s n o z o ri
Article Title 1
from the
Dear readers,
I am not sure what compelled me to join Generasian. All I can say is that I am immensely glad that I was lucky enough
to discover this club with its team of passionate and talented individuals. Generasian is more than a club, a publication or a media group. It is where friendships are formed, where students of different ages and disciplines collaborate on something meaningful to disseminate to the larger community at NYU and beyond.
I have worn many hats during my four years here, and as a graduating Editor-in-Chief I find it easy to leave NYU,
but it is not so easy to leave Generasian behind. A month ago, Generasian gave a workshop at Crossroads, hosted by Columbia University’s Asian American Alliance. The joy and anticipation on the faces of the high school students as they read our issues is something I will never forget. My sincerest hope is that Generasian will continue to grow, thrive and attract bright young minds, as I truly believe in the importance of its mission to “enrich, inform, and connect NYU’s diverse Asian/Pacific American community.” In a time when our voices are underrepresented in American media, we cannot afford to allow Generasian’s flame to be extinguished. Thank you to all who have supported Generasian in any way (including you!) and here’s to its bright future.
Kimberly Chen, Editor-in-Chief Dear readers, It is my pleasure to present to you our Spring 2016 issue of Generasian Magazine, “Horizons.” In my time here at Generasian, I have come to learn a great deal about the subtleties and nuances surrounding the Asian American community. It is this cultivation that has allowed me to thrive as a more intellectually conscious individual; truly, I have grown and expanded the limit of my personal horizons. With articles ranging from language, to religion, to politics, as well as illustrations and images exemplifying the varied specialties of our talented artists, there is no shortage in content with which to indulge yourself. And so, I hope that you, the readers, too can expand your horizons with this issue of Generasian. Thank you for your support, and I hope you enjoy our magazine!
Will Shi, Editor-in-Chief Dear Readers,
The Asian American community is constantly pushing boundaries and furthering dialogue in society, whether it be
culturally, scientifically, or politically. Our unique experiences allow us to contribute to each of these conversations in our own distinctive manner. But as college students, the platform for advancing the Asian American dialogue is not always readily accessible. That’s where Generasian comes in.
This semester, our magazine contributors have explored several contentious topics. Our Spring 2016 issue features
commentaries on the phenomenon of yellow fever, the Peter Liang and Akai Gurley case, Asian appropriation of black culture, and LGBTQ rights in Hong Kong. As always, writers and artists are continuously broadening their horizons and finding new angles of addressing controversial subjects such as these. Over the past semester, our contributors have spent many hours brainstorming, outlining, drafting, editing, and finalizing their articles and works of art. We hope you enjoy this semester’s magazine and we thank you for your loyal support! Happy reading!
Shirley Foo, Editor-at-Large
WHAT’S INSIDE 01 Cover Graphic Avery Chang 02 Letters from the Editors Kim Chen & Will Shi, Shirley Foo
04 Seeking Asian Women Jennifer Mihn Du
25 Wear the UNIFORM Swan Cho
06 No Scapegoat: A Look into the Protests
27 Losing My Mother Tongue-And What
for Peter Liang Michelle Ng
I Learned From It Chris Halim
10 Anti-Blackness and Appropriation
32 An Exploration of Taiwanese Identity Kim Chen
of Black Culture Aimee Wu
GLOBAL POLITICS Is Gay Okay in Hong Kong? Jessie Yeung 12
Artwork Zoya To
Privacy or Piracy? Controversy over South Korea’s Anti Terror Bill Plagues the Peninsula Suji Ahn
35 The Inbetweeners: Being Half-White,
Half-Asian in America Anna Ijiri Oehlke Photography Tatiana Hollander-Ho
ART 08 Everything But the Brooklyn Bridge Sohyung Lew 15 The Dreamer Zoya To
22 If the Moon Fell Flat Marié Nobematsu-Le Gassic
18 Balikbayan Nicole Bernardo 28 The Hero and the Villain Tatiana Hollander-Ho 20 API House of Worship Shashank Rao 29 (Monochromatic) Self-Portraiture Tatiana Hollander-Ho
Photography Sarah Park 23 More Than Tea and Bubbles Rebecca Kao
38 Lost in the Desert Ziying Zhou
Artwork Tiffany Chen
EXECUTIVE STAFF Editors-in-Chief Editor-at-Large Art Director Media Directors Blog Directors Layout Director Social Director Operations Director
Kimberly Chen & Will Shi
Deputy Editors
Shirley Foo Avery Chang Diane Park & Jeff Wu
Rebecca Kao Anna Oehlke
Deputy Layout Editor Layout Contributors
Jamie Sung Connie Bak
Swan Cho & Alison Cheng
Tatiana Hollander-Ho
Jolene Hsu
Avery Chang
Jamie Sung
Kim Chen
Huiqun Ong
Table of Contents 3
by Jennifer Minh Du
ellow Fever is typically known as
Jonah Han says when asked about his
men who worked as low-cost laborers
the desire to date Asian women-
high school. Common stereotypes of
were not allowed to have interracial
to only date Asian women. Usually, it
the Asian women include the “meek yet
relations, so the Chinese women who
is when a Caucasian male has a sexual
sensual” women and the “dangerous
immigrated to the U.S. were women
preference towards East Asian women.
dragon lady.” The maiden, pale with
who were trafficked into serving the
But it is not only that. Yellow Fever is
her “jet black hair,” “dark almond eyes”
Chinese workers. Stereotypes began
a racial fetish. It is fetishizing a whole
and “petite figure,” beckons the man to-
to emerge since they established white
race for being submissive or “highly”
wards her. She’s wearing a silk kimono
clientele. It was then rumored that
sexual. According to Jonathan Mahler
and has chopsticks in her hair. She has
these women were luring white men
from the Boomberg View,“when you
no redeeming qualities and is quite sub-
to sin, hence, they were dangerous and
fetishize--as opposed to value--some-
missive; she only listens to her husband
alluring. Anti-Chinese immigration
thing, you wind up celebrating the
Robert. Her name is “Lotus Blossom.”
led to the skewed perception of Asian
idea of the thing rather than the thing
The other woman, deadly and exotic,
women; they were “greedy, devious,
itself.” There’s a difference between
leads white men to their inevitable
and immoral.”2 After World War II,
appreciating a culture and fetishizing
downfalls and she is called the “Dragon
Congress passed the War Bride Act
it. Appreciating a culture would mean
Lady.” The docile “Lotus Blossom” is of-
which allowed those who were abroad
enjoying Japanese food, while fetishiz-
ten described as obedient and subservi-
to bring home Japanese wives. The fan-
ing a culture would mean enjoying the
ent to white men. Their entire existence
tasy of having an overseas Asian wife
aesthetic of Japanese women and only
in the media has been “reduced down
became true with the existence of “mail
Japanese women. While it’s fine to have
to one line: “Me so horny. Me love you
order brides” which allowed women to
a “type” and know what you’re attract-
long time. Me sucky sucky.”2 Full Metal
be seen as objects. “United States’ pres-
ed to, there’s something very wrong if
Jacket, a Stanley Kubrick film about
ence in Asia has led to the creation of
the only requirement for you is for your
American GIs in the Vietnam War has
local sex industries and sex trafficking
partner to be yellow. “I was aware of
made this previous quote so popular
rings” that would serve the soldiers.2
Yellow Fever, but never really encoun-
that it could be said that this quote has
For these soldiers, their first encounters
tered it, until I came here where the
“taken a pop-culture life of its own.”
with Asian women would be sexual.
majority of girls are Asians, but the ma-
Interestingly enough, the actual
These encounters would then lead to a
jority of the school are guys. It caused
disease “Yellow Fever”, is a virus which
long future of misogyny and fetishism.
me to question a guy’s motives when he
is found in areas of South America and
Madame Butterfly and Miss Sai-
talks to me,” Diana Francisco, Chinese-
Africa. The term to describe a white
gon are both works depicting a young
Filipino American, NYU Tandon says.
man’s attraction to Asian women is
Asian woman who falls in love with a
“I have definitely encountered this
somehow derived from the name of
white man. He seems to be in love with
in high school. I don’t know if it was
a disease. In the 1800s, the sexual
her, but soon leaves to marry a white
provoked by fantasy or just personal
interactions of Chinese immigrants
American woman, and the women left
preference but either way it happened,”
were limited by American laws. The
behind both end up killing themselves.
1 Matthews, Cate. “Here’s What ‘Yellow Fever’ Really Means.” The Huffington Post., n.d. Web. 27 Mar. 2016. 2 Kuo, Rachel. “5 Ways ‘Asian Woman Fetishes’ Put Asian Women in Serious Danger.” Everyday Feminism. N.p., 25 Dec. 2015. Web. 27 Mar. 2016. 3 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 13 Aug. 2015. Web. 27 Mar. 2016.
4 Race and Ethnicity
The World of Suzie Wong is similar, but
so many stereotypes for Asians that
est number of interracial marriages in
there is also a white savior element. It
they seem to have become rules rather
the United States take place between
leaves the viewers with the perception
than suggestions. Instead of creating
Caucasian males and Asian women.”6
that Asian women need to be protected
well-rounded and genuine characters,
by white men, that they are delicate
script writers find it easier to follow
ashamed of their “preferences.” The
and weak. In addition, films like Full
the “general formula” for an “Asian.”
mainstream media has also caused this
Metal Jacket and Kill Bill have led to the
In popular culture, or at least in Deb-
Anonymity has led to no one being
racial fetish to be acceptable in our
oversexualization of Asian women. In
bie Lum’s documentary, Seeking Asian
society. No one calls out their friends
Full Metal Jacket, a Vietnamese pros-
Female, a self-declared “Asianphile,”
for being interested in only Asian girls.
titute approach the two GIs and tells them in broken English, how she would “love them long time,” and how she will “sucky sucky” them. This scene isn’t far from what happened in history.
Rather, they might even
Rather than seeing it as fetishizing a direct them to a few of person for their skin color, they see it their friends. Attracas just another trait that they seek like tion is typically sporting glasses or a particular hair color. based on some sort of societal notion
The hypersexualization of Asian
that white men are the best. All across
females during wartime could stem from the Philippine-American War.
tries to find his true love in China
the board, white men hold the most
After the war, when the soldiers were
through an online service. This man,
qualifications to be successful. Or that’s
tired of “wreaking havoc on the land …
white, 60 years old, was only interested
what society tells us. How society works
[they] shifted to local Filipina women
in the sole fact that his prospective
and how it affects us is terrifying. It
who they referred to as, “little brown
wife “looks so Chinese.” In the film,
makes even the purest things in life,
fucking machines powered by rice.”5
the elderly American man keeps com-
like love, seem twisted. When someone
The objectification of Asian women also
menting about how she, his prospec-
has to decide whether or not the person
stream from “juicy bars” and brothels
tive wife, could not “look any more
they’re dating is dating them for them
which popularized this “idea” of Asian
Chinese,” that no one could look “as
or for their culture, it becomes a whole
women; that they were all highly sexu-
Chinese as her.” He likes the “Chinese
different playing field. The playing field
al, highly submissive, and highly desir-
look.” One could say that yellow fever
is no longer about love, but rather about
able. The sole purpose of these bars
is truly a fever, that one can’t control
fetishization. Popular culture has made
was to serve U.S. soldiers. In general,
it. Statistically, Asian women are the
it so easy for someone to admit that they
it is rare to see a “well-written” Asian
most desirable on dating websites and
have an Asian fetish, because rather
character. The industry has created
apps. While interestingly enough,
than seeing it as fetishizing a person
Asian men are the least. In a study on
for their skin color, they see it as just
the app, “Are You Interested,” it showed
another trait that they seek like sport-
that out of all racial groups, Asian
ing glasses or a particular hair color.
women were the most popular among
“People shouldn’t be so close-minded.
all races except with Asian men. It also
They should find something they like in
showed that white men were also the
a person in terms of their feelings, not
most popular among all races. But do
because they have a different culture,”
Asian women have “white fever?” “All
Tate Ichiki, a Japanese-American
human beings, all women of all ethnic
comments. This fetish degrades not
groups want to marry into higher
only close-minded men, but also Asian
social status.”6 And white men typi-
women and their culture as a whole. G
cally have a higher position in society. It isn’t surprising that this would lead yellow-fever-donna-choi-asian-fetish-series
to a number of Asian women showing preference to white men. “The high-
Jenny Du is a first year studying Integrated Digital Media at NYU Tandon School of Engineering.
4 “The Madame Butterfly Effect | Bitch Media.” Bitch Media. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Mar. 2016. 5 Louie, Sam. “White Sexual Imperialism:.” AsAm News. N.p., 07 Aug. 2013. Web. 27 Mar. 2016. 6 Lum, Debbie. “Connect/Comment.” Theyre All So Beautiful. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Mar. 2016. 7 “Watch Seeking Asian Female on KLRU.” KLRU PBS. KLRU-TV, n.d. Web. 27 Mar. 2016. READ OUR BLOG
Seeking Asian Women 5
midst shouts of “Justice for
they fired a shot. Gurley’s girlfriend
deeply held belief in the American
All!” and “No Scapegoat!”,
was the one who eventually called for
Dream––that America is a place that
thousands of Asian-American
help. On February 11th, 2016, Liang
guarantees equality for everyone.
protesters gathered in Brooklyn, as well
was charged with second-degree
The belief that Liang was unfairly
as over 30 cities across the country.
manslaughter and misconduct for
convicted sparked widespread anger
Protesters gathered in support of Peter
failing to help Gurley. Liang is the
and fear among the Asian-American
Liang in the largest demonstration of
first NYPD officer in a decade to be
community. Liang’s supporters are
Asian-Americans in years. A crowd
convicted of a police-involved shooting;
afraid that this conviction violates their
of mostly older Chinese-Americans,
he faces up to 15 years in jail.
promised rights; thus, they believe
holding signs and giving passionate
that they need to organize in order to
speeches, rallied for Liang. Speakers
community has been divided––Liang’s
assert themselves. One woman at the
ranged from elected officials to
supporters believe that he was unjustly
Brooklyn protest said, “United States
community leaders of Asian-American
convicted because his crime was
Constitution guaranteed justice and
organizations, all of whom expressed
accidental and small in comparison to
equality. We share this dream, but
their sympathy for Liang as a victim,
the actions of white officers such as
today we stand here, we just wake up,
brought up historical examples of
Daniel Panteleo, who murdered Eric
we did not have an American dream,
anti-Asian discrimination, and urged
Garner and was caught on camera.
we have a nightmare.” Many protesters
protesters to vote in order to empower
They believe Liang was chosen as a
truly believe Liang’s indictment is
the Asian-American community. On
scapegoat for the NYPD because he
a clear act of discrimination to the
the sidelines of these huge rallies, Black
is Asian, and to calm the negative
Asian-American community.
Lives Matters activists held counter-
sentiment against police due to recent,
protests, but were largely drowned out.
high-profile cases of police violence.
to address was the reality of police
Response from the Asian
What the protests failed
In late 2014, Officer Peter
Many of the protesters appeared to be
brutality against black people in the
Liang shot and killed an unarmed
older Chinese-American immigrants.
US, where black people are being
Akai Gurley in a stairwell in Louis H.
They spoke about the contribution
murdered on a daily basis. Instead,
Pink Houses of New York Housing
and history of Chinese-Americans
speakers at the protests expressed
Authority in the East Brooklyn Area.
in the US, from the construction
sympathy and support for police
Instead of calling for an ambulance,
of the Transcontinental Railroad,
officers despite their deadly actions.
or performing CPR on Gurley as he
to historical violations of Asian-
Assemblyman William Colton, who
was dying, Liang and his partner
American rights, such as the Japanese
was also invited to Brooklyn rally,
texted their union representative and
internment camps in World War II.
said, “We express our condolences and
argued about who should report that
Their speeches echoed a common,
sympathy to any police officers who have been shot and injured and killed… New York City police officers, every day risking their lives to protect all of us…When Peter Liang went into that building that night, he went not to hurt anyone but because he was trying to protect the families in that building.”
There are also Asian-
Americans who stand by Liang’s conviction and recognize that he must be held accountable for his actions. New York Councilmember
NO SCAPEGOAT: by Michelle Ng
6 Race and Ethnicity
Margaret Chin has been vocal about
her support of Liang’s conviction since the tragedy occurred. In a statement, she said, “When an innocent person dies, as a police officer, you have to be accountable. At the end, maybe the sentence might be lighter, based on the situation. But there’s a responsibility there that someone has to be accountable.” Cathy Dang, the executive director of Community Against Anti-Asian violence (CAAAV) has a similar view about how Liang’s case is a starting point for accountability
to them. Even when the injustice is
for change from the Asian-American
in future cases of police brutality.
stacked a human life versus a possible
community, and I’m disappointed it was
15 years in prison.” Liang’s supporters
for Liang and not a better cause. Liang
to this potentially productive view
demand that he be exempted from
needs to be held accountable for his
of the case is the outcry against
his crime, like the white officers that
actions as a police officer who murdered
Liang’s conviction. The belief that
walked free after murdering innocent
someone due to his carelessness. While
he was unfairly treated highlights an
people. This is not an act of justice
this can be considered the beginning
uncomfortable mentality that Liang’s
for Asian-Americans, it is condoning
of greater Asian involvement in social
supporters have: Liang is a victim just
the ongoing racism in this country.
justice, in reality it’s a step backwards
like Gurley even though his actions
Historically, Asian-Americans have
because support for Liang rests on anti-
resulted in the death of an innocent
been subjected to the model minority
blackness. It places Liang’s freedom
man. Liang’s supporters organized
myth - the belief that Asian-Americans
over Gurley’s right to justice. Liang’s
petitions and fundraisers to help
have relied on their own hard work and
supporters are misguided at best,
Liang’s family, but have not shown
perseverance in order to reach a higher
but certainly not harmless because
similar support for Gurley’s family.
level of socioeconomic success than
they—knowingly or not—still support
The inspiration and passion for change
other people of color. This myth creates
the violence and injustice against
that the protesters express seem deeply
tension and competition between
black people in our country. Liang’s
Standing in stark contrast
rooted in fears of losing their chance at the American dream, as well as maintaining a strong sense of solidarity within their own community. However, this has taken attention away from
Liang’s case is a starting point for accountability in future cases of police brutality.
case has set in motion dialogue about racism against Asian-Americans, but at the cost of justice for Akai Gurley and his family. Hopefully, the AsianAmerican community can take Liang’s
the police brutality that black people
case as a starting point for productive
face, and focused it on the relatively
dialogue about racism against the
less serious issue of Liang receiving a
Asian-Americans and other people
Asian-American community, as well as
punishment for a crime he committed.
of color. It creates a hierarchy among
for recognizing the discrimination and
By prioritizing Liang because he is
races while ignoring the systematic
injustices that other communities face. G
Asian, his supporters prioritize his
imbalances that are the root cause of
freedom over Gurley’s life. Anti-
disparity between minority groups.
Michelle is a sophomore studying Economics
blackness is a highly prevalent problem
Asian-Americans will not benefit from
in the College of Arts and Science.
in Asian-American communities. Steph
demanding that Liang be given the same
Lin, a blogger for the Huffington Post
preferential treatment as white officers,
said, “East Asian-Americans are angry
which in turn supports the far more
when they see injustice against people
violent racism against black people.
who look like them, but not when they
see injustice against Black, Latinx, and
Liang’s case and the overwhelming
Muslim/ South Asian communities.
support for him disturbing, I would
Other people of color are dehumanized
have never expected this kind of drive
As an Asian-American, I find
No Scapegoat: A Look into the Peter Liang Protests 7
8 Art
By Sohyung Lew
As the saying goes, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Yet, often times, we stay oblivious to the importance of each part. It is indubitable that the Brooklyn Bridge has a certain kind of charm to it; it certainly is no ordinary bridge. Yet, that “charm” wouldn’t exist without the unnoticed arbitrary things on the bridge that help mold the entire viewing experience. From symbols of love to politics to “I Love Porno” stickers-- it’s all there. Yes, one may argue that the trash can is like any other ordinary trash can, but from another angle, one can point out the stickers permanently stuck on the sides of the trash that make it distinct from other ones. In other words, we must face life with the same kind of perception, because at the end of the day, an ordinary day is the best kind of day. It’s just up to us to believe it. Medium: Photography Sohyung Lew is a first year studying Media, Culture and Communications in Steinhardt. READ OUR BLOG
Everything But the Brooklyn Bridge 9
by Aimee Wu ultural appropriation. Facebook
can popularize and appropriate
comment wars, public denunciations
cultures without being affected by
and heated debates have all been
the institutional oppression and
waged when someone is said to have
issues that come along with being a
committed a culturally appropriating
member of a marginalized group.
act. This would include a dominant
White privilege helps white people
“When non-black folks wear [black hairstyles]
group taking the iconographical
benefit both institutionally, such as
it is celebrated and considered trendy.”
elements of an oppressed culture and
in job hiring practices, and also on a
Source: Kylie Jenner / Instagram
reframing them in a disrespectful,
daily basis, such as not having to worry
trivializing or profitable manner
about police stop and frisk policies.
English into their everyday sentences
to discredit the very culture itself.
But what if you are a person of an
because it’s the urban, hip thing to
Coachella concert go-ers cavorting
oppressed group—a person of color?
do. Isn’t this also appropriation?
with Native American headdresses,
Can you culturally appropriate as well?
‘Chinese’ Halloween costumes, and a
American communities is both highly
corn row donning Kylie Jenner are just
Pacific American community, we are
pervasive, yet also highly subversive
some of the vast array of examples
plagued by various oppressors, but
and not as openly acknowledged and
from popular culture falling into the
it is also our inherent responsibility
challenged. When deconstructing
appropriation category. But the term
to examine some of the privileges
anti-black sentiments, it’s imperative
continues to hold such contention
we hold within a greater context in
to note the mirroring and contributing
because in many situations, the line
communities of color. Anti-blackness
factor in fueling anti-blackness:
between cultural appropriation and
and the continued discrimination
the white ideal. As skin-lightening
appreciation continues to be blurred.
of black people in Asian American
If a particular situation doesn’t offend
communities continues to be ever more
one person, couldn’t it offend others
pervasive and prevalent throughout
of the same culture? Then what would
most Asian cultures. So how does
be the verdict—is it individualistically
this translate into popular culture?
determined? On a case to case basis?
Multiple Korean pop stars have a
What remains pervasive however, is
that most of the time, the appropriators
aesthetic thanks to the popularization
being called out are white.
of hip hop culture in various Asiatic
countries and the adoption of the
As systemic white supremacy
As a member of the Asian
Anti-blackness in Asian Pacific
When deconstructing anti-black sentiments, it’s imperative to note the mirroring and contributing factor in fueling antiblackness: the white ideal.
and colonial history has shown, it
“black aesthetic” as cool. This seeps
products, double eyelid surgeries, and
is white privilege that allows white
into our everyday language as well,
Western beauty standards continue
people to take bits and pieces of cultures
when Asians take and liberally insert
to be upheld in Asia as a whole—then
and try them out as trends. They
words of African American Vernacular
so is the continued discrimination of
10 Race and Ethnicity
black people. We would strive for the
within communities of color.
understanding of where the music
white ideal by stepping on the backs of
comes from and what it arose out of.
the black community. In buying into
appropriation come into the mix? Isn’t
As actress Amandla Stenberg puts
the racist “lazy and welfare sustained”
the appropriation of black culture an
it, “What if America loved black
black stereotype, we are then able to
emblematic symptom of the general
people as much as black culture?”
catapult ourselves as the “successful
anti-blackness in the Asian Pacific
immigrants” and the ones ultimately
American community? Because after
Lives Matter and the recent case of
coming closest to the social and cultural
all, we appropriate because we are
an African American victim, Akai
success of the white majority.
able to do so. When black people wear
Gurley killed by Asian American
This encapsulates the critical
So how does cultural
With movements like Black
certain braiding in their hair, it is
police officer Peter Liang, there is
illusion of the model minority myth.
a direct connection to their history
immense opportunity and increased
Not only does this pitch oppressed
and the art of hair maintenance long
need for solidarity work to be
groups against each other in a race to
before modern hair products came
accomplished between the black and
aspire to white “success”, but it also
into existence. However, even today,
Asian communities. Our oppression
creates the false perception that Asian
stereotypes continue to plague the
is imminently tied to each other’s—
Americans do not face oppression.
wearing of natural hairstyles by black
In fact, many subgroups of people
people. Meanwhile, when non-black
amalgamated under the term “Asian
folks wear those same styles, it is
Americans” are often hurt by the
celebrated and considered trendy.
Our oppression is imminently tied to each other’s—and so is our ultimate liberation.
statistical rankings of mostly East
Asians. As social work student Alicia
proven to be a contentious point;
explains, perhaps it is because of the
having been a way for African
advantages propagated by the model
Americans to express their struggles
and so is our ultimate liberation.
minority myth that we don’t speak
and oppressions, it is now so
We should continually challenge
up frequently to challenge anti-
popularized that its very history may
ourselves to question preconceived
blackness, “People think we are so
be overshadowed by the growing
notions and become better allies to
close to counting so we may not want
trend absorbed into everyday pop
movements that would uplift us all.
to speak up to risk that”. And that fear
culture. This is not to say that people
is exactly what proves detrimental
shouldn’t listen to hip hop music—but
Aimee is a sophomore studying psychology and
to the solidarity work between and
that there should be an imperative
sociology in the College of Arts and Sciences.
Hip hop music has also
Korean pop stars donning the “black aesthetic.” Source: CL “The Baddest Female” Music Video
Anti-Blackness and Appropriation of Black Culture 11
sexuality in Hong Kong was taboo.
rowing up in Hong Kong, I
transgender person must have under-
Legally, the attitude towards the
gone surgery, which places limitations
learned that some things, like
LGBTQ community in Hong Kong is full
on people without the financial means,
pouring tea for relatives or protesting
of contradictions. On the one hand, LG-
time, or support to undergo the process.
before accepting a gift, were good and
BTQ people endure few hate crimes due
Legal limitations aside, the biggest
socially acceptable. Meanwhile, shout-
to the overall low crime rate. They have
challenge to the LGBTQ community by
ing in public, reaching for the food first
equal welfare and social security rights,
far remains the social attitude. A 2005
at meals, and deviating from hetero-
and Hong Kong’s constitutional docu-
government survey of 2000 randomly
sexuality, were not. Even as a child, I
ments prohibit discrimination on the
chosen subjects showed that 39% of the
received the impression that there was
basis of sexual orientation. On the other
respondents believed homosexuality
something inexplicably yet undeni-
hand, this prohibition doesn’t cover
“contradicts the morals of the commu-
ably wrong with being gay. It was never directly stated, but I sensed this through watching my uncle fret about his perpetually single son – what if he was
Even as a child, I received the impression that there was something inexplicably yet undeniably wrong with being gay.
gay? I saw my mother look away
nity,” while 42% said they believed homosexual people weren’t “psychologically normal.” There is a worrying lack of LGBTQ representation in popular culture, education,
from two men on the street hold-
and society in general. Very
ing hands and mutter, “Do they have to
the private sector, as gay marriage still
few movies or TV shows feature gay or
be so gay?” Having attended a relatively
isn’t legally recognized, and same-
lesbian characters, and when they do,
liberal school, I developed my own
sex couples aren’t allowed to adopt.
those characters are often the butt of a
contrary views, but couldn’t escape the
Transgender people can legally marry,
joke. The controversial nature of being
unspoken understanding that homo-
but while this seems promising, the
LGBTQ in Hong Kong also means that the community lacks a strong voice or presence. There are only twenty to thirty LGBTQ groups currently active, the largest being Rainbow of Hong Kong, Pink Alliance, and Big Love Alliance. They offer counseling or group activities to promote unity and acceptance. Compared to cities in America like New York or San Francisco, where hundreds of LGBTQ groups are loud and proud, the groups in Hong Kong still have a long way to go. One problem that is both a product and a cause of
under-representation is the lack of sex-ed in schools.
1 2 3 12 Global Politics
Over 40% of local schools don’t have
versity. She had been in a relationship
align more with the liberal West. The
sex education courses, and the ones
with another woman when colleagues
harrowing 2005 survey was retaken in
that do only cover heterosexuality.
reported this to their boss. Her boss,
2012, showing a vast improvement in
These limitations are partly due to
“a very traditional Christian,” didn’t
the public mindset: 50% of respondents
the dominance of religion in educa-
explicitly fire her, but Benita eventu-
said they were “accepting” of homo-
tion; most schools were founded and
ally decided to leave because she was
sexuals, and only 3% (an incredible
developed by missionaries in the
“feeling oppressed.” When I expressed
drop from 42%) believed gay people
colonial period. According to Time Out
my sympathies, she simply replied,
weren’t “psychologically normal.”
Hong Kong, “around half the schools in
“It’s very common.” Statistics show that
Launched in 2008, there is an an-
Hong Kong have
it’s true her
nual Pride Parade in Hong Kong which
raises awareness, but unfortunately
isn’t unique;
accomplishes little definitive change.
or Light in their
in a recent
Its very existence is encouraging, but
name.”As a re-
survey of
its highest turnout year only reached
the words Saint, Catholic, Christian
Children grow up encased in heteronormativity.
sult, children grow up encased in
626 members of the LGBTQ com-
9,000 participants, less than 0.1% of
heteronormativity, further margin-
munity, respondents rated their
Hong Kong’s 7.2-million population.
alizing the LGBTQ community.
employers “an average score of just
The Pride Parade exemplifies the
2.68 out of 10 for creating an inclu-
current situation in Hong Kong: there
attitude have been met with oppo-
sive workspace.” The respondents
are definite signs of progress, but it is
nents such as Roger Wong, leader
working government jobs rated their
still not enough. Just in March 2014,
of the anti-gay group Family School
employers a measly average of 1.47.
controversy roared up in Hong Kong
Outside the workplace, discrimi-
when a Christian school banned gay
Efforts to change this educational
Sexual Orientation Discrimination Ordinance Concern Group. He has
nation occurs casually in daily life.
teachers with the goal of employing
argued that “the so-called demands
For example, the Cantonese slang for
“good Christian role models for our
made in the ‘equal rights movement
“transgender” literally translates to
students.” Despite the backlash, the
for the gay’ are contravening human
“human monster.” Another derogatory
school was within its legal rights, which
rights and justice,” a message that has
term tossed around is bin
angered many in the movement.
tai, translating roughly
One such critic is Arthur Tam,
to “changeling” or “meta-
The Cantonese slang for ‘transgender’ literally translates to ‘human monster’.
LGBT Editor of Time Out HK, who said,
morphosis,” used to insult
“Wong wants people to believe that if
a wide group of people
the law passed, homosexuality would
that included pedophiles,
be taught in schools. You can’t teach
the mentally challenged, and LGBTQ
highlights the absence of an effective
homosexuality.” This misconception
people. A close friend of mine recently
anti-discrimination law. The school
is as incorrect as it is popular; nearly
had to teach her 8th grade brother
is technically breaching the govern-
a hundred primary and secondary
not to say “fag,” which he had picked
ment guidelines on discrimination,
school principals have signed their
up from his friends. “He didn’t even
but any legal challenge would meet
names in support of Wong’s group.
know what it meant,” she told me. This
religious and conservative opposi-
language of intolerance is creeping
tion - hence the lack of consequence.
This lack of representation and widespread misunderstanding ex-
into middle school vocabularies, and
tends to the professional sphere. Most
becomes cemented as children grow up
to protect the LGBTQ community, and
companies don’t mention sexuality in
observing Hong Kong’s quiet condem-
a more effective anti-discrimination
their diversity policies, often leading
nation towards the LGBTQ community.
law is needed – a notion that is increas-
to discrimination in the workplace. I
There is, however, a light at the
Clearly, the current law does little
ingly gaining support. A citywide
observed this firsthand from a fam-
end of the tunnel. There has been a
survey of 1000 people shows that “91.8
ily friend, Benita, who identifies as
significant increase in public tolerance
percent of people aged 18 to 24 deemed
lesbian. She works in education, and
in the past decade alone, as younger
legislation as necessary.” As Tam puts
had once taught at a well-respected uni-
generations take on new values that
it, despite lingering public stigma,
Is Gay Okay in Hong Kong? 13
“How truly progressive is Hong Kong towards its LGBTQ community?” by Zoya To
when it comes to LGBTQ protective laws, “the public agrees, but the public
imagine the changes on the horizon. Unfortunately, Hong Kong is just
rejection of the LGBT community is endemic across Southeast Asia.”
aren’t people in government.” The
one of the many Asian countries still
There are many factors that can
government is still heavily comprised
conservative towards LGBTQ. In fact,
help explain the LGBTQ intolerance in
of the religious conservative right,
Hong Kong is considered one of the
Hong Kong and Asia. The dominance
powerful figures who “like making
most progressive, gay-friendly places in
of conservative religions, the cultures
people angry and scared.” Hong Kong
Asia. For instance, gay sex was legal-
of authoritarianism, the Asian trend of
is ready – but the government isn’t.
ized in Hong Kong in 1991, while it is
self-protection as opposed to the Ameri-
So what’s the next step? There is
still outlawed in at least twenty Asian
can “freedom for all” attitude - these
no question that being LGBTQ in Hong
countries, and is punishable by death
all contribute to the current situation.
Kong is still taboo, but more and more
in several others. Being LGBTQ can be
However, there are also movements ris-
people are joining in support of their
fatal in places like Indonesia, where
ing across the continent, and small steps
rights, and their voices are growing.
85% of the transgender community
are being taken. Recently, Singapore’s
The anti-discrimination law might be a
experienced violence between 2011
first openly gay politician and Malay-
long-term goal, but the social attitude
and 2012. Apart from Hong Kong, gay
sia’s first transgender politician have
is quickly on the path to change. Tam
sex is also legal in China, Japan, Korea,
emerged into the spotlight. In countries
says, “Public support might not be as
and Macau, which are all considered
like Thailand and Vietnam, heated de-
effective on the legislative level, but
progressive countries. This may seem
bates on gay marriage have been ongo-
on the societal level, it’s huge. General
like an absurd thing to celebrate when
ing for years. And so the fight contin-
acceptance can be very healing to a
compared to LGBTQ rights in the West,
ues, until the day Hong Kong can just be
group that has been marginalised.”
but of the fifty Asian countries, none
another Asian city where gay is okay. G
It’s going to be a long fight until legal
recognize gay marriage, and only two
change is enacted, but in just seven
recognize gay civil unions - Cyprus
years, the percentage that believes an
and Israel. As Huffington Post writer
anti-gay fallacy has dropped to 3%. Just
Dominique Mosbergen says, “The
Jessie is a CAS first year studying English and MCC.
7 8 9 14 Global Politics
by Suji Ahn
CONTROVERSY OVER SOUTH KOREA’S ANTI-TERROR BILL PLAGUES THE PENINSULA “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety” - Benjamin Franklin
ince the division of the Korean
peninsula, South Korea has
was how President Park described the current state
made tireless efforts to rise from the
of South Korea. Noting the
ashes of the war, delving into a new
escalating provocations
era of progress and development.
from North Korea, President
Whether it be expanding economically,
Park highlighted the
promulgating its colorful culture to
need to strengthen and
the world, or even strengthening
reorganize the National
its democratic basis, the people of
Intelligence Service by
South Korea have charged boldly
granting the institution
forward. Blood was shed, and the
more authority. The passage
beads of sweat that trickled down
of the bill, in essence, would
from the nation’s workers laid the
not only grant the NIS
foundation for the country. Robust
the power to create a new anti-
both economically and politically,
espionage body, but also the right to
South Korea now stands prominent in
monitor private communications,
Korea as their next target country.
the international community as one
whether that be on private phone
The Anti-Terror Bill, as the proposition
of the four ferocious Asian tigers.
calls, emails, or text messages.
hopes, would help remedy such issues.
The ratification of a single bill was enough to tarnish what our ancestors
Kim Sung-woo, the
“The agency [NIS] could Presidential Office abuse the law, if enacted in spokesperson, noted, that way, to monitor liberal “The possibility of politicians and activists.” North Korea’s anti-
have fought
South terrorism
for - a bill that
becoming reality is rising to an ever-
For whom is this bill for? Photo courtesy of
Meanwhile, the main opponent party of Saenuri-dang (Park’s office), Minjoo Party, raised their concerns that this bill would endow too much power to an already politicized institution. With the ratification of the bill, people will no longer enjoy privacy online,
may degenerate the well-established
higher level,” claiming that the passage
or even offline. Private conversations,
South Korean democracy. A single
of this bill would allow the NIS to have
bank accounts, financial transactions,
bill that undermines the tireless
the “legal and systematic foundation
pictures, and videos are subject to
work of the past 50 years.
to protect the lives and property of the
inspection by the NIS. Everyone is
In the last week of February, the South
people.” Prior to the reintroduction of
subject to inspection, including political
Korean peninsula was stirred up once
the Anti-Terror Bill, South Korea has
opponents. Rep. Lee Jong-kul, the floor
again with President Park Geun-hye’s
lacked the legal framework allowing
leader of the Minjoo Party, asserts,
reintroduction the Anti-Terror Bill,
the government to investigate civilians’
“The NIS could abuse the law to monitor
first introduced in 2001. It has yet to
suspicious activities. South Korea, as
liberal politicians and activists.”
be passed due to the clash between
President Park asserts, has not only
Simply criticizing the government and
the public and the opposition party.
been experiencing constant threat from
abiding by the nature of democracy
The public was once again in dismay
North Korea, but also internationally
can subject an individual to inspection
when President Park brought back
infamous terrorist organizations such
by the NIS. It is undeniable that such
the contentious bill. “An emergency,”
as ISIS, who officially marked out South
features of the bill sullies the spirit
Privacy or Piracy? Controversy over South Korea’s Anti-Terror Bill Plagues the Penninsula 15
(Left to right) President Park highlighting the need for an AntiTerror bill at the National Economic Advisory Council; Saenuri-dang (Park’s office) ardently rooting for the ratification of the bill; Photo courtesy of and, respectively
of Korean democracy. Under the
of monitoring its financial activities,
NIS want to track the bank accounts
hard-earned Korean constitution,
the public also cannot know whether
of South Koreans?” France, having
no one should ever feel insecure
it received any kickbacks for turning
similarly adopted anti-terrorism
expressing their thoughts and beliefs
a blind eye to crime and injustice.
acts, epitomizes the inefficiency of
- yet the bill itself not only imposes
However, as President Park said, South
such a bill. Due to the difficulty of
threat but also intimidates those
Korea is definitely not in times of peace.
pinpointing terrorists within a vast
with conflicting political ideals.
As the country ushered in a new year,
population, France has still suffered
Not to mention the past history of
provocations from North Korea have
a number of terrorist attacks.
the NIS, where the jurisdiction of the
actually increased by a substantial
The Anti-Terror Bill initially appeared
institution has been abused in order
amount. Economic sanctions from the
to represent a classic security versus
to defame the opposing presidential
U.S. have escalated and the chance
privacy debate. But as we looked deeper
candidate. Sei-hoon Won, former
of liberals, who oppose the current
into the issue, more problems seem to
chief of the NIS, has been convicted
administration’s hospitable policies
arise - the lack of a legal framework
for ordering agents to post slanderous
towards the North, winning the next
to prevent corruption, politicization
comments online aiming to denigrate
election have also increased. These
of an institution that should remain
President Park’s opponents during
circumstances have led to North Korea
neutral, and the bill’s own inefficiency.
the 2012 election. With such a
shooting short range projectiles into the
The list of controversies over this bill
murky history, the credibility of NIS
sea, most likely to demonstrate their
seems endless. Meanwhile, many critics
continues to be doubted. Granting
discontent and flaunt their military
raise concerns that the true motive
more power to this institution, often
prowess. With the South Korean
behind the enactment of the bill is
exploited as a “political tool,” legal
peninsula in peril, President Park
questionable. Is it really to persecute
malpractices are likely to be rampant
argues that there is no better time to
the tyranny in North Korea? Or is it
in the upcoming 2017 election.
enact the bill to ensure its security.
another manipulative tactic by Park,
Adding on to the dubiety of the NIS is
Critics, however, are highly doubtful
surreptitiously veiled under the name
its lack of transparency. Because the
that the bill will be particularly helpful
of “security,” designed to persecute
NIS is not obliged to turn in receipts
in achieving this goal. Jung Chaeong
those who she believes to be a menace
for the costs it has incurred while
Rae, from the Minjoo Party of Korea
to her political party? Ironically, the
under such “anti-terrorism missions,”
(MPK), inquires, “It’s North Korea
Anti-Terror Bill itself seems to incur
neither the public nor any other
that fired a missile, but why does the
terror, rather than to hamper it.
governmental institution has a way of
NIS want to look into the cellphones
knowing how the NIS has allocated its
of South Koreans? It’s North Korea
Suji is a first year studying economics
budget. Without an efficient method
that fired a rocket, so why does the
in the College of Arts and Science.
1 2 3 4 16 Global Politics
By Zoya To
I’ve always been a bit of a daydreamer: constantly absent-minded and consistently forgetful because my mind would always be elsewhere. In the piece, a cloud covers the head of “the dreamer,” the shape and shadows outlined in a fine marker to represent how thoughts are sometimes more concrete than one’s environment or even the physical body. Soft violets and blues add a dreamy effect while striking lines indicate dynamic thought. Medium: Watercolor Zoya To is a first year studying Libral Arts. READ OUR BLOG
Art 17
BALIKBAYAN by Nicole Bernardo
(noun.) An overseas Filipino who returns to the Philippines; a repatriate.
y parents are considered balikbayans when we visit the Philippines. Because I was born in America, I am not a
balikbayan, but there has been an inexplicable quality to each visit I have made to their birth country, something
alien and thrilling, and I often find myself thinking about returning to that place across the sea. Rumbling, a thunderous earthquake rattles the seats, a squeal as tire hits tarmac, That’s when I’ll know I’ve arrived. It’s only real once the earthquake shakes you awake. Eight years. Eight years since Manila. At 13, car exhaust molten heat baking the cluttered cosmos sweat trickling across a multitude of temples, discomforted an American mind so used to space to simple isolation, But life— raw and hard, tangled and bursting—life—was in those scents. The sampaguita blossom broke the spell, snowy petals sweetly perfuming the air as if adding dew drops to the heat, lush green wilderness to the concrete jungle. Molave Avenue and my grandmother’s house, the air conditioning whirring sleepily in the bedroom— a whisper of coolness and freshly laundered sheets, of mothballs in the drawers wrapped up in the musty memories of tenants past. The wrinkled hands of my grandparents, strong fingers grasping mine too tightly, Hard shapes of unfamiliar door knobs opening into rooms where uncles used to sleep as boys, The smooth leather in the family car sticking to my sweaty thighs, A rush of chlorinated water slipping over me, lapping secrets against my floating face telling me that pools feel different everywhere you go.
18 Culture
Blinding sunshine whenever monsoon summer rains didn’t patter against the windows leaving remnants of races on the glass, Tawny skin, tan and rich, stretched over too skinny arms spindly legs squatting low to fan the fire, Cheeks round, eyes wide, cousins came peering shyly to see the spectacle of those American sisters A man shimmies up a coconut tree, feet and hands similar instruments in the climb upward He climbs like I walk. Mango like sugar on the tongue bursts equal parts tangy and addictive, Sucking life from each slice of pineapple dripping with juice, Fried hot dogs glistening with grease, the sour dryness of a hot bangus, a soothing, soft spoonful of rice to balance out every bite. Crackling as saltiness explodes from crispy lechon skin the suckling pig rotating over a low fire for many hours before. The fresh metallic taste of water tipped from a coconut hacked open by a callused hand with a machete. Anak kambal apat Child twin four Child of my parents, Philippines-born and Tagalog-speaking, tied to trees, and light poles, and people who had existed on that land before I drew breath, Twin of my sister who keeps reaching for these distant memories through California clubs that say we are Pilipino and Pinay, ambassadors between the East and West, our pasts and our futures, Four people in my family when we visited before, always needing four more chairs, four more seats in the car, four more added onto the great big family, Anak kambal apat Their tongues spill out the words with ease, they talk fast and high and sing their sentences, My mind stops every time they forget, addressing me in Tagalog when my mouth can only trip out hard, flat, booming English. To this day, when I hear the syllables fall out of my parents’ or my grandmother’s mouths The syllables of a song I cannot sing, I remember I remember how that Strange Civilization, a distant cousin to the one back home, crept up on me and stayed.
Nicole is a junior studying English and American Literature in the College of Arts and Science and minoring in Cinema Studies and BEMT.
Balikbayan 19
by Shashank Rao
he Hindu temple is not simply
a place of worship. This semester,
I went to a temple in Flushing for the first time since I came to NYU. The Hindu Temple Society of North America is the first Hindu temple in the United States, and serves a large community in the Flushing area. Families come together, mingle with others, and take their children to classes in music, religion, language, and even mathematics. The Hindu Young Professionals Committee at the temple facilitates conferences with other
A Buddhist Shrine in The Kadampa Meditation Center in New York. (Photography by Sarah Park)
temples, as well as activities that engage with other parts of the community,
since many API places of worship
onto my children.” The generational
including other houses of worship.
double as cultural and community
maintenance of culture and religion is
Thinking back, I realized that many
centers. When living abroad, the API
very important in API communities,
places of worship for Asian American
community is isolated or a minority,
because it gives API individuals born
communities double as communal
and houses of worship serve to bring
abroad a way to distinguish their
centers for non-religious activities.
people together. These spaces give
identity from the majority. Culture and
The Asian and Pacific Islander community comprises a large variety of racial and ethnic affiliations, which also entails an equally diverse set of religious practices. Many of the world religions have played instrumental roles in shaping the values and attributes of
At NYU, faith is a very important component of community, because it brings people together over their religious commonalities.
religion form the basis for ethics and personal relations for many people. In the case of international students, faith allows them to maintain contact with their culture as well as their spiritual well being. Tianxiong Hu, a Buddhist student, says, “It helps me to de-stress and calm down,” and
different Asian societies. This makes issues of faith in API communities and
Asians living in the US the opportunity
performs a Buddhist tea ceremony
the potential for interfaith relations
to pass their culture down to the new
as a part of Chinese Buddhist
especially crucial points of focus.
generation that grows up away from
traditions. Meditation, according
the mother country. Churches that
to him, allows him to weigh good
community, parents often pass down
are majority East or Southeast Asian
and bad, and contemplate the value
their traditions, both cultural and
often host retreats for its younger
and meaning of things in his life.
religious, to their children. Arun
members to bond and experience
Govindaiah, an agnostic from a Hindu
both faith and culture together. Hindu
social component, often provides
family, says “Religion is a way for me
temples offer Bala Vihar classes to
a space for API students at NYU to
and my family to be together, and is
teach the Bhagavad Gita and host many
engage in their culture. France Santos,
important to us that way.” But, owing
festivals, including Holi and Diwali.
a Catholic, comments, “The Philippines
In the families of the API
to the environment of the United States
For some, this maintaining of
Religion, given its very crucial
is a very culturally Catholic country,
and other locations abroad, practice of
tradition is especially important.
so I go to church for my parents and
culture and religion often change. In
Areesha Irfan, a Muslim student, says,
my family.” According to Santos, going
some cases, it can lead a strengthened
“Islam is a part of my cultural heritage,
to church helps him interact with
sense of community and identity,
and I am passionate about passing it
his family and community based on
20 Culture
a set of beliefs that they all share. By participating in communal
campus, including the Asian American Christian Fellowship, the Muslim
cultural events, API students are able
Student Association and Hindu Student
to create meaningful relationships
Council. At NYU, faith is a very
and find a sense of community at
important component of community,
NYU. This can be difficult to do when
because it brings people together over
the university is so large and people
their religious commonalities. The
come and go very easily. In order to
Muslim Student Association includes
promote this sense of community, the
a variety of different Muslims from
Hindu Student Council holds a Ganesh
different nationalities, including
Puja every semester, allowing Hindu
Indian, Bangladeshi, Pakistani, Iranian,
students to have religious services
and others. Anna Lin, a member of the
away from home or to be a part of a
Asian American Christian Fellowship
cultural event with other Hindus. Some
(AACF), believes that the activities of
The IN2 Church, a Korean community church,
people participate for spiritual reasons
AACF helps bring people together in
welcomes its visitors. (Photography by Sarah Park)
whereas others are simply present
communal activities. “We have large
faith and culture, because the cultural
to participate in a cultural practice
group worship where we have group
practices of the API community can be
that they can share with others. This
singing to praise God.” The AACF
deeply intertwined with the practice of
point is made especially clear by
welcomes API Christians of varying
religion. Many students believe that the
Shreya Kaushik, an atheist from a
traditions and welcomes non-Christians
appropriation lies not in the use itself,
Hindu family, who believes that “it’s important to stay in touch with your culture, even if you don’t subscribe to any of the beliefs.” For her, there is little struggle to separate religion and culture. There is no particular conflict
Many places of worship for Asian American communities double as communal centers for non-religious activities.
Charlie Hebdo incident, disapproved of the way the satire handled Muhammad, since his depiction is not only forbidden, but the way the disrespectful. How we employ cultural
religious events and her personal necessarily believe in God, partaking
Muslim students, at the time of the
satirists depicted him was blatantly
between her participation in overtly beliefs. Even though she doesn’t
but rather the way it is exploited. Many
as well to participate in its activities.
and religious imagery is very relevant
One of the big issues that the API
to API relations not only with non-API
in the events allows her to maintain
community faces is that attitudes of
the heritage she has grown up with.
Orientalism take from Asian cultures
majorities but also with each other. What API students can learn from
without respecting their origin, which
one another includes one another’s
culture is important to note, because
is also known as cultural appropriation.
religion as well as cultural values.
it also plays a role in the interactions
For example, images of Ganesha and
We are able to give proper respect
between students of different faiths.
Hanuman, deities in Hinduism, are
to the origins of certain imagery
Most interviewees believe that their
put on T-shirts that are sold to largely
by being exposed to it and learning
faith does not affect who they spend
non-Hindu clientele. France Santos,
about it from people involved in the
time with. Pranay Patel, an agnostic
a Catholic, comments, “You shouldn’t
culture in question. For many API
from a Hindu family, believes that
put up clear blasphemies but you have
students, religion and culture seem to
his agnosticism doesn’t really play a
to be careful in art”. This indicates
be inextricably connected, and define
role in his interactions with others,
that artists have certain duties to
personal identities as a result. There
due in part to the very tolerant nature
handle cultural imagery in their work.
is much that API students can learn
of the university’s religious spaces.
Mocking a culture intentionally is an
about one another through religious
This is relevant to API relations,
instance of cultural mishandling. But
customs, and such understanding is
because interfaith initiatives at NYU
even when an artist does not mean to
crucial to the community’s integrity. G G
could be helpful to bridging groups
mock, it can be damaging to the API
of students that otherwise might
community, because it implies a certain
Shashank is a first year studying Global
not interact with each other.
amount of disrespect for other people’s
Liberal Studies, with a concentration in
cultural and religious imagery. This
Politics, Rights, and Development.
The intersection of religion and
API students of faith often participate in the faith groups on READ OUR BLOG
especially pertains to the issues of API Houses of Worship 21
By Marie Nobematsu-Le Gassic
Through structure and gesture, this series explores notions of wholeness and tangibility. The sense of completeness that each piece embodies is derived from a meticulous system of casting, shattering, sanding, and painting. Examining the individual “Moons” closely, each contains a piece in its original plaster cast state to suggest the temporal evolution of the structures. Medium: Sculpture, acrylic over plaster cast. 5” diameter each. Marié Nobematsu-Le Gassic is a Sophomore studying Architecture and Urban Design
22 Art
by Rebecca Kao
earl milk tea, bubble tea,
boba-whatever you choose to
call it, this is the ultimate customizable “Asian” drink with a popularity on the rise. The possibilities are endless: the options on the often brightly colored menus allow for more combinations than any reasonable person would ever drink. Maybe milk isn’t really your thing. So scratch the milk, and have a fruity green tea instead. Or maybe ditch the bubbles,also known as tapioca pearls, altogether and add coconut jelly. Would you like that with less, regular, or extra sweetness? Hot or cold? Cold? How would you like the ice level?
Bubble tea shops can be found
all around New York City, and new ones seem to be popping up all the time. From the tiny but often-packed Kung Fu Tea next to Washington
Today, the popular Bubble Tea, aka Boba, comes in all appetizing pastel colors. Art by Tiffany Chen
Square Park, to the smoothie bar
popularity across Asia; in the past
an international student from Bombay,
at Palladium, boba tea’s popularity
decade or so, bubble tea has become
India, tells of how before coming to
around us is palpable. But how much
increasingly popular in the United
NYU, he didn’t know boba tea existed.
do we actually think about what we’re
States as well. The San Francisco Bay
Now he enjoys it immensely—and
drinking, before sucking up those
Area in California houses the most
often. He gladly introduces boba to his
chewable balls of tapioca goodness?
bubble tea shops in the country
friends from India, as it would be a
Where did the drink come from, and
(side note: you will rarely hear it
new experience for them. Like many
what does its popularity really mean?
referred to as “bubble tea” there—
recently converted boba tea drinkers,
most Bay Area folk call it boba, pearl
Patwari didn’t know where the drink
country famous for its tea, pearl milk
milk tea, or even the remarkably
originated. Interestingly, he sees this
tea (zhēnzhū nichá) was unexpectedly
creative acronym “PMT” for short).
as a selling point of the drink itself.
invented in the 1980s by a tea shop
The emergence of boba tea shops
“As a business student,” Patwari says,
owner in Taichung, who combined fěn
throughout many major cities in the
“I can see why there’s this ‘mystery’
yuán, a traditional tapioca dessert,
country bears a strong correlation
about it. Being foreign, not knowing
with cold milk tea.2 From there, the
with the concentration of Asian
where it came from—that helps it sell.”
innovative drink quickly spread in
and Asian American communities;
According to Patwari, the authenticity
many of the tea shops are situated
of the drink is unimportant; he
in or near a Chinatown, Koreatown,
just enjoys the flavor of the tea
or similar Asian ethnic hub.1
and texture of the tapioca balls.
Clearly, boba is popular. So what?
watched the rise of boba tea fame in its
Originating in Taiwan, a
Pearl Milk Tea: original name of milk tea with small tapioca balls.
Boba: Taiwanese slang for large tapioca balls
in the drink, now refers to a variety of drinks containing the tapioca balls
Bubble Tea: originally frothy green or black tea, now synonymous with boba. More commonly used by English speakers.
For many boba-lovers, this
However, for those who
question of “so what?” is simply
country of origin, Taiwan, authenticity
rhetorical, accompanied by a shrug
is quite a different matter. For Angela
of the shoulders and maybe a sip of a
Lin, who identifies as Taiwanese, many
wide plastic straw. Utkarsh Patwari,
of the milk tea shops in New York City More than Tea and Bubbles 23
do not suit her tastes; she describes
hometown, there are many different
because it has been so altered to cater
how high-quality milk tea in Taiwan
types of boba shops, some which Yang
to white culture and differing tastes.
“ruined all other milk teas” for her.
describes as more geared toward
Of her own penchant for boba tea,
Growing up in Taiwan, Lin belongs
Americans, while others are more
Kuznetsov says, “I don’t really know
to the first generation of fans of what
“Asian,” and thereby perceived as more
what is traditional, or authentic.”
was originally-and exclusively-pearl
exotic. “The association with being
milk tea. She lived in Taiwan while
Asian adds to the stereotypes about
it matter? How much do perceptions of
the nascent industry was expanding
Asian people being ‘fobby’ or foreign,”
authenticity actually impact the way
rapidly, and new chain stores were on
Yang says.
the rise at every street corner. At the
“When you see
time, bubble tea was popularized not
boba places
by television commercials or other
marketed a
kinds of advertisements; instead, its
certain way,
popularity grew out of the lively street
with Chinese
culture of young Taiwanese people.
letters and such, it makes people
consumers is not the fact that pearl
think of Asians in a bad way.”
milk tea started in Taiwan, but the
California when the “first wave” of
reality that a new culture has formed
boba tea popularity hit the West Coast,
as Sasha Kuznetsov, a white student
around this drink. It involves how
as the drink became increasingly
from Boston, the focus is not so much
we talk about and promote it; how
prevalent particularly in densely
on exotifying Asian culture, as it is on
we incorporate it into our lives as a
Asian-populated areas such as the San
the phenomenon of “white-ifying” it.
socializing vehicle or gastronomic icon.
Francisco Bay Area. “There were a lot
Kuznetsov was first introduced to boba
of weird flavors, ones that didn’t exist
at a Thai restaurant, so she thought it
widespread fanbase charmed by its
in Taiwan,” Lin explains. Having also
was normally a dessert enjoyed at the
flavorful—and chewable—qualities,
traveled extensively across Europe, Lin
end of a meal. “I didn’t realize there
boba has become much more than an
describes curious experiences of having
was this ‘let’s go out for boba’ culture,”
“Asian drink.” It is unlike traditional
boba tea while abroad. Every country
Kuznetsov notes. In less diverse areas,
Chinese tea, which can be more
has a different taste: while in the US
she notes that boba tea tends to undergo
easily traced to a specific culture or
teas tend to be sweeter, in Prague, tea
a white-ifying makeover: “when it’s
ethnic group. Chinese tea gained its
has less flavor. In the famously tea-
really fruity and sweet, or chocolate
popularity and reputation in part
drinking country Britain, non-whites in
flavored, it seems to be catered more
from its cultural background in the
particular would often go for boba tea;
to white people.” For Kuznetsov,
specific regions where the tea is grown
overall people found the pearls to be an
the popularity of boba, particularly
and harvested. But many people
interesting addition to a familiar drink.
among non-Asians such as herself,
don’t even recognize that bubble tea
Lin also happened to be in
But whether in Europe
But ultimately, how much does
Would you like that with less or extra sweetness? Hot or cold? How would you like the ice level?
Meanwhile, for boba fans such
we consume, talk about and popularize products that originate from other cultures? Perhaps more significant and relevant to us as
With its diverse and
is significant in shaping American
comes from Taiwan, which may say
or the United States, the perceived
perceptions of how Asian culture comes
more about their appreciation for
“Asian-ness” of boba tea always
into contact with white culture. While
the drink than their disregard of it.
seems to linger. Is this an example
Kuznetsov believes exotification and
Maybe, Lin notes, bubble tea’s
of exotification by Western culture,
appropriation of Asian culture can
popularity is “not rooted in a specific
or is there even more to the story?
be part of the story, she sees these
culture” at all. Modern, youth-driven,
“There definitely is an element of
elements as less prominent. “When
and ever-evolving, perhaps it is “a
exotic attribution, of commodified
foods or drinks are adopted by white
global phenomenon that transcends
Asian culture,” Lin states.
people, they usually become made
cultural distinctions altogether.”
for white people,” Kuznetsov notes
Christine Yang, a Chinese-
American boba tea drinker from the
thoughtfully. To her, boba is more of
Rebecca Kao is a first year in the College of
California Bay Area, agrees. In her
a ‘neutral food’ than an exotified one,
Arts and Science studying Journalism
1 Bram, Uri. “America Is a Coffee Country-does Bubble Tea Stand a Chance?”Quartz. 11 Jan. 2016. Web. 15 Mar. 2016. 2 Chang, Derrick. “Is This the Inventor of Bubble Tea?” Asia Pacific. CNN Travel, 12 June 2012. Web. 10 Mar. 2016. 3 Trieu, Rosa. “Three Taiwanese Bubble Tea Chains Race To California.” Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 1 Jan. 2014. Web. 20 Mar. 2016.
24 Culture
WEAR THE by Swan Cho
aura Jung is a junior at New York University’s Gallatin School of Individualized Study building her concentration
around globalization, consumer culture, and entrepreneurship. Laura and her sister Seline launched UNIFORM (shoptheuniform. com) in October 2015, a marketplace for everyday staple pieces for everyone. This semester, Generasian had the wonderful opportunity of interviewing this up and coming designer at our very own New York University!
Q: Could you describe your style?
prepare for the cold at all. But I had my
definitely very overwhelming. I didn’t
A: Minimal and for the most part very
leather jacket and it was something that
really know what I was doing. But I
demure, but depending on the occasion,
I wore everyday. The fact that I was
actually took a lighter course load,
I like to mix it up. I think keeping myself
able to wear it everyday and not get
taking three classes instead of four, and
consistent everyday is nice because
sick of it really means something. And
that really helped. It honestly comes
when I do mix it up, it’s very different.
while I was in Berlin, a lot of people
down to prioritizing, your friends,
Q: Was starting a clothing brand
asked me where I got my jacket. At the
your work, and sometimes sacrificing
always a dream of yours?
time, the version of the jacket I had was
sleep and fun! I filtered out a lot of
A: No, it wasn’t. I entered school not
from a wholesale leather jacket market
people in my life because it’s important
wanting to do fashion at all. I wanted
in Korea.
to be more involved with the business
Everyone was
aspect, but fashion has always been
saying, “I love
something that I’ve wanted to do.
it! I’ve been
Not necessarily starting my own
looking for the
brand, but I’ve always wanted to
perfect leather
be within the realm of fashion.
jacket, but all
Q: What did you want to do then?
the nice ones are thousands of dollars.”
process of thinking of the name?
A: I don’t know! At first I thought
Then you get fake leather jackets, which
A: It all goes back to wearing something
I wanted to be in publication or
just don’t look good. So I thought, “I can
everyday and never getting sick of
advertising. I’ve always wanted to
explore this!” After I studied abroad, I
it. Every girl should have staples
start my own company so this seemed
went to Korea and talked to my parents
in her wardrobe that she can wear
like the most logical path because
and sister, who is the co-founder, about
with other items that she already
I’m fascinated by e-commerce.
it. My sister had already graduated
owns. Because these items are staple
Q: So what’s the process of getting
and is doing journalism in Korea. She
pieces, they should be really high
an idea, like the beautiful jacket
was on board, and from that point
quality and shouldn’t fall apart after
you have on now, to having the
on, the ideation phase was two weeks
three washes. Our initial product
product in your own hands?
long. I worked on building UNIFORM
line was leather jackets and t-shirts
A: The process was fairly fast. I came
all summer and during fall semester
which we made very meticulously. It
up with the idea in the summer after
before we launched in mid-October.
was a process of trying out different
my sophomore year. It was always
Q: How do you balance school, social
factories and fabrics until we found
something that I kept at the back of my
life, and now your own business?
the ones we wanted. UNIFORM
mind––not necessarily making leather
A: It was really hard at first! I also
resembles who you are, what you
jackets, but to start my own brand.
have a food Instagram with a following
can wear everyday without feeling
Why leather jackets? So I was studying
of 36,000 called City Foodie. I went
like you’re repeating outfits, and
abroad in Berlin this summer, and the
to restaurant openings all the time,
still feel amazing in it. When you
weather was so cold. I thought it was
and that in itself made me quite busy.
put on this leather jacket, you’ll still
going to be summer weather, so I didn’t
When I introduced UNIFORM, it was
look your best and feel your best.
It’s constant work, I’m constantly thinking about it, putting in the effort. Nothing about it is easy.
to give less time to someone you don’t really care about. It made me realize who I really wanted to still be close with. Q: What was the
Wear the UNIFORM 25
Q: You also have lingerie on the site!
about shopping for a new wardrobe.
assed manner, and that’s never going
A: We don’t design the lingerie. Our
Q: What are some of the biggest
to give you a good outcome. You need
long term goal for UNIFORM is for it
lessons you’ve learned so far?
to be so passionate about it to have the
to be a marketplace, not just for our
A: I’ve been very fortunate. My
willpower to keep working towards it.
own products but for other companies
parents have supported me my whole
Q: I didn’t know you were City
who don’t have a strong platform in
life, but they can only do so much
Foodie! What is your favorite place to
the U.S.. The lingerie that we have is
and everything
a French Mauritian lingerie company
else is your own
that was founded two years ago.
work. Something
Lingerie is a pretty bold move––it’s
my parents have
not something that people openly
talk about. But every girl should have
throughout my
classic bras and bralettes that they can
childhood is that you need to experience
and Sobaya is relatively affordable.
feel really good in, and they look great
hardship and hard work. Although I
For breakfast or brunch, I really like
underneath our t-shirts as well, so that
can’t say I’ve experienced hardship,
Nourish Kitchen and Table in the
makes sense. Eventually, we want to
I’ve definitely experienced hard work
West Village. It’s a very small café that
carry brands that have similar ethos
and what it means to achieve something
mainly does take out but their oatmeal
as us, the same quality, functionality,
out of your own will. UNIFORM is
is the best oatmeal I’ve ever had. I know,
and style. We are looking to expand.
like my baby and I don’t want it to die
who likes oatmeal? But for breakfast,
Q: What are your closet essentials?
out. It’s constant work, I’m constantly
it’s so good. Their menu changes
A: My leather jacket, obviously, a pair
thinking about it, putting in the
everyday and everything is super fresh.
of black jeans, sleek leather boots, a
effort. Nothing about it is easy.
My favorite dinner spots are always
pair of white sneakers, and a small bag that you can carry
Use all the resources that you have, and kind of be ruthless about it.
eat in the city? A: My go-to lunch is Sobaya on 9th Street. I’m always
Q: What would you tell someone who is interested in starting
craving soba
changing. I recently just discovered Goggan in Hell’s Kitchen. It’s an upscale
throughout the day and night.
their own company?
Korean restaurant with a French twist
Q: Do you have fashion tips
A: Use all the resources that you
and the space is so beautiful, fusing
have and be ruthless about it.
Eastern and Western design. And a
for people on a budget? A: When we started
Every connection and every
classic place that is always guaranteed
UNIFORM, we recognized
resource you have will help
to be good is Ruby’s on Mulberry Street.
that the reason people are
you in the long run. My
It’s so homey! My favorite coffee place
buying fake leather jackets
food Instagram helped me
is La Colombe. The Australian café
is because they can’t afford
a lot through people I’ve
in the West Village, Bluestone Lane,
a real one. We wanted
met through it, like public
also has really good food and coffee.
to be the company that
relations agents, event
Q: Since you’re still a student,
can provide people
planning companies, and
obviously you study a lot. Where
with affordable
food sponsors. When I
is your favorite place to study?
leather jackets. It’s
had my pop-up store back
A: I love the 6 East floor in Bobst! I’ve
all about making
in December, the turnout
tried studying in cafés, working at
fewer purchases and
was amazing. I give credit
home, and scoping out so many study
to City Foodie because we
spots. But Bobst is the most productive
investing in staple pieces that you really need. For example, you can find jeans and sneakers that are really inexpensive.
got great food and drink sponsors and an event space for free. Also, make sure that whatever you are going to
place and it’s also a bonding experience. If you have a study buddy and you guys are silently working together, it’s nice to know someone else is with you.
Leather jackets, on the other
start is something that you truly
hand, are completely timeless
love because that is honestly
G Swan Cho is a senior studying Mathematics
so you do want to invest in
the only thing that pushes you.
in the College of Arts and Science.
pieces like that. And I’m all for
If you don’t really care about it
vintage stores and selling your
and you’re not 100 percent into it,
clothes to buy new ones. There
you’re going to do things in a half-
are so many different ways to go Laura Jung in UNIFORM’s cropped moto jacket 26 Identity
ow does one “correctly” raise
once told me that “language is a gateway
next to him Joy echoes, “and they’d
an Asian American child, one who has
to other parts of the world,” and with
probably say ‘There’s a Korean-lookin’
– through blood and birth – inherited
every family gathering when a relative
girl over there.” Humour aside, they all
both Asian and American cultures and
comments “your Indonesian isn’t that
touch on a certain truth that it is not
can live harmoniously with both? I
good anymore,” and switches to English
an easy or passive task retaining their
have no idea. To be honest, not even my
to speak to me, I feel the gates creak
specific heritage in the eyes of a society
parents know, and they’ve been at it
shut on a heritage that I thought was my
that loves to clump people together.
for about twenty years now. It’s a new
own. I’m an outsider. I’m alienated. I’ve
Growing Up + Reasons Be-
trade, a skill that has been pioneered
learned from losing my mother tongue
hind Language Loss
by the first-generation immigrants
that the harshness of a language barrier
who came to America and realized that
is something that can distance a person
learned language, Joy and Kyle admit
their children were going to grow up
from a culture, and can make the dif-
that they started off a little differently.
very different from how they did.
ference between being just an observer
“Korean was technically my first lan-
While Matt fronts English as his first
Needless to say, the 2nd (and
or a participant. And I certainly don’t
guage,” Kyle says, “but then I forgot it.”
onwards) generation Asian Ameri-
want my children to feel locked out of
Kyle says, “I think my parents en-
can population is growing larger and
their heritage when their treatment in
forced speaking English. They started to
growing up. The center of the Asian
America is based on it.
speak more English around the house so
American social justice movement has
Meet Your Friendly Neighbor-
my brother Kirk and I could pick it up.”
always been me, and any other young
hood Asian Americans
To Kyle’s memory, it was because he
and rising career person bearing a
Joy Xu and Kyle Whang are both
and his twin brother were about to start
hodgepodge of conflicting cultures.
NYU students and Asian Americans
kindergarten, and their parents wanted
However, as time goes on, so does
who come from Chinese and Korean
them to be as prepared as possible. “But,
the political spotlight, and the role of
(respectively) backgrounds. Matt
the Korean died,” he adds at the end.
Santoso is a student at
While Joy did not drastically lose
Purdue comes from an
grasp of any Chinese that she learned,
Indonesian background.
she sees her issue as not being able
When asked to describe themselves, they all iden-
first place. “I learned basic Chinese
tify with their ethnicity
from my parents,” she says, “but it’s
first and foremost. Why
not like my parents are going to use
not other social identi-
advanced language to communicate
ties, such as gender or
to a child.” Joy later attended Chi-
age first? Joy says that for
nese school until 8th grade, but she
her, those things are self-
still considers her language skills as
explanatory. Outsiders can
below par and not satisfactory.
correctly view her identity Kyle Whang
to completely learn Chinese in the
Presently, all three of them use Eng-
as a girl and as a young
lish to some extent at home with their
adult just based on appear-
parents. Joy maintains a generally even
representing my parents’ language and
ances. However, as Asians Americans,
mixture of Chinese and English in her
culture will be passed down to my own
ethnicity is not self-explanatory.
household, while Kyle and Matt speak
kids and the generations that follow. To me, the importance of language is immense. A grade-school teacher READ OUR BLOG
“Other people would probably say
mainly English. “They do mix in some
when they see me, ‘There’s a Chinese-
Indonesian at times,” Matt says, “but I
lookin’ guy over there,’” Kyle says, and
basically still can’t speak any of it.”
Losing My Mother Tongue-And What I Learned From It 27
Joy Xu
States think that it is im-
all can be summarized in the handy
portant for adult immi-
Buzzfeed list, “21 Things Anyone Who
grants to learn English
Went To Chinese School Will Under-
to succeed. On the other
stand”). Above all, I thought it was a
hand, 95% of the same
waste of time to learn a language that
pool of respondents said
I couldn’t even speak with my friends,
that it is important for
and the feeling of spending my Satur-
future generations of
days staring at a character book instead
Hispanics to be able to
of being a normal playing, fun-having
speak Spanish. The ra-
American child was the worst.
tio arguably equal, and
Media and Culture
the importance of both languages is realized. Parents
“I’m definitely more familiar with American cultural trends,” Joy says,
From one ethnic group surviving in
“I know how to interact with white
Dr. Aneta Pavlenko at Temple Uni-
America to another, it can be supposed
people, I know more about American
versity says, the difficulties in recall-
that the mentality of Asian Americans
pop culture and news than that of
ing your first language are greater the
is similar.
China.” Many Asian Americans invest
more immersed you are in a second
Direct Peers
into getting immersed into American
language. Cognitive resources are
“When I was little I was embar-
culture, and do so genuinely. However,
simply limited. In America, where the
rassed when I brought Asian food to
the content of American culture is not
primary language everyone speaks is
lunch,” Joy admits, “because it smells.
always as friendly to Asian Americans.
English, there is pressure for immi-
I also wanted my parents to speak Eng-
Asian Americans don’t get much
grant children to speak mainly English
lish, I wanted to act more American, I
fair representation in media or enter-
to integrate into their communities.
just wanted to fit in.” There weren’t a lot
tainment -- things that play a big part
Interestingly in Kyle’s childhood, it
of Asians in her school, and the friends
in defining the way we think. We’re
was the parents who stressed the use
that she made were of different eth-
not the poster girls for Miss America,
of English. In their case, perhaps they
nicities and cultural backgrounds. She
we’re not the protagonists of major
were concerned about school and mak-
recalls a moment of cultural shock she
movies, nor do we get the impres-
ing sure that their children wouldn’t
experienced during a visit to a friend’s
sion that America will ever see us for
be left behind academically or socially
house, and the friend’s mother put on a
more than a group of exotic, dragon
by any sort of deficiency in English.
Backstreet Boys song so the girls could
people or dangerous, rice-eating,
However, deriving from Dr. Pavlenko’s
not only listen to it, but dance to it.
qipao-wearing, kung-fu ninjas who are
knowledge, it increases the risk that the child will forget their mother tongue.
This feeling is one that many others have also felt. Many of the international
I also wanted my parents to speak English, I wanted to act more American, I just wanted to fit in.
friends that I have made at
also good at math (hey society, this is a little bit much to expect from us). As community-craving and soul-
my high school and college
searching children and adolescents
in Boston and New York
in America, how do we see value in
have admitted to me how
investing more time trying to revive
challenging it is to make
the parts of our heritage if all the media
new friends and This highlights a question on what
find community. In the state
is more important: the voice of profes-
of vulnerability that simply
sionalism that points out that knowing
comes with being young or
English in America will ultimately
being in a new country, no one
assist a person in doing business,
wants to be an alien- left out
protecting themselves from fraud, and
because of their differences.
reaching beyond their ethnic communi-
There is a reason why I
ties? Or the voice of cultural pride? Ac-
hated going to Chinese school to
cording to a recent Pew Research Center
learn Chinese (actually, there
study, 87% of Latinos in the United
were many reasons, and they Matt Santoso
28 Identity
we consume constantly tell us that it’s more glamorous to be someone else?
tage, values and cultural identities.”
and a drive to adapt and survive. The
My father personally wishes to
factors that cause it are strong and
up, instead of being ashamed, I saw that
maintain family and cultural heri-
imbedded within society -- stereo-
white people were judging me for my
tage, and acknowledges that language
types take a long time to change and
culture so I in turn judged them back,”
retention with my brother and I may
the desire to belong and be accepted
Joy adds, crossing her arms in mock
not be possible. All in all,
rage but real frustration. She continues,
he recognizes that what’s
“this stems from the fact that there are a
most important in raising
lot of stereotypes about my culture that
his kids is “a good balance of
really rub me the wrong way.”
cultures and a strong family
The Next Hurdle: Pass-
environment.” But, he adds,
ing Down the Language
“language should still be important to
But we’re not oblivious. “As I grew
Food and cultural mentality play a bigger role in defining an Asian American than the language. in a community is only human.
Asian Americans. We live in a global
Even though Joy wants to keep
able to part from the insecurities of
era where communication and inter-
language in her family household, she
her younger self and fully embrace the
national languages add to success.”
ultimately believes that “even without
It is only in hindsight that Joy was
two parts of her identity: one being
“I want my kids to grow up exactly
language we don’t lose all of our heri-
Asian, the other being an American.
like me.” Joy knows that for her to
tage, because food and cultural mental-
Joy, Kyle, and Matt all desire to learn
emulate her own childhood to impress
ity play a bigger role in truly defining
how to speak their parents’ tongues
onto her own kids, she needs to be on
an Asian American than the language.”
better -- whether it be through watch-
the level of her parents, culturally. That
However, from a point of view that
ing more television dramas in that
can always be worked on and improved.
transcends nationality, a mother
language, tapping into international
More than anything, Joy is alike to my
tongue is a simply a great asset that
communities in college, or simply just
father in that she sees the true value in
can help you in your career, in travel,
talking more with their parents.
being Asian in America as being able
and in saving yourself from tense
Even though they admit that, “no, I
to take cultural values from both sides.
extended-family conversations. So, all
don’t think my heritage language would
“American culture is too individualistic,
in all, the answer remains, “kinda.”
make a difference in my professional
and Asian culture is too group-oriented
life,” it would be for the sake of com-
and focused on academic achieve-
parts of the world, and I don’t want
municating with their parents, and per-
ment,” she explains to me. “I think our
my children to feel locked out of their
haps passing down the language to their
Asian American generation has a good
heritage. However, I have also come to
own kids. “Ideally speaking,” Kyle mus-
mentality of both caring for the group
the realization that we are not carbon-
es, “my kids would be straight up bilin-
but also caring for yourself and building
copies of our parents, and that being
gual.” However, when it comes to how
the individual.” That’s very healthy,
both Asian and and American gives
they are going to accomplish that, they
she tells me, and I’m convinced. Matt
our demographic a combination with
face the task with a little uncertainty.
establishes his stand at a far end of the
which we can form our own culture;
I think language is a gateway to other
Irwan Halim is an accomplished
spectrum: “I just want my kids to live
our own environment of a cross-asian
Asian American man in his fifties. He
comfortably and get good educations
cultural blend. For example: K-Pop,
is also my father, and rooted his family
and hopefully have fit and athletic
bubble tea, artists and creators such as
in a suburb outside of Boston when I
Arden Cho and Wong Fu Productions.
was two years old. He and my mother
The Big Picture: The Future
came from Indonesia. “Maintaining
Of Asian American Culture
The gates to other cultures and other parts of the world will still stand, but
So is language, in fact, unimport-
even if they close on Asian Americans,
was not a strongly considered topic
ant? What I learned is that the answer
things will be okay. We have our own
when coming to America,” he admits,
is: “kinda.” It really depends. Language
culture and can build our own heritage,
“raising kids here has a lot of challenges
attrition is a phenomenon that occurs
and if we ever want to open those gates,
in trying to maintain our own heri-
naturally with changing environments
we just have to re-learn how to again. G
heritage, more specifically, language,
1 2
Chris is a sophomore studying economics in the College of Arts and Science.
Losing My Mother Tongue-And What I Learned From It 29
By Tatiana Hollander-Ho
VILLAIN Alectrona.
Goddess of the Sun, Morning and Waking Up. As a whole, these pieces are symbolic of female power and control. I wanted to create art in opposition to the control often imposed on women, as evident in the lack of female superheroes and leading roles in television and film. The Hero, Mazu, has the ability to direct water with merely the flick of her wrist. The use of water, an element typically viewed as serene and tranquil, parallels a stereotypical expectation towards women, as water’s power to destroy and decimate entire civilizations is ignored. The Villain, Alectrona, has the strength of electricity and light. The use of electricity is representative of a quality often criticized in women but justified in men: the desire for power and domination.
HERO Mazu.
Goddess of Water and Protector of Seafarers.
30 Art
What is photography to me?
Who I am,
And seconds later,
Who I was.
By Tatiana Hollander-Ho Tatiana is a sophomore studying Media, Culture, and Communication. READ OUR BLOG
(Monochromatic) Self-Portraiture 31
Disclaimer: The following paper seeks to unite historical social and political events in Taiwan with statistical data. It tackles a subject matter that is colorful,
and yet controversial. The author of this paper endorses no political viewpoint whatsoever through this article.
he results of Taiwan’s most recent presidential elec-
historically favored closer relationships with China, and the
tion this January thrust the country into the global spotlight
Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), which formed in 1986
for the first time in many years. While the victory of Tsai
to oppose the politically dominant KMT. The DPP struggled
Ying-wen may have surprised onlookers, it came as little
at first - no candidate won a bid for president until Chen
surprise to the island of a little over 23 million inhabitants.
Shui-bian’s victory in 2000. As a result of this history, the
Visit Taiwan today, and you’ll witness a country that appears
government of Taiwan can be quite bipartisan on crucial
as peaceful and lively as ever. But the friendly, easygoing
national issues. Despite the threat of a military takeover from
nature of life on the island belies a complicated history.
China, the people of Taiwan have made their choice clear in
the decisive elections of January 2016 for a political party and
Taiwan has been in an awkward and unique
predicament ever since 1971 - when Taiwan lost the recog-
a presidential candidate that are willing to represent their
nition of the United Nations as a member country. China
concerns. The DPP presidential candidate Tsai Ying-wen
insists that the United Nations recognizes itself as the sole Chinese power in the world. As a result, Taiwan operates
under de facto independence, which means “independence
in effect or in actual existence, whether by right or not.” As a result, the government of Taiwan can be dismissed as il-
legitimate by law, which makes the independence especially vulnerable at times for its citizens and governing body.
Currently, Taiwan’s public and politicians need to
make some tough calls on how to proceed into the future, given the actions of the Chinese president Xi Jinping - who has “engineered a dramatic centralization of power since taking office in 2013 and shown a firmly nationalist ap-
In 2014, the survey conducted by the Election Study Center displayed a shocking result: 60.4 % of respondents identified themselves as Taiwanese, 32.7% identified as both, and only 3.5% identified themselves as Chinese. Just days ago on March 14, 2016, an online poll by United Daily News (UDN) revealed that amongst responders, 73% self-identified as Taiwanese, and only 11% identified as Chinese.
proach to issues of sovereignty, including in the South China Sea”.4 China has made its stance on Taiwan sovereignty
won the presidential election by a massive margin over her
clear in the past. The Taiwanese people are told that to as-
KMT rival. Furthermore, the results of the Legislative Yuan
sert Taiwan’s independence is to be a warmonger, as there
(Parliament) elections revealed that the KMT had lost their
is only one China, and China is willing to retake control of
majority for the first time in history.9 This indicates that the
Taiwan by force - if necessary. This makes them especially
Taiwanese public have lost much of their trust in the KMT in
uneasy as they have already observed Xi’s efficiency and
the past 8 years when president Ma Ying-jeou was in office.
hardline attitude towards the “Taiwan problem.” He has
already remarked that he would like to resolve the issue in
flower Movement.6 In March 2014, the KMT party leader,
2016.12 If China does succeed in reclaiming Taiwan as a ter-
president Ma Ying-jeou attempted to ratify the Cross-Strait
ritory, what will become of the snack foods, night markets
Service Trade Agreement (CSSTA) with the help of the
and endless quirks that embody life in Taiwan? What will
KMT-controlled Legislative Yuan, but without a public
become of Taiwan’s valued status as a sovereign nation?
clause-by-clause review of the agreement. The agreement
was meant to lift trade restrictions on China and Taiwan and
This unspoken question, among many others, was
To discover why, it is best to look at the Sun-
at the heart of the most recent election. Two main political
open up 80 of China’s market segments as well as liberalise
parties exist in Taiwan - the Kuomintang (KMT), which has
64 industries in Taiwan. Proponents in both nations argued
Buckley, Chris, and Austin Ramzy. “Singer’s Apology for Waving Taiwan Flag Stirs Backlash of Its Own.” The New York Times. The New York Times, 16 Jan. 2016. Web. 20 Mar. 2016.
Cole, J. Michael. “Explaining the Rise in Taiwanese Identification.” Thinking Taiwan. Thinking Taiwan, 17 Mar. 2016. Web. 21 Mar. 2016.
Cole, J. Michael. “The Powers That Be and the ‘R’ Word in Taiwan.” Thinking Taiwan. Thinking Taiwan, 02 Aug. 2015. Web. 07 Mar. 2016.
Denyer, Simon. “Opposition Leader’s Landslide Win in Taiwan Puts Onus on China to Respond.” Washington Post. The Washington Post, 17 Jan. 2016. Web. 14 Mar. 2016. 32 Identity
that the agreement would benefit Taiwan’s economy and
citing mainstream public opinion as the rationale. The DPP
raise the country’s GDP. However, the Taiwanese pub-
proposal was rejected by the KMT. In the past, Taiwanese
lic grew increasingly concerned when they realized that
had viewed the DPP with skepticism. This is largely due to
while some industries would benefit, the vast majority of
the corruption of Chen Shui-bian’s administration, as well
the Taiwanese workforce would suffer. They interpreted
as his inability to pass legislation opposing the KMT dur-
the government’s desire to quickly pass the agreement,
ing his tenure as president, since the KMT held a majority
denouncing the lack of transparency as democratic. This
in the Legislative Yuan at the time. However, now the public
became known and derided as “black box” government. Artistic rendition the CSSTA by artist ETBlue. Source: ETBlue
have significantly warmed to the DPP after it has shown its
willingness to support issues important not just to the public,
but to young Taiwanese as well. One example is the August 2015 occupation of the Ministry of Education by students who opposed the Ministry broadly changing the curriculum on the basis of new guidelines for school textbooks.10 The KMT certainly anticipated early on heavy losses on the election day, but it was hardly prepared for utter rejection by the Taiwanese people.
Of course, there were several key factors in Tsai’s
victory, including the Chou Tzu-yu incident just days before the general election.1 Chou, a 16 year old Taiwanese girl, is a member of the K-Pop group Twice. She unwittingly angered the Chinese public after a photo of her holding a Korean flag and a Taiwanese flag on a South Korean television show was publicized, and consequently interpreted as Chou having pro-Taiwan independence leanings. The uproar caused her South
This anti-government sentiment culminated in the
Korean management company to hastily post a video of
Sunflower Movement, in which roughly 500,000 Taiwan-
Chou apologizing, despite having done nothing wrong in
ese participated in a sit-in protest at the Legislative Yuan
the eyes of the Taiwanese. The incident fully affirmed the
grounds. The slogans of the movement - “Defend Taiwan,”
fears of those who saw China as a country that wants to
“Chinese Party Buys Taiwan Legislature,” “Economic Prosper-
suppress and even invalidate their national spirit. It struck
ity is Not All” - highlighted what the protesters found unjust
a raw nerve in all, and was no doubt in the minds of the vot-
about the KMT government. Their demands were clear - a
ers when they went to cast their ballots on election day.
public clause-by-clause review of the CSSTA. As many of the
protesters were students, the government was quick to dis-
quite strong in the people of Taiwan for a while. More so
miss them as irrational and immature, equating their protests
than ever, there is now a sense that things have to change -
However, anti-establishment sentiment has been
with anti-globalization. Parents apologized for their chil-
quickly. The population has grown much more distrustful
dren’s actions, and seemed to be ashamed of them for caus-
of the KMT, which was synonymous with the status quo for
ing a fuss. And yet at the root of the students’ stance was a
so long. The KMT embodies another status quo as well - they
message that resonated with all Taiwanese - the position that
insist on maintaining the current relationship between China
Taiwan could not be bought with Chinese money, that Taiwan
and Taiwan. The issue is that many see that maintaining the
was not for sale. What struck me most was how the activists
current relationship will inevitably lead to reunification.
stressed the need to defend and recognize Taiwan’s separate
What the KMT lacks to recognize is that times have changed,
identity.7 They saw a disconnect between how they viewed
and that maintaining this status quo has become increasingly
their own country and how the KMT intended to treat it.
unacceptable to some. To determine when this mental shift
of the Taiwanese public began, examining surveys show that
The DPP supported the demands of the activists and
sought the cooperation of the KMT in reviewing the CSSTA,
this political upset was actually several years in the making.
ETtoday 政治中心. “聯合報民調:73%自認台灣人創新高 僅11%自覺是中國人 | ETtoday 東森新聞雲.” ETtoday 東森新聞雲. ETtoday 東森新聞雲, 14 Mar. 2016. Web. 21 Mar. 2016.
Hioe, Brian. “Beyond The Sunflower Movement: Present Issues for Future Taiwanese Activism.” Thinking Taiwan. Thinking Taiwan, 15 May 2014. Web. 19 Mar. 2016.
Sui, Cindy. “Will the Sunflower Movement Change Taiwan? - BBC News.”BBC News. BBC News, 19 Apr. 2015. Web. 20 Mar. 2016.
“Taiwanese / Chinese Identification Trend Distribution in Taiwan(1992/06~2015/06).” Election Study Center: National Chengchi University. Election Study Center: National Chengchi University, 9 July 2014. Web. 28 Feb. 2016. READ OUR BLOG
An Exploration of Taiwanese Identity 33
and only 3.5% identified themselves as Chinese.8 This result instantly sparked a conversation that continues today. Just days ago on March 14th, an online poll by United Daily News (UDN) revealed that amongst responders, 73% self-identified as Taiwanese, and only 11% identified as Chinese.5 How did we get to this point, and what does it hold for Taiwan’s future?
The truth is that there now exists
a stark generational gap within Taiwan society.6 In the UDN poll, roughly 85% of individuals aged 20-29 identified as Taiwanese. Young people who have identified their families as Taiwanese for generations are much less willing to swallow the status quo that the KMT advocates. This may be why Xi has stressed fixing the Taiwan problem quickly - with each subsequent generaElection Study Center, N.C.C.U., important political attitude trend distribution
tion, that sentiment is much more difficult to quell. J. Michael Cole, the senior editor of Thinking Taiwan,
It is possible to speak about Taiwanese identity in a
has a theory about why this is - “it is important to point out
number of contexts, be they national, cultural, or political.
that the only system that respondents in the 20-29 age cat-
Identity for our purposes will be defined by the criteria that
egory have known is liberal democracy, which cannot be dis-
the researchers from the Election Study Center at National
sociated from the definition of what it means to be a Taiwan-
Chengchi University used while conducting their telephone
ese.”2 They view the Chinese government as authorianism,
surveys, which they have conducted annually since 1992.
and see in China today all that they do not wish to become.
Researchers ask the participants what they self-identify as,
Taiwanese people love their dialect, the traditional Chinese
and record their responses as Taiwanese, Chinese, both, or no
text, as well as their open internet. They especially cherish
response. It is not uncommon for Taiwanese people to admit
their right to mock and speak out against their government.
to a Chinese nationality because of ancestors from or family
They have no desire to be a part of the globally dominant na-
in the mainland. Certainly there are historical and cultural
tion China is set on becoming, being much more comfortable
ties between Taiwan and China that are difficult to sever.
with their own status as a small power. Despite all that Beijing
And yet as soon as an individual begins to live in Taiwan,
has done in order to “win the hearts and minds” of the Tai-
a new identity begins to form. More often than not, people
wanese people in the hopes for eventual reunification, these
find themselves falling in love with their adopted country.
results show that their efforts have backfired, as the Chinese
This was poignantly demonstrated by the 2015 documen-
and Taiwanese people have existed separately for too long for
tary Wansei Back Home, in which Japanese born in Taiwan
their identities to be easily reconciled. This is encapsulated
during the Japanese occupation fondly remember life on the
in what many Taiwanese admit and some defiantly say: “We
island. Years later, many still self-identify as Taiwanese, not
will never be able to call ourselves Chinese.” Together, their
Japanese.11 The Taiwanese identity is self-recognized when
voices cannot be ignored. Perhaps reconciling the divergent
people begin to describe themselves as 台灣人 (Taiwanese).
personalities of the two countries is simply out of Beijing’s
reach. Maybe this will help them see that not everything
In 2014, shortly prior to the Sunflower Move-
ment, the survey conducted by the Election Study Center
can be accomplished with influence, money or coercion.
displayed a shocking result: 60.4 % of respondents identified themselves as Taiwanese, 32.7% identified as both, 9.
Kim is a senior studying Biochemistry in the College of Arts and Sciences.
Tiezzi, Shannon. “It’s Official: DPP’s Tsai Ing-wen Is Taiwan’s Next President.” The Diplomat. The Diplomat, 16 Jan. 2016. Web. 18 Mar. 2016.
10. Yeh, Ricky. “Why the High School Student Movement Received So Much Attention.” Thinking Taiwan. Thinking Taiwan, 12 Aug. 2015. Web. 18 Mar. 2016. 11. Yoshifumi, Katakura. “The Wansei: History’s Castaways Look Homeward to Taiwan.”, 15 Feb. 2016. Web. 20 Mar. 2016. 12. 樊冬宁. “海峡论谈:习近平“决战2016”一举解决台湾问题?” 美国之音. VOA Chinese, 20 Apr. 2015. Web. 06 Mar. 2016. 34 Identity
Photography by Tatiana Hollander-Ho
ometimes when I look in the
man. Growing up in a white town with
before, so I let those feelings remain
mirror, my eyes flicker back and forth
white friends, I was always defined
inside and didn’t think twice.
to stare at each other. They look at my
by what made me different. To them, I
left eye, lingering at the fold above my
was Asian; or at least something other
City for college, I came to know more
eyelashes, before doing the same for
than white. A few months ago I was
and more half-Asians and mixed race
the right eye. On most days, the crease
in Japan with my roommate, who is
individuals. With more half-Asians who
of my left eye is more pronounced
100% Japanese. I asked her if I stick
could share my experience, I no longer
than the crease on my right. As the
out there. She laughed and said, “Oh
felt like I was floating alone on my
second graders in my class might say,
yeah, you’re basically white.” I don’t
island of one. Suddenly, my island be-
my right eye is more “Asian” than my
blend in with the white kids, yet I also
came more like an archipelago, however
left eye. I used to stare intently at my
stick out with the Asian kids. I feel
small and spread apart it might be. The
right eye, rubbing my finger in the
trapped in between these two groups
ability to have a community to identify
crease to make it look more prominent;
in my own unidentified community, an
with is invaluable, and although the
to make my face look symmetrical, at
island of one floating listlessly without
half-white half-Asian population of
the very least. My eyes are large and
a place to stick. In all my years before
the U.S has risen by 87% in the past
light brown, my hair is thick and dark,
college I had one friend who was also
ten years, it is still felt to be an identity
but not black. My nose is wide and
half-Asian. Before having her to share
defined by parts and halves rather than
my skin is a shade between olive and
and validate my experiences, I left my
wholes.1 By being “in between,” we are,
peach. My face is like my identity, a
conflicting identity and inner turmoil
by the same logic, “not quite.” We don’t
bit ambiguous and hard to pin down;
unexamined. No one else had ever
fit easily into any box; we aren’t quite
it’s something that lies in between.
been able to truly empathize with my
white, we aren’t quite Asian, yet we
feelings about being an “in-betweener”
still exist wholly as a blend of the two.
I’m 50% Japanese and 50% Ger-
When I finally came to New York
1 “Multiracial in America,” PewResearch Center,, (June 11, 2015).
The Inbetweeners: Being Half White, Half Asian in America 35
I asked some of my half-Asian
with the side I resemble most physi-
me with.
friends for their own reflections on
cally, my Indian side, mostly because
What box do you check?
their experiences being mixed race.
it’s easier. It’s easier for other people
White? Asian? Other?
I hope that our stories can provide a
to recognize me as Indian because my
glimpse into the lives and feelings of
skin is brown and it sort of “clicks” for
felt like checking both Asian (or In-
some Asian “inbetweeners”, and that
strangers. I’ve found that if I try to
dian if it’s a separate option) and White
you get to know more about a small yet
identify strongly with the white side of
if the form allows for me to choose
growing generation defined by their
my family, I’m met either with skepti-
two options, but in the end it doesn’t
perpetual ambiguity. Better yet, I hope
cism or rejection from my peers. It seems
feel like it correctly encompasses my
that any other halfers or inbetweeners
to be difficult for people to reconcile the
identity. I’m not Asian AND White,
can read this and possibly feel validated
idea that I can look different from the
I’m a mix of the two, which person-
or comforted by the fact that there are
norm of a culture, but still belong to it.
ally I find to be a whole different cat-
people who can understand.
It seems to be difficult for people to reconcile the idea that I can look different from the norm of a culture, but still belong to it. What Are You? Anita Raja: I identify myself as half Indian and half Finnish, and only recently have started referring
Grace Rogers: I am half-Asian and half-white, but if I’m pressed for specificity I’d say 25% Korean 25% Chinese and 50% Irish. In terms of how I see my
Anita Raja: I check other. I’ve often
egory with different experiences.
We don’t fit perfectly into any box.
identity, I relate mostly to the “mixed” label. I don’t strongly identify with either
Grace Rogers: If I’m allowed to pick
side. I think how one looks, changes how
both I will, but if not I usually pick other.
one identifies and I don’t look like either;
Actually, on the Common Application
people have told me I’m very ambiguous.
for applying to college there is no“other,”
Olivia Sulkowicz: I am mixed
and you’re not allowed to choose more
race, but to get specific I am Chi-
than one. I actually had to pick one or
nese, Japanese, Polish, and Jewish.
the other. It was crazy because your
The side I identify most with usually
college application is not a trivial thing,
to myself as mixed race. When people
depends on the people I’m with. In general
and so this was a huge dilemma. In the
ask me I usually just say I’m mixed,
I’m more likely to gravitate toward the
end I chose to pick the “White” box.
or just tell them my background.
Asian side because that’s how I’m typi-
I think I definitely identify more
36 Identity
cally perceived and what people associate
I think it was the only time I was asked to choose one or the other and
Photography by Tatiana Hollander-Ho
have it affect my life. It was honestly
I by no means feel like a white person. I
about me, and gives me a window or entry
the weirdest feeling ever, and I felt it
think it’s a super weird in-between no
point into two cultures. I would be more
didn’t truly reflect me. I never had to
matter what it is, it’s a kind of limbo.
comfortable than my white friends in an
say that I was a white person before, it just felt wrong. I’m none of the above! Olivia Sulkowicz: I would check
Olivia Sulkowicz: I remember in
Asian community, and I don’t think I stick
high school there was a very defined
out dramatically in white communities.
“white girl” group and “Asian girl” group,
Final Words
white and Asian. If I had to choose
and I had trouble figuring out which
one, I would choose “Asian”.
group I should fit into. Neither felt truly
is from Brazil, one time spoke to me
What are the struggles or chal-
Anita Raja: My boss at work, who
comfortable, and I was either an outsider
in Spanish, and I just stared at him
lenges you’ve experienced being
in the white group or not on the same
blankly. He then asked me if I spoke
multi-racial/racially ambiguous?
“level” as everyone in the Asian group. I
Spanish, and when I told him no, he
was in between the cliques. I also think
said,“Your name is Anita, you look like
fair share of identity crises where I
that society loves exotic things. But liking
that, and you don’t speak Spanish?!” I
couldn’t figure out which side of the
something because it’s new and exotic is
had to very gently explain to him that
family I belonged to, and if I even had a
dehumanizing, and now the new, “excit-
I was mixed and didn’t have a lick of
right to call myself Indian or Finnish. It
ing” thing is being racially ambiguous.
Latin blood in me. Just something funny
can be hard to find a community through
Do you like being mixed race?
that happens a lot. When people see me
Anita Raja: I’ve definitely had my
I sometimes feel undeserving of saying I’m a Woman of Color.
Anita Raja: The biggest advantage
as a vaguely brown person, they try to
is having access to cultures and views
fit me into a box and usually go with
that people who aren’t mixed just won’t
Mexican or South American. I usu-
ever get. From my parents alone I get a
ally find it pretty amusing because it
unique perspective on society, moral-
couldn’t be further from the truth.
outside resources or even within my
ity, what holds value in life, and even
Grace Roger: People view me as
own family. My university has count-
mundane things like music and speech
just a watered down Asian, but I’m just
less associations for Black students,
patterns. In the end, I love being mixed.
as much Irish as I am Asian -- They see
Taiwanese students, Chinese students,
People will often have to outright ask
just a “white-washed” Asian. There’s
Indian students- the list goes on. I at
me about my background, which forces
a feeling of being othered, but at the
times envy that easy access community
them to get to know a part of me before
same time you’re a chameleon.
that I don’t feel like I can join, because I
making any judgements based on race. It’s
can’t always fully identify with it. Also
a very unique identity to have that does
ing like a woman of color to another
sometimes it just plain old sucks to not
come with its own set of struggles and
feeling like a basic white girl.
feel like you can connect even with your
issues, but is worth it in the end for me.
own parents. My mom and dad do their
Grace Rogers: What’s nice about
You move from one room feel-
I think parents are interesting to think about. Looking like your parent or not
best to make me feel like I am equal parts
being racially ambiguous is that when
looking like your parent, and how that
Finnish and Indian, but since neither
people look at me, they can’t automati-
influences which parent we identify with
of them are mixed, it becomes hard to
cally identify me or form opinions about
more. Also, coloring is huge. If you’re half
discuss the struggles with being mixed.
me. And although we’d like to think
but have light features people will prob-
Grace Rogers: I truly do not have a
otherwise, people have preconceived
ably associate you with white more easily.
culture that I can rally around. I feel so
notions about race. I think I’m lucky in
far from both of my heritages, and I just
that, when people look at me, I don’t think
existence, and think part of it is be-
don’t identify with any culture. It’s like
they have those preconceived notions.
cause you go through life being con-
feeling lost, and that scares me. I feel like
Another thing I’ve found is that I feel
I don’t have a stake in any identity, and
like I can have a stake in conversations
I have no passionate alliance cultur-
about both women of color and about
ally or ethnically. I partly chose to check
white privilege. I’m half in and half out
“white” on the Common App because I
of both conversations and identities.
sometimes feel undeserving of saying I’m a Woman of Color, but at the same time,
Olivia Sulkowicz: First of all, I do like being mixed race! It’s a unique thing
Olivia Sulkowicz: It’s an odd
stantly questioned about who you are. These responses were edited and condensed.
Anna is a first year studying multimedia communications, psychology, and social justice at Gallatin.
The Inbetweeners: Being Half White, Half Asian in America 37
By Ziying Zhou
Attending university in Manhattan entails a busy existence. The harried nature of city life can often heighten the stress of a student’s day-today activities. In the midst of it all, I find it easy to lose sight of myself. At this point, it’s necessary to take a break and go somewhere where I can just slow down and breathe. These images depict a desert where bare land and sky are the only things visible for miles. The city is a bustling jungle and sometimes getting lost in the emptiness of a desert is necessary to finding yourself again. Ziyang Zhou is a first year student studying nursing.
38 Art
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