THz-Bio Workshop Techical Digest preprint

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Remote Diagnostics of Human Psychoemotional States by the Infrared Terahertz Image from Face Areas E.Berlovskaya1, O.Cherkasova2,3, I.Ozheredov1,3, D.Nikolaev4, T.Adamovich5, E.Isaychev5, S.Isaychev5, A.Makurenkov1, A.Varaksin6, S.Gatilov6, N.Kurenkov6, A.Chernorizov5 and A.Shkurinov1,3 1

Faculty of Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow 119991 Russia Institute of Laser Physics, Siberian Branch of the RAS, Novosibirsk 630090 Russia 3 Institute on Laser and Information Technologies - Branch of the Federal Scientific Research Centre "Crystallography and Photonics" of RAS, Shatura, Moscow Region 140700 Russia 4 Institute for Information Transmission Problems of the RAS (Kharkevich Institute), Moscow 127051 Russia 5 Faculty of Psychology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow 119991 Russia 6 CJSC Pattern Recognition Research Company, Moscow 117485 Russia 2

(from 9 to 300 mm). The scheme of the experiments included simultaneous registration of physiological parameters of PES and IR-THz radiation of volunteers in stressful situations with cognitive, physical or physiological loading. Based on physiological measurements and psychological testing a comprehensive psychophysiological assessment of the recipients' PES was performed. The results of analysis of the IR-THz radiation, captured from the participant faces, were used to find the correlation of the parameters of IR-THz images with the data of measurements of galvanic skin response.

Abstract—One of the promising directions of development of contactless techniques for assessment of human psychoemotional states (PES) is the elucidation of the relationships between the psychophysiological indexes and electromagnetic radiation in IR and THz ranges. The purpose of this work is to develop a complex approach to diagnostics of PES by combining psychophysiological data with simultaneous registration of IR THz images of a human face in stress situations.



bjective diagnosis of human psychoemotional state (PES) is an extremely important and socially significant problem. The development of modern technologies for diagnostics of PES (emotions, stress, anxiety, etc.) is characterized by the transition from contact methods to remote ones that allow PES to be assessed in real time without contacting the object under study [1]. In our previous work we proposed a new approach to diagnostics of human PES, based on the analysis of the THz contribution to the total signal while simultaneously recording the IR and THz emissions (IRa eci ie face i stress situations [2]. The TH i age) f developed IR-THz image processing algorithm allowed extraction of the informative contribution, determined by the THz radiation, from the total signal perceived by the recording system. It was shown that using cluster analysis of IR-THz images it is possible to divide the test subjects into classes according to the type of reaction of the circulatory system under stressful conditions: namely, in some people stress enhances the blood flow, while in others it causes vasospasm and, as a result, a decrease in blood circulation intensity. The purpose of this work is to develop a complex approach to diagnostics of PES by combining psychological and psychophysiological data with physical measurements based on correlations between of IR-THz image of a subject face and galvanic skin response (GSR).

III. CONCLUSION There is a statistically significant moderate correlation between the intensity of IR-THz in the forehead and GSR (Spearman coefficient = 0.334, p <0.05). It is important to note that this correlation is observed in the range of ± 2 seconds relative to each GSR peak. This is quite an significant result, considering that all currently available measurements of IR radiation (without expansion into the THz range) and GSR indicate the presence of a large time lag between the appearance of the IR signal (> 10 s) and the generation of the GSR (3-5 s) [3]. The correlation of the intensity of IR-THz radiation in the forehead with GSR along with data concerning possibility to use THz waves for assessment of blood vessels [2] open the perspectives for development a new methodology for distant monitoring the PES based on IR-THz imaging of the face. The work has been supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Grant No.17-29-02487), by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education within the State assignment FSRC "Crystallography and Photonics" RAS, by the Interdisciplinary Scientific and Educational School of Ph ic a d Q a Tech gie . U i e i M c Digi a Medici e . REFERENCES


[1]. A.M.Chernorizov, S.A.Isaychev, Yu.P.Zinchenko, et al. Psychophysiological methods for the diagnostics of human functional states: New ache a d e ec i e P cholog in R ia: S a e of he A , vol.9, a p.23 (2016). [2]. E.E.Berlovskaya, O.P.Cherkasova, I.A.Ozheredov, et al. New approach to terahertz diagnostics of human psychoemotional state Quantum Electronics, vol.49, p.70 (2019). , S., Ga e e, V. & Me a, A. The a i f a ed i agi g i [3]. I a ch h i g : P e ia i ie a d i i Psychophysiology (USA), vol. 51, p. 951 (2014).

of IR THz and images This Registration psychophysiological parameters of the subjects was carried out using developed instrumental diagnostic complex, including the IR THz detector NEC IR/V-T0831 , he f a e ac age Eg (Medic MTD), he e a computer and the seat with backrest drive. The IR/V-T0831C detector allows the registration of IR THz images of the object under study in the spectral range from 1 to 30 THz


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