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Videojet 1880 Continuous Inkjet Printer Enabling Industry 4.0 productivity pioneers Discover more at videojet.com/1880 The Videojet 1880 CIJ printer builds upon comprehensive insights gained from the fleet of cloud-connected Videojet printers, the largest in the industry, to enable your journey towards Industry 4.0. Not only does the 1880 enable exceptional uptime, it is expressly designed to help your team improve productivity and help drive lower costs over the lifetime of the printer. Harness the collective intelligence of 10,000 cloud-connected Videojet printers to help keep your lines running ©2021 Videojet Technologies Inc. All rights reserved. Videojet Technologies Inc.’s policy is one of continued product improvement. We reserve the right to alter design and/or specifications without notice.

Call Beneco today for your folding cartons. sales@benecopackaging.com1-905-677-2888 benecopackaging.comSoOPAK.com Beneco Custom Print Packaging Beneco Packaging announces the opening of its 3rd folding carton plant. We welcome our customers to our new state-of-the-art facility in Cobourg, ON Equipped with the latest printing and converting technology our facility will also be fully food industry compliant. Our 3 production plants and raw materials storage facility ensure there will be no supply chain shortages for all our customers … large and small. Secure your 275,000business. New Square Feet Of Folding Carton Production!

20 New Beginnings
44 Circular Designs
15 37 25
30 Sticking Together
CANADIANPACKAGING.COM July/August 2022 · CANADIANPACKAGING 3 ISSN 1481 9287. Canadian Packaging is published 10 times per year by Annex Business Media. Canada Post Publications Mail Agreement No. 40065710. Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: Circulation Department, 111 Gordon Baker Rd., Suite 400, Toronto, ON M2H 3R1. No part of the editorial content in this publication may be reprinted without the publisher’s written permission. © 2022 Annex Publishing & Printing Inc. All rights reserved. Opinions expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of the editor or publisher. No liability is assumed for errors or omissions. All advertising is subject to the publisher’s approval. Such approval does not imply any endorsement of the products or services advertised. Publisher reserves the right to refuse advertising that does not meet the standards of this publication. Printed in Canada. July/August 2022 Vol. 75, No. canadianpackaging.com7&8 6-7NEWSPACKDEPARTMENTS Packaging news round-up. NOTES & QUOTES 8 Noteworthy industry briefs. FIRST GLANCE 9 New packaging solutions and technologies. ECO-PACK NOW 11 Sustainable packaging solutions. 12IMPACT A monthly insight from PAC Global 110EVENTSUpcoming industry functions. COVER STORY 15 SUPPLY CURVES With leading North American facility and packaging supplies distributor Imperial Dade expanding into the Canadian market, we talk to Stéphane Lapointe, president of Imperial Dade Canada, about the far-reaching implications of this strategic move for Canadian packaged goods manufacturers. FEATURES
The importance of embedding sustainability and circularity in your package design strategies.
46 IBIE 2022 Pre-Show Report: Our exclusive pre-show coverage for the baking industry biggest event of the year next month in Las Vegas, Nev. BUYERS’ 2022/2023GUIDE Our annual Buyers’ Guide issue is structured to help keep you up-to-date on the latest packaging technologies, equipment, materials and services available to the Canadian packaging and related industries in the upcoming year. Is chemical recycling the silver bullet we need? Joe Public speaks out on packaging hits and misses. THE COVER Imperial Dade Canada Inc. president Stéphan Lapointe strikes an authoritative pose at the company’s Montreal offices. Photo by Pierre Longtin.
25 Moving Mountains Plant-based foods innovator updates its packaging capabilities with highperformance thermoform packaging machinery.
Fast-growing Ontario folding cartons manufacturer embarks on an ambitious expansion with a vast new production site and state-of-the-art printing and converting machinery.
A spike in demand for large-format beer cases prompts stalwart Saskatchewan brewer to install next-generation case-packing machinery on its new canning line.
Thriving West Coast nutraceuticals manufacturer enjoys top-level filling and dispensing performance with automated precision weighscales and robust bottle filling systems. Size Matters

R enowned British explorer Rob ert Swan, famous for being the first person to have walked on both the North and South Poles, did not mince words when he declared that, “The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.”
• Adopt multi-stream rec ycling for con sumers; Enhance extended producer responsib ility programs; Leverage the scale of waste management firms and restrict plastic landfilling. This may all sound like too much too soon, but when the price of inaction out weighs the cost of business as usual, step ping out of one’s comfort zone may well be the price worth paying.
“The status quo is untenable,” The Con ference Board states. “Plastics recycling in business and institutions is ripe for change.”Iftrue plastic sustainability and circu larity are to be achieved without resorting to outright bands on their production and consumption, investing into the new breakthrough advanced (chemical) recyc ling processes will have to be a central part of that change, according to the Ot tawa-based think-tank.
“Radical innovations in chemical recyc ling are crucial to achieving an enduring competitive advantage.”
While it’s true that chemical recycling plants are a fairly expensive proposition, considering the billions of dollars spent on traditional mechanical recycling oper ations to date with limited success, it may well be a gamble worth taking. Moreover, it’s a gamble with a pretty decent chance of reward, The Conference Board suggests, if Canada can get all its levels of government working together to:
• Develop recycled content mandates for plastic products in the economy;
“Today’s recycling technologies will fall short of delivering a circular plastics econ omy,” The Conference Board says. “De veloping industry-specific research is a must for chemical recycling innovation.
• Incentivize high-quality sorting at ma terial recovery facilities;
While plastic waste was identified as a leading source of global environmental pollution many years ago, plastic recyc ling rates across Canada still average under 10 per cent—nowhere near the pace required to make a significant dent either globally or even nationally. Contrary to the prevailing narrative, Canadian consumers are not the biggest culprits behind this shortfall, according to The Conference Board of Canada Based on the latest figures provided by Environment and Climate Change Can ada, “In Canada, 55 per cent of plastic waste is produced by businesses and in stitution [but] the majority of these enti ties aren’t obligated to recycle,” The Conference Board says in its recent findings.“Efforts to drive our nine-percent plastic recycling rate in the right direc tion will be futile without businesses and institutions on board.’
• Prioritize access to plastic waste feed stock for local recyclers;
55% FROM THE EDITOR JULY/AUGUST 2022 | VOLUME 75, NO. 7 Reader Service Print and digital subscription inquires or changes, please contact Angelita Potal, Customer Service Tel: Toronto,Mail:apotal@annexbusinessmedia.com416-510-5113111GordonBakerRd.,Suite400,ONM2H3R1 Senior Publisher Stephen Dean | (416) SDean@canadianpackaging.com510-5198 Editor George Guidoni | (416) GGuidoni@canadianpackaging.com510-5227 Account Coordinator Barb Comer | (888) 599-2228 ext bcomer@annexbusinessmedia.com210 Audience Development Manager Anita Madden | (416) 510-5183 Fax: (416) amadden@annexbusinessmedia.com510-6875 Media Designer Brooke Shaw | (519) bshaw@annexbusinessmedia.com428-3471 COO Scott SJamieson@annexbusinessmedia.comJamieson Annex Business Media 111 Gordon Baker Rd., Suite 400, Toronto, ON M2H 3R1; Tel: Canadian416-442-5600.Packaging, established 1947, is published 10 times per year except for occasional combined, expanded or premium issues, which count as two subscription issues. PRINTED IN CANADA ISSN 008-4654 (PRINT), ISSN 1929-6592 PUBLICATIONS(ONLINE) MAIL AGREEMENT NO. SUBSCRIPTION40065710 PRICE PER YEAR (INCLUDING ANNUAL BUYERS’ GUIDE: Canada $78.50 per year,USA $179.50 (CDN) per year, Outside Canada $203.50 (CDN) per year, Single Copy Canada $10.00, Outside Canada $27.10. From time to time Canadian Packaging will mail information on behalf of industry-related groups whose products and services we believe may be of interest to you. If you prefer not to receive this information, please contact our circulation department in any of the four ways listed above. Annex Privacy Officer DISCLAIMER:Phone:Privacy@annexbusinessmedia.com800-668-2374Nopartoftheeditorialcontent of this publication may be reprinted without the publisher’s written permission. ©2022 Annex Publishing & Printing Inc. All rights reserved. This publication is for informational purposes only. The content and “expert” advice presented are not intended as a substitute for informed professional engineering advice. You should not act on information contained in this publication without seeking specific advice from qualified engineering professionals. Canadian Packaging accepts no responsibility or liability for claims made for any product or service reported or advertised in this issue. Canadian Packaging receives unsolicited materials, (including letters to the editor, press releases, promotional items and images) from time to time. Canadian Packaging, its affiliates and assignees may use, reproduce, publish, republish, distribute, store and archive such unsolicited submissions in whole or in part in any form or medium whatsoever, without compensation of any sort. We acknowledge the [financial] support of the Government of Canada
As a keynote speaker at the first Earth Summit for Sustainable Development in Rio de Janeiro—a pre-cursor to the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement on cli mate change—the colorful OBE (Officer of the British Empire) recipient has im peccable credentials as a tireless environ mental advocate with little use for climate change naysayers and refuseniks dismiss ing global warming as some sort of a liberal deep-state conspiracy cooked up to prevent freedom-loving citizens from exercising their divine right to pollute the earth to their hearts’ content.
does highlight the sense of urgency and necessity that the plastic pollution prob lem presents, along with the inadequate recycling infrastructure we have at our disposal to confront it head-on.
While such contempt for environ mental regulation and governance is be coming increasingly rare among main stream Canadian political and business elite, there is still a vast gulf between en vironmental action and rhetoric that suggests Canadian consumers and cor porations are not quite the crack green warriors they like to think they are.
While this admission does not in any way give Canadian consumers a free pass to ease up on their residential Blue Box recycling efforts and commitments, it
The share of institutionsbusinessesgeneratedplasticCanada’swastebyand
GEORGE GUIDONI, editor GGuidoni@canadianpackaging.com
Can chemical recycling be the silver bullet solution Canada needs?


• Mocha Cheesecake A delicious blend of smooth, cheesecake and coffee ice-cream with espresso sauce and crispy layers made with milk chocolate.
• Ber ry Explosion. A sophisticated blend of smooth, strawberry and vanilla ice-cream with raspberry sauce and crispy layers made with dark chocolate.
• Triple Chocolate. A decadent blend of smooth, white chocolate and chocolate ice-cream and crispy layers made with milk chocolate. Packaging in colorful, high-graphics 414-ml tubs designed by the Mississauga, Ont.-based package design experts Bridgemark, the new varieties feature alternating layers of two flavors of velvety ice-cream, smooth sauce and layers made with crispy chocolate. “It’s the ultimate combination of flavors and textures in every bite,” says Juliane Trenholme, vice-president of marketing at Nestlé Canada Ice Cream “They’re unlike anything else in the ice-cream aisle right now,” Trenholme says, citing the exceptional decorative package graphics created by Bridgemark. “The design was developed uniquely for Canada, leveraging a darker color palette and bold flavor illustrations to highlight the unique layered experience of the product,” Juliane Trenholme explains. “We wanted to ensure the design felt harmoni ous with the rest of our Häagen-Dazs exträaz line-up that is currently in stores.”
NEWSPACK 6 CANADIANPACKAGING · July/August 2022 CANADIANPACKAGING.COM CPK_VC999-Announce_July22_MLD.indd 1 2022-06-03 12:55 PM EMB_VC999-Announce_SummerEte22_MLD.indd 1 2022-06-03 12:54 PM
Indulgent new ice-cream with packaging to match Seeking relief from summer heat with a couple of scoops of cold ice-cream is a venerable Canadian tradition that is as practical as it is delicious during this summer’s historic heatwaves. And thanks to some leading-edge product innovation by the sharp branding minds a Nestlé Canada, Canadian consumers have never been as spoilt for choice in the grocery freezer aisles following recent extension of company’s Häagen-Dazs exträaz premium brand of gourmet ice cream.
Produced at the company’s flagship ice-cream manufacturing facility in London., Ont., using 100-percent Canadian milk, the beloved brand now features four new decadent flavors, including: • Salted Caramel Chocolate. A perfect blend of smooth, salted caramel and chocolate ice cream with caramel sauce and crispy layers made with milk chocolate.

July/August 2022 · CANADIANPACKAGING 7 PROPACK7 The Power of Performance www.PROPACK.ca Proven
UnmatchedSystems.Results. Experience Difference. System Delta Robots Available in Standard or Full IP69K Washdown New crispy cheese crackers deliver a grating experience Canadian cheese lovers can now snap out of snack boredom thanks to the new Cheez-It SNAP’d crackers launched by Kellogg Canada across the country last month.Asa follow-up to the wildly popular Canadian Cheez-It cracker family, the thin, curvy, crispy bite-sized snacks are marketed as a perfect tasty companion while streaming one’s favorite show, spending time socializing with family and friends, or just as a quick cheesy treat. Available in shareable 213-gram flexible stand-up bags designed by the SGK, Inc. creative studio in Mississauga, Ont., the Cheez-It SNAP’d crackers come in three bold flavors that include:
Propack Processing & Packaging Systems Inc. Beamsville, Ontario Toll Free: 1-877-924-3337 ProVision
• Texture. A lighter bite with a thin, chip-like crispiness —new territory for these popular snack crackers.
“We go to absurd lengths to perfect the real cheese in the Cheez-It cracker line-up, and we are thrilled to offer a completely new experience for those who love to snack. As we like to say, ‘You crave-it, we Cheez-It’,” says Lina Jhaveri, director of salty and frozen foods at Kellogg Canada Inc. In Mississauga, Ont. “Created in The Cheez-It Institute of Perfection, new Cheez-It SNAP’d crackers are uniquely different thanks to their thin, crispy texture and distinct flavors, allowing Canadians to feed their cheese obsessions in a delicious new way— from bag to bowl.”
• Cheddar Sour Cream & Onion. Set to bring onion fans to tears, this flavor delivers a match made in taste heaven with the combination of real cheddar cheese, rich sour cream, and onion in every bite
• Double Cheese.
• Taste. The Cheez-It SNAP’d crackers deliver a flavorful tang and delicious cheese flavor, thanks to real cheese baked inside and on top.
• Jalapeño Jack. The hit of jalapeño peppers and Monterey Jack cheese flavor to add a little heat to snack time. According to Kellogg Canada, the new Kellogg’s brand is on a mission to create cheesy, crunchy, and satisfying snacking experiences available to everyone by always looking for the next “grate” idea. As such, “The Cheez-It SNAP’d crackers deliver the latest evolution in snacking culture with delicious creations that builds on the best attributes of the popular square cracker with some truly unique attributes” to provide a multi-sen sory snacking experience with distinct and unique:
• Appearance. The Cheez-It SNAP’d cracker pieces look like someone gave a tiny tug to the standard cracker dough before baking for a profile that is uniquely wavy, curvy and delightfully thin.
• Aroma. Your mouth will water at the bold, tangy, slightly buttery smell of your favorite cheddar cheese.
the Propack
• Sound. Staying true to its name, Cheez-It SNAP’d crackers break the snack barrier with a light and crispy “snap” that will turn heads.
4 Vision-Guided

“Our engineering, innovations, and operations teams worked seamlessly with our client to create a new solution for single-use hand sanitizer,” says T.H.E.M. chief executive officer Neil Kozarsky. “The final product melded convenience, sustainability, and efficiency in a highly consumer-friendly single-use Leadingpackage.global robotics manufacturer FANUC has officially Aguascalientes,headquartersandcompany’soperationscommencedofthenewroboticsautomationinMexico.
“We are pleased to partner with these trusted companies—enabling us to offer new products and expanded supply chain options to customers, while investing in their continued growth,” says TricorBraun president and chief executive officer Court Carruthers. Serving customers for over 30 years, Bottle Company is a leading U.K. provider of primary glass packaging for the cosmetic and fragrance industries, while DiBro has operated in the spirits, wine, cosmetic, and fragrance sectors for over 20 years.
St. Louis, Mo.-headquartered packaging products group TricorBraun has completed the acquisition of Bottle Company, Ltd., a leading U.K. glass packaging supplier, and its affiliate glass decorator DiBro Ltd, significantly expanding TricorBraun’s European market presence.
Equipped with the latest FANUC CNC, robotics and other automation technologies, the new 109,000-square-foot facility FANUC Mexico facility will provide sales, demonstrations, training, engineering and customer service for the fast-growing Mexican and South American automation markets.
Marlton, packagingN.J.-basedsupplier T.H.E.M. has been named a Diamond Finalist in the annual DOW Packaging Innovation Awards competition for its design and development of the Advanced Hand Sanitizer sachet. Produced for Amazon Basic Care, the innovative package ranked among the top 10 packages out of more than 200 competing designs. The company’s hand sanitizer package design utilizes 60 per cent less material per sachet compared to similarly sized sachets with 1.2-ml of product, and it combines a consumer-friendly format, easy- open film, and a unique formulation that has a three-year shelf-life with no loss of potency.
8 CANADIANPACKAGING · July/August 2022 Inspect & Reclaim Your Finished Goods We Provide • Full inspection services of your suspect foreign material contaminated finished goods using state-of-the-art xray technology. • Turn-key handling of your finished goods inspection, including inspection and traceability reporting. XRAYRECLAIM.COM CPK_Plan Automation_JulyAug22_CSA.indd 1 2022-07-21 10:10 AM NOTES & QUOTES
Mechatronic systems integrator Electromate Inc. of Woodbridge, Ont., has been honored with the Innovation and Technology Award at the recent 2022 AchievementBusinessAwards ceremony of the Vaughan Chamber of Commerce in recognition of the company’s exceptional innovation and technological prowess, superior business excellence, social awareness and outstanding contributions to the Vaughan community. “Having this kind of recognition from the Vaughan business community is both gratifying and humbling,” says Electromate founder and president Warren Osak. “The award is a testament to the commitment of our awesome team members for the innovative engineering work they’ve done in the fields of biomedical, pharmaceutical and life Leadingsciences.”Germanend-of-line packaging machinery manufacturer MG Tech has commenced operation s of the company’s first North American office in Montreal to support the company’s growing list of international clients. With products ranging from cartoning and case-packing machines to pallet loaders and conveyors, MG Tech manufactures both stand-alone machines and full-service automated packaging lines, all equipped with the latest technologies—including Yaskawa, Schneider Electric and Rockwell Automation controls—and connected to an online platform that collects real-time data on machine performance. “We have been working with MG Tech for several years in France, and over time it has demonstrated solid technical skills with our Rockwell Automation products, including our magnetic conveying solution,” says Gerald Auverdin, OEM sales manager at Rockwell Automation. “We are happy to continue our partnership with them via their new Canadian office and wish them success in this new endeavor.”
“We’re expanding to better serve our customer base of automotive, aerospace, consumer goods, and other manufacturers in Mexico and Latin America looking for automation solutions,” says FANUC America president Mike Cicco. “We’ve seen a significant increase in demand for our products in this market, so having a larger facility underscores our commitment to helping companies improve their production processes and compete on a global scale.”

Konica Minolta PET PROJECTS
CRÈMEPakTechDE LA CREMER D esigned to ensure 100-percent accuracy in bottling applications for nutraceutical and confectionery gummies, the new servo-driven HQS 1250 counting and dispensing machine from Cremer features a 12-lane counter to maintain precise portioning of gummies of all shapes and sizes to a downstream bottler or single belt set-up. With an average output of 150 bottles per minute on a 60-count gummy product, the HQS 1250 is ideal for a wide variety of gummies in typical sanded or sugared formulations. According to the company, the HQS 1250 effectively alleviates two common obstacles that gummy manufactur ers and co-packers routinely face: accurate counting and filling at medium to high speeds. Traditional multihead scales are not 100-per cent accurate when filling by weight, and gummies tend to clog when filled into a small bottleneck opening. The HQS 1250 overcomes these limitations by seamlessly streaming gummies without blocking in the bottle’s neck, while also ensuring accurate counts at high speeds using reliable and precise optical counting technology that counts the product by piece, rather than weight.
The new AccurioLabel 400 digital label printing press from Konica Minolta Business Solutions (Canada) Ltd. is a single-pass toner production press designed to achieve 3,600x2,400-dpi resolution on 10- or 13-inch substrate widths. Featuring multiple-touch panel monitors in three different areas of to enable intuitive user-friendly operation, the AccurioLabel 400 label press—available in four and five-color versions— can handle print runs of up to 3,000 meters at speeds of up to 130 feet per minute, according to the company, while providing ability to significantly expand applications with the white toner.
The new wireless Micropilot FWR30 tank level sensor from Endress+Hauser combines high-end measurement technology and user-friendly digital services in one economical design that allows for its continuously recorded measurement data to be accessed at any time, from anywhere, via the sensor’s Cloud connection. According to the company, the FWR30 enables real-time monitoring of often remotely stored inventories of substances like liquid additives in plastic or metal tanks, cleaning agents in food and beverage production, or for solids like building materials at construction sites, with its basic set-up covering level measurement in plastic and open tanks. An optional process connection enables measurement of media in metal tanks, like animal feed in agricultural environment, or storage of wood pellets for heating systems. Besides level data, users also receive location tracking information for their storage tanks and containers. Easy to install without special tools in less than three minutes, the plug-and-play device employs a free space radar senor to cover measur ing ranges up to 15 meters and temperatures between -20°C and 60°C, and the device’s its nonin vasive measuring capability allows it to it work where other measuring principles cannot be applied due to corrosion, abrasion, viscosity or toxicity.
EASY AS ABB! ABB Robotics & Discrete Automation has expanded its FlexPicker Delta robot portfolio with the new IRB 365 model. Featuring five axis and 1.5-kg payload, the IRB 365 is both flexible and the fastest in its class for reorienting packaged lightweight products such as cookies, chocolates, peppers, candies, small bottles and parcels. Responding to the rise in e-commerce and growing demand for shelf-ready packaged goods, the IRB 365 is well-suited for for applications in food and beverage, pharmaceuticals and consumer goodsindustries riquiring high sped and adaptability.
ABB Robotics
Yaskawa Motoman
KEEPING YOUR COOL Allpax, a division of ProMach, has developed a new high-throughput cooking system for foods displayed in retail coolers, such as hummus, mashed potatoes, potato salads, dips, bean salads, etc. Also suitable for the production of fresh pet food, the system’s cooking/cooling vessels are sized to ensure uniform control of heating and cooling for quality processing throughout the machine, while Allpax’s evaporative cooling technology can achieve temperatures of just above freezing in less than an hour after cooking. The orbital doors on the loading and unloading sides of the vessel raise and lower instead of open in and out, which also improves floor-space utilization, while the Allpax retort loading and unloading system reduces labor requirements and creates a safer, more ergonomic environment, according to the company. Allpax (Div. Of ProMach)
Endress+Hauser Canada
The new the extended-reach GP70L robot from Yaskawa Motoman is a highly flexible, fast and powerful robot boasting a long reach, exceptional speed and a robust payload capacity to make it well-suited for logistics processes, including palletizing and depalletizing. With a 2,732-mm horizontal reach, 4,715-mm vertical reach and 0.05-mm repeatability, the six-axis GP70L offers 70-kilogram payload capacity to enable a wide range of tooling and sensors to fulfill diverse application requirements. The robot’s high inertia enables the handling of large and heavy payloads, while exceptionally fast axis speeds and acceleration further reduce cycle-times for increased production output. Moreover, a reduced interfer ence design allows easy access to parts in tight spots and facilitates close proximity placement of robots for high-density workcells, while the wide wrist motion range eliminates potential interference with fixtures for improved application flexibility.
The new PetPak range of recyclable plastic ring carriers from PakTech offer consumers a 100-percent sustainable multipack solution for canned pet food with a sleek and handy design, made from 100-percent recycled HDPE (high-density polyethylene) plastic. Designed specifically for pet brands, the handy contraption lets the product design take center stage with an alternative multipacking solution that enhances brand value with a clean, premium look and feel to their products, while eliminating the need for unnecessary packaging that wraps around the product—detracting from the actual product design. According to PakTech, the fully recyclable PetPak carriers come in 31 unique color options and a custom color—allowing pet food brands to find the perfect match to complement their brand.

10 CANADIANPACKAGING · July/August 2022 CANADIANPACKAGING.COM info_client@cascades.com Discover all our packaging solutions and experts services: cascades.com Circulareconomy, a source ofpossibilities Because we know that recycled cardboard has a host of possibilities, Cascades recovers and re-uses resources, which then become the raw materials for our products. We are proud to close the loop of the circular economy by offering to our customers a range of innovative packaging solutions that meet the highest standards of environmental responsibility. 1st containerboard producer and collector of recyclable fibres in Canada

According to Cascades, it took three years of research to develop the unique tray design that allows for minimal use of materials while ensuring optimal rigidity, with the rolled edges preventing risk of tearing when using shrink-wrap—helping to prevent food waste.
eading Canadian paper products product group specialty packaging producer Cascades has achieved a significant benchmark in the de velopment of its Cascades Fresh range of sustainable packaging solutions with the launch of a new line of recyclable PET (polyethylene terephthalate) plastic trays made with 100-percent PCR (post-consumer recycled) content materials.
“This new product contributes to the achievement of one of the goals in Cascades’ Sustainability Action Plan: That 100-percent of its manufactured packaging be recyclable, compostable or reusable by 2030.”
According to the Kingsey Fall, Que.-head quartered company, the trays’ innovative design makes them perfectly compatible with most packaging equipment already used by food processors and retailers.
“This latest innovation is the fruit of our continuous efforts to find more sustainable solutions and develop a truly Circular Econ omy for food packaging,” says Luc Langev in, president and chief operating officer of Cascades Specialty Products Group “We would like to thank our early adopter customers for their trust,” says Langevin, adding that by using recycled PET exclu sively to make the trays, Cascades can help its meat processing clients reduce their carbon footprint by up to 62 per cent.
L aunched at the start of the year, the new law banning the use of plastic packaging on nearly 30 varieties of fresh fruits and vegetables retailed in France has left many companies in search of sustainable packaging alternatives that would not sacrifice the quality and shelflife of the produce.
For leading multinational avo cado producer Westfalia Fruit , this search has resulted in introduc tion of a new plastic-free package composed of new compostable fiber-based trays, along with com postable paper labels or bands, made from FSC (Forest Stew ardship Council) -certified ma terials— guaranteeing that the cardboard used in the package has been sourced from sustainably managedAlreadyforests.usedby a growing num ber of French grocery retailers, the new zero-plastic avocado packaging offers a heat-seal film option with recyclable plastic which contains a QR code on the packaging—direct ing consumers to details on where they can recycle the plastic rubbish. The company says is it is cur rently developing a special paper lid for the new packaging, along with other options that include an FSC -certified string bag; and ze ro-packaging natural laser marking on the skin of the avocado itself for logo and brand messaging place ment.“We have worked hard to remove plastic from our packaging to con tribute to solving the plastic waste challenge and to lower our carbon footprint,” says Johnathan Sutton, group safety and environmental executive at Westfalia Fruit.
Westfalia introducing bold new zero-plastic avocado packaging L
Produce at the company’s Innopak plant in Drummondville, Que., the new trays fea ture the coveted How2Recycle certification to allow for widespread recycling access across Canada, and the trays are also recyclable in some U.S.
“We are delighted to take a pro active approach in implementing industry leading initiatives—en abling compliance to respective laws, while offering a host of solu tions for our customers and con sumers.”
Accordingjurisdictions.toCascades, the company has spent about $30 million in new capital up grades at the Innopak plant in the last three years to turn it into a leading producer of packaging made from 100-percent recycled PET“Theseflakes.investments are part of Cascades’ plan to grow as a North American leader in eco-friendly packaging,” Cascades states.
Cascades launches fresh new concept for meat packaging

Dear PAC Global Members & Global Packaging Industry, First and foremost, we want to thank you for your commitment and support. Without you, we would not be able to continuously provide our members and the industry with valuable benefits, develop our programs and continuously enhance our educational o erings. Put simply, you make what we do possible. How We Help PAC Global brings the world of packaging to members doorsteps with an extensive product and program portfolio including: Join our worldwide network of over 2,500 members, 25,000+ LinkedIn executive connections, 7,000+ corporate page followers, and a growing list of over 4,000 industry contacts worldwide. Interested in membership? Visit www.pac.global/members. We look forward to welcoming you. PACPresidentJimSincerely,Downham&CEOGlobal An exclusive member portal including a curated international PAC MART marketplace. The portal includes access to a new age “Rolodex” of PAC Global member contact details. Extensive packaging educational programs, with customized options available. An opportunity to showcase package brand design and innovation on the global stage through packaging competitions and awards. Purpose-centred learning initiatives, summits, seminars, webinars, and workshops. Valuable networking opportunities by joining the Board of Directors and Leadership Council opportunities.President’spacglobal Message: A Packaging Partner to Help You Achieve Your Company Goals. Join PAC Global, your trusted advisor since 1950, educating and consulting on all things packaging. www.pac.global

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THE SUPPLY CURVE Stéphane Lapointe, CanadaImperialPresident,DadeInc.
A venerable U.S. packaging and facilities supplies distribution powerhouse laying down Canadian roots for a long stay in a promising dynamic market
By George Guidoni
Photos by Pierre Longtin A s supply chain disrup tions and bottlenecks continue to hamper the world economy’s emergence from the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s reassuring to know that the Canadian manufacturing sector has a dynamic and committed distribution partner to look after its everyday needs and supplies to keep their operations running. Having entered the Canadian market earlier this spring with a bold acquisition of leading facility and packaging sup plies distributor Veritiv Canada, Inc., Jersey City, N.J.-headquartered dis tributor Imperial Dade certainly meets all the critical criteria for meeting the modern industry’s needs for the reliable supply of packaging, janitorial, sanitary and hygiene products, services and solutions—doing this with exemplary track record in the U.S. since 1935. With a cross-country network of 12 distribution centres and a workforce of nearly 1,000 people, Imperial Dade Canada Inc. already has many things

A. Imperial Dade U.S. and Canada have a lot of similarities in the market we service, but at a different level of pene tration.The U.S. business has as a stronger and deeper presence in the janitorial and foodservice industries, and Imperial Dade’s U.S. supplier base will be an enhancement to our overall offering in Canada.Talking specifically about the Can adian market, we have the intention of continuing to grow our overall Facilities Supplies & Paper market share as we continue to invest in the business.
A. We are expecting the Canadian mar ket to maintain its organic growth trajec tory and be ready to on-board any valuable opportunity. We believe that our deep and wide of fering of products and services will allow us to exceed average market expecta tions.
A. Imperial Dade Canada (formerly Veritiv Canada) will continue to focus on growth in all packaging verticals: food processing, e-commerce, food ser vice/catering and industrial packaging.
Q. Please explain the strategy and the importance of your company moving into the Canadian marketplace?
A. Imperial Dade Canada is a full-ser vice provider of packaging, facilities, equipment and print products, services, andWithsolutions.12distr ibution centers located in major cities across the country and approximately 1.7 million square feet of warehouse space, we can provide nextday delivery to 95 per cent of the Can adianWithpopulation.roughly1,000 employees, our highly trained experts engage with cus tomers to create opportunities, solve problems, and foster long-term partner ships. Imperial Dade Canada remains one of only a handful of national suppli ers to the Canadian packaging market. Being the biggest, however, is not necessarily our goal. Providing best-inclass solutions to our clients, and thus garnering long-term mutually beneficial partnership, is the primary focus. Our size in relation to our competi tors is a byproduct of our commitment to our values and vision. Without sharing any privileged infor mation, looking at Imperial Dade’s track record, you can expect the corporate family to continue to grow.
Q. Please describe the importance of packaging to your company’s over all business in Canada and at large?
A. The packaging market plays a key role at Imperial Dade. We have invested in this market over several years and will continue to do so. Providing our sales team with the right tools to bring value to our customer base is vital to our suc cess.
With 12 distribution centers times.inventoryextensivetowarehousingsquareoverDadeCanada,acrossImperialhasatotalof1.7millionfeetofspacemaintainanproductatall
Describe your existing footprint in Canada, and if there are active plans afoot to expand it?
Q. Are there any significant beneficial synergies between your com pany’s businesses and those of the former owner’s that you company can leverage?
Q.What are your expectations of the Canadian market in terms of over all corporate growth for your com pany?
16 CANADIANPACKAGING · July/August 2022 CANADIANPACKAGING.COM going for it with a knowledgeable sales force, a wide breath of products, and outstanding customer service. For all that, the next few months will be something of a marketing challenge for Imperial Dade Canada and its presi dent Stéphane Lapointe, as they work to make Imperial Dade a household name in the Canadian manufacturing and packaging circles. But it’s a challenge that Lapointe seems to relish with open arms, as he told the Canadian Packaging maga zine in a recent interview.

Q.What is the value proposition that Imperial Dade brings to customers in the Canadian packaging and al lied industries?
A. Imperial Dade is more than a dis tributor. We we are a supply chain part ner, and our customers’ success is at the core of everything we do. We invest in product experts and service teams that work alongside our customers to de velop programs and continuously en hance operations and efficiencies. Our modern warehouse facilities and fleet allow us to maintain extensive in ventories and deliver the right products at the right time to our customers. Imperial Dade has long-term rela tionships with top manufacturers, and we are often the first to have access to innovative new products and technolo gies. Our sourcing team has the skill and expertise to find specialty solutions to meet the unique needs of each customer.
Q. How is the company’s Canadian labor force adjusting to the change Imperial creativeconsultationpackagealternativespackagingsustainablesolutionsintegratedmachineryfromandrelatedofextensiveDade’inventorypackagingproductsservicesrangestand-aloneandlinetoanddesignandservices.
“We believe that our deep and wide offering of products and services will allow us to exceed average market expectations.”
In addition, by ensuring that we con tinue to search the market for the right suppliers, especially now with the an nouncement of the Canadian ‘Plastic Ban,’ we are differentiating ourselves from our competitors.
A. At Imperial Dade Canada, we have the structure, knowledge, expertise, and capabilities to service a wide range of customers.Whether you are a highly specialized type of customer requiring highly engin eered products, or a multi-location customer requiring a very high level of service like daily delivery in a remote / rural region, we offer our customer ac cess to the right supplier for the right application.Bytailoring a supply chain program around our customer’s needs, we can increase efficiencies, reduce costs, and support their business goals.
Q. What are the company’s unique competitive strengths and specialty services that could benefit its Can adian customers in the CPG (con sumer packaged goods) and other manufacturing industries?
Q. What are the first steps and initiatives/programs the company is planning to implement in the Canadian market?
A. One of our first initiatives, already underway, is introducing our new Vic toria Bay private brand to the Can adianThemarket.Victoria Bay offering will include high-quality industrial and facilities solutions products.

Imperial Dade Canada is maintaining an extensive modern truck fleet across Canada to enable the company to make next-day deliveries to over 95 per cent of the population.Canadian
“The packaging market plays a key role at Imperial Dade. We have invested in this market over several years and will continue to do so.”
A. Our modern fleet is routed with so phisticated software to minimize the miles traveled in delivering products to our customers—reducing fuel con sumption and emissions. We also provide detailed carbon dis closure reports to our customers to assist them in assessing and minimizing their own carbon footprint. In 2005, we developed our consulta tive Greensafe Program to assist our customers with their sustainability in itiatives.Weoffer an extensive selection of over 5,000 environmentally preferable prod ucts, many of which carry third-party certifications from recognized NGOs (non-governmental organizations), in cluding EcoLogo , Green Seal , and Safer Choice We also make out product life-cycle findings available—allowing customers to evaluate options more thoroughly. Going forward, we will continuously seek out the latest product technology to enhance our offering of sustainable products and seek to work with our customers in a consultative manner to evaluate greener alternatives wherever possible.
A. As we are structuring the Canadian business, and more job functions are returning to Canada, this change repre sents an opportunity for the Imperial Dade Canada employees to further their careers.This will provide an even better framework for us to react more quickly to market conditions and customer de mand.Imperial Dade Canada will continu ously collaborate with our Imperial Dade family in the United States, but it will operate as a separate entity that is fully autonomous.
Q. How important is environmental sustainability and carbon footprint reduction to your organization, and how does it manifest itself?
Q. How can you help your Canadian customers to improve their own environmental performance?
SUPPLIERS Imperial Dade Canada Inc.
A. Imperial Dade is committed to re ducing our impact on the natural en vironment and promoting sustainable business practices in the industries we serve.We have LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) -accredited professionals and CIMS (Cleaning Indus try Management Standards) Green-certi fied experts on staff to ensure continuous improvement in the area of environment al stewardship.Ourheadquarters in New Jersey fa cility is LEED -certified, and our addi tional distribution facilities employ a green cleaning policy as we focus on reducing energy and water usage, with LED motion-sensing lighting and water-saving fixtures having been in stalled in our locations. We recycle corrugated boxes, office paper, plastics, pallets, furniture, and computer equipment.

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Having housed illustrious food indus try leaders such as General Foods and Kraft over the years—along with a major pharmaceutical company in the earlier part of the 21st Century—the sprawling
Ontario folding-carton company makes a milestone move into a massive new production facility to take its stunning market growth to the proverbial next level
Photos by Naomi Hiltz
Carol BenceoPresident,FounderJiang,&Packaging
Challenging but not impossible, says Amm, who put his retirement plans on hold about four years ago to join Toron to-headquartered folding-carton manu facturer Beneco Packaging as vice-president of operations and process improvement.Originallybrought on-board to help Beneco achieve the international IFS PacSecure food-contact certifications for its existing operations, the prospect of leading the fast-growing company to reach its enormous market potential and benchmark production excellence proved to be too irresistible to turn down.“Ifound retirement to be overrated anyways,” Amm quipped to Canadian Packaging on a recent visit to the com pany’s vast new 600,000-square-foot facility in Cobourg, Ont. Currently undergoing extensive reno vations and multiple equipment instal lations to facilitate a smooth operational start-up in early fall, the historic plant has been a venerable landmark for this pleasant southwestern Ontario com munity—about a one-hour drive east of Toronto—for well over a century.
s someone working in the packaging in dustry for over 40 years, Roy Amm has seen and lived through a plethora of industry’s upsand-downs over the decades, along with sweeping technological innovations and ever-changing marketplace dynamics that make packaging such a fiercely competitive and challenging market for many newcomers to crack.
By George Guidoni, Editor

Warmly welcomed by local commun ity and business leaders, Beneco selected the plant as a perfect platform to support and accelerate the company’s future growth—driven by robust market de mand for its high-quality paperboard packaging for the food-and- beverage, pharmaceutical, personal care and other fast-moving consumer product indus tries.“We had simply reached a saturation point for our production capabilities and capacity at the other plants,” says Amm. “There was no room to add any more production equipment at our other loca tions,” he says, “and we really needed new production equipment to be able to keep serving all our existing and new customers.“Turning down business because we are too busy or too booked up is not an option for a company like Beneco,” he states.Founded in 2004 by company presi dent Carol Jiang, Beneco Packaging’s swift rise through the ranks of the Can adian paperboard industry has been a textbook example of bold entrepreneur ship and ambition driving continuous proactive capital investment and a sound business strategy built around solid market knowledge and relentless pursuit of manufacturing excellence.
For all that, the addition of the new mega-sized facility in Cobourg may well yet be the defining milestone moment in the company’s history, according to Jiang.“This new plant will definitely become Beneco’s central production hub in the next few years,” says Jiang, who origin ally started the company at a tiny 6,000-square-foot print shop inside a strip mall in the west Toronto suburb of Etobicoke.“Ithinkthis plant has a great potential for our future growth, with a much larger production area than anything we have had before,” Jiang says.
By 2019, Beneco’s manufacturing assets comprised over 250,000 square feet of production space at three facili ties, employing a total of over 100 work ers and state-of-the-art equipment, in cluding state-of-the-art Heidelberg Speedmaster printing presses re nowned for the superior output speeds, operational flexibility and finished print quality.Moreover, each of the company’s IFS PACsecure audits have the resulted in scores of 95 per cent or better in each of the three years since 2019—opening a multitude to new business opportunities for Beneco with leading retail companies and their suppliers.
“Not only will it enable us to install much more production equipment, but it will also allow us to do all our process es in-house in a completely vertically integrated way—from prepress and make-readies right down to gluing and packing of the final products for delivery to Accordingcustomers.”to Jiang, such integration will further improve the company’s al ready impressive turnaround speeds and lead times for its bigger customers, while also enabling it to look after the multi tude of smaller short-run clients who have been there since Beneco’s early days.
Beneco falltimepressHeidelbergnewinstallinginwhichCobourgfoot600,000-square-newthegrowthcompany’sexpectationAmmoperationsvice-presidentJiangpresidentPackagingCarol(left)andofRoyhavehighforthefuturefollowingacquisitionofafacilityin(center),iscurrentlytheprocessofabrandseven-colorprinting(bottom)inforanearlystart-up.
CANADIANPACKAGING.COM July/August 2022 · CANADIANPACKAGING 21 plant had been sitting dormant for the last three years until Beneco Packaging stepped in to acquire it this past June.

With a giant sheeter, a high-speed die-cutter and a brand new Heidelberg Speedmaster seven-color litho press al ready in place at the Cobourg facility, the plant is currently awaiting the im pending arrival of another die-cutter and two state-of-the-art folder-gluers to complete its initial capital equipment installations in coming weeks. According to Amm, the plant will in itially hire 20 to 25 full-time people to run the operation, although he expects the plant’s workforce to grow to about 50 people within a year after converting to a two-shift, five-days-a-week oper ational schedule.
“Our ability to supply our customers is a key component of our business strategy,” Jiang points out.
“I think we could well see 100 to 125 people eventually working here in a couple of years once everything is in place.”Likewise, Amm expects the new plant to achieve the IFS PacSecure accredit ation well within the first year or oper ations.“That would be our early objective,” Amm states. “All the legwork has already been done at out other facilities in terms of establishing all the proper procedures and“Nowprocesses.soit’s just a question of trans ferring all that knowledge and informa tion to the Cobourg plant.
As Jiang explains, “We do business differently from many other companies, notably in the way we like to carry a lot of raw “Insteadmaterials.ofcarrying a lot of inventory of finished product waiting for release, “ she says, “we like having a considerable raw material inventory on hand so that we can convert it for us customers very quickly in the time-frame they want.
“Not being able to supply a customer because we don’t have enough paper board has always been my biggest fear,” Jiang relates. “It’s nice to be in a sellers’ (Clockwise from technicianAleft)Heidelberghaving a good look inside the brand
While the folding carton industry has been through some tough times over last couple of decades, the combination of the COVID-19 pandemic and a broad move by CPG companies to shift away from plastic for environmental reasons has unleashed a massive market surge in demand for paperboard packaging, ac cording to Amm and Jiang, which the industry is having a hard time meeting at the “Themoment.wholemove away from plastics has put a lot of pressure on paper pack aging suppliers,” Amm explains. “All those McDonald’s styrofoam boxes and Tim Horton’s plastic cups are being rapidly replaced by paper, specifically folding cartons.”
“We are a very technology-oriented company,” Jiang states, “employing a very strong ERP (enterprise resource planning) system to control and align all our order-processing, along with a stateof-the-art [ESKO] prepress system to create make-ready files very quickly.
As for the immediate impact of COVID-19 , the explosive growth in on line shopping and food delivery services during the pandemic-related lockdowns in the foodservice industry have also fueled demand for folding cartons and paperboard products to unprecedented levels, Amm points out.
On the downside, the pandemic-in duced supply chain disruptions have left many folding-carton producers desper ately short of the raw materials (paper board) they need to make their products.
“I cannot say enough about the im portance of this certification to our business,” Amm asserts. “It has introduced us to many larger customers who would not have looked at us before we got certified.”

With the innovative Speedmaster CX 104 offset press, combined with the new Mastermatrix 106 CSB die cutter and Diana X-2 115 folder gluer, discover easy job changeovers and a high level of productivity that can take your path into packaging to the next level. Learn more about Heidelberg packaging solutions here:

“We have always prided ourselves on our flexibility,” she states, “and you have to be super flexible in this uncertain market.
SUPPLIERS Beneco HeidelbergPackagingCanada
Left: Unopened giant rolls of paperboard supplied by WestRock Corporation resting near the plant’s future production area to be converted into finished folding cartons.
Above: Some of the many entrepreneurial and community awards, including listings on the Canada’s 500 Fastest-growing Companies rankings of the Profit magazine, won by Beneco Packaging over the years.
“That said, we always try our best to keep our prices fair, especially for our strategic core customers with whom we have built strong business relationships over the years,” she points out.
“It’s more than just about supplying a box for us: it’s about supplying high quality, superior service, and the reliable ability to deliver our product quickly and at a fair price,” she states.
“There is nothing we can do at this moment about the raw paperboard price increases,” she says, “but none of our customers will hold that against us be cause we are always in touch communi cating with them: we’re like an open book.
“That’s why we have worked hard to enlarge our raw material inventory,” Jiang continues, “while also extending our forecasting from two or three months down the road to five or six months.“Wehave essentially gone from the Justin-Time production model to a Just-inCase type of operation,” Jiang acknow ledges, “but that is something we had to do to respond to changing market condi tions, with raw materials shortages being experienced throughout North America.
“With the current shortages in the market, it is our obligation as an indus try to make sure we do not waste any paperboard for any reason,” Jiang says, “including the environmental ones.” This imperative for waste-free pro duction is especially critical considering a series of strong price increases by North American paper mills in recent months—pushing the average price of board from roughly $1,000 to 1,700 per tonne over the last year. While such steep rise has forced Beneco to initiate price increases of its own, Jiang says the company is making concerted efforts to keep them in line the best it can.
Below: Close-up of the Certificate of Conformity to the IFS PACsecure standards.
24 CANADIANPACKAGING · July/August 2022 CANADIANPACKAGING.COM market for a change as a converter, but it means nothing without having a reli able and steady supply of raw materials to support that work.
“We have always been flexible on how we produce, how we perform our changeovers, our delivery dates, and our customer service in general,” Jiang explains, “while maintaining a strict safety and quality through our IFS PACsecure certified process.” As Jiang explains, Beneco’s custom ers have been very receptive to the company’s flexible approach of execut ing smaller but more frequent runs to support their needs on ongoing bases. A she points out, doing it all in one massive long press run can saddle the customer with unnecessary finished goods inventory or, worse still, run the risk of packaging becoming outdated before it hits the market due to new la beling regulations, ingredient modifica tions or other unforeseen factors.
“Being able to do that over the years has enabled Beneco to grow into what it is today,” Jiang concludes, “and we expect the new Cobourg plant to keep us on this course, albeit on a much bigger scale.”

“FreshPrep actually listed our CauliCrumble in their food delivery service, which was an awesome way to test the market and see how people prepare our products at home.”
Plant-based foods innovator bulking up its size and scale to evlolve into a key player in burgeoningthemarket
Over the last five years, Big Mountain Foods developed major expansion plans and moved into a 70,000-square-foot fa cility in Delta, B.C., housing a patty forming line, a sausage stuffing line, a crumble production line, and a tofu pro duction line. The plant currently operates Monday to Thursday, 5 a.m. to 9 p.m., with a goal to eventually have production running on full 24/7 schedule.
“He would talk to her about why she doesn’t make a product package that has a shelf-life and make her life a lot easier. So, she started looking at ways to package and format her burgers through a patty machine. That evolved into her getting her first listing at Safeway.
“We have commissioned four produc tion lines in the new facility and there’s still lots of room for growth,” Byrne says.
By Andrew Snook
“Then she started doing wholesale to different retailers around the West Coast. And from there she opened up a small manufacturing facility and had steady growth from then until 2012.”
“We’ve had a lot of support from the Canadian provincial and federal govern ments and Protein Industries Canada to complete this expansion plan. Now, we are pretty much on the finish line and K
Photos by Dave Buzzard
“She started out in the restaurant in dustry and from there was actually ap proached by one of the Safeway buyers that visited her restaurant all the time,” recalls Big Mountain Foods president Jasmine Byrne, Chamberland’s daughter.
In 2013, Byrne joined her mother’s company to help grow the operation.
“We joined forces and realized that the plant-based industry was starting to get traction more than ever. Before it was really hard to get people to buy into the vegan lifestyle and plant-based consumer awareness.“Butcompanies like Beyond Meat started to get traction, which in turn helped our business,” she says.
Big Mountain Foods founder and chief executive officer Kimberly Chamber land (left) poses alongside her daughter and the Jasminevice-presidentcompany’sByrne, who joined the family business in 2013.
“We’ve decided to do all of our own manufacturing, but the focus right now is really getting our plant operational in order to be able to take on that growth.”
The company has been investing heav ily in infrastructure for its production plant with help from various supporters.
imberly Chamberland had a vegetable-based vision. In 1987, long before vegetarian or vegan life styles were even remotely popular, she decided to bring one of the first veggie burgers to market in the Vancouver area. From there, Big Mountain Foods was born.

“Now, we just finished putting together our sales plan to approach restaurants,” ByrneBetweensays. battling for shelf space in the highly competitive U.S. grocery retail market and all of Big Mountain Foods’ products requiring refrigeration, ensur ing the company has the right packaging technologies in place at its production plant is vital. To meet the company’s packaging needs, Big Mountain Foods works close ly with food packaging experts at MULTIVAC Canada Inc. , having enjoyed a positive productive relation ship for several years. According to MULTIVAC Canada ‘s regional sales manager Sam Nosek, “We help them with equipment, film and
26 CANADIANPACKAGING · July/August 2022 CANADIANPACKAGING.COM PACKAGING FOR FRESHNESS commissioning all the equipment,” Byr ne Bigsays.Mountain Foods’ core products •include:The Or iginal Veggie Burge r, a 100-per-cent vegan patty; • Various vegan crumble products that include CauliCrumbleVeggie Grounds, Broccoli Boost Veggie Grounds and Lion’s Mane Mushroom Crumble; • A line of vegan sausages featuring Big Brat Veggie Links , Fiesta Veggie Links, Mama Mia Veggie Links and Superfood Brekkie Links; • The Soy-Free Tofu and Smoked Soy-Free Tofu products made from Canadian fava beans. All of Big Mountain Foods’ product lines are certified vegan, non-GMO verified, gluten-free, soy-free, and free from common allergens.
The company sells its products at al most all the major retailers across Canada including Loblaws, Sobeys, Walmart, Safeway and Whole Foods. “In the U.S. we are just branching out and it’s a whole different ball game,” Byrne says. “They’re definitely more of a challenge than in Canada, but we’re growing.“Wehave a few major listings like Sprouts Farmers Market and a few of the Kroger and Albertsons banners.”
Clockwise from left: Fresh veggie patties loaded into the R105 rollstock thermoforming machine’s cavities prior to packaging; cases.tocheckweigherpassingthermoformtionontopattiespackagessealing;machineexitingthermoformfinishedpackstheR105afterfinishedofveggietransferredtheaccumulabelt;finishedpackingbytheinlinepriorbeingputinto
The company also just recently hired on a U.S.-based sales-force and a nation al U.S. “That’sbroker.definitely our focus this up coming year, to expand aggressively into the U.S. market,” Byrne says.
In addition, the company is also starting to enter the meal-kit delivery and restaurant sectors.
“We are just branching into foodserv ice, because FreshPrep actually listed our CauliCrumble in their food delivery service, which was an awesome way to test the market and see how people pre pare our products at home.

CANADIANPACKAGING.COM July/August 2022 · CANADIANPACKAGING 27 service support.
“It was great that we didn’t have to buy a whole bunch of different molds,” says Byrne. “There’s not a lot of downtime and changeovers because are all of our products—even though there’s a crumble, a patty and tofu—fit in the same package.”
“Our R105 was a custom solution from MULTIVAC,” Byrne recalls. “ They ac tually did the inline merging system, the checkweigher, and the X-ray to create an all-in-one solution for us instead of us piece-mealing it out to vendors.
“We are a one-stop shop for packaging fresh foods,”Nosek says. “Here in B.C., we have an Innovation Centre facility, where we can work with customers to develop packaging solutions from initial concepts to fully tested market-ready packaging.”BigMountain Foods’ first major in vestment in packaging equipment from MULTIVAC Canada unfolded in 2019, when the company purchased an R105 thermoform packaging system to pack veggie burger patties, breakfast bites, CauliCrumble and its various veggie saus ageCapablelinks. of both vacuum-packing and MAP (modified atmosphere packaging, the R105 thermoformer features custom ized tooling to accommodate a wide variety of products with minimal change overs.The machine includes an MBS con verging unit with integrated metal de tector to inspect for metal contamination, with its compact footprint, electrical lifting systems, and graphical touch screen controls all part of the package.
“They’ve been really helpful with that as well, because anything punctures in our package, will make the prod expire really quick, since it’s fresh. “But we’ve been able to get a really nice shelf-life and it holds up well in refriger ation,” Byrne
“MULTIVACsays.provides a wide range of tested and certified film solutions catered to the customer applications,” adds Nosek. “Big Mountain uses clear films that are high-barrier for maxim shelf-life, are puncture resistant, and easy to peel.”
Big Mountain Foods also recently
“That was really great,” Byrne extols. “Their support was very helpful. “ They would give us 3D concepts with what our package should look like,e and how to make them all fit and work as an all-in-oneMULTIVACsolution.”Canada also helped with supplying the films that Big Mountain Foods“Becauserequired.ourproducts are oven-baked, we can run into some challenges, like puncturing the seals or the plastic surface, if we don’t dial in the right film.
More recently, Big Mountain Foods purchased an R085 model thermoform er from MULTIVAC Canada to package its soy-free tofu line. The unit offers a quick set-up and is designed for simple operation with a small footprint, according to MULTI VAC, while enabling a fast and easy changeover with slide-in drawer system tooling.Having the two units helped the com pany enjoy some redundancy for its packaging lines, since MULTIVAC Canada designed one die that is inter changeable for all the product lines at Big Mountain Foods.
From MULTIVACleft: Canada’s regional andmanagerregionalMULTIVAC’sPatrickJasmineChamberland,Nosek,managersalesSamKimberlyByrne,andMcCarthy,salesforfilmsmaterials.
“It was definitely a lesson learned to source more locally, because you never know what’s going to happen with the economy or the world in general.”

Byrne says MULTIVAC Canada was extremely helpful when it came to the packaging design for the various product lines.“We would sit in meetings, and they would take our products and look at the best ways to fit them universally,” Byrne recounts.“Also,if we have an idea they will go back and use their engineering team, do all their calculations, and let you know what your package should look like.
One of Byrne’s favorite aspects of work ing with MULTIVAC Canada is that they offer local service.
Left: Big Mountain founder Kimberly Chamberland demonstrates tofu loading Bottom:procedure.Veggie tofu blocks tightly packed in clear high-barrier film supplied by MULTI VAC.
“They would show us the MAP package, the skin film, black packaging, colored packaging, printed film ... they basically go through it all.”
Above:requirements.Perfectly packaged blocks of veggie tofu coming out of the R085 machine and onto the accumulation table.
“It’s really great when you have techni cians in B.C.,” says Byrne, recalling her Above left: The MULTIVAC model R085 thermoform packaging machine was custom-tailored to meet Big Mountain Foods’ exact production and quality control
purchased an I210 Checkweigher In line Scale for checking the weight to make sure each pack has the right amount of product in it.

The products are then conveyed to the labelling and boxing line, where a car toning machine erects the cartons, glues both sides, applies an expiry date and lot code onto each box, and then places the box into a master case. With it strong focus on innovation and sustainability, the company is always look ing for opportunities to use more bio degradable packaging, according to Byrne.
The traditional tofu making process is very manual, says Byrne, whereby em ployees would press, cut and flip the tofu by Allhand.these manual processes have been eliminated on Big Mountain Foods’ automated line. “I think it’s one of the highest-tech machines out there for tofu making,” she says. “We can produce millions of tofu blocks a year with a push of a button on an integrated processing line.
“For the tofu, we use a super sack bag unloader, and it goes into a high-speed blender and then into big silos. “Then we have a custom-made, auto mated tofu making machine that will form the tofu blocks,” Byrne explains.
“We all want to get away from plastic in general,” she says. “We hope in our life-time we see more of that coming to life.”
”Once the COVID-19 coronavirus pan demic hit in March 2020, getting the servi cing and the commissioning performed became extremely difficult,” she states. “It was so hard getting them here to commis sion the lines, as well as service them, and then you have to pay for all these hotels.
With another packaging line expan sion scheduled for early 2025, Byrne says she is very confident about the future for Big Mountain products and for all veg an-certified products in general. Naturally, she is also extremely proud of everything her family’s business has accomplished to date.
“We’re a women-owned, family-owned manufacturing facility, which you don’t see every day,” she states. “Moreover, we are the first allergen-free tofu factory in theForworld.”hispart, Nosek says MULTIVAC considers it a “real honor” to be working with Big Mountain Foods over the years.
“Then we cool them in blast chillers and then pack them” The process for the soy-free tofu prod ucts is much more automated and so phisticated, she notes.
“Their impressive growth and nonstop innovation have been amazing to witness,” he says. “With Kim and Jasmine at the helm, their future is bright.”
CANADIANPACKAGING.COM July/August 2022 · CANADIANPACKAGING 29 frustrations with some overseas machinery suppliers in the last couple of years.
“It was definitely a lesson learned to source more locally, because you never know what’s going to happen with the economy or with the world in general,” Byrne says. “If you can find the equipment and resources, it’s way better to have local support. It made all the difference for us.”
In operation, once the ingredients for the veggie patties are mixed together, the mixture is sent to a NuTEC Patty Form ingTheMachine.patties are then moved via convey or and then are cooked in a traditional bakery oven. To form the sausages, the mixture is placed in a Handtmann stuffer, and linker, and the sent to a traditional smokehouse. The company uses ribbon mixers and mixer grinders to mix every thing in big soaking tanks, because they use whole beans. “We have to process and grind those down, and then from there, we use ovens to heat up our products,” Byrne explains.
“And then for cleaning, we have a fully automated system that cleans the entire plant and all the piping. So, it’s quite a sophisticated system,” Byrne says. Once all the products are packaged by either the R105 or R085 thermoformer, they pass through the I210 Checkweigher Inline Scale and X-ray detection.

“We were both immigrants to Canada 20-plus years ago, who wanted to give our families a better life.
he story of Herbaland Naturals, Inc. in Rich mond, B.C., is one of love, hard work and persever ance.The company was founded in 2009 at the kitchen table of the hus band-and-wife duo of Musharaf Syed (president and chief operating officer) and Aisha Yang (CEO).
Photos Dave Buzzard
“When our third child was born, we had a chance to start our business during my maternity leave,” Yang recalls.
The couple decided to partner Syed’s engineering expertise and experience in the health-and-wellness industry with Yang’s sales and marketing experience and start up Herbaland Naturals.
“In the beginning we tried many differ ent things like capsules and tablets for health and wellness, and we found that gummy vitamins had the best return in sales,”Yang says. “So, we decided to focus on doing the gummies.”
When the company was originally founded, its gummy products were being
30 CANADIANPACKAGING · July/August 2022 CANADIANPACKAGING.COM West Coast nutraceuticals supplier invests in highperformance packaging automation to build on its early manufacturing success By Andrew Snook
presidentNaturals,HerbalandInc.and chief operating officer Musharaf Syed shows off a sample of the vitamingrowingcompany’srangeofgummies at the Richmond,headquarterscompany’sinB.C.

“I was looking for a packaging machine going to different shows in Chicago, Las Vegas, Korea, Taiwan. (Clockwise from photographAntop)overviewof the two
Back when Herbaland Naturals decid ed to start producing the gummy vita mins, Syed spent a great deal of time re searching the various types of packaging equipment available.
While there are many options available for packaging tablets and capsules, gummy vitamins are a more challenging product to package due to their sticky composition.Syedtraveled to various trade shows in the U.S. and overseas as part of his re search into finding the right equipment for his operation.
CANADIANPACKAGING.COM July/August 2022 · CANADIANPACKAGING 31 produced by a third party, but that all changed in 2013. “In 2013, because of a supply chain issue, our supplier did not continue supplying gummies to us,” Yang relates. “So then we decided to buy our own machine and start manufacturing gum mies ourselves. Since then, our company has grown really fast.” Fast-forward to present day, with Herbaland Naturals now employing more than 250 staff and four manufac turing locations totaling 160,000 square feet in size. Exporting its products to more than 40 countries around the world, the company produces approximately 70 million bottles a year of gummy vitamins per“Weyear.are the largest nutritional gummy manufacturer in Canada. [and] we rank in the Top Three in North America,” yang says. “We’re also expanding that by end of“We2024.will double our capacity to add an additional 150,000 square feet manufac turing site,” she says, “which is a done deal.“We’ll have that added capacity by the end of 2024.” As Yang explains, Herbaland Naturals sells direct to major retailers and health store chains, as well as doing significant online sales through Amazon and other e-commerce platforms.
To date, the company has more than 280 NPN (natural product license num bers) issued by Health Canada, allowing it ti sell its product anywhere in the country.“Foroffline, we’re also in the regional retail locations like Whole Foods, Loblaws and Sobeys,” Yang says. “In Canada, we’re in 2,500 locations. For the global market, we also have pretty good market share.”
“They have a special technique for separating gummies using different vibrations, which has been very effective for us.”

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“He got a business loan with Business Development Canada, which was a big investment for them as well. “And right now, almost 10 years later, we’ve been with him and growing with him at the same time.
“His business was probably around $700,000 a year in sales back then,” Pilonieta says, “whereas now he’s looking at $70 million a year. “It has been growing exponentially year after year after year.”
“Then finally, I stopped by WeighPack in Las Vegas and I talked to them,” he recalls.Luis Pilonieta, sales manager with the Paxiom Group, sister company and sales/services provider of WeighPack Systems Inc., recalls the first time he dropped by Herbaland Naturals to speak with Syed about his packaging options in 2015.“We met him in one of his first build ings, a very small office, and it was for his first machine back when he was consid ering expanding,” Pilonieta recalls. “At the beginning, like for any business owner, selecting the first machine is scary, especially when you’re putting out over $300,000 on a piece of equipment.
That first machine purchased by Syed was a combination of WeighPack’s PrimoCombi multihead weighing ma chine with the SpinDexer rotary con tainer filling, conveying and indexing system.Syed says he was very impressed with the equipment’s performance.
From left: An incline (below)fillingrotaryintoofproperdispenseswhichscalemultiheadthebemezzaninegummiesquantitiespre-measuredelevatorbucketcarryingofbulkuptotheleveltodispensedinsidePrimoCombiweigh-(center),thenthequantitiesgummiesdowntheSpinDexercontainersystem
“They’re really very good at making a gummy packaging line,” Syed says. “Gummies can get very sticky. Their composition makes the packaging pro cess difficult sometimes, especially when we are counting and weighing the prod uct.“Their weighscales are very good,” Syed points out.

To help ensure that Herbaland Nat urals has minimal downtime at its facili ties, WeighPack’s technical service team helped train in-house technicians to deal with minor issues.
“To get all those counts of gummies into the bottles becomes even more challenging,” Pilonieta says. The installation and commissioning of the last two machines went fairly smooth, but Pilonieta admits there was a learning curve at the beginning of his company’s relationship with Herbaland.
“We bought the last two machines this past year. They are different: much more improved with a lot of things. “They’ve become more computerized, they have a camera, a metal detector, and a new type of screening,” Syed says. Adds Pilonieta: “The SpinDexer is a very unique machine because gummies are a very challenging product. Not all gummies are made the same way. “For Musharaf, he has a wide variety of gummies to process: some are sug ar-coated, some are oily, some are really sticky.“The challenge for gummies is to rely on a piece of equipment that is going to give them accuracy and reliability when packing them into the bottles.”
“They have a special technique for separating the gummies using different vibrations, which has been a very effect ive solution for us.” As Herbaland Naturals’ business grew, they continued to invest in WeighPack PrimoCombi and SpinDexer machines— installing them at each of its four facilities. And as Herbaland Naturals has evolved, so have the technologies within WeighPack’s equipment.
“We learned from their technical people and now we have three people to fix and repair things,” he says. “For every thing minor, we solve things ourselves. For anything major, we call them.”
The gummies begin their journey when they are placed into a hopper from bulk bags by an operator.
One of the other challenges related to packing gummy vitamins is the shape of the“Mostbottles.of the vitamin gummies in nutraceutical that you buy in a Shoppers Drugs Mart, or any other stores like that, they have a big fat bottle with a very tiny neck,” Pilonieta says. “So, when you have all those gummies going through a very tiny neck it’s chal lenging because they get clogged, not only when handling the gummy right from the beginning but from conveying to weighing to dispensing.
“For the first one, the learning curve was a little bit longer, but we got the hang of it,” he continues.
“The second one was faster. For thee third and fourth ones, we had changed the technologies on the multihead weighers, so it was a little bit of a new software learning process that they had to do,” Pilonieta relates. “But they were really quick to absorb that and are loving the new version of the software.”
“It is crucial to keep the gummies sep arated from each other, so we can have
“When it‘s the first time that you’re implementing something, you are learn ing,” he says. “It was no different with the packaging requirements and technology that they’re in.
Left: Close-up of the Primo360 HMI (human-machine interface) control panel chowing real-time displays of the product flow running through the PrimoCombi
Below:weighscales.Rigidjars filled with gummies exiting the filling station in a single file to move on to the next packaging stages downstream.

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“The operator places them into a mesh and makes sure there are no clumps, and the machine will then automatically vibrate prod uct right onto the conveyor system, so it can be later weighed and dispensed into the bottles,” Pilonieta explains.
After the machine vibrates the gummies onto the conveyor, they move into the fill station.
Once the product is weighed and dispensed, the products move to the SpinDexer rotary container conveying indexing system, which will take an empty bottle and index it to the fill station, where the gummies will be dispensed.
In addition to growing competition in the marketplace for vitamin gummies, supply chain issues, labor shortages and unfore seen inflation have made things challenging for companies, includ ing Herbaland Naturals.
“Right now we are producing gummies, so we need to source the raw materials and make sure there will be good orders to keep our production costs of expense stable,” she says. “But that’s not just an issue for Herbaland: everyone in the industry is having a similar type of challenge.”
Food-grade plastic conveyors carrying filled jars of vitamin gummies away from the filling station and on to the capping and labeling stages.
“The machine, as it is indexed, will vibrate multiple times until it finalizes with all the gummies inside of the bottle and goes to the next stage of the packaging process,” Pilonieta says.
As the product makes its way to the scale, the WeighPack Prim oCombi multihead weighing machine will automatically weigh and dispense the programmed product count into the bottles.
“The challenge for gummy manufacturers is to fill the batch of gummies into such a small bottle opening, and that’s why the SpinDexer has a great technology to do that,” Pilonieta says.
Despite that, Herbaland remains committed to continuing its growth strategy.
It starts with the operator putting empty bottles into the rotating unscrambling table where it will spin the bottles and feed them into the machine. After the PrimoCombi has accurately weighed and dispensed the product, it falls down a funnel to get into the bottle.
“We have strongly believed since Day One that we can be an industry leader not only in Canada, but also in the global market.”
“As a leader in a company, I think we need to empower people by how much we believe in our goal and going through it together,” she says. “For me and for Musharaf, we have strongly believed since Day One that we can be the industry leader not only in Canada, but also in the global market.”
SUPPLIERS Paxiom WeighPackGroupSystems Inc.
“Our systems are all equipped with a webcam system,” Pilonieta points out. “It allows us to take a look and see what’s happening in the top portion of the production process, en abling the machine operator downstairs to see what’s happening with the product in real time. We also offer free online support via this camera system.”
an accurate count,” notes Pilonieta.
Yang says these issues have made forecasting ahead difficult.

By George Guidoni, Editor
The Great Western Brewing Company is the first Canadian company to have installed the Performance series case-packer from Delkor Systems at its operations in Saskatoon, Sask.
ondly referred to as “Paris of the Prairies” for the eight landmark bridges straddling the South Saskatchewan River, the city of Saskatoon has many good things going for it in terms of a grow ing population, a vibrant cultural scene, and a buoyant local econ omy driven by Saskatchewan’s vast wealth of natural resources and agricul turalCoupledcommodities.withthe natural charms of surrounding prairie grasslands and the majestic open skies above, the province’s largest city is also home to one of Can ada’s oldest provincial breweries that, unthinkably, once came within a whisker of closure and demolition. Started up in 1927 under the Hub City Brewing Company moniker—a nod to Saskatoon’s status as Canada’s central commercial distribution hub— the upstart brewer changed its name to Western Canada Brewing Company in 1930 and then to Drewery’s Ltd. in 1932.Acquired by O’Keefe Brewing in 1956, the brewery’s days seemed to be numbered after a 1988 merger between Carling O’Keefe and Molson Brewing Company , with an imminent loss of about 40 full-time jobs at the plant.
Remarkably, a group of 16 employees and management pooled their resources and secured enough government finan cial assistance to buy the facility and its assets from Molson in 1989—launching the Great Western Brewing Company the following year.
Starting with two initial brands, Great Western’s product portfolio grew to comprise 11 different brand names by 2004, along with a thriving third-party manufacturing and co-packing business with various marketers to produce beer and other beverages at the facility. With annual production capacity of about 275,000 hectoliters, the independ ent, employee-owned brewer today ranks as one of the largest regional brewers in Saskatchewan brewer invests in intelligent

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“We do our packaging over four 10hour shifts, and we’ll often run a double 10-hour shift during the summer months,” Genest“That’srelates.20hours of packaging, with four hours to clean between shifts,” he adds.As Genest relates, the brewery cur rently manufactures 22 different prod
“We are constantly pursuing new opportunities to expand our regional reach,” says Genest, citing a healthy customer base that includes govern ment-operated liquor stores, bars, pubs, restaurants, entertainment venues and sports teams, among others.
“We have beverages that appeal to all demographics: male and female, valuepriced, mainstream and premium beer drinkers,” notes Genest, adding the fa cility currently houses three canning lines and one keg line to keep production go ing at a healthy pace throughout the year.
western Canada, producing about 250,000 cans of beer per day and market ing its products throughout western Canada.“Ourbrands are very well-known in Saskatchewan, and we are gaining market share in Manitoba, Alberta and British Columbia,” says vice-president of oper ations Allan Genest.

“We measure our facilities perform ance in many ways,” Genest relates. “From raw materials used in making our beers and energy used to manufacture on to shrinkage or any losses in our process, through to hectoliters-per-man-hour in packaging, product storage and trans portation to the point-of-sale.”
• A Gold Medal winner at the Monde Selection competition in Belgium in 2001.•Numerous Canadian Brewing Awards, including Gold, Silver and Bronze wins for the Original 16 Pale Ale and several other brands.
Left: Supplied by Graphic Packaging International, the pre-printed Mega Pack cases making their way in and out of the Performance series case-packer.
As the company’s website proclaims, “We pay a premium to make sure that Saskatchewan’s beer truly is 100-percent locally brewed, owned and grown.
Above: Great Western Brewing Company’s vice-president of operations Allan Genest.
“We work directly with the farmers who grow the barley to make your beer, so we know exactly what’s going into every batch we make.”
• A Gold Medal winner at the Midwest Brewers Festival in 2000 for the Great Western Premium Lager;
Most recently, the company’s Original 16 Prairie White wheat beer brand was selected as the Gold Medal winner in the global Hermes Creative Awards com petition for marketing excellence.
• A Gold Medal at the Midwest Brewers Festival in 1999 and Bronze Winner at the 2000 World Beer Cup for the Great Western Premium Light brand;
For Genest, such recognition is re sounding validation of the company’s proud tradition of local ingredient sourc ing and manufacturing for all its products.
Despite being a regional player, Great Western has been recognized with mul tiple prestigious international awards of excellence over the years, including:
CANADIANPACKAGING.COM SECONDARY PACKAGING ucts in 10 different packaging formats, with the company’s Original 16 pre mium brand family—so named as tribute to the 16 founding shareholders—the flagship Great Western range (main stream) and Brewhouse (value) brands being its bestselling products.
Being an independent brewery also allows Great Western to respond to many
In addition to using top-quality in gredients to make its beer, the Great Western brewery is highly selective when it comes to the quality of its processing and packaging equipment, constantly upgrading its packaging lines to boost productivity, output and operational flexibility, according to Genest.
In fact, the Original 16 brand of pre mium beers is widely acknowledged as “Saskatchewan’s favorite beer brand,” according to Genest.

“Moreover, the Performance machine makes changeovers super simple,” says Altman, adding most standard product
Operated via a speedy gantry pickand-place robotic system, the compact case-packer is essentially “an electronic solution that controls and monitors both product flow and accumulation patterns without any mechanical devices,” ac cording to Delkor Systems vice-president of sales and marketing Dan Altman.
“Eliminating those components from the design makes the machine a lot more compact, so that it can fit just about anywhere, and much more economical— up to $100,000 less than conventional mechanical designs,” Altman points out.
• An FKI brand palletizer from Honeywell Intelligrated In the spring of 2021, the Great West ern brewery made another major invest ment in its canning operations with the installation of a new ‘Mega Pack Line,’ dedicated to the production of large-for mat beer cases holding 36 to 48 beer cans perAscase.Genest explains, the customer de mand for large-format beer packaging soared during the past two years of COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns—open ing a lucrative market niche for Great Western to tap into.
Capable of reaching throughput speeds of up to 300 containers per minute, depending on container type and style, the Performance case-packers patented Intelligent Synchronization technology allows it to control and monitor product flow and accumulation without the use of any mechanical devices.
• A high-speed Crown filler with an Angelus model 61H seamer;
“During the pandemic, consumers wanted to make less trips and to buy more quantity of products per trip,” Gen est“Largerrelates. pack size also means a more competitive price based on volume,” adds Genest, citing “highly competitive” pricing pressures in the beer market. With demand for the new Mega Pack cases growing in leaps and bounds, the brewer quickly found itself in need of a high-performance case-packing machine that would automatically handle the packing of filled aluminum cans, sup plied by Crown Metal Corporation, inside the pre-printed paperboard large-format cartons manufactured by Graphic Packaging International.
• An inline BBull fill and leak detec tion system.
• A Douglas Machine cartoner;
The company’s proactive capital in vestment strategy is well encapsulated on its canning lines with top-of-the-line packaging equipment that comprises:
• A Krones Checkmat inline in spection system, along with a Krones conveyor systems and a Krones tunnel pasteurizer.
After carefully evaluating available options, Great Western decided to con tact Delkor Systems, Inc., a renowned manufacturer of automatic secondary packaging machinery headquartered in Minneapolis, Minn. Working closely with Delkor’s machin ery experts, Great Western quickly found the solution it was looking for with Delkor’s Performance series case-pack er.Manufactured at Delkor’s state-ofthe-art Minneapolis production facility employing over 340 people, the Performance series case-packers feature double-patented Intelligent Synchron ization technology that eliminates the need for traditional collation chains, buckets and fixed guides—minimizing change parts inventory and expenses—as well as an innovative contoured infeed system that can handle speeds of up to 300 containers per minute, depending on container type and style.
To facilitate the switch, the brewery has carried out extensive capital upgrades to improve its canning capabilities and expertise as part of its larger efforts to create a “state-of-the-art brewery through innovation and automation,” according to Genest.
• C&A Industries conveying systems.
changes in the marketplace in a timely manner, says Genest, citing the com pany’s decision to exit the bottled beer segment a few years ago due to the fast-growing popularity of canned beer.
• A model 609 bulk can depalletizer from the American Can Com pany;

“The machine has been running above our expectations,” Ellard states, “with better case-packing efficiencies than we ever had Genestbefore.”agrees, lauding the Performance series case-packer for its “high-quality engineering and manufacturing.” Says Genest: “The Delkor Perform ance loader has proven to be very efficient in our “Theoperation.designand ease of changeover makes this machine one of our best in the facility,” states Genest, while also compli menting Delkor technicians for “flawless installation and follow-up support.
According to Altman, the introduction of the Performance case-packers to the market in 2018 has been one of Delkor Systems’ most successful new product launches in years, with 62 Performance case-packers sold and installed to date.
Marking its debut in the Canadian market with a successful installation and commissioning at the Great Western brewery is the proverbial icing on the cake, according to Altman.
“We are proud to have our technology put to good use by people who under stand what makes our technology a good investment for their business,” Altman sums up, “and we wish them all the suc cess in the world.”
“The thing I like the most is how easy it is to change over from different pack sizes,” Ellard states. “If we’re running different sizes back-to-back, it only takes a few minutes with toolless changeover to adjust, which makes it easy and efficient for our maintenance staff.
Fully loaded with leading-edge Allen-Bradley process controls and software from Rockwell Automation —a standard feature on all Delkor-built packaging machinery—the Performance case-packer has proven its worth in flying colors since arriving at the Great Western brewery.
“The integration of the machine to our in-house maintenance team was very well orchestrated and well-received by our team,” he adds, adding the new machine has had a positive impact on the brew ery’s line efficiencies and overall pack aging“Packagingcompetencies.playsa strong role in our business,” he says, “as it must work hard er than ever to enable us to compete in a highly fragmented market with a con sistent flow of new entrants.
changeovers can be performed in two to three minutes without any tools and minimal change parts.
SUPPLIERS Delkor Systems, Inc. Please see a video of the Delkor Systems’ Performa series case-packer in action at the Great Western Brewing plant in Saskatoon, Sask., on Canadian Packaging TV at:
“The Delkor machine has been awe some to work with,” says Great Western Brewing’s packaging manager Brian El lard, who initially recommended Delkor to Genest based on his prior professional experience with Delkor’s technology.
“Our move into large-format pack aging is just one of several packaging in novations we’re currently working on,” Genest confides, “and we are looking forward to building on our success.”
For Delkor’s Altman, the Performance case-packer installation project at Great Western will always have a special place in his heart as well.
“This was our first installation of the Performance case-packer in Canada,” he says, “and we could not think of a better first-time client. “They are a great company, with great people who know exactly what they need to do and what kind of machinery they need to do their job the best they can.”

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By Nathalie Gamache
• Optimize packaging design
Adopting an eco-friendly approach to packaging design
oday, consumers are in creasingly aware of en vironmental issues and are pressuring companies to reduce their environment al footprint. This can have an influence on their pur chasing decisions and, as a result, shapes new pack agingWithtrends.themultiplication of eco-friendly options on the market, it is becoming more complex for a company that wants to re duce its packaging environmental foot print to identify the factors that will have a concrete influence. To deal with this complexity and ensure the validity of the approach, there are key principles to guide you in your packaging creation. Minimizing impact through eco-design When designing new packaging, wheth
• Carefully consider materials and in puts
er the main focus is to transport goods or to have a shelf impact, the overall weight of its life cycle must be considered from the beginning of the project, in addition to traditional criteria such as ergonomics, safety, performance, aesthetics, and costs. This is the base principle of eco-design.
• Consider Manufacturing process
IMPORTANT CRITERIA TO CONSIDER To help you make choices aimed at re ducing the overall environmental impact at each stage of the packaging’s life cycle you must take into consideration the fol lowing important criteria:

The statistics put out forward by organiz ations focusing on the circularity of our resources, such as the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, Québec Circulaire, and Cir cle Economy, are worrying. The opinions of these organizations are unanimous: the pressure on natural resources is so great, that we must collectively aim for a better circularity, by reusing in place of virgin inputs. According to the latest estimated results published in the Circularity Gap Report, the circularity rate was 8.6% worldwide in 2021, a decrease of 0.5% compared to the estimated figure two years earlier. In other words, we waste 91% of our resources as the majority of our consumer goods are not designed to be reused or recycled. Disturbing data dem onstrates the enormous vacant space available for improvement. Experts esti mate that for our resources to have time to regenerate, the circularity rate should at least double at 17%. This is why it is important for the indus try to focus on the recyclability of products and packaging based on eco-design throughout the life cycle.
• Reduce waste or losses by better protecting the product • Consider end of life
CIRCULAR ECONOMY AND ECO-DESIGN: A NECESSARY ALLIANCE Eco-design and the circular economy are closely related concepts. The latter model is based on using resources to their full potential, avoiding waste caused by the linear logic of extraction-production-con sumption-waste. Companies that decide to use predominantly recycled inputs in their packaging contribute to the circular economy, a practice that always has a positive impact on the life cycle of a prod uct. It prevents the extraction of new re sources, in addition to diverting materials from landfills that can be used again. Its positive impact also extends to energy consumption, climate change, and the economy. Circular economy: a tool of choice to reduce the pressure on our resources
Over decades, Cascades has developed an expertise that few companies can boast about today. It has become a master in fiber recycling and has become the leading paper and cardboard recycler in Canada as one of the most responsible companies in the world according to Global100. A crescendo of good news that makes Cas cades a partner of choice when creating new packaging that is eco-designed, con tains the best inputs, and is manufactured using the most efficient methods. Working with Cascades means having all this exper tise at your fingertips.
NATHALIE GAMACHE is vice-president of marketing and innovation at ContainerboardCascadesPackaging in St-Bruno-de-Montarville, Que. In addition to product protection and
Furthermore, in the context of in creased environmental challenges, we sometimes tend to think that packaging is superfluous when in fact it performs es sential functions such as protection and loss management - ultimately reducing waste.From the materials used, the preserva tion technology, the design; there is a range of existing possibilities to adapt the pack aging to the products it protects, extend their life and reduce the risk of waste alto gether. When considering the entire life cycle of a product, the content often has more impact than the container. Pro tecting it well therefore becomes an essen tial part of the equation.
By adopting eco-design principles, you can avoid shifting impacts from one stage of life cycle to another (for example, by replacing an input that would make the product non-recyclable) and identify opportunities for improvement to further reduce the footprint of a new package.
Finally, to be recycled, packaging must be recyclable. Cardboard, molded pulp, plastic; the recyclable materials are num erous, yet several factors influence their recyclability potential. Eco-design experts take these elements into account when developing new packaging to maximize their chances of having a second life.
• Optimize the supply chain & trans portation

“Whether it is reducing material con sumption, switching to alternative ma terials or modifying sealing processes: our experts will facilitate the way towards more eco-friendly packaging.”
When it comes to sustainability, not only do alternative materials play an important role, but also new sealing technologies are crucial to making food packaging more environmentally friendly.AtIBIE 2022, Syntegon will demon strate how the CBS-D band sealer for vertical and horizontal formats creates tighter seals and thus effectively reduces material consumption. It also features PTFE-coated fiberglass sealing bands that ensure high-quality sealing and minimize machine wear and mainten ance.Says Wood: “Our processing and packaging experts continuously rethink packaging by focusing on R&D to make bakery production processes more sus tainable.“Besides technologies that reduce the amount of conventional plastic pack aging solutions—such as the recently launched DCS discharge station for cookies, crackers and biscuits—it also avoids product waste thanks to its gentle handling using belt slides.”
SyntegonTop: Technol ogy’s Kliklok ACE carton machine.D-ZipSmartPackerBottom:erector.GEAGroup’snewCX400bagging
Afterwards, the cookie trays are fed into the horizontal flow wrapper Pack 202 flow-wrapper that packages them in pil low pouches made from monomaterial films.Alternatively, manufacturers can opt for paper flow wraps by integrating the “paper-ON-form” retrofit kit into their existing form, fill and seal machines.
Syntegon Technology Booth #325 GEA Group will display its new GEA SmartPacker CX400 D-Zip machine for pre-packaged food products applica tion in retail and foodservice environ ments.Combining fast, high-quality oper ation with maximum flexibility and up time, the user-friendly machine can produce more than 10 different bag styles that are appropriate for crackers, cookies and other baked goods.
46 CANADIANPACKAGING · July/August 2022 CANADIANPACKAGING.COM SHOW PREVIEW SHAKE AND BAKE! t’s time. After three long years, the baking indus try’s premier event is back in a big way, with IBIE 2022 (International Baking Industry Exhibition) organiz ers working around the clock to make this year’ event the most memorable and dynamic one yet. Scheduled to run at the Las Vegas Convention Center from Sept. 18 to Sept. 21, 2002, the four-day showcase will fea ture nearly 1,000 exhibitors displaying the industry’s latest innovations, including: • Automation & robotics • Baking equipment & systems • Business ser vices • Ingredients, flavorings, spices & fillings Ingredient handling systems • Packaging materials & systems tech nology • Refr igeration equipment • Sanitation equipment • Transportation & distribution equip ment.Sponsored by the American Bakers Association (ABA) , Bakery Equip ment Manufacturers and Allieds (BEMA) and the Retail Bakers of America (RBA), IBIE 2022 is the ideal forum for making new contacts, sharing best practices and trading insights with industryVisitorspeers.tothe show have the oppor tunity to attend leading-edge practical educational sessions to learn about creative strategies for improving their bakeries and increasing their profit mar gins.Here are some of the technologies to be displayed at IBIE 2022 next month: Visitors to the International Baking Industry Exposition 2022 can gain an overview on how bakery products are packed safely and sustainably at the Syntegon Technology ’s Booth 325, where the company’s machine experts will unveil the Kliklok ACE carton erector; the Pack 202 horizontal form-fill-seal (HFFS) machine, and the CBS-D band sealer.Each of the machines is designed to support bakery manufacturers in pro cessing a wide range of different bakery products such as cookies, cakes, donuts or bars, in a sustainable way. “Visitors to the IBIE trade show will get an impression of the brands that come together as Syntegon: Doboy, Elematic, Kliklok, Osgood, Sigpack and Woodman.“Withour versatile portfolio, we offer solutions from standalone machines to complete packaging systems,” says Syntegon’s product sales manager Dave Wood.“Syntegon values continuous improve ment and addresses future-oriented topics such as sustainability in the bakery sector,” Wood says.
Because sustainability endeavors not only protect the environment, but also the products, Syntegon’s three show cased technologies combine sustainabil ity with optimal product protection for sensitive foods. Visitors can take a closer look at the Kliklok ACE carton erector that uses the innovative lock-style tech nology to fold glue-free paper trays for cookies—and enabling manufacturers to replace plastic with recyclable paper.
Annual awaitedmakesindustrybakingshowcaseitslong-comeback

Less headaches. More efficiencies. Domino. Do more.
With consistently placed, error-free labels on cases and pallets, Victoria has lowered operating costs and eliminated a lot of headaches.
But since partnering with Domino, Victoria’s job has been a whole lot easier. Labels are applied directly and accurately to packaging with an automated Domino label print and apply machine.
Meet Victoria. Victoria is a manager at a personal care products manufacturing facility. And it’s her job to be sure the products shipping out of her facility are properly labeled with the correct traceability codes. In the past, these labels were applied by hand and were prone to all kinds of problems: it was slow moving, expensive, and always hard to find and train labor.

“It has been three years since the last IBIE show, with a lot of challenges and changes during that time, so we are looking forward to seeing everyone in person to demonstrate the new innova tions and packaging solutions that For most Fuji has to offer,” says Formost Fuji’s marketing coordinator Angela McDaniel, adding the company’s booth will have plenty of Fuji sales team, engin eers, controls and service experts at the show to help attendees find optimal solutions for their production challenges.
The SmartPacker machine also produ ces premium quality D-ZIP bags, and it features an innovative corner seal unit designed to reduce complexity and im prove package quality, equipment flex ibility and Accordingserviceability.tothecompany, users can expect premium performance from their GEA SmartPacker CX400 D-Zip with an output of up to 100 D-Zip bags/minute and enjoy 98 percent uptime and highly accurate operation from a machine that carries the smallest footprint of any other comparable machine in the industry.
The GEA SmartPacker CX400 D-Zip design also reduces the amount of plastic required for the zipper by approximately 15 per cent by eliminating the zipper material in the cross-seal, which also re duces plastic waste by requiring no punching.
GEA BoothGroup#7547
Formost Fuji Corporation (repre sented in Canada by Abbey Equipment Solutions) will be demonstrating mul tiple pieces of packaging equipment at the show, including four different hori zontal flow-wrapper models and a stateof-the-art bagging machine.
Formost Fuji Corporation Booth #1401 Leading Canadian conveyor systems manufacturer and integrator Storcan will team up with its Italian partner LM to show off a wide range of in techno logically advanced handling solutions such as sorting and product orientation systems.Deigned for high-speed lines, LM solutions can be positioned either at the start or at the end of packaging lines and equipped with Storcan’s varied and cus tom conveying solutions for transporting products of different shapes, texture, and From left: A Formost Fuji commercialinStorcanAcheckweigher.ogy’sFortressmachine.flow-wrappinghorizontalTechnol-Raptormodelfood-gradeconveyoractioninsideabakery. weight in a cold/humid or warm/dry en vironment.Duringthe IBIE show, the two com panies will exhibit their conveying and handling systems for bakery products, while offering attendee all the informa tion they need on how to build an optimal food production line.
Storcan/LMBooth#7827 Fortress Technology Inc. will demon strate how the company’s the high-speed Raptor Checkweigher can help the bakery sector to effectively offset the escal ating inflationary rises and sector price hikes by delivering premium inspection and weight checks at a highly competi tive price-point to put an end to costly productDesignedgiveaway.todeliver 100-percent reli able weight control with ±0.025-gram accuracy, the standard Fortress Raptor Checkweigher can weigh bread, snack and pastry product packs, up to a maximum of 17 pounds, with an XL (55lb and 110lb) heavy duty version also available for bulk and ingredient applications. Measuring less than 1.3 metres with the reject system (standard model) the Raptor Checkweigher slots easily into ex isting bakery production lines with virtu ally no business disruption. Its modular electronics suite allows for full integra tion with a Fortress metal detector to create a high-precision combination system.Bydigitizing the checkweighing pro cess, manufacturers can rapidly achieve productivity gains and save thousands of dollars in product giveaway. Also to be featured at show, the Interceptor BRC metal detector is de signed to overcome product effect when inspecting baked bread; the Interceptor DF (Divergent Field) for low-profile foods like cookies and snack bars; and the ‘Big Bag’ metal detector for bulk grain and ingredient inspections, plus the company’s unique easy clean convey or. Fortress Technology Inc. Booth #7005
The display will feature a JLS Auto mation pick-and-place robot feeding product into a Formost Fuji flow-pack wrapper to demonstrate the efficiency of robotics and the simplicity of adding automation to the wrapping line.
Easy to use, the bagger has a change over time of under 45 minutes—without the use of special tools—and features frontThedischarge.premium quality D-Zip bag leave nothing to be desired with smooth and sharp cross seals, an elegant and slim design, and air/gas-tight sealing.

“As one of the largest trade events for the grain-based foods industry, the IBIE is a one-stop shop for manufacturers in baking, and we are looking forward to sharing our latest innovations, in sights and experience with the community”, explains Hartmut Siegel, chief executive officer at Schubert North America. Schubert’s modular, ro bot-based, top-loading packaging machines (TLM) enable bakers to produce cost-effectively and effi ciently. Schubert will present its cutting-edge technology to solve requirements such as filling baked goods, quickly-changing pack aging formats, double-packaged products, product fragility, pres sure and heat-sensitivity with Schubert’s market-leading robot technology.
Paxiom Group Booth #444
Sleek i65 feeds the film from below so that delicate and hard-to-wrap products are secure ly carried on top of the packaging, essentially pulling them through the wrapping process. By carrying the product through instead of pushing it, the integrity and the aesthetics of the product are main tained.Built with reliability and ser viceability in mind, this affordable, easy-to-use flow-wrapper features integrated infeed and exit convey ors, stainless-steel frame and dis charge chute, easily accessible film carriage and a large color touch screenWhencontrolspeaking about their newly integrated SleekWrapper, production and operations man ager Jason Stovra of Spring Meadows Natural Pet Food stated that “everything really came together well with this project: a high-quality product in high-qual ity packaging produced on a high-quality machine.” Stovra went on to say that “The machine has run like clockwork, running 50 packs per minute, or roughly 10 pounds of product, producing perfect hermetically sealed pack ages to keep the product nice and fresh.”From entry-level machines to integrated high-speed systems, ValTara offers a complete line of easily customized flow-wrapping machines for every industry.
The Schuber t Group will showcase its lightline Cartonpacker —a configured custom case packer offering Schubert’s proven robot-assisted technology in a reliable automation solution that delivers maximum availability and outstanding packaging quality.
Booth #445 Paxiom Group ’s exhibit will showcase the company’s ValTara SleekWrapper i65 system for wrapping hard-to-handle products such as soft baked goods, tortillas, fresh produce, meats and multipackThetrays.
The lightline Castonpacker sytem from the Schubert Group. Paxiom Group’s ValTara SleekWrapper i65 horizontal flow-wrapper.

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CANADIANPACKAGING.COM July/August 2022 · CANADIANPACKAGING 53 2022/23 ANNUAL BUYERS’ GUIDE CANADA’S PACKAGING INDUSTRY FROM A TO Z Associations 53 Materials & Components 55 Containers ..................................................................................................................................................... 60 Automation Devices 62 Packaging Machinery 66 Converting Machinery ............................................................................................................................ 92 Package Makers/Services 97 Addresses & Contacts 102 Who makes/sells what, and where to find them ASSOCIATIONS AICC - THE PACKAGINGINDEPENDENTASSOCIATION 113 S West St Alexandria VA 22314 Tel: 703-836-2422 Fax: 703-836-2795 Web: www.aiccbox.org AICC CANADA - THE INDEPENDENT PACKAGING ASSOCIATION 43 King St. W. PO Box 35 Caledon ON L7E 5T1 Tel: 833-200-8333 Fax: 833-2008333 Web: https://www.aiccbox.ca ALEX E. JONES & ASSOCIATES LTD. 8-785 Pacific Rd Oakville ON L6L 6M3 Tel: 905-847-0166 Fax: 905-847-0123 Web: www.alexejones.ca AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF MEAT PROCESSORS One Meating Place Elizabethtown PA 17022 Tel: 717-367-1168 Fax: 717-3679096 Web: www.aamp.com AMERICAN FROZEN FOOD INSTITUTE 2000 Corporate Ridge Suite 1000 McLean VA 22102 Tel: 703-821-0770 Fax: 703-821-1350 Web: www.affi.org BAKING ASSOCIATION OF CANADA 26C-7895 Tranmere Drive Mississauga ON L5S 1V9 Tel: 905-405-0288 888674-2253 Fax: 905-405-0993 Web: www.baking.ca BALEFORCE RECYCLING EQUIPMENT 8080 Lawson Rd Milton ON L9T5C4 Tel: 416-235-1900 Web: www.baleforce.com BALPEX INC., 30 Leek Cres Suite 102 Richmond Hill ON L4B 4N4 Tel: 905-886-8177 Web: www. balpex.ca CANADIAN CORRUGATED & ASSOCIATIONCONTAINERBOARD 3-1995 Clark Blvd Brampton ON L6T 4W1 Tel: 905-458-1247 Fax: 905-458-2052 Web: www.cccabox.org CANADIAN MEAT COUNCIL 930-220 Laurier Ave W Ottawa ON K1P 5Z9 Tel: 613-729-3911 Fax: 613-4294997 Web: www.cmc-cvc.com CANADIAN PALLET COUNCIL 239 Division St Cobourg ON K9A 3P9 Tel: 905-372-1871 Fax: 905-373-0230 Web: www.cpcpallet.com CANADIAN PLASTICS INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION 125-5955 Airport Rd Mississauga ON L4V 1R9 Tel: 905-678-7748 Fax: 905-6780774 Web: www.plastics.ca CANADIAN POULTRY AND EGG COUNCILPROCESSORS 400-1545 Carling Ave Ottawa ON K1Z 8P9 Tel: 613-724-6605 Fax: 613-7244577 Web: www.cpepc.ca CANADIAN MARKETINGPRODUCEASSOCIATION 162 Cleopatra Dr Ottawa ON K2G 5X2 Tel: 613-226-4187 Fax: 613-226-2984 Web: www.cpma.ca CANADIAN ASSOCIATIONSTANDARD(CSA) 178 Rexdale Blvd Toronto ON M9W 1R3 Tel: 416-747-4000 Web: www.csa.ca CHARLES DOWNER & CO. LTD. 7-52 West Beaver Creek Rd Richmond Hill ON L4B 1L9 Tel: 905-882-2222 Fax: 905-882-0437 Web: www.cdowner.com CONTRACT ASSOCIATIONPACKAGING One Parkview Plaza Suite 800 Oakbrook Terrace IL 60181 Tel: 630-544-5053 Fax: 630-544-5055 Web: www. contractpackaging.org EVANESCE 1050 W PENDER ST SUITE 1510 VANCOUVER BC V6E3S7 Tel: 800-6919158 Web: https://evanesce.com/ FCC 1800 Hamilton St Regina SK S4P 4L3 Tel: 800-387-3232 Web: www.fcc-fac.ca FOOD INSTITUTEMARKETING 800-2345 Crystal Dr Arlington VA 22202 Tel: 202-452-8444 Fax: 202-429-4519 Web: www.fmi.org FOOD (FPSA)SUPPLIERSPROCESSINGASSOCIATION 101-1451 Dolley Madison Blvd McLean VA 22101-3850 Tel: 703-761-2600 Fax: 703-761-4334 Web: www.fpsa.org FOOD PROCESSORS OF CANADA 900-350 Sparks St Ottawa ON K1R 7S8 Tel: 613-722-1000 Web: www. foodprocessors.ca FOODSERVICE PACKAGING INSTITUTE 421-7700 Leesburg Pike Falls Chruch VA 22043 Tel: 703-592-9889 Fax: 703592-9864 Web: www.fpi.org FOREST ASSOCIATIONPRODUCTSOFCANADA 410-99 Bank St Ottawa ON K1P 6B9 Tel: 613-563-1441 Fax: 613-563-4720 Web: www.fpac.ca GLASS INSTITUTEPACKAGING 1220 North Fillmore St Suite 400 Alexandria VA 22201 Tel: 703-684-6359 Fax: 703-546-0588 Web: www.gpi.org COMPLIANCEHEALTHCARE PACKAGING COUNCIL 268-2711 Buford Rd Bon Air VA 232352423 Tel: 804-338-5778 Fax: 888-8124272 Web: www.hcpconline.org INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONALSPACKAGING(IOPP) One Parkview Plaza Suite 800 Oakbrook Terrace IL 60181 Tel: 630-544-5050 Web: www.iopp.org NORTH AMERICAN MEAT INSTITUTE 1150 Connecticut Ave NW 12th Floor Washington DC 20036 Tel: 202-5874200 Fax: 202-587-4300 Web: www. meatinstitute.org NSF CANADA 125 Chancellors Way Guelph ON N1G 0E7 Tel: 519-821-1246 Fax: 519-836-1281 Web: www.nsfcanada.ca ONTARIO INDEPENDENT MEAT ASSOCIATIONPROCESSORS B1-52 Royal Rd Guelph ON N1H 1G3 Tel: 519-763-4558 Fax: 519-763-4164 Web: www.oimp.ca PAC GLOBAL 600-15 Allstate Parkway Markham ON L3R 5B4 Tel: 647-993-7600 Web: www. pac.global PAPER & (PPEC)ENVIRONMENTALPACKAGINGPAPERBOARDCOUNCIL 3-1995 Clark Blvd Brampton ON L6T 4W1 Tel: 905-458-0087 Fax: 905-458-2052 Web: www.ppec-paper.com PAPERBOARD PACKAGING COUNCIL 1350 Main St Suite 1508 Springfield MA 01103-1670 Tel: 413-686-9191 PLASTICS INSTITUTE OF AMERICA One University Ave Ball Hall Room 204 Lowell MA 01854 Tel: 978-934-2575 Fax: 978-934-3089 PMMI - THE ASSOCIATION FOR PACKAGING AND TECHNOLOGIESPROCESSING 12930 Worldgate Dr Suite 200 Herndon VA 20170 Tel: 571-612-3200 Fax: 703243-8556 Web: www.pmmi.org RECYCLING COUNCIL OF ONTARIO PO Box 83 Orangeville ON L9W 2Z5 Tel: 416-657-2797 888-501-9637 Web: www.rco.on.ca ROBOTIC ASSOCIATIONINDUSTRIES 900 Victors Way Suite 140 Ann Arbor MI 48108 Tel: 734-994-6088 Fax: 734994-3338 Web: www.robotics.org SEPTIMATECH GROUP INC. 106 Randall Dr Waterloo ON N2V 1K5 Tel: 519-746-7463 888-777-6775 Fax: 519746-3464 Web: www.septimatech.com SPI: THE ASSOCIATIONINDUSTRYPLASTICSTRADE 1425 K Street NW Suite 500 Washington DC 20005 Tel: 202-974-5200 Web: www. plasticsindustry.org U.S. POULTRY & EGG ASSOCIATION 1530 Cooledge Rd Tucker GA 300847303 Tel: 770-493-9401 Fax: 770-4939257 Web: www.uspoultry.org
FOR OVENS, INCLUDING INFEEDS AND EXITS KleanTop® PacTitan™ Pro Proven to last more than 6 times longer than the average metal conveyor belt. Creating A Better Tomorrow Regal Rexnord KleanTop, PacTitan and Rexnord are trademarks of Regal Rexnord Corporation or one of its affiliated companies. © 2022 Regal Rexnord Corporation, All Rights Reserved. MCAD22025E • Form# 10491E Scan the QR Code to speak to a Rexnord Specialist and learn how PacTitan Pro can help improve producti on and employee safety at your faciliti es. For more informati on, visit Rexnord.com or call 866-739-6673 within the U.S., or +31 174 445 111 outside the U.S. Visit us at boothNorth#7619,Hall, Sept. 18-21

CANADIANPACKAGING.COM July/August 2022 · CANADIANPACKAGING 55 MATERIALS & COMPONENTS • This section includes any item that forms part of the finished package. Examples: closures, coatings, films, foils, inks, labels, papers, tags and tapes. • Advertisers are shown in red type • For full addresses of companies listed on the following pages, turn to the Address Section of this Buyers’ Guide. ADDITIVE MASTER BATCHES Delkor Systems Inc. Henkel PlastiquesCorporationLausaInt,l inc. Singular Solutions Inc. ADHESIVES 1 Animal 2 Cold Glue 3 Hotmelt 4 Jelly Gum 5 Lacquer Or Coating Type Silicate 6 Paste & Vegetable 7 Rubber-Based Resins & Solvent 8 UV-Cured 9 Vinyl Emulsion 3M Canada Company 3,7,9 Canpaco Inc. 2-3 Celplast, a Division of Crawford Packaging 2 CRAWFORD PACKAGING 3 Glue Dots International 2-3,7 Gluefast Company Inc. 1-3,9 GlueGuard, Inc. 1-9 Goldrich Printpak Inc. 2-3,5,8 H B Fuller Canada 2-4,6-7,9 Habasit Canada Limited 2-3 Henkel Corporation 2-9 HMA Systems 3 Jowat Canada 2-3,7-9 OBX Works Inc. 2-3 Pineberry Manufacturing Inc. 3 Robatech Canada 3 Singular Solutions Inc. 5 Technical Adhesives Limited 1-3,6,9 Valco Melton 2-3 VisuaScan Inc. 2 WestRock 3 ALUMINUM FOIL Heat Sealing Packaging PAPERLAND CANADA INC. Servicorp Industrial Supplies Taisei Lamick - Dangan Winpak Ltd. BANDSTRETCH Canadian Paper & Packaging Co. Canpaco Inc. Omega Design Corp. Plan Automation Inc. BARCODE MASTERS 1 Barcode 2 EPS Barcode Graphics Inc. 1-2 Goldrich Printpak Inc. 1 Pineberry Manufacturing Inc. 1-2 Turck Canada Inc. 1 BARRIER MATERIALS 1 Coating 2 Films 3 Others 4 Resins Alte-Rego Corporation 2 Bericap North America Inc. 3 Canpaco Inc. 2 Cartier Celplast,2 a Division of Crawford Packaging 2 Duropac 2-3 Farnell Packaging Limited 2 General Magnaplate Corp. 1 Goldrich Printpak Inc. 1 Harlund Industries Ltd. 2 Heat Sealing Packaging 2 Hexion Inc. 4 Inteplast Bags and Films Corporation - Hare mar Plastic Manufacturing Division 2 Klöckner Pentaplast of Canada, Inc. 2-3 Moore Packaging Corporation 1 Multivac Canada Inc. 2 PACKPRO Systems 2 PAL Distributors Inc. 2-3 Peel Plastic Products Ltd. 1-2 Richards Packaging Inc. 4 Sealed Air Corporation 2 Singular Solutions Inc. 1,4 Spicers Canada 1 Winpak Ltd. 2-4 Winpak Portion Packaging Ltd. 3 BLISTERS Atlantic Packaging Products Ltd. Canpaco Inc. Celplast, a Division of Crawford Packaging Goldrich Printpak Inc. Spicers Canada BOARD 1 All Grades Folding Set-Up 2 Clay-Coated 3 Coated For Skin Blister 4 Corrugated 5 Corrugated Plastic 6 Metalized 7 Moisture-Proof Grease Proof 8 Non-Slip Coated 9 Plastic-Coated 10 Wax-Coated Canadian Paper & Packaging Co. 1-2,4 Canpaco Inc. 2-5,7-10 Cartier CRAWFORD4 PACKAGING 2,8 Delkor Systems Inc. 4 Diversco Global Packaging Inc. 4-5 Donway Packaging Corp. Ltd. 2,7 Elopak Canada Inc. 9 Federal Plastics 8 Goldrich Printpak Inc. 1-4,6-9 Graphic Packaging International Canada Imperial1-4,6-10Dade Canada Inc. 2,4,7-8,10 Kallima (produced by Rayonier Advanced Materials) 1 Kruger Inc. 4 Moore Packaging Corporation 4,10 Packaging Technologies Inc. 2,4,7-8 PAPERLAND CANADA INC. 2,9 Spicers Canada 1-4,6-10 Uline Canada Corp. 4 WestRock 2,4,10 CAN/BOTTLE HANDLES Buzz PakTechEquipment CLOSURES 1 Aerosol Cover Caps 2 Applicator 3 Atomizer Spray 4 Bag Clips 5 Bag Twist Ties 6 Brush Applicator 7 Can Clips 8 Caps Metal 9 Caps Plastic 10 Capsules Metal 11 Capsules Plastic 12 Cellulose Seals 13 Child-Resistant 14 Corks 15 Crowns 16 Dauber Applicator 17 Dispensing 18 Dropper Applicator 19 Drum 20 Foil 21 Glass 22 Heat Shrinkable 23 Metal 24 Paper 25 Plastic 26 Pour Spout 27 Rod Applicator 28 Rubber 29 Shrinkband 30 Supplementary Bottle Applied 31 Tamper-Evident (Security) 32 Vacuum 3M Canada Company 2,18,22,31 Bericap North America Inc. 2,6-9,11,13,16VibacUlineTricorBraunSilganServicorpSalbroRichardsPolytainersPembertonPeelPanoPALJonesImperialGoldrichForteFarnellEnerconEmballagesElopakDonwayDominionDependableCRAWFORDConsolidatedCelplast,CanpacoBlueBerryBerlin20,22,25-26,31Packaging8,10,14-15,18,23PlasticsCanadaInc.9,11,13,17-18,25-26,31WavePackaging25Inc.5,22,29,31aDivisionofCrawfordPackaging29,31BottleCorporation1-3,6,9,12-13,16-17,21,23,25-26,29-31PACKAGING29MarkingSystemsLtd.2,31&GrimmInc.8-9,11,14-15,22,26,31PackagingCorp.Ltd.5CanadaInc.2,26,31RodaPackagingInc.9,11,13,17,25,31IndustriesCorp.31PackagingLimited5LabelsandShrinkSleevesInc.29PrintpakInc.24DadeCanadaInc.4-5HealthcareGroup13,25DistributorsInc.29,31-32CapCanadaLtd.1,9,13,15,17,25,31PlasticProductsLtd.25&AssociatesInc.4,8,23,25,31-32Inc.9,25PackagingInc.1-3,6,9-18,21,23,25-32BottleInc.1-3,6,8-10,12-13,17,20-21,23,25-26,29,31IndustrialSupplies22,31PlasticsCanada9,13,17,25,311-2,6,9-13,15-17,23,25-27,29,31CanadaCorp.31CanadaInc.31 COATINGS 1 Barrier 2 Extrusion Plastic 3 Hotmelt 4 Non-Slip 5 Pressure-Sensitive 6 Release 7 Silicone 8 Solvent Lacquer 9 UV-Cured 10 Water-Based 11 Wax 3M Canada Company 4,8 Alfa Chemistry 11 Buzz Equipment 8,10 Celplast Metallized Products Limited 1 Covertech Flexible Packaging 1-2,8 Elopak Canada Inc. 1 General Magnaplate Corp. 1-2,4,6-7 Gluefast Company Inc. 4,10 GlueGuard, Inc. 3,6,9 Goldrich Printpak Inc. 1,4,8-10 Graphic Packaging International Canada 1-2 Heidelberg Canada Graphic Equipment Limited 4-5,9-10 Henkel Corporation 1,3-6,9-10 HMA Systems 3 Hood Packaging Corporation 2-4,8,11 hubergroup Canada Limited 1,4,7,9-10 Imperial Dade Canada Inc. 3-4 Moore Packaging Corporation 10-11 Nordson Canada Limited 3 OBX Works Inc. 3,5 Packaging Technologies Inc. 9-10 Peel Plastic Products Ltd. 1,4,8 Pineberry Manufacturing Inc. 3,5,9 Plastiques Lausa Int,l inc. 2,7,10 Spicers Canada 1,4-7,9-11 Sun Chemical 1,8-10 Tapp Label Company 7,9-10 TIERMAX Inc 2 Valco Melton 3 Vibac Canada Inc. 5 Winpak Ltd. 1-2,8 CONVEYOR BELTING 1 Composite 2 Metal 3 Plastic 4 Rubber 3M Canada Company 2 Bosch Rexroth Canada Corp. 2-3 BRECOflex CO.,L.L.C. 3 Buzz Equipment 1,3 Dependable Marking Systems Ltd. 4 FlexLink Systems, Inc. 1 Galick Process and Packaging Solutions 2-3 Garvey Corp. 2-3 Habasit Canada Limited 1-4 Honeywell Intelligrated 1-4 Pineberry Manufacturing Inc. 3-4 PMR Packaging Inc. 1-4 Regal Rexnord Canada Ltd. 1-3 StrongPoint Automation Inc. 1-2,4 VisuaScan Inc. 1-4 Wecon Services Ltd. 1,4 CORDAGE, ROPE TWINE STRING Atlantic Packaging Products Ltd. Canadian Paper & Packaging Co. Donway Packaging Corp. Ltd. CORES 1 Cores 2 Fibre 3 Paper 4 Plastic Atlantic Packaging Products Ltd. 2-4 Canpaco Inc. 3 Rockwell Automation Canada/Allen-Bradley + Rockwell Software Brands 1 Spicers Canada 1 Uline Canada Corp. 2,4 VisuaScan Inc. 1 CUSHIONING MATERIALS 1 Air-Bubble 2 Antistatic 3 Corrugated 4 Foam Pallets 5 Foam Rigid 6 Foam-In-Place 3M Canada Company 2 Alte-Rego Corporation 1,5 Atlantic Packaging Products Ltd. 2-6 Automated Packaging Systems Inc. 1-2 Canadian Paper & Packaging Co. 1-6 Canpaco Inc. 1-4,6 Cartier Celplast,1-3,5-6aDivision of Crawford Packaging Covertech1-2,4,6 Flexible Packaging 2 CRAWFORD PACKAGING 1-3,5 Diversco Global Packaging Inc. 2-3 Goldrich Printpak Inc. 1,3 Imperial Dade Canada Inc. 1-6 Moore Packaging Corporation 3 Nordson Canada Limited 6 PACKPRO Systems 1,4-5 PakSolve Solutions Inc. 1 Servicorp Industrial Supplies 2,5 Spicers Canada 1,3 Uline Canada Corp. 1-3,5-6 Wolfpack Packaging Inc. 1-6 DESICCANTS Atlantic Packaging Products Ltd. Buzz RichardsEquipmentPackaging Inc. EXCELSIOR 1 Film 2 Paper 3 Parchment 4 Wood Imperial Dade Canada Inc. 1-3 PAPERLAND CANADA INC. 3 Uline Canada Corp. 4 FIBROUS GLASS REINFORCEMENTS 3M Canada Company H B Fuller Canada FILMS 1 Antistatic 2 Cellulose 3 Cellulose Acetate 4 Cellulose Acetate Butyrate
56 CANADIANPACKAGING · July/August 2022 CANADIANPACKAGING.COM MATERIALS COMPONENTS& 5 Cellulose Triacetate 6 Coextruded 7 Corrosion Inhibiting 8 Edible 9 Metalized 10 Nylon 11 Polycarbonate 12 Polyester 13 Polyester Oriented 14 Polyethylene High-Density 15 Polyethylene Linear Low-Density 16 Polyethylene Low-Density 17 Polyethylene Medium-Density 18 Polypropylene 19 Polypropylene Oriented 20 Polystyrene 21 Polystyrene Oriented 22 Polyurethane 23 Polyvinyl Acetate 24 Polyvinyl Alcohol 25 Polyvinyl Chloride 26 Polyvinylidene Chloride 27 Shrink 28 Skin 29 Stretch 30 Vinyl Latex 31 Water Soluble 3G Packaging Corp. 1,15-16,18,27,29 3M Canada Company 1,7 AFC ECOPLASTICS LLC 14-18,29 Alte-Rego Corporation 1,6-7,9-10,12,14AtlanticAstro21,24-25,27-29,31BoxCorp.5,8PackagingProducts Ltd. 6,14-17,27 Automated Packaging Systems Inc. Blue14-18,29Wave Packaging 14,17,27,29 Canadian Paper & Packaging Co. TaiseiSpicersSingularServicorpSealedSamuelR-JProdo-PakPPIPlastiquesPlanPetroPeelPALPakSolvePACKPROPACK3000MultivacKlöcknerITWInteplastImperialHoodHeatHarlundGoldrichGlenmoreFederalFarnellDuropacDonwayDIGICRAWFORDCovertechCelplast,CelplastCartierCAPS/PhoenixWrappersCanpaco6,14-19,25,27-29Inc.1-2,6-7,9,12-21,25,27-29291,7,14-18,27,29MetallizedProductsLimited9aDivisionofCrawfordPackaging6,12,14-21,25-29FlexiblePackaging9,14-17,27-29PACKAGING1-2,14,16-17,19,29CANADAInc.29PackagingCorp.Ltd.1,7,156,9-10,12-19,25,28PackagingLimited6,9,15-18,27Plastics14,16-17,20CustomPrint&Packaging27PrintpakInc.3-4,6,12,18-20,25,28IndustriesLtd.27SealingPackaging2,6,12,15,18,25,27-29PackagingCorporation6,14,16-17,27-28DadeCanadaInc.14-17,27-30BagsandFilmsCorporation-HaremarPlasticManufacturingDivision1,15-19MullerCanada29PentaplastofCanada,Inc.1,12,18,20,25-29CanadaInc.6,12,17-18,20,27-29CANADALTD6,9,12,27-28Systems27-29SolutionsInc.15-16,27,29DistributorsInc.15-16,27,29PlasticProductsLtd.6PlasticsCorporationLtd14,17-18,27,29AutomationInc.9,12,16,20LausaInt,linc.2,11-PackagingProductsInc.27,29Corp8-15,17-19,21-26,29,31MachineryInc.27PackagingSystemsGroup29AirCorporation6,27-28IndustrialSupplies6,12,27,29SolutionsInc.2-3,6,18,24-26,29,31Canada27,29Lamick-Dangan6,9-10,12-15,17Tapp19,21-22,26LabelCompany 12,16-21 TC Transcontinental Packaging 14-16,27 VC999 Canada Ltd. 6,9-10,13-15,17Vibac20,27,29Canada Inc. 18-19 Winpak Ltd. 6,9-10,12-20,24-28 Wolfpack Packaging Inc. 1-31 FOIL 1 Coated Laminated 2 Embossed Printed 3 Hot-Stamping 4 Unsupported Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd. 2-3 ASL Print FX Ltd. 1-3 Covertech Flexible Packaging 1 Dependable Marking Systems Ltd. 2-3 Goldrich Printpak Inc. 1 Hood Packaging Corporation 1 MapleJet Co. 3 PACK3000 CANADA LTD 1 PAPERLAND CANADA INC. 3 Plan Automation Inc. 1 PMR Packaging Inc. 3 Prodo-Pak Corp 1 Spicers Canada 1,3 Taisei Lamick - Dangan 1-2,4 VisuaScan Inc. 3 Winpak Ltd. 1-2,4 GASES (MAP) 1 Carbon Dioxide 2 Nitrogen 3 Oxygen Air Liquide Canada Inc. 1-3 MESSER Canada Inc. 1-3 Praxair Canada Inc. 1-3 HANDLES, CONTAINERS PakTech INKS 1 Flexographic 2 Fluorescent 3 I.R. 4 Letterpress 5 Lithographic 6 Marking & Stencil 7 Non-Toxic 8 Rotogravure 9 Screen Printing 10 U.V. 3M Canada Company 9 ASL Print FX Ltd. 1,9 Automated Packaging Systems Inc. 10 Bemis Packaging 1-3,10 Coding Products of Canada Ltd. 2,6,10 Columbia Coding & Marking 2-4,6-7,9-10 Deco Labels & Flexible Packaging 10 Dependable Marking Systems Ltd. 6,10 GlueGuard, Inc. 1-10 Goldrich Printpak Inc. 2,5,10 Harlund Industries Ltd. 2,6-7,10 Heidelberg Canada Graphic Equipment Limited hubergroup1-6,9-10Canada Limited 1-2,4-5,7,10 INX International Ink Co. 1-2,4-5,7-10 MapleJet Co. Markem-Imaje10Inc. 2,7,10 Matthews Marking Systems 1-2,6-7,10 Packaging Technologies Inc. 1,5,9 Pineberry Manufacturing Inc. 6,10 PMR Packaging Inc. 1-10 Samuel Packaging Systems Group 6-7 Spicers Canada 1-5,7,10 Sterling Marking Products Inc. 2,6-7 Sun Chemical 1,5,8-10 Tapp Label Company 1-2,4-5,9-10 Tigerpak Industrial Supplies 10 Videojet Canada 1-3,6,10 Videojet Technologies Inc. 2,6-7,10 VisuaScan Inc. 2,6-7,10 Winpak Ltd. 1,8 LABELS BANDS WRAPS 1 Decalcomania 2 Foil 3 Heat-Shrinkable 4 Paper 5 Pressure-Sensitive 6 Roll Type For Shipping Marking With Kallima®, the possibilities are endless We’ve packed all the multi-ply strength and versatility you’ve come to expect from Kallima® into a foldable, printable, boxable solution for your packaging, cartons, POP displays… and everything in between. Made right here in North America, with its unique high-bulk, low-density construction, Kallima box™ sets you free to focus on what really matters. 1 800 411-7011 kallimapaper.com

CANADIANPACKAGING.COM July/August 2022 · CANADIANPACKAGING 57 MATERIALS COMPONENTS& 7 Tamper-Evident (Security) 8 Water-Resistant 3M Canada Company 2,5-8 Ahearn & Soper Inc. 4-8 Alte-Rego Corporation 6 ASL Print FX Ltd. 2,4-5,7 Barcode Graphics Inc. 4-8 Berlin Packaging 3,7 Bizerba Canada Inc. 5 BuyPrinterLabels 3,5-6 Canpaco Inc. 3,5-7 Celplast, a Division of Crawford Packaging Columbia1,3,5,7 Coding & Marking 5-6,8 Deco Labels & Flexible Packaging 1-8 Dependable Marking Systems Ltd. 5-7 DIGI CANADA Inc. 5-6 Donway Packaging Corp. Ltd. 5,8 Forte Labels and Shrink Sleeves Inc. 2-3,5 Glenmore Custom Print & Packaging 1-8 Glue Dots International 5 Goldrich Printpak Inc. 2,4-5 Harlund Industries Ltd. 5-6,8 ID Technology Canada 5,7 Imperial Dade Canada Inc. 3,7 Industrial Marking Systems Inc. 4-6,8 Jones Healthcare Group 4-6 Matthews Marking Systems 5-6 Moore Packaging Corporation 4 Pineberry Manufacturing Inc. 2,4-8 Plan Automation Inc. 2,4-6,8 Primera Technology 5 PRX Print 2,4-5,7-8 RFID Canada 5 Richards Packaging Inc. 3,7 Salbro Bottle Inc. 3,7 Samuel Packaging Systems Group 4-8 SATO America, Inc. 5 Spicers Canada 3-8 Sterling Marking Products Inc. 2,4-5 Tapp Label Company 1-5,7-8 Techno Pak Packaging Systems Inc. 5-7 Uline Canada Corp. 3,7-8 Videojet Canada 4-5,7-8 Videojet Technologies Inc. 5-6 Weber Marking Systems of Canada 4-8 LAMINATES 3M Canada Company Celplast, a Division of Crawford Packaging Covertech Flexible Packaging Deco Labels & Flexible Packaging Farnell Packaging Limited Federal Plastics Hood Packaging Corporation Jones Healthcare Group Moore Packaging Corporation Spicers Canada Tapp Label Company Winpak Ltd. LAMINATING COMPOUNDS Tapp Label Company LATEX, RUBBER & RESIN DISPERSIONS Hexion Inc. Tapp Label Company LINERS Alte-Rego Corporation Canadian Paper & Packaging Co. EmballagesCartier Roda Packaging Inc. Federal Plastics Heat Sealing Packaging Hood Packaging Corporation Masternet Ltd. PakSolve Solutions Inc. Spicers Canada PAPERS 1 Alkali-Proof 2 Anti-Tarnish 3 Coated Decorative 4 Coated Protective 5 Containerboard 6 Corrosion-Inhibiting 7 Corrugated 8 Crepe 9 Extensible 10 Fancy Printed or Embossed 11 Flint Glazed 12 Fluorescent 13 Friction Glazed 14 Glassine 15 Greaseproof 16 Gummed 17 Heat-Sealing 18 Imitation Foil 19 Impregnated 20 Kraft 21 Laminated 22 Liquid-Holding 23 Metalized 24 Mold-Inhibiting 25 Pressure-Sensitive 26 Self-Sealing Cohesive 27 Tissue 28 Vegetable Parchment 29 Velour 30 Water-Resistant 31 Water-Soluble 32 Water-Vapor Resistant 33 Waxed 34 Wet-Strength 3G Packaging Corp. 20 Alte-Rego Corporation 6 Astro Box Corp. 8 Atlantic Packaging Products WolfpackWestRockVisuaScanUlineStrongPointSpicersSingularServicorpPlanPAPERLANDPALMitchel-LincolnKrugerKallimaImperialHoodGraphicGoldrichEmballagesDonwayCRAWFORDCovertechCelplast,CartierCanpacoCanadian2,4,6-8,13-16,19-21,26-28,32-33Ltd.Paper&PackagingCo.7,9,14,16,20,26-27,30,33-34Inc.1-2,6-8,14-17,20-21,26-28,30,33-347-8,16,20,27aDivisionofCrawfordPackaging4,15,21,28,33-34FlexiblePackaging20-21,23PACKAGING5,23,26,32PackagingCorp.Ltd.4,6,8-9,14-15,20-21,27,30,33RodaPackagingInc.17,25PrintpakInc.3-4,8,15,17,23,26,30,34PackagingInternationalCanada3-4,7,20-21,24,30,32-34PackagingCorporation4,15,17,21,30,32DadeCanadaInc.1-4,6-25(producedbyRayonierAdvancedMaterials)5Inc.5,7PackagingLtd.7DistributorsInc.20CANADAINC.20,27AutomationInc.20IndustrialSupplies20,26,33SolutionsInc.17Canada1-10,12-13,15-17,20-25,27-30,32-34AutomationInc.7,27CanadaCorp.4,7,14,20,27,30,33Inc.254-5,7,9,20,34PackagingInc.1-34 PARTITIONS 1 Boxboard 2 Corrugated 3 Fibreboard 4 Paper 5 Wood Atlantic Packaging Products Ltd. 1-3 Canadian Paper & Packaging Co. 1-2 Canpaco Inc. 1-4 Cartier Diversco2 Global Packaging Inc. 1-3 Ellis Packaging Ltd. 1,4 Goldrich Printpak Inc. 1,3 Graphic Packaging International Canada 1,3 Imperial Dade Canada Inc. 1-5 Kruger Inc. Mitchel-Lincoln2 Packaging Ltd. 2 Moore Packaging Corporation 2 Spicers Canada 1-4 Uline Canada Corp. 1-2,4 WestRock 1-3 Wolfpack Packaging Inc. 1-5 PIGMENTS 1 Metal 800-540-2432 x 862 2288 • agfa.com • Ultra-high-speed for highest productivity • 4C or 6C + white and primer • Robust industrial build with advanced automation • Extended vacuum for corrugated printing • Six configurations: 4 for board, 2 for rolls Great corrugatedfor AutomatedproductionTop speed of 6458 ft2/h Award-winningimagequality Low consumptionink GREENGUARD Gold certified inks Jeti H3300TauroUHS LED Meet the beast “The Jeti Tauro H3300 UHS LED will continue to set us apart.” Dan Deveau, President, Cameron Advertising

58 CANADIANPACKAGING · July/August 2022 MATERIALS & COMPONENTS Videojet Canada 1 PLASTIC RESINS & MOLDING COM POUNDS 1 Acetal Compounds 2 Ionomer 3 Nylon 4 Phenoxy 5 Polyester 6 Polyethylene 7 Polyethylene Terephthalate 8 Polypropylene 9 Polystyrene 10 Polyvinyl Chloride AFC ECOPLASTICS LLC 5,8,10 Bakelite Synthetics 4 Duropac Emballages2-3,5-6,8,10RodaPackaging Inc. 6-9 Plastiques Lausa Int,l inc. 1-3,6,8-9 Professional Industrial Supplies Inc. 5 PLASTIC SHEET COMPOUNDS 1 Cellulose Acetate 2 Cellulose Acetate Butyrate 3 Cellulose Ethyl 4 Cellulose Propionate 5 Fluorine Polymers Compound 6 Foam 7 Nylon 8 Polyethylene 9 Polypropylene 10 Polystyrene AFC ECOPLASTICS LLC 9 Alfa Chemistry 1 Covertech Flexible Packaging 8 Federal Plastics 9-10 Imperial Dade Canada Inc. 1-10 Plastiques Lausa Int,l inc. 1 POLYETHYLENE SHEET Atlantic Packaging Products Ltd. Covertech Flexible Packaging Farnell Packaging Limited Federal PakSolveP&AMasternetPlasticsLtd.PlasticsInc.Solutions Inc. PAL Distributors Inc. Petro Plastics Corporation Ltd Wolfpack Packaging Inc. POLYPROPYLENE SHEET Atlantic Packaging Products Ltd. Canadian Paper & Packaging Co. Canpaco Inc. Celplast,Cartier a Division of Crawford Packaging Federal Plastics Klöckner Pentaplast of Canada, Inc. P&A Plastics Inc. Winpak WolfpackLtd.Packaging Inc. POUR SPOUTS Bericap North America Inc. Richards Packaging Inc. PREPRINTED LINERBOARD Color Pak - Div. of Atlantic Packaging Spicers Canada PROTECTIVE PACKAGING 3G Packaging Corp. Alte-Rego AutomatedCorporationPackaging Systems Inc. Canadian Paper & Packaging Co. Canpaco Inc. Celplast,Cartier a Division of Crawford Packaging Covertech Flexible Packaging Diversco Global Packaging Inc. Federal KlöcknerPlasticsPentaplast of Canada, Inc. Masternet Ltd. Menasha Packaging Canada LP Nordson Canada Limited PACKPRO Systems PAL Distributors Inc. Petro Plastics Corporation Ltd Spicers Canada Uline Canada Corp. Wolfpack Packaging Inc. PUMPS, DISPENSER ATOMIZER Consolidated Bottle Corporation Pemberton & Associates Inc. Richards Packaging Inc. Salbro Bottle Inc. RIBBONS & TIES Canpaco Inc. Imperial Dade Canada Inc. PMR Packaging Inc. Wolfpack Packaging Inc. ROLL-LEAF STAMPING FOIL Dependable Marking Systems Ltd. PMR Packaging Inc. Tapp Label Company SEALS 1 Embossed on Paper Foil 2 Metal 3 Tamper-Evident (Security) 3G Packaging Corp. 3 3M Canada Company 3 Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd. 3 Canpaco Inc. 3 Celplast, a Division of Crawford Packaging 3 Consolidated Bottle Corporation 3 Emballages Roda Packaging Inc. 3 Enercon Industries Corp. 3 Goldrich Printpak Inc. 1,3 Imperial Dade Canada Inc. 1-2 Lepel Corp Capsealing Div. 3 Pemberton & Associates Inc. 2 Samuel Packaging Systems Group 2 Servicorp Industrial Supplies 3 TricorBraun 3 Uline Canada Corp. 2-3 Winpak Portion Packaging Ltd. 1-2 Wolfpack Packaging Inc. 1-3 SHROUDS 1 Polyethylene 3G Packaging Corp. 1 Alte-Rego Corporation 1 Canpaco Inc. 1 Federal Plastics 1 Hood Packaging Corporation 1 SIGNAGE PRX SpicersPrintCanada SPECIALTY TAPE 1 Carry Handles 2 Multipack Tapes 3 Pouch Tapes 3M Canada Company 1-3 Cartier Celplast,1 a Division of Crawford Packaging 1 Servicorp Industrial Supplies 2-3 Spicers Canada 1 Wolfpack Packaging Inc. 1-3 STRAPPING PakTech has Repurposed a Billion Recycled Containers into Packaging Handles

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60 CANADIANPACKAGING · July/August 2022 CANADIANPACKAGING.COM MATERIALS & COMPONENTS 1 Nylon 2 Polyester 3 Polypropylene 4 Rayon 5 Steel 3G Packaging Corp. 1-3,5 3M Canada Company 3 Atlantic Packaging Products Ltd. 1-2,4-5 Canadian Paper & Packaging Co. 1-3,5 Canpaco Inc. 1-3,5 Cartier Celplast,1-3,5aDivision of Crawford Packaging 3 CRAWFORD PACKAGING 3 Donway Packaging Corp. Ltd. 1-5 Imperial Dade Canada Inc. 1-5 PACKPRO Systems 2-3 PakSolve Solutions Inc. 1-3,5 PAL Distributors Inc. 1-3,5 Plan Automation Inc. 3 PPI - Packaging Products Inc. 1-3,5 Samuel Packaging Systems Group 1-3,5 Servicorp Industrial Supplies 1-3,5 Spicers Canada 1-5 Uline Canada Corp. 1-3,5 Wolfpack Packaging Inc. 1-5 TAGS Ahearn & Soper Inc. Canpaco Inc. Donway Packaging Corp. Ltd. Imperial Dade Canada Inc. Industrial Marking Systems Inc. Matthews Marking Systems PRX RFIDPrintCanada Spicers Canada Uline Canada Corp. TAPE 1 Bundling and Reinforcing 2 Case Sealing 3 Cohesive 4 Cotton 5 Gummed 6 Heat-Sealing 7 Opening 8 Pressure-Sensitive 9 Reinforced 10 Transparent Film 11 Water-Resistant 3G Packaging Corp. 2-3,5,8-10 3M Canada Company 1-4,6-8,10-11 Canadian Paper & Packaging Co. 1-3,5,8-11 Canpaco Inc. 3,5-6,8-10 Cartier Celplast,1-3,5-6,8-11aDivisionof Crawford Packaging CRAWFORD1-2,5-6,8-11PACKAGING 1-2,5,8,11 Dependable Marking Systems Ltd. 2,8 Donway Packaging Corp. Ltd. 5,8-10 Glue Dots International 8 Imperial Dade Canada Inc. 3-11 Moore Packaging Corporation 1-2,5,8-9 PACKPRO Systems 1-2,5-6,8-9 PAL Distributors Inc. 2,8-9 PPI - Packaging Products Inc. 2 Servicorp Industrial Supplies 2-3,5-6,8-9,11 Spicers Canada 2,5-9,11 Uline Canada Corp. 3,5,8-11 Vibac Canada Inc. 5,8,10-11 Wolfpack Packaging Inc. 1-11 THERMAL TRANSFER RIBBONS 3G Packaging Corp. Ahearn & Soper Inc. Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd. Atlantic Packaging Products Ltd. Bizerba Canada Inc. Canpaco Inc. Celplast, a Division of Crawford Packaging Coding Products of Canada Ltd. DCT DependableTechnologiesMarking Systems Ltd. Harlund Industries Ltd. Imperial Dade Canada Inc. Industrial Marking Systems Inc. Markem-Imaje Inc. PAL Distributors Inc. PRX SamuelRFIDPrintCanadaPackaging Systems Group SATO America, Inc. Tigerpak Industrial Supplies Videojet Technologies Inc. VisuaScan Inc. Wolfpack Packaging Inc. THERMOFORMING SHEETS Federal Plastics TUBES 1 Fibre 2 Paper 3 Plastic Alte-Rego Corporation 3 Canpaco Inc. 2 Cartier 2 Diversco Global Packaging Inc. 1 Emballages Roda Packaging Inc. 1 MapleJet Co. 3 Oystar North America (formerly known as Oystar USA, Inc. & IWKA PacSystems, Inc.) P&A3 Plastics Inc. 3 R-J Machinery Inc. 2 Richards Packaging Inc. 2-3 Spicers Canada 2 Wolfpack Packaging Inc. 1-3 TUBING 1 Extruded Plastic Cartier 1 Hood Packaging Corporation 1 Masternet Ltd. 1 P&A Plastics Inc. 1 PAL Distributors Inc. 1 Wolfpack Packaging Inc. 1 VALVES 1 Button Placers General Conveyor Inc. 1 MapleJet Co. 1 WIRE, STAPLING STITCHING 3G Packaging Corp. Canpaco Inc. Samuel Packaging Systems Group Spicers WolfpackCanadaPackaging Inc. CONTAINERS AEROSOL CONTAINERS 1 Aluminum 2 Glass 3 Plastic 4 Tinplate Imperial Dade Canada Inc. 3 Richards Packaging Inc. 1-2,4 Spicers Canada 4 AMPOULES Richards Packaging Inc. TricorBraun ASEPTIC CONTAINERS 1 Preformed 2 Rollstock Elopak Canada Inc. 1 Winpak Portion Packaging Ltd. 2 BAGS 1 Anti-Tarnish 2 Antistatic 3 Burlap Jute Cotton 4 Duplex 5 Film 6 Foil 7 Glassine Or Waxed 8 Heavy-Duty Paper Multiwall 9 Heavy-Duty Plastic 10 Kraft Grocery 11 Novelty-Shaped 12 Open Mesh 13 Padded 14 Polypropylene Woven 15 Textile Bulk 16 Textile Unit 17 Vapor-Inhibiting 18 Water-Resistant 19 Window All-Fill Inc. 14 Alte-Rego Corporation 1-2,4-6,9,14,17-18 Anna's Bee-licious 10 Ariva Atlantic2,5,8,10-11Packaging Products Ltd. Canadian1-2,5-10,13-14,17,19Paper&Packaging Co. 5,9,13 Canpaco Inc. 2-5,7-10,13-14 Cartier Columbia2,5-6,9-10,17Coding&Marking 3,7,11,15,19 Covertech Flexible Packaging 2,5-6,14 Diversco Global Packaging Inc. 2,17 Donway Packaging Corp. Ltd. 1-2,10 Habasit Canada Limited 16-17 Imperial Dade Canada Inc. 5-15 Inteplast Bags and Films Corporation - Haremar Plastic Manufacturing Division 2,5 Jones Healthcare Group 11 Masternet Ltd. 3,11-12,14 MV Packaging Inc 2,5-7,9-10,14,18 Sealed Air Corporation 5 Stock Packaging Canada 5-6,9,17 Uline Canada Corp. 2-3,6-7,9-12,14,18-19 VC999 Canada Ltd. 19 Wedlock Paper Converters Ltd. 4,7 Winpak Ltd. 5 BASKETS & BOXES, FRUIT & VEGETABLE Buckhorn Canada Inc. Cascades Containerboard Packaging EcoBioPlas Inc Habasit Canada Limited IPL MooreInc.Packaging Corporation BOTTLES 1 Aluminum 2 Glass 3 Plastic Ampak Inc 2-3 Anna's Bee-licious 2 Bericap North America Inc. 3 Berlin Packaging 3 Columbia Coding & Marking 2 Consolidated Bottle Corporation 1-3 Dominion & Grimm Inc. 2-3 Drug Plastics & Glass 3 Emballages Roda Packaging Inc. 3 Imperial Dade Canada Inc. 3 Jones Healthcare Group 3 O-I Oystar2 North America (formerly known as Oystar USA, Inc. & IWKA PacSystems, Inc.) Richards3 Packaging Inc. 1-3 Salbro Bottle Inc. 1-3 Silgan Plastics Canada 3 Tetra Pak Canada Inc. 3 TricorBraun 1-3 Uline Canada Corp. 3 BOXES 1 C orrugated 2 C orrugated Plastic 3 Display 4 Fibre 5 Insert Forms 6 Insulated 7 Mailing 8 Metal Edge 9 Metal Fabric-Covered 10 Metal Lithographed Embossed 11 Metal Specialty 12 Paper Covered 13 Paper Setup 14 Plastic Diecut Creased 15 Plastic Molded 16 Plastic Setup 17 Plastic-Coated 18 Plywood 19 Setup 20 Shipping - Weatherproof Corrugated 21 Shipping - Weatherproof Fibre 22 Wood Ariva 1,3-4,7,13,19 Astro Box Corp. 3,5,12,17 Atlantic Packaging Products Ltd. 1-5,7 Beneco Packaging|SoOPAK.com 7,12 Buckhorn Canada Inc. 2-3,7,15-17,20-21 C&B Display / Royal Containers 2-4,7 Canadian Paper & Packaging Co. 1,7 Canpaco Inc. 1,3,12-13,17 Cartier Cascades1,3,5-7Containerboard Packaging CHEP1,3-5,7,20-21CanadaInc. 11 China Bavora Printed Packaging Co., Ltd. Columbia13 Coding & DiverscoCorrupal2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22Marking1GlobalPackagingInc. 1-4,14,19EcoBioPlas22 Inc 3,15 Ellis Packaging Ltd. 3 Goldrich Printpak Inc. 1,3-5,7,12-14,16Imperial17,19 Dade Canada Inc. 1-21 IPL Inc. 15 Jones Healthcare Group 3 Kruger Inc. 1,3,20 MAK Enterprises 18,22 Menasha Packaging Canada LP 1,4,12 Mitchel-Lincoln Packaging Ltd. 1 Moore Packaging Corporation 1,3,20 MV Packaging Inc 1-2 Packaging Technologies Inc. 1,3,7-8 PRX Print REBOXCORP12 1 Richards Packaging Inc. 11,15 Saeplast Americas Inc. 6,15 Spicers Canada 1,4,7 Uline Canada Corp. 1,3,5-7,18,20,22 WestRock 1,3-4,6-7,12-13,17,19-21 CANS 1 Aluminum 2 Fibre & Composite 3 Foil Fibre 4 Paper 5 Tinplate
CANADIANPACKAGING.COM July/August 2022 · CANADIANPACKAGING 61 CONTAINERS Berlin Packaging 1,5 Canfab Packaging Inc, 2-4 Columbia Coding & Marking 1 Richards Packaging Inc. 1,5 TricorBraun 1-2,4-5 CAPSULES 1 Aluminum 2 Gelatin Seamless TricorBraun 1-2 CARBOYS UlineTricorBraunCanada Corp. CARRIERS, CAN & BOTTLE 1 Boxboard 2 Boxboard Wraparound 3 Metal 4 Plastic Ariva 1-2 Astro Box Corp. 1-2 Buckhorn Canada Inc. 4 Emballages Roda Packaging Inc. 4 Glenmore Custom Print & Packaging 1-2 Goldrich Printpak Inc. 1 Imperial Dade Canada Inc. 1-2 Jones Healthcare Group 1-2 Packaging Technologies Inc. 1-2 Pineberry Manufacturing Inc. 2-4 Uline Canada Corp. 1 CARTONS 1 Dispensing 2 Egg Boxboard 3 Egg Plastic 4 Egg Plastic Foam 5 Egg Pulp 6 Folding & Display 7 Insulated 8 L aminated 9 Milk 10 Plastic-Coated 11 Wax-Coated 12 Window Ariva 6,8 Astro Box Corp. 1,6,8,10,12 Atlantic Packaging Products Ltd. Beneco1,3-8,10-11Packaging|SoOPAK.com 6 C&B Display / Royal Containers 6 Canpaco Inc. 5-6,8,11 Columbia Coding & Marking 4,8,12 Ellis Packaging Ltd. 6,12 Elopak Canada Inc. 9,12 Glenmore Custom Print & Packaging Goldrich1,6,8,11-12Printpak Inc. 1,6,10-12 Habasit Canada Limited 1,6 Imperial Dade Canada Inc. 3-5,7-8,11-12 Jones Healthcare Group 1,6,8,10,12 Menasha Packaging Canada LP 6 Packaging Technologies Inc. 6 Pineberry Manufacturing Inc. 6 Richibucto River Wine Estate 9 Tetra Pak Canada Inc. 8,10 Uline Canada Corp. 1-2,4,6-7 WestRock 6-7,11-12 CONTAINERS 1 Aluminum 2 Aseptic 3 Molded Pulp 4 Paper Liquid-Holding 5 Paper Milk 6 Paper Nesting 7 Plastic Rigid 8 Plastic Semi-Rigid 9 Pottery 10 Shipping - Paper Sleeve 11 Shipping - Plastic 12 Shipping - Rubber 13 Wire Ariva Atlantic3,10Packaging Products Ltd. Buckhorn1,3,6,10-11Canada Inc. 8-9,11,13 C&B Display / Royal Containers 5 Canfab Packaging Inc, 4 CHEP Canada Inc. 8,11 CiMa-Pak Corporation 7 Consolidated Bottle Corporation 1 EcoBioPlas Inc 7,11 Elopak Canada Inc. 2,4-5 Emballages Roda Packaging Inc. 7 Goldrich Printpak Inc. 8 Heat Sealing Packaging 1,3,7-8 Imperial Dade Canada Inc. 10-12 IPL Inc. 11 JG Packaging 1-2 MAK Enterprises 1,11 Masternet Ltd. 11 MV Packaging Inc 6 Polytainers Inc. 7 PRX Print 7 RADA Industries 7-8 Richards Packaging Inc. 1,8 ROBOPLAST PACKAGING CANADA INC Saeplast7-8 Americas Inc. 7,11 Salbro Bottle Inc. 8 Silgan Plastics Canada 8 Stock Packaging Canada 1,7-8 Tetra Pak Canada Inc. 2,4-5,8 TricorBraun 1,7-8 Uline Canada Corp. 11,13 WestRock 4,10 Winpak Portion Packaging Ltd. 8 CUPS 1 Foil 2 Paper 3 Paper Liquid-Holding 4 Plastic 5 Plastic Foam Atlantic Packaging Products Ltd. 1-5 Canpaco Inc. 2-5 Dominion & Grimm Inc. 2 Imperial Dade Canada Inc. 1-5 IPL Inc. 4 MV Packaging Inc 2,4-5 Polytainers Inc. 4 Stock Packaging Canada 1,4 Uline Canada Corp. 2-4 Winpak Ltd. 4 Winpak Portion Packaging Ltd. 4 DRUMS 1 Fibre 2 Metal New 3 Metal Reconditioned 4 Plastic Atlantic Packaging Products Ltd. 1-4 Berlin Packaging 2,4 Buckhorn Canada Inc. 4 Columbia Coding & Marking 1-2,4 Consolidated Bottle Corporation 4 MAK Enterprises 1-4 MV Packaging Inc 2,4 Salbro Bottle Inc. 4 TricorBraun 2,4 Uline Canada Corp. 1-2,4 ENVELOPES 1 Clasp 2 Packaging Opaque 3 Protective Shipping 4 String & Button Closure 5 Transparent 3M Canada Company 3 Ariva 1-4 ASL Print FX Ltd. 5 Atlantic Packaging Products Ltd. 2-3 Beneco Packaging|SoOPAK.com 3 Canadian Paper & Packaging Co. 2-3 Canpaco Inc. 2-3,5 Cartier 2-3,5 China Bavora Printed Packaging Co., Ltd. 4 Covertech Flexible Packaging 3 Imperial Dade Canada Inc. 1-5 MV Packaging Inc 1,4-5 Uline Canada Corp. 1-5 WestRock 3 JARS 1 Glass 2 Opal 3 Plastic Ampak Inc 1,3 Berlin Packaging 3 Columbia Coding & Marking 3 CompanyBee 1 Consolidated Bottle Corporation 1 Dominion & Grimm Inc. 1,3 Drug Plastics & Glass 3 Emballages Roda Packaging Inc. 3 Jones Healthcare Group 3 O-I RADA1 Industries 3 Richards Packaging Inc. 1,3 Salbro Bottle Inc. 1,3 Silgan Plastics Canada 3 TricorBraun 1-3 Uline Canada Corp. 1,3 PAILS 1 Fibre 2 Metal 3 Paper 4 Plastic Berlin Packaging 2 Buckhorn Canada Inc. 4 Columbia Coding & Marking 2-4 Consolidated Bottle Corporation 4 Dominion & Grimm Inc. 2,4 E. Hofmann Plastics 4 Imperial Dade Canada Inc. 2-4 IPL Inc. 4 MAK Enterprises 2,4 MV Packaging Inc 4 Richards Packaging Inc. 4 Salbro Bottle Inc. 4 Stock Packaging Canada 4 TricorBraun 2,4 Uline Canada Corp. 1-2,4 PALLETS 1 C orrugated 2 Plastic 3 Wood Atlantic Packaging Products Ltd. 1 Buckhorn Canada Inc. 2 C&B Display / Royal Containers 1 CHEP Canada Inc. 2-3 Columbia Coding & Marking 1-3 Corrupal 1 Diversco Global Packaging Inc. 1-3 FlexLink Systems, Inc. 2 Heidelberg Canada Graphic Equipment Limited 2 Imperial Dade Canada Inc. 1-2 MAK Enterprises 1-3 Moore Packaging Corporation 1,3 MV Packaging Inc 1-3 Peco Pallet Canada, Inc. 3 REBOXCORP 3 Saeplast Americas Inc. 2 Uline Canada Corp. 1-3 WestRock 1 POUCHES 1 Boil-In 2 Retortable Atlantic Packaging Products Ltd. 1 Covertech Flexible Packaging 1-2 Imperial Dade Canada Inc. 1-2 MV Packaging Inc 2 Stock Packaging Canada 1-2 VC999 Canada Ltd. 1-2 Winpak Ltd. 1-2 THERMOFORMED CONTAINERS Buckhorn Canada Inc. Columbia Coding & Marking Diversco Global Packaging Inc. E. Hofmann Plastics Evolupak Plasctics Inc. Polytainers Inc. PRX StockPrintPackaging Canada WinpakTricorBraunPortion Packaging Ltd. TOTE BOXES 1 Fibre 2 Metal 3 Plastic 4 Wood Buckhorn Canada Inc. 3 Cascades Containerboard Packaging 1 CHEP Canada Inc. 3 Diversco Global Packaging Inc. 3 Imperial Dade Canada Inc. 1-4 IPL Inc. 3 MAK Enterprises 1-4 MV Packaging Inc 2-3 PRX Print 3 Saeplast Americas Inc. 3 Spicers Canada 1 Uline Canada Corp. 3 WestRock 1 TRAYS & PLATFORMS 1 Fibre 2 Foil 3 Metal 4 Molded Pulp 5 Paperboard 6 Plastic 7 Plastic Shipping 8 Retortable Atlantic Packaging Products Ltd. 5 Buckhorn Canada Inc. 6-7 Canadian Paper & Packaging Co. 5 Canpaco Inc. 2-6,8 Cascades Containerboard Packaging 1 Celplast, a Division of Crawford Packaging CiMa-Pak1-2,5-6 Corporation 6,8 Diversco Global Packaging Inc. 6-7 E. Hofmann Plastics 6 Evolupak Plasctics Inc. 7 Glenmore Custom Print & Packaging 5 Goldrich Printpak Inc. 1,5-7 Heat Sealing Packaging 1-2,5-6 IPL Inc. 7 Jones Healthcare Group 5 Kruger Inc. 1 Pineberry Manufacturing Inc. 2 PRX Print 6 RADA Industries 6 ROBOPLAST PACKAGING CANADA INC 6 Stock Packaging Canada 2,5,8 Uline Canada Corp. 6 WestRock 5 Winpak Ltd. 6,8 Winpak Portion Packaging Ltd. 6 TUBES, PAPER FIBRE EmballagesAriva Roda Packaging Inc. R-J Machinery Inc. UlineTricorBraunCanada Corp. TUBES, SQUEEZE DISPENSING 1 L aminated Composite 2 Metal 3 Plastic Berlin Packaging 3 Buckhorn Canada Inc. 3 Charles Downer & Co. Ltd. 1-2 Consolidated Bottle Corporation 1,3 Emballages Roda Packaging Inc. 2-3 Oystar North America (formerly known as Oystar USA, Inc. & IWKA PacSystems, Inc.) Richards1-3 Packaging Inc. 1-3 Salbro Bottle Inc. 3 TricorBraun 1-3 TUMBLERS 1 Glass 2 Plastic Imperial Dade Canada Inc. 1-2 Richards Packaging Inc. 1 Uline Canada Corp. 2 VIALS 1 Glass 2 Metal 3 Plastic Berlin Packaging 1-3 Consolidated Bottle Corporation 1,3 Jones Healthcare Group 3 Oystar North America (formerly known as Oystar USA, Inc. & IWKA PacSystems, Inc.) Richards1 Packaging Inc. 1,3 Silgan Plastics Canada 3 TricorBraun 1,3 Uline Canada Corp. 1,3
62 CANADIANPACKAGING · July/August 2022 CANADIANPACKAGING.COM ACTUATORS 1 Digital 2 Electric 3 Hydraulic 4 Linear 5 Mechanical 6 Pneumatic Action Valve and Cylinder 2,4,6 AutomationDirect 1,4,6 Balluff Canada Inc. 4 BDI Canada Inc 1-6 Beckhoff Automation Limited 2,4 Bosch Rexroth Canada Corp. 1-5 Davis Controls Ltd. 2,4,6 Emerson 1-6 FlexLink Systems, Inc. 1-6 Lyne Systems 1-2,4-6 Motion Canada 1-6 Nete Bidet Seat Attachments Co., Ltd 2 Pilz Automation Safety Canada L.P. 1-2 Power Beam Inc. 2,4-6 Rockwell Automation Canada/Allen-Bradley + Rockwell Software Brands 2-6 Siemens Canada Limited 2,4-6 TRI-R Power Products 2,4-5 BARCODE SCANNERS Ahearn & Soper DependableColumbiaCognexBalluffAutomationDirectInc.CanadaInc.Corp.Coding&MarkingMarkingSystems Ltd. Industrial Marking Systems Inc. KEYENCE CANADA INC. Lyne MatthewsSystemsMarking Systems Omron Canada Inc. Pineberry Manufacturing Inc. PMR Packaging Inc. RFID Canada SICK Ltd. (Canada) TechnoStorcan Pak Packaging Systems Inc. Turck Canada Inc. Uline Canada Corp. Videojet VisuaScanCanadaInc. BEARINGS 1 Ball 2 C am-Follower 3 Linear 4 Mounted 5 Needle 6 Precision-Grade 7 Precision-Machined 8 Race Rings 9 Rod Ends 10 Roller 11 Sleeve, Plastic Action Valve and Cylinder 3 AutomationDirect 3 Baldor Electric Company 4,10 BDI Canada Inc 1-11 Bosch Rexroth Canada Corp. 3,10 Motion Canada 1-11 Power Beam Inc. 3 Regal Rexnord 1-2,4-5,10 Regal Rexnord Canada Ltd. 1-4,10-11 BUS SYSTEMS Balluff Canada Inc. Banner Engineering Corp. Beckhoff Automation Limited Schneider Electric Canada Inc. Turck Canada Inc. CABLES BeckhoffBDIBalluffAutomationDirectCanadaInc.CanadaIncAutomation Limited Carlo Gavazzi (Canada) Inc. Lapp Canada Inc. Omron Canada Inc. Pilz Automation Safety Canada L.P. Tri-Tronics Company Inc. COMPRESSORS 1 C entrifugal 2 Reciprocating 3 Screw BDI Canada Inc 1-3 Motion Canada 1-3 Oystar North America (formerly known as Oystar USA, Inc. & IWKA PacSystems, Inc.) Pineberry1 Manufacturing Inc. 1-2 Rockwell Automation Canada/Allen-Bradley + Rockwell Software Brands 1-3 CONNECTORS Balluff Canada Inc. BDI Canada Inc Beckhoff Automation Limited HartingEmersonCanada, Inc. Lapp Canada Inc. Rockwell Automation Canada/Allen-Bradley + Rockwell Software Brands Turck Canada Inc. COUPLINGS 1 Clutch 2 Flexible 3 Shaft 4 Torque-Limiting Baldor Electric Company 2-4 BDI Canada Inc 1-4 Bosch Rexroth Canada Corp. 2,4 Motion Canada 1-4 Regal Rexnord Canada Ltd. 1-4 CYLINDERS 1 Electric, Programmable 2 Hydraulic 3 Pneumatic 4 Pneumatic, Rodless 5 Positioner, Pneumatic Linear 6 Twin-Rod, Non-Rotating-Rod Action Valve and Cylinder 1-6 AutomationDirect 3-4 BDI Canada Inc 1-6 Bosch Rexroth Canada Corp. 1-2 Emerson 1-6 Lyne Systems 1,5 Motion Canada 1-5 DRIVES 1 Electric 2 Hydraulic 3 Pneumatic 4 Right-Angle Gear 5 Servo 6 Silicone-Fluid 7 Variable Speed Action Valve and Cylinder 1,3 ATO Automation Inc 7 AutomationDirect 1,3,5,7 B&R Industrial Automation Inc. 1,5 Baldor Electric Company 4 BDI Canada Inc 1-7 Beckhoff Automation Limited 1,4-5 Bosch Rexroth Canada Corp. 1-2,5,7 Davis Controls Ltd. 5,7 Emerson 1,3-4,7 Festo Inc. 1 FlexLink Systems, Inc. 3 George A. Wright & Son Toronto Ltd. 1,5,7 KHK USA Inc. 4 Lenze Americas 5,7 Lyne Systems 1,3-5,7 Motion Canada 1-7 Omron Canada Inc. 5,7 Pilz Automation Safety Canada L.P. 1,5 Pineberry Manufacturing Inc. 3,5 Power Beam Inc. 1,3,5 Regal Rexnord 1,4,7 Regal Rexnord Canada Ltd. 1,4 Rockwell Automation Canada/Allen-Bradley + Rockwell Software Brands 1-5,7 SEW-EURODRIVE 1,4-5,7 Shawpak Systems Ltd. 5,7 SICK Ltd. (Canada) 3 Siemens Canada Limited 1,3,5,7 TRI-R Power Products 1,4-5,7 ENCODERS 1 Linear 2 Rotary Ahearn & Soper Inc. 2 AutomationDirect 1-2 Balluff Canada Inc. 1-2 Bosch Rexroth Canada Corp. 1-2 Davis Controls Ltd. 1 Lyne Systems 1-2 Motion Canada 1-2 Omron Canada Inc. 2 Rockwell Automation Canada/Allen-Bradley + Rockwell Software Brands 1-2 SICK Ltd. (Canada) 1 Siemens Canada Limited 1 Tri-Tronics Company Inc. 2 Turck Canada Inc. 1-2 GEARS - SPROCKET BDI Canada Inc KHK USA Inc. Motion TsubakiCanada GUARDING SYSTEMS Balluff Canada Inc. Banner Engineering Corp. Bosch Rexroth Canada Corp. Carlo Gavazzi (Canada) Inc. Celplast, a Division of Crawford Packaging George A. Wright & Son Toronto Ltd. KEYENCE CANADA INC. McRae Integration Ltd. Motion Canada Omron Canada Inc. Pilz Automation Safety Canada L.P. Rockwell Automation Canada/Allen-Bradley + Rockwell Software Brands Schneider Electric Canada Inc. SICK Ltd. (Canada) Siemens Canada Limited HUMAN MACHINE INTERFACE B&RAutomationDirectIndustrialAutomation Inc. Balluff Canada Inc. Beckhoff Automation Limited Bosch Rexroth Canada Corp. Celplast, a Division of Crawford Packaging Davis Controls Ltd. George A. Wright & Son Toronto Ltd. Heat and Control, Inc. Lenze Americas Lyne McRaeSystemsIntegration Ltd. AUTOMATION DEVICES Safe protection zone monitoring in rugged conditions! Pilz Automation Safety Canada L.P. - Mississauga, ON www.pilz.ca - info@pilz.ca - +1 905 821-7459 Safe radar sensor PSENradar CPK_Pilz Automation-third_JulyAu22_CSA.indd 1 2022-07-27 2:54 PM

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Omron Canada Inc. Pilz Automation Safety Canada L.P. Pineberry Manufacturing Inc. Rockwell Automation Canada/Allen-Bradley + Rockwell Software Brands Siemens Canada Limited Turck Canada Inc. Yaskawa America Inc., Motoman Robotics Div. INPUT/OUTPUT SYSTEMS Ahearn & Soper B&RAutomationDirectInc.IndustrialAutomation Inc. Balluff Canada Inc. Banner Engineering Corp. BDI Canada Inc Beckhoff Automation Limited Bosch Rexroth Canada Corp. McRaeLyneEmersonSystemsIntegration Ltd. Omron Canada Inc. Pilz Automation Safety Canada L.P. PMR Packaging Inc. Rockwell Automation Canada/Allen-Bradley + Rockwell Software Brands Schneider Electric Canada Inc. Siemens Canada Limited Videojet VisuaScanCanadaInc. INSPECTION EQUIPMENT 1 Fill Level 2 L abel 3 Vision 4 X-Ray ABB Inc. 3 Abbey Equipment Solutions 1-4 Ahearn & Soper Inc. 2-3 Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd. 1-4 Balluff Canada Inc. 1,3 Banner Engineering Corp. 3 BDI Canada Inc 1-4 Beckhoff Automation Limited 3 Bizerba Canada Inc. 3-4 Charles Downer & Co. Ltd. 1,3 Chisholm Machinery Solutions 3 FlexLink Systems, Inc. 2-3 Hartness International 3 Heat and Control, Inc. 4 JG Packaging 4 KEYENCE CANADA INC. 1-3 Loma Systems, an ITW Company 4 Lyne Systems 1-4 McRae Integration Ltd. 1-4 Mettler-Toledo Canada 1,3-4 Multivac Canada Inc. 2-3 NJM Omega2 Design Corp. 3 Omron Canada Inc. 1-3 Pineberry Manufacturing Inc. 2-3 Plan Automation Inc. 1-4 PMR Packaging Inc. 1-4 Rockwell Automation Canada/Allen-Bradley + Rockwell Software Brands 1-4 Schneider Electric Canada Inc. 1 Sesotec Canada Ltd 1-2,4 Shawpak Systems Ltd. 1-4 SICK Ltd. (Canada) 1,3 Siemens Canada Limited 1-4 SteelNor/Inventure Engineering & Machinery Inc. 1,3 Techno Pak Packaging Systems Inc. 1-2,4 Tri-Tronics Company Inc. 1-3 Turck Canada Inc. 1-3 Valco Melton 3 VC999 Canada Ltd. 3-4 Videojet Canada 2-3 VisuaScan Inc. 2-3 Yaskawa America Inc., Motoman Robotics Div. 3 INTEGRATED LOGIC NETWORK SYSTEMS Balluff Canada Inc. Banner Engineering Corp. Beckhoff Automation Limited Charles Downer & Co. Ltd. HeatEmersonand Control, Inc. Heidelberg Canada Graphic Equipment McRaeLyneLimitedSystemsIntegration Ltd. OBX Works Inc. Omron Canada Inc. PMR Packaging Inc. Rockwell Automation Canada/Allen-Bradley + Rockwell Software Brands Schneider Electric Canada Inc. Siemens Canada Limited IPC/FPM (INDUSTRIAL PERSONAL COMPUTER/FLAT PANEL) Ahearn & Soper Inc. B&R Industrial Automation Inc. Beckhoff Automation Limited Lyne OmronSystemsCanada Inc. MACHINE VISION Ahearn & Soper B&RAutomationDirectInc.IndustrialAutomation Inc. Balluff Canada Inc. Banner Engineering Corp. Beckhoff Automation Limited Cognex Corp. Davis Controls Ltd. Festo KEYENCEInc. CANADA INC. Lyne McRaeSystemsIntegration Ltd. Mettler-Toledo Canada Omron Canada Inc. Propack Processing & Packaging Systems RockwellInc. Automation Canada/Allen-Bradley + Rockwell Software Brands Shawpak Systems Ltd. SICK Ltd. (Canada) Siemens Canada SteelNor/InventureLimitedEngineering & Machinery Inc. Turck Canada Inc. VC999 Canada Ltd. Zund America, Inc. MATERIAL HANDLING 1 Boxes 2 Pallets 3 Rolls Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd. 1-3 BDI Canada Inc 2-3 Beumer Corporation 2 Celplast, a Division of Crawford Packaging Charles1-3 Downer & Co. Ltd. 1,3 Chisholm Machinery Solutions 2 Eastey FlexLink1 Systems, Inc. 1-3 George A. Wright & Son Toronto Ltd. 1-3 Honeywell Intelligrated 1-2 Lyne Systems 1-2 M.D. Packaging Inc. 1-3 Multivac Canada Inc. 3 Plan Automation Inc. 1,3 Samuel Packaging Systems Group 1-2 Septimatech Group Inc. 1 SEW-EURODRIVE 2 Uline Canada Corp. 1-3 WestRock 1 Zund America, Inc. 2-3 MOTION CONTROLLERS AutomationDirect AUTOMATION DEVICES SENSORS: Inductive and Capacitive Proximity Sensors • Photoelectric Sensors • Level Sensors • Ultrasonic Sensors • Magnetic Sensors • Limit Switches • Safety CARLOInterlocksGAVAZZI has the solution for your application needs, whether it’s our industry leading solid state relays, energy meters, contactors, motor controls, monitoring relays or sensors, now available with IO-Link communications. Contact us today, and one of our field sales representatives will show you why we are one of the fastest growing auto mation companies worldwide. We’ll even provide a free evaluation sample to qualified customers. 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B&R Industrial Automation Inc. BDI Canada Inc Beckhoff Automation Limited Bosch Rexroth Canada Corp. Davis Controls Ltd. McRaeLyneLenzeEmersonAmericasSystemsIntegration Ltd. Motion Canada Omron Canada Inc. Pilz Automation Safety Canada L.P. PMR Packaging Inc. Rockwell Automation Canada/Allen-Bradley + Rockwell Software Brands Schneider Electric Canada Inc. TechnoSiemensSEW-EURODRIVECanadaLimitedPakPackagingSystems Inc. TRI-R Power Products Wainbee Limited PNEUMATIC DRIVES & CONTROLS Action Valve and AutomationDirectCylinder B&R Industrial Automation Inc. Beckhoff Automation Limited Bosch Rexroth Canada Corp. Celplast, a Division of Crawford Packaging Davis Controls Ltd. GeorgeFestoEmersonInc.A. Wright & Son Toronto Ltd. Lyne McRaeSystemsIntegration Ltd. Motion Canada OBX Works Inc. Omron Canada Inc. Pilz Automation Safety Canada L.P. PMR Packaging Inc. Rockwell Automation Canada/Allen-Bradley + Rockwell Software Brands Schneider Electric Canada Inc. SICK Ltd. (Canada) Siemens Canada Limited TechnoStorcan Pak Packaging Systems Inc. Turck Canada Inc. VisuaScan Inc. Celplast, a Division of Crawford Packaging Charles3 Downer & Co. Ltd. 1-3 Chisholm Machinery Solutions 1-3 Consolidated Technologies 1,3 Dependable Marking Systems Ltd. 1 Edson Packaging Machinery Ltd. 1,3 ESS Technologies 1-3 FANUC Canada Ltd. 1-3 Festo Inc. 3 Flexi-Pack Machinery Solutions Inc. 1-3 FlexLink Systems, Inc. 1-3 George A. Wright & Son Toronto Ltd. 2-3 Habasit Canada Limited 2-3 Hartness International 1-3 Heidelberg Canada Graphic Equipment Limited Honeywell1-2Intelligrated 1-3 JG Packaging 1-3 JL Plastics Inc 3 JLS Automation 1-3 Langen Packaging Inc. 1-3 Lyne Systems 1-3 McRae Integration Ltd. 3 Septimatech1-3 Group Inc. 3 SEW-EURODRIVE 1-3 SteelNor/Inventure Engineering & Machinery Inc. 2-3 Techno Pak Packaging Systems Inc. 1-3 VC999 Canada Ltd. 1,3 WestRock 1-3 Yaskawa America Inc., Motoman Robotics Div. Yaskawa1-3 Motoman Canada Ltd. (Motoman Robotics) 1-3 Zund America, Inc. 3 SAFETY PRODUCTS 1 Electronic Machine Guarding 2 Light Curtains 3 Safety Relays AutomationDirect 1,3 B&R Industrial Automation Inc. 1 Balluff Canada Inc. 1-3 Banner Engineering Corp. 1 BDI Canada Inc 1-3 Beckhoff Automation Limited 1,3 Carlo Gavazzi (Canada) Inc. 1,3 AUTOMATION DEVICES “ Our corporate philosophy— build quality products that seamlessly integrate into our clients’ system designs.“ Gear Motors | Automation | Servo Technology | Drive Systems | Industrial Gears | System Solutions | 24/7/365 Service SEW-EURODRIVE.CA · TORONTO · MONTREAL · VANCOUVER - Anthony Peluso, VP -

66 CANADIANPACKAGING · July/August 2022 CANADIANPACKAGING.COM PACKAGING MACHINERY ADHESIVE APPLICATORS 1 Cold Glue 2 Glue 3 Hotmelt 4 Other 5 Pattern Controller 6 UV-Cured 3M Canada Company 3 Alfatec Machine Inc. 1,4 Baumer hhs Corp. 1-3,5-6 Best Packaging Systems 3 Bradman Lake Inc. 2-3 Buzz Equipment 1-3 Canpaco Inc. 1-3,5 EndFlex LLC 2-3 Glue Dots International 1-3 Gluefast Company Inc. 1-3 GMSvanSco 1-5 HMA Systems 1-3,5 ITW Dynatec 1-5 JBX Systems Inc. 2-5 Jowat Canada 1-6 Krones - North America 2 M.D. Packaging Inc. 1-6 Newmapak Ltd. 1-3 Nordson Canada Limited 1-6 OBX Works Inc. 1-6 Packaging Machinery Concepts Ltd. 3 Paxiom Group 2 Pineberry Manufacturing Inc. 2-4 Plan Automation Inc. 1-3 PMR Packaging Inc. 1-3,5-6 Robatech Canada 1-3,5 Samuel Packaging Systems Group 2-3 Techno Pak Packaging Systems Inc. 1-3,5 Valco Melton 1-5 Videojet Canada 6 VisuaScan Inc. 1-3 WeighPack Systems Inc. 2-3 AEROSOL PACKAGING 1 Agitator Pellet Feeders 2 Buttoners 3 Can Drying 4 Capping 5 Charging 6 Cleaning Purging 7 Coding 8 Compressor 9 Crimpers Crimping Heads 10 Crimping Gauges 11 Fill Inspection 12 Filling Aerosol Ingredients 13 Filling Laboratory 14 Filling Production 15 Filters & Filter Sheets 16 Gasser Shakers 17 Labeling/Shrink Neck 18 Laboratory Equipment 19 Leak Detecting 20 Mixing 21 Pallet Shakers 22 Product Homogenizers 23 Propellant Storage Handling 24 Refrigeration 25 Regulators Gas 26 Testing Tanks 27 Tubing Inserting 28 Valve Feeders Inserters Abbey Equipment Solutions 11,19 Aesus Packing Systems Inc. 17 Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd. AROLAll-Fill4,7,12,14,17Inc.12,14NorthAmerica Inc. 4 Buzz Equipment 1,12,17 Charles Downer & Co. Ltd. 7,11 Chisholm Machinery Solutions 9,17 General Conveyor Inc. 3-4,19,26-28 Harlund Industries Ltd. 7,17 Hibar Systems Ltd. 12-14 Kaps-All Packaging Systems Inc. 4,12-14 M&L Testing Equipment (1995) Inc. 18 M.D. Packaging Inc. 4,7,11,14,17,19 Nalbach Engineering Company, Inc. New5,9-10,12England Machinery Inc. 4,19,27-28 NJM Pacific4,7,11Packaging Machinery 14 Paxiom Group 27 Pineberry Manufacturing Inc. 7-8 Plan Automation Inc. 1-28 PMC Industries 2,4,9,28 PMR Packaging Inc. 1,8-21 R E Morrison Equipment Inc. 3 R-J Machinery Inc. 12-14 Septimatech Group Inc. 13-14,17 STANMECH Technologies Inc. 3 Sterling Marking Products Inc. 7 TIERMAX Inc 20,22 Videojet Canada 7 AIR COMPRESSORS R E Morrison Equipment Inc. Sullair, LLC AMPOULE PACKAGING 1 Filling & Sealing 2 Printing 3 Washing All-Fill Inc. 1 Artypac Automation Inc. 2-3 Buzz Equipment 1-3 Charles Downer & Co. Ltd. 1-3 Harlund Industries Ltd. 2 Hibar Systems Ltd. 1 Kaps-All Packaging Systems Inc. 1,3 M.D. Packaging Inc. 1-3 Plan Automation Inc. 1-3 PMR Packaging Inc. 1-3 R-J Machinery Inc. 1 ASEPTIC PACKAGING Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd. Bossar USA, Inc. Charles Downer & Co. Ltd. Galick Process and Packaging Solutions Krones - North America OptimaNJM Machinery Corporation Pemberton & Associates Inc. Plan Automation Inc. PMR Packaging Inc. Prodo-Pak Corp Schneider Packaging Equipment Co. Inc. SteelNor/Inventure Engineering & Machinery TetraInc. Pak Canada Inc. WeighPack Systems Inc. BAG PACKAGING 1 Closing Sealing Clip 2 Closing Sealing Header Label 3 Closing Sealing Heat 4 Closing Sealing Twist Tie 5 Filling 6 Making Filling Closing 7 Opening 8 Sewing 9 Stapling Abbey Equipment Solutions 1-7 Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd. 1-3,5-8 Alfatec Machine Inc. 1-7 All-Fill Inc. 5 AlliedFlex Technologies 5-6 Alpha Checkweighers 5 Alte-Rego Corporation 1-2,4-7 Anypack Packaging Machinery Inc. 1-3,5-6 ARAN USA 5 Ariva Artypac3 Automation Inc. 2-7 Automated Packaging Systems Inc. 1,3-7 Best Packaging Systems 7 Beumer Corporation 5 Bizerba Canada Inc. 2 Britman Packaging Services 3,5 Buzz Equipment 5 CAM Packaging Systems 1-2,5,7 Canadian Paper & Packaging Co. 3 Canpaco Inc. 2-3,5-7 Cartier Celplast,3 a Division of Crawford Packaging Charles3-7 Downer & Co. Ltd. 1-7 Chisholm Machinery Solutions 1-9 Columbia Coding & Marking 1,5-6,9 CRAWFORD PACKAGING 2,6 Dependable Marking Systems Ltd. 4 Formost Fuji Corporation 5-7 Harpak-Ulma Packaging, LLC 5 HayssenSandiacre - Div. of Barry-Wehmiller Companies, Inc. 5-6 Heat and Control, Inc. 5-6 Heat Sealing Packaging 3-4 Hood Packaging Corporation 5 Turck Canada Inc. 2-3 VC999 Canada Ltd. 1 SENSORS 1 Barrel 2 C olor Mark 3 Limit Switches 4 Object Detection 5 Photoelectric 6 Proximity 7 Ultrasonic Ahearn & Soper Inc. 1-7 ATO Automation Inc 3,5-7 AutomationDirect 3,5-7 Balluff Canada Inc. 1-7 Banner Engineering Corp. 2-6 BDI Canada Inc 1-7 Carlo Gavazzi (Canada) Inc. 1-7 Celplast, a Division of Crawford Packaging Charles3,6-7 Downer & Co. Ltd. 2,4,6 Cognex Corp. 4-5 Davis Controls Ltd. 3,5-7 Emerson KEYENCE1,3,6CANADA INC. 1-7 Lyne Systems 1-7 Motion Canada 3,5-6 Omron Canada Inc. 1-7 Pilz Automation Safety Canada L.P. 4 Pineberry Manufacturing Inc. 2-3 Plan Automation Inc. 1-4 Rockwell Automation Canada/Allen-Bradley + Rockwell Software Brands 1-7 Schneider Electric Canada Inc. 2-7 SICK Ltd. (Canada) 1-7 Siemens Canada Limited 3-7 Techno Pak Packaging Systems Inc. 2-7 Tri-Tronics Company Inc. 1-2,4-7 Turck Canada Inc. 1-7 Valco Melton 4 VisuaScan Inc. 2-7 SERVO MOTORS ATO Automation PilzOmronMotionLyneLenzeEmersonDavisCharlesBoschBeckhoffBDIBaldorAutomationDirectIncElectricCompanyCanadaIncAutomationLimitedRexrothCanadaCorp.Downer&Co.Ltd.ControlsLtd.AmericasSystemsCanadaCanadaInc.AutomationSafetyCanada L.P. Pineberry Manufacturing Inc. Rockwell Automation Canada/Allen-Bradley + Rockwell Software Brands Schneider Electric Canada Inc. SEW-EURODRIVE Siemens Canada Limited Techno Pak Packaging Systems Inc. TRI-R Power Products Wainbee Limited SIGNAL TOWERS PilzBalluffAutomationDirectCanadaInc.AutomationSafety Canada L.P. Schneider Electric Canada Inc. VisuaScan Inc. SOFTWARE PROGRAMS Ahearn & Soper Inc. Balluff Canada Inc. Beckhoff Automation Limited Charles Downer & Co. Ltd. HoneywellEsko Intelligrated HYBRID IndustrialSoftwareMarking Systems Inc. Loma Systems, an ITW Company Lyne MatthewsSystemsMarking Systems McRae Integration Ltd. Mettler-Toledo Canada Omron Canada Inc. Pilz Automation Safety Canada L.P. Pineberry Manufacturing Inc. Rockwell Automation Canada/Allen-Bradley + Rockwell Software Brands Schneider Electric Canada Inc. Siemens Canada SteelNor/InventureLimitedEngineering & Machinery Inc. Techno Pak Packaging Systems Inc. VisuaScan Inc. SPROCKETS BDI Canada Inc Storcan TIMING BELTS BRECOflex CO.,L.L.C. VALVES 1 Air-Operated 2 Breather 3 Directional 4 Flow 5 Pneumatic 6 Pressure-Control 7 Solenoid Action Valve and Cylinder 1,3-7 ATO Automation Inc 5,7 AutomationDirect 3-5,7 BDI Canada Inc 1-7 Bosch Rexroth Canada Corp. 3-4,6-7 Emerson 1-7 Motion Canada 1-2,4-7 Nordson Canada Limited 7 Rockwell Automation Canada/Allen-Bradley + Rockwell Software Brands 4-7 Siemens Canada Limited 4-7 AUTOMATION DEVICES
THE ULTIMATE ALL-ELECTRIC PACKAGING SOLUTION FOR GLUING & SEALING CASES AND CARTONS FOR THE FOOD & BEVERAGE INDUSTRY. Adhesive Dispensing & Quality Inspection Systems World HQ: +1.513.874.6550 | ask@valcomelton.com For more information visit: www.valcomelton.com VALCO MELTON Precise, programmable dots with the VD2P Valco usageEcoStitchAll-ElectricMelton’sSolutionreducesadhesivefrom40-70% PneumaticTraditionalSystem require the use of compressed air. The melters use precision gear pumps to deliver adhesive in a constant, reliable and repeatable fashion. ALL-NEW ECOSTITCH MELTERS VD2P VALVE DRIVERMXM ECOSTITCH VALVE The EcoStitch guns are available in nearly any possible configuration required by your packaging application PACKAGING MACHINERY Ilapak Inc. 1-7 JBX Systems Inc. 2 JG Packaging 3-6 Kaps-All Packaging Systems Inc. 5 Kliklok LLC - A Syntegon Company 3 Link Pack Group 1,3,5 M.D. Packaging Inc. 1-9 MapleJet Co. 5 MD Packaging Inc. 1-2,4-6,9 MultiFeeder Technology, Inc. 5 Newmapak Ltd. 5 NJM Nordson5 Canada Limited 2 nVenia 3,5-8 Ohlson Packaging 5-6 Optima Machinery Corporation 1-3,5-7 Pacific Packaging Machinery 5 Pack-Rite - Div.of Mettler Toledo, LLC 2-3 PACK3000 CANADA LTD 1 Packaging Machinery Concepts Ltd. 3-5,7 PAL Distributors Inc. 3 Palamatic Process Inc. 5,7 Paxiom Group 3,6-7 Pemberton & Associates Inc. 1,3,5,9 Plan Automation Inc. 1-9 Plan IT Packaging Systems Inc 2-3,6-7 Plexpack Corp 3 Plexpack Corp. 2-3,6 PMR Packaging Inc. 1-9 Premier Tech Chronos 3,5 Prodo-Pak Corp 1-7 R-J Machinery Inc. 1,3,5-7 Reiser (Canada) Co. 3 Rennco LLC 3,6 ROBOVIC Inc 5 Saturn Packaging Equipment 3 Sealed Air Corporation 1,3 Shawpak Systems Ltd. 2 SleekWrapper 1-5 Spee-Dee Packaging Machinery Inc. 5 Speedway Packaging Machinery 5 SteelNor/Inventure Engineering & Machinery Inc. Stock1-7Packaging Canada 4,6 Techno Pak Packaging Systems Inc. 1-7 TIERMAX Inc 7 TNA North America Inc. 5 Valco Melton 4 VC999 Canada Ltd. 2,5-6 Volm Companies 5 WeighPack Systems Inc. 1-7 BAG PACKAGING, VALVE TYPE 1 Air Pressure Filling 2 Auger Filling 3 Belt Packers 4 Filling Gross Weighing 5 Filling Net Weighing 6 Gravity 7 Impellor Filling Abbey Equipment Solutions 1-7 Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd. 2,4-7 Alfatec Machine Inc. 1-7 All-Fill Inc. 2,4-5 Artypac Automation Inc. 2,4-5,7 Beumer Corporation 1-2,4-7 Bizerba Canada Inc. 4 Buzz Equipment 2-3 Charles Downer & Co. Ltd. 1-7 Chisholm Machinery Solutions 1-7 Columbia Coding & Marking 4 CRAWFORD PACKAGING 1,5 Habasit Canada Limited 3,6 HayssenSandiacre - Div. of Barry-Wehmiller Companies, Inc. 2,5 Heat and Control, Inc. 4-5 Ilapak Inc. 2-6 JG Packaging 2,4-5 Kaps-All Packaging Systems Inc. 4-5 M.D. Packaging Inc. 1-6 MARQ Packaging Systems Inc. 2-3 MD Packaging Inc. 1,3-5,7 Ohlson Packaging 4-5 Packaging Machinery Concepts Ltd. 5 Palamatic Process Inc. 2,5-6 Paxiom Group 1-2,5-6 Plan Automation Inc. 1-7 Plan IT Packaging Systems Inc 1-2,5-6 PMR Packaging Inc. 1-7 Premier Tech Chronos 1-2,4-7 Prodo-Pak Corp 1-7 R-J Machinery Inc. 2,4-5 Shawpak Systems Ltd. 2,4-6 Sipromac ll Inc. 3 Spee-Dee Packaging Machinery Inc. 2,5 SteelNor/Inventure Engineering & Machinery Inc. VC999ValcoTIERMAX1-2,4-5,7Inc2,6Melton4-5CanadaLtd. 1-3,5-7 WeighPack Systems Inc. 2,4-5 BALING PRESSES PlanAriva Automation Inc. Premier Tech Chronos Samuel Packaging Systems Group BANDING & WIRE STRAPPING 3G Packaging Corp. Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd. ATSAriva- Tanner Banding Systems Inc. Bandall Celplast,CanpacoAmericaInc.aDivision of Crawford Packaging Chisholm Machinery Solutions Heat Sealing Packaging M.D. Packaging Inc. Plan Automation Inc. Samuel Packaging Systems Group BANDSTRETCH Ariva Canadian Paper & Packaging Co. Canpaco Inc. Charles Downer & Co. Ltd. Chisholm Machinery Solutions Omega Design Corp. Plan Automation Inc. BARCODE SCANNERS 1 Barcode Verifiers 2 Hand-Held 3 In-Line Ahearn & Soper Inc. 1-3 Barcode Graphics Inc. 1-3 Baumer hhs Corp. 1,3 Buzz Equipment 1 CAPMATIC LTD 2 Charles Downer & Co. Ltd. 1 Columbia Coding & Marking 1-3 Cube Automation 1-3 Dependable Marking Systems Ltd. 1-3 DESCON Integrated Conveyor Solutions 2-3 Harlund Industries Ltd. 1-3 Industrial Marking Systems Inc. 1-3 Lyne Systems 1-3 M.D. Packaging Inc. 1-3 Markem-Imaje Inc. 3 Matthews Marking Systems 1-3 MD Packaging Inc. 1-2 MultiFeeder Technology, Inc. 1,3 NJM Nordson1 Canada Limited 1 Omron Canada Inc. 1-3 PAL Distributors Inc. 1-2 Pineberry Manufacturing Inc. 1,3 Plan Automation Inc. 1-3 PMR Packaging Inc. 1-3 REDEMAC INC 1-3 RFID Canada 1-3 Robatech Canada 1,3 Rockwell Automation Canada/Allen-Bradley + Rockwell Software Brands 1-3

PACKAGING MACHINERY Samuel Packaging Systems Group 1-3 SICK Ltd. (Canada) 2 Siemens Canada Limited 1-3 SteelNor/Inventure Engineering & Machinery Inc. Stock1,3Packaging Canada 1 StrongPoint Automation Inc. 1,3 Techno Pak Packaging Systems Inc. 1-3 Turck Canada Inc. 1-3 Uline Canada Corp. 2 Valco Melton 1 Videojet Canada 1-3 VisuaScan Inc. 1-3 Weber Marking Systems of Canada 1-3 BLISTER FORMING Artypac Automation Inc. Buzz CanadianEquipmentPaper& Packaging Co. Charles Downer & Co. Ltd. Chisholm Machinery Solutions Goldrich Printpak Inc. MD Packaging Inc. R-J Machinery Inc. Starview Packaging Machinery, Inc. BLISTER SEALING Artypac Automation Inc. Buzz Celplast,EquipmentaDivision of Crawford Packaging Charles Downer & Co. Ltd. Goldrich Printpak Inc. MD Packaging Inc. R-J Machinery Inc. Starview Packaging Machinery, Inc. BLOWMOLDING Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd. Ampak Inc Buzz Equipment Cube Automation KHS USA, Inc Krones - North America M.D. Packaging Inc. Newmapak Ltd. Plastics Institute of America BOTTLING 1 Capping 2 Cleaning Air 3 Cleaning Steam 4 Cleaning Washing 5 Filling 6 Sorting Equipment Abbey Equipment Solutions 5 Aesus Packing Systems Inc. 1-2,5-6 Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd. 1-2,4-6 Alfatec Machine Inc. 1,3-4,6 All-Fill Inc. 5 Alpha Checkweighers 5 Ampak Inc 1 Anypack Packaging Machinery Inc. 1,4 Artypac Automation Inc. 1-6 Bericap North America Inc. 1 Buzz Equipment 1-6 CAPMATIC LTD 1-2,4-6 Charles Downer & Co. Ltd. 1,5-6 Chisholm Machinery Solutions 1-6 Columbia Coding & Marking 1-2,5 Cube Automation 1-6 DESCON Integrated Conveyor Solutions 4 Eckert Machines 2 ESS Technologies 1,5 Galick Process and Packaging Solutions Hibar1,3,5Systems Ltd. 5-6 IMA North America Inc. 1,4-6 Kaps-All Packaging Systems Inc. 1-2,5-6 KHS USA, Inc 4-5 Krones - North America 4-5 Lyne Systems 6 M.D. Packaging Inc. 1-6 McBrady Engineering Inc. 2-4 MD Packaging Inc. 1-3,5-6 Nalbach Engineering Company, Inc. 4-6 New England Machinery Inc. 1-2,6 Newmapak Ltd. 1-6 nVenia 1,5 Ohlson Packaging 5 Omega Design Corp. 2,6 Optima Machinery Corporation 1-6 Pacific Packaging Machinery 5 Packaging Machinery Concepts Ltd. 1,5 Paxiom Group 1,5-6 Plan Automation Inc. 1-6 PMC Industries 1 PMR Packaging Inc. 1-6 Prodo-Pak Corp 3,6 R E Morrison Equipment Inc. 2,4 R-J Machinery Inc. 1,5 Schubert Packaging Automation Inc. 1,5-6 Septimatech Group Inc. 1-2,4-6 Shawpak Systems Ltd. 1,5 Singular Solutions Inc. 2,6 STANMECH Technologies Inc. 2 StrongPoint Automation Inc. 1,6 Techno Pak Packaging Systems Inc. ZalkinValtara1-2,4-61Americas, LLC 1,6 BUNDLE-TYING Chisholm Machinery Solutions EAM-Mosca (Canada) Ltd. M.D. Packaging Inc. Plan Automation Inc. BUNDLING ACCUMULATING PARCEL M.D. Packaging Inc. MultiFeeder Technology, Inc. PlannVeniaAutomation Inc. PMR Packaging Inc. Septimatech Group Inc. StrongPoint Automation Inc. BUNDLING ACCUMULATING PARCEL ING: KRAFT Canpaco Inc. Charles Downer & Co. Ltd. Chisholm Machinery Solutions DESCON Integrated Conveyor Solutions Imperial Dade Canada Inc. M.D. Packaging Inc. MultiFeeder Technology, Inc. PlannVeniaAutomation Inc. PMR Packaging Inc. StrongPoint Automation Inc. BUNDLING ACCUMULATING PARCELING: SHRINKFILM 3G Packaging Corp. Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd. Alfatec Machine Inc. Anypack Packaging Machinery Inc. BuzzAriva Celplast,CanpacoEquipmentInc.aDivision of Crawford Packaging Charles Downer & Co. Ltd. Chisholm Machinery Solutions Douglas Machine Inc. W EIGHING WRAPPING Learn more at paxiom.com 1.833.4PAXIOM | info@paxiom.com Automation From a Single Source PORTFOSAME FORMING CASE PACKING

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PACKAGING MACHINERY Omega Design Corp. Optima Machinery Corporation Plan Automation Inc. Plexpack Corp PMR Packaging Inc. Sealed Air StrongPointCorporationAutomation Inc. Techno Pak Packaging Systems Inc. BUNDLING ACCUMULATING PARCEL ING: STRETCHFILM 3G Packaging Corp. Canpaco Celplast,CAPS/PhoenixWrappersInc.aDivisionofCrawford Packaging Charles Downer & Co. Ltd. Chisholm Machinery Solutions DESCON Integrated Conveyor Solutions GalickEastey Process and Packaging Solutions IMA North America Inc. Imperial Dade Canada Inc. M.D. Packaging Inc. MD Packaging Inc. OmeganVenia Design Corp. Plan Automation Inc. PMR Packaging Inc. Samuel Packaging Systems Group Techno Pak Packaging Systems Inc. CANNING 1 Capping 2 Filling 3 Making 4 Milk Can Washing, Drying 5 Sealing Abbey Equipment Solutions 2 Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd. 2 Alfatec Machine Inc. 1-2,4-5 All-Fill Inc. 2 Alpha Checkweighers 2 Artypac Automation Inc. 2 Buzz Equipment 1-2 Chisholm Machinery Solutions 1-5 Columbia Coding & Marking 1-2,5 EDGME Inc. 2,5 Galick Process and Packaging Solutions 1,5 Hibar Systems Ltd. 2 Kaps-All Packaging Systems Inc. 1-2,5 KHS USA, Inc 2,5 Krones - North America 2,5 M.D. Packaging Inc. 1-2,4-5 MapleJet Co. 2-3 MD Packaging Inc. 2-3 Nalbach Engineering Company, Inc. 2 Newmapak Ltd. 1-2,5 Optima Machinery Corporation 1-2,5 Pacific Packaging Machinery 2 Pemberton & Associates Inc. 2 Plan Automation Inc. 1-5 PMC Industries 1 PMR Packaging Inc. 2 R E Morrison Equipment Inc. 4 R-J Machinery Inc. 2 Singular Solutions Inc. 2 Spee-Dee Packaging Machinery Inc. 2 Speedway Packaging Machinery 2 StrongPoint Automation Inc. 2 Techno Pak Packaging Systems Inc. 1-2,5 VC999 Canada Ltd. 1-2,5 CAP & COVER LINING Columbia Coding & Marking EDGME Inc. M.D. Packaging Inc. Nordson Canada Limited Plan Automation Inc. Plan IT Packaging Systems Inc Singular Solutions Inc. CAP SEALERS Aesus Packing Systems Inc. Alfatec Machine Inc. Artypac Automation Inc. Buzz CharlesCAPMATICEquipmentLTDDowner& Co. Ltd. Chisholm Machinery Solutions Cube EnerconAutomationIndustries Corp. Galick Process and Packaging Solutions Habasit Canada Limited Kaps-All Packaging Systems Inc. Lepel Corp Capsealing Div. M.D. Packaging Inc. MD Packaging Inc. Newmapak Ltd. Optima Machinery Corporation Packaging Machinery Concepts Ltd. PDC International Corp Plan Automation Inc. Plan IT Packaging Systems Inc PMR Packaging Inc. Speedway Packaging Machinery TechnoStorcan Pak Packaging Systems Inc. WeighPack Systems Inc. CAPSULE FILLING All-Fill Inc. Buzz CharlesEquipmentDowner& Co. Ltd. Hibar Systems Ltd. IMA North America Inc. M.D. Packaging Inc. MD Packaging Inc. Newmapak Ltd. Plan Automation Inc. Sarong North America Inc. Septimatech Group Inc. CARTON UNLOADER Abbey Equipment Solutions Blueprint Automation (BPA) Buzz Equipment Canpaco Inc. Charles Downer & Co. Ltd. Chisholm Machinery Solutions Honeywell Intelligrated Ilapak Inc. M.D. Packaging Inc. MD Packaging Inc. Plan Automation Inc. Techno Pak Packaging Systems Inc. Yaskawa America Inc., Motoman Robotics Div. CARTONING 1 Filling 2 Forming 3 Forming Filling Closing 4 Forming Lining Filling Closing 5 Lining 6 Opening Filling Closing 7 Wraparound For Can Bottle Carriers 3M Canada Company 3 Abbey Equipment Solutions 1-7 Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd. 1-4,6-7 Alfatec Machine Inc. 4 All-Fill Inc. 1 Alpha Checkweighers 1 Anypack Packaging Machinery Inc. 1,4,6-7 ARAN USA 3 Artypac Automation Inc. 1-4,6-7 Blueprint Automation (BPA) 1,3 Bossar USA, Inc. 3 Bradman Lake Inc. 1-4,6-7 Britman Packaging Services 1,3 Buzz Equipment 1-3,6 CAM Packaging Systems 1,4 Canpaco Inc. 1-7 Celplast, a Division of Crawford Packaging Charles1-3,5-6Downer & Co. Ltd. 1-7 Chisholm Machinery Solutions 1-7 Consolidated Technologies 1-7 ROVEMA – your partner. For packagingsustainablesolutions. Protect your product and switch flexibly between packaging materials and bag shapes with our best in class VFFS solutions. For over 65 years ROVEMA has been a global leader in design and manufacture of vertical form fill and seal bagging equipment. Our product line includes cartoning equipment and end of line solutions giving us the capability to supply a single source for your bagging requirements. ANYPACK – Supplying packaging machinery in Canada for over 30 years. Including: Pre-made pouch machines, Filling systems, Process equipment, Shrink Bundling systems, Nitrogen generators, Horizontal wrappers, Turnkey lines, Technical advice and consulting. ROVEMA 35463Industriestrasse1GmbHFernwald, Germany Telefon: +49 (0)641/409-0 E-Mail: info@rovema.de www.rovema.com Your partner in automation since 1991 Phone Vancouver: 604-671-0236 Toronto: 647-300-8008 www.anypack.ca Proudly presented by Find out more about our packaging line expertise Webettermakebags

CANADIANPACKAGING.COM July/August 2022 · CANADIANPACKAGING 71 PACKAGING MACHINERY CRAWFORD PACKAGING 1-5 Cube Automation 1-3,5-7 Delkor Systems Inc. 2-4 Dependable Marking Systems Ltd. 2 DESCON Integrated Conveyor Solutions 4 Douglas Machine Inc. 1-7 Econocorp Inc. 1-3,6-7 Edson Packaging Machinery Ltd. 1-7 EndFlex LLC 1-4,6-7 ESS Technologies 1-4,6-7 Flexi-Pack Machinery Solutions Inc. 2-4,6-7 Galick Process and Packaging Solutions 3 Geosaf Inc. 1-3 Harlund Industries Ltd. 3,6 Harpak-Ulma Packaging, LLC 1-3 Hartness International 2-3,6-7 Heat and Control, Inc. 1 Ilapak Inc. 1-7 IMA North America Inc. 1-4 Imperial Dade Canada Inc. 2-3 JBX Systems Inc. 2-4 JG Packaging 1-7 JLS Automation 1-3 Jowat Canada 2-4 Kaps-All Packaging Systems Inc. 1 Kliklok LLC - A Syntegon Company 1-3,6-7 Langen Packaging Inc. 1-3,6-7 Loveshaw, an ITW Company, Little David Products Div. 2 M.D. Packaging Inc. 1-7 Massman Automation Design 1,3,7 MD Packaging Inc. 1-7 MultiFeeder Technology, Inc. 1,5 Newmapak Ltd. 2-3,6-7 Nordson Canada Limited 7 Nuspark Inc. 1-4,6-7 Optima Machinery Corporation 1-3,6 Oystar North America (formerly known as Oystar USA, Inc. & IWKA PacSystems, Inc.) 1-6 PACKPRO Systems 7 Paxiom Group 1-4,6 Plan Automation Inc. 1-7 Plan IT Packaging Systems Inc 1,4 PMR Packaging Inc. 1-7 Propack Processing & Packaging Systems Inc. 1-4,6 R-J Machinery Inc. 1-3 Schneider Packaging Equipment Co. Inc. Schubert3,6 Packaging Automation Inc. 1-7 Shawpak Systems Ltd. 1 Singular Solutions Inc. 4 Somic America, Inc. 1-2 Spee-Dee Packaging Machinery Inc. 1 StrongPoint Automation Inc. 1-3 Syntegon 4 Techno Pak Packaging Systems Inc. 1-7 Tetra Pak Canada Inc. 3 Valco Melton 2 WeighPack Systems Inc. 1-3,6-7 WestRock 2-3,7 Yaskawa Motoman Canada Ltd. (Motoman Robotics) 1 CASE PACKING 1 Case Erectors 2 Case Sealers 3 Filling Loading 4 Forming 5 Opening 6 Printing Coding 7 Sealing Glue 8 Sealing Gummed Tape 9 Sealing Hotmelt 10 Stitching Stapling 11 Tray Forming 12 Uncasing 3G Packaging Corp. 1-2,4,6-8,11 3M Canada Company 2-3,9 ABB Inc. 3,12 Abbey Equipment Solutions 1-12 Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd. 1-5,7,9,11Alfatec12 Machine Inc. 3-4,6-7,9 AlliedFlex Technologies 3 Anypack Packaging Machinery Inc. ArtypacAriva3-5,7,9,111-2,8-9Automation Inc. 3-7,9,12 Baumer hhs Corp. 2,7,9 BELL-MARK 6 Best Packaging Systems 1-9,11 Bizerba Canada Inc. 6-7 Blueprint Automation (BPA) 1,3-5,9,12 Bobst North America Inc. 3 Bradman Lake Inc. 1-4,7-9,11 Britman Packaging Services 3 Buzz Equipment 1-12 CAM Packaging Systems 1,4-5,8,12 Canadian Paper & Packaging Co. 1-2,8 Canpaco Inc. 1-4,6-9,11 Cartier Celplast,1-4,8-9aDivision of Crawford Packaging Charles1-11 Downer & Co. Ltd. 1-12 Chisholm Machinery Solutions 1-12 Columbia Coding & Marking 3,6-8 Combi Packaging Systems 1-5,7,9,11-12 Compacker Systems, LLC 1-7,9 Consolidated Technologies 1-5,7-9,12 CRAWFORD PACKAGING 1-2,4-6,8,11 Cube Automation 1-7,11 Delkor Systems Inc. 1-4,11 Dependable Marking Systems Ltd. 1-6 DESCON Integrated Conveyor Solutions Douglas3,12 Machine Inc. 3-5,7,9,11 EAM-Mosca (Canada) Ltd. 2 Eastey Econocorp1-2,4Inc. 7,9,11 Edson Packaging Machinery Ltd. 1-12 EndFlex LLC 1-5,7-9,11-12 ESS Technologies 1-5,9,11-12 Flexi-Pack Machinery Solutions Inc. Galick1-2,4-5,11Process and Packaging Solutions Gebo1,3,5,7,9,11Cermex USA Inc. 1,9,11 General Conveyor Inc. 12 Geosaf Inc. HabasitGMSvanSco1-4,119CanadaLimited 1-2 Hamrick Packaging Systems 1-2,12 Harlund Industries Ltd. 1-8,11 Harpak-Ulma Packaging, LLC 1-4,9,11 Hartness International 1-5,7-9,11-12 Heat and Control, Inc. 3 HMA Systems 9 IMA North America Inc. 1-3,6,11 Imperial Dade Canada Inc. 1-2,8,10 ITW Dynatec 9 JBX Systems Inc. 1-2,4,7,9,11 JG Packaging 1-9,11 JLS Automation 1-5,11 KHS USA, Inc 11 Kliklok LLC - A Syntegon Company 1-4,11 Krones - North America 3 Langen Packaging Inc. 1-9,11 Lantech.com, LLC 1-2 Loveshaw, an ITW Company, Little David Products Div. 4-6 Lyne Systems 2-3,5-6 M.D. Packaging Inc. 1-11 MapleJet Co. Markem-Imaje2,6Inc. 6 MARQ Packaging Systems Inc. 1-5,7-10 Massman Automation Design 1-4,7-9,11-12 MD Packaging Inc. 1-8,10-12 Multivac Canada Inc. 1-4 Newmapak Ltd. 1-9,11-12 22_1410_Canadian_Packaging_JUL_AUG_CN Mod: May 19, 2022 3:29 PM Print: 06/16/22 3:43:37 PM page 1 v7 ORDER BY 6 PM FOR SAME DAY SHIPPING YOURHEADQUARTERSSTRAPPING π COMPLETE CATALOG 1-800-295-5510 uline.ca CPK_Uline_JulyAug22.indd 1 2022-06-22 11:32 AM

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July/August 2022 · CANADIANPACKAGING 73 PACKAGING MACHINERY Nordson Canada Limited 2,7,9,11 Nuspark Inc. 1-4,7-9,11-12 nVenia OMORI1-7,11-12NorthAmerica 1 Packaging Machinery Concepts Ltd. 1-6,9,11 PACKPRO Systems 1-2,4,8-9,11 PAL Distributors Inc. 1-2 Paxiom Group 1-5,7-8,11 Pearson Packaging Systems 1-4,7,11-12 Pineberry Manufacturing Inc. 6 Plan Automation Inc. 1-12 Plan IT Packaging Systems Inc 1-4 PMR Packaging Inc. 1-12 Polaris Systems Inc. 1-2 PPI - Packaging Products Inc. 2,10 Propack Processing & Packaging Systems Inc. R-J1-5,11Machinery Inc. 3-6,9 Robatech Canada 1-2,9,11 Samuel Packaging Systems Group 2 Saturn Packaging Equipment 1-2 Schneider Packaging Equipment Co. Inc. Schubert1-4,11 Packaging Automation Inc. 1-12 Singular Solutions Inc. 4,8 Somic America, Inc. 2-4,11 Speedway Packaging Machinery 1-2,6 Sterling Marking Products Inc. 6 StrongPoint Automation Inc. 1-5,11-12 Syntegon 4,8,12 Techno Pak Packaging Systems Inc. 3-7,9,12 TNA North America Inc. 1,3 Valco Melton 1-2,7-9,11 Vibac Canada Inc. 2 Videojet Technologies Inc. 6 VisuaScan Inc. 4,6-8 Volm Companies 3 Weber Marking Systems of Canada 6 WeighPack Systems Inc. 1-5,7-9,11 WestRock 1-2,4,7-9,11 Wexxar Packaging 11 Yamato Corporation 3 Yaskawa Motoman Canada Ltd. (Motoman Robotics) 3,12 CELLULOSE BANDING Artypac Automation Inc. Imperial Dade Canada Inc. Longford International Ltd. Plan Automation Inc. CELLULOSE TUBEMAKING Imperial Dade Canada Inc. Plan Automation Inc. CHANGE PARTS - MACHINERY Abbey Equipment Solutions Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd. Best Packaging Systems Buzz CharlesCanpacoEquipmentInc.Downer& Co. Ltd. Chisholm Machinery Solutions Edson Packaging Machinery Ltd. Elesa Canada Limited IMA North America Inc. Krones - North America MD Packaging Inc. Newmapak Ltd. Oystar North America (formerly known as Oystar USA, Inc. & IWKA PacSystems, Inc.) PACKPRO PembertonSystems&Associates Inc. Plan Automation Inc. PMR Packaging Inc. Propack Processing & Packaging Systems Inc. Septimatech Group Inc. StrongPoint Automation Inc. CHECKWEIGHING Abbey Equipment Solutions Ahearn & Soper Inc. Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd. Anritsu - Product Inspection & Detection Anypack Packaging Machinery Inc. Artypac Automation Inc. Bizerba Canada Inc. Buzz Equipment CAM Packaging Systems Canpaco CAPMATICInc.LTD
a Division of Crawford Packaging Charles Downer & Co. Ltd. Chisholm Machinery Solutions Cube FortressAutomationTechnology, Inc. Heat and Control, Inc. Link Pack Group Loma Systems, an ITW Company Lyne Systems M&L Testing Equipment (1995) Inc. M.D. Packaging Inc. MapleJet Co. MD Packaging Inc. Mettler-Toledo Canada Newmapak Ltd. OhlsonnVenia PACK3000PackagingCANADA LTD PAL Distributors Inc. Paxiom Group Pemberton & Associates Inc. Plan Automation Inc. Plan IT Packaging Systems Inc PMR Packaging Inc. Reiser (Canada) Co. Rockwell Automation Canada/Allen-Bradley + Rockwell Software Brands Sesotec Canada Ltd Shawpak Systems Ltd. Siemens Canada Limited Spee-Dee Packaging Machinery Inc. StrongPointStorcan Automation Inc. Techno Pak Packaging Systems Inc. Thermo Fisher Scientific TNA North America Inc. VC999 Canada Ltd. Yamato Corporation CODING 1 Coding Imprinters 2 Embossing Imprinters 3 Hot-Stamping Imprinters 4 Ink-Jet Imprinters 5 Laser Imprinters 6 Marking Imprinters 7 Numbering Imprinters 3G Packaging Corp. 1-2,4-6 Aesus Packing Systems Inc. 3,7 Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd. 1-7 Alfatec Machine Inc. 6 Artypac Automation Inc. 2-3 BELL-MARK 1,4,6-7 Bemis Packaging 1-7 Best Packaging Systems 1,4 Buzz Equipment 1-7 Canpaco Inc. 1,3-7 Celplast, a Division of Crawford Packaging Charles1-7 Downer & Co. Ltd. 1-2,4-6 Chisholm Machinery Solutions 1-7

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The LIGHTLINE CARTONPACKER consists of a single compact machine frame, and packs boxes, cans, bags or bottles into cartons and trays with or without a lid, wrap-around cartons and RSC cartons. It offers an affordable and space-saving possibility to automate packaging processes with the most effi cient technology on the market while ensuring the highest availability and packaging quality.
The lightline machines from Schubert can be delivered quickly and are exceptionally attractive in terms of price . With the preconfi gured machines, customers can adapt more fl exibly to market trends and signifi cantly shorten their time-to-market.

PACKAGING MACHINERY Columbia Coding & Marking 1-7 Consolidated Technologies 2,4-5 CRAWFORD PACKAGING 4 Dependable Marking Systems Ltd. 1-7 DMS Marquage Codage 1,3-4,6-7 Domino Printing Solutions Inc. 1,4-7 Galick Process and Packaging Solutions 4-5 Harlund Industries Ltd. 4-5 Iconotech 1,6 ID Technology Canada 1,4-6 Industrial Marking Systems Inc. 1,3,7 JG Packaging 1,3-4,6-7 Leibinger Loveshaw,4an ITW Company, Little David Products Div. 1,4,6-7 Lyne Systems 1-2,4-5,7 M.D. Packaging Inc. 1-7 MapleJet Co. Markem-Imaje1-6Inc. 1,4,6-7 Matthews Marking Systems 1-2,4-7 MD Packaging Inc. 1-7 Multivac Canada Inc. 3-4 Newmapak Ltd. 4-7 NJM OMORI1,3-4,6North America 4 Packaging Machinery Concepts Ltd. 1-2,4 PAL Distributors Inc. 1,3-5 Pineberry Manufacturing Inc. 1-2,4-6 Plan Automation Inc. 1-7 Plexpack Corp. 1-2 PMR Packaging Inc. 1-7 REDEMAC INC 1-7 Samuel Packaging Systems Group 1,4-6 Shawpak Systems Ltd. 4 Speedway Packaging Machinery 3-4 Squid Ink Manufacturing 1,4-6 SteelNor/Inventure Engineering & Machinery Inc. Sterling1-7Marking Products Inc. 1-2,4,6-7 Stock Packaging Canada 6 StrongPoint Automation Inc. 1,4-7 Techno Pak Packaging Systems Inc. 1-4,6-7 Tigerpak Industrial Supplies 4-7 TNA North America Inc. 3-4 VC999 Canada Ltd. 1,4 Videojet Canada 1,4-7 Videojet Technologies Inc. 1,4-7 VisuaScan Inc. 1-7 Weber Marking Systems of Canada 1,4,6 COMPUTER SYSTEMS 1 Hardware 2 Software Ahearn & Soper Inc. 1-2 B&R Industrial Automation Inc. 1-2 Beckhoff Automation Limited 1-2 Bizerba Canada Inc. 2 Dependable Marking Systems Ltd. 1-2 DMS Marquage Codage 1 Edson Packaging Machinery Ltd. 1-2 FlexLink Systems, Inc. 2 HYBRID Software 2 Lyne Systems 1-2 M.D. Packaging Inc. 1-2 Markem-Imaje Inc. 2 Matthews Marking Systems 2 Mettler-Toledo Canada 2 Pineberry Manufacturing Inc. 2 Rockwell Automation Canada/Allen-Bradley + Rockwell Software Brands 1-2 Siemens Canada Limited 1-2 Stock Packaging Canada 2 StrongPoint Automation Inc. 2 Techno Pak Packaging Systems Inc. 1-2 Videojet Canada 1-2 VisuaScan Inc. 1-2 Weber Marking Systems of Canada 2 CONDUCTION SEALERS Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd. Buzz ChisholmEquipmentMachinery Solutions Enercon Industries Corp. Plan Automation Inc. Techno Pak Packaging Systems Inc. CONTAINER CHANGE PARTS Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd. Chisholm Machinery Solutions IMA North America Inc. New England Machinery Inc. Plan Automation Inc. PMR Packaging Inc. Septimatech Group Inc. Techno Pak Packaging Systems Inc. CONTAINER HANDLING Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd. Alfatec Machine Inc. Bosch Rexroth Canada Corp. Charles Downer & Co. Ltd. Chisholm Machinery Solutions Control DESCONGMCIntegrated Conveyor Solutions EDGME Flexi-PackInc.Machinery Solutions Inc. Garvey TechnoStrongPointSeptimatechPMRPlanPaxiomPalamaticOmegaNewmapakNewMDM.D.LyneKronesImperialIMAHoneywellCorp.IntelligratedNorthAmericaInc.DadeCanadaInc.-NorthAmericaSystemsPackagingInc.PackagingInc.EnglandMachineryInc.Ltd.DesignCorp.ProcessInc.GroupAutomationInc.PackagingInc.GroupInc.AutomationInc.PakPackagingSystems Inc. WeighPack Systems Inc. CONVEYORS 1 Air 2 Bucket 3 Bulk 4 Case 5 Chain 6 Flexible 7 Gravity 8 Gripper Chain 9 Modular 10 Overhead 11 Plastic Belt 12 Portable 13 Power-Drive 14 Spiral 15 Vibrating 3G Packaging Corp. 7 Aesus Packing Systems Inc. 9,11 Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd. 1-15 Alfatec Machine Inc. 2,4-15 Artypac Automation Inc. 2,10,12-13 Best Packaging Systems 4,6-7,12 Bosch Rexroth Canada Corp. 5-11,13-14 Buzz Equipment 2,4,6-7,9,11-13 CAM Packaging Systems 9,13 Canadian Paper & Packaging Co. 7,13 Canpaco Inc. 4,6-7,9-13 CAPMATIC LTD 11,15 Celplast, a Division of Crawford Packaging Charles4-9,11-14Downer & Co. Ltd. 2,4,9-15 Chisholm Machinery Solutions 1-15 Columbia Coding & Marking 4,6-8,11-12 Cousins Packaging Inc. 13 CRAWFORD PACKAGING 6-7,13 Cube Automation 2-11,13-15 Davis Controls Ltd. 11 Dependable Marking Systems Ltd. 4-7,9,12-13 Detect a wider range of contaminants with LOMA’s X5 Inspection Systems LOMA SYSTEMS® brings over 20 years of experience in X-ray while delivering product safety to consumers through the detection of contaminants such as glass, calcified bone, stone and dense plastics in addition to ferrous, non-ferrous and stainless steel metals. Protect your brand and consumers with a Loma X5 X-ray Inspection System. Sept 17 - 20, 2022 Las Vegas Convention Center North Hall | Booth #6808 Oct 23 - 26, 2022 McCormick Place | Chicago North Hall | Booth #5220 www.loma.com 800-872-LOMAenquiries@loma.com

76 CANADIANPACKAGING · July/August 2022 CANADIANPACKAGING.COM Sesotec Canada Ltd. 275 Hanlon Creek BlvD Unit 3, Guelph, On N1C 0A1 Phone: 519-763-9729 | servicecanada@sesotec.ca | www.sesotec.com The new ComplianceSesotecPackage Always compliant - always safe. The Compliance Packageinnovative software for seamless and documentation.efficient Request more information or a personal consultation now. CPK_Sesotec_JulyAug22_CSA.indd 1 2022-08-02 9:01 AM PACKAGING MACHINERY DESCON Integrated Conveyor Solutions DynamicDorner1,3-4,6-142-14Conveyor Corporation 9-11 Eastey 7,12 Eckert Machines 3,5-6,9,11,14-15 EDGME Inc. 3-4 Eriez FlexLink15 Systems, Inc. 5-6,8-14 Galick Process and Packaging Solutions Garvey1-15 Corp. 4,6-7,9-13 General Conveyor Inc. 1-2,4,7,9-13,15 George A. Wright & Son Toronto Ltd. Geosaf1-7,9-15Inc. 1,4 Habasit Canada Limited 2,4,7,9-13,15 Harlund Industries Ltd. 6-7 Hartness International 4,9-11,13 Heat and Control, Inc. 2,9,11,13,15 Honeywell Intelligrated 2-5,7,9,11,13 IMA North America Inc. 11 ITW Muller Canada 7,9 JG Packaging 1,7,10-12 Kaps-All Packaging Systems Inc. 2,7,12-13 Langen Packaging Inc. 2,4,9-13 Lantech.com, LLC 7,9,13 Link Pack Group 11 Loma Systems, an ITW Company 4,11-12 Lyne Systems 2-6,9-11,13-15 M.D. Packaging Inc. 1-15 Matrix Packaging Machinery 2 MD Packaging Inc. 1-15 Mettler-Toledo Canada 3,7,10-11 mk North America, Inc. 2,5-9,11-14 Modulex Solutions Inc. 9 MultiFeeder Technology, Inc. 9 Nalbach Engineering Company, Inc. Newmapak1-11,13-14Ltd. 1,4-6,8-14 NJM nVenia5 Pack-Rite2 - Div.of Mettler Toledo, LLC 13 PACK3000 CANADA LTD 5,9,13 Packaging Machinery Concepts Ltd. Palamatic4-7,9,11-13Process Inc. 1-3,5,15 Paxiom Group 3-4,7 Plan Automation Inc. 1-15 Plan IT Packaging Systems Inc 2,5-6,9PMR10,14-15Packaging Inc. 1-2,4-7,9-13,15 Polaris Systems Inc. 5,7 Propack Processing & Packaging Systems Inc. 3-4,6 R-J Machinery Inc. 13 Ryson International 2-5,9-14 Saturn Packaging Equipment 7,9,11,13 Schneider Packaging Equipment Co. Inc. Septimatech4,11 Group Inc. 1-2,4-6,9-11 Shawpak Systems Ltd. 3-5,7-8,10-13,15 Speedway Packaging Machinery 6,9,11 SteelNor/Inventure Engineering & Machinery Inc. Stock5,9,11-13,15PackagingCanada 5 StrongPoint Automation Inc. 1,3-7,9-14 Syntegon 5 Techno Pak Packaging Systems Inc. Thermo2,4,7,10-13,15FisherScientific 3,5,7 TNA North America Inc. 15 Tri-Mach Group Inc. 2-14 Tsubaki 5,8 Uline Canada Corp. 7 UniTrak Corporation Limited 1-3,5-6,9,11VC99912,14-15Canada Ltd. 2-3,11,15 Videojet Canada 11-12 VisuaScan Inc. 4,7,9,11-13 Volm Companies 3 Weber Marking Systems of Canada 5,11,13 Wecon Services Ltd. 4,6-7,9-13 WeighPack Systems Inc. 2-4,7,10-13,15 Wulftec International Inc. 5,7 COOLING EQUIPMENT Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd. Alfatec Machine Inc. Charles Downer & Co. Ltd. Chisholm Machinery Solutions Cube DESCONAutomationIntegrated Conveyor Solutions Geosaf MESSERInc.Canada Inc. Newmapak Ltd. Propack Processing & Packaging Systems VC999StorcanInc.Canada Ltd. COOLING SYSTEMS, PROCESS Alfatec Machine Inc. Charles Downer & Co. Ltd. Chisholm Machinery Solutions Cube DESCONAutomationIntegrated Conveyor Solutions George A. Wright & Son Toronto Ltd. MESSER Canada Inc. PACK3000 CANADA LTD Propack Processing & Packaging Systems WulftecInc. International Inc. COOLING TOWERS Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd. Cube MESSERAutomationCanada Inc. CORKING MACHINES Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd. Alfatec Machine Inc. Chisholm Machinery Solutions Cube GalickAutomationProcessand Packaging Solutions Newmapak Ltd. Plan Automation Inc. CORRUGATED ROLL DISPENSERS CanpacoAriva Inc. Plan Automation Inc. COTTON INSERTING Buzz IMACAPMATICEquipmentLTDNorthAmerica Inc. M.D. Packaging Inc. OptimaNJM Machinery Corporation Plan Automation Inc. PMR Packaging Inc. COUNTING Abbey Equipment Solutions Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd. Artypac Automation Inc. Buzz IMACAPMATICEquipmentLTDNorthAmerica Inc. Kaps-All Packaging Systems Inc.

The UX Series improves existing, reliable Hitachi continuous inkjet products and provides industry-leading marking on food, beverage, dairy, health & beauty products and a variety of containers from lip balm tubes to bag printing & oversized PVC piping. The Hitachi UX Series is the clear leader for your non-contact printing needs. EFFICIENT INTUITIVERECOVERYINKPRINTCONTROLINTELLIGENTFLUIDCIRCULATIONSYSTEMSIMPLEFLUIDMANAGEMENT Contact our Sales team today! Quick StationSAfeConnectorsChangeClean ! ■ Be able to move printers quickly from line to line ■ Eliminates preconfiguring I/O routing ■ Closed system to clean and dry in one operation ■ Cleaning solvent is captured in a sealed reservoir ■ Doubles as printhead docking station, virtually eliminating clogged ink paths ! NewInkAlgorithmGuard On Board Video Guidance ! ! ■ Up to 3 times longer printing between cleaning cycles ■ Less faults and print quality issue with more production output ■ Substantially improved code clarity ■ Allows clearer codes at faster line speeds ■ Allows for line issuestroubleshootingoperatorforcommon ■ Easy-to-follow onboard video display with animation

78 CANADIANPACKAGING · July/August 2022 CANADIANPACKAGING.COM THE COPILOT ® MAX TURBO HI-RES PRINTING SYSTEM 360 DPI FOR RAZOR-SHARP TEXT, SCANNABLE BAR CODES & GREAT LOOKING LOGOS WORLD CLASS PRINTING SYSTEMS FOR REAL WORLD APPLICATIONS Squid Ink introduces the CoPilot Max Turbo printing system, designed to print hi-resolution characters on porous and non-porous surfaces. The CoPilot Max Turbo utilizes Squid Ink’s revolutionary active ink system allowing users the ability to tilt or rotate the printhead in any direction without making height adjustments to the ink supply. The system prints hi-resolution characters, razor-sharp text, scannable bar codes and great looking logos at up to 360 dpi, nearly twice the resolution of competitive printers in its class. With 2.8” of print height per printhead and the ability to run up to two printheads from a single controller, the CoPilot Max Turbo meets the GS1 specification for case coding. Consumable costs are typically 1/10 of the cost of paper labels and eliminate pre-printed cartons and SKUs of label inventory. Any way you look at it, Squid Ink’s CoPilot Max Turbo provides users with an affordable solution to meet their case coding needs.
A coding and marking leader for over 25 years, Squid Ink printers and inks are designed to keep your production line up and running day after day. For more information, visit www.squidink.com or call 1-800-877-5658 for an Authorized Squid Ink Distributor in your area.

PACKAGING MACHINERY Longford International Ltd. Lyne Systems M.D. Packaging Inc. MD Packaging Inc. MultiFeeder Technology, Inc. Newmapak Ltd. OmronNJM Canada Inc. Paxiom PineberryGroupManufacturing Inc. Plan Automation Inc. Plan IT Packaging Systems Inc PMR Packaging Inc. StrongPoint Automation Inc. Techno Pak Packaging Systems Inc. Turck Canada Inc. CRUSHERS, CAN & BOTTLE Buzz Equipment Cube Automation Plan Automation Inc. CUP FILLING Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd. All-Fill Inc. Alpha AnypackCheckweighersPackagingMachinery Inc. Artypac Automation Inc. Buzz CharlesEquipmentDowner& Co. Ltd. Control GMC Cube GalickAutomationProcessand Packaging Solutions Heat and Control, Inc. Kaps-All Packaging Systems Inc. Link Pack Group M.D. Packaging Inc. MD Packaging Inc. Multivac Canada Inc. OhlsonnVenia Packaging Optima Machinery Corporation Paxiom Group Plan Automation Inc. Plastics Institute of America PMR Packaging Inc. R-J Machinery Inc. Reiser (Canada) Co. Spee-Dee Packaging Machinery Inc. Stock Packaging Canada Techno Pak Packaging Systems Inc. VC999 Canada Ltd. WeighPack Systems Inc. Winpak Portion Packaging Ltd. DEHUMIDIFIERS Plan Automation Inc. DENESTERS Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd. Alfatec Machine Inc. Artypac Automation Inc. Buzz Celplast,CAPMATICEquipmentLTDaDivision of Crawford Packaging Charles Downer & Co. Ltd. Chisholm Machinery Solutions Control DESCONGMCIntegrated Conveyor Solutions Heat Sealing Packaging Link Pack Group M.D. Packaging Inc. Multivac Canada Inc. Newmapak Ltd. Optima Machinery Corporation Pineberry Manufacturing Inc. Plan Automation Inc. PMR Packaging Inc. R-J Machinery Inc. Stock Packaging Canada StrongPoint Automation Inc. Techno Pak Packaging Systems Inc. Traypack Machine Ltd. WeighPack Systems Inc. DIGITAL CUTTING Zund America, Inc. DISPENSERS 1 Coupon 2 Gummed Tape 3 Pressure-Sensitive Tape 4 Tape-Printing Attachment 3G Packaging Corp. 2-3 3M Canada Company 3 Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd. 1,3 Ariva Artypac2-3Automation Inc. 3-4 Atlantic Packaging Products Ltd. 2-3 Best Packaging Systems 2-3 Buzz Equipment 1,3 Canadian Paper & Packaging Co. 2-4 Canpaco Inc. 1-4 Cartier Celplast,2-3a Division of Crawford Packaging Charles2-4 Downer & Co. Ltd. 1,3 CRAWFORD PACKAGING 2 Dependable Marking Systems Ltd. 3 Glue Dots International 3 Imperial Dade Canada Inc. 1-4 Longford International Ltd. 1 Loveshaw, an ITW Company, Little David Products Div. 3 M.D. Packaging Inc. 1-4 Matthews Marking Systems 3 MultiFeeder Technology, Inc. 1 Newmapak Ltd. 3 NJM PACKPRO1 Systems 2-3 PAL Distributors Inc. 3 Pineberry Manufacturing Inc. 1-4 Plan Automation Inc. 1,3 Plan IT Packaging Systems Inc 1 PMR Packaging Inc. 1-3 Sterling Marking Products Inc. 3-4 Stock Packaging Canada 3 Techno Pak Packaging Systems Inc. 1 Vibac Canada Inc. 3 VisuaScan Inc. 1,3 DRIVES & CONTROLS 1 Registration 2 Servo 3 Tank & Bin Level 4 Variable-Speed AutomationDirect 2,4 B&R Industrial Automation Inc. 1-2,4 Beckhoff Automation Limited 2,4 Bosch Rexroth Canada Corp. 1-2,4 Buzz Equipment 2,4 Cube Automation 1-4 Davis Controls Ltd. 2,4 DESCON Integrated Conveyor Solutions 1-4 Galick Process and Packaging Solutions 2 Garvey Corp. 2,4 George A. Wright & Son Toronto Ltd. 2,4 Krones - North America 2 Lenze Americas 2,4 Lyne Systems 1-2,4 M.D. Packaging Inc. 1-4 Omron Canada Inc. 1 Pineberry Manufacturing Inc. 2,4 Rockwell Automation Canada/Allen-Bradley + Rockwell Software Brands 2-4 Schneider Electric Canada Inc. 4 Septimatech Group Inc. 2 SEW-EURODRIVE 2,4 Siemens Canada Limited 2-4 StrongPoint Automation Inc. 2 Techno Pak Packaging Systems Inc. 1,4 DRUM-HANDLING 3G Packaging Corp. General Conveyor Inc. Palamatic Process Inc. Pemberton & Associates Inc. PMR Packaging Inc. better products. better solutions. (860) 769-5500 | info@mknorthamerica.com www.mknorthamerica.com Modular Solutions for Packaging Applications Plastic Modular Belt Conveyors Straight-running, Curves, & Inclines Packaged and Unpackaged Goods Standard and Custom Designs Since 1988 we’ve been providing not only a better product, but also a better solution for all types of packaging applications.

80 CANADIANPACKAGING · July/August 2022 StrongPoint Automation Inc. TIERMAX Inc ENVELOPE PACKAGING 1 Closing Sealing 2 Filling 3 Making Filling Closing 4 Opening All-Fill Inc. 2 Alpha Checkweighers 2 Anypack Packaging Machinery Inc. 1 Buzz Equipment 1-4 Canpaco Inc. 1-4 Cartier Charles3Downer & Co. Ltd. 1 Habasit Canada Limited 1-3 Longford International Ltd. 1,4 M.D. Packaging Inc. 2 Nordson Canada Limited 1 Plan Automation Inc. 1-4 PMR Packaging Inc. 1-4 Spee-Dee Packaging Machinery Inc. SteelNor/Inventure2 Engineering & Machinery Inc. 1 Valco Melton 3 FEEDERS Bradman Lake Inc. CAPMATIC LTD Celplast, a Division of Crawford ChisholmPackagingMachinery Solutions EDGME Inc. Galick Process and Packaging HabasitSolutionsCanada Limited Heat and Control, Inc. Ilapak Inc. Link Pack Group Longford International Ltd. M.D. Packaging Inc. New England Machinery Inc. Omron Canada Inc. Palamatic Process Inc. Pineberry Manufacturing Inc. Plan Automation Inc. Plan IT Packaging Systems Inc PMC Industries PMR Packaging Inc. Propack Processing & Packaging Systems SeptimatechInc.Group Inc. SteelNor/Inventure Engineering & Machinery Inc. Stock Packaging Canada TIERMAX Inc Traypack Machine Ltd. FIBRE CANMAKING 1 Filling All-Fill Inc. 1 Alpha Checkweighers 1 Kaps-All Packaging Systems Inc. 1 M.D. Packaging Inc. 1 FILLING 1 Counting 2 Dry Gross & Net Weight 3 Dry Volumetric 4 Liquid 5 Non-Free Flowing Solids 6 Semi-Liquid & Viscous Abbey Equipment Solutions 2-4 Aesus Packing Systems Inc. 4 Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd. 1-6 Alfatec Machine Inc. 1,4 All-Fill Inc. 2-6 Alpha Checkweighers 2-6 AROL North America Inc. 4,6 Artypac Automation Inc. 1-6 Automated Packaging Systems Inc. Bizerba1-2 Canada Inc. 1-2,4 Britman Packaging Services 1,3 Buzz Equipment 3-4 BW Flexible Systems 2-3,5 CAM Packaging Systems 1-4,6 Canpaco Inc. 1-3,5 CAPMATIC LTD 1-2,4,6 Celplast, a Division of Crawford Packaging 4 Charles Downer & Co. Ltd. 1-6 Chisholm Machinery Solutions 1-6 CombiScale Inc. 2 Confab Laboratories Inc. 1,4,6 Control GMC 2-3,5-6 Cube Automation 1-5 Elopak Canada Inc. 2-3,5 ESS Technologies 4,6 Galick Process and Packaging Solutions Harpak-Ulma1-6Packaging, LLC 3-4,6 HayssenSandiacre - Div. of Barry-Wehmiller Companies, Inc. Heat1-4 and Control, Inc. 1-2,5 Heat Sealing Packaging 2,5 Hibar Systems Ltd. 4-6 Ilapak Inc. 1-6 IMA North America Inc. 1,4-6 JG Packaging 1-6 Kaps-All Packaging Systems Inc. KHS1,4-6USA, Inc 4 Kliklok LLC - A Syntegon Company Krones2-6 - North America 4 Link Pack Group 2-6 Lyne Systems 2-3,5 M&L Testing Equipment (1995) Inc. M.D.1 Packaging Inc. 1-6 Massman Automation Design 4 MD Packaging Inc. 1,3-5 MultiFeeder Technology, Inc. 1 Nalbach Engineering Company, Inc. Newmapak3,5 Ltd. 4,6 NJM OhlsonnVenia1,4,61-3Packaging 1-5 Optima Machinery Corporation 1-6 Oystar North America (formerly known as Oystar USA, Inc. & IWKA PacSystems, Inc.) 4,6 Pacific Packaging Machinery 4-6 PACK3000 CANADA LTD 6 Packaging Machinery Concepts Ltd. Palamatic1-4,6 Process Inc. 2-3 Paxiom Group 1 Pemberton & Associates Inc. 5-6 PFM Packaging Machinery Corporation 1-2 Plan Automation Inc. 1-6 Plan IT Packaging Systems Inc 1-6 PMR Packaging Inc. 1-6 Prodo-Pak Corp 1-6 R-J Machinery Inc. 1-6 Reiser (Canada) Co. 4-6 Sarong North America Inc. 4 Septimatech Group Inc. 2-4,6 Shawpak Systems Ltd. 3-6 Singular Solutions Inc. 2,6 Spee-Dee Packaging Machinery Inc. Speedway2-3,5 Packaging Machinery 2-6 SteelNor/Inventure Engineering & Machinery Inc. 1-6 Stock Packaging Canada 2-4,6 Syntegon 2,6 Taisei Lamick - Dangan 1,4,6 Techno Pak Packaging Systems Inc. TIERMAX1-6 Inc 3 Triangle Package Machinery Company 4 Valtara 4 VC999 Canada Ltd. 1-6 WeighPack Systems Inc. 1-6 Winpak Portion Packaging Ltd. Yamato1,3-4,6Corporation 1-2,5 FILM INSERTING Charles Downer & Co. Ltd. Chisholm Machinery Solutions M.D. Packaging Inc. Plan Automation Inc. Stock Packaging Canada Techno Pak Packaging Systems Inc. WeighPack Systems Inc. FLATTENERS, BAGS Charles Downer & Co. Ltd. Chisholm Machinery Solutions Flexi-Pack Machinery Solutions Inc. SteelNor/Inventure Engineering & Machinery Inc. FOAMED PLASTIC MOLDING Buckhorn Canada Inc. M.D. Packaging Inc. Plan Automation Inc. FORM/FILL/SEAL 1 Bags Pouches Horizontal-Mo 2tion Bags Pouches Vertical-Motion 3 Trays Cups Roll-Stock Abbey Equipment Solutions 1-2 Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd. 1-3 Alfatec Machine Inc. 3 All-Fill Inc. 1-2 Anypack Packaging Machinery Inc. Artypac1-2 Automation Inc. 1-2 Bossar USA, Inc. 1 Britman Packaging Services 1-2 Buzz Equipment 1-3 BW Flexible Systems 1-3 CAM Packaging Systems 1-3 Canpaco Inc. 1-2 Celplast, a Division of Crawford Packaging 1-3 Charles Downer & Co. Ltd. 1-3 Chisholm Machinery Solutions 1-3 Confab Laboratories Inc. 3 CRAWFORD PACKAGING 1-2 Eckert Machines 3 Formost Fuji Corporation 1-2 Galick Process and Packaging Solutions Harpak-Ulma1-3Packaging, LLC 1-3 HayssenSandiacre - Div. of Barry-Wehmiller Companies, Inc. Heat1-2 and Control, Inc. 2 Heat Sealing Packaging 1-3 Hood Packaging Corporation 1 Ilapak Inc. 1-2 JG Packaging 1-2 Kliklok LLC - A Syntegon Company Link1-3 Pack Group 1-3 M.D. Packaging Inc. 1-3 Massman Automation Design 1 Matrix Packaging Machinery 1-2 MD Packaging Inc. 1-3 Multivac Canada Inc. 1,3 nVenia 1-2 Ohlson Packaging 2 OMORI North America 1 Optima Machinery Corporation 1-2 PACK3000 CANADA LTD 1-3 Packaging Machinery Concepts Ltd. Paxiom2 Group 1,3 Pemberton & Associates Inc. 1 PFM Packaging Machinery Corporation 1-2 Plan Automation Inc. 1-3 Plan IT Packaging Systems Inc 1-3 PMR Packaging Inc. 1-3 Premier Tech Chronos 1-2 Prodo-Pak Corp 1-3 Reiser (Canada) Co. 1,3 Rennco LLC 2-3 Saturn Packaging Equipment 2 Sealed Air Corporation 2 Shawpak Systems Ltd. 1-3 SleekWrapper 1 Speedway Packaging Machinery 1 SteelNor/Inventure Engineering & Machinery Inc. 1-2 Stock Packaging Canada 1,3 Techno Pak Packaging Systems Inc. 1-3 PACKAGING MACHINERY FlexLink is part of Coesia, a group of innovation-based industrial solutions companies operating globally headquartered in Bologna, Italy.www.coesia.comFlexLink’s high-performance production flow delivers results. Our solutions for the food and dairy industries are safe and modular with a one-week shorter ramp-up compared to the competition and reduced cleaning time by over 25%. FlexLink’s food offer, including conveying solutions, handling functions and line control, lowers your total cost of deployment and increases your overall equipment effectiveness. For more information call +1 888-748-8677 or email us at info.ca@flexlink.com. CPK_Flexlink_JanFeb21_CSA.indd 1 2021-01-21 8:11 AM

TNA North America Inc. 2 VC999 Canada Ltd. 1-3 WeighPack Systems Inc. 1-2 Windmoeller & Hoelscher Corp. 1 GLUE POTS Baumer hhs Corp. Gluefast Company Inc. HMA Systems OBX Works Inc. GLUE TANKS Baumer hhs Corp. Canpaco Inc. Gluefast Company Inc. NordsonITWHMAGMSvanScoSystemsDynatecCanada Limited OBX Works Inc. PMR Packaging Inc. Valco VisuaScanMeltonInc. GUMMED TAPE APPLICATORS 3G Packaging Corp. BestAriva Packaging Systems Canadian Paper & Packaging Co. Canpaco Inc. CRAWFORDCartier PACKAGING PACKPRO Systems PMR Packaging Inc. Sterling Marking Products Inc. Uline Canada Corp. HEAT SEALERS 1 Jaw Type 2 Rotary Continuous Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd. 1-2 Alfatec Machine Inc. 1 Bradman Lake Inc. 1 Buzz Equipment 1-2 Canadian Paper & Packaging Co. 1 Canpaco Inc. 2 Cartier Celplast,1 a Division of Crawford Packaging 1 Charles Downer & Co. Ltd. 1-2 Formost Fuji Corporation 1-2 Goldrich Printpak Inc. 2 Heat Sealing Packaging 1 Ilapak Inc. 2 JG Packaging 1-2 Lepel Corp Capsealing Div. 2 MD Packaging Inc. 2 OMORI North America 1 Pack-Rite - Div.of Mettler Toledo, LLC 1-2 PACK3000 CANADA LTD 2 Packaging Machinery Concepts Ltd. 1-2 PAL Distributors Inc. 1-2 Plan Automation Inc. 1-2 Plan IT Packaging Systems Inc 1-2 Plexpack Corp 1-2 Plexpack Corp. 2 PMR Packaging Inc. 1-2 R-J Machinery Inc. 1-2 SteelNor/Inventure Engineering & Machinery Inc. Stock1-2Packaging Canada 2 Techno Pak Packaging Systems Inc. 1 TNA North America Inc. 1-2 WeighPack Systems Inc. 1-2 HEATERS Alfatec Machine Inc. Baumer hhs Corp. Charles Downer & Co. Ltd. Galick Process and Packaging Solutions PMR Packaging Inc. STANMECH Technologies Inc. Valco Melton HOTMELT GUNS 3M Canada Company Baumer hhs Corp. Best Packaging Systems Buzz GluefastEquipmentCompany Inc. ITW Dynatec JBX Systems Inc. Nordson Canada Limited OBX Works Inc. Valco Melton HOTMELT HOSES Baumer hhs Corp. Buzz Equipment ITW NordsonDynatecCanada Limited OBX Works Inc. Techno Pak Packaging Systems Inc. Valco Melton HYGIENE EQUIPMENT Ariva 1 Plan IT Packaging Systems Inc 1 Shawpak Systems Ltd. 1-3 IMPRINTERS 1 Coding 2 Embossing 3 Hot-Stamping 4 Ink-Jet 5 Laser 6 Marking 7 Numbering 3G Packaging Corp. 4 Aesus Packing Systems Inc. 5 Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd. 1-7 Artypac Automation Inc. 1-3 Automated Packaging Systems Inc. 5 BELL-MARK 1,4,6-7 Bemis Packaging 1-4,6-7 Buzz Equipment 2-3,5 Charles Downer & Co. Ltd. 1-2,4-6 Chisholm Machinery Solutions 1-7 Columbia Coding & Marking 1-7 Dependable Marking Systems Ltd. 1-7 Domino Printing Solutions Inc. 1,4-7 FlexLink Systems, Inc. 4-6 Galick Process and Packaging Solutions 4 Harlund Industries Ltd. 4-7 Iconotech 1,6 Industrial Marking Systems Inc. 1,3,7 JG Packaging 1,7 Label-Aire Inc. 3 Leibinger Loveshaw,4an ITW Company, Little David Products Div. 1,4,6-7 Lyne Systems 1-2,4-7 MapleJet Co. MatthewsMarkem-Imaje1,4,6-7Inc.1,3-7MarkingSystems 1-7 MD Packaging Inc. 1,3-4,6-7 MultiFeeder Technology, Inc. 3-5 Newmapak Ltd. 4-5 NJM Packaging1,5-6Machinery Concepts Ltd. 1,4,6 PAL Distributors Inc. 1,4-7 Pineberry Manufacturing Inc. 1-2,4-7 Plan Automation Inc. 1-7 Plan IT Packaging Systems Inc 4-5 Plexpack Corp. 1-2 PMR Packaging Inc. 1-7 R-J Machinery Inc. 2-3 REDEMAC INC 1-5,7 Samuel Packaging Systems Group 1,4,6 Shawpak Systems Ltd. 1,5 Speedway Packaging Machinery 1,3-6 Squid Ink Manufacturing 4,6 SteelNor/Inventure Engineering & Machinery Inc. Sterling1-7Marking Products Inc. 1-2,4,6-7 Stock Packaging Canada 4 Techno Pak Packaging Systems Inc. 1-7 Thermo Fisher Scientific 6 TNA North America Inc. 1,4 VC999 Canada Ltd. 1,3-4,7 Videojet Canada 4-7 Videojet Technologies Inc. 1,4-7 VisuaScan Inc. 1-7 Weber Marking Systems of Canada 1,6 INDUCTION CAP SEALERS Aesus Packing Systems Inc. Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd. Artypac Automation Inc. Buzz CharlesEquipmentDowner& Co. Ltd. Enercon Industries Corp. Kaps-All Packaging Systems Inc. Lepel Corp Capsealing Div. M.D. Packaging Inc. MD Packaging Inc. Newmapak Ltd. PackagingNJM Machinery Concepts Ltd. Paxiom Group Plan Automation Inc. PMR Packaging Inc. Speedway Packaging Machinery Techno Pak Packaging Systems Inc. INJECTION BLOWMOLDING Ampak BuckhornIncCanada Inc. Plan Automation Inc. Richards Packaging Inc. Sesotec Canada Ltd Silgan Plastics Canada INJECTION MOLDING Ampak Inc JL Plastics Inc Plan Automation Inc. Polytainers Inc. Sesotec Canada Ltd Silgan Plastics Canada INSERTING & PLACING MACHINES Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd. Alfatec Machine Inc. Artypac Automation Inc. Buzz CharlesEquipmentDowner& Co. Ltd. Chisholm Machinery Solutions Columbia Coding & Marking DESCON Integrated Conveyor Solutions Longford International Ltd. Lyne Systems M.D. Packaging Inc. MD Packaging Inc. MultiFeeder Technology, Inc. New England Machinery Inc. Omega Design Corp. Paxiom PineberryGroupManufacturing Inc. Plan Automation Inc. PMC Industries PMR Packaging Inc. Propack Processing & Packaging Systems StockInc. Packaging Canada StrongPoint Automation Inc. Techno Pak Packaging Systems Inc. WeighPack Systems Inc. PACKAGING MACHINERY

CANADIANPACKAGING.COM LABEL DISPENSERS 3M Canada Company Aesus Packing Systems Inc. Ahearn & Soper Inc. Artypac Automation Inc. Best Packaging Systems Bizerba Canada Inc. Buzz CharlesEquipmentDowner& Co. Ltd. Chisholm Machinery Solutions Columbia Coding & Marking CRAWFORD PACKAGING Dependable Marking Systems Ltd. DMS Marquage Codage General Conveyor Inc. Harlund Industries Ltd. Industrial Marking Systems Inc. Lyne Systems M.D. Packaging Inc. MD Packaging Inc. Newmapak Ltd. PALNJM Distributors Inc. PDC International Corp Pemberton & Associates Inc. Pineberry Manufacturing Inc. Plan Automation Inc. PMR Packaging Inc. PRX Print R-J Machinery Inc. REDEMAC INC RFID SamuelCanadaPackaging Systems Group Speedway Packaging Machinery Sterling Marking Products Inc. StrongPoint Automation Inc. Techno Pak Packaging Systems Inc. VC999 Canada Ltd. VisuaScan Inc. Weber Marking Systems of Canada LABEL PRINTERS 1 Applicators 2 Bar-Code 3 Human-Readable 3G Packaging Corp. 1-2 Aesus Packing Systems Inc. 1 Ahearn & Soper Inc. 1-3 Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd. 1-3 Alfatec Machine Inc. 1 Artypac Automation Inc. 2-3 Barcode Graphics Inc. 2 BELL-MARK 3 Bizerba Canada Inc. 1-3 Buzz Equipment 2 CAPMATIC LTD CAPS/PhoenixWrappers1 2 Celplast, a Division of Crawford Packaging Charles1-3 Downer & Co. Ltd. 1-3 Chisholm Machinery Solutions 1-3 Columbia Coding & Marking 1-3 CRAWFORD PACKAGING 1,3 Cube Automation 1-3 Dependable Marking Systems Ltd. 1-3 DIGI CANADA Inc. 1 DMS Marquage Codage 1-2 Domino Printing Solutions Inc. 1-3 Harlund Industries Ltd. 1-3 Heat Sealing Packaging 1 ID Technology Canada 1-3 Imperial Dade Canada Inc. 1-2 Industrial Marking Systems Inc. 1-3 Label-Aire Inc. 1-2 Link Pack Group 1 Lyne Systems 1-3 M.D. Packaging Inc. 1-3 MapleJet Co. Markem-Imaje2-3Inc. 1-3 Matthews Marking Systems 2-3 MD Packaging Inc. 1-3 Newmapak Ltd. 1-3 NJM Omron1-2Canada Inc. 2 Packaging Machinery Concepts Ltd. 1-2 PAL Distributors Inc. 1-3 Paxiom Group 1 Pineberry Manufacturing Inc. 1-3 Plan Automation Inc. 1-3 Plan IT Packaging Systems Inc 2 PMR Packaging Inc. 1-3 Polaris Systems Inc. 1 Primera Technology 1-3 PRX Print REDEMAC1-3INC 1-3 RFID Canada 2-3 Samuel Packaging Systems Group 1-3 SATO America, Inc. 1-3 Shawpak Systems Ltd. 1-3 Speedway Packaging Machinery 1 Spicers Canada 3 Stock Packaging Canada 2 StrongPoint Automation Inc. 1 Techno Pak Packaging Systems Inc. 2-3 Tigerpak Industrial Supplies 1-2 TNA North America Inc. 1-2 Uline Canada Corp. 2 VC999 Canada Ltd. 1,3 Videojet Canada 1-2 Videojet Technologies Inc. 1-3 VisuaScan Inc. 2-3 Weber Marking Systems of Canada 1-3 LABELING 1 Cold Glue 2 Continuous Motion Roll Fed 3 Hotmelt 4 Plastic Sleeve 5 Pressure-Sensitive 6 Strip-Stamp 3M Canada Company 5 Aesus Packing Systems Inc. 2,4-5 AFM - American Film & Machinery 4 Ahearn & Soper Inc. 2,5 Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd. 1-6 Alfatec Machine Inc. 2,5 Ampak Inc 3-4 AROL North America Inc. 5 Artypac Automation Inc. 4-5 Barcode Graphics Inc. 5 Bemis Packaging 5 Best Packaging Systems 2 Bizerba Canada Inc. 2,5 Buzz Equipment 1,3-6 CAM Packaging Systems 2-3,5 Canpaco Inc. 1,3-5 CAPMATIC LTD 2,5 Celplast, a Division of Crawford Packaging 1-5 Charles Downer & Co. Ltd. 2,4-6 Chisholm Machinery Solutions 1-6 Columbia Coding & Marking 2-3,5-6 Confab Laboratories Inc. 1,4-5 Dependable Marking Systems Ltd. 4-5 DMS Marquage Codage 1 EDGME Inc. 1,3,5 Flexi-Pack Machinery Solutions Inc. 4 PACKAGING MACHINERY

Forte Labels and Shrink Sleeves Inc. 5 Galick Process and Packaging Solutions 2-5 General Conveyor Inc. 5 Gernep Labeling 1,3,5-6 Glue Dots International 1,5 Gluefast Company Inc. 1 GMSvanSco 1 H B Fuller Canada 1,3 Harlund Industries Ltd. 2,5 Heat Sealing Packaging 5 ID Technology Canada 5 IMA North America Inc. 5 Imperial Dade Canada Inc. 1,3-5 Industrial Marking Systems Inc. 5 JG Packaging 4-5 Kaps-All Packaging Systems Inc. 5 KHS USA, Inc 1,3,5 Konica Minolta 2 Krones - North America 1-6 Langguth America Ltd. 1-3,5 Link Pack Group 1,3,5-6 M.D. Packaging Inc. 1-6 M4 Machine Knives Inc. 4 Markem-Imaje Inc. 5 Matthews Marking Systems 5 MD Packaging Inc. 1-6 Multivac Canada Inc. 5 Newmapak Ltd. 1-6 NJM Nordson5 Canada Limited 3 OBX Works Inc. 1,3-5 OMORI North America 5 Oystar North America (formerly known as Oystar USA, Inc. & IWKA PacSystems, Inc.) Packaging6 Machinery Concepts Ltd. 4-5 PAL Distributors Inc. 2,5 PDC International Corp 4 Pemberton & Associates Inc. 5 Pineberry Manufacturing Inc. 2-6 Plan Automation Inc. 1-6 Plan IT Packaging Systems Inc 2 PMR Packaging Inc. 1-6 Polytainers Inc. 4 PRX Print REDEMAC3-5INC 1-2 Repack Canada & The Freelance Portfolio RFID2,5 Canada 5 Richards Packaging Inc. 4 Samuel Packaging Systems Group 3,5 SATO America, Inc. 5 Septimatech Group Inc. 1-3 Speedway Packaging Machinery 5 SPS/PHIN Limited 1,3-6 Techno Pak Packaging Systems Inc. 1,3-6 Tri-Tronics Company Inc. 2,4-5 Valco Melton 3 VC999 Canada Ltd. 1-2 Videojet Canada 5 Videojet Technologies Inc. 5 VisuaScan Inc. 1,4-6 Weber Marking Systems of Canada 2,5 LASER INSPECTION SYSTEMS Aesus Packing Systems Inc. Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd. Buzz CharlesEquipmentDowner& Co. Ltd. Columbia Coding & Marking Lyne Systems M.D. Packaging Inc. Matthews Marking Systems Newmapak Ltd. Omron Canada Inc. Pineberry Manufacturing Inc. Plan Automation Inc. PMR Packaging Inc. Rockwell Automation Canada/Allen-Bradley + Rockwell Software Brands Shawpak Systems Ltd. Siemens Canada Limited SPS/PHIN SteelNor/InventureLimited Engineering & Machinery TurckInc. Canada Inc. Videojet VisuaScanCanadaInc. LIDDING MACHINES Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd. Alfatec Machine Inc. Artypac Automation Inc. Celplast, a Division of Crawford Packaging Charles Downer & Co. Ltd. Chisholm Machinery Solutions Control CRAWFORDGMC PACKAGING EDGME Inc. Galick Process and Packaging Solutions Heat Sealing Packaging Kaps-All Packaging Systems Inc. Link Pack Group New England Machinery Inc. Newmapak Ltd. Optima Machinery Corporation Pacific Packaging Machinery Packaging Machinery Concepts Ltd. PMR Packaging Inc. R-J Machinery Inc. Reiser (Canada) Co. Runma Molding Robot Automation Co., Ltd. Stock Packaging Canada Techno Pak Packaging Systems Inc. VC999 Canada Ltd. Zalkin Americas, LLC LIFT TRUCKS: ELECTRIC Charles Downer & Co. Ltd. MACHINE REBUILDS/CONVERSION Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd. Bradman Lake Inc. Celplast, a Division of Crawford Packaging Charles Downer & Co. Ltd. Ilapak KronesInc.-North America M.D. Packaging Inc. MD Packaging Inc. Newmapak Ltd. OMORI North America Pemberton & Associates Inc. PFM Packaging Machinery Corporation Plan Automation Inc. PMC Industries PMR Packaging Inc. PPI - Packaging Products Inc. Propack Processing & Packaging Systems SeptimatechInc. Group Inc. SteelNor/Inventure Engineering & Machinery Inc. MAP GAS/LEAK DETECTION Celplast, a Division of Crawford Packaging Heat Sealing Packaging MESSER Canada Inc. PACK3000 CANADA LTD PMR Packaging Inc. Stock Packaging Canada MATERIAL HANDLING 1 Bags 2 Boxes 3 Pallets 4 Rolls 3G Packaging Corp. 3 Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd. 3 Alfatec Machine Inc. 2 Automated Packaging Systems Inc. 1 Best Packaging Systems 2 Beumer Corporation 1,3 Celplast, a Division of Crawford Packaging Charles3-4 Downer & Co. Ltd. 2 DESCON Integrated Conveyor Solutions 1,3 FlexLink Systems, Inc. 1-4 George A. Wright & Son Toronto Ltd. 1-3 Honeywell Intelligrated 1-3 Lyne Systems 1-2 M.D. Packaging Inc. 1-4 MD Packaging Inc. 1-4 Newmapak Ltd. 2 Packaging Machinery Concepts Ltd. 2-3 PAL Distributors Inc. 1 Palamatic Process Inc. 1,3 Plan Automation Inc. 1-3 PMR Packaging Inc. 1-3 Propack Processing & Packaging Systems Inc. ROBOVIC1 Inc 2 Septimatech Group Inc. 2 SEW-EURODRIVE 2-3 StrongPoint Automation Inc. 1-4 Uline Canada Corp. 1-4 Volm Companies 1-3 WestRock 2 Wulftec International Inc. 3 Zund America, Inc. 3-4 METAL DETECTORS Abbey Equipment Solutions Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd. Anritsu - Product Inspection & Detection Artypac Automation Inc. Bizerba Canada Inc. Buzz Equipment CAM Packaging Systems CAPMATIC LTD Charles Downer & Co. Ltd. Chisholm Machinery Solutions Dynamic Conveyor Corporation FortressEriez Technology, Inc. Galick Process and Packaging Solutions Habasit Canada Limited Heat and Control, Inc. Heat Sealing Packaging JG LomaLinkPackagingPackGroupSystems,an ITW Company M.D. Packaging Inc. MD Packaging Inc. Mettler-Toledo Canada Multivac Canada Inc. Newmapak Ltd. Ohlson Packaging Omron Canada Inc. Optima Machinery Corporation PACKAGING MACHINERY SEARCH NAME GOES HOME SEARCH NAME GOES HOME SEARCH NAME GOES HOMECORRUGATEDCARTONS TAPES LABELS& SHRINK & STRETCH FILM STRAPPING PROTECTIVEPACKAGING EQUIPMENT ACCESSORIESSHIPPINGSUPPLIES FOR ALL PACKAGINGYOURNEEDS ariva.ca 1-800-257-2538 CPK_Ariva_JulyAug22_CSA.indd 1 2022-07-18 11:39 AM

84 CANADIANPACKAGING · July/August 2022 CANADIANPACKAGING.COM Plan Automation Inc. PMR Packaging Inc. Rockwell Automation Canada/Allen-Bradley + Rockwell Software Brands Sesotec Canada Ltd Shawpak Systems Ltd. StrongPointStorcan Automation Inc. Techno Pak Packaging Systems Inc. Thermo Fisher Scientific TNA North America Inc. Turck Canada Inc. VC999 Canada Ltd. MICROPROCESSOR CONTROLS Alfatec Machine Inc. Bizerba Canada Inc. Rockwell Automation Canada/Allen-Bradley + Rockwell Software Brands StrongPoint Automation Inc. Techno Pak Packaging Systems Inc. MILK POUCH BAGGING Chisholm Machinery Solutions Link Pack Group M.D. Packaging Inc. Plan Automation Inc. Prodo-Pak SteelNor/InventureCorp Engineering & Machinery TechnoInc. Pak Packaging Systems Inc. MILK POUCH PACKAGING Chisholm Machinery Solutions Link Pack Group M.D. Packaging Inc. Plan Automation Inc. Prodo-Pak SteelNor/InventureCorp Engineering & Machinery TechnoInc. Pak Packaging Systems Inc. MODIFIED ATMOSPHERE PACKAGING
Plan Automation Inc. PMC Industries PMR Packaging Inc. Septimatech Group Inc. StrongPoint Automation Inc. Techno Pak Packaging Systems Inc.
Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd. Machine Inc. Celplast, a Division of Crawford Packaging Charles Downer & Co. Ltd. Chisholm Machinery Solutions Harpak-Ulma Packaging, LLC Heat Sealing Packaging MESSER Canada Inc. Multivac Canada Inc. Engineering Company, Inc. North America PACK3000 CANADA LTD PACKPRO Systems Packaging Inc. Reiser (Canada) Co. Sipromac ll SteelNor/InventureInc. Engineering & Machinery StockInc. Canada VC999 Canada Ltd. Aesus Packing Systems Inc. Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd. Lake Inc. Packaging Systems LTD Charles Downer & Co. Ltd. Chisholm Machinery Solutions Integrated Conveyor Solutions General Conveyor Inc. Heat and Control, Inc. Kaps-All Packaging Systems Inc. M.D. Packaging Inc. MD Packaging Inc. Nalbach Engineering Company, Inc. New England Machinery Inc. Newmapak Ltd. NusparkNJM Inc. Omega Design Corp. Paxiom Group
OVERWRAPPING MACHINES 3G Packaging Corp. Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd.
Alfatec Machine Inc. BeumerAriva Corporation Bizerba Canada Inc. Bradman Lake Inc. Buzz CanadianEquipmentPaper& Packaging Co. Canpaco Inc. Celplast, a Division of Crawford Packaging Charles Downer & Co. Ltd. Chisholm Machinery Solutions CRAWFORD PACKAGING Flexi-PackEastey Machinery Solutions Inc. Galick Process and Packaging Solutions Harpak-Ulma Packaging, LLC Heat Sealing Packaging Ilapak Inc. IMA North America Inc. M.D. Packaging Inc. MD Packaging Inc. Newmapak Ltd. OptimanVenia Machinery Corporation PACKPRO Systems PFM Packaging Machinery Corporation Plan Automation Inc. Plan IT Packaging Systems Inc PMR Packaging Inc. Reiser (Canada) Co. Saturn Packaging Equipment Singular Solutions Inc. Syntegon PALLET RACKS CHEP Canada Inc. Chisholm Machinery Solutions Cube Automation Plan Automation Inc. PALLETIZING 1 Depalletizers 2 Pallet Inverters 3 Palletizers 4 Robotics 3G Packaging Corp. 2 ABB Inc. 1,3-4 Abbey Equipment Solutions 1-4 Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd. 1,3-4 Alfatec Machine Inc. 1,4 Ampak Inc 1 AROL North America Inc. 1 Artypac Automation Inc. 3 Best Packaging Systems 1-4 Beumer Corporation 1-4 Blueprint Automation (BPA) 1,3-4 Bobst North America Inc. 3 Bosch Rexroth Canada Corp. 4 Bradman Lake Inc. 3-4 BW Flexible Systems 3 CAPMATIC LTD 1 Cartier Celplast,4 a Division of Crawford Packaging Charles1-4 Downer & Co. Ltd. 1-4 Chisholm Machinery Solutions 1-4 Compacker Systems, LLC 3-4 CRAWFORD PACKAGING 2-4 Cube Automation 1-4 Delkor Systems Inc. 3-4 Dependable Marking Systems Ltd. 4 DESCON Integrated Conveyor Solutions 1,3-4 PACKAGING MACHINERY CPK_StockCanada_REV_nov19_MLD.indd 1 2019-08-29 3:05 PM • Performanc e • Proven Relia bility • Quality Construction • Intelligent Connectivit y CPK_Stock_JanFeb22_CSA.indd 1 2022-01-25 10:23 AM

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86 CANADIANPACKAGING · July/August 2022 CANADIANPACKAGING.COM PACKAGING MACHINERY Douglas Machine Inc. 3-4 EndFlex LLC 3-4 ESS Technologies 1,3-4 FANUC Canada Ltd. 1,3-4 Flexi-Pack Machinery Solutions Inc. 4 FlexLink Systems, Inc. 1-4 Gebo Cermex USA Inc. 3-4 General Conveyor Inc. 1-3 George A. Wright & Son Toronto Ltd. 1,3 Geosaf Inc. 3-4 Habasit Canada Limited 1-4 Hamrick Packaging Systems 4 Hartness International 1,3-4 Honeywell Intelligrated 1,3-4 IMA North America Inc. 3-4 JG Packaging 3-4 JLS Automation 4 KHS USA, Inc 1,3-4 Langen Packaging Inc. 1,3-4 Lyne Systems 4 M.D. Packaging Inc. 1-4 Massman Automation Design 1,4 MD Packaging Inc. 1-2,4 Miranda Pharmequip Inc 3 Multivac Canada Inc. 4 Nalbach Engineering Company, Inc. 1 Newmapak Ltd. 1,3-4 Nuspark Inc. 1,3-4 nVenia 1,3-4 Omega Design Corp. 4 Packaging Machinery Concepts Ltd. 2-4 PACKPRO Systems 2-4 PAL Distributors Inc. 2 Palamatic Process Inc. 3 Paxiom Group 1,3-4 Pearson Packaging Systems 4 Plan Automation Inc. 1-4 Plan IT Packaging Systems Inc 1 PMR Packaging Inc. 1-4 Polaris Systems Inc. 4 Premier Tech Chronos 1,3-4 Propack Processing & Packaging Systems Inc. ROBOVIC4 Inc 1,3-4 Schneider Packaging Equipment Co. Inc. SEW-EURODRIVE1,3-4 1,4 StrongPoint Automation Inc. 1,3-4 Syntegon 2 Techno Pak Packaging Systems Inc. 1,3-4 Volm Companies 1,3-4 WeighPack Systems Inc. 1,3-4 WestRock 4 Yaskawa America Inc., Motoman Robotics Div. Yaskawa1,3-4Motoman Canada Ltd. (Motoman Robotics) 1,3-4 PAPER BAG FEEDING OPENING FILL ING CLOSING, AUTOMATIC Alfatec Machine Inc. Charles Downer & Co. Ltd. Chisholm Machinery Solutions General Conveyor Inc. Habasit Canada Limited Imperial Dade Canada Inc. M.D. Packaging Inc. PaxiomnVenia PineberryGroupManufacturing Inc. Plan Automation Inc. Plan IT Packaging Systems Inc PMR Packaging Inc. Volm Companies PAPER INSERTING Charles Downer & Co. Ltd. CRAWFORD PACKAGING Longford International Ltd. MultiFeeder Technology, Inc. Pemberton & Associates Inc. Techno Pak Packaging Systems Inc. PAPER SHREDDERS Imperial Dade Canada Inc. Plan Automation Inc. Uline Canada Corp. PARTITION INSERTER Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd. Charles Downer & Co. Ltd. Chisholm Machinery Solutions ESS HamrickGeosafTechnologiesInc.Packaging Systems Longford International Ltd. MD Packaging Inc. MultiFeeder Technology, Inc. Newmapak Ltd. Pearson Packaging Systems Plan Automation Inc. PMR Packaging Inc. Techno Pak Packaging Systems Inc. PASTEURIZERS DESCON Integrated Conveyor Solutions Newmapak Ltd. Storcan POLYBAGGERS Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd. Automated Packaging Systems Inc. Canpaco Inc. Celplast, a Division of Crawford Packaging Charles Downer & Co. Ltd. Chisholm Machinery Solutions CRAWFORD PACKAGING Link Pack Group M.D. Packaging Inc. M4 Machine Knives Inc. Pearson Packaging Systems Pineberry Manufacturing Inc. Plan Automation Inc. Plan IT Packaging Systems Inc PMR Packaging Inc. Premier Tech Chronos R-J Machinery SteelNor/InventureInc. Engineering & Machinery WeighPackInc. Systems Inc. PRESCRIPTION FILLERS Buzz CharlesEquipmentDowner& Co. Ltd. Kaps-All Packaging Systems Inc. Richards Packaging Inc. PRESSURE-SENSITIVE TAPE APPLICA TORS 3M Canada Company Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd. ArtypacAriva Automation Inc. Best Packaging Systems Buzz CanadianEquipmentPaper& Packaging Co. Celplast, a Division of Crawford Packaging Charles Downer & Co. Ltd. Chisholm Machinery Solutions CRAWFORD PACKAGING Dependable Marking Systems Ltd. Galick Process and Packaging Solutions Glue Dots International Imperial Dade Canada Inc. JG Loveshaw,LinkPackagingPackGroupanITW Company, Little David Products Div. M.D. Packaging Inc. PACKPRO Systems PAL Distributors Inc. Pineberry Manufacturing Inc. Plan Automation Inc. PMR Packaging Inc. Sterling Marking Products Inc. Techno Pak Packaging Systems Inc. Vibac Canada Inc. VisuaScan Inc. PRICE MARKING Artypac Automation Inc. Bemis CharlesPackagingDowner& Co. Ltd. Dependable Marking Systems Ltd. Imperial Dade Canada Inc. Industrial Marking Systems Inc. M.D. Packaging Inc. Sterling Marking Products Inc. Techno Pak Packaging Systems Inc. Uline Canada Corp. PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROL LERS B&R Industrial Automation Inc. Bosch Rexroth Canada Corp. Celplast, a Division of Crawford Packaging DESCON Integrated Conveyor Solutions Galick Process and Packaging Solutions Lyne Systems M.D. Packaging Inc. OBX Works Inc. Omron Canada Inc. PMR Packaging SteelNor/InventureInc.Engineering & Machinery Inc. PUCK HANDLING Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd. Alfatec Machine Inc. Charles Downer & Co. Ltd. Chisholm Machinery Solutions Galick Process and Packaging Solutions Langen Packaging Inc. M.D. Packaging Inc. McBrady Engineering Inc. New England Machinery Inc. Omega Design Corp. PMR Packaging Inc. Septimatech Group Inc. StrongPoint Automation Inc. PUCKS Chisholm Machinery Solutions Flexi-Pack Machinery Solutions Inc. Galick Process and Packaging Solutions Septimatech Group Inc. PUMPS 1 Aerosol 2 Air 3 Peristaltic 4 Precision Metering 5 Process Alfatec Machine Inc. 5 AROL North America Inc. 3 CAPMATIC LTD 1-4 Chisholm Machinery Solutions 5 Galick Process and Packaging Solutions Hibar2-3,5Systems Ltd. 4 Link Pack Group 3 M.D. Packaging Inc. 1-5 Pemberton & Associates Inc. 4-5 R E Morrison Equipment Inc. 2 Stock Packaging Canada 2 RACKS, STORAGE Bosch Rexroth Canada Corp. CPK_ ESS Technologies_JulyAug22_CSA.indd 1 2022-07-26 11:58 AM

PACKAGING MACHINERY Uline Canada Corp. REVENUE STAMP APPLICATORS Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd. ROLL HANDLING Bradman Lake Inc. Celplast, a Division of Crawford Packaging Charles Downer & Co. Ltd. DMS Marquage Codage EDGME MultivacInc.Canada Inc. OBX Works Inc. VC999 Canada Ltd. Zund America, Inc. ROLL-LEAF STAMPING Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd. Bemis DependablePackagingMarking Systems Ltd. M.D. Packaging Inc. SCALES & WEIGHING 1 Batch Weighing 2 Checkweighers 3 Combination Scales 4 Conveyor Scales 5 Dynamic (in-motion) Weighing 6 Freight Express Computing Scales & 7WeighingOver & Under Weight 8 Weight/Price Labeling Abbey Equipment Solutions 2-3,5,7 Ahearn & Soper Inc. 2 Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd. 1-5,7-8 Alfatec Machine Inc. 3 All-Fill Inc. 2 AlliedFlex Technologies 1 Alpha Checkweighers 2 Anritsu - Product Inspection & Detection Anypack1-3,7 Packaging Machinery Inc. 3 Artypac Automation Inc. 2,5,7 Beumer Corporation 2,4,7 Bizerba Canada Inc. 1-8 Buzz Equipment 1-2,4 CAM Packaging Systems 1-3,7 Canpaco Inc. 1-2,4 Celplast, a Division of Crawford Packaging 2 Charles Downer & Co. Ltd. 2-5,7 Chisholm Machinery Solutions 1-5,7 CombiScale Inc. 1-5 Cousins Packaging Inc. 4,6 Cube Automation 1-3,5-8 DIGI CANADA Inc. 1-5,7-8 Galick Process and Packaging Solutions 1-8 Habasit Canada Limited 2,4,7 HayssenSandiacre - Div. of Barry-Wehmiller Companies, Inc. 7 Heat and Control, Inc. 1-5,7 Heat Sealing Packaging 2-3,8 Ilapak Inc. 1,3-5 IMA North America Inc. 1 JG Packaging 1,7-8 Kliklok LLC - A Syntegon Company 3 Loma Systems, an ITW Company 2-5,7-8 Lyne Systems 1-5,7-8 M&L Testing Equipment (1995) Inc. M.D.1-2,4-5,7-8Packaging Inc. 1-5,7-8 Matrix Packaging Machinery 3 MD Packaging Inc. 1-8 Mettler-Toledo Canada 1-5,7 Multivac Canada Inc. 2-3,5,8 Newmapak Ltd. 2 nVenia 1-4 Ohlson Packaging 1-3 Optima Machinery Corporation 4 PACK3000 CANADA LTD 1-3,7 PAL Distributors Inc. 2 Paxiom Group 1-5,8 Pemberton & Associates Inc. 2,4-5,7-8 PFM Packaging Machinery Corporation 4 Pineberry Manufacturing Inc. 1-2 Plan Automation Inc. 1-8 Plan IT Packaging Systems Inc 1-5 PMR Packaging Inc. 1-8 PPI - Packaging Products Inc. 1,4-5 Premier Tech Chronos 3-4 R-J Machinery Inc. 1,4 Reiser (Canada) Co. 2 Rockwell Automation Canada/Allen-Bradley + Rockwell Software Brands 1-2 Sesotec Canada Ltd 2,7-8 Shawpak Systems Ltd. 1-8 Siemens Canada Limited 1-2 Spee-Dee Packaging Machinery Inc. 2 StrongPoint Automation Inc. 3-4,8 Techno Pak Packaging Systems Inc. Thermo1-2,4-5,7-8Fisher Scientific 2,4-5,8 TNA North America Inc. 1-3,5 Triangle Package Machinery Company 3 VC999 Canada Ltd. 1-5,7-8 VisuaScan Inc. 1-2,4-5,8 Volm Companies 1-2,7 Weber Marking Systems of Canada 8 WeighPack Systems Inc. 1-5 Yamato Corporation 2-3 SCANNING 1 Barcode Reading 2 Closure Sensing 3 Label Reading 4 Label Sensing 5 Machine Vision Systems 6 Product Container Sensing 7 Product Level Sensing Abbey Equipment Solutions 2-7 Aesus Packing Systems Inc. 1,3 Ahearn & Soper Inc. 1,3-5 Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd. 2-7 Artypac Automation Inc. 1,3 Banner Engineering Corp. 3-7 Barcode Graphics Inc. 1 Baumer hhs Corp. 2,5 Beumer Corporation 1 Bizerba Canada Inc. 1,3,5 Buzz Equipment 1,3,5 Charles Downer & Co. Ltd. 1-7 Columbia Coding & Marking 1-7 CRAWFORD PACKAGING 1 Cube Automation 1,3-7 Dependable Marking Systems Ltd. 1,4,6 DESCON Integrated Conveyor Solutions DMS1-2,4-5Marquage Codage 1 Domino Printing Solutions Inc. 1 FANUC Canada Ltd. 5 Galick Process and Packaging Solutions 4 General Conveyor Inc. 1 Harlund Industries Ltd. 1,4-5 IMA North America Inc. 4-5 Industrial Marking Systems Inc. 1,3-4,6 Kaps-All Packaging Systems Inc. 1-4,6-7 Krones - North America 4 Langguth America Ltd. 1,4-6 Longford International Ltd. 5 Lyne Systems 1-7 M.D. Packaging Inc. 1-7 Matthews Marking Systems 1,3-4 MD Packaging Inc. 1-7 Mettler-Toledo Canada 1,3,6 MultiFeeder Technology, Inc. 1 Multivac Canada Inc. 1,3-5 New England Machinery Inc. 2 Newmapak Ltd. 5-6 NJM Nordson1,3-5Canada Limited 2 Omega Design Corp. 1,5 Omron Canada Inc. 1-7 Packaging Machinery Concepts Ltd. 1-7 Pineberry Manufacturing Inc. 1,3-5 Plan Automation Inc. 1-7 PMC Industries 6 Inductive Sensors with IO-Link Rugged Ø4, M5, M8, M12, M18 and M30 housings, offering extended ranges up to 22 mm. Easily config ured, providing advanced functionalities such as the detection counter (RPM) and the speed controller. Each sensor is fully programmable, providing the means for hundreds of configurations in a single device. IO-Link Smart Configurator Configure most IO-Link sensors or actuators via a wireless device that replaces the need to program via a USB IOLink Master connected to a PC or via a network connected master device. The portable Smart Configurator can be used anywhere, as it’s battery powered and equipped with WiFi for IODD files, sync and cloud storage. Capacitive Sensors with IO-Link Popular M18 and M30 diameter sensors provide the ideal solution for applications where flexibility or sensing performance needs to be constantly and accu rately monitored and logged. IO-Link mode provides added functions such as: QoR (Quality of Run), QoT (Quality of Teach) and Diagnostic Parameters. 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88 CANADIANPACKAGING · July/August 2022 CANADIANPACKAGING.COM PACKAGING MACHINERY PMR Packaging Inc. 1-7 Polaris Systems Inc. 1,3 RFID Canada 1,3-4 Robatech Canada 1 Samuel Packaging Systems Group 1,3-4 Shawpak Systems Ltd. 1-3,5-7 SICK Ltd. (Canada) 1,5 SteelNor/Inventure Engineering & Machinery Inc. 5-7 StrongPoint Automation Inc. 1,3-5 Techno Pak Packaging Systems Inc. TNA1-4,6-7North America Inc. 1 Tri-Tronics Company Inc. 4,6 Turck Canada Inc. 1,4-5,7 Uline Canada Corp. 1 Valco Melton 1,5 VC999 Canada Ltd. 1 Videojet Canada 1,3-5 Videojet Technologies Inc. 1,5 VisuaScan Inc. 1-7 Weber Marking Systems of Canada 1,3-4 Zund America, Inc. 1,5 SENSORS Ahearn & Soper Inc. Alfatec Machine Inc. Banner Engineering Corp. Baumer hhs Corp. Bosch Rexroth Canada Corp. Buzz CharlesCAPMATICEquipmentLTDDowner& Co. Ltd. Cube GalickAutomationProcessand Packaging Solutions Lyne Systems M.D. Packaging Inc. Pineberry Manufacturing Inc. Plan Automation Inc. PMR Packaging Inc. Rockwell Automation Canada/ Allen-Bradley + Rockwell Software SICKBrandsLtd. (Canada) Siemens Canada Limited StrongPoint Automation Inc. Techno Pak Packaging Systems Inc. Tri-Tronics Company Inc. Turck Canada Inc. VisuaScan Inc. SHELVING Britman Packaging Services M.D. Packaging Inc. PAL Distributors Inc. Plan Automation Inc. Uline Canada Corp. VisuaScan Inc. SHRINK PACKAGING 1 L-Sealing 2 Palletizing 3 Tunnels 4 Wrapping Sealing 3G Packaging Corp. 1-4 Abbey Equipment Solutions 4 Aesus Packing Systems Inc. 3 AFM - American Film & Machinery 3-4 Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd. 2-4 Alfatec Machine Inc. 1,3-4 Ariva Artypac1,3-4Automation Inc. 4 Best Packaging Systems 1,3-4 Beumer Corporation 2,4 Bradman Lake Inc. 1,3-4 Britman Packaging Services 1,3-4 Buzz Equipment 1-4 CAM Packaging Systems 1,3-4 Canadian Paper & Packaging Co. 1-4 Canpaco Inc. CAPS/PhoenixWrappers1-4 4 Cartier Celplast,1,3-4aDivision of Crawford Packaging 1-4 Charles Downer & Co. Ltd. 1-4 Chisholm Machinery Solutions 1-4 Columbia Coding & Marking 3 CRAWFORD PACKAGING 1-4 Delkor Systems Inc. 3 Dependable Marking Systems Ltd. 1,4 Douglas Machine Inc. 3-4 Eastey 1-4 Farnell Packaging Limited 1 Flexi-Pack Machinery Solutions Inc. 4 Formost Fuji Corporation 4 Galick Process and Packaging Solutions Gebo1-2 Cermex USA Inc. 3-4 General Conveyor Inc. 2-4 Habasit Canada Limited 2-4 Harlund Industries Ltd. 1,3 Harpak-Ulma Packaging, LLC 1 Hartness International 3-4 Heat Sealing Packaging 1,3-4 Ilapak Inc. 3-4 IMA North America Inc. 2,4 Imperial Dade Canada Inc. 2-4 JG Packaging 1,3-4 KHS USA, Inc 3-4 Krones - North America 3 Label-Aire Inc. 3-4 Lantech.com, LLC 3-4 Longford International Ltd. 4 M.D. Packaging Inc. 1-4 MD Packaging Inc. 1-4 Multivac Canada Inc. 3 Newmapak Ltd. 1-4 nVenia 1-4 Omega Design Corp. 3-4 OMORI North America 4 Optima Machinery Corporation 4 PACK3000 CANADA LTD 3 PACKPRO Systems 3-4 PAL Distributors Inc. 1,3-4 PDC International Corp 3 PFM Packaging Machinery Corporation 4 Plan Automation Inc. 1-4 Plan IT Packaging Systems Inc 3 Plexpack Corp 1,3-4 PMR Packaging Inc. 1-4 PPI - Packaging Products Inc. 2,4 R-J Machinery Inc. 1,3-4 Reiser (Canada) Co. 3 Rennco LLC 1,4 Repack Canada & The Freelance Portfolio 1-2 Saturn Packaging Equipment 1,3-4 Schneider Packaging Equipment Co. Inc. Sealed2 Air Corporation 1,3-4 Sipromac ll Inc. 3 Spicers Canada 2 STANMECH Technologies Inc. 3 Stock Packaging Canada 3-4 StrongPoint Automation Inc. 2 Techno Pak Packaging Systems Inc. 1-4 Uline Canada Corp. 4 VC999 Canada Ltd. 1,3-4 SIGNAL TOWER - LED Charles Downer & Co. Ltd. Goldrich Printpak Inc. M.D. Packaging Inc. Plan Automation Inc. Zund America, Inc. SKIN PACKAGING Alfatec Machine Inc. Buzz Celplast,CanpacoEquipmentInc.aDivision of Crawford CharlesPackagingDowner & Co. Ltd. Goldrich Printpak Inc. Harpak-Ulma Packaging, LLC Heat Sealing Packaging Imperial Dade Canada Inc. M.D. Packaging Inc. Multivac Canada Inc. PACK3000 CANADA LTD PACKPRO Systems Plan Automation Inc. PMR Packaging Inc. R-J Machinery Inc. Reiser (Canada) Co. Sealed Air Corporation Starview Packaging Machinery, Inc. Stock Packaging Canada Techno Pak Packaging Systems Inc. VC999 Canada Ltd. SLEEVERS Aesus Packing Systems Inc. Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd. Alfatec Machine Inc. Automated Packaging Systems Inc. Bradman Lake Inc. Buzz Celplast,CAPMATICCanpacoEquipmentInc.LTDaDivision of Crawford Packaging Charles Downer & Co. Ltd. Chisholm Machinery Solutions Consolidated Technologies CRAWFORD PACKAGING Galick Process and Packaging Solutions Geosaf Harpak-UlmaInc. Packaging, LLC JG KliklokPackagingLLC-A Syntegon Company Krones - North America M.D. Packaging Inc. Newmapak Ltd. PDC International Corp Plan Automation Inc. PMR Packaging Inc. Saturn Packaging Equipment SPS/PHIN Limited Storcan SPOUT INSERTING Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd. Buzz ChisholmEquipmentMachinery Solutions General Conveyor Inc. M.D. Packaging Inc. New England Machinery Inc. Newmapak Ltd. Plan Automation Inc. PMC Prodo-PakIndustriesCorp SPRAYERS Buzz CharlesEquipmentDowner& Co. Ltd. DESCON Integrated Conveyor Solutions M.D. Packaging Inc. Manroland Canada Inc. Plan Automation Inc. Richards Packaging Inc. STAPLERS Canadian Paper & Packaging Co. 585 Wentworth Street (E) Oshawa, ON L1H 3V8. Tel: 905 433 1383 Fax: 905 433 1972 www.dependablemarking.com Sales, Supplies, Service, & Software Support Ink Jet Printing Hot Stamp Coding In-Line Thermal Transfer Label Printers Label Applicators Print & Apply Systems Case Sealers Case Erectors Little David LDX-RBT Automatic Case Sealer Product Coding/Identification & Traceability Solutions Two Colour GHS Printing and Labelling Systems High Resolution & High Speed Solutions Barcode and 2D Barcode Printers and Readers Dependable Marking Systems Limited is your best source for Automatic and Semi-Automatic Marking, Labelling, and Case Sealing Equipment. Servicing the Canadian Market for over 35+ years, we provide a knowledgable technical sales force, fully trained service technicians, and an in-house parts and software support team. Marking Labelling Case Sealing Hermes Q w/5114 Print & Apply cab ThermalSQUIX4/600MPTransferPrinter SQUID Jetstream Small Character CIJ SQUID INK Co-Pilot MAX TURBO Ink Jet Printer Sales, Supplies, Service, & Software Support CPK_Dependablemarking_REV_JulyAug22_MLD.indd 1 2022-08-04 7:41 AM

STENCIL-MAKING Industrial Marking Systems Inc. Plan Automation Inc. PMR Packaging Inc. Sterling Marking Products Inc. Uline Canada Corp. VisuaScan Inc.
Uline Canada
TABLET PRESSING Artypac Automation
Plan Automation
TAGGING Lyne Systems M.D. Packaging
Plan Automation
AFM - American Film & Machinery Alex E. Jones &
Heat Sealing Packaging Imperial Dade Canada
M.D. Packaging
Harpak-Ulma Packaging,
Multivac Canada
& IWKA PacSystems,
Buzz CharlesEquipmentDowner&
M.D. Packaging
PACK3000 CANADA LTD PACKPRO Systems Paxiom PineberryGroupManufacturing Inc. Plan Automation
3M Canada Company Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd. Buzz Celplast,CanpacoEquipmentInc.aDivision of Crawford Packaging General Magnaplate Corp. Plan Automation Inc. PMR Packaging Inc. R E Morrison Equipment Inc. Techno Pak Packaging Systems Inc. Uline Canada Corp.
Canada TAMPER EVIDENT BANDING Aesus Packing Systems
Oystar North
Buzz CharlesEquipmentDowner& Co. Ltd. Septimatech Group Inc. Techno Pak Packaging Systems Inc. TRAY HOODERS CRIMPERS Charles Downer & Co. Ltd. Plan Automation Inc. TRAY-CUP FILLING SEALING Equipment Solutions E. Jones & Associates Ltd. Artypac Automation Inc. Buzz Celplast,EquipmentaDivision of Crawford Packaging Charles Downer & Co. Ltd. Chisholm Machinery Solutions Control Harpak-UlmaGMC Packaging, LLC Heat and Control, Inc. Kliklok LLC - A Syntegon Company Link Pack Group M.D. Packaging Inc. M4 Machine Knives Inc. MD
Charles Downer & Co. Ltd. Imperial Dade Canada Inc. M.D. Packaging Inc. Plan Automation Inc. Uline Canada Corp.
STRAPPING 3G Packaging Corp. BestAriva Packaging Systems Canadian Paper & Packaging Co. Canpaco Inc. CharlesCartier Downer & Co. Ltd. Chisholm Machinery Solutions CRAWFORD PACKAGING EAM-Mosca (Canada) Ltd. Imperial Dade Canada Inc. M.D. Packaging Inc. Plan Automation Inc. PMR Packaging Inc. Polaris Systems Inc. PPI - Packaging Products Inc. Samuel Packaging Systems Group Spicers Canada Uline Canada Corp. Wulftec International Inc.
Packaging Inc. Multivac Canada Inc. OhlsonnVenia Packaging Optima Machinery Corporation PACK3000 CANADA LTD Paxiom PembertonGroup&Associates Inc. Plan Automation Inc. Plan IT Packaging Systems Inc PMR Packaging Inc. R-J Machinery Inc. Reiser (Canada) Co. Starview Packaging Machinery, Inc. Stock Packaging Canada Techno Pak Packaging Systems Inc. TRAYLOADERS Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd. Artypac Automation Inc. Bradman Lake Inc. Buzz Celplast,CAPMATICCanpacoEquipmentInc.LTDaDivision of Crawford Packaging Charles Downer & Co. Ltd. Chisholm Machinery Solutions Compacker Systems, LLC Consolidated Technologies CRAWFORD PACKAGING Delkor Systems Inc. DESCON Integrated Conveyor Solutions EndFlex LLC ESS GeboTechnologiesCermexUSA Inc. Hartness International Heat Sealing Packaging IMA North America Inc. Imperial Dade Canada Inc. JLS KliklokAutomationLLC-ASyntegon Company Krones - North America Langen Packaging Inc. Lyne Systems M.D. Packaging Inc. MARQ Packaging Systems Inc. MD Packaging Inc. MultiFeeder Technology, Inc. Multivac Canada Inc. Newmapak Ltd. Nuspark PineberryInc.Manufacturing Inc. Plan Automation Inc. Plan IT Packaging Systems Inc PMR Packaging Inc. Propack Processing & Packaging Systems ReiserInc. (Canada) Co. Schneider Packaging Equipment Co. Inc. Shawpak Systems Ltd. Starview Packaging Machinery, Inc. Techno Pak Packaging Systems Inc. Traypack Machine Ltd. WeighPack Systems Inc. Yamato Corporation TUBE PACKAGING, SQUEEZE TUBES 1 Filling Sealing Metal 2 Filling Sealing Plastic Buzz Equipment 1-2 Chisholm Machinery Solutions 1-2 IMA North America Inc. 1-2 Kliklok LLC - A Syntegon Company 2 M.D. Packaging Inc. 1-2 MD Packaging Inc. 2 Oystar North America (formerly known as Oystar USA, Inc. & IWKA PacSystems, Inc.) Pemberton1-2 & Associates Inc. 2 Plan Automation Inc. 1-2 PMR Packaging Inc. 1-2 Prodo-Pak Corp 1-2 R-J Machinery Inc. 2 Schubert Packaging Automation Inc. 2 Techno Pak Packaging Systems Inc. 1-2 TUBS-CUP-FILLING SEALING Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd. Alfatec Machine Inc. Charles Downer & Co. Ltd. Chisholm Machinery Solutions Control GMC Kliklok LLC - A Syntegon Company Link Pack Group Ohlson PackagingPackagingMachinery Concepts Ltd. Plan Automation Inc. PMR Packaging Inc. Prodo-Pak Corp UNSCRAMBLING Aesus Packing Systems Inc. Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd. Alfatec Machine Inc. All-Fill ArtypacInc.Automation Inc. Buzz ChisholmCAPMATICEquipmentLTDMachinery Solutions DESCON Integrated Conveyor Solutions Galick Process and Packaging Solutions Garvey GeneralCorp.Conveyor Inc. Hartness IMAHoneywellInternationalIntelligratedNorthAmericaInc.
MD Packaging
3G Packaging Corp. Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd. ArtypacAriva Automation Inc. Best Packaging Systems Beumer CanadianBritmanBradmanCorporationLakeInc.PackagingServicesPaper&Packaging Co. Canpaco Celplast,CartierCAPS/PhoenixWrappersInc.aDivisionofCrawford Packaging Charles Downer & Co. Ltd. Chisholm Machinery Solutions Cousins Packaging Inc. Flexi-Pack Machinery Solutions Inc. General Conveyor Inc. Harlund Industries Ltd. Hartness International Heat Sealing Packaging IMA North America Inc. ITW Muller Canada JG KronesPackaging-North America Lantech.com, LLC M.D. Packaging Inc. MD Packaging Inc. Newmapak Ltd. OmegaNJM Design Corp. OMORI North America Orion Packaging Systems Packaging Machinery Concepts Ltd. PACKPRO Systems PAL Distributors Inc. Plan Automation Inc. PMR Packaging Inc. Polaris Systems Inc. Premier Tech Chronos Reiser (Canada) Co. Samuel Packaging Systems Group StrongPointStorcan Automation Inc. Techno Pak Packaging Systems Inc. Uline Canada
Weber Marking Systems
Canpaco Inc.
Goldrich Printpak
STRETCHBUNDLERS 3G Packaging Corp. Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd. BuzzAriva CanadianEquipmentPaper& Packaging Co. Canpaco Inc. Celplast,Cartier a Division of Crawford Packaging Charles Downer & Co. Ltd. Chisholm Machinery Solutions Cousins Packaging Inc. CRAWFORD PACKAGING IMAEasteyNorth America Inc. Imperial Dade Canada Inc. JG Lantech.com,Packaging LLC M.D. Packaging Inc. Omega Design Corp. Plan Automation Inc. PMR Packaging Inc. Polaris Systems Inc. StrongPoint Automation Inc. Techno Pak Packaging Systems Inc. STRETCHWRAPPING Corp. Inc. Inc. Co. Ltd. North America Inc. Inc. Inc. Inc. Inc. Corp. of Inc. Associates Ltd. Corporation Co. Ltd. Inc. LLC Inc. Inc. Inc. Inc. Inc. America America (formerly known as Inc. Inc.) Inc. Inc Inc. (Canada) Co. North America Inc. Schubert Packaging Automation Inc. Sipromac ll Inc. Starview Packaging Machinery, Inc. Stock Packaging Canada Techno Pak Packaging Systems Inc. VC999 Canada Ltd. Winpak Portion Packaging Ltd.
Plan IT Packaging Systems
THERMOSTATS Heat Sealing Packaging M&L Testing Equipment (1995) Inc. Plan Automation Inc. Rockwell Automation Canada/Allen-Bradley + Rockwell Software Brands
Wulftec International
M4 Machine Knives
Oystar USA,
Bandall America Beumer
Buzz Celplast,CanpacoEquipmentInc.aDivision of Crawford Packaging Charles Downer & Co. Ltd. CRAWFORD PACKAGING Flexi-Pack Machinery Solutions Inc. Galick Process and Packaging Solutions Heat Sealing Packaging JG LangguthPackagingAmerica Ltd. M.D. Packaging Inc. Newmapak Ltd. PALNJMDistributors Inc. PDC International Corp Plan Automation Inc. PMR Packaging Inc. SPS/PHIN Limited TEA-BAGGING AlliedFlex Technologies Buzz CharlesEquipmentDowner& Co. Ltd. Ilapak Inc. IMA North America Inc. JG PlanPackagingAutomation Inc. Plan IT Packaging Systems Inc TESTING EQUIPMENT Abbey Equipment Solutions Artypac Automation Inc. Buzz CharlesEquipmentDowner& Co. Ltd. Kaps-All Packaging Systems Inc. M&L Testing Equipment (1995) Inc. M.D. Packaging Inc. Mettler-Toledo Canada New England Machinery Inc. Plan Automation Inc. R-J Machinery Inc. THERMOFORMING Abbey Equipment Solutions Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd. Buckhorn Canada Inc. Buzz CharlesCanpacoEquipmentInc.Downer&
© 2022 Harpak-ULMA Packaging, LLC, 85 Independence Drive, Taunton, MA 02780 USA AT HARPAK-ULMA, IT’S ALL ABOUT FLEXIBILITY It’s important that your machine can stand the test of time and adapt to your packaging needs as your goals and strategies change. With Harpak-ULMA, you can experience the many faces of flexibility in packaging. • Discover how flexibility can help you adapt to change and scale your production. • See how flexibility allows us to provide productive, cost-efficient, lasting packaging solutions. We’re with you every step of the way with ongoing world-class customer service • Reliable support from in-house specialized technicians and 24/7 customer service • Extensive network of field technicians for exceptional after-sales service Learn how we’re helping customers use augmented reality for remote support, training and maintenance. • Address issues immediately • Shorten learning curves for your staff • Perform maintenance tasks on your own FLOW WRAPPING TRAY SEALING PRODUCT TO PALLET AUTOMATED LINES us today! HARPAK-ULMA.COM • 800-813-6644 today! THERMOFORMING

92 CANADIANPACKAGING · July/August 2022 CANADIANPACKAGING.COM PACKAGING MACHINERY Kaps-All Packaging Systems Inc. M.D. Packaging Inc. McBrady Engineering Inc. MD Packaging Inc. Nalbach Engineering Company, Inc. New England Machinery Inc. Newmapak Ltd. OmegaNJM Design Corp. Oystar North America (formerly known as Oystar USA, Inc. & IWKA PacSystems, Inc.) Packaging Machinery Concepts Ltd. Paxiom Group Plan Automation Inc. PMR Packaging Inc. Prodo-Pak Corp TechnoStorcan Pak Packaging Systems Inc. WeighPack Systems Inc. Winpak Ltd. USED EQUIPMENT Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd. ArtypacAriva Automation Inc. Best Packaging Systems Bob Faulds and Associates Ltd. Buzz Equipment CAM Packaging Systems Canpaco Inc. Celplast,Cartier a Division of Crawford Packaging Charles Downer & Co. Ltd. Delkor Systems Inc. Dependable Marking Systems Ltd. EDGME Inc. Galick Process and Packaging Solutions HayssenSandiacre - Div. of Barry-Wehmiller Companies, Inc. Ilapak ImperialInc.Dade Canada Inc. Langen Packaging Inc. M.D. Packaging Inc. Manroland Canada Inc. OMORI North America Oystar North America (formerly known as Oystar USA, Inc. & IWKA PacSystems, Inc.) PACK3000 CANADA LTD PAL Distributors Inc. Plan Automation Inc. PMR Packaging Inc. PPI - Packaging Products Inc. Prodo-Pak Corp Propack Processing & Packaging Systems RInc.EMorrison Equipment Inc. R-J Machinery Inc. Reiser (Canada) Co. Septimatech Group Inc. Shawpak Systems Ltd. Starview Packaging Machinery, Inc. Stock Packaging Canada Tigerpak Industrial Supplies VC999 Canada Ltd. Volm Companies VACUUM & GAS PACKAGING 1 Flexible 2 Rigid Abbey Equipment Solutions 1-2 Alfatec Machine Inc. 1-2 Alte-Rego Corporation 1 Bizerba Canada Inc. 1-2 Celplast, a Division of Crawford Packaging 1 Charles Downer & Co. Ltd. 1-2 Chisholm Machinery Solutions 1-2 Control GMC 2 Eckert Machines 1-2 Formost Fuji Corporation 1 Harpak-Ulma Packaging, LLC 1-2 HayssenSandiacre - Div. of Barry-Wehmiller Companies, Inc. 1 Heat Sealing Packaging 1-2 Ilapak Inc. 1 Link Pack Group 1-2 McBrady Engineering Inc. 2 Multivac Canada Inc. 1-2 PACK3000 CANADA LTD 1-2 PAL Distributors Inc. 1 Paxiom Group 1-2 Pemberton & Associates Inc. 1 Plan Automation Inc. 1-2 Plan IT Packaging Systems Inc 1 Plexpack Corp 1 PMR Packaging Inc. 1-2 Reiser (Canada) Co. 1-2 Sealed Air Corporation 1 Singular Solutions Inc. 1 Sipromac ll Inc. 1-2 Starview Packaging Machinery, Inc. 2 SteelNor/Inventure Engineering & Machinery Inc. Stock1-2Packaging Canada 1-2 Techno Pak Packaging Systems Inc. 1-2 VC999 Canada Ltd. 1-2 WeighPack Systems Inc. 1 Winpak Ltd. 1-2 VACUUM FORMING Abbey Equipment Solutions Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd. Alfatec Machine Inc. Buckhorn Canada Inc. Canpaco Inc. Celplast, a Division of Crawford Packaging Charles Downer & Co. Ltd. Goldrich Printpak Inc. Heat Sealing Packaging Multivac Canada Inc. Plan Automation Inc. Stock Packaging Canada VC999 Canada Ltd. Winpak Ltd. VACUUM PUMPS ATO Automation Inc Busch Vacuum Technics Inc. Buzz GalickCAPMATICEquipmentLTDProcessand Packaging Solutions Heat Sealing Packaging M&L Testing Equipment (1995) Inc. PACK3000 CANADA LTD Plan Automation Inc. R E Morrison Equipment Inc. R-J Machinery Inc. Stock Packaging Canada VC999 Canada Ltd. VIBRATORS Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd. Alfatec Machine Inc. CAM Packaging Systems CAPMATIC LTD Charles Downer & Co. Ltd. Chisholm Machinery Solutions M.D.Eriez Packaging Inc. MARQ Packaging Systems Inc. MD Packaging Inc. Packaging Machinery Concepts Ltd. Palamatic Process Inc. Paxiom Group Plan Automation Inc. Plan IT Packaging Systems Inc Techno Pak Packaging Systems Inc. WEB SPLICERS Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd. Charles Downer & Co. Ltd. WIRE STITCHING Plan Automation Inc. Samuel Packaging Systems Group WRAPPING 3G Packaging Corp. Abbey Equipment Solutions Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd. Anypack Packaging Machinery Inc. BradmanAriva Lake Inc. Buzz Equipment BW Flexible Systems CAM Packaging Systems Canadian Paper & Packaging Co. Canpaco Celplast,CartierCAPMATICInc.LTDaDivision of Crawford Packaging Charles Downer & Co. Ltd. Chisholm Machinery Solutions CRAWFORD PACKAGING Douglas Machine Inc. Formost Fuji HayssenSandiacreCorporation-Div. of Barry-Wehmiller Companies, Inc. Heat Sealing Packaging Ilapak ImperialInc.Dade Canada Inc. Lantech.com, LLC M.D. Packaging Inc. MD Packaging Inc. OrionnVeniaPackaging Systems PACKPRO Systems PAL Distributors Inc. Paxiom Group Plan Automation Inc. Plan IT Packaging Systems Inc PMR Packaging Inc. PPI - Packaging Products Inc. Propack Processing & Packaging Systems SamuelInc. Packaging Systems Group Sealed Air TechnoStrongPointStorcanStockSleekWrapperCorporationPackagingCanadaAutomationInc.PakPackagingSystems Inc. Volm WeighPackCompaniesSystems Inc. Wulftec International Inc. X-RAY INSPECTION EQUIPMENT Abbey Equipment Solutions Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd. Anritsu - Product Inspection & Detection Anypack Packaging Machinery Inc. Bizerba Canada Inc. Charles Downer & Co. Ltd. Galick Process and Packaging Solutions Heat and Control, Inc. Link Pack Group Loma Systems, an ITW Company M.D. Packaging Inc. MD Packaging Inc. Mettler-Toledo Canada Multivac Canada Inc. Newmapak Ltd. PAL Distributors Inc. Paxiom Group Plan Automation Inc. PMR Packaging Inc. Sesotec Canada Ltd Shawpak Systems Ltd. ThermoStorcan Fisher Scientific CONVERTING MACHINERY ADHESIVE APPLICATORS 1 Glue 2 Hotmelt 3 O ther 4 UV-Coated 3M Canada Company 2 EndFlex LLC 2-3 Glue Dots International 1 Gluefast Company Inc. 1-2 GMSvanSco 1-3 HMA Systems 1-2 ITW Dynatec 1-3 M.D. Packaging Inc. 1-4 MG Solutech Inc. 1 Nordson Canada Limited 1-4 Pineberry Manufacturing Inc. 1-3 Samuel Packaging Systems Group 1-2 Techno Pak Packaging Systems Inc. 2 Valco Melton 1-4 VisuaScan Inc. 1 WeighPack Systems Inc. 1-2 AUTOMATED BOARD HANDLING Rockwell Automation Canada/Allen-Bradley + Rockwell Software Brands Siemens Canada Limited Zund America, Inc. AUTOMATED ROLL ADVANCING Alpha Marathon Film Extrusion Technolo gies Inc. Zund America, Inc. BAGMAKING 1 C ellulose Film 2 Paper 3 Polyethylene Film 4 Valving 5 Window-Applying All-Fill Inc. 3 Alpha Marathon Film Extrusion Technolo gies Inc. Automated1-5Packaging Systems Inc. 3 Canpaco Inc. 1,3 Charles Downer & Co. Ltd. 2,5 Nordson Canada Limited 2 Peel Plastic Products Ltd. 3 Plan Automation Inc. 1-5 SteelNor/Inventure Engineering & Machinery Inc. 3,5 Tempo Flexible Packaging 3 Valco Melton 1-2,4-5 Wedlock Paper Converters Ltd. 2,5 WeighPack Systems Inc. 3 Windmoeller & Hoelscher Corp. 2-3 BALING PRESSES Plan Automation Inc. Premier Tech Chronos Samuel Packaging Systems Group BANDING, WIRE STRAPPING ATS - Tanner Banding Systems Inc. Plan Automation Inc. Samuel Packaging Systems Group BLANKETS 1 O ffset 2 Printing Habasit Canada Limited 2
www.bobst.comWhatever the shape or size of your jobs, BOBST delivers the automated solutions and expertise you need for maximum productivity with zero defects and zero returns. Interested? Find your local BOBST representative at ofForwww.bobst.com/contactyourkindcartons ZERO-FAULT PACKAGING ˍ L eading automation

CONVERTING MACHINERY Digital cutting at an industrial level. 1.5 m For efficiency beyond the cut, contact us anytime and #LetsTalkWorkflow! Heidelberg Canada Graphic Equipment Limited 1-2 BOXMAKING 1 C orrugated 2 Fibre 3 Folding Cartons 4 Plastic 5 Setup 6 Window-Applying Bobst North America Inc. 1-6 Boehmer Box LP 3 Buckhorn Canada Inc. 4 Charles Downer & Co. Ltd. 1 Ellis Packaging Ltd. 3 Graphic Packaging International Canada Hartness1-3,5-6 International 1 Heidelberg Canada Graphic Equipment Limited 3 Imperial Dade Canada Inc. 1-3 M.D. Packaging Inc. 1-3 Manroland Canada Inc. 3 Moore Packaging Corporation 1 Packaging Technologies Inc. 1 Plan Automation Inc. 1-6 PRX Print 3 Robatech Canada 1,3,6 Rollem International 3 Valco Melton 1-4,6 Zund America, Inc. 1 CHASES Bobst North America Inc. COATING EQUIPMENT 1 L acquer & Varnish 2 Resins & Hotmelts 3 Wax Alpha Marathon Film Extrusion Technolo gies Inc. 2 Bobst North America Inc. 1,3 Heidelberg Canada Graphic Equipment Limited 1 HMA Systems 2 Manroland Canada Inc. 1 Nordson Canada Limited 2 Robatech Canada 2 Valco Melton 2-3 Windmoeller & Hoelscher Corp. 1 COLLATORS Artypac Automation Inc. Bradman Lake Inc. Longford International Ltd. MultiFeeder Technology, Inc. Oystar North America (formerly known as Oystar USA, Inc. & IWKA PacSystems, PineberryInc.) Manufacturing Inc. Propack Processing & Packaging Systems Inc. COLOR MATCHING EQUIPMENT M&L Testing Equipment (1995) Inc. CONTROLS 1 Clutch & Brake 2 Edge Alignment 3 Humidity Also Indicators 4 Register 5 Temperature 6 Web Guides Alpha Marathon Film Extrusion Technolo gies Inc. 1,6 Bobst North America Inc. 4 Davis Controls Ltd. 3,5 Omron Canada Inc. 2,4-6 Rockwell Automation Canada/Allen-Bradley + Rockwell Software Brands 3,5-6 Siemens Canada Limited 3,5 Techno Pak Packaging Systems Inc. 1 Valco Melton 4 CORES M4 Machine Knives Inc. Rockwell Automation Canada/Allen-Bradley + Rockwell Software Brands VisuaScan Inc. CORONA TREATERS Alpha Marathon Film Extrusion Technolo gies EnerconInc.Industries Corp. CORRUGATORS Bobst North America Inc. CREASERS Rollem International Zund America, Inc. CUP EQUIPMENT 1 Cup & Container Lid Machines 2 Cup Machines Bobst North America Inc. 1 Buzz Equipment 1-2 Charles Downer & Co. Ltd. 1 New England Machinery Inc. 1 R-J Machinery Inc. 1-2 Techno Pak Packaging Systems Inc. 1 CUTTERS 1 C ard 2 Film 3 L abel 4 Paper Alpha Marathon Film Extrusion Technolo gies Inc. Flexo-Printing2 Equipment Corp / SIAT 2 Heidelberg Canada Graphic Equipment Limited 3-4 M4 Machine Knives Inc. 1-4 Pineberry Manufacturing Inc. 3-4 Rollem International 1,4 Samuel Packaging Systems Group 2 VisuaScan Inc. 1,3-4 Zund America, Inc. 1-4 CUTTERS & CREASERS Bobst North America Inc. Heidelberg Canada Graphic Equipment M4LimitedMachine Knives Inc. Rollem International Zund America, Inc. CYLINDERS 1 Flexographic 2 Plate Mounting 3 Rubber Plate Dependable Marking Systems Ltd. 3 Heidelberg Canada Graphic Equipment Limited 1 SOMA Sterling2Marking Products Inc. 1,3 DENSITOMETERS Heidelberg Canada Graphic Equipment RockwellLimited Automation Canada/Allen-Bradley + Rockwell Software Brands Siemens Canada Limited DIECUTTERS Bobst North America Inc. Heidelberg Canada Graphic Equipment PineberryLimited Manufacturing Inc. Rollem StarviewInternationalPackagingMachinery, Inc. Zund America, Inc. DIES 1 Cutting Solid 2 Cutting Steel Rule 3 Rubber Dependable Marking Systems Ltd. 3 Rollem International 1 Starview Packaging Machinery, Inc. 2-3 Sterling Marking Products Inc. 1 Zund America, Inc. 2-3 DIGITAL ASSET MANAGER HYBRID Software DIGITAL CUTTING/CREASING TOOLS 1 C orrugated 2 Folding Carton 3 O ther Esko Rollem1-2International 2-3 Xeikon America Inc. 1 Zund America, Inc. 1-3 DIGITAL DIE-CUTTING/SAMPLEMAKING, HARDWARE & SOFTWARE RockwellEsko Automation Canada/Allen-Bradley + Rockwell Software Brands Rollem SiemensInternationalCanadaLimited Zund America, Inc. DIGITAL PRINT & CUT WORKFLOW HYBRID PackagingSoftwareTechnologies Inc. Xeikon America Inc. Zund America, Inc. DISPENSING 1 Bottle 2 C oupons & Leaflets 3 Napkin 4 Pen 5 Pouch 6 Straw Charles Downer & Co. Ltd. 2 Dependable Marking Systems Ltd. 5 Longford International Ltd. 2,5 NJM Omega2 Design Corp. 5 Pemberton & Associates Inc. 5 Pineberry Manufacturing Inc. 1-6 Richards Packaging Inc. 1 Techno Pak Packaging Systems Inc. 2,5 Uline Canada Corp. 1,3 DOCTOR BLADES Heidelberg Canada Graphic Equipment M4LimitedMachine Knives Inc. DOCTOR REWINDERS Alpha Marathon Film Extrusion Technolo gies Inc. DRYERS MG Solutech Inc. R E Morrison Equipment Inc. STANMECH Technologies Inc. TIERMAX Inc EMBOSSING MACHINES Alpha Marathon Film Extrusion Technolo gies BobstInc.North America Inc. Dependable Marking Systems Ltd. Sterling Marking Products Inc. ENGRAVING EQUIPMENT Heidelberg Canada Graphic Equipment SterlingLimited Marking Products Inc. Zund America, Inc. ENVELOPE-MAKING Alpha Marathon Film Extrusion Technolo gies ValcoInc.Melton EXTRUDING 1 E xtruder Dies 2 E xtruder/Coaters 3 E xtruder/Laminators 4 E xtruding Machines Film Alpha Marathon Film Extrusion Technolo gies Inc. 1-4

CONVERTING MACHINERY The Board Handling System BHS150. infous@zund.comT:414-433-0700www.zund.com Bobst North America Inc. 3 Brampton Engineering Inc. 1-4 Guill Tool & Engineering Co., Inc. 1 M4 Machine Knives Inc. 3 Macro Engineering & Technology Inc. 1-4 MG Solutech Inc. 4 OBX Works Inc. 1-2 Plastiques Lausa Int,l inc. 2 Propack Processing & Packaging Systems Inc. TIERMAX2,4 Inc 2-4 Windmoeller & Hoelscher Corp. 4 EYELETTING MACHINES Oystar North America (formerly known as Oystar USA, Inc. & IWKA PacSystems, Inc.) FILM-CASTING EQUIPMENT Alpha Marathon Film Extrusion Technolo gies MacroInc.Engineering & Technology Inc. Plastiques Lausa Int,l inc. FLATTENERS, BAGS Premier Tech SteelNor/InventureChronosEngineering & Machinery StrongPointInc.Automation Inc. FOLDER-GLUERS Bobst North America Inc. Heidelberg Canada Graphic Equipment PineberryLimited Manufacturing Inc. Rollem International Valco Melton FOUNTAINS 1 Dividers 2 Ink Heidelberg Canada Graphic Equipment Limited Matthews1-2Marking Systems 2 GLUE POTS Gluefast Company Inc. OBX Works Inc. GUILLOTINES Heidelberg Canada Graphic Equipment M4LimitedMachine Knives Inc. Propack Processing & Packaging Systems Inc. GUMMING MACHINES Valco VisuaScanMeltonInc. GUSSET MACHINES Alpha Marathon Film Extrusion Technolo gies Inc. JG Packaging HEAT SEALERS Alpha Marathon Film Extrusion Technolo gies SteelNor/InventureInc. Engineering & Machinery Inc. IMPRINTERS Dependable Marking Systems Ltd. Sterling Marking Products Inc. INKS 1 Flexographic 2 Fluorescent 3 I.R. 4 Letterpress 5 Lithographic 6 Non-toxic 7 Rotogravure 8 Screen Printing 9 U.V. Columbia Coding & Marking 3,7,9 Dependable Marking Systems Ltd. 9 Heidelberg Canada Graphic Equipment Limited 1-5,9 INX International Ink Co. 1-2,4-9 KNIVES 1 Air 2 Cutter 3 Slitter M4 Machine Knives Inc. 1-3 Manroland Canada Inc. 2 Propack Processing & Packaging Systems Inc. 3 R E Morrison Equipment Inc. 1 STANMECH Technologies Inc. 1 Uline Canada Corp. 2 Zund America, Inc. 2 LAMINATORS Alpha Marathon Film Extrusion Technolo gies BobstInc.North America Inc. OBX Works Inc. VisuaScanSOMA Inc. LITHO PLATEMAKING EQUIPMENT Heidelberg Canada Graphic Equipment Limited MANDRELS Heidelberg Canada Graphic Equipment Tri-MachLimited Group Inc. METALIZING & DEMETALIZING EQUIPMENT Bobst North America Inc. General Magnaplate Corp. MOUNTING PROVING MACHINES 1 Rotogravure 2 Rubber Plates Bobst North America Inc. 1 Heidelberg Canada Graphic Equipment Limited 2 Sterling Marking Products Inc. 2 OFFSET ELIMINATORS Heidelberg Canada Graphic Equipment Limited OPTICAL REGISTRATION SYSTEM Zund America, Inc. OVENS Charles Downer & Co. Ltd. M&L Testing Equipment (1995) Inc. PACKAGING DESIGN SOFTWARE HYBRIDEsko RockwellSoftwareAutomation Canada/Allen-Bradley + Rockwell Software Brands Siemens Canada Limited Zund America, Inc. PASTERS 1 L abel Dependable Marking Systems Ltd. 1 PHOTOPOLYMER PLATEMAKING EQUIPMENT HeidelbergEsko Canada Graphic Equipment Limited PLATEMAKING EQUIPMENT 1 Flexo 2 Letterpress Esko Heidelberg1 Canada Graphic Equipment Limited 1-2 Schawk Canada Inc. 1 POINT OF PURCHASE DISPLAYS AGFA Mitchel-LincolnKrugerInc.Inc. Packaging Ltd. Packaging Technologies Inc. Schawk Canada Inc. POUCH MAKING Automated Packaging Systems Inc. Buzz CharlesEquipmentDowner& Co. Ltd. JG PeelPackagingPlasticProducts Ltd. Prodo-Pak Corp Schawk Canada Inc. Tempo Flexible Packaging WeighPack Systems Inc. PRE-PRESS SERVICES Peel Plastic Products Ltd. Schawk Canada Inc. PRESSES 1 Cutting Blanking 2 Cutting Creasing 3 Printing & Slotting 4 Stripping Blanking Bobst North America Inc. 1-4 Habasit Canada Limited 1-2 M4 Machine Knives Inc. 2 Manroland Canada Inc. 1-2,4 Zund America, Inc. 2 PRINTING PLATES 1 Flexographic 2 Letterpress 3 Lithographic 4 Plastic 5 Rubber 6 Rubber Plastic Bemis Packaging 1,5-6 Dependable Marking Systems Ltd. 1,5-6 Heidelberg Canada Graphic Equipment Limited 1-5 Imperial Dade Canada Inc. 1,4-5 Schawk Canada Inc. 1 Sterling Marking Products Inc. 1-2,4-6 Weber Marking Systems of Canada 1 PRINTING PRESSES 1 Bag 2 C arton 3 Digital 4 Envelope 5 Flexographic 6 Gravure 7 Gummed Tape 8 L abel 9 Letterpress 10 Metal-Decorating 11 O ffset Dry Indirect Letterpress 12 O ffset Lithographic 13 Plastics-Decorating 14 Platen 15 Rotogravure 16 Screen-Printing 17 Ticket & Tag AGFA Inc. 3 Bemis Packaging 1-2,4-5,7,14 Bobst North America Inc. 1-2,4-5,8,13,15 Dependable Marking Systems Ltd. DG1,5,8,17press Flexo-Printing11-12Equipment Corp / SIAT 5 Habasit Canada Limited 1-2,4-5 Heidelberg Canada Graphic Equipment Limited SOMASingularPrimeraPineberryMullerMatthewsManrolandM4Hewlett-Packard1-2,4-5,8-9,12-13,16-17(Canada)Co.3MachineKnivesInc.2,4-6,8-9,12-13,15-17CanadaInc.2,8,10-12MarkingSystems5MartiniCanadaInc.1-2,4-5,8,10-13,15,17ManufacturingInc.1-4,8Technology8SolutionsInc.55

Reiser Form/Fill/Seal Packaging n High-speed production of vacuum, MAP and VSP packages to extend product freshness and shelf life n Rapid Air Forming for high-quality, high-speed forming n Superior sealing system virtually eliminates leakers n Stainless steel, rugged, low cost of ownership www.reiser.com Reiser Canada • Burlington, ON • (905) 631-6611 Reiser • Canton, MA • (781) 821-1290 Reiser UK • Milton Keynes, Bucks • ( 019 08) 585300 2022 Meet our Packaging Specialists and see all our innovative solutions Visit Reiser at Pack Expo | Chicago | October 23-26 | Reiser Booth S-2566 We can’t wait to see you at Pack Expo

CANADIANPACKAGING.COM July/August 2022 · CANADIANPACKAGING 97 CONVERTING MACHINERY Sterling Marking Products Inc. 2,5,7-8 Tempo Flexible Packaging 5 Weber Marking Systems of Canada 5,8,17 Wedlock Paper Converters Ltd. 1,5,15 Windmoeller & Hoelscher Corp. 5-6,15 Winpak Ltd. 5 Xeikon America Inc. 2-3,8,17 PUMPS 1 Air 2 Ink Circulating Bemis Packaging 2 Heidelberg Canada Graphic Equipment Limited 2 R E Morrison Equipment Inc. 1 PUNCHERS Longford International Ltd. REWINDS Bemis DependablePackagingMarking Systems Ltd. Macro Engineering & Technology Inc. Singular Solutions Inc. SteelNor/Inventure Engineering & Machinery Inc. ROBOTIC LOAD/OFF-LOAD INTEGRATION ATI Industrial Automation Pineberry Manufacturing Inc. Zund America, Inc. ROLL HANDLING Charles Downer & Co. Ltd. ROLL LEAF STAMPING Dependable Marking Systems Ltd. ROLLS 1 C oating 2 Embossing 3 Engraving 4 Impregnating 5 Inking 6 L aminating 7 Printing 8 Rubber 9 Spreader Bemis Packaging 1,3-5,7-8 Dependable Marking Systems Ltd. 5,7-8 Heidelberg Canada Graphic Equipment Limited 1,7 Propack Processing & Packaging Systems Inc. Singular9 Solutions Inc. 2-3,7 Sterling Marking Products Inc. 5,8 VisuaScan Inc. 5-6 RUBBER PLATE VULCANIZERS Sterling Marking Products Inc. RUBBER PLATEMAKING EQUIPMENT Heidelberg Canada Graphic Equipment Limited RULE BENDERS Bobst North America Inc. RULES, CREASING CUTTING ETC. Bobst North America Inc. SCANNERS 1 Electronic 2 L aser 3 Optical Ahearn & Soper Inc. 1-3 Banner Engineering Corp. 2-3 Charles Downer & Co. Ltd. 1,3 Columbia Coding & Marking 3 Dependable Marking Systems Ltd. 1 Industrial Marking Systems Inc. 2 Manroland Canada Inc. 1 Matthews Marking Systems 1-2 Omron Canada Inc. 2-3 Pineberry Manufacturing Inc. 1-3 RFID Canada 1-3 Rockwell Automation Canada/Allen-Bradley + Rockwell Software Brands 1-3 SICK Ltd. (Canada) 2 Siemens Canada Limited 1-3 Techno Pak Packaging Systems Inc. 1-3 Tri-Tronics Company Inc. 3 Turck Canada Inc. 1-3 Uline Canada Corp. 2 VisuaScan Inc. 1-3 Weber Marking Systems of Canada 1-2 SCORERS Manroland Canada Inc. Rollem International Uline Canada Corp. VisuaScan Inc. SCRAP REMOVAL SYSTEMS Charles Downer & Co. Ltd. Stock Packaging Canada SHEETING MACHINES M4 Machine Knives Inc. SLEEVES 1 Slitter 2 Snap-On M4 Machine Knives Inc. 1 Plan Automation Inc. 1-2 Propack Processing & Packaging Systems Inc. 1 SLITTERS & REWINDERS Bobst North America Inc. Dependable Marking Systems Ltd. Flexo-Printing Equipment Corp / SIAT M4 Machine Knives Inc. Plan Automation Inc. Plastiques Lausa Int,l inc. Primera Technology Propack Processing & Packaging Systems Inc. Singular Solutions Inc. SOMA SLITTERS & SCORERS Bobst North America Inc. M4 Machine Knives Inc. Plan Automation Inc. Propack Processing & Packaging Systems RollemInc. StarviewSingularInternationalSolutionsInc.PackagingMachinery, Inc. SLOTTERS Bobst North America Inc. M4 Machine Knives Inc. Plan Automation Inc. SPLICERS Bobst North America Inc. Charles Downer & Co. Ltd. Plan Automation Inc. SPRAYERS Manroland Canada Inc. Plan Automation Inc. STANDS, UNWIND & REWIND Bobst North America Inc. Dependable Marking Systems Ltd. Macro Engineering & Technology Inc. Plan Automation SteelNor/InventureInc.Engineering & Machinery Inc. STATIC ELIMINATORS 3M Canada Company General Magnaplate Corp. R E Morrison Equipment Inc. TAKEOFF UNITS Macro Engineering & Technology Inc. SteelNor/Inventure Engineering & Machinery Inc. Zund America, Inc. TANKS, HEATING & DIPPING M&L Testing Equipment (1995) Inc. TEAR STRIP MACHINES Buzz CharlesEquipmentDowner& Co. Ltd. TENSION DISCS Dependable Marking Systems Ltd. TESTING EQUIPMENT M&L Testing Equipment (1995) Inc. Plan Automation Inc. THERMOMETERS M&L Testing Equipment (1995) Inc. THERMOSTATS M&L Testing Equipment (1995) Inc. TOOLS 1 Form-Cutting 2 Perforating 3 Routing Rollem International 2 Starview Packaging Machinery, Inc. 1 Zund America, Inc. 1-3 TUBE WINDERS Habasit Canada Limited Valco Melton TURRET REWINDS Alpha Marathon Film Extrusion Technolo gies BobstInc.North America Inc. Flexo-Printing Equipment Corp / SIAT Macro Engineering & Technology Inc. Singular Solutions Inc. UNWINDERS Alpha Marathon Film Extrusion Technolo gies BizerbaInc.Canada Inc. Bobst North America Inc. Dependable Marking Systems Ltd. Flexo-Printing Equipment Corp / SIAT USED EQUIPMENT Buzz CharlesCartierEquipmentDowner& Co. Ltd. Dependable Marking Systems Ltd. Manroland Canada Inc. Plastiques Lausa Int,l inc. Propack Processing & Packaging Systems R-JInc.Machinery Inc. Stock Packaging Canada VC999 Canada Ltd. Zund America, Inc. VACUUMS PUMPS M&L Testing Equipment (1995) Inc. R E Morrison Equipment Inc. R-J Machinery Inc. Stock Packaging Canada VC999 Canada Ltd. WINDERS 1 Film 2 Foil Alpha Marathon Film Extrusion Technolo gies Inc. 1-2 Bemis Packaging 1 Bobst North America Inc. 1-2 Brampton Engineering Inc. 1 Dependable Marking Systems Ltd. 1-2 Macro Engineering & Technology Inc. 1 Plastiques Lausa Int,l inc. 1 Singular Solutions Inc. 1-2 SteelNor/Inventure Engineering & Machinery Inc. 1 PACKAGE MAKERS/SERVICES AEROSOL FILLERS PACIFIC PACKAGING MACHINERY 1284 Puerta Del Sol San Clemente CA 92673 Tel: 949-369-2425 Fax: 949-369-2429 Email: information@pacificpak.com Web: www. pacificpak.com Pres: Pete Carpino Types of products packaged: Hairspray, household cleaners, pharmaceutical, room deodorizers. BARCODE CERTIFICATION BARCODE GRAPHICS INC. 5-25 Brodie Drive Richmond Hill ON L4B 3K7 Tel: 905-770-1154 Fax: 905-787-1575 Email: info@ barcodegraphics.com Web: www.barcodegraphics. com Pres: John Herzig Sales Mgr: Connie Furtado Certification and testing services: Instant Barcode EPS/PDF Masters And Nutrition Facts Graphics (NFT/NFP) Online 24/7. Barcode Labels And Tags (QR, Data Matrix, UPC, EAN, SCC, B3, Cargo, Pars, Paps, Etc), Barcode Labeling Software, Printers, Blank Labels (Thermal Transfer, Laser). Thermal Transfer Ribbons. ScanRight(TM) Certification, ANSI/ISO Verifiers, QC Seminars And Training. GOLDRICH PRINTPAK INC. 100 Industry St Toronto ON M6M 4L8 Tel: 416769-9000 Fax: 416-769-5454 Email: info@ goldpak.com Web: www.goldpak.com Pres: Leslie Goldberg Certification and testing services: Barcode scanning. OMRON CANADA INC. 802-100 Consilium Pl Toronto ON M1H 3E3 Tel: 416-286-6465 866-986-6766 Fax: 416-286-6648 Email: diego.mayorga@omron.com Web: www. omron247.com BOXMAKERS ASTRO BOX CORP. 1-117 Basaltic Rd Concord ON L4K 1G4 Tel: 905695-8788 866-255-5328 Fax: 905-695-8791 Email: info@astroboxcorp.com Web: www. astroboxcorp.com Pres: Charles Parlagreco Box types: Folding Cartons / Beverage Carriers Facilities: Die Cutting, Creasing, Scoring, Perforating, Litho, Coating, Hot Stamping, Embossing. BENECO PACKAGING|SOOPAK.COMCUSTOM 3640 McNicol Ave., Scarborough ON M1X 1G5 Tel: 905-677-2888 855-755-7225 Email: info@ benecopackaging.com Web: benecopackaging. com/ Pres: YJ Jiang Plant Mgr: Roy Amm Sales Mgr: Tony Li Box types: Custom Printed Folding Cartons Facilities: Printing, Coating, Creasing, Diecutting, Embossing, Llgtho, Perforating, Scoring, Window Patching BENECO PACKAGING|SOOPAK. COM Unit B 3640 McNicoll Ave Scarborough ON M1X 1G5 Tel: 905-677-2888 Fax: 905-677-8858 Email: sales@soopak.com Web: www.soopak.com Pres: Yajun Jiang Plant Mgr: Roy Amm Sales Mgr: Richard Martin Box types: Folding Cartons, Custom Printed Boxes Facilities: Coating, Creasing, Diecutting, Embossing, Litho, Perforating, Scoring, Printing, Gluing Making window, Window Patching CENTRAL GRAPHICS & CONTAINER GROUP 5526 Timberlea Blvd Mississauga ON L4W 2T7 Tel: 905-238-8400 Fax: 905-238-8127 Email: askus@ centralgrp.com Web: www.centralgrp.com Sales Mgr: Rick Eastwood Facilities: Diecutting, Scoring, Perforating, Flexo Direct Print, Specialty Gluing CHINA BAVORA PRINTED PACKAGING CO., LTD. 4/F., 42 Yi Ai Road Xiamen Fujian 361005 Tel: 592555-8280 Email: bavora@jeawin.com Web: https://www.bavora-printing.com CORRUPAL 225 av Liberte Candiac QC J5R 3X8 Tel: 450-6384222 Fax: 450-638-3839 Web: www.corrupal.com Pres: Martin Terrault Plant Mgr: Claude Boyer Sales Mgr: Laurie Du Temple Quirion DIVERSCO GLOBAL PACKAGING INC. 495 Conestoga Boulevard Cambridge Ontario N1R 7P4 Tel: 519-740-1210 800-661-9955 Fax: 519740-7303 Email: jmartin@diversco.com Web: www.diverscoglobalpackaging.com Pres: Jean Martin Plant Mgr: Chris Connor Sales Mgr: Doug Gibson Box types: Setup Boxes, Display Boxes, Plastic Corrugated Tote Containers

98 CANADIANPACKAGING · July/August 2022 CANADIANPACKAGING.COM ELLIS PACKAGING LTD. 1830 Sandstone Manor Pickering ON L1W 3Y1 Tel: 905-798-7715 Fax: 905-831-7571 Email: sales@ ellispkg.com Web: www.ellispkg.com Pres: Cathie Ellis Plant Mgr: Don Smart VP Sls: Brad T. Weale Box types: Cartons Other plants: Ellis Packaging West, Guelph, ON; Ellis Paper Box, Mississauga, ON Facilities: Coating, Creasing, Diecutting, Embossing, Flexo, Hot-Stamping, Litho, Perforating, Scoring ELOPAK CANADA INC. 3720 ave des Grandes Tourelles Boisbriand QC J7H 0A1 Tel: 450-970-2846 Fax: 514-326-3307 Web: www.elopak.com Plant Mgr: Patricia Rothos Sales Mgr: Evelyn Rasmussen Box types: Milk Cartons Facilities: Diecutting, Creasing, Flexo, Litho Printing GLENMORE CUSTOM PRINT & PACKAGING 13751 Mayfield Place Richmond BC V6V 2G9 Tel: 604-273-6323 866-333-6323 Web: glenmorecustomprint.com GOLDRICH PRINTPAK INC. 100 Industry St Toronto ON M6M 4L8 Tel: 416769-9000 Fax: 416-769-5454 Email: info@ goldpak.com Web: www.goldpak.com Pres: Leslie Goldberg Box types: Folding cartons Facilities: Diecutting, Creasing, Scoring, Perforating, Litho, Coating, Hotstamping, Embossing, Gravure GRAPHIC INTERNATIONALPACKAGINGCANADA 7830 Tranmere Dr Mississauga ON L5S 1L9 Tel: 905-678-8211 Fax: 905-678-7233 Web: www. cascades.com Sales Mgr: Mike Sharpe Box types: Cartons Facilities: Coating, Creasing, Diecutting, Embossing, Flexo, Hot-Stamping, Litho, Perforating, Scoring JONES HEALTHCARE GROUP 3000 Page St London ON N5V 5H3 Tel: 519-4512100 800-265-9093 Fax: 519-451-2107 Email: info@joneshealthcaregroup.com Web: www. joneshealthcaregroup.com Pres: Ron Harris Sr VP: David Dembski Box types: Folding Cartons Facilities: Coating, Creasing, Diecutting, Embossing, Flexo, Hot-Stamping, Litho, Perforating, Scoring MENASHA PACKAGING CANADA LP 35 Precidio Court Brampton ON L6S 6B7 Tel: 905792-7092 NETPAK 9055 Impasse de l’Invention Anjou Québec H1J 3A7 Tel: 514-645-8412 866-399-8544 Email: sales@netpak.com Web: www.netpak.com Box types: folding cartons, no glue boxes, straight line boxes, auto bottom boxes, four corner boxes, six corner boxes, specialty boxes, two piece boxes Facilities: coating, creasing, diecutting, embossing, hot-stamping, offset printing, lithography, perforating, scoring, manufacturing, debossing, pre-press, graphic design, cellophane window patching, stripping and cutting, logistics management, distribution, warehousing, co-packing, customer service PACKAGING TECHNOLOGIES INC. 310 Courtland Ave Concord ON L4K 4Y6 Tel: 905738-8226 800-303-5883 Fax: 905-738-6182 Email: tim.boissinot@ptibox.com Web: www. ptibox.com Pres: Tim Boissinot Plant Mgr: Clarence Brown Box types: Corrugated Boxes, Point of Purchase Displays, Folding Cartons, Retail Ready Packaging, Other plants: The Central Group Independant Corrugator Inc. Facilities: Special Coatings, Diecutting, Flexo Preprint, Litho, Digital Print, Perforating and Scoring RAYACOM PREMIUM PRINT 125 W 71st Ave Vancouver BC V5X 2X3 Tel: 604254-4488 Email: premiumprint@rayacom.com Web: Www.RAYACOM.com Pres: Austin Tran Plant Mgr: David Benza Sales Mgr: Bruno Bega Ravi Meharu Box types: Folding carton, corrugated SCANPACK INC. 2715 Bristol Circle #1 Oakville Ontario L6H6X5 Tel: 647-794-1353 Email: hello@scanpack.ca Web: https://www.scanpack.ca Pres: Steve Cussons Plant Mgr: Victoria Shea Sales Mgr: Oliver RadleySmith Box types: consumer boxes, corrugate boxes, influencer boxes Facilities: full offset & digital print capabilities, full service bindery, die cutting, glue/fold, kitting WESTROCK 1000 Abernathy Rd NE Atlanta GA 30328 Tel: 770448-2193 Web: www.westrock.com Box types: Cartons, cases, HSC, RSC, CONTAINER DECORATING BERLIN PACKAGING 525 W. Monroe St Chicago IL 60661 Tel: 514-6339247 800-723-7546 Email: andre.lt@ berlinpackaging.com Web: https://www. berlinpackaging.com/ Services: Structural package and closure design, brand strategy, product design, visual branding and packaging graphics Industries: wine, spirits, beer, cannabis&cbd, beverage, food, home care, industrial chemical, pet/vet,personal health and beauty, pharma/nutra, CHANTLER PACKAGES INC. 880 Lakeshore Rd. E. Mississauga ON L5E 1E1 Tel: 905-274-2533 Fax: 905-274-9522 Email: info@ chantlerpackages.com Web: chantlerpackages.com Pres: Ammad Asif, COO Plant Mgr: Muhammad Abdullah Sales Mgr: Adnan Sharif Services: 8 colour, flexographic printing on film Industries: fresh produce and prepared foods. CHINA BAVORA PRINTED PACKAGING CO., LTD. 4/F., 42 Yi Ai Road Xiamen Fujian 361005 Tel: 592555-8280 Email: bavora@jeawin.com Web: https://www.bavora-printing.com LANGGUTH AMERICA LTD. 109 Randall Dr Waterloo ON N2V 1C5 Tel: 519888-0099 Fax: 519-888-0029 Email: info@ langguth-america.com Web: www.langguthamerica.com Services: Labeling Industries: Beer/ Cider, Beverage, Cosmetics, Food, Spirits, Wine, Paint and Chemicals, Caulking tubes to 5 gal. pails. PACKAGING TECHNOLOGIES INC. 310 Courtland Ave Concord ON L4K 4Y6 Tel: 905738-8226 800-303-5883 Fax: 905-738-6182 Email: tim.boissinot@ptibox.com Web: www. ptibox.com Pres: Tim Boissinot Plant Mgr: Clarence Brown POLYTAINERS INC. 197 Norseman St Toronto ON M8Z 2R5 Tel: 416239-7311 800-268-2424 Fax: 416-239-0596 Email: info@polytainersinc.com Web: www. polytainersinc.com Pres: R K Barrett VP-Sales Craig Mills; Dir-Sales: Kevin Cinel; Bus Dev Mgr: Micheil Jennings Industries: Food SCANPACK INC. 2715 Bristol Circle #1 Oakville Ontario L6H6X5 Tel: 647-794-1353 Email: hello@scanpack.ca Web: https://www.scanpack.ca Pres: Steve Cussons Plant Mgr: Victoria Shea Sales Mgr: Oliver RadleySmith Industries: cosmetics, food, general consumer packaging, shippng boxes, influencer boxes, gifting boxes SERIGRAPHIE RICHFORD 2001 boul de Sources Pointe-Claire QC H9R 5Z4 Tel: 514-426-8700 Web: Rishee Behl Services: Screen printing, frosting, coating, labeling Industries: Wine, spirits, beer/cider, food, beverage, cosmetics STOCK PACKAGING CANADA 815A Tecumseh Pointe-Claire QC H9R 4B1 Tel: 514-426-1266 844-426-1266 Fax: 514-426-1200 Email: info@stockcanada.ca Web: www. stockcanada.ca Pres: Eric Williamson Dir: Eric Williamson; Sales: Jason Miller Services: IML Labeling WESTROCK 1000 Abernathy Rd NE Atlanta GA 30328 Tel: 770448-2193 Web: www.westrock.com Industries: Beverage, Cosmetics, Pharmaceuticals, food, Wine, Spirits, Beer, eCommerce, online retailers, brick and mortar retailers, fulfillment centers CONTRACT PACKAGING BIEDERMAN PACKAGING INC. 36 Head St Dundas ON L9H 3H3 Tel: 905-6285298 Fax: 905-628-6988 Email: info@biederman. ca Web: www.biederman.ca Pres: Fred Sutcliffe VP-Ops/Sales: Elizabeth Wagg Type of products packaged: Dry, Powders, Granulars - Plaster Products, Fertilizers, Rodenticides, Insecticides, Composts, Seed Treatment Products, Ice Melters, Novelty Items Type of packages: Bags, Pouches, Pails, Bottles, Cartons, Form/Fill/Seal, Jars, Shrink Sleeving BLUE WAVE PACKAGING 402-4th Floor,Platinum Center Dubai Dubai 97356 Tel: 154-578-8428 Email: glipolymers@gmail.com Web: www.bluewavepack.com Pres: Ali Muddasar Plant Mgr: Raza Sales Mgr: Kenneth Type of products packaged: Thermoforming and APET PolyesterSheet Strapping LDPE Films HDPE Bags PP Woven Sacks Jute FoodZipperBagsBagspackaging Type of packages: JarsFilmFlexibale Packaging BO BRANDING & DESIGN AGENCY LTD. 1600, rue Notre-Dame O bureau 203 Montreal QC H3J 1M1 Tel: 514-938-4646 Email: contact@ bobranding.com Web: www.bobranding.com Pres: Marc Beauregard BRITMAN PACKAGING SERVICES 655 Finley Ave Ajax ON L1S 3V3 Tel: 905-6191477 Fax: 905-619-1478 Email: peterg@britman. com Web: www.britmanpackagingservices.ca Pres: Peter Gabriel Type of products packaged: Dry, Foods, Powders Type of packages: Blisters, Cartons, Form/Fill/Seal, Shrink. BUCKHORN CANADA INC. 8032 Torbram Rd Brampton ON L6T 3T2 Tel: 905791-6500 800-461-7579 Fax: 905-791-9942 Web: www.buckhorncanada.com Sales Mgr: Tim Walsh Natl VP&Gen Mgr: Jim Morrison Type of products packaged: Food, Meat, Poultry, Retail Products, etc. Type of packages: Pallets, Bins, Trays, Broad Trays BULLSEYE PACKAGING SERVICES 13-10099 15 Street NE CALGARY AB T3J 0T7 Tel: 403-970-7155 Email: BULLSEYEPACKAGING.CASALES@Web: WWW. BULLEYEPACKAGING.CA Pres: STEPHEN PETERS Plant Mgr: ADRIAN HOUSER Sales Mgr: EIRA BRAUN-LABOSSIERE Type of products packaged: We are secondary co-packers of shelf-stable food & beverages, beer, liquor, pet treats, various types of consumer packaged goods. Can perform manual primary co-packing for nonhuman foodstuffs. Type of packages: Assembly of various promotional packs such as variety packs, mix packs, value-add attachments (such as coupons, gift-with-purchase, etc.)Perform custom kitting, e-commerce order fulfillment, pick and pack. Assembly and loading of retail displays, including pallet displays (DRP). Bundle wrapping capabilities in our BC location. CANADIAN MATERIAL REPACK INC. 1-4355 County Rd 42 Windsor Ontario N8V 0A5 Tel: 226-777-8288 Email: info@cmrepack.com Web: www.cmrepack.com Pres: Andrew Hatfield Type of products packaged: We specialize in repacking, material handling, and order fulfillment services for everything from small-scale prototypes to established product lines. Type of packages: We specialize in repacking, material handling, and order fulfillment services for everything from smallscale prototypes to established product lines. CAPO INDUSTRIES LTD. 1200 Corporate Drive Burlington ON L7L 5V5 Tel: 800-263-8250 Web: www.capoindustries.com Pres: D. Ridpath Sales Mgr: Nick Ridpath Type of products packaged: Specializing in liquid and powder formulations, white label, and contract packaging. Private labels available. 100% fill rate for major consumer goods. Type of packages: Fill / Seal, Spray, Bottles, Misters, Plastics, Cartons CHINA BAVORA PRINTED PACKAGING CO., LTD. 4/F., 42 Yi Ai Road Xiamen Fujian 361005 Tel: 592555-8280 Email: bavora@jeawin.com Web: https://www.bavora-printing.com CONFAB LABORATORIES INC. 4355 boul Sir Wilfred Laurier Saint-Hubert QC J3Y 3X3 Tel: 450-443-6666 888-826-6322 Fax: 450443-4466 Sr Dir-Sls/Mktg: Raymond Baribeau Type of products packaged: Pharmaceuticals Type of packages: Blister, Bottles, Cartons, Shrink, Tubes. Confab offers packaging services such as bottling liquids and tablets, blisters both thermo and cold form, drinkable ampule filling, tube filling, plastic unit dose form/fill/seal CONTRACT PRE-ROLL INC 243 Broadway Ave Orangeville ON L9W1K6 Tel: 519-939-6345 Email: Info@planlp.com Web: Contractpre-roll.ca Pres: JP Perreault Sales Mgr: Adam Toomey Mat Bedard Type of products packaged: Cannabis Pre Roll Joints Dry Cannabis Bud Flower Type of packages: PreRolled Cones, Doob Tubes, Multi-Packs, Pre Made Pouches, Bulk Packaging DIMACHEM INC. 3258 Marentette Ave Windsor ON N8X 4G4 Tel: 519-969-5570 Fax: 519-969-8512 Email: info@ dimacheminc.com Web: dimacheminc.com Pres: Steve Cox Sales Mgr: Andrew purchasing@dimacheminc.comConwayTypeof products packaged: Liquid chemicals, Pastes, and/or Dry Powders Type of packages: Bottles, Cartons, Jars, Shrink, Pails, Drums, Totes, Supersacs and Bulk. Chemical Toll Manufacturing and Packaging Services. ECONOPAC 490 Midwest Rd Scarborough ON M1P 3A9 Tel: 416-750-7200 Web: www.econopac.com Sr Sales/ Mktg Mgr: Jaime Carney Type of products packaged: Food, Liquid, Paper, Samples, Pharmaceuticals Type of packages: Shrink Sleeves, Flow/Overwrapping, Micro Couponing,Tipping and Fugitive Gluing, Labeling, POP & Display Assembly, Form/Fill/Seal Single Dosage, Other: Kitting and Hand Assembly, Blister Packaging, Door and Bottle Hangers, Shrink Wrapping, Carton Folding and Insertion. SQF2 Approved, Clean Room ELOPAK CANADA INC. 3720 ave des Grandes Tourelles Boisbriand QC J7H 0A1 Tel: 450-970-2846 Fax: 514-326-3307 Web: www.elopak.com Plant Mgr: Patricia Rothos Sales Mgr: Evelyn Rasmussen Type of products packaged: Powders, granulars and small pieces (food and non-food), liquid, Contract Packaging Type of packages: Juice, eggs, milk cartons, liquid & dry filled gable top cartons FILLAB INC. 11750 4th Av RDP Montreal QC H1E 5Y2 Tel: 514494-8286 Fax: 514-643-1518 Email: info@fillab. com Web: www.fillab.com Ops Mgr: Jean-Francois Paquin Type of products packaged: Dry, Liquid, Powders, Pharmaceuticals; Contract Packaging Services CGMP - Tablets, Capsules, SoftGels, Creams, Liquids, Powders, Licences Health Canada HPFB/DGPSA and Controlled Substances Pharmaceuticals, Cosmetics, Nutritional Supplements, Natural Health Products. Type of packages: Blister, Bottles, Cartons, Form/Fill/Seal, Jars, Shrink; Blister Pack Machine: PVC-PVDCAclar-Foil/Foil, Bottles Filling Machine: Tablets/ Capsules, Liquid/Cream Pouches, FFS-Filling Machine: Cream, Powder, Tubes Filling Machines: Plastic & Metal Tubes, Ampoules/Vials Filling Machines: Plastic & Glass, 3D-Blistel FFS: Cream, Liquid GH MANUFACTURING INC. 101 Petrie Place Belleville ON K8N5T3 Tel: 613961-8860 Email: inquiries@ghmanufacturing.com Web: www.ghmanufacturing.com Pres: Guenther Huettlin Sales Mgr: Guenther Huettlin Kim Egan Type of products packaged: Dry products, products for the hygienic markets, Club pallets Type of packages: Shrinkwrap, semi-automatic cartoning, semi-automatic bag packing, flow wrap, displayready pallets, repacks, inspections, container changes GOLDRICH PRINTPAK INC. 100 Industry St Toronto ON M6M 4L8 Tel: 416769-9000 Fax: 416-769-5454 Email: info@ goldpak.com Web: www.goldpak.com Pres: Leslie Goldberg Type of products packaged: Blister, Plastic to Plastic Sealing, Skin, Shrimk Wrap, Display Builds and Filling, Light Assembly, Boxing, Bagging Type of packages: Blister Packs, Skin Packs, Folding Cartons, Displays Corrugated or Fibre Boxboard, Shrinkwrapping, Conveyor Assembly, Light Manufacturing JONES HEALTHCARE GROUP 3000 Page St London ON N5V 5H3 Tel: 519-4512100 800-265-9093 Fax: 519-451-2107 Email: info@joneshealthcaregroup.com Web: www. joneshealthcaregroup.com Pres: Ron Harris Sr VP: David Dembski Type of products packaged: Dry, Liquid, Pastes, Powders, Capsules, Tablets, Pharmaceuticals, Nutraceuticals, Cosmetics, Medical Devices. Type of packages: Folding Cartons, Blisters, Bottles, Pouches, Travel Vials, Form/Fill/Seal, Serialized Packaging. LABELINK PRODUCTS INC. 9201 Claveau Montreal Quebec H1J 2C8 Tel: 800786-1770 Fax: 514-328-1887 Email: Contactus@ Labelink.ca Web: www.labelink.ca Pres: Stephen Bouchard Sales Mgr: Martin Vachon VP Operations Victor Tortis Type of products packaged: Pharmaceutical, Food, Neutraceutical Type of packages: Bottles, Shrink, Jars, Cartons LES EMBALLAGES KNOWLTON / KNOWLTON PACKAGING 315 ch Knowlton Knowlton QC J0E 1V0 Tel: 450243-6161 Fax: 450-243-0559 Pres: Nick Whitley VP-Finance: Pierre Prudhomme. VP-Sls/Mktg: Mario Allaire Type of products packaged: Health & Beauty, A/P-DEO, Facial Care, Sun Care, Nail Care, Hair Colour Type of packages: Tubes, Bottles, Jars, Canister, Cartons, Shrink MENASHA PACKAGING CANADA LP 35 Precidio Court Brampton ON L6S 6B7 Tel: 905792-7092 PLANET A 145 Industrial Parkway South Aurora Ontario L4G 3V5 Tel: 844-356-9426 Email: hello@ planetacopacking.com Web: https:// planetacopacking.com/ Pres: Nicholas Reichenbach Plant Mgr: Camelia Rotarita Sales Mgr: Paul Burleson Type of products packaged: Liquid Type of packages: Aeseptic, Mostly Plant Based, Tetra Pak, Sustainable, B Corp RECURVE SOLUTIONS 24-56 FREEPORT CRESCENT NE CALGARY AB T3J 0T7 Tel: 403-970-7155 Email: EIRA@ RECURVESOLUTIONS.CA Web: WWW. RECURVESOLUTIONS.CA Pres: STEPHEN PETERS Plant Mgr: ADRIAN HOUSER Sales Mgr: EIRA BRAUN-LABOSSIERE DARREN BOLKO Type of products packaged: Supporting growing to medium sized businesses, we are secondary co-packers of shelf-stable food, beverage, beer, liquor, pet treats and various types of consumer packaged goods. We can perform manual primary co-packing of foodstuffs that are not intended for human consumption. Type of packages: We assemble variety packs and mix packs, attach value-add gift PACKAGE MAKERS/SERVICES
CANADIANPACKAGING.COM July/August 2022 · CANADIANPACKAGING 99 with purchase items or coupons. Assemble and load retail displays, including pallet displays (DRP). Perform kitting services, pick + pack, e-commerce order fulfillment. REPACK CANADA & THE FREELANCE PORTFOLIO 130 Claireville Dr Toronto ON M9W 5Y3 Tel: 416656-6227 877-804-4841 Fax: 416-736-4442 Email: info@repackcanada.com Web: www. repackcanada.com Pres: Carol Levy Plant Mgr: Kate Stephen Sales Mgr: Eira Braun-Labossiere Jennifer Stephen Type of products packaged: Foods, pharmaceuticals, natural health care, first aid kit supplies, secondary packaging of prepackaged foods, pharmaceuticals, liquor, personal care products, household goods and more. Type of packages: Shrinkfilm, secondary packaging, design, build, pack in-store displays, flowwrapping, bundle wrapping, auto bagging system, auto cartoning. ROOTREE 1-5295 John Lucas Dr Burlington ON L7L 6A8 Tel: 905-336-7875 1-833-ROOTREE (766-8733) Email: sales@rootree.ca Web: https://rootree.ca/ Pres: Phil St-Cyr Plant Mgr: Soek A’walia Sales Mgr: Pia Simran Dan Koz Type of products packaged: Dry, foods, liquid, pastes, powders, dry granular, pharmaceuticals. Type of packages: Flexible pouches, bottles, cartons, form/fill/seal, jars, tubes. SARONG NORTH AMERICA INC. 2465 Cawthra Rd, Unit 121-122 Mississauga ON L5A 3P2 Tel: 905-272-3699 Web: www. sarongnorthamerica.ca Sales Mgr: Michael Radlo Type of products packaged: Food & Beverage, Household, Personal Care, Pharmaceuticals Type of packages: Single Severe Form/Fill/Seal Containers, Capsules, Blisters, Other STURGEON VALLEY FERTILIZERS Box 278 57402 RR 252A Legal AB T0G 1L0 Tel: 780-961-3088 Fax: 780-961-3084 Web: www. svfltd.ca Plant Mgr: Eric Cyr Sales Mgr: Louis Cyr Type of products packaged: Dry, Ice melts, Fertilizers Type of packages: Open mouth, paper,Plastic CONVERTERS OF PAPERS, FILMS, F OILS ACORN PACKAGING INC. 563 Queensway E Mississauga ON L5A 3X6 Tel: 800-461-1361 Fax: 905-279-3234 Email: sales@ acornpkg.com Web: www.acornpkg.com Materials Converted: Films, Foils, Papers Facilities: Bagmaking, Coating, Flexo, Laminating AHEARN & SOPER INC. 100 Woodbine Downs Blvd Toronto ON M9W 5S6 Tel: 416-675-3999 800-263-4258 Fax: 416-6753457 Email: salesdept@ahearn.com Web: www. ahearn.com Materials Converted: Papers, Films, Tags Facilities: Diecutting, Flexo ALL-FILL INC. 418 Creamery Way Exton PA 19341-2500 Tel: 610524-7350 866-455-3455 Fax: 610-524-7346 Email: info@all-fill.com Web: www.all-fill.com Materials Converted: Papers, Films, Foils Facilities: Laminating, flexo, hot stamping, cold foil, embossing, diecutting, multipanel labels ALPHAPOLY CORP 296 Walker Drive Brampton ON L6T 4B3 Tel: 905789-6770 Fax: 905-789-6773 Web: www. alphapoly.com Pres: Patrick Kerrigan Plant Mgr: Alex Bennely Sales Mgr: Derek Lawr Materials Converted: films Facilities: flexo print to 10 cols, laminations, slitting, bagmaking, pouches ARAN USA 1704 Poplar Drive Ext. Greer South Carolina 29651 Tel: 864-479-0024 Web: www.aran.co.il Materials Converted: Films Facilities: Bagmaking ASL PRINT FX LTD. A-1 Royal Gate Blvd Vaughan ON L4L 8Z7 Tel: 416798-7310 800-263-2368 Fax: 905-264-1529 Email: reachout@aslprintfx.com Web: www. aslprintfx.com Exec Asst: Andrea Lopez Materials Converted: Papers, Films, Foils Facilities: Laminating, Flexo, Hot Stamping, Cold Foil, Embossing, Diecutting, Multipanel Labels ATLANTIC COATED PAPERS 1605 McEwen Dr. Whitby ON L1N7L4 Tel: 416-2991675 Email: info@acp99.com Web: www. atlanticcoatedpapers.com Pres: David Granovsky Plant Mgr: Sylvain Jutras Sales Mgr: Pascal Risler Materials Converted: Paper, Film, Foil Facilities: Poly-Coating, Poly-Lamination, Flexo Printing, Slitting/Rewind ATLANTIC PRODUCTSPACKAGINGLTD. 111 Progress Ave Toronto ON M1P 2Y9 Tel: 416298-8101 800-268-5620 Fax: 416-297-2218 Email: marketing@atlantic.ca Web: www.atlantic. ca Pres: David Boles Sales Mgr: Vito Mangialardi Luis Prior, Director of Marketing Other plants: Brampton, Scarborough, Mississauga, Whitby, Ingersoll Materials Converted: Recycled Linerboard Facilities: Box converting plants and recycled paper mills. CHANTLER PACKAGES INC. 880 Lakeshore Rd. E. Mississauga ON L5E 1E1 Tel: 905-274-2533 Fax: 905-274-9522 Email: info@ chantlerpackages.com Web: chantlerpackages.com Pres: Ammad Asif, COO Plant Mgr: Muhammad Abdullah Sales Mgr: Adnan Sharif Materials Converted: LLDPE, CPP and BOPP films Facilities: printing, bagmaking, slitting and micro-perfing. COVERTECH FLEXIBLE PACKAGING 279 Humberline Dr Etobicoke ON M9W 5T6 Tel: 416-798-1340 800-837-8961 Fax: 416-798-1342 Email: sales@covertechflex.com Web: www. covertechflex.com Vice-Pres: John Starr Materials Converted: Papers, Films, Foils Facilities: Bagmaking, Flexo, Laminating CROWN PACKAGING PO Box 94188 Richmond BC V6Y 2A4 Tel: 604277-7111 Pres: Joe Knoll Plant Mgr: Larry Davis, Dave Konarski Sales Mgr: Brent Giles, Bob McQueen Materials Converted: Papers Facilities: Coating, Bagmaking, Tissue Winding, Napkins, Counter Rolls, Roll Heads, Packing Sheets DECO LABELS & FLEXIBLE PACKAGING 28 Greensboro Dr Toronto ON M9W 1E1 Tel: 416247-7878 Fax: 416-247-9030 Email: sales@ decolabels.com Web: www.decolabels.com Materials Converted: Papers, Films and Foils Facilities: Diecutting, Laminating and Flexo, Basewraps, Can wraps, Cold foil, de-lam re-lam print-on adhesive, Instant redeemable coupons, Multipaneled extended content labels, Re-sealable hinged labels, Re-sealable packaging for meat, produce and personal care, Rotary silkscreen, Shrink sleeves, Tags. Roll to Roll film, Shrink Sleeves DONWAY PACKAGING CORP. LTD. 12 Principal Rd Scarborough ON M1R 4Z3 Tel: 416494-5400 877-504-7041 Fax: 416-494-5409 Email: info@donwaypackaging.com Web: www. donwaypackaging.com Pres: James Molloy Plant Mgr: Lambert Grant Sales Mgr: Margarita Molloy Materials Converted: Papers Facilities: Diecutting, Slitting, Rewinding, Sheeting and Guillotining DURAFAST LABEL COMPANY 2-53 Queens Plate Dr Etobicoke ON M9W 6P1 Fax: 416-981-3071 Email: sales@sector9.ca Web: www.durafastlabel.ca Materials Converted: Papers Facilities: Coating, Diecutting, Laminating, Letterpress ELOPAK CANADA INC. 3720 ave des Grandes Tourelles Boisbriand QC J7H 0A1 Tel: 450-970-2846 Fax: 514-326-3307 Web: www.elopak.com Plant Mgr: Patricia Rothos Sales Mgr: Evelyn Rasmussen Materials Converted: Papers, Foils Facilities: Converted Polyethylene Board and Foil Laminated Board. Diecutting and Creasing, Flexo and Litho Printing EMMERSON PACKAGING 12 Tupper Blvd Amherst Nova Scotia B4H 4S7 Tel: 902-661-7286 Email: emmersonpackaging.comngreen@Web: www. emmersonpackaging.com Pres: Stephen Emmerson Plant Mgr: Jonathan White Sales Mgr: Aaron McLean Other plants: Belleville, Ontario Materials Converted: films, plastic Facilities: Bag making, lamination, product innovation, pre-press design, extrusion, flexographic printing, converting FARNELL PACKAGING LIMITED 30 Isley Ave Dartmouth NS B3B 1L3 Tel: 902-4689378 800-565-9378 Fax: 902-468-3192 Web: www.farnell.ns.ca Pres: B. Morash Plant Mgr: A. O’Leary Sales Mgr: N. MacMillan V.P. Operations: D. Christianson Materials Converted: Films, Foils Facilities: PE Film Extruder, Flexographic Printer, Rollstock/Bag/Sheet Converter. Manufacturer with 60 year history providing flexible packaging solutions. FORTE LABELS AND SHRINK SLEEVES INC. 2-77 Courtland Ave Richmond Hill ON L4S 3S9 Tel: 905-669-7426 Fax: 905-669-7602 Email: adnan@ fortelabels.com Web: www.fortelabels.com Pres: Khald Shah Plant Mgr: James McLean Sales Mgr: Denis Cancellara VP-Operations: Adnan Shah Systems: UV Flexo /10 Colors / Rotary Screen / 2 x Cold Filing Digital / 8 Colors. Categories Served: Food, Beverage, Personal Care/Cosmetics, Household, Pharmaceutical / Nutraceutical. FPC FLEXIBLE CORPORATIONPACKAGING 1891 Eglinton Ave. E. Scarborough ON M1L2L7 Tel: 416-288-3060 Email: sales@fpcflexible.com Web: www.fpcflexible.com Pres: Brent Brewer Plant Mgr: Glen Beharry Sales Mgr: Steve Marsden Materials Converted: Paper, Film & Foils Facilities: Flexo, Gravure, Wax Coating, Solvent/Solvent-less Adhesive, laminating, poly-coating, rewind/slitting GH MANUFACTURING INC. 101 Petrie Place Belleville ON K8N5T3 Tel: 613961-8860 Email: inquiries@ghmanufacturing.com Web: www.ghmanufacturing.com Pres: Guenther Huettlin Sales Mgr: Guenther Huettlin Kim Egan Materials Converted: Polyethylene film Facilities: Bagmaking on high-tech, high-speed lines, a wide range of sizes, including small PE bags, zipper, drawstring closures GOLDRICH PRINTPAK INC. 100 Industry St Toronto ON M6M 4L8 Tel: 416769-9000 Fax: 416-769-5454 Email: info@ goldpak.com Web: www.goldpak.com Pres: Leslie Goldberg Materials Converted: Papers. Facilities: Litho, Hot Stamping, Embossing, Diecutting, Creasing, Scoring, Folding, Coating, UV Coating INDUSTRIAL MARKING SYSTEMS INC. 9000 Henri Bourassa O St Laurent QC H4S 1L5 Tel: 514-336-3213 888-336-3213 Fax: 514-745-2923 Email: info@imsinc.ca Web: www.imsinc.ca Pres: Jean Ethier Plant Mgr: Jean Ethier Sales Mgr: Michel Sirois Materials Converted: Papers, Films, Foils Facilities: Diecutting, Flexoprinting, Laminating, Coating, Creasing, Scoring INTEPLAST BAGS AND FILMS CORPORATION - HAREMAR PLASTIC MANUFACTURING DIVISION 200 Great Gulf Dr Vaughan ON L4K 4W1 Tel: 905761-7552 Fax: 905-761-2808 Web: www.haremar. com Pres: Mark Lichtblau Materials Converted: Papers, Films, Foils. Manufacturer of consumer retail trash bags and converter/laminating grade polyethylene films JONES HEALTHCARE GROUP 3000 Page St London ON N5V 5H3 Tel: 519-4512100 800-265-9093 Fax: 519-451-2107 Email: info@joneshealthcaregroup.com Web: www. joneshealthcaregroup.com Pres: Ron Harris Sr VP: David Dembski Materials Converted: Paper, Film, Foils Facilities: Bagmaking, Coating, Flexo, Laminating, Litho, Pressure Sensitive Labels, Intelligent Packaging, Laser Labels, Paper Bags. LABELINK PRODUCTS INC. 9201 Claveau Montreal Quebec H1J 2C8 Tel: 800786-1770 Fax: 514-328-1887 Email: Contactus@ Labelink.ca Web: www.labelink.ca Pres: Stephen Bouchard Sales Mgr: Martin Vachon VP Operations Victor Tortis Materials Converted: Paper, Films, Tag Facilities: Flexo, diecutting, embossing, hotstamping,cold-Stamping, laminting, Flexible packaging, Digital MENASHA PACKAGING CANADA LP 35 Precidio Court Brampton ON L6S 6B7 Tel: 905792-7092 NETPAK 9055 Impasse de l’Invention Anjou Québec H1J 3A7 Tel: 514-645-8412 866-399-8544 Email: sales@netpak.com Web: www.netpak.com Materials Converted: Paperboard Facilities: coating, creasing, diecutting, embossing, hotstamping, offset printing, lithography, perforating, scoring, manufacturing, debossing, cellophane window patching, stripping and cutting PEEL PLASTIC PRODUCTS LTD. 49 Rutherford Rd S Brampton ON L6W 3J3 Tel: 905-456-3660 Fax: 905-456-0870 Web: www. peelplastics.com Pres: Bill Troost Materials Converted: Films Facilities: Bagmaking, Coating, Flexo, Laminating ROOTREE 1-5295 John Lucas Dr Burlington ON L7L 6A8 Tel: 905-336-7875 1-833-ROOTREE (766-8733) Email: sales@rootree.ca Web: https://rootree.ca/ Pres: Phil St-Cyr Plant Mgr: Soek A’walia Sales Mgr: Pia Simran Dan Koz Materials Converted: Conventional, recyclable, and compostable films. Facilities: Digital printing, laminating, and converting. SCANPACK INC. 2715 Bristol Circle #1 Oakville Ontario L6H6X5 Tel: 647-794-1353 Email: hello@scanpack.ca Web: https://www.scanpack.ca Pres: Steve Cussons Plant Mgr: Victoria Shea Sales Mgr: Oliver RadleySmith Facilities: litho, digital coating, diecutting, embossing, laminating, glue/fold, SPICERS CANADA 200 Galcat Drive Vaughan ON L4L 0B9 Tel: 905265-5000 877-790-2335 Email: contactus@ spicers.ca Web: www.spicers.ca Pres: Cory Turner Plant Mgr: James Tovell Sales Mgr: Matthew Serwin Materials Converted: Roll to sheet custom size paper converting onto press ready skids Facilities: Toronto: Paper Converting Winnipeg: Paper Converting Montreal: Rewinding & Slitting TAPP LABEL COMPANY 999 Progress Ave Toronto ON M1B 6J1 Tel: 416321-7889 800-668-4405 Fax: 416-332-2389 Web: www.metrolabel.com Pres: Sandeep Lal VP-Sales: Vinod Sharma Other plants: Langley BC, 604-513-4119 Facilities: Laminating, Coating, Letterpress, Litho, Flexo, Hot Stamping, Embossing, Diecutting, Expanded Content Labels, De-lan/Re-lan, Coupons, Tags, Glue Applied Labels TC PACKAGINGTRANSCONTINENTAL 8700 Bryn Mawr Ave. 1000N Chicago IL 60631 Tel: 773-877-3300 866-439-6050 Email: packaging@ tc.tc Web: www.tc.tc/packaging Materials Converted: films and foils TEKPAKSOLUTIONS 1-44 Ditton Drive Hamilton Ontario L8W 0A9 Tel: 416-505-3839 Email: info@tekpaksolutions.com Web: www.tekpaksolutions.com Pres: Robert Pocius Sales Mgr: Lisa Hamilton Materials Converted: All flexible packaging-specializing in Biodegadable Films Facilities: Laminated & Printed Bags & Pouches & Rollstock Biodegradable Flexo & Gravure TEMPO FLEXIBLE PACKAGING 2237 Industrial Park Road Innisfil Ontario L9S 3V9 Tel: 705-436-4442 888-436-4444 prepress,Converted:www.tempoflexiblepackaging.comcontactus@tempoflexiblepackaging.comEmail:Web:MaterialsFilmsFacilities:flexo,laminating,bagmaking,extrusion WEDLOCK PAPER CONVERTERS LTD. 2327 Stanfield Rd Mississauga ON L4Y 1R6 Tel: 905-277-9461 705-456-9405 Fax: 905-272-3625 Email: info@wedlockpaper.com Web: www. wedlockpaper.com Pres: Sean Wedlock Plant Mgr: Mauro Tambasco Sales Mgr: Michael Stager Materials Converted: Papers & Foils Facilities: Bagmaking, Gravure, Flexo, Laminating, Slitting, Hot Melt Coatings WINPAK LTD. 100 Saulteaux Cres Winnipeg MB R3J 3T3 Tel: 204-889-1015 Fax: 204-832-7781 Web: www. winpak.com Pres: B J Berry Dir-Prod: Graeme Hall. Sales Mgr/Pres-Winpak Div: D A Johns Other plants: Toronto, Montreal, Chicago, Senoia, Peoria, San Berandino Materials Converted: Papers, Films & Foil Facilities: Laminating, Coating, Bagmaking, Letterpress, Gravure, Flexo, Embossing, Diecutting, Creasing, Scoring WINPAK PORTION PACKAGING LTD. 6 Wedgeport Court Nobleton ON L7B0A4 Tel: 416399-8050 Web: www.winpak.com Sales Mgr: Robert Graham Materials Converted: Papers, films,rigid containers Facilities: All DIGITAL IMAGING & PRE-PRESS BENECO PACKAGING|SOOPAK.COMCUSTOM 3640 McNicol Ave., Scarborough ON M1X 1G5 Tel: 905-677-2888 855-755-7225 Email: info@ benecopackaging.com Web: benecopackaging. com/ Pres: YJ Jiang Plant Mgr: Roy Amm Sales Mgr: Tony Li Services: Prepress, Artwork Desing, Dieline Design, Mockup, CAD Sample DURAFAST LABEL COMPANY 2-53 Queens Plate Dr Etobicoke ON M9W 6P1 Fax: 416-981-3071 Email: sales@sector9.ca Web: www.durafastlabel.ca Services: Labels GLENMORE CUSTOM PRINT & PACKAGING 13751 Mayfield Place Richmond BC V6V 2G9 Tel: 604-273-6323 866-333-6323 Web: glenmorecustomprint.com GOLDRICH PRINTPAK INC. 100 Industry St Toronto ON M6M 4L8 Tel: 416769-9000 Fax: 416-769-5454 Email: info@ goldpak.com Web: www.goldpak.com Pres: Leslie Goldberg Services: Creative Art Services, Wide Format Printing, Computer-to-plate, Prototyping, CAD/CAM Structural Design, Creative Art Design GRAPHIC INTERNATIONALPACKAGINGCANADA 7830 Tranmere Dr Mississauga ON L5S 1L9 Tel: 905-678-8211 Fax: 905-678-7233 Web: www. cascades.com Sales Mgr: Mike Sharpe JONES HEALTHCARE GROUP 3000 Page St London ON N5V 5H3 Tel: 519-4512100 800-265-9093 Fax: 519-451-2107 Email: info@joneshealthcaregroup.com Web: www. joneshealthcaregroup.com Pres: Ron Harris Sr VP: David Dembski Services: Prepress LABELINK PRODUCTS INC. 9201 Claveau Montreal Quebec H1J 2C8 Tel: 800786-1770 Fax: 514-328-1887 Email: Contactus@ Labelink.ca Web: www.labelink.ca Pres: Stephen Bouchard Sales Mgr: Martin Vachon VP Operations Victor Tortis Services: Digital, Prepress MENASHA PACKAGING CANADA LP PACKAGE MAKERS/SERVICES
SPEEDWAY MACHINERYPACKAGING 10 Gormley Industrial Ave Unit 2-3
Email: info@propack.ca Web: www.propack.ca Pres: Chris Follows Sales Mgr: Daibidh Millman SCHAWK CANADA INC. 1620 Tech Ave Mississauga
Email: contactus@spmi.ca Web: www.spmi.ca Plant
Dir Sls: Jeff Abbott Type of containers and materials produced: Corrugated packaging, POP displays, label laminating, pre-print. PACKAGING TECHNOLOGIES INC. 310 Courtland Ave Concord ON L4K 4Y6 Tel: 905738-8226 800-303-5883 Fax: 905-738-6182 Email: tim.boissinot@ptibox.com Web: www. ptibox.com Pres: Tim Boissinot Plant Mgr: Clarence Brown Type of containers and materials produced: Corrugated Boxes, Point of Purchase Displays, Folding Cartons, Retail Ready Packaging PLANET A 145 Industrial Parkway South Aurora Ontario L4G 3V5 Tel: 844-356-9426 Email: hello@ planetacopacking.com Web: https:// planetacopacking.com/ Pres: Nicholas Reichenbach Plant Mgr: Camelia Rotarita Sales Mgr: Paul Burleson PRINTINGBLUE 5837 De Zavala Rd, Ste 690325 SAN ANTONIO TX 78269-0638 Tel: 416-907-6181 Email: support@ printingblue.com Web: https://www.printingblue. ca/ Sales Mgr: James Scott WESTROCK 1000 Abernathy Rd NE Atlanta GA 30328 Tel: 770448-2193 Web: www.westrock.com MATERIAL RECOVERY CASCADES RECOVERY INC. 66 Shorncliffe Rd Etobicoke ON M8Z 5K1 Tel: 416232-8808 866-751-1004 Fax: 416-232-6061 Email: contact@recoverycascades.com Web: www.cascadesrecovery.ca CEO: Albino Metauro. COO: Anthony Metauro. VP: Gary Sexton. Paper Recovery/Recycling (Office Paper/OCC, etc); Wood Pallets; Secure Destruction; Organic Waste; Hazardous Materials; Waste Audits/Assessments (BOMA, LEED compliant) Mixed Plastics; Metal Recovery; E-waste; Grease/Food Oil; General Refuse; Marketing/Communications; Tenant/Staff/ Housekeeping Awareness & Education; Environmental Certificates and Diversion Reports; Compactor/Baler Installation and Servicing; Equipment Supply. ECOBIOPLAS INC 29 Urquhart Court Aurora Ontario L4G 0K5 Tel: 416-807-3316 Web: www.ecobioplas.com Pres: Susan George Plant Mgr: Zubin George Sales Mgr: Mohan George NUTRITION FACTS GRAPHICS BARCODE GRAPHICS INC. 5-25 Brodie Drive Richmond Hill ON L4B 3K7 Tel: 905-770-1154 Fax: 905-787-1575 Email: info@ barcodegraphics.com Web: www.barcodegraphics. com Pres: John Herzig Sales Mgr: Connie Furtado GOLDRICH PRINTPAK INC. 100 Industry St Toronto ON M6M 4L8 Tel: 416769-9000 Fax: 416-769-5454 Email: info@ goldpak.com Web: www.goldpak.com Pres: Leslie Goldberg MENASHA PACKAGING CANADA LP 35 Precidio Court Brampton ON L6S 6B7 Tel: 905792-7092 REPACK CANADA & THE FREELANCE PORTFOLIO 130 Claireville Dr Toronto ON M9W 5Y3 Tel: 416656-6227 877-804-4841 Fax: 416-736-4442 Email: info@repackcanada.com Web: www. repackcanada.com Pres: Carol Levy Plant Mgr: Kate Stephen Sales Mgr: Eira Braun-Labossiere Jennifer Stephen PACKAGE DESIGNERS & CONSULTANTS ANTHEM WORLDWIDE 1620 Tech Ave Mississauga ON L4W 5P4 Tel: 905219-1700 Fax: 905-219-166 Web: VP-Client Integration: Anne Dean ASTRO BOX CORP. 1-117 Basaltic Rd Concord ON L4K 1G4 Tel: 905695-8788 866-255-5328 Fax: 905-695-8791 Email: info@astroboxcorp.com Web: www. astroboxcorp.com Pres: Charles Parlagreco ATLANTIC PRODUCTSPACKAGINGLTD. 111 Progress Ave Toronto ON M1P 2Y9 Tel: 416298-8101 800-268-5620 Fax: 416-297-2218 Email: marketing@atlantic.ca Web: www.atlantic. ca Pres: David Boles Sales Mgr: Vito Mangialardi Luis Prior, Director of Marketing BENECO PACKAGING|SOOPAK.COMCUSTOM 3640 McNicol Ave., Scarborough ON M1X 1G5 Tel: 905-677-2888 855-755-7225 Email: info@ benecopackaging.com Web: benecopackaging. com/ Pres: YJ Jiang Plant Mgr: Roy Amm Sales Mgr: Tony Li PACKAGE MAKERS/SERVICES
Kent Edmunds SPS/PHIN LIMITED 631-420 Main St E Milton
Tel: 416298-2151 Fax: 416-298-2170 Email: inquiry@ spsphin.com Web: www.spsphin.com Original equipment manufacturer (Phin labellers) and designer of complementary packaging machinery. Project Management, line integration, commissioning and training. Food, beverage, pharmaceutical, personal care, household chemical. ENGINEERINGSTEELNOR/INVENTURE&MACHINERY INC. 511 Welham Rd Barrie ON L4N 8Z6 Tel: 705-7259750 Fax: 705-725-8086 Email: pack@steelnor. com Web: www.steelnor.com Pres: Gary Nychka Plant Mgr: Ron McCutcheon Sales Mgr: Paul Wagner David Steele STOCK PACKAGING CANADA 815A Tecumseh Pointe-Claire QC H9R 4B1 Tel: 514-426-1266 844-426-1266 Fax: 514-426-1200 Email: info@stockcanada.ca Web: www. stockcanada.ca Pres: Eric Williamson Dir: Eric Williamson; Sales: Jason Miller STORCAN 215 Industriel Blvd. Chateauguay QC J6J 4Z2 Tel: 450-698-2158 800-361-9073 Email: info@ storcan.com Web: https://www.storcan.com Pres: Jean-Martin Savoie Sales Mgr: Isidoro Coppola, Michael Meynckens, Hugo Lorquet TRI-MACH GROUP INC. 23 Donway Ct Elmira ON N3B 0B1 Tel: 519-7446565 877-874-6224 Fax: 519-744-6829 Email: info@tri-mach.com Web: www.tri-mach.com Plant Mgr: Michael Hann Sales Mgr: Krystal Darling WESTROCK 1000 Abernathy Rd NE Atlanta GA 30328 Tel: 770448-2193 Web: www.westrock.com MANUFACTURERS OF CORRUGATED BOXES, ETC. ATLANTIC PRODUCTSPACKAGINGLTD. 111 Progress Ave Toronto ON M1P 2Y9 Tel: 416298-8101 800-268-5620 Fax: 416-297-2218 Email: marketing@atlantic.ca Web: www.atlantic. ca Pres: David Boles Sales Mgr: Vito Mangialardi Luis Prior, Director of Marketing Type of containers and materials produced: All Types of Corrugated Cartons Production facilities: Complete Corrugated Including Die Presses CARTONEK 645 rue des Martinets St-Lambert de Lauzon Québec G0S 2W0 Tel: 418-520-6895 Email: robertv@groupeaptas.com Web: www.cartonek. com Robert Vallee Type of containers and materials produced: Corrugated CASCADES PACKAGINGCONTAINERBOARD 1061 rue Parent Saint-Bruno QC J3V 6R7 Tel: 450461-8600 866-735-2635 Fax: 450-461-8636 Web: www.cascades.com Pres: Charles Malo Type of containers and materials produced: Corrugated products CENTRAL GRAPHICS & CONTAINER GROUP 5526 Timberlea Blvd Mississauga ON L4W 2T7 Tel: 905-238-8400 Fax: 905-238-8127 Email:
219-1620 Fax:
1G0 Tel:
gluing, slotting
563-9400 877-924-3337 Fax:
L4W 5P4 Tel:
MULTIVAC CANADA INC. 6 Abacus Rd Brampton ON L6T 5B7 Tel: 905-2641170 877-264-1170 Fax: 905-264-0227 info@ca.multivac.com Web: ca.multivac.com Evan Segalowitz Sales Mgr: 905905-563-7224 ON 905905-219-1677 Mgr: Neil Sales Mgr: Cockerill Gormley ON L0H 905-888-5344 905-888-5374 Mgr: ON L9T 5G3 askus@ centralgrp.com www.centralgrp.com Sales Mgr: Rick Eastwood Type of containers and materials produced: Specialists in direct print of quality graphics on corrugated, for retail packaging & display in addition to traditional corrugated packaging. Production facilities: 1 to 5 colour printing, diecutting, rotary diecutting, specialty folding & CORRUPAL 225 av Liberte Candiac QC J5R 3X8 Tel: 450-6384222 Fax: 450-638-3839 Pres: James Garfinkle Plant Mgr: Pierre Aubry Sales Mgr: Mike Goriani Type of containers and materials produced: all Types of Corrugated Boxes. Production facilities: Corrugating, Flexo-Folder-Gluing, Diecutting, Stitching, Taping MOORE CORPORATIONPACKAGING John St Barrie ON L4N 2L4 Tel: 705-737-1023 Fax: 705-737-5579 Web: www.moorepackaging. com Pres: Dan Fraber CEO: Peter B Moore.
Paul Marsden Phil Crozier High pressure pasturization, Thermoform/ Rollstock machines, Vacuum/gas flush packaging machines. NJM 5600 rue Kieran Saint-Laurent QC H4S 2B5 Tel: 514-337-6990 Fax: 514-335-0801 Email: info@ NJMPackaging.com Web: www.njmpackaging.com Pres: Michel Lapierre Plant Mgr: Steve LeDuc Sales Mgr: Mark Laroche NUSPARK INC. 400 Steeprock Dr Toronto ON M3J 2X1 Tel: 416663-7071 Fax: 416-663-0233 Email: sales@ nuspark.com Web: www.nuspark.com PLAN AUTOMATION INC. 5 Loring Drive Bolton ON L7E 1Y1 Tel: 647-9809210 416-720-7875 Fax: 416-479-0787 Email: info@planautomation.com Web: www. planautomation.com Pres: JP Perreault Plant Mgr: Mat Bédard Sales Mgr: JP Perreault Mat Bédard, VP, COO PROPACK PROCESSING & PACKAGING SYSTEMS INC. 4902 Union Rd Beamsville ON L0R 1B4 Tel:
Web: www.schawk. com Plant
Web: www.corrupal.com Pres: Martin Terrault Plant Mgr: Claude Boyer Sales Mgr: Laurie Du Temple Quirion Type of containers and materials produced: Corrugated Pallets, Boxes and Bracing CROWN PACKAGING PO Box 94188 Richmond BC V6Y 2A4 Tel: 604277-7111 Pres: Joe Knoll Plant Mgr: Larry Davis, Dave Konarski Sales Mgr: Brent Giles, Bob McQueen Type of containers and materials produced: Corrugated sheets & containers. DIVERSCO GLOBAL PACKAGING INC. 495 Conestoga Boulevard Cambridge Ontario N1R 7P4 Tel: 519-740-1210 800-661-9955 Fax: 519740-7303 Email: jmartin@diversco.com Web: www.diverscoglobalpackaging.com Pres: Jean Martin Plant Mgr: Chris Connor Sales Mgr: Doug Gibson Type of containers and materials produced: Setup Triplewall Pallet Boxes, Stock and Release Corrugated Boxes, Partitions and Custom Dunnage Solutions GLENMORE CUSTOM PRINT & PACKAGING 13751 Mayfield Place Richmond BC V6V 2G9 Tel: 604-273-6323 866-333-6323 Web: glenmorecustomprint.com GOLDRICH PRINTPAK INC. 100 Industry St Toronto ON M6M 4L8 Tel: 416769-9000 Fax: 416-769-5454 Email: info@ goldpak.com Web: www.goldpak.com Pres: Leslie Goldberg Type of containers and materials produced: E, F, G, N fine flute corrugated for retail and display packaging. Production facilities: Litho Print, Die Cutting, Coating, Windowing and Gluing KRUGER INC. 3285 Bedford Rd Montreal QC H3S 1G5 Tel: 514366-8050 800-361-2845 Fax: 514-366-6489 Email: michael.lafave@kruger.com Web: www. kruger.com Sales Mgr: Mr. Dany Légaré General Manager: Mr. Martin Gingras. Production Manager: Mr. Martin Sauvageau. Technical Service & Quality Manager: Mr. Stéphane Tailly. Type of containers and materials produced: Corrugated boxes, Display boxes MARITIME PAPER PRODUCTS 25 Borden Ave Dartmouth Nova Scotia B3B 1C7 Tel: 902-468-5353 800-565-5353 Email: sales@ maritimepaper.com Web: https://www. maritimepaper.com/ Pres: Sheldon Gouthro Sales Mgr: Geoff Morse Type of containers and materials produced: Maritime Paper produces high quality corrugated packaging products that include the standard brown shipping carton, 7 color flexographic printing, retail displays, specialty folding, die cuts, corrugated pallets, wax cascaded cartons and bulk bins. Production facilities: Maritime Paper has three manufacturing facilities located on the east coast of Canada MENASHA PACKAGING CANADA LP 35 Precidio Court Brampton ON L6S 6B7 Tel: 905792-7092 MITCHEL-LINCOLN PACKAGING LTD. 3737 boul Thimens Ville St Laurent QC H4R 1V1 Tel: 514-332-3480 800-361-5727 Fax: 514-3322039 Email: ml@mitchellincoln.ca Web: www. mitchellincoln.ca
100 CANADIANPACKAGING · July/August 2022 CANADIANPACKAGING.COM 35 Precidio Court Brampton ON L6S 6B7 Tel: 905792-7092 NETPAK 9055 Impasse de l’Invention Anjou Québec H1J 3A7 Tel: 514-645-8412 866-399-8544 Email: sales@netpak.com Web: www.netpak.com Services: computer to plate, multi-line screen management, digital press, color samples and prototypes, graphic design, box conception PACKAGING TECHNOLOGIES INC. 310 Courtland Ave Concord ON L4K 4Y6 Tel: 905738-8226 800-303-5883 Fax: 905-738-6182 Email: tim.boissinot@ptibox.com Web: www. ptibox.com Pres: Tim Boissinot Plant Mgr: Clarence Brown POLYTAINERS INC. 197 Norseman St Toronto ON M8Z 2R5 Tel: 416239-7311 800-268-2424 Fax: 416-239-0596 Email: info@polytainersinc.com Web: www. polytainersinc.com Pres: R K Barrett VP-Sales Craig Mills; Dir-Sales: Kevin Cinel; Bus Dev Mgr: Micheil Jennings ROOTREE 1-5295 John Lucas Dr Burlington ON L7L 6A8 Tel: 905-336-7875 1-833-ROOTREE (766-8733) Email: sales@rootree.ca Web: https://rootree.ca/ Pres: Phil St-Cyr Plant Mgr: Soek A’walia Sales Mgr: Pia Simran Dan Koz Services: Boutique creative agency, branding, package design, social media marketing, online marketing, website development, animation, video, and photography. SCANPACK INC. 2715 Bristol Circle #1 Oakville Ontario L6H6X5 Tel: 647-794-1353 Email: hello@scanpack.ca Web: https://www.scanpack.ca Pres: Steve Cussons Plant Mgr: Victoria Shea Sales Mgr: Oliver RadleySmith Services: full digital up to B2 sheet size, full prepress and design. SPICERS CANADA 200 Galcat Drive Vaughan ON L4L 0B9 Tel: 905265-5000 877-790-2335 Email: contactus@ spicers.ca Web: www.spicers.ca Pres: Cory Turner Plant Mgr: James Tovell Sales Mgr: Matthew Serwin Services: G7 Certification GMI Press-to-proofCalibrationColour Calibration Pre-press Automation Workflow Audits LINE INTEGRATORS CHARLES DOWNER & CO. LTD. 7-52 West Beaver Creek Rd Richmond Hill ON L4B 1L9 Tel: 905-882-2222 Fax: 905-882-0437 Email: info@cdowner.com Web: www.cdowner.com Pres: Jeff Downer Charles Downer, John MacArthur EDSON PACKAGING MACHINERY LTD. 215 Hempstead Dr Hamilton ON L8W 2E6 Tel: 905385-3201 800-493-3766 Fax: 905-385-8775 Email: value@edson.com Web: www.edson.com Pres: Gray Evans FLEXLINK SYSTEMS, INC. 1-1549 Yorkton Crt Burlington ON L7P 5B7 Tel: 905-639-6878 Fax: 905-639-4632 Email: info. ca@flexlink.com Web: www.flexlink.com GEORGE A. WRIGHT & SON TORONTO LTD. 21 State Crown Blvd Toronto ON M1V 4B1 Tel: 416261-6499 Fax: 416-261-8572 Email: sales@ gawto.com Web: www.gawto.com VP: Tom Meikle GEOSAF INC. 803-5605 av de Gaspe Montreal QC H2T 2A4 Tel: 514-331-4147 Fax: 514-331-4226 Email: sales@ geosaf.com Web: www.geosaf.com IMA NORTH AMERICA INC. 7 New Lancaster Rd Leominster MA 01453 Tel: 978-537-8534 800-851-1518 Fax: 978-840-0730 Email: sales@imausa.net Web: www.ima.it JONES HEALTHCARE GROUP 3000 Page St London ON N5V 5H3 Tel: 519-4512100 800-265-9093 Fax: 519-451-2107 Email: info@joneshealthcaregroup.com Web: www. joneshealthcaregroup.com Pres: Ron Harris Sr VP: David Dembski LYNE SYSTEMS 1651 Welch St North Vancouver British Columbia V7P 3G9 Tel: 604-639-7639 Email: info@ lynesystems.com Web: www.lynesystems.com Pres: Mike Gardiner Sales Mgr: Kyle Gardiner MCRAE INTEGRATION LTD. 34 Meridian Rd Etobicoke ON M9W 4Z7 Tel: 416-2528833 Fax: 416-252-0053 Email: marcus.mielke@ mcraeintegration.com Web: www.mcraeintegration. com Pres: Andrew Bentley VP-Sales & Marketing Marcus Mielke Industrial Controls and Automation for process and packaging. Project Management services. Machine Safety Upgrades. Vision based inspection systems. Software solutions for process controls including MES. Rockwell (Allen Bradley) Certified Systems Integrator.
CANADIANPACKAGING.COM July/August 2022 · CANADIANPACKAGING 101 BENECO PACKAGING|SOOPAK.COM Unit B 3640 McNicoll Ave Scarborough ON M1X 1G5 Tel: 905-677-2888 Fax: 905-677-8858 Email: sales@soopak.com Web: www.soopak.com Pres: Yajun Jiang Plant Mgr: Roy Amm Sales Mgr: Richard Martin BERICAP NORTH AMERICA INC. 835 Syscon Crt Burlington ON L7L 6C5 Tel: 905634-2248 Fax: 905-634-7780 Web: www.bericap. com Pres: Scott Ambrose Plant Mgr: Michael Lubrick Sales Mgr: David Watson BERLIN PACKAGING 525 W. Monroe St Chicago IL 60661 Tel: 514-6339247 800-723-7546 Email: andre.lt@ berlinpackaging.com Web: https://www. berlinpackaging.com/ BRIDGEMARK 77 City Centre Dr, East Tower, 2nd Floor Mississauga ON L5B 1M5 Tel: 905-281-7240 866335-9457 Fax: 905-270-3601 Email: info@ bridgemark.agency Web: www.bridgemark.agency Pres: Steve Davis BUCKHORN CANADA INC. 8032 Torbram Rd Brampton ON L6T 3T2 Tel: 905791-6500 800-461-7579 Fax: 905-791-9942 Web: www.buckhorncanada.com Sales Mgr: Tim Walsh Natl VP&Gen Mgr: Jim Morrison CENTRAL GRAPHICS & CONTAINER GROUP 5526 Timberlea Blvd Mississauga ON L4W 2T7 Tel: 905-238-8400 Fax: 905-238-8127 Email: askus@ centralgrp.com Web: www.centralgrp.com Sales Mgr: Rick Eastwood CHARLES DOWNER & CO. LTD. 7-52 West Beaver Creek Rd Richmond Hill ON L4B 1L9 Tel: 905-882-2222 Fax: 905-882-0437 Email: info@cdowner.com Web: www.cdowner.com Pres: Jeff Downer Charles Downer, John MacArthur CHINA BAVORA PRINTED PACKAGING CO., LTD. 4/F., 42 Yi Ai Road Xiamen Fujian 361005 Tel: 592555-8280 Email: bavora@jeawin.com Web: https://www.bavora-printing.com CLIKBO LABS 640 Roselawn Avenue #510 Toronto Ontario M5N 1K9 Tel: 647-504-4934 Web: Instagram @clikbo_ world Pres: Noah Shopsowitz DAVIS DESIGN 77 City Centre Dr West Tower, 2nd Floor Mississauga ON L5B 1M5 Tel: 905-270-2501 Fax: 905-270-3969 Email: info@davisdesign.ca Web: www.davisdesign.ca DIVERSCO GLOBAL PACKAGING INC. 495 Conestoga Boulevard Cambridge Ontario N1R 7P4 Tel: 519-740-1210 800-661-9955 Fax: 519740-7303 Email: jmartin@diversco.com Web: www.diverscoglobalpackaging.com Pres: Jean Martin Plant Mgr: Chris Connor Sales Mgr: Doug Gibson EMMERSON PACKAGING 12 Tupper Blvd Amherst Nova Scotia B4H 4S7 Tel: 902-661-7286 Email: emmersonpackaging.comngreen@Web: www. emmersonpackaging.com Pres: Stephen Emmerson Plant Mgr: Jonathan White Sales Mgr: Aaron McLean GBC DESIGN COMMUNICATIONS 19 Brock Street West Oshawa ON L1G1R2 Tel: 416841-5028 Email: gbc@gbc-design.com Web: gbcdesign.com Pres: G Bruce Chapman GENERAL CONVEYOR INC. 155 Engelhard Dr Aurora ON L4G 3V1 Tel: 905727-7922 Fax: 905-841-1056 Web: www.gccl.com W A Rickard GENPAK - DIV.OF GREAT PACIFIC ENTERPRISES 25 Aylmer St Peterborough ON K9J 6Y8 GLENMORE CUSTOM PRINT & PACKAGING 13751 Mayfield Place Richmond BC V6V 2G9 Tel: 604-273-6323 866-333-6323 Web: glenmorecustomprint.com GOLDRICH PRINTPAK INC. 100 Industry St Toronto ON M6M 4L8 Tel: 416769-9000 Fax: 416-769-5454 Email: info@ goldpak.com Web: www.goldpak.com Pres: Leslie Goldberg JG CONSULTING LLC 4071 N 90th street Milwaukee Wisconsin 53222 Tel: 414-708-8828 Email: joe.imfa3@gmail.com Pres: Joseph Grygny JONES HEALTHCARE GROUP 3000 Page St London ON N5V 5H3 Tel: 519-4512100 800-265-9093 Fax: 519-451-2107 Email: info@joneshealthcaregroup.com Web: www. joneshealthcaregroup.com Pres: Ron Harris Sr VP: David Dembski MENASHA PACKAGING CANADA LP 35 Precidio Court Brampton ON L6S 6B7 Tel: 905792-7092 MULTIVAC CANADA INC. 6 Abacus Rd Brampton ON L6T 5B7 Tel: 905-2641170 877-264-1170 Fax: 905-264-0227 Email: info@ca.multivac.com Web: ca.multivac.com Pres: Evan Segalowitz Sales Mgr: Paul Marsden Phil Crozier High pressure pasturization, Thermoform/ Rollstock machines, Vacuum/gas flush packaging machines. NETPAK 9055 Impasse de l’Invention Anjou Québec H1J 3A7 Tel: 514-645-8412 866-399-8544 Email: sales@netpak.com Web: www.netpak.com PACKAGING TECHNOLOGIES INC. 310 Courtland Ave Concord ON L4K 4Y6 Tel: 905738-8226 800-303-5883 Fax: 905-738-6182 Email: tim.boissinot@ptibox.com Web: www. ptibox.com Pres: Tim Boissinot Plant Mgr: Clarence Brown PLANET A 145 Industrial Parkway South Aurora Ontario L4G 3V5 Tel: 844-356-9426 Email: hello@ planetacopacking.com Web: https:// planetacopacking.com/ Pres: Nicholas Reichenbach Plant Mgr: Camelia Rotarita Sales Mgr: Paul Burleson PRINTINGBLUE 5837 De Zavala Rd, Ste 690325 SAN ANTONIO TX 78269-0638 Tel: 416-907-6181 Email: support@ printingblue.com Web: https://www.printingblue. ca/ Sales Mgr: James Scott PRX PRINT 6110 Ordan Dr Unit 1 Mississauga ON L5T 2B4 Tel: 905-670-2014 Fax: 905-495-1599 Email: info@ prxprint.com Web: www.prxprint.com Pres: Debbie Gilbert RAYACOM PREMIUM PRINT 125 W 71st Ave Vancouver BC V5X 2X3 Tel: 604254-4488 Email: premiumprint@rayacom.com Web: Www.RAYACOM.com Pres: Austin Tran Plant Mgr: David Benza Sales Mgr: Bruno Bega Ravi Meharu REPACK CANADA & THE FREELANCE PORTFOLIO 130 Claireville Dr Toronto ON M9W 5Y3 Tel: 416656-6227 877-804-4841 Fax: 416-736-4442 Email: info@repackcanada.com Web: www. repackcanada.com Pres: Carol Levy Plant Mgr: Kate Stephen Sales Mgr: Eira Braun-Labossiere Jennifer Stephen ROOTREE 1-5295 John Lucas Dr Burlington ON L7L 6A8 Tel: 905-336-7875 1-833-ROOTREE (766-8733) Email: sales@rootree.ca Web: https://rootree.ca/ Pres: Phil St-Cyr Plant Mgr: Soek A’walia Sales Mgr: Pia Simran Dan Koz SCANPACK INC. 2715 Bristol Circle #1 Oakville Ontario L6H6X5 Tel: 647-794-1353 Email: hello@scanpack.ca Web: https://www.scanpack.ca Pres: Steve Cussons Plant Mgr: Victoria Shea Sales Mgr: Oliver RadleySmith SEALED AIR CORPORATION 3755 Laird Rd Mississauga ON L5L 0B3 Tel: 905829-1200 Web: www.sealedair.com Company Head: J E Brown, Graphic Serv Mgr. R W Anderson, Graphic Art Dir STOCK PACKAGING CANADA 815A Tecumseh Pointe-Claire QC H9R 4B1 Tel: 514-426-1266 844-426-1266 Fax: 514-426-1200 Email: info@stockcanada.ca Web: www. stockcanada.ca Pres: Eric Williamson Dir: Eric Williamson; Sales: Jason Miller TRICORBRAUN 1000-6 CityPlace Dr St. Louis MO 63146 Tel: 314569-3633 800-325-7782 Email: marketing@ tricorbraun.com Web: www.tricorbraun.com Sales Mgr: Sean McNabney WESTROCK 1000 Abernathy Rd NE Atlanta GA 30328 Tel: 770448-2193 Web: www.westrock.com PACKAGE TESTING SERVICES MEGALAB GROUP INC. 150 Addison Hall Circle Aurora Ontario L4G 3X8 Tel: 905-752-1925 Web: www.megalabinc.com Pres: Garry Lee Plant Mgr: Ashwani Malhotra Sales Mgr: Larry J. Cook Sreyas Dasika MegaLab’s state-of-the-art lab tests packaging integrity through every phase of distribution with: ISTA, ASTM, UN. Package Design, Amazon FFP/SIOC. Shock, Vibration, Humidity, Heat, Cold and IEC IPXX. We can support this and more. Contact us for a tour and complimentary review of your product requirements. PLASTIC MOLDERS & FABRICATORS BERICAP NORTH AMERICA INC. 835 Syscon Crt Burlington ON L7L 6C5 Tel: 905634-2248 Fax: 905-634-7780 Web: www.bericap. com Pres: Scott Ambrose Plant Mgr: Michael Lubrick Sales Mgr: David Watson Production facilities: Injection molding BERRY PLASTICS CANADA INC. 33 Taylor St Waterloo QC J0E 2N0 Tel: 450-5392772 888-539-2772 Fax: 450-539-0585 Email: waterlooinfo@berryplastics.com Web: www. berryplasticscanada.ca Pres: Stephane Binette Plant Mgr: Daniel Desjardins Sales Mgr: Joe Franckowiak Type of containers and materials produced: Closures of all types and sizes from 13 to 120 mm, child resistant, also specialized products (Syringes, specimen cups, contact lens cases). Production facilities: Injection molding BIEDERMAN ENTERPRISES LTD. 312 Campbell Ave E PO Box 99 Campbellville ON L0P 1B0 Tel: 905-854-9978 Email: info@ biederman.ca Web: www.biederman.ca VP-Operations: Elizabeth Wagg Type of containers and materials produced: Plastic grease cartridge tubes Production facilities: 50,000 sq. feet production facility BUCKHORN CANADA INC. 8032 Torbram Rd Brampton ON L6T 3T2 Tel: 905791-6500 800-461-7579 Fax: 905-791-9942 Web: www.buckhorncanada.com Sales Mgr: Tim Walsh Natl VP&Gen Mgr: Jim Morrison CONSOLIDATED BOTTLE CORPORATION 77 Union St Toronto ON M6N 3N2 Tel: 416-6567777 800-561-1354 Fax: 416-656-6394 Email: info@consolidatedbottle.com Web: www. consolidatedbottle.com Pres: Sam Susswein Sales Mgr: Liesel Franklin COO: Stephen Bubnich Type of containers and materials produced: Assembly, labeling, silkscreening and ceramic decorating. Production facilities: Injection molding ECOBIOPLAS INC 29 Urquhart Court Aurora Ontario L4G 0K5 Tel: 416-807-3316 Web: www.ecobioplas.com Pres: Susan George Plant Mgr: Zubin George Sales Mgr: Mohan George Type of containers and materials produced: Plastic Injection Moulded products for food Horticulturalpackagingproducts for Greenhouses Construction products EVOLUPAK PLASCTICS INC. 800 Pierre-Caisse Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu Québec J3B 7Y5 Tel: 450-348-6031 Email: info@ evolupak.ca Web: www.evolupak.ca Pres: Michel Berger Plant Mgr: Marco Mercier Sales Mgr: François Durocher Christine Rousselle Type of containers and materials produced: Recyclable thermoformed packaging: mushrooms tills, cookies tray, bakery containers, etc. Production facilities: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, QC GENPAK - DIV.OF GREAT PACIFIC ENTERPRISES 25 Aylmer St Peterborough ON K9J 6Y8 GOLDRICH PRINTPAK INC. 100 Industry St Toronto ON M6M 4L8 Tel: 416769-9000 Fax: 416-769-5454 Email: info@ goldpak.com Web: www.goldpak.com Pres: Leslie Goldberg Type of containers and materials produced: Folding cartons, print, blister and skin cords, vaccuum formed blisters, clamshells and trays IPL INC. 1000 Sherbrook W Levis QC H3A 3GU Tel: 438320-6188 800-463-0270 Fax: 418-833-3305 Web: www.iplglobal.com Pres: John Nyhan Sales Mgr: Paul Palazzo Type of containers and materials produced: Packaging Pails & Containers (Rigid), Beverage Cases, Tote Boxes, Fish Boxes Production facilities: Injection Molding, Extrusion Molding JOKEY PLASTICS NORTH AMERICA INC. 150 Mitchell St Goderich ON N7A 3X8 Tel: 519524-9890 Fax: 519-524-6114 Email: info@jokey. com Web: www.jokey.com Sales Mgr: Shashank Shah Type of containers and materials produced: Polypropylene tubs, pails, trays & buckets Production facilities: injection molding/offset printing/In-mold labelling MENASHA PACKAGING CANADA LP 35 Precidio Court Brampton ON L6S 6B7 Tel: 905792-7092 PANO CAP CANADA LTD. 55 Webster Rd Kitchener ON N2C 2E7 Tel: 519893-6055 Fax: 519-893-6273 Email: info@ panocap.on.ca Web: www.panocap.com Plant Mgr: Jim Sinclair Sales Mgr: Alan Laderoute Sales Rep: A Laderoute Type of containers and materials produced: Caps & closures Production facilities: Injection molding POLYTAINERS INC. 197 Norseman St Toronto ON M8Z 2R5 Tel: 416239-7311 800-268-2424 Fax: 416-239-0596 Email: info@polytainersinc.com Web: www. polytainersinc.com Pres: R K Barrett VP-Sales Craig Mills; Dir-Sales: Kevin Cinel; Bus Dev Mgr: Micheil Jennings Type of containers and materials produced: High quality process style graphicsprinting up to 8 colours on both containers and lids. In mold Labelling (IML), Off mold Labelling (OML), Shrink Sleeve Labelling Production facilities: Polytainers High Definition (PTHD) -Injection molding, thermoforming RICHARDS PACKAGING INC. 6095 Ordan Dr Mississauga ON L5T 2M7 Tel: 905670-7760 Fax: 905-670-1961 Email: tosales@ richardspackaging.com Web: www. richardspackaging.com Pres: David Prupas Plant Mgr: Steve Schacther Sales Mgr: David McKay CEO: Gerry Glynn Type of containers and materials produced: Bottles and jars, closures, pumps/ sprayers Production facilities: Toronto, Vancouver. Extrusion blow molding, injection blow molding, injection stretch blow molding SALBRO BOTTLE INC. 350 Vaughan Valley Blvd Woodbridge ON L4H 3C3 Tel: 905-850-1190 800-565-6786 Fax: 905-8503923 Web: www.salbrobottle.com Pres: Gary Saltz Plant Mgr: Hilton Gross Sales Mgr: Paul Saltz Production facilities: Blowmolding, Screenprinting, Machinery SILGAN PLASTICS CANADA 400 Rowntree Dairy Rd Woodbridge ON L4L 8H2 Tel: 416-746-3300 Fax: 416-856-6294 Web: www.silganplastics.com Pres: Emidio Dimeo Plant Mgr: Mike Dibiasio Type of containers and materials produced: Bottles, jars, closures. Production facilities: Stretch blowmolding, injection blowmolding & extrusion blowmolding, injection molding, lining, decorating. TRI-MACH GROUP INC. 23 Donway Ct Elmira ON N3B 0B1 Tel: 519-7446565 877-874-6224 Fax: 519-744-6829 Email: info@tri-mach.com Web: www.tri-mach.com Plant Mgr: Michael Hann Sales Mgr: Krystal Darling PREPRINTED LINERBOARD QR CODES BARCODE GRAPHICS INC. 5-25 Brodie Drive Richmond Hill ON L4B 3K7 Tel: 905-770-1154 Fax: 905-787-1575 Email: info@ barcodegraphics.com Web: www.barcodegraphics. com Pres: John Herzig Sales Mgr: Connie Furtado GOLDRICH PRINTPAK INC. 100 Industry St Toronto ON M6M 4L8 Tel: 416769-9000 Fax: 416-769-5454 Email: info@ goldpak.com Web: www.goldpak.com Pres: Leslie Goldberg JONES HEALTHCARE GROUP 3000 Page St London ON N5V 5H3 Tel: 519-4512100 800-265-9093 Fax: 519-451-2107 Email: info@joneshealthcaregroup.com Web: www. joneshealthcaregroup.com Pres: Ron Harris Sr VP: David Dembski MENASHA PACKAGING CANADA LP 35 Precidio Court Brampton ON L6S 6B7 Tel: 905792-7092 PACKAGING TECHNOLOGIES INC. 310 Courtland Ave Concord ON L4K 4Y6 Tel: 905738-8226 800-303-5883 Fax: 905-738-6182 Email: tim.boissinot@ptibox.com Web: www. ptibox.com Pres: Tim Boissinot Plant Mgr: Clarence Brown REPACK CANADA & THE FREELANCE PORTFOLIO 130 Claireville Dr Toronto ON M9W 5Y3 Tel: 416656-6227 877-804-4841 Fax: 416-736-4442 Email: info@repackcanada.com Web: www. repackcanada.com Pres: Carol Levy Plant Mgr: Kate Stephen Sales Mgr: Eira Braun-Labossiere Jennifer Stephen WESTROCK 1000 Abernathy Rd NE Atlanta GA 30328 Tel: 770448-2193 Web: www.westrock.com PACKAGE MAKERS/SERVICES
L5N 8G4 Tel:
Tel: 905-789-6770 Fax: 905789-6773 Web: www.alphapoly.com CORPORATIONALTE-REGO 36 Tidemore Ave Toronto ON M9W 5H4 Tel: 416-740-3397 Fax: 416-741-9991 Web: www.alte-rego.com, www. compost-a-bag.com AMCOR FLEXIBLES NORTH OFAMERICANAMERICAASSOCIATIONMEATPROCESSORS One Meating Place Elizabethtown PA 17022 Tel: 717-367-1168 Fax: 717367-9096 Web: www.aamp.com AMERICAN FROZEN FOOD INSTITUTE 2000 Corporate Ridge Suite 1000 McLean VA 22102 Tel: 703-821-0770 Fax: 703-821-1350 Web: www.affi.org AMPAK INC 4225, aut. des Laurentides Laval QC H7L 5W5 Tel: 450-682-4141 866-6824141 Web: www.ampak.ca ANNA'S BEE-LICIOUS 5 Birchwood Drive 5 Birchwood Dr Ottawa ON K2E 5S7 Tel: 613-794-9014 ANRITSUINSPECTIONPRODUCT&DETECTION 701 Innovation Dr Suite A Elk Grove Village IL 60007 Tel: 847-419-9729 Web: anritsu.com/infivis Representatives: Abbey Packaging; ANTHEM WORLDWIDE 1620 Tech Ave Mississauga ON L4W 5P4 Tel: 905-219-1700 Fax: 905-219166 Web: ANTIPODA LDA Rua Julieta Ubaldina Miranda, no 106 Maia 4470-441 Web: www.antipoda. eu/ ANYPACK MACHINERYPACKAGINGINC. 1001-1265 Beach Ave Vancouver BC V6E 1V4 Tel: 604-671-0236 Web: www.anypack.ca ARAN USA 1704 Poplar Drive Ext. Greer South Carolina 29651 Tel: 864-479-0024 Web: www.aran.co.il Branches: Vista Sales; Representatives: Mike Doucas mike.doucas@gmail.com; ARIVA 1330 Courtneypark Dr E Mississauga ON L5T 1K5 Tel: 905-670-1351 Web: ariva.ca Branches: Ariva Mississauga, 1330 Courtneypark Dr E, Mississauga, ON L5T1K5, 800-2572538;Ariva Ottawa, 2730 Lancaster Road, Ottawa, ON K1B 4S4, 888-6715007;Ariva Montreal, 2125, 23e Avenue, Lachine, QC H8T1X5,
AROL NORTH AMERICA INC. 2390 Satellite Blvd, Suite D Buford GA 30518 Tel: 678-318-1290 Fax: 678318-1296 Web: www.arol.com ARTYPAC AUTOMATION INC. 3315 boul Industriel Laval QC H7L 4S3 Tel: 450-668-6600 Fax: 450-6686633 Web: www.artypac.com Branches: Montreal, QC; ASL PRINT FX LTD. A-1 Royal Gate Blvd Vaughan ON L4L 8Z7 Tel: 416-798-7310 800-263-2368 Fax: 905-264-1529 Web: www. aslprintfx.com
Unit B
Web: www.alphamarathon. com ALPHAPOLY CORP 296
Tel: 330-342-2000 Fax: 330342-2400 Web: www.autobag.com AUTOMATIONDIRECT 3505 Hutchinson Rd Cumming GA 30040 Tel: 770-889-2858 800-6330405 Fax: 770-889-7876 https://www.automationdirect.comWeb: AVERY DENISON 17700 Foltz Industrial Pky Strongville OH 44149 Tel: 440-878-7000 Fax: 440-878-7103 B&R AUTOMATIONINDUSTRIALINC. 2501 Rutherford Rd Vaughan ON L4K 2N6 Tel: 905-206-9911 Fax: 905206-9611 Web: www.br-automation. com Representatives: Rotalec, St. Laurent, QC 514-341-3685; BAKELITE SYNTHETICS 1800 Meidinger Tower Louisville KY 40202 Tel: 49 2374 925467 Web: www.baklite.com BAKING ASSOCIATION OF CANADA 26C-7895 Tranmere Drive Mississauga ON L5S 1V9 Tel: 905-405-0288 888674-2253 Fax: 905-405-0993 Web: www.baking.ca BALDOR COMPANYELECTRIC 2910 Brighton Rd Oakville ON L6H 5S3 Tel: 905-829-3301 Fax: 905-8293302 Web: www.baldor.com BALEFORCE RECYCLING EQUIPMENT 8080 Lawson Rd Milton ON L9T5C4 Tel: 416-235-1900 Web: www.baleforce. com BALLUFF CANADA INC. 1-2840 Argentia Rd Mississauga
Representatives: Andre BlakeRegional Sales Manager; ALPHA CHECKWEIGHERS 418 Creamery Way Exton PA 193412500 610-524-7350 610524-7346 alphacheckweighers.comwww. 416-479-0777; Hanlan L4L3P6 905-265-2055 905265-8817 Walker Drive ON L6T 4B3 888-671Quebec City, 2755, av. du Colisée, Quebec, QC G1L 4A3, 866871-3300;Ariva Halifax, 105 Akerley Blvd., Dartmouth, NS B3B1R7, 902468-5520;Ariva Mount Pearl, 14 Clyde Avenue, 14 Clyde Avenue, 800-5639229 ;
ON K1B 4E4, 613-746-5666 ;BDI CanadaPickering,
AUTOMATION LIMITED 4 Schiedel Court Unit 1-3 Cambridge ON N3C 0H1 Tel: 226-765-7700 Web: www.beckhoff.ca Branches: Beckhoff Automation Limited, Laval, Quebec (Montreal, QC);Beckhoff Automation Limited, Burnaby, British Columbia (Vancouver, BC); BELL-MARK 331 Changebridge Rd. Pine Brook NJ 07058 Tel: 973-882-0202 https://www.bell-mark.comWeb: BEMIS PACKAGING 130 Arrow Rd Weston ON M9M 2M1 Tel: 416-742-8910 Fax: 416-742-6749 Web: www.alcanpackaging.com Representatives: Markit Marking, Toronto, ON 416-614-9599;Weber Marking Systems, Mississauga, ON 905-564-6881; BENECO PACKAGING|SOOPAK.COMCUSTOM 3640 McNicol Ave., Scarborough ON M1X 1G5 Tel: 905-677-2888 855-7557225 Web: benecopackaging.com/ Branches: SoOPAK.com; PACKAGING|SOOPAK.COMBENECO Unit B 3640 McNicoll Ave Scarborough ON M1X 1G5 Tel: 905-677-2888 Fax: 905-677-8858 Web: www.soopak.com Branches: SoOPAK.com 2280 Drew Road, Mississauga, ON L5S 1B8; BERICAP NORTH AMERICA INC. 835 Syscon Crt Burlington ON L7L 6C5 Tel: 905-634-2248 Fax: 905-6347780 Web: www.bericap.com BERLIN PACKAGING 525 W. Monroe St Chicago IL 60661 Tel: 514-633-9247 800-723-7546 Web: https://www.berlinpackaging.com/ Branches: Berlin Packaging –Montreal, Canada 1449 46e Avenue Montréal, QC H8T 3C5 (514) 633-9247; BERRY PLASTICS CANADA INC. 33 Taylor St Waterloo QC J0E 2N0 Tel: 450-539-2772 888-539-2772 Fax: 450-539-0585 Web: berryplasticscanada.cawww. BEST SYSTEMSPACKAGING 8699 Escarpment Way Unit 1 Milton Ontario L9T 0J5 Tel: 905-864-3005 877-484-4440 Web: bestpackagingsystems.comwww. BEUMER CORPORATION 800 Apgar Dr Somerset NJ 08873 Tel: 732-893-2895 Fax: 732-805-0475 Web: www.beumergroup.com Branches: Saint John, NB; Representatives: Beumer de Mexico, S de R.L. de C.V., Mexico +52 55 5292 7940;Beumer Kansas City, LLC, Kansas City, MO 816-245-7262; BIEDERMAN ENTERPRISES LTD. 312 Campbell Ave E PO Box 99 Campbellville ON L0P 1B0 Tel: 905854-9978 Web: www.biederman.ca BIEDERMAN PACKAGING INC. 36 Head St Dundas ON L9H 3H3 Tel: 905-628-5298 Fax: 905-628-6988 Web: www.biederman.ca BIZERBA CANADA INC. 6411 Edwards Blvd Mississauga ON L5T 2P7 Tel: 905-816-0498 888-240-3722 Fax: 905-816-0497 Web: www. bizerba.ca Branches: Bizerba Canada Inc, 333A Chemin du Tremblay, Boucherville, Quebec, J4B 7M1 450-641-2751;Bizerba Canada Inc. 3771 #2 North Fraser Way, Burnaby, British Columbia, V5J 5G4 1-888-2403722; BLUE WAVE PACKAGING 402-4th Floor,Platinum Center Dubai Dubai 97356 Tel: 154-578-8428 Web: www.bluewavepack.com BLUEPRINT AUTOMATION (BPA) 16037 Innovation Dr South Chesterfield VA 23834 Tel: 804-520-5400 Fax: 804-526-8164 Web: www.bpaflexolutions.com Representatives: Flexi-Pack Machinery Solutions, Woodbridge, ON 416-577-0722;Techno Pak, St. Julie, QC 450-922-3122; BO BRANDING & DESIGN AGENCY LTD. 1600, rue Notre-Dame O bureau 203 Montreal QC H3J 1M1 Tel: 514-9384646 Web: www.bobranding.com ADDRESSES
TECHNOLOGIESALLIEDFLEX 780 Apex Road Sarasota FL 34240 Tel: 941-923-1181 Fax: 941-925-8747 Web: www.alliedflex.com
Representatives: Plan Automation, Orangeville, ON
Ironstone Manor #1 Pickering ON L1W 3W9,
866779-1492 Web: https://www.bandall. com/en/ BANNER ENGINEERING CORP. 9714 Tenth Ave N Minneapolis MN 55441 Tel: 763-544-3164 Fax: 763544-3213 Web: bannerengineering.comwww. BARCODE GRAPHICS INC. 5-25 Brodie Drive Richmond Hill ON L4B 3K7 Tel: 905-770-1154 Fax: 905-7871575 Web: www.barcodegraphics.com BAUMER HHS CORP. 10570 Success Lane Dayton OH 45458 Tel: 937-886-3160 Fax: 9 37-8863161 Web: www.baumerhhs.com BDI CANADA INC 6235 Tomken Rd Mississauga ON L5T 1K2 Tel: 905-238-3392 Web: https:// www.bdiexpress.com Branches: BDI Canada - Repair Center, 6820 Davand Drive Unit 2 Mississauga ON L5T 1J5, 905-453-3564;BDI Canada - Hamilton, 470 Grays Road Hamilton ON L8E 2Z4, 905-561-5114;BDI Canada - St. Catharines, 35 Seapark Drive Unit 7 & 8 St. Catharines ON L2M 6S5,
102 CANADIANPACKAGING · July/August 2022 CANADIANPACKAGING.COM 3G PACKAGING CORP. 4610 Eastgate Parkway, Unit 4 Mississauga ON L4W 3W6 Tel: 905361-4929 855-361-4929 Fax: 905361-4922 Web: www.3gpackaging.com 3M CANADA COMPANY 300 Tartan Dr London ON N5V 4M9 Tel: 800-364-3577 Fax: 800-479-4453 Web: www.3m.ca/iatd ABB INC. 201 Westcreek Blvd Brampton ON L6T 5S6 Tel: 905-460-3000 Fax: 905460-3019 Web: www.abb.com ABBEY SOLUTIONSEQUIPMENT 5030 South Service Rd Burlington ON L7L 5Y7 Tel: 905-681-3010 800-3615919 Web: www.abbeyequipment.com ACORN PACKAGING INC. 563 Queensway E Mississauga ON L5A 3X6 Tel: 800-461-1361 Fax: 905-2793234 Web: www.acornpkg.com ACTION VALVE AND CYLINDER 7454 Speers. Rd. Elora On N0B1S0 Tel: 519-846-5835 866-842-6511 Web: www.actionvac.com AESUS PACKING SYSTEMS INC. 188 Oneida Ave. Pointe-Claire Quebec H9R 1A8 Tel: 514-694-3439 888-9187777 Web: www.aesus.com Representatives: Ross Packaging (British Columbia, Alberta);PMR Packaging (Toronto East and Surroundings; AFC ECOPLASTICS LLC 10701 Corporate Drive Suite 268 Stafford TX 77477 Tel: 647-323-1369 Web: www.afcecoplastics.com AFM - AMERICAN FILM & MACHINERY 7041 Boone Ave North Brooklyn Park MN 55428 Tel: 763-795-8856 800877-5658 Fax: 763-795-8867 Web: afmsleeves.com AGFA INC. 5975 Falbourne St., Unit 2 Mississauga ON L5R 3V8 Tel: 905-361-6996 800540-2432 Web: www.agfa.com AHEARN & SOPER INC. 100 Woodbine Downs Blvd Toronto ON M9W 5S6 Tel: 416-675-3999 800-2634258 Fax: 416-675-3457 Web: www. ahearn.com AICC - THE PACKAGINGINDEPENDENTASSOCIATION 113 S West St Alexandria VA 22314 Tel: 703-836-2422 Fax: 703-836-2795 Web: www.aiccbox.org AICC CANADA - THE PACKAGINGINDEPENDENTASSOCIATION 43 King St. W. PO Box 35 Caledon ON L7E 5T1 Tel: 833-200-8333 Fax: 833200-8333 Web: https://www.aiccbox. ca AIR LIQUIDE CANADA INC. 1700-1250 boul Rene-Levesque O Montreal QC H3B 5E6 Tel: 514-9330303 Fax: 514-846-7700 Web: www. airliquide.ca Branches: Montreal, QC 450-641-6230;Edmonton, AB 780-431-4663;Burlington, ON 905431-4663; ALEX E. JONES & ASSOCIATES LTD. 8-785 Pacific Rd Oakville ON L6L 6M3 Tel: 905-847-0166 Fax: 905-8470123 Web: www.alexejones.ca ALFA CHEMISTRY Smithtown Avenue Ronkonkoma NY 11779 Tel: 516-662-5404 Fax: 516927-0118 Web: alfachemic.com/https://materials. ALFATEC MACHINE INC. 105 Guthrie Montreal Quebec H9P2P1 Tel: 514-585-3864 Web: https:// alfatecmachine.ca/ ALL-FILL INC. 418 Creamery Way Exton PA 193412500 Tel: 610-524-7350 866-4553455 Fax: 610-524-7346 Web: www. all-fill.com
Road Woodbridge ON
Web: www.balpex.ca BANDALL AMERICA 889 Pantera Drive Unit 5 Mississauga ON L4W 2R9 Tel:
ASTRO BOX CORP. 1-117 Basaltic Rd Concord ON L4K 1G4 Tel: 905-695-8788 866-255-5328 Fax: 905-695-8791 Web: www. astroboxcorp.com ASTRONOVA, INC. 600 East Greenwich Avenue West Warwick Rhode Island 02893 Tel: 401828-4000 877-757-7978 Web: https:// astronovainc.com/ ATI AUTOMATIONINDUSTRIAL 1031 Goodworth Dr NC 27539 Tel: 919-772-0115 Fax: 919-772-8259 Web: www.ati-ia.com ATLANTIC COATED PAPERS 1605 McEwen Dr. Whitby ON L1N7L4 Tel: 416-299-1675 Web: atlanticcoatedpapers.comwww.Branches: 139 Rue Principale, N., Windsor, QC, J1S 2E1; ATLANTIC PRODUCTSPACKAGINGLTD. 111 Progress Ave Toronto ON M1P 2Y9 Tel: 416-298-8101 800-268-5620 Fax: 416-297-2218 Web: www. atlantic.ca AUTOMATION INC 2356 rue Bauman Jonquière Quebec G7S 4S4 Tel: 425-698-4350 Web: https://www.ato.com/ - TANNER BANDING Wyecroft Rd Oakville ON L6L 6M8 905-845-9999 Fax: 905845-0443 www.ats-tanner.ca PACKAGING SYSTEMS INC. Philipp Pky Streetsboro OH 44241 ON 905-816-1494 9654 905-816-1411 905-886-8177 866-779-1492 905-688Ottawa 1795 416-2815188;BDI Canada - Windsor, 3255 Drive Windsor ON N8W 5J1, 519-945-1733;BDI CanadaSudbury, 598 Falconbridge Road Unit 2 & 3 Sudbury ON P3A 5K6, 705-5662881;BDI Canada - Belleville, 270 Adam Street Unit #6 Belleville ON K8N 5S4, 613-968-2010;BDI CanadaCambridge, 460 Thompson Drive Unit 2 Cambridge ON N1T 2K8, 519-8950335;BDI Canada - Red Deer, 4830-78 Street Unit 2 Red Deer AB T4P 2B3, 403-346-5155;BDI Canada - Brampton, 52 Bramsteele Road Unit 1 Brampton ON L6W 3M5, 905-459-5202;BDI Canada - Severn, 1118 Brodie Drive Severn ON L3V 6H4, 705-327-0733;BDI Canada - Sault Ste. Marie, 25 Drive In Road Sault Ste Marie ON P6B 5X5, 705942-3331;BDI Canada - Pembroke, 260 Quarry Road ON Pembroke K8B 1A6, 613-735-8240;BDI Canada - Val D'Or, 2896 Chemin Sullivan Val D'Or QC J0Y 2N0, 819-824-4191;BDI CanadaMontreal, 2287 rue Guenette Montreal QC H8R 2E9, 514-364-0808;BDI Canada - Trois-Rivières, 525 Rue Barkoff Trois-Rivières QC G8T 2A5, 819-370-3773;BDI Canada - St. John's, 1199 Topsail Road St. John's NL A1N 2C4, 709-745-3800;BDI CanadaDartmouth, 43 Borden Avenue, Unit 3 Dartmouth NS B3B 1C7, 902-4683320;BDI Canada - Florenceville, 310 Route 110 Florenceville NB E7L 3P7, 506-392-1500;BDI CanadaSaskatoon, 10-302 Gladstone Crescent Saskatoon SK S7P 0C7, 306-6642664;BDI Canada - Winnipeg, 320-550 Century Street Winnipeg MB R3H 0Y1, 204-775-4333;BDI CanadaEdmonton, 4524 - 97th St. N.W. Edmonton AB T6E 5N9, 780-9893993;BDI Canada - Calgary, 476450TH Ave. S.E. Calgary AB T2B 3R4, 403-248-3979;BDI CanadaAbbotsford, 2238 Queen Street #135 Abbotsford BC V2T 0B7, 778-314-1019; BECKHOFF
Web: www. balluff.ca BALPEX INC., 30 Leek Cres Suite 102 Richmond Hill ON L4B 4N4 Tel:
9071;BDI Canada - Ottawa, 2635 Blackwell Street Unit 1
3T2 Tel: 905-791-6500 800-461-7579 Fax: 905-791-9942 Web: www. buckhorncanada.com Branches: Calgary, AB 403-278-9303;Montreal, QC 514-336-1991; BULLFROG POWER INC. 701-366 Adelaide St W Toronto ON M5V 1R9 Tel: 416-360-3464 Fax: 416-3608385 Web: www.bullfrogpower.com Branches: Calgary, AB;Vancouver, BC;Halifax, NS; BULLSEYE PACKAGING SERVICES 13-10099 15 Street NE CALGARY AB T3J 0T7 Tel: 403-970-7155 WWW.BULLEYEPACKAGING.CAWeb: Branches: BULLSEYE PACKAGING SERVICES, 519-6388 UNSWORTH ROAD, CHILLIWACK, BC V2R 5M3. 403-970-7155.; Representatives: RECURVE SOLUTIONS, 24-56 FREEPORT CRESCENT NE, CALGARY, AB T3J 0T7. 403-970-7155.; BUSCH TECHNICSVACUUMINC. 1740 Lionel-Bertrand Blvd Boisbriand Qc J7H 1N7 Tel: 800-363-6360 800363-6360 Web: www.busch.ca BUYPRINTERLABELS 12 Woodcroft Lane Vaughan ON L4L6S7 Tel: 647-447-7380 Web: www. buyprinterlabels.com BUZZ EQUIPMENT 6-2700 14th Ave Markham ON L3R 0J1 Tel: 905-475-7644 Fax: 905-4757645 Web: www.buzzequipment.com BW FLEXIBLE SYSTEMS 225 Spartangreen Blvd Duncan SC 29334 Tel: 864-486-4000 Web: www. bwflexiblesystems.com C&B DISPLAY / ROYAL CONTAINERS 80 Midair Court Brampton On L6T5V1 Tel: 905-789-8787 800-387-2397 Fax: 905-789-7518 Web: cbdisplaypac.ca Branches: Royal Containers Ltd. / C & B Display 1001 Green Valley Road, London, On. N6N1E4; CAM SYSTEMSPACKAGING 226 Industrial Pkwy N, Unit #3 Aurora Ontario L4G 4C3 Tel: 905-737-5400 Web: www.cam-systems.ca CANADIAN CORRUGATED & ASSOCIATIONCONTAINERBOARD 3-1995 Clark Blvd Brampton ON L6T 4W1 Tel: 905-458-1247 Fax: 905458-2052 Web: www.cccabox.org CANADIAN MATERIAL REPACK INC. 1-4355 County Rd 42 Windsor Ontario N8V 0A5 Tel: 226-777-8288 Web: www.cmrepack.com CANADIAN MEAT COUNCIL 930-220 Laurier Ave W Ottawa ON K1P 5Z9 Tel: 613-729-3911 Fax: 613-4294997 Web: www.cmc-cvc.com CANADIAN PALLET COUNCIL 239 Division St Cobourg ON K9A 3P9 Tel: 905-372-1871 Fax:
CANADIANPACKAGING.COM FAULDS AND ASSOCIATES LTD. 1209-90 Cordova Ave. Etobicoke ON M9A 2H8 Tel: 416-236-3363 Fax: 416-236-9538
BOBST NORTH AMERICA INC. 10 Waterview Blvd Suite 100 Parsippany NJ 07054 Tel: 973-226-8000 Fax: 973-226-8625 Web: www.bobst.com BOEHMER BOX LP 120 Trillium Dr Kitchener ON N2E 2C4 Tel: 519-576-2480 Fax: 519-5762489 Web: www.boehmerbox.com
Ontario M5N 1K9 Tel: 647-504-4934 Web: Instagram @clikbo_world CODING PRODUCTS OF CANADA LTD. 7 Innovation Drive Unit # 160 Dundas ON L9H 7H9 Tel: 905-690-1471 866427-5701 Fax: 905-690-8393 Web: www.codingcanada.com COGNEX CORP. One Vision Dr Natick MA 01760 Tel: 508-650-3000 Fax: 508-650-3344 Web: www.cognex.com COLOR PAK - DIV. OF ATLANTIC PACKAGING 80 Progress Ave Scarborough ON M1P 2Z1 Tel: 416-298-5340 Fax: 416-2985473 Web: www.atlantic.ca COLUMBIA CODING & MARKING 47-20821 Fraser Hwy Suite 230 Langley BC V3A 4G7 Tel: 604-856-7151 866-280-9595 Fax: 604-857-1052 Web: www.columbiacoding.com COMBI SYSTEMSPACKAGING 6299 Dressler Rd NW North Canton OH 44720 Tel: 330-456-9333 800-5219072 Web: www.combi.com COMBISCALE INC. 5605 rue Cypihot Montreal QC H4S 1R3 Tel: 514-422-0808 833-472-9466 Web: www.combiscale.com Branches: WeighPack Systems, Inc. 5605 rue Cypihot Montreal,QC H4S 1R3;Paxiom Group, Inc. 2-375 Admiral Blvd, Mississauga, ON L5T 2N1; COMPACKER SYSTEMS, LLC 9104 N Zenith Davenport IA 52809 Tel: 563-391-2751 Fax: 563-391-8598 Web: www.compacker.com Representatives: Ram Packaging Systems, Uxbridge, ON 905-862-3073; COMPANYBEE 10 Richardson st. Brighton On. K0k1h0 Tel: 613-922-5967 Web: CompanyBee. ca CONFAB LABORATORIES INC. 4355 boul Sir Wilfred Laurier SaintHubert QC J3Y 3X3 Tel: 450-443-6666 888-826-6322 Fax: 450-443-4466 CONSOLIDATED BOTTLE CORPORATION 77 Union St Toronto ON M6N 3N2 Tel: 416-656-7777 800-561-1354 Fax: 416-656-6394 Web: consolidatedbottle.comwww. TECHNOLOGIESCONSOLIDATED 252 Joseph Carrier Vaudreuil QC J7V 5V5 Tel: 450-424-8464 Fax: 450424-8792 Web: consolidatedtechnologies.comwww. CONTRACT ASSOCIATIONPACKAGING One Parkview Plaza Suite 800 Oakbrook Terrace IL 60181 Tel: 630-544-5053 Fax: 630-544-5055 Web: www. contractpackaging.org CONTRACT PRE-ROLL INC 243 Broadway Ave Orangeville ON L9W1K6 Tel: 519-939-6345 Web: Contractpre-roll.ca CONTROL GMC 15A Ch. du Tremblay Boucherville Qc J4B 7L6 Tel: 450-449-2664 800-6645264 Fax: 450-449-2648 Web: https://controlgmc.com CORRUPAL 225 av Liberte Candiac QC J5R 3X8 Tel: 450-638-4222 Fax: 450-638-3839 Web: www.corrupal.com COUSINS PACKAGING INC. 105 Claireport Cres Etobicoke ON M9W 6P7 Tel: 888-209-9344 Fax: 416-7431831 Web: www.cousinspackaging.com Branches: Campbellville, ON 519766-0707; COVERTECH FLEXIBLE PACKAGING 279 Humberline Dr Etobicoke ON M9W 5T6 Tel: 416-798-1340 800-837-8961 Fax: 416-798-1342 Web: www. covertechflex.com CRAWFORD PACKAGING 115 WALKER DRIVE BRAMPTON ONTARIO L6T 5P5 Tel: 905-670-7828 Web: CRAWFORDPACKAGING.COM Branches: CRAWFORD PACKAGING PAGE STREET BRAMPTONAESSEXONTARIO;CRAWFORDLONDONPACKAGINGLONDON;CELPLASTPACKAGINGDIVISIONOFCRAWFORDPACKAGINGONTARIO; CROWN PACKAGING PO Box 94188 Richmond BC V6Y 2A4 Tel: 604-277-7111 CSB SYSTEM 305 King Street W Unit 701 Kitchener Ontario Tel: 800-852-9977 the-industry-specialisthttps://www.csb.com/en/the-erp-from-Web: CUBE AUTOMATION 2704-A Principale Tracadie-Sheila NB E1X 1A1 Tel: 506-393-6000 www.cubefoodprocessing.comWeb: Branches: Cube Quebec, 495 Road 132, La Pocatiere QC G0R1Z0; DAVIS CONTROLS LTD. 2200 Bristol Cir Oakville ON L6H 5R3 Tel: 905-829-2000 800-701-7460 Fax: 905-829-2630 Web: www. daviscontrols.com DAVIS DESIGN 77 City Centre Dr West Tower, 2nd Floor Mississauga ON L5B 1M5 Tel: 905-2702501 Fax: 905-270-3969 Web: www. davisdesign.ca DCT TECHNOLOGIES 6600 Trans Canada Highway Suite 750 Pointe-Claire Quebec H9R 4S2 Tel: 844-505-1155 844-505-1155 Web: get-ttr.io DECO LABELS & FLEXIBLE PACKAGING 28 Greensboro Dr Toronto ON M9W 1E1 Tel: 416-247-7878 Fax: 416-247-9030 Web: www.decolabels.com DELKOR SYSTEMS INC. 4300 Round Lake Rd W St. Paul MN 55112-6700 Tel: 651-348-6700 800328-5558 Fax: 651-348-6705 Web: www.delkorsystems.com DEPENDABLE MARKING SYSTEMS LTD. 585 Wentworth St E Units 40 & 41 Oshawa ON L1H 3V8 Tel: 905-433-1383 877-433-3675 Fax: 905-433-1972 Web: www.dependablemarking.com DESCON CONVEYORINTEGRATEDSOLUTIONS 1-1274 Ringwell Drive Newmarket ON L3Y 9C7 Tel: 866-985-4324 Web: www.desconconveyor.com CO.,VESSELDFCDETECTAMETTANKPRESSUREMANUFACTURERLTD Department of Justice Canada 284 Wellington Street Ottawa, Ontario Canada K1A 0H8 Ottawa Ontario K1A 0H8 Tel: 613-957-4233 Web: https:// www.dfctank.com DG PRESS Hallseweg 21 Hallo Gelderland 6964 AJ Tel: +31 313 671 911 Web: dgpress.nl DIGI CANADA INC. 87 Moyal Court Concord ON L4K 4R8 Tel: 905-879-0833 888-587-8221 Fax: 905-879-4008 Web: www. digisystem.com DIMACHEM INC. 3258 Marentette Ave Windsor ON N8X 4G4 Tel: 519-969-5570 Fax: 519969-8512 Web: dimacheminc.com DIVERSCO PACKAGINGGLOBALINC. 495 Conestoga Boulevard Cambridge Ontario N1R 7P4 Tel: 519-740-1210 800-661-9955 Fax: 519-740-7303 Web: www.diverscoglobalpackaging. com DMS MARQUAGE CODAGE 773 Beriault Longueuil QC J4G1X7 Tel: 450-646-2675 800-667-1295 Fax: 450-646-5440 Web: www. dmsmarquage.com DOMINION & GRIMM INC. 18766 Communication Rd Blenheim ON N0P 1A0 Tel: 877-676-1914 Web: www. dominiongrimm.ca Branches: Anjou, QC; Representatives: D & G Ont. Maple Syrup Equipment, Durham, ON 877-676-1914; ADDRESSES
2209 Web: https://www.dnwmachinery. com CHINA UNIQUE VALVE SUPPLIER CO LTD Fallsview Blvd. Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada L2G 3W7 Niagara Falls Ontario L2G 3W7 Tel: 776-730-0699 Web: https://www.uvalve.cn CHISHOLM SOLUTIONSMACHINERY P.O. Box 245 5760 Valley Way Niagara Falls ON L2E 6T3 Tel: 905-356-1119 Fax: 905-356-9170 Web: www. chisholmmachinery.com
July/August 2022 · CANADIANPACKAGING 103 BOB
0230 Web: www.cpcpallet.com CANADIAN PAPER & PACKAGING CO. 3001 rue Brabant Marineau SaintLaurent QC H4S 1V5 Tel: 514-333-4040 Fax: 514-333-0322 Web: www. cppinc.com CANADIAN PLASTICS INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION 125-5955 Airport Rd Mississauga ON L4V 1R9 Tel:
BOSCH REXROTH CANADA CORP. 3426 Mainway Dr Burlington ON L7M 1A8 Tel: 905-335-5511 855-REXROTH Fax: 905-335-4184 Web: www. boschrexroth.ca BOSSAR USA, INC. 1144 Tallevast Rd Unit 104 Sarasota FL 34243 Tel: 941-351-3023 Fax: 941351-2690 Web: www.bossar.com Representatives: Abbey Packaging Equipment, Burlington, ON 905-6813010; BRADMAN LAKE INC. 3050 Southcross Blvd Rock Hill SC 29730 Tel: 704-588-3301 Web: www. bradmanlake.com ENGINEERING INC. 8031 Dixie Rd Brampton ON L6T 3V1 Tel: 905-793-3000 Fax: 905-7931753 www.bramptonengineering. com BRECOFLEX CO.,L.L.C. 222 Industrial Way West Eatontown NJ 07724 Tel: 732-460-9500 Branches: BRECOflex 416-476-7107; BRIDGEMARK 77 City Centre Dr, East Tower, 2nd Floor Mississauga ON L5B 1M5 Tel: 905-2817240 866-335-9457 Fax: 905-2703601 www.bridgemark.agency SERVICESPACKAGING 655 Finley Ave Ajax ON L1S 3V3 Tel: 905-619-1477 Fax: 905-619-1478 www.britmanpackagingservices. CANADA INC. 8032 Torbram Rd Brampton ON L6T 905-373905-678-7748 905678-0774 450-461-8600 1 833 455-379 Web: www.cascades.com CASCADES RECOVERY INC. 66 Shorncliffe Rd Etobicoke ON M8Z 5K1 Tel: 416-232-8808 866-751-1004 Fax: 416-232-6061 Web: www. cascadesrecovery.ca
Web: www.plastics.ca CANADIAN POULTRY AND EGG COUNCILPROCESSORS 400-1545 Carling Ave Ottawa ON K1Z 8P9 Tel: 613-724-6605 Fax: 613-7244577 Web: www.cpepc.ca CANADIAN MARKETINGPRODUCEASSOCIATION 162 Cleopatra Dr Ottawa ON K2G 5X2 Tel: 613-226-4187 Fax: 613-2262984 Web: www.cpma.ca CANADIAN ASSOCIATIONSTANDARD(CSA) 178 Rexdale Blvd Toronto ON M9W 1R3 Tel: 416-747-4000 Web: www.csa.ca CANFAB PACKAGING INC, 2740 St. Patrick Montreal QC H2V 1S5 Tel: 514-935-5265 888-522-6322 Web: www.canfabpkg.com Branches: Canfab Packaging Inc. 750 Farwell Oshawa, ON L1H 6N5; CANPACO INC. 7901 Huntington Rd Woodbridge ON L4H 0S9 Tel: 905-771-7791 855-7717791 Fax: 905-771-1115 Web: www. canpaco.com CAPMATIC LTD 12180 Albert Hudon Montreal Quebec H1G 3K7 Tel: 514-322-0062 Fax: 514322-0063 Web: www.capmatic.com CAPO INDUSTRIES LTD. 1200 Corporate Drive Burlington ON L7L 5V5 Tel: 800-263-8250 Web: www. capoindustries.com CAPS/PHOENIXWRAPPERS 5700 ch St François Saint-Laurent QC H4S 1B4 Tel: 514-956-1525 Fax: 514956-1831 Web: www.capspackaging. com CARLO GAVAZZI (CANADA) INC. 8-2660 Meadowvale Blvd Mississauga ON L5N 6M6 Tel: 888-575-2275 888575-2275 Fax: 905-542-2248 Web: www.gavazzionline.com CARTIER 2325 boul Industriel Saint-Cesaire QC J0L 1T0 Tel: 450-469-3168 800-3632737 Fax: 450-469-2239 Web: www. emballagecartier.com CARTONEK 645 rue des Martinets St-Lambert de Lauzon Québec G0S 2W0 Tel: 418-5206895 Web: www.cartonek.com PACKAGINGCONTAINERBOARDCASCADES 1061 Parent St-Bruno de Montarville Quebec J3V 6R7 Tel:
PRODUCTSCELPLASTCEDARLANEMETALLIZEDLIMITED 4-67 Commander Blvd Toronto ON M1S 3M7 Tel: 416-293-4330 800-866-0059 Fax: 416-293-9198 Web: www. celplast.com CELPLAST, A DIVISION OF CRAWFORD PACKAGING 3036 Page Street London ON N5V 4P2 Tel: 519-659-0909 877-644-6445 Web: www.celplast.ca Branches: Crawford Packaging, 115A Walker Drive, Brampton, ON L6T 5P5 (905)670-7928; CENTRAL GRAPHICS & CONTAINER GROUP 5526 Timberlea Blvd Mississauga ON L4W 2T7 Tel: 905-238-8400 Fax: 905-238-8127 Web: www.centralgrp. com CHANTLER PACKAGES INC. 880 Lakeshore Rd. E. Mississauga ON L5E 1E1 Tel: 905-274-2533 Fax: 905274-9522 Web: chantlerpackages.com CHARLES DOWNER & CO. LTD. 7-52 West Beaver Creek Rd Richmond Hill ON L4B 1L9 Tel: 905-882-2222 Fax: 905-882-0437 Web: www. cdowner.com CHEP CANADA INC. 7400 Danbro Cres E Mississauga ON L5N 8C6 Tel: 905-790-2437 Fax: 905789-4279 Web: www.chep.com Branches: Calgary, 403-236-1633;Edmonton,AB AB 780-486-0237;Vancouver, BC 604-520-2583;Winnipeg, MB 204-633-2456;Moncton, 2437;905-790-2437;Montreal,506-858-8393;Brampton,NBONQC514-745CHINA BAVORA PRINTED PACKAGING CO., LTD. 4/F., 42 Yi Ai Road Xiamen Fujian 361005 Tel: 592-555-8280 https://www.bavora-printing.comWeb: CHINA DNW MANUFACTURERPRODUCTIONDIAPERLINECO LTD No.19, Quanyuan Road, Jinjiang, Quanzhou, Fujian, China 362261 Quanzhou Fujian 362261 Tel: 381-331CIMA-PAK CORPORATION 50 Lindsay Ave. Dorval QC H9P 2T8 Tel: 514-631-6222 877-631-2462 Web: www.cima-pak.com Branches: CiMa-Pak, 1275 Eglinton Ave E Unit 60 Mississauga, ON L4W 2Z2;CiMa-Pak, 6011 – 46th St. S.E. Calgary, AB, T2C 4Y5; CLIKBO LABS 640 Roselawn Avenue #510 Toronto
Web: www. elopak.com EMBALLAGES RODA PACKAGING INC. 206-1555 boul Avenir Laval QC H7S 2N5 Tel:
festo.ca FILLAB INC. 11750
DONWAY PACKAGING CORP. LTD. 12 Principal Rd Scarborough ON M1R 4Z3 Tel: 416-494-5400 877-504-7041 Fax: 416-494-5409 Web: www. donwaypackaging.com DORNER 975 Cottonwood Ave Hartland WI 53029 Tel: 262-367-7600 800-397-8664 Fax: 262-367-5827 Web: www.dorner. com Branches: Dorner - Canada, 100-5515 North Service Road, Burlington, Ontario L7L 6G6 Canada, (289) 208-7306; DOUGLAS MACHINE INC. 3404 Iowa St Alexandria MN 56308 Tel: 320-763-6587 Web: www.douglasmachine.com
Web: www. Emerson.com/Packaging EMMERSON PACKAGING 12 Tupper Blvd Amherst Nova Scotia B4H 4S7 Tel: 902-661-7286 www.emmersonpackaging.comWeb: Branches: Emmerson Packaging, 12 Tupper Blvd, Amherst, Nova Scotia, Canada, B4H 4S7;Emmerson Packaging, 420 College Street East, Belleville, Ontario, Canada, K8N 4Z6; ENDFLEX LLC 4760 NW 128th St Miami FL 33054 Tel: 305-622-4070 833-472-9466 Fax: 305-688-7772 Web: www.eaglepm. com Branches: WeighPack Systems 5605 rue Cypihot Montreal, QC H4S 1R3;Paxiom Group, Inc. 2-375 Admiral Blvd, Mississauga, ON L5T 2N1; ENERCON INDUSTRIES CORP. W140 N9572 Fountain Blvd Menomonee Falls WI 53051 Tel: 262-255-6070 Fax: 262-255-7784 Web: https:// www.enerconind.com ERIEZ 2200 Asbury Rd Erie PA 16506 Tel: 814-835-6000 Fax: 814-838-4960 Web: www.eriez.com Representatives: Brunette Specialty Sales, Sudbury, ON 705-5863210;D&L Engineering Sales Ltd, Halifax, NS 902-429-3790;Equipment Conval Brunette, Rouyn-Noranda, QC 819-797-8700;Frontline Process Solutions, Oakville,
Web: www.fortelabels.com FORTRESS TECHNOLOGY, INC. 51 Grand Marshall Drive Toronto Ontario M1B 5N6 Tel: 416-754-2898 888-2208737 Web: www.FortressTechnology. com FPC CORPORATIONPACKAGINGFLEXIBLE 1891 Eglinton Ave. E. Scarborough ON M1L2L7 Tel: 416-288-3060 Web: www. fpcflexible.com FRIPERIE-LUX 2699 Des Bruants Mascouche J7K 0B4 Mascouche Qc J7K0B4 Tel: 514-4754509 Representatives: Mildred St-Ange; FRONTMATEC - ITEC HYGIENE In Canada & USA: Shawpak Systems Ltd., 10-760 Pacific Rd., Oakville ON L6L 6M5 Tel: 905-847-0122 Web: www.shawpak.com FUJIFILM CANADA INC. 600 Suffolk Court Mississauga Ontario L5R 4G4 Tel: 905-890-6611 800-4610416 Fax: 647-625-4635 Web: www. fujifilm.ca GALEXI FARM 483 seventh st Nanaimo Bc V2B 1g1 Tel: 250-216-3758 GALICK PROCESS AND PACKAGING SOLUTIONS 2237 Gerber Rd. Wellesley Ontario N0B 2T0 Tel: 519-656-3114 Web: www. galickpackaging.com GARVEY CORP. 208 S Route 73 Blue Anchor NJ 08037 800-257-8581 Fax: 609-561-2328 Web: www.garvey.com GBC COMMUNICATIONSDESIGN 19 Brock Street West Oshawa ON L1G1R2 Tel: 416-841-5028 Web: gbcdesign.com GEBOGEBO CERMEX USA INC. 1500 - 4845 S Old Peachtree Rd Norcross GA 30071 Tel: 678-221-3570 Fax: 678-221-3571 Web: www. gebocermex.com Br anches: Laval, QC 450-973-3337; GENERAL CONVEYOR INC. 155 Engelhard Dr Aurora ON L4G 3V1 Tel: 905-727-7922 Fax: 905-841-1056 Web: www.gccl.com GENERAL MAGNAPLATE CORP. 801 Avenue G Arlington TX 76011 Tel: 817-640-1761 Fax: 817-640-0860 Web: www.magnaplate.com GENPAK - DIV.OF GREAT PACIFIC ENTERPRISES 25 Aylmer St Peterborough ON K9J 6Y8 GEORGE A. WRIGHT & SON TORONTO LTD. 21 State Crown Blvd Toronto ON M1V 4B1 Tel: 416-261-6499 Fax: 416-2618572 Web: www.gawto.com GEOSAF INC. 803-5605 av de Gaspe Montreal QC H2T 2A4 Tel: 514-331-4147 Fax: 514331-4226 Web: www.geosaf.com GERNEP LABELING 940 Boulevard Industriel Terrebonne Quebec J6Y 1X1 Tel: 438-686-7312 Web: https://gerneplabeling.com GH MANUFACTURING INC. 101 Petrie Place Belleville ON K8N5T3 Tel: 613-961-8860 Web: www. ghmanufacturing.com GLASS INSTITUTEPACKAGING 1220 North Fillmore St Suite 400 Alexandria VA 22201 Tel: 703-6846359 Fax: 703-546-0588 Web: www. gpi.org GLENMORE CUSTOM PRINT & PACKAGING 13751 Mayfield Place Richmond BC V6V 2G9 Tel: 604-273-6323 866-333-6323 Web: glenmorecustomprint.com GLUE INTERNATIONALDOTS N117 W18711 Fulton Drive Germantown WI 53022 Tel: 262-814-8500 888-4583368 Fax: 282-814-8505 Web: www. gluedots.com GLUEFAST COMPANY INC. 3535 Route 66 Building 1 Neptune NJ 07753 Tel: 732-918-4600 Fax: 732918-4646 Web: www.gluefast.com GLUEGUARD, INC. 79 Regal Road Unit 14 Guelph Ontario N1K 1B6 Tel: 855-422-2928 Web: www.glueguard.com GMSVANSCO 1310 Redwood Way, Suite B Petaluma CA 94954 Tel: 707-285-3392 Fax: 707-285-3399 Web: www.vansco.com GOLDRICH PRINTPAK INC. 100 Industry St Toronto ON M6M 4L8 Tel: 416-769-9000 Fax: 416-7695454 Web: www.goldpak.com GRAPHIC INTERNATIONALPACKAGINGCANADA 7830 Tranmere Dr Mississauga ON L5S 1L9 Tel: 905-678-8211 Fax: 905-6787233 Web: www.cascades.com GREAT GYROS 8 13140 88 AVE Surrey B.C. V3W 3K3 Tel: 604-618-0480 Fax: 604-5944980 GUILL TOOL ENGINEERING& CO., INC. 10 Pike St West Warwick RI 02893 Tel: 401-828-7600 Fax: 401-823-5310 Web: www.guill.com H B FULLER CANADA 101-21 Four Seasons Place Toronto ON M9B 6J8 Tel: 416-641-4972 Fax: 416621-2699 Web: www.hbfuller.com Branches: Longueuil, QC 450-6551306; HABASIT CANADA LIMITED 2275 Bristol Cir Oakville ON L6H 6P8 Tel: 905-827-4131 800-770-6750 Fax: 905-825-2612 Web: www. habasit.ca Branches: Habasit Canada Ltee, Unit #111 3555 Isabelle, Brossard, QC J4Y 2R2; HAMRICK PACKAGING SYSTEMS 257 International Drive Kent OH 44242 Tel: 330-628-4877 800-321-9590 Fax: 330-628-2180 Web: www. hamrickmfg.com HARLUND INDUSTRIES LTD. 100-17934 105 Ave Edmonton AB T5S 2H5 Tel: 780-484-4400 877-427-5863 Fax: 780-484-3646 Web: www. harlund.com Branches: Harlund Industries Ltd. Unit 12, 130 Matheson Blvd East Mississauga ON L4Z 1Y6 905-501-9000;Harlund Industries Ltd. Unit 2180 - 580 Nicola Avenue Port Coquitlam BC V3B 0P2 604-689-4373; PACKAGING,HARPAK-ULMALLC 85 Independence Drive Taunton MA 02780 Tel: 508-884-2500 Fax: 508884-2501 Web: www.harpak-ulma.com HARTING CANADA, INC. 300-475 av Dumont Dorval QC H9S 5W2 Tel: 514-944-7949 Fax: 855659-6654 Web: www.harting.ca INTERNATIONALHARTNESS PO Box 26509 Greenville SC 296161509 Tel: 864-297-1200 Fax: 864297-4486 Web: www.hartness.com Representatives: Alex E. Jones Packaging Machinery Ltd., Ville Mont Royal, QC 514-731-7747;Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd., Oakville, ON 905847-0166; INC.WEHMILLER-HAYSSENSANDIACREDIV.OFBARRY-COMPANIES, 225 Spartangreen Blvd Duncan SC 29334 Tel: 864-486-4000 Fax: 864486-4412 Web: hayssensandiacre.comwww. Representatives: Pointe Claire, QC 514-693-9381;Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd., Oakville, ON 905-8470166; COMPLIANCEHEALTHCARE PACKAGING COUNCIL 268-2711 Buford Rd Bon Air VA 232352423 Tel: 804-338-5778 Fax: 888812-4272 Web: www.hcpconline.org HEAT AND CONTROL, INC. 21121 Cabot Blvd Hayward CA 945451132 Tel: 510-259-0500 800-227-5980 Web: www.heatandcontrol.com Branches: Heat and Control, Inc., 1111 Franklin Boulevard, Unit 13, Cambridge, ON N1R 8B5, Canada, (519) 623-1100; HEAT PACKAGINGSEALING 61 Pippin Rd Concord ON L4K 4N6 Tel: 905-669-6770 800-669-7757 Fax: 905-669-5793 Web: www.heatsealing. ca ADDRESSES
7587 Web: elesab2bstoreca/https://www.elesa.com/en/ ELLIS PACKAGING LTD. 1830 Sandstone Manor Pickering ON L1W 3Y1 Tel:
DOMINO SOLUTIONSPRINTINGINC. 1-200 North Service Rd W Suite 317 Oakville ON L6H 2Y1 Tel: 800-387-7972 Fax: 847-244-1421 Web: www. domino-printing.com
Fax: 450-6636511 Web: www.rodapack.com EMERSON 17 Airport Rd, PO Box 160 Brantford ON N3T 5M8 Tel: 519-758-2700 866-6961601 Fax:
FORMOST CORPORATIONFUJI 19211 144th Ave NE Woodinville WA 98072 Tel: 425-483-9090 Fax: 425486-5656 Web: www.formostfuji.com FORT COMPANYDEARBORN 1530 Morse Avenue Elk Grove IL 60007 Tel: 847-357-9500 Fax: 847-357-8726 Web: www.fortdearborn.com FORTE LABELS AND SHRINK SLEEVES INC. 2-77 Courtland Ave Richmond Hill ON L4S 3S9 Tel:
BC 604-9842220;Warco Process Technologies, Waterloo, ON;Saint-Laurent, QC 514685-5511;Welco Expediting Ltd, Calgary, AB 403-279-8636; ESKO 8535 Gander Creek Dr Miamisburg OH 45342 Tel: 937-454-1721 Fax: 937454-1522 Web: www.esko.com Representatives: Fujifilm Canada, Inc., Mississauga, ON 905-755-2812; ESS TECHNOLOGIES 3160 State St Blacksburg VA 24060 Tel: 540-961-5716 Web: https://www. esstechnologies.com EVANESCE 1050 W PENDER ST SUITE 1510 VANCOUVER BC V6E3S7 Tel: 800-6919158 Web: https://evanesce.com/ EVOLUPAK PLASCTICS INC. 800 Pierre-Caisse Saint-Jean-surRichelieu Québec J3B 7Y5 Tel: 450348-6031 Web: www.evolupak.ca EXPRESCO FOODS 8205 Transcanada Montreal Quebec H4S 1S4 Tel: 514-344-9499 800-2054433 Fax: 514-344-6793 Web: www. exprescofoods.com Representatives: Inform Brokerage; FANUC CANADA LTD. 6774 Financial Dr Mississauga ON L5N 7J6 Tel: 905-812-2300 Fax: 905-8122350 Web: www.fanuccanada.com Branches: FANUC Canada Lte, 1096 rue Levis, Suite 6, Lachenaie, Quebec J6W 4L1; FARNELL PACKAGING LIMITED 30 Isley Ave Dartmouth NS B3B 1L3 Tel: 902-468-9378 800-565-9378 Fax: 902-468-3192 Web: www.farnell.ns.ca FCC 1800 Hamilton St Regina SK S4P 4L3 Tel: 800-387-3232 Web: www.fcc-fac. ca FEDERAL PLASTICS 5100 Fisher Street St. Laurent Quebec H4T 1J5 Tel:
DPEC FOOD SOLUTIONS INC. 6705 Tomken Rd Mississauga ON L5T 2J6 Tel: 905-565-1500 Fax: 905-5651505 Web: dpecfoodsolutions.cahttps://www. DRUG PLASTICS & GLASS 1 Bottle Drive Boyertown Pennsylvania 19512 Tel: 610-367-5000 Web: https:// drugplastics.com/ DURAFAST LABEL COMPANY 2-53 Queens Plate Dr Etobicoke ON M9W 6P1 Fax: 416-981-3071 Web: www.durafastlabel.ca DUROPAC 305 Avenue Liberté Candiac Quebec J3H3H7 Tel: 450-444-4266 877-3622552 Web: https://www.duropac.com/ DYNAMIC CORPORATIONCONVEYOR 5980 Grand Haven Rd. Suite 302 East Tower Mississauga ON L5N 6A6 Tel: 905-3345032 800-506-6506 Web: https:// www.edgme.com/ EDSON MACHINERYPACKAGINGLTD. 215 Hempstead Dr Hamilton ON L8W 2E6 Tel: 905-385-3201 800-493-3766 Fax: 905-385-8775 Web: www.edson. com CANADA LIMITED 3-3600B Laird Rd. Mississauga ON L5L 6A7 Tel: 905-916-1101 289-859905-798-7715 905831-7571 www.ellispkg.com Boisbriand J7H 0A1 Tel: 450-9702846 514-326-3307 514-374-7223 519-758-5540 905-827-5800;NovatechON Vancouver, 514-342-5411 514342-3744 www.fedplast.com Explorer Drive Mississauga ON 5G4 877-463-3786 www. 4th Montreal 5Y2 Tel: 514-494-8286 Fax: 514-643-1518 www.fillab.com MACHINERY Velmar Drive Woodbridge Ontario L4L 8H8 Tel: 416-577-0722 Web: www. flexipacksolutions.com FLEXLINK SYSTEMS, INC. 1-1549 Yorkton Crt Burlington ON L7P 5B7 Tel: 905-639-6878 Fax: 905639-4632 Web: www.flexlink.com / SIAT 416 Hayward Avenue No. Oakdale Minnesota 55128 Tel: 651-731-9499 Web: www.flexo-siat.com Dr Arlington VA 22202 Tel: 202-452-8444 202429-4519 www.fmi.org Dolley Madison Blvd McLean VA 22101-3850 Tel: 703-761-2600 Fax: 703-761-4334 www.fpsa. org OF CANADA 900-350 Sparks St ON K1R 7S8 Tel: 613-722-1000 Web: www. foodprocessors.ca 421-7700 Leesburg Pike Falls Chruch VA 22043 Tel: 703-592-9889 Fax: 703-592-9864 Web: www.fpi.org ASSOCIATIONPRODUCTSOFCANADA 410-99 Bank St Ottawa ON K1P 6B9 Tel: 613-563-1441 Fax: 613-5634720 Web: www.fpac.ca 905-669-7426 905669-7602
ELOPAK CANADA INC. 3720 ave des Grandes Tourelles
Equipment Sales, North
Rd Muskegon MI 49441 Tel: 231-798-1483 Fax: 231798-9583 Web: www.dynamicconveyor. com Representatives: Frontline Process Solutions, Oakville, ON 905-827-5800;Trugrit Agency Inc. 503-625-1609; E. HOFMANN PLASTICS 51 Centennial Rd Orangeville ON L9W 3R1 Tel: 519-943-5050 EAM-MOSCA (CANADA) LTD. 170 William Smith Drive Whitby ON L1N 9N3 Tel: 905-665-8225 800-663-6392 Fax: 905-665-8188 Web: www. eammosca.com EASTEY 7041 Boone Ave Brooklyn Park MN 55428 Tel: 763-428-4846 Fax: 763795-8867 Web: www.eastey.com ECKERT MACHINES 3841 Portage Rd Niagara Falls ON L2J 2L1 Tel: 905-356-8356 Fax: 905-3561704 Web: www.eckertmachines.com ECOBIOPLAS INC 29 Urquhart Court Aurora Ontario L4G 0K5 Tel: 416-807-3316 Web: www. ecobioplas.com ECONOCORP INC. 72 Pacella Dr Randolph MA 02368 Tel: 617-986-7500 Fax: 617-986-1553 Web: www.econocorp.com ECONOPAC 490 Midwest Rd Scarborough ON M1P 3A9 Tel: 416-750-7200 Web: www. econopac.com EDGME INC. 2233 Argentia
L5N 2B8 Tel:
Packaging, Mississauga, ON
KLIKLOK LLC - A SYNTEGON COMPANY 5224 Snapfinger Woods Dr Decatur GA 30035 Tel: 770-981-5200 Fax: 770987-7160 Web: www.syntegon.com/2p Representatives: Charles Downer & Co. Ltd.; KLöCKNER PENTAPLAST OF CANADA, INC. 12420 Métropolitain Est, Montréal Québec H1B 0B6 Tel: 514-352-2200 Fax: 514-352-5200 Web: www. kpfilms.com
July/August 2022 · CANADIANPACKAGING 105
1887 Web: www.labelink.ca Branches: 1800 Ironstone Manor Unit 2 Pickering, Toronto, L1W 3J9 Tel: 416
W Mackay & Sons, Vancouver, 604-324-6561;UnisourceBC Canada; LYNE SYSTEMS 1651 Welch St North Vancouver British Columbia V7P 3G9 Tel: 604-639-7639 Web: www.lynesystems.com M&L TESTING EQUIPMENT (1995) INC. 9-31 Dundas St E Dundas ON L9H 7H8 Tel: 905-689-8783 800-263-9244 Fax: 905-689-3978 Web: www.mltest. com Branches: M&L Testing Equipment, 4530-14th Street N.E., Calgary, Alberta, T2E-6T7; M.D. PACKAGING INC. 141 Reach Street Unit #5A Uxbridge ON L9P1L3 Tel: 416-291-9229 Fax: 416291-2906 Web: www.mdpackaging. com M4 MACHINE KNIVES INC. 72 Reynolds Road Tiny ON L0L 2T0 Tel: 519-306-0577 Fax: 866-373-0391 Web: www.m4machineknives.com MACK EXHIBITIONSBROOKS 11 E. Adams St Ste. 200 Chicago IL 60603 Tel: 888-899-4728 888-8994728 Web: www.mackbrooks.com/ MACRO ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY INC. 199 Traders Blvd E Mississauga ON L4Z 2E5 Tel: 905-507-9000 Fax: 905-5073000 Web: www.macroeng.com MAK ENTERPRISES 32 Jaffa Drive Brampton ON L6S 4C5 Tel: 647-207-3266 Web: www. makenterprises.ca MANROLAND CANADA INC. 3-120 Jevlan Dr Vaughan ON L4L 8G3 Tel: 905-265-6300 800-676-5263 Fax: 905-265-6304 Web: www. manrolandsheetfed.com MAPLEJET CO. 175 West Beaver Creek rd. Unit 1 Richmond Hill ON L4B 3M1 Tel: 905482-3106 Web: www.maplejet.com MARITIME PRODUCTSPAPER 25 Borden Ave Dartmouth Nova Scotia B3B 1C7 Tel: 902-468-5353 800-5655353 Web: https://www.maritimepaper. com/ MARKEM-IMAJE INC. 2-7075 Edwards Blvd Mississauga ON L5S 1Z2 Tel: 800-267-5108 Fax: 866921-9732 Web: www.markem-imaje.ca Branches: Lachine, QC 514-6338848; MARQ SYSTEMSPACKAGINGINC. 3801 West Washington Yakima WA 98902 Tel: 509-966-4300 Fax: 509452-3307 Web: www.marq.net MASSMAN AUTOMATION DESIGN 1010 East Lake St Villard MN 56385 Tel: 320-554-3611 Fax: 320-5542650 MASTERNET LTD. 690 Gana Crt Mississauga ON L5S 1P2 Tel: 905-795-0005 Fax: 905-7959293 Web: www.masternetltd.com MATRIX MACHINERYPACKAGING 650 Dekora Woods Blvd Saukville WI 53080 Tel: 262-268-8300 Fax: 262268-8301 Web: www.matrixpm.com Representatives: Plan Automation, Orangeville, ON 416-479-0777; MATTHEWS MARKING SYSTEMS 3159 Unionville Road Suite 500 Cranberry PA 16066 Tel: 800-775-7775 Fax: 412-665-2550 Web: www. matthewsmarking.com MCBRADY ENGINEERING INC. P.O. Box 2549 Joliet IL 60434 Tel: 815744-8900 Fax: 815-744-8901 Web: www.mcbradyengineering.com Representatives: Chisholm Machinery 450-424-1919; MCRAE INTEGRATION LTD. 34 Meridian Rd Etobicoke ON M9W 4Z7 Tel: 416-252-8833 Fax: 416-2520053 Web: www.mcraeintegration.com MD PACKAGING INC. 141 Reach Street Unit 5A Uxbridge ON L9P1L3 Tel: 416-291-9229 Web: www. mdpackaging.com Branches: MD Packaging Inc. 360 Water Street Summerside, ON C1N 1C4; MEGA CORPORATIONSPEED 45 Main Street P.O. Box 1560 Minnedosa Manitoba R0J 1E0 Tel: 800565-2772 Web: megaspeedusa.com/https://www. MEGALAB GROUP INC. 150 Addison Hall Circle Aurora Ontario L4G 3X8 Tel: 905-752-1925 Web: www. megalabinc.com MENASHA PACKAGING CANADA LP 35 Precidio Court Brampton ON L6S 6B7 Tel: 905-792-7092 MESSER CANADA INC. 5850 Chedworth Way Mississauga ON L5R 0A2 Tel: 905-501-2500 866-2627554 Fax: 905-501-1717 Web: www. messer-ca.com CANADAMETTLER-TOLEDO 6-2915 Argentia Rd Mississauga ON L5N 8G6 Tel: 800-638-8537 Web: www.mt.com/pi ADDRESSES
KONICA MINOLTA 5875 Explorer Drive Mississauga ON L4W0E1 Web: www.konicaminolta.ca KRONES - NORTH AMERICA 9600 S. 58th Street Franklin Wisconsin 53132 Tel: 414-409-4000 Web: www. kronesusa.com Branches: Krones Machinery Co Ltd, 6285 Northam Dr, Mississauga, ON L4V 1X5, 905-3644900; KRUGER INC. 3285 Bedford Rd Montreal QC H3S 1G5 Tel: 514-366-8050 800-361-2845 Fax: 514-366-6489 Web: www.kruger. com LABEL-AIRE INC. 550 Burning Tree Rd Fullerton CA 92833 Tel: 714-449-5155 Fax: 714449-5100 Web: www.label-aire.com Ahearn & Soper, Rexdale, ON 416-675-3999; 9201 Claveau H1J 2C8 514-328913 ON 905-670-7200 905-430-7647;M.D. 905-212905-565-9484;Star 905-670-7928;Thomas
INTELLIGRATEDHONEYWELL 2075 Forbes Street Building B, Unit # 1 Whitby ON L1N 9X1 Tel: 905-743-5300 800-263-7502 Web: honeywell.com/us/enhttps://sps. HOOD CORPORATIONPACKAGING 2380 McDowell Rd Burlington ON L7R 4A1 Tel: 905-637-5611 Fax: 905-6379954 Web: www.hoodpkg.com
Montreal Quebec
800-786-1770 Fax:
HEIDELBERG CANADA GRAPHIC EQUIPMENT LIMITED 5900 Keaton Cres Mississauga ON L5R 3K2 Tel: 905-362-4400 Fax: 905362-4595 Web: www.heidelberg.com HENKEL CORPORATION 2515 Meadowpine Blvd Mississauga ON L5N 6C3 Tel: 905-814-6511 www.henkelna.com/packagingWeb: (CANADA)HEWLETT-PACKARDCO. 5150 Spectrum Way Mississauga ON L4W 5G1 Tel: 905-206-4725 HEXION INC. 180 East Broad Street Columbus OH 43215 Tel: 614-986-2497 888-4439466 Fax: 877-443-9466 Web: www. hexion.com HIBAR SYSTEMS LTD. 35 Pollard St Richmond Hill ON L4B 1A8 Tel: 905-731-2400 Fax: 905-7316035 Web: www.hibar.com Branches: John Brooks Company, Laval, QC, 514 636 6400; HMA SYSTEMS 12-185 Advance Blvd Brampton ON L6T 4Y3 Tel: 905-458-8182 800-309-2880 Fax: 905-458-0758 Web: www. hmasystems.com
Web: mpac-group.com/mpac-langenwww. LANGGUTH AMERICA LTD. 109 Randall Dr Waterloo ON N2V 1C5 Tel: 519-888-0099 Fax: 519-8880029 Web: www.langguth-america.com LANTECH.COM, LLC 11000 Bluegrass Pky Louisville KY 40299 Tel: 502-267-4200 Fax: 502266-5031 Web: www.lantech.com LAPP CANADA INC. 10-3505 Laird Rd Mississauga ON L5L 5Y7 Tel: 905-820-5492 Fax: 905820-6516 Web: www.lappcanada.com LAVERGNE GROUPE INC. 8800 1er croissant Anjou Quebec H1J1C8 Tel: 514-354-5757 Fax: 514354-3087 Web: www.lavergne.ca LEADERLINX C/O JAMES D DOWNHAM 111-10 Walker Ave Toronto ON M4V 1G2 Tel: 647-993-7600 Web: www. leaderlinx.com LEIBINGER 2702-B Buell Dr East Troy WI 53120 Tel: 203-853-0022 Fax: 203-8533355 Web: www.leibinger-group.com Representatives: Redemac, St. Laurent, QC 514-335-9570; LENZE AMERICAS 630 Douglas St Uxbridge MA 01569 Tel: 508-278-9100 800-217-9100 Fax: 508-278-7873 Web: www.lenze.com Representatives: Northwest Electrical Solutions, Surrey, BC V3W 0M6; LEPEL CORP CAPSEALING DIV. W227 N937 Westmound Dr Waukesha WI 53186 Tel: 262-782-0450 Fax: 262-782-3299 Web: www.cap-sealing. com LES PACKAGINGKNOWLTONEMBALLAGES/KNOWLTON 315 ch Knowlton Knowlton QC J0E 1V0 Tel: 450-243-6161 Fax: 450-2430559 LINK PACK GROUP 940 Boulevard Industriel Terrebonne Qc J6Y 1X1 Tel: 438-686-7312 Web: https://www.link-pack.com LOMA SYSTEMS, AN ITW COMPANY 550 Kehoe Blvd Carol Stream IL 60188 Tel: 630-588-0900 800-872-5662 Fax: 630-588-1396 Web: www.loma. com INTERNATIONALLONGFORD LTD. 41 Lamont Ave Scarborough ON M1S 1A8 Tel: 416-298-6622 Fax: 416-2986627 Web: www.longfordint.com LOVESHAW, AN ITW COMPANY, LITTLE DAVID PRODUCTS DIV. Route 296 South Canaan PA 18459 Tel: 570-937-4921 Fax: 570-937-3229 Web: www.loveshaw.com Representatives: Crawford Provincial, London, 519-659-0909;DependableON Marking Sys, Oshawa, 905-433-1383;HarlundON Industries, Edmonton, 780-484-4400;Etobicoke,AB ON 416679-9990;J G Packaging, Whitby, ON
7046;Snell Packaging Systems Ltd, Mississauga, ON
0572 Toll Free: + 1 866 913 0572; LANGEN PACKAGING INC. 1-6500 Kitimat Rd Mississauga
HUBERGROUP CANADA LIMITED 2150A Drew Rd Mississauga ON L5S 1B1 Tel: 905-671-0750 Fax: 905-6716568 Web: www.hubergroup.ca Branches: Winnipeg, 204-694-7790;Saint-Laurent,MB QC 514335-2197; Representatives: Spicers Canada Limited, Edmonton, AB 780-229-1600;Richmond, BC 778-234-2555;Vaughan, ON 800-2683569; HYBRID SOFTWARE One South State Street Newtown PA 18940 Tel: 215-550-6243 Web: www. hybridsoftware.com Representatives: Anderson and Vreeland;NuStream; ICONOTECH 2 Heritage Park Rd Clinton CT 06143 Tel: 860-669-0358 800-521-0194 Fax: 860-669-5109 Web: www. iconotech.com ID TECHNOLOGY CANADA 165 Annagem Blvd Mississauga ON L5T 2V1 Tel: 800-268-7339 Web: www. idtechnology.com INC. 105 Pheasant Run Newtown PA 18940 Tel: 215-579-2900 CANADA INC. 6775 Financial Drive Suite 202 Mississauga ON L5N 0A4 Tel: 905-3667655 888-539-8952 Web: www. keyence.ca Branches: Windsor Office, 3270 Electricity Drive, Suite 214, Windsor, Ontario N8W 5J1,1-888-5393623;Montreal Office,1 Holiday Avenue, East Tower, Suite 501, Pointe-Claire, Quebec, H9R 5N3,1-888-539-3623; KHK USA INC. 259 Elm Pl Mineola NY 11501 Tel: 516248-3850 Fax: 516-248-4385 Web: https://www.khkgears.us KHS USA, INC 880 Bahcall Court Waukesha WI 53186 Tel: 262-797-7200 Web: www.khs.com
Packaging Inc., Scarborough, 416-291-9229;PackagingON Machinery Concepts, Mississauga, ON
Fax: 215-5799959 Web: www.ilapak.com IMA NORTH AMERICA INC. 7 New Lancaster Rd Leominster MA 01453 Tel: 978-537-8534 800-8511518 Fax: 978-840-0730 Web: www. ima.it IMPERIAL DADE CANADA INC. 4300 rue Hickmore Saint-Laurent QC H4T 1K2 Tel: 1-800-361-7147 Web: www.imperialdade.com INDUSTRIAL MARKING SYSTEMS INC. 9000 Henri Bourassa O St Laurent QC H4S 1L5 Tel: 514-336-3213 888-3363213 Fax: 514-745-2923 Web: www. imsinc.ca INNOVIA FILMS INC. 1950 Lake Park Dr Smyrna GA 30080 Tel: 877-822-3456 Fax: 770-9708481 INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONALSPACKAGING(IOPP) One Parkview Plaza Suite 800 Oakbrook Terrace IL 60181 Tel: 630-544-5050 Web: www.iopp.org INTEPLAST BAGS AND FILMS CORPORATIONHAREMAR DIVISIONMANUFACTURINGPLASTIC 200 Great Gulf Dr Vaughan ON L4K 4W1 Tel: 905-761-7552 Fax: 905-761-2808 Web: www.haremar.com FEATUREDINTERNATIONALSTANDARDSIFS 251 Yonge Street Richmond Hill Ontario L4C 9T3 Tel: 416-356-2411 Web: www. ifs-certification.com/ INX INTERNATIONAL INK CO. 150 N Martingale Suite 700 Schaumburg IL 60173 Tel: 630-3821906 Web: www.inxinternational.com IPL INC. 1000 Sherbrook W Levis QC H3A 3GU Tel: 438-320-6188 800-463-0270 Fax: 418-833-3305 Web: www. iplglobal.com Branches: 140, rue Commerciale Saint-Damien-deBuckland 1-418-789-3651; ITW DYNATEC 31 Volunteer Dr Hendersonville TN 37075 Tel: 615-824-3634 Fax: 615264-5248 Web: www.itwdynatec.com Representatives: HMA Systems, Brampton, ON 905-458-8182;ServiCenter, St Leonard, 8499;Company514-326-5462;Timeco-MartenQCLtd.,Coquitlam,BC604-525ITW MULLER CANADA 3456 N Ridge Ave Suite 400 Arlington Heights IL 60004 Tel: 800-628-6787 Fax: 847-483-1500 Web: www. itwmuller.com Branches: Cornwall, ON 613-938-7900; JBX SYSTEMS INC. 48 Woodrow Ave Toronto ON M4C5S2 Tel: 416-580-1588 JENREY LTD. JG CONSULTING LLC 4071 N 90th street Milwaukee Wisconsin 53222 Tel: 414-708-8828 JG PACKAGING 900 Wilson Road, North Suite # 1104 Oshawa ON L1G 7T2 Tel: 416-352-8808 JL PLASTICS INC Monsanto Court Thornhill Ontario L3T Tel: 647-554-3679 Web: www. jlplastics.ca JLS AUTOMATION 20 Innovation Dr. York PA 17402 Tel: 717-505-3800 Fax: 717-505-3805 Web: https://www.jlsautomation.com/ JOKEY PLASTICS NORTH AMERICA INC. 150 Mitchell St Goderich ON N7A 3X8 Tel: 519-524-9890 Fax: 519-524-6114 Web: www.jokey.com JONES GROUPHEALTHCARE 3000 Page St London ON N5V 5H3 Tel: 519-451-2100 800-265-9093 Fax: 519-451-2107 Web: joneshealthcaregroup.comwww. Branches: Jones Healthcare Group - Packaging Services Site, 55 Walker Drive, Brampton, ON L6T 5K5, Canada; Representatives: Venalink Ltd.; JOWAT CANADA PO Box 149 Mississauga ON L5M 2B7 Tel: 519-854-3969 Web: www.jowat. com KALLIMA (PRODUCED BY RAYONIER MATERIALS)ADVANCED 4 Place Ville-Marie Suite 100 Montreal Quebec H3B 2E7 Tel: 514-871-2316 Web: https://kallimapaper.com/ KAPS-ALL PACKAGING SYSTEMS INC. 200 Mill Rd Riverhead NY 11901 Tel: 631-727-0300 Fax: 631-369-5939 Web: www.kapsall.com KEYENCE
106 CANADIANPACKAGING · July/August 2022 CANADIANPACKAGING.COM MG SOLUTECH INC. 1579 Poitiers Terrebonne Quebec J6X 4P3 Tel: 514-909-9127 Web: www. mgsolutech.ca MIRANDA PHARMEQUIP INC 1365 Kaneff Cresent, Unit # 14 Mississaauga Ontario L5T2J5 www.mirandapharmequip.comWeb: PACKAGINGMITCHEL-LINCOLNLTD. 3737 boul Thimens Ville St Laurent QC H4R 1V1 Tel: 514-332-3480 800-3615727 Fax: 514-332-2039 Web: www. mitchellincoln.ca MK NORTH AMERICA, INC. 105 Highland Park Dr Bloomfield CT 06002 Tel: 860-769-5500 Fax: 860769-5505 Web: mknorthamerica.comhttps://www. MODULEX SOLUTIONS INC. 513-9200 Ave du Parc Montreal Quebec H2N1Z4 Tel: 866-718-8645 https://en.modulex-solutions.com/Web: MOORE CORPORATIONPACKAGING 191 John St Barrie ON L4N 2L4 Tel: 705-737-1023 Fax: 705-737-5579 Web: www.moorepackaging.com MOTION CANADA 8985 Fraserwood Crt Burnaby BC V5J 5E8 Tel: 604-433-6711 Fax: 604433-7377 Web: www.motioncanada. com
8821 Web: www.nordsonadhesive.com NORTH AMERICAN MEAT INSTITUTE 1150 Connecticut Ave NW 12th Floor Washington DC 20036 Tel:
meatinstitute.org NSF CANADA 125 Chancellors Way Guelph ON N1G 0E7 Tel:
369-2429 Web: www.pacificpak.com PACK-RITE - DIV.OF METTLER TOLEDO, LLC 3026 Phillips Ave Racine WI 53403 Tel:
NVENIA 750 N Wood Dale Road Wood Dale IL 60191 Tel: 800-253-5103 Fax: 847671-7006 Web: https://www.nvenia. com/ O-I One Michael Owens Way Perrysburg OH 43551 Tel: 567-336-5000 Web: www.o-i.com Branches: Brampton, ON;Montreal, QC 514-934-8819; Representatives: Saxco Canada, Port Credit, ON 905-271-5700; OBX WORKS INC. 47 Primrose Path Cres Markham ON L3S 4A9 Tel: 647-966-5385 Web: www.obxworks.com OHLSON PACKAGING 490 Constitution Drive Taunton MA 02780 Tel: 508-977-0004 Fax: 508977-0007 Web: www.ohlsonpack.com OMEGA DESIGN CORP. 211 Philips Rd Exton PA 19341 Tel: 610-363-6555 Fax: 610-524-7398 Web: www.omegadesign.com Representatives: Packaging Equipment Solutions, Brampton, ON 905-970-1562; OMORI NORTH AMERICA 28 Simpson Rd Bolton ON L7E 1G9 Tel: 905-857-7880 Web: Www.bwcooney.ca OMRON CANADA INC. 802-100 Consilium Pl Toronto ON M1H 3E3 Tel: 416-286-6465 866-986-6766 Fax: 416-286-6648 Web: www. omron247.com Branches: Lachine, QC 514-636-6676; Representatives: Aztec Electrical Supply 905-761-7762;Advanced Motion & Controls 5331;267-7828;EECOL604-294-4604;Daltco418-871-6016;Cesco905-890-3344;AutomatisationFluidTechnologies705-726-2260;Proax905-829-2006;TaylorSystems519-273-2811;WescoJ.R.TElectricalElectric800-Electric807-223ONTARIO INDEPENDENT MEAT ASSOCIATIONPROCESSORS B1-52 Royal Rd Guelph ON N1H 1G3 Tel: 519-763-4558 Fax: 519-763-4164 Web: www.oimp.ca OPTIMA CORPORATIONMACHINERY 1330 Contract Dr Green Bay WI 54304 Tel: 920-339-2222 Fax: 920-3392233 Web: www.optima-usa.com ORION SYSTEMSPACKAGING 4750 Country Rd 13 NE Alexandria MN 56308 Tel: 901-888-4170 Fax: 901365-1071 Web: www.orionpackaging. com Branches: Laval, QC 514-2315645; 647-233-7577; OYSTAR NORTH AMERICA (FORMERLY KNOWN AS OYSTAR USA, INC. & IWKA PACSYSTEMS, INC.) 523 Raritan Center Pky Edison NJ 08837 Tel: 732-343-7600 Fax: 732343-7601 Web: www.oystar-group.com P&A PLASTICS INC. 150 Main St. East Hamilton ON L8N 3W9 Tel: 905-547-1675 Web: www. paplastics.com PAC GLOBAL 600-15 Allstate Parkway Markham ON L3R 5B4 Tel: 647-993-7600 Web: www.pac.global PACIFIC MACHINERYPACKAGING 1284 Puerta Del Sol San Clemente CA 92673 Tel:
NUSPARK INC. 400 Steeprock Dr Toronto ON M3J 2X1 Tel:
PANO CAP CANADA LTD. 55 Webster Rd Kitchener ON N2C 2E7 Tel: 519-893-6055 Fax: 519-8936273 Web: www.panocap.com PAPER & COUNCILENVIRONMENTALPACKAGINGPAPERBOARD(PPEC) 3-1995 Clark Blvd Brampton ON L6T 4W1 Tel: 905-458-0087 Fax: 905458-2052 Web: www.ppec-paper.com PAPERBOARD PACKAGING COUNCIL 1350 Main St Suite 1508 Springfield MA 01103-1670 Tel: 413-686-9191 PAPERLAND CANADA INC. 238 HOOD ROAD MARKHAM ONTARIO L3R 3K8 Tel: 905-956-1118 Web: www. paperland.ca PAXIOM GROUP 2037 E Maule Ave Las Vegas NV 89119 Tel: 702-450-0808 Web: www.paxiom. com Branches: WeighPack Systems Inc. / 5605 Cypihot Street, Montreal, QC, H4S-1R3 / 514.422.0808;Paxiom Toronto Xperience Center / 375 Admiral Blvd, Unit 2 Mississauga, ON L5T 2N1 / (702) 450-0808; Representatives: EndFlex LLC. / 4760 NW 128th St, Opa Locka(Miami), FL 33054;ValTara SRL / Via Lago di Alleghe, 15, 36015 Schio VI, Italy;Paxiom Automation Inc. /. 2037 East Maule Avenue Las Vegas, NV 89119; PC PACKAGING PDC CORPINTERNATIONAL 8 Sheehan Ave Norwalk CT 06854 Tel: 203-853-1516 Fax: 203-854-0834 Web: www.pdc-corp.com PEARSON PACKAGING SYSTEMS W 8120 Sunset Hwy Spokane WA 99224 Tel: 509-838-6226 Fax: 509747-8532 Web: www.pearsonpkg.com Representatives: Ville Mont-Royal, QC 514-731-7747;Oakville, ON 905847-0166; PECO PALLET CANADA, INC. 123 Slater St Floor 3 Ottawa ON K1P 5H2 Tel: 914-376-5444 Fax: 914-3767376 Web: www.pecopallet.com PEEL PLASTIC PRODUCTS LTD. 49 Rutherford Rd S Brampton ON L6W 3J3 Tel: 905-456-3660 Fax: 905456-0870 Web: www.peelplastics.com PEMBERTON & ASSOCIATES INC. 1-3610 Nashua Dr Mississauga ON L4V 1X9 Tel: 905-678-8900 800-668-6111 Fax: 905-678-8989 Web: www. pemcom.com PETRO CORPORATIONPLASTICSLTD 140 Vinyl ct Woodbridge Ontario L4L 4A3 Tel: 905-851-8499 n/a Fax: 905851-8503 Web: www.petroplastics.ca Representatives: Steven Barkel; PETTY LTDCO-OPERATIVEFISHERMENSHARBOURPRODUCERSOCIETY 35 SOUTHSIDE ROAD PETTY HARBOUR ST JOHNS NL A0A3H0 Tel: 709-3681739 Fax: 709-368-5759 PFM CORPORATIONMACHINERYPACKAGING 1271 Ringwell Dr Newmarket ON L3Y 8T9 Tel: 905-836-6709 Fax: 905836-7763 Web: www.pfmnorthamerica. com Representatives: Plan Automation, Veritiv, MD Packaging; PILZ SAFETYAUTOMATIONCANADAL.P. 6695 Millcreek Drive Unit 8 Mississauga ON L5N 5R8 Tel: 905-821-7459 833821-7459 Fax: 905-821-7459 Web: www.pilz.ca MANUFACTURINGPINEBERRY INC. 1-2300 Bristol Cir Oakville ON L6H 5S3 Tel: 905-829-0016 844-746-3634 Fax: 905-829-4637 Web: www. pineberryinc.com PLAN AUTOMATION INC. 5 Loring Drive Bolton ON L7E 1Y1 Tel: 647-980-9210 416-720-7875 Fax: 416-479-0787 Web: www. planautomation.com PLAN IT SYSTEMSPACKAGINGINC 370 Britannia Road East Unit 1-2 Mississauga Ontario L4Z1X9 866-3393407 Web: https://planitpackaging. com/ Representatives: Leafy Pack LLC; PLANET A 145 Industrial Parkway South Aurora Ontario L4G 3V5 Tel: 844-356-9426 Web: https://planetacopacking.com/ Representatives: Flow Alkaline Spring Water; PLASTICS INSTITUTE OF AMERICA One University Ave Ball Hall Room 204 Lowell MA 01854 Tel: 978-934-2575 Fax: 978-934-3089 PLASTIQUES LAUSA INT,L INC. 467, Chemin du Golf L'Assomption Qu/ bec j5w 1j8 Tel: 450-589-0880 PLEXPACK CORP 2-1160 Birchmount Rd Toronto ON M1P 2B8 Tel: 416-609-8011 Fax: 416-2984328 Web: www.plexpack.com PLEXPACK CORP. 2-1160 Birchmount Rd Toronto ON M1P 2B8 Tel: 416-291-8085 Fax: 416-2984328 Web: www.plexpack.com PMC INDUSTRIES 275 Hudson St Hackensack NJ 07601 Tel: 201-342-3684 Fax: 201-3423568 Web: www.pmc-industries.com PMMI - THE ASSOCIATION FOR PACKAGING AND TECHNOLOGIESPROCESSING 12930 Worldgate Dr Suite 200 Herndon VA 20170 Tel: 571-612-3200 Fax: 703-243-8556 Web: www.pmmi.org PMR PACKAGING INC. 701 Rossland Rd E, Unit 361 Whitby ON L1N 9K3 Tel: 905-725-2225 877-7677225 Fax: 905-725-2241 Web: www. pmrpackaging.com POLARIS SYSTEMS INC. 2220 Argentia Rd Unit # 8 Mississauga Ontario L5N 2K7 Tel: 905-542-7577 Fax: 905-542-7571 Web: www. polaris-systems.net POLYTAINERS INC. 197 Norseman St Toronto ON M8Z 2R5 Tel: 416-239-7311 800-268-2424 Fax: 416-239-0596 Web: www. polytainersinc.com POWER BEAM INC. 7454 Speers Rd. Elora On N0B1S0 Tel: 519-846-5835 866-842-6511 Web: www.powerbeam.ca Representatives: Action Valve and Cylinder; PPIPRODUCTSPACKAGINGINC. 2 - 6581 Kitimat Road Mississauga ON L5N 3T5 Tel: 905-507-4040 800-6654040 Fax: 905-285-0054 Web: www. ppipack.com PRAXAIR CANADA INC. 1200-1 City Centre Dr Mississauga ON L5B 1M2 Tel: 905-803-1600 Fax: 905-803-1696 Web: www.praxair.com Branches: Edmonton, 1500;514-337-6000;Calgary,902-468-4139;Montreal,204-589-7363;Dartmouth,604-527-0717;Winnipeg,780-467-0550;Vancouver,ABBCMBNSQCAB403-216PREMIER TECH CHRONOS 1 av Premier Rivière-du-Loup QC G5R 6C1 Tel: 418-868-8324 Fax: 418-8626642 Web: www.ptchronos.com PRIMERA TECHNOLOGY Two Carlson Parkway N Plymouth MN 55447 Tel: 763-475-6676 Web: www. primera.com PRINTINGBLUE 5837 De Zavala Rd, Ste 690325 SAN ANTONIO TX 78269-0638 Tel: 416907-6181 Web: https://www. printingblue.ca/ PRODO-PAK CORP 77 Commerce St Garfield NJ 07026 Tel: 973-772-4500 Fax: 973-772-0471 Web: www.prodo-pak.com INC.INDUSTRIALPROFESSIONALSUPPLIES 10 Cricket Hollow Markham Ontario L3T 7A5 Tel: 647-838-2885 Web: www. pisupplies.ca PROPACK PROCESSING & PACKAGING SYSTEMS INC. 4902 Union Rd Beamsville ON L0R 1B4 Tel: 905-563-9400 877-924-3337 Fax: 905-563-7224 Web: www. propack.ca PRX PRINT 6110 Ordan Dr Unit 1 Mississauga ON L5T 2B4 Tel: 905-670-2014 Fax: 905495-1599 Web: www.prxprint.com R E EQUIPMENTMORRISONINC. 21-3615 Laird Rd Mississauga ON L5L 5Z8 Tel: 905-828-6301 800-668-8736 Fax: 905-828-3674 Web: www. remequip.com R-J MACHINERY INC. 44 Torbay Rd Markham ON L3R 1G6 Tel: 905-475-1046 Fax: 905-4750944 Web: www.rjmachinery.com ADDRESSES
Niagara Falls Ontario L2G 3W7 Tel: 588-022-3249 Web: https://www.netebath.com NETPAK 9055 Impasse de l'Invention Anjou Québec H1J 3A7 Tel: 514-645-8412 866-399-8544 Web: www.netpak.com NEW CENTURY FLAGS 457 Commissioners Road East London ON N6C 2T6 Tel: 519-686-2086 800287-9455 Web: www.newcenturyflags. ca Representatives: Flag Outlet, Tillonca Flagpoles; NEW MACHINERYENGLANDINC. 2820 62nd Ave E Bradenton FL 34203 Tel: 941-755-5550 Fax: 941-751-6281 Web: www.neminc.com Representatives: MD Packaging Inc., Markham, ON 416-291-9229; NEWMAPAK LTD. 325 chemin St-Francois-Xavier Suite 101 Delson QC J5B1Y2 Tel: 514-8665572 877-866-5572 Fax: 450-6353611 Web: www.newmapak.com NJM 5600 rue Kieran Saint-Laurent QC H4S 2B5 Tel: 514-337-6990 Fax: 514-3350801 Web: www.njmpackaging.com NORDSON CANADA LIMITED 1211 Denison St Markham ON L3R 4B3 Tel: 800-463-3200 Fax:
MULLER MARTINI CANADA INC. 20 Caldari Rd Vaughan ON L4K 4N8 Tel: 905-660-9595 Fax: 905-660-5762 Web: www.mullermartinicanada.com
TECHNOLOGY,MULTIFEEDER INC. 4821 White Bear Pky St Paul MN 55110-3325 Tel: 651-407-3100 Fax: 651-407-3199 Web: www.multifeeder. com Representatives: Crawford Provincial, London, 519-659-0909;Mississauga,ON ON 905670-7904;That Packaging Group, Richmond Hill, ON 416-580-1244; MULTIVAC CANADA INC. 6 Abacus Rd Brampton ON L6T 5B7 Tel: 905-264-1170 877-264-1170 Fax: 905-264-0227 Web: ca.multivac.com PACKAGING INC 4-81 Kelfield Street Toronto Ontario M9W5A3 Tel: 416-244-4480 Web: www.mvpackaging.ca COMPANY,ENGINEERINGINC. E. Plainfield Rd. Countryside IL 60525 Tel: 708-579-9100 Fax: 708579-0122 Web: www.nalbach.com BIDET ATTACHMENTSSEATCO., LTD Fallsview Blvd. Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada L2G 3W7 905-475202-5874200 202-587-4300 www. 519-821-1246 519-8361281 www.nsfcanada.ca 416-663-7071 416-6630233 www.nuspark.com 949-369-2425 949262-635-6966 Fax: 262-634-0521 Web: www.packrite.com PACK3000 CANADA LTD 2400 Canadian street suite 800 Drummondville Quebec J2C 7W3 Tel: 819-474-3830 Web: www.pack3000. com PACKAGING MACHINERY CONCEPTS LTD. 939 Matheson Blvd E Mississauga ON L4W 2R7 Tel: 905-212-7046 Fax: 905212-9878 Web: www.pmcltd.ca TECHNOLOGIESPACKAGING INC. 310 Courtland Ave Concord ON L4K 4Y6 Tel: 905-738-8226 800-303-5883 Fax: 905-738-6182 Web: www.ptibox. com Branches: The Central Group; PACKPRO SYSTEMS 8 Paisley Lane Stouffville ON L4A 7X4 Tel: 905-642-1300 800-447-0666 Web: www.packproinc.com PAKSOLVE SOLUTIONS INC. 1-1000 Central Parkway West Mississauga Ontario L5C 0A6 Tel: 416587-5871 Web: www.paksolve.com PAKTECH 1680 Irving Rd Eugene OR 97402 Tel: 541-461-5000 Fax: 541-461-5005 Web: www.paktech-opi.com PAL DISTRIBUTORS INC. 1901 Logan Avenue Winnipeg Manitoba R2R 0H6 Tel: 204-697-2880 800-5653995 Fax: 204-697-2881 Web: www. palgroup.ca Branches: PAL Distributors Inc. Unit 5 110 Woodbine Downs Blvd, Etobicoke, ON M9W 5S6 1-416-741-0856;PAL Distributors Inc. Unit 1 5550 36 Street SE, Calgary, AB T2C 1P1 2880;Winnipeg,Distributors1-403-720-8385;PALInc.1901LoganAvenue,MBR2R0H61-204-697PALAMATIC PROCESS INC. 1510 Cecil B. Moore Avenue Suite 200 Philadelphia PA 19121 Tel: 215-4989303 Web: palamaticprocess.com/en-ushttps://www.
Read the full report at fcc.ca/BeverageReport
Kyle Burak, FCC Senior Economist
Increased foodservice volumes and continued retail growth boosted total sales 11.3% YoY to $14.5 billion in 2021. Beverage manufacturing sales are projected to decrease 1.0% in 2022, driven by: Broad inflation shifting consumers’ choices Elevated wholesale/retail inventory levels limiting downstream sales Shift towards service-based sales where consumers tend to drink fewer alcoholic beverages than at home
Three key observations from this year’s report:
The annual FCC Beverage Report highlights opportunities and risks for Canadian beverage manufacturers. It includes an annual sales forecast for 2022, product sales performance and a gross margin rate index. report drinks other non-alcoholic beverages
are: • Breweries • Wineries • Distilleries • Soft
2. Industry gross margins expected to improve
3. Beer remains the number one alcoholic choice among Canadians but also faces pressure Beer sales at the retail level for the 2020-21 year declined 1.4%, with total litres sold falling 2.3%. Total beer volumes have now declined for five consecutive years. Canadian breweries have taken market share from internationally produced beer over that timeframe, although their volume has also declined, just at a smaller rate. Overall, beer’s market share compared to wines and liquor fell by two percentage points to 36%.
The bottom line
Low retail inflation relative to rising input costs is a trend to monitor. Look for data-driven ways to boost margins, manage inventory, product mix and pricing strategies. Find ways to maintain or grow market share by connecting with Canadian consumers, through tourism or capitalizing on their desire for niche and “locally produced.” The alcoholic beverage market is competitive; however, product innovations, including seltzers, pre-mixed drinks, non-alcoholic drinks and other beverages, are supporting growth.
Industries featured in the
2022 FCC Beverage Report: Demand shifting from retail to service
Despite growing topline sales, gross margins struggled to regain 2019 levels. Strong competition in the alcoholic beverage sector makes it difficult to pass on higher costs, resulting in beverage inflation lagging food inflation. We expect margins to improve in 2022 as consumers are willing to pay higher prices for beverages, assuming costs don’t continue to rise. Bar, taproom, wine tasting rooms and restaurant sales are also often at a higher margin than retail.
1. Beverage manufacturing sales increased in 2021

0H5 Tel: 343291-3411 Web: https://www.sinospare. com SIPROMAC LL INC. 2555 rue Alfred-Nobel Drummondville QC J2A 0L5 Tel: 819-395-5151 855395-5252 Fax: 819-395-5343 Web: www.sipromac.com SLEEKWRAPPER 2- 375 Admiral Blvd Mississauga ON L5T 2N1 Tel: 416-623-4325 833-4729466 Web: www.sleekwrapper.com Branches: WeighPack Systems, Inc. 5605 rue Cypihot Montreal, QC H4S 1R3; SOMA 7 Greenwood Acres Drive Mills River NC 28759 Tel: 828-699-6307 Web: https://soma-eng.com/ Representatives: DTM Flexo Services; SOMIC AMERICA, INC. 200-500 Lane Oak Rd Eagan MN 55121 Tel: 651-419-6050 Web: somic.us SPEE-DEE MACHINERYPACKAGINGINC. 1360 Grandview Pkwy Sturtevant WI 53177 Tel: 262-886-4402 Fax: 262886-5502 Web: www.spee-dee.com SPEEDWAY MACHINERYPACKAGING 10 Gormley Industrial Ave Unit 2-3 Gormley ON L0H 1G0 Tel: 905-8885344 Fax: 905-888-5374 Web: www. spmi.ca SPI: THE ASSOCIATIONINDUSTRYPLASTICSTRADE 1425 K Street NW Suite 500 Washington DC 20005 Tel: 202-9745200 Web: www.plasticsindustry.org SPICERS CANADA 200 Galcat Drive Vaughan ON L4L 0B9 Tel: 905-265-5000 877-790-2335 Web: www.spicers.ca SPS/PHIN LIMITED 631-420 Main St E Milton ON L9T 5G3 Tel: 416-298-2151 Fax: 416-298-2170 Web: www.spsphin.com SQUID MANUFACTURINGINK 7041 Boone Ave North Brooklyn Park MN 55428 Tel: 763-795-8856 800877-5658 Fax: 763-795-8867 Web: www.squidink.com TECHNOLOGIESSTANMECH INC. 944 Zelco Dr Burlington ON L7L 4Y3 Tel: 905-631-6161 888-438-8864 Fax: 905-631-1852 Web: www. stanmech.com, www.leister.ca STARVIEW MACHINERY,PACKAGINGINC. 1840 boul St. Regis Dorval QC H9P 1H6 Tel: 514-920-0100 Fax: 514-9200092 Web: www.starview.net MACHINERYENGINEERINGSTEELNOR/INVENTURE&INC. 511 Welham Rd Barrie ON L4N 8Z6 Tel: 705-725-9750 Fax: 705-725-8086 Web: www.steelnor.com Representatives: Plan Automation, Accent Packaging; STERLING PRODUCTSMARKINGINC. 1147 Gainsborough Rd London ON N6H 5L5 Tel: 519-434-5785 800-265-5957 Fax: 519-434-9516 Web: www. sterling.ca STOCK CANADAPACKAGING 815A Tecumseh Pointe-Claire QC H9R 4B1 Tel: 514-426-1266 844-426-1266 Fax: 514-426-1200 Web: www. stockcanada.ca STORCAN 215 Industriel Blvd. Chateauguay QC J6J 4Z2 Tel: 450-698-2158 800-3619073 Web: https://www.storcan.com AUTOMATIONSTRONGPOINTINC. 10 Heroux Devtek Drive Cambridge ON N3E 0A8 Tel: 519-624-1255 Fax: 519624-1355 Web: strongpointautomation.comwww. STURGEON FERTILIZERSVALLEY Box 278 57402 RR 252A Legal AB T0G 1L0 Tel: 780-961-3088 Fax: 780-9613084 Web: www.svfltd.ca SULLAIR, LLC 1 Sullair Way Michigan City IN 46360 Tel: 219-879-5451 1-800-SULLAIR Web: www.sullair.com Representatives: Comairco;Chamco; SUN CHEMICAL 135 West Lake Street Northlake IL 60164 Tel: 708-236-3798 Fax: 708562-0580 Web: www.sunchemical.com SYNTEGON 869 South Knowles Ave. New Richmond WI 54017 Tel: 715-246-6511 Web: www.syntegon.com TAISEI LAMICK - DANGAN 1830 Howard st Elk Grove VIllage IL 60007 Tel: 847-258-3283 Web: taiseilamickusa.com Representatives: Tasei Lamick Chicago; TAPP LABEL COMPANY 999 Progress Ave Toronto ON M1B 6J1 Tel: 416-321-7889 800-668-4405 Fax: 416-332-2389 Web: www. metrolabel.com TC PACKAGINGTRANSCONTINENTAL 8700 Bryn Mawr Ave. 1000N Chicago IL 60631 Tel: 773-877-3300 866-4396050 Web: www.tc.tc/packaging TECHNICAL ADHESIVES LIMITED 3035 Jarrow Ave Mississauga ON L4X 2C6 Tel: 905-625-1284 Fax: 905625-6841 Web: technicaladhesives.comwww. TECHNO PAK PACKAGING SYSTEMS INC. 2150 Bombardier Saint-Julie QC J3E 2J9 Tel: 450-922-3122 Fax: 450-9223422 Web: www.techno-pak.com TEKPAKSOLUTIONS 1-44 Ditton Drive Hamilton Ontario L8W 0A9 Tel: 416-505-3839 Web: www. tekpaksolutions.com TEMPO PACKAGINGFLEXIBLE 2237 Industrial Park Road Innisfil Ontario L9S 3V9 Tel: 705-436-4442 888-436-4444 Web: tempoflexiblepackaging.comwww. TETRA PAK CANADA INC. 2902-777 Bay St Toronto ON M4G 2C8 Tel: 647-775-1837 Fax: 905-7804903 THERMO SCIENTIFICFISHER 501 90th Ave NW Minneapolis MN 55433 Tel: 800-227-8891 Web: thermofisher.com/productinspectionwww. Representatives: MD Packaging; TIERMAX INC 1 King St W, 48th Floor Toronto Ontario M5H1A1 Tel: 437-778-2200 Web: https://tiermax.ca/ TIGERPAK INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES 6810 Kitimat Road Unit 1 Mississauga Ontario L5N 5M2 Tel: 289-328-0651 877-538-8078 Fax: 289-328-0652 Web: www.tigerpak.ca TNA NORTH AMERICA INC. 680 S Royal Lane Coppell TX 75019 Tel: 972-462-6500 Fax: 972-462-6599 Web: www.tnasolutions.com TRAYPACK MACHINE LTD. 142 Stonybrook Drive. Kitchener ontario N2M 4L7 Tel: 519-584-7208 Fax: Nil Web: www. Traypackmachine TRI-MACH GROUP INC. 23 Donway Ct Elmira ON N3B 0B1 Tel: 519-744-6565 877-874-6224 Fax: 519-744-6829 Web: www.tri-mach.com TRI-R POWER PRODUCTS 1136-3 Centre St Unit 189 Thornhill ON L4J 3M8 Tel: 905-370-0290 Representatives: Oriental Motor USA Corp.; ADDRESSES
Web: www.sickcanada.com SIEMENS CANADA LIMITED 1577 North Service Rd E Oakville ON L6H 0H6 Tel:
6M5 Tel:
Web: www. shawpak.com SICK LTD. (CANADA) 2 East Beaver Creek Rd Building #2 Richmond Hill ON L4B 2N3 Tel:
SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC CANADA INC. 5985 McLaughlin Rd Mississauga ON L5R 1B8 Tel: 905-366-3999 Web: www.schneider-electric.ca SCHNEIDER PACKAGING EQUIPMENT CO. INC. 5370 Guy Young Rd Brewerton NY 13029 Tel: 315-676-3035 Fax: 315676-2875 Web: www.schneiderequip. com Representatives: Bob Griffin, Orchard Park, NY 716-440-8019; SCHUBERT AUTOMATIONPACKAGINGINC. 201-5285 Solar Drive Mississauga ON L4W 5B8 Tel: 905-282-0400 Fax: 905-282-0041 Web: www.schubert-na. com SEALED CORPORATIONAIR 3755 Laird Rd Mississauga ON L5L 0B3 Tel: 905-829-1200 Web: www. sealedair.com SEPTIMATECH GROUP INC. 106 Randall Dr Waterloo ON N2V 1K5 Tel: 519-746-7463 888-777-6775 Fax: 519-746-3464 Web: www.septimatech. com SERIGRAPHIE RICHFORD 2001 boul de Sources Pointe-Claire QC H9R 5Z4 Tel: 514-426-8700 Web: SERVICORP INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES 6445 Cote de Liesse Montreal Quebec H4T 1S9 Tel: 514-737-9111 Fax: 514737-9894 Web: www.servicorp.ca SESOTEC CANADA LTD 275 Hanlon Creek Blvd. Unit 3 Guelph ON N1C 0A1 Tel: 519-763-9729 Web: www.sesotec.ca SEW-EURODRIVE 210 Walker Dr Bramalea ON L6T 3W1 Tel: 905-791-1553 800-567-8039 Fax: 905-791-2999 Web: www. sewcan.ca Branches: SEWEURODRIVE, 2001 rue de l'Aviation, Dorval, QC H9P 2X6;SEW-EURODRIVE, 7188 Honeyman St., Tilbury Industrial Park, Delta, BC V4G 1G1; SGSCO 626 West Main Street Suite 500 Louisville KY 40202 Tel: 502-637-5443 502-634-5298 www.sgsco. com MANUFACTURER CO., LTD 1100 Boulevard George, BC V2L 3V9 George BC V2L 3V9 592-220-5197 SHAWPAK SYSTEMS LTD. 10-760 Pacific Rd Oakville ON L6L 905-847-0122 905289-695-5313 905-465-8000 Dairy Rd Woodbridge ON L4L 8H2 Tel: 416-746-3300 Fax: 416856-6294 Web: www.silganplastics. PACKAGING INC. 6-5145 Steeles Av. West North York Ontario M9L 1R5 Tel: 905-399-0991 Web: www.singularsolutionsgroup.com CO., LTD 235 Queen Street Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0H5 Ottawa Ontario K1A
771-1444 Fax:
108 CANADIANPACKAGING · July/August 2022 CANADIANPACKAGING.COM RADA INDUSTRIES 181 Brossard Delson QC J5B 1W9 Tel: 450-638-8882 833-574-8882 Web: www.industriesrada.ca/ Branches: Roda Packaging inc.; Representatives: Roda packaging inc.; RAYACOM PREMIUM PRINT 125 W 71st Ave Vancouver BC V5X 2X3 Tel: 604-254-4488 Web: Www. RAYACOM.com Branches: RAYACOM edmonton;RAYACOM calgary;RAYACOM kelowna;RAYACOM Toronto;RAYACOMSaskatoon;RAYACOMreddeer;RAYACOMhamilton; Representatives: Racer box; REBOXCORP 7500 Cote de Liesse St Laurent Quebec H4T 1E7 Tel: 514-977-9725 Web: WWW.REBOXCORP.COM Branches: Reboxcorp 7500 cote de liesse st laurent qc; RECURVE SOLUTIONS 24-56 FREEPORT CRESCENT NE CALGARY AB T3J 0T7 Tel: 403-9707155 Web: WWW.RECURVESOLUTIONS. CA Representatives: BULLSEYE PACKAGING SERVICES, 13-10099 15 STREET NE, CALGARY, AB T3J 0T7; RECYCLING COUNCIL OF ONTARIO PO Box 83 Orangeville ON L9W 2Z5 Tel: 416-657-2797 888-501-9637 Web: www.rco.on.ca REDEMAC INC 3540 Griffith Montreal Quebec H4T 1A7 Tel: 888-335-9570 888-335-9570 Fax: 877-735-4087 Web: www. redemac.com Branches: REDEMAC Inc. 416-543-8001; REGAL REXNORD 320 Superior Blvd Mississauga ON L5T 2N7 Tel: 905-670-4770 Fax: 905670-4378 Web: Industries/Packaging-Machineryregalrexnord.com/ REGAL REXNORD CANADA LTD. 81 Maybrook Dr Scarborough ON M1V 3Z2 Tel: 416-297-6868 Fax: 416-2976873 Web: www.rexnord.com REISER (CANADA) CO. 4-1549 Yorkton Crt Burlington ON L7P 5B7 Tel: 905-631-6611 Fax: 905-6316607 Web: www.reiser.com RENNCO LLC 300 Elm St Homer MI 49245 Tel: 517568-4121 Fax: 517-568-4798 Web: www.rennco.com Representatives: AT Packaging; REPACK CANADA & THE FREELANCE PORTFOLIO 130 Claireville Dr Toronto ON M9W 5Y3 Tel: 416-656-6227 877-804-4841 Fax: 416-736-4442 Web: www. repackcanada.com RFID CANADA 19-25 Valleywood Dr Markham ON L3R 5L9 Tel: 905-513-8919 Fax: 905-5137651 Web: www.rfidcanada.com RICHARDS PACKAGING INC. 6095 Ordan Dr Mississauga ON L5T 2M7 Tel: 905-670-7760 Fax: 905670-1961 Web: richardspackaging.comwww. RICHIBUCTO RIVER WINE ESTATE 940 Route 495 Mundleville NB E4W 2N5 Tel: 506-523-9056 Web: RichibuctoRiverWineEstate.comwww. ROBATECH CANADA 12-7600 Hwy 27 Woodbridge ON L4H 0P8 Tel: 416-622-4784 Web: www. robatech.ca ROBOPLAS NORTH AMERICA INC. 16 Willowgate Drive Markham Ontario L3P 1G3 Tel: 647-554-3679 Web: www.roboplas.com Representatives: JL PLASTICS Inc.; ROBOPLAST PACKAGING CANADA INC 622 College St - Suite 201F Toronto Ontario M6G 1B6 Tel: 647-338-5024 Web: www.roboplast.com ROBOTIC ASSOCIATIONINDUSTRIES 900 Victors Way Suite 140 Ann Arbor MI 48108 Tel: 734-994-6088 Fax: 734994-3338 Web: www.robotics.org ROBOVIC INC 10 rue Boulet Princeville Québec G6L 4M1 Tel: 819-364-2022 Web: www. robovic.com ROCKWELL BRANDS+CANADA/ALLEN-BRADLEYAUTOMATIONROCKWELLSOFTWARE 135 Dundas St Cambridge ON N1R 5X1 Tel: 519-740-5500 Fax: 519-740-5504 Web: www.rockwellautomation.com ROLLEM INTERNATIONAL 1650 S. Lewis St. Anaheim CA 92805 Tel: 714-935-9130 800-272-4381 Fax: 714-935-9131 Web: rollemusa. com Branches: na; ROOTREE 1-5295 John Lucas Dr Burlington ON L7L 6A8 Tel: 1-833-ROOTREE905-336-7875(766-8733) Web: https://rootree.ca/ Branches: Rootree, 1-115 Chemin du Tremblay, Boucherville, QC J4B 7K4, 1-450-9238065; ROSELEE SANITARY NAPKIN COMPANYMANUFACTURING 9 Channel Nine Court, Scarborough, Ontario, Canada M1S 4B5 Scarborough Ontario M1S 4B5 Tel: 800-461-1079 Web: https://www.chinasanitarynapkin. com RUNMA MOLDING ROBOT AUTOMATION CO., LTD. Yuning Industrial Zone, Hengli Town Dongguan Guangdong 523461 Tel: 769-821-8198 Web: https://www. runmarobot.com RYSON INTERNATIONAL 300 Newsome Yorktown VA 23692 Tel: 757-898-1530 Fax: 757-898-1580 Web: www.ryson.com SAEPLAST AMERICAS INC. 100 Industrial Drive Saint John NB E2R1A5 Tel: 506-633-0101 800-5673966 Web: https://americas.saeplast. com/ SALBRO BOTTLE INC. 350 Vaughan Valley Blvd Woodbridge ON L4H 3C3 Tel: 905-850-1190 800565-6786 Fax: 905-850-3923 Web: www.salbrobottle.com SAMUEL SYSTEMSPACKAGINGGROUP 2370 Dixie Rd Mississauga ON L4Y 1Z4 Tel: 905-279-9580 Fax: 905-2798016 Web: www.samuelstrapping.com Branches: Edmonton, AB 780-4694040;New Westminster, 5551;905-379-1370;Lachine,604-521-3700;Vaughan,BCONQC514-631Representatives: Samuel, Son & Co., Limited, Mississauga, ON 800-267-2683; SARONG NORTH AMERICA INC. 2465 Cawthra Rd, Unit 121-122 Mississauga ON L5A 3P2 Tel: 905-2723699 Web: www.sarongnorthamerica. ca SATO AMERICA, INC. 10350 Nations Ford Rd Suite A Charlotte NC 28273 Tel: 888-871-8741 Fax: 704-644-1662 Web: www. satoamerica.com Representatives: Scan Source Canada, Toronto, ON 810-944-2439;Bluestar Canada, Montreal, QC 800-317-2323; SATURN EQUIPMENTPACKAGING 655 montée de Liesse Saint-Laurent QC H4T 1P5 Tel: 514-956-1603 Fax: 514956-8124 Web: www.saturnpackaging. com SCANPACK INC. 2715 Bristol Circle #1 Oakville Ontario L6H6X5 Tel: 647-794-1353 Web: https://www.scanpack.ca SCHAWK CANADA INC. 1620 Tech Ave Mississauga ON L4W 5P4 Tel: 905-219-1620 Fax: 905-2191677 Web: www.schawk.com
Web: www.siemens.ca SILGAN CANADAPLASTICS 400 Rowntree
Canada Prince
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110 CANADIANPACKAGING · July/August 2022 CANADIANPACKAGING.COM TRI-TRONICS COMPANY INC. 7705 Cheri Crt Tampa FL 33634 Tel: 813-8864000 800-886-4000 Fax: 813-884-8818 Web: www.ttco.com Representatives: IAC & Associates, Canada, (800) 711-1900, sales@ iacnassociates.com, www.iacnassociates.com; TRIANGLE MACHINERYPACKAGECOMPANY 6655 W Diversey Ave, Chicago Illinois 60707 Tel: 773-889-0200 800-621-4170 Fax: 773889-4221 Web: https://trianglepackage.com/ TRICORBRAUN 1000-6 CityPlace Dr St. Louis MO 63146 Tel: 314-569-3633 800-325-7782 Web: www. tricorbraun.com TRIVIUM TSUBAKIPACKAGING 1630 Drew Rd Mississauga ON L5S 1J6 Tel: 905-676-0400 800-263-7088 Fax: 905-6760904 Web: www.tsubaki.ca TURCK CANADA INC. 140 Duffield Dr Markham ON L6G 1B5 Tel: 905-513-7100 877-513-7769 Fax: 905-5137101 Web: www.turck.ca U.S. POULTRY & EGG ASSOCIATION 1530 Cooledge Rd Tucker GA 30084-7303 Tel: 770-493-9401 Fax: 770-493-9257 Web: www.uspoultry.org ULINE CANADA CORP. 3333 James Snow Pkwy N Milton ON L9T 8L1 Tel: 800-295-5510 800-295-5510 Fax: 800295-5571 Web: www.uline.ca UNITRAK CORPORATION LIMITED 299 Ward St Port Hope ON L1A 4A4 Tel: 905885-8168 877-861-8725 Fax: 905-885-7138 Web: www.unitrak.com VALCO MELTON 497 Circle Freeway Dr Suite 490 Cincinnati OH 45246 Tel: 513-874-6550 Fax: 513-874-3612 Web: www.valcomelton.com VALTARA Paxiom Group 5605 rue Cyphiot Montreal QC H4S 1R3 Tel: 514-422-0808 VC999 CANADA LTD. 153 Sylvestre Saint-Germain-de-Grantham QC J0C 1K0 Tel: 877-395-4555 877-395-4555 Fax: 819-395-6444 Web: www.vc999.com Branches: Montreal, 153 Sylvestre, SaintGermain-de-Grantham, QC, J0C 1K0, Tel: +1 877-395-4555;Toronto, 2150 Winston Park Drive, Unit 7, Oakville, Ont, L6H 5V1, Tel: +1 877-395-4555; VIBAC CANADA INC. 12250 boul Industriel Montreal QC H1B 5M5 Tel: 514-640-0250 Fax: 514-640-6702 Web: www.vibac.com VIDEOJET CANADA 7075 Financial Dr Mississauga ON L5N 6V8 Tel: 905-673-1212 Fax: 905-673-8725 Web: www.videojet.com Branches: Edmonton, AB 780-967-5834;Vancouver, BC 604-613-8850;Montreal, 877-853-3103;Maritimes,QC506-850-2448; VIDEOJET TECHNOLOGIES INC. 1500 Mittel Blvd Wood Dale IL 60191-1073 Tel: 630-860-7300 Fax: 630-238-3873 Web: www.videojet.com VISUASCAN INC. 9066 Pascal-Gagnon St-Leonard QC H1P 2X4 Tel: 514-322-2725 Fax: 514-322-1449 Web: www.visuascan.com Branches: Halifax, NS;Toronto, ON;Vancouver, BC; VOLM COMPANIES 1804 Edison Street Unit 1 Antigo WI 54409 Tel: 800-253-4737 800-253-4737 Fax: 715-6274871 Web: https://volmcompanies.com Branches: Volm Canada, 1283 Cormorant Rd, Unit 1, Ancaster, Ontario L9G 4V5, 905648-7300; WAINBEE LIMITED 5789 Coopers Ave Mississauga ON L4Z 3S6 Tel: 905-568-1700 888-924-6233 Web: www. wainbee.com WEBER INC 10701 N. Ambassador Dr. Kansas City MO 64153 Tel: 816-891-0072 800-505-9591 Fax: 816-891-0074 Web: www.us.weberweb. com/ Branches: Weber, Inc.;Timberlea Blvd 5080, Mississauga, ON L4W 4M2; WEBER MARKING SYSTEMS OF CANADA 6180 Danville Road Mississauga ON L5T 2H7 Tel: 905-564-6881 800-265-9974 Fax: 905564-6886 Web: www.webermarking.ca WECON SERVICES LTD. 11-4635 Burgoyne St Mississauga ON L4W 1V9 Tel: 905-624-6499 Fax: 905-624-0228 WEDLOCK CONVERTERSPAPERLTD. 2327 Stanfield Rd Mississauga ON L4Y 1R6 Tel: 905-277-9461 705-456-9405 Fax: 905-2723625 Web: www.wedlockpaper.com WEIGHPACK SYSTEMS INC. 5605 rue Cypihot Montreal QC H4S 1R3 Tel: 514-422-0808 833-472-9466 Web: www. weighpack.com Branches: Paxiom Toronto Xperience Center: 375 Admiral Blvd, Unit 2 Mississauga, ON L5T 2N1; WESTROCK 1000 Abernathy Rd NE Atlanta GA 30328 Tel: 770-448-2193 Web: www.westrock.com WEXXAR PACKAGING 13471 Vulcan Way Richmond BC V6V 1K4 Tel: 888-565-3219 Web: www.wexxar.com WINDMOELLER & HOELSCHER CORP. 23 New England Way Lincoln RI 02865 Tel: 401-333-2770 Fax: 401-333-6491 Web: www.whcorp.com Representatives: Webconvert Ltd., Toronto, ON 416-252-4462; WINPAK LTD. 100 Saulteaux Cres Winnipeg MB R3J 3T3 Tel: 204-889-1015 Fax: 204-832-7781 Web: www.winpak.com WINPAK PORTION PACKAGING LTD. 6 Wedgeport Court Nobleton ON L7B0A4 Tel: 416-399-8050 Web: www.winpak.com WOLFPACK PACKAGING INC. 402 Mulock Drive, Unit #4 Newmarket Ontario L3Y 9B8 Tel: 905-836-2886 877-321-0269 Web: wolfpack.ca WRAP-TITE INC. 6200 Cochran Rd, Solon Ohio 44139 Tel: 416475-7151 Web: www.wraptite.com Branches: BDG Wrap-Tite Canada Inc.;295 The West Mall, 6th Floor Toronto ON M9C 4Z4;416-475-7151; Representatives: DPA;The United Group; WULFTEC INTERNATIONAL INC. 209 rue Wulftec Ayer's Cliff QC J0B 1C0 Tel: 819-838-4232 Fax: 819-838-5539 Web: www.wulftec.com XEIKON AMERICA INC. 1375 East Irving Park Drive Itasca IL 60143 Tel: 226-821-3025 Web: www.xeikon.com YAMATO CORPORATION 6306 W Eastwood Ct Mequon WI 53092 Tel: 262-236-0000 Fax: 262-236-0036 Web: www.yamatoamericas.com YASKAWA AMERICA INC., MOTOMAN ROBOTICS DIV. 100 Automation Way Miamisburg OH 45342 Tel: 937-847-6200 Fax: 937-847-3288 Web: www.motoman.com Branches: Yaskawa Canada, Inc. 3530 Laird Road, Unit 3 Mississauga, Ontario L5L 5Z7, 905-569-6686;Pointe Claire Regional Center 298 Labrosse Pointe Claire, Quebec H9R 5L8, 514-693-6770; YASKAWA MOTOMAN CANADA LTD. (MOTOMAN ROBOTICS) 3530 Laird Rd, Suite 3 Mississauga ON L5L 5Z7 Tel: 905-569-6686 Fax: 905-569-2240 Web: www.motoman.com Branches: Yaskawa Canada, Inc., 298 Labrosse, Pointe Claire, Quebec H9R 5L8, 514-693-6770; ZALKIN AMERICAS, LLC 150 Collins Industrial Blvd Athens GA 30601 Tel: 706-549-3300 Fax: 706-548-1278 Web: www.zalkincapping.com Representatives: Alex E. Jones & Associates Ltd., Oakville, ON 905-847-0166; ZUND AMERICA, INC. 8142 South 6th Street Oak Creek WI 53154 Tel: 414-433-0700 Web: www.zund.com ADDRESSES
SEPT.2022 12-16 Munich, Germany: Drinctec, global trade fair for the beverage and liquid food industries by Messe München. At Messe München fairgrounds. To register, go to: www.drinktec.com SEPT. 12-17 San Antonio, Tex.: IMFA 2022 , annual conference of the International Molded Fiber Association (IMFA). AT Hyatt Regency Hill Country Resort. To register, go to: www.imfa.org SEPT. 13-15 Chicago : Labelexpo Americas 2022 , labeling technologies and materials exhibition and conference by Tarsus Group. At Donald E. Stephens Convention Center. To register, go to: www.labelexpo-americas.com SEPT. 17-21 Las Vegas, Nev.: IBIE 2022 , International Bakery Industry Exposition by the American Bakers Association. At Las Vegas Convention Center. To register, go to: www.bakingexpo.com SEPT. 19-21 Toronto: 2022 Canadian Stewardship Conference, by PAC Global. At the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. To register, go to: www.canadianstewardship.com SEPT. 28-30 Toronto : MeatEx Canada , international meat industry exhibition by Farasoo Holding Corporation. At the Enercare Centre. To register, go to: www.meatexcanada.com OCT. 14-15 Niagara Falls, Ont.: Meat Industry Expo , meat processing and packaging technologies exhibition by Meat & Poultry Ontario. At Niagara Falls Convention Centre. To register, go to: www.meatpoultryon.ca. OCT. 11-19 Düsseldorf, Germany: K 2022, global plastics and rubber industries technology showcase by Messe Düsseldorf. At the Düsseldorf Exhibition Center. To register, go to: www.mdna.com OCT. 23-26 Chicago: PACK EXPO International, packaging and processing technologies exhibition by PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies. At McCormick Place. To register, go to: www.packexpo.com OCT. 25-26 Niagara Falls, Ont.: OCBC22: Ontario Craft Brewers Conference & Suppliers Marketplace, annual conference and trade show by Ontario Craft Brewers (OCB). At the Niagara Falls Convention Centre. To register, go to: www.ocbconference.com NOV. 9-10 Montreal: ADM (Advanced Design & Manufacturing Expo) Montréal. Cross-industry exhibition comprising PACKEX, ATX, Design & Manufacturing, Expoplast, and Powder & Bulk Solids. All at the Palais des congrès de Montréal. To register, go to: www.admmontreal.com NOV. 15-18 Milan, Italy: SIMEI , international enological and bottling equipment exhibition by the Unione Italiana Vini (UIV). At Fiera Milano. To register, go to: www.simei.it APRIL2023 25-27 Toronto: CPMA 2023 , annual convention and trade show of the Canadian Produce Marketing Association (CPMA). At the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. To register, go to: www.convention.cpma.ca MAY 4-10 Düsseldorf, Germany: Interpack 2023 , global showcase for packaging and processing technologies by Messe Düsseldorf GmbH. At Messe Düsseldorf fairgrounds. To register, go to: www.interpack.com MAY2024 28 – JUNE 7 Düsseldorf, Germany: drupa 2024, global trade fair for printing technologies by Messe Düsseldorf GmbH. At Messe Düsseldorf fairgrounds. To register, go to: www.drupa.com
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Eaglestone Equipment will exhibit a full range of their food production con veyors and components, including:
Reinforcing Continued Investment to support the Market Needs
Michael Sawyer will lead the product marketing management group for the North American operations. With nearly 25 years of technical and commercial experience in the coding and marking industry, Michael brings a wealth of knowledge and understanding of the challenges shared by manufacturing today. “My primary goal is to increase the value of Domi no’s offerings to our customer base, as well as manufacturers which continue to search for more efficient ways to drive production, particularly in this time of skilled labor challenges. My focus will be to align our offerings with our customers’ needs and without hesitation I truly believe Domino can provide the best creative solutions in the packaging industry” states Sawyer. Brandon Carter will have direct responsibility for several key Beverage accounts. He’ll leverage his industry experience with coding and marking, as well as vision solutions, to establish impactful solutions to drive sustainability solutions with in these specific accounts. As per Carter, “technology is a significant part of the expertise Domino provides, but we also want to establish long-term partnerships. We think outside the box. We go beyond the code and deliver true solutions, adapted for each unique account. Domino understands the importance of fully understanding the needs and demands of the beverage sectors, and my role further validates that.”
• 802 Flour Duster. This system dispenses a uniform pat tern of flour, powdered sugar or other powders precisely where required by the use of adjustable flow valves that pinpoint the target location for uniform dispersal with no clumps or gaps, eliminating food product waste. The hygienic design al lows for easy assembly and disassembly for cleaning, a vital consideration for any food production line. The show model will be mounted to 2100 Ultra Clean fabric belt conveyor.
• 1703 Ser ies Fabric Constant Turn Conveyor. Integrating the constant turn design with a smooth fabric belt allows this conveyor to maintain product orienta tion. The 5/8-inch nose rollers allow for tight transfers, while the tool-less drop pan removal, sealed bearings and exter nal grease fittings offer easy maintenance all within a food grade design.
• 1705 Ser ies Modular Belt Con stant Turn. The 1705 Series Constant Turn conveyor maintains product orientation and spa cing through the curves with a smooth, closed-top plastic surface. It can handle a variety of package sizes, types, and configurations, which makes it ideal for baking pans as well as cases and wrapped products.
• Control Cabinet. Administration of an entire food pro duction line can be managed right from the Control Cabinet. Generated by the latest software, an easy-to-read screen display shows the product flow through each station in detail to help plant per sonnel implement proper control system design and specification at the beginning of a project to lower costs and provide many years of reliable control system performance.
• 2200 Quick-Clean Conveyor Designed with tool-less flip out guide rails, transition hold downs and belt lift ers for easy cleaning, this conveyor is one of the most sanitary and easy to clean conveyors in the industry. Available with integral CIP spray bars at the head and tail pulleys, this design will save time and money during the sanitation process and can be custom designed to meet the needs of your specific application.
CHICAGO, ILLINOIS (July 18, 2022) — Domino North America continues to expand their support to the market, to reflect the growth within Domino and the manufacturing sector in general, with the appointment of two additional Managers: Michael Sawyer, Manager of Product Marketing and Brandon Carter, National Account Manager.
• 1600 Washdown Turntable. With its sorting, accumulation and directional change capabilities, this sani tary turntable is ideal for the pharma ceutical, food manufacturing, bottling and canning industries. Made of 304 stainless steel, this long-lasting machine was specifically designed for food and pharmaceutical-safe applications. It fea tures extremely quiet operation, is quick ly and easily cleaned and has a low operating cost.
Eaglestone Equipment Booth #7671

As a former hair-styling apprentice years ago, I have developed deep appreciation for the Schwartzkopf brand of hair-care products. A popular choice for many highend hair salon professionals, Schwartzkopf is also becoming quite the player in main stream retail, making a brilliant first im pression with the new Schwartzkopf OSIS Session Label brand of hairspray. The textured design of the lightweight can makes it easy to hold, but what really im pressed me was the spray nozzle and how evenly and beautifully it delivered the product. The fast-drying spray offers protection up to 230°C—priceless for those of us using ceramic flat irons to force our locks into submission. Working in my kitchen is a form of medi tation for me: an escape from the day, a chance to experiment with flavors, and a fun way to drive my neighbors crazy with delicious aromas. Because many spice packages today feature tiny print that makes them hard to read without glasses, I applaud McCormick Canada for its Old Bay brand packaging that has stayed the same for as long as I can remember. Not only is this a staple in my kitchen, but the 74-gram container is always easy to locate at the store. And if imitation is the best form of flattery, then the similar vin tage design of the Smoked Paprika by La Dalia, am import from Spain, makes this 70-gram tin a perfect side-by-side companion in my spice cupboard.
With craft beer exploding in popularity in recent years, it seems we are on the verge of a similar new big wave in the adult beverage space with the frenzied prolifera tion of craft-distilled spirits and various ready-to-drink (RTD) options. Step inside any LCBO store today, and it’s hard to pull yourself away from the colorful shelves brimming with sparkling hard teas, lemonades, and seltzers concocted with various fruits, herbs or zests.While most of these libations are still made with vodka or gin, some RTD brands are raising the bar by venturing outside this comfort zone.
Iwould suspect that many people aren’t buying a new razor very often these days, instead just purchasing replacement cartridges once the blades have dulled. For me, such a purchase has always been unduly annoying. First, the price of reusable razors has always been, in my opinion, too high. And while you can usually grab a decent one on sale, you definitely need to look at how much the replacement cartridges will cost, which usually almost double the price of the initial purchase. And then there’s the packaging, which has typically always been those rigid plastic clamshells that are next to impossible to open. By the time you extract the product, the packaging looks like it was gnarled by a wild animal. So the time came to pick up some cartridges, I grudgingly walked down the personal care aisle at my local Shoppers Drug Mart, where a new brand immediately caught my eye immediately.
Displayed a alongside all the usual razor brands trapped in their rigid plastic squares, the Flamingo from Harry’s, Inc. clearly stood out from the mostly me-too shelf ensemble with a simple, yet elegant paperboard case closely resem bled the design of the package my iPhone came in, and the product inside retains the stylish look with a soft-grip handle accented with rose gold. This is a fairly new line for Harry’s, which started out as an online supplier of men’s grooming products at a fair price. Along with listing the contents, the back of the box cheekily proclaims, “Women are strong, smart, beautiful, funny and hairy.”
It’s not often that bathroom essentials make me smile, but this irreverent brand messaging, and a reasonable price-point, really made my day.
Razor-sharp packaging design is all in the details / Stapinsky
Spain.importedPaprikaoftheCanada,McCormickseasoningofThecocktails.tequilaRocksOriginalThefromladiesThebrandOSISThe(Clockwise)SchwartzkopfSessionLabelhairspray.FlamingorazorkitHarry’s,Inc.FounderandOnthebrandsofRTDvintagedesigntheOldBaytinfromalongsidesimilardesigntheSmokedspicefrom AGFA Inc. 57 Anypack Packaging Machinery Inc. 70 Ariva 83 Beckhoff Automation Ltd. 63 Beneco Packaging 2 Bobst Group 93 Bosch Rexroth 14 Carlo Gavazzi (Canada) Inc. 64, 87 Cascades Groupe Produits Spécialisés/ Specialty Products Group 10 Delkor Systems Inc. 48 Dependable Marking Systems Ltd. 88 Domino Printing Solutions Inc 47, 111 Engage Technologies Corporation (Squid Ink)78 ESS Technologies, Inc. 86 Farm Credit Canada FCC 107 FlexLink Systems Canada Inc. 80 Fortress Technology Inc 85 FUJIFILM Canada Inc. 43 Hamrick Packaging Systems 73 Harlund Industries Ltd 77 Harpak-ULMA Packaging , LLC 91 Heat and Control IFC Heidelberg Canada 23 Honeywell Intelligrated 35 Imperial Dade (formerly Veritiv) OBC Konica Minolta Business Solutions (Canada) Ltd. 5 KRONES, INC 69 Loma Systems 75 Mettler Toledo IBC mk North America 79 Multivac Canada Inc. 52 Nuspark Inc 72 PakTech 58 Paxiom Group Inc 68 Pilz Automation Safety Canada, L.P. 51, 62 Plan Automation (Xray reclaim) 8 Plan IT Packaging Systems, Inc. 19 PMMI 109 Propack Processing & Packaging Systems Inc. 7 Rayonier Advanced Materials (Kallima) 56 Regal Rexnord 54 Reiser / Robert Reiser & Co. 59, 96 Schubert North America, LLC 74 Sesotec Canada Ltd. 76 SEW Eurodrive Ltd. 65 Shawpak Systems 82 Sterling Marking Products Inc. 81 Stock Packaging Canada 84 Storcan International 50 Technical Adhesives Limited 38 Uline Canada Corporation 71 Valco Melton 67 VC999 Packaging 6, 32 Videojet Canada 1 Wolfpack Packaging Inc. 13 Yaskawa America, Inc. Motoman Robotics Division 89 Zund America, Inc. 94, 95 AD INDEX NOELLE STAPINSKY is a technical writer and editor living in Sarnia, Ont.
For example, the Founder’s Original Tequila Paloma and On The Rock’s Margarita are perfect summer-time beverages suitably packaged in shiny ‘sleek’ cans adorned with fun metallic finishes and accents to project the vibe of a lively fiesta by the beach. For tequila purists not big on cans, the 375-ml bottle of On the Rocks Margarita provides a classy alternative, including a cork stopper and clean typog raphy worked into the clear shrinksleeve wrapped around the bottle’s curvature.

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