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Performance Indicators
Number of hectares of active bush regeneration activities.
Number of native plants including trees, shrubs and ground covers planted to improve habitat, biodiversity and bushland structure (or other community tree planting) activities.
≥ 20 31 On Track The bushcare team continues to seek opportunities to expand bush regeneration activities.
≥ 2,000 5697 On Track
The bushcare team continues to promote the planting of native vegetation through Bushcare volunteering days, National Tree Planting Day and contractor work. Bushcare received a revegetation grant for Poulton Park which focused on the planting of 4,000 plants
Number of street trees planted each year = 350 446 On Track
Number of volunteer hours associated with Bushcare activities
Percentage of environmental pollution complaints responded to within two business days.
Percentage of food premises inspected annually.
Percentage of waste customer requests responded to within 48 hours.
A total of 446 trees have been planted in Quarters 1 and 2.
≥ 3,200 1864 On Track The bushcare team continues to seek opportunities to expand volunteer activities.
> 75% 83% On Track 191 environmental pollution requests were received in Q1 and Q2. 159 (83%) requests were responded to within 2 business days.
= 100% 51% On Track 392 high and medium risk food premises were inspected. It is anticipated that all medium and high risk food premises within the Georges River Council area will be inspected by the end of the financial year.
> 98% No Data On Track Data was not available at time of reporting.
Goal 2.1: Our environmentally sustainable practices inspire us all to protect and nurture the natural environment.
Strategy 2.1.1: Prepare the Georges River area to be resilient in addressing climate change and reducing energy and water usage.
Delivery Program Outcome: Implement the Environmental Action Plan 2022- 2040 for Council services. Action Code Action Name Status Comments
2.1.1Ai Report on the implementation progress of the Environmental Resilience Action Plan 2022 - 2040.
The progress on the implementation of the Environmental Resilience Action Plan (ERAP) is reported quarterly to the Environmental Resilience Committee. The minutes of each Environmental Resilience Committee are reported to the Council’s Executive Team on a quarterly basis. There are a total of 68 actions, of these: a total of 11 actions have been completed, 29 are in progress, and the remainder are not yet scheduled for commencement. The ERAP is due to be delivered between 2021-2040.
Delivery Program Outcome: Undertake programs and activities to educate the community on reducing energy and water consumption, protecting waterways, reducing waste and taking other action to improve the environment, with a focus on climate change projects. Action Code
2.1.1Bi Implement activities to educate the community on reducing energy and water consumption and protecting the environment.
Council regularly reviews environmental sustainability information available on its website and promotes education messages to the community through its various communication channels including social media. A community drop-in education session was held at Oatley Library in Q2.
Strategy 2.1.2: Ensure waste is managed as a resource with minimal impacts from its disposal.
Delivery Program Outcome: Implement the Waste Strategy 2021-2040.
2.1.2Ai Report on the implementation progress of the Waste Strategy 2021-2040.
The Waste Strategy 2021-2040 contains 16 actions and progress on completing a number of actions has been achieved to date, in particular the preparation of a waste collection tender specification.
Additionally in Q2, the focus was on achieving the litter and illegal dumping goals of the Waste Strategy, with consultation occurring with the NSW EPA regarding the future of the RID Squad, and preparing grant/project submissions for State Government funding to address litter.
Delivery Program Outcome: Deliver community education initiatives to support environmentally sustainable waste disposal and recycling practices.
2.1.2Bi Implement the annual Waste Education Program.
The annual waste education program is underway, providing education to residential and commercial customers, and schools and childcare centers. The program includes waste collection service updates and information, the delivery of contamination management services, and information for specific resident or community groups, composting and worm farming services, school education programs and more. The e-waste recycling events, alongside the Household Chemical Cleanout events will continue
Additionally, waste education drop in events will resume due to the removal of all COVID-19 restrictions.
Strategy 2.1.3: Prepare for natural disasters such as bushfires and extreme weather events.
Delivery Program Action: Maintain and implement the Georges River Local Emergency Management Plan in collaboration with the Local Emergency Management Committee (LEMC).
2.1.3Ai Provide support to the State Emergency Service within the Georges River Local Government Area.
2.1.3Aii Achieve endorsement of Georges River Local Emergency Management Plan 2021 and facilitate quarterly LEMC meetings attended by all combat agencies.
Council continues to assist the State Emergency Service (SES) with delivery of sand as and when needed. A sand delivery was undertaken this quarter for top up of the SES' sand bay.
The Georges River Local Emergency Management Plan 2021 was successfully endorsed in April 2022.
A Georges River LEMC meeting was not facilitated this quarter due to difficulties in recruiting a Resilience Program Support Officer.
Progress will be achieved in the next quarter with recruitment and facilitation of regular Georges River LEMC meetings. Dates for Q3 and Q4 LEMC meetings have been set.
Goal 2.2: Our waterways are healthy and accessible.
Strategy 2.2.1: Protect the Georges River and waterways to be clean and naturalised.
Delivery Program Outcome: Represent Council's ambitions for the Georges River through the GRCCC.
2.2.1Ai Support the GRCCC with the development of a Foreshore Management Plan.
Council has contributed to the annual GRCCC membership and will, for the duration of the year, be involved in the progression of the Catchment Management Plan Scoping Study into a draft Catchment Management Plan together with all member Councils. The Foreshore Access Improvement Plan has been completed by Council and is published on Council's website. GRCCC continues to support litter removal activities throughout the Local Government Area on a weekly basis, to manage litter along the Georges River foreshore. During Q2, the Georges Riverkeeper finalised the Annual Report for 2021/22 and the 2021/22 River Health Report Card, which is available through navigation from Council's website.
Strategy 2.2.2: Maintain and implement strategies to provide access to our waterways.
Delivery Program Outcome: Implement the recommendations of the Foreshore Scenic Character Review into the Georges River Local Environmental Plan.
2.2.2Ai Implement the actions of the Foreshore Access and Improvement Plan.
Council continues to champion projects identified in the Foreshore Access Improvement Plan and seek funding where appropriate to execute work.
Delivery Program Outcome: Maintain Council's marine and foreshore assets to be functional and safe.
2.2.2Bi Undertake programmed and reactive maintenance works of marine and foreshore assets.
All preventative maintenance was completed in Q2 with the following works:
• Lime Kiln Wetlands - Board walk repairs was completed by our internal trades teams in Q2.
• Oatley Bathers - Sea wall pointing repairs completed by contractors in Q2. Sandstone stair construction completed by contractors in Q2.
• Carss Park Bathers - Netting repairs and adjustments completed by contractors in Q2.
Goal 2.3: Greening, canopy cover and bushland and biodiversity preservation are maximised.
Strategy 2.3.1: Increase and promote our tree canopy, shrubs and bushland coverage.
Delivery Program Outcome: Provide appropriate and responsive management of current and future tree assets within the Georges River Local Government Area.
2.3.1Ai Implement Council's Tree Management Policy.
2.3.1Aii Continue expanding urban tree canopy to work towards Council's target of 40% urban canopy by 2039 with a focus on areas of high urban heat.
Council's Tree Management Policy is currently under review and is expected to be endorsed by 30 June 2023.
Council is close to completing the Greening Our City grant for the planting of 1,100 trees across the LGA - the grant is currently in the process of being acquitted with the grant administrator.
A second round of funding was made available by the grant administrator in Q2 and a further grant submission was submitted and successfully awarded to seek further grant funding to enable tree planting throughout the LGA and in urban areas.
2.3.1Aiii Develop a significant tree register for the LGA.
Funding is available in FY2022/23 to deliver a Significant Tree Register. The project will progress with an independent review of draft criteria established by Council under which to determine a tree as significant, followed by community consultation with the approval of Council.
Strategy 2.3.2: Protect and reinstate our biodiversity, including endemic flora and fauna.
Delivery Program Outcome: Implement Council's Bush Regeneration Program to protect, conserve and enhance the natural environment.
2.3.2Ai Implement the 2022/23 Bush Regeneration Program.
2.3.2Aii Implement the high priority recommendations of the Biodiversity Study 2021 including preparing a Biodiversity Strategy.
Bush regeneration team continues to educate and undertake work associated with improvement and development of resilient Council bushland areas.
17 of the total 37 recommendations from the Biodiversity Study 2021 have been completed. A Biodiversity Strategy to program and support the implementation of these recommendations is currently not funded by Council.
The Senior Environment Officer role was vacated and recruited during Q2, and progress will resume in Q3 with the appointment of a Senior Environment Officer in 2023.