Information Booklet - Tbilisi'14 - 8th National Selection Conference of the EYP Georgia

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26-29 July

Explore. Imagine. Create.

Information Booklet European Youth Parliament - Georgia

Table of Contents Introduction Letter European Youth Parliament EYP Georgia Tbilisi’14 - 8th National Selection Conference of the EYP Georgia Session Procedure and Events Session Programme Venues Essentials Welcome to Georgia! Host City - Tbilisi

Travel Information Organising Team Contact

European Youth Parliament - Georgia


Introduction Letter National Selection Conference is an annual event for every National Committee in the European Youth Parliament. On national level it outweighs every session with its importance as with all the other purposes, NSC has an additional function – to select delegations to the biggest-scale international events of the EYP. 8th National Selection Conference will not be an exception. The Jury will select delegates for Izmir 2015 – Spring International Session of the EYP and Amsterdam 2015 – 3rd International Forum of EYP the Netherlands. Due to its importance, NSC is expected to be held every year. There is a big responsibility behind that expectation which we, the Organisers of the session decided to take. We accepted the challenge and dedicated more than 4 months to the creation of this event. We did our best in order for Tbilisi’14 not to be just another NSC in the history of the EYP Georgia and for the session to be unique and inspiring. One of the ways for us to inspire the participants was through the motto of the session. Together with the amazing President of the event, Ms. Felicia Dahlquist, we decided to address the participants with the following: Explore. Imagine. Create. The motto calls for participants to, first of all, deepen their knowledge in the field they will be working on; To analyze, discuss and envision the path they would like to take; And finally to make a step, create innovative solutions to the existing problems. This booklet was created to provide you with the necessary information regarding the event. We believe, everything you will read here will make all of your doubts, about applying for the session, disappear. We are very much looking forward to welcoming you to Tbilisi’14. With kindest wishes,

Organisers of Tbilisi’14


European Youth Parliament European Youth Parliament is one of the most popular and successful youth-organization in today’s Europe. EYP consists of a network of 42 European associations and organizations in which thousands of youngsters are actively involved and take part in the development of the civil society. EYP encourages young people to think, act and solve some actual problems independently. EYP gives youngsters the chance to gain a big knowledge and experience, makes them more independent and self-confident. This is a right place where you get used to work in a group, gain some leader skills and practice how to make a speech in front of the audience. Not only, will you reach the professional success, but although you can meet amazing people and make new friends. Without exaggeration, EYP made a vital contribution towards uniting Europe, this statement is strengthened with the fact that tens or thousands of young people have already taken part in regional, national or international sessions, formed friendships and made international contacts across and beyond borders. The aim of EYP is to raise awareness of European issues and encourage active European citizenship, motivate university and school students to get engaged in European politics. What is more, the most important goals are to promote international understanding, intercultural dialogue and diversity of ideas and practices. Apart from this, EYP is the organization which provides the international forums where youngsters from the different European countries can express and debate their own opinions, without reverting to role play. The most significant fact is that EYP is non-political organization, this is a non-partisan education program where the key factor is the independent thinking. EYP sessions are held in English and French, so this organization welcomes the smart and educated youngsters with new, creative ideas and gives them a great opportunity to express their talent.

European Youth Parliament - Georgia


EYP - Georgia EYP Georgia, a member one of the largest European platforms for political debate, intercultural encounters, political educational work and the exchange of ideas among young people in Europe. EYP Georgia is an official member of EYP family since 2008. European Youth Parliament Georgia started as an initiative in 2007. However, in 2008 at the International Session in Prague, it became an official member of EYP. Till this day EYP Georgia has organized 36 sessions, including 7 National Selection Conferences and 4 International Forums. The most important session in Georgia was Tbilisi 74th International Session, In 2013 EYP Georgia received a right to host an the 74th International Session in the capital of Georgia-Tbilisi. The session was held in October 4-12 in this period over 300 delegates from all over Europe got acquainted with the splendid culture, cuisine, architecture and people of Georgia.. As the participants say it was “Extremely Successful Session ”We hope that we would have opportunity to host international session in future.

Tbilisi’14 — 8th National Selection Conference This summer July 26-29 , beautiful city of Tbiilisi will host 8th National Selection Conference of EYP Georgia, which will be head-organized by two experienced EYP-ers Ms. Veriko Devidze and Mr. Giorgi Metskhvarishvili. EYP Georgia has already organized 7 National Selection Conferences and selected delegates for 14 different International Sessions in different European countries. This time best delegates will be selected for the upcoming International Session in Izmir and for the International Forum in Amsterdam

European Youth Parliament - Georgia


Session Procedure The Opening Ceremony The Opening Ceremony marks the official opening of the session. At the Opening Ceremony several prominent speakers will deliver a key-note speech to the session participants. The session will also be addressed by the Session President and the Head Organisers. There will be also panel-debates with the experts who are chosen in advance exclusively for the conference. Dress Code: Casual Smart

Teambuilding Teambuilding is one of the core elements of the Session. It will provide you with a fun and chal足lenging way of getting to know your committee and preparing yourself for the days to come. During the Teambuilding, you will be challenged to carry out several activities that are aimed at ensuring you get along well with your fellow participants and that your committee becomes a well-functioning team. Bear in mind that Teambuilding will at times take place outside. Dress Code: Comfortable

Committee Work Committee Work is one of the hardest parts of EYP sessions. This one usually contains lots of discussions and brain storms. In the first day delegates have to write problems related to their topic. On their second day they have to write solutions. But at the end committee composes a resolution which one delegates have to defend at the General Assembly. Dress Code: Smart

European Youth Parliament - Georgia


Evening Activities Organizers have prepared Evening Activities, which is for relaxation after exhausting committee working. One of these activities is Euro Concert, where delegates and not only them, can show their talent to public. Delegates also will be able to have an entertaining evening activities with full of games and committee competitions. Dress Code: Smart/ Comfartable

General Assembly General Assembly is the final part of the session where all the committees are given the floor to present and then defend their resolutions. General Assembly is the place where you show others how hard you worked during past two days and are encouraged to prove that you deserve to get it voted in favor. The Participants are asked to deliver their speeches in front of the audience. In the end there is a voting process which declares the outcome of each resolution. The Resolution successfully passed if more than half of delegates voted in. Dress Code: Formal

The closing ceremony marks the official closure of the session. It follows right after General As­sembly. EYP representatives, the editors, head organisers and the president will be speaking at this ceremony. Dress Code: Formal

The Farewell Party

is the final part of the session will truly be one of the most exciting and amazing parties you will attend! Farewell Party is not just go­ing to be your average party. Farewell Party will be the night to “dance like it’s the last night of your life”! Dress Code: Anything you'd like!

European Youth Parliament - Georgia


Session Pro





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Essen Dress

When you look in catalogues or watch TV or whatever, styles are changing but EYP fashion will be in fashi For us, it’s a little more discipline and more presentable. I know that sometimes dress code might be ch good job with it.

Comfortable This dress code applies to the part of the session, where you will be doing various exercises and games, both indoors and outdoors. You are free to wear any type of cloth­ing you feel comfortable in, as long as you are able to run around and are not afraid to perhaps get a little bit dirty!

EYP Alcohol During the evening programme, wine and beer will be available at some events for anyone who is 16 or older. EYP law will be respected, mean­ing that beer and wine (<15% alcohol) will be available to those who are 16 years and older, and spirits (>15% alcohol) will only be available to those of 18 years and older.” EYP has a good reputation (for example, Euro­ pean Commissioners often suggest discussion topics for us) and we would like to keep it that way. Also, we need you to participate fully in the debates and discussions. For this reason, overin­dulgence is forbidden. If you drink so much that you get sick or lose consciousness,

you will be removed fr sent home. You will hav self and the partici­pa funded.

Leaving the Offic

Managing a conferenc pants is not easy and r where you are at all tim you cannot leave witho organ­iser and your ch

European Youth Parliament - Georgia


ntials Code

ion for a long time. There is a dress code in the EYP which is a code of conduct we expect to adhere to. hallenge for EYPers but we have to grapple with this challenge and I certainly think you will do a pretty

Formal During Opening Ceremony, Euroconcert and General Assembly you will be expected to dress formally. This means suits with ties for gentlemen, and suits, dresses or long skirts for the ladies!

Policy Drugs

rom the session and be ve to pay for this youration fee will not be re-

If you use drugs or have them in your possession, then you will be removed from the session and be sent home. You will have to pay for this yourself and the participation fee will not be refunded. Should you be suspected of carrying drugs or cial Programme of drug use, then the organisers will reserve ce with over 150 partici- the right to subject you to a drug-test and to search your luggage. Any possession of hard requires us to know drugs will be reported to the police and could mes. This means that out the permission of an result in your arrest. hairperson.

European Youth Parliament - Georgia


Georgia Georgia with its favourable geographic location has a unique and ancient cultural heritage. From outrageously beautiful towns of Svaneti and Kazbegi in the Caucasus Mountains to Batumi, a fun-loving semitropical town on the Black Sea coastline, Georgia abounds in natural variety. Tbilisi, the capital and by far the biggest city, has the atmosphere of an age-old Eurasian crossroads, yet it’s also a 21st-century city with European-style nightclubs and eye-catching new architecture. Georgia’s deeply complicated history has given it a fascinating cocktail of influences from Turkey, Russia, Persia, Central Asia and beyond, with a wonderful heritage of architecture and art. But today Georgia looks to Europe for its future and is the most Western in atmosphere of the three Caucasus countries. Perhaps its greatest treasure is the Georgians themselves: warm, proud, high-spirited, cultured, obsessively hospitable and expert at enjoying life. This is a country where guests are considered a blessing. The abundant local wine flows freely, tables are laden with fine food and you’ll never cease to be delighted by the warmth of your welcome. According to the folk legend, when God share lands among people, where those were supposed to live, Georgians were late because they had banquet. When they appeared in front of Him they were told that no free lands were left. And Georgians replied that they were late while they were drinking for His health and invited Him to banquet. Got spend a great time and decided to give them land, which left for Himself. Indeed Georgia is a divine country!


Tbilisi Tbilisi is the capital and the largest city of Georgia, lying on the banks of the Kura River. Founded in the 5th century by Vakhtang Gorgasali, the monarch of Georgia's precursor Kingdom of Iberia, Tbilisi has served, with various intervals, as Georgia's capital for nearly 1500 years and represents a significant industrial, social, and cultural center of the country. Located on the southeastern edge of Europe, Tbilisi's proximity to lucrative east-west trade routes often made the city a point of contention between various rival empires throughout history. Tbilisi's varied history is reflected in its architecture, which is a mix of medieval, classical, and Soviet structures. During the Soviet times, Tbilisi continuously ranked in the top 4 cities in the Soviet Union for the number of museums. Historically, Tbilisi has been home to peoples of diverse cultural, ethnic, and religious backgrounds. The city is known for its ethnical diversity and great hospitality.


Flights The most important airport of Georgia is the Tbilisi International Airport, located 30 minutes from the city center. The airport has frequently connecting flights to European cities and hosts a number of well-known airlines. Mostly connecting flights are arranged through Istanbul, Munich or Kiev. We strongly recommend booking flights in advance to benefit from lower flight fares. As for the Kutaisi and Batumi airports, one of the EYP alumni will help you to arrange your way from Kutaisi by bus, minibus or train. However, getting from Kutaisi and Batumi to Tbilisi by bus would require additional 5 and 3 hours, respectively. If you chose to fly to Batumi or Kutaisi you will have to arrange your way to Tbilisi by bus, minibus or train (10-15 EUR max). Airlines flying to Georgia: Air Baltic; Airzena Georgian Airways; Austrian; AzerbaijanAirlines; British Airways; Lufthansa; SCAT Airlines; Turkish Airlines; Ukraine International Airlines and etc. Flights to Kutaisi: Airline “Wizz Air� has cheap flight to Kutaisi from the following cities: Warsaw and Katowice (Poland), Kiev, Donetsk and Kharkov (Ukraine). Book you tickets

European Youth Parliament - Georgia


Train and Bus Tbilisi Central Train Station is connected with the stations of neighboring countries: Armenia and Azerbaijan. Tbilisi is also accessible by bus from countries, such as Turkey, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Greece, Bulgaria and etc. Marshutka (minibus) trip from Yerevan costs – 30 GEL, from Qax, Azerbaijan - 10 GEL. 27-hour bus trip from Istanbul costs up to 40$. Several companies run busses to Thessaloniki, Greece 100 dollars. By Ferry There are boat services from Ukraine, Turkey, Romania and Bulgaria to Batumi or Poti ports in Georgia.

European Youth Parliament - Georgia


Tbilisi’14 — Orga

Rezo Chanishvili Matte Dvalishvili

Tamuna Chipashvili

Giorgi Metskhvarishvili (HO)

Zura Giorgobiani

Zura Gamtenadze

Mariam Pagava 18

anising Team

Dato Grdzelishvili Vazha Chanchibadze

Nino Papunashvili

Veriko Devidze (HO)

Giorgi Elisashvili

Tayfun Gudratli

Atuka Pataridze 19

Particip For more information about the session, please visit the official Facebook page: https:// EYP Georgia website: EYP Georgia Facebook page: https:// You are able to see the application forms on all of the links above!


pating Should you require any further information regarding the session do not hesitate to contact to the Head Organisers: Giorgi Metskhvarishvili +995593473747, +995599080107 Veriko Devidze +995598720104, +995599908730 E-mail:


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