Developing the mechatronics technicians based on the project-based learning standard Markus Hoffmann, Director of the German-Thai Dual Excellent Education (GTDEE), GIZ Business Scouts for Development on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) Dual vocational training is a special way of learning a profession in Germany. The dual training consists of a lot of practical work. It usually lasts between two and three and a half years depend on the profession. The combination of approximately 30% in theory and 70% in professional practice prepares trainees particularly well for what companies expect of them: not only specialist knowledge, but also practical experience in applying this knowledge. The idea of training mechatronics technicians in Thailand based on German vocational education and training standard began in a discussion between Mr. Markus Hoffmann, GIZ Business Scouts and Programme Director of the German-Thai Dual Excellent Education (GTDEE) and the Eastern Technological College (E-TECH) on 11 November 2018. The first Thai edition of the Mechatronics textbook was further developed and finally launched last year. UPDATE interviewed Mr. Hoffmann about GTDEE, which is a programme developed by the German-Thai Chamber of Commerce (GTCC), on the development of German mechatronics technicians under the project-based learning standard and the Thai mechatronics textbook. Please explain how the German Mechatronics Technician under Project-Based Learning Standard has been developed in Thailand and what kind of reference books are available for mechatronics technician development in Germany? The discussion with E-Tech on 11 November 2018 centred on how best to develop the competence of mechatronics students at the vocational education level. Initially, in accordance with German vocational standards and guidelines, attention was given to general academic knowledge and practical skills under project-based learning as a key part of the programme. The programme was partially funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) from November 2019 to September 2020.
UPDATE 2/2022
Importantly, the education of German mechatronic technicians under project-based learning standards places great emphasis on the students' ability to produce their own workpieces. This involves them in the following tasks: planning the work; producing machine parts; producing technical drawings of workpieces and devices; assembling mechatronic parts; customizing workpieces; m a chi ne ope rat i on prog ramming; maintaining a written work manual; formulating maintenance guidelines; and organising delivery of customers' orders. Work safety regulations and environmental responsibilities are taught and complied with at every stage of the programme. We held consultations with an international team of experts from the public and commercial sectors about which German quality literature is most suitable for the Thai education market. We selected one of the largest German publishers, Europa-Lehrmittel Nourney, Vollmer GmbH & Co. KG, based in Haan near Düsseldorf. GTCC then acquired the licences for the “Mechatronics textbook”, “Mechatronics Examination Preparation” and “Mechatronics