2022 Service Unit Product Manager Cookie Manual

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2021–22 Girl Scout Cookie Program


Service Unit Product Manager Cookie Manual


Important Contacts GIRL SCOUTS - DIAMONDS COUNCIL SUPPORT General Customer Care info@girlscoutsdiamonds.org 800-632-6894 Product Program Team product@girlscoutsdiamonds.org


FIND US ONLINE girlscoutsdiamonds.org

Meet the Girl Scout Cookies


Goal Setting


Volunteer Responsibilities


Preparing for a Great Season


Troop Cookie Trainings


Cookie Delivery Stations


Helpful Info for Volunteers


New Cookie Business Badges


Getting Families Involved


Council Events and Contests


Girl Selling


Digital Resources



Facebook: Girl Scouts - Diamonds of Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas page Girl Scouts - Diamonds Product Swap group Instagram: @girlscoutsdiamonds

eBudde 22-25 Cookie Pick Up Info


Cookie Cupboards


Cookie Booth Essentials


Safety Tips


Council Resources and Trainings


Recognitions and Rewards


FAQs 34 Parent Debt, Banking, Payments


Cookie Booth Starter Kit


Permission Form Tracking Sheet


Cookie Booth Solicitation Sheet


Cookie Calendar



Letter From the CEO It's that time of year again-cookie time! It's a time when Girl Scouts everywhere get to learn the important 5 skills (goal setting, decision making, money management, people skills and business ethics) of our fantastic financial literacy program while having fun bringing their friends and neighbors what they've been waiting for all year...their favorites in our assortment of iconic cookies. Our girls grow through this program to become more confident, as they stretch their comfort zones, and build outstanding character that will carry them throughout their lives. However, is cookie season a little concerning to you (again!) this year? Do you have worries about safety and success? Rest assured we are in this together – again, and always! We pledge to do everything possible to ensure our girls are safe, our cookies are available to meet public demand, and our volunteers feel confident they will have a productive cookie season. We understand the uncertainty of it all and strive to be ardent collaborators throughout the season because we know what is at stake. Without cookie sales, Girl Scout programming will suffer. We rely on the cookie sale to provide funding for all the out­standing girl experiences that make each year of Girl Scouting not only fun and mem­orable, but also impactful and beneficial for our girls. We learned a lot last year about how to have successful sales, while maintaining safety measures to protect our girls and their customers. I encourage you all to get out there and let your girls shine, again. As Girl Scouts, they have the creativity to conquer any hurdles they may encounter, and they showed us that last year. From online sales to drive-through cookie booths to curbside delivery, I know our girls have what it takes to ensure this year's cookie program gets them where they want to go...and gets them there safely. We know they have BIG plans, and the cookie program is what fuels those plans. Our girls need cookie sales to accomplish their goals. The revenue they earn is their ticket to experiences limited only by their imagination. Cookie season is the time of year when girls dream big and set a plan in motion to CLIMB WITH COURAGE and accomplish those dreams. It's up to us all to support them in any way we can to ensure they rise to the challenge with success. When this big, wide world opens back up to us, we want our girls out there in it - equipped with the troop funds they need to experience it to its fullest. Our pledge to you, our volunteers, parents and girls, is that we will be an unwavering partner. We will exercise caution to ensure this year's cookie season is safe and enjoyable for all. We will be creative in finding solutions to any obstacle we face. We will exhibit dedication to creating collaborative partnerships that afford our girls every opportunity to succeed. It’s time to CLIMB WITH COURAGE...like a Girl Scout!

Dawn Prasifka, President and CEO




Inspire her to think like an entrepreneur

goal setting

Goal setting is one of the five essential skills girls develop through the Girl Scout Cookie Program. With your support, they’ll learn how to set realistic goals and achieve them.


Five essential skills 1. goal setting

Girls learn how to set goals and create a plan to reach them.

Action steps: Encourage girls to set incremental, achievable goals. Help girls break down those goals through setting weekly challenges.

2. decision making

Girls learn how to make decisions on their own and as a team.

Action steps: Talk with girls about how they plan to spend the troop's cookie earnings.

3. money management

Girls learn to create a budget and handle money.

Action steps: Build on girls’ interest in learning to manage all facets of the cookie business, such as creating a budget to fund a troop experience or figuring out the percentage of customers who selected the donation option.

4. people skills

Girls find their voice and build confidence through customer interactions.

Action steps: Ask girls about new marketing ideas they want to try. They can discuss how to tailor their cookie pitch to achieve their goals.


Girls learn to act ethically, both in business and life.

Action steps: Talk to girls about the importance of delivering on their promise to customers. They can also consider offering a Girl Scouts® Gift of Caring option.

Encourage girls to keep climbing. Once they set a package goal, they might challenge themselves further, like building more marketing or entrepreneurship skills.


Your role is Invaluable

Volunteer responsibilities Service Unit Product Managers (SUPM) are an invaluable part of the Girl Scout Cookie Program®. Volunteers like you are the champions, role models and cookie coaches who help girls discover their amazing potential and take steps toward achieving their goals.


⚬ Complete volunteer training with your Council Product Program staff. ⚬ Set up your service unit in eBudde™, the online cookie management system. ⚬ Train troops, collect Troop Product Manager Agreements, then distribute materials. ⚬ Serve as Cookie Manager for individually registered Girl Scouts (IRGs). ⚬ Make sure your service unit Girl Scouts wait until the start date to begin. ⚬ Enter late cookie or rewards orders from troops and send out reminders about eBudde deadlines. ⚬ Select and schedule a cookie drop location for the service unit. Set a troop order pick up schedule. ⚬ Coordinate booth sales for your service unit and make sure troops follow rules. ⚬ Report booth sale locations to product program staff or upload to eBudde. ⚬ Hold a service unit cupboard or help troops place pick-ups with a council cupboard. ⚬ Help with product exchanges and issue receipts. ⚬ Sort and distribute girl rewards.


PREPARING FOR A GREAT SEASON The Girl Scout Cookie Program® is led by girls, but getting all the right tools in place starts with you. We’ve got tools, resources and helpful info to guide your planning.


You’ll find everything you need to plan a fun and informative family meeting in these guides, which include resources tailored to each Girl Scout grade level. Action steps to host successful meetings: Hold a family meeting 2–3 weeks before the start of the cookie season and be sure to highlight the Cookie Entrepreneur Family pin. See page 13. Choose a meeting format that works best for everyone — Girl Scouts offers an agenda and tips for hosting virtual meetings. Where you’ll learn more: girlscoutcookies.org/troopleaders ®

Girl Scouts Built by Me Cookie Planner

Create a custom plan for the cookie season — online, in just minutes! Choose from a menu of options that fit your group’s interests and schedules. It’s as simple as taking a short survey.

Where you’ll find it: LittleBrownie.com/volunteers


What is a Cookie Rally?

A Cookie Rally is an event held at the council, service unit and/or troop level that teaches Girl Scouts how to grow their cookie business by building the 5 skills. Every service unit is encouraged to hold a cookie rally or encourage girls to attend the Girl Scouts - Diamonds Cookie Palooza. Kick off this cookie season with a high energy, activity packed Cookie Rally while you show girls how to be successful in the Cookie Program.

What materials will you receive?

This Rally Guide has everything you need to get you started! Find more information in the guide about virtual rallies, too!


Troop Cookie Trainings What makes a good troop training?

A good cookie training is not only informative, but interactive! Find ways to engage your audience to make training a memorable experience.

Tips and reminders on having a successful troop training: 1. Allow adequate time for training (1 ½-2 hours). 2. Separate trainings for new and returning volunteers are recommended when possible. 3. For new people, cover all forms carefully as well as dates, guidelines and safety issues in Volunteer Essentials and Parent Guides. 4. Allow time for questions. 5. Set up a Girl Scout Cookie sample station with the service unit cookie samples you receive. 6. Provide a PowerPoint presentation if possible. We will provide a troop training PowerPoint for you this year. 7. Provide an eBudde demo for new leaders. 8. Troop cookie training is required before sales materials are given to the troop cookie managers even if they have been doing it a long time. ALL troop leaders MUST be trained by the SUPM even if they are not participating. 9. Anyone on the “No Sell List” should not receive materials. Communicate independently with those on the list prior to training on why they will not receive materials. 10. Remind troops that a kick-off party or cookie rally does not take the place of girl/ parent training. 11. Verify that all troops have established bank accounts and inform them that the information will need to be entered in eBudde, even if they are a returning participant. 12. Inform troops of how your service unit handles booths. 13. Provide your contact information to all troop cookie managers and be available to answer questions that may arise after training. 10

What materials will you receive?

Sales materials for the service unit will be mailed directly to the SUPM. The SUPM will be responsible for getting these materials to troops. Materials should only be given to a troop after a Troop Product Manager agreement has been completed. Go

you !

Materials will include program packets for every girl as well as the Troop Leader Guide, Parent Guide, Parent Permission Forms, extra receipt books and money envelopes.

Girl program packets include: Family Guide with Parent Permission Form Give this guide to your parents to help walk them through the season.

Receipt Book You will receive two receipt books for your troop. Receipts should be used in every exchange of product, money or rewards. Extra receipts are available at regional offices.

Order card Girls use this card to take orders before the cookies arrive. This card is turned in to their troop leader to place their order.

Money Envelope Have girls bring their money to troop meetings in this. Deposit often and count immediately upon receipt with the parent or guardian who gave it to you. Set time each troop meeting to collect funds from parents and guardians. DO NOT wait until the end of the cookie season to collect money.

Goal Getter Form Using the Goal Getter Order Form, girls can continue to take orders to keep the momentum while they wait for the cookies to arrive. Forms should be in the girl order packets and are also available on the website to print.

An order card can ONLY be given to a girl by a Troop Cookie Manager or SUPM. Girl Scouts – Diamonds staff do not give out cards to girls at the local office without express permission of the Troop Cookie Manager or SUPM. This is done to ensure that Parent Permission slips have been signed BEFORE the girl receives her program order card. Digital copies of materials may be printed or downloaded from the cookies tab at www.girlscoutsdiamonds.org.


Cookie Delivery Stations The SUPM solicits a delivery location and coordinates cookie delivery day. RULES OF DELIVERY: • Be prepared and on time. • Have your cell phone handy for calls from delivery agents or volunteers. • Have a copy of your delivery ticket from the reports tab. • Only pick up what you ordered. Do not request additional cases. • Always count and have another volunteer count with you. • Address any issues about your delivery with the Product Program Director immediately. • Sign for your delivery and take your receipt. • Organize trusted help for sorting. Make troop leaders count with you before leaving. Issue them a signed receipt.

DELIVERY AGENT EXPECTATIONS: • Scheduling call from delivery agent prior to delivery. • A delivery call should be made if the delivery is delayed or changed. • All your cookies should come in one delivery on the trucks. • The delivery agent should count the delivery and replace any damages. • You should receive a delivery receipt of exactly what you signed for with any missing product noted. • The delivery should be prompt and not extend throughout the day. • You should not feel rushed when counting, and feel satisfied with the count. • The delivery agent should act in a manner that is respectful of the council and our volunteers.


These expectations are set with the delivery agents prior to cookie deliveries. If you feel there were challenges during your cookie delivery, please email product@ girlscoutsdiamonds.org with a detailed description of your experience and attach any delivery tickets or receipts.

Cookie Booths THE SUPM SHOULD:

• Coordinate booth locations for troops in the service unit. • Assist in soliciting businesses to host booths. Use the Booth Agreement Form to make it official! • Upload booths to eBudde. Did you know? Booths added to eBudde show up in the GSUSA Cookie Finder! • You can add booths to eBudde on your own, or you can email the booth template to product@ girlscoutsdiamonds.org

Helpful info for Volunteers Where cookie money goes

Girl Scout Cookie™ fans are especially eager to support Girl Scouts when they have a clear picture of where the money goes. Help them see how proceeds stay local, powering amazing year-round experiences for local members and preparing them for a lifetime of success. Use the table below for a guide.

17% 28%

All Girl Scout Cookies are $5 per box


Thin Mints®








17% Troop and Service Unit proceeds


Girl Scout S’mores®

In addition to the many council-

Toffee-tastic® (Gluten-Free)

programmatic experiences funded by cookie earnings, troops earn $0.70–0.85 per package sold and service units earn $0.04–$ 0.06 per package sold. Proceeds tiers based on per-girl selling average (PGA).

28% Council-sponsored programs, events, priorities, training and other support 25% Camp and Property 12% Administrative Costs 23% Cost of Girl Scout Cookies

HOW TROOPS EARN PROCEEDS Troops earn a base rate of $0.70 per package sold. Troops that opt out of earning physical rewards will earn an additional $0.10 per package sold (Cadette, Senior and Ambassador only). Troops that reach a PGA of 280 earn an additional $0.05 per package sold. OPT OUT VS. OPT IN This option is available for troops with majority Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors who take a vote. Troops who opt out will receive Initial Order individual girl rewards and all level patches in exchange for more proceeds. They will not earn initial and final troop PGA rewards. The troop leader or SUPM must email Product Program to request opt out BEFORE the Initial Order is submitted.


new cookie business badges Check out the NEW Cookie Business badges and Financial Literacy badges at girlscouts.org/en/our-program/badges/badge_explorer.

Badges, patches and certificates

Certificates and patches can be used for recognition at any point in the Girl Scout Cookie Season, from the earliest planning meetings through the booth phase.

How can you inspire girls to think courageously? Let girls knowhow they can earn a badge or patch — and wear it on their vest or sash — as a symbol of their important Girl Scout Cookie Program achievements.

Where you’ll learn more: LittleBrownie.com/volunteers

Girls can earn one of the new Cookie Business badges this year when they complete requirements that help them develop new skills as they learn and grow their business. Badges are official Girl Scouts of the USA recognitions that can be placed on the front of their Girl Scout uniform. Girls collect patches as they achieve specific cookie program milestones, including things like sending emails, selling at booths and using Digital Cookie. These are fun patches that can be worn on the back of the uniform to show her cookie business success. Where you’ll learn more: girlscouts.org/cookiebadges


Inspire her to think like an entrepreneur

Getting Families Involved The Girl Scout Cookie Program is a team effort, and families and caregivers play a major role. With the support, assistance and encouragement of her family, there’s no stopping a Girl Scout! ®

Cookie Entrepreneur Family pin The year-by-year Cookie Entrepreneur Family pin enables families to support their girls in learning the five skills and encourages girls to think like entrepreneurs.

Action steps to engage families: • Host a family meeting using the Cookie Family Meeting Guide. This can be in person or virtual! • Explain how the cookie program gives girls an entrepreneurial edge. • Encourage families to think about how they can support their girls as they climb toward their goals and earn the pin.


council events and contests Cookie Palooza | January 14-15

Restaurant Week Cookie Entrepreneur patch! Scan the QR code to find instructions and submission form.

Kick off the 2022 Girl Scout Cookie Program with girls from across the council with Cookie Palooza! Join together in person with your family, troop or group to create cookie crafts, play games and plan your goals. Tune in LIVE throughout the day for cookie experts, financial literacy program partners and Girl Scouts - Diamonds CEO Dawn Prasifka’s brand new patch story! This event is for all Girl Scout levels. For more information, visit the events page at www.girlscoutsdiamonds.org.

Cookies 365! | February 11–March 17 Share the online entry form to win cookies for a year with your customers! All contest entries will be submitted virtually this year through the provided link and QR code. Entries will close on March 17. When entering the contest customers will be asked for their favorite Girl Scout’s troop number. Be sure your customers know your troop number! The troop associated with the winner will receive $100 in Online Diamonds Dollars. You can find the entry form on the cookie pages on our website.

National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend February 18–20

Celebrate National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend with us! Paint the town Girl Scout Green! Bust out your uniform and let your friends and family know it’s Girl Scout Cookie Weekend! Leave your cookie business cards at local businesses, leave door hangers for your neighbors to place orders. You can also choose to announce the arrival of Girl Scout Cookie season with a social media post. Visit the cookie pages on our website for door hangers, business cards and other marketing resources for girls. Patches are available for purchase at girlscoutshop.com.

Bling Your Booth Contest | February 11–March 17 Bring your best booth forward - Bling Your Booth! This year's theme is "Koala-fied Cookie Entrepreneur!" Show off your Girl Scout pride and bling your booth with all things Koala-fied! You can feature this year's mascots, mama koala, Kiana, and baby koala, Katie! Booth and safety guideline can always be found on the website. Submit your pictures by March 17 on girlscoutsdiamonds.org in the "Events and Contests" section of the Cookies+ tab. The top three will be chosen by Diamonds staff and posted to the Girl Scouts - Diamonds Facebook page for voting by "likes". The winning booth will receive Bling Your Booth patches and $100 in Online Diamonds Dollars.

Girl Scout Cookie Entrepreneur Week | February 20–26 Girl Scout Cookie Entrepreneur Week provides the opportunity for customers, volunteers and girls to enjoy their favorite Girl Scout cookies like never before! Restaurants and Girl Scouts in all regional areas will join forces to create a dessert inspired by your favorite Girl Scout Cookie. All Girl Scout Cookie Entrepreneurs will earn the


Girl Scouts Give Back Week


May 2-6

With Girl Scouts Give Back you can support two causes at the same time: a girl-led cookie business and various worthy organizations across the state.

What is Girl Scouts Give Back? When customers donate money to troops or Girl Scouts during the cookie program, these funds are used to pay for cookies with our Girl Scouts Give Back program. All monetary donations during the cookie program should be used to purchase cookies for donations.

What Happens During Girl Scouts Give Back Week? Girl Scouts gives back thousands of boxes of cookies to community organizations throughout our region. This includes hospitals, universities, veteran's groups, food banks and more!

Who Gets To Help? Cookies are donated in five different regions across the council. Product Program staff will select the two troops with the most donations from each region to participate in the donation of the cookies. If troops are unable to participate physically due to social distancing guidelines, an alternative will be presented. These troops get to experience a whole new side of the cookie program - one of giving back to a community that has supported their cookie program. Girls help unload the truck, learn about the organizations they are giving to, receive a tour, and earn a patch.


girl Selling

Help girls take their Girl Scout Cookie™ businesses to new heights!


Girl Scouts Gift of Caring

In-Person Cookie Sale Guide

• Customers can purchase and donate packages ® of Girl Scout Cookies. • Beyond the cost of cookies, proceeds stay in the community to support local Girl Scouts. • Everybody wins!

Where you’ll find this resource: • LittleBrownie.com/volunteers


Girl Scouts Gift of Caring is a community service initiative that provides a world of warm feelings. With guidance from their council, Girl Scout troops select a charity or service group to support, like first responders, food banks and teachers.

Use the tools and tips in this action planner to help girls organize an in-person booth. You’ll find options and resources to support a wide range of selling environments, including a DIY order station for workplace and in-network promotions.


Thank you for helping me achieve my personal goal of:

Girl Scout Cookies

Where you’ll learn more: • LittleBrownie.com • girlscoutsdiamonds.org/cookies • your order card


packages so we can:

packages, which will help us reach our troop goal *We are happy to deliver your donated

cookies to:



The GIRL SCOUTS® name and mark, and all associated trademarks and logotypes, including GIRL SCOUT COOKIES®, THIN MINTS®, TREFOILS®, GIRL SCOUT COOKIE SALE®, GIRL SCOUT COOKIE PROGRAM®, GIRL SCOUT S’MORES®, LEMON-UPS™ and the Trefoil Design, are owned by Girl Scouts of the USA. The LITTLE BROWNIE BAKERS® name and mark, and all associated trademarks, including SAMOAS®, TAGALONGS®, DO-SI-DOS® and TOFFEE-TASTIC® are registered trademarks of Ferequity Inc., an affiliate of Ferrero International, S.A. © 2019 Ferequity Inc. All Rights Reserved.












Girl Scouts Cookie house Party

Digital Cookie

Girls can customize how they learn and earn, using technology in new and engaging ways — all while honing digital marketing skills as they earn one of the new Cookie Business badges. Where you’ll learn more: • Get info from your council regarding approved methods of delivery • Safety resources are available at girlscoutcookies.org/troopleaders

Girl Scouts Cookie Rookies

Use this resource to help young Girl Scouts learn to set goals, get to know different cookies, gain confidence, learn how to speak to customers and more. Action steps to get girls on board: • Encourage them to discover booth essentials and safety rules. • Share a fun training video from Little Brownie that covers the basics. Where you’ll learn more: • LittleBrownie.com/girls

Help girls organize and host a Cookie House Party, either inperson or virtually. On the Little ® Brownie Bakers website, you’ll find a video overview, invitations, recipe cards and décor and giveaway ideas.

Action steps to drive success: • Girl Scouts can deliver their business pitch to their guests, demonstrate a cookie recipe and much more! • Teen cookie entrepreneurs can create event invites on Facebook, with guidance from a parent or guardian. • Review all safety recommendations. Follow the most up-to-date guidelines for group gatherings from credible public health sources, such as the CDC and your local public health department. Where you’ll find it: • LittleBrownie.com


digital resources ®

Digital Cookie

Teens can customize their online site using Digital Cookie. Once their website is set up, they can tell their network of family and friends on social media that they are taking cookie orders online. Girls younger than 12 can ask parents or guardians for help. Encourage girls to personalize their website with their goals and cookie pitch; then parents or guardians can post or email links to friends and family. Action steps you can take to support girls on the platform: • Encourage teens to get creative with tools like video and livestreaming. • Teach girls about e-commerce and online marketing techniques as they work toward earning Cookie Business badges. • Remember to always follow Girl Scouts’ Safety Rules for ® selling Girl Scout Cookies. Where you’ll learn more and find resources: • Girl Scouts’ Digital Marketing Tips for Cookie Entrepreneurs and Families available at girlscoutcookies.org/digitalmarketing • Girl Scouts’ Supplemental Safety Tips for Online Marketing available at girlscoutcookies.org/digitalmarketing • Get info from your council regarding approved methods of delivery • Safety resources are available with your local council and at girlscoutcookies.org/troopleaders. • girlscouts.org/cookiebadges • girlscouts.org/digitalcookie


Ready-to-share social resources

Little Brownie offers Volunteer Social Resources to help you find the right words (and pictures) to raise awareness about the Girl Scout Cookie ® Program. It’s social planning made simple! Action steps to help you get started — and get sharing: • Create a social calendar that covers different phases of the cookie season, from rallies to booth events. • Invite girls to join you in brainstorming ideas for social posts that get the attention of cookie fans. • Take the opportunity to celebrate your troop’s achievements on social media. Where you’ll learn more and find resources: • girlscoutcookies.org/troopleaders • girlscoutcookies.org/digitalmarketingtips • LittleBrownie.com/social-resources

Online safety first!

Girls and their supervising parent/guardian must read, agree to and abide by the Girl Scout Internet Safety Pledge, the Digital Cookie Pledge and the Supplemental Safety Tips for Online Marketing before engaging in online marketing and sales efforts through the cookie program. Find these resources at girlscoutcookies.org/troopleaders.

Join us on social media Follow Little Brownie Bakers® • facebook.com/littlebrowniebakers Follow Samoas® • facebook.com/samoascookies • instagram.com/samoas_cookies • twitter.com/samoascookies Follow Girl Scouts • facebook.com/girlscoutsusa • instagram.com/girlscouts • twitter.com/girlscouts Encourage girls in your troop to share their inspiring Girl Scout Cookie stories with the world for a chance to be featured on Girl Scouts’ “Think Outside the Cookie Box” gallery, the Girl Scout blog, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and more. Learn more at girlscouts.org/poweredbycookies.


Your busy life picks up speed during Girl Scout Cookie Season. With eBudde™ by your side, though, you’ll stay one step ahead all season long. A must-have for Girl Scout Cookie™ volunteers, eBudde offers calendar reminders, reports, training and much more — on your desktop or mobile device. Here are some quick action steps to get you started on eBudde: • Download the eBudde App wherever you typically download apps. • After your council grants you access, look for a welcome email with a link and login information. • Set up your troop — in this step, you’ll enter your troop’s package goal and edit your troop’s rewards settings. • Explore the dashboard on both the desktop and app versions, where you’ll find messages and links to tools and resources you’ll need throughout the season. New for the 2021–2022 season: • Updated for enhanced integration with Digital Cookie,® eBudde now offers volunteers and families even better visibility into important information about cookie orders. Cookie Cupboard pick-up options: • With a little help from eBudde, you can quickly pick up your order at a local Cookie Cupboard, whether your council is following in-person or contactless guidelines. Look for quick video trainings in the eBudde Help Center or on the Little Brownie Bakers® YouTube channel. Where you’ll learn more: • LittleBrownie.com/volunteer


ebudde quick guide GETTING STARTED 1. Look for welcome email with link and log in information. You can log in at ebudde. littlebrownie.com or on the eBudde app. ⚬ Click the link and set up a new password, then click CONFIRM ⚬ At the profile screen, enter your new password 2. Set up your Service Unit (in the app) ⚬ If you are on your troop dashboard, click your Troop number text in the top right corner (not the settings wheel) to navigate to your other troops and service units ⚬ Click the SETTINGS wheel in the top right corner, then click the pencil icon to edit settings ⚬ Enter/Edit your service unit’s package goal 3. Edit your contact information ⚬ From the app dashboard, click the Contacts icon ⚬ Click the pencil icon to edit your contact information ⚬ You can add users on the desktop site.

NAVIGATING FEATURES Dashboard On the app dashboard, you can navigate to Important Messages, Data, Calendar, Contacts, Upcoming Booth Sales, and your Troop Checklist. At the bottom of the screen you can navigate back to your dashboard, view the girls in your troop, see your cookie inventory, view booths and access the help center TROOPS: Troop Management

View your troop roster. Email

product@girlscoutsdiamonds.org if

edits are needed.

Manage messages

View any messages from council Troop Calendar Events

Add events to your troop’s calendars Branch Email

Send emails to your troops COOKIES: Initial Order Enter your service unit’s initial order by troop, and order additional Girl Scout Cookies® for booth sales. NOTE: Once orders are submitted here, they cannot be changed. Carefully review the totals before hitting SUBMIT ORDER Delivery Set your delivery pick up details Troop Transactions/Pending Orders View your service unit’s transactions, including cupboard orders


Booths ⚬ View your service unit’s booth slot times and locations ⚬ Approve or deny booth slots Help Get help navigating the eBudde app HELPFUL DESKTOP SITE RESOURCES Reports Run three different reports from this tab: ⚬ CUPBOARD REPORT shows a list of all open cupboards and location/ hours of operation ⚬ DELIVERY STATION REPORT shows a list of locations available for your troop to choose from for initial order pickup ⚬ COOKIE EXCHANGES REPORT shows current offers of cookies available for exchange within the council Sales Report Review all sales totals for the troop, including: • Final package numbers • Receipts • Girl Scouts Gift of Caring donations • Draft Amounts • Troops earned proceeds • Balance due to council


Setting your delivery station  Log in to the eBudde desktop site and

select the Delivery tab from the left side (your personal contact information can be edited from the eBudde app, but the delivery station address cannot be entered there)

 Click the settings tab then click edit settings

 Enter your

delivery station

 Click update at the bottom of the page


Transferring product  From the dashboard of the eBudde app,

 Tap the Plus in the

navigate to the dashboard of the account you want to transfer cookies FROM by selecting “Ser. Unit ###” at the top right and selecting the appropriate troop from the menu.

top right

 Enter the information of the troop/SU you are

transferring product to, then select “remove product” (in the screenshots, you are removing product from troop 6000 inventory) and enter the cookies you are transferring out of this troop. Tap CREATE. You have just transferred product.

 Tap the Cookies icon at the bottom, then transactions/pending orders

Placing cupboard orders

Cupboard orders are placed in a very similar way to troop transfers.

 Repeat steps 1-3 from the transferring product

section, starting from the troop or service unit who wants to pick up product from a cupboard.

 Select Cupboard and then designate which

cupboard you want to pick up from. Enter a date and pickup time. Select “add product” (you are adding product to the troop/SU inventory). Enter the cookies desired and select Create.

 See Page 27 for details on what a Cookie

Cupboard is and details regarding cupboard pickups.


Girl Scout Cookie pick-ups


Picking up your cookie order is exciting, and there are a few steps you can take to make sure everything goes smoothly. First, be aware that troops are responsible for counting and verifying the total number of cases received. When in doubt, recount!

how many cases can your car carry? Compact car......................23 cases Hatchback car....................30 cases Standard car......................35 cases

Action steps for a smooth pickup day: • Know exactly how many cases you ordered of each variety. • Arrive at your scheduled pickup time • Make sure you have enough vehicles to load your order (see chart). • Line up your vehicles at the same time. • Check in and receive your pickup ticket. • Give your pickup ticket to the loader and count cases as they’re loaded in. • Sign for your order and take your receipt.

SUV.....................................60 cases Station wagon...................75 cases Minivan...............................75 cases Pickup truck.....................100 cases Cargo van.........................200 cases

Some Delivery Stations and Cookie Cupboards offer contactless pickup. If your council offers this option, you can use the eBudde™ App to manage your transaction — right from your vehicle!


Take stock and restock!

Deciding how many packages to order for booth sales isn’t an exact science, but here are average sales per cookie variety* to give you an idea of how many to order: Samoas® ......................................25% Thin Mints® .................................22% Tagalongs® ..................................14% Trefoils® .......................................12% Do-si-dos®.....................................11% Lemon-Ups® ..................................9% Girl Scout S’mores® ......................6% Toffee-tastic® ................................3% New cookies, such as this season’s Adventurefuls™, typically represent 8%–10% of sales. *Data from 2019–2020 Girl Scout Cookie Season.

cookie cupboards How it Works Cookie Cupboards are locations during the Booth Sale phase where volunteers can pick up additional cookies. Some service units may have their own cupboard for troops. eBudde access is REQUIRED to place and pick up orders in the cupboards. Cupboard Hours Cupboard hours will be released in January. Orders can be placed through pending orders in eBudde. See eBudde Help Center for directions on this process. How do I place an order? Orders should be placed in eBudde under the Transactions tab. You must click Save before the order is placed. Clicking Okay will not submit your order. You will receive a confirmation email when your order goes through, if you do not, then your order is not complete. Can I edit my order once it is submitted? No, however we can alter the order upon pickup in the cupboard or through an email to product@girlscoutsdiamonds.org. Orders not picked up within 24 hours of the scheduled time will be returned to inventory. Can I walk into the cupboard without an order? Customers who have placed their orders in advance are given priority in our cupboards during pickup time; therefore there may be a waiting period before the order can be filled. We cannot guarantee variety availability without an advance order. What happens with damaged product? Damaged packages/cases will be replaced with like variety only while cupboards are open. Cookies may not be returned or exchanged for different varieties.

NOTE Anyone picking up from the cookie cupboard MUST be able to log into eBudde to digitally sign for their order. You cannot give your password to someone else to sign for your product. Signing for product at the cupboard produces an electronic receipt and logs the product under that person’s name. Parents may be assigned in eBudde in a pickup only role under the Settings Tab. Misuse of the eBudde system in signing for product may cause removal of the user from the eBudde system.

Can I return or exchange for a different variety? No, Girl Scout cookies cannot be returned or exchanged. Once taken, they are the property of the last person who signed for them. Picking up your cupboard order Before arriving at the cupboard, have the eBudde app downloaded on your personal device. Upon arrival to the cupboard location, take a moment to log in. To e-sign for your cupboard pick up, you will click the calendar icon on the home page, select the transaction for your pick up time, count the physical product with the cupboard worker and ensure that it matches the transaction, click process pick up, then confirm pickup.


cookie booth essentials If your troop is planning in-person cookie sales events, there are lots of ways girls can creatively rise to the occasion! Whether they run a traditional, drive-thru or pop-up booth, girls will have fun making signs — and gain valuable experience managing money and talking to customers.

COOKIE BOOTH ESSENTIALS Any cookie booths listed in eBudde are linked to the Cookie Finder App. Customers can see when and where booth sales will be. If you cannot attend a booth, please be sure to update eBudde or contact your service unit cookie manager to find a replacement.

TIPS FOR SAFEGUARDING COOKIE MONEY ⚬ After receiving cash and making change, girls should hand the money to a volunteer for safekeeping and to deposit into the cash box as soon as possible. ⚬ Keep the cash box in a safe place or behind a barrier of cookie boxes. ⚬ Don’t walk around with large amounts of money. ⚬ Bank cookie money often and do not keep money at home or at school. ⚬ Reduce cash transactions by offering credit card payment options whenever possible.

Cookie booths are the perfect place for girls to leverage their cookie smarts and unleash their entrepreneurial spirit. But along with that excitement comes some important responsibilities.

BOOTH REQUIREMENTS ⚬ All booth sales must take place in a designated, council-approved area. Troops may contact businesses in their service unit to obtain permission to hold Girl Scout Cookie booths. Please use the “My Sales” feature of the booth sale tab to inform the council of your troop scheduled sales. The Service Unit Product Manager approves booth sale locations. Booth sales should be approved as long as they are within the service unit lines and not adult locations. ⚬ Booths should not be held at adult-only locations that require 18+ age for entrance. Volunteers who drink or smoke at booths are subject to dismissal. ⚬ All booth sales are guided by Volunteer Essentials adult and girl ratios. Every booth sale must have at minimum one registered adult and another unrelated adult present at all times. We recommend no more than 5 girls attend a booth sale at a time. Girls can use the buddy system for bathroom breaks. ⚬ While at a cookie booth, make sure girls wear their uniforms, other Girl Scout–branded clothing, or their membership pin to clearly identify themselves as Girl Scouts. It’s a great way to show your Girl Scout pride! Booths should not block a store entrance or exit. ⚬ Make sure there is adequate space for a table for the cookies to be on display, and the participating girls. Ensure that pedestrians, bikes and cars can safely pass by. ⚬ Always have a first-aid kit available at the booth.


Cookie Booth Kit ⚬ One to two card tables

⚬ Membership brochures

⚬ One Girl Scouts tablecloth per table

⚬ Tape for hanging signs

⚬ Handmade signs promoting the cookie booth, stating the price of the cookies and advertising Girl Scouts Give Back

⚬ An extra sash or vest, if you have one, for girls who forget ⚬ Blank paper to write down leads, etc.

⚬ A plastic file folder box with a hinged lid that snaps securely and a handle on the top

⚬ Pocketed aprons for adults and older girls who take money and give change

⚬ A plexiglass sign holder

⚬ A heavy-duty, zippered money bag or cash box

⚬ Pens and a calculator

⚬ Counterfeit pen

⚬ A receipt pad Count the money at the end of the booth sale and replenish the booth box as necessary (including the starting change in the money bag). The cookie volunteer who takes the money away from the sale should be registered as an adult volunteer with Girl Scouts.


(over 45 boxes per hour) Adventurefuls: 2 cases Thin Mints: 8 cases Samoas: 8 cases Tagalongs: 4 cases Do-Si-Dos: 2 cases Trefoils: 2 cases Lemon-Ups: 1 case S’mores: 1 case Toffee: 1 case

PRO TIP: It is very difficult to have booths without chocolate varieties. Typically non-chocolate varieties are purchased with chocolate varieties. Focus on upselling non-chocolates at booth sales.


(30-45 boxes per hour) Adventurefuls: 1 case Thin Mints: 6 cases Samoas: 6 cases Tagalongs: 4 cases Do-Si-Dos: 2 cases Trefoils: 1 cases Lemon-Ups: 1 case S’mores: 1 case Toffee: 1 case



(under 30 boxes per hour) Adventurefuls: 1 case Thin Mints: 4 cases Samoas: 4 cases Tagalongs: 2 cases Do-Si-Dos: 1 cases Trefoils: 1 cases Lemon-Ups: 1 case S’mores: 1 case Toffee: 1 case

safety tips for product sales The following safety tips are adapted from the Girl Scout publications “Volunteer Essentials”, “Risk Management at Girl Scout Councils” and the “Safety Activity Checkpoints.” For more detailed information on these and other safety practices and procedures, please refer to the aforementioned publications.

These safety tips should be shared and discussed with all girls prior to any product sales. They should also be reviewed periodically with the girls, as necessary.

1. Show you’re a Girl Scout—Wear a Girl Scout membership pin, uniform or Girl Scout clothing (e.g. a Girl Scout T-Shirt) to clearly identify yourself as a Girl Scout. 2. Use the Buddy System—Always use the buddy system. It’s not just safe, it’s fun. 3. Be streetwise—Become familiar with the areas and neighborhoods where you will be selling Girl Scout products. Contact your local police department if you’re unsure about an area or neighborhood.

4. Partner with adults—Adults must accompany Girl Scout Daisies, Brownies and Juniors when

they are taking orders, selling or delivery product. Girls in grades 6-12 must be supervised by an adult when selling door-to-door and must never sell alone. Adults must be present at all times during cookie booth sales.

5. Plan ahead—Be prepared for emergencies and always have a plan for safeguarding money. 6. Do no enter—Never enter the home or vehicle of a person when you are selling or making deliveries. Avoid selling to people in vehicles, except at designated drive-thru cookie booths, or going into alleys.

7. Sell in the daytime—Sell only during daylight hours, unless accompanied by an adult. 8. Protect privacy—Girls’ names, home addresses or email addresses should never be given out

to customers. Protect customer privacy by not sharing their information except as necessary for the product sale.

9. Be safe on the road—Always follow safe pedestrian practices, especially when crossing

at intersections or walking along roadways. Be aware of traffic when unloading product and passengers from vehicles.

10. Be Net wise—Girls must have their parent’s/guardian’s permission to participate in all online activities, and must read and agree to the GSUSA Internet Safety Pledge before conducting any online activities. Additionally, in order to participate in Digital Cookies girls must read and abide by the Girl Scout Digital Cookie Pledge and parents/guardians must read and abide by the Digital Cookie Terms and Conditions for Parents/Guardians. 30

council resources and trainings gsLearn All trainings and training recordings will be accessible to you in gsLearn. ⚬ Go to My GS. Access to gsLearn is available

through the My GS login on our council website. ⚬ Log in. Login in using your username and

password for My GS. ⚬ Enter gsLearn. Select gsLearn from the

Membership Community Welcome screen. Completed trainings can be reviewed under the “completed” tab on the gsLearn home screen.

What you’ll find in gsLearn for 2022 Cookies*:

⚬ SUPM Training Recording ⚬ Just in Time— eBudde 101: System Walkthrough ⚬ Just in Time—Submitting your Initial Order ⚬ Just in Time—Cookie Delivery, Booths and Cupboards ⚬ Just in Time—Submitting your Final Order and Parent Debt

*These trainings will be added as they become relevant and Product Program staff will email out a reminder through eBudde when they become available.

Resources from the Council

More resources can be found at girlscoutsdiamonds.org under the Cookies+ tab. There you will find printable forms, digital copies of current sales materials and guides, a Social Media Toolkit for families, and more!


recognitions and Rewards Make the most of girl accomplishments, like a girl reaching her goal. Thank customers, tell stories about your cookie experiences or throw a party for your troop.

Send “Thanks!”

Thank everyone involved with your troop’s success, including families, friends, businesses and fellow volunteers. Find card templates and ready-to-post social graphics on LittleBrownie. com. Loads of clip art is also available on the site to help you and girls create your own messages of appreciation. What it includes: Social posts Card templates Clip art Where you’ll find it: LittleBrownie.com, Volunteers, Clip Art and Social Media sections

Recognizing Girls

Girl Scout Cookie™ Season is the time for girls to start thinking like entrepreneurs. From the earliest planning meetings through the booth phase, recognize and encourage girl development of an entrepreneurial mindset— whether it’s being curious about how things work or embracing challenges. What it includes: Certificates Where you’ll find it: LittleBrownie.com, Volunteer section

Diamonds Dollars

Diamonds Dollars are an electronic credit acknowledging a girl’s hard work and entrepreneurial success. At many rewards levels Diamonds Dollars are an option for selection. This credit is to be used as a girl wishes and at no time should there be pressure by a troop leader or adult to share credit with another individual or group. Things to Remember Diamonds Dollars issued this membership year will expire after one year on June 30, 2023. All Diamonds Dollars come as a code to your troop leader’s email address. Ask your troop leader for this code.

Types of Diamonds Dollars:

Traditional Diamonds Dollars These Diamonds Dollars can be used for council programming, membership or brick and mortar shop purchases. This choice is default so make sure to let your leader know which Diamonds Dollars option your cookie seller would like. You only need the card number when you come into the shop. We also keep these on file in our stores to be used with guardian ID. Online Only Diamonds Dollars These Diamonds Dollars can only be used to make online shop purchases through www.girlscoutshop.com. These are great for older girls who want to purchase Girl Scout “swag” online. These Diamonds Dollars come as a code to the troop leader’s email address at the end of the season. It is the troop leader’s responsibility to forward these to the designated parent/girl. Please note that online purchases will support Girl Scouts – Diamonds! Troop Diamonds Dollars Girl Scouts may decide to donate their Diamonds Dollars to their troop to be used as a group for a program or for the purchase of badges. Signed permission must be provided to the troop cookie manager for this option. The troop will receive one Diamonds Dollars card for all girls who choose this option.



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faqs What is the return policy on a box or case of cookies?

What if someone in my community is selling expired cookies or committing fraud?

Once cookies have been signed over and removed from the premises of regional offices or delivered to a service unit or troop, Girl Scouts - Diamonds has a zero return policy on those cookies unless specified in writing by Girl Scouts - Diamonds.

Contact Girl Scouts - Diamonds immediately at product@girlscoutsdiamonds.org. The council will connect with the proper authorities to ensure the safety of the Cookie Program. Please provide as much information as possible: name, troop number, area,

Who is responsible if cookies are lost, stolen or damaged? Financial responsibility remains with the adult who held ownership of the cookies before the incident. In the case of cookies being stolen, we recommend you contact your local authorities and file a police report. In the case of cookies being damaged, we also recommend you contact the appropriate insurers to file a claim. Volunteers and parents are still financially responsible for the cost of the cookies.

What do I do if I encounter counterfeit money or check from a parent or at a booth sale? We recommend that anyone accepting cash also carry counterfeit bill detector pens. Counterfeit detector pens can be found at Walmart, Office Depot and Amazon. Volunteers and/or parents are still financially responsible for any counterfeit money rejected by the bank or turned in to regional offices. We recommend that parents and volunteers not accept checks over $20.

What information do I need to collect to accept a check from a customer? Make sure you get the customer to write their name, address, date of birth, a contact number and Drivers License number on the check. This helps for follow up if checks are hot.

Can I ask my customers to pay for credit card fees at booth sales? GSUSA does not allow girls to solicit donations for the payment of credit card fees. These fees must be paid by the troop or girl.

What if I need to trade cookies to another troop? Do not wait until the last minute to ask for help with unsold cookies. You can make this transfer in eBudde under the transactions tab or email us at product@girlscoutsdiamonds.org. We can facilitate the transaction for you. Cookies may be exchanged between service units and troops at any time. You can also log into the Product Swap Facebook group: facebook.com/groups/ girlscoutsdiamondsproductswap and post or request your information there.

What if a customer wants to buy cookies and donate them? The customer pays for the cookies normally and the cookies would then be subtracted out of the troop’s inventory for donation. The cookies would be assigned to a girl in eBudde under CGOC (Council Gift of Caring). If the cookies are CGOC, the council will deduct these cookies out of our remaining inventory or order more for Girl Scouts Give Back week. These cookies would then be donated by the council for Girl Scouts Give Back.

What if I receive damaged cookie boxes during delivery or missing boxes from a case? The Council Cupboard will swap for the same variety to replace the damaged product.


Parent debt, banking, payments PARENT DEBT

4. Turn in the Parent Debt Form to product@ girlscoutsdiamonds.org with documentation.

YOUR ROLE: If a parent owes money, you will need to complete a Parent Debt Form.

5. Include any information we should know about the account.

Follow these steps:


1. Contact the parent and discuss the problem. 2. Complete a Parent Debt Form.

If a parent tries to submit money after you have turned in your final report envelope, have them contact the council to make arrangements to pay. Please do not take their money as this slows down the process to clear their debt.

3. Attach the following to each form: ⚬ A copy of all cookie and money receipts ⚬ Logs of your interactions or attempts to contact the parent

All checks are made payable to Girl Scouts Diamonds of Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas.

⚬ Parent Permission Form ⚬ Other information as needed


banking information is correct in eBudde and ready to go for the main cookie draft. The second draft is for 100% of remaining funds owed via the Troop Sales Report in eBudde.

How do I accept a check?

All checks should be made payable to the troop and deposited into the troop account. Checks over $20 should not be accepted. Driver’s license information should be written on the check. All active troops should have an active, annual Check Alert form.

Parent debt from approved Parent Debt Forms is subtracted from the amount that the troop owes in the second draft. The troop and service unit do not keep proceeds on debt. Proceeds are reimbursed to both if the debt is paid before October.

Can I accept credit cards? Your troop is required to pay Girl Scouts – Diamonds the full amount due for your troop. We are not responsible for funds held with the credit card accepting company or your banking institution.

After each draft, a deposit for the draft amount is placed against the troop balance in eBudde. This marks the draft’s success.

⚬ Accepting Venmo and Paypal transactions for product are against both platform terms of service. Volunteers and parents use these services at their own risk as charges can be disputed and returned to the customer.

All funds should be paid by the second draft. This keeps Girl Scouts - Diamonds in good financial standing. Troops Cookie Managers who fail the draft two years in a row may be placed on the No Sale List.

⚬ Credit card readers should be linked to the troop account, not a personal account.

Households with an uncollected debt may not participate in future product programs until the debt is paid in full. Households have until July 31 to pay their debt to keep from being disqualified from the following product season (Fall and Cookies).

⚬ All cookie funds should go into the troop account, not a personal account.

Girl Scouts - Diamonds is not responsible for lost or stolen product.

What do I owe the council for cookies? The council draft has two drafts. The first draft is for a single penny. This helps council verify that troop


Retail Cookie Merchandise A-La-Carte Menu Build Your Own Cookie Sale Supply Bundle



Round Cookie Handheld Fan - $2

Yard Sign - $10

Cookie Tote - $3.95

Customizable Pop-Up Sign - $10

Window Adhesive - $3

GS Cookies Tablecloth – 60X60 ($20), 72X108 ($30)

Rollabana - $5

Cookie Cart - $40



#CookieBoss Button Pin - $1

Bank Bag - $7

Lemon Key Chain/Bottle Opener - $1

Customizable Car Magnet - $6.50

Cookie Lanyard (Pink) - $8

Cookie Half-Apron - $14

Cookie Thank You Notecards - $12

Cookies On Board Car Magnet - $16

Cookie Headband - $12

Cookie Banner(3X5) - $21

Cookie-Themed Earrings - $10-$14

Bluetooth Speaker - $12 Cookie Oven Mitt Set - $20

Spend $30, receive a free pop-up sign Spend $50, receive 10% off


For product images, please visit: https://www.girlscoutsdiamonds.org/en/our-council/shop.html To place your order or for questions, email us at retail@girlscoutsdiamonds.org. OR Call us: 1-800-632-6894 option 3 36

permission form tracking sheet Troop Number

Troop Cookie Manager Name

Signed Troop Product Agreement (Y/N)

On eBudde Roster (Y/N)

Received Cookie Trainings (Y/N)

 Yes

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Cookie booth solicitation sheet Booth Location

Contact name



Contact Email

Contact Phone

Rec’d Cookie Trainings (Y/N)



girl scout 2022 cookie calendar Use these dates to keep track of submission deadlines during the Cookie Program. Make sure to fill in troop specific dates on the parent calendar in the Parent Cookie Guide.

SEason Dates

Use the following dates to track major submission deadlines. Please note that while these dates are NOT flexible, should you encounter any issues please reach out to your Product Program representatives.



December 2

SUPM Training

January 7

Order Taking Begins Digital Cookie Opens

January 24

Troop initial order and rewards due in eBudde @ 11:59 PM Troop Bank account info due in eBudde Extended Product Program customer service hours (via Diamonds Swap Facebook group and product@girlscoutsdiamonds.org)

January 26

SU Initial order and rewards due in eBudde @ 11:59 PM SU Delivery Station info due in eBudde Extended Product Program customer service hours (via Diamonds Swap Facebook group and product@girlscoutsdiamonds.org)

February 4

Troop Penny Draft

February 11

Cookie delivery to service units begins Cookie booths begin

February 18

Cookie delivery to service units ends Cupboards open

February 18-20

National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend

March 13

Digital Cookie Closes Boothing Ends

March 15

Troop final rewards due in eBudde @ 11:59 P

March 16

All cookie cupboard locations close Final money due to Troop Cookie Manager

March 17

SU final rewards due in eBudde @ 11:59 PM

March 18

Parent Debt forms due to council

April 8

Cookie Draft (100% council owed funds via eBudde sales report)

End of April

Service unit reward deliveries anticipated

Month of May

Residual cookies can be sold at a discount during this month to recoup funds

Month of September

Product expires this month and should not be distributed



Date #2


Date #3


*Collect money often. Remember the Troop Cookie Manager must fill out a Parent Debt Form on March 20. All Parent Debt Forms turned in must include all required accompanying paper work.


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