Criminal Justice Curriculum (Numerals in front of courses indicate credits) FRESHMAN Fall 3 College Comp/LENG 111 3 Foundation of Theology/LTHE 101 2 First-Year Seminar: Issues in CRJS/CRJS 108 3 Intro to CRJS/CRJS 110 3 Global Language 1 3 Basic Sociology/SOCI 110 17 SOPHOMORE Fall 3 The Bible: An Intro/LTHE 201 6 General Elective 3 Intro to Philosophy/LPHI 131 3 Criminological Theory/CRJS 240 3 Careers in Criminal Justice/CRJS 242
Spring 3 Critical Analysis & Composition/ LENG 112 3 History without Borders/LHST 111 3 Correctional Process/CRJS 201 3 Global Language 2 3 Political Science/POLI 111 or 133 3 Intro to Psychology/PSYC 111 18
Spring 3 Human Communication & Society/ SPCH 113 or Public Speaking/SPCH 111 3 Research Methods/CRJS 250 3 Cyber Crime & Society/CRJS 241 3 English Literature Series/LENG 3 General 15
JUNIOR Fall 3 Philosophy II Series/LPHI or PHIL 3 Criminal Justice Ethics/CRJS 350 3 Investigative Concepts/CRJS 310 3 Math: Criminal Justice Statistics/ CRJS 360 3 General Elective 15
Spring 3 LPHI 237 or any LTHE 300 course 1 Leadership Seminar 3 Natural Science 3 Criminal Law and Procedure/CRJS 320 6 General Elective 3 Fine Art Series/LFIN 16
SENIOR Fall 3 Cultural Diversity/CRJS 325 9 General Electives 3 Internship Placement/CRJS 490 15
Spring 3 Senior Seminar/LBST 383 or CRJS 495 14 General Electives 17
* I t is recommended that students take at least 15 credits of curriculum requirements each semester and at least 2 elective credits to obtain full benefit from tuition fees. This practice will insure that the student accrues more credit hours (137) at no additional cost, than the required (128) for graduation. (This is in addition to the (1) 18 credit semester). 4+1 BA/MS in Criminalistics This program allows highly qualified students to complete the Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in five years rather than six. Students of exceptional promise may be admitted to the program at the time of undergraduate admission. These students would be accepted with the understanding that at the completion of their junior year they would have maintained a sufficiently high GPA both overall and particularly in their major (3.2 overall and 3.2 in the