14 minute read
Performance Indicators
Overall, customers were satisfied with the service and the venues. The area of concern is the cleanliness of the venues which rated at 37.5% satisfied. The feedback regarding the cleanliness of the venues has been investigated and passed on to Contract Works Management Officer for review.
With centres reopened to families this has enabled activation of the happy or not portals for customer feedback and satisfaction.
No surveys were conducted at the No Domestic Violence walk. However, for Magic of Christmas the surveys were available at the Council tent with no completed surveys.
Utilisation rates in Q2 increased from previous quarter and remained steady. Promotion of Council’s Early Learning Services at council events has contributed to these results.
Carss Park - 90% Jack High - 83%
Oatley West - 98%
Ocean Street - 81%
Penshurst - 85%
South Hurstville Kindergarten - 100%
Goal 1.1: Our community is socially and culturally connected and we strive for social equity.
Strategy 1.1.1: Initiate, facilitate and support inclusive and accessible events that meet community aspirations and connect people, communities and diverse groups.
Delivery Program Outcome: Implement an annual program of Council run and Council supported events.
1.1.1Ai Implement an annual calendar of destination and localised events.
Annual program of events for 2022/23 has been scheduled. Events that occurred in Q2 were the No Domestic Violence Walk and Magic of Christmas Festival. In Q3 the following events have been scheduled: Australia Day Picnic, Lunar New Year and In Good Taste
Delivery Program Outcome: Develop and implement the Georges River Council Event Strategy 2022 – 2027.
1.1.1Bi Develop and implement the Georges River Council Event Strategy 20222027.
Community feedback for the Strategy development has been analysed and the recommendations have been incorporated into the draft Strategy. The Draft Strategy will go to Council in June 2023.
1.1.1Ci Commission drafting of POM and consequently engage planning consultant to initiate DA to extend the event program at Netstrata Jubilee Stadium to include entertainment, cultural and community events.
1.1.1Cii Publicly exhibit the Plan of Management including proposal to extend the event
No budget allocation for 2023/24.
Review of Master Plan in respect of planning restraints and then process to include in Plan of Management and community consultation. Plan of
Goal 1.1: Our community is socially and culturally connected and we strive for social equity.
Strategy 1.1.1: Initiate, facilitate and support inclusive and accessible events that meet community aspirations and connect people, communities and diverse groups.
Delivery Program Outcome: Implement an annual program of Council run and Council supported events.
Action Code Action Name Status Comments program at Netstrata Jubilee Stadium to include entertainment, cultural and community events.
Management needs to be in place prior to DA Application to stage other than sporting events. No budget allocation for 2023/24.
Promoting the venue as home of women's football. Sydney FC women's team playing at Netstrata Jubilee Stadium and host city training venue for FIFA WWC. NRLW fixtures planned as well as AFLW potential as home game for Sydney Swans. MASE and filming location continue to develop. Social media marketing business case to communications team to enable wider reach. No other events without Plan of Management and DA in place.
Strategy 1.1.2: Foster and support programs and installations such as Art Trails and Public Art that celebrate diversity, our multicultural community, supports innovation and creativity and contributes to the creative economy.
1.1.2Ai Investigate and develop a program that supports Art Trails and Public Art.
The public art project to transform the bus shelter and interchange on Ormonde Parade, Hurstville continued through Q2. The designs were finalised by industrial design company and will see the creation of a permanent light sculpture in the precinct. The project is scheduled for completion at the end of April 2023. During Q3 permanent public artworks will be added to Council's mapping software to assist self-paced discovery and walking tours.
Strategy 1.1.3: Develop, support and promote programs, services and activities that foster social support, participation and wellbeing for our diverse community regardless of age, gender, physical or mental ability, sexual orientation or cultural or religious background. Action
1.1.3Ai Launch and promote Georges River Council's Social Justice Charter.
The Social Justice Charter (SJC) campaign will include four individual events aligning with the four principles within the SJC and events of significance. Council also worked with Advance Diversity Services (ADS) to support Migrant Information Day which provided new community members with information and access to support services to assist them with transitioning to a new country.
1.1.3Aii Launch and promote Antiracism campaign "Better Together".
Anti-Racism campaign "Better Together" was launched in March 2022. A social cohesion grant was obtained and funded bystander antiracism training for community members and organisations. This training will be rolled out to Councillors and Council staff in Q3. Work has commenced on development of antiracism street signs.
1.1.3Aiii Develop and implement First Nations First Strategy.
Ngurra engaged in June 2022 to assist with development of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Strategy. Internal staff working group established and cultural training delivered to Council's Executive team. The findings report completed by Ngurra and socialised with working group for feedback. The consultation process with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community members encountered delays and is currently ongoing. A draft version of the strategy is expected to be ready in May. An EOI will be developed for membership of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee which currently has depleted membership.
1.1.3Aiv Develop and implement the Georges River Council
Development and Implementation of a GRC Reconciliation Plan (RAP) will form part of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Strategy. Once the
Strategy 1.1.3: Develop, support and promote programs, services and activities that foster social support, participation and wellbeing for our diverse community regardless of age, gender, physical or mental ability, sexual orientation or cultural or religious background.
Reconciliation Action Plan.
Strategy is adopted, development of the RAP will be undertaken.
Delivery Program Outcome: Develop and implement the Georges River Council Disability and Inclusion Action Plan 2022-2026.
1.1.3Bi Launch and promote the Georges River Council Disability and Inclusion Action Plan 2022-2026.
Work has commenced on the actions within the Georges River Council Disability and Inclusion Plan 2022-2026.
Actions include:
• Having continued involvement with Zero Barriers as a Council member and member of the Advisory Committee.
• Co-facilitating St George and Sutherland Shire Disability Interagency Meeting.
• Participated in CASS' International Day for People with Disability including hosting a stall.
• Collaborating with schools to discuss work experience opportunities at Council for students with disability.
• Preliminary work has commenced around opportunity to have an NDIS Help Desk at Hurstville Library.
Strategy 1.1.4: Provide high quality, affordable education, care and protection for children across Council’s Early Learning Centres.
Delivery Program Outcome: Implement the 2021-2031 Early Learning Services Strategy to meet the educational and care needs of children and their families.
1.1.4Ai Review and implement Child and Staff Wellbeing Action Plan.
The Health and Wellbeing group reviewed the Be You Action Plan.
Staff have been provided with resources that will support them to identify stressors and triggers, seek help and develop personal Wellbeing plans. Factsheets have been distributed through the Early Learning Centres and wellbeing has also been added and as agenda item at staff meetings.
1.1.4Aii Implement Council's Child Protection Action Plan.
Three actions completed in Q2:
• Advocate for legislation to be implemented to ensure child safe organisations are mandated.
• Implement child safe policy resulting from review/stocktake of existing documentation.
• Arrange information sessions for staff, families (parents of children) and children on child protection.
A new Action Plan was developed in Q2 to commence in 2023. The new action plan will incorporate any incomplete actions from the 2021/22 action plan.
1.1.4Aiii Implement the Early Learning Services Reconciliation Action Plan
The ELS Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) completed the following actions in Q2:
• Established a preferred supplier list of authentic Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stakeholders to purchase resources from.
• ELS carried out a range of activities promoting social cohesion and cultural awareness which supported greater understanding and engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
1.1.4Aiv Review demand for an additional needs early learning centre
• All RAP members worked collaboratively with their teams and educational leaders from their centre to incorporate these practices into the curriculum.
This is an action within the Early Learning Services Strategy 2021-2031 and preliminary work has commenced. We are currently gathering and sourcing information on current organisations that offer this model as well as funding and operational requirements.
Goal 1.2: Diverse, vibrant community hubs and facilities are connected, well maintained and have equitable access.
Strategy 1.2.1: Develop our library services to provide for inclusive hubs, spaces and services, collections, programs and facilities
Delivery Program Outcome: Implement the 2030 Library Strategy to improve service delivery, technology, collections, information services, community engagement and programs.
1.2.1Ai Implement outcomes of the feasibility study to harmonise library opening hours.
At the November 2022 Council Meeting, Council resolved to extend the library hours at all five libraries. The new hours are as follows: Hurstville and Clive James Library opens 9.00am - 8.00pm weekdays and 10.00am - 5.00pm weekends. Penshurst, Oatley and South Hurstville will open 10.00am - 6.00pm weekdays. Penshurst Library opens 10.00am-5.00pm Saturdays and closed Sundays. Oatley and South Hurstville Library opens 10.00am - 1.00pm Saturdays and closed Sundays. Consultation plan for staff is being developed and implementation of new hours will commence once this has taken place.
1.2.1Aii Undertake consultation regarding the business case to locate a district library to serve the western half of the Georges River local Government Area.
Plans for a new district library in Mortdale are tied to the Mortdale Master Plan. A report on the outcomes of the exhibition of the draft master plan was considered at a Council Meeting held on 26 September 2022. At that meeting, Council resolved not to proceed with the exhibited draft Mortdale Master Plan and instead to prepare two revised Master Plan options. It is anticipated the draft Mortdale Master
Goal 1.2: Diverse, vibrant community hubs and facilities are connected, well maintained and have equitable access.
Strategy 1.2.1: Develop our library services to provide for inclusive hubs, spaces and services, collections, programs and facilities
Delivery Program Outcome: Implement the 2030 Library Strategy to improve service delivery, technology, collections, information services, community engagement and programs.
Action Code
Action Name Status Comments
1.2.1Aiii Establish a reading and sensory garden at Hurstville Library that includes space for community environmental and sustainability education.
1.2.1Aiv Undertake consultation to assess community needs for programs and suitability of current libraries at Oatley, Penshurst and South Hurstville so they best cater to the needs of the community into the future.
1.2.1Av Continue to implement and review the Georges River Library Debt Recovery and Management Plan.
Plan Options and associated studies will be ready for exhibition in 2023.
Site preparation work for the courtyard surface and to upgrade doors leading into the space is now complete. Installation of the sensory garden is temporarily on hold due to unsafe render on the residential tower above the courtyard. Council is working with strata to resolve this issue to enable the installation to proceed.
During Q2 the library collected data from people who visited the branch libraries and people who attended library programs. During Q3 a campaign to engage people outside the libraries, including community groups and schools will commence.
The eight-week payment period for long outstanding debts closed in December 2022. Data relating to fines paid and outstanding will be reviewed and presented during Q3.
Strategy 1.2.2: Provide a range of affordable and accessible facilities and community community-based activities.
Delivery Program Outcome: Provide a range of affordable and accessible facilities for community based activities.
1.2.2Ai Maintain and provide for hire community properties across the Georges River Local Government Area.
Any upgrades/refurbishment of existing facilities are dependent on budget/grant funding opportunities. Maintenance of existing facilities are conducted as needed. Council officers are working with Assets and Infrastructure to identify new community spaces for FY2023/24 A utilisation audit has been completed and is reviewed on a monthly basis.
1.2.2Aii Deliver actions identified in the Venue and Facilities Management Review.
1.2.2Aiii Deliver actions identified in the Open Space Expansion and Acquisition Plan.
Action to commence once the service delivery review of Venues and Facilities Management is completed.
Consultants (SGS) are compiling additional information prior to the draft Plan being presented to Council in May 2023 for approval to be put on public exhibition. Briefing on the draft plan was conducted for Councillors in December 2022.
Delivery Program Outcome: Create community spaces to deliver enhanced programs and experiences for community members.
1.2.2Bi Create a multifunctional, accessible and flexible programming space.
1.2.2Bii Provide opportunities for the community to engage with the Library and Hurstville Museum & Gallery outside Council buildings through outreach, online and delivery services.
Current projects are on hold until sources of funding are secured.
The outreach, online and delivery services provided by Hurstville Museum & Gallery during Q2 are as follows:
• HSC Rescue sessions at Hurstville Library, delivered twice a week with St George and Sutherland Youth Services Mental Health Network during October and November 2022.
• Migrant Information Day Stall on 26 October 2022 at Rockdale Plaza
• 70 take home self-care bingo card kits and online videos (128 views) to encourage mindfulness activities and wellbeing through simple activities for Mental Health Month
• Kindness hearts and Christmas cards made in collaboration with library customers and early learning centres through library program initiatives were delivered to patients at St George Hospital and Home Library Service customers who are at risk of social isolation and loneliness strengthening the library as a place for connection
• Library tours for organisations to crosspromote and advocate to community groups including Intensive English Schools, Chinese Community Network groups and organisations.
• Online virtual tour of 'Guraban: Where the Saltwater Meets the Freshwater' exhibition using Matterport software.
• Purchase of Beanstack software licence to engage the community in reading and literacy.
Strategy 1.2.3: Encourage and promote the arts and creativity through Council’s cultural facilities including Hurstville Museum & Gallery, Hurstville Entertainment Centre and Carss Park Artists Cottage.
Delivery Program Outcome: Implement the Create Georges River Cultural Strategy to support our community's cultural activities and initiatives.
Action Name Status
1.2.3Ai Implement the Create Georges River Cultural Strategy to support and strengthen our community's cultural activities and initiatives.
1.2.3Aii Initiate an Art and Cultural Group comprising of internal and external stakeholders.
1.2.3Aiii Increase the profile of Hurstville Museum & Gallery through the implementation of a comprehensive and diverse program of exhibitions and events.
The installation of a public art mural and an associated lantern making workshop was delivered as part of the Lunar New Year Festival in January 2023. This program provided an opportunity to bring together and engage Georges River's diverse multicultural community.
The Public Art Advisory Panel including internal and external stakeholders has been established.
Major exhibition Guraban: Where the Saltwater Meets The Freshwater combined social history with contemporary art in telling the unique story of First Nations People in the Georges River area. The exhibition was supported by Create NSW funding and featured commissioned work by Aboriginal artists Dennis Golding, Nicole Monks and Jenine Boeree, Djon Mundine, Marilyn Russell and Jason Wing. The important exhibition highlighted Aboriginal perspectives on significant historical and contemporary stories and connections to the river, exploring the river's continuous and ongoing association with First Nations communities.
Associated public programs included Bangawarra Art Yarns: for older and Elder mob, Weaving Connections with Murrawarri artist Virginia Keft and a Bush Tucker walk with Brenden Moore. The Dragon's Lair Gallery provided an ongoing opportunity for new and established artist to exhibit their work, with exhibitions by Lauren McCartney and Noor Alhooda Shadood on display during the quarter. Carss Park Artist's Cottage hosted Norwegian artist Hilde A Danielsen and Victorian artist Tara
Strategy 1.2.3: Encourage and promote the arts and creativity through Council’s cultural facilities including Hurstville Museum & Gallery, Hurstville Entertainment Centre and Carss Park Artists Cottage.
Delivery Program Outcome: Implement the Create Georges River Cultural Strategy to support our community's cultural activities and initiatives.
Action Name Status
1.2.3Aiv Establish and increase the profile of the Edgbaston Artist Studio.
Gilbee during Q2, demonstrating the profile and appeal of the Georges River Artist in Residence program.
Grant funding from the NSW Community Building Partnership 2022 program was received in December and a building project to fit out the artist studio is scheduled to begin in the second half of 2023.
Goal 1.3: The community is safe and healthy.
Strategy 1.3.1: Implement actions to maintain and promote the community safety of our area.
Delivery Program Outcome: Increase community and road safety in Georges River Local Government Area.
1.3.1Ai Deliver the 2022/23 Road Safety Program, focused on traffic facilities, Black Spot Funding and other safety initiatives.
Council is still on track to complete the 2022/23 traffic facilities capital works program by the end of June 2023.
Council has received endorsement for 2 blackspot funding projects with another 2 projects pending at this stage. Funding to be confirmed by TfNSW at a later date. The 2 unsuccessful projects will be reassessed and submitted for the 2024/25 financial year.
Council received endorsement from the Traffic Advisory Committee in February 2023 to proceed with the proposed 2023/24 traffic facilities capital works program. The designs are currently in progress to be completed by end of June 2023.
Officers continue to conduct traffic studies and traffic counts to determine if facilities works will need to be added to future program based on concerns raised by local residents.
1.3.1Aii Deliver a pilot Community Safety Program.
The Community Safety Education Program is currently being developed and will involve consultation with police, community, and the communications team. Consultation with the police has commenced and will be ongoing. The program will include a regular calendar of marked safety days, information campaigns, community forums, education sessions, and a social media campaign.
Delivery Program Outcome: Investigate systems to improve public safety and accessibility.
Action Code Action Name Status Comments
1.3.1Bi Develop annual program to upgrade council's security and CCTV systems to improve public safety and accessibility.
Installation of additional street safety cameras at Mortdale have been ongoing, expected to be completed in Q3 2022/23. Significant work has been invested in increasing the reliability of the existing camera network.
Strategy 1.3.2: Conduct regulatory functions in accordance with legislative requirements.
Delivery Program Outcome: Adopt and implement a Fire Safety Program that maintains buildings with essential fire services to safeguard the community.
1.3.2Ai Implement actions to ensure compliance with the directions set by the NSW State Government relating to external combustible cladding and Council's Fire Safety Audit.
Premises the subject of a Fire Safety Order under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 or a Building Product Rectification Orders under the Building Products (Safety) Act 2017, are reviewed and monitored on an ongoing basis to ensure compliance.
Delivery Program Outcome: Liaise with the NSW Government and relevant stakeholders to keep up-to-date with legislative changes around regulatory functions.
1.3.2Bi Implement the 2022/23 regulatory programs to ensure compliance with the relevant legislation and to address community safety concerns
During Q2 all 38 schools in the LGA were patrolled at least twice. 25 service requests relating to schools were received with Parking Officers issuing 261 school zone penalty notices. During the quarter 137 services requests were lodged relating to trucks with 497 penalty notices issued. During the quarter the parking team attended to 657 parking service requests. Parking officers continued to proactively issue warning notices for minor offences with 158 issued for this period. Parking officers in cooperation with Council's Road Safety officer have continued the support the 'Schools Road Safety Program' which includes educational signage provided to all schools and information brochures.
Delivery Program Outcome: Implement programs relating to food premises, skin penetration premises and regulated systems.
1.3.2Ci Implement the Get The Site Right Program to manage development site condition compliance.
Goal 1.4: Georges River area heritage and history is protected.
Strategy 1.4.1: Encourage and promote heritage and history through collections, programs, heritage trails and protection policies.
Delivery Program Outcome: Promote the retention and conservation of heritage items within the Georges River Local Government Area.
1.4.1Ai Finalise the 2021/22 Heritage Building Grants Program.
Council at its meeting held in February 2022 endorsed the Heritage Building Grants Program 2021/22 and that offers be made to successful applicants as outlined in the adopted report - 'Summary table of submissions and recommendations for Heritage Grant Funding 2021/22'. Council also resolved that the successful applicants be given until 1 December 2022 to complete the works and lodge their requests for reimbursements. There are 3 outstanding grant applications to be paid - they have been advised that the final deadline to submit their receipts will be 5 May 2023.
1.4.1Aii Conduct a heritage information session for owners of heritage listed properties.
Two Heritage Information Sessions were held in Q1 - 4 August and 9 August 2022.