The Reincarnasian: Fall 2010

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What is “Asian”?

The Hyphenated Koreans: in Perpetual Orbital around North Korea 2

Behind These Eyes: Circle Lenses on the Rise 3 Muted Blight: Attack on Asian Students Ignored 4

Live Free, Be Wired: Far East Movement Finally Takes Asian Mainstream

Meet the Artist: Jennie Liu 5


Why We’re Rooting for Jeremy Lin 7

WHAT IS ”ASIAN” ? by Sondra Morishima


ossibly the most difficult part about reviving

often asked whether I identify more as Chinese

content and audience. We hope to serve NYU’s Asian

or Japanese. But to me it’s an unfair question. It’s

and Asian American community, but what does

like being asked whether I identify more with

that really mean? What does it mean to be Asian or

being female or being an only child—it’s impossible

Asian American? One dictionary definition of “Asia”

to isolate the two and preference them.

included a footnote in bold stating, “can be confused: Asia, East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia.” Clearly, I’m not the only one having difficulty

When asking the question “what is Asian?”, we must reach into our own experiences and pull out what we know about ourselves. For some, it may be

understanding the full breadth of the term as

growing up Muslim or Buddhist; maybe you have six

well as defining its limits. “Asian” becomes an

siblings or speak three languages. The intersection of

increasingly slippery term to define as I try to make

these characteristics defines your own Asian identity,

sense of what separates Asia from the world—is it

and any variation in your life undoubtedly impacts

geography, culture, people’s physical appearances?

that identity. Because of this, we at Generasian seem

Or maybe it isn’t about what separates Asians

to have an endless list of relevant topics to discuss.

from other races, but what brings us together. Both of these directions lead to few answers and

Undoubtedly, each issue will bring something new and unique. We can begin to discuss what it

more questions, as Asians can trace their lineage

means to be Asian, an NYU student, and a part of the

back to places as varied as Japan, the Philippines,

Generasian community. We want your feedback and

Mongolia, Vietnam, Bangladesh, and Samoa. And

your voice, because we all deserve a say in defining

then we are faced with what distinguishes Asians

ourselves. With the revival of Generasian, I hope

from Asian Americans, and what issues and

that the Asian community at NYU will finally have a

histories overlap. The possibilities seem endless.

voice and forum to discuss the questions we face and

With all of these variables and more, how do


fourth-generation Chinese-Japanese American, I’m

Generasian is the plethora of questions surrounding

the issues that are important to us. I look forward

we create a publication that represents NYU’s

to a future connecting the diverse individuals in our

community of Asians and Asian Americans? I’ve

community and transforming the role of Asians in

been wrestling with this question myself: As a

NYU, the country, and the world. G


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