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Performance Indicators
Goal 3.1: Local jobs and local businesses are supported to grow.
Strategy 3.1.1: Support local businesses to help protect jobs and create employment opportunities.
Delivery Program Outcome: Promote effective economic development initiatives that benefit the Georges River Local Government Area.
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3.1.1Ai Continue to promote the benefits of economic development to the community.
The small business community are regularly updated on support available through Council's website and the online business platform, Georges River Business. Council's online business platform, Georges River Business is continually used to communicate free resources, such as webinars to small business as well as use the platform to inform the small business community of what financial support is available from various government and non-government bodies. In November, Council hosted a networking event for Small Business Month which included a panel of business experts providing advice and guidance to businesses on an array of areas.
Strategy 3.1.2: Encourage the Night Time Economy, particularly in Hurstville, Beverly Hills and Kogarah, to grow.
Delivery Program Outcome: Deliver programs to activate and increase the night time economy in town centres.
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3.1.2Ai Seek programs and partnerships to activate and increase the night time economy in Hurstville, Beverly Hills and Kogarah.
There has been no progression on this in Q2 as the responsible officer has been on extended leave for the entire quarter.
Strategy 3.1.3: Target economic development in key locations and sectors within the local government area.
Delivery Program Outcome: Actively participate with State agencies and Bayside Council to achieve the ambitions for the Kogarah Health and Research Hub Collaboration Area.
3.1.3Ai Lead the Kogarah Collaboration Area Place Strategy Governance Group.
Council met with the Greater Cities Commission's District Commissioner in November to discuss the Kogarah Health and Research Hub. Staff are scheduling an early 2023 on-site tour with the Economic Commissioner. A copy of the Kogarah Entrepreneurial Ecosystem study was provided to the Greater Cities Commission to assist with their research into innovation precincts.
Delivery Program Outcome: Prepare and implement an action plan to market the Georges River Local Government Area's investment opportunities.
3.1.3Bi Implement the action plan to market the City.
With a number of high priority digital projects currently underway, implementation of this project has been delayed slightly. The project team recently amended both the delivery model and timeframes of the project, with the creation of a stand-alone page within the Council website (rather than creating a completely separate microsite). This is expected to enable accelerated delivery and more effective use of budget.
Delivery Program Outcome: Maximise the Potential of the Kogarah Health and Research Hub.
3.1.3Ci Implement, promote and market the Kogarah Investment Attraction Strategy to grow the Kogarah Health and Education Precinct.
While Council continues to promote Kogarah's investment opportunities through our ongoing advocacy programs, no specific activities have taken place in this period.
Delivery Program Outcome: Build the cultural identity of Hurstville CBD.
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Strategy 3.1.3: Target economic development in key locations and sectors within the local government area.
Delivery Program Outcome: Actively participate with State agencies and Bayside Council to achieve the ambitions for the Kogarah Health and Research Hub Collaboration Area.
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3.1.3Di Continue to build and promote the identity of Hurstville as the 'Heart of the City'.
Limited recent actions - while infrastructure project delivery is being undertaken by other areas of Council. The recent Lunar New Year promotion and positive media coverage assisted to deliver this action.
Delivery Program Outcome: Implement initiatives in key economic sectors in response to the Economic Development Strategy.
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3.1.3Ei Implement economic development initiatives and program of works in response to the Economic Development Strategy.
Currently working on delivering a Sydney South Expo for October 2023. This event is a collaboration between GRC and several neighbouring councils (Bayside, Sutherland Shire, Canterbury Bankstown and Liverpool) as well as other key influential stakeholders (e.g. ANSTO) to help promote southern Sydney as an established economic and innovation district.
Goal 3.2: Our town centres are green, clean, vibrant and activated and have good amenities.
Strategy 3.2.1: Provide regular maintenance and cleansing of town centres and public toilets.
Delivery Program Outcome: Maintain Council's green open space and town centres to be functional and safe.
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3.2.1Ai Undertake programmed and reactive cleansing, sportsfield and park maintenance works of Council's green open spaces and town centres.
Park mowing schedules - Currently running slightly behind schedule due to hot weather and rain over the Christmas/New Year period. We are achieving a 3-4 week turnaround for Mobile Maintenance mowing crews which is still within agreed service standards. Tractors are on schedule with a 1-week turnaround for sporting fields. Amenities cleaning - daily servicing running to schedule. Town centre cleaning and sweeping - all schedules being achieved.
The implementation of a dedicated Community and Culture gardening team focused on the presentation of Council assets has led to a significant improvement in the presentation of daycare centres. Hurstville and Kogarah CBD pavement deep cleansing was completed in December 2022 and will be scheduled again in May/June 2023.
Strategy 3.2.2: Encourage and support targeted, place-based events and activities to activate town centres.
Delivery Program Outcome: Work across directorates and teams to implement, promote and market long term place-based initiatives.
3.2.2Ai Continue to implement place-based public domain initiatives across the Georges River Local Government Area.
The 2023 Liveability Census (with support from the NSW Government) which GRC will provide useful data and focus to Council actions relating to place-based initiatives and targeted future actions.
Strategy 3.2.3: Implement greening and planting strategies in town centres.
Delivery Program Outcome: Assist and promote the greening and creation of open space in our town centres.
3.2.3Ai Continue to drive increased greening and creation/ improvement of open space in our town centres.
A number of actions have been undertaken by the Strategic Asset Management team and the delivery arm of Council.
Strategy 3.2.4: Protect employment growth and services during land rezoning processes.
Delivery Program Outcome: Implement the recommendations of the Commercial Centres Strategy. Action
3.2.4Ai Continue the work of the Commercial Centres Strategy for all centres within the Georges River Local Government Area.
Only two master plans are underway - for Mortdale and Beverly Hills Local Centres.
With regards to the Mortdale Master Plan, Council at its meeting held on 26 September 2022 resolved (in summary):
• Not to proceed with the exhibited draft Mortdale Master Plan
• To prepare two revised Master Plan options for exhibition for 60 days (see Council Minutes for further detail)
• To prepare a Traffic, Transport and Parking Study for both options prior to exhibition
• To update the draft Public Domain Upgrade Works for both options prior to exhibition
• Not to proceed with a draft Affordable Housing Contributions Scheme in the Mortdale Local Centre and to investigate a scheme that applies across the whole LGA.
With regards to the Beverly Hills Master Plan, Council at its meeting on 28 November 2022 resolved (in summary):
• That the consideration of the draft Master Plan for Beverly Hills be deferred to a workshop of all Councillors so that they can seek further clarification and express their opinions regarding all matters contained in this report
• To re-affirm its previous resolutions that any further Master Plan for the Beverly Hills Centre must not incorporate any form of compulsory acquisition of private property
• That the Green corridor and Public Link proposed on the eastern side of King Georges Road are not incorporated in a future Master Plan for the Centre.
Goal 3.3: Georges River is a 30 minute city.
Strategy 3.3.1: Advocate to the NSW Government to support Georges River as a 30 minute city.
Delivery Program Outcome: Advancement of the 'River Rail' through the identification of and protection of infrastructure corridors with Transport for NSW.
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3.3.1Ai Prepare a business case for the 'River Rail' (Kogarah to Parramatta rail link).
The remaining information required to complete the draft business case relates to the economic costs/ benefits of the proposal. This requires specific skills and knowledge not available internally, and currently not in the budget. The project is on hold until this issue is resolved (either by a partnership arrangement or budget proposal).
Delivery Program Outcome: Influence the next iteration of district and metropolitan planning, with recognition of the untapped potential of the Southern Aerotropolis.
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3.3.1Bi Advocate for the acknowledgement of and investment in the Southern Aerotropolis through a NSW Government -led vision and plan in collaboration with local councils and key stakeholders.
A submission was made to the Greater Cities Commission Six Cities discussion paper in October 2022, highlighting the need for north south connection and an increased focus on employment growth and innovation in the region, supporting the recommendations relating to connecting freights, ports and airports and commenting on the proposed process for creating region and district plans. The transformation potential of the Southern Aerotropolis was also the subject of a submission to the Committee for Sydney.