Gentleman's Purpose - January 2022 Edition

Page 1

7 Things to Grow Spiritually in 2022, Page 10 Ode to the Potluck, Page 38


Ringing in the New Year, Page 22


Page 54

Get to Know Daytona Beach Classic Rock Local Legends, “The Wildcard Band”, Page 46

January 2022

Gentleman’s Purpose Articles

eMagazine Publisher General Media Consulting Co. Editor in Chief J.N.Gaynor General Media Consulting Co. 824 Lake Ave. #327 Lake Worth, FL 33460 1-800-484-9825

In order to submit an article for publication in Gentleman’s Purpose eMagazine, please contact our Editor-In-Chief, Justin N. Gaynor, at: All authors that contribute to Gentleman’s Purpose eMagazine are funded through “crowd funding”. So when you send your article in, if you include a hyperlink to your PayPal account, we will include a “crowd funding” link with your published article. You will not be considered an employee or an independent contractor of General Media Consulting since all payments for your content will come to you directly from the “crowd” you will be solely responsible for any tax implications for that income. Advertising in Gentleman’s Purpose Advertising in Gentleman’s Purpose eMagazine has some significant advantages over advertising in traditional print magazines, call today to discuss your advertising needs 1-800-484-9825. Current ad rates are: 1/4 Page Ad - $50 Per Edition 1/2 Page Ad - $99 Per Edition Full Page Ad - $299 Per Edition 2-Page Spread - $499 Per Edition




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7 Things to Grow Spiritually in 2022 Written by Justin Gaynor

Well Gentlemen, here we are starting another year. We’ve got a couple years under our belt and we have made progress. Some perhaps more than others. As we look to the future, we have an opportunity to ask ourselves the two questions, “What do I do?” and “Who am I becoming?” Our vocation, or calling, is important to know so that we are aware of what sort of problems we can help the world solve, and what kind of value we bring to bear upon it. The vision we have for our lives is vital as well. The Scriptures teach that without vision , a people will perish. So, we must have an idea of where we are headed. In this article, I want to focus on a Greek word the Apostle Paul uses regarding those who are “In Christ”. He says that people who are part of the “2nd Adam”, the New Creation, are becoming “pneumatikoi” which means “Spirit-Driven People”. The first Adam became a living being, but the second Adam became a life-giving spirit. What does it mean to grow as a life-giving spirit? 1) To grow as a life-giving Spirit, you must first be born-again. Born of water and Spirit. This is in accordance with the teaching of Jesus of Nazareth. Being born of water begins with repenting of your sins. I think the best way to approach this is to schedule a series of sessions with a local pastor or a mature believer and to begin praying that the Holy Spirit would reveal those areas of your life where there is sin, brokenness, and wounds from others. For me, this was about 3 or 4 sessions, between an hour to 3 hours each. Starting with as young an age as you can, simply walk through your story. When you come to a place where you may want to invite Christ to bring healing, do so, if there is something that needs forgiving, simply ask. There may need to be some homework. Conversations you may need to have with certain people, etc. Just allow the Holy Spirit to guide and prompt the sessions. 10

2) Once you go through this process, if you haven’t already, request that the minister baptize you in water. You and your minister may choose to fast for a period before the baptism, one to three days is typical. It is best to be baptized in living water: a cold stream or river. If that is not reasonably available, it is ok to be baptized in still water: a lake, sea, or baptismal pool. Still, if those options are not reasonably available, have the minister pour cold water upon your head three times, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. The one who has been baptized into Christ, has put on Christ. If baptism is something you have already received at one point in your life, there is no need to do it again. However, you may want to remember your baptism and say a prayer of re-dedication with your minister there as witness and to say the Amen with you. 3) Now that you have been born of water, you will want to seek the gift that the Father has promised, the Holy Spirit. You may ask your minister if he would be willing to lay hands on you and pray for this. You may also gather with a group and spend some time in prayer and worship. A congregation I used to worship with, Calvary Chapel Boynton Beach, had what they called 7 Days of Praise. They organized a week of prayer and worship meetings at 7am and 7 pm each day for 7 days, then on the final evening they would have a huge celebration and worship event. After a week like that it is good to have the elders lay hands on those like yourself who are seeking spiritual growth and empowerment. 4) As N.T. Wright, former Bishop of Durham says, “It’s wonderful to be born again, but then you must get on with the business of living.” The early church devoted themselves to four things in their common life together. The first of which is Apostolic teaching. Each book or letter in the New Testament has been authored by one that has been sent out by Christ for the purpose of teaching “The Way.” There are many approaches to this. First, gathering with the family of God for the purpose of hearing the Word should become something you hunger for regularly. There are Bible studies, worship services, and mass being held in pretty much every town and city in America. If you can’t find one, don’t hesitate to start one. 11

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There are also a host of online options these days. If you can read Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic it is best to read the Scriptures in their original languages, but if, as with most, you aren’t skilled to do that, get an accurate translation of the Scriptures. I recommend the New American Standard Bible (NASB) or the New King James Version (NKJV). You should soak yourself in the Scriptures this year, filling your spiritual house that has just been thoroughly cleaned with good things. There are many bible reading plans that will lead you through the entire Old Testament and New Testament in a year. I strongly encourage this for all. 5) The second thing the early church (that word, church, Ekklesia, means “Called Out Ones”) devoted themselves to something called “Koinonia”, it is often translated fellowship. Now, this may stir up images of big dining halls with potluck meals and what not, but it is far more than that. It is embracing, together, the oneness that the Jewish people saw in God as they prayed the Shema 3 times daily, and that Jesus asked the Father that we as His Body would experience. It is multidimensional, powerful and empowering, and one of the best ways to grow spiritually. It may start as something as simple as attending a few of those potlucks, but it will become much more when the Holy Spirit is invited into it. 6) Next, speaking of potlucks, the early church devoted themselves to breaking bread together. Yes, this includes large family meals shared in joy and the Holy Spirit. However, it supremely focuses on the Holy Eucharist (Communion). This is the simple meal of Bread and Wine that Jesus shared with His students before His betrayal and crucifixion. It is the meal that Melchizedek shared with Abraham thousands of years earlier, and a meal that the family of God has reverently shared in for thousands of years since our Lord was crucified and raised from the dead. It is one of the supreme mysteries of the faith. I couldn’t tell you how it works specifically, but you will know when you know. He will be revealed to you in that meal.


7) The final of the four things that the early Church devoted themselves to is prayer. It may seem boring to some, but as with the other mysteries of the faith, communicating with God on this level is what true spirituality is all about. A face-to-face conversation with God, walking in the Spirit in such a way that your inward man is constantly in two-way conversation with God. There are all kinds of conversations to be had with God. A good place to start learning more about prayer is to spend time singing, praying, reading, and meditating on the Psalms in the Bible, perhaps choose a few that you engage with regularly. Consider the backstories, what King David was going through when he penned a specific prayer. Psalm 110 for instance, is the most quoted Psalm in the whole New Testament. The early church had that one fixed in their hearts and minds when they considered all that was happening with Jesus, and God, and this New Creation that had been launched. As we enter into this new year, may the love of God, our Father, the grace of Jesus, the Son, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be ever with us all. Common Ground Community Development 1201 S. Federal Hwy. Lake Worth Beach, FL 33460





Mourning Together Written by Justin Gaynor When you decide to take a woman as your wife there will be all sorts of seasons. There will be amazing times, but there will also be very difficult times. In this article, I want to talk about mourning together. When I think back to the situations with my ex-wife where one of the two of us, or both, experienced the death of a loved one, there is an emotional void. It doesn’t seem to me that we engaged the grieving process very well at all, and I think that was a mistake. Everyone grieves differently, but as the spiritual leader of the home, it is my job, as the husband, to be proactive. I do not recall doing much more than offering a hug, a shoulder, and asking, “are you alright?”. This December, I had a cousin that passed away due to complications resulting from substance abuse. As I go through this season grieving without a spouse, it is different, but not very different. I find that strange. So, what are some things that may be helpful to make sure we grieve well and to proactively engage with the reality of the situation in a healthy way. Then beyond that, what can we learn from our own grieving that will help us be better husbands and fathers in the future. The wisdom literature in the Hebrew Bible tells us that it is better to go to the house of mourning, than the house of feasting. The author explains that the value in recognizing the brevity of life and the common reality of death that we share with the rest of humanity surpasses the short-term pleasures of celebrating for some inconsequential reason. If Jesus desires that we “be one, even as He and the Father are one”, then the experience of death is certainly sobering common ground from which to start. So, from this, gentlemen, we can learn that while it may be difficult and costly to actually go to a “house of mourning”, it is good to do so, not only for the benefit of the individual, but also for the value in helping to strengthen the unity that the Holy Spirit gives in the bond of peace. This is something that we can help our wives understand, without getting “preachy”, in the process of encouraging them not to withdraw in their mourning, but to be intentional about sharing the burden of it with others. Weeping may last for the night, but joy will come in the morning.


Next, I think that far too many people under utilize their ministers (apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, teachers…as well as deacons & deaconesses) These “priests to the nation of priests” have been found to be wise, full of the Holy Spirit, and proficient in handling the word of God for the purposes of encouragement, teaching, reproof, correction, and training others in covenant faithfulness. They are more than equipped to help you navigate the waters of grieving the passing of a loved one. As the spiritual leader of your home, it is good to recognize where you are in your own spiritual development and to humbly encourage your wife to engage with an ordained deaconess or the wife of an ordained leader. Very often the wife of an ordained minister will have also been thoroughly examined and found to be competent to minister in such situations. If not, or if that simply isn’t her cup of tea, she will likely consult her husband and then direct you to a suitable female minister. Also, consider that your own efforts to encourage your wife, in the Spirit, through the process, will be re-enforced through the mouth of the other minister. It is the same Holy Spirit at work, with the Word, in all of us. Finally, and this is for those conversations that happen between you and her in the secret place. The place the two of you, your wife and you, open most fully to one another. The times you are laying next to one another before falling asleep. When you turn the electronics off and cuddle up on the couch. Wherever or whatever your most intimate times of communication have looked like. Be intentional about increasing the quantity and frequency of that kind of availability during seasons of mourning. Emotional intelligence, empathy, and attentiveness should be priorities and your wife should be able to recognize that you are making yourself more available and more vulnerable, so that she feels safe and comfortable doing the same.


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Ringing in the New Year Written by Justin Gaynor

Launching into a new year is always exciting. New Year’s festivities range from quiet evenings at home with family, to lavish, some may say, excessive, celebrations. All around the world this moment of new beginnings stirs up gratitude for the previous twelve months and all that has been accomplished as well as hope for an even more eventful and prosperous future. With such an event, some may be wondering, what on earth am I supposed to wear?


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Well, if you’re just kicking it with the crew at home there are some very comfy options that will still help capture the season and add to the experience for you and your loved ones. If you will be attending something a little more formal, and you are single, let us not forget that “every girl loves a sharp dressed man”; however, we also know that “girl’s just wanna have fun”, and that is rarely as true as it is on New Year’s Eve. So, something that is memorable, and somewhat whimsical may be in order. Just make sure that your wit and charm can keep up with your outfit.


For the more casual celebration at your favorite local pub, with friends and neighbors that are all relatively well known, normal attire with some fun accessories from your local party store may be your best bet. Just make sure you bring extra to make your local crew feel more involved and connected. Above all things though, please be aware that the level of alcohol consumption and foolishness is typically increased. Have a designated driver if you plan on enjoying adult beverages. Have a backup plan in case your DD has a failure of vocation… that is to say, make sure you already have the Uber or Lyft app installed on your phone, and the number of a local cab company stored as well. We at Gentleman’s Purpose want to wish everyone, a happy, prosperous New Year! 27




Prosperity is Promised to the Wise and Righteous Written by Justin Gaynor With all the well-wishing and hopes for prosperity in the new year, one must consider how best to move towards that glorious future prosperity. The probability of hitting the lottery is still as low as it has ever been. Therefore, some wise planning, sober evaluation, thorough and consistent implementation, and regular re-evaluation is on the horizon for the Gentleman’s Purpose businessman. As many of you know, GP eMagazine is a labor of love under the umbrella of General Media Consulting Co., where we help entrepreneurs build strong, fruitful businesses. Our readers often benefit from the types of insight that help our clients serve their communities well and make a lot of money in the process. So, my question to you is, first, where do you see those new levels of prosperity coming from? The Scriptures tell us that without vision, a people perishes and that poverty will come upon a sluggard like a thief in the night. So that means we need to have a clear idea of what we are heading into and towards, and we need to be action oriented. Do You Have a Plan? One of the first, best steps, is to sit down and have a prayerful brainstorming session on this specific topic. Jot down all your notes, organize, refine, get something, even if it is as simple as a one-page business plan that includes the five main items of importance: Truth, Assertions, Alternatives, People, and Money. For more on that, read Seth Godin’s Blog, “The Modern Business Plan.” Gut Check Time Being in business requires a certain type of character. Character is something, like wisdom, that you can develop intentionally. However, it is important to know what type of character has been proven to produce good fruit, fruit that lasts. The required character for success in business, along with other very helpful insights can be found in the pages of Don Miller’s books, “Business Made Simple”, “Marketing Made Simple”, and his upcoming release, “Hero on a Mission”, scheduled to hit shelves this January. I recommend you be thoroughly familiar with these resources. They will help you succeed at the art of business.




What Makes You Unique Knowing your personal value proposition and being able to articulate it clearly is paramount. Not a lot of people like having to sell themselves; however, in the modern world where people’s attention and resources are being ferociously fought for at every turn, it is a necessary thing. You will need to know what the other guy is doing and why you and your products and services are better, and worth a premium to whatever else is out there. Don’t be afraid to market yourself. Do so wisely, and consistently. Always Ready for the Funeral Things don’t always work out the way we plan. We do our best to account for and plan for as many variables as possible, but the truth is that about 50% of new ventures in America fail within the first five years. Good planning gives you a 27% higher probability of success, but you need to think through exit strategies, risk tolerances, and you need to think these things through from the start. It will mean asking difficult questions and being brutally honest with yourself and your key stakeholders, but it will serve you well to be proactive in this. You Need Professional Help Is it possible to be lavishly successful as a one-man-rodeo? To a certain extent, but the reality of synergy within business almost guarantees that bringing in other people with skillsets and experiences that can compliment your own will almost always increase your long-term return on investment. So, who is in your existing sphere that can help you take your business to higher levels of productivity and fruitfulness? Where do you need to network and connect to meet the new people that you need in your sphere to break through to new levels of profitability? Get connected and continue growing those genuine, mutually beneficial relationships. Fuel for the Machine It takes money to make money. We’ve all heard it and it has proven true time and again. I started General Media Consulting Co. with $200 in January of 2020. Utilizing the right processes and making the right choices made it possible for me to go full time with it within three months and, as God’s grace has been with me, revenues have grown consistently during the last two years. This new year will be our third year in business and while I am excited about the possibilities, I am also very practical about the actual numbers. Being thoroughly optimistic, but untruthful is not helpful. Ever be the optimist, but honest, thorough awareness of your venture’s financial situation is vital to its long-term viability. You need to know where your money is coming from, and where it is best multiplied.







Ode to the Potluck Written by Justin Gaynor

I love food. Cooking food allows me to express creativity and the opportunity to enjoy all sorts of delicious cuisine. Eating good food gives my body strength and nourishment. Talking and writing about good food connects me with others on common ground (everybody’s gotta eat!). It gives me reason and purpose in my travels and activities. Food is good. In Gentleman’s Purpose, we usually review a restaurant here in the dining section. As we are starting a new year though, I wanted to re-direct your attention to the value of community. Whether it’s sitting down to the dining room table consistently with your family or enjoying a “love feast” or “potluck” amongst your local faith community, sharing meals together regularly strengthens relationships. With COVID, a lot of gatherings around food came to a screeching halt and are just recently getting started again. In my own faith community, we recently re-launched a mid-week service where we enjoy apostolic teaching and conversation, real connection, we share a meal, and we spend time in prayer. We’ve been going strong for about 7 weeks now and it has been a great time.


If you aren’t part of the Church where you get together regularly like that, I want to encourage you to make some phone calls in the new year: friends, family, co-workers, and just schedule a night each week to commit to getting together and having a potluck. Perhaps offer to host it at your home the first week and as part of the conversation, talk about what it might look like to get together weekly. You could go from house to house in a nice rhythm so it’s never too much of a burden on any one person. You could also visit a local restaurant as a group occasionally. Keep things simple but keep them consistent so that each week your group has something to really look forward to. It will add value to your lives. 39




Recommended A Library For January 20

HERO On a MISSION Written by Donald Miller


Additions To Your 022: Essential Newness

Redeeming Heartache: How Past Suffering Reveals Our True Calling Written by Dr. Dan B. Allender & Cathy Loerzel, MA


Recommended A Library For January 20

Confessions Written by Saint Augustine of Hippo


Additions To Your 022: Essential Newness

you and me FOREVER: marriage in light of eternity Written by Francis Chan & Lisa Chan





The Wildcard Band Written by Justin Gaynor

In last month’s edition of Gentleman’s Purpose eMagazine, we introduced you to “The Wildcard Band”, a local band here in Volusia County. I had an opportunity to catch up with John Chaffin, their guitar player and vocalist, to get to know a little more about the band. It was no easy task during the busy Christmas season, but we did finally connect just in time to bring you this article. “The Wildcard Band” has been playing classic rock together since 1999, though a lot has changed since the beginning. The band originally formed in Springfield, Virginia. Just a small group of guys that love classic rock and music in general, they decided to do something with their passion. In those days, the band included John, as well as Bobby Brown (Guitar / Vocals) , Stan Puckett (Bass), Michael Dishner (Drums), Kenny Smith (Keyboards), Joel Brown (Guitar). Everything was going well in the early days of the band’s formation, until tragedy struck. One of the key founders, Stan Puckett, a bass player with a zeal for bluegrass music, was diagnosed with cancer and passed on soon after. After taking a hit like that, the band somewhat dispersed. Then, some years later, the band reformed thousands of miles from their city of origin right here in Daytona Beach. Today, “The Wildcard Band” includes John Chaffin (Guitar / Vocals), Rob Manuel (Drums), Carl Shelor (Guitar / vocals), and Roy Altemus (Bass / Vocals). John was thrilled to have Rob join the band with extensive experience touring with bands such as “The Monkeys” and “The Temptations” he adds a great talent to the mix. One of the things that “The Wildcard Band” has become known for around the local circuit is their vocals, particularly the way they harmonize. As we roll into 2022, you will be able to catch “The Wildcard Band” at venues such as Jerry’s Tiki Bar, Down the Hatch, The Porthole, and The First Turn. They play all sorts of gigs besides and have even taught some other aspiring musicians a few things along the way.








Motorhead Written by Justin Gaynor

As many of you know, a few months ago I purchased a 1995 Hunter 23.5 sailing vessel. Since the aquisition, I’ve had a chance to tool around the New Smyrna Beach area on the intracoastal waterway utlizing the 8hp Honda outboard motor. My neighbor Josh and I did let out the sails once, but that’s about the extent so far. Though I have been spending quite a lot of time in the cozy cabin. Hunter makes a great boat. This is my first, but likely will not be my last. Deep in slumber one morning recently I was jolted awake as the boat began to rock violently in it’s slip. Then I heard a loud crack! Springing to my feet still half asleep, I quickly went up on deck to see what had happened. One of the marina workers came rushing over saying, “I heard something crack! A big trawler just came hauling ass past the marina!” We looked around and didn’t see anything out of place and the boat wasn’t taking on water. After looking about briefly and the gentleman explaining an issue that they have had with boaters being inconsiderate of the marina since it is just outside of the no wake zone. He explained that regardless, a boat’s captain is still legally responsible for damage caused by their wake and that he should have been aware that he was passing a marina and slowed the trawler. The next day, I was cleaning up around the outboard motor and to my shock and dismay, the motor was literally hanging on by a thread. Apparently, the wake had thrown the boat so violently that the motor hit the dock. It had done so with such force that it completely snapped the swivel casing, a piece of solid aluminum alloy that connects to the bracket that attaches the motor to the transom of the boat. By the grace of God, the motor had a safety cable connecting it to the hull. Had that cable not been there my motor would have been at the bottom of the ocean! All that being said, a man owning an outboard motor needs a few things, not only for making significant repairs, but also for regular maintenance.


Lower Unit Gear Oil Pump for Standard Quart Bottles This is a specialized tool used on pretty much every outboard motor. The gear oil must be added from the bottom up, so this attaches right onto the top of a normal quart of gear oil and can very easily, and quickly replenish the fluid in the lower unit.


Grease Gun Another specialized tool useful for most outboard motors (as well as trailers, RVs, trucks, etc.) is a quality grease gun. The end is specially design to clamp onto small nipples and inject grease that will keep friction from causing various parts from seizing up. Very important!


Precision Punch Set Once you get into the inner mechanics of an outboard motor, you will discover all sorts of connections held together by expansion pins, roll pins, and the like. A good precision punch set will allow you to easily remove the old pins to disassemble, and replace them with new ones when reassembling. This specialized tool set is also what is called for when working on guns and watches that utilize similar pins.


Mechanic’s Tool Set You should have something like this no matter what, but especially if you own a boat with an internal combustion engine. A quality mechanic’s tool set will allow you to disassemble and reassemble any machine using either standard or metrics parts. There aren’t any pictured in this set, but you will also want a good set of needlenose vice-grips, and perhaps a few other tools.



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Setting a Vision for Adventure in 2022 Written by Justin Gaynor

Traveling is one of my passions and never in my life have I travelled more than I did in 2021. My goal is to grow in this area of my life. Learning from my adventures this past year, I hope to make some better choices and be a little more intentional in 2022. In this article, I’d like to explore what it might look like to map out my travel plans for the year, create some sort of a financial plan for it, and do a better job of meeting new people along the way. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely loved re-connecting with family and friends that I had not seen, in some cases…for decades, but I really want to expand my sphere this year. It is a goal also to connect with other travelers and grow together with some likeminded folks.




The first thing to consider are the destinations that I feel led to explore. There is a lot of America that I still haven’t seen, particularly in the West. So, I will be jumping online and looking at a few states that I haven’t visited and looking to see what I find most interesting. I will also be connecting with social media groups related to these destinations to see if I can connect with some locals in a way that will be mutually beneficial. I’ll have to decide if I want to work from the road again with an extended trip, or if I just want to do long weekends here and there through the year. I would really like to have a travel companion and that would be a lot easier if I go with the “long weekend” option, but I honestly feel more growth happens in extended travel.


Next, I will have to look at what kind of costs that I’m anticipating. There are a lot of variables with this. I purchased an Indian Scout 60 motorbike this year, so if I do an extended journey via motorbike, it will be far less expensive than a lot of round-trip plane tickets. It would likely include a lot more freedom and simplicity, which is a big bonus for me as well. Meal planning will be important, the acquisition of a nice cooler back in the spring really ended up saving me a lot of money. I was dining out multiple times a day sometimes and that gets really expensive, real quick.




Finally, I will have to make all the arrangements to make sure all of my familial, professional, and financial obligations will be covered in a way that maintains and, possibly even strengthens, those existing connections here at home. I love being part of a vibrant community at home, but as you have discovered as you’ve journeyed with my here in the GP Travel section, I love the freedom of the open road!



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