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Performance Indicators
had a total of 7356 Happy or Not interactions across Council Centres and Services , this is an increase from 6782 in Q1 .
Of this 80% were happy with their face-to-face interaction with Council.
Council officers will be undertaking a livability community survey to understand current levels of place satisfaction and plan for increases. This will be undertaken in Q3.
In the meantime, Council officers continue to action placemaking requests having provided opportunities such as off leash dog parks, increased greening and street art and a strong advocacy campaign for active transport.
During this quarter 207 surveys were conducted (162 via phone and 45 via Have your say)
30 out of 60 callback request were completed - which was an improvement on the last quarter
Goal 5.1: Leadership focuses on innovation and improving the customer experience.
Strategy 5.1.1: Promote Georges River as a place for innovation and collaboration and a desirable location for government and private investment.
Delivery Program Outcome: Explore the viability of a university precinct in Georges River Local Government Area and new investment from government and private enterprise to increase the region's competitiveness as a place for investment and innovation.
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5.1.1Ai Develop an investment prospectus for the whole Georges River Local Government Area.
5.1.1Aii Continue to support medtech startups establishing in Kogarah.
No significant actions taken on this (long term) project this period. ANSTO meetings and discussions on the status of Kogarah as an innovation precinct are being undertaken in the 3rd quarter of the 2022/23 financial year.
Recent activity has focused on raising the profile of Kogarah Health and Research Hub Collaboration Area with the Greater Cities Commission. Innovation data was received in December from IP Australia (the Federal Government Department responsible for Intellectual Property rights) to assist research on innovation precincts.
5.1.1Aiii Drive the Kogarah Collaboration Area Leadership group comprised of key health and education stakeholders.
5.1.1Aiv Implement grant projects that improve place, especially in key employment centres.
For related actions see 5.1.1Aii. No additional specific actions have been undertaken in this period.
A number of applications for grants have been applied for, including livability grants.
Strategy 5.1.2: Provide positive experiences across all customer interactions for our community and visitors.
Delivery Program Outcome: Improve consistency and reliability of service across all customer contact channels.
5.1.2Ai Develop and implement the Georges River Council Customer Experience Strategy 2022 - 2027.
The Strategy has been developed and adopted by Council. Council officers are working on the implementation of the Strategy through an Operational Plan which is currently being completed during Q3 in consultation with key stakeholders across Council.
Goal 5.2: The three spheres of government work together to improve services and facilities in our area.
Strategy 5.2.1: Advocate to all levels of government to ensure critical infrastructure accompanies residential and employment growth.
Delivery Program Outcome: Develop an advocacy strategy that identifies how Georges River Council can influence government policy and secure government investment in the local government area.
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5.2.1Ai Implement an Advocacy Program to raise Council's reputation/profile and ultimately influence government policy to secure government investment in the Georges River Local Government Area.
Council has developed an Advocacy Priorities Program (with 12 advocacy priorities) and subsequent Southern Aerotropolis report. 2023 will provide significant submission and advocacy opportunities as part of the Greater Cities Commission's activities, which are currently being mapped against timelines. These will be incorporated into an annual Advocacy Program.
Delivery Program Outcome: Work with neighbouring councils to facilitate major projects with long-term delivery timeframes.
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5.2.1Bi Develop strategic partnerships to influence key government policy and bring investment to the Georges Local Government Area.
Council has strengthened relationships with key partners and stakeholders such as industry bodies (Committee for Sydney, Business Western Sydney) and neighbouring and other councils (Sutherland, Bayside, Wollongong, Newcastle) following the Metropolis of 5 Cities event and around the
Goal 5.2: The three spheres of government work together to improve services and facilities in our area.
Strategy 5.2.1: Advocate to all levels of government to ensure critical infrastructure accompanies residential and employment growth.
Delivery Program Outcome: Develop an advocacy strategy that identifies how Georges River Council can influence government policy and secure government investment in the local government area.
Action Code Action Name Status Comments concept of the Southern Aerotropolis. The submission to the Greater Cities Commission included significant focus on infrastructure needs relating to growth and long-term advocacy relating to transport and employment growth.
5.2.1Bii Deliver an engagement program for city and council advocacy.
In addition to making a submission on the Six Cities Region Discussion Paper in October, Council continues to work with relevant Councils on a range of longer-term projects where opportunities exist. These include (ANSTO - Sutherland and Bayside), Kogarah Health and Innovation Precinct (Bayside), managing impacts of motorways (Bayside) and North-South transport links (Canterbury Bankstown, Parramatta) and Smart Cities (Parramatta, Canterbury Bankstown and The Hills). 2023/24 will provide a number of opportunities with proposed reviews of the Region and City plans by the Greater Cities Commission.
Strategy 5.2.2: Investigate the opportunities for government land and shared facilities being used for open space and other uses e.g. schools and health.
Delivery Program Outcome: Develop an engagement program for services and facilities where regional collaboration would assist in their delivery, including those identified in the GRC Open Space, Recreation and Community Facilities Strategy.
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5.2.2Ai Continue with shared and joint use program with Department of Education.
Council staff have initiated contact with NSW School Infrastructure. No further actions undertaken in this quarter.
Goal 5.3: Georges River is known for being environmentally and culturally rich and enhances its metropolitan position as a destination for people and business.
Strategy 5.3.1: Demonstrate our environmental and cultural riches through policies, programs and projects to showcase and immerse our residents and visitors in our lifestyle.
Delivery Program Outcome: Develop and build a brand and identity for the local government area.
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5.3.1Ai Continue to develop and build a brand and identity for the Georges River Local Government Area.
Created new supporting collateral and marketing programs developed for the existing brand for Sydney's Connected Community. Promotion of the brand guidelines has been undertaken internally, to ensure consistent use across Council services.
Delivery Program Outcome: Establish Council's reputation as a leading local government organisation.
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5.3.1Bi Develop strategic partnerships and influence key government policy to bring investment into the Georges River Local Government Area.
Council continued to build strengthened relationships with key partners and stakeholders such as industry bodies (Committee for Sydney, Business Western Sydney, Resilient Sydney) and Councils (Sutherland, Bayside, City of Sydney, Parramatta, The Hills, Wollongong, Newcastle) through meetings relating to ANSTO, Kogarah, Smart City, Resilience and the concept of the Southern Aerotropolis.