ARCHAEOLOGY AND CULTURE Description: The Minor in Archaeology and Culture is intentionally interdisciplinary. The minor is structured to complement the Liberal Studies Core at Gannon University. Study abroad is integral to the minor and is structurally ensured, as are exposure to multi-cultural values, a science and technology application and textual analysis. ARCHAEOLOGY & CULTURE MINOR CURRICULUM OUTLINE Completion of 18 credits is required to satisfy the requirements of the Minor. In consultation with the program coordinator, the student will develop a Minor focused either on Track 1 or on Track 2.