17. A dot with the entry number on it will be affixed to the container at the show to ensure that an entry card, if separated from the exhibit container during staging can be returned to the proper entry before judging. 18. Once an entry has been passed it may not be touched by anyone other than the placement committee, the Horticulture chair, the show chair, or the clerks.
19. All entries must be removed on Friday, April 22, 2022, between 4:00 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. After 4:30 p.m., all entries will be discarded if not removed by the exhibitor. 20. List the scale of points by which the classes are to be judged. Please refer to the FS&J Pocket Guide @ the Show, July 2020 edition. In Horticulture, judges may award only one first place (blue), and if merited more than one second place (red), third place (yellow), or honorable mention (white), per class.
Division Chairs: Estelle Lozmack / 713-854-8049 / emlozmack@comcast.net Nancy Keely / 713-201-6281 / nancydaviskeely@mac.com