Becoming Free...Again Written by Justin Gaynor It seems that in my life I go through cycles of being debt-free ,and then having outstanding loans. I always feel the sense of freedom that I have when I don’t owe anyone anything (except, of course, a mutual sense of love). In my life, it’s been similar to sticking with a health regimen. There have been seasons were I would be at the gym with one of my Brothers at 6am, get a solid workout in five days a week, eat healthy, do physically challenging things...and I felt great. I was in good physical health. Then there have been other times when I have gotten to be overweight, felt lethargic most days, and really didn’t want to be bothered. Now, in our nation, it has become ridiculously common to be overweight and in debt. Something really grabbed my attention though. It was the Scripture that says, “The borrower is slave to the lender.” I was instantly repulsed by the idea of being a slave to anyone. Yet, my mindset and behaviors indicated that I obviously didn’t mind that much. So, as I am getting older, I’m 42 now, my body is slowing down, my metabolism isn’t what it used to be and it is requiring that I be far more intentional about stewarding this body. The same is true of my personal finances. My retirement years are closer now than they have ever been. For me, I went through an unexpected divorce (they should all be unexpected)that reset me to zero in my early 30’s. So, having everything I worked for up till that point wiped away, 10