Gentleman's Purpose - January 2022 Edition

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7 Things to Grow Spiritually in 2022 Written by Justin Gaynor

Well Gentlemen, here we are starting another year. We’ve got a couple years under our belt and we have made progress. Some perhaps more than others. As we look to the future, we have an opportunity to ask ourselves the two questions, “What do I do?” and “Who am I becoming?” Our vocation, or calling, is important to know so that we are aware of what sort of problems we can help the world solve, and what kind of value we bring to bear upon it. The vision we have for our lives is vital as well. The Scriptures teach that without vision , a people will perish. So, we must have an idea of where we are headed. In this article, I want to focus on a Greek word the Apostle Paul uses regarding those who are “In Christ”. He says that people who are part of the “2nd Adam”, the New Creation, are becoming “pneumatikoi” which means “Spirit-Driven People”. The first Adam became a living being, but the second Adam became a life-giving spirit. What does it mean to grow as a life-giving spirit? 1) To grow as a life-giving Spirit, you must first be born-again. Born of water and Spirit. This is in accordance with the teaching of Jesus of Nazareth. Being born of water begins with repenting of your sins. I think the best way to approach this is to schedule a series of sessions with a local pastor or a mature believer and to begin praying that the Holy Spirit would reveal those areas of your life where there is sin, brokenness, and wounds from others. For me, this was about 3 or 4 sessions, between an hour to 3 hours each. Starting with as young an age as you can, simply walk through your story. When you come to a place where you may want to invite Christ to bring healing, do so, if there is something that needs forgiving, simply ask. There may need to be some homework. Conversations you may need to have with certain people, etc. Just allow the Holy Spirit to guide and prompt the sessions. 10

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