11 minute read
Performance Indicators
Track results are off track due to a relatively new Civil Works Restoration team still undergoing some training.
A total of 541 pothole requests have been received. All potholes were made safe and programmed for repair on a priority-based schedule within the agreed timeframe.
Goal 4.1: New development should make Georges River more liveable, vibrant and sustainable.
Strategy 4.1.1: Prepare Development Control Plans and Master Plans to guide liveable development and amenity.
Delivery Program Outcome: Complete a Master Plan for Beverly Hills and Mortdale that will revitalise the centre and respond to the community's ideas and aspirations for the future of the centre.
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4.1.1.Ai Finalise the Master Plan for Beverly Hills and Mortdale.
With respect to the Mortdale Local Centre, Council at its meeting held 26 September 2022 resolved (in summary):
• Not to proceed with the exhibited draft Mortdale Master Plan
• To prepare two revised Master Plan options for exhibition for 60 days
• To prepare a Traffic, Transport and Parking Study for both options prior to exhibition
• To update the draft Public Domain Upgrade Works for both options prior to exhibition
• Not to proceed with a draft Affordable Housing Contributions Scheme in the Mortdale Local Centre and to investigate a scheme that applies across the whole LGA. The Mortdale Master Plan options are scheduled for exhibition in Q3.
With respect to the Beverly Hills Local Centre, Council at its meeting held 28 November 2022 resolved (in summary):
• That the consideration of the draft Master Plan for Beverly Hills be deferred to a Councillor workshop so that they can seek further clarification and express their opinions regarding all matters contained in this report.
• To re-affirm its previous resolutions that any further Master Plan for the Beverly Hills Centre must not incorporate any form of compulsory acquisition of private property.
• That the Green corridor and Public Link proposed on the eastern side of King Georges Road are not incorporated in a future Master Plan for the Centre. The draft Beverly Hills Master Plan will be presented at a Councillor workshop on 20 February 2023.
Delivery Program Outcome: Prepare a Master Plan for the Riverwood Local Centre in association with the Riverwood community and Canterbury-Bankstown Council.
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4.1.1Bi Commence consultation on a Master Plan for the Riverwood Local Centre.
Council has two master planning processes underway for Beverly Hills and Mortdale Local Centre. It was thought that Riverwood would commence in late 2022 but due to the further work required by Council on the draft Beverly Hills and Mortdale Local Centre Master Plans, any new master planning work will not commence until late 2023. Furthermore, there is no budget to commence the Riverwood Local Centre Master Plan in FY2022/23.
Delivery Program Outcome: Include the Hurstville Civic Centre site in the Georges River Local Environmental Plan 2021.
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4.1.1Ci Finalise the rezoning of the Hurstville Civic Centre site.
The Gateway Determination for the Hurstville Civic Precinct Planning Proposal expired on 28 September 2022. Council requested an extension of 12 months from the DPE to allow sufficient time for outstanding issues to be resolved and ensure that the Planning Proposal is suitable for public exhibition and implementation, including the preparation of a number of supporting documents. On 2 December 2022, the DPE issued an Alteration of Gateway Determination, providing an extension to the Gateway to July 2023. The Planning Proposal and accompanying amendment to the GRDCP 2021 went on public exhibition from 18 January to 17 February 2023.
Delivery Program Outcome: Develop and implement planning controls to protect the scenic character of the foreshore.
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4.1.1Di Undertake a planning proposal on the amended Foreshore Scenic Protection Area (FSPA).
In Q1 consultants were reappointed to undertake additional works in relation to the Foreshore Scenic Character Study. To date the consultants have reviewed the recommendations of the Foreshore Study regarding the FSPA boundary in response to community feedback and informal submissions received in 2021. In Q2 preliminary consultation commenced with the community on proposed
Delivery Program Outcome: Prepare a Master Plan for the Riverwood Local Centre in association with the Riverwood community and Canterbury-Bankstown Council.
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changes to planning controls concerning biodiversity, unique local character, and foreshore scenic character. The consultation period has been extended to conclude at the end of Q3 – 31 March 2023.
Consultants were reappointed to undertake additional works in relation to the Foreshore Scenic Character Study. To date the consultants have reviewed the recommendations of the Foreshore Study regarding the FSPA boundary in response to community feedback and informal submissions received in 2021. In Q2 preliminary consultation commenced with the community on proposed changes to planning controls concerning biodiversity, unique local character, and foreshore scenic character. The consultation period has been extended to conclude at the end of Q3 – 31 March 2023.
Strategy 4.1.2: Undertake rigorous assessment of development applications (DAs) by Council staff, local planning panel and Sydney South Planning Panel.
Delivery Program Outcome: Monitor and standardise DA assessment reports and templates.
4.1.2Ai Import current planning controls in the ASSESS module in preparation for future implementation.
4.1.2Aii Ensure templates are up to date and reflect any legislative changes.
ASSESS will not proceed due to the advent of the NSW Planning Portal and due to the business system review.
Templates are up to latest legislative standards.
Delivery Program Outcome: Provide ongoing education to the community about controls to the development and building approval processes.
4.1.2Bi Implement community information session on planning development and building sessions.
4.1.2Bii Provide up to date selfhelp information on Council's website.
Community information sessions will recommence mid 2023.
Website continues to be updated with selfhelp information to assist customers and the community.
Goal 4.2: Affordable and quality housing options are available.
Strategy 4.2.1: Develop policies that encourage a greater supply of housing diversity and choice.
Delivery Program Outcome: Develop and implement an Affordable Rental Housing Scheme.
4.2.1Ai Develop an Affordable Rental Housing Scheme within Mortdale Town Centre.
Council at its meeting held on 26 September 2022 resolved not to proceed with the draft Affordable Housing Contributions Scheme in the Mortdale Local Centre and to investigate a scheme that applies across the whole LGA.
Delivery Program Outcome: Provide affordable housing in one of Council's redevelopments.
4.2.1Bi Select a Council owned site for the provision of affordable housing.
Investigations will continue on the appropriate approach to deliver affordable housing.
Goal 4.3: There are a range of transport options and increased walkability and cycling to connect people, goods and businesses.
Strategy 4.3.1: Provide expert advice and lobby the State Government to provide and improve public transport options such as train and bus services.
Delivery Program Outcome: Pursue State Government priority for express trains on the T4 line stop at Kogarah. and T8 line to the CBD, the River Rail and Hurstville (or Kogarah) to Macquarie Park via Rhodes.
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4.3.1Ai Continue to lobby Transport for NSW and the Minister for Transport for improved public transport options.
4.3.1Aii Produce a River Rail business case (first stage) for Infrastructure Australia and conduct modelling to explore the viability of reinstating services to Kogarah in peak periods.
Existing and future transport connectivity was a central issue in Council's submission on the Greater Cities Commission's Six Cities Region Discussion Paper.
Related to action 3.3.1. The completion of the business case requires economic analysis. The evaluation of the transport issues also requires skills and capability not currently within the organisation, nor covered by existing consultancy funding. Until this issue can be resolved (potentially with partners or TfNSW), the review will not progress.
Strategy 4.3.2: Plan for, improve and maintain safe and connected footpaths and cycleways.
Delivery Program Outcome: Maintain Council's footpath network to be functional and safe.
4.3.2.Ai Undertake programmed and reactive maintenance works of Council's footpath assets.
Footpath condition assessment (S1 trip hazards) grinding package 100% completed for Q2.
There are 88 reactive requests related to footpaths still open with 147 completed for Q2.
Delivery Program Outcome: Continue to maintain Council's walkways and cycleways to be functional and safe.
4.3.2Bi Continue to lobby Transport for NSW and the Minister for Transport to seek funding for the upgrade of the Oatley-Como walkway/cycleway.
4.3.2Bii Continue to lobby Transport for NSW and the Minister for Transport to investigate and design a recreational and commuter cycle network in the LGA.
Council officers continue to advocate to Transport for NSW for the upgrade of the Oatley to Como Pathway. This included the submission of two grants as part of the Get Active NSW program:
1. detailed design of the pathway
2. design and construction
Council officers successfully advocated to include critical strategic cycle routes within the Greater Sydney Strategic Cycleway plan.
Council officers have applied for Get Active NSW grants to progress the Oatley to Como Shared Pathway Upgrade and the Recreational Active Transport Route.
Goal 4.4: Everyone has access to quality parks and open space and active and passive recreation facilities.
Strategy 4.4.1: Ensure public parks, open space and Council buildings are accessible, well maintained and managed.
Delivery Program Outcome: Maintain Council's buildings and open space to be functional and safe. Action Code Action Name Status Comments
4.4.1Ai Undertake programmed and reactive maintenance works of Council's buildings, open spaces.
A total of 618 reactive job requests were logged for Q2 across all trade related activities with carpentry and plumbing being the most requested.
Programmed works were 100% complete as at the close of Q2. The areas of planned maintenance focus for Q2 were:
• Plumbing
• Electrical
• Fire Control Maintenance
• Lifts
• Appliance Testing & Tagging
Delivery Program Outcome: Incorporate design principles for parks and open spaces that promote resilience. Action Code Action Name Status Comments
4.4.1Bi Ensure that design principles that promote resilience are incorporated into plans for open space.
All new design and construction projects utilise environmental and resilience based principles.
Delivery Program Outcome: Implement the GRC Open Space, Recreation and Community Facilities Strategy.
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4.4.1Ci Identify open space and recreation priorities based on the findings of the GRC Open Space, Recreation and Community Facilities Strategy.
Short, medium and long term actions are identified in the Open Space, Recreation and Community Facilities Strategy 2018-2036. Actions to be reviewed to determine priority on completion of the Georges River Open Space Expansion and Acquisition Plan.
Goal 4.4: Everyone has access to quality parks and open space and active and passive recreation facilities.
Strategy 4.4.1: Ensure public parks, open space and Council buildings are accessible, well maintained and managed.
Delivery Program Outcome: Maintain Council's buildings and open space to be functional and safe.
4.4.1Cii Accelerate the feasibility study, concept plans and business case for a new aquatic centre in the LGA to allow Council to pursue funding sources.
Feasibility study presented to the November 2022 Council meeting. Business case development funded as a resolution of this report and is ongoing.
Strategy 4.4.2: Plan and provide active and passive recreation including skate parks, aquatic facilities and off road biking opportunities.
Delivery Program Outcome: Research and plan for active and passive recreation opportunities within the Georges River Local Government Area.
4.4.2Ai Undertake detailed design for a skate and BMX facility at Olds Park.
4.4.2Aii Plan for increased cycling opportunities across the Georges River Local Government Area.
Design complete and construction commencing in early 2023
Council officers successfully advocated to include critical strategic cycle routes within the Greater Sydney Strategic Cycleway plan.
Council officers have applied for Get Active NSW grants to progress the Oatley to Como Shared Pathway Upgrade and the Recreational Active Transport Route.
Delivery Program Outcome: Progress construction of a new aquatic facility in the LGA.
4.4.2Bi Select a suitable site for construction of a new aquatic facility in the LGA.
Council resolved at the November 2022 Council Meeting:
• That Council notes and receives the findings and recommendations of the Georges River Aquatic Facility - Carss Park Site Assessment Review
• That Council notes Carss Park is a feasible option as identified in the Georges River Aquatic Facility - Carss Park Site Assessment Review and endorses the inclusion of Carss Park - Option 1: Local Scale Development (Aquatic Facility) in the future Capital Works Plan.
4.4.2Bii Seek funding to progress construction of a new aquatic facility in the LGA.
4.4.2Biii Undertake feasibility study for construction of a new aquatic facility in the LGA.
Until business case is complete and Council resolves on the direction of a new aquatic facility, no funding can be sought.
Council resolved at the November 2022 Council Meeting:
That Council notes and receives the findings and recommendations of the Georges River Aquatic Facility - Carss Park Site Assessment Review.
Strategy 4.4.2: Plan and provide active and passive recreation including skate parks, aquatic facilities and off road biking opportunities.
Delivery Program Outcome: Research and plan for active and passive recreation opportunities within the Georges River Local Government Area.
• That Council notes Carss Park is a feasible option as identified in the Georges River Aquatic Facility - Carss Park Site Assessment Review and endorses the inclusion of Carss Park - Option 1: Local Scale Development (Aquatic Facility) in the future Capital Works Plan.
Strategy 4.4.3: Review Plans of Management for all open space in the local government area.
Delivery Program Outcome: Ensure our parks and reserves have updated Plans of Management and Master Plans.
4.4.3Ai Continue the Plans of Management for Crown Lands in accordance with the Crown Land Management Act.
During Q2 FY2022/23 the following plans of management were under preparation:
• Generic Plans of Management
• Moore Reserve Plan of Management
• Penshurst Park Plan of Management
• Sans Souci Park Plan of Management
• Donnelly Park Plan of Management
• Merriman Reserve Plan of Management
• Oatley Park Plan of Management
4.4.3Aii Place the Plan of Management for Sans Souci Park on community consultation.
The draft Plan of Management and Master Plan for Sans Souci was lodged with the Department of Planning and EnvironmentCrown Lands on 26 November 2021. Council was requested to amend the documentation. The requested changes were made by the consultant and referred to Crown Lands. The DPE issued their approval as landowners. The draft Plan of Management and Master Plan for Sans Souci Park was placed on public exhibition on 2 November to 30 November 2022, with submissions accepted until 14 December 2022. 18 submissions were received and sent to the consultant to collate and make any changes required. It will be reported to Council for adoption in Q3.
4.4.3Aiii Place the Master Plan for Sans Souci Park on community consultation.
The draft Plan of Management and Master Plan for Sans Souci was lodged with the Department of Planning and EnvironmentCrown Lands on 26 November 2021. Council was requested to amend the documentation. The requested changes were made by the consultant and referred to Crown Lands. The DPE issued their approval as landowners. The draft Plan of Management and Master Plan for Sans Souci Park was placed on public exhibition on 2 November to 30 November 2022, with submissions accepted until 14 December 2022. 18 submissions were received and sent to the consultant to collate and make any changes required. It will be reported to Council for adoption in Q3.
4.5: Council-led development and assets provide quality, long term benefits to everyone.
Strategy 4.5.1: Provide new and upgraded community assets and services to the LGA.
Delivery Program Outcome: Plan for and implement a purchasing program for property requiring compulsory acquisition in the comprehensive LEP.
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4.5.1Ai Acquire land for open space purposes as identified in the Local Environmental Plan.
Land identified for open space acquisition. Negotiations between Council and owners remain on-going.
Delivery Program Outcome: Achieve service delivery outcomes through a 10 year Capital Works Program driven by Council Strategies.
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4.5.1Bi Implement the 2022/23 Sportsfield Renovation Program.
In Q2, Council has undertaken top dressing works at 11 of our sporting fields, lowered cutting heights on the mowers for a better playing surface, applied more slow-release fertiliser and adjusted irrigation programs to increase watering during hotter/drier weather periods. We are currently on track for the up-and-coming winter sport season starting in March/ April 2023.
4.5.1Bii Deliver the 2022/23 Drainage Upgrade Program including new and replacement works.
4.5.1Biv Deliver the 2022/23 Footpath Program.
Program on track for completion within financial year
Program on track and progressing for completion within financial year.
Delivery Program Outcome: Deliver Asset Management Plans for each Asset Class (Roads, Buildings, Open Space and Stormwater) which plan for the long term sustainability of Council's Infrastructure assets.
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4.5.1Ci Develop asset class based Asset Management Plans.
Asset specialists continue to develop Asset Management Plans. Stormwater Asset Management Plan is behind schedule due to staff shortages.
Delivery Program Outcome: Provide new and upgraded community assets such as new library services to the western part of our LGA.
4.5.1Di Review options to provide new library services to the western part of our LGA.
The project is on hold until sources of funding for new services are identified.