2022September In this issue: .9Issue.133Volume.GrainandMillingSeptember2022 supporterProudof Download the Milling and Grain app to your smart phone INARECEN T POLL, LLIMDEMILLINGANDGRAINWASVOTED#MOSTTRUSTIGNUFOSREMEMYBENIZAGAMKFLOUMILLERS YOUR GLOBAL PARTNER Volume 133 Issue 9 The economics of workplace safety - The FEFAC circular feed concept: Part 2 - The evolution of grain & oilseed analysis methods - CASE MoreOcrim-FBCSTUDY:success stories for company’s end-of-line service offering - Bucket elevator efficiency

Behlen bins range in size from 85 to 66,000 cubic meters. These silos feature a unique trapezoidal wall panel design. COMMERCIAL GRAIN BINS Behlen hoppers are designed to ensure strength, ease of assembly, and operation.trouble-free COMMERCIAL HOPPER TANKS Behlen Steel BUILT TO LAST Behlen Grain Systems... Standing the test of time with competitive prices and Customer Service second to none. CONTACT US TODAY TO DISCUSS YOUR PROJECT! Call 1-402-564-3111 or Visit Bigger and Better than Ever!

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PINGLE.PROFESSIONAL MANUFACTURER OF GRAIN MACHINERY ★ INTEGRATED MILLING SOLUTION PROVIDER ★ ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFIED Аdd: Zhengding, Shijiazhuang,Hebei,China Tel: +86-311-88268111 Fax: +86-311-88268777 /

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VOLUME 133 ISSUE 9 NEWS 10-31 44 FEFACThe circular feed concept - Part 2: Outlook on circular feed vision 52 A alternativesustainableto control piglet withoutmortalityzincoxide 56 The evolution of grain & oilseed analysis methods 62 Argonauta 70STORAGE The economics of workplace safety 76 Bucket elevator efficiency 8 PUBLISHER Roger Gilbert 104 INTERVIEW Olivier Duvernoy ©Copyright 2019 Perendale Publishers Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior permission of the copyright owner. More information can be found at Perendale Publishers Ltd also publish ‘The International Milling Directory’ and ‘The Global Miller’ news service EVENTS 92 Event listings, reviews and previews COLUMNS 10 MAG TV 10 The Global Miller 22 Mildred Cookson 26 Dr Mahmoud Riyad 30 The Rex collectionWailes FACES 106 People news from the global milling industry TRAINING 35 Industry training news PRODUCT FOCUS 38 CASE STUDY 88INDUSTRY PROFILE 84 Grain & Feed Milling Technology magazine was rebranded to Milling and Grain in 2015 September 2022 COVER IMAGE: The economics of workplace safety: Safer and more reliable equipment is easier to service, has a longer life and is less expensive to maintain - see more on page 70
A sustainable alternative to control piglet mortalityzincwithoutoxide See more on page 52

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While it is never easy to have staff leave, we have taken the opportunity to boost our team by two additional members. I will introduce them below and encourage you to connect with them to help us – and them – report on the aspects of the milling and grain processing sectors which which you feel we should be covering in our monthly magazine.
Shannon holds a BA in Creative Writing from Gloucestershire University and Niamh has a BA in filmmaking from the University of the West of England along with particle experience in the industry that are transferrable to print and digital publishing.

More Information
Time spent here has been an unparalleled success – with our one-day Aquatic Asia 2022 Conference taking place on September 6, 2022 the day prior to the opening of the expositions, has proven to be a highlight. The success of this conference was assured with the presence of Dr Loc Tran of Vietnam and our own International Aquafeed editor, Professor Simon Davies, who both delivered two keynote presentations each.
Joy Nelloolichalil(Jyothsna)
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank both PremierTech of The Netherlands (who hosted a two-day insightful tour for a group of millers from the UK’s London and South East Millers Society) and DSM of Switzerland (to its three day Aqua Days 2022 seminar and tour) for their openness in hosting millers from the food and feed sector’s respectively. More on these two meaningful visits in our next edition.
The Milling and Grain team will be attending no less than two events in France over the next four weeks. So, it is timely that we run an interview with our industry colleague and President of AEMIC, Olivier Duvernoy, with AEMIC the organisation that is responsible for JTIC, set to be held in the famous French city of Dijon on October 12 –13, 2022.
Alternatively, you may subscribe for the same price for the digital edition through your Apple Store or Google Play account.
Events, events and more events …

Roger Gilbert
Annual Subscription Rates
Staying on the subject of events, this month also sees French perennial favourite SPACE, with the event celebrating its 35th anniversary in Rennes, France, from 13 – 15 September this year at we have an in-depth report as a precursor to the event at the time of going to press.
New staff at Milling & Grain
Then, as things are wrapping up over in France, Mill Tech - Mill Machinery Technologies and Components Exhibition - which aims to be the international trade fair for the industry, will take place in Istanbul from September 15-18, 2022.
Finally, I would like to draw your attention to the QR code below. It takes you to the other titles and languages we publish. It links to our MagStand subscription page where you may choose between print and digital subscriptions (or a combination of both) that will email you access to the App and using your user name and password will link yoku a desktop library of current and back editions via Flickread - from your desktop!
At time of writing, I am at the Victam-VIV co-hosted event in Bangkok (which ran from September 7-9, 2022) at the Impact Expo Centre, Bangkok.
Taking place in one of Europe's leading farming regions, the event opens its doors to international visitors and exhibitors, providing and essential service to all livestock farmers seeking high performance, quality and sustainability in the global food supply sector.
It was intriguing and satisfying to revisit both the GRAPAS and the AFTaN winners and shortlisted companies to once again review their innovations for our Asian millers.
Very much like SPACE, MillTech’s organisers look forward to welcoming the most important global representatives from its respective sector – displaying their latest and most innovative products.
Our editorial team – and that includes three long-standing editorial team members as well - is fit for purpose and is here to drive forward our magazine content which is in its 140th year. In fact, we have just produced our 2023 Media File that is now available via our download link.
As well our regular content, such as the latest and penultimate instalment of ‘Argonauta’ by Dr Sergio Antolini, CEO of Ocrim, we also continue our quest to provide you with the highest levels of both quality and variety – with articles that focus on the economics of workplace safety and bucket elevator efficiency by Martin Engineering and UniTrack respectively.
It’s a pleasure for me to welcome three new staff members to Milling and Grain magazine this month; all are joining our editorial team here in the UK.

Leading the team is Jyothsna Nelloolichalil – Joy, for shortwho has a Masters in News Journalism from Nottingham Trent University here in the UK and a Masters in Chemistry from Central University of Tamilnadu (CUTN) in India. Supporting Joy will be Shannon Parsons and Niamh Cassidy.

Milling and Grain has a cooperative partnership with COFCOET

Shannon Parsons Niamh Cassidy

In this month’s edition of Milling and Grain, we return to more familiar climes with Part 2 of our coverage of the ‘FEFAC Circular Feed concept,’ which is complemented by a very detailed examination of the evolution of grain and oilseed analysis methods by Wes Shadow, Global Market Manager for Perkin Elmer.
Outside: US$150/€133
Inside UK: UK£100
What is particularly advantageous about employing younger graduates is that they have been fully immersed in computer and digital technology, have excellent writing abilities and enquiring minds. While milling cereals, oilseeds, other grains and feeds in particular are specialist areas of employment, a journalist team such as ours is what connects specialists and technical developments to those who need to know and understand what is happening.

So, with no further ado, let us begin by taking a look at what September means on the farm in the northern hemisphere. See more videos from all aspects of the industry
Oats have an excellent fibrous root structure and will put more emphasis than barley into rooting before shooting, so starting with a good soil structure at establishment is crucial. Oats also tolerate cold better than most spring crops early on too.
Then, as things are wrapping up over in France, Mill Tech - Mill Machinery Technologies and Components Exhibition, which aims to be the international trade fair for the industry, will take place in Istanbul from September 15-18, 2022.

Very much like SPACE, MillTech’s organisers look forward to welcoming the most important global representatives from its respective sector – displaying their latest and most innovative products.

Using a moisture metre is probably the quickest method, mind you.
Watch the interview at

Mr Tripop Boonmuan, president and CEO of the Maxtex Trading Group of Bangkok ,Thailand talks to Milling and Grain magazine about the value offered by wet milling of brown rice to provide flour for baking purposes that is likely to challenge the more traditional dry milling process. Wet rice milling is the foundation of his company’s rice flour milling platform that uses modern milling technologies and focuses on meeting consumer demand for ‘wellness’ products. Based on the use of pure water, microfiltration processes in the drying process and recirculating to minimise waste water, this innovative process is small scale - with units ranging from 75kg to 250kg per hourbut provides a white, gluten-free flour for baking purposes that has a shelf life of 24 month without deterioration.
Staying on the subject of farming, French perennial favourite SPACE will celebrate its 35th anniversary in Rennes, France, from 13 – 15 September this year.
Ploughing and general cultivations will restart around this time, drilling, or sowing, will take place on winter wheat, oilseed rape and barley crops, although it is the oat crop is at its most picturesque, when the oats start to turn golden.
Taking place in one of Europe's leading farming regions, the event opens its doors to international visitors and exhibitors, providing and essential service to all livestock farmers seeking high performance, quality and sustainability in the global food supply sector.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish him and his family well on his new venture, a gesture that we send in full knowledge that whatever he turns his hand to, he will deliver his new bunch of tasks with aplomb and his new place of work will be much richer for his presence.

When this happens it's time for harvest to begin, with the crop tested for moisture before harvest - a moisture level of around 15 percent being ideal.
A full report from the co-located VIV Animal Health and Nutrition and VIctam Asia 2022 expositions will be carried in our October edition along with reports from the four conferences hosted jointly by Perendale Publishers and the two event organisers.
10 | September 2022 - Milling and Grain

As the summer reaches its golden climax, harvesting a variety of crops remains a key aspect of work on the farm. At the start of autumn, the landscape shows a selection of gold, red and brown colours as the flowers and trees change.
Welcome to this, the September 2022 edition of your Global Miller column, where this month we once again take a look at all things milling – taking you right from the water to the dinner table.
‘An oat with a coat is a groat’ – with the term ‘groat’ being an old Scottish word that referred specifically to oats. That said, the term is now applied to any whole kernel of grain that has been minimally processed to remove its outer husk or hull.

Whakangā pai Peter!
For the past seven years we have had the honour of working alongside our colleague and friend Peter Parker, with him holding the position of our Managing Editor from New Zealand since 2020.
The amount of water is determined by subtracting the dry weight from the initial weight, and the moisture content is then calculated as the amount of water divided by the dry weight or total weight, depending on the reporting method.
A model of the unit was on display at Victam Asia 2022 which was held in early September 2022 in Bangkok, Thailand. The full video can be viewed on our Homepage or on MAGTv. Facebook Youtube Linkedin LATEST TECHNOLOGY TO BOOST YOUR PROFIT


12 | September 2022 - Milling and Grain Milling News
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“It’s been a year which demonstrates how vital it is to pay attention to detail during crop establishment, to achieve the desired results at harvest,” he concludes.
Avoid being caught out by an early maize harvest
“As the saying goes, we should expect maize to be knee high by the 4th of July, but this year some crops were not much above knee-height by early August. And many of these crops were showing tightly rolled leaves, indicative of drought stress. Unfortunately, yield potential is likely to be compromised for such
Wynnstay crop protection manager Dr Simon Pope urges growers to assess crop maturity from late August onwards, to avoid being caught out by crops maturing earlier than normal.
“It becomes a vicious circle, if the roots can’t develop normally the plant is not supplied with the moisture and nutrients it requires to enable the roots to develop and grow. Without a strong, healthy, well developed root system the plant will struggle when conditions become difficult.
“Any agronomic concerns with soil condition or crop nutrition which hold back root development will have resulted in plants being less able to access moisture in the soil when it was needed,” he notes.
To a certain extent, in a favourable season the maize plant can tolerate some underlying issues. However, Dr Pope suggests that when growing conditions become more difficult it quickly becomes apparent where there are problems with low pH, inadequate nutrition, or where compaction has not been addressed and these criteria then become the biggest driver behind crop outcomes.
“While there is little doubt that an early maize harvest is on the cards, the impact of the growing conditions on yield will be more variable.“Maize likes warm weather, but the plant also requires sufficient moisture and lack of rainfall has had a negative impact on some crops this year, with several showing signs of suffering from fairly extreme drought stress,” notes Dr Pope.
He recommends checking crops regularly to assess the stage of maturity and speaking to contractors to arrange for harvest to be brought forwards if necessary.
“The FAO number of a variety relates to the number of heat units it must accumulate in order to reach maturity,” Dr Pope explains. “Given the extraordinary temperatures that have occurred this growing season, we should expect an unusually early maize harvest, especially for early varieties with a lower FAO number.”
“Maize harvest date will always vary across the country depending on whether the crop is grown in a favourable or less—favourable area, and the FAO number of the variety will also have a bearing,” says Dr Pope.
“The extreme weather conditions this season could push crops to mature much earlier than would normally be expected, so harvest dates will probably need to be brought forward to reflect that.
hot and dry conditions experienced this growing season are set to bring maize harvest dates forward considerably, as well as impacting yield in some cases.

at the other end of the spectrum, there are many crops that demonstrated good early vigour, and which were able to establish adequate, deeper root systems, which then enabled the plants to cope with the lack of moisture in the surface layers of the soil. These crops have thrived in the sunshine this year.”
Milling and Grain - September 2022 | 15 Milling News

“We thrilled to partner with Purina to achieve our mutual sustainability ambitions,” comments Laura Kowalski, Global Sustainability Manager. “We are committed to driving measurable impact at the farm level, which is helping to increase sustainable farming practices throughout the value chain. This partnership is a great example of our principles in action.”
“Scaling sustainable agriculture truly requires many partners. It takes farmers and their trusted advisors, ag retailers, as well as committed value chain partners such as Primient and Nestlé Purina,” adds Jason Weller, President of Truterra.“Truterra is honoured to be working alongside these groups to make an impact on sustainable grain production.”
Purina has joined Primient’s sustainable agriculture program, through which the pet care company will sponsor 200,000 acres of corn grown in the US.

Milling and Grain - September 2022 | 17 Milling News

Primient’s sustainable agriculture program supports Purina’s net zero commitment where it aims to provide greater visibility of environmental footprint outside of its facilities, which includes practices used by enrolled farms and reports which outline the impact of sustainably growing corn.
“Purina is proud to support farmers’ leadership on sustainability as we continue bolstering our agricultural initiatives across the country,” says Jack Scott, Vice President of Sustainable Sourcing at Nestlé Purina.
“Partnerships with reputable organisations like Primient and Truterra enhance our sourcing of sustainable ingredients critical to feeding 51 million dogs and 66 million cats each year and promote conservation.”
The program, which began with 310,000 acres of corn in its first year across the Midwest, now includes nearly 1.5 million acres of corn and is done in partnership with Truterra, the sustainable solutions business of Land O’ Lakes which is one of America’s largest farmer-owned cooperatives.
Purina joins sustainable agriculture program
It uses state-of-the-art technology to support growers in targeting and measuring the impact of their agricultural practices throughout the year and allowing them to make informed decisions around resource usage and monitoring crop and soil health through the growing season.

Mondi’s investment to expand capacity of packaging plants

Milling and Grain - September 2022 | 19 Milling News

The company is also investing in advanced machinery at the plants Mondi Halle and Mondi Steinfeld in Germany, to increase production capacity of sustainable pre-made solutions for petfood. The aim is to enable future growth in this area and support customers in their switch from non-recyclable packaging to more sustainable alternatives which include mono-material recyclable stand-up pouches and paper-based pre-made bags.
Work has already begun at the packaging plant at Mondi Korneuburg, in Austria, which includes new, state-of-the-art machinery and equipment alongside an expanded production area. This will lead to an increase in capacity and solidify the company’s position as one of the market leaders in pre-made retort stand-up pouches for wet petfood.
“We take pride in being an innovative, agile partner for our customers. With this investment, we continue to take the lead in packaging solutions that are sustainable by design, especially in the petfood industry,” explains Dirk Gabriel, COO Consumer Flexibles at Mondi. “This investment also supports our Mondi Action Plan 2030 sustainability framework which is focused on circular driven solutions, created by empowered people taking action on climate.”
Stay up-to-date with the latest news Read the online version of Milling and Grain for FREE! Find our archive content by millingandgrain.comtopic

Mondi recently won the Swiss Packaging Award in recognition of their recyclable packaging, which is made of polypropylene based mono-material. Other companies are following in their stead, as Purina recently launched their ‘designed to be recycled petfood pouches,’ in recognition that to further advance sustainability in the petfood sector, packaging needs to be addressed.
“With these projects, we’re increasing operational efficiency and reducing our own energy consumption while also connecting our production network,” concludes Mr Gabriel.
part of a EUR€1 billion/US$991.4 million investment programme to accelerate growth in sustainable packaging, Mondi is investing nearly EUR€65 million/US$64.4 million in three consumer flexibles packaging plants in Europe, in a move to meet growing consumer demand for sustainable packaging solutions.
“We had to handle grain several times before it went into store or on to the lorry to be sold. We were tipping wet grain at other sites, then bringing it to the drier and then taking it from the drier to other sheds. All of which was extremely time consuming and an expensive use of labour.”MrRobertson approached BDC Systems, John Wilson
“Our drier was nearing the end of its life, unable to cope with an increase in capacity and was part of an outdated system,” explains Mr Robertson.
“Despite last year being a bit of a learning curve around the new plant, harvest was easier, quicker, more productive and efficient, handling increased capacity we shaved one week off the time it would previously have taken us,” comments Mr Robertson.
The MMS can be pre-configured to send text or email alerts in the case that the moisture content falls above or below predefined maximum and minimum levels, so the necessary adjustments can be made remotely and restore it to required levels.
“Last harvest was fairly dry, but I can see how the new plant will be of huge benefit to us when the weather is wet,” he concludes.
Grain now enters the plant via a 14m Skandia I-line 60tph trench intake, where it is then transferred to an Aagaard Aspirator pre-cleaner, before moving to a Zanin rotary cleaning. Trash and screenings are transferred to a dust

Owing to the wet harvest conditions in Scotland, Mr Robertson has installed BDC Systems’ Moisture Monitoring System (MMS) to ensure the moisture content of grain as it goes into and out of the Svegma drier is continuously monitored. The MMS sits on the wet grain intake elevator where a grain sample is taken before it enters the drier, and another is taken as the grain exits the drier.The entire plant is controlled by a BDC Systems PLC control panel, the plant can be controlled remotely via a smartphone or tablet, so nobody needs to be at the plant continuously.
and d.m.i.’s George Brown to design and develop a new grain processing plant, which Mr Robertson calls “bangon”.“BDC and d.m.i. have delivered a new processing plant that ‘bang-on’ delivers what we needed and it was up and running for harvest 2021,” he says.
Once designs were approved the new plant was constructed by Thorburn Group directed by Alistair Thorburn, with required electrics handled by John Noble of Bonnyrigg, both trusted members of the team involved in constructing the new plant.
Milling News 20 | September 2022 - Milling and Grain
Systems, working closely with d.m.i. Mechnical Engineers – which is now part of McArthur Agriculture – have helped Alistair Robertson, who farms a large arable unit which includes winter wheat, oil seed rape and winter barley at Bonnington Mains Farms, to finish last year’s harvest in record time.
Being able to adjust grain drier settings remotely means it is optimised to maintain the correct moisture content and reduces rising energy costs.
Afterhouse.being cleaned, the grain is transported to and from a Svegma continuous flow drier which is fitted with a turbo cleans dust extraction system, via three Skandia I-Line belt and bucket elevators, and five Skandia I-Line chain and flight conveyors.
The plant has been designed so that there are several options as to how the grain is handled, for example the grain can bypass the rotary cleaner and go straight to the dryer or go directly from the pre-cleaner to the store.
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final packaging and dispatch. FISH FARMING TECHNOLOGY
Founded by the King of Mercia, in 1125 the monastery became a cell to the Benedictine Abbey at Reading in Berkshire. Leominster is between Shrewsbury and Gloucester, with three rivers running through its boundaries, the Lugg, the Arrow and the Pinsley on which the mill was situated.
by Mildred Cookson, The Mills Archive, UK

edition of MILLING published Dec 23rd 1899 points out that the mills at Pinsley had a history almost as old as the town which claimed them as one of its most honoured industries. The town of Leominster (pronounced Lemster)

takes its name from a monastery which existed there from 638AD.
The corn mill had carried on until sometime between 1744 and 1748, when the mill was then owned by Daniel Bourn who successfully operated it as a
Armfield Roller Mill
Turning it into a good business
It was surmised that a waterfall at Pinsley Mills was an artificial one built by the monks, as the tail race was partly formed of large stones, probably from part of the monastery. The foundations of the mill up to the first floor were of old rough-hewn stone, the same as
cotton mill. In 1754 it was destroyed by fire and was then rebuilt and returned to its original function as a corn mill. The mill had a joint line belonging to the Great Western Railway and the London and Northwestern Railway Companies. As can be seen in the illustration a railway siding to the mill existed, but in 1899 it was not in use as the railway companies had demanded an increase in the rent for its use to a sum far greater than the cost of simply carting the grain from the goods station, which was only 100 yards away.
Milling journals of the past at The Mills Archive
Pinsley Flour Mills, Leominster
22 | September 2022 - Milling and Grain
Mr J Cooke’s Pinsley Mills, Leominster
There was a Great Western branch to Worcester, as well as a branch line to nearby Kington, which meant that the lines heading north, south, east and west from Leominster, made it a good centre for distribution and collection from a rich agricultural district.

Five of Armfield’s new patent double mills were used, all 18inch x 6inch belt driven; two for the breaks and three for the six reductions. The first and second brakes were scalped on Armfield’s double rotary sieve, the third break preferred a reel and the fourth had an Armfield centrifugal to give its products a happy dispatch.
those in the tail race, taken as evidence of a mill existing there over 500 years ago.
The first step was to put in a roller plant. The system most favoured was that of Messrs. Jos J Armfield, the principal partner of which was an old friend of Mr Cooke. The mill first ran on a three sack per hour system and Mr. Armfield had quite a task before him to put a more advantageous plant in so little a Yetspace.he managed it, together with ease of access for the operators. The line of rolls was surrounded by a glass partition which kept the dust from the provender mill away from the rolls.

Armfield's System Roller Flour Plants

Mr Jos Cooke took over the mills in 1892, previously owned by Mr Edwin Blundell who had worked them for the previous 30 years. The mill at that time had four pairs of millstones and was driven by a breast shot waterwheel. Mr Cooke and his sons took over the mill that had been idle for a while and immediately set to work to turn it into a good business.
A happy dispatch
Armfield's standard centrifugal price from £15
IF YOU THINK YOUR >YOU’RECOULDFEEDMILLRUNFASTER...PROBABLYRIGHTHereatAndersonFeedTechnology,webelievethatbuildingasuccessful feed milling operation is about more than just a building. With a combined 200 years-plus milling experience, we help you build efficiency into your entire process – unlocking more from your existing assets. In fact, our popular Feed Milling Health Check is proven to realize improvements of 10-20% for customers. So why not contact us to arrange one or visit our website to learn more. > Milling and Grain - September 2022 | 23
The break meal from the first three breaks went to a threesheet reel followed then by two double dustless Armfield’s patent 80inch x 20inch purifiers. The six centrifugals, worked with six smooth reductions, and it was claimed that it transformed the reduced semolina and middlings into flour as white as driven snow.
SEFAR NYTAL ®. The name you can trust. Since 1830, Sefar is the single-source supplier to millers for all products for sieving, grading, and dust filtration as well as connector sleeves, sieve cleaners and tensioning equipment. FOOD SAFETY FDA COMPLIANT SefarHeadquartersAG Hinterbissaustrasse 12 9410 Heiden – Switzerland Phone +41 898 57 filtration@sefar.com00 As your trusted supplier of precision woven fabrics, Sefar is proud to introduce our newest complimentary innovation: SEFAR NYTAL® Sieve Cleaners

The mill was rebuilt and returned to its original function as a corn mill, remaining in use until the Second World War. The mill was vandalised and set alight several times in 2010 – 2013, before it was eventually demolished in 2014.
Types of British Empire Turbines
At the time a great many of these turbines were being installed throughout the country, demonstrating their worth.
The provender section of the mill contained two pairs of Peak millstones, driven by belt, the belt also drove oat rollers and bean splitters. The millstones were said to get no rest, except on Sundays.
Milling and Grain - September 2022 | 25

Resting only on Sundays
The motive power was from an Armfield turbine assisted, when necessary, by a gas engine. The turbine itself was one of Armfield’s latest design, a ‘British Empire’ with double wheels that gave it the highest efficiency at half gate, and nearly as high as full gate.

More fair and complete assessments of Egypt’s wheat problem would include consideration of the following:
To address quantity risks, the Egyptian government has diversified its wheat suppliers.

Risks to the wheat supply
Egypt continues to perform globally well at weathering the impacts of significant global external shocks.
Before the end of the previous financial year, Egypt’s General Authority for Supply Commodities announced the largest single acquisition of wheat since 2012, which included French, Romanian and Bulgarian wheat. Egypt also has an exemption to purchase stocks from India despite the country’s ban.
Recent imports have included Russian wheat; however Ukrainian wheat continues to face delays in reaching Egyptian ports. The two countries typically supply more than a quarter of the world’s wheat.
Food prices are volatile and high and will remain so, probably at least for a year or two.
According to government announcements, this year’s domestic production will show an expected over 10 percent year-on-year increase. To reduce post-harvest losses from the old system of open-air containers, significant investments continue to be made to build modern and digitally monitored grain storage.
In 2015, Egypt finally introduced two cash transfer programs that currently support over two million households — households with the poor, the elderly and people living with disabilities. Rigorous gold-standard evaluations assessing the impact of Egypt’s cash transfer programs indicate the country has done a very good job with its initial implementation.
As it expands its cash transfer programs, Egypt will benefit from the great amount of existing research that well identifies critical issues for consideration. Mitigating current poverty and ensuring social stability with rising food prices and inflation is no doubt a chief consideration. The Covid-19 pandemic and the Russian invasion of Ukraine have delayed reforms Egypt needs and presented new challenges to Egypt’s wheat
by Dr Mahmoud Riyad, Secretary-General, Egyptian Milling Association, Egypt

26 | September 2022 - Milling and Grain
Continuing to transition the government budgets towards cash transfers and away from food subsidies will have massive gains in human capital stock, economic efficiency and social justice
While the Egyptian government does work to reduce price risk by focusing on macro-economic stability through foreign currency reserves and exchange rate stability, it is not doing much to directly reduce exposure to international market volatility.
Meanwhile, Egypt continues to aim to increase its reliance on domestic production and increase efficiency gains through investments in grain silos.
The Egyptian government has reduced risks in the wheat supply, chiefly by addressing quantity risks but not price risks. Despite domestic agricultural sector investments finally modernising some elements of the wheat supply, more reform is very much needed to address future risks and decrease domestic demand
The country also continues to impress in its ability to bounce back and deliver substantial economic growth following global crises. But the Covid-19 pandemic and the Russian invasion of Ukraine continue to present market disruptions that increase the risks to Egypt’s wheat supply.
While this massive purchase of wheat did take advantage of a recent minor price slump to bolster supply, Egypt continues to face significant price risks. Although the Covid-19 pandemic and the Russian invasion have substantially affected current quantity risks, price risks are typically the bigger issue.
e continued disruption to wheat markets from the Russian invasion of Ukraine predictably draws global attention to Egypt’s own ‘wheat problem.’ The high quantities of international wheat procured, and money spent, consistently places Egypt as the world’s largest importer by a significant margin.
One week into the Russian invasion of Ukraine, wheat prices reached a 14-year high and then continued to set new records. The international benchmark for wheat prices saw a 50 percent jump since the invasion, for example. Price risks will also continue even after the Russian invasion ends immediate market disruptions because of input shortages and disruptions to the crop cycle.Old estimates suggested Egypt could have saved up US$600m of its US$2.75bn wheat import bill following the historic food price highs that came about after the 2008 global financial crisis if it utilised modern financial instruments, according to a 2009 report co-published by the World Bank, the FAO and IFAD. Current prices and volatility are higher than they were then.
Russian and Ukrainian wheat historically account for more than three-quarters of Egypt’s imported wheat supply.
Sinceproblem.thelastmajor global food crisis, the Egyptian government has taken effective action to reduce risks to the wheat supply.
Egypt continues to weather the impacts of significant global shocks
In 2018, the Ethiopian Government set a policy to achieve wheat national self-sufficiency by 2023. With the assistance of CIMMYT, they are working to replace obsolete wheat varieties in Ethiopia with better and newer varieties of wheat like Kingbird seed.
Milling and Grain - September 2022 | 27 Milling News

Eight farmers were selected from the Melke Yegna Tesfa Association, a membership group of 83 smallholder farmers, nearly half of which is female. It has been a year since the project began and the results are extremely positive.Participants were given a new variety of wheat to plant in their smallholdings called Kingbird seeds. With support from the project they were given advice on smart soil management, water management, plant protection, agromatic packages and were also helped with capacity building.“Iamhappy with this wheat variety and all the support from the project. It is a lot of money that I will earn as a
2021, The International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) launched a project called ‘Adaption, Demonstration, and Piloting of Wheat Technologies for Irrigated Lowlands of Ethiopia’ (ADAPT-Wheat) in 2021.
Pilot of new wheat variety improves yield for Ethiopian farmers

female farmer in my life.” says Agere Worku, one of the female farmers from the project.
Six hectares of land were prepared, with 1.1 tonnes of Kingbird seed sowed. Other varieties were also sowed adjacent to the Kingbird seed, such as Danda’a, and the difference in yields were incredibly visible, along with the quality, maturity and disease tolerance.
“I produced 3.7 tonnes on 0.75 hectares. Interestingly, I earned around 132,000 Ethiopian Birr (US$2500) from this yield. I plan to build a new house for my mother in my village and will be blessed by her at her old age,” says Buzayehu Getahun, a farmer in Jeju, in the Oromia region.
In its initial run of 120 days, the Initiative hopes to see significant volumes of commercial grain exports move from three key Ukrainian ports in the Black Sea – Odesa, Chornomorsk, Yuzhny – to world markets.
packer you can fill your valve bags fast and with highest weight accuracies. With our easy cleaning design the product change is as easy as it can be.
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it bagged!
Ukraine grain exports exceed one million tonnes
“As the world grapples with food insecurity and high prices, the importance of this Initiative is clear. As increased volumes of Ukraine’s agricultural production are now heading to market by sea, confidence has grown in the food and shipping industries, driving down prices and reducing risk,” comments Mr Abdulla.
Mr Abdulla credits the ardent efforts of Joint Coordination Centre (JCC), without whom this remarkable achievement amidst the repercussions of the ongoing war would not have been possible.

While the agreement includes commercial activities for the restart of exports, he also reveals that the World Food Programme (WFP) has also been able to resume buying Ukrainian wheat for its humanitarian operations in nations like Ethiopia and Yemen.
JCC was established on July 27, with its operations beginning on August 1, 2022. The JCC brings together representatives from Ukraine, Russia, Turkey and the UN –the signatories of the landmark agreement.
With our pneumatic
than one million tonnes of grain and other commodities have been exported from Ukrainian ports under the recent Black Sea initiative so far, says its UN Coordinator Amir Abdulla.
28 | September 2022 - Milling and Grain Milling News

Black Sea Initiative
Following Russia's invasion on February 24, Ukraine, one of the biggest grain exporters in the world, has been unable to ship grain through its Black Sea ports for almost half a Withyear.extra grain being brought in from the current crop, Ukraine is believed to have more than 20 million tonnes of grain in storage at its Black Sea port facilities.
Get weekly updates from the feed and flour milling industries with our email newsletter! Want industrymorenews? YOUR GLOBAL PARTNER A HAVER & BOECKER Company
“These are all important first steps but much more needs to be done,” he stresses. “Across the world, high prices in fuel and fertiliser, climate change and conflict are placing immense pressure on farmers and consumers alike; driving millions more into poverty and hunger.” Check out our references: “By building some of the cells one above the other, the maximum flexibility has been raised to an even higher level.” STORE SMART STORE SQUARE Moudon,Location: Switzerland GrainsProduct:and seedsCapacity2.600m³51Bins 32Heightm7,5Widthm19,9Lengthm World Leaders in Microwave Moisture Measurement Oil Animal Feed CoffeeRice Grain Hydro-Probe XT Hoppers, chutes, belt conveyors Hydro-Mix XT Mixers,Ductingconveyors,System Hydro-Mix XT-EX Certified for use in ATEX, IECEx and NEC/CSA Hazardous Locations (Dust) Hydro-Mix HT Mixers, conveyors, Ducting System, High Temperature Contact us for more details Hydronix-Milling and Grain-Advert Jan 2022 215x140mm.indd 1 15/12/2021 12:53 Milling and Grain - September 2022 | 29 Milling News

The Rex Wailes Collection
Eccentric millers of old
The attention of the antiquary has been attracted by the old time miller. Apparently, he dabbled in the arts, as witness the eccentric Master Oliver, whose tomb upon Highdown Hill, near Worthing, was and still is an object visited by the curious.Itwas prepared by himself with scripture texts and verses of his own composing. He was carried to the grave in 1793, by folk garbed in white, and a girl in white read a sermon as a requiem. This suggests a latent Druidism, faint traces of which do exist.
But the strangest miller in the traditions of the Sussex Downs was Master Coombs, whose boast it was that his antique little mill, not far from Newhaven, had belonged to his ancestors from the days of Henry VIII. He once made a strong assertion as to a statement he had put forth, that if it were not true, he would never enter his mill again.
by Nathanael Hodge, Mills Archive trust

One of his freaks was the painting of his mill horse. The hues varied frequently. One week a whole market town would be startled by an animal which was pea green; next month it would be blue – then rose pink. Perhaps someone had told him about chameleons.
30 | September 2022 - Milling and Grain
Upon the statement being proved incorrect, he kept his word. He would spend hours every day upon the upper step of the mill stairs, but never to the end of his life did he enter the building.

Master Coombs, as he rode with several bags and observed that his steed was overladed, used instead of dismounting to take one of the bags upon his own shoulders, complacently saying “The merciful man is merciful to his beasts”. His marriage scarcely came up to his ideal, and in expansive moments he owned that this was in a measure his own fault. “For,” he said, “as I was a gooin across Excete Lane to be married at Denton Church, I heard a voice from Heaven a-saying unto me, ‘Willyam Coombs! Willyam Coombs! If so be that you marry Mary Briggs, you’ll always be a miserable man! And so I’ve always found it,” he added, “and I be a miserable man.”
From a typescript in the Rex Wailes Collection…
the grists were carried home on horseback.
There was a general belief that an honest miller had a tuft – or “tot” – of hair growing in the palm of each hand, and that the only honest miller ever known with such a tot lived at Chalvington near Lewes. Finding success in business impossible he hanged himself in his own mill. Master Coombs had no such tot, and he no reason for one. This did not impair his length of days, however.

Millers’ carts were almost unknown in his day (1780), and

İmaş Makina continues to contribute significantly to the feed production in the region, with the hope being that these new projects will be put into use to continue this trend.
to more than one hundred countries, İmaş Makina continues its overseas projects without slowing down. İmaş will establish its third feed mill in Sudan with its brand, Viteral.
Hammer Mill, VHF Mill Feeder, and VPP Pellet Press. With the processing system set to be established on two lines, the feed facility will also be able to make production by using either a single or double line, when necessary.Theproject includes a steel constructed building, including two raw material silos with a capacity of 4500 tonnes, as well as crushing, dosing, pelletising, transport and packaging departments.
The fully automated feed mill will have a production capacity of 20 tonnes per hour and will be equipped with state-of-the-art machinery such as the VHM
Contact us: TOTAL CLEARANCE HIGH EFFICIENCY NO PERSONNEL IN SILOS ENERGY EFFICIENT NO EFFECTIVEPRODUCTTOTALMAINTENANCESAFETYINTEGRITYONCOHESIVE MATERIALS MODULAR REDUNDANCYVIBRAFLOOR Z.A. 27 rue de la Tuilerie 71640 DRACY-LE-FORT / France Phone: +33(0)3 85 44 06 78 Email:>vibrafloorvibrafloor Easy emptying for all types of silos, hoppers, containers or wagons. Safe Efficient AutomaticUNIVERSAL RECLAIM SYSTEM Milling and Grain - September 2022 | 31 Milling News


The company is aiming to complete the project this year, which it will commission as a complete package, including the steel construction of the building.
Viteral, the brand of İmaş Makina serving the feed technology sector, has started the shipment of the third feed mill that will be established in Khartoum, Sudan.
İmaş Makina commissions third feed mill in Sudan


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To find out more about Guttridge apprenticeships, go to: https://
Milling and Grain - September 2022 | 35 TRAINING Mill

The Guttridge apprentice program

The company’s current ‘Apprentices in Production’ work with a local training provider which focus on teaching welding and fabrication, as well as being paired with a mentor when at work who very experienced with the types of bulk material handling machines that Guttridge design and manufacture. Apprentices generally start at Level 2 and can move to Level 3 if required.
Guttridge have various trainees across different departments where they complete in-house training and additional external courses where needed which are relevant to their position. This normally lasts 18 months to two years to allow them to gain industry and job knowledge.
Experience and knowledge are not qualities that happen by accident, they require nurturing as they develop over time. One company that is aiming to bridge this apparent skills gap through its blossoming apprentice and traineeship schemes is UK based manufacturing company Guttridge.

Held in April 2022, Aiden Heyes, the company’s apprentice in welding/fabrication won the ‘Apprentice of the Year’ award. Aiden Heyes joined Guttridge in 2019 at the age of 16, showing his enthusiasm and talent from his very first day.
Encouraging the creation of trainee positions & apprenticeships across the business

Each year the company takes on people to undertake full time, accredited apprentice courses in various disciplines including fabricator/welder, assembly fitter and technician. The company also offers training packages in non-manufacturing based disciplines such as design, finance, IT, purchasing andCurrently,sales.
Not all Guttridge apprentices have stayed in the same role. They have gone on to use the knowledge they gained through their apprenticeship as a base to build on and to move into different departments.Somecandidates have also used this acquired wisdom to further their own development at the company, whether that resulted in positions in external sales, quality, design or even senior management.Thescheme has received a great deal positive feedback over the years, with the company proudly taking home two awards at SHAPA AGM and Solids Handling Awards Dinner.
The ‘Best Newcomer Award’ was won by Sam Matthews, Internal Sales Engineer at Guttridge, who was incredibly surprised when he was nominated; “I'm really thankful and wasn't expecting it in the slightest!”
complete a unit or the Course; the students take the Course at their own pace. The Units must be completed in numerical order. Testing options include online or hard copy – please indicate when ordering the Unit.

1 Introduction to milling and wheat.

Developed and reviewed by industry experts, the IAOM Correspondence Course in Flour Milling is comprised of eight units encompassing all aspects of flour milling from wheat cleaning, basic milling principles, storage and grain handling to milled-grain product additives, plant management and mill mechanics. One unit is dedicated to an overview of how to mill other grains.

The Units are divided into lessons, with a testing component at the conclusion of each lesson. The testing option is available online or by hard copy. A certificate is issued on the successful completion of each unit, with a diploma issued to the student upon the successful completion of Unit 8.
3 Wheat flour milling.

5 Milling other grain.
The course consists of eight units. There is no set time to
6 Storage, handling, packaging and use of grain based products.
7 Plant management.
8 Introduction to mill mechanics.
To find out more information, visit the course website at:
4 Milling other Classes of wheat, non-flour wheat products, flour and milled grain product additives.
2 Wheat cleaning.
Summary of topics by units
IAOM Correspondence Course in Flour Milling TRAINING Mill Experts in Smart FeedSolutionsIndustryforProduction Fully automated process control from order to product High quality product output with less operator actions Interaction with ERP, Formulation and warehouse software Track & Trace and Contamination module included Reporting services & KPI Dashboarding Turnkey projects including MCC cabinets, IT equipment and 24/7Fieldinstallationremotesupport keeps you feedmill up & running Scan the QR-Code for more information 36 | September 2022 - Milling and Grain
C O S T E F F E C T I V E Spread over the study year, the cost of a module is less than £12 a week T I M E E F F I C I E N T I N D U S T R Y E X P E R T I S E Study increases competence thereby freeing up your time All students are allocated a tutor with a wealth of specialist knowledge Distance Dlearning istance learning PROGRAMME We will be seeking enrolments from June ... . . . F I N D O U T I F S T U D Y W I T H U S I S R I G H T F O R Y O U A N D Y O U R T E A M W E ' R E H E R E T O H E L P - F I N D O U T M O R E O N L I N E O R E M A I L U S : W W W . U K F L O U R M I L L E R S . O R G | T R A I N I N G @ U K F L O U R M I L L E R S . O R G

It has also focused on reducing the energy required to move large volumes of grain by committing to mechanical lifting solutions and replacing all hydraulic motors with variable-speed motors. Once again, the focus in this area is on sustainability and reduction in energy use.
Described as an innovative, on-site microbial reduction solution for the spice industry, the Laatu® is a further processing solution that was on display at Bühler’s Networking Days 2022. This is an industrial, non-thermal solution that provides product quality with a validated five-log reduction of salmonella. It offers minimised processing costs and a reduced environmental footprint through chemical-free and water-free technology, whilst also achieving low energy consumption with minimal or no product Itswaste.built-in industry.unitcompanytraceabilityreportscriticalequipmentsystemmonitoringcontinuousandrecordingalsoensuresthattheoperateswithinlimits,withbatchqualityalsoensuringcompleteofeverybatch.ThehasinstalledoneintheUSAforthespice
38 | September 2022 - Milling and Grain
The emery stones come in four sections so that each section can be replaced individually. The optional interchangeable sieve system offers further hulling Thisquality.machine is also able to hull up to four tonnes of pulses per hour, whilst it can come equipped with various motor sizes ranging between 11kW and 22kW.
The BFL-2120 OpenMouth Bagger by Premier Tech
We have transported some of these innovations all of the way from Switzerland, right here into these pages of Milling and Grain magazine for your consideration.
In the Grain Application Center the company displayed its fully-enclosed bulk grain handling system that eliminates all dust emissions and removes the potential for product contamination in ports and ship unloading facilities.
Fully-enclosed bulk grain handling system

Bühler’s new Sortex H SpectraVision is the culmination of our 75 years of extensive experience in optical sorting. Developed using the best of Swiss and British engineering expertise, SpectraVision has been designed to supply maximum yields. The newly designed in-house full-colour cameras provide the best colour differentiation for the identification of colour defects, whilst new InGaAs cameras take foreign matter (FM) detection to new Defaultlevels. modes and recipes for each product are pre-set and tested by SORTEX experts for optimum machine set up right out of the box. A simple user interface design and individual sensitivity control over each defect ensuring optimum machine SORTEXperformance.optical sorting cameras have been specially designed in-house to give industry-leading low signal-to-noise levels, whilst new InGaAs cameras take foreign matter (FM) detection to new levels.
In order to cover their basic needs for food and mobility, billions of people come into contact with Bühler technologies every single day.
The Pulsroll huller DRHG
Sortex H SpectraVision
Designed to effectively remove the seed coats of a wide range of pulses, the Pulsroll huller DRHG is a high throughput solution, offering improved yields, a uniform finish and optimum quality.

September 2022
Estimates suggest that as much as 30 percent of the world’s food is lost or wasted between field and fork. Bühler’s grain handling and storage solutions at the very start of the milling process are designed to minimise early losses by specifically tailoring solutions to meet the circumstances customers encounter.
Premier Tech partners with Bühler to provide sophisticated packaging units that guarantee extraordinary precise and highly efficient industrial bagging of powders, while securing top level sanitation and food safety.
To increase yields, the grinding gap can be adjusted along with the grit of the emery stones, sieves and machine inclination. This helps to keep a consistent level of milling, improve quality and reduce the amount of brokens.
With this in mind, the company’s main aim is always to create ‘innovations for a better world’ – with the need to feed nine billion people by 2050 also becoming an increasingly pressing Heldconcern.atthe company’s headquarters in Uzwil, Switzerland, many of these innovations could be found in the Applications Center – a specifically designed arena for the company to showcase its very latest solutions.
The BFL-2120 Open-Mouth Bagger is an automatic dual-spout system designed for quick and precise dosing of powders including a dust control system providing great cleanliness. This bottom-up filling system avoids product giveaway since the vertical auger automatically fills the bag from bottom to top, offering a simple and intuitive mode of operation which requires low maintenance, whilst still attaining precision and consistent Seestandards.thevideo at: com/watch?v=64MF-4Q0om0
Premier Tech’s BFL-2120 (previously PTF2120) is suitable for a vast variety of powders, such as soft wheat flour, wheat bran, all specialty grain flours and animal premixes – enabling Bühler to offer its customers a full production line.

The BDC Moisture Monitoring System automatically gives the operator real time moisture readings, making their job easier and more efficient - saving time, energy and money.
“In terms of sustainability, one of the big driving forces is avoiding excessive fuel usage. This happens through overdrying grain stocks, using a massive amount of energy – whether it's gas or oil,” continues Mr Grainge.
Potential cost savings:
“This information can then be used to adjust dryer settings, which will save money and ensure grain goes into storage at its optimum moisture content. The ultimate aim it to automate the entire
“This feature also enables the operator to be reactive and make adjustments of the drying system remotely without actually being on site.
“Theprocess.MMSalso offers remote access capability, so it can be viewed from anywhere, with email reports to the operator’s mobile device. This frees up the operator of the drying system to get on with other duties.
Many operators tend to work on the side of caution when drying grain by overdrying. It’s easy to underestimate the cost of this, as highlighted by this exercise based on drying 1000 tonnes of wheat. Drying wheat from 19 to 13% as opposed to 19 to 14%, will result in a loss in drying capacity of approximately 16 to 20%.
“Being able to keep on top of what the dryer is doing is definitely one way you can save an awful lot of energy. On the other hand, if you're under drying, then you end up losing any gains you make through the cost of spoiling an awful lot of your crop in the “Followingstore.extensive on-site testing at several plants around the
The process begins by virtue of specifically designed sampling units developed by BDC systems. At this stage, grain is taken from both the incoming (wet) elevator and outgoing (dry) elevators on a plant. These samples are then processed through a multi-chamber duct that incorporates a Sinar moisture probe tailored specifically for this application.
BDC MoistureSystemsMonitoring System
The MMS can also be linked to the BDC’s grain dryer control panel and the data can be remotely viewed on devices such as mobile phones. The system can be retro-fitted to any grain drying system, subject to a site survey.
- Additional electricity cost is approximately UK£30/US$35.4 per 1000
Additional evaporated water of 10.83 tonnes amounts to a loss of UK£1624/US$1917 per 1000 tonnes of wet grain. Additional fuel cost of over drying amounts to UK£620/US$732 per 1000 tonnes.
The ability to check the moisture content of wet grain whilst it passes through a grain drying plant accurately has long been a key challenge for grain dryer suppliers.
total additional cost to over dry 1000 tonnes of wheat by 1% is in excess of UK£2200/US$2598. (Based on kerosene at 50p/litre, electricity at 15p/kWh and wheat at UK£150/US$176 per tonne).
Matt Grainge, BDC’s Technical Manager and Head of Product Development, pictured with the BDC Moisture Monitoring System at Cereals 2022. Milling and Grain - September 2022 | 41
Saving an awful lot of energy
Milling and Grain magazine met with Matt Grainge, BDC’s technical manager and head of product development, to discuss the key features and benefits of the BDC Moisture Monitoring System.“There's nothing currently on the market that operates in the same way as the MMS,” begins Mr Grainge. “The key difference between the competitor’s models and ours is that the MMS is retrofittable with anybody’s system and it takes individual samples from the grain flow and is capable of monitoring both wet grain in and dry grain out of the dryer, all through the same sampling chamber.
Live readings showing the moisture content of both samples in a percentage format are then displayed on a screen, along with a graph showing the moisture trend. This historical data is also stored in the system’s memory for future reference.
country, we are confident that the MMS is producing accurate real time data,” concludes Mr Grainge.
Several manufacturers have attempted to find a solution to this puzzle in the past, with varying degrees of success. One such solution, the BDC Moisture Monitoring System (MMS) from BDC Systems, provides a plethora of benefits that truly sets it apart from its competitors.

Let ’ s w a l k t o g e th e r i nto a n e w E r a

To reach the next level, FEFAC believes the time is right to map the potential additional resources resulting from emerging circular economy practices and innovation and evaluate the drivers and obstacles to their access to the feed outlet, including those of a regulatory nature.
Part 2: Outlook on circular feed vision
Bearing the ‘Farm to Fork’ strategy ambitions in mind, we hope we can count on EU legislators to facilitate a dialogue on this topic and perhaps also take responsibility for setting a feasible roadmap and to establish corresponding mandates to EFSA as a priority.
FEFAC would also be willing to cooperate with assessing the quantitative potential of circular feed, taking into account the innovative examples mentioned in this publication, which often already benefit from publicly funded research. It can be assumed that certain legislative baselines are here to stay.

These restrictions have their justifiable origin in terms of direct feeding to farm animals, however, circular economy thinking begs the question of whether the outright exclusion of any feed chain use is strictly necessary.
The marketing of feed
FEFAC believes that the circular feed concept can co-exist with the feed conversion ratio, which is a more traditional resource efficiency indicator that considers ‘only’ the ‘input-output’ efficiency from a kg feed into a kg animal product. The circular feed approach takes into account how the feed ingredient originated and what the level of competition is with direct food at the potential contributions from insect farming, phosphate minerals and single cell proteins and how unlocking their potential could be the key to a more sustainable future in both feed and food.
One example is the Annex III of EU Regulation 767/2009 on the marketing of feed which provides a list of materials whose placing on the market or use for animal nutritional purposes is restricted or prohibited.
Technological innovation and developments are showing that intra-organism upcycling of what currently could be considered ‘waste’ holds the potential to produce safe, clean and valuable
In principle, European compound feed manufacturers already make use of all safe nutrients that are available to them, while economically viable.
by FEFAC, Brussels, Belgium
This suggests also considering whether the EU regulatory framework applicable to feed production could be amended in a way that could make additional circular feed available, when considered safe.
44 | September 2022 - Milling and Grain F
This is the second of two instalments of the European Feed Manufacturers’ Federation’s (FEFAC) ‘Circular Feed Concept’ document. You can read part 1 of this document by following this link:
When discussing the Circular Feed Concept, the key question to answer is whether there is scope for increased use of circular feed criteria going forward, given the assumption that this would represent a step towards more sustainable feed and livestock production.
There may be cases where these regulatory restrictions are no longer justified by safety considerations, considering that a number of them were established at a time when technology, traceability and control capabilities were not at the level of efficiency they have reached now.
The safety requirements set by the General Food Law with its articles on operator’s responsibility and traceability should not be touched, but beyond that there may be opportunities to revisit certain legal articles and re-assess the basis for their restrictions.
Expand your opportunities with a new generation phytase. Are you ready to unlock the full potential of your poultry, swine, and aquatic feeds with DSM’s new phytase HiPhoriusTM? From advanced phosphorus release to superior pelleting stability, from higher enzyme efficacy to lower feed costs, from maximized animal performance to a minimized environmental footprint, and from digestible calcium precision nutrition to DSM’s easily accessible digital services and phytase expertise. With HiPhoriusTM, DSM opens a new world of added value beyond your phosphorus nutrition. By adding a little, you can win a lot. If not us, who? If not now, when? WE MAKE IT POSSIBLE AddingHiPhoriusTMalittlewinsalot Follow us on:

Don’t take the bait We can’t promise you a big catch, but we can guarantee that 65 units of MetAMINO® will achieve comparable performance* to 100 units of ChangeMHA-FA.toMetAMINO®, take the savings and benefit from additional advantages. Trust in science. Trust 65. *For references and the proposition of the guarantee, please contact us or visit our website. MetAMINO®DiscoverthenewATLAS 9357-02_AZ_FishingHook_190x132_EN_Atlas_220407-1.indd 1 07.04.22 16:36Milling and Grain - September 2022 | 47 F
The production of insect-based animal feed in this way would still be a stellar example of circular feed, as the intra-organism upcycling allows for the nutrient recovery of nutrient-rich biomass that would otherwise have been lost from the food chain, while the frass resulting from insect farming can also be used as a bio-fertiliser. For more information see
Currently in the EU, the substrates on which insects are fed can only be of materials of vegetal origin and other products of animal origin which are also authorised for other farmed animals.
nutrients with a purpose in animal nutrition.
The European insect sector can maximise its contribution to enhancing circularity in food production and unlock its full potential if the spectrum of inputs authorised in the rearing of insects is diversified.
Insect farming
The reauthorisation in 2021 of porcine PAPs in poultry feed, of avian PAPs in pig feed and of porcine & avian PAPs in insect feed, was a first step towards the re-introduction of these highly nutritive resources for animal feeding.
Processed animal proteins (except hydrolysed proteins) are not authorised as feed for ruminants. Insect farming is a good existing example of a ‘nutrient upcycling’ sector, with currently already converting inputs of lower value into high value outputs in feed for all farm animal species.
A sustainable food systems approach takes into account the potential for optimised circularity and takes inspiration from nonfood production with recognised ‘end of waste criteria.’
FEFAC would recommend a step-wise approach in the identification process of eligible substrates, where former foodstuffs containing (cooked) meat and fish could be a good start, provided that the intrinsic safety of the material is confirmed by EFSA and that conditions for safe production and use as feed are defined by the legislator.

However, there is still a massive amount of category 3 animal by-products that cannot yet enter the feed chain, including meat-containing former foodstuffs. Involvement in the upcycling chain of organisms of lower trophic level such as insects, micro-organisms or algae could however provide an additional perspective, where the safety of the origin of the substrate used to grow these organisms is assessed on a case-by-case basis for the relevant animal species.
In turn, this would allow for indirect access of the European livestock and aquaculture sector to a large range of valuable biomass, as the bio-conversion properties of insects can upcycle these materials into suitable feed materials. With insects acting as an intermediate organism in the value chain, this would also allow for compliance with the intraspecies cycling ban.
Algae production Algae production represents a comparatively new branch of aquaculture, with a variety of bio-economy applications including feed. As plants, algae have a fairly unique capacity to absorb and convert ‘wastebased streams’ into biomass of high nutritional value, without the need for the use of arable land.There are numerous research projects that are investigating the potential of using wastes such as anaerobic digestate, livestock manure or municipal and industrial waste, as a substrate for the
In that regard, the EU feed ban on certain processed animal proteins (PAPs) for certain species also has its repercussions in terms of the possible outlets of certain animal by-products, catering waste as well as former foodstuffs containing meat and fish.
of substrates that single cell proteins such as bacteria and yeasts could be grown on. These substrates are in general all wastebased resources of substances that have no direct purpose in animal nutrition.
production of algal biomass with a use in animal feed.
For more information see

For more information, visit:
Single cell proteins are often mentioned as a promising protein of the future. Research is investigating a wide-variety

AZ_GRANIFRIGOR_EN_190x132_RZ.indd 1 11.02.21 14:5648 | September 2022 - Milling and Grain F
The examples range from gases such as CO, CO2, ammonia and methane to waste-based streams such as manure. Legislators should anticipate the potential use of single cell proteins in animal feed, as this could also provide viable solutions to emissions-related challenges in livestock farming.

In a sustainable food system, the regulatory classification of for example manure should therefore not result in the exclusion of potential use in the feed supply chain. Here again it is not the case to widely open the door to any given project, but to authorise on a case-by-case, controlled, traced and safe projects.
The use of manure in these kinds of processes can in addition help with improving circularity at livestock farm level, as the nutrients lost at feed digestion stage would in fact be recovered through feed again.
The current EU regulatory framework does not allow for phosphates processed from such recovery to be used in animal feeds. If the incineration process ensures sanitary safety and if the incineration and phosphorus recovery processes are placed under supervision of control authorities, EFSA and the EU legislators should clarify conditions for safely and legally allowing use of such recovered phosphates in animal feed production.
Phosphate minerals

Current use of phosphate minerals used in animal feeds comes primarily from rock phosphate mines, located in for example Morocco or Russia. Innovation in recycling, driven by phosphorus recovery obligations in some countries, today enables recovery of phosphorus from sewage sludge incineration ash.
Single cell proteins
Get fast and actionable mycotoxin test results The AgraStrip® Pro WATEX® test system enables the rapid and simple on-site quantification of mycotoxins in a variety of agricultural commodities. The streamlined workflow reduces steps to a bare minimum while independent and simultaneous testing for up to 4 samples sets new standards in accuracy and usability. Learn more at SAMPLE ID: BR-11071 COMMODITY: CORN Aflatoxin : 3.4 ppb Deoxynivalenol : 0.8 ppm

An example of a product specification that is often part of a claim on the animal product labelling, is the demand for plantbased animal feed. In Europe, market development for animal protein produced with plant-based feed has increased following the reapproval of certain processed animal proteins as feedstuffs.
All ‘new’ food and feed chain actors, both inside and outside the livestock value chain, carry primary responsibility for the safety of their products. When circular feed concepts are considered to be to the benefit of sustainable food systems, there needs to be buy-in from the downstream part of the value chain.
FEFAC would like to thank its member experts and supplying industries for contributing to the content of this publication. FEFAC also thanks DVT (German Feed Association), CEFS, DLG, EFPRA, European Flour Millers, GME and RagnSells for the permission to reproduce their images in this brochure

Milling and Grain - September 2022 | 51 F
As a result, former foodstuffs, where often animal by-products, such as milk, eggs or honey, are constituents, are then also excluded. At the same time, current providers of circular feed should continue their commitment to make efforts to supply the

feed sector with high-quality residual biomass flows.

FEFAC has already taken note of an increasing trend amongst food actors towards a bioenergy outlet for their residual biomass flows that could provide a nutritional value and purpose in animal feed.From a bio-economy perspective, FEFAC advocates for a hierarchy for nutrient-rich biomass, where the food chain perspective of nutrient upcycling deserves priority over nonfood use. Consideration should also be given to stimulating this hierarchy through incentive-based mechanisms similar to carbon credits.Toread this document in its entirety, go to:

There certainly is a degree of sensitivity connected to the topic of circular feed, where the notion of ‘waste use in feed’ carries a legacy of reputational damage. For the further transition to more sustainable food systems, with reduced emissions in livestock production, using fewer natural resources and increased EU feed autonomy in the context of feeding a growing global population, it is essential that resources are committed to addressing and improving market and consumer acceptance in full transparency.
Food actors should be mindful of imposing production specifications on the feed sector that inhibit the optimisation of circularity in feed production. There is also a role for the animal breeding sector, which can facilitate the creation of robust breeds that are more adapted to digest recovered nutrients. Increasingly, there are production specifications laid down by upstream value chain partners that could restrict feed producers from optimising circularity in feed formulation.

In order to fight gastric infections without having to abuse drugs, the Spanish biotech company Tebrio, together with Grupo Jorge, Nutega and Vallehermoso, has embarked on an innovative research project called CIEN-Porcisost. This program aims to improve the efficiency and sustainability of Iberian and Large White pig production through nutrition.
A sustainable alternative to control piglet mortality without zinc oxide
by Sabas de Diego, CTO at Tebrio, Spain
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case, contaminate groundwaters in a very short period of time. In other words, the environmental risks associated with its use are higher than the benefits it provides in the short term. Or at least that is what the experts maintain.
All this is forcing the industry to look for alternatives to replace it, since E.Coli bacteria, which could be controlled with this additive, represent one of the main causes of mortality during the first two weeks of the life of a piglet. This problem is further accentuated by the drastic reduction in the use of antibiotics promoted by the authorities, which was once solved precisely with zinc oxide.
Efficiency & sustainability
Specifically, it foresees introducing insects into the diet of animals that have just been weaned to take advantage of the great potential of this new sustainable feed. Protein extracted from the tenebrio molitor insect is already successfully used in the aquaculture industry.
recent ban on zinc oxide to treat the common gastric disorders suffered by piglets after weaning represents a new problem for productivity in the swine industry.
The five-year moratorium offered by Brussels in 2017 expired last June 26, meaning that this chemical compound can no longer be used in medicated feed. The reason is scientific studies developed to date show zinc oxide poured via slurry has a devastating effect on the environment.Thisisbecause zinc is not easily solubilised, degraded or assimilated by bacterial life in the soil, so it can, in the worst
Spanish biotech company Tebrio, together with other major players in the swine industry, launches an innovative project to improve sector efficiency and CIEN-Porcisostsustainability. research program aims to offer farmers a natural alternative to zinc oxide in order to control piglet mortality in the first weeks of life. To this end, it proposes diets including protein from Tenebrio molitor insects and other synthetic compounds and amino acids. In addition, alabaster will be used to recover slurry nutrients and minimize the polluting effect of the waste on the environment.

Hence, the urgency and the need to explore new nutritional strategies that provide newborn pigs with the nutrients they need when they switch from liquid to dry feed. A key moment, since this is when they are most exposed to pathogens.
It represents a natural source of nutrients and it’s more than 90 percent digestible, with almost no ash and minimal processing. All of which has a very positive impact on the animal's metabolic and digestive system, because it is also rich in essential amino acids.
Solutions for the efficient packaging and palletizing

This protein can represent up to 10 percent of the diet. And in appropriate concentrations, it generates enhancements in IgG and IgA immune markers. In addition to reducing the faecal concentration of Salmonella and E.Coli, similar to what happens in broiler chickens.
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Cutting-edge technology
The study also contemplates the monitoring of all of the above using the Organ on Chip technological system, a device that emulates the stomach, intestine and placenta of the animals during gestation to establish correlations and evaluate the effect of these diets.
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At the same time, it will provide us with data of great interest for the study of piglets suffering from intrauterine retardation, as well as valuable scientific clues to prevent enteric infections.
This technology will allow us to reduce the number of tests and
• highest precision in packaging and palletizing

CAROUSEL Milling and Grain - September 2022 | 53 F
Tenebrio molitor meal has been shown to improve both the apparent and standardized digestibility of feedstuffs, improving the performance of all the ingredients of which they are composed. In particular, some essential amino acids such as Histidine, Arginine and Cysteine, which can help to increase the animal's growth rates.
At the same time, the diet will be supplemented with a range of synthetic amino acids and other industrial by-products, such as polyphenols derived from olive pomace and sodium butyrate, in order to strengthen the immune system of the piglets at a critical time in their Furthermore,development.alabasterwill be used to capture the nutrients in the slurry that were not separated until now, minimising the feared environmental impact of the waste. • +34 91 726 43 04 • 50 million m3 built Projects in 145 countries TopworldwideProject Flexibilityadaptabilityand A reliable team for a reliable project YOUR RELIABLE PARTNER Improve silo tightness. Double Vertical Joint. · Tightness is improved. Double sealing on both sides of the screws. · Butyl rolls are supplied with double strip to improve assembly times. KAZAGRO, Astana, Kazakhstan 12 - 14 October IAOM MEA, Zanzibar, Tanzania 25 - 28 October, Stand B10 VISIT US

Milling and Grain - September 2022 | 55 F
In total, Europe exports 13 percent of its production and its main markets are the East Asian countries, particularly China. As a whole, the European pork sector slaughtered 250 million pigs in 2021, equivalent to 24 million tonnes of meat.
Mortality in the swine sector is one of the highest in the livestock industry. According to European Union data, between 10 percent and 15 percent of piglets die during the first two weeks of life. Among the main causes of premature death are gastric infections, which cause severe diarrhoea that in many cases the animals are unable to overcome, resulting in heavy economic losses.Antibiotics
About Tebrio
The European Union is currently the second largest pork producer in the world, behind China, and the world's largest exporter of piglets and pork products. The main producing countries are Germany, Spain and France, which together account for half of the EU's total production.
High mortality due to gastric problems
Tebrio is the world's leading Spanish biotech company in the breeding and processing of the Tenebrio molitor insect. It develops innovative and 100 percent sustainable solutions for the agri-food industry, through a range of organic products for the manufacture of animal feed, bio-fertilisers and other bio-industrial uses.

Founded in 2014 in Salamanca (Castilla y León), Tebrio represents a real alternative to the production of animal protein. Thanks to its own technology patented in more than 150 countries, the company is able to manufacture 500% more protein than traditional agriculture and livestock farming, using 80% less arable land and 95% less water. And all this with a negative carbon footprint and without generating greenhouse gases, including methane and ammonia.

experiments on live animals. And it will shorten the time needed to verify the results of dietary changes when introducing new ingredients. This means that we will also be able to work with feed produced on a much smaller scale and therefore significantly reduce experimental costs.
have contributed for decades to reduce this mortality, but their use is increasingly restricted to prevent animals from developing resistance to antimicrobials. This is especially important in livestock intended for human consumption, such as pigs.
The challenge, therefore, is huge and the industry needs alternatives that will allow to maintain its production rate, increasing efficiency and at the same time meeting the legitimate environmental concerns that have taken hold in society.
Finally, and with the aim of improving the resistance of piglets to different pathologies, a complementary study will be carried out based on a freeze-dried faecal transplant from healthy to diseased individuals. This will allow to analyse how this technique affects the microbiome of the host animals.
Tebrio has a highly qualified and experienced scientific team and state-of-the-art facilities that combine industry 4.0 resources with artificial intelligence. In 2024 the company will open a new production plant that will extend over 80,000 square meters, enabling it to produce 100 thousand tonnes of live product per year. The new facilities will remain located in Salamanca, a city to which Tebrio feels fully committed and where it will contribute to boost the business network and create more than 200 direct jobs.
Increasingly strong pressures continue to create challenges such as ever-changing regulations, shifting markets, global and supply chain forces and climate change.
Another challenge the industry is facing – and which affects activities such as mycotoxin testing – is the necessity to use
by Wes Shadow, Global Market Manager for Grain & Processed Food, PerkinElmer, Inc. Applied and Food segment
In 2014, when Perten Instruments became a part of PerkinElmer, we were able to combine PerkinElmer’s longstanding analytical and methodology development expertise with Perten’s food market expertise to now offer the world’s most comprehensive set of food analysis solutions across safety and quality testing.
How new technology is ensuring the highest standards of safety and quality at every stage of the grain journey
56 | September 2022 - Milling and Grain F
operations people – truck drivers, plant operators etc – to perform sensitive tests. When you have to consistently monitor these contaminants at such low levels, it can be difficult, especially without proper training and instrumentation. Rapid test strips utilising hand-held automated readers have emerged are helping non-scientifically trained staff to carry out crucial first-line tests.
As these challenges converge, intuitive rapid testing, end-to-end high throughput workflows, and automated testing solutions are becoming increasingly vital to support supply chain integrity and grain valuation.
Take mycotoxin testing for example. That can be heavily affected by all of these forces, especially by global supply issues and extreme weather conditions driven by climate change – this includes both floods and droughts. Globally, it’s estimated that around 25 percent of our global food crop has been contaminated by mycotoxins above regulatory limit levels.
Although there is some overlap in the data needs of farmers, traders, processors and ingredient providers they may need different slices of information or use it in different ways. Understanding the nuances of those differences – which can also be regional – is very important to ensure our grain testing solutions actually meet the needs of both the industry and individual users along the way.
Analysing grain across the workflow
To try and control these toxic residues, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has set action levels of 20 parts per billion (ppb) for mycotoxins in several types of grain. EU regulatory limits go as low as 2ppb. As such, contaminants must be detected with accurate, sensitive and innovative technologies to prevent issues from cropping up; from the grain silo, right through to the milling and ingredient supply chain.
Finally, if you back up beyond individual workflows to the entire grain supply chain, a large challenge is ensuring that different players in the value chain get the testing and analysis data they need and want at every stage of the grain journey.
Broader and deeper confirmatory tests can then be done with more advanced technologies, such as liquid chromatography and LC/MSMS, to provide full workflow support and ultimate detection and confirmation.
All of these drivers, however, are secondary to safety.
The evolution of grain & oilseed analysis methods

been involved in the grain industry for over 30 years. This started when I joined Perten Instruments, working in and managing the applications department. I focused on NIR calibration development and supporting Falling Number testing. During that time, NIR has really grown to be the go-to technique for rapid analysis of food, grain, flour, and feed analysis.
Grains are also taking on a new challenge – plant-based –animal-free foods. Grains, pulses, legumes, and other plant-based protein and starch sources are being transformed into meat analogues or being used as input materials for cultured meat products.Newprocesses for isolates, fractions, and extractions are happening at a very rapid pace. Add in the upcycling of former ‘waste’ products, and these new uses are creating new ingredient performance requirements and thus new types of testing and evaluation.
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consumers adding consumption of oat, rice, and the myriad of other milk alternatives.
The demand for more specialised grains - including ‘new’ old grains, hybrids, fractions, and isolates - has led to devices that analyse performance being more important than ever. These devices can effectively monitor performance under varying temperature, shear, and time parameters. Consumer trends for new products have increased the need for rheology-based testing.
Some of the most important technological advances include innovative rheology-based performance analysis that has become increasingly important to provide accurate and fast analysis for new product development, reformulation, ingredient selection, and process optimisation. These technologies are vital due to develop the next generation of plant-based/animal-free foods. This technology can be used to give scientists insights into how
There are three primary categories of analysis at work– the aforementioned mycotoxin testing, performance testing, and process monitoring.
Changing testing technologies

As such, the entire supply chain from farmers to processors is proactively implementing novel processes that adapt to changing customer tastes. As an example, we’re seeing that more food processors are leveraging versatile rheological testing technologies to gain better insight into the performance of both grains and grain products – including upcycled materialsenabling innovative product development.

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These technologies provide a solution to meet the dual challenge of consumer demands for new products and expectations for safe, high-quality, texture, taste, and functionality.

Automation will be the main component here and continue to ramp up to meet the demand for less hands-on workflows and provide faster, more accurate testing at lower detection limits.
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The implementation of process analysers, like in-line, also helps reduce waste in all its forms – labour, ingredient cost, energy and materials which obviously impacts margins in a positive way as well, so this is a strong reason to adopt the technology.

At the same time, with the razor-thin margins of grain trade and processing, process monitoring and resulting process control are also critical. In-line and on-line Near-infrared (NIR) process monitoring is finally seeing widespread adoption. This is happening for several reasons.
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About the author:
to better improve ingredients to satisfy consumer demand.
This will also increase throughput by providing labs with solutions that can test for multiple parameters in a single sample run, helping reduce costs while improving result turn-around times.

The grain industry as a whole, deals in bulk commodities and thus requires tests that are fast enough to keep up with material exchange and processing. They must quickly and accurately determine material value to enable proper and fair valuation. Therefore, they have to be used by operational/non-scientific staff as well or be automated. Simply put, analysis techniques continue to become faster, simpler, more robust, and more accurate.
The evolution of grain and oilseed analysis methods
materials – cassava, jack fruit, etc – will see growth. These sources will be incorporated into existing infrastructure but will also require expansion and development varying by geography. Clean-label foods and a shift toward more natural ingredients are also bound to require more extensive analysis and testing methods, as processors prepare to deal with novel food matrices mentioned above. This also calls for more and different testing requirements.Lastly,on-going review of safety concerns spurred by new materials, climate change, and geographically sourced materials will continue to increase demand for high-throughput, highquality testing by contract labs for the top safety concerns –pathogens and mycotoxins.
In his current role, he works to showcase PerkinElmer’s “bestin-class” portfolio of grain & food analysis and testing solutions and services to help assure ingredient-to-product quality and safety for producers and consumers. 1 27/01/22 10:59
First, newer technologies are proving robust enough to be relied upon for extended periods. Secondly chemometrics capabilities have steadily improved, and finally, processors themselves have begun to realise the value of real-time data in making processing adjustments and mid-course decisions.
More specifically, changing grain and plant sources –necessitated by consumers, sustainability, and climate change demands – will bring about new testing requirements.
Wes Shadow is the Global Market Manager for Grain & Processed Food as part of the Food segment at PerkinElmer, Inc. After graduating from Westminster College in Utah, he has forged a 30-year career in the scientific testing and research industry, serving the global food and grain market.
Whilst the industry will still be dominated by wheat, rice, corn, soy, pulses, legumes, ‘local’ grains, and other plant-based

The millstones had to meet the requirements of hardness, porosity and homogeneity of structure.
The stones of the French quarry of La Ferté are coveted and quickly become the main reference point.
This is how Franco Sacchetti, poet and writer of the '300, in his Trecento Novelle, talks about the stone mill, the machine that, from the past, magically transforms the wheat grain into flour.
remona is a wonderful city of Lombardy, at the center of one of the most important agricultural areas of Italy, since the Roman era.
The primordial technique of flat grinding or crushing evolves into a milling technique and the shape and size of the millstones and the grading become the basis of the process.
Franco Sacchetti
Originally the millstones were built in one piece, then later they were built by aggregating 200 400 mm of different hardness: the middle of the most tender stone for the coarse breaking of the seeds, the hardest and strongest peripheral for a greater crushing of the product to be ground.
The rudimentary grindstone took on a more formal appearance when, with the opening at the center of the dancing grinding wheel (the upper one), the continuous feeding of the wheat was made possible for the grinding process, a process obtained by manually rotating the upper grinding wheel (as said in Sicily the dancing one).
The cathedral with its Renaissance arch, the baptistery with eight facades, the bell tower of the Torrazzo, characterized by an astronomical clock, are the architectural symbols.Cremona
Author - Dr Sergio Antolini, President of Ocrim and Paglierani, Italy
Convex the upper grindstone (the rotating one), concave the
The presence of grooves on the contact surface increased productivity in quantitative and qualitative terms.

The first millstones, in prehistoric times, consisted of a plate of rock, of great resistance, on which was spread a handful at a time of wheat to be crushed, using other hard stone, round or flat.
“The most precious stone is the grindstone; and if it could be bound and carried in a ring, any other stone would pass out of goodness ... "
is the capital of the music and art of luthiers, whose violins are considered the best in the world, coveted by the greatest musicians, lent only on exceptional occasions and memorable events.
ACT IV (Part 1)
The most precious stone is the grindstone; and if it could be bound and carried in a ring, any other stone would pass out of goodness ...
The material used is puddinga (limestone, feldspar, quartz, mica and silica) from the quarries of Montorfano (CO), Inverigo (CO), Gandosso (BG) or Val Camonica (BS).

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The peak of the milling technique was reached around 1850 with the improvement of the millstones, optimization of the material used, scoring, size and speed.
Man in his physical and intellectual evolution loses the strength of the jaw in favor of that of the meninges and begins to crush the wheat with stones to make it better usable and digestible.
And as with the violins of Amati, Guarneri and Stradivari, Cremona is the home of the millstones for wheat, both cylinder and stone, perfect to make accessible and unaltered the nutrients contained in the grain of wheat.
lower (the dormant one). The secondary grooves, however, those that do not start from the central hole of the stone, have the function of distributing the product to be milled, accentuating the bite and helping the material evacuation.
The seventh day is dedicated to the earth and not doing anything. Rest is not the opposite of doing. The tulip anticipates spring, in particular the white one invites to reflection, to a pause.
The grooves, an important element, present in the grindstones, were the object of study and continuous evolutions, in order to avoid processes that would lead to crushing the cereal (and not grinding) as well as overheating and therefore consequently damaging the flour.
The modern technique foresees, for the grinding wheels, the use of mineral agglomerates, compatible with the alimentary norms, that guarantee a very long duration and the consequent drastic reduction of the refilling intervals: the grinding surfaces retain their roughness, consistency and compactness unchanged, not
The profile of the groove must therefore vary starting from the center, for high grinding, low grinding and rimacina (regrinding).Different types of groove: the Dutch, composed of 108 circular grooves on millstones with a diameter of 1,500 and 1,600 mm, the Evans, Drancy and other grooves. The profile of the surface (concave) has the function of allowing the grain a more regular and uniform distribution on the grinding wheel and ensuring the spiral path between the millstones, from the center to the periphery. The rotating grindstone weighs on the product to be ground and for
At the center of an expanse of fleshy and white tulips stands the powerful figure of a man seen from behind. His physical capacity induces him to think that he is a warrior and the arches of the body together with the proud look turned, decided, almost severe, towards a point far beyond the limit of the canvas, suggests that he is ready to face an enemy that is not given to know, to see, but only to intuit, just as it is not given to know if it is a physical enemy, or if man is faced with an inner struggle.

The impeller grinder makes about eight turns before the processed product comes out.
In his right hand he holds a sponge: emblem of surrender or simple means of body
The surfaces of the millstones, both the rotating one and the underlying fixed one, the sleeper, are porous; to this is added the rabbiting, the rows that in the rotation movement are continuously crossed, thus producing the rubbing suitable to work the grain. This grinding path can be shortened or lengthened by means of the arrangement of the channels, or grooves of ventilation and you can then increase or decrease the grinding time to obtain any desired result. The peripheral velocity increases considerably towards the outer section of the grinding wheel and accelerates the milled grain towards the outlet.
On the grinders special grooves facilitate the grinding of the product; the shape, the number of grooves and the speed of the active stone (the dancing one) are decisive for the quality of the flour to be obtained.
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The work was not finished, but to complete it and to give it perfection it took the whichseventh,inmusic is called was created with a musical arrangement, its rules torespondthecombination of tempos, tones, sharps and flats.
this reason it is called dancing.
In order for a millstone to have a good production and work without heating up, the stones must be equipped with main grooves, which branch off from the central hole of the stone and go up to the outer edge.
A tragedy that is the backdrop to the beauty of nature that becomes, despite itself, theater and at the same time spectator.
Ascare?is customary to him, in this canvas the artist does not offer answers, but generates questions and emphasizes that sense of uncertainty, of tragedy that permeates human existence and the difficulties that the soul must face.
making it necessary the meticulous work to keep them perfectly level and flat.
The rolling mill consisted of two rollers (first of porcelain and then almost always of cast iron) with smooth or striped surfaces, which when combined and turned in the opposite direction reduced the grains in the required granulation, after these had reached the desired gap between the two rotating bodies.
The grinding wheels, natural or agglomerated, must be scrupulously certified for food use.
Different ingredients, like for the violin ... and many secrets. "And on the seventh day, God rested from all the works he had accomplished."Genesis2.2
At the end of the 16th century, thanks to the invention of AgostinoRampelli, the new grinding process began with the rudimentary prototype of the first rolling mill with iron rollers.
The giants refer to the Greek "gegenees", born from the earth, word from which, it is thought antinomically, the noun derives. Hence the relationship that can be reconstructed in ancient sources between understoodspace, as a physical and geographical place where a particular people lives, the language spoken and any resulting ethnic characterization.
Through splashes and drips of color, light effects are created, flashes that immerse the city in a magical dimension, suspended in that instant in which the whole city seems to stop in a moment of enchantment.
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In this work Frisoni reinterprets one of the most dear themes to him, the representation of the city understood both as a physical place with its buildings, its streets and its traffic lights, and as a symbolic place of life and a space for experience and knowledge. In this view of the skyscrapers taken from the window of a hotel in New York, the artist offers the observer a glimpse of the city's architecture that stands out against a sky where light and clouds mix, allowing him to deepen his research on color, here emphasized also thanks to the preference for suspended, undefined atmospheres that allow him to play with lights, shadows and tones.

The former have a short life, while the latter have a much longer duration.Thegrinding surface (consequent to the diameter of the grinding wheel) guarantees the grinding capacity even at low speeds, for slow and cold processing.
Modern industry grinds wheat by means of rollers that widen the peripheral layer and the gem of the grain, followed by sieving by means of silk fibers, with the consequence that only the inner parts can pass through the tiny holes of the fabric.
New DavideYorkFrisoni
He had no luck until the mid-19th century when the cylinder process began its effective development with Friedrich Wegmann,
highlighting production rates, limited consumption of the millstones and therefore reduced maintenance costs.
The mouth without jaws is like a mill without a grinder (...) Miguel de Cervantes
The Vitruvian wheel could be built in 2 versions, depending on the position from which it was hit by water: from below and then immersed in river waters, called orbitrium, or from above (falling/impact) called franceschum.
In the belly of the mill, from 20 to 30 wheels are inserted thanks to the force of the water that, conveyed with an inclined pipe, tangentially hits the blades of the wheel that transmits the rotation.
The wheel is relatively small, with boxes that fill with water and that, in the descending phase, unbalance the wheel by increasing the rotation thrust; the lower the flow rate of the river, the greater the diameter of the wheel must be, in order to contain more boxes. Parallel to the water mills, wheels using wind energy are spreading, penalized not only by the need to have areas adequately beaten by the wind, but also by a more complex construction technology.
The speed of the water synchronises with the speed of the millstones, almost as if they were the rotisms of a clock. The difference in height and the water flow rate determine the type of wheel to be used.
The spread of hydraulic or wind techniques, for the handling of heavy millstones, was initially slowed due to the great availability of muscular energy, obtained with animals, but, above all, with slaves, poor citizens or delinquents sentenced to this penalty.
While the horizontal wheel system involves small millstones and requires small volumes of water with fast current, the vertical wheel mill requires rivers with important flow rate and a more complicated mechanics, necessary to convert the rotary motion of the wheel (horizontal) in vertical rotary motion (grinding), thanks to two gears, built essentially with wooden elements, called lubecchio and lantern.
The noun mill, from the Latin molinum, stone grindstone for grinding, refers to the factory (building and machinery), dedicated to the transformation of the cereal into flour.
In the first case, the wheel is partially immersed in river waters: it is the water that hits the wheel at the bottom by turning it in the opposite direction to that of the current; the flow rate of the river is not important but its speed. The necessary height difference is minimal and this type of mill could be made wherever there was running water available.
With sus despojos comenzaremos a hacernos ricos, ya que esta es a good war, y también es a great service hecho a Dios para librar la faz de la tierra de tan mala semilla.
The first examples of mills in Persia, 3,000 years before Christ; already at the time, as now, great attention to energy consumption and logistics, both crucial for the good conduct and profitability of the business.
Today the source used is electricity, definitively supplanting the previous ones. Thanks to the increased efficiency and ease of transport of this form of energy, the gradual abandonment of the stone mill in favor of the cylinder one, takes place at the beginning of the twentieth century and throughout the twentieth century, and then now go back to satisfy the technique applied to a niche market of great value, dedicated to forgotten flours.
“Stop grinding, or women working at the mill; sleep until late, even if the crow of the cock announces the dawn. For Demetrius hath commanded the nymphs to do the work that ye did with your hands, and they, jumping down from the top of the wheel, make the axle to turn, which with its spinning races makes the heavy millstones of Nisiriah to turn”.
Aquellos, respondió el maestro que ves ahí, de brazos largos, que algunos suelen tener cases dos leguas.
Mientras tanto, descubrieron treinta or cuarenta molinos a viento que hay en esa llanura, y cuando Don Quijote los vio, dijo a su escudero.Lasuerte está guiando nuestros asuntos mejor de lo que podríamos desear; porque ahí ves, amigo Sancho Panza, whence puedes ver a treinta or unos cuantos gigantes enormes, con los que creo que estoy peleando para matarlos a todos.
¿Qué gigantes? Dijo Sancho Panza.
It is the horizontal, called Greek or noble, the one with vanes or half-spoons; it is simple and involves the transmission of direct motion from the wheel to the grindstone.
The Greek historian Strabo refers to the water mill built in 65 BC, the time to which dates the first clear description of a mill with vertical wheel.
The demographic decline and the decline in slavery prompted people to rediscover alternative energy sources, such as wind and waterways.Theintroduction of these techniques of water or wind exploitation implied the need to locate the mill in areas with availability of water streams or winds, without underestimating the ease of access through the roads. The first mention of a mill moved by water can be dated around the first century B.C. as can be read in the verses of the Greek poet Antipater of Thessaloniki:
The wheel hit from above (or impact or franceschum) is suitable for a mountain mill, because it takes advantage of the impact speed of the water.
The vertical wheel, instead, in which the gears transfer the motion from horizontal to vertical, takes its name from the Roman engineer Vitruvius, inventor of the mechanism, and then wheel Vitruvian. The collective imagination often associates the vertical wheel with the mill, making it icastic, even if the simplest and most common type is the horizontal one.
The hydraulic works connected to the mill are also improved. Then the use of steam, as a driving force, makes it possible to install the mill in residential areas, regardless of the availability of water or wind flows. Thus began the first approaches with the new cylinder milling technique, which continues to refine until, at the end of the 19th century, it is perfected: the grains are stripped one by one, separating the bran, the germ and the endosperm, to then be ground separately and satisfy the growing food industry, leaving room for the traditional millstone to meet the demand of farmers to grind small quantities of cereal.
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In the following years, the development of hydraulic and mechanical technologies led to an increase in efficiency of the mills, adopting more complex gears with reduced friction.
It is the Roman architect Vitruvius who tells the technique of the mill moved by water with a gear transmission system, system remained unchanged until today.
Mira, respondió Sancho, que los que ves allá abajo no son gigantes, up to molinos a viento, y lo que parecen brazos en ellos son las palas, movidas por el viento, hacen girar la piedra de molino ... ".
Aristotle distinguishes "hard from soft bread" in life and in morality.IntheAeneid Virgil extends his hand to the one who "brings bread for his children".
In the Roma caput mundi, at the time of Augustus, bread is at the center of daily life and there are over three hundred bakeries, all strictly of Greek school, since it was the Macedonian bakers who exported its art and technique.
Mortals, Homer recounts in the Odyssey, are, par excellence, "bread eaters", unlike brutes and animals, whose diet has nothing civil,nothing intelligent. Food preparation becomes an emblem of human evolution and its relationship with society.
Dante Alighieri proclaims blessed those who sit at the table where the bread of the angels is eaten.
And again the still lifes of the seventeenth century (in Spain, as well as in the Netherlands and Italy), following Caravaggio have given dignity to food, the products of the earth and bread, of which it is a constant, for its form, for its symbolic value of food par excellence, and element of chromatic balance for its warm color.Bread, an element that has always been present in art, becomes an icon of reality, it is its symbol, it represents life itself, it represents man's ability to think, to use nature, to satisfy his own needs with intelligence (Déjeuner sur l 'herbe by Manet or the Ferrara bread of metaphysical painting).
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The higher the degree of complexity in a living being, the greater its consciousness; and viceversa". (Teillhard de Chardin)
This is the case of cyclopean figures such as Polyphemus, who, isolated in his self-sufficient cave, does not live in community, does not plant trees, does not cultivate the land, does not coproduce food with his fellows.
"We are what we eat" and we eat foods of which bread is the pinnacle, it represents our primary nourishment, telling us about ourselves, allowing us to make Feuerbach's aphorism palindrome: "we eat for what we are!"
"... So when we arrived at the land nearby" (it is Ulysses who tells), "here on the extreme point we saw a cave, on the sea, sublime, shaded by lauri; and here many flocks, sheep and goats, had a stable; surrounded by a high fence, made of blocks of stone and long trunks of pine and oaks with high canopy.
From the geosphere, to the biosphere and finally to the noosphere, a collective consciousness of human beings, the consciousness generated by the interaction between minds.
datur christianis, quod in carnem transit panis, et vinum in sanguinem”
Thus Homer precedes the Jesuit and paleontologist Teillhard de Chardin, regarding the law of complexity and consciousness, recalling in the use of bread the noosphere, of which human beings are part and, precisely by virtue of knowledge, they
Matters become more complex passing from the inanimate state, to the life of plants, to the life of animals, to the life of man.
Bread is present in the popular encyclopedia to summarize experience and wisdom.
A dogma is given to Christians: the bread is transformed into flesh and the wine into blood.
Bread is the protagonist in the canvas Cena in Emmaus by Caravaggio. Bread is the image of everyday life with the Mangiafagioli di Carracci who, on the threshold of 1600, reveals the menu of a farmer where bread is fundamental.
Here a man (Polyphemus) had a den, a monster, that flocks fed, aside, and with others did not mix, but only lived, had an unfair soul.He was a giant monster; and he did not resemble a man who ate breadThen(...).Iordered my faithful companions to remain at the ship, to guard the ship; and I (Ulysses), chosen among them the twelve bravest, went (...)."
He drinks only raw milk and eats in its natural state, so much so that he devours the companions of Ulysses who are still alive.
Cervantes sought consolation: “When there is bread, even pain isBread,lighter”.despite its simplicity, is a fundamental food and is present in painting and in the history of art, of all ages. Here it is present in the New Testament in the paintings Christ in the house of Martha and Mary in the Wedding at Cana, in the Last Supper, in the Last Supper of Leonardo, in the Miracle of the multiplication of loaves and fishes and in the transubstantiation, that is, the conversion of the substance of the bread and wine into the substances of the body and blood of
(Thomas Aquinas)
The poem of Gilgamesh, a Sumerian text of the second millennium BC, tells the process of civilization of the wild man named Enkidu who no longer limits himself to consuming foods and drinks available in nature, such as wild herbs, water or milk, but he begins to eat bread and elaborate products of which he becomes aware thanks to a woman who gives him a gift.
Give us this day our daily bread: this is how Christians invite, with prayer, the Father, identifying in the food obtained by cooking a mixture of flour and water, the synonym of food, which humanity needs to live.
Bread, a symbol of wealth, has always embellished (and still embellishes) every table, from the most humble to that of the princes.“Cum panis” is a generator of companions, that is, those who share the nourishment.

separate from the beast to enter the mature stage of civilization.
“The more complex a being is, according to our Complexity Scale, the more it is centered on itself and for this reason it becomes more aware.

Organisations that embrace safety show significant performance advantages over the competition. The proof is reflected in reduced injuries and greater productivity, along with

The economics of workplace safety
safety is not a modern trend bred by government regulation; it's a common-sense idea as old as the first conveyor design. In the modern age, safety is a key factor in worker protection, reduced insurance rates and a lower total cost of operation. There are several hurdles to the installation of safety equipment, the biggest of which is the near-universal use of the Low Bid
'Intangible costs
above industry average financial returns and higher share prices
Justifying safety investments is greatly enhanced by quantifying what most financial managers refer to as 'intangible costs', i.e., injuries, lost labour, insurance, morale, legal settlements, etc. However, managers and accountants have been trained to think about saving direct costs to justify investments. When conveyors don't operate efficiently, they have unplanned stoppages, release large quantities of fugitive materials and require more maintenance. Emergency breakdowns, cleaning of excessive spillage and reactive maintenance all contribute to an unsafe workplace.

F 70 | September 2022 - Milling and Grain
by R Todd Swinderman / CEO Emeritus, Martin Engineering, UK
and more reliable equipment is easier to service, has a longer life and is less expensive to maintain
process.Whencompanies buy on price (Low Bid) the benefits are short-lived and costs typically increase over time. In contrast, when purchases are made based on lowest long term cost (Life Cycle Cost), benefits usually continue to accrue and costs go down, resulting in a net savings over time. Safer and more reliable equipment is easier to service, has a longer life and is less expensive to maintain.
YEARS IN MILLING MORE THAN 400 COMPLATE PROJECT PERFECTLY RUNNING AROUND THE WORLD R O L L E R M I L L We manufacture, flour, semolina, wheat, maize milling plants, feed mills, seed production plants, oilseeds and pulses processing plants, storage and handling systems.

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Lacking specific historical data, managers can turn to numerous reliable sources that provide the probability of incidents that can be used to estimate tangible and intangible future costs.

Fane Valley, Ierland | 60tph
The estimated probability of the different classes of accidents (fatal, lost time and first aid) is multiplied by the cost of these accidents to reveal what could be invested to reduce the incident

Numerous case studies revealing the positive relationships between safety and productivity are backed up by organisations that gather global statistics on accidents and incidents. The simple formula for return on investment (dividing savings by cost) does not capture the potential savings from safety investments. Several organisations provide detailed and regional statistics on the cost of accidents.
Safety pays
The financial technique used to compare options is called a 'net present value' (NPV) analysis. NPV compares different investment options with varying costs and savings (cash flows) over time, discounting them by the company's cost of money. For example, an internal risk analysis shows a facility has 30 workers exposed to conveyor hazards.
Specialist in the design and build of installations for the grain-processing and compound feed industry Ottevanger Milling Engineers is supplier of machines, installations and complete process lines for the compound feed industry and grain processing Ourcompanies.expertise in project management, engineering and production ensures the successful realization of machines, process lines and complete installations

Justified over the long term
rate by Assuminghalf. the life of the conveyor is 20 years and the cost of money (discount rate) is five percent, the available additional investment would be about US$750,000 more in design time to accomplish the 50 percent improvement inBysafety.choosing the lowest-priced bid to meet the minimum safety requirements, the short-term expenditure ends up costing considerably more over the 20-year lifecycle.
By spending US$750,000 more to exceed the minimum safety and design requirements and reduce the accident rates by 50 percent, the annual projected cost of accidents drops from US$140,813 to US$70,407.

Measured in today's dollars –including the additional investment of US$750,000 – the projected savings over the 20-year term at five percent are about $1.2 million by investing more upfront.

If, after further analysis, the savings are found to be less – perhaps only a 25 percent reduction in the cost of accidents – the upfront investment is still justified over the long term.
Even though it takes a little more effort to collect data and do a financial analysis, in the end, NPV consistently proves that safety does indeed pay.
Four signs that you are not getting best value from your conveying system
In this article, UniTrak highlight four tell-tale signs of bucket elevator inefficiency and their potential causes, whilst also explaining that if these issues are not addressed, they can seriously compromise the performance of your equipment.
A critical, but often overlooked aspect of bucket elevator design and operation is considering how the equipment will be fed. Failure to control and regulate the feed of material into the elevator can result in product losses and damage, as well as reduced throughput.
Feeding the elevator before the running speed is achieved. Feeding in product before the optimum running speed is achieved can result in underfilling of the buckets.
Sign #2: Reduced speed
The solution in all cases is to investigate and correct the root cause of the problem so that the elevator may be run at the rate that it was intended for.
For example, continuous bucket elevators designed with interlocking buckets, as opposed to those which merely overlap, will always be more effective at preventing spillage.
STORAGEF 76 | September 2022 - Milling and Grain
Secondly, the quality of product delivered by the elevator may be compromised as it moves through the equipment. Both types of losses, quantity and/or quality, represent yield losses.
Failing to achieve an even distribution of product within the elevator’s buckets. This problem often arises when product is being fed at right angles to the elevator.

Reduced yield can take several forms. First, the quantity of product that the elevator delivers to downstream equipment may be lessened through losses from spillage, failure of some product to discharge from the buckets, etc.
While a well-designed continuous bucket elevator is an effective material transport method, there are factors which can degrade the overall efficiency of a piece of equipment.
For the first case, addressing the causes of spillage or failure of material to discharge will improve the quantity of product delivered by the elevator. Material spillage can be a function of equipment design as well as operating procedure.
The solution in either case is to make the necessary adjustments to material feed rates and/or the run speed to achieve the optimal
Continuous bucket elevators are widely used in many facilities for the transportation of bulk solids.
Reducing the running speed of a continuous bucket elevator below the designed or planned rate is often a response to other problems, such as the infeed problems described above.
Sign #1: Infeed losses
Reduced speed may also be necessary when the elevator spills or damages product when running at the planned rate, or when downstream equipment is unable to accept all product from the elevator when it runs at the planned rate.
In addition, overfilling the buckets, either by presenting material to the elevator at too fast rate or running the elevator at too slowly, can result in material spillage.
Overfilling the buckets. Feeding product at too fast a rate can result in bucket overfilling, spillage, and plugging of the elevator’s infeed section.
Dropping product into the elevator from too high a height. This can cause particle damage and attrition.
Common causes of infeed losses include:
Sign #3: Reduced yield
To find out more about the TipTrak line of continuous bucket elevators, visit the company’s website at: https://mymag. info/e/1537
attrition or breakage. The solution in this case is to use an elevator designed for high-care conveying and which is capable of gentle handling. This will prevent particle attrition or breakage and ensure that what goes into the elevator is what comes out.
F Milling and Grain - September 2022 | 77
Unplanned equipment downtime due to parts failure can seriously erode the operating efficiency of a continuous bucket elevator. Whilst you may never entirely prevent the occurrence of unplanned downtime, there are certain steps that one can take to minimise the impact of such events when they do occur.
UniTrak manufactures the TipTrak® line of continuous bucket elevators. These elevators are renowned for their high reliability and gentle handling.

These steps include:
Sign #4: Unplanned downtime
In addition, conveying materials which are inherently sticky, and can have a propensity to adhere to the bucket surfaces may require the use of buckets with Teflon-coated or dimpled surfaces.Quality degradation often manifests itself through particle
bucket fill. Failure of material to fully discharge from the elevator buckets can be addressed through the use of discharge aids, such as ‘bucket knockers,’ which are designed to dislodge material from the elevator buckets at the point of discharge.

- Keep a bench stock of critical operating parts on hand at all times. This allows fast recovery from an unplanned downtime event.-Track your parts failure history to discover which elevator parts are most prone to failing and which should be stocked.
- Practice condition-based maintenance. Maintenance of the elevator should be based on its actual condition, rather than according to a calendar-based schedule. Elevators can also be fitted with condition-based monitoring devices which alert operators and maintenance personnel when an abnormal condition is developing.
With some better news on the crop front, seasonal harvest pressures and the resumption of at least some exports from war-torn Ukraine’s ports, bellwether CBOT futures had wheat down to its cheapest since February’s start of the Russian invasion, around US$7.50/bushel (about US$275/tonne) at one point – over 40 percent below its March peak. The Paris milling wheat futures market has also dropped sharply from its EUR€450’s top to the EUR€320’s/tonne. It will be some time before the market can decide if those peaks were an over-reaction and whether prices can continue down to anything like the average of recent years (CBOT US$4-$6/ bu, Paris well under EUR€200/tonne). Both have recently seen some mild rallies off the lows and while there are plenty of encouraging factors to list, the US forward futures market doesn’t yet support optimism on prices.
Wheat exports up slightly

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If exports can pick up from the currently projected 1.5m-2m tonnes/month even partway towards the usual six million (wheat, maize & other grains in total) then Ukraine’s farmers may yet have some incentive to sow their winter wheat for harvest 2023.
However, that assumes consumption holds up at these prices. USDA has it drooping from last season’s 793m to 789m tonnes (and some analysts are lower still), with world production looks in need of an upward adjustment too.
Either way, their contribution to world wheat supply will be down for the time being. This year’s wheat crop is already seen falling by over 40% although Ukraine’s 2022/23 exports should be supplemented by some of the 2021 crop wheat still held in port and inland silos. Next year, that buffer will not be there, and the crop will likely be far smaller than usual again, so there is an implied, significant gap in Ukrainian supply on the longer-term map too.USDA has stuck with Ukraine’s 2022/23 wheat exports dropping from18.8m to 10m tonnes. Even if that is a tad optimistic, Russia’s exports are seen rising from the past season’s 33m to 42m – and that’s based on a Russian crop estimate of 88m tonnes (versus last year’s 75.2m).
A smaller Russian crop was also offset by a larger Ukrainian one, the latter expanding its exports sharply enough in the first half of last season to leave the likely final number for 2021/22 (even after the invasion stoppages) around 18.8m tonnes – 2m higher than 2020/21’s 16.9m.Keypointers to the unfolding 2022/23 season are still led by Ukraine, not only how its grain exports proceed but how farmers respond with their approaching winter grain sowing to the domestic market turmoil – the financial and infrastructure stresses the invasion and port stoppages have caused.
Despite all the headlines about global grain famine in the wake of Ukraine events, it should also be remembered that the past season’s world wheat exports were actually up slightly (5m tonnes) as bigger European and Australian crops weighed against the smallest North American harvest for some years.

CBOT, for example, has wheat trading a six percent price premium over current delivery right the way through to spring of 2024. But Paris milling at least shows prices getting about 11-12 percent cheaper by the end of 2023.
Some respected Russian analysts think the crop will be far larger than that – perhaps as much as 95m tonnes. Although Russia’s government could continue intervening in the export market with quota/duty changes, it certainly seems to have the capacity to raise 2022/23 exports by a lot more than USDA’s forecast increase of 13m tonnes.

by John Buckley
Is cheaper grain on the way?

Early pointers to the recently started 2022/23 marketing year are more promising for supply and prices. True, global carryover stocks are seen dropping from a starting point of 276m to a closing 267m tonnes.
The past two months have seen a significant and for consumers a highly welcome drop in grain prices.

Russian prices, long a reliable marker for world wheat costs, have been falling recently, traders aware that a record

Still, at this stage, there appears to be adequate export supply to meet foreseen import demand which USDA estimates will rise from 204.5m to a new peak 208m tonnes.
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Drought and heatwaves across several member states have reduced the likely EU crop to about 6m under last years. However, with the bloc making the most of strong international wheat demand – and carryover stocks that can be used to supplement supply, EU total exports are still seen rising by a couple of million tonnes too, (to around 33.5m tonnes).
crop needs to be shifted. Its July exports were already estimated by local analyst Sovecon to have more than doubled to around 2.3m tonnes – its most since February. There is a caveat, however. Wet weather damaged crops in some areas, reducing the proportion of milling wheat to 60% versus 80% from last year’s smaller crop.

Also, on the downside for supply, French and Argentine crop estimates have been trimmed recently due to heat and dry weather while one-time bright export hope India’s crop seems to have been over-rated, local observers estimating closer to 95m than the USDA’s recent 106m tonne forecast.
Canada’s crop forecast also went up to 35m tonnes this month – 13m more than last year’s drought-afflicted harvest. USDA has exports rising by 11m tonnes. A near 4m tonnes US crop rebound - not to mention a likely third year of near record Australian output and exports - reinforces the picture of loosening wheat supply from a global crop probably comfortably exceeding last season’s peak 779m tonnes.
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At this time of year, the market is usually heavily focused on the state of the all-important US crop although in recent weeks, EU weather issues have tended to grab just as much attention.
Although a little more bearish on Ukraine and Russia, the Department still cut world production by over six million to
Another important influence, US higher quality bread-wheat (Dark Northern Spring 14% protein) was recently quoted for nearby export between $396/401 per tonne (fob US Gulf terms beforeThat’sfreight).notonly as much as $110 below its Feb/March peak but actually US$11/32 per tonne cheaper than at this time last year. DNS costs should remain restrained as the US expects a bumper harvest – its best yields in seven years expected to bestow around 12.6m tonnes – 55 percent more than last year (half of that will be exported). Along with the rebound in Canada and Australia’s regular large crops, this demands some price restraint from the quality food wheat sector in general.
Some stock building is probably going on as importers large and small – spooked by the record prices of last spring – cover against the Ukrainian situation deteriorating again or some weather issue for remaining 2022/23 global crops.
An even bigger hit was taken by the EU crop – down 8m at 60m tonnes a full 10m under last years. That takes 2m off EU exports and adds 3m to its imports which at 19m tonnes put it ahead of recent top maize importer China.
EU drought/heatwaves trimming maize supply

About 25m tonnes of grain were estimated held in Ukrainian port and inland silos. Further forward, the outlook becomes more uncertain with many analysts expecting Ukrainian planting to drop again. According to USDA, this year’s crop fell to 30m from last year’s record 42m tonnes and exports may roughly halve to 12.5m (but still 3.5m more than expected in July).
- Another bearish piece of news, largest wheat producer China reported a slightly larger crop this year, claiming - despite some weather challenges – its best quality in years. That could affect Chinese imports, averaging almost 10m tonnes in recent years, needed to blend up its relatively lower quality domestic crop.

Markets had expected the USDA to reflect falling crop ratings in its August yield estimate – the first based on actual field surveys. It did but slightly more than expected, leaving the crop 3.7m tonnes lower at 364.7m. That was offset by lower estimates for US feed use and exports but still left US ending stocks lower than foreseen in July, or last seasons.
Its export-crucial second harvest is now well along, promising cheaper competition for US suppliers, not least in largest importer China (with whom Brazil has recently been discussing a trade protocol).
US higher quality bread-wheat
Traders were also expecting price pressure from a giant Brazilian crop, already enabling its July exports to more than double those of the same month last year. USDA has Brazil’s crop rising 10m to 126m tonnes – 39m more than in 2020/21.
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Although the bulk of the wheat harvest is now safely gathered in the main Northern Hemisphere producing region (apart from the later North American spring wheats), prices could still be influenced by any problems occurring with the later-harvested maize crops.

- Wheat was also under some pressure this month from the strong dollar and fears of recession curbing global consumption.

That may not be the end of the story as top EU producer France has seen its crop ratings for ‘good/excellent’ maize crops collapse 30 points just 53 percent in early August, its worst outlook since 2011.

1180m tonnes versus last year’s 1219m.
The world’s wheat importers have been piling back in for supplies as prices dropped – big buyers including China, Algeria, Egypt, Pakistan and Iran recently taking some 3.5m tonnes and reportedly getting plentiful offers from suppliers including France, Bulgaria, Rumania, Russia, Australia, even Ukraine. Smaller purchases have also been noted from Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Jordan, the Philippines and others.
Before the market woke up to the tightening supply, prices had been on a strong downward trend, culminating in CBOT nearby futures touching the US$5.60’s/bu versus their April peakMuchUS$8.27.oftheselling was speculators unwinding underperforming investments in the earlier bull market, discouraged further by broad economic concerns weighing on commodity and stock markets, potentially depressing global demand for meat/feed and energy (not helpful for the USA’s important corn ethanol outlet and already reflected in a lower figure for US feed consumption).Theresumption of Ukrainian exports may also played a stronger role in the bearish narrative, depending how smoothly things go after the initial earlier – and larger – than expected shipments. Ukraine’s farm minister said August shipments of grain in total could reach 1.5m tonnes, expanding to 3.5m over time.
World soya meal consumption is expected to jump by 4% or about 10m tonnes in the new season starting October, feeding the lion’s share of a 12m tonne increase total consumption of oil meals.Forsoya,

Soya rallies on weather risk

meeting that target will depend heavily on whether Chinese soybean imports meet the forecast 98m tonnes (up from 90m in 2021/22) – and no less important – on where it sources these. China has already bought a lot less from the US than at this time last year and is trying to shift more of its supply to alternative sources.
If USDA is right, it still looks like a bumper season for global soybean supplies. Brazil is expected to hoist its crop to a new record 149m tonnes (from 126m) while Argentina expects a 5m hike to 51m tonnes. Along with bigger crops in other Latin America as well as top consumer China, world production could reach 393m tonnes.
Paris futures hit similar lows as the EU harvest neared. Still marketing a record 6.35m tonne 2021/22 crop, Australia expects a similar one for 2022/23. Along with better Russian and Ukrainian crops (for this year at least), it helps push the world crop number up to 82.5m tonnes – 10m more than last seasons. While global ‘carry-in’ stocks from last season are their lowest for many years, this should make a difference to supply and cost.

Against that, world sunflowerseed production is expected to drop by 11% to around 51m tonnes after smaller crops in Ukraine and Europe only partly offset by a bigger one in Russia. However, last season’s stocks, especially in Ukraine, can supplement supplies to some extent, so crush and sun meal supplies could still edge higher.

Elevator parts Conveyor chains +31(0)71 40 237 01 82|September2022-MillingandGrain

Bigger rapeseed crop on the way
The EU market continues to look forward to slightly less tight supply situation in 2022/23 if current pointers hold good. Recent estimates suggest a potential 8.8 percent gain to 18.47m tonnes. While thin starting stocks keep total supply fairly lean, hopes have risen that an easing of Ukrainian export curbs might allow more of its rapeseed to come to Europe, especially as this major supplier has been unable to maintain its normal domestic crush rates.Top producer Canada is meanwhile said to be still expecting a big crop rebound amid mostly unthreatening weather. Although a slow start to this year’s sowing means a later than usual harvest that will keep the market on its toes for weather issues until the canola is safely ‘in the bins,’ Winnipeg futures prices have recently dropped to their lowest since June last year.
It should also soon be allowing in Brazilian meal as well as whole soybeans. A widening discount on Latin American meal as production there rebounds from last season’s weatherdepleted lows and Brazil’s weakening Real currency weighs, will make that easier. So may China’s ire about the Pelosi visit toDespiteTaiwan.the expected surge in supply, the US average farm price for beans in 2022/23 is still seen exceeding this season’s by over US$1/bushel and 2021/22’s by US$3.50 – or 33%. Futures show the market easing by about 7% into latter 2023 with meal about 15% cheaper by then.
Fears that official reports had underplayed the risk of hot, dry weather reducing US soya yields gave a lift to soya futures in early August, despite the USDA raising its crop forecast from 122.6m to 123.3m tonnes (last year 120.7m).
Some analysts also feared China’s anger over the Pelosi visit to Taiwan might accelerate that shift. China is expected to import 18m tonnes, about 10% of the world’s exports. So far this season it has already bought far less from the USA than at this time last year.USDA projects the US new season average farm price for corn at US$6.65/bu versus this season’s US$5.95c. CBOT Futures currently project US prices about 6% cheaper by end-2023 but the Paris market suggests and 18% fall.
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The natural choice
Stenström’s gaze wanders over Berte Qvarn’s milling headquarters in Slöinge, located between Malmö and Gothenburg in the south of Sweden. On the right, adjacent to the Suseån river, stands the picturesque brick building, where her family started milling wheat a mere 14 generations ago.
been passed from generation to generation. And then there’s the oat processing plant, not even two years old, which allows us to add another product to our range, to increase our expertise, and last but not least, to take a major step towards achieving our sustainability goals of reducing our footprint by 50 percent by 2030,” she explains.
“These three buildings tell our company’s history in a nutshell. The stable business, and the knowledge in wheat milling that has
Healthy & sustainable growth
The old hydroelectric power station is testament of their drive for sustainability and will soon be modernised to supply up to 40 percent of energy needs for the milling operations. To its left towers the modern wheat mill with the storage silos, where Sweden’s oldest family-owned company processes 70 thousand tonnes of wheat per year. On the far left, slightly elevated, the state-of-the-art oat processing plant catches her eye.
Industry Profile 84 | September 2022 - Milling and Grain

To find out more about Berte Qvarn, be sure to scan this QR Code or visit:

Naturally, Berte Qvarn had oats in their sights for some time, and as often in life, all it took was a little push in the right direction for the idea to kick-start into reality: Oatly, the world’s biggest producer
“Oats play a vital part in this ecosystem in terms of crop rotation and add valuable nutrients to the soil. They’re a very popular, locally grown grain in Scandinavia, and offer a high level of antioxidants, fibre, vitamins, and essential minerals.”
One little push
On top of the numerous health and environmental benefits, there’s never been a better time to invest in oats. The oat market has experienced rapid growth during the pandemic, as consumer demand for healthy foods has soared over the past two years.
So why did Berte Qvarn add oats to the menu? “As a familyowned company, we see it as our duty to consider the well-being of the next generations in all our business decisions. We’re working on a project together with local farmers called ‘towards a fossil-free, diversified farm’. It focuses on improving every step of the grain’s journey from farm to fork,” explains Ms Stenström.
Berte Qvarn
Helena Stenström is Head of Sustainability of Berte Group, which includes an ice cream business with a market share of 20 percent in Sweden, an organic farm with 240 cows and just as many calves, and Berte Qvarn, the milling branch.
According to the industry research provider The Insight Partners, the global oat market is projected to reach up to US$10 billion by 2028, up from around US$7.8 billion in 2021.
by Jenny Dal Zotto, Product Management & Marketing Oats
Berte Qvarn, Sweden have been milling wheat and rye for 450 years. When the biggest producer of oat milk in the world contacted Berte Qvarn to process oats for them, it was clear from day one that Bühler would design, build, and support running the plant.Today, the family-owned company operates one of the most modern oat processing plants in the world – a testament to the revival of oats as a healthy and nutritious superfood, and perfectly in tune with the company’s far-sighted sustainability targets.
Berte Qvarn gets all their oats from farmers within 100 kilometers of their headquarters was a decisive factor as it perfectly fits our sustainability targets.” When the partnership was agreed and the ink was dry in 2019, time was at the essence.
Innovation of Rice Flour Processing by Wet Milling Process, through Compact Platform

We serve the by-order brown rice flour production service starting with only 20 tons of MOQ.
18 months after volunteering to be trained as an oat miller, Magnus Lindblom stands in one of the world’s most modern oat processing facilities and checks the process parameters on his tablet.
A willingness to grow That’s where Magnus Lindblom, wheat miller turned oat miller at Berte Qvarn, comes into play. “Once I learned about the decision to start processing oats, I was on board immediately and volunteered to be trained as an oat miller after 20 years in wheat milling.
“That’s an incredible level of efficiency if you compare it to the older days, when a miller had to constantly walk through the mill and check the parameters manually,” he explains.

Together with his colleague, Lindblom operates the entire plant in two shifts of twelve hours each. Thanks to this high level of automation and working in longer shifts, he has four days a week to enjoy with his family – another key benefit of an ultra-modern operation, and an example of the future of work many companies
Tomas Wennerholm, Global Oat Supply Manager at Oatly, remembers how smoothly the discussions went. “When two companies share the same values and vision, they’re building a partnership rather than negotiating a business agreement. We choose Berte Qvarn because of their close relationship with local farmers, and because of their reputation as a reliable partner in grain processing.Thefactthat
Brown rice has more fiber and a higher amount of many micronutrients, making it one of the healthiest gluten-free grains around
85 | September 2022 - Milling and Grain Industry Profile of oat milk, asked them to become their supplier.
“Our intake capacity is 90 tons per hour, and our output is around 50 tons of finished product per hour. The Mercury MES (Manufacturing Execution System) provides us with all relevant process details at our fingertips.
Why Wet Milling Method? Why Compact? With R&D studies investment, we exported our state of the art compact platform Visit us at BOOTH No.2171 September 7-9, 2022 Bangkok, THAILAND2022 Read more about Brown Rice Flour by Wet Milling Method and applications Scan to learn www.maxtex.netmore
“I’m proud to work for Berte Qvarn and to be able to contribute to a more sustainable future. Adding oats to our portfolio was a natural choice for me, and I had to grab this chance. Not only because I’m convinced of the many benefits oats bring to the table, but to broaden my horizon and add new skills to my own portfolio,” he says.
Time to rethink the best Brown Rice Flour through wet milling method technology

Oatly is a fast-growing company, which supplies major retail stores on all continents and is the supplier of choice of the global coffee chain giant, Starbucks. The date for the first deliveries to Oatly’s processing facility in Malmö, 150 kilometres south of Slöinge, was set for February 2021.

“Luckily, we have a very experienced and committed partner on our side with Bühler, who already built and equipped the wheat mill with their state-of-the-art technology, so it was a seamless transition for all of us at Berte Qvarn.”
MAXX Series, a unique compact platform processing solution designed to process rice into native flour by wet-milling method which gives a better-quality healthy food over other flour making processes, resulting in longer-lasting, finest, and best quality rice flour
Continuing the success story
Harnessing untapped potential
“That’s why we’re prepared to increase our output and do our part to facilitate the comeback of oats to supermarket shelves around the world.”
of-the-art service agreement. Bühler’s continuous support and the regular training we receive are indispensable to getting the most out of our Digitalisationfacility.” has long made its way into the milling industry, and Lindblom and his team are ready to embrace the opportunities it offers. “We’re now looking into the many possibilities of Bühler’s cloud platform Bühler Insights. Our goal is to collect even more data from our processes and turn these insights into actions to increase our output and reduce food loss.
Common goals
With such a rich history, a drive for creating more sustainable value chains from the soil to the shelf, and a genuine appreciation of their employees, the question is where will the road take Berte Qvarn next? For Helena Stenström, oats will continue its victory march, and rightly so. “Here in Scandinavia, oats are found everywhere, it’s natural to use oat-based cosmetics for example. We see that people around the world have become more aware of what they consume and put a strong focus on regional, sustainable products that add health benefits.
Industry Profile 77717201 To find out more about the defensive action of the Salgard range visit today. Effectively controls pathogens, including Salmonella spp., E.coli and Campylobacter Helps prevent mould growth Aids in improving feed mill hygiene Protects feed from recontamination Defends PathogensAgainstSalgard Nature’s Answer from AnparioDIE AND MACHINESRE-WORKINGROLL Meet the future of Frontline Innovation. Denmark At Frontline Innovation we offers a wide range of equipment for manufacturing and refurbishment of animal feed and biofuel consumables. We also develop unike equipment on request. So if you have a special request please do not hesitate to contact us. Learn more about us or see our range of machines at: (+45) 2889 3585 86 | September 2022 - Milling and Grain
Thomas Höhndorf, Area Sales Manager at Bühler, was involved in this project from the first meeting to the start-up of the plant in 2020. He underlines Berte Qvarn’s drive for innovation and commitment to highest quality as key factors for the success of the project.
“From day one, we knew we had a tight schedule. But thanks to our long-standing relationship in wheat milling and Berte Qvarn’s trust in our solutions for oat processing, we pulled in the same direction from the go with the clear goal to deliver the best possible product to Oatly.”
Bühler supplied Berte Qvarn with the full value chain from intake to cleaning, dehulling, and kilning. “The latest generation of optical sorters ensures highest food safety by reducing cross-contamination from other grain varieties, discoloration, subtle spots, and various foreign material,” Höhndorf adds.

It is after the kilning process that the oats are transported in the eye-catching yellow Berte Qvarn trucks to Oatly in Malmö, where the finishing touches will be applied to produce the world-renowned oat milk.
Every miller around the world knows that there’s always potential for increasing efficiency and output even at the best run mills. Magnus Lindblom is convinced that continuous training and customer service worthy of this modern plant are essential to reaching the next level. “State-of-the-art equipment requires a state-
are designing to attract and retain highly qualified employees in a competitive hiring market.
“At the end of the day, we have a responsibility as food processors to use our planet’s resources as efficiently as possible and create sustainable food value chains for future generations,” he says as he heads into the mill to collect a sample for quality check. After all, a miller’s experience will always be a key asset in successfully running a mill.

More success stories for company’s end-ofline service offering
The second line features two robots working side by side

The line at Harinero Sula
88 | September 2022 - Milling and Grain

Just one year ago, Ocrim reported the success of its OcrimFBC, one of the company's flagship departments, which was created when the company purchased FBC, a long established company based in Medesano (Parma, Italy).
The line at Les Moulins Advens
The topic of Harinero Sula in Honduras has made a comeback, as the construction of the second palletising line has now been successfully completed. This required Ocrim experts to design very precise tailor-made solutions, to meet the complex nature of the customer's requirements.

Very inventive & versatile From Honduras, let’s come back to Europe, and more specifically to Les Moulins Advens in Strasbourg, France. For them, Ocrim designed and built a very inventive and
One year on, the company are pleased to disclose that the success has continued – acting as a stimulus to make increasingly innovative choices, meeting the demands and needs of all its customers, whether new or long-standing.
Case Study

to receive 50 and 100-pound bulk bags from a single (preexisting) overhead conveyor. The various bags are then channelled to the dedicated line, according to the weight read by a Thecheckweigher.simultaneous palletising and use of the single winder offer great savings in both costs and space, and also great advantages in relation to maintenance. The considerable flexibility in the production process allows the lines to work at full capacity, as the customer requested.
A better way to get your grain from point A to point B. And anywhere in between. Expand your high-volume grain system options and reliability with an Enclosed Roller Belt Conveyor from Brock. It features a unique discharge unit that is easier to operate, simpler to maintain, and diverts grain to intermediate bins without moving parts ever touching the belt. See it in operation at Storage | Handling | Drying & Conditioning | Structures +1 sales@brockgrain.com812.886.5500 See the Brock® Enclosed Roller‑Belt Conveyor with No‑touch Intermediate Discharge.

Milling and Grain - September 2022 | 91 CS

The Ocrim Team is proud to relay these two success stories of projects completed to the full satisfaction of the customers: one long-standing (Harinero Sula) and one new (Les Moulins Advens) customer.
The robot-stacker combination was specially designed and built to increase the rate of production and the overall quality of the full pallet. In addition, a special metal detector was stationed on the input line to check for the presence of any metal parts inside the bag, plus a checkweigher to ascertain whether the bag complied with the weight limits set by the customer, with the automatic rejection of any non-compliant bags.
To read the special brochure for the Ocrim-FBC department, visit its website at:
Thanks to an on-going, positive dialogue with the customer, the company were able to develop customised solutions that were highly innovative in terms of engineering, technology and aesthetic design.
versatile palletising line for the production of 10 and 25 kg bags of flour.
The line consists of a robot that takes the bags containing fine powder (flour) and places them inside a machine with a palletising compactor trolley, which presses them and arranges them on the pallet.

brochure for this type of system. Ocrim-FBC is seen as the important final link in an industrial supply chain that was already well integrated, with every process carried out in-house, ensuring that the company's quality products are fully traceable, checked and certified.
Two success stories
These are just ‘two examples,’ because the Ocrim-FBC department has carried out and is currently engaged in many different projects, with designs that are tailor-made to customer needs.
All of this success and the increase in demand for OcrimFBC end-of-line systems have prompted the company's
Zanzibar, https://www.iaom-mea.comTanzania
Ho Chi Minh City, www.vietstock.orgVietnam
IPPE22-272022 Atlanta, www.ippexpo.orgUSA

Kigali, www.poultryafricaevent.comRwanda
INDUSTRY EVENTS 2023 February25-28GEAPSExchange 2023 Kansas City, Missouri, www.geapsexchange.comUSA

Annual IAOM Conference and Expo Richmond, Virginia, iaom-conference-expo/

IPACK-IMA3-6 2022 Milan, www.ipackima.comItaly

SPACE13-15 2022

Around 150 - 200 exhibiting companies from overseas & Vietnam will also be in attendance with top exhibitors such as Famsun, Big Dutchman, De Heus, Thuan Nhat, Provimi, AB Agri, Buhler, Lucta, Stolz Asia, Amandus, Pericoli, CPM, Nabel Asia, R.E.P Bio, and many Waste-to-Energymore.
IAOM19-22 Eurasia 2022 Istanbul, region-conference-expo/
EuroTier15-18 2022 Hannover, www.eurotier.comGermany
Health, Nutrition and Technology Europe 2022 London, www.kisacoresearch.comUK 2023


Animal Health and Nutrition Asia 2022
Combining the expertise from AFIA, NAMI and USPOULTRY, IPPE will also feature dynamic education programs focused on the latest industry issues.
Pavilion is a new feature this year at Vietstock Expo with the emphasis of Biogas & Biomass technologies applying into Farming & Livestock Production sectors, aligning with the Sustainable Development Strategy of the country.
“We are excited to gather again, in-person, for IPPE 2023,' remarks show organisers. 'We are encouraged by our strong exhibitor participation, as it demonstrates that they are enthusiastic about showcasing the latest technologies and services that will continue to drive the industry forward.”
Agritechnica25-27 Asia 2022 Bangkok, www.agritechnica-asia.comThailand

IPPE will be held Tuesday through Thursday, January 24 - 26, 2023, at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta, USA. The Expo will showcase the most current technology, equipment and services used in the production and processing of animal food, meat, and poultry and egg products.

The 2023 International Production & Processing Expo (IPPE) has surpassed 500,000 square feet of exhibit space and secured more than 940 exhibitors, with six months remaining until the Expo.
Hosted by the Livestock Production Department (MARD) and supported by Animal Husbandry Association of Viet Nam (AHAV) and Vietnam Ruminant Husbandry Association (VINARUHA), Vietstock 2022 is a perfect business platform for the Feed & Livestock community.
Vietstock Expo & Forum 2022 will take place from 12–14 October 2022, at Saigon Exhibition & Convention Center (SECC), Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.


MEA Annual Conference & Expo
Vietstock12-14 2022
Ildex9-11 Indonesia 2022 Jakarta, www.ildex-indonesia.comIndonesia

Vietnam's leading premier international Feed, Livestock & Meat Industry, the exhibition is set to cover all of the latest trends, technologies and solutions.
VIV31-2Europe 2022 Utrecht, The www.viveurope.nlNetherlands
Bangkok, https://victamasia.comThailand
Annual IAOM Conference and Expo Minneapolis, Minnesota,
Mill15-18Tech Istanbul 2022 Istanbul, https://milltechistanbul.comTurkey

Agrishow25-29 2022 Sao Paulo, 2023
PIX1-3MayAMC 2022 Gold Coast,

St. Petersburg, Florida, USA
GEAPS26-29 Exchange 2022 Kansas City, Missouri, https://geapsexchange.comUSA 2023
Victam EMEA 2022 Istanbul, https://idmavictam.comTurkey
Annual Practical Short Course on Feeds and Petfood Extrusion Texas,
Exhibit space exceeds 500,000 square feet with 940+ exhibitors
The health and safety of everyone who attends the IPPE is a top priority. Updates regarding appropriate safety and health protocols will be provided to all stakeholders as the situation warrants. Attendee registration will open October 3, 2022.


Made up of three integrated trade shows – the International Poultry Expo, International Feed Expo and International Meat Expo – IPPE is the world's largest annual poultry and egg, meat and animal food trade show and is sponsored by the US Poultry & Egg Association (USPOULTRY), the American Feed Industry Association (AFIA) and the North American Meat Institute (NAMI).
Dijon, www.jtic.euFrance
Manufacturers Conference 2022
Revolution Conference Online
92 | September 2022 - Milling and Grain ☑ = Meet the Milling and Grain team at this event Your industry training platform Learn more – Learn onsite Enroll in the 12-week Course

It looks to engage in the challenges of livestock farmers, bring together all the different animal production sectors in a forward looking approach, and, thanks to state-of-the-art developments and innovations presented by the exhibitors, show visitors what the livestock industry is really about today.
The FARM initiative supported by the European Union and France is a response to the food security challenge at hand. Its goal is to encourage the agricultural sector to produce enough to sustain trade relations and emergency food assistance in the coming weeks, without losing sight as local food production as a priority.Thecompelling nature of this challenge is part of a larger picture, one in which climate issues require immediate action. The Climate Law includes a legally binding obligation upon which the European Union has to reach climate neutrality by 2050.The
objective calls for an at least 55 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. Keep in mind that the agricultural sector is responsible for 19 percent of today’s emissions.That’swhat the ‘Espace for the Future’ found in Hall 4, willdemonstrate with its illustration of the topic: Livestock farming and climate: reducing the impact. Presentations of technical solutions, daily round tables, breeder testimonials and on-farm videos will inform SPACE Expo goers and help them develop ideas on these topics.
It is therefore an Expo firmly focused on the future that is currently taking shape for the month of September. In that mindset, its organisers aim to further solidify that dynamic
Farmers are faced with numerous challenges
French show celebrates 35th anniversary with stronger than ever edition
94 | September 2022 - Milling and Grain
Hit by the Covid 19 pandemic for the past two years, in-person visits to the Expo were cancelled in 2020, only to return in 2021 under conditions adapted to health safety measures.

It’s an industry that undergoes continual shifts as it pays close attention to citizens and consumers, one that does what it takes to
These changes occur in a context rendered even more complex by the conflict in Ukraine, alarming climate conditions due to drought, the avian influenza crisis, the soaring costs of raw materials and the amount of expenses required for energy, fertilisers and feed.
In such an unstable overall climate, food sovereignty has become a major concern. During the Covid crisis, players in the agricultural sector demonstrated their strength by making sure the food supply chain continued to function for citizens. Currently, farmers are again faced with numerous challenges as certain areas of the world are confronted with the risk of famine and shortages.
For this reason, for its 35th anniversary, SPACE has ambitions to make its next edition stronger than ever.
meet societal demands both in terms of rearing practices and their impact on global climate.

In a global context still shaken from the unpredictable health crisis we have all experienced, combined with an unsettling geopolitical climate, in particular due to the conflict in Ukraine and its resulting economic consequences, it is quite difficult to measure what the foreign attendance will be this September. However, the organisers have already received many requests from international visitors in regard to the SPACE 2022 calendar of events, suggesting high attendance numbers in September and optimistic outlooks.
These forums will give them a chance to express their vision of the profession they plan to pursue, regardless of if it's a breeder, employee, technician, sales agent or someone working with agricultural machinery, etc.
Nearly 1100 exhibitors are registered to participate in this next edition, of which 185 are new and 318 are from countries outside ofThisFrance.year, the poultry farming industry will occupy halls 10A and 10B, whilst animal nutrition will be well-represented in halls 9 and 5. The energies sector will fill up half of hall 4, and the Agretic and Village by CA start-up areas will cover 100m2 each. Businesses from the pig and cattle sectors have also registered in high numbers. And nearly 200 stands will display equipment in the outdoor area.
by giving voice to the youth enrolled in agricultural training programmes.Jointlycoordinated by a network of public and private agricultural colleges including MFRs (Rural agricultural schools), this initiative aims to highlight the young people who will make up tomorrow’s agricultural sector, giving them a chance to share their passion, their expectations and their vision for the future.
Currently being organised, the programme is set to take on the form of workshops during which youth will meet with representatives of the business community, replacement service organisations, farm equipment cooperatives, agricultural contractors, etc.
visitors made their way back to the trade show for its 2021 edition. For this 36th edition, the organisers hope to find that same dynamic of earlier years, but with an even greater international attendance.

The same full complement of exhibitors
SPACE is one of the world’s most noteworthy trade shows for the livestock industry and a key event for the professionals that are a part of it. Despite complicated travel conditions due to the pandemic, which continued to rage well into September 2021, nearly 5000 international visitors from 96 countries showed up to the last edition.
ASSOCIATION AEMIC 66 rue la Boétie – 75008 PARIS Tél. : +33 (0)1 47 07 20 69 - Email : - Site web : #I’COMINGTOJTIC2022 contact : Each year, aEMIc organises a unique 2-day event: thE tEchnIcal Days of thE cErEal InDustrIEs &WEDNESDAYThurSDAY 12/13 octoBEr 2022 pAlAIS DES CONGrES DIJON 6 conferences 70 exposants network Palais des Congres dijon 12 & 13 october 2022 ème technical and economic 72eme exhibition at the service of professionals in the cereal industry french and professionalsinternationalinthesector young graduates, job market-orientedseekers,professionals Milling and Grain - September 2022 | 95
Despite the climate of a global health crisis, international
International attention holds strong
The web portal and the mobile application app. will soon be available to help users prepare their visit to the Expo. These interfaces will be further enhanced with new features to make them even more easy to use.

96 | September 2022 - Milling and Grain
The SPACE podcasts The Voice of Farming and SPACE TV by Web-agri video reports will also be available all year round from these digital tools.
Livestock animal presentations
On Thursday, most of the day will be devoted to the Prim’Holstein Atlantique competition. The event will also feature

The Innov’Space competition is what makes SPACE the leading event for innovation across all the livestock sectors. For over the past 25 years, these awards have been a real quality seal for the industry. They demonstrate the extent to which our sectors are efficient, innovative and always thinking ahead. Each year, exhibitors show great interest in these awards, recognising them as a major commercial advantage that highlights the expertise they invest in the name of breeders. 83 percent of exhibitors say that SPACE is the ideal place to showcase their innovations.
On the Friday of the 2021 edition, SPACE went fully virtual to account for the switch to a shorter three-day event. This strategy was mainly designed to keep ties strong between exhibitors and the trade show’s international audience thanks to digital tools specially developed for the occasion.
SPACE has been hosting conferences on aquaculture for several years. On the strength of this initial success, SPACE now plans to be a key event for French and international businesses in this fast-growing sector.
Aquaculture is on the roster
This booming sector attracts the attention of SPACE visitors: 26% of French visitors and 50% of international visitors have an interest in aquaculture (source: ADquation 2019). 10% of the international visitors in 2021 had jobs in this sector.
With this in mind, we added several features to the Expo to showcase the aquaculture sector. We created an itinerary guide, made it visually easy to identify stands and organised two conferences (each lasting a half day) set for 13 September.
Each year, more than 80 businesses from the aquaculture sector come to exhibit at SPACE, including those working in the fields of animal feed and nutrition, farming equipment, consulting, research, genetics, etc.
In addition to the competitions, breed officials are planning an international event by hosting the European Jersey Forum and members from the World Jersey Cattle Bureau.
The conference programme will be full and varied again this year based on the room reservations. The extent of the topics covered makes SPACE an absolutely unique meeting place for the livestock farming industry.
And, now the SPACE organising committee can continually offer information and services all year long without having to dedicate a specific day to them. These tools offer extensive content and features: a platform for scheduling B2B meetings, a marketplace, webinars, podcasts, web TV programmes, the Innov’Space prize-winner list, product descriptions, an interactive map, the conference schedule and animal presentations, etc.
In 2021, 35 products, services and equipment were awarded prizes from the panel of experts. Two of the winners took the microphone to talk about the impact of Innov’Space at the Expo’s Podcast Space.
As of last year, the programme of livestock animal presentations and competitions takes place over three days. Tuesday is mainly dedicated to beef breeds, notably with the Blond d’Aquitaine National Challenge. On Wednesday, the Jersey dairy breed will be in the spotlight with its national competition.
Milling and Grain will be there too, so be sure to email tutit@ to arrange an appointment!
10 interregional competitions, breed presentations and the Genomic Elite Multi-breed Auction. 550 cattle of 13 different breeds will provide a continuous spectacle in the main ring during the three days of the Expo.
Global business forum
That’s what makes SPACE so rare and a real asset for exhibitors who have the opportunity to meet with the prospects and customers who will help them develop their exports.
The SPACE organising committee look forward to seeing you at SPACE 2022, from 13 – 15 September at the Rennes Exhibition Centre, France.

Visitors will also have the opportunity to see 200 animals of 11 sheep and goat breeds, with the Ile de France breed presented in a national competition on Tuesday.
Diverse backgrounds
Why is SPACE such a solid event? Because, in addition to the diverse backgrounds of its participants, its unique programme truly meets the demands of industry professionals. And its international visitors from different horizons attest to that.
An unmissable event for planet livestock
See you in France
Milling and Grain - September 2022 | 97
Despite complicated travel conditions due to the Covid 19 pandemic, which continued to rage well into September 2021, nearly 5000 international visitors from 96 countries showed up to
the last edition. Now more than ever, the Expo has demonstrated its ability to attract professionals from the livestock industry.
Despite the climate of a global health crisis, international visitors made their way back to the trade show for its 2021 edition. For this 36th edition, we hope to find that same dynamic of earlier years, but with an even greater international attendance.
Behn + Bates +49 251 9796 www.behnbates.com252
PROFILE: The Essmueller +1 800 325 www.essmueller.com7175 PROFILE: TSC Silos +31 543 www.tsc-silos.com473979 PROFILE: Van Aarsen International +31 475 579 www.aarsen.com444 PROFILE: Cereal and pulse conditioning Bühler AG +41 71 955 11 www.buhlergroup.com11 PROFILE: +33 3 85 44 06 www.vibrafloor.com78 PROFILE: vibronet-Grä +49 6441 www.vibronet.com62031 PROFILE: Colour sorters Bühler A G +41 71 955 11 www.buhlergroup.com11 PROFILE: Cimbria Srl +39 0542 www.cimbria.com361423 PROFILE: Maxtex Trading Group Co. Ltd. +66 www.maxtex.net29488281 PROFILE: Satake +81 82 420 www.satake-group.com8560 PROFILE: Computer software Inteqnion +31 543 49 44 www.inteqnion.com66 PROFILE: Van Aarsen International +31 475 579 www.aarsen.com444 PROFILE:
Silos Cordoba +34 957 325 www.siloscordoba.com165
Symaga +34 www.symaga.com926640475

What is The Market Place

Brock +1 866 658 www.brockgrain.com4191

Bruks Siwertell AB +46 www.bruks-siwertell.com4285880

The Market Place is a collaboration between Milling and Grain magazine and our sister titles, The International Milling Directory and The Global Miller. The Market Place aims to connect the print and the digital world, bringing more content that will be of interest, as well as direct links to the content that you want to see. Throughout this edition of the magazine you will find QR codes and myMAG links that can link to various content from all three publications. MAG TV MAG TV is Milling and Grain magazine’s video channel. Featuring content about new products, interviews with industry professionals, industry event content and much more myMAG links myMAG links are shortened hyperlinks that will take you directly to content when typed into a browser
Silo Construction & Engineering +32 www.sce.be51723128

Sukup +1 641 892 www.sukup.com4222

Bühler AG +41 71 955 11 www.buhlergroup.com11
Amino acids Evonik Nutrition & Care GmbH +49 618 PROFILE: Bagging systems Bühler AG +41 71 955 11 www.buhlergroup.com11 PROFILE: FAWEMA +49 2263 www.fawema.com716-0 PROFILE: Maxtex Trading Group Co. Ltd. +66 www.maxtex.net29488281 PROFILE: Statec Binder +43 3112 38 www.statec-binder.com5800 PROFILE: Golden Grain Group +86 371 www.g-grain.com68631308 PROFILE: Bakery improvers ERKAYA +90 312 395 PROFILE: Mü KG +49 4102 202 www.muehlenchemie.com001 PROFILE: Bulk storage AGI PROFILE: Behlen +1 402 564 www.behlengrainsystems.com3111 PROFILE:
Ozpolat Makina Gida +90 342 337

milltech +90 332
Erkaya holds the major part of the Turkish market. Strong international focusing, formulated, fast, economic solutions combined with continually evolving quality awareness and customer oriented services form a significant part of its business concept.
+31 79 593 22 www.ottevanger.com21
Golden Grain Group +86 371 www.g-grain.com68631308
Sangati Berga +55 11 2663
Van Aarsen International +31 475 579 www.aarsen.com444
VAV Conveyor Components & Solutions +31 7140 www.vav-nl.com23701
Feed milling +49 7520 www.frigortec.com91482-0 PROFILE:
ERKAYA +90 312 395
Yemmak +90 266 www.yemmak.com7338363
+1 641 892 www.sukup.com4222 PROFILE: +49 8442 www.thermonox.de8823 PROFILE: Wenger Manufacturing +1 www.wenger.com785-284-2133 PROFILE: Van Aarsen International +31 475 579 www.aarsen.com444 PROFILE: Yemmak +90 266 www.yemmak.com7338363 PROFILE: Yemtar Feed Mill Machines +90 266 733 www.yemtar.com8550 PROFILE: Dosing Bühler AG +41 71 955 11 www.buhlergroup.com11 PROFILE: Van Aarsen International +31 475 579 www.aarsen.com444 PROFILE: Elevator buckets 4B Braime +44 113 246 www.go4b.com1800 PROFILE: Tapco Inc +1 314 739 www.tapcoinc.com9191 PROFILE: Yemtar Feed Mill Machines +90 266 733 www.yemtar.com8550 PROFILE: Elevator & conveyor components 4B Braime +44 113 246 www.go4b.com1800 PROFILE: Bühler AG +41 71 955 11 www.buhlergroup.com11 PROFILE:
PROFILE: vibronet-Grä +49 6441 www.vibronet.com62031
Romer Labs Division Holding GmbH +43 2782 803 www.romerlabs.com0

The Anderson Inc +1 www.andersonsgrain.com419-897-6758

PLP +39 05 23 89 16 www.plp-systems.com29
PROFILE: +31 77 467 www.dinnissen.nl3555
AG +41 71 955 11 www.buhlergroup.com11
Adisseo + 33 1 46 74 70
Evonik Nutrition & Care GmbH +49 618
Coolers & driers
DSM +44 1452 www.dsm.com306129

+44 141 945 www.r-biopharm.com2924
+86 www.famsungroup.com85828888
Andritz +45 72 www.andritz.com160300
www.henrysimonmilling.com2800 PROFILE:

Almex +31 575 www.almex.nl572666

Yemmak +90 266 www.yemmak.com7338363
Because of these special features, Erkaya has become a fast growing company among its competitors.
See full profile at: PROFILE:
Yemtar Feed Mill Machines +90 266 733 www.yemtar.com8550
99 | September 2022 - Milling and Grain
Tapco Inc +1 314 739 www.tapcoinc.com9191

Bühler AG +41 71 955 11 www.buhlergroup.com11 +34 938 www.consergra.com772207
PLP +39 05 23 89 16 www.plp-systems.com29

Erkaya, which was founded in 2000, is one of the leading and outstanding manufacturers of Turkey in the field of Basic Laboratory Equipment & ingredients for wheat mills and bakeries.

Wenger Manufacturing +1 www.wenger.com785-284-2133

Introducing Gluten Washer GW 3200

Yemtar Feed Mill Machines +90 266 733 www.yemtar.com8550
FAMSUN +86 www.famsungroup.com85828888
Feed nutrition

Van Aarsen International +31 475 579 www.aarsen.com444

Bühler AG +41 71 955 11 www.buhlergroup.com11
Mühlenchemie GmbH & Co KG +49 4102 202 www.muehlenchemie.com001

www.adisseo.com00 PROFILE: Anpario +44 1909 537 www.anpario.com380 PROFILE:
Having ISO 9001:2000 Erkaya exports to many countries worldwide by the contribution of its professional work force and very competitive quality and price.
Henry +44 0161 804
Introducing Falling Number FN 8100
Zheng Chang +86 www.zhengchang.com2164184200

Flour Improvers
Zheng Chang +86

Loading/un-loading equipment
Bühler AG +41 71 955 11 www.buhlergroup.com11
Flour milling
Genç Degirmen +90 444
Van Aarsen has become a worldwide “household name” in machines, and turn key projects for the animal feed technology, both for commercial feed producers and for vertically-integrated businesses. Quality is of the utmost importance for both segments sectors of the industry and innovations in feed production are therefore of great interest. Thanks to their extensive experience, our engineers and technicians are always able to offer tailor-made suitable solutions.
Ozpolat Makina Gida +90 342 337

ERKAYA +90 312 395
Behlen +1 402 564 www.behlengrainsystems.com3111
Van Aarsen International +31 475 579 www.aarsen.com444
Brock +1 866 658 www.brockgrain.com4191

MSC +44 1473 277

Mill design & installation
Interview - Roger Ubags, Area Manager, Van Aarsen
Yemtar Feed Mill Machines +90 266 733 www.yemtar.com8550
PROFILE: +31 77 467 www.dinnissen.nl3555
+31 79 593 22 www.ottevanger.com21
milltech +90 332

Alapala +90 212 465 60 www.alapala.com40
Van Aarsen International +31 475 579 www.aarsen.com444
+90Selis222 236 12
Van Aarsen International +31 475 579 www.aarsen.com444
Sukup Europe +45www.sukup-eu.com75685311

Henry Simon +44 0161 804 www.henrysimonmilling.com2800
Neuero Industrietechnik +49 5422 www.neuero.de95030
+81Satake82 420 www.satake-group.com8560

Vigan Engineering +32 67 89 50 www.vigan.com41
Tekpro +44 1692 www.tekpro.com403403
Mühlenchemie GmbH & Co KG +49 4102 202 www.muehlenchemie.com001

Bühler AG +41 71 955 11 www.buhlergroup.com11
Interview - Bashir Omar, Van Asrsen
Ottevanger Milling Engineers +31 79 593 22 www.ottevanger.com21
Grain handling systems
Tapco Inc +1 314 739 www.tapcoinc.com9191

Bühler AG +41 71 955 11 www.buhlergroup.com11
ASG Group (Degirmen Makine) +90 342 357 01 www.degirmen.com50

Sangati Berga +55 11 2663
Yemmak +90 266 www.yemmak.com7338363
Bühler AG +41 71 955 11 www.buhlergroup.com11
Bastak +90 312 395 67

Silo Construction & Engineering +32 www.sce.be51723128

+39Ocrim0372 www.ocrim.com4011
Feed Mill Automation
100 | September 2022 - Milling and Grain
Yemtar Feed Mill Machines +90 266 733 www.yemtar.com8550
Yemtar Feed Mill Machines +90 266 733 www.yemtar.com8550

See full profile at: PROFILE:
Symaga +34 91 726 43 www.symaga.com04

Zaccaria +55 19 3404
Van Aarsen International +31 475 579 www.aarsen.com444

IMAS - Milleral +90 332 www.milleral.com2390141
Cimbria A/S +45 96 17 90 www.cimbria.com00
Laboratory equipment
Dinnissen BV +31 77 467 www.dinnissen.nl3555
Sangati Berga +55 11 2663
Bühler AG +41 71 955 11 www.buhlergroup.com11
Selis +90 222 236 12

The Essmueller +1 800 325 www.essmueller.com7175
Bühler AG +41 71 955 11 www.buhlergroup.com11
Alapala +90 212 465 60 www.alapala.com40
Zaccaria +55 19 3404

Golden Grain Group +86 371 www.g-grain.com68631308
Bühler AG +41 71 955 11 www.buhlergroup.com11
Statec Binder +43 3112 38 www.statec-binder.com5800
Van Aarsen International +31 475 579 www.aarsen.com444
Yemtar Feed Mill Machines +90 266 733 www.yemtar.com8550
Golden Grain Group +86 371 www.g-grain.com68631308

IMAS - Milleral +90 332 www.milleral.com2390141
+866IDAH 39 www.idah.com902701
Zheng Chang +86

Bühler AG +41 71 955 11 www.buhlergroup.com11
+866IDAH 39 www.idah.com902701
Yemtar Feed Mill Machines +90 266 733 www.yemtar.com8550
Henry Simon +44 0161 804 www.henrysimonmilling.com2800
Inteqnion+3154349 44 www.inteqnion.com66

Pelleting Technology Netherlands (PTN) +3 73 54 984 72 PROFILE:
Genç Degirmen +90 444

Fundiciones Balaguer, S.A. +34 www.balaguer-rolls.com965564075

Roller mills
+90Selis222 236 12

Bühler AG +41 71 955 11 www.buhlergroup.com11
Ottevanger Milling Engineers +31 79 593 22 www.ottevanger.com21

Yenar Dˆk¸m A.S. +90 332

Van Aarsen International +31 475 579 www.aarsen.com444

Statec Binder +43 3112 38 www.statec-binder.com5800
+44Hydronix1483 www.hydronix.com468900 PROFILE: +55Zaccaria193404 PROFILE: Golden Grain Group +86 371 www.g-grain.com68631308 PROFILE: Moisture measurement Bühler AG +41 71 955 11 www.buhlergroup.com11 PROFILE: +44Hydronix1483 www.hydronix.com468900 PROFILE: +33Vibrafloor38544 06 www.vibrafloor.com78 PROFILE: vibronet-Gräf GmbH & Co.KG +49 6441 www.vibronet.com62031 PROFILE: Mycotoxin management + 33Adisseo146 74 70 www.adisseo.com00 PROFILE: Packaging Bühler AG +41 71 955 11 www.buhlergroup.com11 PROFILE: Dinnissen BV +31 77 467 www.dinnissen.nl3555 PROFILE: +49FAWEMA2263 716 www.fawema.com0 PROFILE: Maxtex Trading Group Co. Ltd. +66 www.maxtex.net29488281 PROFILE: Statec Binder +43 3112 38 www.statec-binder.com5800 PROFILE: +34TMI 973 25 70 www.tmipal.com98 PROFILE: +90Yemmak266 www.yemmak.com7338363 PROFILE: Yemtar Feed Mill Machines +90 266 733 www.yemtar.com8550 PROFILE:

+39Ocrim0372 www.ocrim.com4011
+86Pingle311 www.plflourmill.com88268111
+90Alapala212 465 60 www.alapala.com40

Yemtar Feed Mill Machines +90 266 733 www.yemtar.com8550
Sangati Berga +55 11 2663
PROFILE: +90Yemmak266 www.yemmak.com7338363
Process control

Pelleting Technology Netherlands (PTN) +3 73 54 984 72 PROFILE:
Bühler AG +41 71 955 11 www.buhlergroup.com11
Pellet press
Sangati Berga +55 11 2663
+866IDAH 39 www.idah.com902701

ASG Group (Degirmen Makine) +90 342 357 01 www.degirmen.com50

Bühler AG +41 71 955 11 www.buhlergroup.com11
+90Yemmak266 www.yemmak.com7338363
Bühler AG +41 71 955 11 www.buhlergroup.com11
vibronet-Gräf GmbH & Co.KG +49 6441 www.vibronet.com62031

Van Aarsen International +31 475 579 www.aarsen.com444 PROFILE: +33Vibrafloor38544 06 www.vibrafloor.com78 PROFILE: vibronet-Gräf GmbH & Co.KG +49 6441 www.vibronet.com62031 PROFILE: Yeast products Leiber GmbH +49 5461 www.leibergmbh.de93030 PROFILE: To see online profiles, videos, news and product reviews for companies in the market place please To get your company included in the market place, please contact the Milling and Grain team on +44 1242 267700 Golden Grain Group +86 371 www.g-grain.com68631308 PROFILE: Roll fluting Bühler AG +41 71 955 11 www.buhlergroup.com11 PROFILE: Fundiciones Balaguer, S.A. +34 www.balaguer-rolls.com965564075 PROFILE: Yenar Dˆk¸m A.S. +90 332 PROFILE: Reclaim system +33Vibrafloor38544 06 www.vibrafloor.com78 PROFILE: Scalling Bühler AG +41 71 955 11 www.buhlergroup.com11 PROFILE: +1NorthWind785284 www.northwindts.com0080 PROFILE: Sifters ASG Group (Degirmen Makine) +90 342 357 01 www.degirmen.com50 PROFILE: +1Brock866 658 www.brockgrain.com4191 PROFILE: Bühler AG +41 71 955 11 www.buhlergroup.com11 PROFILE: Dinnissen BV +31 77 467 www.dinnissen.nl3555 PROFILE: Filip GmbH +49 5241 www.filip-gmbh.com29330 PROFILE: +90Gazel364 www.gazelmakina.com2549630 PROFILE: Koyuncu Sanayi +91 224 723 92 www.koyuncufirca.com92 PROFILE:
The Essmueller +1 800 325 www.essmueller.com7175
Ozpolat Makina Gida +90 342 337

Sefar AG +41 898 57 www.sefar.com00

Training Bühler AG +41 71 955 11 www.buhlergroup.com11 PROFILE: +1IAOM913 338
+90CSI 322 428 www.cukurovasilo.com3350

+34Symaga91726 43 www.symaga.com04
equipment Bühler AG +41 71 955 11 www.buhlergroup.com11 PROFILE: +39PLP 05 23 89 16 www.plp-systems.com29 PROFILE:

Top Silo Constructions (TSC) +31 543 473 www.tsc-silos.com979

PROFILE: +90Altinbiliek222236 13
A/S Cimbria +45 9617 www.cimbria.com9000

Silos Cordoba +34 957 325 www.siloscordoba.com165
Bühler AG +41 71 955 11 www.buhlergroup.com11
Inteqnion+3154349 44 www.inteqnion.com66

Van Aarsen International +31 475 579 www.aarsen.com444

Golden Grain Group +86 371 www.g-grain.com68631308

+1Sukup641 892 www.sukup.com4222

Bühler AG +41 71 955 11 www.buhlergroup.com11
PROFILE: +1Behlen402 564 www.behlengrainsystems.com3111
+90MySilo382 266 22 www.mysilo.com45


PROFILE: +90Selis222 236 12 PROFILE:
102 | September 2022 - Milling and Grain

Silo Construction & Engineering +32 www.sce.be51723128

Temperature monitoring +39Ocrim0372 www.ocrim.com4011 PROFILE: UK Flour Millers +44 2074 www.ukflourmillers.org932521 PROFILE: Vibrators +33Vibrafloor38544 06 www.vibrafloor.com78 PROFILE:
C M Y CM MY CY CMY K REGISTER NOW 25thOCTOBER28th2022 HOTEL ZANZIBAR,VERDE,TANZANIA For Registration, Sponsorship & Expo Booking PLEASEinfo@iaom-mea.comCONTACT: 0096824398767 including THE WORLD’S LEADING TRADE FAIR 2022 | 15 – 18 NOVEMBER HANOVER, GERMANYwww.eurotier.comTRANSFORMINGANIMALFARMING Guiding Theme 2022 160,000 highly qualified visitors 2,600 exhibitors, of which over 60% from abroad Over 250,000 sqm exhibition space Cooperation with strong specialist partners from the industry Many international events and activities Presenting solutions, discussing opportunities, rethinking processes that‘s EuroTier 2022 ET22_90x270_EN.indd 1 08.09.22 08:26Milling and Grain - September 2022 | 103

Has the war in Ukraine impacted the French milling industry, and what are your concerns regarding wheat supply and flour prices?
Our sectors have many assets to promote to young people because they are passionate professions that are not boring because we work with nature and the adaptations are permanent, where we work for others by providing them with diversified, healthy and enjoyable food.
104 | September 2022 - Milling and Grain
Are sustainability and CO² emissions of growing concern to French flour millers, and what are the key action points they should be considering?
At the beginning I have no family link with the milling industry, I chose to go to the milling industry after my highschool degree by the ENSMIC because the training offered was both very specific (physico-chemical laboratory of cereals and bread making, milling technology) with general notions (economy, industrial design, industrial engineering).
I also benefited from the image of excellence of the French wheat/flour/bread industry, as Eurogerm grew by setting up subsidiaries abroad and our quality know-how enabled us to develop our international success.
You have had a rich career in industry, what initially lead you to choose the flour milling industry as a career?
I am a former student of the ENSMIC and I graduated in 1984. After three years in production, I turned to technical sales and I have been working for Eurogerm for over 30 years.
During my professional career, I have experienced the concentration of milling companies, with the number of milling companies falling from over 800 to less than 250. I have witnessed the birth and development of the French traditional baguette, which has revived the traditional bakery and raised the quality of bread in all types of bakeries.
The AEMIC, the network of cereal industry professionals, continues to promote the attractiveness of the cereal industry and contributes to the placement of young people in our trades, encourages the sharing of knowledge through the Technical Days of the Cereal Industries (we will be holding our 72nd JTIC in Dijon on 12 and 13 October, 2022), the digital library and professional exchanges in a convivial atmosphere thanks to its electronic directory
Yes, the war in Ukraine has an impact on our raw materials at the global level, because it puts great pressure on prices and their availability and endangers the equilibrium of our companies, which cannot be too subject to the pressures of financial speculators, in addition to the great hazards of nature, which will increase with global warming.
"I am committed to the presidency of the Aemic association to perpetuate the network of members of the cereal sector in a spirit of conviviality, to develop employment platform services, knowledge sharing, and to strengthen links with all the associations of our industry,” says Olivier Duvernoy, speaking via a statement released at the time of his appointment. Milling and Grain magazine met up with President Duvernoy recently to discuss how he feels he has progressed with this mission, his views on the current state of our industry and what we can all look forward to at the 72nd JTIC, set to be held in the famous French city of Dijon on 12 –13 October, 2022.
On January 18, 2021 the board of directors of Aemic, the network of cereal industry professionals in France, appointed Olivier Duvernoy as its chairman, for a three-year term. A former student of the National School of Milling and Cereal Industries (Ensmic) and responsible for the milling market in France and Europe at Eurogerm, he succeeded Xavier Bourbon who held this position since May 2016, following the departure of Jean-Marie Poncey after twelve years in this position.
What aspects of production would you like to see addressed by your organisation and why going forward?
We must be vigilant about the continuity of our professional knowledge and for that we must have well-trained
Yes, sustainable development is very important for our sectors, with agriculture that respects nature and its environment, with ever greater food safety around our products and with a great deal of consumer education for responsible consumption based on healthy, good food without waste and with a thoughtful carbon footprint.
Olivier Duvernoy, President, AEMIC, France
I have not been disappointed in my professional career because I have learned and practiced many areas of knowledge.
professionals who integrate our companies. We must defend the values of our companies and the excellence of our trades which have taken years to establish.
Finally, we must educate consumers because our products from the cereal industry are nourishing and essential for peace and the development of countries and people.
Do you feel the industry is in good shape going forward, and what role do you feel traditional and artisan bread making will play in the future?
What are the most common barriers you feel our industry must overcome to ensure we are providing the most efficient and safe products to our customers? What advice would you give to those looking to improve their operations?
It is also through food that we share and exchange and therefore we are enriched by contact with others. You will find here all the values of our association, do not hesitate to register for our next technical days in Dijon.
Throughout your extensive career what have been the most significant changes have you observed in the French and European Flour Milling industries?
the interview

A CTB employee since 2014, Mr Chester recently held the position of Warehouse Lead where he monitored the day-to-day activities of the warehouse including organising the shipment of customer orders in a timely manner and transferring parts from the warehouse to the plant for use on assembling Brock's variety of dryers. He has also designed safety measures and trained new employees.
rant Knobloch has been named Product Manager of Conditioning Systems for Brock Grain Systems, according to Mark Dingeldein, New Product Development Director for the CTB, Inc. business unit.
In this position, Mr Knobloch will manage projects and programs to help increase market share and ensure profitable sales of Brock's conditioning product line. This involves understanding customer needs, market trends and channel opportunities, while working closely with the sales team to improve service, value-added solutions and customer experiences.
Brock Grain Systems promotes Buyer/Planner
Sangati Berga announces appointment of Editorial and Art Director
US Grains Council elects new Chairman
Brock Grain Systems names new Product Manager of Conditioning Systems
He has more than thirty years of experience with creation and comes from an educational background, where he spent twenty years as a university professor, teaching subjects such as advertisement writing, creation, visual communication, among other subjects.

Mr Miller is a fifth-generation farmer from Anderson, Indiana, and produces corn and soybeans, primarily as a 100 percent no-till row crop operation. He is a member of the Indiana Corn Marketing Council and was elected to the Council's officer rotation in 2019.
“It is important to me to learn as much as I possibly can – not just about how to do the best job I can on the farm, but also to learn as much as I can about how what I do affects the world as a whole – how my efforts create global ripple effects that help sustain those who need what I grow the most,” Mr Miller said during his incoming remarks on Wednesday.
106 | September 2022 - Milling and Grain

Prior to his employment with CTB, Mr Chester gained six months of experience in the automotive industry as a Machine Operator, where he operated machinery to form gears for transmissions and move parts from one department to another.
Marco’s 30 years of experience in plant engineering have given him in-depth knowledge and experience required to tackle the challenges the feed and biofuel industries are facing today.
Andritz appoints new VP Business Unit Capital
“Andritz is a company that is ever-evolving and to be part of that evolution is an opportunity I take very seriously,” says Mr Baumann. “At present, we face fundamental challenges in terms of feeding the global population and addressing environmental issues such as reducing CO2 emissions.
A graduate of Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana, Mr Knobloch has a bachelor's degree in agricultural systems management.

avid Chester has been promoted to Buyer/Planner for Brock Grain Systems. Mr Chester's new responsibilities include researching, sourcing, and evaluating vendors as well as managing the inventory levels and accuracy to ensure company goals and customer ordering timelines are met.
Prior to joining CTB, Mr Knobloch worked for a leading manufacturer of agricultural equipment, most recently as a Product Specialist. He also gained valuable experience co-owning and managing his family's purebred Berkshire hog farm.
ndritz Feed & Biofuel has announced the appointment of Marco Baumann as Vice President Unit Capital. Mr Baumann was previously Animal Feed Industry Director within the company.

he delegates of the US Grains Council (USGC) elect Josh Miller, a farmer from Indiana representing the Indiana Corn Marketing Council, as chairman of its Board of Directors.

arlos Normando has been appointed Editorial and Art Director for Sangati Berga. In this role he will be responsible for the company's communication and advertising. Mr Normando is a creative analyst with a degree in communication specialising in advertising, as well as a Masters Degree in Architecture.
“They must be faced head on, and we are uniquely placed as a business to make a tangible impact –from pioneering the process changes required to use alternative proteins in feed, to optimising biomass fuel production,” he concludes.
At Sangati Berga, Mr Normando develops advertising pieces for trade publications, creates promotional material for the company’s products and services, as well as managing the company’s social media network.

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