Noah Gallegos, Spring 23

Page 22

Personal Branding

Noah’s Garage

Noah’s Garage was influenced by the desire to create. As a child I lived to tinker around with gadgets and tech to see how it was made and replicate it. Today I continue this process to create and now build forms of visual communication. When I think of garage I see creation, building , and fixing. Many great companies started inside a garage. For me, it represents a sketched out and more at home feel that resonates with my personal creative style.

Korolev Heavy

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Korolev Bold

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Korolev light

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Logo Design

Mixed collection of logo creation

This page dissplays the logo design work I have done in the past including skethces, roughs, and final designs for personal projects, school, and clients

Book Jacket Design

The Hobbit, Animal Farm

KingUnderTheMountain, MossGreenBookCover

RooktakesKnight, RedBookCover

Brand Development

Rumble Root Beer

Rumble is a Root Beer company asking for a brand repair specifically targeting a new logo, label, and printed magazine advertising to pair. A special brand triat that Rumble wanted to include in their image was their desire to fight and contribute to the fight against climate change. Henceforth I based most features in the design off fighting.


Presentation Graphics

Rumble Root Beer

Displaying the assets Rumble Root Beer requested required a on brand keynote presentation. The presentation used separate and unique graphics than the assets. The presenation is separaed into four categories; about and creative brief, logo design, package design, advertising and trade booth.

Chocolate Packaging

Vosges Haut Chocolat

This project involves the logo and packaging, and print design of chocolatier company Vosges’s chocolate bar. Different printing processes were required for the printing of the packaging shown below; foil, emboss, varnish. As a gormet and luxury choclate brand I believed basing the design off of art Nouveau.

Gallegos_Noah_fullcolor_outline.indd 11/13/22 4:05 PM Gallegos_Noah_fullcolor_outline.indd Gallegos_Noah_fullcolor_outline.indd 11/13/22 3:59 PM Gallegos_Noah_outline A molten center of burnt sugar caramel infused with our home-made black cacaoo sea salt, encased in our proprietary dark chocolate. NETWT 30oz INGREDIENTS DARK CHOCOLATE (COCOA MASS, WATER, HAWAIIAN BLACK SEA SALT, ORGANIC SOY LECITHIN). CONTAINS ALLERGENS: MILK, SOY. BLACK SALT CARAMEL GMO CACAO 72% Gallegos_Noah_fullcolor_outline.indd 11/13/22 3:31 PM

O-O-H Advertising

ROAM Adventure Co.

Part of ROAM Adventure Co. is a outdoor gear and contair supply encouraging the move towards outside. The campaign consists of two focuses; one to motivate outdoor and camping lifestyle, and the other to promote their products. The first focus will be executed through O-O-H Advertising specifically billboards and a bus shelter.

Email Campaign

ROAM Adventure Co.

Part of ROAM Adventure Co. advertising, using media with a specialization in email campaigning. The printed campaign focused on encouraging audiences to venture outdoors while the media campaign pushed our products.

Web Design

Mixed colletion of projects

Brand Campaign

Midtown Barber Lounge

This project required the development of a brand including the logo design, brand identity, backstory, strategy, and social media campaign. The specific setting of the campaign is in November which is why I piggybacked the campaign onto Men’s Health Awareness Month, also known as Movember.

#f2e8da #193965 #801517 #343537
Interact with the site here!

The Lounge, for short, has a media account across mulitple platforms encouraging community and hygenic lifestyle for men for the purpose of the campaign, wellbeing, education, and Movember. “Beard of the week” is a weekly post shoutout men who participate in “sharing their hair”, another series involving posting grooming and self care routine.

How do you Movember? #shareyourhair Send a message The Lounge Social Media TheLounge Men’s Beard Oil and Moisturizer Send a message The Lounge Social Media TheLounge


Transitionig from post education for students with disabilities

This project has great signifiance to my life and those in my family with disabilities. How those with disabilites, seen or unseen, will progress into the workforce after education is a worrisome topic that we don’t talk about. I themed the infographic after a board game, specifically the game of life.


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