Sincerely: Spring 2013

Page 1


WHAT’S INSIDE 01 Cover Illustration Jade Chen 03 Letter from the Editor Patrick Yan



04 Reimagining North Korea Nathan Wong

14 Shanghaiers Robin Huang

06 The Asian Viewpoint of American Cultures

18 Is it Halloween Already? Zi Lin

Olivia Da Eun Park 20 The Angry Asian American 08 What’s in a Name? Soo Mi Rho

Evelyn Cheng

10 Wok a Mile in my Shoes Effy Jiang

22 Ikenobo Kim Chen



24 The Impact of the New Chinese Authority

30 Double-You-Tee-Eff?!! Amy Lu

Natalie (Yun Jing) Weng 30 Top 10 Bollywood Movies of All Time 26 Word of Love Tina Yu

Anisha Prasad

27 LOL Victoria Wong

31 An Insightful Crunch Jennifer Tseng

28 Travels to China: Discovering a Hidden Culture

31 The Asian Gene: More than Skin Color

Vida Shi

Jonathan Yuan



Editor-in-Chief Patrick Yan Editor-at-Large Soo Mi Rho Art Director Rachel Liu Operations Manager Natalie (Yun Jing) Weng Public Relations Manager Joyce Chen Online Editors Evelyn Cheng


Evelyn Cheng

Zi Lin

Jennifer Tseng

Copy Editor Layout Editor Layout Designers

Amelia Chu

Joyce Chen

Jennifer Tseng

Media Director

Nancy Nan

Jonathan Yuan


Cathy Ye Amelia Chu

from the





y life pretty much revolves around two

to come experience the land of opportunity.

things: eating and Generasian. The

Our contributors also dive into a foreign

cycle of my life consists of eating to fuel my body

perspective on American life and an American

and burning all that stored glucose working on

first-hand impression of North Korea.

Generasian. I think the most remarkable thing

The pure amount of diverse creativity

about Generasian is the incredible presence

and analytical thinking that we can publish

we’ve attained in just a few short years.

is unfortunately limited by budget and time,

Since we founded Generasian in 2010, the

but take it as a taste of what’s to come in the

magazine has been flying off the shelves faster

future. Of course, we aren’t only confined to

than we could refill them. Marked by bold art

our print edition. In just this past semester,

direction, uncommon Asian/Pacific/American

we revamped our entire online experience—

activism, and a passionate staff, Generasian

publishing several new regular columns on

stands out amongst all the organizations at

our blog and exploring the city’s expression

NYU. We have cultivated an award-winning

of Asian culture through video series.

community dedicated to delivering meaningful

After I graduate, Generasian will continue

content in the Asian American activism

growing under the leadership of future

space so lacking of young proponents.

editors and directors. I’m both excited and

Together, along with thirty seven other

anxious for the next throng of executives that

good-looking kids, we toiled all semester long to

will define the vision and steer the course of

present you with Sincerely, the latest edition of

Generasian for years to come. Generasian has

Generasian. Sincerely brings together genuine

the potential to become a hugely impactful force

experiences of Asian Americans and invites you

in the Asian American world, and for that I am

to take a moment and put yourself in their shoes.

thankful to everyone who has shown interest

In a world filled with deceitful and superficial

in Generasian, whether they be contributers,

caricatures, we seek to disconnect ourselves from

other media organizations, guest speakers, or

stereotypes by expressing our true hearts and

most importantly—you guys, the readers.


souls. Sincerely incorporates not just student narratives and intellectual discussions but also photo essays and short fiction that reveal an intrinsic truth in the muddied-up world. This issue represents a new challenge for us, as we dive further into our local and global community. We explore the life and culture

Patrick Yan is a senior studying Finance in

of immigrants who uproot their entire lives

the Leonard N. Stern School of Business.


Letter from the Editor 03


Gladiator? ‘Gladiator’ with Russell

Dolphinarium (christened “The World

said Ms. Pak, standing toward the front

Feel free to ask me any questions,”

Crowe?” Not quite the North Korean

of Sea” by Supreme Leader Kim

of the tour bus as it forged through

cult classic I had in mind, considering

Jong-un himself)—there’s always the

wide, endless stretches of highway.

the country’s seemingly staunch

sneaking suspicion that something’s

With her hair tied back in a ponytail

“Anti-U.S. Imperialist Bastards”

amiss, like you’re in a Scooby-Doo

and the faint hint of a Mona Lisa smile,

rhetoric. Yet, this unexpected answer

episode and there’s a pair of cut-out

Ms. Pak somehow came to embody for

set the tone for the surprises to come.

eyes following you from behind the

me the people of North Korea. Perhaps

I was in North Korea on the grounds

painting on the wall. Things seem

this was because she was one of the

of educational exchange with the

straight out of a film set: from the

three people with whom I was legally

East West Coalition—to understand

“students” studying by chance in the

allowed to have conversations that

the country and its position within

Study House, to the dolphin show with

lasted longer than a couple of minutes.

the context of Northeast Asian

a packed crowd full of North Korean

But on a different level, her smile also

politics. While such a trip may evoke

soldiers. You simply never know who’s

represented the mystery that blanketed

memories of middle school trips

an actual, spontaneous North Korean

my entire trip to the Hermit Kingdom.

to Washington, D.C., Pyongyang

and who is planted to be there.

For example, her open invitation was not as open as it seemed on

does tourism a bit differently. Oddly enough, North Korea likes

While visiting the Grand People’s Study House, the national library, my

the surface. Many things were off

to make its tourists feel as if they were

group and I coincidentally stumbled

the table: namely, her true feelings

the only foreigners in the whole entire

upon a conversational English class

about the Kim leadership, the

country. Being in North Korea tends

by random chance. As each member

propaganda machine, or anything

to make you paranoid and filled with

of my group awkwardly took turns

else that suggested the fallibility of

immense doubt for myriad reasons,

introducing ourselves and where we

her country. Here in front of me

not least of which because there are

were from in English—and occasionally

was a North Korean in the flesh, and

three government officials following

Korean, it was refreshing hearing

what I wanted to ask was effectively

you around at every turn (allegedly to

the students in the class giggle, ooh

off limits. I had to get creative.

keep an eye on each other in the event

and ahh with seemingly genuine

of ideological deviations). Even in

curiosity. Yet at the same time, you

someone asked, posing a benign

“What’s your favorite movie?”

comparison to “a jaded New Yorker’s”

have to wonder what a motley crew of

question hoping to get an obscure

level of skepticism, the skepticism

thirty middle-aged men and women—

North Korean classic like Always

you feel in North Korea is off the

dressed in white collared shirts and

Working Together for the People, or The

charts. Regardless of the location—the

drenched in sweat due to the lack of

Anti-Japanese Struggle in response.

Grand People’s Study House, a local

air conditioning—are doing learning

bowling alley, or the newly-opened

English in the capital of North Korea.

Synchronized children form words in preparation for a military parade

A model cooperative farm wouldn’t be complete without a statue of Kim Il-sung

“I really do you say...

Students in a lecture at the Grand People’s Study House, the national library 04 Commentary

these booze-fueled gatherings, we

I saw and the self-promoting slogans

North Korea only lasted four days (the

Although the portion of the trip in

would listen to the guides share their

on those walls was astonishing.

government caps the duration that

stories: about recent heartbreaks,

foreigners can stay in the country),

their struggles learning English, the

feelings about my country, tell me so we

it became apparent to me that there

hours of incessant practice for the

can leave them here, so you don’t take

were essentially two North Koreas.

Arirang Mass Games (a spectacle of

those feelings back to your country,”

On one hand, there is North Korea

card stunts, gymnastics, and special

Ms. Pak said to us on the bus ride to

“the system” that we in the West hear

effects that puts Broadway to shame).

the Pyongyang Railway Station. Her

about in the media, characterized by

I began to see that their lives were not

request caught me off guard: this was

relentless Socialist rhetoric, Draconian

at all what I had expected. Although

the first time Ms. Pak suggested that

restrictions on speech and movement,

the environment in which they were

she knew how the rest of the world

and threats of nuclear attacks. Yet

raised was much different from my

viewed her country. With no access to

at the same time, North Koreans

own, as clichéd as it sounds, at the end

the internet—and ostensibly much of

“the people” were strangely normal. Unlike most media depictions of the country from the West, the people of Pyongyang are not cold, propagandaprogrammed robots; instead, they are affable individuals who appreciate a

“Please, if you have any negative

With no access to the internet—and ostensibly much of the outside world, I was under the impression that she would be blindly ignorant of the truth about the country.

good Kim Jong-un joke as much as the

the outside world, I was under the impression that she would be blindly ignorant of the truth about the country. Having

next person. More importantly, like

read a couple books

most of us, they also fall victim to the

of the day we are all still human. I don’t

and conducted hours of extensive

same stupefying effects of ethanol.

know why I arrived in North Korea

Wikipedia “research” before arriving

with the strange notion that somehow

in Korea, I figured myself well-

after a couple bottles of local beer

universal human experiences do not

versed on the country and its ills

and copious shots of soju, their true

apply to the people there, as if it were

before I arrived. Ironically, after her

personalities come out from behind

a place devoid of joy and humanity,

comment, I began to realize that after

their official demeanors. In case you

where people are mindless drones.

being in the country itself, instead

Behind closed doors, and typically

didn’t know before, Koreans love

Yet I wanted so badly for North

of being even more knowledgeable,

music—every soju and maekju filled

Korea to fit into my preconceived

I found myself understanding

night had to have impromptu karaoke.

notion of the country: empty streets,

even less than I did before.

Perennial favorites include “My Heart

emotionless people, and bugged hotel

Will Go On” and Teresa Teng’s “The

rooms. But just as the great cities of the

the train platform with the same

Moon Represents My Heart.” I found

world tend to be different from one’s

smile as before on her face, I smiled

out my Korean guides spoke better

expectations (read: Paris Syndrome),

back with an enigmatic smile of my

Chinese and knew the words to Celine

the same goes for Pyongyang. That’s

own. As the train pulled away from

Dion songs better than I did. Through

when the reality of it set in: these

the station, I stared dumbfoundedly

were real people, not one-dimensional

out the window at the North Korea

entities designed as antitheses to

that I thought I knew fading further

freedom and capitalism. Instead of

and further into the distance.

an omnipotent Big Brother state, I encountered a country crudely improvising nearly every aspect of its

Later as she waved goodbye on


Disclaimer: Names and details have been changed to protect the identities of certain individuals.

existence: backup generators providing intermittent power to hotel bars, hunched-over women tending crops on sidewalk plots, propaganda slogans with the “Il” simply painted over with Waiting for the Pyongyang Metro during a morning commute


Nathan Wong is a junior majoring in Finance and Economics in Stern and minoring in Media, Culture, and Communications in Steinhardt.

“Un” to reflect the change in leadership. The incongruity between the facades Reimagining North Korea 05



rust me—it wasn’t easy to

York is individualistic compared to

would ask you how your day was

choose the school I would go to

Asian countries is not quite so. There

and if I “found everything okay.” She

for an exchange student program, an

are interesting and unique aspects of

would also ask if I liked the snack I

experience which I’ve heard is “one

American culture which showed me

purchased and comment on it. Finally,

of the best moments in your life.” My

that there are so many heart-warming

we would wish each other a good day

school back in South Korea offered

facets that show the opposite of what

and the conversation would be over.

several choices from various countries

I had been warned of. People living in

Sometimes, before I knew it, I’d even

for an exchange student program.

New York will probably find it normal

managed to talk about my new life in

Among the several charming choices

and not quite fascinating, but from

the city just as I would to a close friend.

of schools in the U.S., what made New

an Asian viewpoint, these cultural

I’ve also noticed that people here

York University my top preference list

aspects of America seem amazing.

was the city itself. Most people long

Before I go over the cultural

apologize a lot. New York is a crowded city so I don’t mind if someone

to visit New York at least once in their

differences between Asia and the U.S.,

momentarily blocks my way or bumps

lifetime, and I was not an exception.

I would like to mention that I don’t

into me unintentionally. In Korea or

After being accepted to NYU, I

want to overgeneralize because I do

Japan, the subways are usually really

imagined New Yorkers walking down

not even know the specific cultures of

crowded but everyone just uses their

the busy streets elegantly, holding

my own country, Korea. But from six

elbows to make room for themselves,

a cup of coffee in one hand—just as

months of living in the U.S., five trips to

and this is considered normal. It

the movies usually portrayed them.

Japan, and four trips to China, I would

becomes really odd when someone is

These were the heart-fluttering things

like to draw a conclusion from only

trying to go in the same direction as I

I imagined with high hopes of coming

the aspects that I think are common

am, and we have an awkward moment

to the city. It was also at this point,

in the three East Asian countries.

of hesitation, face-to-face. In any East

though, that people started to warn me

The first thing I found interesting

Asian country, we would have just

about the fact that the U.S., especially

was that American people in

went on without saying a word. That

New York, is a very individualistic

restaurants, drug stores, or grocery

person had not even touched me, and

place. People are absorbed only in what

stores always greet each other and

understandably there was no need to

they are doing and they wouldn’t care

ask each other how they are doing.

apologize. But I noticed that people here

even if someone walked around naked.

Not to say that there is no cashier

are not shy about saying “excuse me”

or waiter saying “Hi” to you in Asia,

to run through an aisle in a grocery

that what people had been warning

After arriving in the city, I realized

but the chances of a cashier asking

store that is not even narrow to pass.

me about might be true, as seen

how your day is, is next to nothing.

One person even apologized to me

from the individual seats in almost

Normally, in Asian countries, cashiers

for not holding the door up because

every restaurant that aren’t easily

and waiters would take your items,

he didn’t see me. I am aware that in

found in Korea. I thought it would

ask you to choose a payment, give

Japan, “excuse me” is rather used often.

be really hard for me to adjust to this

you a receipt, and finally say “thank

However, in Korea it is rarely used and

kind of life and that I would miss

you” in a forced way. In fact, I would

almost never in a situation in which

the culture of doing everything in

be really moved if the clerk were to

one did not do any harm to another.

groups. However, after staying in the

say “thank you,” as clerks rarely do.

city since January of 2013, I realized

Here in the U.S., the service culture

America is to “bless” someone when

that the common stereotype that New

is much more complicated. The clerk

he or she sneezes. I actually think this

06 Commentary

The next interesting custom of

is one of the most interesting practices

is called out for the food you order.

38,” nor for “someone who ordered a

that is different from those in Asian

This is apparently how Starbucks, a

small iced coffee,” but only for “me.” It

countries. I guarantee you that it would

worldwide company, operates when

makes my day much more delightful.

be really strange and awkward to say

giving customers their coffee. I’ve been

Every culture has positive and

it in Korean or in any other language

to Starbucks in China, Japan, and Korea,

negative aspects. It may seem like the

after someone sneezes. One time in

and I assume the same system would

American culture mentioned above

my International Law class, a girl in

be applied. However, none of them

is more preferable to Asian culture,

front of me kept on sneezing

but it also has its negative side

and every time she sneezed, a

effects. Sometimes I might

boy next to her would say “Bless you” afterwards. If the girl kept on sneezing, the boy probably might have said “Bless you” for who knows how long. They were practically sitting in the

There are interesting and unique aspects of American culture which showed me that there are so many heart-warming facets that show the opposite of what I had been warned.

not be in a mood to engage in a conversation because I’m tired or busy. It might be more efficient, convenient, and less complicated to use the buzzer than to wait

front row so it might have been

among a crowded group of

a bothersome moment for those

people until you hear your

sitting in the back trying to listen and

called out customers’ names in those

name get called. But after all, every

concentrate on the professor, but no

three countries. Instead, they called

culture is a lesson for another. You

one complained and the professor

out order numbers or item names.

adopt what is preferable about that

even paused during her own lecture

Moreover, Starbucks is rather an

culture and learn from its demerits.

to say “Bless you.” I thought saying

exceptional case, as it uses a relatively

For a newcomer, it is sometimes

that in a place where everyone is

friendly method for Asian countries.

overwhelming to adjust to a new

concentrating, such as a classroom

Most coffee shops in Korea or Japan

culture, but such is the charm of New

or a church, could be rude, but it was

use buzzers to alert customers when

York City. You never know what could

in fact a culture which shows that

their food or drink is ready. I was really

happen right around the corner. GG

you care for people around you.

grateful to hear my name called for

The last thing I found interesting

my coffee. It almost seemed like that

in New York City, and presumably

cup of coffee was made with care and

the U.S. as a whole, is that your name

sincerity, not for ‘“Customer Number


Olivia Da Eun Park is a third year exchange student from Yonsei University in Seoul, Korea.

The Asian Viewpoint of American Cultures 07

WHAT’S IN A NAME? by Soo Mi Rho


t’s the first piece of information shared between two strangers,

name was indeed foreign to me. I remember attributing unrequited

What did change, though, was the way my name was spelled. I had

one of the first words we learn how to

playground romances, or a hindrance

spelled my name “Soomi” until I got

write, and what’s announced during a

on my way to the cool kids’ lunch

to college, at which point I reclaimed

certain impending ceremony at Yankee

table, to the fact that my name made

the gap between my name as Soo Mi

Stadium. For a word that means so

me different. Perhaps this all sounds a

in order to stay consistent with all

much, it’s so arbitrary. Maybe it was

bit over the top. Yet at this age, self-

my legal documents. Suddenly, a new

handed down like a precious family

perception and acceptance were my

world was emerging in front of me,

jewel or spontaneously given to you

world. It wasn’t until entering college

the answer to all my Crayola-filled

on account of your mother’s favorite

that I finally began to understand

prayers!—the possibility of an English

actor. As significant as it is, it’s a fickle

the inner workings of my distraught

name, Soo. Granted, it came with its

thing, too. You can legally change it

twelve-year-old state of mind.

imperfections. Soo reminded me of a

with a few bucks and paperwork—an

College paved a way to that classic

grandma whose cloud of overpowering

option that I had toiled with throughout

self-discovery path that new people

musky perfume filled local community

a good chunk of my adolescence.

in a new city can graciously grant

centers on bingo nights. But I took what

you. To start, introducing myself to

I could get. Professors and classmates

fascinated by my sharpener in my

people in college was different. To the

alike would use “Soo” while thinking

48-count Crayola box and trying to

Korean people I met, my name actually

“Mi” was my middle name, and I didn’t

affix random pieces of clothing to

became a way for us to bond from the

correct them. This was my chance to

stuffed animals, I was undergoing

get-go over an acknowledgement of a

become as common and normal as I

a serious identity crisis and it had

common heritage. A VIP pass of sorts,

had always dreamed of. At first, I was

everything to do with my name. I was

even though my awkward Korean

cautious. I tried out this new moniker

legally christened with the name,

quickly gave me away. To non-Koreans,

at Starbucks and it was magical—no

“Soo Mi Rho,” hand-picked by my late

I braced myself like I would brace

need to repeat, no confusion. Emails

grandfather and carefully handed

myself when my grade school teachers

that were sent to me with “Dear Soo,”

to me. It’s loaded with precious

would do roll call. By default, I prepared

were replied back with “Thanks, Soo.”

Korean heritage and family honor,

myself to repeat my name and to even

facts that my dad never failed to

spell it if need be. Subconsciously, I

feel like a traitor. When I replaced

remind me whenever I brought up

began to present myself as I thought

Soomi with Soo Mi on Facebook indeed

the possibility of getting rid of it for

others would see me, a foreigner and

making it Facebook official, friends

good. From an early age I could feel

consequently an outsider. It didn’t

from home jokingly claimed they

the way my name awkwardly hung

matter if I had lived in America all my

didn’t know me anymore. I did feel

in the air among the sea of Jennifers

life. Different. And in the nervousness

different though, this time not from

In a time when I was busy being

and Ashleys as people would stumble over unfamiliar grouping of syllables, slowly and painfully. And in an age when acceptance meant everything,

Yet all this time I was starting to

From an early age I could feel the way my name awkwardly hung in the air among the sea of Jennifers and Ashleys

I wanted to shrug off all that precious Korean cargo and be able to enjoy a carefree English name. As a second

and awkwardness that accompanies

the influence of others but from the

generation Korean American who had

meeting new people, any ounce of

inside out. After 18+ years of going by

never spent an extended amount of

being different weighs 10x more than

one name, even the slightest stylistic

time in the land my parents immigrated

normal. Things don’t change much from

change in my name was uncomfortable.

from, the concept of having a foreign

elementary school to college, really.

While I easily skirted past this

08 Commentary

uncomfortableness via the web or those

in self-identity came in waves of one

sassy Starbucks ladies at Faye’s, it was

ultimate realization: Soo wasn’t going to

difficult to introduce myself as Soo

solve this apparent identity crisis; I was.

when put on the spot. I often resolved

Sitting in my cramped bedroom one

to introduce myself by Soo to the

night, I made the all too easy decision to

next person I met but in a last minute

change my name back to one-word Soomi

panic, I was back to Soomi/Soo Mi.

on Facebook. I justified this commitment

This gaping space between my

with the reasoning that I didn’t want

name caused me more confusion that it

employers judging me through my cover

should have. And this chance to avoid

photos. But in my typical drama queen-

the awkwardness of being pinned as

esque self, I also felt it was a deeper

an outsider was working conversely

decision. I was returning to Soomi, the

to make me feel even more muddled

person I had known, hated, and—in brief

about my self-identity. Soo was the

moments of enlightenment, loved—for

girl of my dreams. My dad no longer

a good 18 years before a two year hiatus

could guilt-trip me about abandoning

during which, in typical undergrad-

my Korean heritage or my grandpa,

fashion, I questioned my identity as an

and this gap in my name seamlessly

individual and as an Asian American

worked its way into my life at a point

whose Asian-ness was just a bit more

when I was able to use a new name

emphasized through my moniker. That

amongst new people and a new city.

typical college evening, Facebook greeted

I couldn’t have asked for a better

me with “How are you doing, Soomi?”

solution yet here I was, unable to take

and I didn’t bother to correct it. GG

this opportunity by storm. I couldn’t become Soo. It became increasingly clear to me that there was not much to a name at all. And the greatest lesson


Soo Mi Rho is a senior majoring in Media, Culture, and Communications and minoring in Business in Entertainment, Media & Technology.

What’s in a Name? 09

WOK A MILE IN MY SHOES Life of an Asian Immigrant Restaurant Owner by Effy Jiang Restaurant management seems to be a popular business choice among Asian immigrants in the United States, likely because Asian food has a history of having been welcomed not only by the Asian Americans, but also by other races. These Asian restaurants are often cheap and have delicious food. Generasian conducted a photographic interview of 69 Chinese Restaurant, located in Chinatown, offering some insight of the story behind an Asian immigrant’s restaurant business.

The owner of the restaurant, Mr. Zhang, took over this little restaurant on Bayard Street about six years ago. “This is probably the oldest restaurant in Chinatown,” he told me, “it has been here for over 70 years.” Even though it is a traditional Cantonese diner in Chinatown, almost half of the customers are not Chinese. Mr. Zhang said, unlike most other Chinese restaurants here in the United States that have been greatly “Americanized,” 69 Restaurant still manages to keep the authentic cooking style of traditional Chinese.

10 Commentary

One of the oldest decorations in Mr. Zhang’s restaurant is the dollar bills on the wall. “They have been there for more than 25 years.” Mr. Zhang told me. These were left by the customers. People have their meals, then doodle or write on the one-dollar bills and stick them on the wall with tape to leave memories. This unique mural has been a special highlight of this tiny diner. READ OUR BLOG

Wok a Mile in my Shoes 11

Early in the morning, the employees start bringing food materials into the restaurant and cleaning up the tables to prepare for the opening.

12 Commentary

According to Mr. Zhang, the earliest generations of immigrants in the US faced a formidable language barrier when it came to career paths, so opening a restaurant, in which they could converse and operate in their native tongues, seemed to be the easiest method by which they could make a living. Mr. Zhang comes from the Cantonese part in China. He moved here with his parents about twenty years ago. He told me he personally prefers living in China. “In China, we have more options.” Another younger employee in the restaurant said he likes here better. “New York City has everything,” he said. Different generations of immigrants clearly have very different expectations for the life in here. READ OUR BLOG


Wok a Mile in my Shoes 13

SHANGHAIERS by Robin Huang



ran to the bathroom. The hardwood

“It’s a French braid. I saw Angelina

he boiling sun struck the white

floor—cool from air conditioning—

Jolie doing this at the Golden Globes, so

villa like a drum, and sunlight

memorized a trail of footprints in

I thought I would try it. Do you like it?”

oozed through the Victorian window

warm condensation that glowed

shades of Silvia Alean’s bedroom.

softy in the morning light.

While the rest of the Alean household

She rested her eighteen-year-old

Her mother thought for a second—“I liked it better before”— and walked out the door.

awoke, Silvia dozed on, appearing

elbows on the sink, nostrils full of

Her mother had never liked

for the moment uninterested in the

moist lavender from the lotion on

change. Yet, so much had changed.

new day. Her room was a mixture of

her smooth thighs. Silvia gazed into

Two years ago, Silvia’s father was

the sophisticated and the superficial:

the mirror and thought herself very

offered the job of Regional Director

An empty gold picture frame was

beautiful that morning. Her sleek

of General Motors in Asia. He took it,

visible on a cluttered desk. A white

brown hair was charmed into a neat

and moved the family from Groton,

closet tattooed in black swirls and

French braid. Her intelligent green eyes

Connecticut to Shanghai, China.

ellipses stood against the wall.

gazed back inquisitively at her body.

Through an open door, a collection of expensive cocktail dresses and silk

“I should be a queen,” she whispered.

“We’re only going to stay for two years,” he promised. But Silvia threw a fit.

stockings was visible. In the center

The brief reverie was

“We’re moving to China?” she

of the room was the bed. The double

interrupted when her mother

demanded, “We can’t speak Chinese.

mattress appeared tyrannical next

poked her head into the room.

Why would we move to China?”

to a vanity desk pilled high with books and a spectrum of cosmetics. However, the bed sheets were soft and white like the rest of the room. Silvia jumped out of her silk blankets in a wave of excitement that comes only in the summer, and 14 Arts & Culture

“I’m putting the laundry on your bed Silvy,” her mother said. “Thanks, Mom!” Silvia yelled. On her way out, her mother glanced in the bathroom. “Did you change the way you tie your hair?”

“Well, I am taking introductory classes right now. And, I’m sure they will teach you that in school.” “I’m going to a Chinese school?” Silvia looked pale as death. “No, darling. You are going to an international school called Concordia.

I’ve heard great things about it, and

“I’m Yeona, that’s Sally,” the

at the Dragonfly Massage Parlor.

the best part is that all of your teachers

gold one pointed to the other.

During the sixty minutes of heaven

and peers are foreigners just like you.”

“Where are you from?”

the masseuse gave her, Silvia could

“What about food? I can’t just eat Chinese food all the time.” “I’ve asked about that as well, and


only think of one thing. She wanted

“Wahhh, the United States,” they

to experience all of the things she had

whispered mysteriously. “We’re

already heard about. She wanted to

apparently the foreigners in Shanghai

from Belgium.” There was a pause.

enter this new world. No longer did

eat better than the Donald Trumps

Silvia wondered what two Belgian

she resist—she had fallen head over

of New York. Shanghai has a dish

girls were doing in Shanghai.

heels for this new city—no, her city.

“Do you want to come

After the massage, Silvia bid

called Xiao Long Bao,” Mr. Alean gave his best Chinese impression, “which is like a bun, but the skin is thin as paper and the meat is delicate as china.” He chuckled at his own pun. “That sounds stupid.” “Hey, you’re not the only

to the spa with us?”

good-bye to her new friends and went

“There’s a spa?” Silvia cried.

home. When her mother greeted

“Yes! Come, we’ll show

her at the door, Silvia smiled.

you,” Yeona squealed. “Sally can you call Ding Shi Fu.” “Who is that?” Sally asked.

“I’m so glad to see you outside, darling. Are you feeling better?” She smiled again—bright and

one who has to sacrifice. Mom

“Our driver.”

radiant—unique to young girls who

is giving up her job!”

“You have a driver?”

have not smiled in a long time.

Silvia did not reply. She was close to tears now, and pouted her lips in a way that only daughters could, and fathers could not resist. Mr. Alean softened up, and

Sally cried again. It was then that Silvia smiled for

“I think I can live here, Mama.” Her mother returned the smile.

the first time in this new country.

“That’s wonderful, baby.”

As they waited for Ding Shi

Mother and daughter embraced.

Fu, Yeona and Sally told her

“Now, come inside and look at the

knelt down beside his daughter.

many things. They had lived

food Xiao Fang made for us.”

He held her face in his warm

here for four years already.

“Who is Xiao Fang?”

hands, and kissed her head.

Sally listened, mesmerized. The

“Our maid.”

“You’re going to love it, darling.”

world that Yeona and Sally promptly

Silvia almost hugged her.

Silvia wished he were wrong.

described was one that Silvia could

The sound of her mother calling

They arrived in a similarly

never have imagined for herself before.

her to breakfast brought Silvia back to

torrid August summer. Jetlagged,

It was a fantastical world aborted

reality from her recollections of three

and heartbroken, Silvia cried for

from a Fitzgerald novel. The buildings

years past by. She quickly slipped into

three days straight. It wasn’t until

covered the sky. The people covered

a tiny skirt and a uniform polo and

her anguish ceased, that she could

the land. Food, and music gushed

bounced downstairs. Fang Xiao had left

begin to notice that she wasn’t such a

through the streets—and, the parties.

her breakfast, a bowl of rice noodles,

stranger in this part of Shanghai. While

Sally described the dazzling parties

on the table. Pieces of neatly cut apple

her parents were busy unpacking,

so vividly that Silvia could hear the

and orange were sitting in a bowl. A

she wandered outside the house.

music and the laughter, the sputtering

cup of steaming coffee sat neatly in

Beside the driveway was a

of red Volkswagen taxis pulling up on

a white saucer. She finished quickly,

beautiful garden where an old man

the side of the road, the vibrating bass.

and went out the door. A wave of heat

meticulously trimmed and weeded.

She could smell the pungent perfumes

hit her as she exited her cool home.

Red and brown stone tiles formed

and sweet sweat and see strobe lights

the sidewalk that bordered the

dancing obtrusively in the darkness.

neat lawns of each house, not at all

The world painted before her was one

like the dull concrete of Groton.

of gleaming intentions, unmatched

From the freshly paved road, two

exotic garden; it was a place where the

pink bicycles, gold hair fluttering in

moon is the dullest thing in the sky. This illusion was interrupted only

“Hi, you just moved in right?”

by Ding Shi Fu’s honk. The three girls

“Yeah, my name is Silvia.”

climbed into the Buick and soon arrived


“Good morning Silvia,” he said politely.

heights, and infinite variety; it was an

Caucasian girls approached her on the wind. They appeared to be twins.

Her driver, Mr. Chen, stepped out of his car and opened the door for her.

Shanghaiers 15

II At 8:00 AM, Zhang Yu was firmly packed into the back of a Shanghai

Yu’s chair, and sat down on the desk. He wore a patronizing look. “Zhang Yu, I know you are

thought about what her doctor had said. Zhang Yu looked up from his daze. “Yes, please sir. I would

subway pen. Travellers were hot and

new so I will explain to you how

sweaty from the summer heat, and

things work here. There is no

the rush hour soon became disgusting.

such thing as overtime. There

When he finally arrived at the office,

are so many recently graduated

his back was drenched with sweat.

university students I could replace

Wiping perspiration from his temples,

you like a pencil. Everybody works


he sat down. Cringing from the coolness

overtime. Look around the room.”

“Excellent, I’ll see you tonight

of the chair that invaded his wet back, he turned on his old Dell computer. A large stack of test cases was already on

Zhang Yu followed his boss’ index finger as it traced around the room. “All of these programmers

love the opportunity.” Cai Laoban scribbled something on his notepad. “Wonderful. I’m buying dinner. Does KFC sound good?”

then.” Cai LaoBan gave Zhang Yu a wink and walked away. Zhang Yu put his head down

his desk. With a sigh, Zhang Yu logged

work twelve hours every single

and continued to work. At 11:45

into a computer system based in the

day. Do you know why?”

AM, his cell phone rang. Zhang

United States and began his work. “Zhang Yu, you are fifteen minutes late.” Zhang Yu turned around and saw his supervisor standing behind him. “I’m very sorry Cai Laoban. The subway was very slow this morning.” “I know Zhang Yu; I was on it.” The man stared at Zhang Yu behind

Zhang Yu shook his head. “It is the only way to get promoted. It is the only way to move up. Nobody cares about the money. The most productive get promoted—end of story. It is how I got to where I am today, and

Yu slowly swiped to answer. “Mother. I have something to tell you…”

III At 12:45 PM that day, a corpulent

how you will get here—if you ever

glutton walked into the Tang Dynasty

do. So what I am really asking you is:

restaurant. An explosion of gold and red

Where do you want to be in five years?”

assaulted his vision. The room split into

square glasses. He was in his early

Zhang Yu said nothing.

two sections. One side had a glittering

forties, but already had a head

“Do you want me to sign you up

panoramic view of the Shanghai Bund.

peppered with white hair. He often thought to himself that his white hairs

for the overtime shift tonight?”

The floor alternated chestnut and white

Many things flashed through

marble slabs, and was decorated with

were there because of the wisdom

Zhang Yu’s mind in this instant; he

black squares frames that engineered

he gained from his experiences.

thought about how expensive the rent

a modernist style. The opposite side

People like Zhang Yu of the younger

was in Shanghai; he thought about

of the room was carpeted in a beige

generation do not value wisdom as

rising food prices, his new expensive

canvas strewn with abstract lines that

much, he thought with contempt.

coffee dependence, and how sexy that

looked like clouds in Chinese watercolor

Mercedes Coupe he saw at the Auto

paintings. The tables were covered with

Shanghai was; he thought about his

white tablecloth. The chairs were red.

“Anyways. I need people to work over time tonight. Can I sign you up?”

He thought about how expensive the rent was in Shanghai; he thought about rising food prices, his new expensive coffee dependence...he thought about how he owed his mother who had supported him, raised him alone, loved him, and now needed him.

Massive chandeliers that hung from the ceilings spouted golden light, and illuminated the enormous water lilies that grew on the enormous expanse of the silk tapestry on the back wall. His stomach bulged out of a cruel body. A greasy forehead sat atop of a checkered black suit. A waitress

“I would love to, sir. However,

girlfriend pressuring him to make more

uniformed in a clean red blouse, and

I promised my mother I would

money; he thought about impressing

knee-length skirt with traditional

eat with her tonight.”

his university friend Liu Shi, who was

patterns on it greeted him.

“Are you sure?”

now a flashy businessman; he thought

“I’m sorry, sir. My mother

about how he owed his mother who

is—I’m hope you understand.” Cai Laoban walked around Zhang 16 Arts & Culture

had supported him, raised him alone, loved him, and now needed him. He

“Good afternoon Mr. Zhu. Mr. Dai is waiting for you?” The waitress led the way towards a small square table in the corner of


the room where an older man in a new

York back in the twenties.”

tuxedo awaited. She left three leather-

If the Jinmao is the king of

bound menus on the table, and smiled.

Shanghai, then the Bund is surely

of the high school kids here and they

its princess. Stretching a kilometer

work so hard to get into university. All

along the west bank of the Huangpu

they care about are numbers, but they

River, she is never more beautiful

kind of have to in such a big country.

Zhu sat down at the table. The seams

than at night. It was a scene taken

And all of the migrants from the

at the back of his suit protested. Mr.

from Van Gogh: The western bank

provinces come here and live eight in

Zhu stared greedily at the menu but the

glittered in the golden brilliance of

a room, just to make money and send

other man had no intentions of eating.

millions of lights that illuminated the

it home. Makes me feel so fortunate.”

“Please give us a moment,” said the man in the tuxedo. The chair creaked rudely as the Mr.

“Why is the land not purchased yet?” the man in the tuxedo demanded.

old European architecture from the 1920’s. This brilliance was reflected by

“My apologies. The villagers protested the dark river and rippled all the way

“But, humbled too. You talk to all

“And, the glamour. Shanghai is flashy.” “Oh, yes.”

the demolition—as you know many of

to the eastern end. There, two students

them have lived there for decades.”

from New York University walked

live here, and love it. Nobody

on the broad esplanade in profound

misses home, living here.”

“Look at this face,” he said with an expressionless face. “Does it say I care? Every day of delay is costing me money. I need to buy this land while

serenity and the dark of evening. “James, you all right?” said the taller one.

“And so many foreigners

“It’s amazing how one city can be so diverse and bring so many people together—I mean—it’s just a

prices are low. You’re a government

“Yeah, Edward. Just thinking.”

unbelievable. I can’t put my finger

official. Just demand them to move. I

“Me too.”

on it. It’s so beautiful, and so ugly—

am offering compensation already.”

A few moments later, James

it’s like a thousand paradoxes.”

“But, they don’t want the money. They just want to go on living.” “Then force them to move.” “How?”

turned to Edward and said, “I just

They walked for a few minutes in

love it, you know? I just love this.”

silence. The golden lights of the city

He waved his hands before them.

fluttered in moments of brilliance

“We’ve only been here two months,

that seemed would last forever.

The man gave him a flat look.

but I just feel so captivated by this

“It’s a mystery,” said Edward.

“Listen. I’m a government official,

city. But, I’m not sure what it is.”

“A mystery,” agreed James, “Maybe,

not a dictator. I can’t in good conscience leave these people homeless.” “Again, I don’t care about your

“I know what you mean, man. Ever since I’ve been here I’ve felt so energized, you know? There

conscience. Just get it done. Or

are 30 million people in the city,

perhaps I will stop giving you those

and they all want to get to the top.

wonderful gifts: The BMW from New

It’s a rat race—sort of like New

that’s why it stays with you.” And, without looking at each other, they both smiled.


Robin Huang is a freshman studying in CAS.

Years? Or the unknown transfers to your bank account. What will your little girlfriend say to that?” Mr. Zhu paled considerably. After much deliberation, he said, “Fine.” “I knew you would see it my way. Now, we can enjoy this meal happily.” “Waitress,” he yelled. “Can we have two shark fin soup, your best steak, today’s fish, creamy scallops, the Hong Kong fried rice, and a bottle of Bordeaux red wine, please.” “Will others be joining you, sir?” She asked. “No, it’s just us. We’re celebrating,” he winked. READ OUR BLOG

Shanghaiers 17

Top Left: Lucy Shen as Kagamine Rin and Elaine Lau as Kagamine Len from the popular Vocaloid series Bottom Left: Lucy Shen as Ciel Phantomhive from Black Butler Middle: Louisa Wong as Hatsune Miku as she appears in the music video, “The Full Course for Candy Addicts” Right: Meri Tachibana Hambalek as Hatsune Miku from the popular Vocaloid series Photo Courtesy of lunarasea@deviantart, Ron Perez Photography, & blackcatsrule@deviantart



couple years ago, I trekked out to New York Comic Con

The term “cosplay” (an abbreviation

in America, many westerners have come

of the English words “costume” and

to see Japan as an safe haven for all things

at the Jacob K. Javits Convention

“roleplay”) was first coined by a

anime, manga and video game related.

Center dressed up as a female video

Japanese magazine writer in 1984

But according to cosplayer Elaine Lau,

game character. I wore a pair of

and refers to fan activity of dressing

many American fans who proudly label

pink sunglasses with an enormous

up in costume and roleplaying as pop

themselves “otaku” fail to realize that

red bowtie strangling my neck and

culture characters. While fans bring to

the term carries extremely negative

a flowing white lab coat covered in

life a variety of characters from comic

connotations in Japan. Overseas, otakus

handmade accessories. As I strode

books, television shows, films—even

are looked down upon by Japanese society

down 34th Street, daydreaming

inanimate objects—through cosplay,

as childish and creepy. Japanese cosplayer

about posing in character for close-

the term has come to be associated

are sometimes conflated with sexual fetish

up photographs at the convention, a

with Japan and its hugely popular

freaks and cosplay is regarded as taboo.

particularly vocal mother quipped

cultural products: anime, manga and

Meri Tachibana Hambalek, a cosplayer

at her teenage son, “I didn’t know

video games. But outside of niche

originally from Japan, sees cosplay as a way

Halloween was early this year!”

communities, cosplay in America

of enhancing her self esteem and a hobby

While the American cosplay scene

is sometimes seen, in cosplayer

to brag about to her friends. But she warns

has certainly grown recently, many

Louisa Wang’s words, as “a strange

that “being otaku in Japan is just suicidal”

Americans still consider dressing up

Asian hobby.” Cosplayers are even

and many Japanese cosplayers keep

as a fictional character an activity

denounced as nerds, weirdos with a

their otaku identities hidden. Whereas

reserved for children on the last

“loose grip on reality” or “depressed

convention-going cosplayers in the United

day of October. But playing dress

lifeless Japanese wannabees.”

States are free to wear their costumes in

up only scratches the surface of

Perhaps because cosplayers and

public, doing the same in Japan would be

the frequently misunderstood and

“otakus,” or fans with obsessive

considered ill-mannered and offensive to

stigmatized cosplay hobby.

interests, are oftentimes misunderstood

others. Ironically, while cosplay is generally

18 Arts & Culture

associated with Japan and Japanese

for that character and

pop culture in the United States,

wanting to portray

Meri firmly believes that “if you’re a

that love and trying to

cosplayer, you want to be in America.”

mimic a part of them.”

However, dedicated and enthusiastic fans, both in Japan and

certain characters

America, are not

because “there are

discouraged from

always qualities that

cosplaying by these

I can understand

negative perceptions.

or really love in a character that

character from the Sailor Moon

As cosplayer Louisa

would make me want to be them.”

franchise, as “Ghetto Venus” because

Creating accurate and detailed

her skin color and race was different

Wong remarks, “these


She chooses to cosplay

While many cosplayers enjoy wearing a pretty costume and receiving attention from photographers at conventions, fans also see cosplay as the highest and most visceral expression of their dedication to a character.

are all just opinions

costumes, staying true and faithful to

from that of the original character.

from people who don’t

a character, then, become important

On the other hand, cosplayers who

understand the hobby.”

aspects of the cosplay process. For

change their skin color through tanning

For many cosplayers, the

example, Louisa’s cosplay projects are

or makeup to be “more accurate” are

hobby has had a positive

hand-sewn and her most expensive

accused of putting on blackface. The

effect on their personal

projects running up to $100. She spends

issue of having an “accurate” body

and social lives. Louisa

anywhere from several days to several

type for a character is also a constant

first became aware of

months making a costume depending

issue amongst cosplayers. Fans like

cosplay through the internet,

on its complexity but drafting a pattern

internet blogger Tabitha Grace Smith

only cosplaying casually at

for the costume is, by far, the most

are afraid of cosplaying at conventions

first until she befriended other

difficult and time consuming part of

because of “people who snicker and

cosplayers. She then decided to pursue

her cosplay process. Similarly, Lucy

laugh at plus-sized Batgirls.” But most

cosplay seriously and was soon addicted

believes “it’s a cosplayer’s pride to try

cosplayers will agree with Louisa

to the hobby. Cosplay has influenced not

and make it look like a character just

when she says that cosplay should

only Louisa’s friendships and creativity

kinda walked out of the anime.” But for

be regarded as “a type of art that

but has also encouraged her to “eat

some cosplayers, creating hand-sewn

can be experienced by anyone.” She

better and exercise” to be physically fit

cosplays can be time consuming and

elaborate further, “there is a freedom

for photographs, ultimately becoming

expensive. Lucy, Elaine, and Meri create

of expression regardless of what or

a huge part of who she is today.

their cosplays by customizing and

who you are so race should not become

Likewise, for Lucy, Elaine, and Meri,

altering conventional clothing found

an impediment.” Elaine echoes similar

community and social interaction

through “thrifting or shopping at the

sentiments, confirming that the cosplay

take on a critical role in their cosplay

mall or online shopping” to save on time

community is generally respectful of

experiences. Cosplay is so essential to

and money. Wigs and contact lenses

each fan’s particular character choices.

convention community and culture

are also needed to capture the different

that, according to Meri, “not cosplaying

traits of each particular character.

As thousands of costumed fans flock to anime, manga, and video

at a con just seemed wrong.” Moreover,

Despite the cosplay community’s

game conventions each year in major

Lucy cosplays “more for the community

generally accepting stance, translating

cities like Los Angeles and New York,

than anything else,” often choosing to

two-dimensional characters into

the obscure hobby of cosplay has

cosplay certain characters in order to

three-dimensional fan creations

become the subject of dense photo

complement larger group cosplays.

raises a plethora of thorny issues for

collections, books, documentaries,

While many cosplayers enjoy

cosplayers. Prevalent amongst them

and numerous newspaper and

wearing a pretty costume and receiving

is the issue of race and skin color as

blog articles in the United States.

attention from photographers at

Chaka Cumberbatch’s February post

Perhaps this growing interest will

conventions, fans also see cosplay as the

on titled “I’m a Black

help shed a more positive light on

highest and most visceral expression

Female Cosplayer and Some People

cosplay as something more than just

of their dedication to a character. In an

Hate It” demonstrates. Some internet

Halloween that has come too early. GG

online interview, Louisa explained that

commenters referred to Cumberbatch’s

cosplay “is all about being passionate

rendition of Sailor Venus, a popular


Zi Lin is a junior studying Philosophy in CAS. Is it Halloween Already? 19



hen we are wronged, our

which seeks to give a voice to Asian

have also expressed childhood hurts.

first reaction is to be hurt.

American Buddhists overlooked in

Whether subtly as in “The Joy Luck

evaluation of American Buddhists.

Club,” flippantly as in “American Born

Particularly as Asian Americans, we are culturally accustomed to

On the angrier end of the spectrum,

Chinese” or casually in street-talk as in

pretend to forgive on the outside, and

the blog “Angry Asian Girls United”

“Fresh Off the Boat,” these books have

be demure and respectful. So it is a

writes in its description: “ We are

garnered attention for their discussion

breakthrough and encouraging to

not open to hearing white people’s

of Asian American’s buried feelings.

all Asian Americans when someone

anecdotes, stories, or submissions.” The

actually dares to come out and express

blog administrators adds that “This is a

is right for this time and age. The

the experiences and thoughts we have

space for Asian women primarily and

Asian American voice has spent long

had. We feel liberated and excited. But

also for people of color more generally.”

enough expressing frustration with

since what we are most anxious to say

The bloggers pick up on racist and

academically-minded parents, societal

comes from the anger and hurt we have

feminist remarks about Asian American

stereotypes and racism. Many are

suppressed, our initial outpourings

women and reblog them with indignant

already aware of the issues Asian

tend towards anger: How dare society

comments. Founded just last December,

Americans face. Anger, even satirical,

treat us this way, label us as exotic,

the site highlights many issues about

is not conducive to a positive image.

place a bamboo ceiling over us…

relationships and education relevant to

Perhaps Asian Americans feel so

a minority community, but many posts

insecure that mocking ourselves and

lean towards coarse online language.

others is the only way we feel in control.

For many years anger has been a significant part of the Asian American voice, most obviously manifested

Another site, “Angry Little Asian

But I wonder if this attitude

Although angry comments and jokes

online in blogs such as “Angry Asian

Girl,” launched in 1998, features

may stir popular support, I believe

Man.” Founded in 2001, the blog

videos and a comic strip about Kim,

that rather than continued ranting,

highlights recent instances of racism

a spunky Asian American girl who

the best way to improve the image of

against Asian Americans as well as

“gets mad a lot and has the mouth of a

Asian Americans is to be professional

specific Asian American individuals

sailor,” as the site says. One character

and not sequester ourselves to the

and events. The founder, Korean

asks Kim, “Do you consider yourself

angry corners of the internet.

American Phil Yu, started the site as

as Asian or American?” Kim replies,

a place to vent about racism against

“Neither. I’m just angry.” When two

magazine, which presents a

Asian Americans. Given that Yu writes

little boys remark on the smallness of

professional dialogue on Asian

about injustices on his own people, his

her eyes, Kim explodes that they have

casual language can be ironic if not

golf balls in their sockets. She also calls

outright upset. But Yu goes deeper,

her teacher a “stupidhead” when told

recognizing in his blog’s description

that her English is good. The cartoon

that “racism does exist, and Asian

character was created by Lela Lee in

Americans still do struggle with issues

1994 while she was a sophomore at

of acceptance in this country.” He

UC Berkeley. “I was so angry and I

adds that “my context for discussing

could not articulate why,” Lee told the

these problems often came from

Washington Post in a 2001 interview.

comic exaggeration, because at times,

To express these pent-up feelings,

it was the only way to make such

Lee created Kim and her friends.

ugly issues open and approachable.”

Blogs are a natural medium for

A good example is Hyphen

Other Asian American blogs with

venting because they are personal and

the idea of anger exist as well, such

have uncensored, widespread reach.

Taiwan-born Ang Lee almost gave up his filmmaking career at age 30. Since then he has won two Oscars for his work.

as the site “Angry Asian Buddhist,”

Prominent Asian American works

Photo courtesy of The Oregon Herald

20 Arts & Culture

American issues. Available online and

Asian, American or otherwise on her

comfort in sharing the same pain,

in print, the publication will celebrate

blog. She makes Asian customs such

especially regarding topics seldom

its 11th anniversary this June. Their

as Chinese New Year gifts accessible to

discussed by mainstream media. But

articles highlight social trends, such as

non-Chinese, while describing common

anger isn’t our only available outlet.

the rise of Asian American politicians

experiences of online dating, trips to

Anger can light a fuse, but to keep

in the South, or Asian American roles

Paris, and selecting running shoes. Yet

it burning requires different fuel.

in the entertainment industry. As

Liu also notes how she was the first

an established magazine, in contrast

Asian American journalist in several

to many of the blogs, Hyphen is a

newsrooms, including Crain’s New York.

level-minded publication of issues of interest to Asian Americans.

“The Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother” erupted in conversation in both Asia and America about education practices. While the book in itself was not angry, Chua touched a nerve on a defining aspect of being Asian American. What many overlook is that Chua speaks of

examples of a trend away from

Asian parenting methods as part of her

anger. Ang Lee, who won his second

family’s story, of how she compromised

Oscar this year, is a Taiwanese-born

with her 13-year-old daughter to make

American who has won awards for

life more pleasant. With her book, Chua

both his Chinese and American films.

prompts discussion about an important

From “Crouching Tiger, Hidden

child-parent issue in the Asian American

Dragon” to “Life of Pi,” Lee’s works

community without blaming others.

touch on human issues at large rather

As Asian Americans, we are

than focusing on Asian American

sensitive to discrimination, which I

injustices. But his personal story of

admit as Generasian’s co-online editor

rejection and working on the sidelines

I’m also guilty of. We have many hurts,

for six years before rising to fame

whether from parents as expressed

encapsulates the American dream.

in highexpectationsfather.tumblr.

On a smaller scale is blogger

com or from the words of non-Asian

and journalist Betty Ming Liu who

friends. We are quick to identify with

describes all aspects of her life,

these angry blogs because we take

Published in 2006, this graphic novel by Gene Luen Yang tells how adolescent Jin Wang discovers his identity in the American schoolyard.

Korean American Phil Yu founded “Angry Asian Man” as a site to express his views on racism against Asian Americans.

Illustration courtesy of READ OUR BLOG

Evelyn Cheng is a junior studying Journalism and Urban Design & Architectural Studies in CAS.

The publication of Amy Chua’s

But anger isn’t our only available outlet. Anger can light a fuse, but to keep it burning requires different fuel. Several individuals are also


Photo courtesy of Northwestern University

Alternative Energy Check out these writers and websites for insight into the Asian American community: “Asian Nation: Asian American History, Demographics and Issues” C.N. Le, Sociology professor at University of Massachusetts, Amherst “Blog: Letter from China” Evan Osnos, China Correspondent for New Yorker magazine “China File” Asia Society’s English-language site on China news Michael Luo Investigative reporter for the New York Times timestopics/people/l/michael_luo/index.html Mochi Online fashion and beauty magazine by and for Asian American women “Our Chinatown” Project Local news sites sponsored by the Asian American Writers’ Workshop

Lela Lee, creator of Angry Little Asian Girl, is an actress in California. Photo courtesy of Illustration courtesy ofangrylittleasiangirl

The Angry Asian American 21

Step 1: Stand the birds of paradise flowers

Step 2: Add the leaves and secure with twist

Step 3: Add the spray of yellow

upright. Secure them in place with a stand.

ties. Adjust the height as desired.

flowers close to the leaves


The Art of Japanese Flower Arrangement by Kim Chen Flower arrangement courtesy of Wang Li-Mei

Materials: Phalaenopsis orchid, Chinese brake fern, pine, winter daphne, Oncidium orchid 22 Arts & Culture

Step 4: Add the bougainvillea flowers to the base of the arrangement to offset and balance the overall composition


kenobo originated in Kyoto, Japan, as a Buddhist flower offering, and was founded

by the Buddhist monk Ikenobō Senno. It is one of the many schools of Ikebana, Japanese floral art, which can be translated to mean “living flowers” when translated from hiragana or “the way of the flowers” when translated from kanji. However it is distinguished by being the oldest school, with more than 500 years of history. The first flower arrangment was created in The Rokkaku-dō Temple in Kyoto, and thus that is where the school calls its home. Ikenobo as an art form has survived,and is currently

insight into life, and gaining a sense of heaven

Materials: Camellia,

headed by its 45th generation Iemoto (headmaster),

and earth in the meantime. The practice of flower

Reeves’ spirea

Ikenobō Sen’ei. It is still based in the Rokkaku-

arranging consists of the integration between

dō Temple in Kyoto. Additionally, it has many

humans and flowers, as well as flower and other

practitioners and active chapters around the world.

decorations. Only in such an integration will one

When practicing Ikenobo, the purpose is not just to

G be able to create beautiful and inspiring work. G

appreciate the beauty of the flowers but also to learn from the process, growing closer to nature, gaining READ OUR BLOG

Kim Chen is a freshman majoring in Biochemistry in CAS. Ikebono 23

Xi Jinping standing in front of the national flag of China. Photo courtesy of The Foreign Policy Initiative.



any living in the United States seeking information

Xi has found himself in a favorable

her article, Xi Jinping: “Princeling”

position in the eyes of few American

to China’s President, “What makes

about global changes will turn to

media. The news agency Voice of

Xi click?” His appeal is supposedly

Western news sources. With Xi

America also gives a review of Xi

his “pragmatism, competence and a

Jinping’s ascendance to Party Head of

Jinping, showing optimism about his

heritage of political reliability.” She

China in March of 2013, the Western

coming to power and hope that “he

praises him for his willingness to

news media has shifted its attention

vows to continue China’s policy of

maintain good relations with the United

to this new international figure, such

reforming and opening up, saying the

States, citing his five-day trip to the

as CNN’s new category, “On China.”

improvement of people’s lives is one

United States to visit authorities such

of his main priorities.” There is less

as President Obama, Vice President

who has been leader for ten years.

negativity in the article compared

Joe Biden, Secretary of State Hillary

Forbes rated Xi the ninth most powerful

to Forbes or the Los Angeles Times,

Clinton, and the Defense Secretary Leon

man in the world. According to the

but there are still lingering hints of

Panetta. In addition, Yuan articulates

Global Firepower 2013 World Military

uncertainty and suspicion of future

positive impressions of him, describing

Strength Ranking, he is also the third

prospects under Xi’s leadership.

how “Xi [is] ‘relaxed, very at ease to

Xi Jinping, 59, replaced Hu Jintao,

most powerful man in the world. 24 World

CNN’s Elizabeth Yuan asks in

talk with people’ and a departure from

Communist leaders who tend to be ‘very

Xi’s helping his family amass wealth,

York University Professor from the

cautious’ when talking.” Yuan’s article

the provided statistics of economic

department of Anthropology, sums up:

exemplifies a more positive attitude

gain are enough to make any reader

towards Xi and his potential as a leader.

question whether Xi intervened in

of the Chinese state, and almost all

Other Western writers, however,

his family’s business investments.

American media articles about China

In relation to discussion about

fall into one of these three categories.

do not regard him so favorably. Despite one of Xi’s major political

“There are three basic critiques

his family and background, the Los

First, there are political-ethical

stances against corruption of Party

Angeles Times, Barbara Demick cites

critiques of the one-party system and

officials so as to earn the trust of the

Xi’s ascendancy to power and attributes

the human rights violations resulting

Chinese locals, reporters still largely

a big part of that to his family history

from the Party’s attempts to maintain

negatively portray him in Western

of “red nobility,” AKA those born into

control over the media and civil

media. Xi said in a CPC disciplinary

a political family. She explains the

society. Second, there are economic

watchdog meeting in January of

culture of the “princelings” (the sons

critiques of the way that China has

The western media fishes for loopholes and flaws in his past to establish a negative outlook on his leadership. The American media is full of skeptics and critics, especially towards the Chinese nondemocratic government.

pursued economic development–the critique from the left is that inequality in China is too high, and pollution too severe; the critique from the right is that the economy is over-managed or the state too powerful in economic issues (such as the value of the yuan). Third, there is a geopolitical concern

2013, “We must have the resolution

and daughters of government officials

about China’s emerging status as an

to fight every corrupt phenomenon,

within the Party), and attributes

economic and military power.”

punish every corrupt official and

Xi’s success to this background. She

constantly eradicate the soil which

ultimately argues Xi may not be the

state, the American media is highly

breeds corruption, so as to earn

best candidate for the position. Because

critical of him. With all of political,

people’s trust with actual results.”

of family privilege and the inexistent

ethical, and economic differences

Xi presses on for reform, especially

free elections in China, everything

between China and the America,

regarding the rapid development

is decided within the Party. She also

the scrutiny Xi faces is expected.

and use of social media despite many

mentions, “he gained admission to

Nonetheless, negative impacts are

contrasting opinions within the Party.

Tsinghua University with a party

derived from this attitude. There is a

recommendation; after graduation,

sort of bias that people come across

Lawrence reveals Xi’s wealth and

his father secured him a job as an aide

when their source of information

hints at the possibility of corruption.

to the powerful head of the Central

about China and the new leader is so

Lawrence, as a writer for a publication

Military Commission.” Demick and

Westernized. These portrayals of Xi

specifically focused on finance,

many reporters like her portray Xi

in the media will definitely affect the

examines the financial background of

as undeserving, using every piece of

way in which Americans perceive

not only Xi, but his entire extended

support they can from his educational

Chinese leaders and how that defines

family. According to him, “as Xi

and political history to prove that he

Xi Jinping in the Western world. As

climbed the Communist Party ranks,

did not achieve success and status

followers of the Western media, it is

his extended family expanded

solely through his own efforts.

important to recognize the negativity

Nonetheless, Bloomberg’s Dune

their business interests to include

Because Xi is leading the Chinese

As seen from the sample of news

present in these articles about Xi and

minerals, real estate and mobile-phone

sources cited above, the general attitude

understand the political and cultural

equipment.” There are obvious benefits

towards Xi is negative. The western

differences behind this bias. GG

that his family received by mere

media fishes for loopholes and flaws in

association with Xi. The investments

his past to establish a negative outlook

are even obscured from the public, as

on his leadership. The American media

multiple companies withheld access

is full of skeptics and critics, especially

to certain documents. Although

towards the Chinese nondemocratic

Lawrence denies any evidence for

government. Lily Hope Chumley, a New


Natalie Weng is a freshman majoring in Economics and Mathematics in LSP.

The Impact of the New Chinese Authority 25


Once these radicals are combined, the meaning becomes

by Tina Yu

more complex; there becomes space for interpretation. The second and third illustrations convey two of my

The Chinese writing system is over 4,000 years old and one

interpretations of the meaning of love, each using all of

of the oldest known written languages known to humankind.

the objects represented by radicals. One shows a more

Throughout time, the pictographs originally found carved

logical reading of the formless concept—a hand unveils

into bones and turtle shells have been simplified. When

an anatomical heart, which leaves a deep imprint on its

several of these simpler symbols—known as radicals—are

beholder. The other reader is more sentimental—a hand

combined, they form the characters found in the modern

is nursing on the effervescence of two affection beings. In

Chinese language. These can possess literal meanings, but

these interpretations, the meaning of the radicals can extend

have the capacity to represent conceptual ideas. For example,

beyond their literal meanings. The claw becomes a human

the character for love, 愛 , is composed of four symbols that

hand; the cover becomes a veil or apparition, and so forth.

represent very concrete objects: a claw (爫), a cover (宀), a heart (心), and a pair of walking legs that leaves footprints ( 攵). The first illustration depicts this literal translation.

26 World

Tina Yu is a sophomore studying English and Studio Art in CAS.


The interwebs, language, and lulz. Forgetting about the political and historical relations, tensions, and disputes between the East Asian countries, through laughter, through the online “lols” (or in this case, ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ, 嘻嘻哈哈, (笑), and wwww), harmony and peace can be found.

by Victoria Wong


Victoria Wong is a sophomore in GLS.

International Love: Adoption from Asian Countries 27


special geode.” Around the bend was a small shrine where a bowling ballsized geode perched in a little cavern of amethyst. Set on the side was a framed picture that looked more like a drawing then a photograph—the colors probably hand-inked. I squinted at the old man in the photo as the women pointed out, “This is my ancestor, honored still by the geode he found long ago. It is a sacred family shrine to us, and if you reach out with a hand to touch the geode, you will take from it some luck.” Each of the tourists obediently swept a hand over the gemstone, yet all the while I looked at the amethyst


and thought of similar ones in Chinese ons ago, before China was one

Tibetan slopes on foot, our tour traveled

souvenir stores that were triple its size.

united empire, a few tribes

to the mountaintop on a small airplane.

People here did not have a Buddha to

sought a land of their own. Their quest

One rocky bus ride later, the tour guide

worship until the late infiltration of

was a religious one and they turned

left us in front of a two-story, bleach-

the government, and apparently many

towards the mountains, overcoming

white stone house at the center of the

tribes kept to their polytheistic ways.

the extreme heights, relentlessly cruel

National Heritage site. Women dressed

weather, and full brunt of the sun in

in layers of fuschia-pink and emerald

us through to rooms of hand-painted

pilgrimage to their pagan gods. What

traditional robes greeted us with a

murals, where we sat uncomfortably

they found was a harsh paradise no

hearty native salutation, “Za shi de le!”

in low benches with our knees pressed

one would rediscover until 1975. Today

in the courtyard. Although we were

against the tables of food. But what

the region is known as Jiu Zhai Gou

told to expect this completely foreign

food meant to them seemed more

Valley, named literally after the Nine

dialect, the tour guides failed to convey

suitable to feed their yaks. Copious

Villages that settled there during its

how strikingly unusual the women’s

dishes of undressed lamb swimming

founding. Of the nine original villages,

appearances would be. They each bore

in watery stew, potatoes, and some

seven are still populated and house

inflamed “Tibetan suns”, a euphemism

unidentifiable vegetables that tasted

up to 200,000 indigenous Chinese

for the sunburned circles they bear on

like grass made up our meal. After

“Qiang” people. Ethnically distinct

their cheeks and sky jade beads hung

the first bite I declined seconds. What

due to years of isolation, many of

heavily around their necks as a symbol

they called milk tea tasted like ash,

their old ways survive intact today.

of wealth. With hospitably warm

they had sour cranberry juice for beer

Now that the mountain is a National

smiles, the women motioned us forward

and tubers instead of real vegetables,

Heritage Site, the tribes thrive on yaks

to wash our hands for purification,

but they presented it as if it were a

and tourism while surrounded by 114

the first custom we encountered.

feast. We nibbled at the bread and

tranquil lakes and other protected

Around us, a wind had picked up,

kept waiting for the promised main

ecological wonders. In the summer of

stirring the peacock strings of prayer

course, a whole yak that would surely

2010, I had the chance to tour China and

flags into slapping the air. “Every

save our dinner. Finally, a baked yak

encounter the hidden culture myself.

breeze that passes through, a blessing

carcass was proudly paraded in in all

comes”, or so the women told us.

of its lean glory. The fur must have

While the natives might have climbed those three thousand feet of 28 World

“Everyone, look over here at this

The Tibetan hosts subsequently lead

accounted for much more of its mass

HIDDEN CULTURE than I previously thought, for it was the

of our people entirely, and there was

created naturally from the earth. Eyes

size of a turkey or pig. My last hopes

no hope left.” It hadn’t struck me until

are the most common and valued. To

for dinner was dashed as the pieces

now that the woman could pronounce

have stones with eight eyes is a sign

of yak meat stuck dry in my throat.

Chinese fluently other than a hint of

of benevolence and great wealth, for a

The stones could very well be as old as their people, forgotten by the world until they seemed relevant enough to be brought into society. “Who wants to hear a song?” the women suddenly asked. Before anyone could answer, the tour was assaulted by

a syllabic twang. Had

king would wear them. They are old,

she been taught the

very old, with decades of history.”

language since she was

Looking at the browned skin of

small, alongside their

her hands, I realized the stones could

traditional speech,

very well be as old as their people,

or was the Qiang’s

forgotten by the world until they

ancient tongue dying

seemed relevant enough to be brought

with the elders after the oncoming

into society. They had lost their

of a tourism-based economy?

private lands to the government and

“A passing demoness noticed their

are subsidized as a protected ethnic

acapella mountain ballads. After each

troubles. She looked upon the faces

group. Yet at the end of the day, they

song, the women jab at the air with two

with pity and decided to help them.

were a face of the Chinese people too.

peace signs, comically modern. “Oh

At her command, petals dropped all

At last the woman lifted the chain

yeah!” she shouts in English, “Some

around the mountain sides, and when

for us to take in, “Three eyes, see?

Hong Kong tourists told me that I had

they touched the ground they became

Not the richest, but good all the same.

to do this after every song.” They had

sky jades. All that touched them were

Long life, success, and happiness;

started out with piercing tunes that

healed, and it became thereafter

if you have that then you are lucky.

might have had to do with the loneliness

synonymous as a source of power and

Sometimes it is all you need.”

of yak herding and the immovable

health.” After she spoke, the woman

force of the mountain…at least, if we

stroked the smooth sides and pointed

had understood it. “Ya So Ya So Ya Ya

out the eye-shaped markings, “There

So!” We recited the half-joking reply

are many different symbols on them,


Vida Shi is a sophomore majoring in English and minoring in Creative Writing in CAS.

taught to us, finding the native humor a little startling. Two times meant encore please, three for “I love you”, and four something along the lines of “No need for more talk, let’s get married!” After a few no-doubt poignant traditional verses, they immediately broke into well-known Chinese songs like “The Moon Represents My Heart” (groan). At the very end of the tour, a native woman came up to us with clacking sky jade beads. Cupped in her palm, they glowed. My eyes trailed the thread of beads as her voice washed upon my mind. “This is the legend of the sky jade. Long ago, it was said that a terrible plague hit the mountains. Everyone was dying, and more growing sick every day. It appeared to be the end READ OUR BLOG

Top left: The yak in all of its...turkey-sized glory? Top right & bottom left: Rooms for entertaining guests are decorated with painted murals and low benches. Bottom right: Qiang natives dancing in brightly colored traditional robes. Travels to China: Discovering a Hidden Culture 29

Photo Courtesy of Andy Dean

Photo Courtesy of


by Amy Lu

We, fellow bloggers, writers, and journalists, endorse occasional swearing as the best way to relieve stress and anger, but others may disapprove. Here are swearing words in languages other than English. Use in moderation. 1. Uluu Hindi for “owl” and an insult forsomeone who is slow or stupid “My teammate is an uluu. He is always late for our meetings.” 2. 仆街 (pok gai)

TOP 10


by Anisha Prasad

With lavish soundtracks and colorful characters, Bollywood movies have cult followings both in India and overseas. But only a few movies truly stand out from each year’s myriad of releases. Below is a list of ten recent and classic Bollywood movies that truly stood out from the rest. Kuch Kuch Hota Hai (1998)

Kal Ho Na Ho (2003)

Cantonese slang for “go die on the street” and

A tear-jerking story of

Set in New York, KHNH

another way to say “F’ you” in English

innocent college love and

explores betrayal, love

“What a pok gai! My roommate manhandles all of my stuff!”

friendship, KKHH is worth

triangles, and familial

watching and re-watching!

bonds through modern

3. Gavaar

songs and dances.

Hindi for “illiterate” and used to mock

3 Idiots (2009)

someone’s educational background

Two boys go on a journey

My Name is Khan (2010)

“What a gavaar. That taxi driver almost ran over me!”

through India to search

An autistic man living in a

for their long lost college

post 9/11 world struggles

buddy only to discover

with discrimination

Chinese for “turtle egg” and used to call someone a bastard

more than they expected

in America.

“Wang ba dan! My roommate never cleans up after herself. ”

about their friend.

4. 王八蛋 (wang ba dan)

Taare Zameen Par (2007) 5. (Tumi ahkta kuthar bacha)

Dilwale Dulhania Le

As the first film in Bollywood

Bengali for “you’re a dog’s son” and is the

Jaayenge (1995)

history to talk about child

equivalent of “son of a b*tch” in English

Considered the classic

disabilities and to point

“The MTA increased subway fare and added surcharge

Bollywood love story,

out the flaws in the Indian

for new metrocards? Tumi ahkta kuthar bacha!”

DDLJ journeys through

education system, this movie

scenic Europe and

will leave you in tears.

6. 씨발 새끼 (ssibal saekki)

leads back to India.

Korean for “F’ing bastard” “My roommates ate all my cereal. Again! Ssibal saekki!”

Baarfi! (2012) Kabhi Khushi Kabhi

Winner of the 2012 Filmfare


awards, this silent film

This emotional story of one

features a love triangle and

Hindi for “bitch”

Indian family will have you

deals with the struggles of

“That kuthiya who cut us in line is blind. Can’t

laughing, singing along to

people with disabilities.

he see that we’re waiting in line too?”

its catchy soundtrack and

7. कुतिया (kuthiya)

crying at the same time. 8. 操你妈/操你姥爷 (cao ni ma)/(cao ni lao ye)

Dostana (2008) Despite its comedic

Chinese for “F’ your mom/grandpa” and insults

Don (1978)

exterior, this film was

both said person and his/her family

Amitabh Bachchan’s

the first in Bollywood to

“How could you sleep with my boyfriend!?

thrilling breakthrough

make people aware of

Cao ni ma! Cao ni lao ye!”

film is about a clever

gay rights and issues.

criminal who you cannot Amy Lu is a sophomore with an Economic Development concentration in Gallatin. 30 Shorts

help but fall in love with.

Anisha Prasad is a freshman in the Liberal Studies Program studying Psychology.


Words of wisdom can come from places in which you would least expect to find them. Take for instance the fortune cookies at Kimmel’s Asian stir-fry station. They offer insightful advice, as well as a sweet crunch after your savory stir-fry.

by Jennifer Tseng

Studying is important, but so is taking

College is a time to try new things but

For some people, college means

a night off from hitting the books at

sometimes venturing into the unknown

pursuing majors for careers that they

Bobst to hang out with friends and

can result in mishaps and even regrets.

aren’t sincerely interested in. They

see the city. Attending NYU means

Maybe you enrolled in a new course

overlook the fact that there is still the

you are in New York City and there

and found it disappointingly different

possibility that they can find success

is always something going on. Know

from its description. Even things we

in their passions, whatever they

when to put your studies away and

are familiar with can throw us off.

may be. Take Ang Lee, NYU Tisch

check out the concert at Central

Perhaps you haven’t managed to land

graduate film program alumnus and

Park or the pop-up store in SoHo.

any jobs after graduation. But take a

Oscar winning director. His father

moment to appreciate this curve ball.

wanted him to become a professor,

This unexpected setback may just be

but Lee decided to follow his passion

the pleasant jolt your life needed.

for drama. As Life of Pi, Crouching

Jennifer Tseng is a junior majoring in Psychology and minoring in Business Studies in CAS.

Tiger Hidden Dragon and his other great films can attest to, pursuing your


interests can indeed bring you success.

by Jonathan Yuan


thick hair

ast Asians, most prominently

that the mice had thicker hair shafts,

Chinese, Koreans, and

but also less breast tissue. Surprisingly,

Japanese, are known for many

the mice also had developed more

physical traits, such as tan skin,

eccrine sweat glands, which primarily

small breasts, and thick, dark hair.

excrete odorless salt water, as opposed

Some lesser known qualities include

to the odor-producing apocrine sweat

less body odor and dry ear wax.

glands of which Asians have less. When

This February, researchers at

compared to humans in East Asia and of

the Broad Institute of Massachusetts

East Asian descent, these traits

published their conclusions that

were found to be consistent.

some of these traits are controlled

small breasts

less body odor

Speculated causes for selection

by a mutated version of the EDAR

of this gene include sexual and

gene that appeared as recently as

thermoregulatory. Many regions

35,000 years ago in East Asians, but

of East Asia would have been hot

not in Africans and Europeans.

and humid, so increased excretion of

EDAR is an ancient mammalian

shovel-shaped incisors

sweat would increase heat expulsion.

gene that influences hair, skin and

Thick hair and smaller breasts signify

teeth growth in the embryonic stages

youthfulness and thus sexual prowess—

of life. Because mice also have EDAR,

perhaps a contradiction to today’s

the researchers were able to engineer

popular obsession with large breasts. GG

a strain of mice with the East Asian mutation of EDAR. They found not only READ OUR BLOG

Jonathan Yuan is a freshman studying in Gallatin. 31


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