GTCC Clean Air Initiative Webinar Series with CLAAS Regional Center South East Asia Ltd.
There is no doubt that agricultural burning contributes significantly to air pollution in Thailand. However, farmers have few alternatives. CLAAS QUADRANT offers farmers the option of baling sugarcane leaves and other agricultural waste to avoid burning in the field. Some additional benefits are that power plants can sustainably source material locally, farmers can earn additional income by selling the sugarcane straw and, most importantly, the severe air pollution from burning in the fields can be avoided. The issue of air pollution caused by agricultural burning and the solution offered by CLAAS QUADRANT was the subject of the sixth webinar in the "GTCC Clean Air Initiative Series – Green Solutions from Germany". The webinar took place on 11 January 2022 with Anil Menon, Managing Director of CLAAS QUADRANT, as a speaker.
The German-Thai Railway Association (GTRA) Webinar
On 13 January 2022, the GTCC organised a webinar to provide information about the newly-launched German-Thai Railway Association (GTRA). The purpose of establishing the association is to implement the Joint Declaration of Intent (JDI) between the Thai Ministry of Transport and the German Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure, with the aim of improving German-Thai rail networking as well as co-operation. Within the scope of the webinar the GTRA’s objectives and activities were presented by GTRA top management. In addition, the possibility of collaborating on the development of Thai railway system was reviewed.
UPDATE 2/2022