A Guide to School Year Activities for the Girl Scouts of Kansas Heartland Council #Sisterhood SchoolYourYearEventSource! Fall 2022/Spring 2023

My first year at Girl Scouts of Kansas Heartland has come to a close, but my eyes have been opened and my heart has been filled. I love seeing you in action at booths, events, camps, and our recent S’Mores Day. I look forward to seeing you as you participate in all things Girl Scouts and hearing how you are changing the world. Thank you for the warm welcome and many smiles! look you soon.
forward to seeing
The United Way helps here.
Rolinda Sample, CEO Letter from Rolinda Event Highlights 3 ProgrammingCouncil 4 Highest Awards 6 AwesomeExperienceCamper 7 Activities & Events 9 Volunteer Training 21 Outside the Guide 25 InformationCouncil 31 To forregisterevents: Go to our website: kansasgirlscouts.org (click the ‘Events’ tab) For assistance or questions: Call: 316.684.6531 Email: info@gskh.org Table Contentsof Connect Online linkedin.com/ksgirlscoutsInstagram:twitter.com/ksgirlscoutsfacebook.com/ksgirlscouts@ksgirlscouts

Twilight Traditions
November 12, 3 - 9 p.m. If you've ever attended Bonding & Bonfires, you'll love this refreshed and expanded event where you will enjoy time with your favorite adult, earn your Girl Scout Way badge, and roast marshmallows around the campfire!
Haunted Stroll
See page 13 for details. December 3 at 1 p.m. to December 4 at 10 a.m. $50 per youth, $35 per adult After two years of the virtual Cookie Countdown, the all time favorite Cookie Camp is back, in person, and better than ever! Camp Aldrich is about as close to the geographic center of our council geography as it gets and we know that members from all corners will agree it's worth the drive. See page 14 for details.
January 28 at 10 a.m. to January 29 at 10 a.m. $40 per youth, $15 per adult With any luck, Starwoods will be a winter wonderland at the end of January, but snow, ice, or shine... we'll have a snowball fight, make snow angels, and enjoy some snow-cream while warming up with hot cocoa by the fireplace. See page 16 for details.
Join us for a hauntingly good time at either the Fairytale Trail or the Boo Bash Trail at Haunted Stroll! The Fairytale Trail is the perfect opportunity for a family-friendly event as Girl Scout teens host delightfully non-scary scenes. If you prefer a thrilling, spooky atmosphere, join us for the Boo Bash Trail where you'll encounter monsters and ghouls of all kinds! See page 11 for details.
Cookie Camp Camp Blizzard
Activity Guide ❧ School Year 2022 3
Saturday, October 22 Fairytale Trail 10 a.m. to noon Boo Bash Trail 7 to 10 p.m. $10 for pre-registration

Council programming is available in Outside the Guide What do you need? • Be a member of one of the eligible Service Units: SU70 through SU86. • Know 15 or more girls interested in participating; age range can be K-12, K-8, or just a specific program level. • Help to secure a venue in your community. • You and enough chaperones commit to attend to meet girl-to-adult ratio. • Sack lunches for each girl; SU can choose to provide or ask each girl to bring her own. Back by popular demand, with increased customizations and a new theme: Savvy Solutions. Collaborate with a council staff member to determine the best date, topic, and venue for your community, then we bring all the materials and lead the activities! The base event is described below, but can be customized for to meet your needs. To schedule, email info@gskh.org. What do we provide? • A 6-hour event with a suggested time frame of 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. • Lesson plans facilitated by council staff with the assistance of event chaperones. • Materials for all activities • Badge or fun patch (depending on exact details of event topic). Price: $35 per girl Activity Guide ❧ School Year 20224

Savvy Solutions [sav·vy] verb: know or understand; [sol·u·tion] noun: means of solving a problem
Adventure [Ad·ven·cher] noun: an exciting or very unusual experience; verb: to take the chance of; dare Are you ready to step out of your comfort zone? Every Adventure event is a different combination of experiences that allows Girl Scouts to progress from newbie to master in the adventure activities available at the venue. Will we aim for a bulls-eye at the target range, blaze through the hiking trails, glide through the water on our kayaks, or test our outdoor survival skills? Whichever combination we choose; it's guaranteed to be exciting! Activity Guide ❧ School Year 2022 5
Lab Rats [Lab·o·ra·to·ry] noun: a place for experimentation, observation or practicing; [lab rat] noun: an inquisitive
Girl Scout ready to explore the mysteries of the world aroundChooseher your own STEM adventure! Design a car and make something that lights up, get digital by practicing being a citizen scientist, make a field journal and map critters in your area, build earthquake resistant structures, or learn about how oil & water work together. You choose how to imagine and we will bring these interactive workshops to you.
What better way to explore something unfamiliar than a day of mastering new skills? You may play a game, create a cool craft, make new friends, learn a super savvy skill, or find an untapped interest. This day is designed to help Girl Scouts with the skills and inspiration to accept challenges, overcome obstacles, and take the lead.

The Gold, Silver, and Bronze Awards (a.k.a. “Highest Awards”) are the highest honors you can earn in Girl Scouts. All three awards give you the chance to do big things while working on an issue you care Toabout.earn these awards, you’ll design and implement a Highest Award Take Action project. Once completed, you’ll have made a bold, sustainable impact on the world. If you’re up for the challenge, we’d be honored to pin this prestigious award to your Girl Scout uniform! To learn more, check out the video and printable trainings at Kansasgirlscouts.org or email info@gskh.org.
You can pursue your Girl Scout Bronze Award if: You're in fourth or fifth grade, you're a registered Girl Scout Junior, & you have completed a Junior Journey Silver When Cadettes focus on an issue they care about, learn the facts, and take action to make a difference, they gain the confidence and skills that will catapult them to lifelong success. Teams of 1–4 can work on this project. Projects will receive prior approval from the Silver Award Committee before beginning and will also present their final project. Committee meets virtually 1-3 times a month on Monday or Thursday evenings during the school year. Proposals for 8th graders must be submitted by March 1. You can pursue your Girl Scout Silver Award if: You're in sixth, seventh, or eighth grade, you're a registered Girl Scout Cadette, & you have completed a Cadette Journey 2022
HighestAwards Activity Guide ❧ School Year
Gold Issues of the world, meet your match! Open only to girls in high school, the Gold Award is the most prestigious award in the world for girls—the most difficult to earn—and it’s only available to Girl Scouts. Once achieved, it shows colleges, employers, and your community that you’re out there making the world a better place. One Girl Scout will lead this project and build a team of supporters around her, including a mentor and advisor. Submissions to the Gold Award Committee are due on the 1st of each month so that we can schedule you for an upcoming committee meeting. Proposals for 12th graders must be submitted by March 1. You can pursue your Girl Scout Gold Award if: You're in high school, you're registered as a Girl Scout Senior or Ambassador, and you have completed two Senior or Ambassador Journeys OR earned the Girl Scout Silver Award and completed a Journey.

AwesomeExperienceCamper 2023 A.C.E. AwesomeExperienceCamper What is the Awesome Camper Experience? Girl Scouts is girl-led! A.C.E.s have the opportunity to provide feedback on the camp theme, names of camp sessions, t-shirt design, and more through polling and virtual sessions with camp directors throughout the year. As a member of the Awesome Camper Experience, each A.C.E. receives: • Priority camp registration Jan 15-31 for council-led camp sessions. • a digital 2023 A.C.E. certificate • 3 virtual sessions on November 1, January 17, and April 4 from 6 - 6:45 p.m. • an A.C.E. goodie bag at camp check-in, including camp swag, a patch, 2023 A.C.E. charm for her name lanyard, and more! Calling all Campers: You’re invited to be A.C.E.an in summer 2023! Registration is open Septemberfrom1 to October 31 $25 per girl Activity Guide ❧ School Year 2022 7

Icon Key V Council-ledVolunteer-led Activity Guide ❧ School Year 20218
School Year Events

Gathering: Teddy Bear Picnic
Youth Cost: $35 Adult Cost: n/a [ad-ven-cher]
Zoom Date: 9/20 Time: 6 – 6:45 p.m. Grade: K–12 Registration Deadline: 9/19 Program Type: Youth Members Only
Grade: 4-5 Registration Deadline: 9/19 Program Type: Girls with Chaperones Girl Cost: $30 Adult Cost: $15 This 3 part campout is designed just for Junior level troops. Girl Scouts and their leaders will learn to set up camp, prepare meals on an open campfire, tie useful knots, practice whittling and knife safety, and be prepared to spend days in a primitive camp setting. Participation in part 1 is required to move onto part 2 & 3. Custom Patch provided at end of the 3 part series. Mother Daughter Luau Camp: K–3 Camp Wood 1101 Camp Wood Rd, Elmdale Overnights: 1 Date/Time: 10/7 at 5:30 p.m. to 10/8 at noon Grade: K–3 Registration Deadline: 9/26
Welcome to a world of design & engineering! Girl Scouts will get the opportunity to design their own arcade games and build workable models out of cardboard boxes and crazy supplies. Work your magic and design a pool table or skee ball alley. What about creating a plinko board or pinball machine? You can do that!
Adventure: Starwoods Starwoods Outdoor Center 7800 S 103rd St W, Clearwater
Program Type: Youth Members Only
noun: an exciting or very unusual experience; verb: to take the chance; dare. Are you ready to step out of your comfort zone? Every Adventure program is a different combination of experiences that allows Girl Scouts to progress from newbie to master in the high adventure activities available at Camp Starwoods. Will we tackle the 45-foot climbing tower, aim for a bullseye at the target range, sail across the 900-foot zip line, or glide through the water on our kayaks? Whichever combination we choose; it's guaranteed to be exciting! Fun patch provided.
Cardboard Arcade Towne West Mall 4600 W. Kellogg Dr., Wichita Date: 10/8 Time: 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Grade: 2–8 Registration Deadline: 9/26
October Junior Troop Campout: Part 1 Lakeside Campground 401 East 8th Street, Ellis Overnights: 1 Date/Time: 10/1 at 8 a.m. to 10/2 at noon
Youth Cost: Free Adult Cost: n/a Making new friends is one of the foundations of Girl Scouts. Bring your favorite teddy bear or stuffed animal friend to this virtual meeting where we will enjoy picnic treats and games. Earn steps toward Daisy Zinni petal, Brownie Making Friends, or Junior Social Butterfly badge (not provided).
Program Type: Youth Members with Chaperones Youth Cost: $35 Adult Cost: $10
Date: 9/24 Time: 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Grade: 2–12 Registration Deadline: 9/19
Program Type: Youth Members with Chaperones Girl Cost: $25 Adult Cost: $25 Aloha, Girl Scouts, get ready to Luau. Come spend the night at beautiful Camp Wood in Elmdale, Kansas. You will learn how to hula, cast your line for that record-breaking fish, and sing traditional Girl Scout songs around the campfire. This a perfect opportunity to spend great mother-daughter time together. Fun patch provided.
Groups & teams of 3–8 will begin design and build in the morning to create your amazing Girl Scout Cardboard Arcade. Showcase and testing will happen late afternoon. Earn steps toward Brownie Inventor, Junior Product Designer, Cadette Entrepreneur, or Senior Game Visionary badge (not provided). Fun patch provided. Activity Guide
❧ School Year 2022 9
Program Type: Youth Members with Chaperones
Overnights: 1 Date/Time: 10/8 at 1 p.m. to 10/9 at 12:30 p.m. Grade: 4–12 Registration Deadline: 9/26
Program Type: Youth Members Only
Lakewood Discovery Center 250 Lakewood Drive, Salina Date: 10/11 Time: 6 – 7:30 p.m. Grade: K–1 Registration Deadline: 9/26
Program Type: Youth Members with Chaperones
Winter Woodworking
Youth Cost: Free Adult Cost: n/a Technology can help us solve problems. We use devices like computers, smartphones, and tablets to help us learn. We also use them to have fun and to connect with other people. We'll explore our own digital footprints and brainstorm ways to make technology even better or more useful! Earn steps toward Digital Leadership patch (not provided).
3832 E. Country Club Road, Salina Date: 10/8 Time: 1 p.m. – 4 p.m. Grade: K–12 Registration Deadline: 9/26
Zoom Date: 10/11 Time: 6 – 6:45 p.m. Grade: K–12 Registration Deadline: 10/3
Daisy Trail Adventure Workshop
Youth Cost: $15 Adult Cost: Free Girl Scout SWAP's are a tradition that has been around since the 1950s. They stand for “Special Whatchamacallits Affectionately Pinned Somewhere.” Make a new SWAP to take home during the Meet and bring premade SWAP's to exchange with all your Girl Scout sisters. You will also get to make a mini banner to display your SWAP's on. This will be a come-and-go event. Brownie and Junior Girl Scouts will complete some of the requirements towards Girl Scout Way. Fun patch provided.
Youth Cost: $10 Adult Cost: Free Have fun with your fellow Daisy friends and go on an adventure at Lakewood Discovery Center! Enjoy some hiking games and learn about animals. Girl Scouts will need to wear closed-toe shoes and be dressed for the Kansas weather so they can learn about being prepared for the outdoors. Earn Trail Adventure badge (provided). S.W.A.P. Meet Wichita Girl Scout Office 360 Lexington Road, Wichita Date: 10/15 Time: 1 – 3 p.m. Grade: K–12 Registration Deadline: 10/3
Youth Cost: $40 Adult Cost: $40 Get crafty and create a winter themed door hanger! Girl Scouts will design and paint a wooden door hanger that they can keep for their own or create as a gift for someone special.
Fun Blue Barn Studios
Girl Cost: $25 Adult Cost: $25 Aloha, Girl Scouts, get ready to Luau. Come spend the night at beautiful Camp Wood in Elmdale, Kansas. You will learn how to hula, cast your line for that record-breaking fish, and sing traditional Girl Scout songs around the campfire. This a perfect opportunity to spend great mother-daughter time together. Fun patch provided.
Program Type: Youth Members with Chaperones
Gathering: Your Digital Footprint
Mother Daughter Luau Camp: 4–12 Camp Wood 1101 Camp Wood Rd, Elmdale
Activity Guide ❧ School Year 202210
Program Type: Youth Members with Chaperones

Haunted Stroll: Fairytale Trail Starwoods Outdoor Center
Program Type:
Youth Cost: $5 Adult Cost: $5 Be a member of the Pumpkin Squad for the daytime, younger Girl Scout version of Haunted Stroll. Come to the Pumpkin Squad planning meeting on 9/27 virtually to brainstorm your fairytale activity or scene. Then, work the actual event on October 22 at Starwoods to set up your area and entertain the participants. Pumpkin Squad may purchase the Haunted Stroll t-shirt. Lunch will be provided after the event.
Haunted Stroll: Green Teens Starwoods Outdoor Center
Rebecca Jane's 115 N. Santa Fe, Salina Date: 10/19 Time: 4 – 5:15 p.m. Grade: K–3 Registration Deadline: 10/3
Youth Cost: Free Adult Cost: Free Happy Birthday Juliette Gordon Low! Come celebrate JGL’s birthday with our Fall Festival. Wear a costume or your favorite Girl Scout gear. We will make a SWAP to take home, and you can bring premade SWAP's to trade with new friends. We will have a Spooktacular Halloween snack. Come for trivia, treats and tons of fun with all our Girl Scout friends. Fun patch provided.
7800 S. 103rd St. W., Clearwater Date: 10/22 Time: 10 a.m. – noon Grade: K–5 Registration Deadline: 10/10
Program Type: Youth Members with Chaperones
Starwoods Outdoor Center 7800 S. 103rd St. W., Clearwater Date: 10/22 Time: 8 a.m. – 1 p.m. Grade: 7–12 Registration Deadline: 9/26
Haunted Stroll: Pumpkin Squad
Program Type: Youth Members Only Youth Cost: $5 Adult Cost: n/a Become a Green Teen for the annual Haunted Stroll.
Youth Cost: $10 Adult Cost: $10 Stroll from cabin to cabin to experience crafts, story-telling, and light-hearted interactive Halloween scenes in this daytime, family-friendly event. Candy, pumpkins, and autumn amusement await. Costumes encouraged! Pre-registration is required for this event; there is no at-the-door pricing. Fun patch provided.
First, meet with council staff virtually on 8/31 and 9/12 to make decisions about this year's theme, artwork, route, and other event details. Next show leadership at the Spookmaster meeting on 10/4 and prepare decor on 10/10, both at Starwoods. Finally, work the actual event on October 22 at Starwoods, working behind the scenes so all event logistics run smoothly. Green Teens may purchase the Haunted Stroll t-shirt or hoodie. Dinner will be provided on the event date and you may choose to stay overnight with an adult chaperone after the event.
Youth Members Only Youth Cost: $10 Adult Cost: n/a Have you ever wanted to do an art class? Come join fellow Girl Scouts for a Halloween-themed art class as we create some art using recycled materials. Please wear clothes that can get dirty and let your creative spooky juices flow.
Program Type: Youth Members with Chaperones
Halloween Art Session at Posie's Palette
7800 S. 103rd St. W., Clearwater Date: 10/22 Time: 1 – 11:30 p.m. Grade: 9–12 Registration Deadline: 9/12
Program Type: Youth Members with Chaperones
NorthNorthwestSouthwestEastSouthCentral Activity Guide ❧ School Year 2022 11
Juliette Gordon Low Birthday & Fall Festival Salt City Cowboy Church 810 N. Main, South Hutchinson Date: 10/21 Time: 6 – 8 p.m. Grade: K–12 Registration Deadline: 10/10

Activity Guide ❧ School Year 202212
Program Type: Youth Members with Chaperones
Program Type: Girl Scout Families Youth Cost: $5 Adult Cost: $5 Come as a troop or bring your family to celebrate Juliette Gordon Low's October 31 birthday by watching Hotel Transylvania. Concessions will be open to purchase your own treats. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and movie starts at 7:00 p.m.
Program Type: Girl Scout Families Youth Cost: Free Adult Cost: Free Girl Scouts, this is your chance to give back during this annual, council-wide community service opportunity. Each Service Unit across Kansas will vote on organizations to support and then organize a donation day. Participants will fill wish lists, learn about the need in our communities, and show the Heartland what Girl Scout generosity looks like! All registered Girl Scout youth members will receive a patch, but we need everyone who is participating to register so we can track the impact that Girl Scouts make across Kansas. Fun patch provided. He & Me Boots & Beauties Barn Dance Holy Spirit Catholic Church 18218 US 54, Goddard Date: 11/5 Time: 6 – 8:30 p.m. Grade: K–12 Registration Deadline: 10/24
Haunted Stroll: Boo Bash Trail Starwoods Outdoor Center 7800 S. 103rd St. W., Clearwater Date: 10/22 Time: 7 – 10 p.m. Grade: 4–12 Registration Deadline: 10/17 Program Type: Public Event Youth Cost: $10 Adult Cost: $10 Venture through Starwoods on the thrilling Boo Bash Trail where you'll encounter monsters and ghouls of all kinds, artfully decorated scare scenes, and frightening special effects; all created by Girl Scout Spookmasters! Snacks, hot drinks, and haunted amusement await your family. Recommended for 4th grade and up; it's seriously spooky. Costumes encouraged! Register by 10/17 for $10 or bring $15 cash to the door. Fun patch provided.
Festival of Giving Various Locations Date: 11/5 11/13 Time: varies Grade: K–12 Registration Deadline: 11/7
Haunted Stroll: Spookmasters Starwoods Outdoor Center 7800 S. 103rd St. W., Clearwater Date: 10/22 Time: 1 – 11:30 p.m. Grade: 7–12 Registration Deadline: 9/26
Movie Night: Hotel Transylvania Derby Plaza Theaters 1300 N. Nelson Drive, Derby Date: 10/28 Time: 7 – 9 p.m. Grade: K–12 Registration Deadline: 10/17
Youth Cost: $5 Adult Cost: $5 Become a Spookmaster for the annual Haunted Stroll. Come to the Spookmaster planning meeting on 10/4 at Starwoods to brainstorm your scare scene. Then, work the actual event on October 22 at Starwoods to set up your scare scene and entertain the participants. Spookmasters may purchase the Haunted Stroll t-shirt. Dinner will be provided on the event date and you may choose to stay overnight with an adult chaperone after the event.
Program Type: Youth Members with Chaperones Youth Cost: $15 Adult Cost: $15 Join us for an evening of boot scootin' fun, food and dancing. This country-themed night will have music provided by a DJ and a photographer will be on-site to capture fun moments from the night. Grab your boots and a partner as you won’t want to miss this event! Fun patch provided.

Program Type: Girl Scout Families
NorthNorthwestSouthwestEastSouthCentral Activity Guide ❧ School Year 2022 13
Junior Mechanical Engineering Badge Workshop Wichita Girl Scout Office 360 Lexington Road, Wichita Date: 11/12 Time: 9 a.m. – noon Grade: 4–5 Registration Deadline: 10/31
Program Type: Youth Members Only
Zoom Date: 11/8 Time: 6 – 6:45 p.m. Grade: K–12 Registration Deadline: 10/31
Gathering: Resilient. Ready. Strong.
Starwoods Outdoor Center 7800 S 103rd St W, Clearwater Date: 11/12 Time: 3 – 9 p.m. Grade: K–12 Registration Deadline: 10/31
Program Type: Girl Scout Families
Spin & Twirl Ice Skating
Twilight Traditions
Youth Cost: $35 Adult Cost: $10 We bleed green! Join us for a celebration of sisterhood and Girl Scout traditions. Enjoy time with your favorite adult while you explore Starwoods as day turns to night. Wrap up a great evening by singing songs and roasting marshmallows around the campfire. Earn Girl Scout Way badge (provided).
Youth Cost: $35 Adult Cost: n/a Junior Girl Scouts, join us as we learn about Mechanical Engineering. We will learn how to design and solve problems like engineers. You will build your own paddle boat, car, and crane during this workshop. Earn Paddle Boat Design, Balloon Car Design, and Crane Design badge (provided).
Lakewood Discovery Center 250 Lakewood Drive, Salina Date: 11/8 Time: 6 – 7:30 p.m. Grade: 2–3 Registration Deadline: 10/24
Program Type: Youth Members Only
Program Type: Youth Members with Chaperones
Youth Cost: $10 Adult Cost: Free Get ready for a Brownie Hiking Adventure! Learn how to be prepared and hiking safety. Leave no trace and spy animals in nature. Enjoy a hiking snack. Girl Scouts should wear closed-toe shoes and be prepared for the weather. Earn Hiker badge (provided).
United Wireless Arena 4100 W. Comanche St., Dodge City Date: 11/12 Time: 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. Grade: K–12 Registration Deadline: 11/7
Brownie Hiker
Youth Cost: $12 Adult Cost: $12 Spin, skate and twirl while gliding across the rink. Bundle up and bring your friends and family to join in the icy fun. Fun patch provided.
Youth Cost: Free Adult Cost: n/a Life isn’t always easy, but dealing with tricky emotions doesn’t have to be so hard. Try activities from the Girl Scouts: Resilient. Ready. Strong. program to strengthen your mental wellness. Nobody can snap their fingers and make the world all sunshine and lollipops, but you can take steps to be ready when things get tough. Go get ‘em, Girl Scout! Earn steps toward Resilient. Ready. Strong. patch (not provided).

Overnights: 1 Grade: K–12 Registration Deadline: 11/21
Mystery STEM Badge
Program Type: Youth Members Only Youth Cost: $10 Adult Cost: n/a There is a mystery that needs to be solved: come and help solve it! Explore, develop, and sharpen your science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) skills through Girl Scouting. Come on an adventure, team up with others, and get busy with hands-on STEM activities. Take on some big challenges and solve the problems.
North Pole Express
Youth Cost: $25 Adult Cost: n/a Cozy up with some cocoa and your Girl Scout friends and learn how to make candy. Girl Scouts will make several different kinds of holiday candy and will be able to take home some of each type they make. Yum!
Youth Cost: $5 Adult Cost: Free Pop in to the North Pole to enjoy a magical experience. Girl Scouts will have story time, make a craft, sip on cocoa, and snack on cookies. You will also have a chance to visit with Santa to tell him your holiday wish. Christmas Candy Making Trinity Lutheran Church 1010 Fleming, Garden City Date: 12/10 Time: 10 a.m. – noon Grade: 4–12 Registration Deadline: 11/28
Trinity Lutheran Church 1010 Fleming, Garden City Date: 12/10 Time: 10 a.m. – noon Grade: K–3 Registration Deadline: 11/28
Program Type: Youth Members with Chaperones Youth Cost: $50 Adult Cost: $35 Cookie Camp is back! Girl Scouts across the council are invited to join at centrally-located Camp Claflin to meet this year's mascot, earn a cookie badge, and prepare to launch their cookie business for the 2023 season. Learn from business pros, practice your sales pitch, and craft some deliciously adorable booth supplies as we "Go Bright Ahead." Earn Daisy Cookie Goal Setter, Brownie Decision Maker, Junior Cookie Collaborator, Cadette Cookie Innovator, Senior Cookie Boss, or Ambassador Cookie Influencer badge (provided).
Cookie Camp: Claflin Camp Aldrich 884 NE 110 Ave., Claflin Date: 12/3 at 1 p.m. to 12/4 at 10 a.m.
Paint Pouring Workshop Salina Unitarian Universalist Fellowship 901 Beatrice, Salina Date: 12/3 Time: 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. Grade: K–12 Registration Deadline: 11/21
Lyon County State Bank Community Room 902 Merchant, Emporia Date: 12/10 Time: 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Grade: 2–12 Registration Deadline: 12/5
Program Type: Youth Members with Chaperones
Activity Guide ❧ School Year 202214
Program Type: Girl Scout Families Youth Cost: $13 Adult Cost: $13 Any Girl Scout can be an artist! Join us for a paint pouring workshop where you choose your colors and make an 8x10 canvas. No experience required. Canvases will need to be picked up at a later date after drying. Arrangements can be made for pick up at the Salina Girl Scout office. Groups of up to 8 can sign up for a time at the top of every hour from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. with each group lasting just under an hour. Fun patch provided.
Program Type: Youth Members Only
Youth Cost: $10 Adult Cost: n/a Discover different ways to make jewelry by learning about different tools and how to use them safely. Hammer, stamp, texture and patina your own copper pendant and bracelet, while using and learning about metalsmithing and tools. Earn steps toward Junior Jeweler badge (not provided).
Gathering: There's "Snow" Place Like Home Zoom Date: 12/13 Time: 6 – 6:45 p.m. Grade: K–12 Registration Deadline: 12/5
Gathering: "Soup"er Bowl Zoom Date: 1/10 Time: 6 – 6:45 p.m. Grade: K–12 Registration Deadline: 1/2
2501 N. 14th Ave. Fine Arts 220, Dodge City Date: 1/21 Time: 1 – 2:45 p.m. Grade: 2–12 Registration Deadline: 1/9
Dodge City Community College
Junior Jeweler Workshop
Youth Cost: $10 Adult Cost: n/a Explore different types of clay and learn about its many uses. Then make a hanging plant planter. Projects will be fired in a kiln and can be picked up a week after the workshop. Earn steps toward Brownie Potter badge (not provided).
Program Type: Youth Members Only
2501 N. 14th Ave. Fine Arts 220, Dodge City Date: 1/21 Time: 3:30 – 5:30 p.m. Grade: 4–12 Registration Deadline: 1/9
Program Type: Youth Members Only
January 2023
Program Type: Youth Members Only Youth Cost: Free Adult Cost: n/a Come cook with us, learn how to take simple ingredients and turn them into a savory soup. We'll also learn how you can make a positive impact on your local food donation pantries. Earn steps toward Daisy Rosie petal, Brownie Snacks, or Junior Simple Meals badge (not provided).
Cookie Kickoff: Hutchinson Salt City Cowboy Church 810 N. Main, South Hutchinson Date: 1/20 Time: 6 – 8 p.m. Grade: K–12 Registration Deadline: 1/9 Program Type: Youth Members with Chaperones
Brownie Potter Badge Workshop
Dodge City Community College
Democracy Badge Workshop TBA Salina Area Date: 1/14 Time: 1 – 5 p.m. Grade: K–12 Registration Deadline: 1/2
Program Type: Youth Members with Chaperones
Youth Cost: $5 Adult Cost: Free Girl Scouts are teaming up with the League of Women Voters to help girls of all ages earn their Democracy badges. Learn about our government and election system so that you can make a change in your world. Fun, crafts, games, and snack provided. Earn Democracy badge (provided).
Program Type: Youth Members Only
❧ School Year 2022 15
Youth Cost: Free Adult Cost: n/a Snowflakes are unique in the fact that no matter how many billions of them fall from the sky, there will never be two of the same. Our homes are similar to snow in that our heritable differences, and multicultural DNA, are what make our families so extraordinary. Create a snow globe of a tradition or cultural belief your family shares. Then we’ll virtually meet to share our snow globes and unique families with everyone!
Youth Cost: Free Adult Cost: Free Let’s get ready for Cookie Season with SU80. Come test your cookie knowledge with some trivia games and work on your sales pitch for the best Cookie Season ever! We will make a SWAP to take home, and you can bring premade SWAP's to share with friends. Fun patch provided.
Activity Guide

Activity Guide ❧ School Year
Program Type: Youth Members Only Youth Cost: $20 Adult Cost: n/a All new activities and crafts have been created for this badge workshop to help Girl Scouts earn the My Promise, My Faith pin for their age level. Girl Scouts will visit different stations to work on activities and complete a group service project. Snack will be served and Girl Scouts will be presented with their pin at the end of the session. Earn My Promise, My Faith pin (provided).
Program Type: Youth Members with Chaperones
Date: 1/28 at 10 a.m. to 1/29 at 10 a.m. Overnights: 1 Grade: K–12 Registration Deadline: 1/16
Movie Night: Smart Cookies Derby Plaza Theaters 1300 N. Nelson Drive, Derby Date: 2/3 Time: 7 – 9 p.m. Grade: K–12 Registration Deadline: 1/23
Valentine's Art at Posie's Palette
Program Type: Youth Members with Chaperones
Youth Cost: $5 Adult Cost: $5 Prepare for the cookie season by bringing your adult chaperone or troop to watch Smart Cookies. A snack will be served. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and the movie starts at 7:00 p.m. 2022
Camp Blizzard Starwoods Outdoor Center 7800 S 103rd St W, Clearwater
Youth Cost: $40 Adult Cost: $15 Bundle up for a Blizzard at Camp Starwoods! Let's have a snowball fight, make snow angels, and enjoy some snow-cream while warming up with hot cocoa by the fireplace. Snow, ice, or shine...this is sure to be a sleepover you don't want to miss! Earn steps toward Snow Adventure (not provided).
Session 1 Sharon Baptist Church 2221 S. Oliver, Wichita Date: 1/28 Time: 9:30 – 11:45 a.m. Grade: K–3 Registration Deadline: 1/16
Sharon Baptist Church 2221 S. Oliver, Wichita Date: 1/28 Time: 1 – 3 p.m. Grade: 4–12 Registration Deadline: 1/16
Rebecca Jane's 115 N. Santa Fe, Salina
Potato Derby First Presbyterian Church 308 S. 8th St., South Door, Salina Date: 1/28 Time: 12:30 – 3 p.m. Grade: K–12 Registration Deadline: 1/9 Program Type: Girl Scout Families Youth Cost: $15 Adult Cost: Free Potato Patato! We are changing things up this year and having our first ever potato derby. Come to the event and get your potato, wheels, and decorations. Design your car and may the best spud win in this amazing race. A snack will be served. Be prepared for some good belly laughs. Fun patch provided.
Program Type: Youth Members Only Youth Cost: $20 Adult Cost: n/a All new activities and crafts have been created for this badge workshop to help Girl Scouts earn the My Promise, My Faith pin for their age level. Girl Scouts will visit different stations to work on activities and complete a group service project. Snack will be served and Girl Scouts will be presented with their pin at the end of the session. Earn My Promise, My Faith pin (provided).
My Promise, My Faith Workshop:
Date: 2/1 Time: 4 – 5:15 p.m. Grade: K–3 Registration Deadline: 1/16 Program Type: Youth Members Only Youth Cost: $10 Adult Cost: n/a Love is in the air! Join your fellow Girl Scouts in a Valentine's Day-themed art class. Girl Scouts will repurpose materials to create their own work of art. Wear clothes that can get dirty.
My Promise, My Faith Workshop: Session 2
Have fun painting an animal or let your creativity flow with inspirational quotes. Your imagination is the limit as you create a canvas masterpiece. Girl Scouts should wear clothing they can paint in.
Program Type: Youth Members Only
F(em)Powered: Afternoon Session
Youth Cost: $25 Adult Cost: $5
Turning "What if?" into "I can!" Girl Scouts love to dream big. This inspiring day celebrating Women's History month will build knowledge and confidence to grow into who they want to be. Hands on, interactive activities will be led by industry leaders in education and community involvement that are breaking barriers in diversity, equity, and inclusion. This is an action-packed day to encourage your Girl Scout to go for her dreams and remind them to not give up. Earn steps toward STEM Career Exploration badge (not provided). Fun patch provided.
Gathering: Girl Scout Proud Zoom Date: 3/7 Time: 6 – 6:45 p.m.
Wichita State University 1845 Fairmount St., Wichita Date: 3/4 Time: 9 a.m. – noon Grade: K–12 Registration Deadline: 2/20
Wichita State University 1845 Fairmount St., Wichita Date: 3/4 Time: 1 – 4 p.m. Grade: K–12 Registration Deadline: 2/20
Youth Cost: Free Adult Cost: n/a Girl Scouts and Girl Guides across the council and 150 countries worldwide gather together to celebrate World Thinking Day. The 2023 theme is “Our World, Our Peaceful Future: The Environment, Peace, and Security.” Help us virtually celebrate the amazing diversity of our global community! Earn steps toward World Thinking Day patch (not provided). March
Program Type: Youth Members with Chaperones
Program Type: Youth Members Only
F(em)Powered: Morning Session
Turning "What if?" into "I can!" Girl Scouts love to dream big. This inspiring day celebrating Women's History month will build knowledge and confidence to grow into who they want to be. Hands on, interactive activities will be led by industry leaders in education and community involvement who are breaking barriers in diversity, equity, and inclusion. This is an action-packed day to encourage your Girl Scout to go for their dreams and remind them to not give up. Earn steps toward STEM Career Exploration badge (not provided). Fun patch provided.
Youth Cost: Free Adult Cost: n/a Be a part of this 100+ year tradition as we remain committed to making the world a better place. We are filling our days with service and friendship with a Your Own Time Activities electronic packet, a live session on March 7 and our Girl Scout Birthday! During the live session, we'll make a SWAP, hear stories from our older Girl Scouts about their highest awards projects, and play games. Earn steps toward Girl Scout Way badge (not provided).
Youth Cost: $20 Adult Cost: $20
Gathering: World Thinking Day Zoom Date: 2/21 Time: 6 – 6:45 p.m. Grade: K–12 Registration Deadline: 2/13
Program Type: Youth Members with Chaperones
Painting Fun Workshop Blue Barn Studios 3832 E. Country Club Road, Salina Date: 2/12 Time: 1 – 3 p.m. Grade: K–12 Registration Deadline: 1/30
Program Type: Youth Members with Chaperones Youth Cost: $25 Adult Cost: $5
Grade: K–12 Registration Deadline: 2/27
NorthNorthwestSouthwestEastSouthCentral Activity Guide ❧ School Year 2022 17

Adventure: JCSA Overnight Starwoods Outdoor Center 7800 S. 103rd St. W., Clearwater Overnights: 1 Date: 4/15 at 10 a.m. to 4/16 at 10 a.m.
Grade: 4–12 Registration Deadline: 3/27 Program Type: Youth Members Only Youth Cost: $50 Adult Cost: n/a [ad-ven-cher] noun: an exciting or very unusual experience; verb: to take the chance; dare. Are you ready to step out of your comfort zone? Every Adventure program is a different combination of experiences that allows Girl Scouts to progress from newbie to master in the high adventure activities available at Camp Starwoods. Will we tackle the 45-foot climbing tower, aim for a bullseye at the target range, sail across the 900-foot zip line, or glide through the water on our kayaks? Whichever combination we choose; it's guaranteed to be exciting! Earn steps toward Climbing Adventure badge (not provided). Fun patch provided.
Lakewood Discovery Center
Youth Cost: $5 Adult Cost: $5 Come as a troop or bring your family to relax and celebrate the end of cookie season by watching The Minions. The concession stand will be open to purchase your own treats. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and the movie starts at 7:00 p.m.
1300 N. Nelson Drive, Derby Date: 3/31 Time: 7:00 – 9 p.m. Grade: K–12 Registration Deadline: 3/20
Program Type: Girl Scout Families
Program Type: Youth Members Only Youth Cost: $10 Adult Cost: n/a Picture this: You nock (or place) an arrow onto the bow, hook your fingers around the string, draw it back, eye your target, and release. Bullseye! Archery is an exciting sport that takes strength, focus, good form, and practice. Get ready to challenge yourself as you build your archery skills and learn how to shoot on a range. Earn Archery badge (provided).
Adventure: DBJ Day Starwoods Outdoor Center 7800 S 103rd St W, Clearwater Date: 4/15 Time: 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Grade: K–5 Registration Deadline: 3/27 Program Type: Youth Members Only Youth Cost: $35 Adult Cost: n/a [ad-ven-cher] noun: an exciting or very unusual experience; verb: to take the chance; dare. Are you ready to step out of your comfort zone? Every Adventure program is a different combination of experiences that allows Girl Scouts to progress from newbie to master in the high adventure activities available at Camp Starwoods. Will we tackle the 45-foot climbing tower, aim for a bullseye at the target range, sail across the 900-foot zip line, or glide through the water on our kayaks? Whichever combination we choose; it's guaranteed to be exciting! Earn steps toward Climbing Adventure badge (not provided). Fun patch provided.
Troop Olympics: DB Wichita Girl Scout Office 360 Lexington Road, Wichita Date: 4/15 Time: 9:30 a.m. – noon Grade: K–3 Registration Deadline: 3/27 Program Type: Youth Members Only Youth Cost: $10 Adult Cost: n/a Would your troop have what it takes to be the Troop Olympic winner? Come out and spend some time trying your luck with various games, competing with other teams from around the council. Teams need to be made up of 5 Girl Scouts from your level. Show some spirit and come dressed in your own Troop shirts. Are you a Juliette Girl Scout? No problem! Contact Rhonda Holmes at (316) 686-8309 and we will try to find other Juliettes to form a team. Fun patch provided.
Activity Guide ❧ School Year 202218
Cadette Archery Workshop
Family Movie Night: Minions Derby Plaza Theaters
250 Lakewood Drive, Salina Date: 4/11 Time: 6 – 7:30 p.m. Grade: 6–8 Registration Deadline: 3/27
Youth Cost: Free Adult Cost: Free Bridge to the next Girl Scout level in a big way, over the Arkansas River at the Keeper of the Plains! Celebrate the achievements of your troop and fellow Girl Scout sisters throughout Kansas Heartland at this free, council-wide ceremony. There will be plenty of fun for the whole troop and family: make a bridging SWAP to add to your collection and bring old SWAP's to exchange with fellow Girl Scouts in the Make New Friends area, renew your membership, try out our adventure zone, and more! Check in and activities begin at 2 p.m. The ceremony will begin at 3 p.m. Fun patch provided.
Program Type: Youth Members with Chaperones
NorthNorthwestSouthwestEastSouthCentral Activity Guide ❧ School Year 2022 19
Youth Cost: $10 Adult Cost: Free All about flowers! Uncover the science and have fun with flowers. Can you send a message with flowers? Closed-toe shoes should be worn and be prepared for possible outdoor activities. Earn Flowers badge (provided).
Gardening for Girl Scouts Starwoods Outdoor Center 7800 S 103rd St W, Clearwater Date: 4/22 Time: 11:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Grade: K–12 Registration Deadline: 4/14
Zoom Date: 4/18 Time: 6 – 6:45 p.m. Grade: K–12 Registration Deadline: 4/10
Program Type: Youth Members Only Youth Cost: Free Adult Cost: n/a Flowers are not just another pretty face! Throughout history, flowers have been used for many different purposes: beauty, fragrance, medicine, and food. From the outside, it may not look like flowers do very much, however they play a very important role in nature. The flower attracts pollinators and the pollen helps flowers make the seeds that grow into new plants. Earn steps toward Daisy Mari petal, Brownie Bugs, or Junior Flowers badge (not provided).
Program Type: Youth Members Only Youth Cost: $10 Adult Cost: n/a Would your troop have what it takes to be the Troop Olympic winner? Come out and spend some time trying your luck with various games, competing with other teams from around the council. Teams need to be made up of 5 Girl Scouts from your level. Show some spirit and come dressed in your own Troop shirts. Are you a Juliette Girl Scout? No problem! Contact Rhonda Holmes at (316) 686-8309 and we will try to find other Juliettes to form a team. Fun patch provided.
Troop Olympics: JCSA Wichita Girl Scout Office 360 Lexington Road, Wichita Date: 4/15 Time: 1 – 3:30 p.m. Grade: 4–12 Registration Deadline: 3/27
Youth Cost: $10 Adult Cost: $10 Are you a great gardener? Have you always wanted to learn or maybe have an interest in how to build a community garden? Celebrate Earth Day with Troop 40561 and their gardening workshop. Girl Scouts will get to plant and take home a flower and vegetable plant. Adults can also ask questions and receive help with the process as well. Fun patch provided.
Gathering: Power of Flowers
Heartland Bridging Ceremony
Lakewood Discovery Center 250 Lakewood Drive, Salina Date: 5/9 Time: 6 – 7:30 p.m. Grade: 4–5 Registration Deadline: 4/24
Program Type: Youth Members with Chaperones
May Junior Flowers Workshop
Keeper of the Plains 339 Veterans Pkwy Date: 5/13 Time: 2 – 4:30 p.m. Grade: K–12 Registration Deadline: 5/1 Program Type: Girl Scout Families

Activity Guide ❧ School Year 202220

Volunteer Training 2022
Garden City Girl Scout Office 114 Grant Ave., Garden City Date/Time: 3/21 at 6 - 8 p.m. Registration Deadline: 3/6 Wichita Girl Scout Office 360 Lexington Road, Wichita Date/Time: 3/28 at 6 - 8 p.m. Registration Deadline: 3/13
Hays Girl Scout Office 2707 Vine St., Suite 8, Hays Date/Time: 4/1 at 2 - 4 p.m. Registration Deadline: 3/20 Activity Guide
Wichita Girl Scout Office 360 Lexington Road, Wichita Date/Time: 1/26 at 6 - 8 p.m. Registration Deadline: 1/16
Wichita Girl Scout Office 360 Lexington Road, Wichita Date/Time: 2/21 at 7 - 9 p.m. Registration Deadline: 2/6
Wichita Girl Scout Office 360 Lexington Road, Wichita Date/Time: 3/9 at 6 - 8 p.m. Registration Deadline: 2/27
ASHI First Aid/CPR/AED This American Safety & Health Institute course will provide you with an understanding into providing lifesaving first aid and CPR in an emergency. This blended course includes an at-home study portion and then you will practice important skills during an in-person class with the assistance and supervision of an authorized HSI Instructor. If you demonstrate achievement of the required knowledge and hands-on skills you will receive an authentic HSI certification card valid for two years. Approximately two weeks prior to your in-person course, you will receive an email with instruction for the at-home study portion. No refunds will be issued once that email is sent. Participants must be physically able to perform the basic skills required for CPR. Participants will not be allowed to enter the class if they arrive more than 15 minutes after the class begins. Hays Girl Scout Office 2707 Vine St., Suite 8, Hays Date/Time: 9/18 at 2 - 4 p.m. Registration Deadline: 9/5 Wichita Girl Scout Office 360 Lexington Road, Wichita Date/Time: 9/20 at 6 - 8 p.m. Registration Deadline: 9/5 Camp Double E 794 Road 200, Emporia Date/Time: 10/1 at 1 - 3 p.m. Registration Deadline: 9/19 Garden City Girl Scout Office 114 Grant Ave., Garden City Date/Time: 10/4 at 6 - 8 p.m. Registration Deadline: 9/19 Camp Four Winds 9236 SE Quivera Road, Leon Date/Time: 10/15 at 9 a.m. - 11 a.m. Registration Deadline: 10/3 Camp Four Winds 9236 SE Quivera Road, Leon Date/Time: 10/15 at 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Registration Deadline: 10/3 Parsons Girl Scout Little House 2900 Frisco Ave., Parsons Date/Time: 10/22 at 9 a.m. - 11 a.m. Registration Deadline: 10/10 Wichita Girl Scout Office 360 Lexington Road, Wichita Date/Time: 11/8 at 7 - 9 p.m. Registration Deadline: 10/24
❧ School Year 2022 21 Volunteer
Outdoor Camping
Activity Guide ❧ School Year 202222
Cost: $15 Camp Four Winds 9236 SE Quivera Road, Leon Date/Time: 10/15 at 4 p.m. to 10/15 at 9 p.m. Registration Deadline: 10/3
Cost: $25 Garden City Girl Scout Little House 108 W. Hackberry St., Garden City Date/Time: 9/17 at 6 p.m. to 9/18 at noon Registration Deadline: 9/5 Camp Double E 794 Road 200, Emporia Date/Time: 9/30 at 6 p.m. to 10/1 at noon Registration Deadline: 9/19 Camp Four Winds 9236 SE Quivera Road, Leon Date/Time: 10/15 at 4 p.m. to 10/16 at noon Registration Deadline: 10/3 Starwoods Outdoor Center 7800 S. 103rd St. W., Clearwater Date/Time: 11/5 at 6 p.m. to 11/6 at noon Registration Deadline: 10/24 Camp Four Winds 9236 SE Quivera Road, Leon Date/Time: 4/15 at 6 p.m. to 4/16 at noon Registration Deadline: 4/3 Cedar Bluff State Park 32001 147 Highway, Ellis Date/Time: 4/22 at 6 p.m. to 4/23 at noon Registration Deadline: 4/10 Flywheels Yesteryear Museum 1100 W. Diamond Drive, Salina Date/Time: 4/22 at 6 p.m. to 4/23 at noon Registration Deadline: 4/10
Camp Four Winds 9236 SE Quivera Road, Leon Date/Time: 4/15 at 2 - 4 p.m. Registration Deadline: 4/3 Parsons Girl Scout Little House 2900 Frisco Ave., Parsons Date/Time: 4/22 at 9 a.m. - 11 a.m. Registration Deadline: 4/10 Camp Double E 794 Road 200, Emporia Date/Time: 4/29 at 1 - 3 p.m. Registration Deadline: 4/17 Wichita Girl Scout Office 360 Lexington Road, Wichita Date/Time: 5/2 at 7 - 9 p.m. Registration Deadline: 4/17 Starwoods Outdoor Center 7800 S. 103rd St. W., Clearwater Date/Time: 6/2 at 4 - 6 p.m. Registration Deadline: 5/22 Cabin Camping
This day course is for volunteers planning an overnight stay with girls in a walled facility such as Starwoods, KOA Cabins, State Park Cabins. (If you plan to pitch a tent and participate in more in-depth wilderness type activities, you’ll need to take the Outdoor Camping course). Cabin Camping will prepare volunteers to introduce girls to outside adventures. At the end of this course, participants will know how to cabin camp, use a propane stove, cook over charcoal, and will have gained knowledge of many outdoor skills including health and safety, meal planning, troop and individual packing, Kaper Charts, knot tying, knife safety and protection of the natural world. All of these activities are part of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience. Ambassador Girl Scouts may take this course. Prerequisite to this course is Outdoor Basics found in gsLearn.
This overnight course combines the Cabin Camping course curriculum with a deeper knowledge of outdoor camping experiences. This is required for any camping experiences outside of a cabin/ walled facility. After completing this course, volunteers will be able to take their girls on a camping trip. You'll learn about health and safety procedures, how to set up a campsite and the equipment needed, tent pitching, troop and individual packing, Kaper Charts, meal planning and preparation, multiple methods of cooking, dishwashing, starting a wood fire, compass and trail signs, Leave no Trace principles, and how to tie these experiences to the Girl Scout Leadership Experience. Ambassador Girl Scouts may also take this course. Prerequisite to this course is Outdoor Basics found in gsLearn.
Camp Four Winds 9236 SE Quivera Road, Leon Date/Time: 10/15 at 1 p.m. to 10/15 at 5 p.m Registration Deadline: 10/3
Date/Time: 4/28 at 6 p.m. to 4/29 at noon Registration Deadline: 4/17
Level 1 Archery Instructor: Camp Four Winds
IGNITE: Cert-a-Thon Weekend Join us for our first Cert-a-Thon weekend! One weekend and you can get certified in First Aid/ CPR/AED, Cabin Camping, Outdoor Camping and Archery instructor. When you register for this event, you'll add on the courses you wish to take throughout the weekend. You can come camp for the entire weekend or you can come for one or two courses—it's entirely up to you. Meals and each individual course will have a fee attached when you register. ASHI First Aid/CPR/AED is $25; Level 1 Archery Instructor is $40; Cabin Camping is $15; Outdoor Camping is $25; meals $5 each. Some of the courses will require at-home study prior to the weekend. You'll need to provide your own tent if staying for the weekend or participating in the Outdoor Camping course. A complete list of items to bring will be sent after the registration deadline date.
Camp Double E 794 Road 200, Emporia
Garden City Girl Scout Little House 108 W. Hackberry St., Garden City Date/Time: 5/12 at 6 p.m. to 5/13 at noon Registration Deadline: 5/1
Activity Guide ❧ School Year 2022 23 Volunteer
Instructor Certification online course, including the online exam. They will then register for and complete an "in-person" USA Archery Level 1 Instructor practical course. Upon completion, participant will receive a USA Archery Level 1 Instructor certificate. The USA Archery Level 1 Instructor will learn about range safety, range setup, the steps of shooting, equipment and repair, programs and lesson plans and is well prepared to teach beginner archery programs to people of all ages and abilities in a variety of disciplines. Approximately two weeks before the in-person course, you will receive information on how to acquire the online portion, pay the $40 fee directly to USA Archery and register for the in-person course. Cost: $40 (paid to USA Archery)
The USA Archery Level 1 Instructor certification course provides graduates the necessary tools to maintain a high level of safety both on and off the archery range for camps and beginner archery programs. To successfully complete the requirements for this certification, students must successfully pass the USA Archery Level 1
Camp Four Winds 9236 SE Quivera Road, Leon Date/Time: 10/14 at 6 p.m. to 10/16 at noon Registration Deadline: 10/3

IGNITE: It's a Shore Thing!
Small Craft Safety: Starwoods Small Craft Safety (Canoeing and Kayaking) is the current Safety Activity Checkpoints requirement to facilitate a canoeing or kayaking experience for girls. A prerequisite course in gsLearn: GSUSA Small Craft Safety Training is required. In this course, you will learn skills for basic water rescue and small craft. During the 3 hour hands-on course, you will practice and demonstrate your skills. Note that this is a safety and rescue course, not a skills class; participants should be familiar with basic canoeing and kayaking skills before arrival. Participants must be able to pass a swim test and all rescue techniques.
IGNITE: Panoramic (Virtual Conference) Join us for a panoramic view at your role as a Girl Scout volunteer! We'll offer a few hours of learning and networking through breakout sessions to expand your personal development and Girl Scout expertise. You’ll see the Girl Scout landscape with a widened panoramic lens. Zoom log-in information will be sent after the registration. A small $5 fee will cover program supplies and a swag bag! Cost: $5
7800 S. 103rd St. W., Clearwater Date/Time: 6/4 at 1 p.m. to 6/4 at 3 p.m. Registration Deadline: 5/29
Activity Guide ❧ School Year 202224
Date/Time:Virtual 1/14 at 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Registration Deadline: 1/2
Cost: $35 Starwoods Outdoor Center
Starwoods Outdoor Center
Uplift your soul by taking part in this weekend volunteer retreat! Take in the magnificence of Girl Scouting while checking out the endless horizon of possibilities. At IGNITE, you’ll have a chance to connect with others, come out of your shell, make waves and experience peaceful and inspirational workshops. This weekend will help you be shore of yourself in your role as a Girl Scout volunteer. Maybe you’ll shoot a gun, kayak, or throw an ax. It’s shore to be a great time as you take in all the camp activities at Starwoods! The cost of $50 will include five meals, snacks, workshops and more! You’ll want to pack a sack supper for Friday evening or eat before you arrive. T-Shirts will be available to purchase when you register. An email will be sent after the deadline date so you can choose your workshops and sleeping arrangements: cabin bunks, lodge (floor or air mattress), platform tents, or you can provide your own personal tent to camp. During this same weekend, we’ll also offer a First Aid/CPR/AED course and a Small Craft Safety course. You’ll need to register for these items separately. There’s lots to learn and explore if you take time to coast!
Cost: $50
7800 S. 103rd St. W., Clearwater Date/Time: 6/2 at 6 p.m. to 6/4 at noon Registration Deadline: 5/8

Taekwondo at the Dojo LOCATION: Emporia GRADE: 2-12, Adults COST: Free BADGE: Junior level Hi-Cha! Get to know the basics of Taekwondo during this interactive, confidence building, self-defense class with your favorite adult. Get moving with your Girl Scout sisters and feel empowered in your abilities. 2-12th graders welcome and Juniors can earn your Practice with Purpose badge. Contact Ray at (620) 208-7589
LOCATION: Hutchinson GRADE: K-12 COST: Fees vary by program, length, materials, etc. Please contact for pricing. BADGE: All levels Is your troop working on nature themed badges, or just love animals? The Hutchinson Zoo is the place for you! We have flexible day and time options and will develop a hands-on program that meets your needs and badgework requirements.
with interactive activities. Daisies can earn Rosie Petal. LOCATION:History,www.prokansasrecycling.orgFun,&Badgework Wichita GRADE: K-12 COST: $10-32/girl BADGE:
Get ready for a programming and educational opportunity designed to connect troops and families to community partners that can empower girls with unique experiences, help develop new skills, and enable girls to gain a deeper understanding of the world around them. Outside the Guide is a perfect way to have flexibility with your Go-Getters’ busy schedules. Work directly with partners to plan events during days and times that work best for you both and earn badges!
LOCATION: Wichita GRADE: K-12 COST: Free BADGE: Daisy level Learn how to make the world a better place through proper recycling. Tour the PRo Kansas Miller Recycling Center and learn how to reduce, reuse, and recycle All levels Host your badge workshop at MoWT! Go on a guided tour, learn about past cultures that shaped our world, and empowering programming your troop will love. With over 10+ different badge workshops, this is for all Girl Scout levels. worldtreasures.org
Girl Scouts Love Animals
FHSU Mobile & Virtual STEM Lab LOCATION: Hays or mobile GRADE: K-12 COST: $25/hour in-person. Mileage 50¢/mile. Virtual provided at no extra cost. BADGE: All levels FHSU offers STEM outreach across Kansas on campus in Hays and with our traveling Makervan. Great learning for all ages! Choose the in-person portable planetarium dome, the virtual paper roller coaster construction project, plus many more! Phone: (785) 628-4538 Dodge City GRADE: 2-12 $30 group base fee plus $5 per person BADGE: N/A Giddy up Girl Scouts! Relive the Legend of the Wild West at Boot Hill Museum with a personal, guided tour. This includes a 1.5 hour tour with Q&A. Advanced booking required. Phone: (620) 227-8188 Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Legends of the Wild West LOCATION:
Activity Guide ❧ School Year 2022 25

PBS Kansas Cochener-Garvey Education & Discovery Center
COST: Free BADGE: Earn steps towards Digital PBS Kansas believes the world is full of possibilities –and so is every child! The PBS Kansas Cochener-Garvey
Dillon Nature Center
Children’s Education & Discovery Center helps children develop skills in science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics, so they can discover their own possibilities. Build the best fort, produce your own video or robot animation, print in 3D demo, learn where your food & natural resources come from, plus you might get a behind the scenes tour of TV production studios. Contact: Lynn Woolf | lwoolf@ktps.org
LOCATION: Hutchinson GRADE: K-12 COST: $20-$80, $30/Adult BADGE: Space Science, STEM Book your day, overnight or weekend experience. From from programming robots to detecting radiation in a cloud chamber, the Cosmosphere knows what will inspire, motivate and train youth for the impossible! www.cosmo.org.
American Red Cross Disaster Preparedness Programs
LOCATION: Virtual GRADE: K-12 COST: Free BADGE: N/A Get prepared virtually with the Red Cross. Emergencies can happen when least expected. Red Cross is offering 2 free programs, Pillow Case project (Br-Cad) and Prepare with Pedro the Penguin (D-Br). Your troop will learn about different types of emergencies, practice what to do, and learn to cope with the stress. Presentations are 30-60 minutes depending on age and type of program selected. This program can be adjusted for older girls and even help Cad-Amb become community ambassadors! *In person events will be available once the pandemic has subsided. Activity Guide ❧ School Year 202226
It’s all FUN & GAMES
LOCATION: Hutchinson GRADE: K-8 COST: $10 per GS BADGE: Daisy-Cadette level Bring your Girl Scouts to the Dillon Nature Center in Hutchinson to enjoy the great outdoors and earn badgework. Earn a variety of nature-themed badges based on your troop’s interest. Call for more information about program opportunities and to schedule. Badge not provided. www.hutchrec.com/dillon-nature-center
Listen to Your Art: Hubbard Arts Center
LOCATION: Winfield GRADE:K-12 COST: $10-$75pp BADGE: STEM Ready, Set, Play! Main street Games is your family or Troop new favorite hangout. Bring your own video, board, and cards games or try a new one on site during a regular GAME NIGHT. Girl Scout troops/families can customize their experiences by building slot cars. Have you ever tried the 3D experience? Learn how they design and print in 3D, then you put them together and then you can paint them. Oh, one more thing, this space can be booked to host your event or paint night, materials or instruction not provided. www.mainstgames.com
LOCATION: Derby GRADE: 2-12 COST: $10-25 BADGE: Brownie-Ambassador level Hubbard Arts Center is the region’s newest arts facility, offering fun badgework for culinary arts, dance, visual arts, and even a recording studio. We provide professional instruction in a fresh, welcoming venue. Join us and Listen to Your Art! www.derbyrec.com
Cosmosphere Space & Sisterhood

Great Bend GRADE: K-12 COST: FREE BADGE: Outdoor, STEM Ready to explore the largest wetland complex in the interior of the United States? The KWEC is ready to help you discover how wetlands keep the earth healthy while earning outdoor and nature related badges. From nature hikes, insect collecting, bird watching, gardening, and driving tours of Cheyenne Bottoms, we have it all. Girl Scouts will immerse themselves in one of the most biodiverse ecosystems on our planet! We can even provide waders so you can venture out and learn about water quality by collecting and testing samples from the marsh and capturing aquatic invertebrates to examine and identify. www.wetlandscenter.fhsu.edu
Discover Scuba
LOCATION: Matfield Green GRADE: K-12 COST: $5 BADGE: Fun patch Spend time on the prairie, hiking nature trails, exploring the creek, creating nature crafts, play old fashioned games, and learn about the unique heritage of the Flint Hills. www.pioneerbluffs.org
Activity Guide ❧ School Year 2022 27
www.kansasaviationmuseum.orgArtTogether:GirlScoutsat Mark Arts
LOCATION: Wichita GRADE: K-12 COST: $15-$30 BADGE: All levels For 100 years the Mark Arts mission has been to be a vibrant arts hub in Wichita and the region by providing opportunities to appreciate and create art in an atmosphere of lifelong learning. Our school of Creativity is excited to pass along artistic knowledge to the Girl Scouts of Kansas heartland by offering 13+ badges. Our skilled instructors will engage the girls in fun activities that will challenge and encourage them to think critically and creatively. Mark Arts also invites troops and families to visit our galleries and sculpture garden which are free to the public.
Horseback Riding
Wetland LOCATION:Wonders
Girls Take Flight LOCATION: Wichita GRADE: K-12 COST: $20pp BADGE: STEM, Fun Patch Prepare for takeoff! Come to Kansas Aviation Museum to discover fun in aviation and become flight experts. Do pre-flight checks on a real airplane, learn about the forces that keep planes in the air, build an airplane model, make your own flight plan, and be inspired by the amazing women who were pioneers of flight. Your visit can be customized from earning badges in STEM and design to exploring a variety of fun patches like Rosie the Riveter. Afterhours and overnight can be added.
LOCATION: Wichita GRADE: 4-12, Adult COST: Contact for pricing BADGE: None PADI Open water is the first scuba level of learning. Start practicing skills during courses to discover aquatic wonders. With certified instructors you will learn in a relaxed, supportive environment. By the end, you can explore 70% of our planet, support ocean protection and more! Scuba Steve 316-689-8051
LOCATION: Wichita, South Central Region GRADE: K-12 COST: $15/girl BADGE: Junior Horseback Riding, not provided Join us at the stables! Get on your hat and boots as you learn basic horsemanship and how to work around horses safely. Based on skill, comfort and grade level, Girl Scouts will tour the barn, learn horse care like how to halter, lead and groom. Swing into the saddle to ride, including mount, dismount, leading and walking your horse.

Wichita GRADE: K-12
Strong Communities for Trying Times
Curiosity at the Crossroads
Work with a trained artist to learn the basics of drawing, painting, comic book artistry, pottery, jewelry, digital photography, painting, daisy petals, and much more. Schedule a night on the town with your Girl Scout sisters for an exclusive workshop, peek behind the scenes, be creative, earn a badge, and go home with your own works of art. Get inspired and explore all the City Arts has to offer!
Activity Guide ❧ School Year 202228
Goddard GRADE: K-12 COST: $10/Girl BADGE: All levels
COST: $15/girl BADGE: All levels
Animal LOCATION:Habitats Garden City GRADE: 4-5 COST: $8/Girl BADGE: Animal Habitat Join the Lee Richardson Zoo in exploring animal habitats around the world! Learn what it takes for an animal to survive in each habitat through a fun, interactive exploration of the zoo and a chance to meet an animal ambassador up close!
Join us for a wildly different experience! An expert educator will guide your troop through STEM activities, animal encounters, craft projects and more. Badge Workshops can be scheduled year-round. For even more fun, add on day admission, an Overnight Safari, or another education activity. Badge not included
COST: Free BADGE: None Thrive even when times get tough. MHA’s workshops will help girls learn coping skills, how to handle difficult feelings, increase mental wellness, and more. Let’s add another tool to our young community leader’s tool belt to help them be resilient!
Mobile (Greater Wichita area) GRADE: 4-8 COST: $20 per group BADGE: Brownie Dancer Tippi Toes is a children’s dance program for children ages 1.5 - 12 years old. Our mission is to develop a love of dancing in children by creating a positive experience that promotes healthy living habits, helps build self-confidence, and a love for others. Tippi Toes Dance classes provide children with a fun, positive, and nurturing environment so they are able to experience the joys of dance, self-expression, and movement. Another perk, the session will come to your troop meeting location! Badge not included tracy@tippitoesdance.com
LOCATION: Salina GRADE: K-12 COST: Free (donations accepted) BADGE: None Visit Salina’s Smoky Hill Museum for an afternoon fill with guided tours and hands-on activities that encourage cognitive, social, and emotional development of your Girl Scouts. Play in the “dugout” house, a replica of one of the very first homes in the area, enjoy the life size Lite Bright, experience the Weather Room where you will build a house and see if it can stand up to a tornado, or try out their pinball machine on 1930s farming. Interactive games, Kansas history, and so much more! Admission is free, donations appreciated.

Activity Guide ❧ School Year 2022 29

Experience Bethany College Badge Workshops
On the ready to help you be the best version of YOU that you can be. Bethany College trained professionals will prepare customized badge workshops for you. Creativity and fun in all levels will make the day fly by. Choose from sleuthing detectives, to tapping into the entrepreneur spirit of business and budgets, discovery in STEM, and civic engagement. These can be tailored to fit the needs of your troop and led by fun and thoughtful teams to make your experience AMAZING. Learn more: Melissa blakemr@bethanylb.edu785-200-5680Blake

To reserve a property, call Customer Care 1-888-686-MINT (6468) Girl Scout members get FREE access to basic/ primitive campsites at 26 Kansas State Parks, thanks to the Girl Scouts of Kansas Heartland Council’s partnership with the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism. Contact the State Park to set up a service project during your visit and complete your reservation with them directly. Provide your receipt along with your Travel Application and eligible campsite fees will be reimbursed. For more information, go to: kansasgirlscouts.org > About Girl Scouts > Our Program > GSKH Travel State Park Camping Council Information Garden City Regional Office PHONE-SQUARE (888) 686-6468 114 Grant Ave. Garden City, KS 67846 Garden City Little House 108 Hackberry St. Garden City, KS 67846 Hays Regional Office PHONE-SQUARE (888) 686-6468 2707 Vine St., Suite 8 Hays, KS 67601 Salina Regional Office PHONE-SQUARE (888) 686-6468 St. John's Lutheran Church 302 S. 7th Street Salina, KS 67401 Emporia Regional Office Camp Double E PHONE-SQUARE (888) 686-6468 794 Road 200 Emporia, KS 66801 Wichita Office PHONE-SQUARE (888) 686-6468 360 Lexington Road Wichita, KS 67218 Augusta Little House 928 E. Kelly Ave. Augusta, KS 67010 Newton Little House 715 Washington Road Newton, KS 67114 Camp Four Winds 9236 SE Quivera Road Leon, KS 67074 Camp Starwoods 7800 S. 103rd St. West Clearwater, KS 67026 Southwest Region Northwest Region North Region East Region South Central Region Regional Office Camp PropertyKey State Park x Activity Guide ❧ School Year 2022 31

Our mission is to Inspire, Preserve, Educate in Kansas Aviation. Rooted in History and soaring to new skies, Girl Scouts can take part in one of kind workshops and experiences. The experts at KAM strive to offer hands on programs to engage, play and teach many principals of flight. Book short visits, half day or overnights, starting at $20/Girl Scout. Scouts Take Flight
More information: (316) 683-9242
360 Lexington Road Wichita, KS www.kansasgirlscouts.org67218 Please pass me on to a friend or recycle! Use #KSGirlScouts to share your adventures!