How will we get there? Our guiding principles We have developed clear principles to guide the way that our digital resources are implemented and managed. These principles underpin and frame our decision making on digital projects. Customer Centric We will be a customer centric delivering system availability, capacity and quality of service. Financially responsible We will source and assess technology and software delivering excellent return on investment and business sustainability and look for opportunities to leverage for profitability.
Sustainable, resilient and compliant We will be committed to good governance by driving a sustainable, resilient and compliant organisation. Business Intelligence We will develop and commit to utilise business reporting that facilitates open, transparent and accountable decision making. Move to Improve We will support and deliver a continuous improvement and innovative culture.
Our priorities Strategic Objective 1
Enable Committed Governance
2 Empower Digital Government
Priority 1.1 Continuously adapt Council’s information security framework against an ever-changing legislative compliance and threat landscape 1.2 Deliver sustainable, resilient systems and technical infrastructure to support our City 1.3 Leverage cost optimisation and enable proactive procurement of all Council digital assets 2.1 Improve citizen engagement, communication and services 2.2 Continue to expand mobile technology and digital workplace program 2.3 Continue to invest and enhance Artificial Intelligence and automated solutions 2.4 Support interoperability with State and Federal Digital Government initiatives
Undertake Continuous Improvement and Innovation
3.1 Grow a digitally skilled and capable workforce 3.2 Continue to cultivate key strategic strategic and collaborative partnerships 3.3 Enable Council’s priority strategies 3.4 Continue iterative improvements in business process, staff and operational efficiencies through the Move to Improve Program
Embed Business Analytics
4.1 Embed business reporting that facilitates an open, transparent and accountable organisation 4.2 Establish an open data exchange for our community 4.3 Ensure governance framework exists to maintain data integrity for Council data.
The actions Council will undertake to support these objectives and priorities are outlined in the detailed Action Plan in Section 5. The Digital Resource Management Plan will evolve as Council continues its journey from transition to transformation and innovation.
Georges River Council // Digital Resource Management Plan 2021/22