Dental Practice Management Spring 2009

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Dental Practice




Ottawa Office Design SUPERSIZE your pension WITH AN ‘IPP’ A 21st Century FORMULA for SUCCESS


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TRIUMPH triumphs over








* Results from a 12-week clinical comparison of two power toothbrushes in the reduction of plaque and gingivitis using the Gingival Bleeding Index. †Results from a 10-week clinical comparison of two power toothbrushes in the reduction of plaque and gingivitis using the total number of whole mouth gingival bleeding sites. ® Sonicare is a registered trademark of Philips Oral Healthcare, Inc. Snoqualmie, WA, USA

© 2009 P&G


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3/3/09 9:44:04 AM

Dental Practice


Spring 2009


8 The 21st Century Formula


for Success in Dentistry Peter Barry CMC, RRDH

18 Making the Transition from CEO to FFO Timothy A. Brown & Sarah Lynch FINANCE

12 Supersize your pension with an Individual Pension Plan

Angela A. Hamilton, PFP and Thomas R. Burnett, CFA

16 Deducting your Home/Cottage Mortgage Interest


14 The Greening of an Ottawa Practice



Cover image:



Editorial Snap On, Snap Off, the Snapper


News Briefs IFED, AACD, New Dentists


Dental Marketplace

2009 Dental Guide 20 22 33 37 39 43

Associations Manufacturers Dealers Computers Services Laboratories

Dental Practice Management

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Spring 2009


3/2/09 2:36:52 PM

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Snap On, Snap Off, the Snapper S

nap-on-Smile,” maker of a cosmetic device that snaps on over your teeth, says sales of its device rose 22.2 percent in the fourth quarter of ’08, compared to the third quarter. December sales were 62 percent higher than those in October. Recession be damned, people are still spending money on big ticket and small ticket dentistry. My only concern is that you have to snap your “Snap-on smile” over your teeth and according to a recent survey, well, half of y’all don’t have all your teeth. The online survey, 1 conducted by ICOM Information and Communications LP on behalf of Nobel Biocare, surveyed 54,680 American adults and revealed that nearly 50 percent of adults are missing at least one tooth. While most adults were aware of the visible consequences of missing teeth, including difficulty chewing food and impact to the appearance of a smile, there was limited awareness of the more serious health consequences, which can include bone loss that may lead to changes in the shape of the face and repositioning of existing teeth. According to Dr. Chris Marchack, DDS, a California-based dentist, the majority of patients are unaware of the health consequences that can arise from missing teeth. “We see patients every day who are hesitant to replace a missing tooth because they see it only as an aesthetic issue and are concerned about perceived vanity.” While there was a very strong correlation between prevalence of missing teeth among lower income households and among those with less educational achievement, the presence of missing

Catherine Wilson, Editor

teeth was still shown to have a remarkably high prevalence even among adult Americans with higher incomes. In this survey, reported to be the largest known consumer survey in dentistry, 33 percent of American adults in households with greater than $75,000 annual income also had missing teeth. The survey found that smile and appearance of teeth scored the highest (first and second, respectively) in terms of importance to personal appearance — exceeding hair, clothes, eyes, facial features and physique. In fact, nearly 90 percent of respondents ranked their smile as the most important attribute and almost 87 percent ranked the appearance of teeth as the second most important feature. Hmm, they rank smiles and appearance of teeth as ‘most important’ yet half are missing at least one tooth... hello, is that opportunity knocking? According to a Time/CNN story mentioned in our News Briefs section in this issue, people are either taking advantage of their employee benefits and getting their dental work done before they get laid off or they’re drowning their sorrows with chocolates and jawbreakers and grinding their teeth to the nubs after being laid off. Either way, you win. According to anecdotal reports and reported in Ad Age magazine, pinkslipped Wall Streeters are flocking to their dentists seeking relief from their stress-induced teeth-grinding. Perhaps we shouldn’t take comfort in recessions and benefits and vanity and such, after all, laxative sales traditionally do well in recessions. DPM 1.

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Spring 2009

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News Briefs a business information group publication

IFED 6th World Congress Chicago, IL—Passion, Esthetics & New Technology: The Future of Dentistry is the theme of the IFED event in Las Vegas, August 2-5, 2009, hosted by the American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry. IFED holds a world scientific meeting every two years, hosted by a member academy and attended by delegates from around the world. Programs are directed toward the entire dental team including specialists and GPs, technicians and assistants, educators and office staff. For information on registration, speakers, hotels and exhibitions, visit www. or call (312) 981-6770.

Recession? What Recession? New York City—There’s at least one profession the recession isn’t taking a bite out of: dentistry. Dental offices had higher profit margins than any other industry in ’08, according to Sageworks, a US-based firm that tracks private company financial performance. With average profit margins at 17 percent, dentistry outperformed accounting, tax preparation, legal services, payroll services and mining support services among the top five performing professions in ’08. According to the Time/CNN story, people are either taking advantage of their employee benefits and getting their dental work done before they get laid off or they’re drowning their sorrows with sweets and grinding their teeth to the nubs after being laid off. But there may be trouble on the horizon. “Traditionally it takes six to 12 months for economic trends to affect the dental practice,” says Dr. Roger Levin, CEO of the dental management consultant firm The Levin Group. “The full impact of the downturn may be yet to come.”

Add a Little Aloha to Your Practice Madison, WI—Excellence in Cosmetic Dentistry 2009 provides dentistry’s premier program of cutting-edge continuing education and exquisite networking events. Experience excellence in cosmetic dentistry with the most innovative professionals in the field from Monday, April 27–Friday, May 1, 2009. Worldrenowned educators will teach modern clinical techniques in cosmetic dentistry via lectures and in-depth hands-on workshops. The energetic General Sessions will help you create a balance between your professional and personal success. The latest and greatest technology in the field will be on display in the actionpacked Exhibit Hall. AACD celebrates 25 years of Excellence in beautiful Honolulu, Hawaii! For information, contact

ADAs 23rd New Dentist Conference in Miami Chicago—Distinguished speakers are slated to discuss oral health issues currently before Congress and their impact on the dental profession as well as clinical and practice issues at the American Dental Association (ADA) 23rd New Dentist Conference at the Hyatt Regency in Miami, April 30 to May 2. Dentists are invited to join the ADA Committee on the New Dentist for a weekend of networking, continuing education and camaraderie at a conference that caters to the unique needs of new dentists — dentists who have been in practice less than ten years. For more information about the ADA 23rd New Dentist Conference, or to register online, visit

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Editorial Director: Catherine Wilson 416-510-6785 Art Direction: Andrea M. Smith Production Manager: Phyllis Wright Circulation: Cindi Holder Advertising Services: Karen Samuels 416-510-5190 Consumer Ad Sales: Barb Lebo 905-709-2272 Classified Advertising: Karen Shaw 416-510-6770 Dental Group Assistant: Kahaliah Richards 416-510-6777 Associate Publisher: Hasina Ahmed 416-510-6765 Senior Publisher: Melissa Summerfield 416-510-6781 Vice President/ Canadian Publishing: Alex Papanou President/ Business Information Group: Bruce Creighton Offices Head Office: 12 Concorde Place, Suite 800, Toronto, ON M3C 4J2. Telephone 416-442-5600, Fax 416-510-5140. Montreal: 1 rue Holiday Street, East Tower – Suite 705, Pointe-Claire, Quebec H9R 5N3, telephone 1-800-363-1327, 514-630-5955, Fax 514-630-5980. Dental Practice Management is a quarterly publication designed to provide the entire dental team with business management information to make practices more successful. Articles dealing with investment planning, personal finances, scheduling and collection procedures, in addition to lifestyle issues, are geared to all practicing Canadian dentists, hygienists, dental assistants and office managers. Please address all submissions to: The Editor, Dental Practice Management, 12 Concorde Place, Suite 800, Toronto, ON M3C 4J2. Dental Practice Management (ISSN#0827-1305) is published quarterly, 12 Concorde Place, Suite 800, Toronto, ON M3C 4J2. Subscription rates: $10.00 single copy Canada. One year: ON & rest of Canada $26.70; QC $28.70; NB, NF, NS $28.69; U.S.A. US$27.95; Foreign US$45.95. Dental Guide $18.40 in ON, QC, NS, NB, NF; rest of Canada $17.12; US & Foreign US$16.00. Printed in Canada. All rights reserved. The contents of this publication may not be reproduced either in part or in full without the written consent of the copyright owner. From time to time we make our subscription list available to select companies and organizations whose product or service may interest you. If you do not wish your contact information to be made available, please contact us via one of the following methods: Phone: 1-800-668-2374; Fax: 416442-2191; E-mail: privacyofficer@businessinformationgroup. ca; Mail to: Privacy Officer, Business Information Group, 12 Concorde Place, Suite 800, Toronto, ON M3C 4J2. Canada Post: Return undeliverables to Circulation Dept. – DPM, 12 Concorde Place, Suite 800, Toronto, ON M3C 4J2. Canada Post product agreement No. 40069240. Dental Practice Management, USPS 019-616 is published quarterly by Business Information Group, a leading Canadian information campany with interests in daily and community newspapers and business-to-business information services. US office of publication: 2424 Niagara Falls Blvd., Niagara Falls, NY 14304-0357. Periodicals postage paid at Niagara Falls, NY. US postmaster: Send address changes to DPM, P.O. Box 1118, Niagara Falls, NY 14304.

Dental Practice Management

3/2/09 2:39:22 PM

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3/3/09 9:46:30 AM

Practice Management

T H E 2 1 ST C E N T U R Y F O R M U L A F O R S U C C E S S I N D E N T I S T R Y

Relationship-based D (Good clinical dentistry vs. good patient care)


he 21st century is such an amazing time to services into a more customer friendly human be in our wonderful profession. From a touch experience. Today we live in a service technical standpoint we have better diagbased economy. Business begins and ends with nostic tools, better materials, and greater clinipeople. The average dental consumer expects cal and theoretical knowledge. Today we are a quality and service delivered in an honest, carmuch more experienced profession with diversely ing and compassionate environment. Let’s ask trained clinicians. Compare this to how sociourselves; ‘do we sometimes oversell the physiety saw us just 25 years ago when the services cal details of our services without adequately patients expected to receive could be grouped embracing the human attached to the teeth’? into one of five most common categories... DrillWhen people make a decision to accept your Fill-Pull-Dentures-Cleaning. In those days the use dental care they are actually making a deciof dentistry generally occurred when someone sion to accept you. ‘You’ the person not ‘You” was experiencing a problematic dental condithe dentist. The patient’s relationship with you tion which they could no longer ignore or live and your entire team is the most important elewith. The interaction in the office tended to be ment in a successful practice. Patients are comvery generic, subservient and somewhat routine... mitted to us, not to our facilities, our clinical patients walked into the office clutching their walprocedures, or our instruments. The difference lets tightly while waving the almighty insurance between good dentistry and great dentistry will booklet in the air ‘here’s my problem Doc; what is never be as clear to them or impress them as the minimal thing you can do to fix it that will be much as a good relationship with you will. Their covered by my insurance... commitment to your busiPETER BARRY, CMC, RRDH and could you please keep ness will be primarily based the pain down to a minimum because you know on how you make them feel while they are in no one really likes being here’. This pre-amble your presence receiving your care. Simply put, was usually followed by a reluctant baton pass by people may forget what you said and what you the patient to us at which point we proceeded to did but people will never forget how you made put the patient through a very clinical and somethem feel and this memory will linger long after what routine system of diagnoses and treatment they have forgotten which tooth you crowned. delivery. It was a very technical, un-emotional Let’s face it; as people and as dental patients and generic process that locked dentistry into an it is our basic human nature to want to feel geninsensitive disconnected reparative image. uinely respected and cared for especially when The good news today is that dentistry is underit comes to placing our health and quality of going a major transformation in the way we do life in the hands of professionals. The challenge business and serve our patients. The entire dental for our profession is that with all the technical community including labs, distributors, manulearning and training dentists receive something factures and service companies are one by one begins to get lost and fade away. While vigorre-packaging (re-branding) their products and ously pursuing clinical excellence is it possible


Spring 2009

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Practice Management


PA R T 1 O F 3


can very often appear cold and

generic transactions or are you taking the time to get to know your customers, their beliefs, their desires and their fears? Two people can only achieve a strong relationship by reaching beyond the boundaries they usually maintain between themselves and strangers. When we reach out to patients we begin delivering a more connected caring experience. Our ability to reach is driven by our attitudes or what we focus on... as the saying goes ‘our eyes cannot see what our mind has not taught us to recognize’. If we focus on dentistry we will not see people and our patients will not feel connected to us nor will they be as inspired by our ideas of how we can help them. But if you focus on people then in subtle, powerful, and unseen ways your inner attitude will

disconnected to people because it is delivered in a very technical manner devoid of emotion and humanity

that we begin loosing sight of the person attached to the teeth? Is it possible that our clinical focus has diminished our human connection and relationship skills? After years of coaching (consulting) dental teams and individual clinicians it is my experience that our communication can very often appear cold and disconnected to people because it is delivered in a very technical manner devoid of emotion and humanity. As a profession if we are to succeed in altering the old school negative paradigms society holds about dentistry then we must begin to look beyond the instruments we are holding in our hands. In our hands we are we are in fact holding the life and feelings of the person attached to the teeth. Patients are filtering all decisions they make through their feelings and personal life circumstances. The time we take to build strong personal relationships with our patients will have a huge impact on our overall ability to sell the full scope of our services. Relationships strengthen your likeability and likeability leads to case acceptance. If I like you and show you that I do you’re going to have a tendency to like me. If you like me you will have a tendency to trust me. If you trust me you’ll have a tendency to believe the things I say. And if you believe the things I say you’ll have greater tendency to accept my treatment advice. Likeability leads to case acceptance and likeability can only be developed by building strong personal relationships with each one of our patients. A people-centered business feels and sounds much different from the traditional generic transaction oriented business. We should all take a closer look at our own practice to explore where we stand in our human relations effectiveness. Are you merely processing your patients through a series of

Our communication

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Spring 2009


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Practice Management

create patterns of behavior and communication that are very powerful in influencing and inspiring people. This adjustment of focus is not really that difficult. For many it is merely a matter of genuinely reconnecting with your authentic nondental self... which is the way you thought and saw things before the world of dentistry started crowding out your thinking. There is a buzz word being used today to describe what we are talking about, it is called ‘Emotional Intelligence’ (EI). In our highly technological world raising our emotional intelligence is becoming more and more important so as to not dehumanize the value of dentistry. Human talk not dental jargon is the language your patients will understand and feel inspired most by.

The success of a dental practice like any business is directly related to customer loyalty and loyalty is derived from relationships of trust, respect and connection The success of a dental practice like any business is directly related to customer loyalty and loyalty is derived from relationships of trust, respect and connection. This kind of loyalty can only happen with employees who are passionately dedicated to developing genuine human connections with people. Patients come into the practice with a suitcase full of everything that is going on in their lives. Our job is to fit the dentistry into their suitcase not into their mouths. We must find the patients heart before searching for their teeth. If all you have is a hammer then everything will look like a nail... similarly in dentistry if all you see is your repertoire of skills then every patient will look like a tooth and your case presentation will sound very technical with low ‘emotional appeal’ to the patient. The following is a list of things we can do to strengthen our personal connection and overall ability to lead our patients. • At the end of each patient visit make ‘personal notes’ in the chart about the person attached to the teeth • Before seeing your next patient take a brief moment to go through/review previous ‘personal note’ chart entries • While reviewing their chart go through quick ‘State Change’ to make room in your heart and mind for them... become curious and interested in the person you are about to serve and temporarily clear out your clutter and stuff from the rest of your day/life • When scheduling procedures, always factor connection time into your estimated appointment


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length and begin each appointment with human connection chit-chat. Relationship building is a two-way process, which means that’s its ok to share personal stories that enables patients to get to know who you are as a person • Be genuinely curious and interested in them and show it by minimizing insincere dialogues (baby talk, overly sweet niceness, counterfeit sincerity, superficial pleasantries, social graces) • Listen deeply to your patients... if they are quiet guide them by asking insightful questions then listen with your heart, your mind and your spirit. • At the end of each patient visit briefly ask yourself... ‘how connected was my last patient to me’? To find the answer look into your own heart... Answer... ‘as connected as I felt to them and not much more’. Patients can feel our sincerity and this will be mirrored back to us through their feelings. ‘Customer relations’ is the main area where we can shine in our patient’s hearts thereby cultivating intense loyalty. It is the new yardstick that will differentiate us in our customer/patients hearts. Remember no two practices can be virtually identical in the people they attract, the work they inspire, the information they pass on or the emotions and feelings they create. It is impossible! Human beings are too different and their interactions in different environments only magnify those differences. We all have walked into a company and immediately detected these forces at work. Passion, energy, caring and optimism in a dynamic service company, all these qualities are palpable within the first 15 seconds of entering the reception room. You can read the DNA of a company from the receptionist and discover it replicated throughout the company. Dentistry is no different. You must believe you are worth more to your clients than what you sell. Remember we are not in the ‘dentistry profession’ serving people; we are in the ‘people business’ providing dentistry. Embrace the human condition! Your dentistry gets you into a game where relationships win. Grow your business one relationship at a time. DPM Peter Barry is a Practice Mastery Coach and founder of Successful Practice Architects. He is the creator of ‘The Dental Olympics Advantageô Growth and Development Programs’. He is also a member of the Academy of Dental Management Consultants. Peter coaches dental teams through the implementation of successful and highly profitable systems of patient care and business operation. He provides customized group and one-on-one success training. / 416-568-5456. @ARTICLECATEGORY:583;

Dental Practice Management

3/3/09 10:27:24 AM


BONDING. So much is written. So much is said. And what generation are we up to now? Yet in many ways product selection should be simple. You can choose total-etch or self-etch. You can select self-cure or light-cure. The Prelude system offers all options, with superior bond to uncut enamel. Before you get side-tracked by claims, phrases, space-age laser graphics, remember that bonding is the difference between success and failure. Forgiving in moist or dry environment Minimal ďŹ lm thickness

Call or visit our website to learn why Prelude has become the adhesive choice of this generation at a very affordable price.

Reality 4 Star Award winner 1-800-827-7940

DPM Spr09 p11 Danville.indd 11

3/3/09 9:47:13 AM

Practice Finance

Individual P

Supersize your pension

Incorporated professionals can now retire on their own terms with an IPP




any Canadians have seen their RRSPs take a significant hit in the markets this year. Most can do little more than hope for a quick recovery. But there is another option. It’s called an Individual Pension Plan (IPP), and it’s something every incorporated oral health professional should consider as retirement draws near.

WHAT IS AN IPP? An IPP is a one-person, defined benefit pension plan available to business owners, incorporated professionals and senior executives. The ideal IPP candidate is over 45, has an annual income of more than $100,000 and plans to work at the same level until retirement. As a defined benefit plan, an IPP is designed to provide a predictable retirement income. Funding contributions are calculated by an actuary, based on your current age, salary, years of employment with the corporation, past RRSP contributions and projected age of retirement. The actuary also assumes an annual minimum return of 7.5 percent, so your IPP funds should be managed professionally, and your corporation must be willing and able to make up for any performance shortfall. For those who qualify, an IPP may be the ideal way to supersize retirement savings. Not only does it allow you to contribute more to your retirement fund than an RRSP, it offers significant tax savings and gives you greater control over the outcome — sheltering your wealth from external factors that are beyond your control.

THE BENEFITS OF AN IPP A higher contribution limit Unlike an RRSP, there are no preset contribution limits to an IPP. In fact, the older you get, the larger your contributions can be. This allows you to build retirement savings faster in a tax-free environment, which can result in a significantly higher pension income.


Spring 2009

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Dental Practice Management

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Practice Finance


Guaranteed retirement income If your RRSP loses money, you’re out of luck. With an IPP, the corporation agrees to make up any shortfall to ensure the defined benefit is met. An actuary will valuate the fund’s performance every three years. Tax deductibility Contributions made to the IPP are tax deductible for the corporation. Interest and expenses associated with managing the IPP are also deductible. Past-service funding When an IPP is established, past service contributions allow you to catch up for any previous years of employment with the company going back to 1991. This allows a cash rich corporation to move money into a tax shelter. A portion of your existing RRSP may also be used to start your IPP without penalty. Higher investment standards Like an RRSP, IPP assets can be invested in stocks, bonds, mutual funds, pooled funds, term deposits and GICs. However, no individual security may exceed 10 per cent of the fund on a book value basis at the time of acquisition. Any surplus is yours If your IPP over performs, the surplus remains with the fund. Creditor protection IPP benefits are protected from creditors.


IPP funds are locked in Unlike an RRSP, access to your IPP funds will

be restricted until retirement. Higher start-up and administrative costs Because the set-up and ongoing administration of an IPP requires the expertise of an actuary, start-up and annual operating costs are higher than those associated with an RRSP. These fees are, however, tax deductible to the corporation. No income splitting Unlike an RRSP, an IPP does not allow for spousal income splitting at the current time.

IS AN IPP RIGHT FOR YOU? An RRSP is still a wise savings strategy for young professionals just starting out. But if retirement is only 10 to 15 years away, now may be the perfect time to consider setting up an IPP. IPPs are already the private pension plan of choice for more than 8,000 Canadians, and their popularity is growing among upperincome business owners and professionals looking to retire on their own terms. To find out if an IPP is right for you, speak to a knowledgeable financial advisor who can determine if you are a suitable candidate and ensure that the plan is properly established and maintained. DPM

Angela A. Hamilton, PFP, is an Associate Investment Advisor with Canaccord Capital. Thomas R. Burnett CFA, VP, is an Associate Portfolio Manager and Investment Advisor with Canaccord Capital. They can be contacted at {866-739-3386} or via email at angela_hamilton@canaccord. com or The views expressed in this column are the author’s alone, and not necessarily those of her/his employer. Member CIPF.


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Spring 2009


3/3/09 10:28:58 AM

Office Design

greening The

of an

ottawa practice

Capital Periodontics Decorator — Darlene Weedmark of Darlene Weedmark Design Contractor — Marco D’Angelus of D’Angelus Contracting Dental Consulting — Jim McDougal of Sinclair Dental and Shawn Barnacle of Henry Schein Arcona


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Dental Practice Management

3/3/09 10:30:05 AM

Office Design


ocated in southwest Ottawa, Capital Periodontics has successfully merged contemporary design and eco-friendly practices. When Dr. Shelemay designed the office, the goal was to create a warm, inviting space for patients, a comfortable work environment for staff, and to use the space as a centre for continuing education for the Ottawa dental community while keeping in mind environmental objectives. Designing a new office allowed Dr. Shelemay the opportunity to incorporate traditional dental practices with new technologies that reduce the impact of daily operations on the environment. Paper consumption is decreased by using paperless office management software and cloth bibs and hand towels (instead of traditional paper charts and disposable paper products). The laundry generated by using cloth bibs and towels is managed inoffice. Incorporating digital radiography (both panoramic and intra-oral) not only reduces radiation for patients and provides enhanced images, but also eliminates the use of chemicals needed to develop traditional radiographs. Another green choice was made when a dry vacuum system was installed. The more common ‘wet’ vacuum consumes large amounts of water, which end up in the sewer system. More environmentally friendly selections were made with the choice of finishes. Low VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) paint was used throughout, the flooring in the operatories is MarmoleumŽ (a natural alternative to vinyl), and porcelain throughout the rest of the office. Porcelain tiles are made of natural products such as clay and the manufacturing process essentially has no byproducts since any waste is re-used in the manufacturing. Now, more than ever, dentistry can incorporate green practices in daily operations thanks to advances in technology, and be part of other industries looking after our planet. DPM

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Deducting your HOME COTTAGE mortgage interest Who Benefits?

Individuals who: a. Have personal non-tax deductible debts, such as a home mortgage, and b. Own a practice, which operates as a proprietorship or partnership, and c. Have built up value in the practice. Note: This maneuver does not work if a dentist has a professional corporation.

Tax Saving

You can get a tax deduction for interest expense on loans, which would otherwise have been personal non tax-deductible debt.

What is the Tax Savings? For example: Loan Interest rate (approximate) Interest incurred Tax Bracket (approximate) Annual Tax Savings

$ 600,000 3% 18,000 46% $ 8,280

b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m)

DAVID CHONG YEN, CFP, CA Salaries Rent Utilities Business taxes License fees Equipment rental Legal and Accounting Office Expenses Maintenance and Repairs Telephone Bank charges and interest related to the expense account Any other cost required to operate the practice.

The expense account should not pay any of the following: i) The non-deductible portion of meals and entertainment and car expenses; ii) Draws to the dentist; iii) Any non-deductible fringe benefits paid to employees; iv) Any other expenditures, which are not deductible for business purposes. All expenditures mentioned in (i) through (iv) should be paid from the “Revenue Account.”

How To Do It?

Tax Department’s Perspective

Specifics: Only business and capital expenditures (equipment, computers, and office renovations) should be paid out of the “Expense Account.” Therefore, the “Expense Account” may pay any of the following provided they are reasonable: a) Dental/medical supplies and lab fees

David Chong Yen, CFP, CA with an international firm background and more than twenty-eight years of experience, advises healthcare professionals and owner-managers. Additional information can be obtained by phone (416) 5108888, fax (416) 510-2699, or e-mail This article is intended to present tax saving and tax planning ideas and is not intended to replace professional advice.

General concepts: 1. Set up two (2) bank chequing accounts; 2. Expenses of practice are paid from first bank account, referred to as “Expense Account”; 3. Revenues of practice are deposited into second bank account, referred to as “Revenue Account”; 4. Loans from bank gets deposited into “Expense Account” and used to pay for practice expenses; 5. Revenues are withdrawn from Revenue Account and used to pay off non tax deductible debt such as home/ cottage mortgage.


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Based on the Singleton case, since the loan was used and can be traced to business expenses, the interest on the loan should be tax deductible as such interest was incurred in order to earn income. It is imperative that the audit trail is strictly adhered to, otherwise CRA, the Tax department, could deny the deduction. Please note that the recent decision in Lipson although not in favour of the taxpayer seems to confirm that the deductibility of interest is established by tracing borrowed funds to their use. Consult your tax advisor before you embark on this strategy. DPM

Dental Practice Management

3/3/09 3:24:29 PM

DA O e th

at s 4 eu se h 30 n d oot a B me o C

Want to sell it yourself? We’ll do the appraisal You do the selling Å Hill Kindy

Hill Kindy Practice Sales & Realty Inc. hi l l ki nd y .c om

Practice Appraisals

DPM Spr09 p17 Hill Kindy.indd 17

Derek Hill, C.A., Broker of Record

Practice Sales


Succession Planning

3/3/09 9:48:11 AM

Practice Management

Making the TRANSITION from




reedom From Ownership (FFO) is on the minds of an ever increasing number of healthcare professionals. Over 50% of Canadian dentists are between the ages of 50 and 65. The years 2009 to 2012 are destined to reveal the Baby-Boomer-BusinessOwner (BBBO™) exit phenomenon — in ever-increasing numbers. Are you ready to relinquish your CEO “hat” for the FFO lifestyle? Not everyone can make the transition easily. Many of our clients openly admit that they have not developed a life plan (second career, hobbies family,

Other boomer clients remain passionate about the profession, enjoy good health and say they want to practice indefinitely, perhaps into their seventies or eighties! They comment that they have never had a better staff in place, love coming to work every day, and dentistry is easy compared to when they started out many years earlier. The reward of giving a patient their dignity back by improving their smile, fuels their passion to work even more. We are frequently asked “how do I know when it’s time to stop?” The simple answer is ‘when you are no longer

‘Plan ahead’ and ‘be prepared’ is the oldest advice in the book travel) to keep busy after many years of routine, highly scheduled, full-time work. One can’t golf everyday and no one wants to sit around and do puzzles all day or ‘surf’ the internet endlessly — so what will you do? Some of my clients state that they plan to keep active in dentistry, part time or in administrative roles, but I find that most choose to let their license expire much sooner than they had first planned — I believe this is due to the fact that baby boomers simply don’t feel it’s necessary to work beyond 55 or 60 years of age, unlike the previous generations of senior dentists who worked full time, well into their seventies!


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attached to the experience of practicing dentistry.’ This then leads to a dignified and practical approach to the practice sale and transition to FFO. The actuaries have proven that the odds are stacked against you due to the very high rates of disability claims for dentists — especially as each year over 50 passes by. Are you ready to let go under the pressure of looming or obvious disability? It’s not fun to let go against your wishes or to succumb to the pain while your practice suffers from your inability to keep it vibrant and saleable. ‘Plan ahead’ and ‘be prepared’ is the oldest advice in the book — we should follow it is our advice! DPM

Timothy A. Brown is the President & CEO of ROI Corporation & ROI Capital, companies that specialize in dental practice appraisals, brokerage, consulting, Locum placements, Associate-ships and practice financing across Canada. Timothy can be reached at (905) 278-4145 or

Sarah K. Lynch is a partner in Jim Kasper Associates, LLC. a regional practice brokerage and transition firm serving dentists in New England and New York State since 1981; specializing in appraisals and sales of dental practices. She currently serves as President of ADS Inc. and can be reached at 603-355-2260 or sarah@

Dental Practice Management

3/3/09 10:42:45 AM

With oral cancer, why wait? By the time most oral cancers are diagnosed, they have progressed to symptomatic late-stage disease, with at least 50% revealing regional cervical metastases. Only 36% of all oral cancers are detected in their early stage – the same rate as cancer of the colon. The main reason for this situation is the fact that only in recent years has it been firmly established that examination of oral soft tissue is the responsibility of a dentist. The BC Oral Cancer Prevention Program and the College of Dental Surgeons of BC now recommend a comprehensive annual oral exam for everyone over the age of 40. With the emergence of new visualization technologies, such as Velscope (Led Dental, Vancouver, Canada) there is now even greater expectation and demand on the dental community as the frontline in the fight against oral cancer. Yet, there is a void in non-invasive, easy to use tools to help dentists characterize suspicious lesions. Biopsy is the gold standard of diagnosis, but are you and your patient ready for this procedure? If not, cytology can provide a reasonable alternative: taking a cytology sample with a brush is a quick, easy and pain-free chair-side procedure readily accepted by the patient. Oral cytology has the potential to make a similar impact on oral cancer as the PAP smear test has made in fight against cervical cancer. Perceptronix is introducing OralAdvance™, a quantitative cytology test measuring gross DNA abnormalities of cell populations to indicate lesions with malignant potential. » » » » »

Test includes sample collection kit with specially designed cytology brush, vial with fixative and pre-paid mailer. It takes less than a minute to sample a suspicious area. Sample is mailled to Perceptronix Laboratory for gross DNA abnormality analysis and review by cytopathologist. Turn-around time after receiving the sample is 2-3 working days. Reports are mailed directly to the dentist.

OralAdvance™ is intended to be complementary to current standards of care. Test results should be interpreted using clinical judgment in correlation with relevant clinical information. If DNA abnormality is detected, the malignant potential of the lesion is very likely: the test is very specific for pre-malignant and malignant changes and a thorough diagnostic workup is recommended. However, not all lesions with malignant potential display gross DNA abnormality and on rare occasion the brush may not collect representative material. Therefore, if the result of the test is negative (no DNA abnormality is detected) and the lesion persists after 3-4 weeks, it should be re-evaluated. OralAdvance™ is a non-invasive, user friendly test that is a useful diagnostic adjunct for the detection of oral cancer.

To order OralAdvance™ or to find out more information, call 1.888.629.8779 or visit OralAdvance™ is a trademark of Perceptronix Medical Inc. © Copyright 2009 Perceptronix Medical Inc.

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PB-26 — 1.1

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Dental Guide 2009 INTERNATIONAL Academy of General Dentistry 211 E Chicago Ave, Suite 900 Chicago IL 60611-1999 312 440-4300 Fax: 312 440-0559 Toll Free: 888 243-3368 Web:

American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry 5401 World Dairy Dr Madison WI 53718 608 222-8583 Fax: 608 222-9540 Toll Free: 800 543-9220 Email: Web: Exec Dir Ed Simeone Dir-Commun Eric Nelson

211 E Chicago Ave CDP 18N Chicago IL 60611 312 440-2500 Fax: 312 440-2924 Toll Free: 800 621-8099 Email: Web: Dir James Willey Admv Asst-CDP GraceAnn Pastorelli

British Dental Association 64 Wimpole St London W1G 8YS United Kingdom 44 020 7935 0875 Fax: 44 020 7487 5232 Email: Web:

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – Div. of Oral Health, MS F-10 1600 Clifton Rd Atlanta GA 30333 404 498-1515 Fax: 770 488-5575 Toll Free: 800 311-3435 Web: Prog Serv Chief Scott Preston


Spring 2009

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International Congress of Oral Implantologists

Canadian Academy of Periodontology

Canadian Dental Association

248 Lorraine Ave, Unit 3 Upper Montclair NJ 07043 973 783-6300 Fax: 973 783-1175 Toll Free: 800 442-0525 Email: Web:

1815 Alta Vista Dr Suite 105 Ottawa ON K1G 3Y6 613 523-9800 Fax: 613 523-1968 Email: Web: Pres Elect Hurd Stein Pres Lee Colfer Past Pres Dan Price Treas Troy Dasarab Sec Mazen El-Abiad Exec Sec Sarah Baldwin

1815 Alta Vista Dr Ottawa ON K1G 3Y6 613 523-1770 Fax: 613 523-7736 Email: Web: Mgr-Dental Prog Euan Swan Exec Dir Claude Paul Boivin

National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research National Institutes of Health 31 Centre Dr MSC 6400 Building 45 Room 4AS-19 Bethesda MD 20892-6400 301 496-4261 Fax: 301 480-4098 Email: Web:


American Dental Association — Council on Dental


Academy of General Dentistry (Canada) 206-17655 57 Ave Surrey BC V3S 1H1 604 574-1234 Fax: 604 576-2962

Canadian Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons 32 Colonnade Rd Unit 100 Ottawa ON K2E 7J6 613 721-1816 Fax: 613 721-3581 Toll Free: 888 369-5641 Web: Exec Dir Christopher Robinson

Canadian Association of Orthodontists

2175 Sheppard Ave E Suite 310 Toronto ON M2J 1W8 CP 63005 RPO pl du Commerce 416 491-3186 LaSalle QC H3E 1V6 Fax: 416 491-1670 Location: 40 pl du Commerce Toll Free: 1-877-CAO-8800 Fax: 514 769-6158 Email: Toll Free: 866 755-2233 Web: Email: Pres Bob Hatheway Web: Pres-Elect Gordon Ovgan Canadian Academy of Admin Jill Forsythe Cosmetic Dentistry (CACD) Admin Diane Gaunt 1901-805 West Broadway Vancouver BC V5Z 1K1 Canadian Dental 604 418-0278 Assistants’ Association/ Fax: 604 980-3874 L’Association Canadienne Email: des Assistant(e)s Web: Dentaires Pres Steven Hill 2255 St Laurent Blvd Admin Christine Wyatt Suite 203

Canadian Academy for Esthetic Dentistry

Canadian Academy of Endodontics 301-400 St. Mary Ave Winnipeg MB R3C 4K5 306 966-5089 Fax: 306 966-5018 Email: Web: Exec Sec Wayne Acheson

Ottawa ON K1G 4K3 613 521-5495 Fax: 613 521-5572 Toll Free: 800 345-5137 Toll Free Fax: 888 683-2322 Email: Web: Exec Dir Betty Daniels Dir-Commun Miriam Moodley

Canadian Dental Hygienists Association 96 Centrepointe Dr Nepean ON K2G 6B1 613 224-5515 Fax: 613 224-7283 Toll Free: 800 267-5235 Email: Email: Web: Dir-Educ Laura Myers Man Editor CJDH Chitra Arcot Exec Dir Susan Ziebarth Dir-Strat Partnerships Joanna Roach Accntg Laura Sandvold Health Policy Comm Spec Judy Lux Info Coord Brenda Leggett Exec Asst Frances Patterson Admv Asst Lythecia Desloges Commun Coord Michelle Brynkus

Canadian Dental Protective Association 330 Highway 7 E Suite 505 Richmond Hill ON L4B 3P5 416 491-5932 Fax: 416 239-3443 Toll Free: 800 876-2372 Toll Free Fax: 888 678-9348 Email: Web:

Dental Industry Association of Canada 150 Neptune Dr Suite 601 Toronto ON M6A 2Y9 416 782-5272 Fax: 416 784-2920 Email: Web: Pres Peter Jugoon Exec Dir Bernie Teitelbaum

Dentistry Canada Fund 1815 Alta Vista Dr SciCan Suite Oshawa ON L1G 3Y6

Dental Practice Management

3/3/09 10:45:46 AM

613 236-4763 Fax: 613 236-3935 Email: Web: Ops Mgr Donna Bierko

Denturist Association of Canada PO Box 45521 2397 King George Highway Surrey BC V4A 9N3 604 538-3123 Fax: 604 582-0317 Toll Free: 877 538-3123 Email: Web: CAO Lynne Alfreds

provincial Alberta Dental Association + College

306 244-5072 Fax: 306 244-2476 Web: Exec Dir Jerod Orb Sec-Treas Elsie Waddington Registrar Bernie White Exec Asst Hazel Glassford

Dental Guide 2009 Email: Web: Exec Dir Anthony R Patey Admv Asst Coleen Antle

Newfoundland Dental Licensing 139 Water St, Floor 6

College of Dental St. John’s NL A1C 1B2 Technologists of Ontario 709 579-2391 2100 Ellesmere Rd, Suite 300 Toronto ON M1H 3B7 416 438-5003 Fax: 416 438-5004 Toll Free: 877 391-2386 Email: Web:

Dental Association of Prince Edward Island 184 Belvedere Ave Charlottetown PE C1A 2Z1 902 892-4470 Fax: 902 566-5199 Email: Web: Pres Brad Campbell Exec Dir Brian D Barrett Registrar Dental Council PEI Ray D Wenn

101-8230 105 St NW Edmonton AB T6E 5H9 780 432-1012 Fax: 780 433-4864 Toll Free: 800 843-3848 Email: Web: Dir-Commun/Mktg Kimberly McDonald Manitoba Dental Exec Dir/Registrar Gordon Thompson Association Fin/Office Mgr Cheryl Price 103-698 Corydon Ave Association of Dental Winnipeg MB R3M 0X9 Technologists of Ontario 204 988-5300 7030 Woodbine Ave Fax: 204 988-5310 Suite 500 Email: Markham ON L3R 6G2 Exec Dir Ross H McIntyre 905 947-0102 New Brunswick Fax: 905 946-8971 Dental Society Toll Free: 877 273-8668 PO Box 488 Stn A Email: Fredericton NB E3B 4Z9 Web: Location: Carleton Place College of Alberta 520 King St, Suite 820 Denturists Fredericton NB E3B 6G3 Sun Life Place 506 452-8575 270-10123 99 St NW Fax: 506 452-1872 Edmonton AB T5J 3H1 Email: 780 429-2330 Web: Fax: 780 429-2336 Newfoundland & Toll Free: 800 260-2742 Labrador Dental Web: Association Registrar Charles Gulley The Fortis Bldg 139 Water St College of Dental Surgeons of Suite 401 Saskatchewan St. John’s NL A1C 1B2 202-728 Spadina Cres E 709 579-2362 Saskatoon SK S7K 4H7 Fax: 709 579-1250

Fax: 709 579-2392

Nova Scotia Dental Association 1559 Brunswick St Suite 101 Halifax NS B3J 2G1 902 420-0088 Fax: 902 423-6537 Email: Exec Dir Don Pamenter Dir-Commun Nancy Dorey

NWT-Nunavut Dental Association PO Box 2518 Stn Main Yellowknife NT X1A 2P8 867 873-6416 Fax: 867 920-7798 Exec Dir Kevin Stapleton

Dir-Commun/Mktg Paul De Zara Exec Dir Tom Magyarody Dir-Gov Rel Frank Bevilacqua Meetings Coord Diana Thorneycroft Dir-Fin Serv Edward Zdyb Dir-Advisory/Info Serv Peter Arison Dir-Prof Affairs Linda Samek

Ontario Dental Hygienists’ Association 3425 Harvester Rd Suite 201 Burlington ON L7N 3N1 905 681-8883 Fax: 905 681-3922 Email: Web: Exec Dir Margaret Carter

Ordre des dentistes du Québec 625 boul René-Lévesque O Montréal QC H3B 1R2 514 875-8511 Fax: 514 393-9248 Toll Free: 800 361-4887 Email: Web:

Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario Ontario Academy of General Dentistry - OAGD 6 Crescent Rd 1685 Main St W Unit 1B Hamilton ON L8S 1G5 905 529-4200 Fax: 905 529-4202 Web: Pres Dr Elio Filice

Floor 3 Toronto ON M4W 1T1 416 961-6555 Fax: 416 961-5814 Toll Free: 800 565-4591 Web: LLB/BA/Registrar Irwin Fefergrad

Ontario Dental Assistants Association

The Toronto Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry

869 Dundas St London ON N5W 2Z8 519 679-2566 Ext. 25 Fax: 519 679-8494 Toll Free: 800 461-4348 Ext. 25 Email: Web: Exec Dir Judy Melville

Ontario Dental Association 4 New St Toronto ON M5R 1P6 416 922-3900 Fax: 416 922-9571 Email: Web: Meetings Mgr Michelle Holden

1328 Stanbury Rd Oakville ON L6L 2J4 416 236-6861 Fax: 905 827-6638 Web: Pres Carol Waldman Exec Dir Seminar Coord Nifette Khaled

Toronto Academy of Dentistry 970 Lawrence Ave W Suite 207 Toronto ON M6A 3B6 416 967-5649 Fax: 416 967-5081 Email: Web: Exec Admin Mara Busca-Bedford

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Spring 2009


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Dental Guide 2009 3M Canada Company — 3M ESPE Dental Products Division PO Box 5757 Stn B London ON N6A 4T1 Location: 300 Tartan Dr London ON N5V 4M9 Fax: 519 452-6597 Toll Free: 888 363-3685 Email: Web: Natl Sls Mgr Dave Sanders Mktg Mgr Prosthodontics Steve Dempsey Mktg Ops Mgr/Restorative Prod Jenny Patrick Mktg Supvr Lab & Digital Gigie McGlynn Sls/Mktg Mgr Lab & Digital Scott Mikalachki Sr Mktg Analyst/Preventive Bus Amy Frook Bus Mgr Lisa Citton-Battel Prof Serv Mgr Jennifer Durack Prof Svcs Mgr Chuck Hudson

A-dec Inc. 2601 Crestview Dr Newberg OR 97132 503 538-9471 Fax: 503 538-8021 Toll Free: 800 547-1883 Email: Web: Adv Mgr John Gendron

124 Gaither Dr Suite 140 Mount Laurel NJ 08054 856 222-9988 Fax: 856 222-4726 Toll Free: 800 289-6367 Email: Web: VP Wyatt Wilson Mktg Mgr Joe Donahue Product Mgr Chip Vagnoni

DPM Spr09 p22-32 Manuf.indd 22

Air Techniques, Inc. 1295 Walt Whitman Rd Melville NY 11747-3062 514 214-5618 Fax: 516 433-7676 Toll Free: 800 247-8324 Email: Web:

Alliance H. Inc.

Acteon Inc. — Div. of Acteon Group

Toll Free: 800 551-5172 Email: Web: Sls Mgr Rahn Brooks Mktg Mgr Nichol Schreiber

American Medical Technologies, Inc.

5655 Bear Lane Corpus Christi TX 78405 Advantage Dental 361 289-1145 Products Inc. Fax: 361 289-5554 PO Box 415 Toll Free: 800 359-1959 Lake Orion MI 48361 Email: Location: 4498 Klais Dr Web: Clarkston MI 48348 Pres/CEO Judd Hoffman 248 391-1625 Chairman/CEO Roger Dartt Fax: 248 391-1727 Exec VP-Ops Stefan Krisch Toll Free: 800 388-6319 Email: Controller Barbara Woody Dir-Cust Rel Kimberly McNierney Web: Pres Ingrid Pelerin American Tooth Office Mgr Paula Kot

881 Martin Ave Santa Clara CA 95050 408 470-1000 Fax: 408 470-1256 Toll Free: 888 817-5019 Email: Web: Gen Mgr New Products Rick Matty Product Mgr Steve Komlos

1200 55e Av Lachine QC H8T 3J8 514 636-6262 Fax: 514 636-6266 Toll Free: 800 361-2862 Toll Free Fax: 800 616-4266 Email: Web: VP-Sls Ouriel Levy VP-Mktg Scott Chartier

Spring 2009

2350 West Florist Ave Milwaukee WI 53209 414 228-9550 Fax: 414 228-8099 Email: Web: Cust Serv Spec Debbie Shea

Align Technology Inc.

A.R. Medicom Inc.


ADA Products Company Inc./Tri-Bite Dental Inc.


31 Scarsdale Rd Unit 2 Toronto ON M3B 2R2 416 447-9500 Fax: 416 447-3500 Web: Chm Michel H Hart Corp VP-Mktg Patrick Hart Gen Mgr Infection Control Daniele Hart

American Eagle Instruments Inc. 6575 Butler Creek Rd Missoula MT 59808 406 549-7451 Fax: 406 549-7452


1200 Stellar Dr Oxnard CA 93033-2404 805 487-9868 Fax: 805 483-8482 Toll Free: 800 235-4639 Email: Web: Pres Bruno Pozzi VP Roberto Trada

Ansell 105 rue Lauder Cowansville QC J2K 2K8 450 266-1850 Fax: 450 266-6150 Toll Free: 888 267-3555 Email: Web: Brand Support Mgr Martine Pelletier Terr Mgr Cda Lyne Boulanger Mktg Mgr Jennifer Gobeille

The Argen Corporation 5855 Oberlin Dr San Diego CA 92121 858 455-7900 Fax: 858 626-8686 Toll Free: 800 375-9077 Email: Web: Sr VP Paul Cascone Canadian Dealers/Distributors: Ordent Québec: 514 984-1808

Astra Tech Inc. 2425 Matheson Blvd E Floor 8 Mississauga ON L4W 5K4 Fax: 905 361-2629 Toll Free: 866 427-8327 Web: CEO Diane Howard

Axis Dental Corporation 800 Sandy Lake Rd Unit 100 Coppell TX 75019 469 635-6100 Fax: 888 462-8879 Toll Free: 800 355-5063 Email: Web: Pres/CEO Perry Lowe VP/CFO Wayne Brown Mktg Mgr Carrie Nelson Product Mgr Joe Crowder Dir-Mktg Helith Sofer Prof Relations Alisenne Seibly

Belmont/Takara Co. Canada Ltd. 2076 South Sheridan Way Mississauga ON L5J 2M4 905 822-2755 Fax: 905 822-6203 Toll Free: 800 268-5351 Web: Tech Advisor Michael Auger Sls Rep Dave Norman Canadian Dealers/Distributors: Calgary, Alberta: 403 256-1028 Fax: 403 257-6353 Montreal, Québec: 514 230-3935 Fax: 450 349-0531

Beutlich Pharmaceuticals L.P. 1541 Shields Dr Waukegan IL 60085-8304 847 473-1100 Fax: 847 473-1122 Toll Free: 800 238-8542 Email: Web: Inside Sls/Mktg Mgr Catherine Gordon

Bicon Dental Implants 501 Arborway Boston MA 02130 617 524-4443 Fax: 617 524-0096 Toll Free: 800 882-4266

Dental Practice Management

3/3/09 10:47:14 AM

Affordable Quality. Versatile Solutions.

KODAK RVG 6100 Digital Radiography System Highest image resolution in the industry.

Our full range of KODAK digital imaging systems provide sharp, clear images dental professionals need to make fast, confident diagnoses. And, our flexible leasing options make our digital imaging systems more affordable than ever - providing a healthy return on investment. See what’s new! Stop by to see exciting new digital imaging products on the horizon! Ontario Dental Association (ODA) April 30 - May 1, 2009 Booth #1103/1105/1202/1204 Journées dentaires internationales du Québec (JDQ) May 25 - 26, 2009 Booth #401/403/405/500/502/504

For more information, call 800.933.8031 or visit

KODAK 9000 3D Extraoral Imaging System Affordable 3D like never before.

Digital Imaging | Traditional Imaging | Services

Carestream Health Canada Company ©Carestream Health, Inc. 2009. RVG is a trademark of Carestream Health. The Kodak trademark and trade dress are used under license from Kodak.

DPM Spr09 p23 Carestream.indd 23

3/3/09 1:01:55 PM


Dental Guide 2009 Toll Free Fax: 800 282-4266 Email: Web: Mktg Mgr Veronica Tarud Educ Coord Allison Shea

Dir-Mktg Carl Ross Rep ON Tim Bansal

Biomet 3i Canada Inc.

Bien-Air USA Inc. — Div. of Bien Air Switzerland 17880 Skypark Cir Suite 140 Irvine CA 92614 949 477-6050 Fax: 949 477-6051 Toll Free: 800 433-2436 Email: Web: Br Mgr Arthur Mateen Asst Br Mgr Shane Rothenberger Tech Support Joseph Romero

Biotrol International

Biodenix Technologies Inc. 130-10691 Shellbridge Way Richmond BC V6X 2W8 604 270-3290 Fax: 604 270-3644 Toll Free: 800 313-8338 Email: Web: Pres Carl Mazur Lab Consultant Ismail Mirza Sls Rep QC/Ottawa Dino Loggia Canadian Dealers/Distributors: Vancouver, British Columbia Toronto, Ontario Montréal, Québec

BioHorizons Canada 21 Amber St, Unit 6 Markham ON L3R 4Z3 905 944-1700 Fax: 905 944-1894 Toll Free: 866 468-8338 Email: Web: Gen Mgr Nello Matarazzo

BIOLASE Technology Inc. 4 Cromwell Irvine CA 92618 949 361-1200 Fax: 949 273-6677 Toll Free: 888 424-6527 Email: Web: Pres/CEO Jake St. Phillip VP-Sls Matthew J Hunt VP-Mktg Bill Brown Reg Dir-Sls Cda/Rep Western Reg Tannis Sigurdson


Spring 2009

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5805 ch St. Francois Saint-Laurent QC H4S 1B6 561 776-6700 Fax: 561 776-1272 Toll Free: 800 443-8166 Web: Canadian Dealers/Distributors: 3i Implant Innovations Montréal, Québec: 514 956-9843 Fax: 514 956-9844 3i Implant Innovations Toronto, Ontario: 905 731-8733 Fax: 905 731-5428

13705 Shoreline Crt E Earth City MO 63045 314 344-0010 Fax: 314 344-0021 Toll Free: 800 822-8550 Web: Mgr Bob Seals Julie Garceau Arlene MacKinnon Bob Dickson Canadian Dealers/Distributors: Mississauga, Ontario: 905 820-3515

Bolton/Buffalo (BDM) Dental Mfg. 50 Goebel Ave Cambridge ON N3C 1Z1 519 651-2444 Fax: 519 651-0939 Toll Free: 800 667-3770 Email: Web: Pres Robert Bolton VP Kelly Bolton Dir-Mktg Amanda Bolton Sls Rep Renee McLean Sls/Mktg Asst Abby Whittaker Cust Serv Rep Yvette Matte Cust Serv Rep Rebecca Blatch

Bolton Dental Mfg. Inc 50 Goebel Ave Cambridge ON N3C 1Z1 519 651-2444 Fax: 519 651-0939 Toll Free: 800 667-3770 Email: Web: Pres Robert Bolton

Manufacturers VP Kelly Bolton Dir-Mktg Amanda Bolton Sls Rep ON Renee McLean Inside Sls Carolyn Bolton

VP-Mktg Leif Klein Sls Mgr Bill Campbell Export Mgr Gary Kientzler

Brasseler Canada Inc. — Div. of Brasseler USA

1105 aut Chomedey Laval QC H7W 5J8 450 688-8699 Fax: 450 688-1977 Toll Free: 877 243-6724 Toll Free Fax: 888 258-0760 Email: Web: VP-Sls/Mktg Michael McMillan

4500 boul Henri-Bourassa bureau 230 Québec QC G1H 3A5 418 622-1195 Fax: 418 622-4454 Toll Free: 800 363-3838 Toll Free Fax: 866 330-4454 Email: Web: Office Mgr Dan McDuff Office Admin Elaine Turcotte

Cadbury Adams 5000 Yonge St Suite 2100 Toronto ON M2N 7E9 416 590-5794 Fax: 416 590-5015 Assoc Brand Mgr Nina Purewal

Captek Canada rue Aldercrest Dollard-d-Ormeaux QC H9A 1V1 514 685-5444 Fax: 514 683-1041 Toll Free: 800 290-7619 Dir-Sls/Mktg Tracy Baillie

Carestream Health Canada Ltd. 6 Monogram Pl Suite 200 Toronto ON M9R 0A1 416 243-5792 Fax: 416 248-0595 Toll Free: 866 792-5011 Ext. 5792 Email: andrew.sutherland@cshdental. com Web: Natl Channel Sls Mgr Andrew Sutherland

Centrix 770 River Rd Shelton CT 06484 203 929-5582 Fax: 203 929-6804 Toll Free: 800 235-5862 Web: Pres WPD William P Dragan CEO WBD William B Dragan Exec VP John Discko

Citagenix Inc.

Colgate-Palmolive Canada Inc. Two Morneau Sobeco Centre 895 Don Mills Rd, Floor 6 Toronto ON M3C 1W3 416 421-6000 Fax: 416 421-2120 Toll Free: 800 268-6757 Web: Dir-Prof Rel Brian N Feldman

Coltene/Whaledent Inc. 235 Ascot Pkwy Cuyahoga Falls OH 44223-3701 Fax: 330 916-7099 Toll Free: 800 221-3046 Email: Web: CEO Andreas Meldau Gen Mgr Eric Schriver Dir-Ops Dennis Kovit Mktg Mgr Brian Kraus Sr Product Mgr Endodontics Robert Tupta Product Mgr Restorative Pamela Conaway Product Mgr Lab/Rotary Prod Jason Phillips Product Mgr Equipment John Florian Product Mgr Impression Materials David Wells Dir-Eng Jim Fitzsimmons Qual Assur Mgr Chuck Ivan Mgr-Systems Improvement Josh Smith Dir-Fin Peter Lengyel Dir-Hum Res James Mauer Dir-Cust Satisifaction Robin Gallagher Canadian Dealers/Distributors: Kitchener, Ontario: 519 513-9228 Fax: 519 742-7530

Columbia Dentoform Corp — Div. of Dentalez 34-24 Hunters Point Ave Long Island City NY 11101 718 482-1569 Fax: 718 482-1585

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Toll Free: 800 688-0662 Email: Web: VP/Gen Mgr Penelope Pichardo Sls Mgr Philip Briales

Conair Consumer Products Inc. 100 Conair Pkwy Woodbridge ON L4H 0L2 905 265-4500 Fax: 905 265-4599 Toll Free: 877 526-6247 Web: Natl Sls Mgr Keith Joy

Conex — Div. of Alliance H. Inc. 1099 rue Berlier Laval QC H7L 3Z1 450 669-1506 Fax: 450 669-6501 Toll Free: 800 238-3778 Web: Corp VP-Mktg Patrick Hart Gen Mgr Paul Desfosses Canadian Dealers/Distributors: Alliance H. Inc. Toronto, Ontario: 416 447-9500 Fax: 416 447-3500 Web:

Cosmedent, Inc. 401 North Michigan Ave, Suite 2500 Chicago IL 60611 312 644-9586 Fax: 312 644-9752 Toll Free: 800 621-6729 Email: Web: Chm K William Mopper Pres Michael O’Malley VP-Mktg Catherine O’Malley VP-Corp Strategy Mary O’Malley Sls Mgr Robert Mopperi Export Mgr Bennett Cochran Admin of CEE Erika Heier Canadian Dealers/Distributors: Clinical Research Dental Supplies & Services Inc. London, Ontario: 519 641-3066 Fax: 519 641-3083 Toll Free: 800 265-3444 Toll Free Fax: 800 719-3292 Email: Web: Biodent Longueuil, Québec: 450 649-1307

Fax: 450 649-1317 Toll Free: 800 211-1200 Web:

Dental Guide 2009 Fax: 805 922-6933 Toll Free: 800 445-0345 Email: Web:

Crest Oral-B — P&G Professional Oral Health Dent Corp. Research 4711 Yonge St & Development Floor 10 Toronto ON M2N 6K8 416 730-4711 Fax: 866 469-8981 Toll Free: 800 543-2577 Toll Free Fax: 800 201-1840 Email: Web: Ops Mgr Françoise Gagnon MS&P Mgr Geoff Pertsch Country Mgr Susanne Currie Natl Sls Mgr Dave Roberts Natl Acct Mgr Robyn Shields

Crosstex International 10 Ranick Rd Happauge NY 11788 631 582-6777 Fax: 631 582-2817 Email: Web: VP-Sls/Mktg Andrew Whitehead

D4D Technologies, LLC 630 International Pkwy Suite 150 Richardson TX 75081 972 234-3880 Fax: 972 234-3557 Web: VP-Mktg Clinical Affairs Gary Severance

Danville Engineering/ Materials 3420 Fostoria Way Suite A-200 San Ramon CA 94583 925 973-0710 Fax: 925 973-0764 Toll Free: 800 827-7940 Web: Pres Craig Burns

Delar Corporation PO Box 226 Lake Oswego OR 97034 Fax: 503 635-2978 Toll Free: 800 669-7499 Web:

Den-Mat Corporation 2727 Skyway Dr Santa Maria CA 93455 805 922-8491

11 South Broadway Suite 7 White Plains NY 10601 914 682-6600 914 682-1682 Fax: 914 948-1711 Toll Free: 800 454-9244 Email: Web: Pres David Albalda VP-Mktg Vahide Maril

Dent-X — Div. of AFP Imaging Corp. 250 Clearbrook Rd Elmsford NY 10523 914 592-6665 Fax: 914 592-6148 Toll Free: 800 225-1702 Email: Web: Pres Donald Rabinovitch VP-Sls/Mktg Christopher Weed VP-Admn Aida McKinney Mktg Mgr Michael Ellison Product Mgr Mark Irving Dir-Eng Jim Johnson Documentation Spec Herb Clay

DentalEZ Group 2 West Liberty Blvd Suite 160 Malvern PA 19355 610 725-8004 Fax: 610 725-9898 Toll Free: 866 383-4636 Email: Web: Pres Gordon Hagler CFO John Denman VP-Mktg Randy Arner Gen Mgr Ed Holland StarDental Prod Mgr Cass Campbell Sr Equip Mgr Aggie Pennington Mktg/Comm Mgr Jamie Bratton

Dentatus USA Ltd. 192 Lexington Ave New York NY 10016 212 481-1010 Fax: 212 532-9026

Toll Free: 800 323-3136 Email: Web: Pres Bernard Weissman CEO Thomas Murphy VP-Sls/Mktg Nita Weissman VP Stephen Rubinsky

Dentaurum Canada Inc. 525 boul Ford Suite 600 Châteauguay QC J6J 4Z2 450 691-2994 Fax: 450 691-3640 Toll Free: 800 363-9973 Toll Free Fax: 888 771-3640 Email: Web: Dir Michel Herbert

Dentech Equipment - Div. of Alliance H. Inc. 901 West Front St Sumas WA 98295 360 988-7080 Fax: 360 988-4050 Toll Free: 800 826-5004 Email: Web: Pres/CEO J J L’Eplattenier Corp VP-Mktg Patrick Hart Canadian Dealers/Distributors: Alliance H. Inc. Toronto, Ontario: 416 447-9500 Fax: 416 447-3500 Web:

DenTek Oral Care Inc. 307 Excellence Way Maryville TN 37801 865 983-1300 Fax: 865 983-8073 Web: VP-Sls Michael Manolakis Mktg Mgr Kris Emonet Dir-Mktg Lex Shankle

Dentsply Canada Ltd. 161 Vinyl Crt Woodbridge ON L4L 4A3 905 851-6060 Fax: 905 851-9809 Toll Free: 800 263-1437 Web: Sr Product Mgr Consumables Andrea Ferencz Assoc Product Mgr Equip Paula Bower

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Dental Guide 2009 Assoc Product Mgr Lab Laura Gilbert Assoc Product Mgr Chairside Joanna Krupa Dir-Mktg Robert Leavens Controller Judy Dautovich

DENTSPLY Raintree Essix 6448 Parkland Dr Sarasota FL 34243 941 527-4450 Fax: 941 527-4547 Toll Free: 800 883-8733 Toll Free Fax: 877 488-2429 Web: Mechandise Mgr Nicole Costa Canadian Dealers/Distributors: Orthodontic Supply of Canada Woodbridge, Ontario: 905 850-0069 Fax: 905 850-2383 Web:

DENTSPLY Tulsa Dental Specialties 5100 E Skelly Dr Suite 300 Tulsa OK 74135-6546 Fax: 918 493-6599 Toll Free: 800 662-1202 Web: Dir-Mktg Steve Mcmaster

DiaDent Group International Inc. 11-3871 North Fraser Way Burnaby BC V5J 5G6 604 451-8851 Fax: 604 451-8865 Toll Free: 877 342-3368 Email: Web: Pres/CEO Richard J You Mktg Mgr Katie Liu Canadian Dealers/Distributors: Vancouver, British Columbia

Diatech Dental PO Box 22648 Charleston SC 29413-2648 843 849-3700 Fax: 843 849-3711 Toll Free: 800 222-1851 Web:

Discus Dental, LLC 8550 Higuera St Culver City CA 90232 310 845-8260 Fax: 310 845-1515 Toll Free: 800 422-9448 Web:


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Pres/CEO Robert Hayman COO Steve Merritt CFO Philip Alfred VP-Sls NA Mike Larrain Sr VP-Sls/Mktg Todd Cooper Sr VP-Hum Res David Anderson Commun Mgr Steve Miller

Manufacturers FLOW Dental Corporation Canadian Dealers/Distributors:

Henry Schein - Vancouver Delta, British Columbia: 604 527-8888 Fax: 604 527-8889 Toll Free: 800 668-5558 DUS Dental Richmond, British Columbia Dux Dental (Van R, Excel Dental Lab Sources, Ltd. Cadco, Clive Craig) Vancouver, British Columbia: 600 E Hueneme Rd 604 876-2600 Oxnard CA 93033-8600 Fax: 604 876-2642 805 488-1122 Westan Dist. Fax: 805 488-2266 Calgary, Alberta Garrison Dental Toll Free: 800 833-8267 Cerum Dental Supplies Ltd. Solutions Toll Free Fax: 800 444-5170 Calgary, Alberta: 150 DeWitt Lane Email: 403 228-5199 Spring Lake MI 49456 Web: Fax: 403 245-3694 Fax: 616 842-2430 VP-Prod Dev/Educ Michael Durda Toll Free: 800 661-9567 Toll Free: 888 437-0032 Dir-Mktg Stacey Williams Email: Toll Free Fax: 800 361-5088 Email: Web: EMS Electro Web: Medical Systems Westan Dist. GC America Inc. — Div. of 6525 boul Décarie Edmonton, Alberta GC Corporation bureau 205 Westan Dist. 3737 W 127th St Montréal QC H3W 3E3 Winnipeg, Manitoba Alsip IL 60803 514 736-5066 Henry Schein Canada, Inc. Fax: 708 597-5753 Fax: 514 736-5065 Niagara-on-Lake, Ontario: Toll Free: 800 323-7063 Toll Free: 877 736-5066 Toll Free Fax: 800 423-2963 905 646-1711 Email: Email: Fax: 905 646-4201 Web: Web: Toll Free: 800 668-5558 Adm Office Mgr Gabriela Salvati Pres/COO David Allen Toll Free Fax: 800 263-3962 Accntg Dept Yasemin Yanmaz VP-Fin/Legal Affairs Carolyn Van Eck Email: VP-Sls/Mktg John O’Neill Web: Essential Dental Systems Dir-Mktg Robert Lee Central Dental Limited 89 Leuning St Dir-Clinical Affairs Anita Tate Scarborough, Ontario: S Hackensack NJ 07606-1345 416 694-1118 201 487-9090 Gendex Dental Systems Fax: 416 694-1071 Fax: 201 487-5120 340 E Main St Toll Free: 800 268-4442 Toll Free: 800 223-5394 Lake Zurich IL 60047 Email: Email: Location: 901 W Oakton St Patterson Dental/Dentaire Canada Inc. Web: Des Plaines IL Montréal, Québec: COO/CFO Joel Burstein Fax: 847 550-6825 514 745-4040 Sls Mgr Rick Willson Toll Free: 888 275-5286 Fax: 514 745-8295 Mktg Mgr Victoria Reina Email: Web: Sls Rep BC Arelene MacKinnon Web: Sls Rep QC/ON Julie Garceau Pres Sls Dan Carmody Germiphene Corporation Dir-Media/Commun Dave Lage Pres Bob Joyce PO Box 1748 Stn Main Brantford ON N3T 5V7 Filhol Dental George Taub Products Location: 1379 Colborne St E Old Police Station 277 New York Ave Brantford ON N3T 5M1 Chipping Campden GL55 6HB Jersey City NJ 07307 519 759-7100 Ireland 201 798-5353 Fax: 519 759-1625 +44 (0) 845 009 9790 Fax: 201 659-7186 Toll Free: 800 265-9931 +44 (0) 1386 841 864 Toll Free: 800 828-2634 Email: Fax: +44 (0) 870 116 9790 Email: Web: Fax: +44 (0) 1386 849 329 Web: Pres Leslie Drake Email: Pres Lawrence Taub Ed Supp/Cust Serv Mgr Linda McLarty Sls/Mktg Mgr Jordan Taub Web: 100 West Industry Crt Deer Park NY 11729 631 242-9729 Fax: 631 242-1001 Toll Free: 800 356-9729 Toll Free Fax: 800 552-9653 Email: Web: Pres Howard Wolf Exec VP William Winters Natl Sls Mgr Mark Seigler Art Dir Peter Koos

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Gingi-Pak — Div. of Belport Co. PO Box 240 Camarillo CA 93011-0240 805 484-1051 Fax: 805 484-5076 Toll Free: 800 437-1514 Web: CEO Joe Bell VP Bonnie Maravich Regulatory Mgr Marcos Gutierre Export Acct Mgr Nicole Cali Sls Mgr Maureen Horn Cust Serv Mgr Lupe Becerra

GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare 2030 Bristol Cir Oakville ON L6H 5V2 905 829-2030 Fax: 905 829-6087 Toll Free: 800 268-4600 Web: VP-Sls Blake Morris

Global Surgical Corp. 3610 Tree Crt Industrial Blvd St. Louis MO 63122 636 861-5254 Fax: 636 861-2969 Toll Free: 800 861-3585 Email: Web: Canadian Dealers/Distributors: Taylor Dentech Inc. Vancouver, British Columbia: 604 618-3322 Newfields Inc. Toronto, Ontario: 416 482-9437

Harry J. Bosworth Company 7227 North Hamlin Ave Skokie IL 60076-3999 847 679-3400 Fax: 847 679-2080 Toll Free: 800 323-4352 Email: Web: Pres Mildred M Goldstein VP/Gen Mgr Herbert L Pozen Natl Sls Mgr Wayne Allen Mktg Mgr Katherine Steyer

Heraeus 300 Heraeus Way South Bend IN 46614 Toll Free: 800 431-1785

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Hu-Friedy Mfg.

Janssen-Ortho Inc.

3232 N Rockwell St Chicago IL 60618 773 975-6100 Fax: 773 975-6182 Toll Free: 800 483-7433 Web: Chm Richard E Saslow VP-Sls John O’Connor Gen Mgr Mktg Teresa May Dir-Mktg Amy Spencer

19 Green Belt Dr North York ON M3C 1L9 416 382-5000 Fax: 416 449-2658 Toll Free: 800 387-8781 Email: Web:

Implant Direct LLC 204-1408 8th Ave W Vancouver BC V6H 1E1 604 730-1337 Fax: 604 730-1397 Web:

IMTEC Canada — A 3M Company Concorde Square Bldg B 155 Romina Dr Concord ON L4K 4Z9 905 660-1838 Fax: 905 660-1905 Toll Free: 800 226-3220 Toll Free Fax: 877 388-8808 Email: Web: Dir-Cdn Ops Victor Bianchi

Ivoclar Vivadent Inc. 2785 Skymark Ave Unit 1 Mississauga ON L4W 4Y3 905 238-5700 Fax: 905 238-5711 Toll Free: 800 263-8182 Web: Gen Mgr Cdn Sarah Anders Natl Sls Mgr Clinical Dan Carrington Natl Sls Mgr Tech Rob Mior Mktg Mgr Cda Meagan Cuttle

J. Morita USA, Inc. 9 Mason Irvine CA 92618 949 581-9600 Fax: 949 465-1095 Toll Free: 800 831-3222 Email: Web: Pres Hiroshi Tanaka VP-Sls Walid Wardaki VP Seiji Kuraoka Mktg Mgr Cheri Booth

Johnson & Johnson Inc. 80 McNabb St Markham ON L3R 5L2 905 968-2000 Fax: 905 968-2588 Web: Brand Mgr Tim Boughtflower

Justi (Distributed by Bolton Dental Mfg.) Inc. 50 Goebel Ave Cambridge ON N3C 1Z1 519 651-2444 Fax: 519 651-0939 Toll Free: 800 667-3770 Email: Web: Pres Robert Bolton VP Kelly Bolton Dir-Mktg Amanda Bolton Sls Rep Renee McLean Cust Serv Rep Yvette Matte Cust Serv Rep Rebecca Blatch

KaVo Dental Corp. 340 East Rt 22 Lake Zurich IL 60047 847 550-6800 Fax: 847 550-6825 Toll Free: 888 528-6872 Email: Web: Pres Bob Joyce VP-Mktg Darlene Kober Dir-Direct Sls/Educ Jeff Thibadeau Product Mgr David Bnagert Mktg/Comm Mgr Curt Gandy Canadian Dealers/Distributors: KaVo Canada - Lab Division Cambridge, Ontario: Fax: 519 658-6067 Toll Free: 800 325-6055

Kerr Corporation 1717 W Collins Ave Orange CA 92867 714 516-7400 Fax: 714 516-7635 Toll Free: 800 537-7123 Web: Pres Steve Paskin VP-Mktg Leo Pranitis

Mgr-Clinical Affairs Kirsten Edwards Sr Mktg Mgr Brandy Lewis Dir-Mktg Comm Sue Seamon Media Relations Barbara Young Graphic Designer Juan Parada Dir-Prod Mgmt Ryan Miller

Kuraray America Inc. 600 Lexington Ave Floor 26 New York NY 10022 212 986-2230 Toll Free: 800 879-1676 Toll Free Fax: 888 700-5200 Email: Web: Gen Mgr Koji Nishida Dep Gen Mgr John Quattrocchi Product Mgr Johnny Ohtsuki Cust Serv Mgr Chris Ciemian Canadian Dealers/Distributors: Vancouver, British Columbia: 604 433-2602 Toronto, Ontario: 905 796-0904 Fax: 905 796-6938

L & R Manufacturing PO Box 607 Kearny NJ 07032-0607 Location: 577 Elm St 201 991-5330 Fax: 201 991-5870 Email: Web: Pres Robert J Lazarus Mktg Mgr Brian McGrath Sls Bruce Letsch Canadian Dealers/Distributors: Sable Industries Inc. Kitchener, Ontario: 519 579-9323 Fax: 519 579-9324 Toll Free: 800 368-8106 Web:

Lang Dental Manufact­ur­ ing Company, Inc. PO Box 969 Wheeling IL 60090-0969 Location: 175 Messner Dr 847 215-6622 Fax: 847 215-6678 Toll Free: 800 222-5264 Toll Free Fax: 866 278-8510 Email: Web: Pres David J Lang Exec VP Daniel W Beck Dir-Intl Sls Gladys Ferrer

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Dental Guide 2009 Quality Dir Joanne Lang Quality Facilitator Kate Lang

Lares Research 295 Lockheed Ave Chico CA 95973 530 345-1767 Ext. 1 Fax: 530 345-1870 Toll Free: 888 333-8440 Ext. 1 Email: Web: Pres Craig Lares Natl Sls Mgr Steve Kokal Sls Mgr MIchelle Jackson

Lumenis Dental 5302 Betsy Ross Dr Santa Clara CA 95054 408 764-3000; Fax: 408 764-3999 Toll Free: 866 678-7336 Web:

Macan Engineering & Manufacturing Co 1564 North Damen Ave Chicago IL 60622 773 772-2000 Fax: 773 772-2003 Toll Free: 866 622-2611 Web:

MCC — Modular and Custom Cabinets 10721 Keele St Maple ON L6A 1S5 905 832-8311 Fax: 905 832-0732 Toll Free: 800 388-6236 Email: Web:

PO Box 409 Woodside NY 11377 Location: 23 62nd St Unit 39 718 672-4670 Fax: 718 565-6208 Toll Free: 800 221-0750 Email: Web: Pres/CEO Robert T Postal VP Robert J Achtziger VP Leonard B Shaoul

4630 Dufferin St, Unit 22A Toronto ON M3H 5S4 416 391-1700


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Microbrush International 1376 Cheyenne Ave Grafton WI 53024 262 375-4011 Fax: 262 375-2777 Toll Free: 866 866-8698 Email: Web: Sls Mgr NA Bethany Glasenapp Dir-Mktg Eliana Avila

Microflex Corporation 2301 Robb Dr Reno NV 89523-1901 775 746-6600 Fax: 775 787-4693 Toll Free: 800 876-6866 Ext. 1793 Toll Free Fax: 800 876-6632 Email: Web: VP-Int’l Dev Richard Todd Dir-Sls Dean Pferschy Intl Accntg Mgr Hyong Leung

Micrylium Laboratories

Medidenta International Inc.

Microbex — Div. of Alliance H. Inc.

Fax: 416 391-2516 Web: Corp VP-Mktg Patrick Hart Gen Mgr Daniele Hart Tech Dir Jane Festin Canadian Dealers/Distributors: Alliance H. Inc. Toronto, Ontario: 416 447-9500 Fax: 416 447-3500 Web:

5000M Dufferin St Toronto ON M3H 5T5 416 667-7040 Fax: 416 667-0071 Toll Free: 800 489-8868 Email: Web: Div Sls Mgr Michel Casault

Midmark Corp. 145 Mid County Dr Orchard Park NY 14127-1737 937 526-3662 Fax: 937 526-8214 Toll Free: 800 643-6275 Toll Free Fax: 877 725-6495 Email: Web: VP/Gen Mgr Eric Shirley Dir-Mktg Bill Zulauf

Manufacturers Midmark Corporation

Nitritex Canada Ltd.

PO Box 286 Versailles OH 45380 Location: 60 Vista Dr Toll Free: 800 643-6275 Toll Free Fax: 877 725-6495 Email: Web: VP/Gen Mgr Eric Shirley Dir-Mktg Bill Zulauf

7030 Woodbine Ave Suite 500 Markham ON L3R 6G2 905 946-9539 Fax: 905 946-8584 Email:

Milestone Scientific 220 South Orange Ave Livingston NJ 07039 973 535-2717 Fax: 973 535-2829 Toll Free: 800 862-1125 Email: Web: Pres Stuart Wildhorn COO Tom Ronca

Miltex Inc. 589 Davies Dr York PA 17402 717 840-9335 Fax: 717 840-9347 Toll Free: 866 854-8300 Toll Free Fax: 866 854-8400 Email: Web: Pres Kevin Breeden Pres/CEO T Robert Perrett VP-Mktg Todd Larson Product Mgr Amber Losing Mktg Asst Deb holtham

Mirage Dental Systems 200 North 6th St Kansas City KS 66101 913 281-5552 Fax: 913 621-7012 Toll Free: 800 366-0001 Email: Web: Pres Tim Sigler CFO Tom Cooney Nola Zarate Canadian Dealers/Distributors: Del-Dent Dental Supplies Ltd. Willowdale, Ontario: 416 222-8469 Fax: 416 223-2526 Toll Free: 800 268-6657 Email: Web:

Nobel Biocare Canada Inc. 9133 Leslie St Unit 100 Richmond Hill ON L4B 4N1 905 762-3500 Fax: 905 762-3502 Toll Free: 800 939-9394 Toll Free Fax: 800 900-4243 Email: Web: Gen Mgr John Cox

NSK Nakanishi Inc. 700 B Cooper Crt Schaumburg IL 60173 Toll Free: 866 780-6757 Email: Web: Exec VP/Gen Mgr Hirhiko Murase

Oasis Dental Group 16147 8A Ave Surrey BC V4A 8W8 604 538-1285 Fax: 604 538-1295 Toll Free: 800 338-6693 Email: Pres Todd G Klymchuk VP-Sls/Mktg Robert Keep Customer Support Natalie May Gen Admin Carrie Klymchuk

Obtura/Spartan 13729 Shoreline Crt Earth City MO 63045 Fax: 636 343-5794 Toll Free: 800 344-1321 Web:

Ondine Biopharma Corporation 1100 Melville St Suite 910 Vancouver BC V6E 4A6 604 669-0555 Fax: 604 669-0533 Toll Free: 866 669-0555 Email: Web:

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Osteohealth Co. One Lutipold Dr Shirley NY 11967 Fax: 631 924-1731 Toll Free: 800 874-2334 Email: Web: Mktg Mgr Gennine Kelly Mktg Asst Jennifer Gramazio

PaloDex Group 300 W Edgerton Ave Milwaukee WI 53207 Fax: 414 481-8665 Toll Free: 800 558-6120 Web: Dir-Sls Mike Null

Panoramic Corporation 4321 Goshen Rd Fort Wayne IN 46818 219 489-2291 Fax: 219 489-5683 Toll Free: 800 654-2027 Email: Web: Eric Stetzel Pat Douglass Greg Jaeger

Parkell, Inc.

Web: Pres Fred Van de Perre CEO Linda Miller-Van de Perre Canadian Dealers/Distributors: Paradise Dental Technologies West Vancouver, British Columbia Paradise Dental Technologies Oakville, Ontario

Pelton & Crane PO Box 7800 Charlotte NC 28241 704 588-2126; Fax: 704 587-7250 Toll Free: 800 659-3212 Toll Free Fax: 800 659-7255

Pentron Clinical Technologies 53 North Plains Industrial Rd Wallingford CT 06492 203 265-7397 Toll Free: 800 551-0283 Toll Free Fax: 877 677-8844 Web: Canadian Dealers/Distributors: Synca Inc. Le Gardeur, Québec: Toll Free: 800 667-9622 Toll Free Fax: 800 554-1021 Web:

Dental Guide 2009 Premier Dental Products Company 1710 Romano Dr Plymouth Meeting PA 19462 610 239-6000 Fax: 610 239-6171 Toll Free: 888 773-6872 Toll Free Fax: 888 614-6646 Email: Web: Pres Jack Ruppel CEO Gary Charlestein VP-Mktg Joe Simon VP-Bus Dev Julie Charlestein Natl Sls Mgr Alan Kegerise Sls Mgr Dianne Doner Dir-Cust Serv Frank Leonard

ProScore — Div. of Henry Schein 137 Commercial St Suite 300 Plainview NY 11803-2410 Fax: 516 719-2140 Toll Free: 800 726-7365 Web: Mgr Dyan M Jayjack

Pulpdent Corporation

300 Executive Dr, Box 9004 Edgewood NY 11717 631 249-1134 Fax: 631 249-1242 Toll Free: 800 243-7446 Email: Web: Mktg Mgr Therese Mainella Dir-Cust Serv Michael Bellew

Pfingst & Co. Inc. PO Box 377 South Plainfield NJ 07080 Location: 105 Snyder Rd 908 561-6400 Fax: 908 561-3213 Toll Free: 800 221-1268 Email: VP Karl Pfingst

PO Box 780 Watertown MA 02471-0780 Location: 80 Oakland St 617 926-6666 Fax: 617 926-6262 Toll Free: 800 343-4342 Email: Web: Dir-Mktg Larry Clark

Pascal Company

Philips Oral Healthcare Canada Ltd.

Quantum Dental Technologies

PO Box 1478 Bellevue WA 98009-1478 Location: 2929 NE Northup Way Bellevue WA 98004 425 827-4694 Fax: 425 827-6893 Toll Free: 800 426-8051 Email: Web: Mktg/Adv Coord Wendy Mark

PDT, Inc. Paradise Dental Technologies 8275 Highway 10 W PO BOX 17980 Missoula MT 59808 406 626-4153 Fax: 406 626-4550 Toll Free: 800 240-9895 Email:

281 Hillmount Rd Markham ON L6C 2S3 905 201-4500 Fax: 905 887-4241 Web: Retail Sls Mgr Scott Cook Sls/Mktg Asst Bernadette Morin Prof Sls/Mktg Mgr Norm Ball

PPB Enterprises Inc. 10608 172 St NW Edmonton AB T5S 1H8 780 481-2284 Fax: 780 481-2267 Toll Free: 877 480-2284 Email: Web: Pres Pat Winget

748 Briar Hill Ave Toronto ON M6B 1L3 416 785-4547 Fax: 416 785-7301 Email: Web: Pres Andreas Mandelis CEO Stephen Abrams

Richmond Dental PO Box 34276 Charlotte NC 28234 704 376-0380 Fax: 704 342-1892 Toll Free: 800 277-0377 Email: Web: Sls Mgr Sara Evans

Rx Honing Machine Corp. 1301 East Fifth St Mishawaka IN 46544-2899 574 259-1606 Fax: 574 259-9163 Toll Free: 800 346-6464 Email: Web: Pres R J Watson VP Terry Magnuson Product Eng Marvin Yocum Office Mgr Jan Humes

Sable Industries Inc. 100 Campbell Ave Suite 1 Kitchener ON N2H 4X8 519 579-9323 Fax: 519 579-9324 Toll Free: 800 368-8106 Web: Pres Michael Moreau COO Tim Benham

Schick Technologies 30-30 47th Ave Suite 500 Long Island City NY 11101 718 937-5765 Fax: 718 937-5962 Toll Free: 800 645-4312 Web: Pres/CEO Jeff Slovin Exec VP Michael Stone VP-Mktg Jack Connelly

SciCan Ltd. 1440 Don Mills Rd Toronto ON M3B 3P9 416 445-1600 Fax: 416 445-2727 Toll Free: 800 667-7733 Web: Pres Brian Douglas CEO Mark Vanvoorden

SDI (North America) Inc. 729 N Route 83 Suite 315 Bensenville IL 60106 630 238-8300 Fax: 630 238-9200 Toll Free: 800 228-5166 Email: Web: Sls Rep ON/MB Kim Cunningham Sls Rep BC/AB/SK Todd Corrigan Exec Sls Coord Lauri Novak

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Sterngold Dental, LLC

Sulcabrush Inc.

36 Wolseley Crt Cambridge ON N1R 6X3 Fax: 519 623-4290 Toll Free: 888 251-5545 Web: VP-Sls/Mktg Paul Mondock Cust Servc Larry Strathearn

23 Frank Mossberg Dr Attleboro MA 02703 508 226-5660 Fax: 508 226-5473 Toll Free: 800 243-9942 Email: Web: Pres David M Sklarski VP-Bus Dev Gordon Craig Dir-Mktg Vicki Savino Dir-Mktg Joanne Santos Dir-Education James T Ellison Canadian Dealers/Distributors: Excel Dental Lab Sources, Ltd. Vancouver, British Columbia: 604 876-2600 Fax: 604 876-2642 Cerum Dental Supplies Ltd. Calgary, Alberta: 403 228-5199 Fax: 403 245-3694 Toll Free: 800 661-9567 Toll Free Fax: 800 361-5088 Email: Web: Henry Schein Arcona Niagara-on-the-Lke, Ontario: 905 464-1711 Fax: 905 464-4577 Swiss NF. Metals, Inc. Toronto, Ontario: 416 510-2220 Fax: 416 510-2207 Toll Free: 800 387-5031 Email: Web: Lindberg & Homburger Ltd. Toronto, Ontario: 416 924-6684 Fax: 416 925-8289

21 Bradwick Dr Unit 12 Concord ON L4K 1K6 905 669-6288 Fax: 905 669-8585 Toll Free: 800 387-8777 Email: Web: Pres Ira Florence Office Mgr Bella Soares

Straumann Canada Limited 4145 North Service Rd Suite 303 Burlington ON L7L 6A3 905 319-2900 Fax: 905 319-2911 Toll Free: 800 363-4024 Email: Web:

36 Vimy St Acton ON L7J 1S1 519 853-1920 Fax: 519 853-4496 Toll Free: 800 265-7617 Email: Web: Sls Rep Debbie Kutasienski Acct Rep Lori Mandy Acct Rep Andrea Martin

Strong Dental Inc.

Supermax Canada Inc.

Smile by Design Dental Studios

658 Danforth Ave Suite 208 Toronto ON M4J 5B9 Shofu Dental Corporation 416 465-4472 1225 Stone Dr Fax: 416 465-4472 San Marcos CA 92078 Toll Free: 888 665-4472 760 736-3277 Email: Fax: 760 736-3276 RDT/Owner George Klouvidakis Toll Free: 800 827-4638 Email: South East Instruments Web: Corporation Pres Brian Melonakos 3706 NW 97 Blvd Dir-Sls Randy Bailey Gainesville FL 32606 Dir-Mktg Lynne Calliot 352 332-0125 Fax: 352 332-0186 Sirona Dental Toll Free: 800 648-9445 Systems GmbH Email: Fabrikstrasse 31 Web: 64625 Bensheim Pres David Robinson Deutschland Germany +49 6251 16 3600 Spring Health Products Fax: +49 6251 16 2948 705 General Washington Ave Web: Canadian Dealers/Distributors: Suite 701 Sirona Dental Systems Norristown PA 19403 Vancouver, British Columbia: 610 630-9171; Fax: 610 630-9730 Fax: 778 294-1151 Toll Free: 800 800-1680 Cellular: 604 889-4441 Email: customercare@ Email: Sirona Dental Systems Web: Calgary, Alberta: 403 689-9975 SS White Burs, Inc. Fax: 403 271-5908 1145 Towbin Ave Email: Lakewood NJ 08701 Sirona Dental Systems 732 905-1100; Fax: 732 905-0987 Toronto, Ontario: Toll Free: 800 535-2877 416 710-1853 Email: Email: Web: Sirona Dental Systems VP-Sls/Mktg Alan Dumais Toronto, Ontario: 905 330-8260 Sterilex Corp. Fax: 905 632-5845 11409 Cronhill Dr, Suite L Email: Owings Mills MD 21117 Sirona Dental Systems 410 581-8860 Toronto, Ontario: Fax: 410 581-8864 416 816-4469 Toll Free: 800 511-1659 Email: Email: Sirona Dental Systems Web: Montréal, Québec: Pres Shira Kramer 514 214-8383 VP Leon Josowitz Fax: 866 840-3858 Email: Dir-Cust Rel Faith Insley


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33 Princess St Suite 403 Leamington ON N8H 5C5 Fax: 519 322-1320 Toll Free: 800 339-4452 Email: Owner Patrick Strong

Sultan Healthcare Inc. 411 Hackensack Ave Floor 9 Hackensack NJ 07601 201 871-1232 Fax: 201 871-0321 Toll Free: 800 637-8582 Email: Web: Pres Paul Seid Exec VP Alan Lipp Canadian Dealers/Distributors: London, Ontario: 519 673-5661 Fax: 519 673-5077

Sunstar Americas Inc. (Canada) 515 Governors Rd Guelph ON N1K 1C7 519 837-2500 Fax: 519 837-0083 Toll Free: 800 265-8353 Web: VP/Gen Mgr Dan Descary Dir-Natl Sls Fred Duggan Trade Mktg Mgr Jocelyne Bourget

Superior Glove

5650 aut Transcanadienne Pointe-Claire QC H9R 1B9 Toll Free: 866 428-9188 Toll Free Fax: 888 428-5881 Email: Web: Exec VP Jean Hubert

Dental Practice Management

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Sybron Implant Solutions 1717 West Collins Ave Orange CA 92867 714 516-7800 Fax: 714 516-7866 Web: Cdn Sls Mgr Sonya Meloche Dir-Mktg Sue Kolb Sls Rep ON Carmen Allegranza

VP-Mktg Jeff Murphy Reg Mgr Eastern Cda Christine Skok Reg Mgr Western Cda Bob Chaldu Product Mgr Keri Solis Sls/Mktg Coord Kelley Gmeiner

Tilley Del Col & Associates Ltd.

40 Port Rush Trail Markham ON L6C 1Z3 416 580-5013 SybronEndo - Div. of Sybron Dental Specialties Fax: 905 887-3346 Email: 1717 West Collins Ave Orange CA 92867 TotalCare — Div. of 714 516-7979 Kerr Corporation Fax: 714 516-7911 1717 West Collins Ave Toll Free: 800 346-3636 Web: Orange CA 92867 VP-Mktg Shawn Potter Fax: 714 516-7904 Gen Mgr Mark Clineff Toll Free: 800 841-1428 Sls Rep Bill McKeon Toll Free Fax: 800 638-7390 Tech Spec Bob Gannon Email: Web: Temrex Corporation Pres Todd Norbe PO Box 426 Natl Sls Mgr Stuart Robinson Selmer TN 38375 Mktg Mgr David Pfeifer Fax: 516 868-5700 Mktg Mgr Jeff Walsh Toll Free: 800 645-1226 Canadian Dealers/Distributors: Email: Web: Metrex Pres Ethan Levander Romulus, Michigan VP-Sls/Mktg Jackie Prather VP-Ops/Prod Joseph Jones TP Orthodontics

Tenax Implant Inc. 229 Sixth St Collingwood ON L9Y 1Z2 705 445-0628 Fax: 705 445-1066 Toll Free: 888 265-1010 Email: Web: Pres Milan Somborac CFO Lucy Robson Exec VP Stefan Somborac Mktg Coord Angela Agard

TIDI Products LLC 570 Enterprise Dr Neenah WI 54946 920 751-4300 Fax: 920 751-4330 Toll Free: 800 215-5464 Toll Free Fax: 800 837-7770 Email: Web: Pres Kevin McNamara VP-Sls Mike Lutz

Laboratory Services 100 Center Plaza La Porte IN 46350 219 785-2591 Fax: 219 324-3029 Toll Free: 800 348-8856 Email: Web: Dir-Mktg Laura Wagner

Tri Hawk Inc. PO Box 619 Morrisburg ON K0C 1X0 Location: 2 Prospect Rd 613 543-4500 Fax: 613 543-4501 Toll Free: 866 874-4295 Email: Web: Sls Mgr Global Gustel Fischer Sls Mgr EU Axel Klein Sls Mgr NA Donna Carswell Canadian Dealers/Distributors: Morrisburg, Ontario

Dental Guide 2009 Tuttnauer USA Co. Ltd. 25 Power Dr Hauppauge NY 11788 631 737-4850 Fax: 631 737-0720 Toll Free: 800 624-5836 Web: Pres Ran Tuttnauer VP-Sls/Mktg Paul McNichol

Ultimate Shade Guide 8 Windsor Dr RR 2 Stouffville ON L4A 7X3 647 219-1994 Fax: 905 640-1996 Toll Free: 800 655-0729 Email: Web:

Ultradent Products Inc. 505 W 10200 South Rd South Jordan UT 84095 Fax: 801 572-7313 Toll Free: 800 552-5512 Email: Web: Dir-Int’l Sls Dirk Jeffs

Ultreo Inc. 9461 Willows Rd NE Suite 101 Redmond WA 98052 Fax: 425 250-1799 Toll Free: 877 485-8736 Email: Web:

Velopex International Inc. 105 East 17th St St Cloud FL 34769 407 957-3900 Fax: 407 957-3927 Toll Free: 888 835-6739 Email: customerservice@velopexusa. com Web: VP-Sls/Mktg Anthony Urella Terr Mgr Joe Ingravalle Office Asst Angela Pugh Office Asst Melissa Chapman Acct Admin Dorene Tierney

Velscope — LED Dental Inc. 201-15047 Marine Dr White Rock BC V4B 1C5 604 541-4614 Fax: 604 541-4613 Toll Free: 888 541-4614

Email: Web: Acct Mgr Cda Angus MacDonnell

Vident 3150 East Birch St Brea CA 92821 714 961-6200 Fax: 714 961-6299 Toll Free: 800 828-3839 Email: Web: Mktg Mgr Andy Klein

Voco Gmbh 10120 Mortfield Rd Richmond BC V7A 4H5 604 377-9569 Fax: 604 275-5825 Toll Free: 888 658-2584 Email: Gen Sls Mgr Gene David

Water Pik Technologies Inc. 1730 E Prospect Rd Fort Collins CO 80553 Toll Free: 888 226-3042 Toll Free Fax: 888 441-2889 Web: Sls Mgr David Gorman Product Mktg Mgr Lorena Lighthart Dir-Mktg Ralph Cain

Whip Mix Corporation PO Box 17183 Louisville KY 40217-0183 Location: 361 Farmington Ave 502 637-1451 Fax: 502 634-4512 Toll Free: 800 626-5651 Email: Web: Mktg Serv Mgr John Hughes Dir-Mktg Anne Steinbock

Wrigley Canada 1123 Leslie St Toronto ON M3C 2K1 416 449-8600 Fax: 416 449-4382 Toll Free: 800 268-7628

Wyeth Consumer Healthcare 5975 Whittle Rd Mississauga ON L4Z 3M6 905 507-7000 Fax: 905 507-7112 VP-Sls P McClelland Dir-Med Sls J P van der Ven

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Spring 2009


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2009 Manufacturers X-Rite Inc. 3100 44th St SW Grandville MI 49418 616 534-7663 Fax: 616 534-4160 Toll Free: 800 248-9748 Web: Global Acct Mgr Biodiagnostics Allison Clay

Young Dental 13705 Shoreline Crt E Earth City MO 63045 314 344-0010 Fax: 314 344-0021 Toll Free: 800 325-1881 Email: Web:

Zenith Dental/DMG 242 South Dean St Englewood NJ 07631 201 894-5500 Fax: 201 894-0213 Toll Free: 800 662-6383 Email: Web: Pres George Wolfe VP-Sls Jerry Collins Dir-Mktg Timothy Haberstumpf

Zest Anchors Inc. 2061 Wineridge Pl Escondido CA 92029 760 743-7744 Fax: 760 743-7975 Toll Free: 800 262-2310 Email: Web: Pres Paul Zuest VP Scott Mullaly Canadian Dealers/Distributors: Excel Dental Lab Sources, Ltd.

Vancouver, British Columbia: 604 876-2600 Fax: 604 876-2642 Lindberg, Homburger, Modent Toronto, Ontario: 416 924-6684 Fax: 416 925-8289

Zila Pharmaceutical/ Pro-Dentec Canada 1 Valleywood Dr, Suite 101 Markham ON L3R 5L9 Fax: 905 479-8906 Toll Free: 888 667-3381 Email: Web: Office Mgr Renée Saint-Amand

Zila Pharmaceuticals Inc. 5227 N 7th St Phoenix AZ 85014-2800 Fax: 870 698-2381 Toll Free: 800 228-5595 Web: VP-Sls Jeff Mazzarella Dir-Natl Acct (Vizlite) Marvin Terrell

Zimmer Dental Corp. 2323 Argentia Rd Mississauga ON L5N 5N3 905 567-2073 Fax: 905 567-2076 Toll Free: 800 265-0968 Web: Gen Mgr David Adamson

Zoll-Dental 7450 N Natchez Ave Niles IL 60714 847 647-1819 Fax: 847 647-1549 Toll Free: 800 239-2904 Email: Web: VP-Mktg Ken Zoll

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Dental Practice Management

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Acmedent Corp. 91 Citation Dr Unit 4-5 Concord ON L4K 2Y8 905 761-6850 Fax: 905 761-6831

Toll Free: 800 667-8811 Web: Gen Mgr Chris Chung

Bonarch Supply Canada Ltd. 71 Beckwith St N

Alpha Dental Supplies Ltd. Smiths Falls ON K7A 2B6 59 Alness St Unit 2 Toronto ON M3J 2H2 416 630-1905 Fax: 416 630-1892 Toll Free: 800 387-3525 Email: Web: COO Michael Katz Natl Sls Mgr Laraunt Elbaz Canadian Dealers/Distributors: Montréal, Québec: 514 262-6485 Fax: 514 731-1191 Halifax, Nova Scotia: 902 492-4604 Fax: 902 492-0400

ANB Dental, Inc. PO Box 13025 RPO Bradford Centre Bradford ON L3Z 2Y5 905 775-2903 Fax: 905 775-0418 Toll Free: 877 262-3368 VP-Sls/Mktg Jennifer Stubbs Sls Rep Ron Stubbs

Biodenix Technologies Inc. 130-10691 Shellbridge Way Richmond BC V6X 2W8 604 270-3290 Fax: 604 270-3644 Toll Free: 800 313-8338 Email: Web: Pres Carl Mazur Lab Consultant Ismail Mirza Sls Rep QC/Ottawa Dino Loggia Canadian Dealers/Distributors: Vancouver, British Columbia Toronto, Ontario Montréal, Québec

Bisco Dental Products (Canada) Inc. 2571 Smith St Richmond BC V6X 2J1 604 276-8662 Fax: 604 273-5356

613 283-7718 Fax: 613 283-5386 Toll Free: 800 267-9225 Email: Web: Pres Emmett Griffiths Office Mgr Donna Griffiths

Brasseler Canada Inc. — Div. of Brasseler USA 4500 boul Henri-Bourassa bureau 230 Québec QC G1H 3A5 418 622-1195 Fax: 418 622-4454 Toll Free: 800 363-3838 Toll Free Fax: 866 330-4454 Email: Web: Office Mgr Dan McDuff Office Admin Elaine Turcotte

Busse Dental Supplies 170 West Beaver Creek Rd Unit 10 Richmond Hill ON L4B 1L6 905 764-7800 Fax: 905 764-7802 Toll Free: 800 263-5854 Email: Web: Pres Michael Busse Area Rep Barry Jaynes Area Rep Murray Skan

Central Dental Limited 3615 Danforth Ave Scarborough ON M1N 2G1 416 694-1118 Fax: 416 694-1071 Toll Free: 800 268-4442 Email: Pres Joe Smith VP Larry Smith Canadian Dealers/Distributors: Montréal, Québec: 514 644-1176 Fax: 514 644-1058 Toll Free: 888 910-3368

Dental Guide 2009 Central Dental Supply — Div. of Accuquid Ltd. 600 Moray St Winnipeg MB R3J 3V9 204 943-2461 Fax: 204 831-8658 Toll Free: 800 665-0047 Email: Pres John Haldank Sls Mgr Dave Halpank Mktg Mgr Joel Evans Purch Mgr Cam Mailey

Cerum Dental Supplies Ltd. 115 17 Ave SW Calgary AB T2S 0A1 403 228-5199 Fax: 403 245-3694 Toll Free: 800 661-9567 Toll Free Fax: 800 361-5088 Email: Web: VP-Sls/Mktg Don Millar Materials Mgr Jim Wareing

Cerum Ortho Organizers 115 17 Ave SW Calgary AB T2S 0A1 403 228-5199 Fax: 403 245-3694 Toll Free: 800 661-9567 Toll Free Fax: 800 361-5088 Email: Web: VP-Sls/Mktg Don Millar Materials Mgr Jim Wareing

Citagenix Inc. 1105 aut Chomedey Laval QC H7W 5J8 450 688-8699 Fax: 450 688-1977 Toll Free: 877 243-6724 Toll Free Fax: 888 258-0760 Email: Web: VP-Sls/Mktg Michael McMillan

Pres Peter Jordan CE/Events Mgr Irene Lamonde CRD Brand Mgr John O’Neill Sls Mgr Peter Alport Dir-Clinical Affairs Len Boksman

Confi-Dent Inc. 90 Nolan Crt Unit 14 Markham ON L3R 4L9 905 474-4444 Fax: 905 474-4446 Toll Free: 800 268-0066 Email: Web: Pres David Marks

D-Sharp Dental, Inc 945 Sheldon Crt Floor 2 Burlington ON L7L 5K6 905 331-5593 Fax: 905 331-5803 Toll Free: 877 837-4277 Email: Web: Bus Dir Kathleen Bokrossy Canadian Dealers/Distributors: Abbotsford, British Columbia

Del-Dent Dental Supplies Ltd. 127 Willowdale Ave Willowdale ON M2N 4Y3 416 222-8469 Fax: 416 223-2526 Toll Free: 800 268-6657 Email: Web: Dir-Mktg David DeLuca Sls Rep Mike Palotta Office Admin Anandi Shukla


250 Wyecroft Rd Unit 7 Oakville ON L6K 3T7 Clinical Research Dental 905 339-1334 Supplies & Services Inc. Fax: 905 339-0521 PO Box 28040 RPO Oakridge Toll Free: 800 633-7772 London ON N6H 5E1 Email: 519 641-3066 Web: Fax: 519 641-3083 Terr Mgr Scott Liles Toll Free: 800 265-3444 Canadian Dealers/Distributors: Toll Free Fax: 800 719-3292 Email: Kirkland, Québec: Web: Toll Free: 888 634-7315

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Dealers & Distributors

Dealers & Distributors

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Dealers & Distributors

Dental Guide 2009 Dens’n Dente Dental Supplies 620 Alden Rd Suite 107 Markham ON L3R 9R7 905 475-3367 Fax: 905 475-2894 Toll Free: 866 449-9998 Email: Web: Gen Mgr Mohammed Razakazi

Dent-Gas Equipment Services Inc 10 Amarillo Dr Scarborough ON M1J 2P8 Location: 745 Pharmacy Ave Scarborough ON M1L 3J4 416 690-2455 Fax: 416 690-5221 Toll Free: 800 529-5015 Email: Web: Pres Paul Brickus

Dent-Line of Canada 1170 4th Line Loretto ON L0G 1L0 519 942-9315 Fax: 519 942-8150 Toll Free: 800 250-5111 Email: Web: Pres Peter T Pontsa

European Orthodontic Products Canada Inc. PO Box 580 Port Colborne ON L3K 5X8 Location: 511 King St Port Colborne ON L3K 4H5 905 835-8275 Fax: 905 835-5222 Toll Free: 800 263-9751 Email: Gen Mgr Linda A Plante Sls Assoc Guy R Plante Bookkeeper Donna Theisen

FILES4ME Inc. 61 boul de la Seigneurie E Blainville QC J7C 4M9 866 817-3637 Fax: 866 817-3327 Email: Pres Frank Conte


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Dealers & Distributors

Global Dental Service & Sales Inc.

Institute of Laser Dentistry

1332 Khalsa Dr Unit 18 Mississauga ON L5S 0A2 905 565-1020 Fax: 905 565-1660 Toll Free: 888 211-9997 Email: Web:

PO Box 8 Gormley ON L0H 1G0 Location: 14 Gormley Industrial Ave Unit 2 905 888-5527 Fax: 905 888-5528 Toll Free: 877 819-6060 Email: Web: Course Admin Ruth Groves

Great Lakes Orthodontics, Ltd. PO Box 5111 Tonawanda NY 14151-5111 Location: 200 Cooper Ave Fax: 716 871-0550 Toll Free: 800 828-7626 Email: Web: Sls Mgr Ellen Kirchmeyer Mktg Mgr Karen Carey

Hansamed Limited 2830 Argentia Rd Unit 7-8 Mississauga ON L5N 8G4 905 813-8090 Toll Free: 800 363-2876 Toll Free Fax: 800 863-3213 Email: Web: Ops Mgr Lyris Caicedo Mgr-Pain Control Mauricio Diaz Natl Dir-Sls Sindy Herrera

Laser Light Canada 801-2267 Lakeshore Blvd W Etobicoke ON M8V 3X2 Location: 22 Queen St. N. Box 190 Tottenham ON L0G 1W0 416 503-8667 Fax: 905 936-2188 Toll Free: 866 503-8667 Email: Web: Exec Dir Alana Ross

Meric Dental Inc. 414 Patrick Pl Burlington ON L7L 5Z3 905 631-0467 Fax: 905 681-2357 Toll Free: 800 363-3368

Nordenta Inc.

5282 Tiffany Crt Mississauga ON L5M 5G9 Henry Schein Canada, Inc. 905 858-4022 345 Townline Rd Fax: 905 821-8635 SS 4 Toll Free: 800 393-7222 Niagara-on-Lake ON L0S 1J0 Email: 905 646-1711 Pres Niel Lindberg Fax: 905 646-4201 Oral Science Toll Free: 800 668-5558 1027 rue Pierre-Dupuy Toll Free Fax: 800 263-3962 Longueuil QC J4K 1A1 Email: 450 442-7070 Web: Fax: 450 442-3156 Pres Cy ELborne Toll Free: 888 442-7070 Exec VP/COO Peter Jugoon Email: Dir-Mktg Graham Love Web: HR Dental Products Inc. Pres Daniel Menard 21 Kenview Blvd Patterson Dental/ Unit 59 Dentaire Canada Inc. Brampton ON L5T 5G6 1205 boul Henri-Bourassa O 905 799-0517 Montréal QC H3M 3E6 Fax: 905 793-2406 514 745-4040 Toll Free: 866 799-0517 Fax: 514 745-8295 Email: Web: Pres Charles Hui

Pres André Desjardins Natl Dir-Mktg Ross McCallum Mktg Rep Jean Nobert Natl Mktg Coord Joseph Mastrocola NTL Tech/Equip Dir Pierre Hunter NTL Serv/Cerec Dir Ronald Parent Canadian Dealers/Distributors: Richmond, British Columbia: 604 522-2740 Fax: 604 522-4291 Calgary, Alberta: 403 250-9838 Fax: 403 250-8039 Québec, Québec: 418 688-6546 Fax: 418 688-2439 Edmonton, Alberta: 780 465-9041 Fax: 780 465-9045 Winnipeg, Manitoba: Fax: 403 250-8039 Toll Free: 800 661-1054 Ottawa, Ontario: 613 738-0751 Fax: 613 738-8774 Mississauga, Ontario: 905 677-7711 Fax: 905 677-2940 London, Ontario: 519 681-8810 Fax: 519 686-9233 Dartmouth, Nova Scotia: 902 468-1655 Fax: 902 468-2456

Patterson Dental/ Dentaire Technology Centre 1-1440 28th St NE Calgary AB T2A 7W6 403 539-4777 Fax: 403 539-4779 Toll Free: 866 449-7282 Web:

Remarkable Dental Products 8707 Dufferin St Unit 10 Suite 387 Thornhill ON L4J 0A6 Fax: 416 944-0785 Toll Free: 888 437-8449 Email: Web: VP/Dir-Sls Joe Ingravalle

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Rotsaert Dental Supplies Inc. 71 Emerald St S Hamilton ON L8N 2V4 905 527-1422 Fax: 905 527-1048 Toll Free: 800 263-2113 Email: Web: Sls/Mktg Mark Rotsaert

Selmar Dental (1984) Industries — Div. of Ontario Inc. 975597 65 Collier St Barrie ON L4M 1G7 705 739-8800 Fax: 705 739-1584 Toll Free: 800 465-8442 Email: Web: Pres Gordon Drury Office Mgr Rose Asbury Serv Mgr Kevin Nanibush

Shywar Dental Supplies 2995 Kingston Rd Scarborough ON M1M 1P1 416 265-1400 Fax: 416 785-7301 Email: Owner Stephen Abrams Dentist Warren Hellen

Sinclair Dental Co. Ltd. 900 Harbourside Dr North Vancouver BC V7P 3T8 604 986-1544 Fax: 604 986-1543 Toll Free: 800 663-7393 Toll Free Fax: 800 206-2999 Web: Pres Arjang Nowtash

Canadian Dealers/Distributors: Calgary, Alberta: 403 291-3611 Fax: 403 291-3612 Toll Free: 800 561-0434 Edmonton, Alberta: 780 440-1311 Fax: 780 440-1437 Toll Free: 888 233-7233 Regina, Saskatchewan: Toll Free: 800 663-7393 Toll Free Fax: 800 206-2999 Winnipeg, Manitoba: 204 775-9304 Fax: 204 786-6278 Toll Free: 800 422-5372 Mississauga, Ontario: 905 740-2000 Fax: 905 405-0246 Toll Free: 800 663-7393 Toll Free Fax: 877 648-5856 Ottawa, Ontario: 905 740-2000 Fax: 905 405-0246 Toll Free: 800 663-7393 Toll Free Fax: 877 648-5856 Brossard, Québec: 450 766-1277 Fax: 450 462-4391 Toll Free: 800 663-7393 Toll Free Fax: 866 690-3250 Québec, Québec: 418 780-3285 Fax: 418 780-3287 Toll Free: 800 663-7393 Toll Free Fax: 866 869-8505

Sintco Dental & Instrument Supplies Sheppard Mews Mgmt 4017 Chesswood Dr North York ON M3J 2R8 416 398-4355

Dental Guide 2009 Fax: 416 398-4002 Email:

SNF Forestadent — Div. of Swiss NF Metals 156 Duncan Mill Rd Unit 19 North York ON M3B 3N2 416 510-2220 Fax: 416 510-2207 Toll Free: 800 387-5031 Email: Web: VP Julian Kempnich Sls Mgr Marcello Fortino

Specialty Dental Products Ltd. 7581 Jane St Unit 5-6 Concord ON L4K 1X3 905 669-2197 Fax: 905 669-8656 Toll Free: 866 779-3338 Email: Web: Pres Derik Grammenz

Sure/Dental Innovations 200 North Service Rd W Unit 1 Suite 117 Oakville ON L6M 2Y1 905 847-8263 Fax: 905 847-8303 Toll Free: 888 277-2335 Email: Web: Pres Gary Chadwick Purch Agt Anne Chadwick

Swiss NF. Metals, Inc. 156 Duncan Mill Rd Unit 19 Toronto ON M3B 3N2

416 510-2220 Fax: 416 510-2207 Toll Free: 800 387-5031 Email: Web: Pres Karl H Kempnich VP Julian Kempnich

Dealers & Distributors

Dealers & Distributors

Synca Inc. 337 rue Marion Le Gardeur QC J5Z 4W8 450 582-1093 Fax: 450 654-1414 Toll Free: 800 667-9622 Toll Free Fax: 800 554-1021 Email: Web: Pres Raymond Monette Ops Mgr Rolande Villemure Natl Sls Mgr Robert Beauchamp

Vector Diagnostics Inc. 8530 Malden Rd Windsor ON N9J 2V7 519 734-1100 Fax: 519 734-1109 Toll Free: 888 891-6489 Email: Web: Pres June Williamson

WD Canada Inc. (Formerly Wright Dental) 257 Centre St E Richmond Hill ON L4C 1A7 905 883-1072 Fax: 905 883-1332 Toll Free: 800 268-3863 Email: Web: CEO Keith Morrison Product Spec Kevin Morrison Dental Practice Management

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Dental Guide 2009

DENTRIX Canada — Div. of Saint John, New Brunswick: Henry Schein Canada, Inc. 506 633-0123 ABELSoft Corporation 3310 South Service Rd Burlington ON L7N 3M6 905 333-3200; Fax: 905 333-3426 Toll Free: 800 267-2235 Toll Free Fax: 866 337-5558 Email: Web: Mktg Mgr Gayle Milson Product Mgr Jeff Coward

ADSTRA SYSTEMS 1255 Bay St, Suite 702 Toronto ON M5R 2A9 416 324-8700; Fax: 416 324-9885 Toll Free: 800 450-0220 Email: Web: Admn Coord Karin Thomas

The Bridge Network Inc. 1110 Finch Ave W, Suite 600 Toronto ON M3J 2T2 416 222-0123 Fax: 416 665-0930 Toll Free: 800 922-7434 Email: Web: Pres Frank Dionisi

ClearDent by Prococious Technology Inc. 270-5489 Byrne Rd Burnaby BC V5J 3J1 604 879-8872 Fax: 604 879-8810 Toll Free: 866 253-2748 Toll Free Fax: 866 735-0982 Email: Web: Sls Mgr Peter W Li Canadian Dealers/Distributors: Winnipeg, Manitoba Newmarket, Ontario

Consult-Pro 1100 Sheppard Ave W, Suite 301 Toronto ON M3K 2B3 416 429-6545 Fax: 416 459-3134 Toll Free: 800 519-6569 Email: Web: Gen Mgr Jason Pardo

curveDental 303-1109 17th Ave SW Calgary AB T2T 5R9 403 245-4088 Fax: 403 245-4086 Toll Free: 877 245-4088 Email: Web:

PO Box 6000 Niagara-on-the-Lke ON L0S 1J0 Location: 345 Town Line Rd Toll Free: 800 781-5230 Toll Free Fax: 866 568-0878 Email: Web: Gen Mgr Ted Kaltani Product Mgr Judy Donnan Mktg Spec Jason Alexander Canadian Dealers/Distributors: Henry Schein - Vancouver Delta, British Columbia: 604 527-8888; Fax: 604 527-8889 Toll Free: 800 668-5558 Henry Schein - Victoria Victoria, British Columbia: 250 744-1814; Fax: 250 744-1871 Toll Free: 800 661-6112 Henry Schein - Calgary Calgary, Alberta: 403 640-1422; Fax: 403 640-1426 Toll Free: 800 661-1254 Henry Schein - Edmonton Edmonton, Alberta: 780 414-6019; Fax: 780 483-1874 Toll Free: 800 222-6402 Henry Schein - Regina Regina, Saskatchewan: 306 721-8181 Fax: 306 721-6353 Toll Free: 800 667-5224 Henry Schein - Winnipeg Winnipeg, Manitoba: 204 784-5333; Fax: 204 786-2902 Toll Free: 800 665-8985 Henry Schein - London London, Ontario: 519 432-4322; Fax: 519 432-4387 Toll Free: 800 265-4040 Henry Schein - Ottawa Ottawa, Ontario: 613 836-7552 Fax: 613 836-8744 Toll Free: 800 267-7006 Toll Free Fax: 800 820-0271 Henry Schein - Toronto Concord, Ontario: 905 832-9101 Fax: 905 832-7207 Toll Free: 800 268-6497 Henry Schein - Québec City Québec, Québec: 418 527-3368 Fax: 418 527-4400 Toll Free: 800 463-5258 Henry Schein - Montréal Saint-Laurent, Québec: 514 337-3368; Fax: 514 337-3363 Toll Free: 800 363-1324 Henry Schein - Saint John

Fax: 506 658-1963 Toll Free: 800 222-9666 Henry Schein - Halifax Bedford, Nova Scotia: 902 835-1103 Fax: 902 835-8030 Toll Free: 800 565-1525

Domtrak Systems Ltd. 180 Sheldon Dr, Unit 1 Cambridge ON N1R 6V1 519 621-3344 Fax: 519 621-8221 Toll Free: 800 265-7153 Email: Web: Pres/Owner Terisa Lal

Exan Mercedes Software Inc. 101-1515 Broadway St Port Coquitlam BC V3C 6M2 604 468-6820 Fax: 604 468-6850 Toll Free: 888 808-6223 Email: Web: VP-Mktg Carole McLeod Mktg Associate Renold Liu Admin Support/Mktg Coord Luanne Wells

ITEK Business Solutions Inc. 275 Broadview Ave. Unit 199 Toronto ON M4M 3H5 416 561-2888; Fax: 416 461-2183 Email: Web: IT Consultant Wayne Chow

LiveDDM PO Box 850 Sutton West ON L0E 1R0 Location: 153 High St Fax: 905 722-5625 Toll Free: 877 671-5483 Email: Web: Pres Andrew Abramowicz VP-Ops Sheldon Purkiss

Logic Tech Corp. 620 Alden Rd, Suite 106 Markham ON L3R 9R7 905 946-1477 Fax: 905 940-9893 Toll Free: 800 655-5762 Email: Web: Owner Kenneth Li Bus Mgr Michael Olaes Sls Rep Sandro Persia

Maxim Software Systems 7 Evergreen Pl, Suite 2302 Winnipeg MB R3L 2T3 204 987-9099 Fax: 204 453-7622 Toll Free: 800 663-7199 Email: Web: Pres Arthur Arkin Gen Mgr Cheryl Kanhai

My DDS 4025 Yonge St, Suite 201 Toronto ON M2P 2E3 416 733-1337 Toll Free: 877 337-1337 Email: Web:

OptiMicro Technologies Inc. 2800 14th Ave, Unit 14 Markham ON L3R 0E4 905 470-7016 Fax: 905 470-8975 Toll Free: 888 335-6784 Email: Web: Sls Mgr Mabel Tong Raymond Ho Anita Kwok

PPC Microsmith 920 Brant St, Unit 15 Burlington ON L7R 4J1 905 315-9387 416 777-2363 Fax: 905 315-9369 Toll Free: 800 472-4793 Email: Web: Pres Arselio Pereira Admin Helen Tsotsos

Timeshift Solutions Inc./ Autopia Computer Products 256 Jarvis St, Suite 9C Toronto ON M5B 2J4 416 323-9593 Fax: 416 323-9593 Toll Free: 888 336-8957 Email: sjsomerville@ Web: Pres Bob Hope CFO Greg Geralde Sls/Mktg Rep Sara-Jane Somerville Practice Mgmt Coach Valerie Gulin

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Computer Companies

Computer Companies

Spring 2009


3/3/09 10:52:38 AM

Now that’s easy.

Smile. Now there’s a plan just for you. The Banking Plan for Dentists from TD Canada Trust. For the financial health of your practice.

Flexible Lending Solutions

Dedicated Small Business Advisor

Up to $250,000 line of credit

As a dentist, you’re a unique professional. That’s why you need a unique banking plan. The Banking Plan for Dentists from TD Canada Trust is designed to help meet your specialized needs. We offer you dedicated, knowledgeable Small Business Advisors, a business line of credit up to $250,000 with rates as low as TD Prime1, and up to 100% financing of the cost of setting up or purchasing your practice2. Our flexible lending solutions can allow you to

defer the principal payments on your Business Loan for up to 1 year while you start or expand your practice, or take eligible family leave3. In addition, your first year’s annual fee for a new TD First Class Travel Visa Infinite Card* or TD Platinum Travel Visa Card is waived4, and you get 3 months of free private banking services from TD Waterhouse Private Banking*5. Let TD Canada Trust help you reach your personal and professional goals.

Visit your local branch, call David Shilton at 1-888-679-4808 or visit for more information.

1. "TD Prime" means the annual interest rate established and reported by TD Canada Trust to the Bank of Canada from time to time as a reference rate of interest for the determination of interest rates charged to customers of varying degrees of creditworthiness in Canada for Canadian Dollar loans. 2. Subject to complying with TD Canada Trust lending policies and criteria, including confirmation of good personal credit history. Certain business documentation is required. Other conditions may apply. 3. Eligible family leave means parental leave, or time away from work due to illness of the dentist or his/her spouse or children. Eligibility is determined solely by The Toronto-Dominion Bank. 4. First year annual fee waived for Primary Cardholder only. All other applicable fees and charges continue to apply. Interest rates, fees and features are effective as of May 9, 2008 and are subject to change. 5. TD Waterhouse Private Banking services are offered by The Toronto-Dominion Bank. Eligibility requirements will apply. *Visa International Service Association/Used under license. 8Trade-mark of The Toronto-Dominion Bank.

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Aerostatic Technology Canada 4 Credit River Rd RR 1 Erin ON N0B 1T0 519 833-1052 Fax: 519 833-1053 Toll Free: 888 891-1052 Email: Web: Sls Mgr Ray Martin Office Mgr Susan Brakel

Dental Guide 2009 Blaney McMurtry LLP 2 Queen St E, Suite 1500 Toronto ON M5C 3G5 416 597-4875 Fax: 416 593-5437 Email: Web: Lawyer Gary Srebrolow

BMO Bank of Montréal

55 Bloor St W Floor 14 Toronto ON M4W 3N5 Al Heaps & Associates Inc. 416 927-4213 Fax: 416 927-6369 — Practice Appraisers Toll Free: 877 629-6262 and Brokers Email: 300-1055 Hastings St W Web: Vancouver BC V6E 2E9 Professionals Prog Mgr Pino Loverro 604 644-6297 Fax: 604 688-1058 Email: Web: Pres Al Heaps Associate Henry Doyle Assoc Appraiser Ruth Chatel

Altima Dental Canada Inc. 1 Yorkdale Rd Suite 320 Toronto ON M6A 3A1 416 785-1828 Fax: 416 785-5561 Toll Free: 888 817-6453 Email: Web: Pres George Christodoulou CEO Sven Grail Mktg/Comm Mgr Farzana Mawani

The Art of Management Inc. 93 Skyway Ave Suite 207 Etobicoke ON M9W 6N6 416 466-6217 Fax: 416 466-6287 Toll Free: 800 563-3994 Email: Web: Pres Janice Wheeler VP-Prod Dave Peterson

Assante Financial Management Ltd. 350 Burnhamthorpe Rd W Suite 218 Mississauga ON L5B 3J1 905 273-6605 Fax: 905 273-9260 Web: VP/Sr Fin Advisor Mike Lakhani

Business Affairs Ltd. 1295 Eglinton Ave E Unit 11 Mississauga ON L4W 3E6 905 629-0375 Fax: 905 629-1706 Toll Free: 866 322-7022 Email: Web: Pres Franco Fascia VP/Bus Mgr Norma Jean Salmon VP/CGA Carolina Fascia Canadian Dealers/Distributors: Barrie, Ontario: Fax: 705 739-7214 Toll Free: 800 387-7021

Fax: 416 955-9503 Email: Web: Partner Gina DaRoza

Ceridian Canada Ltd. 125 Garry St Winnipeg MB R3C 3P2 204 946-0770 Fax: 204 956-4026 Toll Free: 877 237-4342 Toll Free Fax: 888 311-2117 Web:

CIBC Professional Programs PO Box 1 Stn Commerce Crt Toronto ON M5L 1A2 Fax: 416 304-4433 Toll Free: 866 525-8622 Web:

Cirrus Consulting Group 2 Bloor St E Suite 1902 Toronto ON M4W 1A8 416 739-1881 Fax: 416 739-7447 Toll Free: 800 459-3413 Toll Free Fax: 866 715-0666 Email: Web: Web: Pres/CEO Jeremy D Behar Exec VP Brian Ross Smith

CIT Healthcare, Canada PO Box 5060 Stn LCD 1

CAESY Education Systems Burlington ON L7R 3Y8 1201 SE Tech Center Dr, Suite 110 Vancouver WA 98683 360 892-1298 Toll Free: 800 685-2599 Toll Free Fax: 800 263-5745 Email: Web:

Location: 5035 South Service Rd Burlington ON L7L 6M9 905 633-3329 Fax: 905 633-3330 Web: VP-Sls Stephen Miziolek Dir-Mktg Mike Ferreira Canadian Dealers/Distributors: Canadian College of Dental Health & Canadian CIT Financial Ltd. - Healthcare Finance Therapeutic College Division 760 Brant St Laval, Québec: Burlington ON L7R 4B7 450 973-2297 905 632-3200; Fax: 905 632-2895 Continuing Education Toll Free: 877 278-8888 Dental Seminars From Email: Seminar Marketing Services Inc. Web: 50 Graydon Hall Dr Suite 706

Cappellacci DaRoza LLP, Health Care Lawyers 462 Wellington St W Suite 500 Toronto ON M5V 1E3 416 955-9502

North York ON M3A 3A4 416 444-4624 Fax: 416 444-0990 Email: Web: Dir Bette Veenstra

Danson & Zucker 70 Bond St Suite 500 Toronto ON M5B 1X3 416 863-9955 Fax: 416 863-4896 Email:

DCY Professional Corporation Chartered Accountants 255 Duncan Mill Rd Suite 402 North York ON M3B 3H9 416 510-8888 Fax: 416 510-2699 Email: Web: David Chong Yen

De Thomas Financial Corporation 300 Giles Blvd E Windsor ON N9A 4C4 519 973-5719 Fax: 519 973-1845 Email:

Dental Emergency Services 1650 Yonge St Toronto ON M4T 2A2 416 485-7121 Fax: 416 485-4394

The Dental Learning Centre 2892 South Sheridan Way Oakville ON L6J 7L4 905 829-8839 Fax: 905 829-3072 Web:

The Dental TV Network — Div. of D G Digital Signage Inc. 1031 Apricot Pl London ON N6K 5A5 519 471-1906 Fax: 519 471-1906 Toll Free: 877 336-1006 Email: Web: Web: Pres Doug Gillespie

Dentalbizz Practice Innovators 653 Gaspe Dr Waterloo ON N2K 4C2 613 224-6155 Fax: 613 224-8786 Email: Web: Partner Jackie Lauer

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Dental Guide 2009 Desante Financial — Div. of Maxium Financial Services Inc. 30 Vogell Rd Richmond Hill ON L4B 3K6 905 780-0891 Fax: 905 780-1136 Toll Free: 866 276-7642 Toll Free Fax: 866 276-7643 Web: Pres Paul McLean Gen Mgr Pat Scarpone Admn Mgr Anna Cappadocia

Grant Somerville Design

JdSG International Inc.

158 Hess St S Hamilton ON L8P 3N9 905 546-9595 Fax: 905 546-9595 Email: Owner Grant Somerville

PO Box 9369 Salt Lake City UT 84109 801 953-0291 Fax: 801 953-0291 Toll Free: 800 366-7004 Toll Free Fax: 866 588-8014 Email: Web: CEO Jennfer de St.Georges Corp Mgr Ida Tatt

Hands-On Training

Dundee Securities Corporation 5420 North Service Rd Burlington ON L7L 6C7 905 336-8600 Fax: 905 336-9287 Toll Free: 800 336-8606 Email: Web: Sr VP/Sr Invest Adv Michael Birbari

Dynamic Seminars 53 MacDougall Dr Dundas ON L9H 6X8 905 627-7212 Web: Pres Jenny Finan

255 Queens Ave London ON N6A 5R8 519 439-5999 Fax: 519 439-3336 Toll Free: 888 806-4442 Email: Web: Owner/Dir Reena Gajjar

Head To Toe Uniforms 291 Hillhurst Blvd Toronto ON M6B 1M9 416 785-1884 Fax: 416 783-1015 Toll Free: 888 785-1884 Email: Web: Pres Chana Aryeh Sls Mgr Donna Singh

The Hill Kindy Group

68 Downing St St Catharines ON L2R 4S3 Faculté For Orthodontic 905 984-5816 Research & Continuing Education Inc. (Force, Int) Fax: 905 984-8595 Toll Free: 866 853-5344 55 West Maple Rd, Suite 200 Email: Birmingham MI 48009 Web: 248 646-5220 Partner Mary Ann Kindy Fax: 248 646-3308 Chartered Accnt/Broker Derek Hill Toll Free: 800 594-9045 Email: Web: Pres/Dir Richard A Litt Office Mgr Dorothy L Lackner

Forest Irons & Associates, Inc. 2716 Westchester Dr Suite 202 High Point NC 27262 Fax: 336 841-0039 Toll Free: 800 433-2603 Email: Web: Balint Kokas Gwynn Peterson Forest Irons

ICE Dental Systems

120-1289 Highfield Cres SE Calgary AB T2G 5M2 Fax: 403 537-9695 Toll Free: 866 721-0487 Email: Web: Project Mgr Adriana Harper

Integrity Wealth - Div. of MDC Developments Bankers Hall West Tower 1000-880 3rd St SW Calgary AB T2P 5C5 403 400-1065 Fax: 403 265-4699 Email:

Gardiner Roberts LLP

J.E.S. Design Inc.

40 King St W Suite 3100 Toronto ON M5H 3Y2 416 865-6650 Fax: 416 865-6636

15 Country Club Dr King City ON L7B 1M5 905 726-4309; Fax: 905 751-0991 Email: Pres Jan Mok


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JEAN AKERMAN Interior Design 315 Eglinton Ave W Suite 204 Toronto ON M5N 1A1 416 781-3500 Fax: 416 781-5044 Email: Web: Principal Jean Akerman

MacKenzie & Company, CAs/Practice Consultants Ocean Plaza 1240-1066 Hastings St W Vancouver BC V6E 3X1 604 685-9227 Fax: 604 685-4060 Email: Web: Prop/CA Ron MacKenzie Office Mgr Racquel Pilon Canadian Dealers/Distributors: Toronto, Ontario: 905 270-7454

Marinovich Group

257 Dundas St E Unit 5 Trenton ON K8V 1M1 613 392-8600 Fax: 613 392-8661 Toll Free: 866 377-5300 Toll Free Fax: 877 377-5301 Kennedy Professional Email: Educational Seminars, Inc. Web: 191 River Ave Pres John Marinovich Floor 2 McMane Dunkel Winnipeg MB R3L 0B1 Kingston & Stranz, LLP 204 453-1788 Marsland Centre Fax: 204 453-0839 20 Erb St W Toll Free: 877 536-6736 Floor 7 Email: vacations@kennedyseminars. Waterloo ON N2L 1T2 com 519 888-0700 Web: Fax: 519 888-0707 Partner Marshall Hoffer Toll Free: 866 801-0700 Partner Jack Lipkin Email:

LVI Global, LLC 9501 Hillwood Dr Las Vegas NV 89134 702 341-7978 Fax: 702 341-9516 Toll Free: 888 584-3237 Email: Web: Dir-Bus Dev Emily Ihrke Canadian Dealers/Distributors: LVI Canada Calgary, Alberta: Web:

MCAP Leasing 5575 North Service Rd Suite 300 Burlington ON L7L 6M1 905 639-3995 Toll Free: 800 263-5137 Toll Free Fax: 866 675-4460 Web: VP-Sls Dion Farentino Mktg Mgr Tara Wylie Dir-Health Care Sandy Basolini

Web: Health Care Partner Lloyd Wright Mgr Health Care Christine Taylor Sr Mgr Health Care Lynda King

McNulty Group 7050 Woodbine Ave Suite 308 Markham ON L3R 4G8 905 470-6222 Fax: 905 470-0610

Medicard 55 Bloor St W PO Box 19645 RPO Manulife Toronto ON M4W 3T9 Toll Free: 888 689-9876 Toll Free Fax: 888 689-9862 Email: Web:

Miles & Associates 3519 56th St NW Suite 240 Gig Harbor WA 98335 877 343-0909 Fax: 253 857-0834

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Toll Free: 800 922-0866 Web: CEO Rhonda Savage Dir-Client Serv Teresa Dobbins

Millennium Aesthetics in Niagara 547 Thorold Rd Unit 2 Welland ON L3C 3W9 905 734-9901 Fax: 905 734-9993 Toll Free: 877 734-9901 Email: Web: Course Dir Antonio Mancuso Registrar Debby Mancuso

OraFresh Clinic 4711 Yonge St Concourse Level Toronto ON M2N 6K8 416 590-2828 Fax: 416 324-8885 Toll Free: 800 909-6468 Email: Web: Mktg Mgr David Taylor Dir-Research/Clinical Anne Bosy

OrthOrama Seminars 8530 Malden Rd Windsor ON N9J 2V7 Toll Free: 888 891-6485 Toll Free Fax: 888 891-6485 Email: Web:

Patient News Publishing PO Box 822 Haliburton ON K0M 1S0 Toll Free: 800 667-0268 Toll Free Fax: 888 585-5836 Email: Web: Pres Karen Galley CEO Wayne Lavery VP Joanne Bishop

Pottruff & Smith Insurance Brokers Inc. 8001 Weston Rd Suite 300 Woodbridge ON L4L 9C8 416 798-8001 Fax: 905 856-6129 Toll Free: 888 768-8001 Email: Web: VP-Mktg Marie Verschuuren Mktg Spec Debbie Hill

Dental Guide 2009 Practice Consultants and Appraisers

ReThink Your Ink

Sandra M. Aldebert & Associates

920-1919B 4th St SW Calgary AB T2S 1W4 403 269-8882 Email: Web:

229 1st Ave SW Airdrie AB T4B 3L8 780 469-6244 Fax: 780 469-6294 Toll Free: 866 948-5953 Dir-Franchising Ardis Westgard

Professional Practice Sales (Ontario) Ltd.

ROI Corporation, Practice Scotiabank/Scotia Appraisers and Brokers Professional Plan

295 Main St N Markham ON L3P 1Y9 905 472-6000 Fax: 905 472-0521 Toll Free: 888 777-8825 Email: Web: Partner David Lind Office Mgr Val Tuck Broker Graham Tuck

Protect Insurance Agencies Inc. 101 Duncan Mill Rd, Suite 103 Toronto ON M3B 1Z3 416 391-3764 Fax: 416 391-5451 Toll Free: 866 919-3764 Email: Web: Pres Ian Wexler Ops Mgr Vitra Mungal Client Serv Michelle Darnbrough Assoc Broker Jeff Wright Underwriting Admin Janice MacMillan Exec Asst Sonia Auburger

RBC Royal Bank 320 Front St W, Floor 4 Toronto ON M5V 3B6 416 974-8277 Fax: 416 974-5515 Email: Web: VP Vancouver Beau Olmstead VP Greater Toronto Niranjan Vivekanandan VP Montréal Nathalie Soucy VP Alberta Denise Ludwig Canadian Dealers/Distributors: Toronto, Ontario: 416 974-0960 Fax: 416 974-1683 Calgary, Alberta: 403 292-2142 Fax: 403 292-3098 Montréal, Québec: 514 874-5042 Fax: 514 874-2112 Vancouver, British Columbia: 604 665-5157 Fax: 604 665-6368

1155 Indian Rd Mississauga ON L5H 1R8 905 278-4145 Fax: 905 278-4705 Toll Free: 888 764-4145 Email: Web: Pres/CEO Timothy A. A Brown Sr Associate ON Ann Wright Sr Associate ON Tom Schramm Sr Associate Prairies Wayne Raborn Sr Associate BC Marcia Boyd Sr Associate ON Roger Ellis Sr Associate QC John Badger Associate ON Robert MacDonald Associate Atlantic Cda Jeff Williams Associate ON Sandy Evans Dir Western Cda John Wilson Canadian Dealers/Distributors: Vancouver (Dr. Wilson), British Columbia: 604 803-6133 Fax: 604 608-6760 Vancouver (Dr.Boyd), British Columbia: 604 220-2396 Fax: 360 380-5893 Edmonton (Dr. Raborn), Alberta: 780 416-2146 Fax: 780 416-2146 Toll Free: 866 416-2146 Ottawa (Ms. Wright), Ontario: 613 226-5775 Fax: 613 226-3540 Montréal (Dr. Badger), Québec: 514 697-2383 Fax: 514 697-4558 Halifax (Dr. Williams), Nova Scotia: 902 657-1175 Fax: 902 657-1176

Rondeau Seminars 1275 Highbury Ave Unit 16A London ON N5Y 1A8 519 455-9845 Fax: 519 455-1589 Toll Free: 877 372-7625 Email: Web: Course Dir Lee Larstone

202 Hurst Dr Barrie ON L4N 8K8 705 795-5622 Fax: 705 733-5622 Pres Sandra Aldebert

44 King St W Floor 10 Toronto ON M5H 1H1 647 286-5839 Email: Web: Asst Gen Mgr/Natl Sls John Jamieson Sls Rep Manitoba/West Patty Scrase Sls Rep Ontario/East Susan Shulist

ScotiaMcleod — Div. of Scotiabank 40 King St W Floor 48 Toronto ON M5H 3Y2 416 863-7692 Fax: 416 862-3224 Email: Danielle Martin

Shipowick Jupp/ADEI 1150 Blair Rd Floor 2 Burlington ON L7M 3T4 905 336-3662 Fax: 905 336-3712 Toll Free: 888 239-9908 Email: Web: CEO Lee Ann Shipowick COO Anita Jupp CE Coord Melanie McGlynn

Stephen J. Epstein Insurance Agency Inc. 220 Duncan Mill Rd Suite 404 Toronto ON M3B 3J5 416 391-4004 Fax: 416 391-0096 Toll Free Fax: 800 896-9522 Email: Web: Pres Stephen J Epstein Admv Asst Debbie Latcha

Strathcona RX Center 8225 105 St NW Edmonton AB T6E 4H2 780 432-0394 Fax: 780 432-1409 Toll Free: 888 433-2234 Email:

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Dental Guide 2009


Web: Pharmacist/Mgr William Leung Pharmacist Sylvia Pasmore Pharmacist Marc Van Drooge Pharmacist Neela Manier

Richmond Hill, Ontario: Fax: 905 889-2693 Toll Free: 866 588-0644

Exec VP Jim Blair Sls Rep Jennifer Blair Broker of Record Barry Howie

Successful Practice Architects Inc.

Touch-Free Computing

Stratos Wealth Management — Div. of MD Management Ltd.

150 Hollidge Blvd Unit C5 Suite 54 Aurora ON L4G 8A3 416 568-5456 Fax: 905 841-4348 Email: Web: www.successfulpracticearchitects. com Pres Peter Barry

522 University Ave Suite 1100 Toronto ON M5G 1W7 416 598-7173 Fax: 416 598-2521 Toll Free: 866 588-0644 Email: Web: Asst VP Daniel Labonté Office Mgr Helena Pacheco Sr Fin Consult - London Gord Hardie Sr Fin Consult - Richmond Hill Shane Dewling Sr Fin Consult - Ottawa Ross McShane Sr Fin Consult Lou D’Aversa Canadian Dealers/Distributors: London, Ontario: Fax: 519 432-0997 Toll Free: 866 588-0644 Ottawa, Ontario: Fax: 613 722-3188 Toll Free: 866 588-0644

TIDE — Toronto Institute for Dental Excellence 88 Finch Ave E North York ON M2N 4R5 416 221-8828 Fax: 416 221-6396

Tier Three Brokerage Ltd. 79 Carmichael Cres King City ON L7B 1B5 416 578-7061 Toll Free: 888 437-3434 Toll Free Fax: 888 967-1113 Email: Web: Pres Bill Henderson

4664 99th St Edmonton AB T6E 5H5 780 702-1473 Fax: 780 988-6182 Toll Free: 800 661-8406 Web: Pres/CEO Randy Marsden

Transitions Group North America 3050 Harvester Rd Suite 205 Burlington ON L7N 3J1 Fax: 905 681-1180 Toll Free: 800 345-5157 Web: Pres Lisa Philp

Tri-Par Improvements 22 Goodmark Pl Unit 11 Etobicoke ON M9W 6R2 416 213-9700 Fax: 416 213-9841 Email: Web: Pres Robert Colagiacomo VP David Colagiacomo

Tucci Management Consultants Inc. 145 Edgewater Dr Stoney Creek ON L8E 5W6 905 643-6782 Fax: 905 643-6529 Toll Free: 888 454-1373 Email: Owner Dale Tucci

W-M Dental Ltd. 1543 Bayview Ave Suite 508 Toronto ON M4G 3B5 416 480-0220 Fax: 416 480-2465 Email: Pres Buzz Dechert

Weinman, Arnold, LLP 20 Holly St Suite 300 Toronto ON M4S 3B1 416 848-1019 416 640-0508 Fax: 416 486-3309 Email: Web: Web: Lawyer Joyce R Weinman Lawyer Jonah Arnold



ABELsoft Corporation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Carestream. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Crest Oral-B, P&G. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IFC Danville Engineering. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Henry Schein Ash Arcona. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OBC Hill Kindy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Maxim Software Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Perceptronix Medical Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Shaw Lab Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Sirona Dental Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IBC Supermax Canada Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 TD Canada Trust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Tucci Management. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 University of Toronto. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42


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Accuplus 385 Admiral Blvd Unit 8-9 Mississauga ON L5T 2M8 905 696-9198 Fax: 905 696-9201 Web:

ADL Dental Lab 145 Konrad Cres Unit 1 Markham ON L3R 9T9 905 940-2728 Fax: 905 940-9558 Email: Regd Dental Tech Demetrios Andreou

Allstar Dental Laboratories Ltd. 141 7th Ave E Vancouver BC V5T 1M5 604 872-2552 Fax: 604 872-0116 Toll Free: 800 661-5588 Email: Web: Gen Mgr Keith Takei Dir-Sls Giovanni Andreis Office Mgr Karen Marsh

Applied Arts Ceramic Laboratories Ltd. 60 Green Lane Unit 13 Thornhill ON L3T 7P5 905 882-8955 Pres David Kochberg

Aurum Ceramic/Classic Dental Laboratories 115 17 Ave SW Calgary AB T2S 0A1 403 228-5120 Fax: 403 228-8614 Toll Free: 800 661-1169 Toll Free Fax: 888 812-3786 Email: Web: Mgr H J Maier Admin Doug Patrick Canadian Dealers/Distributors: Kelowna, British Columbia: 250 762-3022 Toll Free: 800 667-4146 Vancouver, British Columbia: 604 737-2010 Fax: 604 874-3357 Toll Free: 800 663-1721 Vernon, British Columbia: 250 542-5164 Toll Free: 800 663-5413 Victoria, British Columbia: 604 595-2314

Fax: 604 595-5114 Toll Free: 800 663-6364 Edmonton, Alberta: 780 423-1904 Fax: 780 425-3605 Toll Free: 800 661-2745 Saskatoon, Saskatchewan: 306 665-8815 Toll Free: 800 665-8815 Ottawa, Ontario: 613 736-1946 Toll Free: 800 267-7040 Toronto, Ontario: 416 410-1330 Toll Free: 800 268-4294

Aurum Ceramic Dental Laboratories (Sask) Ltd. 336 6th Ave N Saskatoon SK S7K 2S5 306 665-8815 Fax: 306 655-0266 Toll Free: 800 665-8815 Email: Mgr roy carrie

Baluke Dental Studios Inc. 85 West Wilmot St Unit 8 Richmond Hill ON L4B 1K7 905 764-6322 Fax: 905 764-0871 Toll Free: 800 263-3099 Email: Web: Pres Duane Baluke Office Mgr Enza Baluke Canadian Dealers/Distributors: Mississauga, Ontario

Bio-Dent Laboratories 225 Nugget Ave Unit 18 Scarborough ON M1S 3L2 416 298-2848 Fax: 416 298-3055 Toll Free: 888 372-7777

Bow Valley Dental Lab Ltd. Dalbrent Professional Ctr 201-3604 52 Ave NW Calgary AB T2L 1V9 403 289-7400; Fax: 403 289-7400 Toll Free: 877 522-7400 Email: Web: Pres Donna Kukulski

Dental Guide 2009 Burlington Dental Studio Inc. 3455 Harvester Rd, Suite 30 Burlington ON L7N 3P2 905 632-0102 Fax: 905 632-4349 Toll Free: 800 342-1508 Email: Web: Owner/Admn Mgr Araxy Laingchild Asst Mgr Mathew Laingchild RDT Implant Dept Preston Dokuchie RDT Implant Dept Gregory Jaworski RDT Trevor Laingchild Canadian Dealers/Distributors: Yorkville Dental Studio Toronto, Ontario: 416 607-5984 Email: Web:

Caley Orthodontic Laboratory Ltd. 151 Park St Waterloo ON N2L 1Y5 519 742-1467 Fax: 519 742-5309 Toll Free: 800 265-2435 Email: Web: Dir Paul Williams Dir Adam Williams Dir Sy Williams Dir-Research Paul Caley

Canadent Laboratoire Dentaire 1260 rue Sainte-Catherine E bureau 201 Montréal QC H2L 2H2 514 525-8385 Operator Nofal Chelhot

Canadian Dental Laboratory 1419 King St E Hamilton ON L8M 1H7 905 544-2200 Fax: 905 544-2230 Owner Fred Bellinato

Canadian Orthodontic Laboratories 12 Lepage Crt Floor 2 North York ON M3J 1Z9 416 630-9234 Fax: 416 630-4935 Email: Web:

Carlton Dental Laboratory 2-210 15th St E Prince Albert SK S6V 1G2 306 764-5525; Fax: 306 922-1499 Toll Free: 800 667-5525 Email: Pres/Owner/Regd Dental Tech Jeff Scheirer RDT/Removable Dept Mgr Jason Fournier RDT/Metal Dept Mgr Vince Phaneuf RDT/Ceramic Dept Mgr Crystal Helm

Central Dental Laboratories (Toronto) 19 Four Seasons Pl Suite 100 Etobicoke ON M9B 6E8 416 695-2341 Fax: 416 695-2777 Toll Free: 800 268-1532 Email: Web: Pres James Matera

Ceramior Dental Laboratories Ltd. 6100 ch de la Côte-des-Neiges bureau 301 Montréal QC H3S 1Z7 514 739-9722 Fax: 514 739-6060 Mgr/Owner Nick Criticos

Class One Orthodontic Lab Ltd. 215 Froelich Rd Kelowna BC V1X 3M6 250 765-0074 Toll Free: 800 663-5369 Email: Web: Pres Brian Dye

Creative Esthetics Dental Lab 24 Garfield St, Suite A Charlottetown PE C1A 6A5 902 566-5313 Fax: 902 368-1813 Toll Free: 866 253-5313 Email: Web: Pres Mary Rose Ops Mgr Sheila Carver

Crosstown Dental Laboratory Ltd. 381 Cumberland Ave, Floor 1 Winnipeg MB R3B 1T5 204 474-0698 Fax: 204 453-4062 Toll Free: 800 665-5159

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Dental Laboratories

Dental Laboratories

Spring 2009


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Dental Laboratories

Dental Guide 2009 Email: Web: Owner/RDT Art Maister

DTI Dental Technology Group Inc. — Div. of Dental Technologies Incorporated

DeLuca Dental Laboratories — Div. of Albert DeLuca Enterprises (1994) Limited

2285A St Laurent Blvd Unit 14 Ottawa ON K1G 4Z4 613 521-3353 Fax: 613 521-4085 Toll Free: 866 581-3353 Web: Gen Mgr Robert Waters

129 Willowdale Ave Toronto ON M2N 4Y3 416 223-5870 Fax: 416 223-2526 Toll Free: 800 268-6657 Email: Web: Pres Albert DeLuca CEO Moe Ismail VP Pat DeLuca Gen Mgr Daniel DeLuca Dir-Mktg Gopinath Somshekhar

Dentak Laboratory 682 Monarch Ave Unit 11 Ajax ON L1S 4S2 905 426-3663 Fax: 905 426-3574 Co-Owner John Tak Co-Owner Chris Eyes Office Mgr Ann Warford

Exquisite Dental Lab 3045A Southcreek Rd, Unit 5 Mississauga ON L4X 2X6 905 238-8812 Fax: 905 238-8846 Web:

Gem Dental Laboratory Ltd. 463 Christina St N Sarnia ON N7T 5W3 519 344-1460 Fax: 519 344-3595 Toll Free: 800 268-6888 Email: Owner/RDT Guy Mathany

Hallmark Dental Laboratory Limited

Dental & Hearing Crafts Ltd. PO Box 443 RPO Centennial Sq Mount Pearl AB A1N 2C4 Location: 3 Cunard Pl Mount Pearl NL A1N 5B5 709 747-6125 Fax: 709 747-6126 Toll Free: 800 563-0488 Email: Pres James Finch VP Craig Finch Dir Tina O’Brien Dir Blair O’Brien Dir Carol Finch

255 Lacewood Dr Suite 203 Halifax NS B3M 4G2 902 443-1211 Fax: 902 443-7908 Toll Free: 800 561-4255 Email:

Image Dental Laboratory Limited 33 Quarry Ridge Rd Barrie ON L4M 7G1 705 726-6301 Fax: 705 726-2018 Email: Web: Pres/RDT Jennifer Fowler VP Ali Khonsari RDT/Lab Mgr Jorg Hansen

Dental Laboratories Co-Owner Richard Szarski Mktg/IT Mgr Jeff Ngan

Incisal Edge Dental Laboratory 3410 Yonge St Toronto ON M4N 2M9 416 489-6533 Fax: 416 489-6541 Regd Dental Tech Thomas Kitsos

J.J.K. Dental Ceramic Studio

Spring 2009

DPM Spr09 p43-46 Labs.indd 44

405 rue Samuel-de-Champlain local 4 Boucherville QC J4B 1P7 450 449-3948 Fax: 450 449-6580 Email:

Laboratoire Dentaire Teknik 11520 boul Sainte-Colette Montréal-Nord QC H1G 6J3 514 323-0169 Fax: 514 323-6451 Web:

145 Konrad Cres, Unit 3 Markham ON L3R 9T9 905 946-8550 Fax: 905 946-9621 Le Groupe Email: Dentachrome Inc. Web: 1751 rue Richardson Owner/Research Tech Jerry Klein bureau 2209 Montréal QC H3K 1G6 Klausz Dental 514 343-4342 Laboratories Ltd. Fax: 514 343-9261 40 Kodiak Cres Toll Free: 888 463-5764 Unit 11-12 Email: North York ON M3J 3G5 Email: 416 630-6262 Web: Fax: 416 630-0163 Pres Denis Theriault Toll Free: 800 410-4392 VP Alain Bernier Email: VP Eric Fortin Web: Canadian Dealers/Distributors: VP Ron Klausz Laboratoire Dentachrome Inc. Montréal, Québec: Krest Dental Ceramics 514 735-5156 102 Vanderhoof Ave Fax: 514 735-2121 Toronto ON M4G 4C9 416 467-6674 Lindberg Homburger Fax: 416 467-6635 Modent Dental Studios Toll Free: 800 997-9717 Ltd Web: 344 Dupont St, Suite 302 Pres Lyle Gibson Toronto ON M5R 1V9 VP Peter DeDominicis 416 924-6684 Sls/Mktg Mgr/Controller Fax: 416 925-8289 Dominic Babinski Toll Free: 800 387-0092

Lab-Tech Dental Laboratory

208 Edinborough St Unit 1 Dental Services Group Windsor ON N8X 3C4 Of Toronto Inc. 519 966-1115 Impact Dental Laboratory 572 Champagne Dr Fax: 519 966-8773 Ltd. Toronto ON M3J 2T9 Owner Mike Stanesic 5300 Canotek Rd 416 654-6365 Suite 200 Fax: 416 654-2931 Laboratoire Denta Gloucester ON K1J 1A4 Toll Free: 800 268-1860 2000 Inc. 613 746-0602 Email: Fax: 613 746-5170 4335 rue de Castille Web: Montréal-Nord QC H1H 1X8 Toll Free: 800 668-4691 Pres/Regd Dental Tech Andre Dagenais Email: 514 323-2020 Sls/Mktg Mgr Joanne Friedman Fax: 514 323-2250 Web: Co-Owner Alfred Lorenz Owner Govan Zukobrat Controller David Miller


Laboratoire Dentaire Exacto Inc.

Email: Web: Pres Slawek Bilko

Magellan Dental Arts Canada Ltd. 220-825 Powell St Vancouver BC V6A 1H7 604 408-0698 Fax: 604 357-1115 Toll Free: 866 484-7920 Email: Web:

Mitech Dental Laboratory 5230 South Service Rd Burlington ON L7L 5K2

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905 333-0765 Fax: 905 333-3763 Toll Free: 800 509-8815 Email: Web: Mktg Mgr Scott North

Prism Dental Ceramics Inc.

145 Traders Blvd E Unit 43 Mississauga ON L4Z 3L3 905 890-0072 Fax: 905 890-9866 Neo-Tech Dental Ceramics Toll Free: 800 434-5095 Email: 165 East Beaver Creek Rd Web: Unit 11 Pres Dennis DeMarchi Richmond Hill ON L4B 2M2 905 886-1392 Pro-Art Dental Fax: 905 886-1074 Laboratory Ltd. Owner Jim Vagiopoulos 855 Broadview Ave

124 Merton St Suite 302 Toronto ON M4S 2Z2 416 487-2139 Fax: 416 487-2130 Pres/Regd Dental Tech Edward Hillar

Suite 408 Toronto ON M4K 3Z1 416 469-4121 Fax: 416 469-3256 Toll Free: 800 268-6771 Email: Web: Pres/RDT Mirjana Salkovic Dir-Continuing Educ Dinesh Shettigar

Orthodent Ltd.

Pro-Dent Laboratory Ltd.

Oral Ceramic Laboratory Inc.

311 Viola St Oshawa ON L1H 3A7 905 436-3133; Fax: 905 723-2331 Toll Free: 800 267-8463 Email: Web: Pres Bill Van Evans Office Mgr Lori Way

2441 Agricola St Halifax NS B3K 4C1 902 422-8531 Fax: 902 420-9425 Toll Free: 800 565-1204 Email: Web: Owner Paul Tomcik Mktg/Cust Rel Karen English

Dental Guide 2009 Email: Web: CEO Chang Y Kim Gen Mgr Hun Kim Admn Mgr Murray Ball Cust Serv John Cha Canadian Dealers/Distributors: Vancouver, British Columbia: 604 709-0300 Fax: 604 709-0200 Email:

R & S Orthodontic Laboratory PO Box 554 Stn A Oshawa ON L1H 7L9 Location: 187 King St E Oshawa ON L1H 1C2 905 725-9362 Fax: 905 725-3432 Toll Free: 800 263-7748 Email: Pres/RDT Wayne St John RDT Roy Weisskopf Dir/RDT James St John

Rideau Orthodontic Mfg. Ltd.

69 Beckwith St N Smiths Falls ON K7A 2B6 613 283-6841 Fax: 613 283-5386 Toll Free: 800 267-7982 Email: Perceptronix Medical Inc. Prospect Dental Ceramics Web: 400-555 8th Ave W Inc. Pres Emmett Griffiths Vancouver BC V5Z 1C6 1 Wiltshire Ave 604 629-8785 Office Mgr Donna Griffiths Unit U Fax: 604 629-8786 Toronto ON M6N 2V7 Rotsaert Dental Toll Free: 888 629-8779 416 968-0676 Laboratory Services Inc. Email: Email: 71 Emerald St S Web: Mgr Walter Smolinski Hamilton ON L8N 2V4 Pres/CEO Bojana Turic 905 527-1422 Protec Dental Corp Dev/Ops Dir Lydia Taylor Laboratories Ltd. Fax: 905 527-1048 Dir-Bus Dev Alexei Doudkine 38 1st Ave E Toll Free: 800 263-2113 Vancouver BC V5T 1A1 Pow Laboratories Inc. Email: 604 873-8000 PO Box 1698 Stn Main Web: Fax: 604 873-8527 Woodstock ON N4S 0B1 Pres/RDT Paul Rotsaert Toll Free: 800 663-5488 Location: 63 Ridgeway Cir Sls/Mktg Mgr Mark Rotsaert Email: Woodstock ON N4V 1C9 RDT Nicole Rotsaert Web: 519 539-2065 Pres Neal Russell Shanto Dental Fax: 519 537-7894 Ceramics Ltd. Toll Free: 800 265-4052 Prowest International 255 1st Ave E Web: Dental Services Vancouver BC V5T 1A7 Pres Chris Pow 1638 10th Ave SW 604 738-7317 Ops Mgr Shelly Roi Calgary AB T3C 0J5 Toll Free: 888 980-4529 RDT/Prod Mgr Hassan Solker 403 264-5411 Email: Tech Cons/RDT Brian Gallman Fax: 403 265-3994 Tech Cons/RDT Frank Rilett Toll Free: 866 466-5277 Co-Owner Warren Dee

Shaw Brampton 222 Advance Blvd Unit 2 Brampton ON L6T 4T6 905 450-0033 Fax: 905 450-5813 Mgr Michael Cornacchia

Shaw Kingston — Div. of Shaw Group of Laboratories PO Box 151 Stn Main Kingston ON K7L 4V8 Location: 30 Steve Fonyo Dr Kingston ON K7M 8N9 613 548-7854 Fax: 613 548-8188 Toll Free: 800 561-1723 Email: Mgr Rick King

Shaw Lab Group 104 Bond St Toronto ON M5B 1X9 416 979-3201 Fax: 416 977-0709 Toll Free: 877 444-7429 Email: Web: VP/Gen Mgr Dave MacDonald Sls/Mktg Mgr Dave Hunt Canadian Dealers/Distributors: Brampton, Ontario: 905 450-0033 Fax: 905 450-5813 Email: info@brampton@shawlabgroup. com Cornwall, Ontario: 613 933-0056 Fax: 613 933-6176 Email: info-cornwall@ shawlabgroup. com Kingston, Ontario: 613 548-7854 Fax: 613 548-8188 Email: info-kingston@ shawlabgroup. com Kitchener, Ontario: 519 742-9002 Fax: 519 742-0358 Email: info-kitchener@ shawlabgroup. com London, Ontario: 519 453-7352 Fax: 519 453-9381 Email: Ottawa, Ontario: 613 232-5303 Fax: 613 233-5095

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Dental Laboratories

Dental Laboratories

Spring 2009


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Dental Laboratories

Dental Guide 2009 Email: Toronto, Ontario: 416 977-0700 Fax: 416 977-0709 Toll Free: 800 387-2969 Email: Richmond Hill, Ontario: 905 883-3980 Fax: 905 883-7620 Email: info-richmondhill@

416 465-4472 Fax: 416 465-4472 Toll Free: 888 665-4472 Email: RDT/Owner George Klouvidakis

Smiletech Dental Laboratory 3980 14th Ave Unit 9

SHAW Laboratories Ltd.

Markham ON L3R 0B1

388 Portage Ave Suite 503 Winnipeg MB R3C 0C8 204 943-8883 Fax: 204 947-1651 Toll Free: 800 665-7479

905 940-3377

Shaw London Inc. 1905 Oxford St E London ON N5V 2Z7 519 453-7352 Fax: 519 453-9381 Mgr Sean Williams

Fax: 905 940-3372 Email: RDT Maher Andrawes

Soscia Dental Laboratories Ltd. 895 Wilson Ave Downsview ON M3K 1E6 416 638-5491 Owner Nick Soscia VP/Mgr Carlo Soscia

Strong Dental Inc. 33 Princess St, Suite 403

Smile by Design Dental Studios 658 Danforth Ave Suite 208 Toronto ON M4J 5B9


Spring 2009

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Leamington ON N8H 5C5 Fax: 519 322-1320 Toll Free: 800 339-4452 Email: Owner Patrick Strong

Dental Laboratories Talisman Dental Laboratory 186 Queen St W Brampton ON L6X 1A8 905 450-5156 Fax: 905 450-0187 Toll Free: 866 450-5156 Pres Andre Tal

TP Orthodontics Laboratory Services 100 Center Plaza La Porte IN 46350 219 785-2591 Fax: 219 324-3029 Toll Free: 800 348-8856 Email: Web: Dir-Mktg Laura Wagner

United Dental Lab Ltd. 3020 Oxford St Halifax NS B3L 2W5 902 423-7922 Fax: 902 422-0815 Toll Free: 800 565-1718 Email: Web: Owner: George Thomas Canadian Dealers/Distributors: United Dental Lab (Truro) Truro, Nova Scotia

Vertex Dental Arts Ltd. 1365 Mid-Way Blvd Unit 36 Mississauga ON L5T 2J5 905 795-1251 Pres/RDT: Philip Green

Walker Dental Laboratories Ltd. 602-275 Lansdowne St Kamloops BC V2C 1X8 250 374-4313 Fax: 250 377-8113 Email:

Yorkville Dental Studio 1235 Bay St Suite 604 Toronto ON M5R 3K4 416 607-5984 Email: Web: Reg’d Dental Technologist Trevor Laingchild Canadian Dealers/Distributors: Burlington Dental Studio Inc. Burlington, Ontario: 905 632-0102 Fax: 905 632-4349 Toll Free: 800 342-1508 Email: Web:

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Dental Marketplace Contact: Karen Shaw • tel: 416-510-6770 • fax: 416-510-5140 • e-mail: Toll free: CDA 1-800-268-7742 ext 6770 • Toll free: USA 1-800-387-0273 ext. 6770

Professional Services

Dental Practice Financing B.C./Prairies Mike McGillvray Ontario Colin Ross, Steve Wasylyszyn, Chris Lowry Quebec Jean Trottier Maritimes Susan Redmond Manitoba/ Francesco Colosimo Saskatchewan

JOHN McMILLAN — Barrister & Solicitor Serving Dental Professionals Professional Corporations • Practice Purchases and Sales Professional Agreements • Commercial Contracts Commercial Leasing • Regulatory Matters 8 King Street East 416 364 4771 Suite 1807, Toronto McMILLAN LAW PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION


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Dental Marketplace

DENTAL IMAGING WITH CT IMAGING Dental CT image data is processed in-house at St. Michael’s Hospital with SimPlant ® software Features of Reformatted CT scans: • No Distortion • Accurate Measurements • Visualization of Internal Structures • Determine Bone Quality CT Scanning and SimPlant ® : • Can Increase Case Acceptance • Provide Case Predictability • Increase Referrals • Improve Cost Effectiveness • Reduce Overhead Reasonable fees – Mandible or Maxilla $300 – Both $500 FOR APPOINTMENTS OR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CALL BETTY ANN LEBLANC 416-864-6060 x6112

Alglobe • • • • • •

Construction Company

20 years construction experience Dental office construction and design + cabinet making. Provide turn key operation to dental office. Reliable construction timing, Good following up service after construction. Call: Stanley New dental location and lease negotiation. Tel: (416) 321-3313 Save time, save money.


Up to 100% financing available to qualified buyers from Scotiabank, the financial resource you can rely on. Call Scotia Professional Plan: Patty Scrase (Manitoba & West) at (604) 619-4699, e-mail: Susan Shulist (Ontario & East) at (647) 287-5328, e-mail: ® ®

Registered Trade-mark of The Bank of Nova Scotia

ONTER CONSTRUCTION • Specialized in dental office design & construction. • In-house architect and interior designer. • We are qualified code consultants to review all drawings and make your building permit application easy. • Own millwork facilities for best quality of custom built cabinets and time control of your project.

Tel: (905) 793-2344


your on-line, real-time classified ad service. Contact Karen Shaw for more details at: 416-510-6770 or 1-800-268-7742, ext. 6770 48

Spring 2009

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Dental Marketplace Careers LOCUM DENTIST IV SEDATION

GRADUATE PROGRAMS Applications are invited for admission to the following programs: MSc and PhD These programs are research-oriented with no clinical components. The MSc degree normally requires two years full-time study and can also be taken part-time. The PhD degree requires a minimum of three years full-time study. Both offer research training in craniofacial sciences (cellular molecular, clinical trial, or population health). Application Deadline: March 1. Combined MDSc and Diploma Program in Periodontics This program offers a combined MDSc degree and Diploma in Periodontics. This three-year program is recognized by the American Dental Association and the American Academy of Periodontology. The combined program will require a minimum of three years to prepare a student for clinical practice in periodontics and to provide research experience. Applicants must hold a DMD or its equivalent. Application Deadline: October 1. Combined MDSc and Diploma Program in Endodontics This program offers an MDSc degree and a diploma in graduate endodontics. The combined program will require a minimum of three years to prepare the student for clinical practice in endodontics and to provide research experience. Applicants must hold a DMD or its equivalent. Application Deadline: October 1. For more information on graduate programs visit or contact: Viki Koulouris Tel: (604) 822-4486 / Fax: (604) 822-3562 POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMS Oral Medicine and Oral Pathology Residency Program This postgraduate residency training in Oral Medicine and Oral Pathology is offered in conjunction with University-affiliated teaching hospitals. It consists of a three or four-year hospital-based, stipended residency in one of three pathways: Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, or both specialties combined. General Practice Residency Program In conjunction with three University-affiliated teaching hospitals the Faculty offers positions in a one-year dental residency program beginning July 1 or June 15 for pediatric residency. For more information on postgraduate programs visit or contact: Dorothy Stanfield Tel: (604) 822-0345 / Fax: (604) 822-4532

Practices & Offices CENTRAL ALBERTA $1 MILLION Clinic For Sale

General practice with 2 chairs and xray room. Net 200K+, 3 day week (part-time). Older equipment, very low overhead. Practice and building for 95K. Needs updating. E-mail:

In Iqaluit, Nunavut. Very productive and successful, 7 year old, 3 operatory clinic for sale for $225,000.00 Gross productivity for 2007 exceeded $1 MILLION. For details e-mail



Orthodontic practice for sale with satellite in the Golden Horseshoe. Excellent growth opportunity and ideal area to build a career and family. Senior orthodontist willing to transition. Please contact

PRACTICE WANTED Experienced dentist is looking for a dental practice in Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge or Brantford area. Current owner is welcome to stay.

OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME!! High Gross Practice — Southwestern Ontario. Gross over 3 million! Net over 6 figures per month! Modern facility! 10 Ops, 5 full-time Hygiene! Owner willing to stay on for Transition! Low Overhead, High Profit! Reply to DPM, Box 955.

Individual full-time practice with room for expansion of both office and patient load, in a picturesque, large drawing area. Call evenings after 6 pm. 289-821-1139

SPACE AVAILABLE SOUTH ETOBICOKE, ON Space for rent April 2009 for new or experienced dentist to set up practice. Current dentist is leaving. Practice has been here 40+ yrs. Call Helen 416-338-4030 or e-mail: Or Call Tom 905-823-9161 OPPORTUNITIES IN OSHAWA AND COURTICE, ON

Looking for dentists with existing patient base to come work with us. Will buy your practice. Call 416-726-1469 or e-mail:

CALGARY and surrounding area. Will sedate your patients in your office while you provide treatment. Wow your patients — great for surgical procedures. All medications, supplies and monitoring equipment provided. References and CV available upon request. Email:


A general dentist experienced in endo, surgery and implants is available to come to your practice and perform these procedures and guide you in the restorative phase of implants. E-mail:

Practices & Offices

NORTH EAST GTA Great opportunity to build your own practice in a newly renovated and modernized office situated in upwardly mobile north east GTA. Also room for specialists to have satellite office in this location. Please contact me at 416-569-8030 or CALGARY, AB PRACTICE FOR SALE Very successful Prosthodontic practice for sale. 1175 sq.ft., two operatories plus one plumbed. Appropriate transition available. Contact: phone: 604-685-9227


Orthodontic Practice wanted for purchase and/or associateship GTA and southern Ontario Board certified, experienced orthodontist (8 years) relocating. Please reply


Looking to purchase established dental practice. Terms of transition can be very flexible. Reply in confidence to DENTAL PRACTICE MGMT, Box 957.

CHEAP RENT - NORTH YORK 2,000 sq ft unit in a plaza with plenty of parking spaces located in North York (Keele/Sheppard) available for rent. Base rent starting at $12/sq ft + tmi. Contact 416-996-0976 if interested.


Busy, well established, high revenue practice for sale in a nice oil town. Very convenient location, 4 operatories, low rent, low overhead, hospital privileges. Owner can stay on for a smooth transition. Phone: 403-918-3334 or e-mail:

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Dental Marketplace Associateships IQALUIT, NUNAVUT


Associate position(s) available for immediate start. Established clinic offers generous package and full appointment book to associates. All round clinical skills are your ticket to a wide range of recreational activities! No travel required and housing available in Canada’s newest and fastest growing capital city. Please apply to Administration, PO Box 1118, Yellowknife, NWT X1A 2N8 or call (867) 873-6940, fax (867) 873-6941.

Associate position available in an established, high productive family and cosmetic practice. Variety of all procedures with a great new patient flow. Our office is equipped with 4 operatories, with two full time and one part time hygienist. Please reply in confidence to or fax your resume to 705-969-6678.



Full-time associate required for busy, established family practice. Beautiful facility, caring & friendly staff, awesome patient base. Fax resume to 604-460-0281 or e-mail:

Unique opportunity for a self-motivated, caring individual who can work unsupervised and perform all aspects of dentistry. Please fax resume to: 905-887-8046.

FORT MCMURRAY, AB Associate required immediately. Must be high energy and motivated. Extremely busy dental practice in a busy mall. An instant practice and great remuneration. Phone: 780-791-7400 (ask for Myra) or e-mail:



Busy, store-front plaza GTA, Scarborough, 6 operatory looking for motivated associates – oral surgeon, orthodontist and endodontist specialists. Fax resume to 416-755-7025 or e-mail:


Part-time orthodontist needed for an upscale Markham general practice office with 3 general dentists and 1 paedodontist. Please send resume to 905-470-0245.

Part-time associate required for busy practice. Experience preferred. Please call 905-882-8722 or fax resume: 905-882-5494.

Full-time associate required to join our busy, well-established practice. We perform all aspects of dentistry in our fully computerized, all digital office. Please contact: or fax 519-756-0745.


PART TIME ASSOCIATE WANTED Friendly, multi-ethnic office in west Toronto (Bloor-Dundas). Associate with own clientele preferred. Attractive associate split. Tel: 416-533-2555 or e-mail:



Excellent associate opportunity available March, full time or part-time, for friendly family practice with great staff and latest equipment. Located in Milton. Please call 905-338-6684 or e-mail:


Experienced associate desired at a busy family practice. Position starts off as a maternity leave, suitable attitude and abilities. Will be offered full-time when the maternity leave is finished. Excellence will be compensated at 45% and higher. Please fax resume to (519) 884 1560.


Scarborough location, skilled in Extractions & Root canals, willing to work in evenings and on weekends. Patients provided. Fax resume to 416-733-9300. 50

Spring 2009

Hamilton Mountain dental office with a steady patient base is looking for a full time or two part time associates to start in June. Existing hours are M 11:30-7:30, T 2-8, W 8:30-5, T 8:30-5, Fri 8:30-1. (These hours can be adjusted). Please fax resume to 905 575 5057 or email to


Unique dental practice located on York University campus (Steeles/Keele) looking for associates to join a dynamic team with an excellent patient flow. The opportunity is available to practice all areas of dentistry. We prefer to meet candidates with a minimum of three years working experience. We look forward to meeting with you. Please e-mail your resume to You can visit our website at

Dental Practice Management

COME LIVE AND WORK IN CANADA’S OUTDOOR CITY! Whether it’s fishing, hiking, hunting, or biking, Whitehorse has it all. If you’re looking for an adventure, this is the place! Only a two hour flight from Vancouver, Edmonton or Calgary. We’re looking for a full-time associate for our well-established 2 dentist family practice. Excellent, enthusiastic staff and an opportunity to do all aspects of general dentistry. Contact Darrin at: (867) 668-6077 or email:


Two full-time associate positions available in a newly renovated, very well established, busy practice close to Calgary. Excellent opportunity for new graduate or experienced dentist. Ideal for husband and wife team! Future ownership possible. Please e-mail NIAGARA REGION ASSOCIATE REQUIRED

PT/FT for 2 busy family oriented dental practices. Associate will be busy with all aspects of dentistry from day one. Experience an asset. Days, evenings and Saturdays are required. Fax your resume to 905-871-5556.


P/T associate needed for a busy, modern Toronto office in a high traffic area. Excellent new patient flow. Great opportunity for a highly motivated, people-oriented individual, which may lead to full time. Please fax to (416) 291-9637 or email to


Needed for an established and busy dental practice, 40 minutes east of Toronto. Hours are 8-5, no evenings, no weekends! Experience preferred. Please email your resume to


Markham and midtown Toronto. Busy family practices offering all aspects of dentistry. Reply to DENTAL PRACTICE MGMT, Box 822 or e-mail

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Dental Marketplace BRAMPTON,ON Part-time periodontist and part-time general dentist proficient in ortho needed for busy practice in Brampton. Forward resume to


An associate dentist is needed for a family practice in Toronto for two/ three days a week. Please fax resume to 416-441-1243 or call the office at 416-441-2273


Full-time experienced associate to join our successful, long established dental practice. Newly constructed with state-of-the-art equipment. Nonassignment practice. Located in Barrie, offering all the amenities and lifestyle choices. Minutes to 400 extension. Equity option available. Please reply to DENTAL PRACTICE MANAGEMENT, Box 953.


Denture clinic seeking dentist to assume workload from current dentist transitioning out of practice. Clinic has been in business for over 25 years in the Ottawa area. Great opportunity to start taking patients right away. New graduates welcome. Call 613-749-4055 or e-mail:

ASSOCIATE DENTIST AVAILABLE Experienced and proficient in all aspects of general dentistry. Available in Ontario from June 1st 2009. Reference and resume available. Please contact — 917 332 7818

PART-TIME ASSOCIATE ONE HOUR FROM GTA Busy, high tech, non-assignment office. Please reply via e-mail: EDMONTON, AB Experienced associate required for great opportunity in a busy, wellestablished practice close to downtown for 4-5 days/wk. No evenings or weekend hours. All applications kept strictly confidential. Fax Candice at 780-444-9411 or email

OTTAWA, ONTARIO Associate (immediate part-time leading to full-time position) — exceptional opportunity for a dynamic, dedicated team-oriented individual to join a large, well-established group practice in Kanata (Ottawa) Ontario. Please submit resume either by fax to 613-740-0417 or by e-mail:

BUSY DENTAL PRACTICE IN NORTH SCARBOROUGH Needed for weekdays & Saturdays in an upscale dental office. Experienced dentist or new grad. With Canadian professional training experience preferred. Fully booked schedule. Apply with confidence. Fax resume 416-492-5567. FT/PT ASSOCIATES

Required for very busy offices in Mississauga, Barrie, Hamilton, and Scarborough. Please fax resume to 905-275-1206 or email


Part-time associate needed for Scarborough office (Finch and Warden). Chinese speaking is an asset. Fax resume to 416-494-6664.


Associate required for progressive, dynamic dental practice located in beautiful Calgary, Alberta. Please e-mail CV to or fax resume to 403-276-3664

DENTAL IMPLANT SURGERY & TEACHING CENTER ALBERTA, Westlock A full-time associate position is available in one of Canada’s most successful Dental Implant Centers in early Spring 2009. Our state-of-theart, computerized facility with CT-scan is located 45 minutes north of Edmonton in a beautiful Ranching Community ideal for families. Patients come from across Canada to this unique Dental Facility. Become a part of our ongoing, fun and highly qualified young Dental Team. Assume a very busy full-service general, cosmetic dental practice with extremely high earnings and a 50% split. Be mentored by the Senior Dentist whose practice is limited exclusively to Implantology. Please reply by faxing CV or resume to: The Implant Smile Center, 1-780-349-2626 (Attn: Anita), or email to Phone inquiries: 1-888-877-0737 (toll free). Websites: &

SANDHU DENTAL GROUP is looking for 3 full-time dentists in the following locations:

OTTAWA AREA CARLETON PLACE (15 minutes from West Ottawa)

BROCKVILLE (located on Highway 401 in Thousand Islands

KEMPTVILLE (20 minutes south of Ottawa) Practices are located in very busy retail locations. Modern, paperless offices. Biolase MD available in Brockville and Kemptville practices. More than 70 new patients a month. If you are energetic, committed and want to grow professionally, please contact Dr. Raja Sandhu, BDS, DMD CEO - SANDHU DENTAL GROUP E-mail: Fax: 613.258.5271 Dental Practice Management

Spring 2009


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Full-time locum required for very busy, fun, progressive, patient driven, three dentist, Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan practice. Dentist with some experience preferred but not necessary. Friendly experienced staff including your own hygienist. Excellent remuneration for six month term starting July 2009. Beautiful office with many “toys” including cerec, lasers, intra-oral cameras, etc. To reply, please send or e-mail your resume to Main Street Dental Clinic, 636 Main Street North, Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan S6H 3K4, e-mail address is To contact us by phone, please call 306-692-6438.


Full-time associate required for well established, busy practice located in small friendly town just three hours northwest of Edmonton. All aspects of general dentistry including oral surgery, prosthodontics, implants and sedation. Extremely good income potential as well as other incentives for serious candidates. Apply in confidence to Dr. N.C. Roy at 780-523-4434 or e-mail to ONTARIO

Denturist required or dentist required for denturist position. Competitive salary. Please fax resume to 905-357-7743.


Associate required for established family practice. Candidate with 3 yrs experience, motivated with excellent clinical capability, great communication skills and dedicated to a longterm commitment. We offer all aspects of dentistry. E-mail resume to


Spring 2009


A full time associate/colleague needed for our well established, busy family practice. We have a high new patient flow, no stress and long-term friendly staff. Our practice offers all aspects of family dentistry including I-V sedation, oral sedation and implants. If you are trustworthy, friendly and committed to excellence a full appointment book is waiting for you. Experience is an asset but not a necessity. To apply, please contact Christa at 780-539-6883 or fax resume to 780-539-0272.

DURHAM REGION P/T ASSOCIATE Growing dental practice is looking for part-time Associate Dentist. Please fax resume to 905-728-5139.

WHAT’S YOUR PASSION? Are you seeking opportunities to learn new skills, or looking to enjoy a lower stress lifestyle? Our well-organized family practice may be the perfect fit for you. Consideration will be given to full-time, part-time or locum arrangements. Buy-in is possible. This is a great opportunity to be part of a fun and highly successful practice in Terrace, BC. Apply to Office Manager Tel: 250-638-0841 Fax: 250-635-4537

We are looking for an associate dentist to join our team in a permanent, full-time position, 3-4 days per week. Our office has an established patient base of 3000+ patients currently being serviced by just one dentist. We have a brand new facility with all new equipment, digital x-rays and electronic charting. Our practice is system based, offering comprehensive care with a strong preventive model. The Comox Valley is the recreation capital of B.C., offering a mild climate and affordable living. Please send CV to:

ASSOCIATE — GTA Great opportunity to build your practice. A new office located in a growing residential area in the GTA. Our highly skilled & motivated team of Dental Professionals will help you achieve exceptional results with our rapidly growing new patient base. We offer state of the art equipment such as an environmentally friendly chartless office, Digital Radiography, computer and TV set up in all ops along with intraoral cameras & Casey educational tools. To complement our team we seek someone who can maintain a high level of integrity, professionalism, commitment & is interested in building a long term business relationship. Please forward your resume to: S. Lake — Office Manager Fax: 905-579-3815

Dental Practice Management


We require a self-motivated Associate for our Kamloops clinic. This is a modern, family-oriented practice which has recently relocated to a brand new 6 op facility. This opportunity provides the right candidate with their own patient base and the ability to practice all aspects of dentistry. We would also consider a future purchase or gradual associateship/buy-in. Please contact Sherry Pollard at 250-372-8082. ASSOCIATES – TORONTO & GTA Associate(s) wanted for General Practices in Toronto & GTA. Please fax 416-293-9471 attention Mary-Anne or e-mail your resume to:


Associate DDS needed for busy, well established downtown IV sedation practice. Both sedation and non-sedation qualified dentists, as well as new grads are all welcome to apply. Please forward CV to or fax to Attn: Pam 613-232-2586.

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Dental Marketplace


Excellent part-time associate opportunity available immediately for a busy, well established, respected family practice. Friendly group practice with great staff and latest equipment. Unique opportunity for a selfmotivated, caring individual who performs all aspects of dentistry. Conveniently located 45 minutes north of Toronto. Please reply in confidence to fax: (905) 722-8271 or e-mail: GREAT OPPORTUNITY! VANCOUVER, BC

FT/PT dental associate needed to join team of innovative dentists, physicians and naturopaths offering a multidisciplinary approach to healthcare in Vancouver. Experience in surgery/implantology an asset — participation as a team player and thirst for knowledge a MUST. Fax: 604-8761347 e-mail:

SATURDAY ASSOCIATESHIPS TORONTO & MISSISSAUGA Seeking Associates for 2 established busy Saturday positions. Downtown Toronto and central Mississauga. E-mail resume:

WHITEHORSE, YUKON Associate Wanted

Required for a 5 op., growing, modern practice. We require an individual who is skilled, confident, with an affinity for teamwork. Whitehorse is a rich, dynamic city, a centre for sports and the arts. Murraya Dental Centre, 4069 4th Ave., Whitehorse, YT Y1A 5W5 Tel: 867-633-4401, fax: 867-633-4402

KITCHENER, ONTARIO Full-time associateship available in busy, well established office. Above average new patient flow. Seven existing operatories,potential for nine. Please e-mail resume to


Full-time Associate required for one of their large, busy dental centres in London, part-time associate required in Ingersoll Dove Dental Centre. Please send C.V. to:

Do you want to be an Associate with the opportunity of becoming a partner? If so, we are a busy, progressive practice looking for a people oriented dentist seeking to associate with the opportunity of becoming a partner. Please fax resume to 613-523-5318.




Part-time oral surgeon needed for busy Oshawa practice. Flexible hours. Call 416-726-1469 or email:

TWO full-time associates required immediately for TWO VERY busy and modern practices with VERY strong new patient flow. E-mail: Fax resumes: 416-979-3326



Scarborough NE family practice requires part-time associate 1 or 2 days per week plus 1 or 2 Saturdays per month. Future long-term possibilities. Please fax resume to 416-286-6363.


Full-time associate required for growing practice in trendy, successful area of Calgary. Digital radiographs, great patient flow, wonderful staff. E-mail: or fax Candice at 780-444-9411.

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Spring 2009


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Dental Marketplace WILLIAMS LAKE, BRITISH COLUMBIA FULL-TIME ASSOCIATE Full-time associate dentist position available in our large family dental practice with a 35 year proven track record. This is a great opportunity for a new graduate to gain excellent clinical experience and earn a SIX figure income while enjoying this outdoor recreation hotspot. Mountain biking, hiking, fishing, skiing, golf and kayaking all at our doorstep. Call Perry collect 250-398-7161 (daytime); 250-398-9085 (evening); 250-398-8633 (fax) or (email) or


Ideal opportunity for an Associate for a busy practice in the heart of the Cowichan Valley with option for future practice purchase. Our state-ofthe-art dental clinic offers a progressive, modern facility with digital radiographs, Cerec, and intra oral cameras. Come join our exceptional team members. We have a well established patient base and new patient influx to ensure future practice growth. Experience preferred; however, will consider new graduates. Please reply with inquiries/resume to:

ASSOCIATE FORT McMURRAY, AB Be a part of the action! Excellent full-time GP associate opportunity immediately available in the fastest growing place in Canada. Need one or two highly motivated, energetic individuals who want to make a ton of money! Rapidly expanding family practice in Fort McMurray, AB has an excellent team already established but can’t keep up. Rotary endo and cerec already in place. Don’t miss out on making more money than you dreamed possible. Please phone 780-743-3570 or fax 780-790-0809.



Imagine city living, the charms of small town life and the pristine beauty of nature — all in one place! Associates needed, several opportunities, option to buy, financing options to fit, schedule options to fit, full medical benefits and pension plan available. Unlike any other opportunity! Call 902-835-4222, ext. 223




Pellark Dental Centres is seeking a conscientious P/T associate to practice comprehensive, aesthetic dentistry in a happy patient-centered environment. 2-3 years of experience preferred. Please submit your current CV as well as a paragraph about yourself either by fax to: 519-672-2545 or by e-mail to:

Part-time and full-time associate required for a busy Toronto family dental practice. Please call 416-538-3538 or e-mail:

Orthodontic associateship with buy-in opportunity. Greater GTA. 1-3 days/week. Reply to DENTAL PRACTICE MANAGEMENT, Box 826.



F/T associate position available to dentist committed to cont. education/excellence in patient care. Area offers yearround recreation incl. skiing, boating, hiking etc. 100km east of Vancouver. There is potential for partnership. Reply to: Dr. Michael Thomas, Ste. 102—45625 Hodgins Ave, Chilliwack, BC V2P 1P2 Res: 604-795-9818 Bus: 604-792-0021 Fax: 604-792-1317 E-mail:


Spring 2009

Full-time associate required for family-oriented dental clinic. Variety of all procedures with a great new patient flow. Attractive compensation package offered. Please fax resume to 905-357-7743.

KITCHENER / WATERLOO AREA Part-time associate required for busy general practice. Located in Kitchener – Waterloo area. Excellent remuneration for the suitable candidate. Please fax resumé to: (519) 622-6553 or e-mail:

Dental Practice Management

RED DEER, ALBERTA Excellent family oriented general practice, centrally located in a newer downtown plaza. Our 5 op office with friendly, certified staff, offers flexible hours and management free worries! Central Alberta offers year-round recreation as well as easy access to either Calgary or Edmonton! Come and enjoy a lower stress lifestyle with us if you are comfortable with surgery, endo and pedo. New grads welcome! Future buy-out potential for interested candidate. Contact 403-309-1900 (W), 403-309-7310 (H), 403-346-3594 (F)


For family practice in Brampton. Please fax resume to (905) 846-2364 with your request for full-time or part-time. (Outline the days and hours you are available in your fax).


Looking for a highly-motivated dentist, skilled in most aspects of dentistry for busy Hamilton, Ontario practice. Please fax resume to 905-318-7780. Equipment CEREC 3 FOR SALE Best offer over $75,000.00. Comes complete with tower (8 years old), milling unit (4 years old). Supplies, materials, cart and maintenance contract. Please call Dr. Dimitry 416-223-0550 or e-mail


Instrumentarium OP100. 2 years old, less than 400 PANs taken. Can be converted to digital. $17,000. Tel: 613-634-6221



TENEO. Simplicity redefined. Concentrated on essentials and close attention to detail. This is TENEO, the new centrepiece of your dental practice. Experience easy operation, innovative comfort and high-class design. Feel the redefined simplicity. It will be a great day. With Sirona.

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T h e

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