Paesaggi Lenti - The project as an investigation for a new urbanity in the Mincio's territories.

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Paesaggi Lenti The project as an investigation for a new urbanity in the Mincio’s territories

Nicolò Croce Giulia Crotti Matteo Joseph da Lisca


Paesaggi Lenti - Slow Landscapes Can the Territory be an alternative and/or complementary settlement model to the dynamic and fast environments developed in the world?

Through the Mincio’s landscape

While defining the forms of inhabiting the dense metropolis, the widespread cities, the large areas destined to intensive agriculture or those of mass tourism, “an embryonic alternative and/ or complementary settlement-landscape 1 model” emerged, identified by the term Slow Territory or Slow Landscape, distinguishing itself to these more dynamic and fast environments.

Nota 1: E. LANCERINI Territori Lenti: contributi per una nuova geografia dei paesaggi abitati italiani, in E. GRANATA, A. LANZANI, E. LANCERINI (a cura di), Territori lenti, in <Territorio> no. 34.



A widespread heritage



The slow territories of the Po Valley

. National Strategic Plan for Rural Development: Improve the competitiveness, the quality of life and the management of the environment and rural space.

. National Strategy for Inner Areas: Upgrading the quality/quantity of essential service provision.

. Strategy for Shrunken Towns: Recognize the enhancement of the historical and cultural heritage, in the maintenance of the landscape and biodiversity. Promote the development of a local economy widely diversified.

National Strategic Plans

The different scales for the analysis and for the project

Three sleeping geographies

Mantova 19

Peschiera del Garda


Three sleeping geographies

When in the presence of a concentration of different elements and activities within the landscape, the network intensifies its infrastructural grid. Here a new urban model is formed: the city of villages, who’s morphological qualities are not based on the density of its built environment, but rather on the complexity of the slow infrastructure, the open spaces and the natural elements.




Connecting landscapes S

Disegnando la continuità nel territorio Strada secondaria Ferrovia

Itinerari ciclabili

Sistema Ciclovia Sole


Percorsi intermodali

Designing the continuity within the territory

Stazione Ciclostazione

Lavoro Turismo

Lavoro Turismo

On the banks of the Mincio River

Abandoned station of Pozzolo sul Mincio

Abandoned station of Mozzambano

Abandoned warehouse near the Mincio

Current path along the river

Old railway tracks taken over by nature

Visconti bridge near Borghetto sul Mincio

Borghetto sul Mincio

Borghetto sul Mincio

Abandoned quarry of Valeggio sul Mincio

Abandoned quarry of Mozzecane

Abandoned quarry of Valeggio sul Mincio

Abandoned quarry of Valeggio sul Mincio

Typical cultivation of peach orchards

Agricultural landscape south of the hills

Ciclostazione Borghetto Castello Scaligero Villa Sigurtà

Fattoria didattica

Distretto artigianale

Parco culturale

Villa Gazzola Salvagno


E Villa Miniscalchi Villa Brenzoni Cattarinetti Villa Vecelli Cavriani Ruffini

Pet therapy

Villa Ciresola


Farm lab


Farm lab

Stazione di Mozzecane

Agri hub

Ciclostazione Pozzolo

Four linear landscapes

Ciclostazione Borghetto Castello Scaligero Villa Sigurtà

Fattoria didattica

Distretto artigianale

Parco culturale

Villa Gazzola Salvagno



Villa Miniscalchi

Villa Brenzoni Cattarinetti Pet therapy

Villa Vecelli Cavriani Ruffini


Villa Ciresola Farm lab


Farm lab

Stazione di interscambio di Mozzecane

Agri hub

Ciclostazione Pozzolo

A city of towns

Bicycle station and stopover pavilion

Agroforestry and lanscape project

Agri Hub and quarry oasis





The quarry park Parco delle Cave

Quarry Park 1:2500 25


0 m



The productive spaces of the Farm Lab

Alloggio Spazio temporaneo _ Spazio comune di connessione Sezione AA Sezione BB

Lavorazione alimenti CC SpazioSezione di connessione Sezione BB

Deposito per agricoltori Sezione DD

Lavorazione alimenti Sezione CC

Measuring oneself with the slope Misurandosi con il declivio

Inhabiting the spaces of the Farm Lab


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