Immunization Requirements for the 2021-2022 School Year K.A.R. 28-1-20 defines immunizations required for any individual who attends school or a childcare program operated by a school. Below are the requirements for the indicated school year. Please carefully review the requirements. The usual number of doses required are listed; however there are exceptional circumstances that could alter the number of doses a child needs. If you have questions about your child’s immunization status, contact your chld’s primary care provider or local health department. Proof of receiving the required immunizations must be provided to the school prior to the student attending the first day of school. SCHOOL ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • DTaP (Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis): 5 doses required by Kindergarten, 4 doses if attending an Early Childhood Program operated by a school aged 4 years and under. • IPV (Polio): 4 doses required by Kindergarten, 3 doses if third dose given after 4 years of age and there are at least 6 months between second and third dose. • MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella): 2 doses required. • Varicella (Chickenpox): 2 doses required by Kindergarten. Not required if child has had Chickenpox and it is documented by a physician’s signature. Without a physician’s signature, the vaccine is still required. • Hepatitis A: 2 doses required by children less than 5 years of age. • Hepatits B: 3 doses required. • TdaP/DT (Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis): All students in Grades 7-12 must have one dose of Tdap regardless of the interval since the last dose of DTap or Td. • Meningococcal (serogroup A, C, W, Y): 1 dose for Grade 7-9. For Grade 11-12 a second dose is required if the first dose was received before the age of 16. If the first dose was received between the ages of 16-18 only 1 dose is required. • Hib (Haemophilius Influenza Type B): 4 doses required for children 4 years and under in an Early Childhood Program operated by a school. • Prevnar (Pneumococcal Conjugate): 4 doses required for children 4 years and under in an Early Childhood Program operated by a school.
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NOT REQUIRED FOR SCHOOL ENTRY BUT RECOMMENDED • HPV (Human Papillomavirus): 2 doses recommended at age 11 years. (2 doses needed if started at 11-14 years of age, 3 doses needed if started at 15 years of age or older) • Influenza (Flu): Annual vaccine recommended for everyone 6 months of age or older. ADULT IMMUNIZATION SCHEDULES MAY BE FOUND ON THE PAWNEE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT WEBSITE www.pawneecountyks.org
PAWNEE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT 715 Broadway, Larned 620-285-6963 or 1-800-211-4401 Fax: 620-285-3246 www.pawneecountyks.org Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 7:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., 1:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Tuesday 1:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m., closed to the public 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Phones answered. Closed Fridays The Pawnee County Health Department is a public health agency that provides preventive health care, such as immunization clinics and well child clinics to people who live in Pawnee County. It can assist clients to obtain medical care if needed. Pawnee County Health Department’s professional staff provides care to individuals through its services. Services are strictly confidential. Emphasis is placed on preventive health care services and education. Health care with the department is partly paid for through federal and state grants; Fees for service/self pay; Medicaid, Medicare and other 3rd party insurance. Donations accepted. Child Safety Seat inspection by appointment.
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