17 minute read
Performance Indicators
Actual year-to date income is no more than +/- 5% from the year-to-date approved budget.
Actual year-to-date expenditure is no more than +/- 5% from the yearto-date approved budget.
Attempted resolution of Class 1 merit appeals by way of alternative dispute resolution such as s34 conciliation wherever possible and appropriate.
Committee Meeting business papers to be publicly available on Council's website at least three days prior to each meeting.
Council decisions made at meetings closed to the public.
Council Meeting business papers to be publicly available on Council's website at least three days prior to each meeting.
< 5% 13% Off Track Mostly driven by s94 contributions. Also higher returns on investments, mainly due to the increased cash rate.
< 5% 3% On Track Main savings in Employee Expenses. Materials & Services are also under budget due to timing of expenses for A&I contractors and community events being run later in the year.
= 100% 100% On Track As at 31 December 2022 we had 22 current development appeals, 17 of which are being run inhouse.
One appeal was resolved by S34 Agreement and 2 appeals were discontinued.
= 100% 100% On Track All Committee Meetings business papers were made publicly available within timeframe.
< 10% 4% On Track 3 out of 100 Resolutions were made in closed session for Q1. 5 out of 95 Resolutions were made in closed session for Q2
= 100% 100% On Track All Council Meetings business papers were made publicly available within timeframe.
Threat Preparedness > 85% 50% Off Track Server patching is continuing as scheduled. Change requests show server patching was completed each month, with one Critical Vulnerability applied outside of the regular patching regime during this period.
On Track For quarter 2, the financial year to date performance return in Council's investment portfolio was
Off Track Server patching is continuing as scheduled. Change requests show server patching was completed each month, with one Critical Vulnerability applied outside of the regular patching regime during this period.
50% On Track We were able to block most of the cyber threats through different measures. Broadcom Web Security Service blocked access to 1129 malicious web site. Broadcom email Security Gateway blocked 409 malwares, 2067 phishing email, 296,663 spam email. Edge firewall blocked 7640 intrusion attacks and a number of viruses from entering in our network.
Percentage of legal cases determined in accordance with Council's corporate and strategic objectives including successful prosecutions (convictions) and/ or fines for major environment offences, including tree breaches
75% On Track Council had one Local Court prosecution during Q2. The matter was the subject of an order under Mental Health and Cognitive Impairment Provisions Act 2020 after the offence was proven.
The introduction of IChris ic.MY SAFETY has simplified the action process as it was designed too. This has led to supervisors actioning the incidents, injuries and near misses in line with the allocated time frames set by the system. Of 43 incidents, injuries and near misses 3 were outside the timeframe.
Goal 6.1: Our community’s voice is considered in planning the area’s future.
Strategy 6.1.1: Commit to consult and engage the community on projects, initiative and issues which have an impact on their lives.
Delivery Program Outcome: Embed a culture of continuous improvement where we use the feedback provided by the community to improve our programs and services.
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6.1.1Ai Undertake the biannual community satisfaction survey and provide results to managers and the Executive team for action.
A Request for Quotation process was undertaken to seek specialist assistance to undertake the biannual community satisfaction survey of Georges River. This research will be completed in the first quarter of 2023.
Delivery Program Outcome: Develop a service delivery review program of Council's services.
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6.1.1Bi Conduct a service delivery review of Waste Services.
Extensive community consultation was undertaken during August and September 2021, which informed the development of the Waste Strategy 2021 - 2040. A review of Council's waste services function was undertaken from January 2022 - present in order to align service delivery with the Waste Strategy and preparations for the next waste collection contract.
6.1.1Bii Conduct a service delivery review of Venues and Facilities Management.
Scope of project being reviewed to fall within budget allocation.
Delivery Program Outcome: Embed Council's Engagement Strategy as an overarching process for all Council engagement activity.
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6.1.1Ci Re-establish the Your Say panel and undertake an ongoing survey to continue to improve the Your Say platform and Council's approach to engaging with the community.
Your Say Panel continue to receive the fortnightly newsletter notification of projects open for consultation. A review and research is nearing completion - with the objective of reestablishing a more representative Your Say Panel.
6.1.1Cii Develop an intranet suite of resources to support all Council staff to create more opportunities for community engagement
A Community Engagement Framework and Planning Guide is being created to complement the intranet suite of resources. This toolkit contains templates and resources that will help guide the development of intranet training resources.
Delivery Program Outcome: Refer a broad range of Council and community issues for engagement to Council's Your Say platform.
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6.1.1Di Use a broad range of tools in community engagements.
During this quarter, community engagement employed a range of tools including but not limited to: site exhibitions for Merriman Reserve and Sans Souci Park, online storytelling and in person workshops for the 'Working Together for Better Certification' campaign, and online workshops for the Biodiversity and Foreshore Controls consultation. A Community Engagement stall was at the December major event, Magic of Christmas.
Delivery Program Outcome: Develop comprehensive engagement and communication plans for Council's community engagements.
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6.1.1Ei Create and implement Engagement and Communications Plans for major projects where Council is seeking community engagement utilising Council's communications channels.
6.1.1Eii Maintain on Your Say a community facing dashboard on engagement activity.
During this quarter, engagement and communication plans were in place for the Working Together for the Better Certification campaign, Cultural Night Time Activation, Hurstville Civic Precinct and the Battle of the Beats competition.
The interactive dashboard featuring demographic data from Your Say contributors and panel members from 2021-2022 is currently live, and sits in two different locations for improved accessibility: on the home page under the About Your Say tab, and in the Community Engagement carousel.
Delivery Program Outcome: Develop an Annual Community Consultation Progress report.
6.1.1Fi Develop a comprehensive community engagement report for Council's annual report
A review of the Annual Report for 2021/22 is being undertaken to identify potential gaps in reporting and opportunities for improvement.
Delivery Program Outcome: Provide opportunities for the community to engage with their ward Councillors.
6.1.1.Gi Provide a Meet Your Ward Councillor session for each ward annually.
Meet Your Ward Councillor sessions have been put on hold pending future budget allocation.
Strategy 6.1.2: Ensure Council’s financial assistance and grants programs are managed effectively.
Delivery Program Outcome: Deliver and report on Council's financial assistance program.
6.1.2.Ai Provide reports on Council's financial assistance program, including community grants, microgrants, venue hire program, heritage grants, heritage publication grants, and donations program.
• Venue Hire Grants Round 5 - 5 projects funded, totaling $7,446.00
• Venue Hire Grants Round 6 - 4 projects funded, totaling $6,181.00
• Community Grants 2022-2023 R1 - 23 organisations funded for 24 projects, totaling $188,286.00.
There were no Micro Grants or Heritage Publication Grants in this period - rounds will open in Q3. There were no Donations paid in this period as there is no donations budget for the 2022-2023 financial year.
The Community Capacity Building team ran the first Community Grants Orientation session. This is a new initiative to complement the existing presentation evening. This event, for the 24 successful recipients of Round 1,
Strategy 6.1.2: Ensure Council’s financial assistance and grants programs are managed effectively.
Delivery Program Outcome: Deliver and report on Council's financial assistance program.
was designed to build capacity around grant delivery and reporting in community organisations, and to strengthen relationships with Council.
Goal 6.2: Our decisions are based on evidence which consider financial impacts, the environment and impacts on future generations.
Strategy 6.2.1: Ensure the behaviour and decisions of councillors and staff is professional and ethical.
Delivery Program Outcome: Facilitate the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee (ARIC) to fulfil its responsibilities under the Local Government Act and ARIC Charter.
6.2.1Ai Facilitate ARIC reports to Council on activities and functions, including an Annual Report from the ARIC Chair.
The following minutes have been confirmed by ARIC and are scheduled for Finance and Governance Committee review on 13 February 2023 and Council Meeting on 27 February 2023:
• Q1 - ARIC Meeting held on 25 August 2022
• Q2 - ARIC Special Financial Statements Meeting held on 17 November 2022
The Minutes of the ARIC meeting held on 9 December 2022 will be confirmed at the next ARIC meeting scheduled for 2 March 2023. In the intervening period, the unconfirmed Minutes have been uploaded to the ARIC HUB to which the councillors have access.
The ARIC Annual Report to Council is based on a financial year. The next report is scheduled to be presented to Council in June/July 2023. The previous report for 2021/22 was presented to the Council Meeting on 27 June 2022 (CCL049-22).
6.2.1Aii Facilitate replacement of ARIC Chair in June 2022. Recruit 1 new ARIC member to the Committee to replace outgoing/retiring Chair.
6.2.1Aiii Prepare an annual ARIC Responsibility Calendar reflecting Local Government and ARIC Charter requirements to be completed throughout the year.
The current ARIC Chair was appointed for a 3-year tenure in March 2021. An ARIC member was appointed effective March 2021 and holds a 3-year tenure. A final ARIC member was appointed effective 1 July 2022 and holds a 3-year tenure.
The 18-month ARIC Responsibility Calendar was adopted by ARIC on 25 November 2021 which covers ARIC meetings for Q1 and Q2 in 2022/23. This is on schedule and being complied with.
The calendar assigns review of ARIC responsibility areas across a 12-month period.
Delivery Program Outcome: Promote and assist in creating an ethical organisational environment with emphasis on internal controls, efficiency, effectiveness and good governance. Action Code Action Name Status Comments
6.2.1.Bi Complete the 2022/23 Audit Program.
The following audits/reviews were completed in Q1:
• Complying Developments Payments Pilot Study
• TfNSW Annual DRIVES 24 Compliance Audit
• Payroll Exception/Compliance Reporting
The following audit was completed in Q2:
• Cash Management audit
The following audits will commence in Q3 & be completed in Q4:
• Community Leases
• Consultancy Use
• Accounts Receivable/Debtors Exception Reporting
6.2.1Bii Implement any mandatory internal audit guidelines issued by the OLG.
The OLG released the Risk Management and Internal Audit Guidelines in December 2022. The Chief Audit Executive has prepared a gap-analysis on the status of implementation of the Guidelines, including the phasing in of items up to 30 June 2025 as per the timetable requirements. This gap-analysis will be presented to the ARIC meeting on 2 March 2023 for consideration and subsequently to Council in April/May 2023. Council has already met the compulsory item timeline requirements and most of the requirements that are not due until 1 July 2024.
Provide advice, mentoring, education and assistance to the organisation on internal controls, implementation of audit recommendations, ethical behaviours and good governance.
Monthly staff induction continues to focus on Code of Conduct. Currently reviewing induction information with a view to expanding education to include wider view on actions of business unit. Governance healthcheck has identified gap areas in knowledge and education council wide. Attendance at directorate leader meetings to provide advice on areas identified in the healthcheck. Developing ongoing education fact sheets and presentations to align with amendments to legislation and process.
Delivery Program Outcome: Promote and assist in creating an ethical organisational environment with emphasis on internal controls, efficiency, effectiveness and good governance.
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Target date Q4 for annual completed directorate education process.
Delivery Program Outcome: Implement and deliver a Councillor induction and professional development program to ensure the Mayor and Councillors are aware of the knowledge, skills and personal attributes expected of them in their civic roles under the Local Government Act 1993, and of the support Council should be providing to ensure they are able to effectively fulfil their roles.
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6.2.1Ci Provide ample training and development opportunities (offered both externally and internally) to ensure diversity of choice and availability.
6.2.1Cii Provide opportunities for a recommended minimum of 12 hours of skill and/or development training to be achieved by each Councillor annually.
Training and development opportunities are continually being offered to Councillors, utilising their training and conference budget allocation within the Mayor and Councillors Expenses Policy.
All Councillors are encouraged to complete minimum 12 hours of skill and/or development training. Training opportunities are provided within Council and externally through LGNSW and other agencies.
Strategy 6.2.2: Maintain a sustainably strong financial position balanced with demand for essential services and new projects and having regard for Section 8(b)(d)(ii) of the Local Government Act (the current generation funds the cost of its services).
Delivery Program Action: Ensure financial decisions address the key financial sustainability risks to secure Council's immediate and long-term future.
6.2.2Ai Align the annual budget strategy to incorporate proposed new projects and programs and to facilitate financially sustainable decisions
The 2022/23 Budget was adopted with a change to the projected surplus of $1.9 million, down to $1.2 million. The Q2 review proposed to change the results to $1.6 million surplus due to changes put forward by Council Notices of Motion. The Budget continues to prioritise key services, projects and programs.
Delivery Program Outcome: Ensure the Long-Term Financial Plan incorporates strategic priorities and risks.
6.2.2Bi Incorporate the review of Council's Asset Management Plan, including asset life, depreciation and maintenance costs, into Council's Long-Term Financial Plan.
Asset team has provided revised maintenance and renewal scheduled for specific asset classes which will assist in achieving this action. The senior consultant who prepares the financial plan has also had a meeting with relevant asset contacts.
Delivery Program Outcome: Ensure financial policy and process improvements focus on the integrity of controls, improved data for business decisions and customer experience.
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6.2.2Ci Expand payment channels and selfservice online access for financial processes.
Self-service online access created for running and analysing Budget Reports; Quarterly Reporting Updates, and updating Annual Budget Modules
Strategy 6.2.3: Undertake effective risk management to manage risks that may arise.
Delivery Program Outcome: Annually review Council’s enterprise and operational risks.
6.2.3Ai Maintain the focus on education, awareness and mitigation with respect to risk management and fraud control.
The ARIC were updated on Risk Management and Business continuity status in December 2022. Revised draft Enterprise Risk Management Policy reported to Executive Team and the ARIC in March 2023. Plan to be reviewed and presented in Q4. Fraud and Corruption Control Policy and Plan drafted and will be presented to Executive Team in Q3 and the ARIC in Q4.
6.2.3Aii Review and report on the Governance and Risk Frameworks status to the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee.
Status update reports on Governance compliance and Risk Management provided to ARIC in December 2022. Next update is due to March meeting (Q3) of ARIC.
Strategy 6.2.4: Ensure procurement policies and practices demonstrate best practice in probity assurance and legislative compliance.
Delivery Program Outcome: Review procurement policy and practice through the Local Government Procurement Program.
6.2.4Ai Continue to implement recommendations from the Procurement Audit and maintain a focus on education, training and risk mitigation.
6.2.4Aii Focus on procurement contracts governance strategies and enabling priorities and maintain an accurate online GIPA contracts register.
Tighter controls around procurement have been implemented in line with the Procurement Policy review
Senior Procurement Partner and Procurement and Governance Contracts Partner both commenced in quarter which has increased resourcing for these activities
Strategy 6.2.5: Undertake effective management of council’s digital framework to enable responsive and timely services and information.
Delivery Program Outcome: Implement the Digital Resourcing Management Plan.
6.2.5Ai Continue to implement digital transformation initiatives that improve our e-planning, regulatory and asset management services.
The team have continued to focus their efforts on the development of integration with the NSW planning portal, this integration will allow an increased variety of application types to be accepted through the Department of Planning and Environment. We are also focused on Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and have been working across council to conduct an Enterprise System Review which will guide decisions on the future vision of council’s core applications with the aim to create a better experience for the public and staff when interacting with council.
6.2.5Aii Engineering Trust through the implementation of the independent information security audit program, to build business resilience and safeguard Council's information.
Audit is currently underway to review Internal compliance on information security. Audit results will be reported to the ARIC Committee once they are finalised. Ongoing security practices are in place and are being reported to Executive and ARIC for endorsement.
6.2.5Aiii Implement Annual program of funded initiatives for organisational plans of Council:
- Customer and Digital Experience Program
- Cultural Program
- 2030 Library Strategy
- 2021-2031 Early Learning Services Strategy.
6.2.5Aiv Review Council's Enterprise architecture to future proof and enable secure, scalable information services.
IMT have invested significant time in the Enterprise System Review that will assist all areas in meeting improvements across the digital framework and provide better services and information for the community. Work is also ongoing for the finalisation of the Planning Portal V2 which will allow further automation of building applications.
IMT are focusing on the enterprise system review, a staff survey and several workshops have been conducted to gather feedback on the current solutions in place.
Goal 6.3: Our community knows why and how decisions are made.
Strategy 6.3.1: The community is informed, has access to information and Council reports and reports from other levels of government, institutions and organisations pertaining to Georges River are made public.
Delivery Program Outcome: Maintain online public registers as required under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA) and Designated Persons disclosure returns (section 4.21-4.27 of Council's Code of Conduct).
6.3.1.Ai Continue to maintain online public registers as required including gifts and benefits and Councillor disclosures of interest returns.
Governance continues to update registers and make publicly available, on a regular basis to ensure public has access to up to date information.
Delivery Program Outcome: Report to the Office of Local Government and the NSW Ombudsman on Code of Conduct and Public Interest Disclosure matters in accordance with statutory reporting requirements.
6.3.1Bi Continue reporting statistics to the Office of Local Government, NSW Ombudsman and the Information Privacy Commission under provisions of related Acts and Council's Procedures for the Administration of the Code of Conduct in accordance with statutory reporting requirements.
Annual Code of Conduct stats reported to Council and OLG. Disclosure stats due to Ombudsman in Q3.
Delivery Program Outcome: Comply with all requirements of Integrated Planning and Reporting legislation, including progress reports for the Community Strategic Plan, Delivery Program and Operational Plan.
6.3.1Ci Communicate Council's progress against the Community Strategic
Half Yearly Progress Report on progress against the CSP and Delivery Program will be provided at the April 2023 Council Meeting,
Goal 6.3: Our community knows why and how decisions are made.
Strategy 6.3.1: The community is informed, has access to information and Council reports and reports from other levels of government, institutions and organisations pertaining to Georges River are made public.
Delivery Program Outcome: Maintain online public registers as required under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA) and Designated Persons disclosure returns (section 4.21-4.27 of Council's Code of Conduct).
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Plan, Delivery Program and Operational Plan.
Delivery Program Outcome: Provide live webcasting of all Council and Committee meetings.
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6.3.1Di Recordings of all Council and Committee meetings to be available on Council's website for a period of four years (from 2021 onwards).
This has now become a Council process.
Delivery Program Outcome: Maintain online records of Council and Committee papers and minutes.
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6.3.1Ei Ensure the unconfirmed minutes of each meeting of Council are published on Council's website within five business days.
Unconfirmed minutes were all published on Council's website within five business days of the meeting occurring.
Goal 6.4: The workforce is inspiring, diverse and engaged.
Strategy 6.4.1: Implement leading people practices to create a high performing, capable and resilient workforce.
Delivery Program Outcome: Implement a Workplace Health and Safety System to support a well and safe workplace.
6.4.1Ai Evaluate Work, Health and Safety (WH&S) procedures and implement effective controls to manage WH&S risks
The review of the WHS management system continues. The last 2 of the 4 WHS Strategy foundation documents have completed the consultation process and will be sent to Executive Team for approval. The documents are of Responsibility, Authority and Accountability and Planning and Performance Review.
Council's Self-audit Improvement Plan has been approved by StateCover. Three areas under approvement are hazardous noise, contractor management, and events. The hazardous noise program has been drafted and submitted to Executive Team for approval. The Contractor Management Procedure has been drafted and put out for consultation with the WHS Committee and key stakeholders. Events are working with the WHS to formalise processes and review event documentation.
Delivery Program Outcome: Implement the 2022-2026 Workforce Management Plan.
6.4.1Bi Design and Implement Council's Performance Excellence Program to achieve leading practices in reviewing, managing and recognising performance, fostering an environment where employees are engaged, aligned and motivated to excel in their roles.
Performance Excellence Program (PEP) Focus Groups were facilitated across all areas of the business between November 2022 and January 2023. These Focus Groups were successful in consulting on the PEP, and importantly, establishing draft Performance Goals (KPIs) which can then be further developed leading into PEP Talk 2. PEP Talk 2 will take place between 1 February and 31 March 2023 with a once off unique format incorporating performance review for the 2021/2022 period and formalising expectations through Corporate Performance Indicators, Leadership Performance Indicators for our people leaders, and developing position
Delivery Program Outcome: Implement the 2022-2026 Workforce Management Plan. Action Code Action Name Status Comments specific SMART KPIs and personal development goals to drive performance. Salary increases and performance bonuses will be considered aligned with the PEP, recognising and rewarding performance excellence. Work continues on implementation of the EPM21 system to facilitate PEP Talks, implementation of the reviews in EPM21 will be completed to be launched with PEP Talk 1 in August 2023.
6.4.1Bii Deliver a Leadership Program to unite leaders of the organisation and drive a thriving culture where leaders inspire staff and teams to achieve our operational and strategic goals to provide quality outcomes for our community
Council's Leadership Development program continued with 2 LeaderLIFT sessions for the manager’s cohort occurring over the quarter. These focused on Building Resilient Teams and Authentic Leadership. In addition, one Executive Team LeaderLIFT session was delivered, which also focused on Building Team Resilience and Authentic Leadership. LeaderLIFT program coaching sessions continued over Q2 focusing on leadership development. A LeaderSHIFT session for coordinators and 'heads of' was delivered as a special event, which included a keynote speaker who presented on 'Burnout', and an externally facilitated session which addressed the Council 2022 staff survey results through workshopping the key areas of concern and success.
September 2022 saw the delivery of the emerging leadership program 'Launching into Leadership' which was internally designed and facilitated. This was a two-half day training program. There were two cohorts of participants who went through this program. Council is currently working on further leadership development leadership programs for 2023.
6.4.1Biii Implement Council's wellness and belonging program to drive a healthier, happier and more productive and engaged workforce, and promote Council as an employer of choice.
M-FIT: Our annual staff survey launched 5 September with the key message centred on listening to each other and our staff. We had a completion rate of 75% which is a great result. Overall, our Engagement - 73%, Wellbeing68% and Progress - 57% scores were moderate. Benchmarked against other local governments and metro councils, Georges River Council continues to be higher if not on par. We have met with the leaders in our organisation to go through our survey results and have shared the results with all staff to further action plan in their areas and report back to the ET.
Council's M-Fit Champions continue to be promoted across our business as the key contacts for mental health awareness, support and referral. Meetings occur on a monthly basis to identify key trends and discuss any challenges.
WELL-FIT: Draft calendar and proposal for GRC Wellness Program has been prepared. Further consultation is required with the Community and Culture Directorate to align initiatives that coincide with advocacy programs. This is expected to occur in Q3.