LARNED 4-H Clubs of Pawnee County Pawnee County Extension Office 715 Broadway, Rm. 6, Larned 620-285-6901 The Pawnee County clubs are Gem Dandys, Pawnee Peppers, Tiny Toilers, Western Wranglers, Zook Zippers. Walter S. Chears American Legion Post 106 620-285-9373 Commander Mike Vondracek American Legion Auxiliary Post 106 Rita Kurtz, 620-285-1262 American Legion Riders Chapter 106 Mike Vondracek 620-285-9373 Veterans of Foreign Wars Jack Kreiger Post No. 7271 502 W. 5th, Larned 863-242-8198 Commander Tristan Gill
VFW Auxiliary Post No. 7271 502 W. 5th, Larned Rita Kurtz, 620-285-1262 DAR Merlene Baird, 620-285-6070 FCE Units in Pawnee County Pawnee County Extension Office Rm. 6, 715 Broadway, Larned 620-285-6901 The unit in Pawnee County is Sunflower Homemakers FCE. Knights of Columbus Norman Dreiling, 620-285-6547 Meets 1st Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. 1216 M Road, Larned. Larned Garden Club Merlene Baird, 620-285-6070 Meets 4th Friday, 2:00 p.m. at Chamber of Commerce meeting room. Larned Music Club Connie Carlton, 620-285-9216 Meets 2nd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. September-May at Larned Chamber of Commerce building, Jordaan Club Room
Larned Civic PRIDE 620-285-6901 Meets 2nd Monday noon - 1:00 p.m. at Pizza Hut. Larned Quilting Bees Meets 1st and 3rd Tuesday 7:00 p.m. at Larned Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall 8th and Morris Laureate Beta Nu Connie Mauney, 620-804-1001 Meets 2nd Tuesday 7:00 p.m. during the school year. Meets in member’s homes, call for location. Noon Lions Club Dr. Kristy Mull larnednoonlionsclub@gmail. com Meets Wednesday at noon at the Pawnee Valley Community Hospital meeting room. Fort Larned Lions Club Steven Lewis, 620-285-1609 ftlarnedlions@gmail.com Meets 1st and 3rd Monday, 6:00 p.m. Saints Mary and Martha of Bethany Episcopal Church 803 Main St., Larned
BIG To Small BTI Covers it all.
Pawnee Co. Farmers Union Tom Giessel, 620-285-2517 P.E.O. Nancy Adams, 620-285-2053
Prairie Arts Unlimited Patricia Hassman 620-285-7223
Rotary Club Merlene Baird, 620-285-6070 Meets every Tuesday, 7:00 a.m. at Sweets ‘n Eats 422 Broadway, Larned Women’s Golf Association 620-285-3935
BURDETT Frederick A. Browne American Legion Post 280 206 Elm, Burdett Commander Gary Pelton 620-525-6586 American Legion Auxiliary Post 280 American Legion Community Building 206 Elm St., Burdett Linda Schadel, 620-525-6770 EMS (volunteer) Chelsea Hoffman, Director 620-282-8844 Meets 1st Monday every other month at the Senior Center, 211 Elm, Burdett. Volunteer Fire Department Gary McJunkin, 620-525-1038 Meets 3rd Monday Fire Station 209 Elm, Burdett
ROZEL Rozel Lions Club Meets 3rd Monday September - May at Rozel Methodist Church 7:00 p.m. Rozel PRIDE Pam Taylor www.facebook.com/rozel.pride