UPDATE Q2/2022: Education and Skill Development

Page 21


The pilot Pathumthani Brewery Apprenticeship Programme 2021: Trainer and teacher perspectives Sorathorn Sainak, Don Bosco Technological College, and Anucha Chooputpong, Pathumthani Brewery The German-Thai Dual Excellence Education (GTDEE) programme has been focusing on the development of standard German vocational education in partnership with participating companies and colleges for over a decade. In the programme, the apprentice will be trained in practical skills along with theoretical study in order to be able to work immediately after completing the course. In 2021, the GTDEE launched a pilot adaptation to address the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and consequently integrated this content into Pathumthani Brewery Apprenticeship Programme 2021. To have the apprentice educated on a total of 17 goals, formulated by the United Nations in 2015 and aimed to achieve by 2030, is a good start, although it is merely a movement by the small agencies to encourage the apprentice to have knowledge, analytical skills and mindset that facilitate the application of essential SDGs knowledge and awareness of sustainable development in the aspects relevant to these goals. Today, we had the opportunity to interview Mr. Sorathorn Sainak, a participating teacher, and Mr. Anucha Chooputpong, a participating in-company trainer, on the programme's content adaptation to promote sustainable development. Mr. Sorathorn Sainak, Head of DVET Programme, Don Bosco Technological College Educational institutions must provide theoretical education while also actively fostering practical learning through in-class or outdoor activities in order to achieve Thailand's Sustainable Development Goals. To raise the students’ awareness on social, economic, and environmental issues is therefore essential. It can begin with something that students are capable of and familiar with, such as activities to promote environmental values, which require

“ In the industrial sector, current manufacturing processes are also performed in a sustainable manner.” collaboration from all parties in educational institutions. Campaigns such as 3R (ReduceReuse-Recycle), plastic waste reduction, public transportations and travels are all must-do activities. Meanwhile, educational institutions also have to manage the ecosystem to ensure its hygiene as I believe that a healthy atmosphere reflects the health and well-being of all students. Mr. Anucha Chooputpong, In-Company Tr a i n e r, Pa t h u m t h a n i B r e w e r y Apprenticeship Programme 2021: When people first hear about education for sustainable development, they think it maybe a broad topic, but in fact, this kind of knowledge has long been present in Thai society, such as the use of local materials to make food containers, the subsistence that ensures long-term food supply, and community's interdependence between humans and nature. In the industrial sector, current manufacturing processes are also performed in a sustainable manner. As an in-company trainer, I have discovered that it is critical to consider every element of the profession while training the apprentice to acquire essential skills. It is especially important to consider cost-

effectiveness, durability, safety, and environmental friendliness when selecting materials or equipment for machine maintenance on the 3R also. These are the competencies that are crucial to help the company reach its sustainable development objectives. We are very fortunate to have the partnership with Don Bosco Technological College and GTCC, which emphasizes those abilities that go beyond fundamental knowledge and skills in the technician field. It improves the quality of the youth that participates in our Pathumthani Brewery Apprenticeship Programme 2021. Interviewed by Dr. Kamonsak Suradom, GTDEE Senior Manager, GTCC

Contact details: Sorathorn Sainak, Don Bosco Technological College chandb02@gmail.com Anucha Chooputpong, Pathumthani Brewery Co., Ltd. anucha_c@boonrawd.co.th


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Articles inside

Trade Fairs

pages 50-55


pages 46-47


pages 40-45


pages 30-39

Preparing to attract, develop and retain talent for a New Normal and business growth – a golden opportunity for human resources

pages 28-29

There’s nothing wrong with having a gap between jobs

pages 26-27

Upskilling Thailand’s human resources for the future world of business

pages 24-25

Meeting the challenge of upskilling human resources

pages 22-23

The pilot Pathumthani Brewery Apprenticeship Programme 2021: Trainer and teacher perspectives

page 21

First female apprentices of the BMW Group Thailand

page 20

A student’s viewpoint on the success of GTDEE

pages 18-19

Developing the mechatronics technicians based on the project-based learning standard

pages 16-17

From Thai-German Technical School to KMUTNB: Perspectives on the cooperation with the German industrial sector

pages 14-15

Collaboration project encouraging improvement of technical and vocational education and training

pages 12-13

Growing together: Developing valuable workforce for the industrial sector’s future

page 11

Vocational education development for Thailand 4.0

pages 8-10

Implementing the German dual vocational education and training system in Thailand

pages 6-7
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