Mariam Demetrashvili - EYP Georgia - Presidential Manifesto -

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Personal I ntroducti on

For th e Presi dency of European Youth Parl i ament (EYP) Georgi a i n 2015-2016

I currently am a junior in Tbilisi State University, studying Economics and Business Administration. Planning to pursue my internship in the M inistry of Economics and to major in finances.

I have a strong interest in auditing and financial services industry. Currently, devising to compile adequate experience and know ledge of the field, in order to acquire all of the essential aspects of my future profession. The reason is I w ould like to leverage my detail-oriented mind and apply the skills and know ledge I have attained throughout my degree courses.

It has been almost 3 years since I joined EYP. Throughout this much promising

experience I got a chance to attend numerous sessions and take over a vast variety of positions w ith different duties and responsibilities. Besides, attendance on the sessions I became a member of the National Committee last year and started off to broaden my perspective of the organisation on a higher level. Aside, from contributing the organisation w ith my personal input, I myself underw ent through the stages of academic and personal development. With the know ledge and experience I have gained in accordance w ith my academic and personal background I am applying for the position of the President of EYP Georgia.

Relevant Skills Exper ience - Teamw ork - Personal Integrity - Analytical thinking - Time management - Emotional maturity - Leadership - Commercial aw areness - Flexibility - Academic w riting - Rational analysis - Organisational management - Action planning - Creative thinking - Debating - Budgeting - Financial planning - Team management - Editorial - Interpersonal sensitivity - Communication - Stress tolerance - Negotiating/Persuading - Numeracy - Perseverance/motivation - M ultilingual - Computing

- Tbilisi School Session?2013 Delegate - Tbilisi University Session?2013 Delegate - 9th International Istanbul Youth Forum Delegate - Rustavi Regional Selection Conference Journalist - 8th National Selection Conference of EYP Georgia Journalist - Batumi 5th International Forum Organiser - Tbilisi School Session?2015 Editorial Assistant - Tbilisi University Session?2015 Chairperson - 17th National Selection Conference of EYP Turkey Editorial Assistant - M tskheta Regional Selection Conference Editor

EYP-related Activities - M ember of Fundraising Council - M ember of Public Relations Committee

- EYP Georgia Presentations for TSS?2014 Presenter - EYP Georgia Presentations for TUS?2015 Presenter - Alumni Training Weekend of EYP Georgia Trainee - National Youth Conference Chairperson - EYP Georgia Interview s for TUS?2015 Interview er - EYP Georgia Interview s for GRSC Interview er - EYP Georgia Interview s for M RSC Interview er - M eetings w ith Potential Sponsors Representative - Information Coordination w ith embassies Representative

Goals & Aims

Efficiency Managing HR

- Developing cooperative relations w ith other NGOs, in order to reach out to potential financial aids and partnership. Also, developing the basis for joint events to raise the aw areness among youngsters about EYP. - Establishing constant communication w ith the ministries and city councils to stay updated regarding possible influential activities and funds. - Remaining regular informational exchange about the sessions EYP Georgia w ill be holding w ith Resource Centers, to ensure that schools are staying w ell informed. - Holding presentations about the sessions in Universities to provide students w ith high quality information regarding the structure of the sessions and other EYP related events. - Evolving efficient communication w ith the media sector to raise public aw areness about the organisation. - Composing promo video about EYP activities, w hich w ill provide general information about the organisation for new comers. - Keeping up the process of precise selection of delegates w ho strike the right balance betw een the diverse perspective and the ability to cooperate. - Acing the right combination of delegates in each committee, as an accurate mix of people, based on their characteristics is a guarantee to successful committee w ork. - Creating an informational base of Feedbacks of both, delegates and officials, w hich w ill serve as a great support during the selection process. - Establishing Alumni base.


- Advancing the communication not only betw een the heads of committees of the NC, but also, betw een the members of the committees as w ell. - Creating a centralised informational base for all NC members to ensure distinct coordination and avoid the act of distortion and inaccuracy. - Holding trainings for the NC members both, tailored to the committees responsibilities and duties specifically and or general basis as w ell, in order to raise the efficiency and develop qualified NC. - Remain tight relations w ith other countries?National Committees, to ensure improved exchange of delegations, possibly for NC members for trainings as w ell.

Networking & PR


- Completing and refining the list of potential sponsors. - Staying constantly and fully informed about the possible educational grants and financial aids. - Administering adequate and high quality projects, specifically tailored to the demands of the grants. - Providing competent surveillance to the distribution of funds. - M ost importantly, keeping track of all the financial activities and documentation at all stages of the organisation. - Providing exceptionally accurate and stable accounting data for each financial activity. - Establishing systematic informational exchange w ith embassies, regarding seasonable grants.

Motivation Statement M y w ill to apply for the position of the president of EYP Georgia w as shaped by the interplay of a couple of traits, w hich kept my desire for the presidency burning. Bearing in mind, the number of aims I have set for the organisation, it w ould be fair to state that I am w illing to make it my top priority to make these goals achievable by full commitment to the w ork. To gain the broad perspective, I believe, it is the right time to share my know ledge and experience I have gained and developed through my EYP journey on the variety of officials?positions and as a member of Fundraising Council and Public Relations Committee. Having a chance to precisely observe the structure of the national Committee w ill definitely serve as a valid stepping-stone for efficient w ork. Considering, the fact that I have sufficient know ledge of finances and accounting, w hich tend to be one of the most important part of the presidential duties, I w ill be able to ensure the safety of all the financial activities. Yet, the most significant aim I am setting for myself is to make EYP Georgia the most w ell-know n and successful youth organisation in Georgia. To sum up, striving for a successful and a bold affair, I am w illing to achieve the aims and maintain progress oriented position for the organisation w ith my dedication and professionalism. I hope I?ll have the opportunity to guide our organisation to further progress and increased efficiency that are vital to overall development of the European Youth Parliament Georgia.

Thank you for your time and consideration!

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