Performance Management System Skill / Competencies Model

General Evaluation Criteria
Skills / Competencies
Software Development
Skills / Competencies
Solutions Architect, PM Lead, QA Manager, UX/UI Lead Skills / Competencies
Skills / Competencies
Skills / Competencies
Database Administrators (DBAs)
Skills / Competencies
Project Managers (PMs)
Skills / Competencies
Tech Leads (TLs)
Skills / Competencies
UX/UI Designers
Skills / Competencies
Needs strong improvement: It requires constant reminders, corrections, and guidance to fulfill and execute tasks with quality and on time.
Needs improvement:
Falls below acceptable performance in quantity and quality on time. It is usually necessary to provide follow-up and guidance.
Consistently meets expectations: Displays the necessary performance for the ongoing success of the task. Consistently meets expected performance in quantity and quality on time.
Exceeds expectations:
Exceeds expected performance in quantity and quality ahead of time.
In a sustained and consistent manner, exceeds expected performance in quantity and quality ahead of time. Understands, knows, and executes all the issues related to its actions, content, and essence, even in the most complex aspects.
Responsiveness & Commitment
• Adheres consistently to published work schedules for the department.
• Is consistently responsive during working hours on all official communication channels (Conferences, chats and or instant messaging) in a reasonable time and responds to emails on time.
• Respects and honors agreed deadlines.
• Attends all meetings, even those scheduled with short notice during working hours.
• Announces in advance to all stakeholders if it will not be possible to participate in any job-related commitments, detailing the cause (illness, leave, personal situation)
Needs strong improvement:
1. Does not give importance to the objectives, worries about his/her routine.
2. Frequently fails to comply with the work schedule.
3. Does not attend scheduled meetings.
4. Does not deliver promises to others.
Needs improvement:
1. Fails to meet the assigned objectives.
2. Fails to comply with working hours and schedule.
3. Arrives late to scheduled meetings.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Commits to meeting the established objectives.
2. Sets goals higher than expected and meets them.
3. Studies and trains to improve performance and motivates others to do the same.
4. Complies with working hours.
5. Attends scheduled meetings on time.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Has a high degree of responsibility for meeting the goals of the department and team.
2. Exceeds in meeting objectives and far exceeds job expectations.
3. Constantly looks for ways to optimize performance.
1. Makes proposals to improve and optimize work processes.
2. Overcomes difficulties smoothly.
3. Invests time to develop initiatives that contribute to achieving objectives.
4. Anticipates possible inconveniences and avoids them.
• Assumes responsibility and truly owns the work. Takes the initiative, assumes responsibility, and owns the success or the failures of The Company, the team, and himself. Proactively reports and “owns” any mistakes made, proposes appropriate solutions to the situation caused by them.
Needs strong improvement:
1. Doesn’t recognize mistakes or doesn’t take responsibility for the consequences of them or blames others.
2. Shows no proactiveness in solving situations or provide solutions to the errors caused by his/her responsibility.
3. Shows no commitment to the company’s success.
4. Can’t recognize when his involvement is required to solve a matter, doesn’t define action plans, or doesn’t follow through with the solution.
5. Inconsistency between what is said and what is done; insincere with other people and inspires distrust.
6. Does not acknowledge others’ achievements.
Needs improvement:
1. Acknowledges some mistakes or has difficulty accepting them and sometimes takes responsibility for the consequences of them.
2. Shows little proactiveness in solving situations and needs guidance to provide solutions.
3. Shows little commitment to the company’s success.
4. Rarely recognizes when his involvement is required to solve a matter or has trouble defining action plans and rarely follows through with the solution.
5. There is inconsistency between his words and the attitudes he adopts. The team considers him unreliable.
6. Is reluctant to acknowledge the successes of others.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Acknowledges mistakes and takes responsibility for the consequences of them.
2. Is proactive when solving situations.
3. Shows commitment to the company’s success.
4. Recognizes when his involvement is required to solve a matter.
5. Relationships are based on respect and mutual trust.
6. There is consistency between what is said and what is done and is honest with team members.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Openly acknowledges mistakes and takes responsibility for the consequences of them.
2. Is proactive and identifies some situations when or before they arise.
3. Committed to the company’s success as if it were one’s own.
4. Recognizes when his involvement is required to solve a matter and establishes an action plan.
5. Consistency between what is said and what is done and is honest with all levels of the organization.
6. Publicly acknowledges others’ success.
• Openly acknowledges mistakes and is responsible for their consequences 100% of the time.
• Is ahead of the curve and identifies most situations before they arise.
• Goes above and beyond to ensure the company’s success.
• Recognizes when his involvement is required to solve a matter, establishes an action
plan as soon as possible, and follows through with the solution until it is solved.
• Transmits confidence, demonstrating rectitude and impeccable conduct.
• Maintains confidentiality.
Prioritizing effectively
• Focuses on the most relevant priorities. Understands the best ways to prioritize tasks based on their importance to allow effective use of time and resources.
Needs strong improvement:
1. Rarely identifies a task’s importance or urgency or rarely re-prioritizes a task when change occurs.
2. Has major issues identifying the best resources to complete a task or ensuring they are available when needed.
3. Rarely communicates priorities clearly to colleagues and team members or forgets to set clear expectations and deadlines.
4. Can’t take on new challenges and changes.
5. Difficulty in managing time properly, not very methodical and disorganized. Does not plan activities; performs tasks as they come up.
Needs improvement:
1. Has trouble identifying a task’s importance and urgency when prioritizing or reprioritizing when change occurs.
2. Has issues identifying the best resources to complete a task or trouble ensuring they are available when needed.
3. Has issues communicating priorities clearly to colleagues and team members or sometimes forgets to set clear expectations and deadlines.
4. Has difficulty taking on new challenges and changes.
5. Sometimes he/she needs guidance to organize tasks, especially when the usual rhythm demands greater efforts.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Understands the importance and urgency of a task when prioritizing, but sometimes makes mistakes.
2. Efficiently identifies the best resources to complete a task and ensures they are available when needed.
3. Communicates priorities clearly to colleagues and team members. Always sets clear expectations and deadlines.
4. Is ready to take on new challenges and changes.
5. Establishes follow-up dates, considering the final deadlines.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Most of the time distinguishes well between the importance and urgency of a task when prioritizing and understands that priorities are flexible and constantly changing.
2. Takes time to always identifies the best resources to complete a task and ensures they are available when needed.
3. Communicates all priorities clearly to colleagues and team members. Always sets clear expectations and deadlines. Documents agreed goals and objectives and distributes this information among all project stakeholders.
4. Is adaptable and flexible in the face of challenges and changes.
1. Perfectly anticipates and distinguishes between the importance and urgency of a task when prioritizing and fully understands that priorities are flexible and constantly changing.
2. Focuses on maximizing productivity and efficiency and always identifies the best resources to complete a task and ensures they are always available when needed.
3. Communicates all priorities clearly to colleagues and team members. Always sets clear expectations and deadlines.
4. Is adaptable and flexible in the face of challenges and changes, is open to new ideas willing to adjust plans and strategies if needed. Manages several projects simultaneously without losing control of any of them.
• Keeps awareness of cultural differences between coworkers and is mindful of appropriate language and demeanor.
• Consistently shows that respect is paramount for demeanor and interactions.
• Discourages, prevents, and doesn’t tolerate any form of aggressive, or offensive behavior.
Needs strong improvement:
1. Shows no willingness to collaborate with others.
2. Is tolerant of people who exhibit discriminatory, violent, or offensive behavior.
Needs improvement:
1. He often puts his/her personal goals first, but if someone puts pressure, he/she may show some initiative to collaborate with others.
2. The bonds he/she builds with peers are weak limiting openness to turn to them if needed.
3. Difficulty in valuing and respecting diversity of culture and thought.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Assumes with ownership the role assigned in the team.
2. Fosters work environments that promote cooperation, respect, and no discrimination.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Is committed to group decision-making, motivating the integration of team members.
2. Supports and motivates colleagues to achieve consensus objectives with respect and continuous improvement.
1. Knows how to create an environment conducive to teamwork through parameters modeling a culture that allows continuous improvement in the organization.
2. Engages the entire team in respecting participatory decisions.
• Energizes and mobilizes the rest of the team.
• Constantly displays an open, professional, positive, and kind attitude in all interactions with coworkers and stakeholders.
• Instead of “forcing own view” upon others, consistently displays an attitude to negotiate and achieve common agreements to benefit all involved parties.
Needs strong improvement:
1. Does not pay attention to the needs of coworkers or customers and shows no interest in providing help or suggestions.
2. Attitude generates distrust. Not considered a reference for peers to whom they can informally turn to for help.
3. Does not show interest in establishing knowledge-based relationships.
4. Does not give feedback.
Needs improvement:
1. Finds it difficult to share own accomplishments with team members.
2. Shows lack of enthusiasm for group activities and common goals.
3. Rarely gives feedback and only does it if asked to do so by a superior.
4. Only if requested, provides feedback and advice.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Shares experience with others and promotes the same attitude in others.
2. Open to request or give assistance.
3. Enthusiastic participation in team activities.
4. Shows a positive attitude towards peers and builds confidence.
5. Asks for help from peers and provides it openly when asked.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Maintains a positive attitude and promotes informal knowledge sharing culture.
2. Willing to help and receive help from peers, bosses, and subordinates.
3. Commits to the fulfillment of group objectives.
4. Asks for feedback and provides it on an ongoing basis.
1. Good listener and observer, easily grasps the needs of others.
2. Permanently willing to contribute to improve the team’s performance.
3. Generates trust and respect among all levels of the organization.
4. Recognizes, respects, and values the knowledge and contributions made by others.
5. Constantly provides feedback to guide development and performance.
6. Able to engage meaningfully with what the organization requires.
• Understands learning and development as a continuous process for success.
Needs strong improvement:
1. Has the minimum knowledge required for the position.
2. Does not show interest in updating and acquiring new knowledge and skills.
3. Does not show openness to seek new ways of working.
4. Seeks information, but only when needed urgently.
5. Demonstrates little interest in collaborating with other areas that require their expertise.
Needs improvement:
1. Finds it difficult to be self-motivated to acquire new knowledge and skills.
2. Demonstrates little interest in collaborating with other areas that require their expertise.
3. Difficulty for adapting to change, prefers to work with known methods.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Expands knowledge beyond his/her area and sets new learning goals.
2. Shares knowledge with others and encourages others to learn new things.
3. Collaborates with other areas of the organization when their expertise is required.
4. Seeks out useful information and shares it with others.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Constantly updates on the latest methodologies or technologies in his/her specialty.
2. Has a consulting role within the organization offering his/her knowledge to others to help them improve their performance.
3. Designs new alternative solutions to environmental problems or challenges.
4. Has a continuous learning attitude, explores, implements and manages new practices and technologies.
5. Expertise in his/her specialty allows to relate and apply knowledge to the needs of the organization.
6. Strong motivator for all team members to constantly update their knowledge.
• Demonstrates good etiquette during meetings (camera on, no background noise, microphone), shows an engaged and proactive attitude, and speaks up.
Needs strong improvement:
1. Does not actively participate in the meetings, more of a spectator.
2. Is not punctual in attending scheduled meetings.
3. Gets annoyed when asked to activate the camera.
4. Attends meetings without updating his/her pending issues or topics.
Needs improvement:
1. Intervenes in meetings only if requested.
2. Occasionally arrives late to scheduled meetings.
3. Provides excuses when asked to activate the camera.
4. On some occasions, does not arrive prepared to the meetings.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Maintains a participatory attitude during meetings.
2. Attends scheduled meetings on a timely basis.
3. Prepares meetings in advance.
4. Activates camera.
5. Listens attentively and respectfully to the participants.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Actively participates in meetings with information or questions.
2. Participates in meetings always having his/her camera on and the environment is kept free of noise.
3. Listens attentively and respectfully to the participants and gives others the opportunity to speak.
1. Remains 100% focused on every meeting, paying attention to the participants.
2. Is clearly prepared for meetings and responds with confidence to questions asked.
3. Motivates people to turn on the camera.mun
Communicating effectively
ation Category:
• Uses clear language in verbal and written communication.
• Listens actively in direct interactions.
• Engages with stakeholders.
Needs strong improvement:
1. Doesn’t share relevant information to others.
2. Difficulty in communicating messages (ambiguous or vague expression).
3. Responds impulsively or with uncontrolled reactions. Defensively and at inopportune times.
Needs improvement:
1. Expresses his/her opinions with little clarity, in meetings or at times when requested to do so.
2. Needs to make an extra effort to clearly express ideas both in writing and verbally.
3. Rarely verifies if their messages were understood, generating false interpretations.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Shares relevant information with peers and collaborators.
2. Delivers messages and ideas clearly.
3. Gives proper and effective feedback.
4. Communicates to collaborators their objectives and results expected with the detail.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Shares relevant information with employees and other areas of the organization.
2. Communicates ideas in a clear, efficient, and fluent way, making a positive impact in others.
3. Prepares instructions before transmitting them.
4. Manages the proper rules of language, grammar, and syntax, when communicating ideas. Both verbally and written.
1. Publicly acknowledges mistakes.
2. Influences others in a positive way based on an objective input.
3. Provides feedback to help employees and peers succeed.
Listening actively
• Listens actively in direct interactions.
Needs strong improvement:
1. Does not verify if messages were understood, generating false interpretations.
2. Talks inappropriately when someone else is talking.
3. Does not show signs of listening or paying attention.
Needs improvement:
1. Listens to other opinions with little attention or only at times when asked to do so.
2. Tends to interrupt others when they are talking.
3. Considers that only his/her own opinions are relevant, making it very difficult for him/her to listen to others.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Listens to the other person in an empathic way.
2. Makes sure that messages are clear and understood.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Expresses clearly to collaborators organizational objectives.
2. Expresses clearly to collaborators what is expected from them.
3. Verifies that others understand what was meant to communicate.
4. Detects messages based on non-verbal language.
5. Superb:
6. Listens to others with empathy, cares to understand their points of view and avoids preconceived ideas and judgments.
7. Listens attentively to others, putting effort to understand the meaning of the information received.
Problem awareness
• Is constantly aware of real and potential problems and proposes sound solutions as the core of the role.
• Consistently speaks-up when detecting any problem, even if it is “someone else’s”.
Needs strong improvement:
1. Waits for others to solve problems.
2. Is not interested in exploring the causes of his problems.
3. Does not provide answers to the problems.
Needs improvement:
1. Has difficulty identifying the cause of a problem and requires support to do so.
2. Contributions to problem solving are not entirely effective.
3. Rarely offers to help solve a problem.
4. Has an adequate idea of the business and products but finds it difficult to understand its problems.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Develops solutions based on similar situations learned from past experiences.
2. Makes proposals to respond to problems that are not of high complexity.
3. Involved in problem solving, mainly in the areas in which he/she is proficient.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Anticipates potential non-obvious obvious problems.
2. Voluntarily approaches others to help solving a problem.
3. Effectively solves the problems presented using available information.
1. Performs a detailed analysis and identifies the origins or causes of problems.
2. Anticipates possible problems and situations that require a high degree of foresight.
3. Demonstrates the ability to solve highly complex problems.
• Thinks out of the box and contributes new ideas.
Needs strong improvement:
1. Prefers preconceived schemes, resists innovation.
2. Presents difficulties in putting new ideas into practice.
3. Is not able to anticipate new requirements.
4. Does not take risks in decision making or in the methods employed.
Needs improvement:
1. Contributes very few innovative ideas, due to lack of interest or inhibitions.
2. Prefers to take minimal risks to implement new methods to solve his/her work.
3. Tends to solve situations the same way always.
4. Is governed by traditional ideas and behaviors.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Engages with innovative ideas.
2. Identifies opportunities for innovation.
3. Proposes creative ideas when traditional ideas are not applicable to current needs.
4. Performs work in a proactive manner generating changes that create positive impact.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Provides ideas for innovative approach for new projects.
2. Presents new ideas for efficient work development.
3. Displays ability to react in a timely and accurate manner to new situations.
4. Is attentive to context changes and new demands required by his/her work.
1. Capable of formulating innovative ideas that add high value to the organization.
2. Acts quickly and autonomously when faced with problems that require a quick solution.
3. Effectively executes projects, tasks, or responsibilities to achieve the desired outcomes of the stakeholders, the department, and the company. Consistently gets things done and delivers convincing results. Asks for support from others, uses knowledge, facts, and data to fully understand the root causes of any problem to solve them effectively, and plans accordingly before working on the solution..
Needs strong improvement:
1. Rarely ensures that goals are properly defined, and prioritization is aligned with the company’s / department’s goals and objectives.
2. Has major issues tracking the progress of tasks or anticipating delays that might affect delivery and rarely provides an alternative solution to keep on track.
3. Rarely presents work that meets the stakeholders’ expectations and has lowdemand performance standards.
4. Is resistant to understand and make changes based on customer/stakeholder/ direct reports’ needs.
Needs improvement:
1. Has trouble ensuring that most goals are properly defined, and prioritization is aligned with the company’s / department’s goals and objectives.
2. Has trouble tracking the progress of tasks or anticipating delays that might affect delivery and rarely provides an alternative solution to keep on track. Requires supervision to comply with the established times for the completion of tasks.
3. Has trouble delivering work that meets the stakeholders’ expectations and uses medium-demanding performance standards.
4. Has difficulty understanding and making changes based on customer/ stakeholder/direct reports’ needs.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Ensures most goals are properly defined and prioritization is aligned with the department’s goals and objectives.
2. Ensures that the progress of most tasks is on schedule but sometimes needs to be corrected and tries to anticipate any delays which might affect delivery.
3. Ensures that the team delivers work that meets the expectations of the stakeholders but sometimes is unable to do so.
4. Willing to make changes after identifying unsatisfactory performance standards.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Ensures that most goals are realistic, challenging, properly defined, and prioritization is aligned with the company’s / department’s goals and objectives.
2. Ensures that the progress of all tasks is on schedule, and most of the time anticipates any delays which might affect delivery and tries to provide an alternative solution to keep on track. Provides guidance and feedback to the team on the progress of work.
3. Ensures that the team delivers work that exceeds the stakeholders’ expectations.
4. Ensures that the company recognizes the results obtained as a team.
1. Ensures that all goals are properly defined, and prioritization is aligned with the company’s / department’s goals and objectives.
2. Ensures that the progress of all tasks is on schedule, anticipates any delays which might affect delivery, and always provides an alternative solution to keep on track. Stimulates and rewards employees’ attitudes and actions to promote efficiency and compliance.
3. Ensures that the team consistently delivers work that exceeds the stakeholders’
expectations. Provides support and leads to improve the quality and efficiency of the processes and services provided.
4. Acknowledges and rewards the value of both group and individual results.
• Focuses on improving his team members’ skills, knowledge, and comradery, considering both technical and behavioral aspects, ensuring high morale and a professional environment.
Needs strong improvement:
1. Makes no efforts to develop the team’s skills or knowledge.
2. Ineffective communication with team members, or not being transparent, and or poor collaboration skills.
3. Poor conflict resolution and building a positive team environment.
Needs improvement:
1. Limited efforts to develop the team’s skills or knowledge.
2. Inconsistent communication with team members, transparency, and collaboration.
3. Struggles with conflict resolution and building a positive team environment.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Works to develop the team’s skills and knowledge.
2. Works with the team to foster good communication, transparency, and collaboration.
3. Resolves conflicts and fosters a positive team environment.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Proactively identifies opportunities for team growth and improvement.
2. Proactively works with the team to foster good communication, transparency, and collaboration.
3. Skillfully resolves conflict before it happens and works towards building a strong team culture.
1. Drives innovation and develops and executes strategies for continuous team and skill improvement.
2. Expertly work with the team and stakeholders to foster good communication, transparency, and collaboration.
3. Is a key figure in building a highly effective and collaborative team culture.
• Is always looking into ways to add value to all aspects of daily work to enhance efficiency, and effectiveness, resulting in improved team performance and higherquality deliverables.
Needs strong improvement:
1. No involvement in helping team members manage their workload and time.
2. Does not identify or addresses team performance issues or gaps in processes.
3. Does not involve problem-solving, process innovation, and improvement.
Needs improvement:
1. Minimal involvement in helping team members manage their workload and time effectively.
2. Struggles to address team performance issues or gaps in processes.
3. Shows minimal involvement of team members in problem-solving, process innovation, and improvement.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Helps team members manage their workload and time effectively to improve productivity and meet deadlines.
2. Identifies and addresses team performance issues or gaps in process in a timely manner.
3. Involves team members in problem-solving, process innovation, and improvement.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Coaches team members to manage their workload and time effectively by providing strategies and techniques to improve productivity and meet deadlines.
2. Recognizes team performance issues early or gaps in a process and implements effective solutions.
3. Engages and empowers team members in problem-solving, process innovation, and improvement fostering a culture of improvement.
1. Expertly coaches team members to manage their workload and time effectively allowing them to excel at improving productivity and meeting deadlines.
2. Proactively identifies and addresses team performance issues or gaps in a process, with a focus on long-term success.
3. Actively involves and empowers team members in problem-solving, process innovation, and improvement fostering a culture of continuous improvement.
• Provides clear structure and timeline for tasks or projects.
• Clearly communicates expectations for tasks or projects.
Needs strong improvement:
1. Has lack of criteria to distinguish what is urgent from what has high importance.
2. Work is very poor and will not meet quality because of inflexibility in the delivery time.
3. Lacks judgment on deciding how to manage time and accomplish tasks.
Needs improvement:
1. Generally, asks superior for more days than the deadline agreed to complete the task.
2. Finds it difficult to prioritize the list of tasks assigned, often requiring the support from others to be able to comply.
3. Inconsistent to commit to the projects in which he/she participates, and it only does its part.
4. Finds it difficult to take tasks seriously, overestimating deadlines and obtaining results using the maximum time available.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Knows how to redistribute his/her time to develop tasks in an adequate manner.
2. Proposes alternative work modalities in pursuit of the fulfillment of the project.
3. Has a committed attitude towards tasks or projects.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Modifies with sufficient time their agenda to fulfill projects assigned.
2. Prefers to organize and execute tasks first, and then distribute any possible time to add value to other activities.
1. Sets high goals that are always met.
2. Makes any adjustments needed to organize his/her time to accomplish assigned projects.
3. Shows full command of the status of his/her projects.
• Work performed in the current cycle completely met the expectations of the Product Owner and/or Stakeholders via feedback or Demo session. Assessment must be completed by the PM and PO after the Sprint’s Demo session.
Needs improvement:
1. The Product Owner/Stakeholder is not completely satisfied with the work of the individual/team.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. The Product Owner/Stakeholder is 100% satisfied with the work of the individual/team.
2. N/A:
• The individual/team didn’t participate in the development of the functionality, or no demo was made/presented during the cycle.
• The team is making sure their Software Deployment checklists (staging, pre-release, release, and post-release) are planned and executed correctly to release for production.
Needs improvement:
1. The individual/team did not follow the established procedures and issues were found during the planning.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. The individual/team prepared the release following all defined procedures and no issues were found.
2. N/A:
• The individual/team didn’t participate in the release of the functionality, or no release was made during the cycle.
1. Recent releases (3 previous sprints) met expectations or contained problems of
medium or high priority, which affected end-users in a negative way or required a rollback to a previous stable state.
Needs improvement:
1. Previous functionality was removed from Production and the individual/team has been identified as at fault, or previous functionality is currently in Production but contains medium or high-priority problems and the individual/team has been identified as at fault.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Previous functionality is in Production and no medium or high-priority issues have been reported.
2. N/A:
• Updating ticket status is already part of daily operations and there is no need for followups nor reminders to accomplish this task.
• Releases made in previous sprints (4 months and beyond) met expectations or contained problems of medium or high priority, which affected end-users in a negative way or required a rollback to a previous stable state.
Needs improvement:
1. Previous functionality was removed from Production and the individual/team has been identified as at fault, or previous functionality is currently in Production but contains medium or high-priority problems and the individual/team has been identified as at fault.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Previous functionality is in Production and no medium or high-priority issues have been reported.
2. N/A:
3. Updating ticket status is already part of daily operations and there is no need for followups nor reminders to accomplish this task.
Taking ownership
• Assumes responsibility and truly owns the work. Takes the initiative, assumes responsibility, and owns the success or the failures of The Company, the team, and himself. Proactively reports and “owns” any mistakes made, proposes appropriate solutions to the situation caused by them.
Needs strong improvement:
1. Doesn’t recognize mistakes or doesn’t take responsibility for the consequences of them, or blames others.
2. Shows no proactiveness in solving situations or provide solutions to the errors caused by his/her responsibility.
3. Shows no commitment to the company’s success.
4. Can’t recognize when his involvement is required to solve a matter, doesn’t define action plans, or doesn’t follow through with the solution.
5. Inconsistency between what is said and what is done; insincere with other people
1 IMPORTANT NOTE: Although the “Taking ownership” and “Prioritizing effectively” Skills / Competencies are part of the organizational Skills, they will be assessed monthly in the Software Development department.
and inspires distrust.
6. Does not acknowledge others’ achievements.
Needs improvement:
1. Acknowledges some mistakes or has difficulty accepting them and sometimes takes responsibility for the consequences of them.
2. Shows little proactiveness in solving situations and needs guidance to provide solutions.
3. Shows little commitment to the company’s success.
4. Rarely recognizes when his involvement is required to solve a matter or has trouble defining action plans and rarely follows through with the solution.
5. There is inconsistency between his words and the attitudes he adopts. The team considers him unreliable.
6. Is reluctant to acknowledge the successes of others.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Acknowledges mistakes and takes responsibility for the consequences of them.
2. Is proactive when solving situations.
3. Shows commitment to the company’s success.
4. Recognizes when his involvement is required to solve a matter.
5. Relationships are based on respect and mutual trust.
6. There is consistency between what is said and what is done and is honest with team members.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Openly acknowledges mistakes and takes responsibility for the consequences of them.
2. Is proactive and identifies some situations when or before they arise.
3. Committed to the company’s success as if it were one’s own.
4. Recognizes when his involvement is required to solve a matter and establishes an action plan.
5. Consistency between what is said and what is done and is honest with all levels of the organization.
6. Publicly acknowledges others’ success.
1. Openly acknowledges mistakes and is responsible for their consequences 100% of the time.
2. Is ahead of the curve and identifies most situations before they arise.
3. Goes above and beyond to ensure the company’s success.
4. Recognizes when his involvement is required to solve a matter, establishes an action plan as soon as possible, and follows through with the solution until it is solved.
5. Transmits confidence, demonstrating rectitude and impeccable conduct.
6. Maintains confidentiality.
Prioritizing effectively
• Focuses on the most relevant priorities. Understands the best ways to prioritize tasks based on their importance to allow effective use of time and resources.
Needs strong improvement:
1. Rarely identifies a task’s importance or urgency or rarely re-prioritizes a task when change occurs.
2. Has major issues identifying the best resources to complete a task or ensuring they are available when needed.
3. Rarely communicates priorities clearly to colleagues and team members or forgets to set clear expectations and deadlines.
4. Can’t take on new challenges and changes.
5. Difficulty in managing time properly, not very methodical, and disorganized. Does not plan activities; performs tasks as they come up.
Needs improvement:
1. Has trouble identifying a task’s importance and urgency when prioritizing or reprioritizing when change occurs.
2. Has issues identifying the best resources to complete a task or trouble ensuring they are available when needed.
3. Has issues communicating priorities clearly to colleagues and team members or sometimes forgets to set clear expectations and deadlines.
4. Has difficulty taking on new challenges and changes.
5. Sometimes he/she needs guidance to organize tasks, especially when the usual rhythm demands greater efforts.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Understands the importance and urgency of a task when prioritizing, but sometimes makes mistakes.
2. Efficiently identifies the best resources to complete a task and ensures they are available when needed.
3. Communicates priorities clearly to colleagues and team members. Always sets clear expectations and deadlines.
4. Is ready to take on new challenges and changes.
5. Establishes follow-up dates, considering the final deadlines.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Most of the time distinguishes well between the importance and urgency of a task when prioritizing and understands that priorities are flexible and constantly changing.
2. Takes time to always identifies the best resources to complete a task and ensures they are available when needed.
3. Communicates all priorities clearly to colleagues and team members. Always sets clear expectations and deadlines. Documents agreed goals and objectives and distributes this information among all project stakeholders.
4. Is adaptable and flexible in the face of challenges and changes.
1. Perfectly anticipates and distinguishes between the importance and urgency of a task when prioritizing and fully understands that priorities are flexible and constantly changing.
2. Focuses on maximizing productivity and efficiency and always identifies the best resources to complete a task and ensures they are always available when needed.
3. Communicates all priorities clearly to colleagues and team members. Always sets clear expectations and deadlines.
4. Is adaptable and flexible in the face of challenges and changes, is open to new ideas willing to adjust plans and strategies if needed. Manages several projects simultaneously without losing control of any of them.
Delivering results 2
• Effectively executes projects, tasks, or responsibilities to achieve the desired outcomes of the stakeholders, the department, and the company. Consistently gets things done and delivers convincing results. Asks for support from others, uses knowledge, facts, and data to fully understand the root causes of any problem to solve them effectively, and plans accordingly before working on the solution.
Needs strong improvement:
1. Rarely ensures that goals are properly defined, and prioritization is aligned with the company’s / department’s goals and objectives.
2. Has major issues tracking the progress of tasks or anticipating delays that might affect delivery and rarely provides an alternative solution to keep on track.
3. Rarely presents work that meets the stakeholders’ expectations, and has lowdemand performance standards.
4. Is resistant to understand and make changes based on customer/stakeholder/ direct reports’ needs.
Needs improvement:
5. Has trouble ensuring that most goals are properly defined, and prioritization is aligned with the company’s / department’s goals and objectives.
6. Has trouble tracking the progress of tasks or anticipating delays that might affect delivery and rarely provides an alternative solution to keep on track. Requires supervision to comply with the established times for the completion of tasks.
7. Has trouble delivering work that meets the stakeholders’ expectations, and uses medium-demanding performance standards.
8. Has difficulty understanding and making changes based on customer/ stakeholder/direct reports’ needs.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Ensures most goals are properly defined and prioritization is aligned with the department’s goals and objectives.
2. Ensures that the progress of most tasks is on schedule but sometimes needs to be corrected and tries to anticipate any delays which might affect delivery.
2 IMPORTANT NOTE: Although the all the Skills / Competencies of this category are part of the organizational Skills, it will beassessed after each month in the Software Development department.
3. Ensures that the team delivers work that meets the expectations of the stakeholders but sometimes is unable to do so.
4. Willing to make changes after identifying unsatisfactory performance standards.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Ensures that most goals are realistic, challenging, properly defined, and prioritization is aligned with the company’s / department’s goals and objectives.
2. Ensures that the progress of all tasks is on schedule, and most of the time anticipates any delays which might affect delivery and tries to provide an alternative solution to keep on track. Provides guidance and feedback to the team on the progress of work.
3. Ensures that the team delivers work that exceeds the stakeholders’ expectations.
4. Ensures that the company recognizes the results obtained as a team.
1. Ensures that all goals are properly defined, and prioritization is aligned with the company’s / department’s goals and objectives.
2. Ensures that the progress of all tasks is on schedule, anticipates any delays which might affect delivery, and always provides an alternative solution to keep on track. Stimulates and rewards employees’ attitudes and actions to promote efficiency and compliance.
3. Ensures that the team consistently delivers work that exceeds the stakeholders’ expectations. Provides support and leads to improve the quality and efficiency of the processes and services provided.
4. Acknowledges and rewards the value of both group and individual results.
• Focuses on improving his team members’ skills, knowledge, and comradery, considering both technical and behavioral aspects, ensuring high morale and a professional environment.
Needs strong improvement:
1. Makes no efforts to develop the team’s skills or knowledge.
2. Ineffective communication with team members, or not being transparent, and or poor collaboration skills.
3. Poor conflict resolution and building a positive team environment.
Needs improvement:
1. Limited efforts to develop the team’s skills or knowledge.
2. Inconsistent communication with team members, transparency, and collaboration.
3. Struggles with conflict resolution and building a positive team environment.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Works to develop the team’s skills and knowledge.
2. Works with the team to foster good communication, transparency, and collaboration.
3. Resolves conflicts and fosters a positive team environment.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Proactively identifies opportunities for team growth and improvement.
2. Proactively works with the team to foster good communication, transparency, and collaboration.
3. Skillfully resolves conflict before it happens and works towards building a strong team culture.
1. Drives innovation and develops and executes strategies for continuous team and skill improvement.
2. Expertly work with the team and stakeholders to foster good communication, transparency, and collaboration.
3. Is a key figure in building a highly effective and collaborative team culture.
• Is always looking into ways to add value to all aspects of daily work to enhance efficiency, and effectiveness, resulting in improved team performance and higherquality deliverables.
Needs strong improvement:
1. No involvement in helping team members manage their workload and time.
2. Does not identify or addresses team performance issues or gaps in processes.
3. Does not involve problem-solving, process innovation, and improvement.
Needs improvement:
1. Minimal involvement in helping team members manage their workload and time effectively.
2. Struggles to address team performance issues or gaps in processes.
3. Shows minimal involvement of team members in problem-solving, process innovation, and improvement.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Helps team members manage their workload and time effectively to improve productivity and meet deadlines.
2. Identifies and addresses team performance issues or gaps in process in a timely manner.
3. Involves team members in problem-solving, process innovation, and improvement.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Coaches team members to manage their workload and time effectively by providing strategies and techniques to improve productivity and meet deadlines.
2. Recognizes team performance issues early or gaps in a process and implements effective solutions.
3. Engages and empowers team members in problem-solving, process innovation, and improvement fostering a culture of improvement.
1. Expertly coaches team members to manage their workload and time effectively allowing them to excel at improving productivity and meeting deadlines.
2. Proactively identifies and addresses team performance issues or gaps in a process, with a focus on long-term success.
3. Actively involves and empowers team members in problem-solving, process innovation, and improvement fostering a culture of continuous improvement.
Dev. Technical Assessment: Coding Practices Category:
Use meaningful naming.
• Method and variable names are meaningful and indicative of the functionality.
Use log and exceptions.
• Correct use of exceptions and logs.
Code readability.
• Correct use of code formatting (Indentation, spaces, etc.).
Dev. Technical Assessment: SCM Practices Category:
Daily commits.
• Developer commits code to Bitbucket at least once a day.
Branch naming.
• Development branches have the name of the corresponding ticket.
Update working branch.
• Developers should update their working branch every day with Staging branch.
Dev. Technical Assessment: SQL Practices Category:
Non-blocking SQL.
• SQL Statements do not block tables unless the process requires it.
Indexing strategy.
• Correct indexes are used on both temporary and regular tables.
Dev. Technical Assessment: Team Collaboration Category:
Pull requests.
• Pull requests are submitted to the right branch according to the procedure.
Release preparing.
• Developers should move all SQL files to the specific file to be released.
• Merge conflicts are resolved in a way that doesn’t break source code developed by other team members.
Responsiveness & Commitment
• Adheres consistently to published work schedules for the department.
• Is consistently responsive during working hours on all official communication channels (Conferences, chats and or instant messaging) in a reasonable time and respond to emails in a timely manner.
• Respects and honors all agreed deadlines.
• Attends all meetings, even those scheduled with short notice during working hours.
• Always announces in advance to all stakeholders if it is not possible to attend any jobrelated commitment, detailing the cause (illness, leave, etc.)
1. Needs strong improvement:
2. Does not give importance to the objectives, worries only about doing own routine task.
3. Frequently fails to comply with the work schedule.
4. Does not attend scheduled meetings or arrives late.
5. Has a low level of commitment to the organization.
6. Does not deliver what promises to others.
Needs improvement:
1. Fails to meet the objectives assigned.
2. Fails to comply with working hours.
3. Arrives late to scheduled meetings.
4. Medium level of commitment to the organization.
5. Does not attend scheduled meetings or arrives untimely.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Commits to meeting the established objectives.
2. Sets goals higher than expected and meets them.
3. Studies and trains to improve performance and motivates others to do the same.
4. Complies with working hours.
5. Attends scheduled meetings in a timely manner.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Has a high level of commitment to meeting organizational objectives.
2. Has a high degree of responsibility for meeting the objectives of the department and team.
3. Exceeds in meeting objectives and far exceeds job expectations.
4. Constantly looks for ways to optimize performance.
1. Makes proposals to improve and optimize work processes.
2. Overcomes difficulties in an extraordinary way. Persistent
3. Invests extra time to develop proposals and initiatives that contribute to exceed results.
4. Anticipates possible inconveniences and avoids them.
3 IMPORTANT NOTE: Although the “Responsiveness & Commitment” Skill / Competency is part of the organizational Skills, it will be assessed after each sprint in the Software Development department.
• Correct logging of time invested in attention of tickets in Jira.
Needs strong improvement:
1. Constantly (three or more times per sprint) needs to be reminded to record on the ticket the time spent on the task.
Needs improvement:
1. Usually (up to two times per sprint) asked to register the time spent on the task in the tickets.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Complies autonomously with the time registration on the ticket. Eventually a reminder is necessary for compliance.
Exceeds expectations:
1. It is not necessary to request or remind the time registration on the ticket, it is already part of the daily operation. Sporadically it is necessary to follow up.
1. Time recording on tickets is already part of daily operations and there is no need for follow-up nor reminder to accomplish this task.
• Correct uploads of ticket attention documentation and evidence (proof) in Jira.
Needs strong improvement:
1. Constantly (three or more times per sprint) needs to be reminded to record on the ticket the time spent on the task.
Needs improvement:
1. Usually (up to two times per sprint) asked to document in the ticket the important aspects and specific details of the task.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Documents tickets as part of daily operations. Eventually a review is necessary to determine the quality of the documentation.
Exceeds expectations:
1. It is not necessary to request or remind the documentation on the ticket, it is already part of the daily operation. Sporadically it is necessary to follow up.
1. Documentation is part of daily operations. Quality and quantity are sufficient and necessary and does not require follow-up nor guidance.
• Timely update of ticket status during the sprint and release to production.
Needs strong improvement:
1. It is constantly (three or more times per Sprint) necessary to remind the person to update the status of the tickets.
Needs improvement:
1. It is usually (up to two times per sprint) necessary to remind the person to update tickets’ status.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Updating tickets is part of daily operations. Eventually a reminder is necessary.
Exceeds expectations:
1. It is not necessary to request or remind to update the status of the tickets, it is already part of the daily operation. Sporadically it is necessary to follow up.
1. Updating ticket status is already part of daily operations and there is no need for followups nor reminders to accomplish this task.
• Presentation and correct creation of Breakdowns for attention and review of tasks in the sprint.
Needs strong improvement:
1. Constantly (two or more times per sprint) does not present on time or with the correct detail the respective analysis and estimates of the tasks to be developed or reviewed.
Needs improvement:
1. Usually (single time per sprint) does not present on time or with the correct detail the respective analysis and estimates of the tasks to be developed or reviewed.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Submits on time and with the correct detail the respective analysis and estimates of the tasks to be performed. A reminder is eventually necessary for compliance or to improve the analysis or estimates.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Submits on time and with the correct detail the respective analysis and estimates of the tasks to be performed. Occasionally it is necessary to review the analysis or estimates.
1. Always presents the analysis and estimates of the tasks to be performed on time and with the correct detail.
• Meet the delivery date (story points) indicated in each task.
Needs strong improvement:
1. Consistently (more than three times per sprint) fails to meet the delivery expectation indicated in the task estimate.
Needs improvement:
1. Usually does not meet the delivery expectation indicated in the estimate of the task.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Meets the delivery expectation indicated in the task estimate. Eventually (two times per sprint) the employee presents delays and is necessary to send a reminder to ensure compliance.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Meets the delivery expectation indicated in the task estimate. Sporadically (up to a single time per sprint) fails to deliver.
1. Always meets the delivery expectation indicated in the task estimate.
QAs Technical Assessment: Test Cases Category:
Negative and Positive
• Test cases for the ticket cover both positive and negative flows.
Acceptance Criteria Coverage
• Test cases have been created for each acceptance criteria.
QAs Technical Assessment: est Completeness Category:
Cross device testing
• When applicable, test cases cover desktop and mobile devices.
Cross browser testing
• When applicable, test cases cover at least 2 different browsers.
QAs Admin. Tasks Assessment:
Workflow Adherence Category:
Evidence attachment
• Appropriate testing evidence is attached to the respective tested tickets or test cases.
Needs strong improvement:
1. Does not upload evidence in the assigned tickets.
Needs improvement:
1. Upload few evidence or they are not clear about the execution.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Upload the necessary evidence to show the execution.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Upload evidence of tests done in different OS/Devices/Browsers.
1. Upload the evidence of logs, database and lines of code that show the validate execution.
• Test cases are created as children of the corresponding Jira ticket.
1. Needs strong improvement:
2. Does not link the test cases to any ticket.
Needs improvement:
1. Links the wrong tickets, or only links some of them.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Correctly links the test cases to all the respective tickets.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Links to other related tickets that are from previous stories.
1. Links tickets related to the same functionalities of other teams.
• Tickets are transitioned to the right status and not “abandoned”.
Needs strong improvement:
1. Does not change the status of the tickets.
Needs improvement:
1. Changes tickets’ status, but only when reminded.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Always updates the tickets’ status and reports any blockages or difficulties during the tests.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Always updates the tickets’ status, reports any blockages or difficulties during the tests, and includes supplementary information.
1. Always updates the tickets’ status, reports any blockages or difficulties during the tests including supplementary information and is also aware of other tickets worked by the team.
• Tickets moved to “Ready for QA” are attended within a suitable amount of time during the sprint, even if it is only to provide an ETA.
Needs strong improvement:
1. Tickets are not taken in a timely manner and must be assigned.
Needs improvement:
1. QA assigns the tickets, but leaves many unattended.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. QA assigns the tickets and deals with them in a timely manner.
Exceeds expectations:
1. QA assigns in advance the tickets that will be handled and performs the corresponding analysis.
1. QA assigns the tickets, performs the analysis in advance, and finishes them within the sprint and/or between production.
• Successfully tested tickets are moved to “Ready to deploy” and TL or PM is notified.
Needs strong improvement:
1. Does not give notice when the ticket has the tests completed.
Needs improvement:
1. Occasionally gives notice of completed tickets and does not continue with the follow-up. Consistently meets expectations:
1. Give notice of completed tickets and follows them up.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Notify your team and all other teams of completed tickets.
1. Gives notice and follows up that tickets have been placed correctly in the preproduction environment
• Adheres consistently to published work schedules for the department.
• Is consistently responsive during working hours on all official communication channels (Conferences, chats and or instant messaging) in a reasonable time and respond to emails in a timely manner.
• Respects and honors all agreed deadlines.
• Attends all meetings, even those scheduled with short notice during working hours.
• Always announces in advance to all stakeholders if it is not possible to attend any jobrelated commitment, detailing the cause (illness, leave, etc.)
1. Needs strong improvement:
2. Does not give importance to the objectives, worries only about his/her routine.
3. Frequently fails to comply with the work schedule.
4. Does not attend scheduled meetings.
5. Has a low level of commitment to the organization.
6. Does not deliver what promises to others.
Needs improvement:
1. Fails to meet the objectives assigned.
2. Fails to comply with working hours.
3. Arrives late to scheduled meetings.
4. Medium level of commitment to the organization.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Commits to meeting the established objectives.
2. Sets goals higher than expected and meets them.
3. Studies and trains to improve performance and motivates others to do the same.
4. Complies with working hours.
5. Attends scheduled meetings in a timely manner.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Has a high level of commitment to meeting organizational objectives.
2. Has a high degree of responsibility for meeting the objectives of department and team.
4 IMPORTANT NOTE: Although the “Responsiveness & Commitment” Skill / Competency is part of the organizational Skills, it will be assessed after each sprint in the Software Development department.
3. Exceeds in meeting objectives and far exceeds job expectations.
4. Constantly looks for ways to optimize performance.
1. Makes proposals to improve and optimize processes.
2. Overcomes difficulties in an extraordinary way.
3. Invests extra time to develop proposals that contribute significantly to the achievement of objectives.
4. Anticipates possible inconveniences and avoids them.
• Correct logging of time invested in attention of tickets in Jira.
Needs strong improvement:
1. Constantly (three or more times per sprint) needs to be reminded to record on the ticket the time spent on the task.
Needs improvement:
1. Usually (up to two times per sprint) asked to register the time spent on the task in the tickets.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Complies autonomously with the time registration on the ticket. Eventually a reminder is necessary for compliance.
Exceeds expectations:
1. It is not necessary to request or remind the time registration on the ticket, it is already part of the daily operation. Sporadically it is necessary to follow up.
1. Time recording on tickets is already part of daily operations and there is no need for follow-up nor reminder to accomplish this task.
• Correct uploads of ticket attention documentation and evidence (proof) in Jira.
Needs strong improvement:
1. Constantly (three or more times per sprint) needs to be reminded to record on the ticket the time spent on the task.
Needs improvement:
1. Usually (up to two times per sprint) asked to document in the ticket the important aspects and specific details of the task.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Documents tickets as part of daily operations. Eventually a review is necessary to determine the quality of the documentation.
Exceeds expectations:
1. It is not necessary to request or remind the documentation on the ticket, it is already part of the daily operation. Sporadically it is necessary to follow up.
1. Documentation is part of daily operations. Quality and quantity are sufficient and necessary and does not require follow-up nor guidance.
• Timely update of ticket status during the sprint and release to production.
Needs strong improvement:
1. It is constantly (three or more times per Sprint) necessary to remind the person to update the status of the tickets.
Needs improvement:
1. It is usually (up to two times per sprint) necessary to remind the person to update tickets’ status.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Updating tickets is part of daily operations. Eventually a reminder is necessary.
Exceeds expectations:
1. It is not necessary to request or remind to update the status of the tickets, it is already part of the daily operation. Sporadically it is necessary to follow up.
1. Updating ticket status is already part of daily operations and there is no need for followups nor reminders to accomplish this task.
Workflow Compliance Category:
Analysis – Test Cases
• Presentation and correct creation Test Cases for attention and review of tasks in the sprint.
Needs strong improvement:
1. Constantly (two or more times per sprint) does not present on time or with the correct detail the respective analysis and estimates of the Test Cases.
Needs improvement:
1. Usually (a single time per sprint) does not present on time or with the correct detail the respective analysis and estimates of the Test Cases.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Submits on time and with the correct detail the respective analysis and estimates of the Test Cases to be performed. A reminder is eventually necessary for compliance or to improve the Test Cases.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Submits on time and with the correct detail the respective Test Cases to be performed. Occasionally it is necessary to review the analysis or estimates.
1. Always presents the Test Cases to be performed on time and with the correct detail.
• Meet the delivery date (story points) indicated in each task.
Needs strong improvement:
1. Consistently (more than three times per sprint) fails to meet the delivery expectation indicated in the task estimate.
Needs improvement:
1. Usually (three times per sprint) does not meet the delivery expectation indicated in the estimate of the task.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Meets the delivery expectation indicated in the task estimate. Eventually (two times per sprint) it presents delays, and a reminder is necessary for compliance.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Meets the delivery expectation indicated in the task estimate. Sporadically (single time per sprint) fails to deliver.
1. Always meets the delivery expectation indicated in the task estimate.
• Assists in the resolution of database related problems in production and staging environments.
Needs strong improvement:
1. Fails to deliver according to the plan and delivery is outside of scope.
Needs improvement:
1. Delivers with small deviations from the plan or scope.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Delivers a solution according to the plan and scope.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Understands the scope of the problem at hand and can spot problems with the plan and offer alternatives.
1. Understands the scope of the problem and can elaborate a plan involving other team members and follow through completion.
• Ability to organize work and prioritize effectively to achieve results.
Needs strong improvement:
1. Constantly fails to understand priorities when multiple requests are submitted.
Needs improvement:
1. Immediately shifts into new requests without evaluating how they fit within the spectrum of priorities.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Clearly understands priorities and executes accordingly.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Can prioritize work under conflicting circumstances.
1. Can elaborate plans and execute accordingly when dealing with conflicting priorities.
• Providing advice and feedback in a timely manner.
Needs strong improvement:
1. Requires multiple callouts and follow ups to get something done and no reason for the delays is provided.
Needs improvement:
1. Requires multiple follow ups to ensure work gets done.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Attends requests within a reasonable time and provides feedback on status when requested.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Attends requests within reasonable time and provides relevant updates proactively keeping stakeholders engaged.
1. Attends requests within reasonable time and provides relevant updates proactively keeping stakeholders engaged for at least 3 consecutive sprints.Team Advancemgory:
• Assists the development teams in the preparation of required assets and processes for a successful release.
Needs strong improvement:
1. Fails to help teams on preparations and when requested is not available.
Needs improvement:
1. Supports development teams, however data assets preparation causes a failure to release.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Assists teams that request help when preparing for release.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Helps teams prepare database assets before release time helping save time.
1. Helps teams prepare database assets before release time helping save time for at least 3 consecutive sprints.
• Helps developers build database skills that empowers them to succeed and provides effective technical advice to development teams regarding database best practices.
Needs strong improvement:
1. Doesn’t help developers identify issues and takes no action to prevent the issue in the future. Technical advice is not provided even when deficiencies are identified.
Needs improvement:
1. Fails to point out issues with database assets and doesn’t help solve the issue. Technical advice is provided only when issues are identified.
1. Points issues with database assets created by developers and assists on fixing the issues. Available to provide feedback and thoughts when requested.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Identifies issues with developer created assets and provides guidelines to avoid issues in the future. Proactively shares feedback and provides input to teams working on database assets.
1. Identifies issues with developer created assets and provides guidelines to avoid issues in the future for at least 3 consecutive sprints. Proactively shares information across development teams to prevent issues in the future connected to database asset preparation.
Responsiveness & Commitment 5
• Adheres consistently to published work schedules for the department.
• Is consistently responsive during working hours on all official communication channels (Conferences, chats and or instant messaging) in a reasonable time and responds to emails in a timely manner.
• Respects and honors all agreed deadlines.
• Attends all meetings, even those scheduled with short notice during working hours.
• Always announces in advance to all stakeholders if it will not be possible to attend any job-related commitment, detailing the cause (illness, leave, etc.)
Needs strong improvement:
1. Does not give importance to the objectives, worries about his/her routine.
2. Frequently fails to comply with the work schedule.
3. Does not attend scheduled meetings.
4. Has a low level of commitment to the organization.
5. Does not deliver what promises to others.
Needs improvement:
1. Fails to meet the objectives assigned.
2. Fails to comply with working hours.
3. Arrives late to scheduled meetings.
4. Medium level of commitment to the organization.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Commits to meeting the established objectives.
2. Sets goals higher than expected and meets them.
3. Studies and trains to improve performance and motivates others to do the same.
4. Complies with working hours.
5. Attends scheduled meetings in a timely manner.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Has a high level of commitment to meeting organizational objectives.
2. Has a high degree of responsibility for meeting the objectives of department and team.
5 IMPORTANT NOTE: Although the “Responsiveness & Commitment” Skill / Competency is part of the organizational Skills, it will be assessed after each sprint in the Software Development department.
3. Exceeds in meeting objectives and far exceeds job expectations.
4. Constantly looks for ways to optimize performance.
1. Makes proposals to improve processes.
2. Overcomes difficulties in an extraordinary way.
3. Invests extra time to develop proposals that contribute to the achievement of objectives.
4. Anticipates possible inconveniences and avoids them.
Execution and follow-up of the sprint calendar
• Ensure all the sessions are executed as defined in the sprint calendar.
Needs strong improvement:
1. Most or all the sprint calendar sessions aren’t planned, scheduled or carried out correctly or within their time box or is needed to be reminded constantly (at least 3 times) to do so.
Needs improvement:
1. Some of the sprint calendar sessions aren’t planned, scheduled or carried out correctly or within their time box or is needed to be reminded often (at least 2 times) to do so.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. All the sprint calendar sessions are planned, scheduled or carried out correctly and within their time box and rarely (at least 1 time) needs to be reminded to do so.
Exceeds expectations:
1. All the sprint calendar sessions are planned, scheduled or carried out correctly and within their time box without any reminders.
1. All the sprint calendar sessions are planned, scheduled or carried out correctly and within their time box. Sessions that require the Tech Lead or Product Owners are followed and monitored, meeting summaries are sent to attendees and attendance (tardiness and absences) is always tracked.
• Coordinate with the Product Owner to ensure having complete stories in queue, ready for their attention.
Needs strong improvement:
1. There isn’t any tangible coordination with the Product Owner and the Development Team to maintain a healthy backlog.
Needs improvement:
1. There is some coordination with the Product Owner and the Development Team, but the backlog barely has enough work for a sprint or two or many stories are missing details, Definition of Done or Definition of Ready and are too big to be completed within a sprint. Consistently meets expectations:
1. Most of the time the Product Owner and the Development Team have backlog that contains at least 2 sprints worth of stories, but some are stories are missing descriptions, a verified Definition of Done or Definition of Ready or aren’t small enough to be completed within a sprint.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Ensures that the Product Owner and the Development Team most of the time have backlog contains at least 3 sprints of stories mayorly fully groomed, fully described
and with a verified Definition of Done or Definition of Ready and are small enough to be completed within a sprint.
1. Ensures that the Product Owner and the Development Team always have backlog contains 3 sprints worth of stories fully groomed, fully described and with a verified Definition of Done or Definition of Ready and are small enough to be completed within a sprint.
Distribution of workloads
• Ensure all team members always have tasks assigned to them.
Needs strong improvement:
1. There is no workload planning or team members spend entire days or have frequent long periods without work assigned or there are coworkers with a much higher load than others or Planning Poker is not being utilized.
Needs improvement:
1. There is some workload planning, but some team members have long periods without work assigned and there are coworkers with a higher load than others or Planning Poker is not being utilized effectively.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. The workload is mostly distributed. Planning Poker is utilized most of the time and is effective, and team members don’t have frequent periods without work assigned and there are few coworkers with a high workload.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Workload is properly distributed. Planning Poker is always used and is effective, and team members hardly have any periods without work assigned, there aren’t coworkers with a high workload.
1. Workload is superbly distributed. Expectations and Results are set, Planning Poker is utilized effectively, Team members have a fair distribution of workload and once the sprint has been started there is little to no changes with the workload, the team is also mature enough to take on additional tasks if they finish early.
• Ensure compliance by following up all team members’ tasks during the sprint.
Needs strong improvement:
1. There is no follow-up of progress done, or it was done at the end of the sprint (when there isn’t time to react and correct deviations) or is needed to be reminded constantly (at least 3 times) to do so or the status of Stories and Tasks are not kept up to date.
Needs improvement:
1. Follow-up of progress is almost exclusively done through Jira, with little to no interaction with the Development Team or is needed to be reminded often (at least 2 times) to do so or of most Stories and Tasks are not kept up to date.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Follow-up is made through Jira and sessions with the Development Team and the Tech Lead through the entire sprint and rarely (at least 1 time) needs to be reminded to do so and the status of most Stories and tasks are kept up to date.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Follow-up is made through Jira and sessions with the Development Team and the Tech Lead through the entire sprint and doesn’t need to be reminded to do so and the status of most Stories and tasks are kept up to date.
2. Is always fully aware about the progress of the team and lets others know about progress (when relevant), utilizes Jira and does sessions with the Development Team and the Tech Lead through the entire sprint. Doesn’t need reminders about follow-ups and all Stories are tasks are always kept up to date.
• Ensure that tickets have the required documentation, such as Dev and QA tests, as well as information for release in production.
Needs strong improvement:
1. Most or all Stories and Tasks are missing documentation / supporting evidence / release information or is not clear or satisfactory or was updated exclusively at the end of sprint or is needed to be reminded constantly (at least 3 times) to do so.
Needs improvement:
1. Some Stories and Tasks are missing documentation / supporting evidence / release information, or the quality of the documentation or evidence is not clear or satisfactory or is needed to be reminded often (at least 2 times) to do so.
Consistently meets expectations:
2. Most tickets have clear documentation / supporting evidence / release information which was documented throughout the sprint and rarely (at least 1 time) needs to be reminded to do so.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Most tickets have clear documentation / supporting evidence / release information that is clear and satisfactory which was documented throughout the sprint and doesn’t need to be reminded to do so.
1. All tickets have clear documentation / supporting evidence / release information that is clear and satisfactory which was documented throughout the sprint.
• Technical evaluations for the team are conducted within the expected time frames.
Needs strong improvement:
1. Evaluations are not submitted at all and feedback to the developers is not possible.
Needs improvement:
2. Evaluations are submitted more than 1 week after completing the Sprint, developers that require feedback are not getting it in a timely manner, usually more than 1 week after the incident is detected.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Evaluations are submitted by the end of the Sprint and developers that require feedback and action plans are approached during the next week.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Developer evaluations are submitted by the end of the Sprint and developers that require feedback receive it by the end of the Sprint.
1. Developer evaluations are submitted the same week that the Sprint ends and Developers receive constructive feedback and guidance on the spot.
• User Stories that are ready for development follow the INVEST Principle. (Independent, Negotiable, Valuable, Estimable, Small, Testable)
Needs strong improvement:
1. Surveyed User stories follow only 1 or 2 of the principles.
Needs improvement:
1. Surveyed User stories follow only 2 or 3 of the principles.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Surveyed User stories follow at least 4 of the principles.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Surveyed User stories follow at least 5 of the principles.
1. Surveyed User stories follow the 6 principles.
• Technical debt should not grow more than 5% over Sprint.
Needs strong improvement:
1. Technical debt grows more than 5% over a Sprint.
Needs improvement:
1. Technical debt grows between 0% and 5% over a Sprint.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Technical debt does not grow.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Technical debt is reduced by at least a 1% during the Sprint.
1. Technical debt is consistently reduced by at least a 1% during 3 consecutive Sprints.
• The team produces the required assets for a successful release.
Needs strong improvement:
1. The team fails to produce the required assets for a successful deployment affecting the release.
Needs improvement:
1. The team requires constant revisions or last-minute adjustments to the produced assets for a release, potentially affecting the release cycle.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. The team manages to prepare all the assets required to deploy without affecting the established release cycle.
Exceeds expectations:
1. The team proactively prepares all assets required to produce a successful release at least the week before the release.
1. The team consistently (3 consecutive Sprints) prepares all required assets to produce a successful release in a timely manner ensuring that there are no delays to release.
• The team recovers from build failures in a timely manner.
Needs strong improvement:
1. On build failures the team is unable to recover by itself requiring help from another team.
Needs improvement:
2. On build failure, the team spends more than 1 working day fixing the build.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. On build failures, the team can recover by itself within 1 working day.
Exceeds expectations:
1. On build failures, the team can recover by itself within 6 hours.
1. On build failures, the team can recover by itself within 1 hour.
• Conflicts from PR’s are resolved at the team level.
Needs strong improvement:
1. Team members generate git conflicts affecting the productivity of other teams and delaying releases to production.
Needs improvement:
1. Team members generate git conflicts affecting the productivity of other teams.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. When team members generate conflicts, the conflicts are resolved at the team level without impacting other teams.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Team members do not create git conflicts.
1. The team has a consistent record of not generating git conflicts during 3 consecutive sprints.
Technical Guidance Category:
• Successful PR
• Pull requests to critical branches do not present conflict.
Needs strong improvement:
1. Team members merge code via pull request against staging, development, or next release branches breaking the build and affecting a release to production impacting other teams.
Needs improvement:
1. Team members merge code via pull request against staging, development, or next release branches breaking the build and affecting a release to production.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Team members merge code via pull request against staging, development, or next release branches breaking the build without affecting a release to production.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Team members successfully merge code via pull request against staging, development, or next release without generating merge conflicts.
1. The team has a proven track of merging code via pull requests without breaking the build for 3 consecutive sprints.
• Releases to production do not cause the system to break.
Needs strong improvement:
1. The team is not capable of releasing features or deploy for 2 consecutive sprints. Needs improvement:
1. The team is not capable of releasing or deploying during the sprint. Consistently meets expectations:
1. The team releases features completed during the current Sprint or the first week of the following Sprint the latest.
Exceeds expectations:
1. The team manages to release features without any delay. Superb:
1. The team achieves a proven track of at least 3 Sprints releasing without any kind of delay.
• Taking initiative and responsibility for design process, task completion and conflict resolution.
• Proactively report blockers, lead initiatives with POs, Dev and QA
Needs strong improvement:
1. Inconsistency in taking and leading initiative
2. Does not collaborate with the POs, Devs, QAs in defining the project road-map/scope and break down into tasks.
3. Does not attend grooming sessions, stakeholder sessions. Needs improvement:
1. Missing sense of responsibility
2. Does not proactively communicate blockers.
3. Gets confused on what needs to be done next.
1. Takes initiative and consistently contributes during grooming sessions.
2. Proactively communicates blockers.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Strong sense of responsibility
2. Proactively communicates blockers and take steps to solve them.
3. Takes initiative and consistently contributes during grooming sessions. Superb:
1. Collaborates well with the POs, Devs, QAs in defining the project road-map/scope and break down into tasks. This will involve attending grooming sessions, stakeholder interviews, user research and competitor analysis.
2. Proactively communicates blockers and take steps to solve them.
3. Takes initiative and consistently contributes during grooming sessions.
• Consistently updates task status on Jira.
• Logs work consistently.
• Work with Lead to document task.
• Adds time estimate to task.
Needs strong improvement:
1. Constantly (three or more times per sprint) needs to be reminded to record on the ticket the time spent on the task.
2. Constantly needs to be reminded to update status of task.
Needs improvement:
1. Usually (up to two times per sprint) asked to document in the ticket the important aspects and specific details of the task.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Documents tickets as part of daily operations. Eventually a review is necessary to determine the quality of the documentation.
Exceeds expectations:
2. It is not necessary to request or remind the documentation on the ticket, it is already part of the daily operation. Sporadically it is necessary to follow up.
1. Documentation is part of daily operations. Quality and quantity are sufficient and necessary and does not require follow-up nor guidance.
• Adheres to the design process.
• Schedules consistently feedback loops and design critique.
• Adheres to accessibility and usability guideline.
• Utilizes and contributes to the design system.
Needs strong improvement:
1. Difficulty in managing time properly, not very methodical and disorganized.
2. Does not define deadlines or processes, making it difficult to achieve objectives.
3. Does not receive or accept feedback.
4. Does not show interest in updating and acquiring new knowledge and skills.
Needs improvement:
1. Can follow up on the objectives and the deadlines set to achieve them, but its performance is low in very demanding situations.
2. Sometimes he/she needs guidance to organize tasks, especially when the usual rhythm demands greater efforts.
3. Difficulty for adapting to change, prefers to work with known methods. Difficulty for adapting to change, prefers to work with known methods.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Formulates rational objectives for a given time frame.
2. Establishes follow-up dates, considering the final deadlines.
3. Studies and trains to improve performance and motivates others to do the same.
4. Open to feedback.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Documents agreed goals and objectives. Distributes this information among all project stakeholders.
2. Takes time to plan each of the tasks and projects, establishes an action plan and a follow-up plan to meet deadlines.
3. Open to receive and asks for feedback
4. Constantly updates on the latest methodologies or technologies in his/her specialty.
5. Designs new alternative solutions to environmental problems or challenges.
1. Effectively organizes tasks using time in the most efficient way
2. Manages several projects simultaneously without losing control of them.
3. Has clarity of established goals.
4. Has a continuous learning attitude, explores, implements, and manages new practices and technologies.
5. Expertise in his/her specialty allows to relate and apply knowledge to the needs of the organization.
• Participates actively in team meetings e.g., retro.
• Collaborates well with teammates.
• Collaborates well with external team, POs, Devs, QAs.
• Contributes actively to solving team issues.
• Demonstrates good etiquette during meetings (camera on, no background noise, microphone), shows an engaged and proactive attitude, and speaks up.
• Shows-up early and gives heads up when he/she will be absent
Needs strong improvement:
1. Does not listen to what other team members have to say and always interrupts when they are talking.
2. Always criticizes the other team members and does not appreciate their efforts.
3. Passive in team meeting/activities. Does not show active participation during meetings; behaves more like a spectator.
4. Constantly not punctual in attending scheduled meetings and does not give notice when going to be absent
Needs improvement:
1. Does not know how to express ideas and feelings when with other members.
2. Shows reluctance when it comes to undertaking various activities with the team.
3. Always allows other to do much of the work and does less of it.
4. Usually (up to two times per sprint) arrives late or absent to scheduled meetings.
5. Provides excuses when asked to activate the camera.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Communicates opinions and ideas in a clear and concise way to the other team members.
2. Has a good way of solving team conflicts and ensures that peace and harmony are upheld.
3. Knows how to receive and give constructive feedback to other team members.
4. Maintains a participatory attitude during meetings.
5. Attends scheduled meetings on a timely basis or give notice when absence is unavoidable
Exceeds expectations:
1. Listens carefully to what others are saying without interrupting them.
2. Always questions what the team is doing to try to ensure that everyone is benefiting.
3. Respects the ideas and opinions that the other team members have to say.
4. Actively participates in meetings with information or questions.
5. Participates in meetings always having his/her camera on when required and the environment is kept free of noise.
6. Always early to meetings and seldomly absent
1. Offers workable solutions to the various problems and ideas being faced by the team.
2. Participates actively in all the team’s activities and always displays a winning mentality.
3. Respects the ideas and opinions that the other team members have to say.
4. Remains 100% focused on every meeting, paying attention to the participants.
5. Is clearly prepared for meetings and responds with confidence to questions asked.
6. Motivates people to turn on the camera
7. 100% attendance
• Design Owners creates prototypes and test their designs before moving into the development phase.
Needs strong improvement:
1. Frequent reworks due to lack of testing with either lead, user, peers or with PO.
2. Not able to create prototypes or interactions on Figma.
3. No design review sessions
Needs improvement:
1. Frequent reworks due to lack of testing with either lead, users, peers or with stakeholder
2. No design review sessions
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Reach out for help on how to create prototypes and interaction.
2. Constantly test with either lead, peers, users, or stakeholders
3. Organizes design review sessions.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Good knowledge on how to create prototypes and interaction.
2. Knows the importance and constantly test prototype.
3. Facilitates design review sessions.
1. Expert at creating prototypes and understand the design principles behind
2. Conducts usability testing.
3. Facilitates design review sessions and with good facilitation skills.