Letter from Rolinda
There has been a lot of inspiring Girl Scout moments the past several months and more coming throughout the new troop year. It was wonderful to recognize outstanding youth and volunteers for their leadership and furthering the Girl Scout mission throughout the spring and summer. In this edition, you will learn more about the Elite Entrepreneurs, scholarship recipients, volunteers who received awards at the Annual Meeting and the Legacy Pearls. From witnessing girls set and achieve their goals so they could attend summer camp or travel, and high school graduates bridging to Adult Lifetime Girl Scouts, they have done it all. Troop and service unit volunteers have also done meaningful work to ensure our girls are supported. Along with our incredible girl and adult members, our Legacy Pearls, Coleen and Sandy, continue to give their time, talent and treasure to support all of Girl Scouts. I am so thankful to be part of Girl Scouts where together we are making the world a better place.
Thank you for supporting Girl Scout experiences in so many ways!

Thank You!
Thank you to Girl Scout Alumni & Friends for their generous donation which doubled to $5,000 this year compared to the 2022–2023 Girl Scout season. With this donation, we were able to purchase a new fire ring, picnic table and benches for the Garden City Little House and chairs for the Parsons Little House. We are also adding new security cameras to the Augusta, Garden City and Newton Little Houses and the Garden City and Hays offices. Additionally, we purchased new walkie talkies for camps and events.

3 Donor Spotlight
4 GSUSA Gold Award Scholarship Recipient
5 Highest Awards Project Fund
6 Volunteer Awards
9 2023-24 Product Program
10 Elite Entrepreneurs
13 Summer Camp Recap
14 Upcoming Events
Thank you to our donors!
Healthy Blue
Thank you to Healthy Blue for their donation which has allowed us to bring back our Community Based Program and reach underserved girls throughout our communities.

Black Hills Energy
Thank you to Black Hills Energy for partnering with Girl Scouts again! This year, they provided us with funding to refresh the Garden City office signage and create a new distribution door at the Wichita office so we can easily bring pallets of cookie products in and out of the building.

Juliette Gordon Low Society Membership
The Juliette Gordon Low Society is a special group of friends who have made the commitment to share their legacy with the next generation.
You can become part of this distinguised group when you leave a gift in your will, trust or other account for Girl Scouts. If you have left Girl Scouts of Kansas Heartland in your estate plans, please let us know so you, too, can be a member of the Juliette Gordon Low Society.

As a member of the Juliette Gordon Low Society, you will receive:
⚬ Recognition as a member of the Society
⚬ Invitations to special events hosted by Girl Scouts
⚬ Updates about the work of Girl Scouts, nationwide and in your community
⚬ The joy of knowing that your gift will impact girls for future generations
Recognizing our past and present Juliette Gordon Low Society members:
Faith Martin
Leave a lasting legacy with gifts that support girls' dreams.
When it comes to supporting the next generation of girls, your generous contribution makes all the difference. You have an opportunity to empower girls, both now and for generations to come.
Easy Ways You Can Make a Lasting Impact
⚬ Gifts that cost nothing now
⚬ Gifts that pay you income
⚬ Gifts that reduce your taxes
⚬ Gifts that make an impact now
Sharon Bastian
Dianne Belk and Lawrence Calder
Dolores Crum
Shelly Harris
Theresa Hearn
Arnold and Freda Hudspeth
Shirley and Richard Mosher
Lee E. Phillips III
Sandy Remsberg
Rolinda Sample
Jo Karen Werner
Elizabeth and Robert Workman
Questions? Contact Kelly Peters, Director of Fund Development at kpeters@gskh.org or (316) 684-6531 ext. 1516.
Erik and Eva Andersen2022 Legacy Pearl Honorees
To view all previously honored Legacy Pearls, scan this QR Code.
Sandy Remsberg
Sandy Remsberg was a youth Girl Scout member and an adult volunteer. She served the council in many chairman roles and as a Board Member in multiple capacities, including the President. Sandy's volunteer service turned into a staff position and she worked at the council for an additional six years and continues to support GSKH through various efforts.

Coleen Dyson
Coleen (Ruble) Dyson volunteered for 12 years and was employeed by the Wichita Area Girl Scout Council and retired from the Girl Scouts of Kansas Heartland after 31 years on staff. Currenlty, she serves as the President of the Girl Scouts Alumni & Friends and leads the Girl Scout Historical Collection Team.
GSUSA Scholarship Recipient
A Girl Scout to her core, Lauren Schmeidler has been a member since she was in Kindergarten. From earning badges, going on field trips with her troop, completing community service projects, traveling across the states and abroad, she's done it all — including becoming a Gold Award Girl Scout.
Lauren's Gold Award project began when she knew she was interested in helping out fellow women. She visited local women's shelters to see how she could help and what would better serve her community. When visiting, she learned that feminine hygiene products were the hardest items to obtain, which was partially due to the cost. That's where her project came in.
"I knew I didn't want to just host a drive to get items for these shelters, but I couldn't exactly determine what
the best way to help would be," Lauren said. "I talked with Wichita Mayor Brandon Whipple who said, 'well, why don't you change the tax law?' That's when I knew this was it."
From there, Lauren took action at the state-level by introducing House Bill No. 2461 to the Kansas Taxation Committee to exempt hygiene products from Kansas State Sales Tax. She gained support through an online petition and sponsorship through Representative Miller who introduced the bill on the House floor on Jan. 10, 2022. Lauren was also supported by Senator Ware, Representative Schmidt and Representative Clayton.
"I would never have even tried to do something like this project if it wasn't for Girl Scouts," Lauren said. "Girl Scouts has allowed me to gain confidence and help with my public speaking. It's the best gift I've ever received and I know I'll utilize this skill forever."
Although the bill died in house, Lauren's project hasn't stopped there.
This fall, she's headed to Fort Hays State University where she will major in biology and minor in law, which will help as she creates her next plan for the bill in the upcoming session.

"I think if I have more knowledge on civics and how to write a bill, that's going to help significantly when we try again," Lauren said. "I'm so grateful for being awarded both the Kansas Heartland Gold Award Scholarship and the GSUSA Gold Award Scholarship because they're going to significantly impact my college career and allow me to pursue my passions and hopefully get this bill passed."
As Lauren completes her girl membership, she's already looking forward to her future in Girl Scouting and encouraging her Girl Scout sisters to pursue their dreams.
"I hope every Girl Scout feels inspired by something or someone to take on a Gold Award project," Lauren said. "Just find what you're passionate about and use that passion to help others."

Scholarship Applications
Let us help you achieve your dreams! Thanks to the generosity of donors, we have three scholarship opportunities available for Kansas Girl Scouts. Scholarship applications open mid-October and close January 16, 2024. Scholarship awards will be honored at the Annual Meeting in November 2024. To apply for any of the scholarships, visit our website www.kansasgirlscouts.org/scholarships.
Gold Award Scholarship

The Gold Award Scholarship is $2,500. To apply, you must have earned the Gold Award prior to the application deadline.
Sandy Remsberg Education Scholarship
The Sandy Remsberg Education Scholarship is $3,000 each for up to three girls and exists to help girls realize their dreams. Each year, applications will be considered for awards for one-year non-recurring college scholarships.
One of our focus areas for this scholarship is to increase participation and support girls with financial need and in under-represented groups. All girls graduating in 2024 are eligible to apply.
Sandy Remsberg Destinations Experience Scholarship
The Sandy Remsberg Destinations
Experience Scholarships exists to allow girls to have new life experiences through travel and destination trips. Each year, funding support will be considered for awards to assist Girl Scouts who have applied to participate in Girl Scouts Destinations. Amount awarded is determined by applications received.
If you are interested in assisting Girl Scouts further their education, please consider donating to the Sandy Remsberg Scholarship Fund. You can learn more information on our website www.kansasgirlscouts.org under "Support Us."

Highest Awards Project Fund
The Gold, Silver and Bronze Awards are the highest honors you can earn in Girl Scouts.

All three awards give you the chance to do big things while working on an issue you care about. Once you've completed your project, you'll have made a bold, sustainable impact on the world —and you'll have put in some serious work.
To assist in your journey towards earning your highest award, we are introducing our Highest Awards Project Fund! New this year, the council will be offering troops and individuals working on their Highest Awards the opportunity to apply for funds to use towards their efforts. To qualify for funds, your Silver or Gold Award project proposal needs to have been submitted and approved by the awards committee. Bronze Awards do not need pre-approval. Applications for funds are open from August 1 to September 30. Fill out the application on our website at www.kansasgirlscouts.org/highestawards.
Volunteer Awards
Each year we enjoy taking the time to celebrate our amazing volunteers who make Girl Scouts possible at our Recognition Breakfast & Annual Meeting. This year, the event was held in Wichita and virtually. We're excited to honor all of those who embody the Girl Scout mission with their time, talents and commitment to the girls we serve. Additionally, we would like to congratulate our highest award earners and our scholarship recipients on these momentous goals and achievements.
Volunteer of Excellence
Recognizes a volunteer who has contributed outstanding service while working directly with girls to implement the Girl Scout Leadership Experience or has contributed outstanding service in support of the council’s mission delivery to girl and adult members.

Raven Alexander
Shannon Allison
Brady Barnard
Delcie Chappuis
Jessica Cody
Hilary Crum
Lisa Dockstader
Courtney Drake
Christina Ellis
Deborah Gates
Caprice George
Elizabeth Goudreau
Justine Hadley
Caitie Heiden
Sofia Herrera
Ashley Hollingshead
Cassandra Irsik
Gloria Johnson
Cathy Jones
Tasha Jones
Kaitlyn Klaus
Tonya Mattix
Laura McLaughlin
Leigh McNeill
Bianca Medrano
Angela Mulligan
Tara Nisbeth
Kristy Plotner
Brandi Ritchie
Karla Rourk
Jennifer Sample
Shawnna Schmitz
Danielle Simmons
Sarah Stafford
Rhonda Stevens
Erin Tormey
Karyn Underwood
Elizabeth Wadle
Samantha Walker
Tyrone Walker Sr
Adrianne Wedel
Crystal Zink
Appreciation Pin
Recognizes a volunteer who displays excellent service in delivering the Girl Scout Mission to one or more geographic areas, Girl Scout communities or program delivery audiences.
Caylee Benedict
Vicky Chessmore
Carrie Connor
Autumn Dickens
Amy Freouf
Tiffany Hanevik
Sheridan Hubbell
Stacey Hughey
Benjamin Hutchinson
Diana Mayhew
Tamillia Moore
Melissa Nelson
Merrilee Severino
Jenna Smith
Bessie Sterbenz
Jade Yeager Honor Pin
Honors an individual’s exemplary service in support of delivering the Girl Scout Leadership Experience, which has had measurable impact on two or more geographic areas of service, allowing the council to reach and surpass its mission delivery goals.

Jessica Albers
Kristy Opat
Treasured Time
Celebrates the work of a volunteer who has made a significant impact on Girl Scouting with their time, talent and treasure.
Donna Stejskal
Thanks Badge I
Recognizes an individual whose commitment, leadership and service had an exceptional, measurable impact on meeting the mission delivery goals and priorities of the entire council or the entire Girl Scout Movement.
Peggy Bearth
Sean Davis
Amber Hackerott
Gennifer Winger
Thanks Badge II
Jackie Carroll
Don Woosley 71
Jeanne Griffith 87 Young Alumna
Shining Star
This award is for Girl Scouts who make the transition from girl to adult member and continue to be involved in the movement beyond high school, providing leadership to the next generation of girls.

Megan Howe
Regional Recognition
For outstanding service above and beyond expectations in a region of the council.
Widemann Regional Award: Crystal Walker
Volunteer of the Month
This recognition honors outstanding volunteers and their contributions on a monthly basis.
7/22 Adrianne Wedle
8/22 Gloria Johnson
9/22 Jessica Cody
10/22 Bessie Sterbenz
11/22 Danielle Simmons
12/22 Delcie Chappuis
1/23 Justine Hadley
2/23 Rhonda Stevens
3/23 Siobhan Moore
4/23 Jennifer Sample
5/23 Ken Winger
6/23 Ravin Young
Scholarship Recipients
2023 GSKH Gold Award Scholarship$2,500
Lauren Schmeidler, Wichita
2023 GSUSA Gold Award Scholarship$10,000
Lauren Schmeidler, Wichita
2023 Sandy Remsberg Scholarship$3,000
Kaitlin Robben, Garden Plain
Lakota Persing, Hugoton
Shelby Starbuck, Fredonia
2022 GSKH Gold Award Scholarship$2,500
Annabell McLaughlin, Wichita
2022 GSUSA Gold Award Scholarship$2,000
Alyssa Counts, Wichita
President's Award

Recognizes an entire service delivery team or committee whose support of Girl Scouts leads to a significant impact in reaching council goals.

Outdoor Camping Training Facilitators
Robin Armfield
Vicky Chessmore
Sean Davis
Jennifer Griffin
Amber Hackerott
Monty Hole
Cristina Janney
Amanda Johnson
Robert Lee
Shannon Lunsford
Ashley McKnight
Tamillia Moore
Service Unit 89 Lead Team
Nanette Carpenter
Janine Eilert
Terri Gibler
Volunteer Earned Awards
Girl Scouts isn't possible without our amazing volunteers. Thanks to our dedicated volunteers, girls are forging their own trails, making memories and making positive changes in their communities.

Nicole Parks
Ashley Pepper
Mandi Popp
Volunteer Achievement Pin requests (Candle Pin, Green Angel Pin and Sunflower Pin) are now open and close August 31, 2023. These are earned by volunteers completing trainings and experiences. If you have fulfilled the requirements as shown on our website under "Volunteer Recognitions," submit the "Volunteer Achievement Pin Request" form.
Nicole Morrow
Kristy Opat
Robert Opat
Diana Staab
David Weishaar
Pascha Medlin
Susan White
The Path to a Successful Cookie Season
From the girls pounding the pavement to volunteers making sure their season is planned and implemented down to the last package, the Girl Scout cookie season takes a village. Our village includes the many organizations and companies that donate their space, time and resources so we can ensure the cookies get to each Girl Scout swiftly and accurately.
Thank you to the following
supporting Kansas Girl Scouts

⏵ Berry Material Handling for donating a pallet jack.
⏵ Wiese USA for donating the use of a pallet jack during the season.
⏵ Penske Truck Leasing for the discounted use of a delivery vehicle.
⏵ Valley Offset Printing for donating to support various printing operations.
⏵ Arkansas City: Residence of Tammy Hutchinson
⏵ Salina: Salina Regional Airport
⏵ Dodge City: The Alley
⏵ Goodland: Matt & Jena McKenzie
⏵ Great Bend: Argonne Rebel Bingo Hall
⏵ Independence: Residence of Tiffany Strickland
⏵ Norton: Residence of Dianne Davis
We're excited to congratulate Brenna Conrade from Lindsborg! She won the contest with 458 votes and earned $100 in program credits.
Wichita2023-2024 Product Program
Meet this year’s mascots!
This year, Fall Product and the Cookie Program share their inspiration with "Own Your Magic" featuring the Ocelot and Axolotl.
Fall Program Dates
Program Begins:
September 8
Girl/Troop Orders Due:
October 4-6
Delivery Begins:
October 25
Online Sales End:
November 10
Program Ends:
November 10
Troop Fall Product Manager Training
If you are a new Troop Fall Product Manager, plan to attend one of the mandatory virtual trainings for the 2023 Fall Product Program season to be held on either August 27 or 31. For the meeting link, go to www.kansasgirlscouts.org/fp. We want everyone to experience every benefit that participating in the product programs can

provide troops and girls. For Troop Product Managers needing a refresher, feel free to join us if you choose or check out the additional training in gsLearn:
⏵ 536 GSKH M2 Online System Overview
⏵ 536 End of Product Program Audit
⏵ 536 GSKH Building Financial Accountability for Product Program.
If you are unfamiliar with gsLearn or unable to access gsLearn, call us at (888) 686-6468 or email info@gskh.org.
Start Planning Now!
⏵ goal setting
⏵ decision making
⏵ people skills
⏵ business ethics
⏵ money management
Service Units and communities who submit an Event Application to host a 2024 Cookie Kick-Off Event will receive a Cookie Kick-Off Kit containing program materials to help your Girl Scouts develop the 5 Skills: Apply today!
2022-23 Elite Entrepreneurs
Congratulations to all the Elite Entrepreneurs from the 2022-2023 Product Program year.
Fall Program Units
Jordyn Cook
Kenzie Crum
Sacora Kralicek
Jesah Monroy
Audrina Olds
Marley Randles
Kinsley Schultze
Claire Scott
Care & Share
Violet Allen
Quinn Byers
Gracelynn Crocker
Kenzie Crum
Lexus Davis
Arin Dickens
Hazel Enyart
Lillah Geren
Makenna Hamilton
Bria Havel
Tabitha Johnson
Lilly Jordan
Isabella Koehn
Kathryn Kuhlman
Natalia Moran
Audrina Olds
Kylee Smith
Lennox Stover
Sydney Stromgren
AnnaBeth Tanner
Zaryn Thompson
Aubree Topper
Naomi Allee
Peyton Clark
Jasmin Davis
Brooklyn Dvorak
Lillah Geren

Makenzie Herlan
Isabella Koehn
Kimber Lubbers
Maddisen Scott
Emersyn Brown
Isabella Lewellen
Tandin Malchow
Gracie Michel
Kambree Plegge
AnnaBeth Tanner
Katelyn Thompson
Aubree Topper
Brylee Burgell
Quinn Byers
Alana Carlson
Hazel Enyart
Brylee Fry
Olivia Garber
Autymn Halzle
Kimberly Hollingshead
Katelyn Jones
Emmalin Ketterl
Miya Klein
Lilyana Lobato
Angellina Moore
Adeline Myers
Kaidance Reed
Charley Renken
Anistyn Sherman
Gracie Smith
Rylee Stewart
Sydney Stromgren
Alexis Tiedtke
Brynn Treaster
Tenley Wittman
Preslee Woods
Lennox Stover
Ava Grimes
Aubree Topper
Bella Wesley 2000+
Sa'Riyah Dixon
Lillah Geren
Autymn Halzle
Kimber Lubbers
Rylee Stewart
Amelia Brady
Jordyn Cook
Claire Cutler
Camila De La Rosa
Liliana DeLaney
Olivia Diehl
Zoe Dohrmann
Esther Eddington
Caylee Garver
Makenna Hamilton
Lucy House
Janelle Key
Tabitha Lamer
Jordan Landrum
Gracie Michel
Shekinah Moore
Olivia Rhea
Stormie Stevenson
AnnaBeth Tanner
Adalynn Wilkie
Abigail Zerbe 1200+
Violet Allen
Kinsley Alliman
Melanie Alliman
Raylynn Baker
Cassidy Barnard
Jozlynn Bowman
Addison Brown
Gracie Calhoun
Adaline Clowdis
Macey Dawson
Arin Dickens
Cookie Packages
Haley Dieker
Charlotte Dunigan
Emilia Etzold
Sierra Evans
Alyssa Farris
Josephine Featherby
Lexi Foos
Brayla Griffin
Rylee Hamby
Sophia Hanson
Baily Harris
Emma Hay
Ahnalynne Houghton
Elana Houze
Josclyn Hubbell
Capella Hughey
Josalyn Hunter
Paytlyn Ingalls
April Isbell
Tabitha Johnson
Addie Johnston
Aleyah Jones
Malea Jones
Shoni Jones
Lilyana Lobato
Breanna Mann
Aryanna Medrano
Ashton Meyer
Jesah Monroy
Morgan Morris
Kaley Mulligan
Sarah Peck
Kadriya Rasheed
Kaliyah Rasheed
Courtney Reed
Ashlynn Reynolds
Brenlyn Richmond
Brylie Ritchie
Shanice Rogers
Braelyn Russell
Brooklyn Samakin
Payton Schartz
MaryAnn Spindler
McKenna Taylor
Alexis Tiedtke
Maria Towery
Jaycee Vineyard
Journey Wagley
Bryndle Walker
Calysey Walker
Chayanna Walker
Chevaya Walker
Mikayla Watts
Macy Weber
Ryelee Widener
Olivia Young
Hayley Anderson
Caitlyn Burgey
Aubree Cadoret
Alana Carlson
Reagan Cheeks
Nessa Clark
Lily Coke
Sydney Crees
Harley Decker
Molly Dehlinger
Josephine Dromey
Zatrina Ellis
Kayleen Farmer
Karyssa Farmer
Izzy Farris
Danica Faulkner
Nova Foust
Nevaeh Gonzales
Ariel Gonzales
Adalynn Harroald
Destani Henderson
Faith Holmes
Emma Holuska
Jordan Holuska
Rylee Housman
Abigail Hux
Olivia McCormick
Bryleigh McKenna
Liberty Miller
Brecken Morgan
Presleigh-Jo Mork
Helena Morrison
Abigal Newkirk
Lorelei Newkirk
Hannah Nichols
Molly Norman
Emma Nugent
Kristina Perkins
Eliza Peterson
Karmen Pina
Aribella Ramsey
Riley Robinson
Eleanor Savage
Emma Schmidt
Claire Scott
Maddisen Scott
Aria Shackelford
Rebekkah Simon
Eleanor Stone
Molly Tatro
Lily Thomas
Kelsey Wolfe
Jessyna Altman
Elizabeth Ard
Addelynn Banuelos
Madison Benton
LynD'an Blaylock
Abigail Bole
Maggy Butler
Eunnise Chamriho
Lizzy Chobad
Madilyn Conley
Jordan Cornwell
Kenzie Crum
Maci Crumb
Kalleigh Curtis
Jasmin Davis
Clara DeSelms
Kennedy Diggs
Emmalyn Dixon
Courtney Dority
Mariella Dreiling
Harper Dugan
Eva Dundon
Charlotte Elder
Lilian Entwisle
Joscelyn Faust
Adelynne Flaming
Leanna Flory
Revel Frazier
Brylee Fry
Tara Fulk
Isabella Furr
Olivia Garber
Abigail George
Gracyn Goins
Kaedy Guthrie
Ana Hadsell
Ella Hargadine
DaRae Harrington
Evelyn Hayes
Elliot Haynes
Georgia Henley
Willow Howard
Shyla James
Eva Johannsen
Madelynn Johnston
Miya Klein
Caroline Kuglich
Madilyn Law
Isabella Lewellen
Bria Luebbers
Jaia Malone Clark
Vi Mark
Claire Marquardt
Corrine McDonald
Paityn Miller
Sara Mines
Camdyn Morgan
Autumn Mundhenke
Alexa Nickerson
Adalena Peck
Lila Petitjean
Azlan Presnell
Azahana Presnell
Lillie Purcell
Arianna Randolph
Melanie Reece
Addison Reed
Hazel Reed
Chloe Rhodenbaugh
Everleigh Rich
Jaycie Richardson
Ensley Roberts
Aliah Robles
DaiAyana Rogers
Daisy Rojas
Emily Rojas
Jahanna Rose
Khloe Rothchild
Quinn Rourk
Zoey Ryan
Clare Schupbach
Aubrey Sekavec
Piper Smith
Jane Snethen
Alexia Spicer
Savannah Stella
Elizabeth Sutton
Mackenzie Taylor
Brynn Treaster
Caroline Van Court
Isabella Viner
Lyla Vopata
Kayla Warren
Gracelynn Williams
Lily Williams
Addyson Windholz
Azreail Winger
Alexis Wise
Harley Wright
Chloe Young
Midnight Madness 2023

Summer Camp 2023

Haunted Stroll Festival of Giving
Saturday, October 21
Fairytale Trail - Two sessions available: 9:30 a.m. to noon or 1 to 3:30 p.m.
Youth cost: $15
Adult cost: $5
Ages 3 through fifth grade
Boo Bash Trail: 7 to 10 p.m.
$12 for pre-registration, $15 at the door fourth grade and up
Ghosts, ghouls and witches — oh my!
Join us for a spook-tacular time on either the Fairytale Trail or the Boo Bash Trail at Haunted Stroll. The Fairytale Trail is a family-friendly event with story-telling and light-hearted, Halloween scenes. If you're in for a thrill, join us on the Boo Bash Trail for a creepy good time.
Festival of Giving is
community service opportunity. Each service unit will vote on organizations to support and organize a donation day. Girls will fill wish lists, learn about the need in their communities and show the Heartland what Girl Scout generosity looks like! All registered youth members will receive this custom fun patch, so please be sure to register each youth member participating in the service project.
Council Info
Checkfront Property Reservations
Reserving a meeting space just got easier! We are utilizing the Checkfront Property Reservation system so troops and service units can book meetings and events. Spaces include all three camp properties as well as our Wichita Office, Augusta Little House, Garden City Little House and Newton Little House. Visit kansasgirlscouts.org for more information.
Council Offices
Wichita Office
(888) 686-6468
360 Lexington Road
Wichita, KS 67218
Hays Office
(888) 686-6468
2707 Vine St., Suite 8
Hays, KS 67601
By appointment
Emporia (888) 686-6468
Location determined when requesting the meeting

Garden City (888) 686-6468
114 Grant Ave. Garden City, KS 67846
Salina (888) 686-6468
St. John's Lutheran Church
302 S. 7th Street Salina, KS 67401
Council Camps
Camp Double E 794 Road 200
Emporia, KS 66801
Camp Four Winds 9236 SE Quivera Road
Leon, KS 67074
Camp Starwoods 7800 S. 103rd St. West Clearwater, KS 67026
Council Little Houses
Augusta Little House 928 E. Kelly Ave.
Augusta, KS 67010
Garden City Little House 108 Hackberry St. Garden City, KS 67846
Newton Little House 715 Washington Road
Newton, KS 67114
Parsons Little House 221 S. 29th
Parsons, KS 67357